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Chapter 10
Two systems are in thermal ______ if en-
ergy can be exchanged between them, thermal contact; thermal equilibrium
and in thermal ______ if they're in con- (both objects are at the same tempera-
tact and there is no net exchange of en- ture)
______ is the exchange of energy be-
tween two objects because of differ- heat
ences in their temperatures.
zeroth law of thermodynamics; ther-
The ___ ____ of ________ states that mometer
two objects in thermal equilibrium with (i.e. Three connected beakers. If you fill
a third object are also in equilibrium one up with water, the water will balance
with each other (If A=C and B=C, then out between the beakers. Similarly, be-
A=B). Equivalently, if the third object is a cause heat can flow between objects, the
________, then the temperature it mea- heat from one object will be absorbed
sures for the other two objects will be the by another object until the heat balances
same. out and the net heat that is transferred is
_______ measure temperature and are
based on physical properties, such as
the temperature-dependent expansion
or contraction of a solid, liquid, or gas.
Changes in volume are related to a lin-
ear scale, the most common being the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin
______, _______, and _______ scales.
The Kelvin temperature scale takes its
zero point as ______ ______ (0 K =
-273.15 C) , the point at which, by extrap- absolute zero
olation, the pressure of all gases falls to

The relationship between the Celsius Tk-273 = Tc ; Tc+273 = Tk

temperature (Tc) and the Kelvin temper- i.e.
ature (Tk) is: ___ - ____=Tc or ____ + 50 degrees K to C
_____ =Tk 50Tk - 273.15 = -223.15 Tc

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50 degrees C to K
50Tc + 273.15 = 323.15 Tk
The relationship between the Celsius
temperature (Tc) and the Fahrenheit
(9/5Tc)+32 = Tf ; 5/9(Tf-32) = Tc
temperature (Tf) is: Tf = ___ + ____ or
Tc= ___+_____.
A hole is drilled in a metal plate. When
It expands. Under expansion EVERY di-
the metal is heated, what happens to the
mension must expand.
diameter of the hole?
Ordinarily a substance expands when
heated. If an object has an initial length
(Lo) at some temperature and under-
goes a change in temperature (”T), its
linear dimension changes by the amount
”L =±
Lo”T; coefficient of LINEAR expansion
(”L), which is proportional to the ob-
ject's initial length and the temperature
change: ________. The parameter ±is
called the _______ of _______ expan-
The change in area of a substance
with change in temperature is given by:
”A = ³Ao”T; 2±
_______. In this equation the coefficient
of AREA expansion ³ =
The change in volume with temperature
of most substances is proportional to the
initial volume (Vo) and the temperature ”V = ²Vo”T; 3±
change (”T): ______. In this equation the
coefficient of VOLUME expansion is ² =
Avogadro's number is _______ parti-
6.02 x 10^23
An ideal gas obeys the equation:
PV = nRT
In the ideal gas equation PV=nRT
liters; 8.31; kelvins
P= pressure
V= volume in _____
V= (there is 1000 ml in 1 L)
n= moles
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R= universal gas constant: _____ J/mol
n= (if in grams, divide by # of grams in
K (or 0.0826 L amt/mol K)
substance to get the moles)
T= absolute temperature in _____.
When you are comparing two gases you
use the combined gas equation which is: P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2
The Kinetic theory of gases states that:
1) molecules are miles apart relative to
their _____
2) molecules obey the laws of ______
individually size; motion; elastic; pure
3) the forces between molecules are
4) the gas under consideration is a ____
The Kinetic theory of gases equation: P = 2/3 (N/V)(1/2mv^2)
Chapter 10- Conceptual Questions
a) An ordinary glass dish will usually
break because of stress that build up as
a) Why does an ordinary glass dish usu- the glass expands when heated.
ally break when placed on a hot stove?
b) The expansion coefficient for Pyrex
b) Dishes made of Pyrex glass don't glass is much lower than that of ordinary
break as easily. What characteristic of glass. Thus, the Pyrex dish will expand
Pyrex prevents breakage? much less than the dish of ordinary glass
and does not normally develop sufficient
stress to cause breakage.
Heat in the summer makes materials ex-
pand which make power lines somewhat
Why is a power line more likely to break elastic. During the cold months of winter
in winter than in summer, even if it is however, the power lines contract. This
loaded with the same weight? difference in the reaction is why power
lines are more likely to break in the winter
than the summer.

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Mercury. As the temperature of a ther-

mometer rises , both the mercury and
the glass expand. If they both had the
Some thermometers are made of a mer- same coefficient of linear expansion, the
cury column in a glass tube. Based on mercury and the glass would expand by
the operation of these common ther- the same amount, and there would be
mometers, which has the larger coeffi- no apparent movement of the end of the
cient of linear expansion, glass or mer- mercury column relative to the calibra-
cury? tion scale on the glass. If the glass ex-
panded more than the mercury, the read-
ing would go down as the temperature
went up!
A rubber balloon is blown up and the end
is tied. Is the pressure inside the balloon
greater than, less than, or equal to the
ambient atmospheric pressure? Explain.
Objects deep beneath the surface of the We can think of each bacterium as being
ocean are subjected to extremely high a small bag of liquid containing bubbles
pressures. Some bacteria in these envi- of gas at a very high pressure. The ideal
ronments have adapted to pressures as gas law (PV = nRT) indicates the if the
much as a thousand times atmospheric bacterium is raised rapidly to the surface,
pressure. How might such bacteria be then its volume must increase dramati-
affected if they were rapidly moved to the cally. In fact, the increase in volume is
surface of the ocean? sufficient to rupture the bacterium.
At high temperature and pressure, the
After food is cooked in a pressure cooker,
steam inside exerts large forces on the
why is it very important to cool off the
pot and cover. Strong latches hold them
container with cold water before attempt-
together, but they would explode apart if
ing to remove the lid?
you tried to open the hot cooker.
Why do vapor bubbles in a pot of boiling Additional water vaporizes into the bub-
water get larger as they approach the ble, so that the number of moles (n) in-
surface? creases.
Too short.
Markings to indicate length are placed
Heat causes material to expand. Since
on a steel tape in a room that has a
the original markings were placed at 22
temperature of 22 degrees C. Are mea-
degrees and the it is now at 27 de-
surements made with the tape on a day
grees, the metal expanded. That means
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the marks will be farther apart. You'll get
when the temperature is 27 degrees C
fewer of them for a given length. So all of
too long, too short, or accurate?
the measurements will be short.
The bags of chips contain a sealed sam-
Some picnickers stop at a convenience
ple of air. when the bags are taken up
store to buy food, including bags of pota-
the mountain, the external atmospheric
to chips. They then drive up into the
pressure on them is reduced. As a result,
mountains to their picnic site. When they
the difference between the pressure of
unload the food, they notice the bags of
the air inside the bags and the reduced
chips are puffed up like balloons. Why did
pressure outside results in a net force
this happen?
pushing the plastic of the bag outward.
The larger a body is, the greater the grav-
itational force. Since small planets do not
Why do small planets tend to have little have a strong enough gravitational force
or no atmosphere? to hold an atmosphere, some may have
initially had one but would not have the
force to stop it from 'drifting away'
The coefficient of expansion for metal
Metal lids on glass jars can often be loos-
is generally greater than that of glass;
ened by running hot water over them.
hence, the metal lid loosens because it
Why does that work?
expands more than the glass.
It depends whether the expansion is adi-
abatic or isothermal.

An adiabatic change happens rapidly

and does not allow heat energy to leave
Suppose the volume of an ideal gas is
or enter the system. So in this case the
doubled while the pressure is reduced by
internal energy would fall as the gas does
half. Does the internal energy of the gas
work on expanding.
increase, decrease, or remain the same?
If it is an isothermal change, which is
done slowly at constant temperature,
heat energy enters the system and the
internal energy remains constant.
As the water rises in temperature, it ex-
pands or rises in pressure or both. The
excess volume would spill out of the cool-
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ing system, or else the pressure would
An automobile radiator is filled to the
rise very high indeed. The expansion of
brim with water when the engine is cool.
the radiator itself provides only a little
What happens to the water when the en-
relief, because in general solids expand
gine is running and the water has been
far less than liquids for a given positive
raised to a high temperature?
change in temperature.
When the metal ring and metal sphere
in the figure (pg. 356) are both at room
(a) The sphere cannot pass through the
temperature, the sphere can be passed
ring anymore because it has expanded.
through the ring, but only just barely.
(a) After the sphere is warmed in a flame,
(b) If the ring is heated, the sphere will
it cannot be passed through the ring.
still be able to pass through, because the
outside and also *inside* radius of the
(b) What if the ring is warmed (instead
ring both will increase.
of the sphere)? Can the sphere pass
through? Explain.
Chapter 11
Q= mc”T
The energy required to change the tem-
perature of a substance of mass (m) by m= mass
an amount ”T is: c= specific heat
”T= Tf- Ti
________ is a transfer of energy by
________ is a transfer of energy by the
motion of a fluid from one place to anoth- Convection
Objects emit _________ from their sur-
faces in the form of electromagnetic Radiation; P= KT^4
waves at a net rate of:
Chapter 11- Conceptual Questions
Rub the palm of your hand on a metal When you rub the surface, you increase
surface for 30 seconds. Place the palm the temperature of the rubbed region.
of your other hand on an un-rubbed With the metal surface, some of this en-
portion of the surface and then on the ergy is transferred away from the rubbed
rubbed portion. The rubbed portion will site by conduction. Consequently, the
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feel warmer. Now repeat this process on
temperature in the rubbed area is not
a wooden surface. Why does the temper-
as high for the metals as it is for the
ature difference between the rubbed and
wood and it feels relatively cooler than
un-rubbed portions of the wood surface
the wood
seem larger than for the metal surface?
Water has a very high specific heat,
which means the water can store a lot of
thermal energy absorbed during the day.
This thermal energy then radiates to its
In winter, why did the pioneers store an surroundings and may be able to keep
open barrel of water alongside their pro- the produce warmer so that it does not
duce? freeze, and get ruined.
This effect is why Hawaii is the same
temperature all year long. Basically, the
ocean around it keeps those islands at
constant temperature.
The fruit loses energy into the air by ra-
diation and convection from its surface.
Before ice crystals can form inside the
In usually warm climates that experience fruit to rupture cell walls, all of the liquid
an occasional hard freeze, fruit growers water on the skin will have to freeze. The
will spray the fruit trees with water, hop- resulting time delay may prevent damage
ing that a layer of ice will form on the within the fruit throughout a frost night.
fruit? Why would this be advantageous? Further, a surface film of ice proceeds
some insulation to slow subsequent en-
ergy loss by conduction from within the
It is the morning of a day that will become
a) The drinks will be kept relatively cool.
hot. You just purchased drinks for a picnic
Since the thermal conductivity of wool is
and are loading them with ice into a chest
much less than air, they will be warmed
in the back of your car.
up at a slower rate and the blanket will
a) You wrap a wool blanket around the
slow the passage of heat.
chest. Does doing so help to keep the
beverages cool, or should you expect the
b) Although the wool blanket will slow the
wool blanket to warm them up? Explain
passage of heat coming inside the blan-
your answer.
ket, it will also retain your sister's body
b) Your younger sister suggest you wrap
heat, making her a lot warmer.
her up in another wool blanket to keep
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her cool on the hot day like the ice chest.
Explain your response to her.
A tile floor may feel uncomfortably cold to Tile is a better conductor of energy than
your bare feet, but a carpeted floor in an carpet, so the tile conducts energy away
adjoining room at the same temperature from your feet more rapidly than does the
feels warm. Why? carpeted floor.
Black. A black car will mostly absorb
On a very hot day, it's possible to cook
light, while a white car will mostly reflect
an egg on the hood of a car. Would you
light. The more light that is absorbed, the
select a black car or a white car on which
greater the heat that will be generated to
to cook your egg? Why?
cook the egg.
The large amount of energy stored in the
Concrete has a higher specific heat than
concrete during the day as the Sun falls
soil. Use this fact to explain (partially)
on it is released at night, resulting in an
why cities have a higher average night-
overall higher average temperature in the
time temperature than the surrounding
city than in the countryside. The heated
countryside. If a city is hotter than the
air in a city rises as it's displaced by
surrounding countryside, would you ex-
cooler air moving in from the countryside,
pect breezes to blow from city to country
so evening breezes tend to blow from
or from country to city? Explain.
country to city.
You need to pick up a very hot cooking
pot in your kitchen. You have a pair of Keep them dry. If you soak them in water
hot pads. Should you soak them in cold the water will quickly become hot steam
water or keep them dry in order to pick and you will burn your hands.
up the pot most comfortably?
Chapter 12
PV=nRT => V= (nR/P)T
An ________ process is one that occurs
In an isobaric process, as the volume
at constant pressure. The work done on
(V) increases, the temperature (T) also
the system in such a process is -P”V.
increases and visa versa. (nR/P) stays

In an ________ process the volume
PV=nRT => P= (nR/V)T
doesn't change and no work is being
In a isometric process, as the pressure
(P) increases, the temperature (T) also
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increases and visa versa. (nR/V) stays
Because in an isothermal process, tem-
perature (T) is constant, the internal en-
ergy ”U is also constant and therefore is
An ________ process occurs at constant So ”U= Q+W => Q= -W.
temperature. This means that the amount of energy
(Q) that flows into a closed gaseous sys-
tem as a result of a difference in temper-
ature by the surroundings, is equal to the
amount of work (W) done by a system on
the surroundings.
”U = W
Since there is no energy flowing in or
out of the system, if there is an increase
in internal energy (”U) of the system it is
In an ________ process, no energy is
because of the work (W) that is being
transferred in or out of a system as a
done by the surroundings on the system.
result of a change in temperature. This
If internal energy (”U) increases as a re-
happens because the system is either
sult of work (W) being done by the sur-
very insulated or the process occurs so
roundings on the system, the tempera-
quickly that heat cannot take place.
ture (T) will also increase. If the internal
energy (”U) decreases as a result of work
(W) being done by the system on the sur-
roundings, the temperature (T) will also
The _____________ states that in ther-
modynamic systems:
1) the total energy of an isolated system
is ______. 1st law of thermodynamics; constant;
2) energy can be _______ from one form transformed; created
to another
3) energy cannot be _______ or de-

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” = Q-W
”U= change in internal energy of the sys-
The most important equation dealing
tem (Uf-Ui)
with the 1st law of thermodynamics is:
Q= Heat added to the system
W= Work done by the system
*Test question. What is the change in
” = Q-W
internal energy of a gas if takes 20J of
50J - 20J = 30J
work to add 50J of heat to a gas.
No one has died in the nuclear indus-
T/F Nuclear reactors are dangerous try from nuclear radiation. Nuclear power
plants are safe, efficient, and cost effec-
You can't.
The only way to get 100% efficiency is to
*How could you get 100% efficiency out take the energy all the way to zero and
of a gas? then use it, but since you can never get to
absolute zero, you can never get to 100%
The ______________ states that in ther-
modynamic systems:
1) Energy will not flow spontaneously by
heat from a ____ object to a ____ object
2) No heat engine operating in a cycle
2nd law of thermodynamics; cold; hot;
can absorb energy from a reservoir and
equal; increase
perform an ______ amount of work
In other words, the state of entropy in
an isolated system will always _______
over time, and the changes in entropy
can never be negative.
According to the 2nd law of thermody- Because you always have to put more
namics, why is there no such thing as a energy in than you receive. (i.e. making
perpetual motion machine? a pen)
* _________ is a measure of the amount
of energy unavailable to do work (i.e.
when energy goes from a hot reservoir to
a cold reservoir, the energy is no longer
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available, so it is a measure of that un-
available energy).
It is also a measure of disorder (i.e. Melt-
ing a block of ice, which is originally in an Entropy
orderly state, but in liquid form becomes
disorderly. Since disorder has increased,
entropy has therefore increased.)
”S= ”Q/T

The change in entropy of a system when Q

” = energy flowing by heat in (or out of)
temperature is constant (”S) is: the system as the system changes from
one state to another (Q=mc”T)
T= absolute temperature
*Test question. The rate of heat flow ”S= Entropy outside - Entropy inside
through a metal rod, where half the rod is
placed outside and half the rod is placed (Entropy outside is cold and has more
inside. What is the change in entropy of order, while the entropy inside is warm
the system? and has less order)
Chapter 12- Conceptual Questions
If there is no change in internal energy,
For an ideal gas in an isothermal
then, according to the first law of thermo-
process, there is no change in internal
dynamics, the heat is equal to the neg-
energy. suppose the gas does work (W)
ative of the work done on the gas (and
during such a process. How much ener-
thus equal to the work done by the gas).
gy is transferred by heat?
Thus, Q = -W = W
A steam-driven turbine is one major
component of an electric power plant. This increases the amount of energy
Why is it advantageous to increase the transferred to the engine as heat and
steam's temperature as much as possi- thus raises the engine's efficiency.

No, because there must be both a hot

heat source (energy reservoir) and a cold
Is it possible to construct a heat engine heat sink (low-temperature energy reser-
that creates no thermal pollution? voir). The heat engine will warm the cold
heat sink and will cool down the heat
source. If either of those two events is
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undesirable, then there will be thermal
Although no energy is transferred into or
When a sealed Thermos bottle full of out of the system by heat, work is done
hot coffee is shaken, what changes, if on the system as the result of the agita-
any take place in the temperature of the tion. Consequently, both the temperature
coffee and its internal energy? and the internal energy of the coffee in-
The first law is a statement of conser-
vation of energy that says that we can-
not devise a cyclic process that pro-
duces more energy than we put into it.
if the cyclic process takes in energy by
The first law of thermodynamics says we heat and puts out work, we call the de-
can't get more out of a process than we vice a heat engine. In addition to the
put in, but the second law says that we first law's limitation, the second law says
can't break even. Explain the statement. that, during the operation of a heat en-
gine, some energy must be ejected to
the environment by heat. As a result, IT
No. Even at essentially a constant tem-
perature, energy must be transferred by
If a supersaturated sugar solution is al-
heat out of the solidifying sugar into the
lowed to evaporate slowly, sugar crys-
surroundings. This action will increase
tals form in the container. Hence, sugar
the entropy of the environment. The wa-
molecules go from a disordered form (in
ter molecules become less ordered as
solution) to a highly ordered, crystalline
they leave the liquid in the container to
form. Does this process violate the sec-
mix with the entire atmosphere. Thus it
ond law of thermodynamics? Explain.
does not violate the second law of ther-

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