Rethinking Cloud Strategies For AI
Rethinking Cloud Strategies For AI
Rethinking Cloud Strategies For AI
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Rethinking Cloud Strategies
for Advanced AI
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks in Padova, scientific technical high-performance computing, which
Italy. Using the cloud for these computing requirements can uses supercomputers and other advanced technology to
enable organizations to rapidly scale their infrastructure solve complex computational problems. “Many industries are
as necessary. looking at how classical deterministic or scientific technical
Generative AI raises key issues around not just scale and high-performance computing can be used in conjunction
performance but responsibility, too, according to Ritu Jyoti, with AI or machine learning to come up with a blended model
group vice president, worldwide AI and automation research, that’s more efficient,” says Addison Snell, CEO of Intersect360
with IDC’s software market research and advisory practice. Research, a market intelligence, research, and consulting
“What’s unique about generative AI is copyright ambiguities, advisory practice in Sunnyvale, Calif. “The analytics part may
lack of truthfulness and accuracy issues, and increase in discard outcomes that are really unlikely, allowing companies
misuse and biases,” she says. “You need to make sure on the to save huge amounts of computation by focusing on the best
back end that you get the appropriate logs and alerts, so if solutions. This is leading to the new types of applications that
something goes wrong, you can correct the action right away. are doing everything from reducing shoplifting in stores to
Essentially, along with being proactive, you need to embrace identifying which credit card applicants deserve a lower or
generative AI with all the right guardrails.” higher rate because they present risks.”
This report will examine the opportunities and demands The enhanced ability to use analytics to ultimately home in
state-of-the-art AI presents and how both are causing on the best solutions and develop new types of applications
companies to reexamine their cloud strategy. It will explore is enabling organizations to make breakthroughs that are
how companies are effecting change within their industries by reshaping how industries are addressing problems and finding
implementing AI infrastructure that allows them to operate opportunities.
in an efficient and cost-effective manner. It will also address
the many strategic, technological, and human issues that
accompany the redefining nature of advanced technology
like generative AI.
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
Source: Guru99
using tools and programming languages that the cloud vendor says. “These were things we didn’t really think about when
supports. The customer controls the applications but not the we initially launched, but now it’s become an issue. We are
underlying cloud infrastructure. Then there is IaaS, involving trying to be more flexible in how we launch AI projects now.”
on-demand access to cloud-hosted physical and virtual Large enterprises might start with SaaS but move to an
storage, networking, and servers. The customer controls the IaaS or PaaS model. The choice will be driven by the size of
applications, storage, networking, and operating systems but the company, the agility requirements, the available talent,
not the underlying cloud infrastructure. and the use case for the technology. For some use cases,
Small and medium-sized businesses often favor the SaaS the decision is dictated by the lack of off-the-shelf SaaS
model and buy off-the-shelf components for their AI projects, solutions. “The one big lightbulb for me was to understand
even if they don’t meet 100% of their requirements. that there was no off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all solution that’s
As a small nonprofit, WPS started with a SaaS model. While available out there today unless you’re in a fairly commodity
this move brings technology efficiencies and cost savings, the industry,” Lopes says.
SaaS model can also raise issues. “If we choose a provider that Most of the top data-centric organizations are using the
has a great tool we want to work with, we have to be concerned cloud to leverage more IaaS and PaaS capabilities, taking
if the tool will be available in the future” because the provider advantage of the speed and agility of these models to
might discontinue it or go out of business altogether, says innovate where they could not have done so with traditional
Matt Morrisette, a software engineer for the organization. technologies, while reducing costs.
WPS is also running into non-SaaS issues where it needs “We use a different mix of tools and technologies, some we
regional support to ensure it remains in compliance with build in-house, some we have acquired from partners,” Wayve’s
the General Data Protection Regulation, better known as Shotton says. “Using a managed platform gives us the ability to
GDPR, the law on data protection and privacy in the EU, as scale quickly and reliably. It also allows us to focus our efforts
its operations expand into new areas. “If you don’t host your doing the research and solving problems around autonomous
data in Europe, you can’t launch projects there,” Morrisette self-driving rather than building additional tools ourselves.”
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Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
are generalists who will help you do ‘a lift and shift’ to the on-premises but the cloud and the edge,” Jyoti asserts. “Edge
cloud, but they don’t necessarily understand what you’re locations, the intersection of 5G and real-time streaming,
trying to achieve,” Moore says. “We leverage an external are shaping up and will empower newer AI capabilities for
system integrator to help us speed up the journey, but we were businesses.”
also focused on making sure that we had the right balance The computing power needed for generative AI could be
of in-house and external skills so we didn’t lose all our skills changed by experimentation going on now about the right
when we finished the project.” number of training data sets (something called training
AI applications, which devour huge amounts of data from tokens) and model size or capacity (known as parameters) that
every corner of an organization, can require heightened levels are used. “A greater number of parameters is more compute-
of collaboration. In the past, Elekta’s distributed R&D centers intensive, which is more costly,” she says. As researchers
would use their own processes, tools, and data repositories. identify the right balance of data, model architecture, hyper
Consequently, the company’s data was cached and guarded parameters, and inference runtime, the cost equation of
by different departments. advanced AI could shift again, changing the infrastructure
For Elekta, Lopes, the director of new technology assessment, requirements and providing more opportunities to discover
says this “fractured approach” along business lines provided breakthrough solutions.
“the opportunity to reevaluate our infrastructure for how we Companies should see generative AI as a journey and
could consolidate not just our way of working in our processes develop relationships with vendors that will grow as their
but also the fuel that drives AI, the data.” AI use does. “Everyone won’t shut off their on-premises
technology today and go in the cloud tomorrow,” Jyoti says.
“You need to make sure you’ve matured your SLAs and
Choosing a Cloud for Growth governance practices, while ensuring there is automation
The diversity of cloud offerings allows organizations to choose at each step in the process.”
the best approach for their unique AI needs. In the past, there
were many legacy reasons for why people were hesitant about
moving to the cloud. With generative AI technologies, IDC’s Conclusion
Jyoti says the question has shifted from whether to use the Today, most companies rely on an infrastructure foundation
cloud for AI applications to which cloud provider is best designed for general-purpose components rather than
aligned with a company’s strategic vision for AI. developing an infrastructure stack honed for the complex
“The fight now is over which platform will become and demanding needs of advanced technologies like
the platform of choice for generative AI,” Jyoti says. “As generative AI.
companies make their strategic investments, they are going to “People are going gaga over the ChatGPT aspect of AI, but
bet on which cloud they use. We suggest companies work with that’s only a small part of generative AI,” Jyoti says about the
trusted hyperscalers or suppliers and do their due diligence. AI-driven chatbot based on language model Generative Pre-
But don’t sit back because the train has left.” trained Transformer (GPT) 3.5. “AI is also about creating new
The selection depends on both the capabilities of the cloud content like video, audio, images, and code. The technology
vendor and the ecosystem of partners and vendors that is built can have a transformational impact on almost every industry.
around the vendor’s offerings. The cloud will always be the For example, you can use it to not just create marketing blogs,
center of gravity for generative AI because of the scalability, sales proposals, social media posts, summarize customer
agility, and cost advantages it brings. feedback and/or code generation, but also to design toy
In the rapidly changing AI space, organizations need an images or create digital twins for design and simulation of
architecture that provides flexibility to allow them to take products. The benefits of generative AI can be remarkable,
advantage of modern technologies and approaches. “There from improving knowledge worker productivity to increasing
will be a lot of hybrid environments—not just the cloud and innovation velocity and/or accelerating decision velocity.”
Harvard Business Review Analytic Services
The AI journey, as Fashable’s Fernandes puts it, is driven Those on the cutting edge of AI say companies should be
by constantly needing new inputs, new training, and new exploring technologies like generative AI now. “AI will be a tool
learning that continually increase not just in quantity but for every company,” Fernandes says. “Just as word processing
also in quality. He points out that the quality-over-quantity programs became commonplace tools to increase general
aspects could be demonstrated by having an AI algorithm productivity, AI will become a common tool for organizations
generate personalized clothing lines for individual shoppers. to increase innovation. AI will be a superpower that will
“In the near future, you will have a digital closet of clothing democratize content creation. AI will not replace jobs—it
designs that you can ask a manufacturer to produce just for will transform work.”
you,” Fernandes says. “We will use the metaverse to create
physical goods that are exclusive to each person.”