Unit 1

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Operating Systems Unit 01

1.1 system access by restricting the types of

file access permitted to users.
Operating System (Concept)
Views of OS
An operating system (OS) is the program that, after
being initially loaded into the computer by a boot 1. User View: The user view depends on
program, manages all of the other application the system interface that is used by the
programs in a computer. users. Some systems are designed for a
single user to monopolize the
Components of Operating System
resources to maximize the user's task.
1. Process Management In these cases, the OS is designed
2. File Management primarily for ease of use, with little
3. Command Interpreter and User Interface emphasis on quality and none on
4. Protection & Security resource utilization
5. I/O device management 2. System View: The OS may also be
6. Main memory management viewed as just a resource allocator. A
7. Secondary Memory management computer system comprises various
sources, such as hardware and
Operations of OS software, which must be managed
1. Program management: A Program does effectively. The operating system
nothing until the process has been created manages the resources, decides
by that program’s instruction between competing demands,
These Instructions are executed by the CPU controls the program execution, etc.
using Process. According to this point of view, the
The Role of Operating system in here is to operating system's purpose is to
create a process of program & schedule it maximize performance. The operating
for execution. Also Operating system system is responsible for managing
creates a PCB (process control block) for hardware resources and allocating
each process. These block are stored inside them to programs and users to ensure
the Kernel space of memory. maximum performance.
2. Resource management: A Resource refers 3. Application view: This view is served to
to every hardware connected to computer the Applications running on the
which can process inputs & outputs of oprating system which are using
computer. These resources are required by system calls & APIs provided by the
the processes so, there allocation & operating system.
deallocation has to be done by operating 1.2
system this management is know as the
resource management. One of the main Different types of Operating Systems
Process to be done by the resource
1. Batch OS:
management is to avoid or prevent the
a. Job
deadlock of processes in the system.
b. Non-Interactive OS
3. Security & Protection: Security systems
c. Jobs in the form of Punch cards.
safeguard computer resources against
d. Card readers are used.
unauthorized access, manipulation, and
e. Similar types of jobs are bundled in
inconsistency. In this context, resources
one batch.
might be stored information in the system,
f. Jobs may be sorted by natures,
CPU, memory, drives, etc. Protection is a
needs or other environmental
component of security that regulates
Operating Systems Unit 01

g. Input & Output information is as the Open Handset Alliance and

static as os is non interactive. commercially sponsored by
h. Output of the job are in the form Google. It was disclosed in
of the punch card. November 2007, with the first
i. CPU utilization is none. commercial Android device, the
2. Multiprogramming OS: HTC Dream, launched in
a. CPU Utilization September 2008.
b. Context switching b. iOS: iOS (formerly iPhone OS)is a
c. No Pre-emption can take place. mobile operating system
3. Multitasking OS: developed by Apple Inc.
a. Extension to the exclusively for its hardware. It is
Multiprogramming the operating system that powers
b. Pre emption can take place in many of the company's mobile
multitasking operating system. devices, including the iPhone; the
c. Time Quantum is defined in the term also includes the system
multitasking OS. software for iPads (predating
d. It’s also knows as iPadOS, which was introduced in
multiprogramming with round 2019) as well as on the iPod Touch
robin scheduling. devices (which were discontinued
4. Multiprocessing in mid-2022).[6] It is the world's
a. Parallel Execution second-most widely installed
b. Main Memory is shared mobile operating system, after
c. Multiple processes are running at Android. It is the basis for three
same time other operating systems made by
5. Realtime Operating systems Apple: iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS.
a. Soft real-time operating system : It is proprietary software, although
the time bound is given where the some parts of it are open source
process must be completed within under the Apple Public Source
time bound License and other licenses.
b. Hard real time os : The time bound
is not given & the process must
complete as soon as it requested. Command Line Based OS – DOS, UNIX
6. Distributed operating system
a. Distributed over the geographical Command line based operating systems are the
system systems which provides interface for user in the
b. Even if one distribution stops form of text only where the user have to use
working another one can cover the commands by typing them on interface also called
load as bash or shell then that is interpreted by the OS
7. Mobile OS: & the Application associated with the command
a. Android: Android is a mobile starts to run.
operating system based on a Users do not need of the mouse or similar
modified version of the Linux navigation device on screen.
kernel and other open-source
software, designed primarily for DOS UNIX Operating
touchscreen mobile devices such System
as smartphones and tablets. It is only used in x86- It is used in all types of
based computer computer systems.
Android is developed by a
partnership of developers known
Operating Systems Unit 01

It is a single command- It is a multitasking OS. starts from the root Backward slash (\) is
line OS. directory. Forward used as a path
It was firstly released It was firstly released slash (/) is used as a separator between
in 1981. in November 1971. path separator different directories in
It is an abbreviation for It is an abbreviation for between the a Windows OS.
Disk Operating System. UNiplexed Information directories in a Linux
Computing System. OS.
Disk operating system UNIX operating system In Linux operating In the Windows
consumes low power. consumes high power. system, there exist operating system,
DOS is not case- UNIX OS is case- three types of users there exist four types
sensitive. sensitive. which are Regular, of users which are
Disk operating system UNIX operating system Root (Administrative), Administrator,
uses the backslashes. uses forward slashes. and Service. A Regular Standard, Child, and
It operates from a hard It was installed after user does not have the Guest. An
disk device. being obtained from access to files of Administrator user has
the original AT&T different users. Root access to make
UNIX. users have the access changes in the system.
DOS contains batch UNIX operating system to every restricted file, A Standard user has
files. contains shell files. they have all the access to perform all
DOS contains three UNIX operating system administrative access. the common
proprietary versions contains numerous A Service user in Linux operations. Child users
(IBM DOS, MS-DOS, proprietary and free, OS can give permission have restricted access
and DR-DOS) and one and open-source or deny permission to to the system. A Guest
free version implementations. different resources. user can have access to
(FreeDOS). the system temporarily
It is mainly used in UNIX operating system or for a specific period.
embedded systems. is mainly used in In the Linux operating In the Windows
servers. system, files with the operating system, files
DOS has neither virtual UNIX operating system same name and with the same name
memory nor protected usually has virtual different casing can cannot reside in the
memory. memory and reside in the same same folder. They are
protected memory. folder. They are case- not case-sensitive.
sensitive, for example,
sample, Sample, and
GUI Based OS – WINDOWS, LINUX SAmple can reside in
the same location.
GUI which is Graphical user interface is operating Linux operating system Windows operating
system which provides user interface by forming is more efficient when system is less efficient
graphical representation where mouse is used to compared to the as compared to the
navigate through the graphical window. Windows operating Linux operating system
system because of the because of being
Linux Windows fewer complexities feature-rich which
Linux is a Unix-based Windows is a licensed involved and because makes Windows a
open-source and free- operating system and a they are lightweight. heavy system
to-use operating certain amount has to software.
system. be paid to use In the Linux operating In Windows operating
Windows OS. system, the traditional system, micro kernel is
In Linux operating In Windows operating monolithic kernel is used where user
system, every entity is system, the files are used for having better services are placed in
a file. In this OS, the arranged in different overall performance user space and kernel
files are arranged in a disk drives like Drive C, but the monolithic services are placed in
tree-like structure that Drive D, Drive E, etc.
Operating Systems Unit 01

kernel consumes more kernel space which

running space. contributes to the
reduction of the
overall size of the
Kernel and OS.
In the Linux operating Windows operating
system, the home system also provides
directory is different the same feature of
for every user of the different home
system. The directories directories for
and files of different different users of the
users are stored in system. The home
their concerned home directory in Windows
directory. For example, can be set as
a user named harry C:\documents or
has the home \setting.
directory as
In the Linux operating In the Windows
system, the system operating system, the
files and program files system files and
are saved in different program files both are
directories. saved in the same
location which is Drive
The Linux operating As the Windows
system is operating system is
comparatively more one of the most
secure than the extensively used
Windows operating operating systems in
system. As the Linux the world hackers
operating system is generally attack
open-source, it is Windows rather than
regularly monitored by Linux OS.
the Linux community
from every part of the

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