Comparative Study On Tracking Techniques
Comparative Study On Tracking Techniques
Comparative Study On Tracking Techniques
tracking by making use of the dividing results, but also B. The Multi-Targets Tracking
improves the dividing effects with the tracking information. Wax has proposed the basic concept of multi-target
C. The Tracking Based on The Feature Matching tracking for the first time in 1955. Multi-targets tracking
research has a history of more than 40 years. In recently
The tracking based on the district match includes the
twenty years, multi-targets tracking has drawn great
extraction of the features and the matching of the features .
attention of many scientists and engineers and magmficent
during the tracking. Feature matching means to extract �he
achievements have been got in its theoretical and
feature AV in a picture (point, border, line, area, etc). Durmg
technological researches. Many navy powers all over the
feature matching, the target features are compared with the
world have attached great importance to the theory and
feature models that extracted from a picture and the
technology of multi-targets research, especially in western
comparison result will be used to define the target so as to
countries much more manpower and financial resources
realize the target tracking.
have been devoted, and in certain aspects some critical
The tracking based on the district match takes no account
breakthrough have been achieved.They were applied to
of the overall features of the moving target, which means to
practice quickly and reached a high level.
do the tracking according to the concrete features of the
U.S. White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico State
target objects regardless of the target. Because the time
University and the University of Arizona Science Center
intervals of the image sampling are usually short, these
began tracking system of intelligent real-time television.
features can be regarded as smooth in the moving forms.
Cover boats' defense system of the U.S. Navy capable of
III. THE TREND OF THE MOVING TRACKING RESEARCH handling more than 200 goals. U.S. Larrence Livemore
National Laboratory announced the completion of wide
The moving target tracking involves the knowledge in field telescope real-time tracking system and multi-target
the fields of computer vision,optics,maths,physics and tracking wide-field camera system, their funding from the
artificial intelligence. At present, the study of the moving
Department of Energy's. Although China Started late in the
target tracking is still in the process of development. The
multi-target tracking , but the military and industrial sectors
diversity as well as the complexity of the moving target
lead to a high degree of attention, the image tracking
make it difficult to track the the moving target. There are so
technology and applications quickly put to a variety of fields.
many problems need be settled.
Multi-target tracking in military applications, particularly
A. Target Tracking in The Complicated Background the extensive attention by States. In the last few years, as the
infrared and visible light reconnaissance, surveillance
In the complex background in image processing has
equipment, a large number of app�ications in the �ilitaI?"
been the field of visual information processing and
promoted the multi-target trackmg technology s rapid
understanding of one of the difficulties, but also affect the
image applications is becoming the reliability and
practicality of the serious obstacles. The so call�d C. A Human- Target Tracking
complicated background means that the background Will
In real life, people contact the most are humans,
change a lot with the change of time, the noise disturbance
therefore a human-target tracking is of great research
and the disordered the pixel distribution are also included
significance.Because tracking for human-body is a complex
[7]. The early simple background can't conform to the
multi-structures target with its rich expressions, postures as
people's requirements any more, so the technology of t�e
well as movements, the human-target tracking is faced with
target tracking techniques in the complicated background IS
an enormous challenge and is a hot research area [8].
the necessary trend of development.
Human-target tracking the most complex but the most
Good target tracking algorithm, especially in complex
widely used is the human action recognition, object
background good target tracking algorithm, in many aspects
recognition is a human whole body movement. When the
of civil and military applications in many fields, more and
whole movement of people identify hot spots of current
more scholars in the front directions of the extensive and in
research with high research value and potential applications,
depth research, made a lot of research results. u.s.
many research institutions and schools have set up a
Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects
dedicated research laboratory, more and more scholars
Agency, led by Carnegie Mellon University was established
began in the forward direction of broad and deep research,
to monitor the project VSAM [9], the system can be used
has made a lot of research results.
for general civilian scenarios and real-time battlefield
EU 1ST program committee set up major projects, means
monitoring. Coifrnan [10] set up a video image processing
developing a system to effectively manage the public
based on the traffic control system for traffic monitoring and
transport system, which covers population and individ�al
statistics of different models. Since changing the video .
patterns of behavior analysis, human-computer interactIOn
image makes real-time monitoring of moving targets and
and other research [11]. W4 [12] real-time visual monitoring
tracking becomes more difficult. Therefore, the complex
system can detect whether the person carrying the object,
background to track moving objects of great research
the delivery of goods and other simple actions. Some
significance. .
authoritative international journals and conferences will also
be important as one of the main contents, researchers in this
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Measurement Technology, 2001, pp.2049-2053.
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some achievements in scientific research. With further pp.321-33I.
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merits and demerits. In the process of practical application
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