JohnScalesAvery 2012 3MOLECULARBIOLOGYANDE InformationTheoryAndE
JohnScalesAvery 2012 3MOLECULARBIOLOGYANDE InformationTheoryAndE
JohnScalesAvery 2012 3MOLECULARBIOLOGYANDE InformationTheoryAndE
Chapter 3
Classical genetics
Charles Darwin postulated that natural selection acts on small inheritable
variations in the individual members of a species. His opponents objected
that these slight variations would be averaged away by interbreeding. Dar-
win groped after an answer to this objection, but he did not have one.
However, unknown to Darwin, the answer had been uncovered several years
earlier by an obscure Augustinian monk, Gregor Mendel, who was born in
Silesia in 1822, and who died in Bohemia in 1884.
Mendel loved both botany and mathematics, and he combined these two
interests in his hobby of breeding peas in the monastery garden. Mendel
carefully self-pollinated his pea plants, and then wrapped the flowers to
prevent pollination by insects. He kept records of the characteristics of
the plants and their offspring, and he found that dwarf peas always breed
true — they invariably produce other dwarf plants. The tall variety of pea
plants, pollinated with themselves, did not always breed true, but Mendel
succeeded in isolating a strain of true-breeding tall plants which he inbred
over many generations.
Next he crossed his true-breeding tall plants with the dwarf variety
and produced a generation of hybrids. All of the hybrids produced in this
way were tall. Finally Mendel self-pollinated the hybrids and recorded the
characteristics of the next generation. Roughly one quarter of the plants in
this new generation were true-breeding tall plants, one quarter were true-
breeding dwarfs, and one half were tall but not true-breeding.
Gregor Mendel had in fact discovered the existence of dominant and
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whether it also has a gene for dwarfism. When Mendel crossed the pure-
breeding dwarf plants with pure-breeding tall ones, the hybrids received
one type of gene from each parent. Each hybrid had a tall gene and a
dwarf gene; but the tall gene was dominant, and therefore all the hybrids
were tall. When the hybrids were self-pollinated or crossed with each other,
a genetic lottery took place. In the next generation, through the laws of
chance, a quarter of the plants had two dwarf genes, a quarter had two tall
genes, and half had one of each kind.
Mendel published his results in the Transactions of the Brünn Natural
History Society in 1865, and no one noticed his paper1 . At that time,
Austria was being overrun by the Prussians, and people had other things
to think about. Mendel was elected Abbot of his monastery; he grew too
old and fat to bend over and cultivate his pea plants; his work on heredity
was completely forgotten, and he died never knowing that he would one
day be considered to be the founder of modern genetics.
In 1900 the Dutch botanist named Hugo de Vries, working on evening
primroses, independently rediscovered Mendel’s laws. Before publishing, he
looked through the literature to see whether anyone else had worked on the
subject, and to his amazement he found that Mendel had anticipated his
great discovery by 35 years. De Vries could easily have published his own
work without mentioning Mendel, but his honesty was such that he gave
Mendel full credit and mentioned his own work only as a confirmation of
Mendel’s laws. Astonishingly, the same story was twice repeated elsewhere
in Europe during the same year. In 1900, two other botanists (Correns
in Berlin and Tschermak in Vienna) independently rediscovered Mendel’s
laws, looked through the literature, found Mendel’s 1865 paper, and gave
him full credit for the discovery.
Besides rediscovering the Mendelian laws for the inheritance of domi-
nant and recessive characteristics, de Vries made another very important
discovery: He discovered genetic mutations — sudden unexplained changes
of form which can be inherited by subsequent generations. In growing
evening primroses, de Vries found that sometimes, but very rarely, a com-
pletely new variety would suddenly appear, and he found that the variation
could be propagated to the following generations. Actually, mutations had
been observed before the time of de Vries. For example, a short-legged
mutant sheep had suddenly appeared during the 18th century; and stock-
breeders had taken advantage of this mutation to breed sheep that could
1Mendel sent a copy of his paper to Darwin; but Darwin, whose German was weak,
seems not to have read it.
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not jump over walls. However, de Vries was the first scientist to study and
describe mutations. He noticed that most mutations are harmful, but that
a very few are beneficial, and those few tend in nature to be propagated to
future generations.
After the rediscovery of Mendel’s work by de Vries, many scientists
began to suspect that chromosomes might be the carriers of genetic in-
formation. The word “chromosome” had been invented by the German
physiologist, Walther Flemming, to describe the long, threadlike bodies
which could be seen when cells were stained and examined through, the
microscope during the process of division. It had been found that when an
ordinary cell divides, the chromosomes also divide, so that each daughter
cell has a full set of chromosomes.
The Belgian cytologist, Edouard van Benedin, had shown that in the
formation of sperm and egg cells, the sperm and egg receive only half of
the full number of chromosomes. It had been found that when the sperm
of the father combines with the egg of the mother in sexual reproduction,
the fertilized egg again has a full set of chromosomes, half coming from
the mother and half from the father. This was so consistent with the
genetic lottery studied by Mendel, de Vries and others, that it seemed
almost certain that chromosomes were the carriers of genetic information.
The number of chromosomes was observed to be small (for example, each
normal cell of a human has 46 chromosomes); and this made it obvious that
each chromosome must contain thousands of genes. It seemed likely that
all of the genes on a particular chromosome would stay together as they
passed through the genetic lottery; and therefore certain characteristics
should always be inherited together.
This problem had been taken up by Thomas Hunt Morgan, a professor
of experimental zoology working at Colombia University. He found it con-
venient to work with fruit flies, since they breed with lightning-like speed
and since they have only four pairs of chromosomes.
Morgan found that he could raise enormous numbers of these tiny insects
with almost no effort by keeping them in gauze-covered glass milk bottles,
in the bottom of which he placed mashed bananas. In 1910, Morgan found
a mutant white-eyed male fly in one of his milk-bottle incubators. He bred
this fly with a normal red-eyed female, and produced hundreds of red-eyed
hybrids. When he crossed the red-eyed hybrids with each other, half of
the next generation were red-eyed females, a quarter were red-eyed males,
and a quarter were white-eyed males. There was not one single white-eyed
female! This indicated that the mutant gene for white eyes was on the same
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mococci had a rough appearance under the microscope. Avery and his
co-workers were able to show that an extract from heat-killed S-type pneu-
mococci could convert the living R-type species permanently into S-type;
and they also showed that this extract consisted of pure DNA.
In 1947, the Austrian-American biochemist, Erwin Chargaff, began to
study the long, chainlike DNA molecules. It had already been shown by
Levine and Todd that chains of DNA are built up of four bases: adenine
(A), thymine (T), guanine (G) and cytosine (C), held together by a sugar-
phosphate backbone. Chargaff discovered that in DNA from the nuclei
of living cells, the amount of A always equals the amount of T; and the
amount of G always equals the amount of C.
When Chargaff made this discovery, neither he nor anyone else under-
stood its meaning. However, in 1953, the mystery was completely solved by
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins at Kings College, London, together
with James Watson and Francis Crick at Cambridge University. By means
of X-ray diffraction techniques, Wilkins and Franklin obtained crystallo-
graphic information about the structure of DNA. Using this information,
together with Linus Pauling’s model-building methods, Crick and Watson
proposed a detailed structure for the giant DNA molecule.
The discovery of the molecular structure of DNA was an event of enor-
mous importance for genetics, and for biology in general. The structure was
a revelation! The giant, helical DNA molecule was like a twisted ladder:
Two long, twisted sugar-phosphate backbones formed the outside of the
ladder, while the rungs were formed by the base pairs, A, T, G and C. The
base adenine (A) could only be paired with thymine (T), while guanine (G)
fit only with cytosine (C). Each base pair was weakly joined in the center
by hydrogen bonds — in other words, there was a weak point in the center
of each rung of the ladder — but the bases were strongly attached to the
sugar-phosphate backbone. In their 1953 paper, Crick and Watson wrote:
”It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postu-
lated suggests a possible copying mechanism for genetic material”. Indeed,
a sudden blaze of understanding illuminated the inner workings of heredity,
and of life itself.
If the weak hydrogen bonds in the center of each rung were broken, the
ladderlike DNA macromolecule could split down the center and divide into
two single strands. Each single strand would then become a template for
the formation of a new double-stranded molecule.
Because of the specific pairing of the bases in the Watson-Crick model
of DNA, the two strands had to be complementary. T had to be paired
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Protein structure
In England, J.D. Bernal and Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin pioneered the ap-
plication of X-ray diffraction methods to the study of complex biological
molecules. In 1949, Hodgkin determined the structure of penicillin; and in
1955, she followed this with the structure of vitamin B12. In 1960, Max
Perutz and John C. Kendrew obtained the structures of the blood pro-
teins myoglobin and hemoglobin. This was an impressive achievement for
the Cambridge crystallographers, since the hemoglobin molecule contains
roughly 12,000 atoms.
The structure obtained by Perutz and Kendrew showed that hemoglobin
is a long chain of amino acids, folded into a globular shape, like a small,
crumpled ball of yarn. They found that the amino acids with an affinity for
water were on the outside of the globular molecule; while the amino acids for
which contact with water was energetically unfavorable were hidden on the
inside. Perutz and Kendrew deduced that the conformation of the protein
— the way in which the chain of amino acids folded into a 3-dimensional
structure — was determined by the sequence of amino acids in the chain.
In 1966, D.C. Phillips and his co-workers at the Royal Institution in
London found the crystallographic structure of the enzyme lysozyme (an
egg-white protein which breaks down the cell walls of certain bacteria).
Again, the structure showed a long chain of amino acids, folded into a
roughly globular shape. The amino acids with hydrophilic groups were on
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the outside, in contact with water, while those with hydrophobic groups
were on the inside. The structure of lysozyme exhibited clearly an active
site, where sugar molecules of bacterial cell walls were drawn into a mouth-
like opening and stressed by electrostatic forces, so that bonds between the
sugars could easily be broken.
Meanwhile, at Cambridge University, Frederick Sanger developed meth-
ods for finding the exact sequence of amino acids in a protein chain. In 1945,
he discovered a compound (2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene) which attaches itself
preferentially to one end of a chain of amino acids. Sanger then broke down
the chain into individual amino acids, and determined which of them was
connected to his reagent. By applying this procedure many times to frag-
ments of larger chains, Sanger was able to deduce the sequence of amino
acids in complex proteins. In 1953, he published the sequence of insulin.
This led, in 1964, to the synthesis of insulin.
The biological role and structure of proteins which began to emerge was
as follows: A mammalian cell produces roughly 10,000 different proteins.
All enzymes are proteins; and the majority of proteins are enzymes — that
is, they catalyze reactions involving other biological molecules. All pro-
teins are built from chainlike polymers, whose monomeric sub-units are the
following twenty amino acids: glycine, aniline, valine, isoleucine, leucine,
serine, threonine, proline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, arginine,
asparagine, glutamine, cysteine, methionine, tryptophan, phenylalanine,
tyrosine and histidine. These individual amino acid monomers may be con-
nected together into a polymer (called a polypeptide) in any order — hence
the great number of possibilities. In such a polypeptide, the backbone is a
chain of carbon and nitrogen atoms showing the pattern ...-C-C-N-C-C-N-
C-C-N-...and so on. The -C-C-N- repeating unit is common to all amino
acids. Their individuality is derived from differences in the side groups
which are attached to the universal -C-C-N- group.
Some proteins, like hemoglobin, contain metal atoms, which may be
oxidized or reduced as the protein performs its biological function. Other
proteins, like lysozyme, contain no metal atoms, but instead owe their bio-
logical activity to an active site on the surface of the protein molecule. In
1909, the English physician, Archibald Garrod, had proposed a one-gene-
one-protein hypothesis. He believed that hereditary diseases are due to
the absence of specific enzymes. According to Garrod’s hypothesis, dam-
age suffered by a gene results in the faulty synthesis of the corresponding
enzyme, and loss of the enzyme ultimately results in the symptoms of the
hereditary disease.
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Since DNA was known to carry the genetic message, coded into the sequence
of the four nucleotide bases, A, T, G and C, and since proteins were known
to be composed of specific sequences of the twenty amino acids, it was logical
to suppose that the amino acid sequence in a protein was determined by
the base sequence of DNA. The information somehow had to be read from
the DNA and used in the biosynthesis of the protein.
It was known that, in addition to DNA, cells also contain a similar,
but not quite identical, polynucleotide called ribonucleic acid (RNA). The
sugar-phosphate backbone of RNA was known to differ slightly from that of
DNA; and in RNA, the nucleotide thymine (T) was replaced by a chemically
similar nucleotide, uracil (U). Furthermore, while DNA was found only in
cell nuclei, RNA was found both in cell nuclei and in the cytoplasm of cells,
where protein synthesis takes place. Evidence accumulated indicating that
genetic information is first transcribed from DNA to RNA, and afterwards
translated from RNA into the amino acid sequence of proteins.
At first, it was thought that RNA might act as a direct template, to
which successive amino acids were attached. However, the appropriate
chemical complementarity could not be found; and therefore, in 1955, Fran-
cis Crick proposed that amino acids are first bound to an adaptor molecule,
which is afterward bound to RNA.
In 1956, George Emil Palade of the Rockefeller Institute used electron
microscopy to study subcellular particles rich in RNA (ribosomes). Ribo-
somes were found to consist of two subunits — a smaller subunit, with a
molecular weight one million times the weight of a hydrogen atom, and a
larger subunit with twice this weight.
It was shown by means of radioactive tracers that a newly synthesized
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Fig. 3.1 Information coded on DNA molecules in the cell nucleus is transcribed to
mRNA molecules. The messenger RNA molecules in turn provide information for the
amino acid sequence in protein synthesis.
in RNA and TTT in DNA. The remaining words in the genetic code were
worked out by H. Gobind Khorana of the University of Wisconsin, who
used other mRNA sequences (such as GUGUGU..., AAGAAGAAG... and
GUUGUUGUU...) in protein synthesis. By 1966, the complete genetic
code, specifying amino acids in terms of three-base sequences, was known.
The code was found to be the same for all species studied, no matter how
widely separated they were in form; and this showed that all life on earth
belongs to the same family, as postulated by Darwin.
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Fig. 3.2 mRNA passes through the ribosome like a punched computer tape passing
through a tape-reader.
Genetic engineering
In 1970, Hamilton Smith of Johns Hopkins University observed that when
the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae is attacked by a bacteriophage (a
virus parasitic on bacteria), it can defend itself by breaking down the DNA
of the phage. Following up this observation, he introduced DNA from the
bacterium E. coli into H. influenzae. Again the foreign DNA was broken
Smith had, in fact, discovered the first of a class of bacterial enzymes
which came to be called “restriction enzymes” or “restriction nucleases”.
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Fig. 3.3 This figure shows aspartic acid, whose residue (R) is hydrophilic, contrasted
with alanine, whose residue is hydrophobic.
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then the two ends joined spontaneously when the fragments were incubated
together. In this way, Paul Berg and his group made the first recombinant
DNA molecules.
The restriction enzyme Eco RI, isolated from the bacterium E. coli,
was found to recognize the pattern, GAATTC, in one strand of a DNA
molecule, and the complementary pattern, CTTAAG, in the other strand.
Instead of cutting both strands in the middle of the six-base sequence, Eco
RI was observed to cut both strands between G and A. Thus, each side of
the cut was left with a “sticky end” — a five-base single-stranded segment,
attached to the remainder of the double-stranded DNA molecule.
In 1972, Janet Mertz and Ron Davis, working at Stanford University,
demonstrated that DNA strands cut with Eco RI could be rejoined by
means of another enzyme — a DNA ligase. More importantly, when DNA
strands from two different sources were cut with Eco RI, the sticky end of
one fragment could form a spontaneous temporary bond with the sticky end
of the other fragment. The bond could be made permanent by the addition
of DNA ligase, even when the fragments came from different sources. Thus,
DNA fragments from different organisms could be joined together.
Bacteria belong to a class of organisms (prokaryotes) whose cells do not
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2 The flash of insight didn’t take long, but at least six months of hard work were needed
before Mullis and his colleagues could convert the idea to reality.
3 Short segments of single-stranded DNA.
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primitive atmosphere4 . Thus, before the origin of life, the earth probably
had a reducing atmosphere rather than an oxidizing one. Oparin believed
that energy-rich molecules could have been formed very slowly by the action
of light from the sun. On the present-day earth, bacteria quickly consume
energy-rich molecules, but before the origin of life, such molecules could
have accumulated, since there were no living organisms to consume them.
(This observation is similar to the remark made by Darwin in his 1871 letter
to Hooker.)
The first experimental work in this field took place in 1950 in the lab-
oratory of Melvin Calvin at the University of California, Berkeley. Calvin
and his co-workers wished to determine experimentally whether the prim-
itive atmosphere of the earth could have been converted into some of the
molecules which are the building-blocks of living organisms. The energy
needed to perform these conversions they imagined to be supplied by vol-
canism, radioactive decay, ultraviolet radiation, meteoric impacts, or by
lightning strokes.
The earth is thought to be approximately 4.6 billion years old. At the
time when Calvin and his co-workers were performing their experiments,
the earth’s primitive atmosphere was believed to have consisted primarily
of hydrogen, water, ammonia, methane, and carbon monoxide, with a little
carbon dioxide. A large quantity of hydrogen was believed to have been
initially present in the primitive atmosphere, but it was thought to have
been lost gradually over a period of time because the earth’s gravitational
attraction is too weak to effectively hold such a light and rapidly-moving
molecule. However, Calvin and his group assumed sufficient hydrogen to be
present to act as a reducing agent. In their 1950 experiments they subjected
a mixture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide, with a catalytic amount of
Fe2+ , to bombardment by fast particles from the Berkeley cyclotron. Their
experiments resulted in a good yield of formic acid and a moderate yield
of formaldehyde. (The fast particles from the cyclotron were designed to
simulate an energy input from radioactive decay on the primitive earth.)
Two years later, Stanley Miller, working in the laboratory of Harold
Urey at the University of Chicago, performed a much more refined exper-
iment of the same type. In Miller’s experiment, a mixture of the gases
methane, ammonia, water and hydrogen was subjected to an energy input
from an electric spark. Miller’s apparatus was designed so that the gases
were continuously circulated, passing first through the spark chamber, then
4It is now believed that the main constituents of the primordial atmosphere were
carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, and a little methane.
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through a water trap which removed the non-volatile water soluble prod-
ucts, and then back again through the spark chamber, and so on. The
resulting products are shown as a function of time in Figure 3.5.
The Miller-Urey experiment produced many of the building-blocks of
living organisms, including glycine, glycolic acid, sarcosine, alanine, lac-
tic acid, N-methylalanine, β-alanine, succinic acid, aspartic acid, glutamic
acid, iminodiacetic acid, iminoacetic-propionic acid, formic acid, acetic
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acid, propionic acid, urea and N-methyl urea5 . Another major product
was hydrogen cyanide, whose importance as an energy source in chemical
evolution was later emphasized by Calvin.
The Miller-Urey experiment was repeated and extended by the
Ceylonese-American biochemist Cyril Ponnamperuma and by the Amer-
ican expert in planetary atmospheres, Carl Sagan. They showed that when
phosphorus is made available, then in addition to amino acids, the Miller-
Urey experiment produces not only nucleic acids of the type that join to-
gether to form DNA, but also the energy-rich molecule ATP (adenosine
triphosphate). ATP is extremely important in biochemistry, since it is a
5 The chemical reaction that led to the formation of the amino acids that Miller
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universal fuel which drives chemical reactions inside present-day living or-
Further variations on the Miller-Urey experiment were performed by
Sydney Fox and his co-workers at the University of Miami. Fox and his
group showed that amino acids can be synthesized from a primitive atmo-
sphere by means of a thermal energy input, and that in the presence of
phosphate esters, the amino acids can be thermally joined together to form
polypeptides. However, some of the peptides produced in this way were
cross linked, and hence not of biological interest.
In 1969, Melvin Calvin published an important book entitled Chemical
Evolution; Molecular Evolution Towards the Origin of Living Systems on
Earth and Elsewhere. In this book, Calvin reviewed the work of geochemists
showing the presence in extremely ancient rock formations of molecules
which we usually think of as being produced only by living organisms. He
then discussed experiments of the Miller-Urey type — experiments simulat-
ing the first step in chemical evolution. According to Calvin, not only amino
acids but also the bases adenine, thymine, guanine, cytosine and uracil, as
well as various sugars, were probably present in the primitive ocean in
moderate concentrations, produced from the primitive atmosphere by the
available energy inputs, and not broken down because no organisms were
The next steps visualized by Calvin were dehydration reactions in which
the building blocks were linked together into peptides, polynucleotides,
lipids and porphyrins. Such dehydration reactions are in a thermody-
namically uphill direction. In modern organisms, they are driven by a
universally-used energy source, the high-energy phosphate bond of adeno-
sine triphosphate (ATP). Searching for a substance present in the primitive
ocean which could have driven the dehydrations, Calvin and his coworkers
experimented with hydrogen cyanide (HC≡N), and from the results of these
experiments they concluded that the energy stored in the carbon-nitrogen
triple bond of HC≡N could indeed have driven the dehydration reactions
necessary for polymerization of the fundamental building blocks. However,
later work made it seem improbable that peptides could be produced from
cyanide mixtures.
In Chemical Evolution, Calvin introduced the concept of autocataly-
sis as a mechanism for molecular selection, closely analogous to natural
selection in biological evolution. Calvin proposed that there were a few
molecules in the ancient oceans which could catalyze the breakdown of the
energy-rich molecules present into simpler products. According to Calvin’s
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“the growth and development an individual, through various stages, for example, from
fertilized egg to embryo, and so on”. Ernst Haeckel, a 19th century follower of Darwin,
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Fig. 3.7 This figure shows the universal phylogenetic tree, established by the work of
Woese, Iwabe et al. Hyperthermophiles are indicated by bold lines and by bold type.
living organisms are divided into three main kingdoms, Eukaryotes, Eubac-
teria, and Archaebacteria. Carl Woese, who proposed this classification on
the basis of comparative sequencing, wished to call the three kingdoms “Eu-
carya, Bacteria and Archaea”. However, the most widely accepted terms
observed that, in many cases, “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny”.
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are the ones shown in capital letters on the figure. Before the comparative
RNA sequencing work, which was performed on the ribosomes of various
species, it had not been realized that there are two types of bacteria, so
markedly different from each other that they must be classified as belonging
to separate kingdoms. One example of the difference between archaebac-
teria and eubacteria is that the former have cell membranes which contain
ether lipids, while the latter have ester lipids in their cell membranes. Of
the three kingdoms, the eubacteria and the archaebacteria are “prokary-
otes”, that is to say, they are unicellular organisms having no cell nucleus.
Most of the eukaryotes, whose cells contain a nucleus, are also unicellular,
the exceptions being plants, fungi and animals.
One of the most interesting features of the phylogenetic tree shown
in Figure 3.7 is that the deepest branches — the organisms with short-
est pedigrees — are all hyperthermophiles, i.e. they live in extremely hot
environments such as hot springs or undersea hydrothermal vents. The
shortest branches represent the most extreme hyperthermophiles. The
group of archaebacteria indicated by (1) in the figure includes Ther-
mofilum, Thermoproteus, Pyrobaculum, Pyrodictium, Desulfuro-
coccus, and Sulfolobus — all hypothermophiles7 . Among the eubacteria,
the two shortest branches, Aquifex and Thermatoga are both hyperther-
The phylogenetic evidence for the existence of hyperthermophiles at a
very early stage of evolution lends support to a proposal put forward in
1988 by the German biochemist Günter Wächterhäuser. He proposed that
the reaction for pyrite formation,
F eS + H2 S → F eS2 + 2H + +2e−
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fixation, but also the pyrite surface aided the process. Wächterhäuser fur-
ther proposed an archaic autocatylitic carbon-dioxide fixation cycle, which
he visualized as resembling the reductive citric acid cycle found in present-
day organisms, but with all reducing agents replaced by FeS + H2 S, with
thioester activation replaced by thioacid activation, and carbonyl groups
replaced by thioenol groups. The interested reader can find the details of
Wächterhäuser’s proposals in his papers, which are listed at the end of this
A similar picture of the origin of life was proposed by Michael J. Russell
and Alan J. Hall in 1997. In this picture “...(i) life emerged as hot, reduced,
alkaline, sulphide-bearing submarine seepage waters interfaced with colder,
more oxidized, more acid, Fe2+ >>Fe3+ -bearing water at deep (ca. 4km)
floors of the Hadean ocean ca. 4 Gyr ago; (ii) the difference in acidity,
temperature and redox potential provided a gradient of pH (ca. 4 units),
temperature (ca. 60◦ C) and redox potential (ca. 500 mV) at the interface
of those waters that was sustainable over geological time-scales, providing
the continuity of conditions conducive to organic chemical reactions needed
for the origin of life...” 9 . Russell, Hall and their coworkers also emphasize
the role that may have been played by spontaneously-formed 3-dimensional
mineral chambers (bubbles). They visualize these as having prevented the
reacting molecules from diffusing away, thus maintaining high concentra-
Table 3.2 shows the energy-yielding reactions which drive the
metabolisms of some organisms which are of very ancient evolutionary ori-
gin. All the reactions shown in the table make use of H2 , which could have
been supplied by pyrite formation at the time when the organisms evolved.
All these organisms are lithoautotrophic, a word which requires some expla-
nation: A heterotrophic organism is one which lives by ingesting energy-rich
organic molecules which are present in its environment. By contrast, an au-
totrophic organism ingests only inorganic molecules. The lithoautotrophs
use energy from these inorganic molecules, while the metabolisms of pho-
toautotrophs are driven by energy from sunlight.
Evidence from layered rock formations called “stromatolites”, produced
by colonies of photosynthetic bacteria, show that photoautotrophs (or pho-
totrophs) appeared on earth at least 3.5 billion years ago. The geological
9 SeeW. Martin and M.J. Russell, On the origins of cells: a hypothesis for the evo-
lutionary transitions from abiotic geochemistry to chemoautotrophic prokaryotes, and
from prokaryotes to nucleated cells, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 358,
59-85, (2003).
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record also supplies approximate dates for other events in evolution. For
example, the date at which molecular oxygen started to become abundant
in the earth’s atmosphere is believed to have been 2.0 billion years ago, with
equilibrium finally being established 1.5 billion years in the past. Multi-
cellular organisms appeared very late on the evolutionary and geological
time-scale — only 600 million years ago. By collecting such evidence, the
Belgian cytologist Christian de Duve has constructed the phylogenetic tree
shown in Figure 3.8, showing branching as a function of time. One very
interesting feature of this tree is the arrow indicating the transfer of “en-
dosymbionts” from the eubacteria to the eukaryotes. In the next section,
we will look in more detail at this important event, which took place about
1.8 billion years ago.
The word “symbiosis” is derived from Greek roots meaning “living to-
gether”. It was coined in 1877 by the German botanist Albert Bernard
Frank. By that date, it had become clear that lichens are composite organ-
isms involving a fungus and an alga; but there was controversy concerning
whether the relationship was a parasitic one. Was the alga held captive and
exploited by the fungus? Or did the alga and the fungus help each other,
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Fig. 3.8 Branching of the universal phylogenetic tree as a function of time. “Protists”
are unicellular eukaryotes.
the former performing photosynthesis, and the latter leeching minerals from
the lichen’s environment? In introducing the word “symbiosis” (in German,
“Symbiotismus”), Frank remarked that “We must bring all the cases where
two different species live on or in one another under a comprehensive con-
cept which does not consider the role which the two individuals play but
is based on the mere coexistence, and for which the term symbiosis is to
be recommended”. Thus the concept of symbiosis, as defined by Frank,
included all intimate relationships between two or more species, including
parasitism at one extreme and “mutualism” at the other. However, as the
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(thread) and chrondos (granule). They observed that these bodies seemed
to reproduce themselves within the cell in very much the manner that might
be expected if they were independent organisms. Schimper suggested that
chloroplasts are symbionts, and that green plants owe their origin to a union
of a colorless unicellular organism with a smaller chlorophyll-containing
The role of symbiosis in evolution continued to be debated in the 20th
century. Mitochondria were shown to be centers of respiratory metabolism;
and it was discovered that both mitochondria and chloroplasts contain their
own DNA. However, opponents of their symbiotic origin pointed out that
mitochondria alone cannot synthesize all their own proteins: Some mi-
tochondrial proteins require information from nuclear DNA. The debate
was finally settled in the 1970’s, when comparative sequencing of ribosomal
RNA in the laboratories of Carl Woese, W. Ford Doolittle and Michael Gray
showed conclusively that both chloroplasts and mitochondria were origi-
nally endosymbionts. The ribosomal RNA sequences showed that chloro-
plasts had their evolutionary root in the cyanobacteria, a species of eubac-
teria, while mitochondria were traced to a group of eubacteria called the
alpha-proteobacteria. Thus the evolutionary arrow leading from the eubac-
teria to the eukaryotes can today be drawn with confidence, as in Figure
Cyanobacteria are bluish photosynthetic bacteria which often become
linked to one another so as to form long chains. They can be found to-
day growing in large colonies on seacoasts in many parts of the world, for
example in Baja California on the Mexican coast. The top layer of such
colonies consists of the phototrophic cyanobacteria, while the organisms in
underlying layers are heterotrophs living off the decaying remains of the
cyanobacteria. In the course of time, these layered colonies can become
fossilized, and they are the source of the layered rock formations called
stromatolites (discussed above). Geological dating of ancient stromatolites
has shown that cyanobacteria must have originated at least 3.5 billion years
Cyanobacteria contain two photosystems, each making use of a different
type of chlorophyll. Photosystem I, which is thought to have evolved first,
uses the energy of light to draw electrons from inorganic compounds, and
sometimes also from organic compounds (but never from water). Photosys-
tem II, which evolved later, draws electrons from water. Hydrogen derived
from the water is used to produce organic compounds from carbon diox-
ide, and molecular oxygen is released into the atmosphere. Photosystem II
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(2) Lily Kay, Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of the Genetic
Code, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA, (2000).
(3) Sahotra Sarkar (editor), The Philosophy and History of Molecular Bi-
ology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, (1996).
(4) James D. Watson et al. Molecular Biology of the Gene, 4th Edition,
Benjamin-Cummings, (1988).
(5) J.S. Fruton, Proteins, Enzymes, and Genes, Yale University Press,
New Haven, (1999).
(6) S.E. Lauria, Life, the Unfinished Experiment, Charles Scribner’s Sons,
New York (1973).
(7) A. Lwoff, Biological Order, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, (1962).
(8) James D. Watson, The Double Helix, Athenium, New York (1968).
(9) F. Crick, The genetic code, Scientific American, 202, 66-74 (1962).
(10) F. Crick, Central dogma of molecular biology, Nature, 227, 561-563
(11) David Freifelder (editor), Recombinant DNA, Readings from the Sci-
entific American, W.H. Freeman and Co. (1978).
(12) James D. Watson, John Tooze and David T. Kurtz, Recombinant
DNA, A Short Course, W.H. Freeman, New York (1983).
(13) Richard Hutton, Biorevolution, DNA and the Ethics of Man-Made
Life, The New American Library, New York (1968).
(14) Martin Ebon, The Cloning of Man, The New American Library, New
York (1978).
(15) Sheldon Krimsky, Genetic Alchemy: The Social History of the Recom-
binant DNA Controversy, MIT Press, Cambridge Mass (1983).
(16) M. Lappe, Germs That Won’t Die, Anchor/Doubleday, Garden City
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(17) M. Lappe,Broken Code, Sierra Club Books, San Francisco (1984).
(18) President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine
and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Splicing Life: The Social
and Ethical Issues of Genetic Engineering with Human Beings, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. (1982).
(19) U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Impacts of Applied
Genetics - Microorganisms, Plants and Animals, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington D.C. (1981).
(20) W.T. Reich (editor), Encyclopedia of Bioethics, The Free Press, New
York (1978).
(21) Martin Brown (editor), The Social Responsibility of the Scientist, The
Free Press, New York (1970).
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