EIO0000001578.14 - Hardm580 - Modicon M580 CPU

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Modicon M580

Reference Manual
Original instructions

Legal Information
The information provided in this document contains general descriptions, technical
characteristics and/or recommendations related to products/solutions.
This document is not intended as a substitute for a detailed study or operational and site-
specific development or schematic plan. It is not to be used for determining suitability or
reliability of the products/solutions for specific user applications. It is the duty of any such
user to perform or have any professional expert of its choice (integrator, specifier or the like)
perform the appropriate and comprehensive risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the
products/solutions with respect to the relevant specific application or use thereof.
The Schneider Electric brand and any trademarks of Schneider Electric SE and its
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the content thereof.

Table of Contents
Safety Information .................................................................................................. 11
Before You Begin..............................................................................................12
Start-up and Test ..............................................................................................13
Operation and Adjustments ...............................................................................14
About the Book ......................................................................................................15
Modicon M580 PACs..............................................................................................23
M580 PACs ...........................................................................................................24
Functional Characteristics of M580 PACs ...........................................................24
Introduction ................................................................................................24
Performance Characteristics........................................................................26
Standards and Certifications ........................................................................36
States for M580 PACs .................................................................................37
Hot Standby System States .........................................................................38
Controller Switchover in an M580 Hot Standby System..................................41
Electrical Characteristics .............................................................................47
Real-Time Clock .........................................................................................48
Addressing Field Buses...............................................................................51
BMEP58•••• Controller Physical Characteristics ..................................................51
Physical Description of Standalone Controllers .............................................52
Physical Description of Hot Standby Controllers ............................................55
Anti-Tampering Seals and Lockable SD Card Door........................................60
LED Diagnostics for Standalone Controllers..................................................62
LED Diagnostics for Hot Standby Controllers ................................................65
USB Port....................................................................................................69
Ethernet Ports ............................................................................................71
SD Memory Card ........................................................................................76
Memory Card Access LED...........................................................................78
Data Storage Elementary Functions .............................................................80
Firmware Update ........................................................................................82
Updating Firmware Versions Earlier than 4.01 to Version 4.01 or Later............83
Installing and Diagnosing Modules on the Local Rack .....................................84
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack.........................................................................85

EIO0000001578.14 3

Module Guidelines............................................................................................85
Installing the Controller .....................................................................................89
Installing an SD Memory Card in a CPU .............................................................94
M580 Diagnostics...................................................................................................96
Blocking Conditions ..........................................................................................96
Non-blocking Conditions ...................................................................................99
CPU or System Errors..................................................................................... 101
CPU Application Compatibility ......................................................................... 102
Processor Performance ........................................................................................ 104
Execution of Tasks.......................................................................................... 104
MAST Task Cycle Time: Introduction................................................................ 109
MAST Task Cycle Time: Program Processing ................................................... 110
MAST Task Cycle Time: Internal Processing on Input and Output....................... 111
MAST Task Cycle Time Calculation.................................................................. 115
FAST Task Cycle Time .................................................................................... 116
Event Response Time..................................................................................... 117
Configuring the Controller in Control Expert ..................................................... 119
M580 CPU Configuration ...................................................................................... 120
Control Expert Projects ................................................................................... 120
Creating a Project in Control Expert............................................................ 121
Helping Secure a Project in Control Expert ................................................. 124
Configuring the Size and Location of Inputs and Outputs ............................. 126
Protecting Located Data in Monitoring Mode ............................................... 132
Project Management ................................................................................. 134
DIO Scanner Functionality ......................................................................... 136
Configuring the CPU with Control Expert .......................................................... 139
Control Expert Configuration Tabs.............................................................. 139
About Control Expert Configuration ............................................................ 141
Security Tab ............................................................................................ 142
Engineering Link Mode.............................................................................. 147
IPConfig Tab............................................................................................ 148
RSTP Tab ................................................................................................ 150
SNMP Tab................................................................................................ 153
NTP Tab................................................................................................... 155
Switch Tab............................................................................................... 159

4 EIO0000001578.14

QoS Tab .................................................................................................. 160

Service Port Tab ...................................................................................... 162
Advanced Settings Tab ........................................................................... 164
Safety Tab ................................................................................................ 165
Configuring the M580 CPU with DTMs in Control Expert.................................... 167
About DTM Configuration in Control Expert................................................. 167
Accessing Channel Properties ................................................................... 169
Configuring DHCP and FDR Address Servers............................................. 172
Configuring Generic Device DTMs ................................................................... 176
Displaying Remote Device and DTM Properties .......................................... 176
Adding a Generic Device DTM to an M580 Project ...................................... 177
Adding and Removing Connections............................................................ 178
Configuring Generic DTM EtherNet/IP Connections..................................... 179
Checking Remote Device Identity............................................................... 181
Generic DTM Configuration Settings .......................................................... 182
Diagnostics through the Control Expert DTM Browser ....................................... 184
Introducing Diagnostics in the Control Expert DTM ...................................... 184
Bandwidth Diagnostics .............................................................................. 186
RSTP Diagnostics..................................................................................... 188
Network Time Service Diagnostics ............................................................. 190
Local Slave / Connection Diagnostics ......................................................... 194
Local Slave or Connection I/O Value Diagnostics ........................................ 198
Logging DTM Events to a Control Expert Logging Screen ............................ 200
Logging DTM and Module Events to the SYSLOG Server ............................ 202
Online Action.................................................................................................. 205
Online Action............................................................................................ 205
EtherNet/IP Objects Tab ............................................................................ 207
Service Port Tab ....................................................................................... 208
Pinging a Network Device.......................................................................... 209
Diagnostics Available through Modbus/TCP ..................................................... 211
Modbus Diagnostic Codes......................................................................... 211
Diagnostics Available through EtherNet/IP CIP Objects ..................................... 217
About CIP Objects .................................................................................... 218
Identity Object .......................................................................................... 219
Message Router Object............................................................................. 221

EIO0000001578.14 5

Assembly Object....................................................................................... 223

Connection Manager Object ...................................................................... 225
Modbus Object ......................................................................................... 228
Quality Of Service (QoS) Object................................................................. 230
Port Object ............................................................................................... 232
TCP/IP Interface Object............................................................................. 237
Ethernet Link Object.................................................................................. 240
Module Diagnostic Object.......................................................................... 244
Scanner Diagnostic Object ........................................................................ 247
Adapter Diagnostic Object ......................................................................... 253
EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostics Object .................................................... 259
EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics Object ................................................ 262
IO Connection Diagnostics Object.............................................................. 264
EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics Object..................................... 267
EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics List Object............................... 269
RSTP Diagnostics Object .......................................................................... 271
Service Port Control Object ....................................................................... 275
SNTP Diagnostics Object .......................................................................... 277
Hot Standby FDR Sync Object ................................................................... 281
Ethernet Backplane Diagnostics Object ...................................................... 283
DTM Device Lists ........................................................................................... 285
Device List Configuration and Connection Summary .................................. 285
Device List Parameters ............................................................................. 289
Standalone DDT Data Structure for M580 PACs.......................................... 293
Hot Standby DDT Data Structure ............................................................... 303
Explicit Messaging.......................................................................................... 311
Configuring Explicit Messaging Using DATA_EXCH .................................... 311
Configuring the DATA_EXCH Management Parameter ................................ 314
Explicit Messaging Services ...................................................................... 316
Configuring EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging Using DATA_EXCH .................. 318
EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Example: Get_Attribute_Single ...................... 321
EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Example: Read Modbus Object ...................... 324
EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Example: Write Modbus Object ...................... 329
Modbus TCP Explicit Messaging Function Codes........................................ 334
Configuring Modbus TCP Explicit Messaging Using DATA_EXCH ................ 334

6 EIO0000001578.14

Modbus TCP Explicit Message Example: Read Register Request ................ 336
Sending Explicit Messages to EtherNet/IP Devices...................................... 338
Sending Explicit Messages to Modbus Devices ........................................... 341
Explicit Messaging Using the MBP_MSTR Block in Quantum RIO Drops ............ 343
Configuring Explicit Messaging Using MBP_MSTR ..................................... 343
EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging Services .................................................... 346
Configuring the CONTROL and DATABUF Parameters................................ 348
MBP_MSTR Example: Get_Attributes_Single ............................................. 351
Modbus TCP Explicit Messaging Function Codes........................................ 357
Configuring the Control Parameter for Modbus TCP Explicit
Messaging ............................................................................................... 358
Implicit Messaging .......................................................................................... 367
Setting Up Your Network ........................................................................... 367
Adding an STB NIC 2212 Device ............................................................... 369
Configuring STB NIC 2212 Properties ........................................................ 371
Configuring EtherNet/IP Connections ......................................................... 374
Configuring I/O Items ................................................................................ 380
EtherNet/IP Implicit Messaging .................................................................. 395
Configuring the M580 CPU as an EtherNet/IP Adapter ...................................... 396
Introducing the Adapter ............................................................................. 396
Local Slave Configuration Example ............................................................ 398
Enabling Local Slaves ............................................................................... 399
Accessing Local Slaves with a Scanner ...................................................... 401
Local Slave Parameters ............................................................................ 404
Working with Device DDTs......................................................................... 407
Hardware Catalog .......................................................................................... 409
Introduction to the Hardware Catalog ......................................................... 409
Adding a DTM to the Control Expert Hardware Catalog................................ 411
Adding an EDS File to the Hardware Catalog .............................................. 411
Removing an EDS File from the Hardware Catalog...................................... 414
Export / Import EDS Library ....................................................................... 415
M580 CPU Embedded Web Pages .................................................................. 418
Introducing the Standalone Embedded Web Pages ..................................... 418
Status Summary (Standalone CPUs).......................................................... 420
Performance ............................................................................................ 423

EIO0000001578.14 7

Port Statistics ........................................................................................... 425

I/O Scanner .............................................................................................. 427
Messaging ............................................................................................... 430
QoS ......................................................................................................... 431
NTP ......................................................................................................... 433
Redundancy ............................................................................................. 438
Alarm Viewer ............................................................................................ 440
Rack Viewer ............................................................................................. 442
Data Storage ............................................................................................ 446
Event Log................................................................................................. 449
M580 Hot Standby CPU Web Pages ................................................................ 450
Introducing the M580 Hot Standby Controller Web Pages ............................ 450
Status Summary (Hot Standby CPUs) ........................................................ 451
HSBY Status ............................................................................................ 454
Rack Viewer ............................................................................................. 455
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications ......................................................... 461
Configuration Compatibility.............................................................................. 461
Modicon M580 Hot Standby Programming Rules .............................................. 465
M580 Hot Standby System Configuration ......................................................... 468
Configuring an M580 Hot Standby Controller .................................................... 470
Change Configuration On The Fly (CCOTF) ..................................................... 474
Modifying an SFC Section Online..................................................................... 477
Configuring IP Addresses for an M580 Hot Standby System .............................. 478
Configuring Data Variables for an M580 BMEH58•040(S) Hot Standby
Application ..................................................................................................... 480
Configuring Hold Up Time for Drops and Devices.............................................. 482
Transferring M580 Hot Standby Projects .......................................................... 484
Offline Application Modification with Allowed Application Mismatch .................... 487
Restoring and Backing Up Projects .................................................................. 490
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges ....................................................... 492
Exchanging M580 Hot Standby Data................................................................ 492
Hot Standby DDT Data Structure ..................................................................... 496
Data Storage Elementary Functions................................................................. 504
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes ..................................................... 507
I/O and Task Management .............................................................................. 507

8 EIO0000001578.14

I/O Exchanges.......................................................................................... 507

CPU Tasks ............................................................................................... 510
BMEP58•••• CPU Memory Structure ................................................................ 512
Memory Structure ..................................................................................... 512
BMEP58•••• CPU Operating Modes ................................................................. 514
Managing Run/Stop Input ......................................................................... 514
Power Cut and Restore ............................................................................. 516
Cold Start ................................................................................................. 518
Warm Restart ........................................................................................... 522
M580 Hot Standby System Operation .................................................................... 524
Starting an M580 Hot Standby System ............................................................. 524
Hot Standby State Assignments and Transitions ............................................... 528
Hot Standby System State Examples ............................................................... 532
Executing Hot Standby Commands.................................................................. 541
Memory Usage............................................................................................... 544
M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics ............................................................................. 547
Control Expert M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics.................................................. 547
M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics in Control Expert............................. 547
Synchronizing Configuration of Distributed Equipment................................. 550
M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics............................................................ 552
M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics ...................................................... 552
M580 System Words....................................................................................... 554
Modicon M580-specific System Words %SW132 to %SW167 ...................... 554
Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs ...................................................................... 555
Replacing Hot Standby Hardware Modules....................................................... 555
Verifying the Network Configuration ....................................................................... 559
Using the Ethernet Network Manager............................................................... 559
Appendices ............................................................................................................ 563
Function Blocks.................................................................................................... 564
ETH_PORT_CTRL: Executing a Security Command in an Application................ 564
Glossary ................................................................................................................. 569
Index ....................................................................................................................... 578

EIO0000001578.14 9
Safety Information Hardware

Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully, and look at the equipment to become familiar with the
device before trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. The following special
messages may appear throughout this documentation or on the equipment to warn of
potential hazards or to call attention to information that clarifies or simplifies a procedure.

The addition of this symbol to a “Danger” or “Warning” safety label indicates that an
electrical hazard exists which will result in personal injury if the instructions are not

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

EIO0000001578.14 11
Hardware Safety Information

Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only by
qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction and
operation of electrical equipment and its installation, and has received safety training to
recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

Before You Begin

Do not use this product on machinery lacking effective point-of-operation guarding. Lack of
effective point-of-operation guarding on a machine can result in serious injury to the
operator of that machine.

• Do not use this software and related automation equipment on equipment which does
not have point-of-operation protection.
• Do not reach into machinery during operation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

This automation equipment and related software is used to control a variety of industrial
processes. The type or model of automation equipment suitable for each application will
vary depending on factors such as the control function required, degree of protection
required, production methods, unusual conditions, government regulations, etc. In some
applications, more than one processor may be required, as when backup redundancy is
Only you, the user, machine builder or system integrator can be aware of all the conditions
and factors present during setup, operation, and maintenance of the machine and,
therefore, can determine the automation equipment and the related safeties and interlocks
which can be properly used. When selecting automation and control equipment and related
software for a particular application, you should refer to the applicable local and national
standards and regulations. The National Safety Council's Accident Prevention Manual
(nationally recognized in the United States of America) also provides much useful
In some applications, such as packaging machinery, additional operator protection such as
point-of-operation guarding must be provided. This is necessary if the operator's hands and

12 EIO0000001578.14
Safety Information Hardware

other parts of the body are free to enter the pinch points or other hazardous areas and
serious injury can occur. Software products alone cannot protect an operator from injury. For
this reason the software cannot be substituted for or take the place of point-of-operation
Ensure that appropriate safeties and mechanical/electrical interlocks related to point-of-
operation protection have been installed and are operational before placing the equipment
into service. All interlocks and safeties related to point-of-operation protection must be
coordinated with the related automation equipment and software programming.
NOTE: Coordination of safeties and mechanical/electrical interlocks for point-of-
operation protection is outside the scope of the Function Block Library, System User
Guide, or other implementation referenced in this documentation.

Start-up and Test

Before using electrical control and automation equipment for regular operation after
installation, the system should be given a start-up test by qualified personnel to verify
correct operation of the equipment. It is important that arrangements for such a check are
made and that enough time is allowed to perform complete and satisfactory testing.

• Verify that all installation and set up procedures have been completed.
• Before operational tests are performed, remove all blocks or other temporary holding
means used for shipment from all component devices.
• Remove tools, meters, and debris from equipment.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

Follow all start-up tests recommended in the equipment documentation. Store all equipment
documentation for future references.
Software testing must be done in both simulated and real environments.
Verify that the completed system is free from all short circuits and temporary grounds that
are not installed according to local regulations (according to the National Electrical Code in
the U.S.A, for instance). If high-potential voltage testing is necessary, follow
recommendations in equipment documentation to prevent accidental equipment damage.
Before energizing equipment:
• Remove tools, meters, and debris from equipment.

EIO0000001578.14 13
Hardware Safety Information

• Close the equipment enclosure door.

• Remove all temporary grounds from incoming power lines.
• Perform all start-up tests recommended by the manufacturer.

Operation and Adjustments

The following precautions are from the NEMA Standards Publication ICS 7.1-1995:
(In case of divergence or contradiction between any translation and the English original, the
original text in the English language will prevail.)
• Regardless of the care exercised in the design and manufacture of equipment or in the
selection and ratings of components, there are hazards that can be encountered if such
equipment is improperly operated.
• It is sometimes possible to misadjust the equipment and thus produce unsatisfactory or
unsafe operation. Always use the manufacturer’s instructions as a guide for functional
adjustments. Personnel who have access to these adjustments should be familiar with
the equipment manufacturer’s instructions and the machinery used with the electrical
• Only those operational adjustments required by the operator should be accessible to
the operator. Access to other controls should be restricted to prevent unauthorized
changes in operating characteristics.

14 EIO0000001578.14
About the Book Hardware

About the Book

Document Scope
This document provides detailed information about the Modicon M580 programmable
automation controller (PAC). These topics are also discussed:
• Install a local backplane in the M580 controller system.
• Configure the M580 PAC.
• The controller performs Ethernet I/O scanning of both RIO and DIO logic without
affecting network determinism.

Validity Note
This document has been updated for the release of EcoStruxure™ Control Expert 16.0 and
BME•58•••• firmware version 4.20.
The characteristics of the products described in this document are intended to match the
characteristics that are available on www.se.com. As part of our corporate strategy for
constant improvement, we may revise the content over time to enhance clarity and
accuracy. If you see a difference between the characteristics in this document and the
characteristics on www.se.com, consider www.se.com to contain the latest information.

Related Documents
Title of Documentation Reference Number
Control Panel Technical Guide, How to protect a CPTG003_EN (ENG)
machine from malfunctions due to electromagnetic CPTG003_FR (FRE)
Electrical installation guide

Modicon M580 Standalone, System Planning Guide HRB62666 (ENG)

for Frequently Used Architectures HRB65318 (FRE)
HRB65319 (GER)
HRB65320 (ITA)
HRB65321 (SPA)
HRB65322 (CHS)

Modicon M580, System Planning Guide for Complex NHA58892 (ENG)

Topologies NHA58893 (FRE)
NHA58894 (GER)
NHA58895 (ITA)
NHA58896 (SPA)
NHA58897 (CHS)

EIO0000001578.14 15
Hardware About the Book

Title of Documentation Reference Number

Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning Guide NHA58880 (ENG)
for Frequently Used Architectures NHA58881 (FRE)
NHA58882 (GER)
NHA58883 (ITA)
NHA58884 (SPA)
NHA58885 (CHS)

Modicon M580, Open Ethernet Network, System EIO0000004111 (English)

Planning Guide

Modicon M580 BMENOC0301/11, Ethernet HRB62665 (ENG)

Communication Module, Installation and Configuration HRB65311 (FRE)
Guide HRB65313 (GER)
HRB65314 (ITA)
HRB65315 (SPA)
HRB65316 (CHS)

Modicon M580, RIO Modules, Installation and EIO0000001584 (ENG)

Configuration Guide EIO0000001585 (FRE)
EIO0000001586 (GER)
EIO0000001587 (ITA)
EIO0000001588 (SPA)
EIO0000001589 (CHS)

Modicon M580, M340, and X80 I/O Platforms, EIO0000002726 (ENG)

Standards and Certifications EIO0000002727 (FRE)
EIO0000002728 (GER)
EIO0000002730 (ITA)
EIO0000002729 (SPA)
EIO0000002731 (CHS)

M580 BMENOS0300, Network Option Switch, NHA89117 (ENG)

Installation and Configuration Guide NHA89119 (FRE)
NHA89120 (GER)
NHA89121 (ITA)
NHA89122 (SPA)
NHA89123 (CHS)

Modicon eX80, BMEAHI0812 HART Analog Input EAV16400 (ENG)

Module & BMEAHO0412 HART Analog Output EAV28404 (FRE)
Module, User Guide EAV28384 (GER)
EAV28413 (ITA)
EAV28360 (SPA)
EAV28417 (CHS)

EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance, User EIO0000004033 (ENG)

Guide EIO0000004048 (FRE)
EIO0000004046 (GER)
EIO0000004049 (ITA)
EIO0000004047 (SPA)
EIO0000004050 (CHS)

Unity Loader, User Guide 33003805 (ENG)

33003806 (FRE)
33003807 (GER)
33003809 (ITA)
33003808 (SPA)
33003810 (CHS)

16 EIO0000001578.14
About the Book Hardware

Title of Documentation Reference Number

EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Operating Modes 33003101 (ENG)
33003102 (FRE)
33003103 (GER)
33003104 (SPA)
33003696 (ITA)
33003697 (CHS)

EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Program Languages 35006144 (ENG)

and Structure, Reference Manual 35006145 (FRE)
35006146 (GER)
35013361 (ITA)
35006147 (SPA)
35013362 (CHS)

Modicon X80 Racks and Power Supplies, Hardware, EIO0000002626 (ENG)

Reference Manual EIO0000002627 (FRE)
EIO0000002628 (GER)
EIO0000002630 (ITA)
EIO0000002629 (SPA)
EIO0000002631 (CHS)

Modicon Controllers Platform Cyber Security, EIO0000001999 (ENG)

Reference Manual EIO0000002001 (FRE)
EIO0000002000 (GER)
EIO0000002002 (ITA)
EIO0000002003 (SPA)
EIO0000002004 (CHS)

Product Related Information

• Disconnect all power from all equipment including connected devices prior to removing
any covers or doors, or installing or removing any accessories, hardware, cables, or
wires except under the specific conditions specified in the appropriate hardware guide
for this equipment.
• Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confirm the power is off where
and when indicated.
• Replace and secure all covers, accessories, hardware, cables, and wires and confirm
that a proper ground connection exists before applying power to the unit.
• Use only the specified voltage when operating this equipment and any associated
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

EIO0000001578.14 17
Hardware About the Book

• Perform a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), or equivalent risk analysis, of
your application, and apply preventive and detective controls before implementation.
• Provide a fallback state for undesired control events or sequences.
• Provide separate or redundant control paths wherever required.
• Supply appropriate parameters, particularly for limits.
• Review the implications of transmission delays and take actions to mitigate them.
• Review the implications of communication link interruptions and take actions to
mitigate them.
• Provide independent paths for control functions (for example, emergency stop, over-
limit conditions, and error conditions) according to your risk assessment, and
applicable codes and regulations.
• Apply local accident prevention and safety regulations and guidelines.1
• Test each implementation of a system for proper operation before placing it into
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

1 For additional information, refer to NEMA ICS 1.1 (latest edition), Safety Guidelines for the
Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid State Control and to NEMA ICS 7.1
(latest edition), Safety Standards for Construction and Guide for Selection, Installation and
Operation of Adjustable-Speed Drive Systems or their equivalent governing your particular

• Only use software approved by Schneider Electric for use with this equipment.
• Update your application program every time you change the physical hardware
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and other

18 EIO0000001578.14
About the Book Hardware

Information on Non-Inclusive or Insensitive Terminology

As a responsible, inclusive company, Schneider Electric is constantly updating its
communications and products that contain non-inclusive or insensitive terminology.
However, despite these efforts, our content may still contain terms that are deemed
inappropriate by some customers.

EIO0000001578.14 19
Hardware About the Book

Terminology Derived from Standards

The technical terms, terminology, symbols and the corresponding descriptions in the
information contained herein, or that appear in or on the products themselves, are generally
derived from the terms or definitions of international standards.
In the area of functional safety systems, drives, and general automation, this may include,
but is not limited to, terms such as safety, safety function, safe state, fault, fault reset,
malfunction, failure, error, error message, dangerous, etc.
Among others, these standards include:

Standard Description

IEC 61131-2:2007 Programmable controllers, part 2: Equipment requirements and tests.

ISO 13849-1:2023 Safety of machinery: Safety related parts of control systems.

General principles for design.

EN 61496-1:2013 Safety of machinery: Electro-sensitive protective equipment.

Part 1: General requirements and tests.

ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk
EN 60204-1:2006 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements

ISO 14119:2013 Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for
design and selection

ISO 13850:2015 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design

IEC 62061:2021 Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical, electronic, and
electronic programmable control systems

IEC 61508-1:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related

systems: General requirements.

IEC 61508-2:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related

systems: Requirements for electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related

IEC 61508-3:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related

systems: Software requirements.

IEC 61784-3:2021 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3: Functional safety fieldbuses -
General rules and profile definitions.

2006/42/EC Machinery Directive

2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive

20 EIO0000001578.14
About the Book Hardware

In addition, terms used in the information contained herein may tangentially be used as they
are derived from other standards such as:

Standard Description

IEC 60034 series Rotating electrical machines

IEC 61800 series Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems

IEC 61158 series Digital data communications for measurement and control – Fieldbus for use in
industrial control systems

Finally, the term zone of operation may be used in conjunction with the description of
specific hazards, and is defined as it is for a hazard zone or danger zone in the Machinery
Directive (2006/42/EC) and ISO 12100:2010.
NOTE: The aforementioned standards may or may not apply to the specific products
cited in the present documentation. For more information concerning the individual
standards applicable to the products described herein, see the characteristics tables for
those product references.

EIO0000001578.14 21

Modicon M580 PACs

What’s in This Part
M580 PACs .............................................................................24

This part provides information about the Modicon M580 Programmable Automation
Controller (PAC), including physical and operational characteristics.

EIO0000001578.14 23
Hardware M580 PACs

M580 PACs
What’s in This Chapter
Functional Characteristics of M580 PACs ..................................24
BMEP58•••• Controller Physical Characteristics .........................51

This chapter introduces you to the physical and functional characteristics of the M580 PACs.

Functional Characteristics of M580 PACs

This section describes the functional characteristics of M580 PACs. Performance, electrical
characteristics, and memory capacities of the different controllers are detailed.

Role of the Controller in a Control System
In a modular PAC system, the controller controls and processes the application. The local
backplane identifies the controller. In addition to the controller, the local backplane contains
a power supply module and may contain communication processing modules and input/
output (I/O) modules.
The controller is in charge of:
• configuring the modules and devices present in the controller configuration
• processing the application
• reading the inputs at the beginning of tasks and applying the outputs at the end of tasks
• managing explicit and implicit communications
Modules may reside in the local backplane with the controller or they may be installed in
remote drops at a distance from the local backplane. The controller has built-in capabilities
to act as the RIO processor that manages communications between the controller and the
Quantum and X80 EIO adapter modules that are installed in each remote drop.

24 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Devices can be connected to the PAC network as either DIO clouds or DIO sub-rings.
For detailed information about the various architectures that the M580 network supports,
refer to chapter Planning and Designing a Typical M580 Network (see Modicon M580
Standalone, System Planning Guide for Frequently Used Architectures). For a detailed
description of the X80 EIO adapter modules and the options they provide for installing a
remote drop, refer to Modicon M580, RIO Modules, Installation and Configuration Guide.

Functional Considerations
The controller solves control logic for the I/O modules and distributed equipment in the
system. Choose a controller based on several operating characteristics:
• memory size
• processing power: the number of I/O points or channels that it can manage, page 27
• the speed at which the controller can execute the control logic, page 35
• communication capabilities: the types of Ethernet ports on the controller, page 71
• the number of local I/O modules and RIO drops that it can support, page 27
• the ability to function in harsh environments: (Three controllers are hardened to operate
over extended temperature ranges and in dirty or corrosive environments.)
• network configuration (standalone or Hot Standby)

Standalone Controllers
This is a list of the available controllers. Some are available in both standard and industrially
hardened modules. Industrially hardened modules have the letter H appended to the
module name. The letter C at the end of the module name indicates a conformal coating for
harsh environments:
• BMEP581020, BMEP581020H
• BMEP582020, BMEP582020H
• BMEP582040, BMEP582040H, BMEP582040S
• BMEP583020
• BMEP583040
• BMEP584020
• BMEP584040, BMEP584040S
• BMEP585040(C), BMEP585040(C)C
• BMEP586040, BMEP586040C, BMEP586040S

EIO0000001578.14 25
Hardware M580 PACs

Controllers ending with “S” are safety-related. Refer to the Modicon M580 Safety System
Planning Guide for a description of safety controllers.

Hot Standby Controllers

These controllers are compatible with M580 Hot Standby systems:
• BMEH582040, BMEH582040C, BMEH582040S
• BMEH584040, BMEH584040C, BMEH584040S
• BMEH586040(C), BMEH586040(C)C, BMEH586040S
NOTE: For detailed information about M580 Hot Standby configurations, refer to the
Modicon M580 Hot Standby System Planning Guide for Frequently Used Architectures.

Altitude Operating Conditions

The characteristics apply to the controller for use at altitude up to 2000 m (6560 ft). When
the controller operates above 2000 m (6560 ft), apply additional derating.
For detailed information, refer to chapter Operating and Storage Conditions (see Modicon
M580, M340, and X80 I/O Platforms, Standards and Certifications).

Performance Characteristics
M580 PACs have an embedded DIO scanner service to manage distributed equipment on
the M580 device network. Some M580 PACs also have an embedded RIO scanner service
to manage RIO drops.
To manage RIO drops on the device network, select one of these controllers with Ethernet I/
O scanner service (both RIO and DIO scanner service):
• BMEP582040, BMEP582040H
• BMEP583040
• BMEP584040
• BMEP585040(C), BMEP585040(C)C
• BMEP586040, BMEP586040C
• BMEH582040, BMEH582040C
• BMEH584040, BMEH584040C

26 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

• BMEH586040(C), BMEH586040(C)C
Embedded Ethernet I/O scanner services are configured via the controller IP configuration,
page 148.
NOTE: Some of this information applies to M580 Hot Standby configurations. For more
information, refer to the Modicon M580 Hot Standby System Planning Guide for
Frequently Used Architectures (see Modicon M580 Standalone, System Planning Guide
for Frequently Used Architectures).

Controller Characteristics
These tables show the key characteristics of the M580 standalone and Hot Standby
controllers. These characteristics represent the maximum values that a specific controller
can manage in the M580 PAC system.
• The values in these tables may not be achieved depending on the I/O density and
the number of available backplane slots.
• The following tables do not include safety controllers. Refer to the Modicon M580
Safety System Planning Guide (see Modicon M580, Safety System Planning Guide)
for the performance characteristics of safety controllers.
Standalone Controllers:

Maximum number of ... Reference (BMEP58 ...)

1020 2020 2040 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040 6040

(H) (H) (H) (C) (C)

discrete I/O channels 1024 2048 2048 3072 3072 4096 4096 5120 6144
analog I/O channels 256 512 512 768 768 1024 1024 1280 1536

expert channels 36 72 72 108 108 144 144 180 216

distributed devices4 64 128 64 128 64 128 64 64 64

Ethernet communication 2 2 2 3 3 4(1) 4(1) 6(1) 6(1)
modules (including
BMENOC0311 modules,
but not the controller)

local backplanes (main 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8

backplane + extended

RIO drops, page 29 – – 8(2) – 16(2) – 16(3) 31(3) 31(3)

(maximum of two
backplanes per drop)

(main backplane +
extended backplane)

EIO0000001578.14 27
Hardware M580 PACs

Maximum number of ... Reference (BMEP58 ...)

1020 2020 2040 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040 6040

(H) (H) (H) (C) (C)

Ethernet ports:

• service 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
• RIO or distributed – – 2 – 2 – 2 2 2

• distributed equipment 2 2 – 2 – 2 – – –

– (not available)
H (hardened)
C (coated version)
(1) Only three of these modules can be BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 modules. All other are BMX Ethernet modules.

(2) Supports BM•CRA312•0 adapter modules.

(3) Supports BM•CRA312•0 and 140CRA31200 adapter modules.

(4) Of these connections: 3 are reserved for local slaves; the remainder are available for scanning distributed equipment.

Hot Standby Controllers:

Maximum number of ... Reference (BMEH58 ...)

2040(C) 4040(C) 6040(C)

distributed devices 64 64 64
Ethernet communication modules (including BMENOC0301/ 2 4(1) 6(1)
BMENOC0311 modules, but not the controller)

local backplanes (main backplane + extended backplane) 1 1 1

RIO drops, page 29 (maximum of two backplanes per drop) 8(2) 16(3) 31(3)

(main backplane + extended backplane)

Ethernet ports:

• service 1 1 1
• RIO or distributed equipment 2 2 2

• distributed equipment 0 0 0

1. Only three of these communication modules can be BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 modules.

2. Supports BM•CRA312•0 adapter modules.

3. Supports BM•CRA312•0 and 140CRA31200 adapter modules.

28 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

RIO Drop Maximum Configuration

The maximum number of channels in an RIO drop depends on the eX80 EIO adapter

EIO adapter Maximum number of Channels

Discrete Analog Expert Sensor bus

BMXCRA31200 128 16 – –

BMXCRA31210 1024 256 36 2

BMECRA31210 1024 256 36 2

NOTE: The number of available channels could differ from the maximum values shown
because the values depend on the controller reference and the other modules in the
same drop. More information is given in Modicon X80 I/O Modules (see Modicon M580,
RIO Modules, Installation and Configuration Guide).
To configure Quantum RIO drops, refer to the Quantum EIO installation and
configuration guide (see Quantum EIO, Remote I/O Modules, Installation and
Configuration Guide).

Maximum Internal Memory Size

Program and Data Memory (Standalone). This table shows the program and data memory
capacity for M580 standalone controllers:

Memory Size Reference (BMEP58 ...)

1020(H) 2020(H) 2040(H) 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040(C) 6040(C)

internal memory 4598 9048 9048 13558 13558 18678 18678 29174 65535(1)
size (KB)

(1) The sum of saved data, unsaved data, and program data is limited to 65535 KB.

Program and Data Memory (Hot Standby). This table shows the program and data
memory capacity for M580 Hot Standby controllers:

Memory Size Reference (BMEH58 ...)

2040(C) 4040(C) 6040(C)

internal memory size (KB) 9462 18934 65536(1)

(1) The sum of saved data, unsaved data, and program data is limited to 65536 KB.

EIO0000001578.14 29
Hardware M580 PACs

Memory Areas (Standalone). This table shows the maximum memory size per area for
M580 standalone controllers:

Maximum Memory Reference (BMEP58 ...)

1020 2020 2040 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040 6040(C)
(H) (H) (H) (C)

saved data (KB)(1) 384 768 768 1024 1024 2048 2048 4096 4096

program (KB) 4096 8162 8162 12288 12288 16384 16384 24576 65536(2)

(1) 10 KB are reserved for the system

(2) The sum of saved data, unsaved data, and program data is limited to 65536 KB.

Memory Areas (Hot Standby). This table shows the maximum memory size per area for
M580 Hot Standby controllers:

Maximum Memory Size Reference (BMEH58 ...)

2040(C) 4040(C) 6040(C)

saved data (KB)(1) 768 2048 4096

Hot Standby data exchanged (KB) 768 2048 4096

program (KB) 8162 16384 65536(2)

(1) 10 KB are reserved for the system

(2) The sum of saved data, unsaved data, and program data is limited to 65536 KB.

NOTE: Versions 2.30 and any subsequent supporting version(s) of M580 processor
firmware provide a maximum of 64 K words of memory for State RAM. By contrast, the
display for firmware versions 2.20 and earlier would appear to provide a maximum of
128 K words; however, the display is incorrect. As a result, if you upgrade controller
firmware from version 2.20 or earlier to version 2.30 or any subsequent supporting
version(s) for an existing project, the percentage of State RAM used by the application
will appear to have doubled. In some cases, the percentage of State RAM used can
exceed 100% and the application cannot be re-built. To re-build your application in this
case, you will need to perform one or both of the following edits:
• Increase the amount of State RAM (the total of %M, %MW, %I, %IW), if possible.
• Re-define some located variables as unlocated (by removing the assigned
address), until the total amount of State RAM used (the sum of %M, %MW, %I, %
IW) no longer exceeds 100%.
Located Data (Standalone). This table shows the maximum and default size of located
data (in KB) for each M580 standalone controller:

30 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Object Address Reference (BMEP58 ...)

1020 2020 2040 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040 6040
(H) (H) (H) (C) (C)

internal %Mi 32634 32634 32634 3263- 3263- 32634 65280 65280 65280
(2) (2) (2)
bits maximum 4 4
%Mi default 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512 512

input/ %Ir.m.c (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

output bits

system %Si 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
internal %MWi 32464 32464 32464 6523- 6523- 65232 64896 64896 64896
(3) (3) (3)
words maximum 2 2
%MWi 1024 1024 1024 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048
(1) Memory size depends on the equipment configuration declared (I/O modules).
(2) 32624 for versions before 2.30.
(3) 65232 for versions before 2.30.

Located Data (Hot Standby). This table shows the maximum and default size of located
data (in KB) for each M580 Hot Standby controller:

Object Types Address Reference (BMEH58 ...)

2040(C) 4040(C) 6040(C)

internal bits %Mi maximum 32634 65280(2) 65280(2)

%Mi default 512 512 512

input/output bits %Ir.m.c (1) (1) (1)


system bits %Si 128 128 128

internal words %MWi maximum 32464 64896(3) 64896(3)

%MWi default 1024 1024 2048

(1) Memory size depends on the equipment configuration declared (I/O modules).
(2) 32624 for versions before 2.30.
(3) 65232 for versions before 2.30.

Size of Unlocated Data Memory

This list contains unlocated data types:

EIO0000001578.14 31
Hardware M580 PACs

• elementary data type (EDT)

• derived data type (DDT)
• derived function block (DFB) and elementary function block (EFB)
The size limit of unlocated data is the global maximum memory size for data, page 29 minus
the size consumed by located data.

Client and Server Requests per Scan

The communication performance of standalone (BMEP58•0•0) and Hot Standby
(BMEH58•0•0) controllers is described in terms of the number of client and server requests
per scan.
Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP Server: The table below shows the maximum number of
Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP, or UMAS requests that can be served by the controller Modbus
TCP server at each MAST scan.
When the incoming requests exceed these maximums, they are queued in a first-in/first out
(FIFO) buffer. The size of the FIFO buffer is according to the selected controller:

Controller Overall maximum From Maximum requests sent Maximum requests sent
USB to IP address of the to IP address of comm.
Requests per Request controller modules
Scan(1) FIFO Size

BMEP581020 8 (16) 32 4 8 16

BME•5820•0 16 (24) 32 4 12 16

BMEP5830•0 24 (32) 32 4 16 16

BME•5840•0 32 (40) 50 4 24 16

BMEP5850•0 40 (48) 50 4 32 16

BME•5860•0 56 (64)(2) 50 4 32 16

(1) This column shows the default limits for the number of requests served per cycle. The limit can be modified through
%SW90, between 2 and the number indicated between brackets.

(2) The overall limit for the BME•5860•0 controller is higher than the sum of the limits for the USB, controller, and NOC
modules. This is a provision for future evolutions.

The MAST task cycle time may increase by up to 0.5 ms per incoming request. When the
communications load is high, you can limit the potential jitter of the MAST time by limiting
the number of requests that are processed per cycle in %SW90.

32 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Example: This example local backplane assembly includes a BMEP584040 controller and
two BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 Ethernet communication modules. Therefore, the
maximum values in this example apply to the BMEP584040 controller (described above):

red: These requests are sent to the IP address of the controller.

yellow: These requests are from the USB port of the controller.
gray: These requests are sent to the IP address of a communications module (NOC).
1 The maximum number of requests to the IP address of the BMEP584040 controller (24).
2 The maximum number of requests from the USB port of the controller (4). (For example, a
PC that runs Control Expert may be connected to the USB port.)
3 The maximum number of requests from all communications modules on the local
backplane (16).
4 These requests are sent to the IP address of the BMEP584040 controller from devices
that are connected to an Ethernet port on either the controller or a BMENOC0301/
BMENOC0311 module.
5 These requests are sent to the IP address of the BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 from
devices that are connected on the Ethernet port of either the BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311
or the controller. (In this case, enable the Ethernet backplane port of the BMENOC0301/
6 The Modbus server can manage in each request the maximum number of requests from
the BMEP584040 controller (32). It also holds a maximum of 50 requests in a FIFO buffer.
Number of Connections: This table shows the maximum number of simultaneous Modbus
TCP, EtherNet/IP, and UMAS connections for the embedded Ethernet port on these

EIO0000001578.14 33
Hardware M580 PACs

Controller Connections
BMEP581020 32
BME•5820•0 32
BMEP5830•0 48
BME•5840•0 64
BMEP5850•0 64
BME•5860•0 80

When an incoming connection request is accepted, the open connection that has been idle
for the longest time is closed.
Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP Client: This table shows the maximum number (per cycle)
of communication EFs that support Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP clients according to the
selected controller:

Controller EFs per Cycle

BMEP581020 16
BME•5820•0 32
BMEP5830•0 48
BME•5840•0 80
BMEP5850•0 80
BME•5860•0 96

OPC UA Performance
Each M580 PAC can support:
• Up to 64 connection in parallel using the UA_Connect function block.
• For each connection:
◦ Up to 256 nodes (simple type) to read.
◦ Up to 128 nodes (simple type) to write.
The following table presents the limits on the number of connections (sessions) and
subscriptions supported by each M580 PAC:

Controller Maximum Maximum Subscriptions


BMEP5810•0 4 8
BMEP5820•0 8 16

34 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Controller Maximum Maximum Subscriptions


BMEP5830•0 16 32
BMEP5840•0 32 64
BMEP5850•0 48 96
BMEP5860•0 64 128
BMEH5820•0 32 64
BMEH5840•0 48 96
BMEH5860•0 64 128

If these limits are exceeded, the OPC UA client detects the following errors:
• E_MaxConnectionsReached (ID 16#B000_0509) in the UA_Connect function block,
• E_MaxSubscriptionsReached (ID 16#B000_0501) in the UA_SuscriptionCreate
function block.

Application Code Execution Performance

This table shows the performance of the application code for each M580 standalone
(BMEP58 ...) and Hot Standby (BMEH58...) controller:

Reference BMEP58 .../BMEH58 ...

1020 2020 2040 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040 6040
(H) (H) (H) (C) (C) (C)

boolean application 10 10 10 20 20 40 40 50 50
execution (Kinst/ms(1))

typical execution (Kinst/ms 7.5 7.5 7.5 15 15 30 30 40 40


• Kist/ms: 1,024 instructions per millisecond
• A typical execution holds 65% boolean instructions + 35% fixed arithmetic.

EIO0000001578.14 35
Hardware M580 PACs

Standards and Certifications

Click the link that corresponds to your preferred language to download standards and
certifications (PDF format) that apply to the modules in this product line:

Title Languages

Modicon M580, M340, and X80 I/O Platforms, • English: EIO0000002726

Standards and Certifications • French: EIO0000002727
• German: EIO0000002728
• Italian: EIO0000002730
• Spanish: EIO0000002729
• Chinese: EIO0000002731

36 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

States for M580 PACs

This topic describes the operating states for M580 standalone and Hot Standby controllers.

Operating States for Standalone Controllers

All standalone M580 PACs have these operating states:

Operating State Description

AUTOTEST The controller is executing its internal self-tests.

NOTE: If extended backplanes are connected to the main local backplane and
line terminators are not inserted into the unused connectors on the backplane
extender module, the controller remains in AUTOTEST after the self-tests have

NOCONF The application program is not valid.

STOP The controller has a valid application, but it is stopped. The controller sets itself to
predefined STOP state parameters, and can be restarted later.

HALT The controller has an application, but it has stopped operating due to an error resulting
in a blocking condition, which puts the controller in a HALT state, resulting in a
recoverable, page 99 or nonrecoverable condition, page 96.

RUN The controller is executing the application program.

WAIT The controller is in a transitory state while it backs up data when a power down
condition is detected.

The controller starts again only when power is restored and the supply reserve is
replenished. As it is a transitory state, it may not be viewed.

The controller performs a warm restart, page 522 to exit the WAIT state.

ERROR The controller is stopped because a hardware or system error is detected.

When the system is ready to be restarted, the controller performs a cold start, page
519 to exit the ERROR state.
OS DOWNLOAD A controller firmware download is in progress.

Monitoring the Controller Operating State

The LEDs on the controller front panel provide indications of its operating state, page 62.

EIO0000001578.14 37
Hardware M580 PACs

Hot Standby System States

Controller State Versus Hot Standby System State
The state of the Hot Standby system depends on the operating state of the controller. These
Hot Standby states are supported:

Controller Operating State Hot Standby System State

RUN PRIMARY with standby counterpart

PRIMARY without standby counterpart


This list describes the Hot Standby states:

• Primary: The controller controls the system processes and devices:
◦ It executes program logic in a non-safety-related controller, and both process and
safety-related program logic in a safety controller.
◦ It receives input from, and controls output to, distributed equipment and RIO drops.
◦ If connected to a controller in standby state, the primary controller verifies the status
of, and exchanges data with, the standby controller.
In a Hot Standby network, both controllers can be primary if both the Hot Standby and
Ethernet RIO links are not functioning. When either of these two links is restored, the
controller does one of the following:
◦ Remains in the primary state.
◦ Transitions to the standby state.
◦ Transitions to the wait state.

38 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

• Standby: The standby controller maintains a state of readiness. It can take control of
system processes and devices if the primary controller cannot continue to perform
these functions:
◦ It reads the data and the I/O states from the primary controller.
◦ It does not scan distributed equipment, but receives this information from the
primary controller.
◦ It executes program logic. You can configure the standby controller to execute:
- The first section of program logic (the default setting); or
- Specified sections of program logic, including all MAST and FAST task sections.
NOTE: You can specify if a section is to be executed in the Condition tab of the
Properties dialog box for each section.
◦ On each scan, it verifies the status of the primary controller.
NOTE: When a controller is in Standby mode, both the module health status
(MOD_HEALTH) and the channels health status (CH_HEALTH) of safety I/O
modules are set to FALSE in the Standby controller DDDT. In this case, you can
diagnose the health of safety I/O modules by monitoring their status in the Primary
controller DDDT.
• Wait: The controller is in RUN mode, but cannot act as either primary or standby. The
controller transitions from the wait state to either the primary or standby state, when the
preconditions for that state exist, including:
◦ The state of the Hot Standby link.
◦ The state of the Ethernet RIO link.
◦ The presence of at least one connection with an Ethernet RIO drop.
◦ The position of the A/B rotary selection switch on the rear of the .
◦ The state of the configuration. For example:
- If a firmware mismatch exists, the FW_MISMATCH_ALLOWED flag is set.
- If a logic mismatch exists, the LOGIC_MISMATCH_ALLOWED flag is set.
In the wait state, the controller continues to communicate with other modules on the
local backplane, and can execute program logic, if configured to do so. You can
configure a controller in wait state to execute:
◦ Specific sections of program logic in a non-safety-related controller (or process
program logic in a safety controller), specified in the Condition tab of the Properties
dialog box for each section.
◦ The first section of program logic in a non-safety-related controller (or the first
section of process program logic in a safety controller).
◦ No program logic for a non-safety-related controller (or no process program logic for
a safety controller).
• INIT: Both the controller and the Hot Standby system are initializing.

EIO0000001578.14 39
Hardware M580 PACs

• STOP: The controller is in STOP mode. On the STOP to RUN transition, the controller
may move to the wait, standby, or primary state. This transition depends on the state of
the Ethernet RIO and Hot Standby links, and on the position of the A/B rotary selection
switch on the rear of the controller.
NOTE: In addition to the controller operating states listed here, other operating states
that are not related to the Hot Standby system, page 37 exist.

Controller Functions by Hot Standby System State

A controller performs these functions, depending on its Hot Standby state:

Hot Standby system states

Controller functions Primary Standby Wait


Distributed equipment YES NO NO

Execution of program YES Depending on configuration, Depending on configuration, WAIT

logic (non-safety-related STANDBY controller can execute: controller can execute:
controller) or process • First section (default) • First section (default)
task logic (safety
controller) • Specified sections (which can • Specified sections (which can
include all MAST and FAST include all MAST and FAST
sections) sections)
• None • None
Execution of safe logic YES NO NO
(safety controller)

Program Data Exchange YES YES NO

controller) or Process
Data Exchange (safety

Safe Data Exchange YES YES NO

(safety controller)

1. Data exchange is controlled by the Exchange on STBY attribute.

40 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Controller Switchover in an M580 Hot Standby System

The purpose of a Hot Standby system is to be ready to perform a switchover, if needed. A
switchover is the immediate transfer of control of the network from the primary controller to
the standby controller. The transfer needs to be swift and seamless.
The M580 Hot Standby system continuously monitors ongoing system operations, and
determines if a condition requiring a switchover exists. On each scan, both the primary
controller and the standby controller verify the health of the system.
The primary controller verifies the health of the following:
• the Ethernet RIO network link
• the Hot Standby link between the primary and standby controllers
The standby controller verifies the following:
• the health of the primary controller
• the identity of modules in both the primary and standby backplanes
• application versions running in the primary and standby controllers
• firmware versions of the primary and standby controllers
• the health of the Hot Standby link between the primary and standby controllers
Before each MAST task, the primary controller transfers to the standby controller system,
status and I/O data, page 492, including date and time data. On switchover, the standby
controller applies this time data and continues the same time stamping sequence. The
maximum amount of transferable Hot Standby data depends on the controller.
NOTE: Both the primary controller and the standby controller maintain independent
event logs. If a switchover occurs, the events recorded in the log of the former primary
controller will not be included in the event log of the new primary (formerly the standby)

Switchover Causes
Any one of the following events will cause a switchover:
• The primary controller has encountered a blocking condition (see Modicon M580,
Hardware, Reference Manual) and entered the HALT state.
• The primary controller has detected an unrecoverable hardware or system error.
• The primary controller has received a STOP command from Control Expert or the
• An application program is being transferred to the primary controller.

EIO0000001578.14 41
Hardware M580 PACs

• Primary controller power is turned off; a power cycle occurs.

• The following events simultaneously occur:
◦ The primary controller loses communication to all RIO drops.
◦ The Hot Standby link is healthy.
◦ The standby controller maintains communication with at least one RIO drop.
Similar to a switchover, a swap is a controlled event that transfers control of the network
from the primary controller to the standby controller. A swap can be caused by:
• Execution of the DDDT CMD_SWAP command by either program logic, or an animation
table Force command.
• Manually clicking the HSBY Swap button in the Task tab of the controller Animation
window in Control Expert.

Events that Do Not Cause Switchover

These events DO NOT cause a switchover:
• simultaneous interruption of communication with all RIO drops by both the primary and
the standby controller
• partial interruption of communication with the RIO drops by the primary controller
• a Modbus connection break
• overload broadcast traffic generated by a peer (for example, SCADA, or another
• a BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 module that stops operating
• removal of an SD memory card, page 76
• for a Hot Standby safety system, if the primary controller is partially (either the SAFE
program or the PROCESS program) in the HALT state, and not all of the tasks in the
standby controller are in RUN

Switchover Execution Time

If both the primary controller and standby controller are operating normally, the Hot Standby
system detects a switchover causal event within 15 ms.
For both a safety and non-safety-related controller system, the effect of the switchover on
the application reaction time is:
• 15 ms for the I/O driven by the MAST task.
• 15 ms + TTASK for the I/O driven by the FAST or the SAFE task, where TTASK is the
configured execution period for that task.

42 EIO0000001578.14
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The application response time for a swap or a switchover can be calculated.

After the switchover, the former standby controller becomes the primary. In the worst case,
the new primary controller operates with data of scan cycle N, while the outputs have
received (from the former primary controller) data of scan cycle N+1. The new primary
controller re-evaluates outputs beginning with scan N+1. As the Hot Standby switchover
evaluation occurs during the MAST task, some FAST task program execution may be

Switchover Effect on Main IP Address Assignments

Distributed equipment uses the Main IP address setting, configured in the IPConfig tab,
page 478, to communicate over an Ethernet network with the primary controller. On
switchover, the Main IP address setting is automatically transferred from the former primary
controller to the former standby – now the new primary – controller. Similarly, on switchover
the Main IP address + 1 setting is automatically transferred from the former standby
controller to the new standby.
In this way, the configured links between the distributed equipment and the primary
controller do not need to be edited in the event of a switchover.
• A switchover does not affect the assignment of IP address A or IP address B.
These assignments are made exclusively by means of the A/B/Clear rotary switch
on the back of the controller, and are not affected by a change in primary or standby
Hot Standby status.
• When connecting Control Expert to the Hot Standby system, use IP address A or
IP address B to maintain the connection on a switchover. Avoid using the Main IP
address, because on switchover this becomes Main IP address + 1 and will
disconnect Control Expert.

Switchover Effect on Remote Outputs

For RIO drops, the switchover is transparent: the state of outputs is not affected by the
switchover. During Hot Standby operations, each controller maintains an independent,
redundant owner connection with each RIO drop. Each controller makes this connection via
IP address A or IP address B, depending on the A/B/Clear rotary switch designation for its
controller. When a switchover occurs, the new primary controller continues to communicate
with I/O via its pre-existing redundant owner connection.
NOTE: The switchover may not be transparent with respect to distributed equipment

EIO0000001578.14 43
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Switchover Effect on Communication Module State

In a high availability (Hot Standby) configuration that includes BMENOC0301/
BMENOC0311/BMENOC0321(C) communication modules, set the Watch Dog of the
appropriate task (MAST or FAST) to a value equal to or grater than the default setting of 250
ms. Smaller Watch Dog values may cause the communication modules to timeout and
enter a non-configured (NOCONF) state.

Switchover Effect on Distributed Equipment Outputs

The behavior of distributed equipment outputs during a switchover depends on whether the
equipment supports hold up time. If the device does not support hold up time, its outputs will
most likely go to fallback when the connection with the primary controller is interrupted, and
will recover their state after reconnecting with the new primary controller.
To achieve transparent behavior, the outputs need to support a sufficiently long hold up time,
page 483.

Switchover Effect on CCOTF Changes

After the standby controller becomes the new primary, it operates using both the firmware
and the application previously configured in it. If CCOTF, page 474 changes were previously
made to the former primary controller that were not transferred to the former standby
controller, these changes are not included in the configuration running in the new primary
For example, assume that an I/O module was added to a remote I/O drop in the
configuration running in the former primary controller. If the changed configuration was not
transferred to the former standby controller, the added module will not be included in the
configuration running in the former standby controller when it becomes the primary
controller after switchover.

Switchover Effect on Program Logic Changes

A logic mismatch condition exists when changes have been made to the application in the
primary controller, but not to the standby controller. If the LOGIC_MISMATCH_ALLOWED,
page 497 flag is set, the standby controller can continue to operate as standby while a logic
mismatch exists. In this case, if a switchover occurs, the new primary controller executes its
own, different application using data received from the former primary controller.
Depending on the nature of the application modification, different results occur:

44 EIO0000001578.14
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Modification to initial primary controller Effect on new primary controller program execution:

Only code is changed (no changes to All variable values exchanged between the controllers remain
variables). the same (EQUAL).

New variables were added. The new variables are not used by the new primary controller.

Existing variables were deleted. The new primary controller includes the deleted variables in
program execution, and applies the most recent values to
these variables.

Switchover Effects on Time Management

In an M580 Hot Standby system, the primary controller and the standby controller operate
their own system timers, which are not automatically synchronized. Because both the
primary controller and the standby controller share a common configuration, both can be
configured to perform as NTP client or NTP server.
When the NTP client function is enabled in a Hot Standby system, the primary controller and
the standby controller independently receive time settings from a designated NTP server.
When the NTP server is enabled in a Hot Standby system, only the primary controllers
performs the role of server.
Before each scan, the primary controller transfers system data to the standby controller,
including the following primary controller system time values:
• time of day
• application counters
• free running counter
On switchover, the former standby controller – now the new primary controller – applies the
system time values sent by the former primary controller. Thereafter, the new primary
controller continues to execute the application in the same time context as the former
primary controller. If the NTP server function is enabled for the Hot Standby system, the new
primary controller begins to perform the function of NTP server.

Switchover Effects on IPsec Connections

On switchover, the former primary BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 module closes all
connections that use its main IP address. These connections are re-opened on the new
primary BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 module using the main IP address after the two
modules swap their main and main+1 IP addresses. As IPsec connections take a relatively
long time to establish, it can take up to 5 minutes to re-establish an IPSEC connection that
uses the main IP address.

EIO0000001578.14 45
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Switchover Effect on Safety Operating Mode

When an M580 safety Hot Standby controller switches from standby controller to primary
controller, the operating mode is automatically set to safety mode.
NOTE: The operating mode setting of a safety Hot Standby controller – either safety
mode or maintenance mode – is not included in the transfer of an application from the
primary controller to the standby controller.

Recovery of Former Primary Controller

The former primary controller may or may not become the standby controller, depending on
cause of switchover.

If the switchover was caused by: Make the former primary controller the standby by:

Primary halt (non-safety-related performing an INIT command and RUN the controller

Primary halt (safety controller - performing an INIT command (Process task) and/or an INIT_SAFETY
Process and/or SAFE task) command (SAFE task), and then RUN the controller

controller stop in a non-safety-related running the controller

controller, or in both the Process and
SAFE tasks of a safety controller

Primary error detected performing a controller RESET command

Application transfer on Primary completing the transfer and RUN the application

Primary power off powering up the controller

Loss of all RIO drops (if any) while causing the controller to recover RIO drops
HSBY link is still healthy and Standby
controller has access to the drops

DDDT command The former primary automatically becomes the standby, provided the
necessary preconditions exist, for example:
Control Expert HSBY Swap button
• Firmware mismatch is allowed, if a firmware mismatch exists.
• Logic mismatch is allowed, if a logic mismatch exists.
• Online modifications are allowed, if modifications have been

46 EIO0000001578.14
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Electrical Characteristics
The power supply module provides current to the modules installed on the local rack,
including the controller. The controller current consumption contributes to the total rack

Controller Power Consumption

Typical controller consumption with a 24 Vdc power supply:

Controller Typical Consumption

BMEP581020(H) 270 mA

BMEP5820•0(H) 270 mA

BMEP5830•0 295 mA
BMEP5840•0 295 mA
BMEP585040(C)(C) 300 mA

BMEP586040(C) 300 mA

BMEH582040(C) 335 mA (with a copper SFP)

BMEH584040(C) 360 mA (with a copper SFP)

BMEH586040(C)(C) 365 mA (with a copper SFP)

Mean Time Between Failures (MBTF)

For all controllers, the MTBF (measured at 30 °C continuous) is 600,000 hours.

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Real-Time Clock
Your controller has a real-time clock that:
• provides the date and time
• displays the date and time of the last application shut-down

Clock Accuracy
The resolution of the real-time clock is 1 ms. The clock accuracy is affected by the operating
temperature of the application:

Operating Temperature Maximum Daily Drift (Seconds/ Maximum Yearly Drift (Minutes/Year)

25 °C (77 °F) stabilized +/- 2.6 +/- 17.4

0...60 °C (32...140 °F) +/- 5.2 +/-33.1

Clock Back-Up
The accuracy of the real-time clock is maintained for four weeks when the controller power
is turned off if the temperature is below 45 °C (113 °F). If the temperature is higher, the back-
up time is shorter. The real-time clock back-up does not need any maintenance.
If the back-up power is too low, system bit %S51 is set to 1. This value indicates a loss of
time when the power supply was OFF.

Date and Time

The controller updates the date and time in the system words %SW49–%SW53 and %
SW70. This data is in BCD.
NOTE: For M580 controllers, the time is in universal coordinated time (UTC). If local
time is needed, use the RRTC_DT function.

Accessing the Date and Time

You can access the date and time:

48 EIO0000001578.14
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• on the controller debug screen

• in the program
• from the DTM diagnostics screen
To read the date and time, read system words %SW49 through %SW53. This operation sets
system bit %S50 to 0.
To write the date and time, write system words %SW50 through %SW53. This operation
sets system bit %S50 to 1.
When system bit %S59 is set to 1, you can increment or decrement the date and time values
with system word %SW59.
The function performed by each bit in word %SW59 is:

Bit Function
0 increments the day of the week

1 increments the seconds

2 increments the minutes
3 increments the hours
4 increments the days

5 increments the months

6 increments the years

7 increments the centuries

8 decrements the day of the week

9 decrements the seconds

10 decrements the minutes
11 decrements the hours
12 decrements the days

13 decrements the months

14 decrements the years

15 decrements the centuries

NOTE: The preceeding functions are performed when system bit %S59 is set to 1.

EIO0000001578.14 49
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Determining the Date and Time of the Last Application Shutdown

The local date and time of the last application shutdown are displayed in system words %
SW54 through %SW58. They are displayed in BCD.

System Word Most Significant Byte Least Significant Byte

%SW54 seconds (0 to 59) 00

%SW55 hours (0 to 23) minutes (0 to 59)

%SW56 month (1 to 12) day in the month (1 to 31)

%SW57 century (0 to 99) year (0 to 99)

%SW58 day of the week (1 to 7) reason for the last application shutdown

The reason for the last application shutdown can be displayed by reading the least
significant byte of system word %SW58, which can have these values (in BCD):

Word%SW58 Definition
1 application switched to STOP mode

2 application stopped by watchdog

4 power interruption

5 stop on detected hardware error

6 stop when errors such as these are detected:

• software error (HALT instruction)
• SFC error
• application CRC checksum error
• undefined system function call
Details on the software detected fault type are stored in %SW125.

50 EIO0000001578.14
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Addressing Field Buses

Addressing Field Buses
The following field buses can be addressed by either configuring the appropriate protocol or
using dedicated modules and devices.

Field Bus Addressing Method

AS-i AS-Interface bus is addressed with a Modicon X80 BMXEIA0100 module.

HART HART communication protocol can be addressed using either the eX80 HART
• BMEAHI0812 HART analog input module
• BMEAHO0412 HART analog output module
• a Modicon STB island with an STBNIP2311 EtherNet/IP network interface modue
and an STBAHI8321 HART interface module.
Modbus TCP, Modbus TCP devices are connected to the Ethernet DIO network.
Modbus Plus Modbus Plus is supported using a gateway module like TCSEGDB23F24FA or
PROFIBUS-DP A PROFIBUS remote master is connected to the Ethernet DIO network. The process
variables are exchanged via the DIO scanner service in the CPU.

PROFIBUS gateway modules: TCSEGPA23F14F or TCSEGPA23F14FK

PROFIBUS-PA A PROFIBUS remote master and a DP/PA interface are connected to an Ethernet DIO
network. The process variables are exchanged via the DIO scanner service in the

PROFIBUS gateway modules: TCSEGPA23F14F or TCSEGPA23F14FK

BMEP58•••• Controller Physical Characteristics

This section describes the physical elements that are displayed on the front panel of the
Modicon M580 controllers. The various communication ports, LED diagnostic information,
and several options available for industrial hardening and memory back-up are detailed.

EIO0000001578.14 51
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Physical Description of Standalone Controllers

Position on the Local Rack
Every M580 standalone system requires one controller. The controller is installed in the two-
module slot position directly to the right of the power supply in the main local rack. The
controller cannot be put in any other slot location or any other rack. If there are extended
racks in the local rack configuration, assign address 00 to the rack with the controller.
1. Refer to the list of M580 standalone controllers, page 25.
2. When the default IP address in the 10.10 format is used, employ a connection in a
point-to-point way, with a cable directly connecting the module, or controller, or
NOC, to the PC.

This graphic shows the front and side dimensions of the M580 standalone controllers:

NOTE: Consider the height of the controller when you are planning the installation of the
local rack. The controller extends below the lower edge of the rack by:
• 29.49 mm (1.161 in.) for an Ethernet rack
• 30.9 mm (1.217 in.) for an X Bus rack

52 EIO0000001578.14
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Front and Rear Views

Standalone controllers have similar front panels. Depending on the standalone controller
you choose, these differences apply:
• BMEP58•020: The embedded Ethernet I/O scanner service supports DIO only.
• BMEP58•040: The embedded Ethernet I/O scanner service supports both RIO and
Physical features:

1 LED diagnostic display panel for controller status and diagnostics

2 Mini-B USB port for module configuration via PC running Control Expert
3 RJ45 Ethernet service port connector
4 RJ45 connectors that together serve as a dual port to the Ethernet network
5 SD memory card slot (behind door)
6 SD memory card lockable door, page 60
7 Cybersecurity rotary selector switch, page 53

Cybersecurity Rotary Selector Switch

Use the rotary switch on the back of each M580 PAC to configure a cybersecurity operating
mode for the module:

EIO0000001578.14 53
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Switch positions are:

• Standard: the module supports basic cybersecurity features.
• Advanced: the module supports advanced cybersecurity features.
• Reset: the module returns to its out-of-the box cybersecurity setting.
The out-of-the-box switch position is Standard.
NOTE: The operating mode rotary selector switch will be made operational for future
product releases. For this product release, operating mode is automatically set to
Standard, regardless of the switch position.

54 EIO0000001578.14
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Physical Description of Hot Standby Controllers

Hot Standby Controllers
These controllers support M580 Hot Standby systems:
• BMEH582040, BMEH582040C, BMEH582040S
• BMEH584040, BMEH584040C, BMEH584040S
• BMEH586040(C),BMEH586040(C)C, BMEH586040S

EIO0000001578.14 55
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Controller Module Front and Back Views

The three Hot Standby controller modules have the same external hardware features. The
front of the module is on the left. The back of the module is on the right:


1 LED diagnostic display panel

2 Mini-B USB port for module configuration via PC running Control Expert
3 RJ45 Ethernet service port connector
4 RJ45 connectors that together serve as a dual port to the Ethernet network
5 SFP socket for copper or fiber-optic Hot Standby link connection
6 Hot Standby status link LED
7 SD memory card slot (behind door)
8 SD memory card lockable door, page 60
9 Cybersecurity rotary selector switch, page 53, with settings Cybersecurity Reset,
Advanced, Standard
10 Hot Standby rotary selector, page 57, used to designate the controller as either controller
A or controller B, or to Clear the existing Control Expert application
NOTE: The only visible difference between safety and non-safety-related controllers is
that safety controllers are colored red.

56 EIO0000001578.14
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Hot Standby Rotary Selector Switch

Use the rotary switch on the back of each M580 Hot Standby controller to designate the role
that the controller plays in the M580 Hot Standby configuration:

Use the small, plastic screwdriver provided with the controller to set the rotary switch
according to its role in a Hot Standby system.
NOTE: A plastic screwdriver is provided for your convenience; use it, or an equivalent,
to change the position of the rotary switch. Avoid using metal screwdrivers.
Rotary switch settings include:

Position Result
A • Designates the controller as controller A (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System
Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures), as referenced in Control Expert and
the T_M_ECPU_HSBY, page 304 DDDT.
• Assigns the controller IP address A on Ethernet RIO network.

B • Designates the controller as controller B (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System
Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures), as referenced in Control Expert and
• Assigns the controller IP address B on Ethernet RIO network.

Clear • Clears the application in the controller, and places the controller into the NO_CONF
operational state.
• If an SD memory card is inserted in the controller, the application in the card is also
NOTE: Setting the switch for each Hot Standby controller to the same A/B position can
cause a a conflict of controller roles (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning
Guide for Frequently Used Architectures).

Clearing Controller Memory

To clear a controller memory, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 Set the rotary switch to Clear.

2 Power up the controller.

EIO0000001578.14 57
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Step Action

3 Power down the controller.

4 Set the rotary switch to A or B.

When you next power up the controller, if the remote controller is primary, the primary
controller transfers the application to the local controller.

SFP Socket
Each controller module includes one Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) socket, to which
you can connect either a fiber optic or a copper transceiver:

To insert a transceiver:

Step Action

1 Check that the controller is powered off.

2 Position the transceiver so that its label is oriented to the left.

3 Press the SFP transceiver firmly into the socket until you feel it snap into place.
NOTE: If the SFP transceiver resists, check the orientation of the transceiver and repeat these

To remove a transceiver:

Step Action

1 Check that the controller is powered off.

2 Pull out the latch to unlock the transceiver.

3 Pull on the transceiver to remove it.

• Do not Hot Swap the SFP transceiver.
• Insert or remove the transceiver only when there is no power to the controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

58 EIO0000001578.14
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NOTE: For part numbers and other information regarding the available transceivers,
refer to the description of controller Hot Standby link transceivers (see Modicon M580
Hot Standby, System Planning Guide for Frequently Used Architectures).
Each module comes with a stopper. When the SFP socket is not connected to a transceiver,
cover the unused socket with the cover to keep out dust.

Grounding Considerations
Follow all local and national safety codes and standards.

Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with shielded cables.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

The backplane for your M580 PAC is common with the functional ground (FE) plane and
must be mounted and connected to a grounded, conductive backplane.

Connect the backplane to the functional ground (FE) of your installation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

EIO0000001578.14 59
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Anti-Tampering Seals and Lockable SD Card Door

Anti-Tampering Seals
Two anti-tampering seals are placed on the right side of both the standalone and Hot
Standby M580 CPUs, where the bezel (i.e. the front section of the module container)
connects to the housing (i.e. the rear section of the module container). These seals
indicates if the module has been opened and possibly tampered with.
The module container has not been opened when the anti-tampering seal looks like this:

The module container has been opened when the anti-tampering seal looks like this:

Lockable SD Card Door

The door that covers the SD card slot can be locked or sealed.

60 EIO0000001578.14
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To do this:
1. Close the SD card door.
2. Insert the wire end of a lead seal (or the cable of a padlock) through the hole in the
piece that protrudes through the SD card door.
NOTE: You can use a wire or cable with a maximum diameter of 1.50 mm.
3. Close the lead seal (or lock the padlock).
NOTE: The seal or padlock are not supplied with the module.

EIO0000001578.14 61
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LED Diagnostics for Standalone Controllers

LED Display
An 8-LED display is located on the front panel of the controller:

LED Descriptions
LED Indicator Description

RUN ON: The controller is in RUN state.

ERR ON: The controller or system has detected an error.

I/O ON: The controller or system has detected an error in one or more I/O modules.

DL (download) • Flashing: Firmware update in progress.

• OFF: No firmware update in progress.

• The memory card or controller flash memory is missing or inoperable.
• The memory card is not usable (incorrect format, page 76, unrecognized type).
• The memory card or controller flash memory content is inconsistent with the
• The memory card has been removed and reinserted.
• A PLC > Project Backup... > Backup Clear command has been performed when
no memory card was present. The BACKUP LED remains ON until the project is
successfully backed up.

OFF: The memory card or controller flash memory content is valid, and the application in
the execution memory is identical.

SEC Not used.

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LED Indicator Description

ETH MS Module Status (green/red): Indicates the Ethernet port configuration status.

ETH NS Network Status (green/red): Indicates the Ethernet connection status.

This table describes the LED indicator patterns used in the LED diagnostic indications table

Symbol Description Symbol Description

off steady red

steady green flashing red

flashing green flashing red/green

LED Diagnostic Indications

In a Hot Standby system, specific IP addresses (Main IP Address, Main IP Address + 1, IP
Address A, IP Address B) are assigned (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning
Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures) and these addresses must not be used by other
devices in the system.
Duplicate IP addresses can cause errors in communication with the other modules.

• Confirm that each module has a unique IP address.
• Do not assign an IP address equal to the Main IP Address, the Main IP Address + 1, IP
Address A, or IP Address B to any Ethernet device that potentially communicates with
the Hot Standby system.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

The LEDs provide detailed diagnostic information when you observe their pattern in

EIO0000001578.14 63
Hardware M580 PACs

Condition Control- RUN ERR I/O ETH ETH NS

ler State MS
power on Autotest

not configured NO- –

(before getting a valid
IP address or
configuration is invalid)

configured Stop • off: no error • off: invalid IP address

• flashing green: valid
• steady red: IP address but no
error detected in EtherNet/IP connection
RUN a module or a
channel • steady green:
EtherNet/IP connection

recoverable error HALT – • flashing red: At least

detected one exclusive owner CIP
connection (for which
the BMENOC0301/
BMENOC0311 is the
originator) is timed out.
The LED flashes until
the connection is
reestablished or the
module is reset.
duplicate IP address – – – –

unrecoverable error –

power off –

–: any pattern

64 EIO0000001578.14
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LED Diagnostics for Hot Standby Controllers

LED Panel
The front face of a BMEH58•040 Hot Standby controller presents the following LED panel,
which you can use to diagnose the state of the M580 Hot Standby system:






NOTE: The SRUN and SMOD LEDs apply only to safety controllers. The SEC LED is
not used.
• For a description of the safety controller LEDs SRUN and SMOD, refer to the topic
LED Displays for the M580 Safety Controler and Copro (see Modicon M580, Safety
System Planning Guide) in the Modicon M580, Safety System Planning Guide.
• For a presentation of LED diagnostics for safety-related controllers, refer to the
topic M580 Safety Controller LED Diagnostics (see Modicon M580, Safety Manual)
in the Modicon M580, Safety Manual.

Hot Standby Panel LEDs

Use the BMEH58•040 Hot Standby controller A and B LEDs to identify the controller
configurations, as set by the rotary switch on each controller:

EIO0000001578.14 65
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A/B/Clear Rotary Switch Position, page 57 LED

Local controller is A, remote controller is B ON OFF

Local controller is B, remote controller is A OFF ON

Both controller configured as A Flashing OFF

Both controller configured as B OFF Flashing

Local rotary switch on CLEAR Flashing Flashing

In the Hot Standby Panel LED diagnostic presentation, above:

• The local controller is the controller whose LEDs you are observing, which could be
either A or B.
• The remote controller is the controller whose LEDs you are not observing, typically
located in a remote location.
For example, consider the design where the two controllers are physically distant but
communicate via a tunnel, with a controller located at each tunnel terminus. In this case, the
local controller is the one in front of you; the remote controller is the one at the distant end of
the tunnel. But, if you move to the other end of the tunnel, the formerly remote controller
becomes the local controller and the original local controller becomes the remote controller.
By contrast, the designations of controller A and controller B do not change.
Use the BMEH58•040 REMOTE RUN LED on the local controller to identify the operational
status of the remote controller:

REMOTE RUN LED Remote controller State

Flashing STOP

OFF Indeterminate

Use the BMEH58•040 PRIM, and STBY LEDs to identify the operational status of the local
and remote controller:

LED Controller State

PRIM STBY Local controller Remote controller
ON OFF Primary Standby

ON Flashing Primary Wait

Flashing Flashing Wait Indeterminate

OFF OFF Wait Indeterminate

OFF ON Standby Primary

66 EIO0000001578.14
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Hot Standby Link LED

A Hot Standby link LED is located on the front of the BMEH58•040 controller:

1 SFP socket for copper or fiber-optic Hot Standby link connection

2 Hot Standby link LED
Use this LED to diagnose the state of the Hot Standby link:

Status Color Description

on green The port is communicating with the remote controller.

flashing green The port is configured and operational, but a Hot Standby link is not made.

off — The Hot Standby link is not configured or is not operational.

EIO0000001578.14 67
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Ethernet Port Connector LEDs

Each Ethernet RJ45 connector presents a pair of LED indicators:

The Ethernet connector LEDs indicate the following states:

LED Color State Description

ACT Green Flashing Data is being transmitted over the link.

Off No transmission activity is occurring.

LNK Green On Link speed = 100 Mbit/s.

Yellow On Link speed = 10 Mbit/s.

Green / Yellow Off No link is established.

Non-Hot Standby Panel LEDs

Refer to the following topics for additional information regarding non-Hot Standby LEDs:
• LED Diagnostics for M580 Standalone Controllers in the Modicon M580 Hardware
Reference Manual, page 62 for standalone, non-safety–related LEDs.
• M580 Safety Controllers LED Diagnostics in the M580 M580 Safety Manual (see
Modicon M580, Safety Manual), for safety–related LEDs.

68 EIO0000001578.14
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USB Port
The USB port is a high-speed, mini-B USB connector, version 2.0 (480 Mbps) that can be
used for a Control Expert program or human-machine interface (HMI) panel. The USB port
can connect to another USB port, version 1.1 or later.
NOTE: Install M580 USB drivers before connecting the USB cable between the CPU
and the PC.

If your system requires transparency between the device connected to the USB port and the
M580 device network, add a persistent static route in the device’s routing table.
Example of a command to address a device network with IP address X.X.0.0 (for a
Windows PC): route add X.X.0.0 mask -p
(In this case, X.X.0.0 is the network address used by the M580 device network, and is the corresponding subnet mask.)

Pin Assignments
The USB port has the following pin positions and pinouts:


Pin Description

1 VBus
2 D-

EIO0000001578.14 69
Hardware M580 PACs

Pin Description

3 D+
4 not connected
5 ground

shell chassis ground

Use a BMX XCA USB H018 (1.8 m/5.91 ft) or BMX XCA USB H045 (4.5 m/14.764 ft) cable
to connect the panel to the CPU. (These cables have a type A connector on one side and
the mini-B USB on the other side.)
In a fixed assembly with an XBT-type console connected to the CPU, connect the USB
cable to a protection bar (see Modicon X80, Racks and Power Supplies, Hardware
Reference Manual). Use the exposed part of the shield or the metal lug on the BMX XCA
cable to make the connection.

70 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Ethernet Ports
There are three RJ45 Ethernet ports on the front of the controller: one service port, and two
device network ports. The ports share the characteristics described below.

Common Characteristics
The three ports have the same RJ45 connector and use the same type of Ethernet cables.
NOTE: The three Ethernet ports are connected to chassis ground, and the equipment
requires an equipotential ground (see Modicon X80, Backplanes and Power Supplies,
Hardware Reference Manual).

Dust Cover
To keep dust from entering the unused Ethernet ports, cover the unused ports with the

Ethernet Ports
Each RJ45 connector has a pair of LED indicators:

The pin positions, pinouts, and cable connections are the same on the three RJ45 Ethernet

EIO0000001578.14 71
Hardware M580 PACs

Pin Description

1 TD+
2 TD-
3 RD+
4 not connected
5 not connected
6 RD-
7 not connected
8 not connected
— shell/chassis ground

NOTE: The TD pins (pins 1 and 2) and the RD pins (pins 3 and 6) can be reversed to
allow the exclusive use of straight-through cables.
The ports have an auto MDIX capability that automatically detects the direction of the
It is required to use one of these Ethernet cables to connect to the Ethernet ports:
• TCSECN3M3M••••: Cat 5E Ethernet straight-through shielded cable, rated for industrial
use, CE- or UL-compliant
• TCSECE3M3M••••: Cat 5E Ethernet straight-through shielded cable, rated for industrial
use, CE-compliant
• TCSECU3M3M••••: Cat 5E Ethernet straight-through shielded cable, rated for industrial
use, UL-compliant
The maximum length for a copper cable is 100 m. For distances greater than 100 m, use
fiber optic cable. The controller does not have fiber ports. You may use dual ring switches
(DRSs) or BMX NRP •••• fiber converter modules (see Modicon M580 Standalone, System
Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures) to handle the copper-fiber conversion.

Ethernet Ports on Standalone Controllers

On standalone controllers, the ACTIVE LED is green. The LNK LED is either green or
yellow, depending on the status:

72 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

LED LED Status Description

ACTIVE OFF No activity is indicated on the Ethernet connection.

ON / flashing Data is being transmitted and received on the Ethernet connection.

LNK OFF No link is established at this connection.

ON green A 100 Mbps link* is established at this connection.

ON yellow A 10 Mbps link* is established at this connection.

* The 10/100 Mbps links support both half-duplex and full-duplex data transfer and autonegotiation.

Service Port
The service port is the uppermost of the three Ethernet ports on the front panel of the
controller. This port can be used:
• to provide an access point that other devices or systems can use to monitor or
communicate with the M580 PAC
• as a standalone DIO port that can support a star, daisy chain, or mesh topology of
distributed equipment
• to mirror the controller ports for Ethernet diagnostics. The service tool that views activity
on the mirrored port may be a PC or an HMI device.
NOTE: Do not used the service port to connect to the device network unless in some
specific conditions described in Modicon M580, Open Ethernet Network, System
Planning Guide.
The service port does not support the RSTP network protocol. Connecting the service port
to the device network, either directly or through a switch/hub, can result in the creation of
logical loops in the network, which can adversely affect network performance.
The service port does not support either VLANs or QoS tagging of Ethernet packets. The
service port is inherently non-deterministic.

Do not connect together the service ports of the Hot Standby controllers.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

EIO0000001578.14 73
Hardware M580 PACs

Device Network Dual Ports

When a controller does not support RIO scanning, the two ports below the service port
marked Device Network are DIO ports.
These controllers do not support RIO scanning:
• BMEP581020 and BMEP581020H
• BMEP582020 and BMEP582020H
• BMEP583020
• BMEP584020
You may use a Device Network port to support a star, daisy chain, or mesh topology of
distributed equipment. You may use both Device Network ports to support a ring topology.
When a controller supports RIO scanning, the two ports below the service port marked
Device Network are RIO ports. These controllers support RIO scanning:
• BMEP582040, BMEP582040H
• BMEP583040
• BMEP584040
• BMEP585040, BMEP585040C
• BMEP586040, BMEP586040C
• BMEH582040, BMEH582040C
• BMEH584040, BMEH584040C
• BMEH586040, BMEH586040C
When used as RIO ports, both ports connect the controller to the main ring in an Ethernet
daisy-chain loop or ring.
For more information about RIO/DIO architectures, refer to the chapter Modicon M580

Grounding Considerations
Follow all local and national safety codes and standards.

Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with shielded cables.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

74 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

The backplane for your M580 PAC is common with the functional ground (FE) plane and
must be mounted and connected to a grounded, conductive backplane.

Connect the backplane to the functional ground (FE) of your installation.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

EIO0000001578.14 75
Hardware M580 PACs

SD Memory Card
BMXRMS004GPF SD Memory Card
The SD memory card is an option that can be used for application and data storage. The SD
memory card slot in the M580 PAC housing is behind a door.
Use a BMXRMS004GPF memory card in your controller. It is a 4 GB, Class 6 card rated for
industrial use. Other memory cards, including those used in M340 controllers, are not
compatible with M580 PACs.
NOTE: If you insert an incompatible SD memory card in the controller:
• The controller remains in NOCONF state, page 37.
• The controller BACKUP LED turns ON.
• The memory card access LED flashes.

BMXRMS004GPF SD Memory Card Format

The BMXRMS004GPF memory card is formatted specifically for the M580 PAC.
• If you use this card with another controller or tool, the card may not be recognized.
• If you re-format the card in another device – e.g., a camera – the card becomes
incompatible for use by an M580 PAC. In this case, you need to return the card to
Schneider Electric for re-formatting.

Memory Card Characteristics

These memory card characteristics apply to M580 PACs:

Characteristic Value
global memory size 4 GB

application backup size 200 MB

data storage size 3.8 GB

write/erase cycles (typical) 100,000

operating temperature range –40...+85 °C (–40...+185 °F)

file retention time 10 years

memory zone for FTP access data storage directory only

76 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

NOTE: Due to formatting, wearout, and other internal mechanisms, the actual available
capacity of the memory card is slightly lower than its global size.

Supported Functions
The SD memory card supports read-only data storage functions, page 504.
NOTE: In addition to these read-only data storage functions, you can also read and write
to the SD memory card using the following Control Expert project management (see
Modicon M580, Hardware, Reference Manual) commands located in the PLC > Project
Backup menu:
• Backup Compare
• Backup Restore
• Backup Save

Formatting the Memory Card is Unnecessary

The SD memory card comes pre-formatted from the factory. There is no need to manually
format the SD memory card using your PC. If you attempt to format the SD memory card,
you may alter the formatted structure of the card, thereby rendering the card unusable.

EIO0000001578.14 77
Hardware M580 PACs

Memory Card Access LED

The green memory card access LED underneath the SD memory card door indicates the
controller access to the memory when a card is inserted. This LED can be seen when the
door is open.

Dedicated LED States

By itself, the memory card access LEDs indicate these states:

LED Status Description

ON The memory card is recognized, but the controller is not accessing it.

flashing The controller is accessing the memory card.

OFF The memory card can be removed from the controller slot or the controller does not recognize
the memory card.

NOTE: Confirm that the LED is OFF before you remove the card from the slot.

Combined LED Meanings

The access card LED operates together with the BACKUP LED, page 62. Their combined
patterns indicate the following diagnostic information:

Memory Card Conditions Controller State Memory Card BACKUP LED

Status Access LED
no memory card in — no configuration
the slot

memory card not OK — no configuration

memory card without — no configuration


78 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Memory Card Conditions Controller State Memory Card BACKUP LED

Status Access LED
memory card with a — no configuration

memory card with a An error is detected when no configuration

compatible project the project is restored from during transfer: during transfer:
the memory card to the
controller RAM.

end of transfer: end of transfer:

No error is detected when —

the project is restored from during transfer: during transfer:
the memory card to the
controller RAM.

end of transfer: end of transfer:

– no specific circumstances or controller state

This legend shows the different LED patterns:

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning

off steady red

steady green flashing green

EIO0000001578.14 79
Hardware M580 PACs

Data Storage Elementary Functions

Data Storage Elementary Functions
These DataStorage_EF elementary functions are supported in Control Expert for the
M580 controllers:

EF Controller Description
BMEP58•0•0 BMEH58•040
CLOSE_FILE X X The CLOSE_FILE function closes the file identified by
the file descriptor attribute. If another user is working on
the same file via a different descriptor, the file remains

CREATE_FILE (see X — The CREATE_FILE function creates a new file, assigns

EcoStruxure™ Control it the specified file name, and indicates the purposes for
Expert, System, which the file is opened: read-only, write-only, read-
Block Library) write.

DELETE_FILE (see X — The DELETE_FILE function deletes the specified file.

EcoStruxure™ Control
Expert, System,
Block Library)

GET_FILE_INFO (see X X The GET_FILE_INFO function retrieves information

EcoStruxure™ Control about a specified target file. Execute the OPEN_FILE
Expert, System, function for the target file before executing the GET_
Block Library) FILE_INFO function, because the identity of the target
file comes from the output parameter of the OPEN_FILE
GET_FREESIZE (see X X The GET_FREESIZE function displays the amount of
EcoStruxure™ Control available space on the SD memory card.
Expert, System,
Block Library)

OPEN_FILE (see X X (read only) The OPEN_FILE function opens a specified existing file.
EcoStruxure™ Control
Expert, System,
Block Library)

RD_FILE_TO_DATA (see X X The RD_FILE_TO_DATA function enables reading data

EcoStruxure™ Control from a file, at the current position in the file, and copies
Expert, System, the data to a direct address variable, a located variable,
Block Library) or an unlocated variable.

SEEK_FILE (see X X The SEEK_FILE function sets the current byte offset in
EcoStruxure™ Control the file to a new specified offset position, which can be:
Expert, System, the offset, the current position plus the offset, the file
Block Library) size plus the offset.


(see EcoStruxure™ only status of a file attribute. Read-only status can be
Control Expert, set or cleared. This function can be applies only to a file
System, Block that is already open via the CREATE_FILE or OPEN_
Library) FILE function.

80 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

EF Controller Description
BMEP58•0•0 BMEH58•040
WR_DATA_TO_FILE (see X X The WR_DATA_TO_FILE function enables the writing of
EcoStruxure™ Control the value of a direct address variable, a located
Expert, System, variable, or an unlocated variable to a file. The value is
Block Library) written to the current position in the file. After the write,
the current position in the file is updated.

X (supported)

— (not supported)

For additional information on each function, refer to the chapter Implementing File
Management (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block Library).

EIO0000001578.14 81
Hardware M580 PACs

Firmware Update
This and the following topic describe the firmware update procedure for Modicon M580
CPUs. The procedure is different for CPUs with existing firmware versions:
• version 4.01 or later
• earlier than version 4.01

EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance

EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance is a standalone tool that replaces the Unity
Loader tool for firmware versions 4.01 or later. It simplifies the firmware update of devices
(single or multiple) in a plant.
EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance supports the following features:
• Automatic device discovery
• Manual device identification
• Certificate management
• Firmware update for multiple devices simultaneously
NOTE: For a description of the download procedure, refer to the EcoStruxure™
Automation Device Maintenance, User Guide.

Updating Firmware Versions 4.01 or Later

For M580 CPUs equipped with firmware version later than 4.01, only EcoStruxure™
Automation Device Maintenance can be used to update device firmware. From
EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance, connect to the CPU using the INSTALLER
For M580 CPUs equipped with firmware version equal to version 4.01, use loader firmware
upgrade password account as configured in Control Expert.
You can connect the CPU in one of the following ways:
• CPU mini-B USB connector, page 69
• CPU Service port, page 73
• Ethernet network
The file used to update firmware will have an .SEDP extension.
For a description of the firmware update procedure for CPUs with firmware version 4.01 or
later, refer to the EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance, User Guide.

82 EIO0000001578.14
M580 PACs Hardware

Updating Firmware Versions Earlier than 4.01 to Version

4.01 or Later
Updating M580 CPUs running a firmware version earlier than version 4.01 requires a one-
time use of two firmware update tools:
• Unity Loader, and
• EcoStruxure™ Automation Device Maintenance.
For instructions on how to upgrade CPU firmware from a version earlier than V4.01 to V4.01
or later, refer to the document:
• M580 CPU Firmware Upgrade to V4.01 and Later Update Procedure

EIO0000001578.14 83

Installing and Diagnosing Modules on the

Local Rack
What’s in This Part
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack ..........................................85
M580 Diagnostics ....................................................................96
Processor Performance.......................................................... 104

This part provides instructions for installing and assembling M580 CPUs.

84 EIO0000001578.14
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack Hardware

Installing Modules in an M580 Rack

What’s in This Chapter
Module Guidelines ...................................................................85
Installing the Controller.............................................................89
Installing an SD Memory Card in a CPU.....................................94

This chapter explains how to install a CPU module in an M580 rack.

Module Guidelines
Rack Position Rack Type Slots Marking

00 01 02 ...n (1)

local main rack controller module module

X80 extended rack module module module module
Premium extended module module module module
remote drop main rack (e)X80 EIO module module module
extended rack module module module module
1 slots from number 03 to last numbered slot of the rack

NOTE: When your installation has more than one rack in the local rack or at a remote
drop, the BMX XBE 1000 rack exender module goes in the slot marked XBE of the X80
Check that the controller is installed in the two slots marked 00 and 01 on the local rack
before powering up the system. If the controller is not installed in these two slots, the CPU
starts in NOCONF state, page 37 and uses the configured IP address (not the default IP
address, which starts with 10.10 and uses the last two bytes of the MAC address).

EIO0000001578.14 85
Hardware Installing Modules in an M580 Rack

NOTE: When the default IP address in the 10.10 format is used, employ a connection
in a point-to-point way, with a cable directly connecting the module, or controller, or
NOC, to the user's PC.

Services and Addresses

IP addresses: This table shows the availability of network services regarding the
relationship between the controller’s IP addresses and its ports.
NOTE: When the Ethernet IP address is assigned in the same network range as the USB
port (90.0.0.x), the USB port does not work.

Service BMEP58•040 (DIO, ERIO) BMEP58•020 Controller (DIO)

EtherNet/IP scanner • IP A (RIO) • IP A (DI•R supports

redundant owner)
• IP main (DIO)
• IP main (DIO)

Modbus IP main IP main

FDR server and DHCP • IP A (RIO) IP main
• IP main (DIO)

SNTP server IP A IP main

other services* IP main IP main
SNMP source IP address IP A or IP main IP A or IP main
SNTP client source IP address IP A or IP main IP A or IP main
LLDP IP main IP main
RSTP IP main IP main
*Web server. EtherNet/IP adapter, Modbus server/FTP

MAC addresses: This table shows the availability of network services in terms of the
relationship between the controller’s MAC addresses and its ports:

Service BMEP58•040 (DIO, ERIO) BMEP58•020 Controller (DIO)

EtherNet/IP scanner module MAC module MAC

Modbus module MAC module MAC

FDR server and DHCP module MAC module MAC

SNTP server module MAC module MAC
other services* module MAC module MAC
SNMP source IP address module MAC module MAC

86 EIO0000001578.14
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack Hardware

Service BMEP58•040 (DIO, ERIO) BMEP58•020 Controller (DIO)

SNTP client source IP address module MAC module MAC

LLDP port MAC = (module MAC + 1, 2, 3, port MAC = (module MAC + 1, 2, 3,
or 4)** or 4)**

RSTP port MAC = (module MAC + 1, 2, port MAC = (module MAC + 1, 2, or

or 3)** 3)**

*Web server. EtherNet/IP adapter, Modbus server/FTP

• port 1: module MAC + 1 (service port)
• port 2: module MAC + 2
• port 3: module MAC + 3
• port 4: module MAC + 4 (Ethernet backplane)

Rack Markings
Example of BMXXBP•••• (PV:02 and any subsequent supporting versions) rack with slot

EIO0000001578.14 87
Hardware Installing Modules in an M580 Rack

88 EIO0000001578.14
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack Hardware

Installing the Controller

You can install any standard controller (BMEP58•0•0) or any Hot Standby controller
(BMEH58•0•0) in these racks:
• BMXXBP•••• (PV:02 and any subsequent supporting versions) X Bus rack
• BMEXBP••00 or BMEXBP••02 Ethernet rack
Exception: You can install the BMXCPS4002 only on these dual-bus (Ethernet and X Bus)
• BMEXBP0602
• BMEXBP1002

Installation Precautions
An M580 controller is powered by the rack bus. Confirm that the rack power supply is turned
off before installing the controller.

Remove all power sources before installing the controller.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Remove the protective cover from the rack slot connectors before plugging the module in
the rack.

Check that the controller does not contain an unsupported SD memory card before
powering up the controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

EIO0000001578.14 89
Hardware Installing Modules in an M580 Rack

• Check that the memory card slot door is closed after a memory card is inserted in
the controller, and remains closed during operations.
• Refer to %SW97 to check the status of the SD card.

Grounding Considerations
Follow all local and national safety codes and standards.

Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with shielded cables.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

NOTE: Refer to the ground protection information provided in the Electrical installation
guide and Control Panel Technical Guide, How to protect a machine from malfunctions
due to electromagnetic disturbance, page 15.

Installing the Controller

Install the controller in the rack slots marked 00 and 01. If you do not install the controller in
these two slots, it starts in NOCONF state, page 37 state and uses the default IP address,
which starts with 10.10 and uses the last two bytes of the MAC address.
NOTE: When the default IP address in the 10.10 format is used, employ a connection
in a point-to-point way, with a cable directly connecting the module, or controller, or
NOC, to the user's PC.
Install a controller in a rack:

Step Action Illustration

1 Verify that the power supply is –

turned off.
2 If you are installing a Hot Standby –
controller, on the back of the
controller, set the A/B/Clear
selector switch, page 57 to the
appropriate selection, “A” or “B”.
NOTE: When you later
install the companion Hot
Standby controller, set its

90 EIO0000001578.14
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack Hardware

Step Action Illustration

rotary switch to the other A/B


3 Verify that:
• if an SD memory card is
used, it is supported by the
• the connectors’ protective
covers are removed
• the controller is placed on
the slots marked 00 and 01
4 Position the locating pins situated
at the rear of the module (on the
bottom part) in the corresponding
slots in the rack.
5 Swivel the module towards the
top of the rack so that the module
sits flush with the back of the

The module is now set in position.

6 Tighten the 2 screws on top of the –

controller to maintain the module
in place on the rack.

tightening torque: 0.7...1.5 N•m

(0.52...1.10 lbf-ft).

Installing Modules in the Second Local Rack

If you are installing a Hot Standby system, you need to install the same collection of
modules, with the same versions of firmware, that were installed on the first rack. Install
each module in the same slot that its counterpart occupies on the first rack. Follow the same
procedure described above, except set the A/B/Clear selector switch, page 57 on the back
of the standby controller to other A/B position.

EIO0000001578.14 91
Hardware Installing Modules in an M580 Rack

Connecting the Hot Standby Local Racks

If you are installing a Hot Standby system, you need to connect the communication link to
controller A and controller B before applying power to either local rack. If you start up the
controllers before they are connected via the Hot Standby link, both controllers attempt to
assume the role of primary controller in your Hot Standby system.

• Connect the functional ground (FG) terminal of the power supply module directly to the
protective earth screw of the rack.
• Do not chain the function ground (FG) terminals of redundant power supply modules
• Do not connect anything else to the functional ground (FG) terminal of the power
supply module.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

• Use only cables with ring or spade lugs and check that there is a good ground
• Make sure that grounding hardware is tightened properly.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in death or serious injury.

Before you connect the two Hot Standby local racks, verify that an equipotential grounding
system (see Modicon X80, Racks and Power Supplies, Hardware Reference Manual) is in
place that includes the two racks (plus any other equipment you intend to connect to the two
Hot Standby local racks).

92 EIO0000001578.14
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack Hardware

When installing modules with fiber optic transceivers, do the following to help prevent dust
and pollution from disrupting light production into the fiber optic cable.
• Keep caps on jumpers and transceivers when not in use.
• Insert the optical cable into the transceivers carefully, respecting the longitudinal axis
of the transceiver.
• Do not use force when inserting the cable into the optical transceivers.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Each Hot Standby controller includes on its front face an SFP socket, page 56. This socket
can accept an SFP transceiver module (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning
Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures) for either copper or single mode fiber optic cabling
of the Hot Standby link. Your choice of SFP transceiver and cabling is determined by the
distance between the two Hot Standby local racks (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System
Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures).

EIO0000001578.14 93
Hardware Installing Modules in an M580 Rack

Installing an SD Memory Card in a CPU

The BME•58•••• CPUs support the use of the BMXRMS004GPF 4GB SD memory card.

Memory Card Maintenance

To keep the memory card in normal working order:
• Avoid removing the memory card from its slot when the CPU accesses the card
(memory card access green LED ON or blinking).
• Avoid touching the memory card connectors.
• Keep the memory card away from electrostatic and electromagnetic sources as well as
heat, sunlight, water, and moisture.
• Avoid impact on the memory card.
• Before sending a memory card by post (mail), check the postal service security policy.
In some countries, the postal service exposes mail to high levels of radiation as a
security measure. These high levels of radiation may erase the contents of the memory
card and render it unusable.
• If a card is extracted without generating a rising edge of the bit %S65 and without
checking that the memory card access green LED is OFF, the data (files, application,
and so on) may be lost or become unreliable.

Memory Card Insertion Procedure

Procedure for inserting a memory card into a BME•58•••• CPU:

Step Description

1 Open the SD memory card protective door.

2 Insert the card in its slot.

3 Push the memory card until you hear a click.

Result: The card should now be clipped into its slot.

Note: Insertion of the memory card does not force an application restore.

4 Close the memory card protective door.

94 EIO0000001578.14
Installing Modules in an M580 Rack Hardware

Memory Card Removal Procedure

NOTE: Before removing a memory card, a rising edge on bit %S65 needs to be
generated. If a card is extracted without generating a rising edge of the bit %S65 and
without checking that the memory card access green LED is OFF, the data may be lost.
Procedure for removing a memory card from a BME•58•••• CPU:

Step Description

1 Generate a rising edge on bit %S65.

2 Check that the memory card access green LED is OFF.

3 Open the SD memory card protective door.

4 Push the memory card until you hear a click, then release the pressure on the card.

Result: The card should unclip from its slot.

5 Remove the card from its slot.

Note: The memory card access green LED is ON when the memory card is removed from the CPU.

6 Close the memory card protective door.

EIO0000001578.14 95
Hardware M580 Diagnostics

M580 Diagnostics
What’s in This Chapter
Blocking Conditions .................................................................96
Non-blocking Conditions...........................................................99
CPU or System Errors ............................................................ 101
CPU Application Compatibility ................................................ 102

This chapter provides information on diagnostics that can be performed via hardware
indications (based on LED status) and system bits or words when necessary. The entire
M580 system diagnostics is explained in the Modicon M580 System Planning Guide.
The CPU manages different types of detected error:
• detected errors that can be recovered and do not change the PAC behavior unless
specific options are used
• detected errors that cannot be recovered and lead the CPU to the halt state
• CPU or system detected errors that lead the CPU to an error state

Blocking Conditions
Blocking conditions caused during the execution of the application program do not cause
system errors, but they stop the CPU. The CPU goes into the HALT state, page 37.
• When a BMEH58•040 CPU is in the HALT state, the RIO and DIO outputs behave the
same way as they do when the CPU is in STOP state, page 454.
• For information about Hot Standby diagnostics, refer to the diagnostics chapter (see
Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
Architectures) in the M580 Hot Standby installation guide.

96 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Diagnostics Hardware

Visual indications of a blocking condition are the ERR LED on the CPU front panel, page 62.
A description of the error is provided in system word %SW125.
The address of the instruction that was executing when the blocking condition occurred is
provided by system words %SW126 through %SW127.
%SW125 system word values and corresponding blocking condition description:

%SW125 Value (hex) Blocking Condition Description

0••• execution of an unknown function

0002 SD card signature feature (used with SIG_CHECK and SIG_WRITE functions)

2258 execution of the HALT instruction

2259 execution flow different than the reference flow
23•• execution of a CALL function towards an undefined subroutine
81F4 SFC node incorrect
82F4 SFC code inaccessible
83F4 SFC work space inaccessible

84F4 too many initial SFC steps

85F4 too many active SFC steps

86F4 SFC sequence code incorrect

87F4 SFC code description incorrect

88F4 SFC reference table incorrect

89F4 SFC internal index calculation detected error
8AF4 SFC step status not available

8BF4 SFC memory too small after a change due to a download

8CF4 transition/action section inaccessible

8DF4 SFC work space too small

8EF4 version of the SFC code older than the interpreter

8FF4 version of the SFC code more recent than the interpreter

90F4 poor description of an SFC object: NULL pointer

91F4 action identifier not authorized

92F4 poor definition of the time for an action identifier

EIO0000001578.14 97
Hardware M580 Diagnostics

%SW125 Value (hex) Blocking Condition Description

93F4 macro step cannot be found in the list of active steps for deactivation

94F4 overflow in the action table

95F4 overflow in the step activation/deactivation table

9690 error detected in the application CRC check (checksum)

DE87 calculation detected error on numbers with decimal points

DEB0 watchdog overrun

DEF0 division by 0

DEF1 character string transfer detected error

DEF2 capacity exceeded

DEF3 index overrun

DEF7 SFC execution detected error
DEFE SFC steps undefined

Restarting the Application

After a blocking condition has occurred, the halted CPU needs to be initialized. The CPU
can also be initialized by setting the %S0 bit to 1.
When initialized, the application behaves as follows:
• the data resume their initial value
• tasks are stopped at end of cycle
• the input image is refreshed
• outputs are controlled in fallback position
The RUN command then allows the application to be restarted.

98 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Diagnostics Hardware

Non-blocking Conditions
The system enters a non-blocking condition when it detects an input/output error on the
backplane bus (X Bus or Ethernet) or through execution of an instruction, which can be
processed by the user program and does not modify the CPU status.

Conditions Linked to I/O Diagnostics

A non-blocking condition linked to the I/O is diagnosed with the following indications:
• CPU I/O LED pattern: steady ON
• module I/O LED pattern: steady ON
• system bits (type of error):
◦ %S10 set to 0: I/O error detected on one of the modules on the rack (channel power
supply detected error, or broken channel, or module not compliant with the
configuration, or inoperative module, or module power supply detected error)
◦ %S16 set to 0: I/O error detected in the task in progress
◦ %S40–%S47 set to 0: I/O error detected on rack address 0 to 7
• system bits and words combined with the channel having an error detected (I/O channel
number and type of detected error) or I/O module Device DDT information (for modules
configured in Device DDT addressing mode):
◦ bit %Ir.m.c.ERR set to 1: channel error detected (implicit exchanges)
◦ word %MWr.m.c.2: the word value indicates the type of error detected on the
specified channel and depends on the I/O module (implicit exchanges)

Conditions Linked to Execution of the Program

A non-blocking condition linked to execution of the program is diagnosed with the following
system bits and words:

EIO0000001578.14 99
Hardware M580 Diagnostics

• system bits (type of error detected):

◦ %S15 set to 1: character string manipulation error detected
◦ %S18 set to 1: capacity overrun, error detected on a floating point, or division by 0
(see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Operating Modes)
◦ %S20 set to 1: index overrun
• system word (nature of the error detected):
◦ %SW125, page 97 (always updated)
NOTE: The CPU can be forced to the HALT state, page 37 on program execution
recoverable condition.
There are 2 ways to force a CPU to stop when non-blocking errors linked to the execution of
the program are detected:
• Use the diagnostic program function accessible through Control Expert programming
• set the system bit %S78 (HALTIFERROR) to 1.

100 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Diagnostics Hardware

CPU or System Errors

CPU or system errors are related either to the CPU (equipment or software) or to the rack
internal bus wiring. The system can no longer operate correctly when these errors occur.
A CPU or system error causes the CPU to stop in ERROR mode and requires a cold restart.
Before applying a cold restart, set the CPU to STOP mode to keep the PAC from returning to
ERROR mode.

A CPU or system error is diagnosed with the following indications:
• CPU I/O LED pattern: steady on
• system word %SW124 value defines the detected error source:
◦ 80 hex: system watchdog error or rack internal bus wiring error
◦ 81 hex: rack internal bus wiring error
◦ 90 hex: interruption not foreseen, or system task pile overrun

EIO0000001578.14 101
Hardware M580 Diagnostics

CPU Application Compatibility

Application Compatibility
These tables show the standalone (BMEP58•0•0) and Hot Standby (BMEH58•0•0) CPUs
that can download and execute applications that are built on a different CPU.
These applications are built on standalone CPUs and transferred to standalone CPUs:

Standalone CPUs Download and execute the application here (BMEP58...

Build the application 1020 2020 2040 3020 3040 4020 4040 5040 6040
here (↓).

BMEP581020 X X – X – X – – –

BMEP582020 – X – X – X – – –

BMEP582040 – – X – X – X X X
BMEP583020 – – – X – X – – –

BMEP583040 – – – – X – X X X
BMEP584020 – – – – – X – – –

BMEP584040 – – – – – – X X X
BMEP585040 – – – – – – – X X
BMEP586040 – – – – – – – – X
X yes

– no

These applications are built on Hot Standby CPUs and transferred to Hot Standby CPUs:

Hot Standby CPUs Download and execute the application here (BMEH58...

Build the application 2040 4040 6040

here (↓).

BMEH582040 X X X
BMEH584040 – X X
BMEH586040 – – X
X yes

– no

Example: An application built on a BMEP583020 CPU can only be downloaded or executed

on a BMEP583020 or a BMEP584020 CPU.

102 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Diagnostics Hardware

NOTE: For all M580 CPUs, versions 1.10 and 2.00 are not compatible. You cannot
configure a CPU V2.00, and download the application to a CPU V1.10.

EIO0000001578.14 103
Hardware Processor Performance

Processor Performance
What’s in This Chapter
Execution of Tasks ................................................................. 104
MAST Task Cycle Time: Introduction ....................................... 109
MAST Task Cycle Time: Program Processing .......................... 110
MAST Task Cycle Time: Internal Processing on Input and
Output................................................................................... 111
MAST Task Cycle Time Calculation ......................................... 115
FAST Task Cycle Time ........................................................... 116
Event Response Time ............................................................ 117

This section describes BMEP58•0•0 processor performance.

Execution of Tasks
BME P58 •0•0 processors can execute single-task and multi-task applications. Unlike a
single-task application, which only executes master tasks, a multi-task application.defines
the task execution priorities.

Master Task
The master task represents the application program’s main task. You can choose from the
following MAST task execution modes:
• Cyclical (default setup): Execution cycles are performed in sequence, one after the
• Periodical: A new cycle is started periodically, according to a user-defined time period
(1 - 255 ms).
If the execution time is longer than the period configured by the user, the bit %S19 is set
to 1, and a new cycle is launched.

104 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

The following illustration shows the cyclical execution of the MAST task:

The following illustration shows the periodical execution of the MAST task:

Both MAST task cycle modes are controlled by a watchdog.

The watchdog is triggered if the MAST task execution time is longer than the maximum
period defined in the configuration, and causes a software error. The application then goes
into HALT status, and the bit %S11 is set to 1 (the user must reset it to 0).
The watchdog value (%SW11) may be configured between 10 ms and 1,500 ms (default
value: 250 ms).
NOTE: Configuring the watchdog to a value that is less than the period is not allowed.
In periodical operating mode, an additional check detects when a period has been
exceeded. The PLC will not switch off if the period overrun remains less than the watchdog
Bit %S19 signals a period overrun. It is set to 1 by the system when the cycle time becomes
longer than the task period. Cyclical execution then replaces periodical execution.
The MAST task can be checked with the following system bits and system words:

System Object Description

%SW0 MAST task period

%S30 Activation of the master task

%S11 Watchdog default

%S19 Period exceeded

EIO0000001578.14 105
Hardware Processor Performance

System Object Description

%SW27 Last cycle overhead time (in ms)

%SW28 Longest overhead time (in ms)

%SW29 Shortest overhead time (in ms)

%SW30 Last cycle execution time (in ms)

%SW31 Longest cycle execution time (in ms)

%SW32 Shortest cycle execution time (in ms)

Fast Task
The FAST task is for periodical processing and processing over short durations.
FAST task execution is periodical and must be quick so that no lower priority tasks overrun.
The FAST task period can be configured (1 - 255 ms). The FAST task execution principle is
the same as for periodical execution of the master task.
The FAST task can be checked with the following system bits and system words:

System Object Description

%SW1 FAST task period

%S31 Activation of the fast task

%S11 Watchdog default

%S19 Period exceeded

%SW33 Last cycle execution time (in ms)

%SW34 Longest cycle execution time (in ms)

%SW35 Shortest cycle execution time (in ms)

Event Tasks
With event processing, the application program’s reaction time can be reduced for events
originating from:
• input/output modules (EVTi blocks)
• events timers (TIMERi blocks)

106 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

Event processing execution is asynchronous. The occurrence of an event reroutes the

application program towards the process associated with the input/output channel, or to the
event timer that caused the event.
Event tasks can be checked with the following system bits and system words:

System Object Description

%S38 Activation of events processing

%S39 Saturation of the event signal management stack.

%SW48 Number of IO events and telegram processes executed

NOTE: TELEGRAM is available only for PREMIUM (not on Quantum neither M340)

Single Task Execution

A single-task application program is associated with one task; the MAST task.
The following diagram shows a single-task application’s execution cycle:

EIO0000001578.14 107
Hardware Processor Performance

Multi-Task Execution
The following diagram shows the level of priority of the tasks in a multi-task structure:

The following diagram shows the execution of tasks in a multi-task structure:

108 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

MAST Task Cycle Time: Introduction

The MAST task cycle time is the sum of the following:
• internal processing time on input,
• master task program processing time,
• internal processing time on output.

The following diagram defines the MAST task cycle time:

I.P. Internal Processing.

EIO0000001578.14 109
Hardware Processor Performance

MAST Task Cycle Time: Program Processing

Definition of Program Processing Time
Program processing time is equivalent to the time needed to execute application code.

Application Code Execution Time

The application code execution time is the sum of the times needed for the application
program to execute each instruction, at each PLC cycle.
The table below gives the execution time for 1 K of instructions (i.e. 1024 instructions).

Processors Application Code Execution Time (1)

100 % Boolean Program 65 % Boolean + 35 % Digital Program

BMEP581020, BMEP581020H 0.12 milliseconds 0.15 milliseconds

BMEP582020, BMEP582020H

BMEP582040, BMEP52040H





BMEP585040, BMEP585040C

BMEP586040, BMEP586040C

(1) All instructions are executed at each PLC cycle.

110 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

MAST Task Cycle Time: Internal Processing on

Input and Output
The internal processing time for inputs and outputs is the sum of the following:
• MAST task system overhead time
• maximum communication system reception time and input management time for implicit
• maximum communication system transmission time and output management time for
implicit inputs/outputs

MAST Task System Overhead Time

For BMEP58•0•0 processors, the MAST task system overhead time is 700 μs.
NOTE: Three system words give information on the MAST task system overhead times:
• %SW27: last cycle overhead time
• %SW28: longest overhead time
• %SW29: shortest overhead time

Implicit Input/Output Management Time

The implicit input management time is the sum of the following:
• Fixed base of 25 μs
• Sum of the input management times for each module (in the following table, IN)
The implicit output management time is the sum of the following:
• Fixed base of 25 μs (FAST), 73 μs (MAST)
• Sum of the output management times for each module (in the following table, OUT)
The table below shows the input (IN) and output (OUT) topological (T) and DDT (DDT)
management times for each module.

EIO0000001578.14 111
Hardware Processor Performance

Module Input Management Output Management Total Management Time

Time (IN) (μs) Time (OUT) (μs) (IN+OUT) (μs)

BMXDDI1602, 16 T: 60 40 100
discrete inputs
module DDT: 30 29 60

BMXDDI3202K, 32 T: 67 44 111
discrete inputs
module DDT: 34 31 64

BMXDDI6402K, 64 T: 87 63 150
discrete inputs
module DDT: 40 43 83

BMXDDO1602, 16 T: 60 45 105
discrete outputs
module DDT: 31 34 64

BMXDDO1612, 16 T: 60 45 105
discrete outputs
module DDT: 30 33 63

BMXDDO3202K, 32 T: 67 51 118
discrete outputs
module DDT: 33 35 69

BMXDDO6402K, 64 T: 87 75 162
discrete outputs
module DDT: 40 50 89

BMXDDM16022, 8 T: 68 59 127
discrete inputs and 8
discrete outputs DDT: 44 51 95
BMXDDM3202K, 16 T: 75 63 138
discrete inputs and
16 discrete outputs DDT: 48 54 102
BMXDDM16025, 8 T: 68 59 127
discrete inputs and 8
discrete outputs DDT: 44 51 95
BMXDAI0805, 8 T: 60 40 100
discrete inputs
module DDT: 28 28 56

BMXDAI1602, 16 T: 60 40 100
discrete inputs
module DDT: 29 29 59

BMXDAI1603, 16 T: 60 40 100
discrete inputs
module DDT: 30 29 59

112 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

Module Input Management Output Management Total Management Time

Time (IN) (μs) Time (OUT) (μs) (IN+OUT) (μs)

BMXDAI1604, 16 T: 60 40 100
discrete inputs
module DDT: 30 29 58

BMXDAO1605, 16 T: 60 45 105
discrete outputs
module DDT: 30 33 64

BMXAMI0410 analog T: 103 69 172

DDT: 43 42 85
BMXAMI0800 analog T: 103 69 172
DDT: 63 65 129
BMXAMI0810 analog T: 103 69 172
DDT: 63 65 128
BMXAMO0210 T: 65 47 112
analog module
DDT: 30 35 65
BMXAMO802 analog T: 110 110 220
DDT: 47 74 121
BMXAMM0600 T: 115 88 203
analog module
DDT: 82 80 162
BMXDRA0804, 8 T: 56 43 99
discrete outputs
module DDT: 27 31 58

BMXDRA0805, 8 T: 56 43 99
discrete outputs
module DDT: 28 31 59

BMXEHC0200 dual- T: 102 93 195

channel counting
module DDT: 101 108 208

BMXEHC0800 eight- T: 228 282 510

channel counting
module DDT: 261 317 578

Communication System Time

Communication (excluding telegrams) is managed during the MAST task internal
processing phases:
• on input for receiving messages
• on output for sending messages

EIO0000001578.14 113
Hardware Processor Performance

The MAST task cycle time is, therefore, affected by the communication traffic. The
communication time spent per cycle varies considerably, based on the following elements:
• traffic generated by the processor: number of communication EFs active simultaneously
• traffic generated by other devices to the processor, or for which the processor ensures
the routing function as master
This time is only spent in the cycles where there is a new message to be managed.
NOTE: These times may not all occur in the same cycle. Messages are sent in the same
PLC cycle as instruction execution when communication traffic is low. However,
responses are never received in the same cycle as instruction execution.

114 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

MAST Task Cycle Time Calculation

The MAST task cycle time can be calculated before the implementation phase, if the desired
PLC configuration is already known. The cycle time may also be determined during the
implementation phase, using the system words %SW30 - %SW32.

Calculation Method
The following table shows how to calculate the MAST task cycle time.

Step Action

1 Calculate the input and output internal processing time by adding the following times:
• MAST task system overhead time (see Modicon M340, Processors, Setup Manual)
• maximum communication system reception time and input management time for implicit
inputs/outputs (see Modicon M340, Processors, Setup Manual)
• maximum communication system transmission time and output management time for
implicit inputs/outputs (see Modicon M340, Processors, Setup Manual)

2 Calculate the program processing time (see Modicon M340, Processors, Setup Manual)
according to the number of instructions and the type (Boolean, digital) of program.

3 Add together the program processing time, and the input and output internal processing time.

EIO0000001578.14 115
Hardware Processor Performance

FAST Task Cycle Time

The FAST task cycle time is the sum of the following:
• program processing time
• internal processing time on input and output

Definition of Internal Processing Time on Input and

The internal processing time on input and output is the sum of the following:
• FAST task system overhead time
• implicit input/output management time on input/output (see Modicon M340, Processors,
Setup Manual)
For the BMEP58•0•0 processors, the FAST task system overhead time is 130 μs.

116 EIO0000001578.14
Processor Performance Hardware

Event Response Time

The response time is the time between an edge on an event input and the corresponding
edge on an output positioned by the program in an event task.

Response Time
The following table gives the response time for the BMEP58•0•0 processors with an
application program of 100 Boolean instructions and the module.

Processors Minimum Typical Maximum

BMEP58•0•0 1625 μs 2575 μs 3675 μs

EIO0000001578.14 117

118 EIO0000001578.14

Configuring the Controller in Control Expert

What’s in This Part
M580 CPU Configuration........................................................ 120
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications........................... 461
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges ........................ 492
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes ....................... 507
M580 Hot Standby System Operation...................................... 524
M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics ............................................... 547
Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs ........................................ 555
Verifying the Network Configuration......................................... 559

This part describes how to configure an M580 PAC system with Control Expert.
NOTE: The device configuration procedure is valid when configuring a project with
Control Expert Classic. When you configure your device from a system project, some
commands are disabled in the Control Expert editor. In this case, you need to configure
these parameters at the system level by using the Topology Manager.

EIO0000001578.14 119
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

M580 CPU Configuration

What’s in This Chapter
Control Expert Projects........................................................... 120
Configuring the CPU with Control Expert ................................. 139
Configuring the M580 CPU with DTMs in Control
Expert ................................................................................... 167
Configuring Generic Device DTMs .......................................... 176
Diagnostics through the Control Expert DTM Browser............... 184
Online Action ......................................................................... 205
Diagnostics Available through Modbus/TCP............................. 211
Diagnostics Available through EtherNet/IP CIP Objects ............ 217
DTM Device Lists................................................................... 285
Explicit Messaging ................................................................. 311
Explicit Messaging Using the MBP_MSTR Block in Quantum
RIO Drops ............................................................................. 343
Implicit Messaging ................................................................. 367
Configuring the M580 CPU as an EtherNet/IP Adapter.............. 396
Hardware Catalog.................................................................. 409
M580 CPU Embedded Web Pages ......................................... 418
M580 Hot Standby CPU Web Pages ....................................... 450

The chapter describes the configuration of the M580 CPU.

Control Expert Projects

Use this section to add an M580 CPU to your Control Expert application.

120 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Creating a Project in Control Expert

If you have not created a project in Control Expert and installed a power supply and an
M580 CPU, use the following steps to create a new Control Expert project containing these
• M580 CPU, page 24
• power supply

Creating and Saving a Control Expert Project

Follow these steps to create a Control Expert project:

Step Action

1 Open Control Expert.

2 Click File > New... to open the New Project window.

3 In the PLC window, expand the Modicon M580 node, and select a CPU.
NOTE: Refer to the CPU Scanner Service, page 26 topic to select the appropriate CPU,
depending upon your DIO and RIO needs.
In the Rack window, expand the Modicon M580 local drop node, and select a rack.

4 Click OK.

Result: The Security enforcement dialog opens.

You can use this dialog to:

• Create an Application password: to help prevent both theft of and unauthorized access to the
new application.
• Create also a File encryption password: to help prevent malicious file corruption and
intellectual property theft.
• Elect not to create either an Application password or a File encryption password.

5 (Optional) To create an Application password, use the Entry and Confirmation fields to input and
confirm the password. The Application password needs to:
• be a minimum 8 characters long.
• contain at lease one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character, one number, and
one non-alphanumeric character.

6 (Optional) To create an File encryption password, use the Entry and Confirmation fields to input
and confirm the password. The File encryption password needs to:
• be a minimum 8 characters long.
• contain at lease one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character, one number, and
one non-alphanumeric character.

EIO0000001578.14 121
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

• be different from the Application password.

7 Click OK to save your new password(s) or click Cancel to proceed without Application and File
encryption passwords.

Result: The Project Browser dialog opens.

8 Click File > Save to open the Save As dialog.

9 Enter a File name for your Control Expert project and click Save.

Result: Control Expert saves your project to the specified path location.

Changing the Default Storage Location (Optional)

You can change the default location that Control Expert uses to store project files before you
click Save:

Step Action

1 Click Tools > Options to open the Options Management window.

2 In the left pane, navigate to Options > General > Paths.
3 In the right pane, type in a new path location for the Project path. You can also edit these items:
• Import/Export file path
• XVM path
• Project settings templates path

4 Click OK to close the window and save your changes.

Selecting a Power Supply

A default power supply is automatically added to the rack in a new Control Expert project. To
use a different power supply, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In the Project Browser, double-click PLC Bus to display a graphical representation of the
hardware rack:
• The selected M580 CPU is in the second position.
• A default power supply appears in the first position.
• Control Expert automatically opens the Hardware Catalog that corresponds to the PLC bus
2 Select the power supply automatically added to the PLC bus.

122 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

3 Press the Delete key to remove the power supply.

4 Double-click the first slot of the PLC bus to open the New Device list.

5 Double-click the preferred power supply to make it appear in the PLC bus.

6 File > SaveClick to save your project.

EIO0000001578.14 123
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Helping Secure a Project in Control Expert

Creating an Application Password
In Control Expert, create a password to help protect your application from unwanted
modifications. The password is stored encrypted in the application. Any time the application
is modified, the password is required.
In addition to the password protection, you can encrypt the application files (.STU, .STA
and .ZEF).
The file encryption option is protected by a password mechanism:

Step Action

1 In the Project Browser window, right-click Project > Properties.

2 In the Properties of Project window, click the Project & Controller Protection tab.

3 In the Application field, click Change password.

4 In the Modify Password window, enter a password in the Entry and Confirmation fields.

5 Click OK.
6 Select the Auto-lock check box if you want to require the password to resume the application

You may also click the up/down arrows to set the number of minutes after which time the
application auto-locks.

7 In addition, you can select the File encryption active check box if you want to encrypt the
application files.

Result: The Create Password window appears.

8 Enter a password in the Entry and Confirmation fields.

Click OK to confirm.
9 To validate the changes:
• Click Apply so that the Properties of Project window remains open.
– or –
• Click OK to close the window.
10 Click File > Save to save your application.

NOTE: If you forget your password, contact your local Schneider Electric service
More information about application password is given in Application Protection (see
EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Operating Modes).

124 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

NOTE: When you export an unencrypted project to an .XEF or .ZEF file, the application
password is removed.
NOTE: As of controller firmware version 4.10, you can no longer access controller
functionality in any mode without the appropriate password.
You can help limit remote access to your application and data, regardless of password
authentication, by following the Memory Protect instructions (detailed hereafter).

Using Memory Protect

In Control Expert, select the Memory Protect option to help protect your application from
remote modifications, even if the remote user has the correct password. You accomplish this
by configuring a dedicated, physical input that, when TRUE, restricts any remote access.

Step Action

1 In the Project Browser window, expand the Configuration folder to display the controller.

2 To open the controller configuration window:

• Double-click the controller.
– or –
• Right-click BMEP58•0•0 > Open.
3 In the controller window, click the Configuration tab.

4 Select the Memory protect check box, and enter an input address of your choice.

5 Click File > Save to save your application.

NOTE: Memory protect is not available for Hot Standby controllers.

EIO0000001578.14 125
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring the Size and Location of Inputs and Outputs

In the Control Expert Project Browser, double-click PLC Bus to display the main rack.
Then click on the CPU (but not on the Ethernet connectors) to open the CPU configuration

Setting Global Addresses and Operating Mode Parameters

Click on the Configuration tab to edit the size and starting positions of inputs and outputs:

Step Action

1 Double-click the image of the M580 CPU in the PLC Bus to view its properties.

2 Select the Configuration tab.

3 In the Operating mode area, select the boxes to enable the following parameters in your application:

4 Run/Stop input Use these two parameters to place the PAC into Run or Stop mode. For more information
regarding the effect of these parameters, refer to the topic Managing Run/Stop Input, page
Run/Stop by 514. (default = de-selected)
input only

Memory protect This function is activated by an input bit. It prohibits the transfer of a project into the PAC
and modifications in online mode, regardless of the communication channel. The Run and
Stop commands are authorized. (default = de-selected)

Automatic start The enabling of this option automatically places the PAC into RUN mode in the event of a
in Run cold start. (default = de-selected)

Initialize %MWi On a cold start, page 518 or on download if you select the box (default state):
on cold start • The %MWi are handled like other global variables (initialized to 0 or initial value,
according to current application) in all cold start cases.
On cold start or on download if you de-select the box:
• If %MW were previously saved in internal flash memory (using the %SW96 word)
they are restored from internal flash memory,
• If not:
◦ If cold start is linked to a power-off or of a push on the reset button, the %MW are
◦ If not, the current values of %MW are maintained.
NOTE: if the new (or restored) application has more %MW than the previous one, the
added %MW are set to 0 (non-zero initial values are not applied)

Cold Start Only If selected, this option forces the cold start , page 519of the application, instead of the
normal warm start. By default, the Cold Start Only option is unchecked. An application
using this function is not:
• Downloadable to a PAC with a previous version.

126 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

• Executable on a PAC with a previous version.

5 The option Support Quantum remote drops is only available for BMEP584040, BMEP585040(C),
BMEP586040, BMEH584040, and BMEH586040.

By default, this option is checked (allowing usage of Quantum remote drops) and the percentage of memory
usage is displayed (bar graph).
NOTE: The limitation of state ram depends on the Quantum memory structure.
When unchecked, adding Quantum drops in the configuration is not allowed. Also, unchecking this option is
not possible, if there is at least one Quantum drop in your configuration.

6 Configure the size of the memory locations in the Size of global address fields.
NOTE: High end standalone and Hot Standby CPUs (BMEP584040, BMEP585040(C), BMEP586040,
BMEH584040 and BMEH586040) include State RAM memory management for Quantum Ethernet RIO
drops. The State RAM feature supports LL984 logic sections for converted LL984 applications.
The following memory management options are presented in the Configuration tab:

Mem usage The percentage of CPU memory usage (bar graph), based on the cumulative values input
into the %M, %MW, %I, and %IW fields, below. (Supported only by high end standalone
and Hot Standby CPUs that support State RAM. For these CPUs, the option Support
Quantum remote drops has to be checked previously).
NOTE: Input values so that the percentage of CPU memory usage does not exceed

%M-0x Enter the appropriate value for each address field type. (%I and %IW are supported only
by high end standalone and Hot Standby CPUs that support State RAM.)
NOTE: The values for %IW and %MW, have to be divisible by 8 for version before
%I-1x 2.30 and divisible by 128 for other versions. The value for %KW have to be divisible
by 8 for all versions.

Viewer Opens the State RAM Viewer, which displays the allocation of used memory.

NOTE: To input:
• Maximum values: Click the Maximum values button, select the appropriate boxes in the Max
column, then click OK.
• Default values: Click the Default values button, select the appropriate boxes in the Default column,
then click OK.
NOTE: M580 / S908 applications:

In M580 CPUs that are compatible with Quantum S908 network adapter (see Modicon Quantum
140CRA31908, Adapter Module, Installation and Configuration Guide) and an OS version ≥ 02.30:
(number of %I + number of %M) ≤ 65535. The maximum number of %I is 65280. The maximum number of
%M is 65280.
7 Select the Online modification in RUN or STOP check box (in the Configuration Online Modification field)
to use the change configuration on the fly (CCOTF) feature.

Select Edit > Validate (or click the toolbar button) to save the configuration.

EIO0000001578.14 127
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

• After you validate module settings for the first time, you cannot edit the module
name. If you subsequently decide to change the module name, delete the existing
module from the configuration, then add and rename a replacement module.
• In addition to the Configuration tab, described above, the CPU configuration
window presents an I/O Objects tab, and an Animation tab with three sub-tabs:
Task, Real-time Clock, and Information.

M580 State RAM without Quantum Remote Drop Configured

These tables gives the default and maximum values of memory objects for M580 CPU that
do not support Quantum drops or if the option Support Quantum remote drops is not

Reference %M %I Limit for %M +

Default Maximum Default Maximum
BMEP581020(H) 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634

BMEP582020(H) 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634

BMEP582040(H) 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634

BMEH582040(C) 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634

BMEP583020 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634

BMEP583040 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634
BMEP584020 512 32634 512 32634 ≤32634
BMEP584040 512 65280 512 65280 ≤65280
BMEH584040(C) 512 65280 512 65280 ≤65280

BMEP585040(C) 512 65280 512 65280 ≤65280

BMEP586040(C) 512 65280 512 65280 ≤65280

BMEH586040(C) 512 65280 512 65280 ≤65280

Reference %MW %IW Limit for %MW

+ %IW
Default Maximum Default Maximum
BMEP581020(H) 1024 32464 1024 32464 ≤32464

BMEP582020(H) 1024 32464 1024 32464 ≤32464

BMEP582040(H) 1024 32464 1024 32464 ≤32464

BMEH582040(C) 1024 32464 1024 32464 ≤32464

128 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Reference %MW %IW Limit for %MW

+ %IW
Default Maximum Default Maximum
BMEP583020 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232
BMEP583040 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232
BMEP584020 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232
BMEP584040 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232
BMEH584040(C) 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232

BMEP585040(C) 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232

BMEP586040(C) 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232

BMEH586040(C) 2048 65232 2048 65232 ≤65232

M580 State RAM with Quantum Remote Drops Configured

On M580 CPU SV 2.70 (or earlier), each %I and %M objects takes around 1 byte.
On M580 CPU SV 2.80 (or any subsequent supporting version(s)) the space taken by each
%I or %M is optimized and the state RAM can now be filled with a larger number of objects.
When Quantum Ethernet Remote drops are configured on M580 CPU SV 2.80 (or any
subsequent supporting version(s)), the total size of the state RAM is unchanged (128
Kbytes), but you can assign a larger number of %M and %I.
Example: with numbers of %IW = 12 000, %MW = 40 000, and %I = 25216, the maximum
number of %M is 128 on CPU SV 2.70 while it is 40 064 on CPU SV 2.80.

EIO0000001578.14 129
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

130 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Completing the Ethernet Network Configuration

After you configure these settings, configure the CPU settings beginning with its Channel
Properties. Then configure the Ethernet network devices.

EIO0000001578.14 131
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Protecting Located Data in Monitoring Mode

Before any action on the data memory protection, you must activate this feature in your
project settings.
In the Control Expert main window, click Tools > Project Setting > PLC embedded data.
Then select the Data memory protect box and click Apply.
The data memory protection feature is supported by M580 CPU with the firmware V3.20 or
any subsequent supporting version(s). For details, refer to the chapter Data Memory
Protection (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Operating Modes).

Procedure of Protecting Located Data

Follow the procedure below to define the located data to protect:

Step Action

1 In the Control Expert Project Browser, double-click PLC Bus to display the main rack. Then double-click on
the M580 CPU (but not on the Ethernet connectors) to view its properties.

2 Select the Data Protection tab.

3 Select the boxes to enable the data protection:

132 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

%M protect The protected area is always located at the end of the %M area. Only the starting address
of the protected area can be set. The end address of the protected area is not configurable

The end address of the protected area equals to n-1 where n is the number of available %
M defined by the PLC abilities and set in the Configuration tab.

If %M protect is selected, you can enter the starting address or the %M data to protect. By
default, the starting address is 0.

Unchecking the %M protection reset the starting address.

%MW protect The protected area is always located at the end of the %M area. Only the starting address
of the protected area can be set. The end address of the protected area is not configurable

The end address of the protected area equals to n-1 where n is the number of available %
MW defined by the PLC abilities and set in the Configuration tab.

If %MW protect is selected, you can enter the starting address or the %M data to protect.
By default, the starting address is 0.

Unchecking the %MW protection reset the starting address.

NOTE: Array variables which are mapped on a %MW range must be entirely inside or
entirely outside of the protected %MW range.

I/O protect If selected, all I/O objects (including DTM-objects) are protected.
NOTE: except state Ram objects.

%S, %SW If selected, all system bits and system words are protected.

Select Edit > Validate (or click the toolbar button) to save the configuration.

EIO0000001578.14 133
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Project Management
Downloading the Application to the CPU
Download the Control Expert application to the CPU through one of its ports or through a
connection to an Ethernet communication module:

Method Connection
USB port If the CPU and the PC that are running Control Expert both have USB ports, you can
download the application to the CPU directly through the USB ports, page 69 (version 1.1 or

Ethernet port If the CPU and the PC that are running Control Expert both have Ethernet ports, you can
download the application to the CPU directly through the Ethernet ports.

communication You can download the application to the CPU by connecting Control Expert to the IP address
module of a communication module.

NOTE: For details, refer to Downloading CPU Applications (see Modicon M580
Standalone, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures) in the Modicon
M580 Hot Standby System Planning Guide for Frequently Used Architectures.

Converting Legacy Applications to M580

For details on this conversion process, contact your Schneider Electric customer support.

Restoring and Backing Up Projects

The CPU application RAM, page 512 and the CPU flash memory automatically and
manually perform the following:
• Restore a project in the CPU from the flash memory (and the memory card if inserted):
◦ Automatically after a power cycle
◦ Automatically on a warm restart
◦ Automatically on a cold start
◦ Manually with a Control Expert command: PLC > Project Backup > Backup
NOTE: If a memory card is inserted with a different application than the application
in the CPU, the application is transferred from the memory card to the CPU
application RAM when the restore function is carried out. If this is done
unintentionally, the previous settings – including IP address and FDR obtained
settings – will be overwritten and lost.

134 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• Save the CPU project in the flash memory (and the memory card if inserted):
◦ Automatically after an online modification is performed in the application RAM
◦ Automatically after a download
◦ Automatically on detection of %S66 system bit rising edge
◦ Manually with a Control Expert command: PLC > Project Backup > Backup Save
NOTE: Backup begins after the completion of the current MAST cycle and before
the start of the next MAST cycle.
If MAST is configured as periodic, set the MAST period to a value larger than the
actual MAST execution time. This lets the processor complete an entire backup
without interruption.
If the MAST period is set to a value less than the actual MAST execution time,
backup processing is fragmented and requires a longer time to finish.
• Compare the CPU project and the flash memory project:
◦ Manually with a Control Expert command: PLC > Project Backup > Backup
NOTE: When a valid memory card is inserted, page 76 with a valid application, the
application backup and restore operations are performed as follows:
◦ The application backup is performed on the memory card first and then on the
flash memory.
◦ The application restore is performed from the memory card to the CPU
application RAM first and then copied from the application RAM to the flash

EIO0000001578.14 135
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

DIO Scanner Functionality

An embedded DIO scanner service in a standalone (BMEP58•0•0) or Hot Standby
(BMEH58•0•0) M580 CPU can manage distributed equipment. Through this service,
Ethernet gateway devices (like Profibus and CANopen masters) can operate as distributed
All DIO scanning communications occur over the Ethernet backplane or through an Ethernet
NOTE: The BMEP58•040 CPUs also manage RIO modules through the RIO scanner
service, but this discussion applies to the DIO scanner service.

136 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

DIO Scanner Service Overview

In this network example, the CPU is connected to the DIO network (2) and the control network (8).

1 a CPU with an embedded DIO scanner service

2 copper portion of the main ring
3 fiber portion of the main ring
4 DRS connecting a DIO sub-ring to the main ring
5 DRS configured for copper-to-fiber and fiber-to-copper transition connecting a DIO sub-ring to
the main ring
6 DIO sub-ring
7 DIO cloud
8 CPU connecting the control network to the M580 system

EIO0000001578.14 137
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

This illustration shows direct connections to distributed equipment:

1 A CPU on the main rack runs the Ethernet I/O communication server service.
2 A BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 Ethernet communication module (Ethernet backplane
connection disabled) manages distributed equipment on the device network.
3 A BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 Ethernet communication module (Ethernet backplane
connection enabled) is connected to a DIO cloud.
4 A BMENOS0300 network option switch module is connected to a DIO sub-ring.

138 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Configuring the CPU with Control Expert

Use the instructions in this section to configure the M580 CPU in Control Expert.
NOTE: Some configuration features for the M580 CPU are accessed through the
Control Expert DTM Browser. Those configuration instructions appear elsewhere in this
document, page 167.

Control Expert Configuration Tabs

Accessing the Control Expert Configuration Tabs
Access the controller configuration parameters for RIO and distributed equipment:

Step Action

1 Open a project that includes an M580 controller that supports RIO and DIO networks.

2 In the Project Browser, double-click Project > Configuration > PLC bus.
3 In the PLC bus dialog box, double-click the drawing with 3 Ethernet ports in the middle of the
4 In the Security tab, check to see that the services that you require are enabled.(See the Note below.)

5 In the IPConfig tab, you may change the IP address of the controller or you may configure the
default address, which starts with 10.10 and uses the last two bytes of the MAC address.
NOTE: When the default IP address in the 10.10 format is used, employ a connection in a
point-to-point way, with a cable directly connecting the module, or controller, or NOC, to the
user's PC.

NOTE: For improved security, some of the communication services (FTP, TFTP, and
HTTP) are disabled by default. You may wish to perform some actions (such as a
firmware update, web access, or remote I/O) that require the availability of one or more
of these services. Before configuring Ethernet parameters, set the security levels, page
142 to meet your requirements. When these services are not needed, you should
disable them.

Control Expert Configuration Tabs

This table indicates the Control Expert configuration tabs that are available (X) and
unavailable (—) for M580 controllers:

EIO0000001578.14 139
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Control Expert Tab Services

Controllers with Embedded RIO Controllers without Embedded RIO
Scanning (BME•58•040) Scanning (BME•58•020)

Security X X

IPConfig X X

Switch — X
QoS — X

Service Port X X
Advanced Settings — X

Safety —1 —

1. The Safety tab applies only to M580 safety standalone controllers.

NOTE: To maintain RIO performance, you cannot access these tabs for BME•58•040

140 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

About Control Expert Configuration

Accessing Configuration Settings
Access the configuration settings for the M580 CPU in Control Expert:

Step Action

1 Open Control Expert.

2 Open a Control Expert project that includes an M580 CPU in the configuration.

3 Open the Project Browser (Tools > Project Browser).

4 Double-click PLC bus in the Project Browser.

5 In the virtual rack, double-click the Ethernet ports of the M580 CPU to see these configuration tabs:
• Security
• IPConfig
• Switch (See note 1.)
• QoS (See note 1.)
• Service Port
• Advanced Settings (See note 1.)
• Safety (See note 2.)
These configuration tabs are described in detail in the pages that follow.
1. This tab is not available for CPUs that provide the RIO Ethernet scanning services.
2. This tab applies only to standalone M580 safety CPUs.

EIO0000001578.14 141
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Security Tab
Control Expert provides security services for the controller. Enable and disable these
services on the Security tab in Control Expert.

Accessing the Security Tab

View the Security configuration options:

Step Action

1 Open your Control Expert project.

2 Double-click the Ethernet ports on the controller in the local backplane or right-click the Ethernet
ports and select Open Submodule.

3 Select the Security tab in the RIO DIO Communicator Head window to enable/disable Ethernet

Available Ethernet Services

You can enable or disable these Ethernet services:

Field Comment
Enforce Security Click the Enforce Security button to execute these functions:
• Enable Access Control.
NOTE: From version 4.10, HTTPS replaces HTTP. HTTPS is not affected when the
Enforce Security button is selected.
NOTE: You can set each field individually once the global setting is applied.

Unlock Security Click the Unlock Security button to execute these functions:
• Disable Access Control.
NOTE: From version 4.10, HTTPS replaces HTTP. HTTPS is not affected when the
Unlock Security button is selected.
NOTE: You can set each field individually once the global setting is applied.

FTP Enable or disable (default) firmware upgrade, SD memory card data remote access, data
storage remote access, and device configuration management using the FDR service.
NOTE: Local data storage remains operational, but remote access to data storage
is disabled.

142 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Field Comment
TFTP Enable or disable (default) the ability to read RIO drop configuration and device
configuration management using the FDR service.
NOTE: Enable this service to use eX80 Ethernet adapter modules.

HTTPS Enable or disable (default) the web access service.

DHCP / BOOTP Enable or disable (default) the automatic assignment of IP addressing settings. For
DHCP, also enable/disable automatic assignment of subnet mask, gateway IP address,
and DNS server names.
SNMP Enable or disable (default) the protocol used to monitor the device.

EIP Enable or disable (default) access to the EtherNet/IP server.

Engineering Link Depending on the level of targeted cybersecurity, you can select one of the following
Mode three Engineering Link Modes:
• Full Access
The controller behaves as in previous firmware versions. Secure and non-secure
communications are accepted.
For Control Expert communication, the controller accepts the Modbus TCP and
Modbus TCP via USB non-secure drivers or the HTTPS and HTTPS via USB
secure drivers.
For SCADA or controller-to-controller communication, Modbus TCP (port 502) is
• Filtered (default)
Use this hybrid mode to apply cybersecurity on the engineering link and non-
secure connectivity on links to SCADA or other controllers.
For Control Expert communication, the controller accepts HTTPS and HTTPS via
USB secure drivers.
For SCADA or controller-to-controller communication, Modbus TCP (port 502) or
UMAS (OFS) are accepted.
NOTE: In Filtered mode, the controller accepts the Modbus TCP and
Modbus TCP via USB non-secure drivers but only with Connection mode
set to monitoring in the options of the project. Monitoring mode is a read-only
mode, in which it is not possible to download an application to the controller or
stop the controller.
• Enforced
This mode provides the highest level of security. Only secure protocols are
accepted by the controller.
For Control Expert communication, the controller accepts only the HTTPS and
HTTPS via USB secure drivers.
For SCADA or controller-to-controller communication, Modbus TCP (port 502) or
UMAS (OFS) are NOT accepted.
NOTE: The Engineering Link Mode is available only for M580 controllers with
firmware as of version 4.20 (or subsequent supporting versions) when the HTTPS
service is enabled. Refer to the detailed description of Engineering Link Mode,
page 147.

Access Control Enable (default) or disable Ethernet access to the multiple servers in the controller from
unauthorized network devices.

EIO0000001578.14 143
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Comment
Authorized • Subnet (Yes or No)
• IP Address: ...
• Subnet mask: ...
• FTP: Grant access to the FTP server in the controller.
• TFTP: Grant access to the TFTP server in the controller.
• HTTPS: Grant access to the HTTP secured server in the controller.
• Port 502: Grant access to port 502 (typically used for Modbus messaging) of the
• EIP: Grant access to the EtherNet/IP server in the controller.
• SNMP: Grant access to the SNMP agent resident in the controller.
1 Set Access Control to Enabled to modify this field.

NOTE: Refer to the ETH_PORT_CTRL topic, page 564 for information regarding using
this function block to control the FTP, TFTP, HTTPS, and DHCP/BOOTP protocols.

Enable/Disable Ethernet Services

You can enable or disable Ethernet services on the Security tab:
• Enable/disable FTP, TFTP, HTTPS, EIP, SNMP, and DHCP/BOOTP for all IP
addresses. (You can use this feature offline only. The configuration screen is grayed out
in online mode.)
– or –
• Enable/disable FTP, TFTP, HTTPS, Port 502, EIP, and SNMP for each authorized IP
address. (You can use this feature online.)
Set the Security tab parameters before you download the application to the controller. The
default settings (maximum security level) reduce the communication capacities and port
NOTE: Disable services that are not being used.

Using Access Control for Authorized Addresses

Use the Access Control area to restrict device access to the controller in its role as a
server. After you enable access control in the Security dialog box, you can add the IP
addresses of the devices that you want to communicate with the controller to the list of
Authorized Addresses:
• By default, the IP address of the controller embedded Ethernet I/O scanner service with
Subnet set to Yes allows any device in the subnet to communicate with the controller
through EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP.

144 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• Add the IP address of any client device that may send a request to the controller
Ethernet I/O scanner service, which, in this case, acts as a Modbus TCP or EtherNet/IP
• Add the IP address of your maintenance PC to communicate with the controller through
the controller Ethernet I/O scanner service via Control Expert to configure and diagnose
your application.
• If the controller is configured as a network time service client in the NTP tab, page 155,
add the IP address of the network time server (or servers, if more than one server). This
is the same IP address that was added to the list of Server IP addresses in the NTP
NOTE: The subnet in the IP Address column can be the subnet itself or any IP address
inside the subnet. If you select Yes for a subnet that does not have a subnet mask, a
pop-up window states that the screen cannot be validated because of a detected error.
You can enter a maximum of 127 authorized IP addresses or subnets.

Adding Devices to the Authorized Addresses List

To add devices to the Authorized Addresses list:

Step Action

1 Set Access Control to Enabled.

2 In the IP Address column of the Authorized Addresses list, enter an IP address.

Enter the address of the device to access the controller Ethernet I/O scanner service with either of
these methods:
• Add a single IP address: Enter the IP address of the device and select No in the Subnet
• Add a subnet: Enter a subnet address in the IP Address column. Select Yes in the Subnet
column. Enter a subnet mask in the Subnet Mask column.
• The subnet in the IP Address column can be the subnet itself or any IP address in the
subnet. If you enter a subnet without a subnet mask, an on-screen message states that
the screen cannot be validated.
• A red exclamation point indicates a detected error in the entry. You can save the
configuration only after the detected error is corrected.

3 Select one or more of the following methods of access you are granting the device or subnet: FTP,
TFTP, HTTP , HTTPS if available, Port 502, EIP, SNMP.

4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each additional device or subnet to which you want to grant access to the
controller Ethernet I/O scanner service.
NOTE: You can enter up to 127 authorized IP addresses or subnets.

5 Click Apply.

EIO0000001578.14 145
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Removing Devices from the Authorized Addresses List

To remove devices from the Authorized Addresses list:

Step Action

1 In the Authorized Addresses list, select the IP address of the device to delete.

2 Press the Delete button.

3 Click Apply.

146 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Engineering Link Mode

The engineering link mode lets you restrict the connection to M580 controllers to certain
protocols to help secure communications with Control Expert, Control Expert Classic, and
HMI panels/software. It is available for M580 controllers with firmware version 4.20 and
subsequent supporting versions.

M580 Controller Connection Settings

The engineering link mode that is selected in the Security tab defines the protocols and
modes to access the control project in online mode as described in the following table.

Secure Engineering link(1) HMI/SCADA(2)

engineering link(1)

Protocols HTTPS or HTTPS Modbus TCP or Modbus TCP via Modbus TCP
Connection mode Monitoring and Programming Monitoring mode –
programming mode
Full Access Yes Yes Yes Yes
Engineering Link Mode

Filtered Yes No Yes Yes

Enforced Yes No No No

(1) Connection with Control Expert or Control Expert Classic.

(2) Connection with HMI panels/software.

NOTE: For more information on drivers/protocols, refer to the topic describing the types
of connections with controllers (see EcoStruxure Control Expert, Operating Modes)
NOTE: For more information on the programming and monitoring modes, refer to
Services in Online Mode (see EcoStruxure Control Expert, Operating Modes).

EIO0000001578.14 147
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

IPConfig Tab
IPConfig Parameters
IP address configuration field on the IPConfig tab:

Parameter Default Value Description

Main IP address The IP address of the controller and DIO scanner. This address can be
• By Control Expert, an HMI, or SCADA to communicate with the
• To access the controller web pages.
• By the controller to perform I/O scanning of DIO devices.

IP address A This address applies to the RIO scanner service in the controller
designated as A. (See the note below.)

IP address B – For M580 Hot Standby controllers only, this address applies to the RIO
scanner service in the controller designated as B. (See the note below.)

Subnetwork This bit mask identifies or determines the IP address bits that
mask correspond to the network address and the subnetwork portion of the
address. (The value can be changed to any valid value in the

Gateway This is the IP address of the default gateway to which messages for
address other networks are transmitted.

• If you change IP address A, the system may recalculate all IP addresses (including those of the
drops) to keep all devices in the same subnetwork.
• In M580 Hot Standby systems, both controller A and controller B maintain a redundant owner
connection with each RIO device (BM•CRA312•0 adapter). For this reason, when a Hot Standby
switchover occurs, the state of RIO outputs is not affected – the Hot Standby switchover transition is

Viewing and Editing the IP Address and Device Name of Network

The CRA IP address configuration area on the IPConfig tab is provided for controllers
with Ethernet I/O scanner service (controllers with commercial references that end 40). Use
this area to display a list of RIO/DIO scanners and BM•CRA312•0 adapters, and view or edit
the device IP address and device Identifier:

148 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

1 Click the CRA IP address configuration link to open the Ethernet Network window.

2 In the Subtype header, filter the device list by selecting:

• Scanner RIO/DIO
• ... (select both)
This list applies the selected filter, and displays all detected network devices of the selected type(s).

3 The IP Address field displays the address that was automatically assigned when the device was
added to the network.
NOTE: Although the IP address is editable, accept the automatically assigned IP address.

4 The Identifier field displays the identifier for the module, which is also the Device Name. To edit the
Identifier setting:
1. Double-click on the Identifier value. The value becomes editable.
2. Type in a new value.
3. Click the Control Expert Validate button.
The new Identifier setting is applied.

NOTE: The other fields in the Ethernet Network window are read-only.

Advanced Configuration
To configure DHCP and FDR services in the DTM browser, click the Services
configuration link in the Advanced configuration section of the window.

EIO0000001578.14 149
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

The Ethernet DEVICE NETWORK ports on the front of the M580 CPU support rapid
spanning tree protocol (RSTP). RSTP is an OSI layer 2 protocol defined by IEEE 802.1D
2004. RSTP performs these services:
• RSTP creates a loop-free logical network path for Ethernet devices that are part of a
topology that includes redundant physical paths. When either DEVICE NETWORK port
(ETH 2 or ETH 3) on the CPU is disconnected, the RSTP service directs traffic to the
other port.
• RSTP automatically restores network communication by activating redundant links
when a network event causes a loss of service.
NOTE: When an RSTP link is disconnected, the RSTP service acts on an event and
forwards traffic through the correct port. During this re-connect time (50ms max), some
packets may be lost.
The RSTP service creates a loop-free logical network path for Ethernet devices that are part
of a topology that includes redundant physical paths. When the network experiences a loss
of service, the RSTP-enabled module automatically restores network communication by
activating redundant links.
NOTE: RSTP can be implemented only when all network switches are configured to
support RSTP.
Changing these parameters can affect sub-ring diagnostics, RIO determinism, and network
recovery times.

Assign the Bridge Priority for RIO/DIO Scanner Service

A bridge priority value is used to establish the relative position of a switch in the RSTP
hierarchy. Bridge priority is a 2-byte value for the switch. The valid range is 0 ... 65535, with
a default of 32768 (the midpoint).
Assign the Bridge Priority on the RSTP page:

150 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

1 Select RSTP to see the RSTP Operational State.

2 Select a Bridge Priority from the drop-down list in the RSTP Operational State area:
• Root (0) (default)
• Backup Root (4096)
• Participant (32768)

3 Finish the configuration:

• OK: Assign the Bridge Priority, and close the window.
• Apply: Assign the Bridge Priority, and keep the window open.

RSTP Parameters for CPUs with RIO and DIO Scanner Service
RSTP tab:

Field Parameter Value Comment

RSTP Operational State Bridge Priority Root (0) default

Backup Root (4096) –

Participant (32768) –

RSTP Parameters for CPUs without RIO Scanner Service (DIO

Scanner Service Only)
RSTP tab:

Field Parameter Value Comment

RSTP Operational Bridge Priority Root(0) –

Backup Root(4096) –

Participant(32768) default

Bridge parameters Force version 2 You cannot edit this

Forward delay (ms) 21000

Maximum Age Time (ms) 40000

Transmit Hold Count 40

Hello Time (ms) 2000

EIO0000001578.14 151
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Parameter Value Comment

Port 2 Parameters – – You cannot edit these
field parameters.

Port 3 Parameters – – You cannot edit these

field parameters.

152 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Use the SNMP tab in Control Expert to configure individual SNMP parameters for these
• M580 CPU modules
• (e)X80 EIO adapter modules on RIO drops
• 140CRA3120• RIO adapter modules in Quantum EIO systems
An SNMP agent is a software component of the SNMP service that runs on these modules
to allow access to diagnostic and management information for the modules, as defined by
the supported MIBs: MIB2, Bridge MIB, and LLDP MIB.
You can use SNMP browsers, network management software, and other tools to access this
data. In addition, the SNMP agent can be configured with the IP addresses of one or two
devices (typically PCs that run network management software) to be the targets of event-
driven trap messages. Traps can inform the management device of the following events:
Link up, Link down, Cold start, Warm start, and Authentication failure.
Use the SNMP tab to configure the SNMP agents for communication modules in the local
rack and RIO drops. The SNMP agent can connect to and communicate with one or two
SNMP managers as part of an SNMP service. The SNMP service includes:
• authentication checking by the Ethernet communication module, of any SNMP manager
that sends SNMP requests
• management of events or traps


M580 CPU modules with firmware version ≥ 4.01 and higher support both:
• SNMP V1.
• SNMP V3, with the SNMPSecurityLevel of NoAuthNoPriv.
M580 CPU modules with firmware version < 4.01 support only SNMP V1.

SNMP Parameters
View and edit these properties on the SNMP page:

Property Description

SNMP Version SNMP V1 SNMP V1 and SNMP V3 present different formats and
configurable parameters, as indicated below.

EIO0000001578.14 153
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Property Description

IP Address IP Address Manager The IP address of the first SNMP manager to which the SNMP
Managers 1, 3 1 agent sends notices of traps.

IP Address Manager The IP address of the second SNMP manager to which the SNMP
2 agent sends notices of traps.

Agent 1, 3 Location The device location (32 characters maximum).

Contact Information describing the person to contact for device

maintenance (32 characters maximum)

SNMP Manager Select one:

• Disabled: You can edit the Location and Contact settings on
this page.
• Enabled: You cannot edit the Location and Contact settings
on this page. (Those settings are managed by the SNMP

Community Get Password required by the SNMP agent before executing read
Names 1 commands from an SNMP manager (default = public).

Set Password required by the SNMP agent before executing write

commands from an SNMP manager (default = private).

Trap Password an SNMP manager requires from the SNMP agent

before the manager accepts trap notices from the agent (default =

Security 1 Enable TRUE causes the SNMP agent to send a trap notice to the SNMP
Authentication manager if an unauthorized manager sends a Get or Set
Failure Trap command to the agent (default = Disabled).

Username 3 The username value required for SNMP V3 communication.

1. Supported by SNMP V1.

3. Supported by SNMP V3.

Apply the configuration by clicking a button:

• Apply: Save changes.
• OK: Save changes and close the window.

154 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

You can configure an M580 controller as an NTP server or an NTP client in the Control
Expert NTP tab.
When the controller firmware version is:
• Earlier than V4.01, the SNTP protocol is employed and you can configure the controller
◦ NTP client
◦ NTP server
◦ Both NTP client and server
• V4.01 or any subsequent supporting version(s), the NTPv4 protocol is employed and
you can configure the controller as:
◦ NTP server only
◦ NTP server and client
To begin, open the controller configuration tabs in Control Expert, page 139.

NTP Service Features

The NTP service has these features:
• A periodic time correction is obtained from the reference-standard time server.
• There is an automatic switchover to a backup (secondary) time server if an error is
detected with the normal time server system.
• Controller projects use a function block to read the accurate clock, allowing project
events or variables to be time stamped. (Refer to the System Time Stamping User
Guide (see System Time Stamping, User Guide) for detailed information about
timestamping performance.)
When the M580 controller is configured as either an NTP server or as an NTP client, the
BM•CRA312•0 (e)X80 EIO adapter modules are NTP clients of the controller:
• When only BM•CRA31200 modules are configured as NTP clients, the accuracy of
this server allows time discrimination of 20 ms.
• All BM•CRA31200 modules in the network have the same client configuration.

EIO0000001578.14 155
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

NTP Client Mode

When the controller is configured as an NTP client, the network time service (SNTP or
NTPv4) synchronizes the clock in the M580 controller to that of the time server. The
synchronized value is used to update the clock in the controller. Typical time service
configurations utilize redundant servers and diverse network paths to achieve high accuracy
and reliability.
When the controller firmware version is:
• Earlier than V4.01, you can specify a primary and secondary NTP server.
• V4.01 and any subsequent supporting version(s), you can identify up to 8 NTP servers,
and specify the preferred server.
NOTE: When the controller operates as an network time service client, if you have
enabled Access Control in the Security tab, page 142 you need to enter the network
time server IP address in the access control list. Otherwise, the controller cannot reach
the server.
To establish the accurate Ethernet system network time, the system performs the following
at power up:
• requires the controller to boot
• uses the controller to obtain the time from the NTP server
• requires a predefined interval until time is accurate; your configuration determines how
long before time is accurate
• may require several updates to achieve peak accuracy
Once an accurate time is received, the service sets the status in the associated time service
The time service clock value starts at 0 until fully updated from the controller.

Model Starting Date

Modicon M580 with Control Expert January 1st 1980 00:00:00.00

Stop or run controller:

• Stop and run have no effect on the accuracy of the clock.
• Stop and run have no effect on the update of the clock.
• A transition from one mode to the other has no effect on the accuracy of the Ethernet
system network time.
Download application:
• The status clock value associated with the time service register in the M580 controller is
reinitialized after an application is downloaded or after an NTP server swap. The time is
accurate after two polling periods.

156 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

NOTE: For NTP diagnostics, refer to the NTP web page.

NTP Server Mode

When the controller is configured as an NTP server, it can synchronize client clocks (such as
a BM•CRA31200 (e)X80 EIO adapter module). The controller's internal clock is then used
as reference clock for NTP services.

NTP Parameters for a Controller with Firmware earlier than V4.01

Use the pull-down menu in the NTP field to configure the controller as an NTP Client or an
NTP Server:

Value Comment
Disabled default: Both the NTP server and the NTP client services of the controller are disabled.
NTP Client The controller functions as the NTP client. In this case, configure the NTP Server
Configuration parameters.
NOTE: Enable the NTP client here to automatically enable the NTP client service on
all BM•CRA312•0 adapter modules.

NTP Server The Ethernet I/O scanner controller acts as an NTP server.
NOTE: Enable the NTP client here to automatically enable the NTP client service on
all BM•CRA312•0 adapter modules and to configure the BM•CRA312•0 to use the
controller as the NTP server.

Assign values to these parameters in the NTP Server Configuration field:

Parameter Comment

Primary NTP Server the IP address of the NTP server, from which the controller first requests a time value
IP address
Secondary NTP the IP address of the backup NTP server, from which the controller requests a time
Server IP address value after not receiving a response from the primary NTP server

Polling Period The time (in seconds) between updates from the NTP server. Smaller values typically
result in better accuracy.
NOTE: This parameter applies only to the SNTP protocol and to controllers
using a firmware version earlier than V4.01.

NTP Parameters for a Controller with Firmware V4.01

Use the following settings to configure the NTP protocol for controller with firmware V4.01 or
any subsequent supporting version(s):

EIO0000001578.14 157
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Parameter Description

Server Only / Client Specify the NTP role of the controller: server only, or both client and server.
Stratum The relative position of the server in the NTP network. This represents the distance of
the controller (in its role as NTP server) from the reference clock.
• 0 is lowest (directly connected)
• 15 is most distant (hence less reliable)
When the controller is operating as:
• Client and server: this parameter is auto-configured. It is equal to the stratum
value of the system peer +1.
• Server only or in orphan mode (i.e., when the controller’s subnet becomes
isolated from other NTP servers and assumes the role as interim server): you
can configure this parameter.

Server IPv4 address1 The IP addresses of reference NTP servers used by the controller. Minimum of 4;
maximum of 8.
Used as preferred1 Indicates the NTP server in the list to be used by the controller.

Quality threshold (ms) Threshold for NTP accuracy. Setting range 0...1000.
• 0 = not used.
• Default value = 50 ms.
The Quality threshold setting is compared to the DDT value NTP_WITHIN. If the
Quality threshold is ≥ NTP_WITHIN, the NTP_QUALITY_WARNING DDT item is
set to true (1) and the event is recorded in syslog.

1. If Server Only is selected, these parameters are disabled.

158 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Switch Tab
The Switch tab is only available for CPUs without RIO scanner service. It contains these

Field Parameter Value Comment

ETH1 – – You cannot edit these field
parameters here. Configuration
can be modified in the Service
Port tab, page 162.

ETH2 Enabled Yes default

No –

Baud Rate Auto 10/100 Mbits/sec default

100 Mbits/sec Half duplex –

100 Mbits/sec Full duplex –

10 Mbits/sec Half duplex –

10 Mbits/sec Full duplex –

ETH3 Enabled Yes default

No –

Baud Rate Auto 10/100 Mbits/sec default

100 Mbits/sec Half duplex –

100 Mbits/sec Full duplex –

10 Mbits/sec Half duplex –

10 Mbits/sec Full duplex –

Backplane – – You cannot edit these field


NOTE: ETH1 port is a dedicated service port and the Ethernet backplane network is
dedicated to the communication between modules on the rack. The switch parameters
for those two ports cannot be configured in the Switch tab.

EIO0000001578.14 159
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

QoS Tab
The M580 CPU can be configured to perform Ethernet packet tagging. The CPU supports
the OSI layer 3 quality of service (QoS) standard defined in RFC-2475. When you enable
QoS, the CPU adds a differentiated services code point (DSCP) tag to each Ethernet packet
that it transmits to indicate the priority of that packet.

QoS Tab
The QoS tab is available only on CPUs that do not support the RIO scanner service (only on
CPUs with commercial references that end with 20).

Field Parameter Value Comment

DSCP Tagging – Enabled default
Disabled –

PTP DSCP PTP Event Priority 59 –

DSCP PTP General Priority 47 –

EtherNet/IP Traffic DSCP Value For I/O Data Schedule Priority 47 –


DSCP Value For Explicit Message 27 –

DSCP Value For I/O Data Urgent Priority Messages 55 –

DSCP Value For I/O Data High Priority Messages 43 –

DSCP Value For I/O Data Low Priority Messages 31 –

Modbus TCP Traffic DSCP Value For I/O Messages 43 –

DSCP Value For Explicit Message 27 –

Network Time DSCP Value For Network Time Protocol Messages 59 –

Protocol Traffic

DSCP tagging lets you prioritize the Ethernet packet streams based on the type of traffic in
that stream.
To implement QoS settings in your Ethernet network:
• Use network switches that support QoS.
• Consistently apply DSCP values to network devices and switches that support DSCP.

160 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• Confirm that switches apply a consistent set of rules for sorting DSCP tags, when
transmitting and receiving Ethernet packets.

EIO0000001578.14 161
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Service Port Tab

Service Port Parameters
These parameters are on the Control Expert Service Port tab:

Field Parameter Value Comment

Service Port – Enabled (default) Enable the port and edit port parameters.

– Disabled Disable the port (no access to parameters).

Service Port – Access (default) This mode supports communications to Ethernet

Mode devices.
– Mirroring In port mirroring mode, data traffic from one or more of
the other ports is copied to this port. Connect a packet
sniffing tool to this port to monitor and analyze port
NOTE: In this mode, the Service port acts like a
read-only port. That is, you cannot access
devices (ping, connection to Control Expert, and
so on) through the Service port.

Access Port Service Port ETH1 You cannot edit the value in the Service Port Number
Configuration Number field.

Port Mirroring Source Port Internal Port Ethernet traffic to and from the internal processor sent
Configuration (s) to the Service Port
ETH2 Ethernet traffic to and from ETH2 sent to the Service
ETH3 Ethernet traffic to and from ETH3 sent to the Service
Backplane Port Ethernet traffic to and from the backplane sent to the
Service Port
Automatic – Deselected Automatically enables the service port of the standby
blocking of (default) BMENOC0301.4, or any subsequent supporting
service port on version(s)of the module, to allow an RIO main ring,
Standby CPU with or without distributed equipment, to communicate
(in Hot Standby with the control network.
system only)
Selected Automatically blocks the service port to help avoid an
unintentional loop.

Hot Standby Configuration

In an M580 Hot Standby configuration, some topologies may unintentionally create a loop
that interferes with network communication. These topologies are essentially related to the

162 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

management of flat networks, i.e., topologies in which the control network, remote I/O
network, and/or the device network belong to the same subnet.
To help avoid creating an unintentional loop caused by connection to the service port, select
the Automatic blocking of service port on Standby CPU check box that appears in the
ServicePort tab of the configuration dialog. This check box is available only in Unity Pro 13.1
or any subsequent supporting version(s).
Unity Pro is the former name of Control Expert for version 13.1 or earlier.
To configure, select the ServicePort tab.
• Select the Automatic blocking of service port on Standby CPU check box so that
the service port of the standby CPU is automatically blocked.
• Deselect the check box so that the service port is not automatically blocked.
The check box is deselected (unblocked) by default.
NOTE: These features are implemented in a Hot Standby system using a CPU with
firmware version 2.7 or any subsequent supporting version(s), and a BMENOC0301.4 or
any subsequent supporting version(s) of the module.
Refer to the ServicePort configuration topic (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System
Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures) to see topology examples in which this
issue exists.

On-line Behavior
The Service Port parameters are stored in the application, but you can reconfigure the
parameters in connected mode. Values that you reconfigure in connected mode are sent to
the PAC through explicit messaging.
The changed values are not stored, so a mismatch can exist between the parameters that
are being used and those that are in the stored application.

EIO0000001578.14 163
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Advanced Settings Tab

The Advanced Settings tab is only available for CPUs that do not support RIO scanning
(DIO scanner service only). The Advanced Settings contains these fields:
• EtherNet/IP Timeout Settings
• EtherNet/IP Scanner Behavior

Timeout Settings
These parameters are in the EtherNet/IP Timeout Settings field:

Parameter Value Comment

FW_Open I/O Connection Timeout 4960 Specifies the amount of time the scanner waits for FW_Open
(msec) response of an I/O connection.

FW_Open EM Connection 3000 Specifies the amount of time the scanner waits for FW_Open
Timeout (msec) response of an EM connection.

EM Connection RPI (msec) 10000 Sets T->O and O->T RPI for all EM connections.

EM Request Timeout (sec) 10 Specifies the amount of time the scanner will wait between
the request and the response of an explicit message.

Scanner Behavior
These parameters are in the EtherNet/IP Scanner Behavior field:

Parameter Value Comment

Allow RESET via Disabled (Default.) The scanner ignores the Identity object reset service request.
explicit message
Enabled The scanner will reset if an Identity object reset service request is
Behavior when CPU Idle (Default.) The EtherNet/IP I/O connection stays open, but the Run/Idle
state is STOP flag is set to Idle.

STOP The EtherNet/IP IO connection is closed.

164 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Safety Tab
A CIP Safety CPU is the originator of CIP Safety communications, and is identified by its
originator unique identifier (OUNID). Use this tab to configure an OUNID for the CIP Safety
CPU. Each OUNID is a 10 byte concatenated value, consisting of a:
• Safety Network Number (6 bytes)
• IP Address (4 bytes)
NOTE: Changes to the OUNID can be made only offline. After the changed
configuration is built, the application can be downloaded to the PAC.

Safety Network Number

The Safety Network Number component of the OUNID can be auto-generated by Control
Expert, or user-generated by manual input. If this number is:
• Auto-generated (the default), it is based on the current timestamp (date and time).
• Manually generated, it can be any 6 byte hexadecimal character string.
You can update the OUNID by updating the auto-generated value, or changing the manual

IP Address
This is automatically set to the CPU Main IP address, page 148. The OUNID is updated if
the IP address changes.

CIP Safety OUNID Parameters

This tab page presents the following parameters:

EIO0000001578.14 165
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Parameter Description

Safety Network Number Click Advanced... to open the Safety Network Number dialog, where you can
enter this setting:
• Automatically, by selecting Time-based, then clicking the Generate button.
The auto-generated value appears in the Number field.
• Manually, by selecting Manual, then a 6 byte hexadecimal character string
in the Number field.
Click OK to close the dialog and save the Safety Network Number.

IP Address This read-only setting is automatically input, based on the configured Main IP
address CPU setting.

OUNID The auto-generated hexadecimal identifier: a concatenation of the Safety Network

Number and the IP Address.

166 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Configuring the M580 CPU with DTMs in Control

Some configuration features for the M580 CPU are accessed through its corresponding
M580 DTM in the Control Expert DTM Browser.
Use the instructions in this section to configure the M580 CPU through the DTM.

About DTM Configuration in Control Expert

The configuration of the M580 controller through standard Control Expert features is
described elsewhere in this guide, page 139.
Some configuration that is specific to a particular device (like the M580 controller) is done
through a corresponding device type manager (DTM) in Control Expert. This section
describes that configuration.

Accessing Configuration Settings

Follow these steps to access the configuration settings in the DTM for the M580 controller in
Control Expert:

Step Action

1 Open Control Expert.

2 Open a Control Expert project that includes a M580 controller in the configuration.

3 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

4 Double-click the DTM that corresponds to the M580 controller in the DTM Browser to open the
device editor of the DTM.
5 These headings appear in the configuration tree of the M580 DTM:
• Channel Properties
• Services
• EtherNet/IP Local Slaves
• Device List
• Logging

EIO0000001578.14 167
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Implicit Connections
You can use routed communications to make implicit EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP
connections to these devices in a different subnet:
• controller modules
• BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 communications modules
• BMENOC0321(C) high-end control module

168 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Accessing Channel Properties

On the Control Expert Channel Properties page, you can select a Source IP Address (PC)
from a pull-down menu.
The Source IP Address (PC) menu is a list of IP addresses that are configured for a PC that
has the Control Expert DTM installed.
To make the connection, choose a Source IP Address (PC) that is in the same network as
the controller and the device network.
You can execute these tasks through this connection:
• Perform fieldbus discovery.
• Execute Online Actions.
• Send an explicit message to an EtherNet/IP device.
• Send an explicit message to a Modbus TCP device.
• Diagnose modules.

Open the Page

View the Channel Properties for the controller:

Step Action

1 Open a Control Expert project that includes a M580 controller.

2 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

3 In the DTM Browser, find the name that you assigned to the controller.

4 Double-click (or right-click Open) the name of the controller to open the configuration window.

5 Select Channel Properties in the navigation pane.

Property Descriptions
This table describes the parameters for the Channel Properties:

EIO0000001578.14 169
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Parameter Description

Source Address Source IP Address A list of IP addresses assigned to network interface cards installed
(PC) on your PC.
NOTE: If the configured main IP address of the controller is
not in the subnet of any of the IP configured on the interface
cards of the PC, then the first interface card IP is suggested by
Sub-Network Mask The subnet mask that is associated with the selected source IP
(read-only) address (PC).

EtherNet/IP Begin detection The first IP address in the address range for automatic field bus
Network Detection range address discovery of EtherNet/IP devices.

End detection The last IP address in the address range for automatic field bus
range address discovery of EtherNet/IP devices.

Modbus Network Begin detection The first IP address in the address range for automatic field bus
Detection range address discovery of Modbus TCP devices.

End detection The last IP address in the address range for automatic field bus
range address discovery of Modbus TCP devices.

Make the Connection

Connect to the Source IP Address (PC):

Step Action

1 Select an IP address from the Source IP Address (PC) pull-down menu.

2 Press the Apply button.

3 In the DTM Browser, find the name that you assigned to the controller.

4 Right-click the name of the controller and scroll to Connect.

TCP/IP Monitoring
Expand (+) the Channel Properties heading in the configuration tree and select the TCP/IP
item at level 1.
The read-only information on this page monitors the IP parameters that were configured in
Control Expert.

170 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Managing Source IP Addresses for Multiple PCs

When you connect a PC to a DTM-based Control Expert application, Control Expert requires
that you define the IP address of the PC connected to the PLC, which is referred to as the
source IP address (PC). Rather than having to perform a Build in Control Expert each time
you connect a PC to the PLC, the source IP address (PC) is selected automatically when
you import the Control Expert application. During application import, the DTM retrieves all
available configured NIC addresses of a connected PC and matches the subnet mask of the
master with the available NIC list.
• If a match between the subnet mask of the master and the NIC list exists, Control
Expert automatically selects the matched IP address as the source IP address (PC) in
the Channel Properties page.
• If multiple matches exist, Control Expert automatically selects the IP address nearest to
the subnet mask.
• If no match exists, Control Expert automatically selects the IP address to the nearest
available subnet mask.

EIO0000001578.14 171
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring DHCP and FDR Address Servers

DHCP and FDR Address Servers
The M580 CPU includes both a dynamic host communication protocol (DHCP) and a fast
device replacement (FDR) server. The DHCP server provides IP address settings to
networked up to devices. The FDR server provides operating parameter settings to
replacement Ethernet devices that are equipped with FDR client functionality.

Accessing the Address Server

Access the address server for the M580 CPU in Control Expert:

Step Action

1 Open Control Expert.

2 Open a Control Expert project that includes a M580 CPU in the configuration.

3 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

4 Double-click the DTM that corresponds to the M580 CPU in the DTM Browser to open the device
editor of the DTM.
5 Expand (+) the Services heading in the configuration tree.

6 Select the Address Server item in the configuration tree to see the address server configuration.

Configure the address server to perform these tasks:
• Enable and disable the CPU FDR service.
• View an automatically generated list of all devices included in the CPU configuration,
displaying for each device:
◦ IP addressing parameters
◦ whether the device IP addressing parameters are provided by the CPU embedded
DHCP server
Manually add remote devices that are not part of the CPU configuration to the CPU DHCP
client list.
NOTE: Remote devices added in this way are equipped with DHCP client software and
are configured to subscribe to the CPU IP addressing service.

172 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Enabling the FDR Service

To enable the FDR service, set the FDR Server field to Enabled. To disable the service,
toggle the same field to Disabled.
You can disable the FDR service for CPUs that do not support RIO scanning (commercial
references that end in 20). The FDR service is always enabled for CPUs that support RIO
scanning (commercial references that end in 40).
Any networked Ethernet device equipped with FDR client functionality can subscribe to the
CPU FDR service.
The maximum size of the FDR client operating parameter files depends on the CPU
reference. When this capacity is reached, the CPU cannot store additional client FDR files

CPU Reference PRM File Size Concurrent Connections

BMEP581020 8 MB 64
BMEP582020 16 MB 128
BMEP582040 17 MB 136
BMEP583020 16 MB 128
BMEP583040 25 MB 208
BMEP584020 16 MB 128
BMEP584040 25 MB 208
BMEP585040 25 MB 208
BMEP586040 25 MB 208
BMEH582040 25 MB 208
BMEH584040 25 MB 208
BMEH586040 25 MB 208

NOTE: The FDR usage percentage is monitored by the FDR_USAGE variable in the
DDDT, page 295.

Viewing the Auto-Generated DHCP Client List

The list of Automatically Added Devices includes a row for each remote device that is:
• part of the CPU configuration
• configured to subscribe to the CPU DHCP addressing service
NOTE: You cannot add devices to this list in this page. Instead, use the configuration
pages for the remote device to subscribe to this service.

EIO0000001578.14 173
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

This table describes the available properties:

Property Description

Device No The number assigned to the device in the Control Expert configuration.

IP Address The client device IP address.

DHCP TRUE indicates that the device subscribes to the DHCP service.
Identifier Type Indicates the mechanism used by the server to recognize the client (MAC address or
DHCP device name).

Identifier The actual MAC address or DHCP device name.

Netmask The client device subnet mask.
Gateway A DHCP client device uses the gateway IP address to access other devices that are not
located on the local subnet. A value of constrains the DHCP client device by
allowing it to communicate only with devices on the local subnet.

Manually Adding Remote Modules to the DHCP Service

Remote modules that are part of the CPU configuration – and which have subscribed to the
CPU IP addressing service – automatically appear in the Automatically Added Devices
Other remote modules that are not part of the CPU configuration can be manually added to
the CPU DHCP IP addressing service.
Manually add networked Ethernet modules that are not part of the CPU configuration to the
CPU IP addressing service:

174 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Description

1 In the Address Server page, click the Add button in the Manually Added Devices field to instruct
Control Expert to add an empty row to the list.

2 In the new row, configure these parameters for the client device:

IP Address Type in the IP address of the client device.

Identifier Type Select the type of value the client device uses to identify itself to the FDR server:
• MAC address
• device Name
Identifier Depending upon the identifier type, type in the client device setting for the MAC
address or name.
Netmask Type in the client device subnet mask.

Gateway Type in the gateway address that remote devices can use to communicate with
devices located on other networks. Use if remote devices do not
communicate with devices located on other networks.
3 Refer to the topic Configuring Properties in the Device Editor (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311
Ethernet Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide) for instructions on how to
apply edited properties to networked devices.

EIO0000001578.14 175
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring Generic Device DTMs

The following topics describe how to use Control Expert to select and configure a generic
device DTM for a remote device, including properties that define:
• the connection between the remote device and the controller
• the degree to which the actual remote device must match the remote device described
in the Control Expert project configuration
NOTE: If using a vendor-specific DTM, consult the documentation the vendor provides
for that device.
For an example of how to configure a Schneider Electric DTM for the STBNIC2212
communication module, refer to the chapter Implicit Messaging, page 367.

Generic DTM Types

For an M580 project, the following generic DTMs are available:
• Advanced Generic DTM
• Generic Device DTM
• Generic Device Explicit Message DTM
• Generic Safety DTM
NOTE: The following topics address non-safety generic DTMs. For more information
about M580 Safety DTMs, refer to the Modicon M580 Safety Manual topic Configuring
Safety Device DTMs,

Displaying Remote Device and DTM Properties

Use this page to view properties that describe:
• the remote device, and
• its DTM
To display this page, select a remote device in the DTM Browser to open its DTM. Then, in
the left pane of the Device Editor, select the node that displays the assigned device name.
NOTE: When this page is displayed, if this device is capable of supporting an additional
connection, you can use the Add Connection command to create a new connection for
this device, page 178.

176 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

The properties displayed in this page are read-only. The source of the displayed property
values is the device DTM. The following list presents an example of the self-explanatory
properties you may see displayed in a generic DTM:
• File Name
• File:
◦ Description
◦ File Creation Date
◦ File Creation Time
◦ Last Modification Date
◦ Last Modification Time
◦ EDS Revision
• Device:
◦ Vendor Name
◦ Device Type
◦ Vendor Code
◦ Product Type
◦ Product Code
◦ Major Revision
◦ Minor Revision
◦ Product Name
◦ Catalog Number

Adding a Generic Device DTM to an M580 Project

As a prerequisite, create a project in control expert with an M580 controller.
To add a generic device DTM:

Step Action

1 Select Tools > DTM Browser.

2 Right click on the controller node, for example, BMEP58_ECPU_EXT and select Add....

3 For Protocol select EtherNet IP.

4 Select one of the following generic DTMs from the list:

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Step Action

• Advanced Generic EDS

• Generic Device
• Generic Device Explicit Msg

5 Click Add DTM.

6 In the Properties of device dialog General tab, accept the default Name or enter a new name for
the DTM, then click OK.

The new DTM appears in the DTM Browser as a node on the Distributed Bus.

Adding and Removing Connections

Use the Device Editor to access the DTM for a remote device, where you can add and
remove device connections.
For Advanced Generic DTMs and Generic Device DTMs, one Exclusive Owner connection
is added by default.
No connection can be added to a Generic Device Explicit Msg DTM.

Adding a Connection
To add a connection for a remote device:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, double-click a remote device. Its DTM opens in the Device Editor.

2 In the left pane of the Device Editor, select the node displaying the name of the remote device.
• For Advanced Generic DTMs and Generic Device DTMs, one Exclusive Owner
connection is added by default.
• If the device is capable of supporting additional connections, the Add Connection
button becomes enabled. For example:
◦ a Generic Device DTM can support only a single Status (Optional Connection)
◦ an Advanced Generic DTM can support multiple Exclusive Owner, Listen Only,
and Input Only connections.
• If the Add Connection button remains disabled, the device is presently supporting its
maximum number of connections. In this case, a new connection can be added only
after an existing connection is removed.

3 Click the Add Connection button. The Select the connection to add dialog opens.

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Step Action

4 In the Connection to add list, select a connection type.

NOTE: The types of connections available in the list depends upon the connection types
supported by the specific remote device.

5 Click OK to close the dialog. The new connection appears in the tree control in the left pane.

6 Click the following tabbed pages, and configure the properties in each page (as necessary):
• Connection, page 179
• Identity Check, page 181
• Configuration Settings, page 182

7 Do one of the following:

• click Apply to save your edits and leave the window open, or
• click OK to save your edits and close the window

Removing a Connection
To remove a connection between a remote device and the communication module:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, double-click a remote device. Its DTM opens in the Device Editor.

2 In the left pane of the Device Editor, beneath the remote device name, select the connection
node you wish to remove.

3 Click the Remove Connection button. The dialog opens. The connection disappears from the
tree control.
4 Do one of the following:
• click Apply to save your edits and leave the window open, or
• click OK to save your edits and close the window

Configuring Generic DTM EtherNet/IP Connections

Use this tab to configure connection properties that are required by the remote device DTM.
An EtherNet/IP connection provides a communication link between two or more devices.
Properties for a single connection must be configured in the DTMs for each of the connected
To open this page:

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Step Action

1 Double-click on the remote device in the DTM Browser to open its DTM in the Device Editor.

2 In the navigation tree in the left pane of the Device Editor, select the connection node you want
to configure.

3 In the right pane of the Device Editor, click the Connection tab.

NOTE: When this page is open, you can use the Remove Connection command to
delete the selected connection.

Remote Device Connection Properties

A connection to a remote Schneider Electric device can present these properties:

Property Description

Output RPI (O- Output RPI or Input RPI indicates the refresh period for the respective connection in
>T) milliseconds. (These parameters can also be set in the DTM for the communication module
Input RPI (T->O)

Input size This is the number of bytes (0 ... 505) that are reserved for input data.

Input instance The input instance of the connection (0 ... 255).

Input mode This mode is the input transmission type:

• Multicast
• Point to Point
Input type (read This is the Ethernet packet type (fixed or variable length) for transmission.
only) NOTE: The Ethernet communication module supports only Fixed length packets.

Input priority This transmission priority value depends upon the device DTM. These are the available
• Low
• High
• Scheduled
Input trigger These are the available values for the transmission trigger:
• Cyclic
• Change of state or application

Output size This is the number of bytes (0 ... 509) that are reserved for output data.

Output instance The output instance of the connection (0 ... 255).

Output mode This mode is the output transmission type:

• Multicast
• Point to Point

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Property Description

Output type (read This is the Ethernet packet type (fixed or variable length) for transmission.
only) NOTE: The Ethernet communication module supports only Fixed length packets.

Output priority This transmission priority value depends upon the device DTM. These are the available
• Low
• High
• Scheduled
Configuration The configuration instance of the connection (0 ... 255).

Checking Remote Device Identity

Use this tab to specify the degree to which a remote device (detected on the network)
conforms to the configuration settings for the same remote device in the Control Expert
application project. Control Expert does not maintain connections to a remote device that
does not pass this identity check.
NOTE: This page appears only for generic DTM types that support connections, for
example, Generic Device DTM, Advanced Generic DTM, and Generic Safety DTM.
The Generic Device Explicit Msg DTM does not support connections.
To open this page:

Step Action

1 Double-click on the remote device in the DTM Browser to open its DTM in the Device Editor.

2 In the navigation tree in the left pane of the Device Editor select the connection node you want to

3 In the right pane of the Device Editor, click the Identity Check tab.

NOTE: When this page is open, you can use the Remove Connection command to
delete the selected connection.

Remote Device Identity Properties

A connection to a remote Schneider Electric device can present these properties:

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Property Description

Check Identity This property defines the rule that Control Expert uses to compare the configured versus the
actual remote device. These are the available settings:
• Must match exactly: The DTM or EDS file exactly matches the remote device.
• Disable: The checking function does not run. The identity portion of the connection is
filled with zero values (the default setting).
• Must be compatible: When the remote device is not the same as defined by the DTM/
EDS, it emulates the DTM/EDS definitions.
• None—no checking occurs; the identity portion of the connection is omitted
• Custom: Enable the following parameter settings individually.

When Check identity is set to Custom, complete these fields:

Compatibility • True: For each of the following selected tests, the DTM/EDS and remote device are
Mode compatible.
• False: For each of the following selected tests, the DTM/EDS and remote device
match exactly.

Minor Version For each of these, select a setting:

Major Version • Compatible: Include the parameter in the test.
• Not checked: Do not include the parameter in the test.
Product Code
Product Type

Product Vendor

Generic DTM Configuration Settings

Use the Configuration Settings tab to complete the configuration of the connection to this
remote device. The information added in this page extends the address path to the remote
To open this page:

Step Action

1 Double-click on the remote device in the DTM Browser to open its DTM in the Device Editor.

2 In the navigation tree in the left pane of the Device Editor select the connection node you want
to configure.

3 In the right pane of the Device Editor, click the Configuration Settings tab.

NOTE: When this page is open, you can use the Remove Connection command to
delete the selected connection.

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Configuration Settings
The content of this page can vary, depending upon the DTM – selected in the Add dialog –
that defines this device. Examples of DTM properties that may be configured in this page

This DTM type... Can require this content...

Property Description

Generic Device Configuration1: A hexadecimal extension to the addressing path.

Advanced Generic Device Input Instance1: The device specific assembly number associated with
input (T -> O) transmissions.

Output Instance1: The device specific assembly number associated with

output (O -> T) transmissions.

Configuration Instance1: The device specific assembly number associated with

device configuration settings.

Configuration1: A hexadecimal extension to the addressing path.

1. The value, or range of values, that can be used to configure this property must be obtained from the manufacturer of
the specific device and device DTM.

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Diagnostics through the Control Expert DTM

Introducing Diagnostics in the Control Expert DTM
The Control Expert DTM provides diagnostics information that is collected at configured
polling intervals. Use this information to diagnose the operation of the embedded Ethernet
scanner service in the CPU.

Connect the DTM

Before you can open the diagnostics page, make the connection between the DTM for the
CPU’s embedded scanner service:

Step Action

1 Open a Control Expert project.

2 Open the Control Expert DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).
3 Right-click the name that is assigned to your CPU in the DTM Browser.

4 Select Connect.

Open the Page

Access the Diagnosis information:

Step Action

1 Right-click the name that is assigned to your CPU in the DTM Browser.

2 Select Device Menu > Diagnosis to view the available diagnostics pages.

Diagnostics Information
The diagnostics window has two distinct areas:
• left pane: LED icons indicate the operating status of modules, devices, and

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• right pane: These pages show diagnostics data for these items:
◦ CPU’s embedded scanner service
◦ local slave nodes that are activated for the CPU’s embedded scanner service
◦ EtherNet/IP connections between the CPU’s embedded scanner service and a
remote EtherNet/IP device
When the appropriate DTM is connected to the CPU, Control Expert sends an explicit
message request once per second to detect the state of the CPU’s embedded scanner
service and of all the remote devices and EtherNet/IP connections linked to the CPU.
Control Expert places one of these status icons over the module, device, or connection in
the left pane of the Diagnostic window to indicate its current status:

Icon Communication module Connection to a remote device

Run state is indicated. The health bit for every EtherNet/IP connection and Modbus
TCP request (to a remote device, sub-device, or module) is
set to active (1).

One of these states is indicated: The health bit for at least one EtherNet/IP connection or
• unknown Modbus TCP request (to a remote device, sub-device, or
module) is set to inactive (0).
• stopped
• not connected

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Bandwidth Diagnostics
Use the Bandwidth page to view the dynamic and static data for the bandwidth use by the
embedded Ethernet scanner service in the CPU.
NOTE: Before you can open the diagnostics page, make the connection between the
DTM for the CPU’s embedded scanner service and the physical module.

Open the Page

Access the Bandwidth information:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, right-click the name that is assigned to your CPU.

2 Select Device menu > Diagnosis.

3 In the left pane of the Diagnosis window, select the CPU node.

4 Select the Bandwidth tab to open that page.

Data Display
Use the Refresh Every 500ms checkbox to display the static or dynamic data:

Checkbox Description

Selected • Display data that is dynamically updated every 500 ms.

• Increment the number at the top of the table each time data is refreshed.

De-selected • Display static data.

• Do not increment the number at the top of the table. That number now represents a
constant value.

Bandwidth Diagnostic Parameters

The Bandwidth page displays the following parameters for the communication module:

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Parameter Description

I/O - Scanner:
EtherNet/IP Sent The number of EtherNet/IP packets the module has sent in packets/second.

EtherNet/IP Received The number of EtherNet/IP packets the module has received in packets/second.

Modbus TCP Received The number of Modbus TCP requests the module has sent in packets/second.

Modbus TCP Responses The number of Modbus TCP responses that the CPU’s embedded scanner
service has received in packets/second.

I/O - Adapter:

EtherNet/IP Sent The number of EtherNet/IP packets (per second) that the CPU’s embedded
scanner service has sent in the role of a local slave.
EtherNet/IP Received The number of EtherNet/IP packets (per second) that the CPU’s embedded
scanner service has received in the role of a local slave.
I/O - Module
Module Capacity The maximum number of packets (per second) that the CPU’s embedded
scanner service can process.

Module Utilization The percentage of the CPU’s embedded scanner service capacity being used by
the application.

Messaging - Client:

EtherNet/IP Activity The number of explicit messages (packets per second) sent by the CPU’s
embedded scanner service using the EtherNet/IP protocol.

Modbus TCP Activity The number of explicit messages (packets per second) sent by the CPU’s
embedded scanner service using the Modbus TCP protocol.

Messaging - Server:

EtherNet/IP Activity The number of server messages (packets per second) received by the CPU’s
embedded scanner service using the EtherNet/IP protocol.

Modbus TCP Activity The number of server messages (packets per second) received by the CPU’s
embedded scanner service using the Modbus TCP protocol.

Processor Utilization The percentage of the CPU’s embedded scanner service processing capacity
used by the present level of communication activity.

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RSTP Diagnostics
Use the RSTP Diagnostic page to view the status of the RSTP service of the embedded
Ethernet scanner service in the controller. The page displays dynamically generated and
static data for the module.
NOTE: Before you can open the diagnostics page, make the connection between the
DTM for the controller’s embedded scanner service and the physical module.

Open the Page

Access the RSTP Diagnosis information:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, right-click the name that is assigned to your controller.

2 Select Device menu > Diagnosis.

3 In the left pane of the Diagnosis window, select the controller node.

4 Select RSTP Diagnostic tab to open that page.

Data Display
Select the Refresh Every 500ms check box to display the static or dynamic data:

Checkbox Description

Selected • Display data that is dynamically updated every 500 ms.

• Increment the number at the top of the table each time data is refreshed.

De-selected • Display static data.

• Do not increment the number at the top of the table. That number now represents a
constant value.

RSTP Diagnostic Parameters

The RSTP Diagnostic page displays the following parameters for each controller port:

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Parameter Description

Bridge RSTP Diagnostic:

Bridge Priority This 8-byte field contains the two-byte value that is assigned to the controller’s
embedded Ethernet switch.
MAC Address The Ethernet address of the controller, found on the front of the controller.

Designated Root ID The Bridge ID of the root device.

Root Path Cost The aggregate cost of port costs from this switch back to the root device.

Default Hello Time The interval at which Configuration BPDU messages are transmitted during a network
convergence. For RSTP this is a fixed value of 2 seconds.

Learned Hello Time The current Hello Time value learned from the root switch.
Configured Max Age The value (6 ... 40) that other switches use for MaxAge when this switch is acting as
the root.
Learned Max Age The maximum age learned from the root switch. This is the actual value currently used
by this switch.

Total Topology The total number of topology changes detected by this switch since the management
Changes entity was last reset or initialized.

Ports ETH 2 and ETH 3 RSTP Statistics:

Status The port's current state as defined by RSTP protocol. This state controls the action the
port takes when it receives a frame. Possible values are: disabled, discarding,
learning, forwarding.

Role: The port’s current role per RSTP protocol. Possible values are: root port, designated
port, alternate port, backup port, disabled port.

Cost The logical cost of this port as a path to the root switch. If this port is configured for
AUTO then the cost is determined based on the connection speed of the port.

STP Packets A value in this field indicates that a device on the network has the STP protocol
• Other devices that are enabled for STP can severely affect the network
convergence times. Disable the STP protocol (but not the RSTP protocol)
on every network device that supports STP.
• The controller does not support the STP protocol. The controller’s
embedded switch ignores STP packets.

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Network Time Service Diagnostics

Use the Network Time Service Diagnostic page to display dynamically generated data
describing the operation of the simple network time protocol – either SNTP or NTPv4
(depending on your CPU firmware) – service that you configured in the network time server
page, page 155 in Control Expert.
NOTE: Before you can open the diagnostics page, make the connection between the
DTM for the target communication module and the CPU.
Refer to the System Time Stamping User Guide (see System Time Stamping, User Guide)
for detailed diagnostic information.

Open the Page

Access the NTP Diagnostic information:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, find the name that is assigned to the CPU.

2 Right-click the CPU DTM, and select Device menu > Diagnosis.
3 In the left pane of the Diagnosis window, select the CPU node.

4 Select the NTP Diagnostic tab to open that page.

Click the Reset Counter button to reset the counting statistics on this page to 0.

SNTP Service Diagnostic Parameters

This table describes the SNTP time synchronization service parameters:

Parameter Description

Refresh Every Check this box to dynamically update the page every 500ms. The number of times this
500ms page has been refreshed appears immediately to the right.

Network Time Monitor the operational status of the service in the module:
• green: operational
• orange: disabled

Network Time Server Monitor the communication status of the NTP server:
Status • green: The NTP server is reachable.

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Parameter Description

• red: The NTP server is not reachable.

Last Update Elapsed time, in seconds, since the most recent NTP server update.

Current Date System date

Current Time The system time is presented in the hh:mm:ss format.

DST Status Set the status of the automatic daylight savings service:
• ON: The automatic adjustment of daylight savings is enabled. The current date
and time reflect the daylight savings time adjustment.
• OFF: The automatic adjustment of daylight savings is disabled. (The current date
and time may not reflect the daylight savings time adjustment.)

Quality This correction (in seconds) applies to the local counter at every NTP server update.
Numbers greater than 0 indicate increasingly excessive traffic condition or an NTP
server overload.
Requests This value represents the total number of client requests sent to the NTP server.

Responses This value represents the total number of server responses sent from the NTP server.

Errors This value represents the total number of unanswered NTP requests.

Last Error This value indicates the last detected error code received from the NTP client:
• 0: good NTP configuration
• 1: late NTP server response (can be caused by excessive network traffic or server
• 2: NTP not configured
• 3: invalid NTP parameter setting
• 4: NTP component disabled
• 5: NTP server is not synchronized (NTP server needs to be synchronized so that
the NTP accesses behave as defined in the client NTP settings)
• 7: unrecoverable NTP transmission
• 9: invalid NTP server IP address
• 15: invalid syntax in the custom time zone rules file

Primary / Secondary The IP addresses correspond to the primary and secondary NTP servers.
NTP Server IP NOTE: A green LED to the right of the primary or secondary NTP server IP address
indicates the active server.
Auto Adjust Clock for Configure the daylight savings adjustment service:
Daylight Savings • enabled
• disabled
DST Start / DST End Specify the day on which daylight savings time begins and ends:

Month Set the month in which daylight savings time starts or ends.

Day of Week Set the day of the week on which daylight savings time starts or ends.

Week# Set the occurrence of the specified day within the specified month.

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Parameter Description

Time Zone Select the time zone plus or minus Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC)

Offset Configure the time (in minutes) to be combined with the time zone selection (above) to
produce the system time.

Polling Period Set the frequency with which the NTP client requests an updated time from the NTP

NTPv4 Service Diagnostic Parameters

This table describes the NTP time synchronization service parameters:

Parameter Description

Refresh Every 500ms Check this box to dynamically update the page every 500ms.

The number of times this page has been refreshed appears immediately
to the right.

NTP V4 Service Service state The operational status of the service in the module:
• green: operational
• orange: disabled

Sync The status of the module:

• green: synchronized
• orange: not synchronized

Accuracy NTP clients only: The estimated difference between local (client) time
and server time.
Mode • Server / Client
• Server only

System clock Date Local date.

Time Local time.
Time Zone The local time zone, by reference to coordinated universal time (UTC).

DST The status of the automatic daylight savings service:

• ON: The automatic adjustment of daylight savings is enabled. The
current date and time reflect the daylight savings time adjustment.
• OFF: The automatic adjustment of daylight savings is disabled.
(The current date and time may not reflect the daylight savings
time adjustment.)

<NTP System UTC-Date The date at the UTC time source.

UTC-Time The time at the UTC time source.

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Parameter Description

Stratum The relative position in the hierarchy between this client and the original
time source (stratum 1) reference. If the mode is:
• Server/Client: the value equals the system peer stratum value + 1.
• Server only (or orphan): a user-defined value.

Root delay NTP clients only: The round trip request delay, in milliseconds, from a
client to a stratum 1 server.
Root NTP clients only: The additional delay contributed by other factors.

Polling time NTP clients only: Polling interval, in seconds.

RefID IPv4 address of the time source.

<NTP Peers NTP client CPU can be configured with up to 8 time source peers, each a potential server
Statuses> to the CPU NTP client.
(NTP clients only)
IP Peer IPv4 address of the peer.

RefID IP address of the time source used by the peer.

Select Indicates the peer used as the time source (Current) and other viable
peer time sources (Candidate).

Reach count Percentage of NTP messages successfully sent to and received from the

Stratum The relative position in the hierarchy between this client and the original
time source (stratum 1) reference.

Poll Polling interval, in seconds.

Delay Time to send request / receive response.

Offset The value to subtracted from received time value to obtain time value to
be applied.

Jitter Variability in delay.

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Local Slave / Connection Diagnostics

Use the Local Slave Diagnostic page and the Connection Diagnostic page to display the
I/O status and production/consumption information for a selected local slave or connection.
• Before you can open the diagnostics page, make the connection between the DTM
for the target communication module and the CPU.
• To get data from the primary CPU, make the connection to the Main IP address of
the CPU (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning Guide for, Frequently
Used Architectures).

Open the Page

Access the diagnostics information:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, find the name that is assigned to the CPU.

2 Right-click the CPU DTM, and select Device menu > Diagnosis.
3 In the left pane of the Diagnosis window, select the CPU node.

4 Select the Local Slave Diagnostic tab or the Connection Diagnostic tab to open that page.

Data Display
Use the Refresh Every 500ms checkbox to display the static or dynamic data:

Checkbox Description

Selected • Display data that is dynamically updated every 500 ms.

• Increment the number at the top of the table each time data is refreshed.

De-selected • Display static data.

• Do not increment the number at the top of the table. That number now represents a
constant value.

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Local Slave / Connection Diagnostic Parameters

This following tables display the diagnostic parameters for the selected local slave or
scanner connection.
This table shows the Status diagnostic parameters for the selected connection:

Parameter Description

Input An integer representing input status.

Output An integer representing output status.

General An integer representing basic connection status.

Extended An integer representing extended connection status.

The Input and Output status diagnostic parameters can present these values:

Input/Output Status (dec) Description

0 OK
33 Time-out
54 Connection established
58 Not connected (TCP)

65 Not connected (CIP)

68 Connection establishing

70 Not connected (EPIC)

77 Scanner stopped

This table shows the Counter diagnostic parameters for the selected connection:

Parameter Description

Frame Error Increments each time a frame is not sent by missing resources or is impossible to
Time-Out Increments each time a connection times out.
Refused Increments when connection is refused by the remote station.

Production Increments each time a message is produced.

Consumption Increments each time a message is consumed.

Production Byte Total of produced messages, in bytes, since the communication module was last

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Parameter Description

Consumption Byte Total of consumed messages, in bytes, since the communication module was last
Theoretical Packets per Packets per second calculated using current configuration value.
Real Packets per Actual number of packets per second generated by this connection.

This table shows the Diagnostic parameters for the selected connection:

Parameter Description

CIP Status An integer representing CIP status.

Extended Status An integer representing extended CIP status.

Production Connection The connection ID for the data produced by the local slave.
Consumption The connection ID for the data produced by the local slave.
Connection ID
O -> T API Actual packet interval (API) of the production connection.

T -> O API Actual packet interval (API) of the consumption connection.

O -> T RPI Requested packet interval (RPI) of the production connection.

T -> O RPI Requested packet interval (RPI) of the consumption connection.

This table shows the Socket Diagnostics diagnostic parameters for the selected

Parameter Description

Socket ID Internal identification of the socket.

Remote IP Address IP address of the remote station for this connection.
Remote Port UDP port number of the remote station for this connection.

Local IP Address IP address of the communication module for this connection.

Local Port UDP port number of the communication module for this connection.

This table shows the Production diagnostic parameters for the selected connection:

Parameter Description

Sequence Number The number of the sequence in the production.

Max Time Maximum time between two produced messages.

196 EIO0000001578.14
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Parameter Description

Min Time Minimum time between two produced messages.

RPI Current production time.

Overrun Increments each time a produced message exceeds RPI.

Underrun Increments each time a produced message is less than RPI.

This table shows the Consumption diagnostic parameters for the selected connection:

Parameter Description

Sequence Number The number of the sequence in the consumption.

Max Time Maximum time between two consumption messages.

Min Time Minimum time between two consumption messages.

RPI Current consumption time.

Over Run Increments each time a consumed message exceeds RPI.

Under Run Increments each time a consumed message is less than RPI.

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Local Slave or Connection I/O Value Diagnostics

Use the I/O Values page to display both the input data image and output data image for the
selected local slave or scanner connection.
NOTE: Before you can open the diagnostics page, make the connection, page 401
between the DTM and the target communication module.

Open the Page

Access the I/O Values information:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, find the name that is assigned to the CPU DTM.

2 Right-click the CPU DTM , and select Device menu > Diagnosis.
3 In the left pane of the Diagnosis window, select the CPU.

4 Select the I/O Values tab.

Data Display
Use the Refresh Every 500ms checkbox to display the static or dynamic data:

Checkbox Description

Selected • Display data that is dynamically updated every 500 ms.

• Increment the number at the top of the table each time data is refreshed.

De-selected • Display static data.

• Do not increment the number at the top of the table. That number now represents a
constant value.

Local Slave / Scanner Connection I/O Values

This page displays theses parameters for either a local slave or a remote device connection
input and output values:

198 EIO0000001578.14
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Parameter Description

Input/Output A display of the local slave or remote device input or output data image.
data display

Length The number of bytes in the input or output data image.

Status The Scanner Diagnostic object’s status, with respect to the read of the input or output data

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Logging DTM Events to a Control Expert Logging Screen

Control Expert maintains a log of events for:
• the Control Expert embedded FDT container
• each Ethernet communication module DTM
• each EtherNet/IP remote device DTM
Events relating to the Control Expert FDT container are displayed in the FDT log event
page of the Output Window.
Events relating to a communication module or remote EtherNet/IP device are displayed:
• in configuration mode: in the Device Editor, by selecting the Logging node in the left
• in diagnostic mode: in the Diagnostics window, by selecting the Logging node in the
left pane

Logging Attributes
The Logging window displays the result of an operation or function performed by Control
Expert. Each log entry includes the following attributes:

Attribute Description

Date/Time The time the event occurred, displayed in the format: yyyy-mm–dd hh:mm:ss

Log Level The level of event importance. Values include:

Information A successfully completed operation.

Warning An operation that Control Expert completed, but which may lead to a
subsequent error.

Error An operation that Control Expert was unable to complete.

Message A brief description of the core meaning of the event.

Detail Message A more detailed description of the event, which may include parameter names, location
paths, etc.

Accessing the Logging Screen

In Control Expert:

200 EIO0000001578.14
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Step Action

1 Open a project that includes a BME •58 •0•0 Ethernet CPU.

2 Clock Tools > DTM Browser to open the DTM Browser.

3 In the DTM Browser, double-click the CPU (or right-click Open) to open the configuration
4 Select Logging in the navigation tree in the left pane of the window.

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Logging DTM and Module Events to the SYSLOG Server

Configuring the SYSLOG Server
Configure the SYSLOG server address for logging DTM and module events:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, select Tools > Project Settings.

2 In the left pane of the Project Settings window, select Project Settings > General > PLC

3 In the right pane:

• Select the PLC event logging check box.
• In the SYSLOG server address field enter the IP address of the SYSLOG server.
• In the SYSLOG server port number field, enter the port number.
NOTE: The SYSLOG server protocol is not configurable, and is set to tcp by default.

NOTE: Refer to the Modicon Controllers Platform Cyber Security Reference Manual for
information on setting up a SYSLOG server in your system architecture (see Modicon
Controllers Platform, Cyber Security, Reference Manual).

DTM Events Logged to the SYSLOG Server

These DTM events are logged to the SYSLOG server:
• Configuration parameter change
• Add/Delete device
• Rebuild All
• Build Changes
• Renaming of I/O variables
• Add/Modify tasks

BME•58•0•0 CPU Events Logged to the SYSLOG Server

These BME•58•0•0 CPU events are logged to the SYSLOG server:
• TCP connection error due to Access Control List
• Enable/Disable of communication services outside configuration
• Ethernet port link up/down events

202 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• RSTP topology change

• Program operating mode change of COMs (RUN, STOP, INIT)
• Successful and unsuccessful FTP login

EIO0000001578.14 203
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

204 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Online Action
Online Action
You can view and configure the settings in the Online Action menu when the M580 CPU is
connected through the Control Expert DTM Browser.

Accessing Online Action

Follow these directions to access the Online Action settings for the M580 CPU:

Step Action

1 Open the DTM Browser in Control Expert (Tools > DTM Browser).
2 Select the M580 DTM in the DTM Browser.
3 Connect the DTM to the Control Expert application (Edit > Connect).
4 Right-click the M580 DTM.

5 Scroll to the Online Action menu (Device menu > Additional functions > Online Action).
6 3 tabs appear:
• Ethernet/IP Objects
• Port Configuration
• Ping

EtherNet/IP Objects
Displays object parameters value when available.
Click Refresh to update the displayed values.

Port Configuration
Configure and read the service port mode:

EIO0000001578.14 205
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Description

Service Port Mode • Access (default)

• Mirroring
NOTE: This mode can also be set in the CPU configuration tabs, page 162.

Access Port Displays the access port configuration information (refer to CPU configuration
Configuration tabs, page 162).

Port Mirroring Displays the port mirroring configuration (refer to CPU configuration tabs, page
Configuration 162).

Field Parameter Description

Address IP Address Type the IP address to ping.

Ping Ping Click to ping the address set.

Ping Result Displays the ping result.

Repeat (100ms) Select this parameter to repeat ping if no reply is

Stop on Error Select this parameter to stop repeating ping if an
error is detected when Repeat (100ms) is
Clear Click to clear the Ping Result display.

206 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

EtherNet/IP Objects Tab

Use the EtherNet/IP Objects tab in the Online Action window:
• Retrieve and display current data describing the state of CIP objects for the selected
CPU or remote EtherNet/IP device.
• Reset the selected CPU or remote EtherNet/IP device.

Access the Page

Open the EtherNet/IP Objects tab:

Step Action

1 Connect the DTM to the module (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet
Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

2 Open the Online Action page (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications
Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

3 Select the EtherNet/IP Objects tab.

Available CIP Objects

You can retrieve CIP objects according to the Control Expert operating mode:

Mode Available CIP Objects

Standard Identity object, page 219

Advanced Identity object, page 219

Connection Manager object, page 225

TCP/IP Interface object, page 237

Ethernet Link object (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet

Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide)

QoS object, page 230

EIO0000001578.14 207
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Service Port Tab

Use the Service Port tab in the Online Action window to view and edit communication port
properties for a distributed EtherNet/IP device. Use this tab to execute these commands:
• Refresh: Use a Get command to retrieve port configuration settings from a distributed
EtherNet/IP device.
• Update: Use a Set command to write all or selected edited values to the same
distributed EtherNet/IP device
The configuration information on the Service Port tab is sent in EtherNet/IP explicit
messages that employ the address and messaging settings configured for Ethernet/IP
explicit messaging (below).

Access the Page

Open the EtherNet/IP Objects tab:

Step Action

1 Connect the DTM to the module (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet
Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

2 Open the Online Action page (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications
Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

3 Select the EtherNet/IP Objects tab.

4 Configure the Service port with the instructions from the offline configuration (see Modicon M580,
BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

5 Click the Update button to apply the new configuration.

208 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Pinging a Network Device

Use the Control Expert ping function to send an ICMP echo request to a target Ethernet
device to determine:
• if the target device is present, and if so
• the elapsed time to receive an echo response from the target device
The target device is identified by its IP address setting. Enter only valid IP addresses in the
IP Address field.
The ping function can be performed in the Ping page of the Online Action window:

Pinging a Network Device

Ping a network device:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, select the CPU upstream of the remote EtherNet/IP device you want to ping.

2 Right-click and select Device Menu > Online Action.

Result: The Online Action window opens.

EIO0000001578.14 209
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

3 In the Online Action window, select the device you want to ping.

Result: The window displays pages containing online information for the selected device.
NOTE: The specific collection of displayed pages depends on the type of device selected:
• the CPU
• a remote EtherNet/IP device
• a remote Modbus TCP device
4 Select the Ping page. To send...
• a single ping: Deselect the Repeat checkbox.
• a series of pings (1 every 100 ms): Select the Repeat checkbox.

5 (Optional) Select Stop on Error to stop pinging an unsuccessful communication.

6 Click Ping once to begin pinging.

7 Click Ping a second time to stop repeated pinging, where no error has been detected.

8 The Ping Result box displays the ping outcome. Click Clear to empty the Ping Result box.

210 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Diagnostics Available through Modbus/TCP

Modbus Diagnostic Codes
CPUs and BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 communication modules in M580 systems support
the diagnostic codes in these tables.

Function Code 3
Some module diagnostics (I/O connection, extended health, redundancy status, FDR
server, etc.) are available to Modbus clients that read the local Modbus server area. Use
Modbus function code 3 with the unit ID set to 100 for register mapping:

Type Offset Modbus Size

Address (Words)

Basic Networks Diagnostic Data 0 39

Ethernet Port Diagnostics Data (Internal port) 39 103

Ethernet Port Diagnostics Data (ETH 1) 142 103

Ethernet Port Diagnostics Data (ETH 2) 245 103

Ethernet Port Diagnostics Data (ETH 3) 348 103

Ethernet Port Diagnostics Data (backplane) 451 103

Modbus TCP/Port 502 Diagnostic Data 554 114

Modbus TCP/Port 502 Connection Table Data 668 515

SNTP Diagnostics 1218 57

QoS Diagnostics 1275 11

Identify 2001 24

For a description of available function codes refer to the list of supported Modbus diagnostic
codes in the topic Modbus Diagnostic Codes (see Quantum IEC61850, 140 NOP 850 00,
Installation and Configuration Guide) in the Quantum EIO Control Network Installation and
Configuration Guide.

EIO0000001578.14 211
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Function Code 8, Subcode 21

Function Code 8, subcode 21 (decimal – 15 hex), provides information regarding the NTPv4
service and peers.

Operation Code Description


0x77 Get NTP Service Status

0x78 Get NTP Peer Status

The structure of these operation codes are as follows:

Get NTP Service Status

Field Length Value (hex)


Request and Response fields:

Function Code 1 08
Sub Function Code Hi 1 00
Sub Function Code Low 1 15
Operation Code Hi 1 00

Operation Code Low 1 77

Response only fields:

Byte Count 1 49

NTP Service 1 NTP Mode:

• NTP Mode: Bits 0-3 • 0x1: Client/Server
• Status: Bits 4-7 • 0x2: Server Only
NTP Status:
• 0x1: Enable
• 0x2:Disable
Sync 1 UINT (Leap Byte)

Stratum 1 UINT
• Value = 16 Indicates KISS Code represented in the
Reference ID field is ASCII.
• Else, Reference ID field to be parsed as Hex IP
Precision 1 INT
Alarm 1 When Accuracy exceeds the user configured NTPv4

212 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Get NTP Service Status (Continued)

Field Length Value (hex)



Root Delay 4 FLOAT

Root Dispersion 4 FLOAT

Reference ID 4 UINT

Peer 2
DST Status 1
Time Zone 4
Time Zone Offset (minutes) 2

Daylight Saving Time Bias (minutes) 1

Daylight Saving Start Date - Month 1

Daylight Saving Start Date - Week #, 1

Day of Week
MS 4-Bits: Occurrence #
(1 = 1ST Ooccurrence, 2 = 2ND
Occurrence…, 5 = FIFTH OR LAST
LS 4-Bits: Day of the Week:
(0 = Sunday…, 6 = Saturday)

Daylight Saving Start Time (Seconds 4

elapsed from midnight)

Daylight Saving End Date – Month 1

Daylight Saving End Date – Week #, 1

Day of Week

Daylight Saving End Time (Seconds 4

elapsed from midnight)

Get NTP Peer Status

Field Length Value (hex)


Request and Response fields:

Function Code 1 08

EIO0000001578.14 213
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Get NTP Peer Status (Continued)

Field Length Value (hex)


Sub Function 1 00
Code Hi
Sub Function 1 15
Code Low
Operation Code 1 00
Operation Code 1 75
Byte Count 1 F9

Peer Count 1 Default - 8

FLOAT Precision 1 For the FLOAT values, below

Response only fields (The following fields repeat, with the suffix # incarnated, for each system peer):

Remote IP 1 4 Remote IP Address

Reference ID 1 4 • If Stratum = 16, this field is interpreted as 4 Bytes ASCII.
• Else, the field is parsed as an IPv4 Address.

Select 1 1 The currently selected server:

• 0X0: Default
• 0X1: Current
• 0X2: Candidate
Reach 1 Percentage Representation (0-100%)
Percentage 1

Stratum 1 1 Least value determines current/candidate Server IP.

If value = 16, then Ref ID field is parsed as 4 bytes ASCII.

Poll 1 2 INT
Delay 1 4 FLOAT

Offset 1 4 FLOAT
Jitter 1 4 FLOAT
When 6 6 byte ASCII. sec/min/hr since last received packet

Function Code 8, Subcode 22

Modbus function code 08, subcode 22, provides a variety of diagnostic functions:

214 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Operation Diag. Description

Code Control
0x01 0x0100 network diagnostic data

0x0200 Read the Ethernet port diagnostic data from the switch manager.

0x0300 Read the Modbus TCP/port 502 diagnostic data from the Modbus server.

0x0400 Read the Modbus TCP/port 502 connection table from the Modbus server.

0x07F0 Read the data structure offset data from the Modbus server.
0x02 0x0100 Clear the basic network diagnostic data. NOTE: Only specific parameters of basic
network diagnostic data are used to clear requests.

0x0200 Clear the Ethernet port diagnostic data. NOTE: Only specific parameters of basic network
diagnostic data are used to clear requests.

0x0300 Clear the Modbus TCP/port 502 diagnostic data. NOTE: Only specific parameters of
Modbus port 502 diagnostic data are used to clear requests.

0x0400 Clear the Modbus TCP/port 502 connection table. NOTE: Only specific parameters of
Modbus port 502 connection data are use to clear requests.

0x03 0 Clear all diagnostic data. NOTE: Only specific parameters of each diagnostic data are
used to clear requests.

Read Device Identification

Modbus function code 43, subcode 14: A Modbus request associated with function code
43 (Read Device Identification) asks a Modbus server to return the vendor name, product
name, version number, and other optional fields:

Category Object ID Object Name Type Requirement

Basic 0x00 VendorName (vendor name) ASCII string mandatory

0x01 ProductCode (product code) ASCII string mandatory

0x02 MajorMinorRevision (version number) ASCII string mandatory

Regular 0x03 VendorUrl (vendor URL) ASCII string optional

0x04 ProductName (product name) ASCII string optional

0x05 ModelName (model name) ASCII string optional

0x06 UserApplicationName (user application ASCII string optional


0x07...0x7F (reserved) ASCII string optional

Extended 0x80...0xFF device-dependent optional

EIO0000001578.14 215
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

This table provides sample responses to the Modbus request (function code 43, subcode

Module 0x00 Vendor ID 0x01 Part Number 0x02 Version

BMEP584020 CPU Schneider Electric BMEP584020 v02.10
BMENOC0301 module Schneider Electric BMENOC0301 V02.04 build 0009
BMENOC0311 module Schneider Electric BMENOC0311 V02.04 build 0009
BMENOC0321 module Schneider Electric BMENOC0321 V01.01 build 0004

216 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Diagnostics Available through EtherNet/IP CIP

Modicon M580 applications use CIP within a producer/consumer model to provide
communication services in an industrial environment. This section describes the available
CIP objects for diagnostics of Modicon M580 CPU modules.

EIO0000001578.14 217
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

About CIP Objects

The Ethernet communication module can access CIP data and services located in
connected devices. The CIP objects and their content depend on the design of each device.
CIP object data and content are exposed—and accessed—hierarchically in the following
nested levels:

NOTE: You can use explicit messaging to access these items:

• Access a collection of instance attributes by including only the class and instance
values for the object in the explicit message.
• Access a single attribute by adding a specific attribute value to the explicit message
with the class and instance values for the object.
This chapter describes the CIP objects that the Ethernet communication module exposes to
remote devices.

218 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Identity Object
The Identity object presents the instances, attributes and services described below.

Class ID

Instance IDs
The Identity object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Identity object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET

hex dec
01 01 Vendor ID UINT X —

02 02 Device Type UINT X —

03 03 Product Code UINT X —

04 04 Revision STRUCT X —

EIO0000001578.14 219
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET

hex dec

05 05 Status Word X —

bit 2:

0x01=the module is configured

bits 4-7:

0x03=no I/O connections established

0x06=at least 1 I/O connection in run mode

0x07=at least 1 I/O connection established,

all in IDLE mode
06 06 Serial Number UDINT X —

07 07 Product Name STRING X —

18 24 Modbus Identity STRUCT X —

X = supported

— = not supported

The Identity object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

220 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Message Router Object

The Message Router object provides a messaging connection point through which a client
may address a service to any object class or instance residing in the physical device.

Class ID
02 (hex and decimal)

Instance IDs
The Message Router object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Message Router object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

(hex and

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

03 Number of Instances X —

04 Optional Attribute List X —

05 Optional Service List X —

06 Maximum Number of Class Attributes X —

07 Maximum Number of Instance Attributes X —

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 221
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Object list STRUCT of X — A list of supported objects (i.e. a structure
with an array of object class codes supported
by the device)

Number UINT X — The number of supported classes (i.e. class

codes) in the classes array

Classes Array of X — List of supported class codes supported by

UINT the device
02 02 Number UINT X — Maximum number of connections supported
03 03 Number Active UINT X — Number of connections allocated to system
04 04 Active Array of X — A list of the system connection IDs of the
Connections UINT active connections
X = supported

— = not supported

The Message Router object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

222 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Assembly Object
The assembly object consists of the attributes and services. Assembly instances exist only
when you configure local slaves, page 396 for the M580 CPU modules.
You can send an explicit message to the assembly object only when no other connections
have been established that read from or write to this object. For example, you can send an
explicit message to the assembly object if a local slave instance is enabled, but no other
module is scanning that local slave.

Class ID

Instance IDs
The assembly object presents these instance identifiers:
• 0: class
• 101, 102, 111, 112, 121, 122: instance

The assembly object consists of these attributes:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

03 Number of Instances X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance attributes:

EIO0000001578.14 223
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Instance ID Attribute ID Description Type GET SET

101 03 Local slave 1: T->O (output data) Array of BYTE X —

102 Local slave 1: O>T (input data) Array of BYTE X —

111 03 Local slave 2: T->O (output data) Array of BYTE X —

112 Local slave 2: O>T (input data) Array of BYTE X —

X = supported

— = not supported

The CIP assembly object performs these services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute

X = supported

— = not supported

1. When valid, the size of the data written to the assembly object using the Set_Attribute_Single service equals
the size of the assembly object as configured in the target module.

224 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Connection Manager Object

The Connection Manager object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID

Instance IDs
The Connection Manager object presents two instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Connection Manager object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Open Requests UINT X X Number of Forward Open
service requests received

02 02 Open Format Rejects UINT X X Number of Forward Open

service requests that were
rejected due to bad format

EIO0000001578.14 225
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
03 03 Open Resource UINT X X Number of Forward Open
Rejects service requests that were
rejected due to lack of
04 04 Open Other Rejects UINT X X Number of Forward Open
service requests that were
rejected for reasons other
than bad format or lack of
05 05 Close Requests UINT X X Number of Forward Close
service requests received

06 06 Close Format UINT X X Number of Forward Close

Requests service requests that were
rejected due to bad format

07 07 Close Other Requests UINT X X Number of Forward Close

service requests that were
rejected for reasons other
than bad format
08 08 Connection Timeouts UINT X X Total number of connection
timeouts that occurred in
connections controlled by
this connections manager

09 09 Connection Entry List STRUCT X — 0 (Unsupported optional item

0B 11 CPU_Utilization UINT X — 0 (Unsupported optional item

0C 12 MaxBuffSize UDINT X — 0 (Unsupported optional item

0D 13 BufSize Remaining UDINT X — 0 (Unsupported optional item

X = supported

— = not supported

The Connection Manager object performs the following services on the listed object types:

226 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 227
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Modbus Object
The Modbus object converts EtherNet/IP service requests to Modbus functions, and
Modbus exception codes to CIP General Status codes. It presents the instances, attributes
and services described below.

Class ID
44 (hex), 68 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Modbus object presents two instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

The Modbus object consists of the following attributes:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET

— No instance attributes are supported — — —

228 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

The Modbus object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance

hex dec
0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X

4B 75 Read_Discrete_Inputs — X

4C 76 Read_Coils — X

4D 77 Read_Input_Registers — X

4E 78 Read_Holding_Registers — X

4F 79 Write_Coils — X

50 80 Write_Holding_Registers — X

51 81 Modbus_Passthrough — X

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 229
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Quality Of Service (QoS) Object

The QoS object implements Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP or DiffServe) values
for the purpose of providing a method of prioritizing Ethernet messages. The QoS object
presents the instances, attributes and services described below.

Class ID
48 (hex), 72 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The QoS object presents two instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

The QoS object consists of the following attributes:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

04 DSCP Urgent USINT X X For CIP transport class 0/1 Urgent

priority messages.

05 DSCP Scheduled USINT X X For CIP transport class 0/1 Urgent

priority messages.

230 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

06 DSCP High USINT X X For CIP transport class 0/1 Urgent

priority messages.

07 DSCP Low USINT X X For CIP transport class 0/1 Urgent

priority messages.

08 DSCP Explicit USINT X X For CIP explicit messages (transport

class 2/3 and UCMM).

X = supported

— = not supported

NOTE: A change in the instance attribute value takes effect on device re-start, for
configurations made from flash memory.

The QoS object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance

hex dec
0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X

10 16 Set_Attribute_Single — X

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 231
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Port Object
The Port object describes the communication interfaces that exist on the device and that are
visible to CIP.

Class ID
F4 (hex), 244 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Port object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Port object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute Description GET SET

ID (hex
and dec)

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

03 Number of Instances X —

04 Optional Attribute List X —

05 Optional Service List X —

06 Optional Maximum Number of Class Attributes X —

07 Optional Maximum Number of Instance Attributes X —

08 Entry Port X —

Returns the instance of the Port object that describes the port through
which this request entered the device

232 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute Description GET SET

ID (hex
and dec)

09 Port Instance Information X —

Array of structures containing instance attributes 1 and 2 (see below)

from each port instance

Port Type (see Instance attribute 01) X —

Port Number (see Instance attribute 02) X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Port Type. UINT X — • 0: Routing not supported
• 1: Vendor specific
• 2: ControlNet
• 3: ControlNet Redundant
• 4: EtherNet/IP (formerly TCP/
• 5: DeviceNet
• 6-199: Vendor specific
• 200: CompoNet
• 201: Modbus/TCP
• 202: Modbus/SL
• 204: HART
• 205: IO-Link
• 206-65535: Reserved
02 02 Port Number X — The CIP number
03 03 Logical Link STRUCT of X — A list of supported objects (i.e. a
Object structure with an array of object
class codes supported by the

Path Length UINT X — The number of 16-bit words in the

following path.

Link Path Padded X — Logical path segments that identify

EPATH the object for this port.

EIO0000001578.14 233
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
04 04 Port Name SHORT_ X — String name of port interface name,
STRING up to 64 characters

05 05 Port Type Name SHORT_ X — String name of port interface type,

STRING up to 64 characters

06 06 Port Description SHORT_ X — String that describes the port

07 07 Port Number and Padded X — A single port segment containing the
Node Address EPATH Port Number of this port and the
Link Address of this device on this

08 08 Port Node Range STRUCT of X —

Minimum Node UINT X — For example, on port.

Maximum Node UINT X — For example, on port.
09 09 Chassis Identity Packed X — Electronic key of the chassis to
EPATH which this port is attached. This
attribute is a single Logical
Electronic Key Segment with Format
4 of the Logical Electronic Key

A 10 Port Routing DWORD X — Bit string defining the routing

Capabilities capabilities of this port, where 0=
not-supported, 1=supported:
• bit 0: Incoming unconnected
• bit 1: Outgoing unconnected
• bit 2: Incoming transport class
0/1 connections
• bit 3: Outgoing transport class
0/1 connections
• bit 4: Incoming transport class
2/3 connections
• bit 5: Outgoing transport class
2/3 connections
• bit 6: Outgoing DeviceNet CIP
Safety connections (only for
DeviceNet ports)
• bits 7-31: Reserved

234 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
B 11 Associated STRUCT of X — List of communication object
Communication instances associated with this
Objects instantiated Port Object (see list,

Number of entries USINT X —

in following Array:

Array of X —
Number of 16 bit USINT X —
words in the
following path

Logical path Padded X —

segments that EPATH
identify an
object instance

X = supported

— = not supported

The list of Associated Communication Objects in Attribute 11 (dec) / B (hex) includes:

DeviceNet Object – 0x03 RSTP Port Object – 0x55 TCP/IP Interface Object – 0xF5

Modbus Object – 0x44 Parallel Redundancy Protocol Object Ethernet Link Object – 0xF6
– 0x56
Modbus Serial Link Object – 0x46 PRP Nodes Table Object – 0x57 0xF6 • CompoNet Link Object – 0xF7

Device Level Ring Object – 0x47 EtherNet/IP Security Object – 0x5E CompoNet Repeater Object – 0xF8

QoS Object – 0x48 ControlNet Object – 0xF0 CompoNet Repeater Object – 0xF8

SERCOS III Link Object – 0x4C ControlNet Keeper Object – 0xF1 IO-Link Master PHY Object – 0x10C

RSTP Bridge Object – 0x54 ControlNet Scheduling Object – 0xF2 —

The port object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

EIO0000001578.14 235
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

10 10 Set_Attribute_Single — X Modifies an attribute..

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

236 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

TCP/IP Interface Object

The TCP/IP interface object presents the instances (per network), attributes and services
described below.

Class ID
F5 (hex), 245 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The TCP/IP interface object presents 2 instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

TCP/IP interface object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

01 Status DWORD X — 0x01

02 Configuration Capability DWORD X — 0x01 = from BootP

0x11 = from flash

0x00 = other

EIO0000001578.14 237
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

03 Configuration Control DWORD X X 0x01 = out-of-box default

04 Physical Link Object STRUCT X —

Path Size UINT

Path Padded
05 Interface Configuration STRUCT X X 0x00 = out-of-box default

IP Address UDINT
Network Mask UDINT
Gateway Address UDINT

Name Server UDINT

Name Server 2 UDINT
Domain Name STRING
06 Host Name STRING X —

X = supported

— = not supported

The TCP/IP interface object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all
0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the
specified attribute.

10 16 Set_Attribute_Single1 — X Sets the value of the specified

X = supported

— = not supported

1. The Set_Attribute_Single service can execute only when these preconditions are satisfied:
• Configure the Ethernet communication module to obtain its IP address from flash memory.
• Confirm that the PLC is in stop mode.

238 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

EIO0000001578.14 239
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Ethernet Link Object

The Ethernet Link object consists of the instances, attributes, and services described below.

Class ID
F6 (hex), 246 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Ethernet Link object presents these instance values:
• 101: backplane slot 1
• 102: backplane slot 2
• 103: backplane slot 3
• ...
• 112: backplane slot 12
• 255: internal port

The Ethernet Link object presents the following attributes:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

03 Number of Instances X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

240 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Interface Speed UDINT X — Valid values: 0, 10, 100.

02 02 Interface Flags DWORD X — Bit 0: link status

0 = Inactive

1 = Active
Bit 1: duplex mode

0 = half duplex

1 = full duplex

Bits 2...4: negotiation status

3 = successfully negotiated speed and


4 = forced speed and link

Bit 5: manual setting requires reset

0 = automatic

1 = device need reset

Bit 6: local hardware detected error

0 = no event

1 = event detected
03 03 Physical Address ARRAY of X — module MAC address
04 04 Interface Counters STRUCT X —

In octets UDINT octets received on the interface

In Ucast Packets UDINT unicast packets received on the interface

In NUcast Packets UDINT non-unicast packets received on the

In Discards UDINT inbound packets received on the interface,
but discarded
In Errors UDINT inbound packets with detected errors (does
not include in discards)

In Unknown Protos UDINT inbound packets with unknown protocol

Out Octets UDINT octets sent on the interface

Out Ucast Packets UDINT unicast packets sent on the interface

Out NUcast Packets UDINT non-unicast packets sent on the interface

EIO0000001578.14 241
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
Out Discards UDINT outbound packets discarded

Out Errors UDINT outbound packets with detected errors

05 05 Media Counters STRUCT X —

Alignment Errors UDINT frames that are not an integral number of

octets in length

FCS Errors UDINT bad CRC — frames received do not pass

the FCS check
Single Collisions UDINT successfully transmitted frames that
experienced exactly 1 collision

Multiple Collisions UDINT successfully transmitted frames that

experienced more than 1 collision

SQE Test Errors UDINT number of times the detected SQE test
error is generated

Deferred Transmissions UDINT frames for which first transmission attempt

is delayed because the medium is busy

Late Collisions UDINT number of times a collision is detected later

than 512 bit times into the transmission of a

Excessive Collisions UDINT frames that do not transmit due to

excessive collisions
MAC Transmit Errors UDINT frames that do not transmit due to a
detected internal MAC sublayer transmit
Carrier Sense Errors UDINT times that the carrier sense condition was
lost or not asserted when attempting to
transmit a frame
Frame Too Long UDINT frames received that exceed the maximum
permitted frame size

MAC Receive Errors UDINT frames not received on an interface due to

a detected internal MAC sublayer receive
06 06 Interface Control STRUCT X — API of the connection
Control Bits WORD Bit 0: Auto-negotiation disabled (0) or
enabled (1).
NOTE: When auto-negotiation is
enabled, 0x0C (object state conflict) is
returned when attempting to set either:
• forced interface speed
• forced duplex mode

242 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
Bit 1: forced duplex mode (if auto-
negotiation bit = 0)

0 = half duplex

1 = full duplex

Forced Interface Speed UINT Valid values include 10000000 and

NOTE: Attempting to set any other
value returns the detected error 0x09
(invalid attribute value).

10 16 Interface Label SHORT_ X — A fixed textual string identifying the

STRING interface, that should include ‘internal’ for
internal interfaces. Maximum number of
characters is 64.
X = supported

— = not supported

The Ethernet Link object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X

10 16 Set_Attribute_Single — X

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X

4C 76 Get_and_Clear — X

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 243
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Module Diagnostic Object

The Module Diagnostic object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID
300 (hex), 768 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Module Diagnostic object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Module Diagnostic object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

244 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Module WORD X — • 0x01 = STARTED
• 0x02 = STOPPED
• 0x03 = RUNNING
02 02 CNF Version WORD X —

03 03 CRC UDINT X —

04 04 Connection STRUCT X —
Status of
Size Table WORD In bytes -16 bytes

Table WORD[ ] Padded on word

• Describes I/O connections.
• Each bit describes one I/O connection –
the first bit is the first I/O connection.
• Value 1 indicates that INPUT and
OUTPUT status of an I/O connection are
OK (status equal to 0).
• Value 0 indicates that INPUT and
OUTPUT status of an I/O connection are
not OK (status not equal to 0).
• The table consists of 8 words (128 I/O

05 05 CCO Mode WORD X — • 0x00 = Block access to connection

configuration object (CCO)
• 0x01 = STOPPED
X = supported

— = not supported

The Module Diagnostic object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

10 16 Set_Attribute_Single — X Sets the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 245
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

246 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Scanner Diagnostic Object

The Scanner Diagnostic object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID
301 (hex), 769 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Scanner Diagnostic object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Scanner Diagnostic object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

EIO0000001578.14 247
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Control Bits WORD X X • TRUE = Activate checking time for
production and consumption
• FALSE = Inactive (default)

wErrFrameCnt UINT Incremented each time a frame is not
sent for lack of resources or was
impossible to send.

wErrTimeOutCnt UINT Incremented when one connection is

timed out.
wErrRefusedCnt UINT Incremented when one connection is
refused by the remote station.

dwProdCnt UDINT Incremented at each production.

dwConsCnt UDINT Incremented at each consumption.

dwProdByteCnt UDINT Total bytes produced.

dwConsByteCnt UDINT Total bytes consumed.

03 03 Input Status WORD X — See below.

04 04 Output Status WORD X — See below.

CIP Status UINT See below.
Extended Status UINT See below.
Production DWORD
Connection ID
Consumed DWORD
Connection ID
OtoT API UDINT API of the Connection
TtoO API (API of the UDINT API of the Connection

OtoT RPI (RPI of the UDINT RPI of the Connection


TtoO RPI (RPI of the UDINT RPI of the Connection


248 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
lpSockId DWORD Internal identifier

IpForeign DWORD Remote station IP

wPortForeign UINT Remote station port number

IpLocal DWORD Local station IP

wPortLocal UINT Local station port number

bValid WORD • 0 = STRUCT production data is
not valid
• 1 = STRUCT production data is
dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal: number of ticks before next

dwProductionTime UDINT Internal: number of ticks between


SequenceNumber UDINT Number of the sequence in the


stCheckTime STRUCT
dwLastTime UDINT Internal use
dwMaxTime UDINT Maximum time between productions

dwMinTime UDINT Minimum time between productions

dwRPI UDINT Connection API

wOverRun UINT Number of times the production was too


wUnderRun UINT Number of times the production was too

dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal use

EIO0000001578.14 249
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
08 08 ST_ STRUCT X —
bValid WORD • 0 = STRUCT consumption data is
not valid
• 1 = STRUCT consumption data is
dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal: number of ticks before timeout
dwConsumption- UDINT Internal: number of ticks of the timeout
SequenceNumber UDINT Number of the sequence in the

stCheckTime STRUCT
dwLastTime UDINT Internal use
dwMaxTime UDINT Maximum time between consumptions

dwMinTime UDINT Minimum time between consumptions

dwRPI UDINT Connection API

wOverRun UINT Number of times the consumption was
too long

wUnderRun UINT Number of times the consumption was

too fast
dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal use
09 09 CCO Status STRUCT X — Status of the Connection Configuration
of Object – see below

byGeneralStatus BYTE

byReserved BYTE

Extended WORD
X = supported

— = not supported

Status values for the Scanner Diagnostic object:

Status Description CIP Extended Context

0 OK 0 0 The IO data are correctly exchanged

33 Time-Out 0xFB 0xFB0B Timeout detected on consumption

250 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Status Description CIP Extended Context

53 IDLE 0 0 An IDLE notification is received
54 Connection 0 0 The connection is established, but the IO data are not
established consumed yet

0xFB 0xFB08 Impossible to start the production

0xFB 0xFB09 Impossible to start the consumption

0xFB 0xFB0A Not enough resources to manage the connection

58 Not connected 0xFE TCP Error Error on TCP connection


65 Not connected status extended The Fw_Open response indicates a detected error.
0xFB 0xFB01 Timeout for Fw_Open response

0xFB 0xFB02 Incorrect format of the Fw_Open response (so addr)

0xFB 0xFB03 Incorrect parameters in the response (OT Net Par)

0xFB 0xFB04 Incorrect parameters in the response (TO Net Par)

0xFB 0xFB05 Asking port number different than 2222

0xFB 0xFB06 Error in joining the UDP multicast group

0xFB 0xFB07 Optimization error / indeterminable MAC address

68 Connection 0xD0 0x0001 Connection is closed

0xD0 0x0002 Connection is pending

70 Not connected 0xFD Status Error code in register session response

0xFD Status Error code in the frame
0xFD Status Encapsulation session unregistered

77 Scanner 0 0 Connection is stopped


The Scanner Diagnostic object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

EIO0000001578.14 251
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

61 97 Get_Output — X Returns the status and value the output:

• Offset 0 / UINT / Status
• Offset 2 / USINT [0...409] / Output data

62 98 Get_Input — X Returns the status and value the input:

• Offset 0 / UINT / Status
• Offset 2 / USINT [0...409] / Intput data

63 99 Set_DiagCounters — X Sets the value of ST_Diag_CNT to 0..

X = supported

— = not supported

NOTE: If a service is addressed on an instance that does not exist or is not an I/O
connection for the scanner, the service detects the following error: 0x05 – Path
destination unknown.

252 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Adapter Diagnostic Object

The Adapter Diagnostic object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID
302 (hex), 770 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Adapter Diagnostic object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Adapter Diagnostic object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

EIO0000001578.14 253
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Control Bits WORD X — • 0 = Deactivate (default)
• 1 = Activate checking time for
production and consumption.

wErrFrameCnt UINT Incremented each time a frame is not sent
for lack of resources or was impossible to
wErrTimeOutCnt UINT Incremented when one connection is timed
wErrRefusedCnt UINT Incremented when one connection is
refused by the remote station.

dwProdCnt UDINT Incremented at each production

dwConsCnt UDINT Incremented at each consumption

dwProdByteCnt UDINT Total bytes produced

dwConsByteCnt UDINT Total bytes consumed

03 03 Input Status WORD X — See below.

04 04 Output Status WORD X — See below.

CIP Status UINT See below.
Extended Status UINT See below.
Production DWORD
Connection ID
Consumed DWORD
Connection ID
OtoT API UDINT API of the connection
TtoO API UDINT API of the connection
OtoT RPI UDINT RPI of the connection
TtoO RPI UDINT RPI of the connection

254 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
lpSockId DWORD Internal Identifier

IpForeign DWORD Remote station IP

wPortForeign UINT Remote station port number

IpLocal DWORD Local station IP

wPortLocal UINT Local station port number

07 07 ST_ STRUCT X —
bValid WORD • 0 = STRUCT production data is not
• 1 = STRUCT production data is valid

dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal – Number of ticks before next


dwProduction- UDINT Internal – Number of ticks between

Time production

SequenceNum- UDINT Number of the sequence in the production

stCheckTime STRUCT
dwLastTime UDINT Internal use
dwMaxTime UDINT Maximum time between two productions

dwMinTime UDINT Minimum time between two productions

dwRPI UDINT API of the connection

wOverRun UINT Number of times the production was too

wUnderRun UINT Number of times the production was too fast

dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal use

EIO0000001578.14 255
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
08 08 ST_ STRUCT X —
bValid WORD • 0 = STRUCT consumption data is not
• 1 = STRUCT consumption data is
dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal – Number of ticks before timeout
dwconsumption- UDINT Internal – Number of ticks of the timeout
SequenceNum- UDINT Number of the sequence in the
ber consumption

stCheckTime STRUCT
dwLastTime UDINT Internal use
dwMaxTime UDINT Maximum time between two consumptions

dwMinTime UDINT Minimum time between two consumptions

dwRPI UDINT API of the connection

wOverRun UINT Number of times the consumption was too


wUnderRun UINT Number of times the consumption was too

dwCurrentTime UDINT Internal use
09 09 ASM Status STRUCT See below.
byGeneralStatus BYTE

byReserved BYTE

Extended Status WORD

X = supported

— = not supported

Adapter Diagnostic status values include the following:

Status Description CIP Status Extended Context

0 OK 0 0 The IO data are correctly exchanged

54 Connection in progress 0 0 The connection is in progress, but the IO

data are not consumed yet.

256 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Status Description CIP Status Extended Context

33 No connection 0 0 No connection
0xFB 0xFB01 Connection in timeout
0xFB 0xFB07 Optimization error / indeterminable MAC
0xFB 0xFB0B Timeout on consumption

0xFB 0xFB0C Connection closed by a forward close

0xFB 0xFB0E Module in STOP

0xFD Status Error from Encapsulation layer

0xFE TCP Error Error on TCP connection

0x02 0 No more resource to handle the
0x20 0 Connections refused because of incorrect
format or parameters

53 IDLE 0 0 A notification of IDLE is received

The Adapter Diagnostic object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

61 97 Get_Output — X Returns the status and value the output:

• Offset 0 / UINT / Status
• Offset 2 / USINT [0...409] / Output data

62 98 Get_Input — X Returns the status and value the input:

• Offset 0 / UINT / Status
• Offset 2 / USINT [0...409] / Intput data

EIO0000001578.14 257
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
63 99 Set_DiagCounters — X Sets the values of:
• ST_Diag_CNT to 0.
• ST_CHECK_TIME – both production and
consumption –to 0 (but not the fields
dwLastTime and dwCurrentTime)

X = supported

— = not supported

NOTE: If a service is addressed on an instance that does not exist, the service detects
the following error: 0x05 – Path destination unknown.

258 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostics Object

The EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes and services
described below.

Class ID
350 (hex), 848 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The EtherNet/IP Interface object presents two instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each instance, as
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

01 Protocols Supported UINT X —

02 Connection Diagnostics STRUCT X —

Max CIP IO UINT Number of Class 1 connections opened since

Connections opened the last reset

EIO0000001578.14 259
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

Current CIP IO UINT Number of Class 1 connections currently

Connections opened

Max CIP Explicit UINT Number of Class 3 connections opened since

Connections opened the last reset

Current CIP Explicit UINT Number of Class 3 connections currently

Connections opened

CIP Connections UINT Increments each time a Forward Open is not

Opening Errors successful (Originator and Target)

CIP Connections UINT Increments when a connection times out

Timeout Errors (Originator and Target)

Max EIP TCP UINT Number of TCP connections (used for EIP, as
Connections opened client or server) opened since the last reset

Current EIP TCP UINT Number of TCP connections (used for EIP, as
Connections client or server) currently open

03 IO Messaging STRUCT X X

IO Production Counter UDINT Increments each time a Class 0/1 message is

IO Consumption UDINT Increments each time a Class 0/1 message is
Counter received
IO Production Send UINT Increments each time a Class 0/1 message is
Errors Counter not sent
IO Consumption UINT Increments each time a consumption is
Receive Errors Counter received with a detected error
04 Explicit Messaging STRUCT X X

Class 3 Msg Send UDINT Increments each time a Class 3 message is

Counter sent (client and server)

Class 3 Msg Receive UDINT Increments each time a Class 3 message is

Counter received (client and server)

UCMM Msg Receive UDINT Increments each time a UCMM message is

Counter sent (client and server)

UCMM Msg Receive UDINT Increments each time a UCMM message is

Counter received (client and server)

X = supported

— = not supported

260 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

The EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostics object performs the following services upon the listed
object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single — X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

4C 76 Get_and_Clear — X Returns and clears the values of all instance

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 261
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics Object

The EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes and
services described below.

Class ID
351 (hex), 849 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each instance, as
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

262 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET

01 IO Status Table STRUCT X —

Status ARRAY of
X = supported

— = not supported

The EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics object performs the following services upon the
listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 263
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

IO Connection Diagnostics Object

The IO Connection Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes and services
described below.

Class ID
352 (hex), 850 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The IO Connection Diagnostics object presents two instance values:
• 0 (class)
• 257 ... 643 (instance): The instance number matches the connection number in the
Connection Settings configuration (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet
Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).
NOTE: The Instance ID number = the Connection ID. For M580 specifically, you can
look up the Connection ID on the DTM Device List screen.

IO Connection Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 to 256 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

01 IO Communication STRUCT X X

264 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

IO Production Counter UDINT Increments at each production

IO Consumption Counter UDINT Increments at each consumption

IO Production Send Errors UINT Increments each time a production is

Counter not sent

IO Consumption Receive UINT Increments each time a consumption is

Errors Counter received with a detected error
CIP Connection Timeout UINT Increments when a connection times
Errors out

CIP Connection Opening UINT Increments each time a connection is

Errors unable to open

CIP Connection State UINT State of the Connection Bit

CIP Last Error General Status UINT General status of the last error
detected on the connection
CIP Last Error Extended UINT Extended status of the last error
Status detected on the connection
Input Communication Status UINT Communication status of the inputs
(see table, below)

Output Communication Status UINT Communication status of the outputs

(see table, below)

02 Connection Diagnostics STRUCT X X

Production Connection ID UDINT Connection ID for production

Consumption Connection ID UDINT Connection ID for consumption

Production RPI UDINT RPI for production

Production API UDINT API for production

Consumption RPI UDINT RPI for consumption

Consumption API UDINT API for consumption

Production Connection UDINT Connection parameters for production

Consumption Connection UDINT Connection parameters for
Parameters consumption

Local IP UDINT —

Local UDP Port UINT —

Remote IP UDINT —

Remote UDP Port UINT —

Production Multicast IP UDINT Multicast IP used for production (or 0)

EIO0000001578.14 265
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

Consumption Multicast IP UDINT Multicast IP used for consumption (or


Protocols Supported UDINT Protocol supported on the connection:

1 = EtherNet/IP
X = supported

— = not supported

The following values describe the structure of the instance attributes: CIP Connection State,
Input Communication Status, and Output Communication Status:

Bit Number Description Values

15...3 Reserved 0
2 Idle 0 = no idle notification

1 = idle notification
1 Consumption inhibited 0 = consumption started

1 = no consumption

0 Production inhibited 0 = production started

1 = no production

The EtherNet/IP Interface Diagnostics object performs the following services upon the listed
object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single — X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

4C 76 Get_and_Clear — X Returns and clears the values of all instance

X = supported

— = not supported

266 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics Object

The EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes
and services described below.

Class ID
353 (hex), 851 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics object presents two instance values:
• 0: class
• 1...N: instance (N = maximum concurrent number of explicit connections)

EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each
instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID hex Description Value GET SET

01 Revision 1 X —

02 Max Instance 0...N X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 to N (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

01 Originator connection ID UDINT X — Originator to target connection ID

02 Originator IP UINT X —

EIO0000001578.14 267
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

03 Originator TCP Port UDINT X —

04 Target connection ID UDINT X — Target to originator connection ID

05 Target IP UDINT X —

06 Target TCP Port UDINT X —

07 Msg Send Counter UDINT X — Incremented each time a Class 3

CIP message is sent on the
08 Msg Receive counter UDINT X — Increments each time a Class 3 CIP
message is received on the
X = supported

— = not supported

The EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics object performs the following services
upon the listed object type:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns the value of all attributes.

X = supported

— = not supported

268 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics List Object

The EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics List object presents the instances,
attributes and services described below.

Class ID
354 (hex), 852 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics List object presents two instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics List object attributes are associated with each
instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Max Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 to 2 (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

01 Number of connections UINT X — Total number of opened explicit

02 Explicit Messaging ARRAY of X —
Connections Diagnostic STRUCT

EIO0000001578.14 269
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

Originator connection ID UDINT O->T connection ID

Originator IP UINT —

Originator TCP port UDINT —

Target connection ID UDINT T->O connection ID

Target IP UDINT —

Target TCP port UDINT —

Msg Send counter UDINT Increments each time a Class 3 CIP

message is sent on the connection

Msg Receive counter UDINT Increments each time a Class 3 CIP

message is received on the
X = supported

— = not supported

The EtherNet/IP Explicit Connection Diagnostics object performs the following services
upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X — Returns the value of all
08 08 Create X — —

09 09 Delete — X —

4B 75 Explicit_Connections_Diagnostic_Read — X —

X = supported

— = not supported

270 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

RSTP Diagnostics Object

The RSTP Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID
355 (hex), 853 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The RSTP Diagnostics object presents these instance values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

RSTP Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each instance.
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET

01 Revision: This attribute specifies the current revision of the RSTP UINT X —
Diagnostic Object. The revision is increased by 1 at each new update
of the object.

02 Max Instance: This attribute specifies the maximum number of UINT X —

instances that may be created for this object on a per device basis (for
example, an RSTP Bridge). There is 1 instance for each RSTP port on
a device.
X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 to N (instance attributes):

Attribute ID Description Type GET CLEAR Value

01 Switch Status STRUCT X — —

EIO0000001578.14 271
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET CLEAR Value

Protocol Specification UINT X — Refer to RFC-4188 for attribute definitions

and value range. In addition, the following
value is defined: [4]: the protocol is IEEE
802.1D-2004 and IEEE 802.1W
Bridge Priority UDINT X — Refer to RFC-4188 for attribute definitions
and value range.
Time Since Topology UDINT X —

Topology Change Count UDINT X — Refer to RFC-4188 for attribute definitions

and value range.

Designated Root String X — Refer to RFC-4188 for attribute definitions

and value range.
Root Cost UDINT X —

Root Port UDINT X —

Max Age UINT X —

Hello Time UINT X —

Hold Time UDINT X —

Forward Delay UINT X —

Bridge Max Age UINT X —

Bridge Hello Time UINT X —

Bridge Forward Delay UINT X —

02 Port Status STRUCT X X —

Port UDINT X X Refer to RFC-4188 for attribute definitions

and value range.
Priority UDINT X X

State UINT X X
Enable UINT X X
Path Cost UDINT X X
Designated Root String X X

Designated Cost UDINT X X

Designated Bridge String X X

Designated Port String X X

Forward Transitions UDINT X X Refer to RFC-4188 for attribute definitions

Count and value range.


272 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET CLEAR Value

• Get_and_Clear: The current value of

this parameter is returned with the
response message.
• other services: The current value of
this parameter is returned without
being cleared.

03 Port Mode STRUCT X — —

Port Number UINT X — This attribute indicates the port number for
a data query. The value range is
configuration dependent. For a 4-port
Ethernet device, as an instance, the valid
range is 1...4.

Admin Edge Port UINT X — This attribute indicates if this is a user-

configured edge port:
• 0: Force False
• 1: Force True
• 2: Auto
Other values are not valid.
Oper Edge Port UINT X — This attribute indicates if this port is
currently an edge port:
• 1: true
• 2: false
Other values are not valid.
Auto Edge Port UINT X — This attribute indicates if this port is a
dynamically determined edge port:
• 1: true
• 2: false
Other values are not valid.
X = supported

— = not supported

The RSTP Diagnostics object performs these services:

EIO0000001578.14 273
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X This service returns:
• all attributes of the class
• all attributes of the instance of the object

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X This service returns:

• the contents of a single attribute of the
• the contents of the instance of the object
as specified
Specify the attribute ID in the request for this
4C 76 Get_and_Clear — X This service returns the contents of a single
attribute of the instance of the object as
specified. Then the relevant counter-like
parameter(s) within the specified attribute are
cleared. (Specify the attribute ID in the request
for this service.)

X = supported

— = not supported

274 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Service Port Control Object

The Service Port Control object is defined for port control purposes.

Class ID
400 (hex), 1024 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Service Port Control object presents these instance Values:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Service Port Control object attributes are associated with each instance.
Required class attributes (instance 0):

Attribute ID Description Type Get Set

01 Revision UINT X —

02 Max Instance UINT X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Required instance attributes (instance 1):

EIO0000001578.14 275
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type Get Set Value

hex dec
01 01 Port Control UINT X X 0 (default): disabled

1: access port

2: port mirroring

02 02 Mirror UINT X X bit 0 (default): ETH 2 port

bit 1: ETH 3 port

bit 2: backplane port

bit 3: internal port

X = supported

— = not supported

• If the SERVICE port is not configured for port mirroring, the mirror attribute is
ignored. If the value of a parameter request is outside the valid range, the service
request is ignored.
• In port mirroring mode, the SERVICE port acts like a read-only port. That is, you
cannot access devices (ping, connection to Control Expert, etc.) through the

The Service Port Control object performs these services for these object types:

Service ID Name Class Instance Description

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Get all attributes in a single message.

02 02 Set_Attributes_All — X Set all attributes in a single message.

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Get a single specified attribute.

10 16 Set_Attribute_Single — X Set a single specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

276 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

SNTP Diagnostics Object

The SNTP Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID
405 (hex), 1029 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The SNTP Diagnostics object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

SNTP Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

EIO0000001578.14 277
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Network Time STRUCT X —
Service of


Server IP Address
Secondary NTP UDINT
Server IP Address
Polling Period USINT In seconds

Update controller USINT • 0 = do not update

with Module Time
• 1 = update

Time Zone UDINT Depends on the operating system of the

configuration software.

Time Zone Offset INT In minutes

Daylight saving USINT
time bias
Daylight Saving USINT
Start Date - Month
Daylight Saving USINT • MSB (4 bits) : week #
Start Date - • LSB (4 bits) : 0=Sunday…6=
week #, day of
Daylight Saving UDINT Seconds elapsed from midnight
Start Time
Daylight Saving USINT
End Date - Month
Daylight Saving USINT • MSB (4 bits) : week #
End Date -
• LSB (4 bits) : 0=Sunday…6=
week #, day of Saturday
Daylight Saving UDINT Seconds elapsed from midnight
End Time
Reserved USINT[15]

02 02 Network Time UDINT X — • 1 = idle

Service Status • 2 = operational

03 03 Link to NTP UDINT X — • 1 = NTP server not reachable

Server Status
• 2 = NTP server is reachable
04 04 Current NTP UDINT X —
Server IP Address

278 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
05 05 NTP Server Type UDINT X — Re: the server identified in attribute 03:
• 0 = primary
• 1= secondary

06 06 NTP Server Time UDINT X — Jitter of the clock/time in microseconds/

Quality second

07 07 Number of NTP UDINT X —

Requests Sent

08 08 Number of UDINT X —
09 09 Number of NTP UDINT
A 10 Last Error UINT • 0 = no error

B 11 Current Date and DATE_ {

Time AND_ time_of_day UDINT,
Refer to CIP specification.

C 12 Daylight Savings UDINT • 1 = Daylight savings is enabled and

Status the date/time is within the applicable
• 2 = Daylight savings is not enabled
or enabled but not within the
applicable period

D 13 Time Since Last DINT Amount of time elapsed since a valid

Update response from the NTP server in 100ms
increments. -1 = not updated

X = supported

— = not supported

EIO0000001578.14 279
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

The SNTP Diagnostics object performs the following services upon the listed object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

32 50 Clear_All — X Clears data in attributes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 (all

attributes defined in decimal notation).

X = supported

— = not supported

280 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Hot Standby FDR Sync Object

The Hot Standby FDR Sync object presents the instances, attributes and services described

Class ID
406 (hex), 1030 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Hot Standby FDR Sync object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Hot Standby FDR Sync object attributes are associated with each instance, as follows:
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

EIO0000001578.14 281
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Status UDINT X — • bit 0: 0 = service not running; 1 =
service is running
• bit 1:0 = service has no detected
error; 1 = service has detected an
02 02 Checksum of the UDINT X —
parameter (.prm) files

X = supported

— = not supported

The Hot Standby FDR Sync object performs the following services upon the listed object

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

07 07 Stop — X In Standby state, start the synchronization service. In

Primary state, no action.

0E 14 Get_Attribute_ X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.


4B 75 Copy_Primary_ X X Applicable only if the device is in Standby state.

to_Standby Otherwise, an error is detected.

4C 76 Copy_Standby_ X X Applicable only if the device is in Standby state.

to_Primary Otherwise, an error is detected.

4D 77 Clear_Files_in_ X X Applicable only if the device is in Primary state.

Primary Otherwise, an error is detected.

X = supported

— = not supported

282 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Ethernet Backplane Diagnostics Object

The Ethernet Backplane Diagnostics object presents the instances, attributes and services
described below.

Class ID
407 (hex), 1031 (decimal)

Instance IDs
The Ethernet Backplane Diagnostics object presents two instances:
• 0: class
• 1: instance

Ethernet Backplane Diagnostics object attributes are associated with each instance, as
Instance ID = 0 (class attributes):

Attribute ID Description GET SET

01 Revision X —

02 Maximum Instance X —

03 Number of Instances X —

X = supported

— = not supported

Instance ID = 1 (instance attributes):

EIO0000001578.14 283
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Attribute ID Description Type GET SET Value

hex dec
01 01 Backplane Ethernet UINT X — Link status/health of each module on the
Port Status backplane:
• bit 0-14: 0 = link is up, 1 = link is down
• bit 15: 0 = backplane is in normal
operating state
• bit 15: 1= backplane is not in normal
operating state

02 02 Extended Health of UINT X — For all bits, below, 0 = no error detected, 1 =

Ethernet Backplane error detected:
• Bit 0: SMI error detected
• Bit 1: HUBIX error detected
• Bit 2: Undervoltage detected
• Bit 3: Overvoltage detected
• Bit 4: Backplane head did not respond
• Bit 14: Backplane firmware is not
• Bit 15: Backplane did not respond
• Other bits: reserved
X = supported

— = not supported

The Ethernet Backplane Diagnostics object performs the following services upon the listed
object types:

Service ID Description Class Instance Notes

hex dec
01 01 Get_Attributes_All X X Returns:
• all class attributes (instance = 0)
• instance attributes 1 to 7 (instance = 1)

0E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X Returns the value of the specified attribute.

X = supported

— = not supported

284 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

DTM Device Lists

This section describes the connection of an M580 CPU to other network nodes through the
Control Expert DTM Browser.

Device List Configuration and Connection Summary

The Device List contains read-only properties that summarize these items:
• configuration data:
◦ input data image
◦ output data image
◦ maximum and actual numbers of devices, connections, and packets
• Modbus request and EtherNet/IP connection summary

Open the Page

View the read-only properties of the M580 CPU in the Control Expert Device List:

Step Action

1 Open your Control Expert project.

2 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

3 Double-click the CPU DTM in the DTM Browser to open the configuration window.
NOTE: You can also right-click the CPU DTM and select Open.

4 Select Device List in the navigation tree.

Configuration Summary Data

Select Device List and view the Configuration Summary table on the Summary tab to
see values for these items:
• Input

EIO0000001578.14 285
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

• Output
• Configuration Size
Expand (+) the Input row to view the Input Current Size values:

Description Source

This value is the sum of Modbus requests and This value is configured in the General page for a
EtherNet/IP connection sizes. selected distributed device and connection.

Expand (+) the Output row to view the Output Current Size values:

Description Source

This value is the sum of Modbus requests and This value is configured in the General page for a
EtherNet/IP connection sizes. selected distributed device and connection.

The maximum size of the X Bus input or output memory variable is 4 KB (2048 words). The
variable contains a 16-byte descriptor followed by a value that represents the number of
input or output data objects. Each data object contains a 3-byte object header followed by
the input or output data. The number of data objects and the size of the input or output data
depend on the configuration. The maximum overhead in the variable is 403 bytes (16 +
387), where 16 is the number of bytes in the descriptor and 387 is the product of 3 x 129,
where 3 is the number of bytes in the header and 129 is the number of input or output
objects (128 maximum scanned devices or local slaves that the BMENOC03•1 module
supports plus one input or output object for the scanner DDDT). Therefore, at least 3.6 KB of
the 4-KB variable is available for the input or output current size.
NOTE: The input current size also includes 28 words of scanner DDT input data. The
output current size also includes 24 words of scanner DDT output data.
Expand (+) the Configuration Size row in the Connection Summary table to view these

Name Description Source

Maximum Number of the maximum number of distributed devices predefined

DIO Devices that can be added to the configuration

Current Number of DIO the number of distributed devices in the network design in the Control
Devices current configuration Expert device editor

Maximum Number of the maximum number of connections to predefined

DIO Connections distributed devices that can be managed by
the CPU
Current Number of DIO the number of connections to distributed network design in the Control
Connections devices in the current configuration Expert device editor

Maximum Number of the maximum number of CIP Safety devices capability of the module
CSIO Devices that can be added to the configuration

Current Number of CSIO the number of active and inactive CIP Safety number of CIP Safety devices in
Devices devices in the current configuration the Device List > Safe Bus

286 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Name Description Source

Maximum Number of the maximum number of CIP Safety capability of the module
CSIO Connections connections to distributed devices that can be
managed by the Ethernet communications
Current Number of CSIO the number of connections by active devices in device configuration in the
Connections the current configuration Control Expert Device Editor

Maximum Number of the maximum number of packets per second predefined

Packets the module is able to manage

Current Number of Input total number of input packets (traffic) per network design in the Control
Packets second, based on the current number of Expert device editor
modules and its configured input data

Current Number of total number of output packets (traffic) per network design in the Control
Output Packets second, based on the current number of Expert device editor
modules and its configured output data

Current Number of Total total number of packets (traffic in both network design in the Control
Packets directions) per second, based on the current Expert device editor
number of modules and its configured I/O data

Request / Connection Summary Data

Select Device List and view the Request / Connection Summary table on the Summary
tab. The Control Expert DTM uses this information to calculate the total bandwidth that
distributed equipment consumes:

Column Description

Connection Bit • Connection health bits display the status of each device with one or more
• Connection control bits can be toggled on and off using object IDs.

Task The task that is associated with this connection.

Input Object The ID of the input object associated with the connection (see the note following the

Output Object The ID of the output object associated with the connection (see the note following the

Device The device Number is used for the health and control bit index.
Device Name A unique name associated with the device that owns the connection.

Type The target device type:

• EtherNet/IP
• Local Slave
• Modbus TCP

EIO0000001578.14 287
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Column Description

Address The target device IP address for remote devices (does not apply to local slaves).

Rate (msec) The RPI (for EtherNet/IP) or the repetitive rate (for Modbus TCP), in ms.

Input Packets per The number of input (T->O) packets per second exchanged over this connection.
Output Packets per The number of output (O->T) packets per second exchanged over this connection.
Packets per Second The total number of packets per second exchanged over this connection in both Input
and output directions.

Bandwidth Usage The total bandwidth used by this connection (total bytes per second traffic).

Size In The number of input words configured for this remote device.

Size Out The number of output words configured for this remote device.

NOTE: The numeric identifiers in the Input Object and Output Object columns
represent the objects associated with a single device connection (scan line). For
example, if an EtherNet/IP connection has an input object of 260 and an output object of
261, the corresponding control bits for this connection are in the DIO_CTRL field in the
M580 CPU device DDT. Object 260 is the fifth bit and object 261 is the sixth bit in this
field. There can be multiple connections for a device. Set the corresponding bits to
control the input and output objects for these connections.

288 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Device List Parameters

Configure parameters for devices in the Device List on these tabs:
• Properties
• Address Setting
• Request Setting (Modbus devices only)

View the Configuration Tabs

Navigate to the Device List configuration tabs

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser), double-click the DTM that corresponds to the CPU.
2 In the navigation pane, expand (+) the Device List, page 285 to see the associated Modbus TCP
and EtherNet/IP devices.
3 Select a device from the Device List to view the Properties, Address Setting, and Request
Setting tabs tabs.
NOTE: These tabs are described in detail below.

Properties Tab
Configure the Properties tab to perform these tasks:
• Add the device to the configuration.
• Remove the device from the configuration.
• Edit the base name for variables and data structures used by the device.
• Indicate how input and output items are created and edited.
Configure the Properties tab:

Field Parameter Description

Properties Number The relative position of the device in the list.

Active Enabled: Add this device to the Control Expert project configuration.
Disabled: Remove this device from the Control Expert project

EIO0000001578.14 289
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Parameter Description

IO Structure Structure Name Control Expert automatically assigns a structure name based on the
Name variable name.
Variable Name Variable Name: An auto-generated variable name is based on the
alias name.
Default Name Press this button to restore the default variable and structure names.
Items Import Mode Manual: I/O items are manually added in the Device Editor. The I/O
Management items list is not affected by changes to the device DTM.

Automatic: I/O items are taken from the device DTM and updated if
the items list in the device DTM changes. Items cannot be edited in
the Device Editor.
Reimport Items Press this buttom to import the I/O items list from the device DTM,
overwriting any manual I/O item edits. Enabled only when Import
mode is set to Manual.

Click Apply to save your edits and leave the window open for further edits.

Address Setting Tab

Configure the Address Setting page to perform these tasks:
• Configure the IP address for a device.
• Enable or disable DHCP client software for a device.
NOTE: When the DHCP client software is enabled in a Modbus device, it obtains its IP
address from the DHCP server in the CPU.
In the Address Setting page, edit these parameters to conform to your application’s design
and functionality:

Field Parameter Description

IP IP Address By default:
• The first three octet values equal the first three octet values of the
• The fourth octet value equals this device Number setting. In this
case, the default value is 004.
In our continuing example, type in the address

Subnet Mask The device subnet mask.

NOTE: For this example, accept the default value

Gateway The gateway address used to reach this device. The default of
indicates this device is located on the same subnet as the CPU.
NOTE: For this example, accept the default value.

290 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Field Parameter Description

Address Server DHCP for this Enabled: Activate the DHCP client in this device. The device obtains
Device its IP address from the DHCP service provided by the CPU appears on
the auto-generated DHCP client list (see Modicon M580,
BMENOC0321 Control Network Module, Installation and Configuration

Disabled (default): Deactivates the DHCP client in this device.

NOTE: For this example, select Enabled.

Identified by If DHCP for this Device is Enabled, it indicates the device identifier
• MAC Address
• Device Name
NOTE: For this example, select Device Name.

Identifier If DHCP for this Device is Enabled, the specific device MAC Address
or Name value.
NOTE: For this example, accept the default setting of NIP2212_
01 (based on the Alias name).

Click Apply to save your edits, and leave the window open for further edits.

Request Setting Tab

Configure the Request Setting tab to add, configure, and remove Modbus requests for the
Modbus device. Each request represents a separate link between the CPU and the Modbus
NOTE: The Request Setting tab is available only when a Modbus TCP device is
selected in the Device List.
Create a request:

Step Action

1 Press the Add Request button to see a new request in the table.

Press the Add Request button:

• The new request appears in the table.
• The corresponding request items appear in the Device List.
NOTE: The Add Request function is enabled only when Import Mode on the Properties tab
is set to Manual.
2 Configure the request settings according to the table below.

3 Repeat these steps to create additional requests.

4 Press the Apply to save the request.

EIO0000001578.14 291
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

This table describes the Request Settings parameters for Modbus devices:

Setting Description

Connection Bit This bit indicates the read-only offset for the health bit for this connection. Offset values
(starting at 0) are auto-generated by the Control Expert DTM based on the connection type.

Unit ID The Unit ID is the number used to identify the target of the connection.
NOTE: Consult the manufacturer’s user manual for the specific target device to find its
Unit ID.
Health Time This value represents the maximum allowed interval between device responses before a time
Out (ms) out is detected:
• valid range: 5 ... 65535 ms
• interval: 5 ms
• default: 1500 ms
Repetitive Rate This value represents the data scan rate in intervals of 5 ms. (The valid range is 0...60000
(ms) ms. The default is 60 ms.)

RD Address This is the address of the input data image in the Modbus device.

RD Length This value represents the number of words (0...125) in the Modbus device that the CPU
Last Value This value represents the behavior of input data in the application if communications are lost:
• Hold Value (default)
• Set To Zero
WR Address This is the address of the output data image in the Modbus device.

WR Length This value represents the number of words (0...120) in the Modbus device to which the CPU

Remove a request:

Step Action

1 Click a row in the table.

2 Press the Remove button to remove the request.
NOTE: The corresponding request items disappear from the Device List.

3 Press the Apply to save the configuration.

The next step is to connect the Control Expert project to the Modbus device.

292 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Standalone DDT Data Structure for M580 PACs

This topic describes the Control Expert Device DDT tab for an M580 PAC in a local
backplane. A derived data type (DDT) is a set of elements with the same type (ARRAY) or
with different types (structure).
NOTE: The device DDT type supported by a standalone M580 PAC depends on its
firmware version, and can be T_BMEP58_ECPU, T_BMEP58_ECPU_EXT, T_

Access the Device DDT Tab

Access the device DDT for the controller in Control Expert:

Step Action

1 Open a Control Expert project that includes an M580 PAC in the configuration.

2 Rebuild the project (Build > Rebuild All Project.)

3 Open the Data Editor in the Control Expert Project Browser (Tools > Data Editor).
4 Select the Device DDT checkbox.
5 Expand (+) the Device DDT in the Name column.

You can add this variable to an Animation Table, page 323 to read the status and set the
object control bit.
NOTE: The red arrow and lock icons in the Device DDT table indicate that the variable
name was auto-generated by Control Expert based on the configuration of the
communication module, local slave, or distributed device. The variable name cannot be

Input and Output Freshness

This table describes the inputs and outputs that are associated with EtherNet/IP or Modbus

EIO0000001578.14 293
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Name Description

Freshness This is a global bit:

• 1: All input objects below (Freshness_1, Freshness_2, etc.) for the associated
device are true (1) and provide up-to-date data.
• 0: One or more inputs (below) is not connected and does not provide up-to-date data.

Freshness_1 This bit represents individual input objects for the connection:
• 1: The input object is connected and provides up-to-date data.
• 0: The input object is not connected and does not provide up-to-date data.

Freshness_2 This bit represents an individual input object for the device:
• 1: The input object is true (1) and provides up-to-date data.
• 0: The input object is not connected (0) and does not provide up-to-date data.
(available) The rows after the Freshness data are organized in groups of Inputs and Outputs that
have user-defined names. The number of input and output rows depends on the number of
input and output requests configured for a particular device.

Use the Control Expert Device DDT tab to configure parameters for the controller RIO head
on the local backplane:

Parameter Description

Implicit device DDT Name the default name of the device DDT
Type module type (uneditable)

Goto details link to the DDT data editor screen

Standalone Configuration
These tables describe the fields in the implicit device DDT type that is used with the
controller RIO communication server in standalone configurations using Unity Pro 10.0 or
any subsequent supporting version(s), and M580 PAC version 2.01 or any subsequent
supporting version(s).
Unity Pro is the former name of Control Expert for version 13.1 or earlier.

294 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Input Parameters
The following tables describe the input parameters in the device DDT for the controller.

Name Type Bit Description

PORT1_LINK BOOL 0 0 = ETH 1 link is down.

1 = ETH 1 link is up.

PORT2_LINK BOOL 1 0 = ETH 2 link is down.

1 = ETH 2 link is up.

PORT3_LINK BOOL 2 0 = ETH 3 link is down.

1 = ETH 3 link is up.

ETH_BKP_PORT_LINK BOOL 3 0 = Ethernet backplane link is down.

1 = Ethernet backplane link is up.

REDUNDANCY_STATUS (see BOOL 5 0 = Redundant path is not available.

the note below.)
1 = Redundant path is available.

SCANNER_OK BOOL 6 0 = Scanner is not present.

1 = Scanner is present.

GLOBAL_STATUS BOOL 7 0 = At least one service is not operating normally.

NOTE: Refer to the footnotes for SERVICE_
identify the services that set GLOBAL STATUS
to 0.
1 = All services are operating normally.

NETWORK_HEALTH BOOL 8 0 = A potential network broadcast storm is detected.

NOTE: Check your wiring and your controller
and BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311

1 = A network broadcast storm is not detected.

• You can monitor interruptions in the RIO main ring by diagnosing the REDUNDANCY_STATUS bits in
the controller DDT. The system detects and reports in this bit a main ring cable interruption that
persists for at least 5 seconds.
0: The cable is broken, disconnected, or the device is stopped.
1: The loop is present and healthy.
• For RIO main rings using BMECRA31310 redundant adapters, the REDUNDANCY_STATUS bit is not
supported and will be set to 0.

EIO0000001578.14 295
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Duplicate IP addresses can cause errors in communication with the other modules.

Confirm that each module has a unique IP address.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment


Name Type Bit Description

RSTP_SERVICE1 BOOL 0 0 = RSTP service is not operating normally.

1 = RSTP service is operating normally or disabled.

PORT502_SERVICE1 BOOL 2 0 = Port 502 service is not operating normally.

1 = Port 502 service is operating normally or

SNMP_SERVICE1 BOOL 3 0 = SNMP service is not operating normally.

1 = SNMP service is operating normally or

MAIN_IP_ADDRESS_STATUS BOOL 4 0 = The main IP address is a duplicate or

1 = The main IP address is unique and valid.

ETH_BKP_FAILURE BOOL 5 0 = Ethernet backplane hardware is not operating


1 = Ethernet backplane hardware is operating


ETH_BKP_ERROR BOOL 6 0 = Ethernet backplane error detected.

1 = Ethernet backplane is operating properly.

EIP_SCANNER1 BOOL 7 0 = Service not operating normally.

1 = Service operating normally.

MODBUS_SCANNER1 BOOL 8 0 = Service not operating normally.

1 = Service operating normally.

NTP_SERVER1, 2 BOOL 9 0 = SNTP server not operating normally.

1 = SNTP server operating normally.

SNTP_CLIENT1, 2 BOOL 10 0 = Service not operating normally.

296 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Name Type Bit Description

1 = Service operating normally.

WEB_SERVER1 BOOL 11 0 = Service not operating normally.

1 = Service operating normally.

FIRMWARE_UPGRADE BOOL 12 0 = Service not operating normally.

1 = Service operating normally.

FTP BOOL 13 0 = Service not operating normally.

1 = Service operating normally.

FDR_SERVER1 BOOL 14 0 = Service not operating normally.

1 = Service operating normally.

EIP_ADAPTER1 BOOL 15 0 = EIP adapter (server) service not operating


1 = EIP adapter (server) service operating


1. When this service is set to 0, GLOBAL_STATUS is also set to 0.

2. Only for firmware earlier than version 4.01.


Name Type Bit Description

A_B_IP_ADDRESS_STATUS BOOL 0 0 = Duplicate IP or no IP address assigned.

1 = IP addresses (A/B status) correctly assigned.

LLDP_SERVICE1 BOOL 1 0 = LLDP service is not operating normally.

1 = LLDP service is operating normally or disabled.

EVENT_LOG_STATUS BOOL 2 0 = Event log service is not operating normally.

1 = Event log service is operating normally or is

LOG_SERVER_NOT_ BOOL 3 1 = No acknowledgment received from the syslog
0 = Acknowledgment received from the syslog server

CSIO_SCANNER (CIP Safety BOOL 4 0 = At least one CIP Safety connection is not operating
PAC) normally.

1 = All CIP Safety I/O devices are operating normally.

NTP_SYNC BOOL 5 1= Server Only mode..

EIO0000001578.14 297
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Name Type Bit Description

0 = Not Server Only mode.

NTP_SERVICE BOOL 6 0 = NTP Daemon status = down.

1 = NTP Daemon status = active.
NTP_QUALITY_WARNING BOOL 7 1= Quality of the clock out of the range defined in the

0 = Clock quality within defined configuration range.

(reserved) – 8–15 (reserved)

1. When this service is set to 0, GLOBAL_STATUS is also set to 0.


Name Type Description

Ethernet ports function and RSTP role Bits 1...0 0: ETH 1 disabled
coded on 2 bits
1: ETH 1 access port

2: ETH 1 port mirroring

3: ETH 1 device network port

Bits 3...2 reserved (0)

Bits 5...4 0: ETH 2 disabled

1: ETH 2 access port

2: ETH 2 port mirroring

3: ETH 2 device network port

Bits 7...6 0: ETH 2 alternate RSTP port

1: ETH 2 backup RSTP port

2: ETH 2 designated RSTP port

3: ETH 2 root RSTP port


Name Bit Description

Ethernet ports function and RSTP role Bits 1...0 0: ETH 3 disabled
coded on 2 bits
1: ETH 3 access port

2: ETH 3 port mirroring

3: ETH 3 device network port

298 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Name Bit Description

Bits 3...2 0: ETH 3 alternate RSTP port

1: ETH 3 backup RSTP port

2: ETH 3 designated RSTP port

3: ETH 3 root RSTP port

Bits 5...4 0: The Ethernet backplane port is disabled.

1: The Ethernet backplane port is enabled to

support Ethernet communications.

Bits 7...6 reserved (0)


Type Type Description

FDR_USAGE BYTE % of FDR server usage


Type Type Description

NTP_WITHIN UINT Estimated accuracy of the clock in milliseconds.


Type Type Description

NTP_ UINT Number of servers connected.



Type Bit Description

UINT 0-7 number of packets received on the interface (internal ports)


Type Bit Description

UINT 0-7 number of inbound packets that contain detected errors


EIO0000001578.14 299
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Type Bit Description

UINT 0-7 number of packets sent on the interface (internal ports)


Type Bit Description

UINT 0-7 number of outbound packets that contain detected errors


Type Bit Description

UDINT 0-15 Signatures of all files on local module FDR server

Output Parameters
Although the complete Hot Standby Device DDT is not exchanged from the primary
controller to the standby controller, these fields are transferred: DROP_CTRL; RIO_CTRL;
These tables describe those output parameters:

Name Type Rank Description

DROP_CTRL BOOL 1...32 1 bit per RIO drop (up to 32 or 64 depending on the
controller firmware version)



Name Type Rank Description

RIO_CTRL BOOL 257...384 1 bit per RIO (up to 128)


Name Type Rank Description

DIO_CTRL BOOL 513...640 1 bit per DIO (up to 128)


300 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Name Type Rank Description

CSIO_HEALTH (safety) BOOL 769...896 CSIO health bits (1 bit per DIO up to 68 CSIOs)


Name Bit Rank Description

NTP_STOP BOOL 0 0: to start the service

1: to stop the service


Name Type Rank Description

RED_PRP_DROP_SWAP BOOL 1...64 1 bit per PRP drop (up to 64). A swap is only
possible for the PRP drop managed by
BMECRA31310(H) adapter modules in redundant

Device Health Status

Although the complete Hot Standby Device DDT is not exchanged from the primary
controller to the standby controller, these fields are transferred: DROP_HEALTH; RIO_
This table describes the health of the devices that are scanned by the module. The data is
presented as an array of boolean:

Parameter Type Health status of ...

DROP_HEALTH ARRAY [1...32] of BOOL One array element corresponds to one X80 drop
managed by a BMXCRA••••• or BMECRA••••• adapter
or module (up to a maximum of 32 or 64 depending on the
controller firmware version).
ARRAY [1...64] of BOOL

RIO_HEALTH ARRAY [257...384] of BOOL RIO devices: One array element corresponds to one
RIO device (up to a maximum of 128 RIO devices).

LS_HEALTH ARRAY [1...3] of BOOL local slaves: One array element corresponds to one
local slave (up to a maximum of three local slaves).

DIO_HEALTH ARRAY [513...640] of BOOL DIO devices: One array element corresponds to one
DIO device (up to a maximum of 128 DIO devices).

CSIO_HEALTH ARRAY [769...896] of BOOL CSIO devices: One array element corresponds to one
(CIP Safety PAC) CSIO device (up to a maximum of 128 CSIO devices).


EIO0000001578.14 301
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

• 1 (true): A device is healthy. The input data from the device is received within the pre-
configured health timeout.
• 0 (false): A device is not healthy. The input data from the device is not received within
the pre-configured health timeout.

302 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Hot Standby DDT Data Structure

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT is the exclusive interface between the M580 Hot Standby
system and the application running in a BMEH58•040 or BMEH58•040S controller. The DDT
instance should appear as: ECPU_HSBY_1.

Review and manage the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT for proper operation of the system.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT presents three distinct sections:

• LOCAL_HSBY_STS: Provides information about the local controller. Data is both auto-
generated by the Hot Standby system, and provided by the application. This data is
exchanged with the remote controller.
• REMOTE_HSBY_STS: Provides information about the remote controller, and contains
the image of the last received exchange from the counterpart controller. The validity of
this information is represented by the REMOTE_STS_VALID flag in the common part of
this DDT.
NOTE: The structure of both the LOCAL_HSBY_STS and Remote_HSBY_STS
sections are determined by the HSBY_STS_T data type, and are therefore identical.
Each is used to describe data relating to one of the two Hot Standby controllers.
• A common part of the DDT: Consists of several objects, including status data, system
control objects, and command objects:
◦ Status data is provided by the Hot Standby system as a result of diagnostic
◦ System control objects enable you to define and control system behavior.
◦ Command data objects include executable commands you can use to modify the
system state.

Local Controller versus Remote Controller

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT employs the terms local and remote:
• Local refers to the Hot Standby controller to which your PC is connected.
• Remote refers to the other Hot Standby controller.

EIO0000001578.14 303
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Data Boundary Alignment

M580 BMEH58•040 and BMEH58•040S controllers feature a 32-bit data design. For this
reason, stored data objects are placed on a four-byte boundary.


Before you execute a swap command (either by application logic or in the Control Expert
GUI) confirm that the standby controller is ready to assume the primary role by verifying
that the value of its REMOTE_HSBY_STS.EIO_ERROR bit is 0.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT consists of these objects:

Element Type Description Written by


• False (default): Both HSBY_LINK_ERROR and
set to 1.
APP_MISMATCH BOOL The original application in the two controllers is System
different. (Default = false)

LOGIC_MISMATCH_ BOOL • True: The standby remains standby in case of Application

ALLOWED logic mismatch.
• False (default): The standby goes into wait state
in case of logic mismatch.

LOGIC_MISMATCH BOOL Different revisions of the same application exist in the System
two controllers. (Default = false)

SFC_MISMATCH BOOL • True: The applications in the primary controller System

and the standby controller are different in at least
one SFC section. In the event of a switchover, the
graphs that are different are reset to their initial
• False (default): All SFC sections are identical.

OFFLINE_BUILD_ BOOL The two controllers are running different revisions of System
MISMATCH the same application.In this condition:
• A data exchange between the two controllers
may not be possible.
• A swap or switchover may not be transparent.

304 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Element Type Description Written by

• Neither controller can be standby

(Default = false)

APP_BUILDCHANGE_DIFF UINT The number of build change differences between the System
applications in the primary controller versus the
standby controller. Evaluated by the primary.

MAX_APP_ UINT Maximum number of build change differences Application

BUILDCHANGE_DIFF permitted by the Hot Standby system, from 0...50
(default = 20). Set in the Hot Standby tab as Number
of modifications.
FW_MISMATCH_ALLOWED BOOL Allows mismatched firmware between primary and Application
standby controllers:
• True: the standby remains standby in case of FW
• False (default): the standby goes into wait state in
case of FW mismatch. (Default = false)

FW_MISMATCH BOOL The OS are different in the two controllers. (Default = System

DATA_LAYOUT_MISMATCH BOOL The Data layout are different on the two controllers. System
The data transfer is partially performed. (Default =

DATA_DISCARDED UINT Number of KB sent by the primary and discarded by the System
standby (rounded up to the next KB). Represents data
for variables added to primary, but not to standby.
(Default = 0)

DATA_NOT_UPDATED UINT Number of KB not updated by the standby (rounded up System

to the next KB). Represents variables deleted from the
primary that remain in the standby. (Default = 0)

BACKUP_APP_MISMATCH BOOL • False (default): The backup application In the 2 System

Hot Standby controllers are equal.
NOTE: The backup application resides in
flash memory or on the SD memory card of
the controller. It is created either by the PLC
> Project Backup... > Backup Save
command, or by setting the %S66 system bit
(Application Backup) to 1.
• True: All other cases.
PLCA_ONLINE BOOL Controller A is configured to enter the primary or Configuration
standby state. (Default = true)
NOTE: Executable only on controller A.

PLCB_ONLINE BOOL Controller B is configured to enter the primary or Configuration

standby state. (Default = true)
NOTE: Executable only on controller B.

EIO0000001578.14 305
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Element Type Description Written by

CMD_SWAP BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /

initiate a switchover. The primary goes into wait, System
then the standby goes primary, finally the wait
goes standby. The command is ignored if there is
no standby.
NOTE: Executable on both primary and
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system on switchover
completion or if there is no standby.
• This command is designed to be used by the
application in response to detected errors. It
is not intended to be used for periodic
• If the application has to switchover
periodically, the period between switchovers
must not be less than 120 seconds.
CMD_APP_TRANSFER BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /
start an application transfer from the primary to System
the standby. Executable only on the primary.
NOTE: The application transferred is the
backup application, stored in flash memory
or on the SD card. If the application running
does not match the backup application,
perform an application backup (PLC >
Project Backup... > Backup Save or set
the %S66 system bit to 1) before performing
the transfer.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system on transfer

CMD_RUN_AFTER_ BOOL[0...2] • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /

TRANSFER automatically start in Run after a transfer. System
NOTE: Executable only on the primary.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system after transfer
completion and:
◦ remote controller is in Run
◦ Controller is not primary
◦ by animation table or logic command

CMD_RUN_REMOTE BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to run Application /

the remote controller. This command is ignored if System
the CMD_STOP_REMOTE is true.
NOTE: Executable only on the primary.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system when the
remote controller enters standby or wait state.

306 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Element Type Description Written by

CMD_STOP_REMOTE BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application

stop the remote controller.
NOTE: Executable on the primary, the
standby, or a stopped controller.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the application to end the
stop command.

CMD_COMPARE_INITIAL_ BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /

VALUE begin a comparison of the initial values of System
variables exchanged by the two Hot Standby
NOTE: Executable on both primary and
standby only in Run mode.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system when the
comparison is complete, or if the comparison is
not possible.

INITIAL_VALUE_MISMATCH BOOL • True: if the initial values for exchanged variables System
are different or if the comparison is not possible.
• False (false): if the initial values for exchanged
variables are identical.
MAST_SYNCHRONIZED (1) BOOL • True: if the exchanged data from the previous System
MAST cycle was received by the standby.
• False (default): if the exchanged data from at
least the previous MAST cycle was not received
by the standby.
NOTE: Closely monitor the MAST_
variables related to the MAST and FAST tasks as
indicated at the end of this table.
FAST_SYNCHRONIZED (1) BOOL • True: if the exchanged data from the previous System
FAST cycle was received by the standby.
• False (default): if the exchanged data from at
least the previous FAST cycle was not received
by the standby.
NOTE: Closely monitor the MAST_
variables related to the MAST and FAST tasks as
indicated at the end of this table.
SAFE_SYNCHRONIZED BOOL • True: if the exchanged data from the last SAFE System
cycle was received by the standby.
• False (default): if, at least, the exchanged data
from the last SAFE cycle was not received by the

SAFETY_LOGIC_ BOOL • True: the SAFE logic part of the application is –

MISMATCH different in the two controllers.
• False (default): the SAFE logic part of the
application is identical in the two controllers.

EIO0000001578.14 307
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Element Type Description Written by

NOTE: The content for this element is determined

by comparing system word %SW169 for each
LOCAL_HSBY_STS T_M_ Hot Standby status for the local controller (see below)

REMOTE_HSBY_STS T_M_ Hot Standby status for the remote controller (see below)

related to the MAST, FAST and SAFE tasks. If its value is zero (False), then the database exchanged between the
primary and the standby controllers is not transmitted at each cycle. In this situation, change the configured period
of this task with a higher value than its current execution time (for the MAST task: %SW0 > %SW30; for the FAST
task %SW1 > %SW33; for the SAFE task %SW4 > %SW42. More details on %SW0 + %SW1 and %SW30 + %
SW31 in EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System Bits and Words, Reference Manual).
• Example of consequence: upon an Application Program Transfer (APT) command, the primary controller might not
be able to transfer the program to the standby controller.


The T_M_ECPU_HSBY_STS data type presents the following elements:

Element Type Description Written by

HSBY_LINK_ERROR BOOL • True: No connection on the Hot Standby link. System

• False: The Hot Standby link is operational.

HSBY_SUPPLEMENTARY_ BOOL • True: No connection on the Ethernet RIO link. System

LINK_ERROR • False: The Ethernet RIO link is operational.

WAIT BOOL • True: The controller is in Run state but waiting to System
go primary or standby.
• False: The controller is in standby, primary or
stop state.

RUN_PRIMARY BOOL • True: The controller is in primary state. System

• False: The controller is in standby, wait or stop
RUN_STANDBY BOOL • True: The controller is in standby state. System
• False: The controller is in primary, wait or stop
STOP BOOL • True: The controller is in stop state. System
• False: The controller is in primary, standby or
wait state.

308 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Element Type Description Written by

PLC_A BOOL • True: the controller A/B/Clear switch, page 57 is System

in “A” position.
• False: the controller switch is not in “A” position.

PLC_B BOOL • True: the controller A/B/Clear switch, page 57 is System

in “B” position.
• False: the controller switch is not in “B” position.

EIO_ERROR BOOL • True: The controller does not detect any of the System
configured Ethernet RIO drops.
• False: The controller detects at least one
configured Ethernet RIO drop.
NOTE: This bit is always false when no drop is

SD_CARD_PRESENT BOOL • True: A valid SD card is inserted. System

• False: No SD card, or an invalid SD card is
LOCAL_RACK_STS BOOL] • True: The local rack configuration is OK. Application
• False: The local rack configuration is not OK (for
example, modules missing or in incorrect slots,

MAST_TASK_STATE BYTE State of the MAST task: System

• 0: Not existent
• 1: Stop
• 2: Run
• 3: Breakpoint
• 4: Halt
FAST_TASK_STATE BYTE State of the FAST task: System
• 0: Not existent
• 1: Stop
• 2: Run
• 3: Breakpoint
• 4: Halt
SAFE_TASK_STATE BYTE State of the SAFE task: System
• 0: Not existent
• 1: Stop
• 2: Run
• 3: Breakpoint
• 4: Halt
REGISTER WORD[0...63] Unmanaged data added to the application via the Application
Exchange on STBY attribute.

EIO0000001578.14 309
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

310 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Explicit Messaging
You can configure EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP explicit messages for the M580 CPU in the
following ways:
• Connect the CPU to a Control Expert project (see Modicon M580 Standalone, System
Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures).
• Use the DATA_EXCH function block in application logic to transmit EtherNet/IP or
Modbus TCP explicit messages.
• Use a WRITE_VAR or a READ_VAR function block to exchange Modbus TCP explicit
messages, for example, service data objects (SDOs).
NOTE: A single Control Expert application can contain more than 16 explicit messaging
blocks, but only 16 explicit messaging blocks can be active at the same time.

Configuring Explicit Messaging Using DATA_EXCH

Use the DATA_EXCH function block to configure both Modbus TCP explicit messages and
connected and unconnected EtherNet/IP explicit messages.
The Management_Param, the Data_to_Send, and the Received_Data parameters
define the operation.
EN and ENO can be configured as additional parameters.

FBD Representation

EIO0000001578.14 311
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Input Parameters
Parameter Data type Description

EN BOOL This parameter is optional. When this input is set to one, the block
is activated and can solve the function blocks algorithm. When this
input is set to zero, the block is deactivated and won’t solve the
function block algorithm.

Address Array [0...7] of INT The path to the destination device, the content of which can vary
depending on the message protocol. Use the Address function as
an is input to the block parameter ADR.. Refer to a description of
the Address parameter for:
• EtherNet/IP messages, page 318
• Modbus TCP messages (see Modicon M340, BMX NOC
0401 Ethernet Communication Module, User Manual)

ActionType INT The type of action to perform. For both the EtherNet/IP and
Modbus TCP protocols, this setting = 1 (transmission followed by
await reception).

Data_to_Send Array [n...m] of INT The content of this parameter is specific to the protocol, either
EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP.

For EtherNet/IP explicit messaging, refer to the topic Configuring

the Data_To_Send Parameter, page 318.

For Modbus TCP explicit messaging, refer to Control Expert online


Input/Output Parameters
The Management_Param array is local:

Parameter Data type Description

Management_Param Array [0...3] of INT The management parameter, page 314, consisting of four

Do not copy this array during a switchover from a primary to a standby CPU in a Hot
Standby system. Uncheck the Exchange On STBY variable in Control Expert when you
configure a Hot Standby system.
NOTE: Refer to the description of Hot Standby system data management and the T_M_
ECPU_HSBY DDT (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning Guide for,
Frequently Used Architectures) in the M580 Hot Standby System Planning Guide (see
Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used

312 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Output Parameters
Parameter Data type Description

ENO BOOL This parameter is optional. When you select this output
you also get the EN input. ENO output is activated upon
successful execution of the function block.
Received_Data Array [n...m] of INT The EtherNet/IP (CIP) response, page 319 or the
Modbus TCP response (see Modicon M340, BMX NOC
0401 Ethernet Communication Module, User Manual).

The structure and content depends upon the specific


EIO0000001578.14 313
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring the DATA_EXCH Management Parameter

The structure and content of the management parameter of the DATA_EXCH block is
common to both EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP explicit messaging.

Configuring the Management Parameter

The management parameter consists of four contiguous words:

Data source Register Description

High Byte (MSB) Low Byte (LSB)

Data managed Management_Param[0] Exchange number Two read-only bits:

by the system
• Bit 0 = Activity bit, page 314
• Bit 1 = Cancel bit
Management_Param[1] Operation report Communication report (see Modicon
(see Modicon M580 Standalone, System Planning
M580 Standalone, Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)
System Planning
Guide for,
Frequently Used

Data managed Management_Param[2] Block timeout. Values include:

by the user • 0 = infinite wait
• other values = timeout x 100 ms, for example:
◦ 1 = 100 ms
◦ 2 = 200 ms
Management_Param[3] Length of data sent or received:
• Input (before sending the request): length of data in the
Data_to_Send parameter, in bytes
• Output (after response): length of data in the Received_
Data parameter, in bytes

Activity Bit
The activity bit is the first bit of the first element in the table. The value of this bit indicates
the execution status of the communication function:
• 1: The bit is set to 1 when the function launches.

314 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• 0: The bit returns to 0 upon the completion of the execution. (The transition from 1 to 0
increments the exchange number. If an error is detected during the execution, search
for the corresponding code in the operation and communication report (see Modicon
M580 Standalone, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures).)
For example, you can make this declaration in the management table:
Management_Param[0] ARRAY [0..3] OF INT
For that declaration, the activity bit corresponds to this notation:
NOTE: The notation previously used requires configuration of the project properties in
such a way as to authorize the extraction of bits on integer types. If this is not the case,
Management_Param[0].0 cannot be accessed in this manner.

EIO0000001578.14 315
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Explicit Messaging Services

Every explicit message performs a service. Each service is associated with a service code.
Identify the explicit messaging service by its name, decimal number, or hexadecimal
You can execute explicit messages using the DATA_EXCH function block in the Control
Expert DTM.

The services available in Control Expert include, but are not limited to, these service codes:

Service Code Description Available in...

Hex Dec DATA_EXCH block Control Expert GUI

1 1 Get_Attributes_All X X

2 2 Set_Attributes_All X X

3 3 Get_Attribute_List X —

4 4 Set_Attribute_List X —

5 5 Reset X X
6 6 Start X X
7 7 Stop X X

8 8 Create X X
9 9 Delete X X
A 10 Multiple_Service_Packet X —

B-C 11-12 (Reserved) — —

D 13 Apply_Attributes X X

E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X

10 16 Set_Attribute_Single X X

11 17 Find_Next_Object_Instance X X

14 20 Error Response (DeviceNet only) — —

15 21 Restore X X
16 22 Save X X

316 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Service Code Description Available in...

Hex Dec DATA_EXCH block Control Expert GUI

17 23 No Operation (NOP) X X

18 24 Get_Member X X

19 25 Set_Member X X

1A 26 Insert_Member X X

1B 27 Remove_Member X X

1C 28 GroupSync X —

1D-31 29-49 (Reserved) — —

"X" indicates the service is available. "—" indicates the service is not available.

EIO0000001578.14 317
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging Using DATA_

Configuring the Address Parameter
To configure the Address parameter, use the ADDM function to convert the character string,
described below, to an address that is input into the ADR parameter of the DATA_EXCH
ADDM(‘rack.slot.channel{ip_address}message_type.protocol’), where:

This field... Represents...

rack the number assigned to the rack containing the communication module

slot the position of the communication module in the rack

channel the communication channel—set to a value of 0

ip_address the IP address of the remote device, for example

message_type the type of message, presented as a three character string—either:

• UNC (indicating an unconnected message), or
• CON (indicating a connected message)

protocol the protocol type—the three character string CIP

Configuring the Data_to_Send Parameter

The Data_to_Send parameter varies in size. It consists of contiguous registers that include
—in sequence—both the message type and the CIP request:

Offset (words) Length (bytes) Data Type Description

0 2 bytes Bytes Message type:

• High byte = size of the request in words
• Low byte = EtherNet/IP service code

1 Management_Param[3] Bytes The CIP request1.

(size of Data_to_Send)
NOTE: The structure and size of the
minus 2
CIP request depends on the EtherNet/
IP service.
1 Structure the CIP request in little endian order.

318 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Contents of the Received_Data Parameter

The Received_Data parameter contains only the CIP response. The length of the CIP
response varies, and is reported by Management_Param[3] after the response is
received. The format of the CIP response is described, below:

Offset (words) Length (bytes) Data Type Description

0 2 Byte • High byte (MSB) = reserved

• Low byte (LSB): reply service

1 2 Byte • High byte (MSB): length of additional status

• Low byte (LSB): EtherNet/IP general status (see
Modicon M340, BMX NOC 0401 Ethernet
Communication Module, User Manual)

2 length of Byte array Additional Status1

additional status
... Management_ Byte array Response data
Param[3] (size
of Received_
Data) minus 4,
and minus the
additional status

1. Refer to The CIP Networks Library, Volume 1, Common Industrial Protocol at section 3-5.6 Connection
Manager Object Instance Error Codes.

NOTE: The response is structured in little endian order.

Checking the Received_Data Response for System and CIP

Use the contents of the Received_Data parameter to check both the system status and the
CIP status of the Ethernet communication module when handling the explicit message.

EIO0000001578.14 319
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

First: Check the value of the high byte (MSB) of the first response word, positioned at
offset 0. If the value of this byte is:
• equal to 0: the system properly handled the explicit message
• not equal to 0: a system-based event occurred
Refer to the list of EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging Event Codes (see Modicon
M580 Standalone, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
Architectures) for an explanation of the system-based event code contained in
the second response word, positioned at offset 1.

Next: If the system properly handled the explicit message, and the high byte of the first
response word equals 0, check the value of the second response word, positioned
at offset 1. If the value of this word is:
• equal to 0: the explicit message was properly handled by the CIP protocol
• not equal to 0: a CIP protocol-based event occurred
Refer to your CIP documentation for an explanation of the CIP status
displayed in this word.

320 EIO0000001578.14
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EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Example: Get_Attribute_

The following unconnected explicit messaging example shows you how to use the DATA_
EXCH function block to retrieve diagnostic data from a remote device (at IP address This example is executing a Get_Attribute_Single of assembly instance 100,
attribute 3.
You can perform the same explicit messaging service using the EtherNet/IP Explicit
Message window (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications
Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

Implementing the DATA_EXCH Function Block

To implement the DATA_EXCH function block, create and assign variables for the following

Configuring the Address Variable

The Address variable identifies the explicit message originating device (in this example, the
communication module) and the target device. Note that the Address variable does not

EIO0000001578.14 321
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

include the Xway address elements {Network.Station} because we are not bridging through
another PLC station. As an example, use the ADDM function to convert the following
character string to an address:
ADDM(‘0.1.0{}UNC.CIP’), where:
• rack = 0
• module (slot number) = 1
• channel = 0
• remote device IP address =
• message type = unconnected
• protocol = CIP

Configuring the ActionType Variable

The ActionType variable identifies the function type for the DATA_EXCH function block:

Variable Description Value (hex)

ActionType Transmission followed by wait for response 16#01

Configuring the DataToSend Variable

The DataToSend variable identifies the details of the CIP explicit message request:

Variable Description Value (hex)

DataToSend[0] CIP request service information: 16#030E

• High byte = request size in words: 16#03 (3 decimal)
• Low byte = service code: 16#0E (14 decimal)

DataToSend[1] CIP request class information: 16#0420

• High byte = class: 16#04 (4 decimal)
• Low byte = class segment: 16#20 (32 decimal)

DataToSend[2] CIP request instance information: 16#6424

• High byte = instance: 16#64 (100 decimal)
• Low byte = instance segment: 16#24 (36 decimal)

DataToSend[3] CIP request attribute information: 16#0330

• High byte = attribute: 16#03 (3 decimal)
• Low byte = attribute segment: 16#30 (48 decimal)

322 EIO0000001578.14
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Viewing the Response

Use a Control Expert Animation table to display the ReceivedData variable array. Note that
the ReceivedData variable array consists of the entire data buffer.
To display the CIP response, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, select Tools → Project Browser to open the Project Browser.

2 In the Project Browser, select the Animation Tables folder, then click the right mouse button. A pop-up
menu appears.

3 Select New Animation Table in the pop-up menu. A new animation table and its properties dialog both

4 In the Properties dialog, edit the following values:

Name Type in a table name. For this example: ReceivedData.

Functional module Accept the default <None>.

Comment (Optional) Type your comment here.

Number of animated Type in 100, representing the size of the data buffer in words.
5 Click OK to close the dialog.

6 In the animation table’s Name column, type the name of the variable assigned to the RECP pin:
ReceivedData and press Enter. The animation table displays the ReceivedData variable.

7 Expand the ReceivedData variable to display its word array, where you can view the CIP response
contained in the ReceivedData variable.
NOTE: Each array entry presents 2 bytes of data in little endian format, where the least significant
byte is stored in the smallest memory address. For example, ‘8E’ in word[0] is the lower byte, and
‘00’ is the upper byte.

EIO0000001578.14 323
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EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Example: Read Modbus

The following unconnected explicit messaging example shows you how to use the DATA_
EXCH function block to read data from a remote device (for example, the STB NIP 2212
network interface module at IP address using the Read_Holding_Registers
service of the Modbus Object.
You can perform the same explicit messaging service using the EtherNet/IP Explicit
Message window (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications
Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

Implementing the DATA_EXCH Function Block

To implement the DATA_EXCH function block, you need to create and assign variables for
the following blocks:

324 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Declaring Variables
In this example, the following variables were defined. You can, of course, use different variable
names in your explicit messaging configurations.

Configuring the Address Variable

The Address variable identifies the explicit message originating device (in this example, the
Ethernet communication module) and the target device. Note that the Address variable does
not include the Xway address elements {Network.Station} because we are not bridging
through another PLC station. Use the ADDM function to convert the following character string
to an address:
ADDM(‘0.1.0{}UNC.CIP’), where:
• rack = 0
• module (slot number) = 1
• channel = 0
• remote device IP address =
• message type = unconnected
• protocol = CIP

Configuring the ActionType Variable

The ActionType variable identifies the function type for the DATA_EXCH function block:

EIO0000001578.14 325
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Variable Description Value (hex)

ActionType Transmission followed by wait for response 16#01

Configuring the DataToSend Variable

The DataToSend variable identifies the type of explicit message and the CIP request:

Variable Description Value (hex)

DataToSend[0] CIP request service information: 16#024E

• High byte = request size in words: 16#02 (2 decimal)
• Low byte = service code: 16#4E (78 decimal)

DataToSend[1] CIP request class information: 16#4420

• High byte = class: 16#44 (68 decimal)
• Low byte = class segment: 16#20 (32 decimal)

DataToSend[2] CIP request instance information: 16#0124

• High byte = instance: 16#01 (1 decimal)
• Low byte = instance segment: 16#24 (36 decimal)

DataToSend[3] Location of first word to be read): 16#0031

• High byte = 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = 16#31 (49 decimal)

DataToSend[4] Number of words to read: 16#0001

• High byte = attribute: 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = attribute segment: 16#01 (1 decimal)

Viewing the Response

Use a Control Expert Animation table to display the ReceivedData variable array. Note that
the ReceivedData variable array consists of the entire data buffer.
To display the CIP response, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, select Tools → Project Browser to open the Project Browser.

2 In the Project Browser, select the Animation Tables folder, then click the right mouse button. A pop-
up menu appears.

3 Select New Animation Table in the pop-up menu. A new animation table and its properties dialog
both open.

326 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

4 In the Properties dialog, edit the following values:

Name Type in a table name. For this example: ReceivedData.

Functional module Accept the default <None>.

Comment (Optional) Type your comment here.

Number of animated Type in 49, representing the size of the data buffer in words.
The completed Properties dialog looks like this:

Click OK to close the dialog.

EIO0000001578.14 327
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

6 In the animation table’s Name column, type in the name of the variable assigned to the RECP pin:
ReceivedData and hit Enter. The animation table displays the ReceivedData variable.

Expand the ReceivedData variable to display its word array, where you can view the CIP response
contained in the ReceivedData variable:

Note: Each array entry presents 2 bytes of data in little endian format, where the least significant
byte is stored in the smallest memory address. For example, ‘CE’ in word[0] is the lower byte, and
‘00’ is the upper byte.

328 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Example: Write Modbus

The following unconnected explicit messaging example shows you how to use the DATA_
EXCH function block to write data to a remote device at IP address using the
Write_Holding_Registers service of the Modbus object.
You can perform the same explicit messaging service using the EtherNet/IP Explicit
Message window (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications
Module, Installation and Configuration Guide) in the Control Expert DTM.

Implementing the DATA_EXCH Function Block

To implement the DATA_EXCH function block, you need to create and assign variables for
the following blocks:

EIO0000001578.14 329
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Declaring Variables
In this example, the following variables were defined. You can, of course, use different variable
names in your explicit messaging configurations.

Configuring the Address Variable

The Address variable identifies the explicit message originating device (in this example, the
communication module) and the target device. Note that the Address variable does not
include the Xway address elements {Network.Station} because we are not bridging through
another PLC station. Use the ADDM function to convert the following character string to an
ADDM(‘0.1.0{}UNC.CIP’), where:
• rack = 0
• module (slot number) = 1
• channel = 0
• remote device IP address =
• message type = unconnected
• protocol = CIP

Configuring the ActionType Variable

The ActionType variable identifies the function type for the DATA_EXCH function block:

330 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Variable Description Value (hex)

ActionType Transmission followed by wait for response 16#01

Configuring the DataToSend Variable

The DataToSend variable identifies the type of explicit message and the CIP request:

Variable Description Value (hex)

DataToSend[0] CIP request service information: 16#0250

• High byte = request size in words: 16#02 (2 decimal)
• Low byte = service code: 16#50 (80 decimal)

DataToSend[1] CIP request class information: 16#4420

• High byte = class: 16#44 (68 decimal)
• Low byte = class segment: 16#20 (32 decimal)

DataToSend[2] CIP request instance information: 16#0124

• High byte = instance: 16#01 (1 decimal)
• Low byte = instance segment: 16#24 (36 decimal)

DataToSend[3] Location of first word to write (+ %MW1): 16#0000

• High byte = 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = 16#00 (0 decimal)

DataToSend[4] Number of words to write: 16#0001

• High byte = attribute: 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = attribute segment: 16#01 (1 decimal)

DataToSend[5] Data to write: 16#006F

• High byte = attribute: 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = attribute segment: 16#6F (111 decimal)

Viewing the Response

Use a Control Expert Animation table to display the ReceivedData variable array. Note that
the ReceivedData variable array consists of the entire data buffer.
To display the CIP response, follow these steps:

EIO0000001578.14 331
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, select Tools → Project Browser to open the Project Browser.

2 In the Project Browser, select the Animation Tables folder, then click the right mouse button. A pop-up
menu appears.

3 Select New Animation Table in the pop-up menu. A new animation table and its properties dialog
both open.

4 In the Properties dialog, edit the following values:

Name Type in a table name. For this example: ReceivedData.

Functional module Accept the default <None>.

Comment (Optional) Type your comment here.

Number of animated Type in 49, representing the size of the data buffer in words.
The completed Properties dialog looks like this:

Click OK to close the dialog.

332 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

6 In the animation table’s Name column, type in the name of the variable assigned to the RECP pin:
ReceivedData and hit Enter. The animation table displays the ReceivedData variable.

Expand the ReceivedData variable to display its word array, where you can view the CIP response
contained in the ReceivedData variable:

Note: Each array entry presents 2 bytes of data in little endian format, where the least significant byte
is stored in the smallest memory address. For example, ‘D0’ in word[0] is the lower byte, and ‘00’ is the
upper byte.

EIO0000001578.14 333
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Modbus TCP Explicit Messaging Function Codes

You can execute Modbus TCP explicit messages using either a Control Expert DATA_EXCH
function block or the Modbus Explicit Message Window.
NOTE: Configuration edits made to an Ethernet module are not saved to the operating
parameters stored in the CPU and, therefore, are not sent by the CPU to the module on

Function Codes
The function codes supported by the Control Expert graphical user interface include the
following standard explicit messaging functions:

Function Code (dec) Description

1 Read bits (%M)

2 Read input bits (%I)

3 Read words (%MW)

4 Read input words (%IW)

15 Write bits (%M)

16 Write words (%MW)

NOTE: You can use the DATA_EXCH function block to execute any Modbus function, via
program logic. Because the available function codes are too numerous to list here, refer
instead to the Modbus IDA website for more information about these Modbus functions,
at http://www.Modbus.org.

Configuring Modbus TCP Explicit Messaging Using

When you use the DATA_EXCH block to create an explicit message for a Modbus TCP
device, configure this block the same way you would configure it for any other Modbus
communication. Refer to the Control Expert online help for instructions on how to configure
the DATA_EXCH block.

334 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Configuring ADDM Block Unit ID Settings

When you configure the DATA_EXCH block, use the ADDM block to set the DATA_EXCH
block’s Address parameter. The ADDM block presents the configuration format ADDM(‘rack.
slot.channel[ip_address]UnitID.message_type.protocol’) where:

Parameter Description

rack the number assigned to the rack containing the communication module

slot the position of the communication module in the rack

channel the communication channel (set to a value of 0)

ip_address the IP address of the remote device (for example,

Unit ID the destination node address, also known as the Modbus Plus on Ethernet Transporter
(MET) mapping index value

message_type the three-character string TCP

protocol the three-character string MBS

The Unit ID value in a Modbus message indicates the destination of the message.
Refer to the Modbus diagnostic codes.

Contents of the Received_Data Parameter

The Received_Data parameter contains the Modbus response. The length of the
response varies, and is reported by Management_Param[3] after the response is
received. The format of the Modbus response is described, below:

Offset (words) Length (bytes) Description

0 2 First word of the Modbus response:

• High byte (MSB):
◦ if successful: Modbus Function Code
◦ if not: Modbus function code + 16#80
• Low byte (LSB):
◦ if successful: depends on the request
◦ if not: Modbus exception code

1 Length of the Remainder of the Modbus response: depends on the specific

Received_Data Modbus request)
parameter – 2

EIO0000001578.14 335
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

• Structure the response in little endian order.
• In some cases of detected errors, Received_Data is also used to judge the type of
detected error along with Management_Param.

Modbus TCP Explicit Message Example: Read Register

Use the DATA_EXCH function block to send a Modbus TCP explicit message to a remote
device at a specific IP address to read a single word located in the remote device.
The Management_Param, the Data_to_Send, and the Received_Data parameters
define the operation.
EN and ENO can be configured as additional parameters.

Implementing the DATA_EXCH Function Block

To implement the DATA_EXCH function block, create and assign variables for the for

Configuring the Address Variable

The Address variable identifies the explicit message originating device and the target
device. Note that the Address variable does not include the Xway address elements
{Network.Station} because you are not bridging through another PAC station. Use the ADDM
function to convert the following character string to an address:

336 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

ADDM(‘0.1.0{}TCP.MBS’), where:
• rack = 0
• module (slot number) = 1
• channel = 0
• remote device IP address =
• message type = TCP
• protocol = Modbus

Configuring the ActionType Variable

The ActionType variable identifies the function type for the DATA_EXCH function block:

Variable Description Value (hex)

ActionType Transmission followed by wait for response 16#01

Configuring the DataToSend Variable

The DataToSend variable contains the target register address and the number of registers to

Variable Description Value (hex)

DataToSend[0] • High byte = Most significant byte (MSB) of register address 16#15 (21 16#1503
• Low byte = function code: 16#03 (03 decimal)

DataToSend[1] • High byte = Most significant byte (MSB) of the number of registers to 16#000F
read: 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = Least significant byte (LSB) of register address: 16#0F
(15 decimal)

DataToSend[2] CIP request instance information: 16#0001

• High byte = not used: 16#00 (0 decimal)
• Low byte = Least significant byte (LSB) of the number of registers to
read: 16#01 (1 decimal)

NOTE: For detailed information about M580 network topologies, refer to the Modicon
M580 Standalone System Planning Guide for Frequently Used Architectures and
Modicon M580 System Planning Guide for Complex Topologies.

EIO0000001578.14 337
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Viewing the Response

Use a Control Expert Animation table to display the ReceivedData variable array. Note that
the ReceivedData variable array consists of the entire data buffer.
To display the Modbus TCP response, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, select Tools > Project Browser.

2 In the Project Browser, select the Animation Tables folder, and click the right mouse button.

Result: A pop-up menu appears.

3 Select New Animation Table in the pop-up menu.

Result: A new animation table and its properties dialog open.

4 In the Properties dialog, edit the following values:

Name Type in a table name. For this example: ReceivedData.

Functional module Accept the default <None>.

Comment (Optional) Type your comment here.

Number of animated Type in 100, representing the size of the data buffer in words.
5 Click OK to close the dialog.

6 In the animation table’s Name column, type in the name of the variable assigned to the databuffer:
ReceivedData and press Enter.

Result: The animation table displays the ReceivedData variable.

7 Expand the ReceivedData variable to display its word array, where you can view the CIP response
contained in the ReceivedData variable.
NOTE: Each array entry presents 2 bytes of data in little endian format. For example, ‘03’ in word
[0] is the low byte, and ‘02’ is the high byte.

Sending Explicit Messages to EtherNet/IP Devices

Use the EtherNet/IP Explicit Message window to send an explicit message from Control
Expert to the M580 CPU.
An explicit message can be connected or unconnected:

338 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• connected: A connected explicit message contains both path information and a

connection identifier to the target device.
• unconnected: An unconnected message requires path (addressing) information that
identifies the destination device (and, optionally, device attributes).
You can use explicit messaging to perform many different services. Not every EtherNet/IP
device supports every service.

Accessing the Page

Before you can perform explicit messaging, connect the DTM for the M580 CPU to the CPU

Step Action

1 Open the DTM Browser in Control Expert (Tools > DTM Browser).
2 Select the M580 DTM in the DTM Browser.
3 Right-click the M580 DTM.

4 Scroll to the EtherNet/IP explicit messaging page (Device menu > Additional functions >
EtherNet/IP Explicit Message).

Configuring Settings
Configure the explicit message using these settings on the EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging

Field Setting

Address IP Address: The IP address of the target device that is used to identify the target of the
explicit message.

Class: The Class integer (1 ... 65535) is the identifier of the target device that is used in the
construction of the message path.

Instance: The Instance integer (0 ... 65535) is the class instance of the target device that is
used in the construction of the message path.

Attribute: Check this box to enable the Attribute integer (0 ... 65535), which is the specific
device property that is the target of the explicit message that is used in the construction of
the message path.

Service Number: The Number is the integer (1 ... 127) associated with the service to be performed
by the explicit message.
NOTE: If you select Custom Service as the named service, type in a service number.
This field is read-only for all other services.

Name: Select the service that the explicit message is intended to perform.

EIO0000001578.14 339
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Setting

Enter Path(hex): Check this box to enable the message path field, where you can manually
enter the entire path to the target device.

Data(hex) Data(hex): This value represents the data to be sent to the target device for services that
send data.
Messaging Connected: Select this radial button to make the connection.
Unconnected: Select this radial button to end the connection.
Response(hex) The Response area contains the data sent to the configuration tool by the target device in
hexadecimal format.
Status The Status area displays messages that indicate whether or not the explicit message has
Button Send to Device: When your explicit message is configured, click Send to Device.

Click the Close button to save the changes and close the window.

340 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Sending Explicit Messages to Modbus Devices

Use the Modbus explicit messaging window to send an explicit message from Control
Expert to the M580 CPU.
You can use explicit messaging to perform many different services. Not every Modbus TCP
device supports every service.

Accessing the Page

Before you can perform explicit messaging, connect the DTM for the M580 CPU to the CPU

Step Action

1 Open the DTM Browser in Control Expert (Tools > DTM Browser).
2 Select the M580 DTM in the DTM Browser.
3 Right-click the M580 DTM.

4 Scroll to the EtherNet/IP explicit messaging page (Device menu > Additional functions >
Modbus Explicit Message).

Configuring Settings
Configure the explicit message using these settings on the Modbus Explicit Messaging

Field Setting

Address IP Address: The IP address of the target device that is used to identify the target of the explicit

Start Address: This setting is a component of the addressing path.

Quantity: This setting is a component of the addressing path.

Read Device Id Code: This read-only code represents the service that the explicit message is
intended to perform.

Object Id: This read-only identifier specifies the object that the explicit message is intended to
Unit Id: This integer represents the device or module that is the target of the connection:
• 255: (default): Use this value to access the M580 CPU itself.

EIO0000001578.14 341
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Setting

• 0 ... 254: Use these values to identify the device number of the target device behind a
Modbus TCP to Modbus gateway.

Service Number: This integer (0 ... 255) represents the service to be performed by the explicit

Name: Select the integer (0 ... 255) that represents the service that the explicit message is
intended to perform.

Data Data(hex): This value represents the data to be sent to the target device for services that send
Response The Response area displays any data sent to the configuration tool by the target device in
hexadecimal format.
Status The Status area displays messages indicating whether or not the explicit message has
Button Send to Device: After your explicit message is configured, click Send to Device.

Click the Close button to save the changes and close the window.

342 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Explicit Messaging Using the MBP_MSTR Block in

Quantum RIO Drops
This section shows you how to configure both EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP explicit
messages in Quantum RIO drops by including the MBP_MSTR function block in the logic of
your Control Expert project.

Configuring Explicit Messaging Using MBP_MSTR

You can use the MBP_MSTR function block to configure both Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP
connected and unconnected explicit messages.
The operation begins when the input to the EN pin is turned ON. The operation ends if the
ABORT pin is turned ON, or if the EN pin is turned OFF.
The CONTROL and DATABUF output parameters define the operation.
NOTE: The structure and content of the CONTROL and DATABUF output parameters
differ for explicit messages configured using the EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP
protocols. Refer to the topics Configuring the Control Parameter for EtherNet/IP and
Configuring the Control Parameter for Modbus TCP for instructions on how to configure
these parameters for each protocol.
The ACTIVE output turns ON during operation; the ERROR output turns ON if the operation
aborts without success; the SUCCESS output turns ON at the successful completion of the
EN and ENO can be configured as additional parameters.

EIO0000001578.14 343
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Representation in FBD

Input Parameters
Parameter Data type Description

ENABLE BOOL When ON, the explicit message operation (specified in the first
element of the CONTROL pin) is executing.

ABORT BOOL When ON, the operation is aborted.

Output Parameters
Parameter Data type Description

ACTIVE BOOL ON when the operation is active.

OFF at all other times.

ERROR BOOL ON when the operation is aborted without success.

OFF before operation, during operation, and if operation succeeds.

SUCCESS BOOL ON when the operation concludes successfully.

OFF before operation, during operation, and if operation does not

conclude successfully.

CONTROL1 WORD This parameter contains the control block. The first element
contains a code describing the operation to be performed. The
content of the control block depends on the operation. The structure
of the control block depends on the protocol (EtherNet/IP or
Modbus TCP).

Note: Assign this parameter to a located variable.

344 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Parameter Data type Description

DATABUF1 WORD This parameter contains the data buffer. For operations that:
• provide data — e.g., a write operation — this parameter is the
data source
• receive data — e.g., a read operation — this parameter is the
data destination
Note: Assign this parameter to a located variable.

1. Refer to the topics Configuring the Control Block for EtherNet/IP and Configuring the Control Block for
Modbus TCP for instructions on how to configure these parameters for the EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP
communication protocols.

EIO0000001578.14 345
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

EtherNet/IP Explicit Messaging Services

Every EtherNet/IP explicit message performs a service. Each service is associated with a
service code (or number). You will need to identify the explicit messaging service by its
name, decimal number, or hexadecimal number.
You can execute EtherNet/IP explicit messages using either a Control Expert MBP_MSTR
function block or the Control Expert Ethernet Configuration Tool’s EtherNet/IP Explicit
Message Window.
NOTE: Configuration edits made to an Ethernet communication module from the Control
Expert Ethernet Configuration Tool’s EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Window are not
saved to the operating parameters stored in the CPU and, therefore, are not sent by the
CPU to the module on startup.
You can use Control Expert to construct a request that executes any service supported by
the target device that is compliant with the EtherNet/IP protocol.

The services supported by Control Expert include the following standard explicit messaging

Service Code Description Available in...

Hex Dec MBP_MSTR block Control Expert
1 1 Get_Attributes_All X X

2 2 Set_Attributes_All X X

3 3 Get_Attribute_List X —

4 4 Set_Attribute_List X —

5 5 Reset X X
6 6 Start X X
7 7 Stop X X

8 8 Create X X
9 9 Delete X X
A 10 Multiple_Service_Packet X —

D 13 Apply_Attributes X X

E 14 Get_Attribute_Single X X

346 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Service Code Description Available in...

Hex Dec MBP_MSTR block Control Expert
10 16 Set_Attribute_Single X X

11 17 Find_Next_Object_Instance X X

14 20 Detected Error Response (DeviceNet — —


15 21 Restore X X
16 22 Save X X
17 23 No Operation (NOP) X X

18 24 Get_Member X X

19 25 Set_Member X X

1A 26 Insert_Member X X

1B 27 Remove_Member X X

1C 28 GroupSync X —

"X" = the service is available.

"—" = the service is not available.

EIO0000001578.14 347
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring the CONTROL and DATABUF Parameters

The CONTROL and DATABUF output parameters define the operation performed by the MBP_
MSTR function block. For the EtherNet/IP protocol, the structure of the CONTROL and
DATABUF output parameters remains the same for every explicit messaging service, page

Configuring the Control Parameter

The Control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[0] Operation • 14 = unconnected

• 270 = connected
CONTROL[1] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
Architectures) (read-only).

CONTROL[2] Data buffer length Data buffer length, in words

CONTROL[3] Response offset Offset for the beginning of the response in the data buffer,
in 16-bit words

Note: To avoid overwriting the request, confirm that the

response offset value is greater than the request length

CONTROL[4] Slot High byte = slot location on backplane

Low byte = 0 (not used)

CONTROL[5]1 IP address High byte = byte 4 of the IP address (MSB)

Low byte = byte 3 of the IP address

CONTROL[6]1 High byte = byte 2 of the IP address

Low byte = byte 1 of the IP address (LSB)

CONTROL[7] Request length Length of the CIP request, in bytes

CONTROL[8] Response length Length of the response received, in bytes

Read only—set after completion

1. For example, the Control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 = 192,
Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 = 6.

348 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Configuring the Data Buffer

The data buffer varies in size. It consists of contiguous registers that include—in sequence
—both the CIP request and the CIP response. To avoid overwriting the request, confirm that
the data buffer is large enough to simultaneously contain both the request and response

CIP Request:

Request size: set in CONTROL[7]

Data Buffer: CIP Response:

Variable size: set in CONTROL[2] Starting position: set in CONTROL[3]

Response size: reported in CONTROL[8]

NOTE: If the response offset is smaller than the
request size, the response data overwrites part of the

The format of the data buffer’s CIP request and CIP response is described, below.
NOTE: Structure both the request and response in little endian order.

Byte offset Field Data type Description

0 Service Byte Service of the explicit message

1 Request_Path_Size Byte The number of words in the Request_Path

2 Request_Path Padded EPATH This byte array describes the path of the
request—including class ID, instance ID, etc.
—for this transaction
... Request_Data Byte array Service specific data to be delivered in the
explicit message request—if none, this field is


Byte offset Field Data type Description

0 Reply Service Byte Service of the explicit message + 16#80

1 Reserved Byte 0

2 General Status Byte EtherNet/IP General Status (see Modicon

M340, BMX NOC 0401 Ethernet
Communication Module, User Manual)

3 Size of Additional Status Byte Additional Status array size—in words

EIO0000001578.14 349
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Byte offset Field Data type Description

4 Additional Status Word array Additional status1

... Response Data Byte array Response data from request, or additional
detected error data if General Status indicates
a detected error
1. Refer to The CIP Networks Library, Volume 1, Common Industrial Protocol at section 3-5.6 Connection
Manager Object Instance Detected Error Codes;

350 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

MBP_MSTR Example: Get_Attributes_Single

The following unconnected explicit messaging example shows you how to use the MBP_
MSTR function block to retrieve diagnostic information for an STB island from an STB NIC
2212 network interface module, by using the Get_Attributes_Single service.
You can perform the same explicit messaging service using the EtherNet/IP Explicit
Message Window of the Control Expert Ethernet Configuration Tool (see Quantum EIO,
Control Network, Installation and Configuration Guide).

Implementing the MBP_MSTR Function Block

To implement the MBP_MSTR function block, you need to create and assign variables, then
connect it to an AND block. In the following example, the logic will continuously send an
explicit message upon receiving notice of success:

Input Variables
Variables need to be created and assigned to input pins. For the purpose of this example,
variables have been created — and named — as described below. (You can use different
variable names in your explicit messaging configurations.)

Input Pin Variable Data Type



EIO0000001578.14 351
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Output Variables
Variables also need to be created and assigned to output pins. (The names assigned to
output variables apply only to this example, and can be changed in your explicit messaging

Output Pin Variable Data Type


CONTROL EIP_ControlBuf Array of 10 WORDs

DATABUF EIP_DataBuf Array of 100 WORDs

NOTE: To simplify configuration, you can assign the CONTROL and DATABUF output pins
to a byte array consisting of located variables. When configured in this manner, you will
not need to be aware of the location of data within a word (for example, high versus low
byte, and big or little endian format).

Control Array
The control array parameter (EIP_ControlBuf) consists of 9 contiguous words. You need
to configure only some control words; other control words are read-only and are written to by
the operation. In this example, the control array defines the operation as an unconnected
explicit message, and identifies the target device:

Register Description Configure Setting (hex)

CONTROL[0] Operation: Yes 16#000E

High byte =
• 00 (unconnected), or
• 01 (connected)
Low byte = 0E (CIP explicit message)

CONTROL[1] Detected error status: read-only (written by No 16#0000


CONTROL[2] Data buffer length = 100 words Yes 16#0064

CONTROL[3] Response offset: offset — in words — for the Yes 16#0004

beginning of the explicit message response in the
CONTROL[4] High byte = slot location of the communication Yes 16#0400
module in the backplane

352 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Register Description Configure Setting (hex)

Low byte = 0 (not used)

CONTROL[5]1 IP address of the Ethernet communication Yes 16#C0A8


High byte = byte 4 of the IP address

Low byte = byte 3 of the IP address

CONTROL[6]1 IP address of the Ethernet communication Yes 16#0106


High byte = byte 2 of the IP address

Low byte = byte 1 of the IP address

CONTROL[7] CIP request length (in bytes) Yes 16#0008

CONTROL[8] Length of received response (written by No 16#0000


1. In this example, the control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 =
192, Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 - 6.

CIP Request
The CIP request is located at the beginning of the databuffer and is followed by the CIP
response. In this example, the CIP request calls for the return of a single attribute value
(diagnostic data), and describes the request path through the target device’s object structure
leading to the target attribute:

Request High byte Low byte

Description Value Description Value
(hex) (hex)

1 Request path size (in words) 16#03 EM Service: Get_Attributes_Single 16#0E

2 Request path: class assembly 16#04 Request path: logical class 16#20
object segment

3 Request path: instance 16#64 Request path: logical instance 16#24


4 Request path: attribute 16#03 Request path: logical attribute 16#30


Combining the high and low bytes, above, the CIP request would look like this:

EIO0000001578.14 353
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Request word Value

1 16#030E
2 16#0420
3 16#6424
4 16#0330

Viewing the Response

Use a Control Expert Animation table to display the EIP_DataBuf variable array. Note that
the EIP_DataBuf variable array consists of the entire data buffer, which includes the:
• CIP request (4 words) located in EIP_DataBuf(1-4)
• CIP service type (1 word) located in EIP_DataBuf(5)
• CIP request status (1 word) located in EIP_DataBuf(6)
• CIP response (in this case, 10 words) located in EIP_DataBuf(7-16)
To display the CIP response, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, select Tools → Project Browser to open the Project Browser.

2 In the Project Browser, right-click Animation Tables > New Animation Table.
Result: A new animation table opens.

3 In the New Animation Table dialog, edit the following values:

Name Type in a table name. For this example: EIP_DataBuf.

Functional Mode Accept the default <None>.

Comment Leave blank.

Number of animated Type 100, representing the size of the data buffer in words.

354 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

The completed dialog looks like this:

Click OK to close the dialog.

5 In the animation table’s Name column, type in the name of the variable assigned to the databuffer:
EIP_DataBuf and press Enter. The animation table displays the EIP_DataBuf variable.

Expand the EIP_DataBuf variable to display its word array, where you can view the CIP response at
words EIP_DataBuf(7-16):

EIO0000001578.14 355
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

Note: Each word presents 2 bytes of data in little endian format, where the least significant byte is
stored in the smallest memory address. For example, ‘0E’ in EIP_DataBuf[0] is the low byte, and ‘03’
is the high byte.

356 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Modbus TCP Explicit Messaging Function Codes

Every Modbus TCP explicit message performs a function. Each function is associated with a
code (or number). You will need to identify the explicit messaging function by its name,
decimal number, or hexadecimal number.
You can execute Modbus TCP explicit messages using either a Control Expert MBP_MSTR
function block or the Control Expert Ethernet Configuration Tool’s Modbus Explicit
Message Window.
NOTE: Configuration edits made to an Ethernet communication module from the Control
Expert Ethernet Configuration Tool are not saved to the operating parameters stored in
the CPU and, therefore, are not sent by the CPU to the module on startup.

The function codes supported by Control Expert include the following standard explicit
messaging functions:

Function Code Description Available in...

Hex Dec MBP_MSTR block Control Expert
1 1 Write data X X
2 2 Read data X X
3 3 Get local statistics X X
4 4 Clear local statistics X X
7 7 Get remote statistics X X
8 8 Clear remote statistics X X
A 10 Reset module X X
17 23 Read / write data X X
FFF0 65520 Enable / disable HTTP and FTP/TFTP X -
"X" = the service is available.

"—" = the service is not available.

EIO0000001578.14 357
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring the Control Parameter for Modbus TCP

Explicit Messaging
The CONTROL and DATABUF output parameters define the operation performed by the MBP_
MSTR, page 343 function block. For the Modbus TCP protocol, both the structure and the
content of the CONTROL output parameter vary, depending upon the function code, page
The structure of the CONTROL parameter is described, below, for each supported function
Refer to the Quantum Ethernet I/O System Planning Guide for an example of an MSTR
block created in a Control Expert application to read the ports of a dual-ring switch (DRS) to
diagnose a sub-ring break.

Control Parameter Routing Register

The CONTROL[5] routing register specifies the source and destination node addresses for
network data transfer, and consists of the following 2 bytes:
• Most Significant Byte (MSB): contains the source node address, for example, the slot
number of the 140 NOC 78• 00
• Least Significant Byte (LSB): contains the destination node address — a value
representing either a direct or a bridge address. The LSB is required for devices that
are reached through a bridge, for example, an Ethernet to Modbus bridge or an
Ethernet to Modbus Plus bridge. The values of the LSB are as follows:
◦ If no bridge is used: LSB is set to zero(0).
◦ If a bridge is used: LSB contains the Modbus Plus on Ethernet Transporter (MET)
mapping index value. This value, also known as the Unit ID, indicates the device to
which the message is directed.
The CONTROL[5] routing register:

When the Ethernet communication module acts as a server, the LSB indicates the
destination of a message received by the communication module:
• messages with an LSB value from 0 to 254 are forwarded to and processed by the CPU

358 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• messages with an LSB value of 255 are retained and processed by the Ethernet
communication module
NOTE: Unit ID 255 should be used when requesting diagnostic data from the Ethernet
communication module.

Write Data
The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 1 = write data

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)

CONTROL[3] Data buffer length Number of addresses sent to the slave

CONTROL[4] Starting register Start address of the slave to which the data is written, in 16-
bit words
CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6]1 IP address Byte 4 of the IP address (MSB)

CONTROL[7]1 Byte 3 of the IP address

CONTROL[8]1 Byte 2 of the IP address

CONTROL[9]1 Byte 1 of the IP address (LSB)

1. For example, the control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 = 192,
Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 = 7.

Read Data
The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 2 = read data

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)

CONTROL[3] Data buffer length Number of addresses to be read from the slave

EIO0000001578.14 359
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Register Function Description

CONTROL[4] Starting register Determines the %MW starting register in the slave from
which the data is read. For example: 1 = %MW1, 49 = %

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6]1 IP address Byte 4 of the IP address (MSB)

CONTROL[7]1 Byte 3 of the IP address

CONTROL[8]1 Byte 2 of the IP address

CONTROL[9]1 Byte 1 of the IP address (LSB)

1. For example, the control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 = 192,
Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 = 7.

Get Local Statistics

The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 3 = read local statistics

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)

CONTROL[3] Data buffer length Number of addresses to be read from local statistics (0...37)

CONTROL[4] Starting register First address from which the statistics table is read (Reg1=

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6] (not used) —




Module Response: A TCP/IP Ethernet module responds to the Get Local Statistics
command with the following information:

360 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Word Description

00...02 MAC Address

03 Board Status — this word contains the following bits:

Bit 15 0 = Link LED off; 1 = Bit 3 Reserved

Bits 14...13 Reserved Bit 2 0 = half duplex; 1 = full duplex

Bit 12 0 = 10 Mbit; 1 = 100 Bit 1 0 = not configured; 1 = configured

Bits 11...9 Reserved Bit 0 0 = PLC not running; 1 = PLC or
NOC running

Bits 8...4 Module Type — this bit presents the following values:

• 0 = NOE 2x1 • 11 = 140 NOE 771 01

• 1 = ENT • 12 = 140 NOE 771 11

• 2 = M1E • 13 = (reserved)

• 3 = NOE 771 00 • 14 = 140 NOC 78• 00

• 4 = ETY • 15...16 = (reserved)

• 5 = CIP • 17 = M340 CPU

• 6 = (reserved) • 18 = M340 NOE

• 7 = 140 CPU 651 x0 • 19 = BMX NOC 0401

• 8 = 140 CRP 312 00 • 20 = TSX ETC 101

• 21 = 140 NOC 771 01
• 9 = (reserved)
• 10 = 140 NOE 771 10
04 and 05 Number of receiver interrupts

06 and 07 Number of transmitter interrupts

08 and 09 Transmit_timeout detected error count

10 and 11 Collision_detect error count

12 and 13 Missed packets

14 and 15 (reserved)

16 and 17 Number of times driver has restarted

18 and 19 Receive framing detected error

20 and 21 Receiver overflow detected error

22 and 23 Receive CRC detected error
24 and 25 Receive buffer detected error
26 and 27 Transmit buffer detected error
28 and 29 Transmit silo underflow

EIO0000001578.14 361
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Word Description

30 and 31 Late collision

32 and 33 Lost carrier
34 and 35 Number of retries
36 and 37 IP address

Clear Local Statistics

The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 4 = clear local statistics

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)

CONTROL[3] (not used) —

CONTROL[4] (not used) —

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6] (not used) —




Get Remote Statistics

The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 7 = get remote statistics

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)

CONTROL[3] Data buffer length Number of addresses to be read from the statistics data field

362 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Register Function Description

CONTROL[4] Starting register First address from which the node statistics table is read

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6]1 IP address Byte 4 of the IP address (MSB)

CONTROL[7]1 Byte 3 of the IP address

CONTROL[8]1 Byte 2 of the IP address

CONTROL[9]1 Byte 1 of the IP address (LSB)

1. For example, the control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 = 192,
Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 = 7.

Clear Remote Statistics

The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 8 = clear remote statistics

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
Architectures) (read-only)

CONTROL[3] (not used) —

CONTROL[4] (not used) —

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6]1 IP address Byte 4 of the IP address (MSB)

CONTROL[7]1 Byte 3 of the IP address

CONTROL[8]1 Byte 2 of the IP address

CONTROL[9]1 Byte 1 of the IP address (LSB)

1. For example, the control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 = 192,
Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 = 7.

EIO0000001578.14 363
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Reset Module
The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 10 = reset module

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used Architectures)

CONTROL[3] (not used) —

CONTROL[4] (not used) —

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6] (not used) —




Read/Write Data
The control parameter consists of 11 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation 23 = read / write data

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (see Modicon M580 Standalone,
System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
Architectures) (read-only)

CONTROL[3] Data buffer length Number of addresses sent to the slave

CONTROL[4] Starting register Determines the %MW starting register in the slave to which
the data will be written. For example: 1 = %MW1, 49 = %

CONTROL[5] Routing register High byte = Ethernet communication module slot

Low byte = MBP on Ethernet transporter (MET) mapping

CONTROL[6]1 IP address Byte 4 of the IP address (MSB)

CONTROL[7]1 Byte 3 of the IP address

364 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Register Function Description

CONTROL[8]1 Byte 2 of the IP address

CONTROL[9]1 Byte 1 of the IP address (LSB)

CONTROL[10] Data buffer length Number of addresses to be read from the slave

CONTROL[11] Starting register Determines the %MW starting register in the slave from
which the data is read. For example: 1 = %MW1, 49 = %

1. For example, the control parameter handles the IP address in the following order: Byte 4 = 192,
Byte 3 = 168, Byte 2 = 1, Byte 1 = 7.

Enable/Disable HTTP or FTP/TFTP Services

When HTTP or FTP/TFTP has been enabled using Control Expert configuration tools (see
Quantum EIO, Control Network, Installation and Configuration Guide), an MSTR block can
be used to change the enabled state of the service while the application is running. The
MSTR block cannot change the state of the HTTP or FTP/TFTP services if the service was
disabled using one of the configuration tools.
The control parameter consists of 9 contiguous words, as described below:

Register Function Description

CONTROL[1] Operation FFF0 (hex) 65520 (dec) = enable / disable HTTP or FTP/TFTP

CONTROL[2] Detected error status Holds the event code (read-only). Codes returned include:

0x000 (Success): MSTR block with operational code 0xFFF0

was called and the enabled state of HTTP or FTP/TFTP was

0x5068 (Busy): MSTR block with operational code 0xFFF0

was called within 2 seconds of the previous call (regardless of
return code from previous call).

0x4001 (Same state): MSTR block with operational code

0xFFF0 was called to change the enabled state of HTTP and
FTP/TFTP to the states they were already in.

0x2004 (Invalid data): MSTR block with operational code

0xFFF0 was called and the data in the control block did not
match the specifications.

0x5069 (Disabled): If the HTTP or FTP/TFTP service was

already disabled via the Control Expert interface when the
MSTR block with operational code 0xFFF0 was called to
change the state of the disabled service.

CONTROL[3] Set this register to 1.


EIO0000001578.14 365
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Register Function Description

CONTROL[5] Module slot number High byte = Module slot number communication module slot
and destination ID
Low byte = Destination ID

CONTROL[6] Request mode Bit 0 (LSB) = 1: Enable FTP/TFTP

Bit 0 (LSB) = 0: Disable FTP/TFTP

Bit 1 = 1: Enable HTTP

Bit 1 = 0: Disable HTTP

CONTROL[7] Set this register to 0.


HTTP, FTP, and TFTP service state changes made by MSTR with operation code FFF0
(hex) are overridden by the configured value when the module is power-cycled or reset and
when a new application is downloaded to the module.
Here are some examples:

State Configured Action attempted using Result

By Control Expert MSTR with operation
code FFF0 (hex)

Disabled Any MSTR returns detected error code 0x5069 (service was
already disabled by configuration)

Enabled Disable MSTR returns code 0x000 (success).

• Another MSTR block action enables the service
• The module is reset or power-cycled
• A new application is downloaded with the service
disabled by configuration

Enable MSTR returns detected error code 0x4001 (same state).

No change made.

366 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Implicit Messaging
This section extends the sample Control Expert application and contains these instructions:
• Add an STB NIC 2212 EtherNet/IP network interface module to your Control Expert
• Configure the STB NIC 2212 module.
• Configure EtherNet/IP connections to link the Ethernet communications module and the
STB NIC 2212 network interface module.
• Configure I/O items for the Advantys island.
NOTE: The instructions in this section describe an example of a single, specific device
configuration. For other configuration choices, refer to the Control Expert help files.

Setting Up Your Network

Use this example to establish communications between the M580 rack and an Advantys
STB NIC 2212 network interface module (NIM).
The STB NIC 2212 is Schneider Electric’s EtherNet/IP network interface module for
Advantys islands.

EIO0000001578.14 367
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Network Topology
This sample network shows the Ethernet network devices used in this configuration:

1 The M580 CPU (with DIO scanner service) on the local rack is connected to a PC that
runs the Control Expert software.
2 The BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 Ethernet communications module on the local rack is
connected to an STB NIC 2212 NIM on an Advantys island.
To re-create this example, use the IP addresses from your own configuration for these
• M580 CPU
• PC
• BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 Ethernet communication module
• STB NIC 2212 network interface module

368 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Adding an STB NIC 2212 Device

You can use the Control Expert device library to add a remote device—in this example the
STB NIC 2212 module—to your project. Only a remote device that is part of your Control
Expert device library can be added to your project.
Alternatively, with a remote device already added to your device library, you can use
automatic device discovery to populate your project. Perform automatic device discovery by
using the Field bus discovery command with a communication module selected in the
DTM Browser.

Adding an STB NIC 2212 Remote Device

NOTE: This example uses a device-specific DTM. If you do not have a device-specific
DTM, Control Expert provides a generic device DTM.
Add the STB NIC 2212 to your project:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, right-click the DTM that corresponds to the Ethernet communication module.

2 Scroll to Add.
Select STBNIC2212 (from EDS):

NOTE: Click a column name to sort the list of available devices. (For example, click Device to
view the items in the first column in alphabetical order.)

4 Click the Add DTM button to see the association between the Ethernet communication module and
the STB NIC 2212 in the DTM Browser.

EIO0000001578.14 369
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

5 In the DTM Browser, right-click the STB NIC 2212 node that is associated with the Ethernet
communication module DTM.
6 Scroll to Properties.

On the General tab, create a unique Alias name. (Using similar devices that use the same DTM can
result in duplicate module names.) In this example, type in the name NIC2212_01:

Control Expert uses the Alias name as the base for both structure and variable names.
NOTE: The Alias name is the only editable parameter on this tab. The other parameters are

8 Click OK to add the STB NIC 2212 network interface module to the DTM Browser, beneath the
communication module.

The next step is to configure the device you have just added to the project.

370 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Configuring STB NIC 2212 Properties

Use Control Expert to edit the settings for STB NIC 2212 device.
NOTE: To edit these settings, disconnect the DTM from a device.

Accessing the Device Properties

View the Properties tab:

Step Action

1 Double-click the DTM that corresponds to the BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311 module to access the

2 In the navigation tree, expand the Device List, page 285 to see the associated local slave
3 Select the device that corresponds to the name NIC2212_01.

4 Select the Properties tab.

These configuration tabs are available for the device:

• Properties
• Address Setting

Configure the Properties tab to perform these tasks:
• Add the STB NIC 2212 to the configuration.
• Remove the STB NIC 2212 from the configuration.
• Edit the base name for variables and data structures used by the STB NIC 2212.
• Indicate how input and output items are created and edited.
The descriptions for parameters (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet
Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide) in the Properties tab are
described in the configuration chapter. Use these values and names from the sample

Field Parameter Description

Properties Number Accept the default.

EIO0000001578.14 371
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Parameter Description

Active Accept the default (Enabled).


IO Structure Structure Name Control Expert automatically assigns a structure name based on the
Name variable name.
Variable Name Variable Name: Accept the auto-generated variable name (based on
the alias name).

Default Name Press this button to restore the default variable and structure names.
For this example, custom names are used.

Items Import Mode Select Manual.

Reimport Items Press this buttom to import the I/O items list from the device DTM,
overwriting any manual I/O item edits. Enabled only when Import
mode is set to Manual.

Click Apply to save your edits and leave the window open.

Address Setting
Use the Address Setting tab to enable the DHCP client in the STB NIC 2212 network
interface module. When the DHCP client is enabled in the remote device, it obtains its IP
address from the DHCP server in the Ethernet communication module.
Configure the Address Setting page to perform these tasks:
• Configure the IP address for a device.
• Enable or disable DHCP client software for a device.
The descriptions for parameters in the Address Setting tab are described in the
configuration chapter. Use these values and names from the sample configuration:

Field Parameter Description

Change IP Address In our continuing example, type in the address

Address DHCP for this Select Enabled.
Server Device
Identified by Select Device Name.

Identifier Accept the default setting of the STB NIC 2212 device (based on the
Alias name).

Mask Accept the default value (

Gateway Configure the default value (

372 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

The next step is to configure the connection between the communication module and the
remote device.

EIO0000001578.14 373
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Configuring EtherNet/IP Connections

An EtherNet/IP connection provides a communication link between 2 or more devices.
Properties for a single connection can be configured in the DTMs for the connected devices.
The following example presents settings for a connection between the CPU’s DIO scanner
service and a remote STB NIC 2212 network interface module. Configuration edits are
made to the DTMs for each device.
When making DTM edits, disconnect the selected DTM from the actual module or device
(see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications Module, Installation
and Configuration Guide).

Accessing the Connection Information

View the connection information tabs:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, double-click the DTM for the CPU’s DIO scanner service to access the

2 In the navigation tree, expand the Device List (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet
Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide) to see the associated local slave
3 Expand (+) the device that corresponds to the STB NIC 2212 module.

4 Select Read Input/ Write Output Data to see the Connection Settings and Connection
Information tabs.

Connection Settings
Control Expert automatically creates a connection between a communication module and
remote device when the remote device is added to the Control Expert project. Thereafter,
many edits to the connection can be made in the DTM for the remote device. However,
some of the connection parameters can also be configured in the DTM for the
communication module, as demonstrated below.
Edit these parameters on the Connection Settings tab. Use settings that are appropriate to
your application:

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Parameter Description

Connection Bit The (read-only) offset for both the health bit and the control bit for this connection. Offset
values are auto-generated by the Control Expert DTM.

Request Packet The refresh period for this connection , from 2 to 65535 ms. Default = 12 ms. Type 30 ms.
Interval (RPI)
NOTE: This parameter can be set in the DTM for the communication module or the
remote device.
Time-out This setting, multiplied against the RPI, produces a value that triggers an inactivity
Multiplier timeout. Setting selections include: x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x128, x256 and x512.

For this example, accept the default (x4).

Input Fallback This parameter describes the behavior of inputs in the application in the event
Mode communication is lost. Select Set to Zero.

Click OK to save your settings.

NOTE: The connection information page is read-only when the DTM is selected. This
information needs to be set in the DTM for the remote device.

Configuring Connection Settings in the Remote Device DTM

Connections between the CPU’s DIO scanner service and a remote device can be created
and edited in the DTM for the remote device.
In this example, the following configuration edits are made to the connection that Control
Expert automatically created when the remote device was added to the project. Use settings
that are appropriate for your actual application:

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Step Action

1 Open the DTM for the remote device by selecting it in the Device Editor.

2 Open the Device Editor:

• Use the main menu (Edit > Open) ... or ...
• Right-click and scroll to Open.

3 In the navigation pane (on the left side of the Device Editor), confirm that the remote device
connection is of the type Read Input / Write Output Data. To view the connection type, select the
STB NIC 2212 module in the left pane of the Device Editor. If the connection type is not of the type
Read Input / Write Output Data, delete the existing connection and add a new one, as follows:
1. With the connection selected in the left pane, click the Remove Connection button.
Result:The existing connection is removed.
2. Click the Add Connection button.
Result:The Select the connection to add dialog opens.
3. Use the scroll buttons on the drop down list to display and select the Read Input / Write
Output Data connection type.
4. Click OK to close the Select the connection to add dialog.
Result:The new connection node appears.
5. Click Apply to save the new connection, leaving the Device Editor open for additional edits.

General Tab
This is the General tab of the DTM for the STB NIC 2212:

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Edit the settings in the General tab:

Parameter Description

RPI The refresh period for this connection. Accept the value of 30 ms. (This parameter can be
set in the DTM for the communication module or the remote device.)

Input size The number of bytes (0 ... 509) configured in the STB NIC 2212 module.

Input mode Transmission type:

• Multicast
• Point to Point
For this example, accept the default (Multicast).

Input type Ethernet packet type (fixed or variable length) to be transmitted. (Only Fixed length
packets are supported.)

Input priority The transmission priority value depends upon the device DTM. These are the available
• Low
• High
• Scheduled
For this example, accept the default selection (Scheduled).
NOTE: For remote modules that support more than one priority value, you can use
this setting to specify the order in which the Ethernet communication module handles
packets. For more information, refer to the topic describing QoS packet prioritization
(see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet Communications Module,
Installation and Configuration Guide).

Input trigger These are the available transmission trigger values:

• Cyclic
• Change of state or application
For input I/O data, select Cyclic.

Output size The number of bytes configured in the STB NIC 2212 module in increments of 4 bytes (2

Output mode Accept the default (Point to Point).

Output type (Read-only). Only Fixed length packets are supported.

Output priority Accept the default (Scheduled).

Click Apply to save your settings and leave the window open.

Identity Check Tab

Configure the Identity Check page to set rules for comparing the identity of the network
devices (as defined by their DTM or EDS files) against the identity of the actual network

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This is the Identity Check tab:

Use the Check Identity parameter to set the rules that the CPU’s DIO scanner service uses
to compare the configured versus the actual remote device:
• Must match exactly: The DTM or EDS file exactly matches the remote device.
• Disable: No checking occurs. The identity portion of the connection is filled with zero
values (the default setting).
• Must be compatible: If the remote device is not the same as defined by the DTM/EDS,
it emulates the DTM/EDS definitions.
• None: No checking occurs. The identity portion of the connection is omitted.
• Custom: Enable the following parameter settings, to be set individually.
Edit the settings in the Identity Check tab:

Parameter Description

Compatibility Mode True: For each of the following selected tests, the DTM/EDS and remote device need
only be compatible.

False: For each of the following selected tests, the DTM/EDS and remote device need
to match exactly.

Compatibility Mode Make a selection for each of these parameters:

• Compatible: Include the parameter in the test.
Minor Version
• Not checked: The parameter is not included in the test.
Major Version

Product Code
Product Type

Product Vendor

Click OK to save your settings and close the window.

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The next step is to configure I/O settings.

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Configuring I/O Items

The final task in this example is to add I/O items to the configuration of the STB NIC 2212
and its eitht I/O modules:
• Use the Advantys configuration software to identify the relative position of each I/O
module’s inputs and outputs.
• Use the Control Expert Device Editor to create input and output items, defining each
◦ name
◦ data type

I/O Item Types and Sizes

The goal is to create a collection of input items and output items that equal the input size
and output size specified for the STB NIC 2212. In this example, items need to be created
• 19 bytes of inputs
• 6 bytes of outputs
The Control Expert Device Editor provides great flexibility in creating input and output
items. You can create input and output items in groups of 1 or more single bits, 8-bit bytes,
16-bit words, 32-bit dwords, or 32-bit IEEE floating values. The number of items you create
depends upon the data type and size of each item.
In the sample project, the following items were created:
• discrete bits for digital inputs and outputs
• 8-bit bytes or 16-bit words for analog inputs and outputs

Mapping Input and Output Items

Use the Fieldbus Image page of the I/O Image Overview window in the Advantys
configuration software to identify the number and type of I/O items you need to create, as

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Step Action

1 In the Advantys configuration software, select Island → I/O Image Overview. The I/O Image
window opens to the Fieldbus Image page.

2 Select the first cell (word 1, cell 0) in the Input Data table to display (in the middle of the page) a
description of the cell data and its source module.

3 Make a note of the word, bit(s), module and item information for that cell.

4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each cell containing either an S or an integer.

NOTE: The Fieldbus Image presents input and output data in the form of 16-bit words
(starting with word 1). You need to rearrange this data for the Control Expert Ethernet
Configuration Tool, which presents the same data in the form of 8-bit bytes (starting with
byte 0).
NOTE: When you create items, align items of data type WORD and DWORD:
• WORD items: align these items on a 16-bit boundary
• DWORD items: align these items on a 32-bit boundary.
This process yields the following tables of input and output data:
Input Data:

Advantys Fieldbus Image Control Expert EIP STB Module Description

Word Bit(s) Byte Bit(s)

1 0-15 0 0-7 NIC 2212 low byte status

1 0-7 high byte status

2 0-1 2 0-1 DDI 3230 input data

2-3 2-3 DDI 3230 input status

4-5 4-5 DDO 3200 output data echo

6-7 6-7 DDO 3200 output status

8-11 3 0-3 DDI 3420 input data

12-15 4-7 DDI 3420 input status

3 0-3 4 0-3 DDO 3410 output data echo

4-7 4-7 DDO 3410 output status

8-13 5 0-5 DDI 3610 input data

14-15 6-7 NA not used

4 0-5 6 0-5 DDI 3610 input status

6-7 6-7 NA not used

EIO0000001578.14 381
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Advantys Fieldbus Image Control Expert EIP STB Module Description

Word Bit(s) Byte Bit(s)

8-13 7 0-5 DDO 3600 output data echo

14-15 6-7 NA not used

5 0-5 8 0-5 DDO 3600 output status

6-15 8 6-7 NA not used

9 0-7
6 0-15 10 0-7 AVI 1270 input data ch 1
11 0-7
7 0-7 12 0-7 AVI 1270 input status ch 1

8-15 13 0-7 NA not used

8 0-15 14 0-7 AVI 1270 input data ch 2
15 0-7
9 0-7 16 0-7 AVI 1270 input status ch 2

8-15 17 0-7 AVO 1250 output status ch 1

10 0-7 18 0-7 AVO 1250 output status ch 2

8-15 NA NA NA not used

Output Data:

Advantys Fieldbus Image Control Expert EIP Module Description

Word Bit(s) Byte Bit(s)

1 0-1 0 0-1 DDO 3200 output data

2-5 2-5 DDO 3410 output data

6-7 6-7 NA not used

8-13 1 0-5 DDO 3600 output data

14-15 6-7 NA not used

2 0-15 2 0-7 AVO 1250 output data ch 1
3 0-7
3 0-15 4 0-7 AVO 1250 output data ch 2
5 0-7

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This example shows you how to create 19 bytes of inputs and 6 bytes of outputs. To
efficiently use space, this example creates items in the following sequence:
• input bit items
• input byte and word items
• output bit items
• output byte and word items

Creating Input Bit Items

To create input bit items for the STB NIC 2212 example, beginning with 16 discrete inputs
for NIC 2212 status:

Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, select the DTM for the BMENOC0301/BMENOC0311.

2 Do one of the following:

• in the main menu, select Edit > Open.
— or —
• Right-click and select Open in the pop-up menu.
Result: The Device Editor opens, displaying the controller DTM.

In the left pane of the Device Editor, navigate to and select the Items node for the STB NIC 2212
network interface module:

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Step Action

The Items window opens:

5 Select the Input (bit) tab to display that page.

6 In the Input (bit) page, type the following default root name (representing device status) into the
Default Items Name Root input box type: DDI3232_in_data.

In the Items List, select the first 2 rows in the table. (These rows represent bits 0-1 in byte.)

8 Click the Define Item(s) button.

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Step Action

Result: The Item Name Definition dialog opens:

NOTE: The asterisk (*) indicates that a series of discrete items with the same root name will
be created.
9 Accept the default Item Name, and click OK.

Result: 2 discrete input items are created:

10 Click Apply to save the items and leave the page open.

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Step Action

11 Repeat steps 6 - 10 for each group of discrete input items you need to create. In this example, that
includes items for each of the following groups:
• Byte: 0, Bits: 2-3, Default Items Name Root: DDI3230_in_st
• Byte: 0, Bits: 4-5, Default Items Name Root: DDO3200_out_echo
• Byte: 0, Bits: 6-7, Default Items Name Root: DDO3200_out_st
• Byte: 1, Bits: 0-3, Default Items Name Root: DDI3420_in_data
• Byte: 1, Bits: 4-7, Default Items Name Root: DDI3420_in_st
• Byte: 2, Bits: 0-3, Default Items Name Root: DDO3410_out_echo
• Byte: 2, Bits: 4-7, Default Items Name Root: DDO3410_out_st
• Byte: 3, Bits: 0-5, Default Items Name Root: DDI3610_in_data
• Byte: 4, Bits: 0-5, Default Items Name Root: DDI3610_in_st
• Byte: 5, Bits: 0-5, Default Items Name Root: DDO3600_out_echo
• Byte: 6, Bits: 0-5, Default Items Name Root: DDO3600_out_st

12 The next task is to create input bytes and words.

Creating Input Items

To create input items for the STB NIC 2212 example, begin with an input data byte
containing low byte status for the STB NIC 2212 module:

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Step Action

Select the Input tab to return to that page:

NOTE: In this example, both the Offset/Device and Offset/Connection columns represent
the byte address. The items you create will be either an 8-bit byte or a 16-bit word

2 In the Default Item Name Root input box type: NIC22212_01_LO_st.

Starting at the first available whole input word, select the single row at byte 8:

4 Click the Define Item(s) button.

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Step Action

Result: The Item Name Definition dialog opens:

5 Select Byte as the New Item(s) Data Type, then click OK.

Result: A new byte item is created:

6 Click Apply to save the new items and leave the page open.

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Step Action

7 Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each byte or word input item you need to create.
NOTE: The number of rows you select for a new item depends upon the item type. If the item
is a:
• byte: select a single row
• word: select two rows, beginning at the next available whole word
In this example, you will create items for each of the following:
• Byte: 9, Default Items Name Root: NIC2212_01_HI_st
• Word: 10, Default Items Name Root: AVI1270_CH1_in_data
• Byte: 12, Default Items Name Root: AVI1270_CH1_in_st
• Word: 14-15, Default Items Name Root: AVI1270_CH2_in_data
• Byte: 16, Default Items Name Root: AVI1270_CH2_in_st
• Byte: 17, Default Items Name Root: AVO1250_CH1_out_st
• Byte: 18, Default Items Name Root: AVO1250_CH2_out_st

8 The next task is to create output bits.

Creating Output Bit Items

To create output bit items for the STB NIC 2212 example, beginning with 2 output bits for the
STB DDO3200 module:

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Step Action

Select the Output (bit) tab to open the following page:

NOTE: Both the Offset/Device and Offset/Connection columns represent the byte address
of an output, while the Position in Byte column indicates the bit position (within the byte) of
each discrete output item.

2 In the Default Items Name Root input box type: DDO3200_out_data.

In the Items List, select the rows that correspond to bits 0-1 in byte 0—i.e., the first 2 rows:

4 Click the Define Item(s) button.

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Step Action

Result: The Item Name Definition dialog opens:

NOTE: The asterisk (*) indicates that a series of discrete items with the same root name will
be created.
5 Accept the default output name and click OK.

Result: 2 discrete output items are created:

6 Click Apply to save the new items and leave the page open.

7 Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each group of discrete output items you need to create. In this example, that
includes items for each of the following groups:
• Byte: 0, Bits: 2-5, Default Items Name Root: DDO3410_out_data
• Byte: 1, Bits: 0-5, Default Items Name Root: DDO3600_out_data

8 The next task is to create output bytes and words.

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Creating Numeric Output Items

To create output items for the STB NIC 2212, example, beginning with an output data word
for the STB AVO 1250 module:

Step Action

Click on the Output tab to open the following page:

NOTE: In this example, both the Offset/Device and Offset/Connection columns represent
the byte address. The items you create will be 16-bit words comprising 2 bytes.

2 In the Default Item Name Root input box type: AVO1250_CH1_out_data.

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Step Action

Starting at the next available whole word, select 2 rows: 2 and 3:

4 Click the Define Item(s) button.

Result: The Item Name Definition dialog opens:

5 Accept the default output name and click OK.

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Step Action

Result: The following output word item is created:

6 Click Apply to save the new item and leave the page open.

7 Repeat steps 2 - 6 for the AVO 1250 channel 2 output data at bytes 4 and 5.

8 Click OK to close the Items window.

9 Select File > Save to save your edits.

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EtherNet/IP Implicit Messaging

As a best practice, the RPI for EtherNet/IP implicit message connections are 1/2 of MAST
cycle time. If the resulting RPI is less than 25 ms, the implicit message connections may be
adversely affected when the diagnostic features of the controller Ethernet I/O scanner
service are accessed through explicit messages or the DTM.
In this situation, use these timeout multiplier, page 314 settings:

RPI (ms) Timeout Multiplier Connection Timeout (ms)

2 64 128
5 32 160
10 16 160
20 8 160
25 4 100

NOTE: If you use values that are lower than those in the table, the network can
consume unnecessary bandwidth, which can affect the performance of the module
within the system.

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Configuring the M580 CPU as an EtherNet/IP

This section describes the configuration of an M580 CPU as an EtherNet/IP adapter using
local slave functionality.

Introducing the Adapter

The embedded Ethernet I/O scanner service in the M580 PAC scans network modules.
However, you can enable the controller scanner service as an EtherNet/IP adapter. When
the adapter functionality is enabled, network scanners can access controller data that is
mapped to adapter assembly objects in the controller program.
• The controller scanner service continues to function as a scanner when it is enabled
as an EtherNet/IP adapter.
• To get data from the primary controller, make the connection to the Main IP address
of the Controller (see Modicon M580 Hot Standby, System Planning Guide for
Frequently Used Architectures).
The controller scanner service supports up to 16 instances of adapters (adapter 1 ... adapter
3). Each enabled adapter instance supports these connections:
• one exclusive owner connection
• one listen-only connection

Process Overview
These are the steps in the adapter configuration process:

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Stage Description

1 Enable and configure the controller scanner service as an adapter.

2 Configure adapter instances in the scanner service. (Adapter instances correspond to each
enabled adapter that is scanned.)

3 Specify the size of adapter input and output assemblies in the scanner service. (Use sizes that
match the input and output sizes of the enabled adapter, page 126.)

Implicit and Explicit Messaging

In its role as an EtherNet/IP adapter, the controller scanner services responds to these
requests from network scanners:
• implicit messages: Implicit messaging requests are sent from a network scanner
device to the controller. When the adapter functionality is enabled, network scanners
can perform these tasks:
◦ read messages from the controller scanner service
◦ write messages to the controller scanner service
Implicit messaging is especially suited to the exchange of peer-to-peer data at a
repetitive rate.
• explicit messages: The controller scanner service responds to explicit messaging
requests that are directed to CIP objects. When adapters are enabled by the controller,
explicit messaging requests can access the controller scanner service CIP assembly
instances. (This is a read-only function.)

Third-Party Devices
If the controller scanner service that communicates with the adapter can be configured using
Control Expert, use DTMs that correspond to the controller to add those modules to your
Third-party EtherNet/IP scanners that access the adapter assembly instances through the
controller’s scanner service do so with respect to the assembly mapping table. The
controller scanner service is delivered with its corresponding EDS file. Third-party scanners
can use the contents of the EDS file to map inputs and outputs to the appropriate assembly
instances of the controller scanner service.

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Local Slave Configuration Example

Use these instructions to create a simple local slave configuration that includes a network
scanner (originator, O) and an M580 CPU that is enabled as a local slave (target, T).

Originator and Target Devices

This figure, which is a subset of the sample network, shows the enabled local slave (1) and
the master device (2):

1 M580 CPU: The CPU on the M580 local rack. In this example, you will enable this CPU’s
embedded scanner service as a local slave device (or target, T).
2 Modicon M340 rack: In this example, the scanner (or originator, O) on this rack scans the
CPU data on the M580 rack through the enabled local slave (M580 CPU’s scanner service).

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Enabling Local Slaves

In a sample configuration, you will enable Local Slave 1 and Local Slave 2.
First, use these instructions to enable Local Slave 1 in the CPU’s embedded scanner
service configuration. At the end of this exercise, repeat these instructions to enable Local
Slave 2.

Enabling a Local Slave

Enable the CPU in the M580 local rack as a target device (local slave):

Step Action

1 Open your M580 Control Expert project.

2 On the General tab, assign this Alias name to the CPU: BMEP58_ECPU_EXT.

3 In the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser), double-click the DTM that corresponds to the alias
name of the BMENOC0301.2 module to open the configuration window.

4 In the navigation pane, expand (+) EtherNet/IP Local Slaves to see the 3 available local slaves.

5 Select a local slave to see its properties. (For this example, select Local Slave 1.)

6 In the drop-down list (Properties > Active Configuration), scroll to Enabled.

7 Click Apply to enable Local Slave 1.

8 Click OK to apply the changes and close the configuration window.

You now have enabled Local Slave 1 for the CPU’s scanner service at IP address
EtherNet/IP scanners that scan the network for the CPU’s scanner service at that IP address
can use implicit messages to read from and write to the assembly instances that are
associated with the local slave instance.

Enabling Another Local Slave

This example uses two local slave connections. Make a second connection for Local Slave

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Step Action

1 Repeat the steps above to enable a second local slave (Local Slave 2).
NOTE: The appropriate IP address for this example ( was already assigned to
the CPU’s scanner service in the assignment of Local Slave 1.

2 Continue to the next procedure to configure the network scanner (originator, O).

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Accessing Local Slaves with a Scanner

Use these instructions to map local slave instances in a network scanner to the enabled
local slaves in the CPU’s embedded scanner service (Local Slave 1, Local Slave 2, Local
Slave 3).
This example uses a BMENOC0301 Ethernet communication module as a network scanner
(originator, O) that scans the CPU scanner service when it is enabled as a local slave
(target, T).
Configure the BMENOC0301 module in an M580 Control Expert project.

Adding the Device DTM

Create a local slave instance that corresponds to an enabled local slave by name:

Step Action

1 Open your M580 Control Expert project.

2 Right-click the BMENOC0301 module in the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser) and select
3 Select the DTM that corresponds to the CPU.
• The DTM used in this example corresponds to the CPU’s scanner service. For other
target devices, use the DTM from the manufacturer that corresponds to your scanner
• The corresponding input I/O vision and output I/O vision variables are automatically
created with the respective suffixes _IN and _OUT.

4 Press the Add DTM button to open the Properties of device dialog window.

5 Assign a context-sensitive Alias name that corresponds to Local Slave 1 for the CPU.

Example: BMEP58_ECPU_from_EDS_LS1

6 Click OK to see the local slave instance in the DTM Browser.

Mapping Local Slave Numbers

In the M580 Control Expert project, associate the local slave instances in the BMENOC0301
scanner with specific local slaves that are enabled for the CPU’s scanner service:

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Step Action

1 In the DTM Browser, double-click the local slave instance that corresponds to Local Slave 1 in the
CPU target device (BMEP58_ECPU_from_EDS_LS1).
NOTE: The default connection is Local Slave 1 - Exclusive Owner, which is most applicable
to Local Slave 1 in the target device.

2 Select Local Slave 1 - Exclusive Owner.

3 Click Remove Connection to delete the connection to Local Slave 1.
4 Click Add Connection to open the dialog box (Select connection to add).

5 Select Local Slave 4 - Exclusive Owner.

6 Click Apply.

The local slave (Local Slave 1) is now the target of a local slave instance with a context-
sensitive connection name (Local Slave 1 - Exclusive Owner).

Mapping IP Addresses
Associate the IP address of the local slave (target, T) with the local slave instances in the
scanner (originator, O) configuration:

Step Action

1 Double-click the BMENOC0301 module in the DTM Browser.

2 In the navigation pane, expand the Device List (see Modicon M580, BMENOC0301/0311 Ethernet
Communications Module, Installation and Configuration Guide).

3 Select a local slave instance (BMEP58_ECPU_from_EDS_LS1).

4 Select the Address Setting tab.

5 In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the local slave device (

6 Click inside the navigation pane to make the Apply button active.
NOTE: You may have to select Disabled in the drop-down menu (DHCP for this device) to
activate the OK and Apply buttons.

7 Configure the data size.

8 Click Apply.

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Configuring an Additional Connection

You have created one local slave instance that corresponds by name and IP address to an
enabled local slave. This example uses two local slave connections, so make another
connection for Local Slave 2.

Step Action

1 Repeat the preceeding steps, page 402 to create a second local slave instance that corresponds
to Local Slave 2.
2 Build the Control Expert project.

Accessing the Device DDT Variables

Step Actiom

1 In the Project Browser (Tools > Project Browser), expand Variables & FB instances.
2 Double-click Device DDT Variables to see the device DDTs that correspond with the CPU’s
scanner service.

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Local Slave Parameters

Accessing the Configuration
Open the EtherNet/IP Local Slaves configuration page:

Step Action

1 Open the Control Expert project.

2 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

3 In the DTM Browser, double-click the CPU DTM to open the configuration window.
NOTE: You can also right-click the CPU DTM and select Open.

4 Expand (+) Device List in the navigation tree to see the local slave instances.

5 Select the local slave instance to view the Properties and Assembly configuration tabs.

Identify and enable (or disable) the local slave on the Properties tab:

Parameter Description

Number The Control Expert DTM assigns a unique identifier (number) to the device. These are the
default values:
• local slave 1: 129
• local slave 2: 130
• local slave 3: 131
Active Enabled Enable the local slave with the configuration information in the Assembly
Configuration fields when the CPU scanner service is an adapter for the local slave node.

Disabled Disable and deactivate the local slave. Retain the current local slave

Comment Enter an optional comment (maximum: 80 characters).

Connection Bit The connection bit is represented by an integer (769 ... 896).
• This setting is auto-generated after the local slave settings are input and the
network configuration is saved.
• The connection bit is represented by an integer:
◦ 385...387 (firmware v1.0)
◦ 769...896 (firmware v.2.10)

404 EIO0000001578.14
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Use the Assembly area of the Local Slave page to configure the size of the local slave
inputs and outputs. Each device is associated with these assembly instances:
• Outputs
• Inputs
• Configuration
• Heartbeat (The heartbeat assembly instance is for listen-only connections only.)
The Control Expert assembly numbers are fixed according to this table, where O indicates
the originator (scanner) device and T indicates the target device:

Local Slave Number Connection

Device Assembly

1 129 101 Outputs (T->O)

102 Inputs (O->T)

103 Configuration

199 Heartbeat
2 130 111 Outputs (T->O)

112 Inputs (O->T)

113 Configuration

200 Heartbeat
3 131 121 Outputs (T->O)

122 Inputs (O->T)

123 Configuration

201 Heartbeat

NOTE: When using explicit messaging to read the CPU’s scanner service assembly
instance, allocate sufficient room for the response. The size of the response equals the
sum of: assembly size + 1 byte (Reply service) + 1 byte (General Status).
Limitations (from the perspective of the local slave):
• maximum RPI value: 65535 ms
• maximum timeout value: 512 * RPI
• outputs (T->O): 509 bytes maximum
• inputs (O->T): 505 bytes maximum
• configuration for the CPU scanner service: 0 (fixed)

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406 EIO0000001578.14
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Working with Device DDTs

Use Control Expert to create a collection of device derived data types (DDDTs) and
variables that support communications and the transfer of data between the PAC and the
various local slaves, distributed devices, and corresponding I/O modules.
You can create DDDTs and corresponding variables in the Control Expert DTM. Those
program objects support your network design.
NOTE: The default device name depends on the firmware version installed in the
selected CPU, and may be one of the following:
Use the DDDTs for these tasks:
• Read status information from the Ethernet communication module.
• Write control instructions to the Ethernet communication module.
You can double-click the name of the DDDT in the Project Browser at any time to view its
properties and open the corresponding EDS file.
NOTE: For applications that require multiple DDDTs, create an Alias name that logically
identifies the DDDT with the configuration (module, slot, local slave number, etc.).

DDDT Variables
You can access the DDDTs and the corresponding variables in Control Expert and add them
to a user-defined Animation Table. Use that table to monitor read-only variables and edit
read-write variables.
Use these data types and variables to perform these tasks:
• Read the status of connections and communications between the Ethernet
communication module and distributed EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP devices:
◦ The status is displayed in the form of a HEALTH_BITS array consisting of 32 bytes.
◦ A bit value of 0 indicates the connection is lost or the communication module can no
longer communicate with the distributed device.
• Toggle a connection ON (1) or OFF (0) by writing to a selected bit in a 16-word DIO_
CTRL array
• Monitor the value of local slave and distributed device input and output items that you
created in Control Expert.

EIO0000001578.14 407
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

NOTE: The HEALTH_BITS array is not copied to the standby CPU in a Hot Standby
switchover. The DIO_CTRL array is copied to the standby CPU in a Hot Standby

Displaying the Order of Input and Output Items

View the DDDTs in Control Expert (Project Browser > Variables & FB instances > Device
DDT Variables). The Data Editor is now open. Click the DDT Types tab.
The Data Editor displays each input and output variable. When you open the first input and
output variables, you can see both the connection health bits, page 301 and the connection
control bits, page 300.
This table shows the rule assignment for connection numbers:

Input Variables Order Output Variables

Modbus TCP input variables (note 1) 1 Modbus TCP output variables (note 1)

ERIO drop input variables 2

local slave input variables (note 2) 3 local slave output variables (note 3)

EtherNet/IP input variables(note 1) 4 EtherNet/IP output variables (note 1)

NOTE 1: DDDTs are in this format:

• i. by device number
• ii. within a device (by connection number)
• iii. within a connection (by item offset)
NOTE 2: Local slave variables are in this format:
• i. by local slave number
• ii. within each local slave (by item offset)

408 EIO0000001578.14
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Hardware Catalog
The Control Expert Hardware Catalog displays the modules and devices that you can add
to a Control Expert project. Each module or device in the catalog is represented by a DTM
that defines its parameters.

Introduction to the Hardware Catalog

The Control Expert Hardware Catalog contains a list of modules and devices that you can
add to a Control Expert project. EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP devices are located in the
DTM Catalog tab at the bottom of the Hardware Catalog. Each module or device in the
catalog is represented by a DTM that defines its parameters.

EDS Files
Not all devices in today’s market offer device-specific DTMs. Some devices are defined by
device-specific EDS files. Control Expert displays EDS files in the form of a DTM. In this
way, you can use Control Expert to configure devices that are defined by an EDS file in the
same way you would configure a device defined by its DTM.
Other devices lack both a DTM and an EDS file. Configure those devices by using the
generic DTM on the DTM Catalog page.

View the Hardware Catalog

Open the Control Expert Hardware Catalog:

Step Action

1 Open Control Expert.

2 Find the PLC bus in the Project Browser.

3 Use one method to open the catalog:

• Use the pull-down menu (Tools > Hardware Catalog).
• Double-click an empty slot in the PLC bus.

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410 EIO0000001578.14
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Adding a DTM to the Control Expert Hardware Catalog

A Manufacturer-Defined Process
Before a DTM can be used by the Control Expert Hardware Catalog, install the DTM on the
host PC (the PC that is running Control Expert).
The installation process for the DTM is defined by the device manufacturer. Consult the
documentation from the device manufacturer to install a device DTM on your PC.
NOTE: After a device DTM is successfully installed on your PC, update the Control
Expert Hardware Catalog to see the new DTM in the catalog. The DTM can then be
added to a Control Expert project.

Adding an EDS File to the Hardware Catalog

You may want to use an EtherNet/IP device for which no DTM is in the catalog. In that case,
use these instructions to import the EDS files into the catalog to create a corresponding
Control Expert includes a wizard you can use to add one or more EDS files to the Control
Expert Hardware Catalog. The wizard presents instruction screens to execute these
• Simplify the addition of EDS files to the Hardware Catalog.
• Provide a redundancy check when you add duplicate EDS files to the Hardware
NOTE: The Control Expert Hardware Catalog displays a partial collection of DTMs and
EDS files that are registered with the ODVA. This library includes DTMs and EDS files
for products that are not manufactured or sold by Schneider Electric. The non-Schneider
Electric EDS files are identified by vendor in the catalog. Please contact the identified
device’s manufacturer for inquiries regarding the corresponding non-Schneider Electric
EDS files.

Adding EDS Files

Open the EDS Addition dialog box:

EIO0000001578.14 411
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Step Action

1 Open a Control Expert project that includes an Ethernet communication module.

2 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

3 In the DTM Browser, select a communication module.

4 Right-click on the communication module and scroll to Device menu > Additional functions > Add
EDS to library.

5 In the EDS Addition window, click Next.

You can now see this page:

Add one or more EDS files to the library:

412 EIO0000001578.14
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Step Action

1 Use these commands in the Select the Location of the EDS File(s) area of the EDS Addition dialog
box to identify the location of the EDS files:
• Add File(s): Add one or more EDS files that are individually selected.
• Add all the EDS from the Directory: Add all files from a selected folder. (Check Look in
Subfolders to add EDS files from the folders within the selected folder.)

2 Click Browse to open a navigation dialog box.

3 Select the location of the EDS file(s):

• Navigate to at least one EDS file.
• Navigate to a folder that contains EDS files.
NOTE: Keep the location selected (highlighted).

4 Click Select to close the navigation window.

NOTE: Your selection appears in the Directory or File Name field.

5 Choose the naming convention rule for the EDS DTM name creation.

The new naming convention is based on Model Name / Product Name and Revision. A random
character is automatically suffixed when Model Name / Product Name and Revision of an EDS file in
the library is identical. The new naming convention is irrespective of the order in which EDS files are
added to device library.

By default, the New Naming Convention check box is selected and the new naming rule applies.
NOTE: To keep backward compatibility with Unity Pro/Control Expert versions, unchecked the
New Naming Convention check box and the naming rule is based on Model Name / Product
6 Click Next to compare the selected EDS files to the files in the library.
NOTE: If one or more selected EDS files is a duplicate, a File Already Exists message appears.
Click Close to hide the message.

7 The next page of the EDS Addition wizard opens. It indicates the status of each device you
attempted to add:

• check mark (green): The EDS file can be added.

• informational icon (blue): There is a redundant file.

• exclamation point (red): There is an invalid EDS file.

NOTE: You can click View Selected File to open and view the selected file.

8 Click Next to add the non-duplicate files.

Result: The next page of the EDS Addition wizard opens to indicate that the action is complete.

9 Click Finish to close the wizard.

Result: The hardware catalog automatically updates.

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Removing an EDS File from the Hardware Catalog

You can remove a module or device from the list of available devices in the Control Expert
Hardware Catalog by removing its EDS file from the library.
When you remove an EDS file from the library, the device or module disappears from the
DTM Catalog. However, removing the file from the library does not delete the file from its
stored location, so you can import the file again later.

Removing an EDS File from the Catalog

Use these steps to remove an EDS file from the catalog:

Step Action

1 Open the Control Expert DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).
2 In the DTM Browser, select an Ethernet communication module.

Right-click the module and scroll to Device menu > Additional functions > Remove EDS from
library to open the EDS Deletion from Device Library window:

4 Use the selection lists in the heading of this window to specify how EDS files are displayed:

Display Choose criteria to filter the list of EDS files:

• All EDS (no filtering)
• Only Devices

414 EIO0000001578.14
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Step Action

• Only Chassis
• Only Modules

Sort by Choose criteria to sort the list of displayed EDS files:

• File Name
• Manufacturer
• Category
• Device Name
Displayed Name Choose the identifier for each device:
• Catalog Name
• Product Name
5 Expand (+) the Device Library navigation tree and select the EDS file you want to remove.
NOTE: Click View Selected File to see the read-only contents of the selected EDS file.

6 Click the Delete Selected File(s) button to open the DeleteEDS dialog box.

7 Click Yes to remove the selected EDS file from the list.
8 Repeat these steps for each EDS file you want to delete.

9 Click Finish to close the wizard.

Result: The hardware catalog automatically updates.

Export / Import EDS Library

To use the same project on two Control Expert installations (for example a source, and a
target Host PCs), you may have to update the DTM Hardware Catalog of the target Host
Instead of adding one by one the missing EDS files in the target Host PC, you can update
the DTM Hardware Catalog in two steps:
• Exporting the EDS library from the source Host PC.
• Importing the EDS library in the target Host PC.
NOTE: When you export the EDS library, the software generates an .DLB file which
contains all the DTM created form EDS files.

EIO0000001578.14 415
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Exporting EDS Library

Open the Export EDS Library dialog box:

Step Action

1 Open a Control Expert project that includes an Ethernet communication module.

2 Open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).

3 In the DTM Browser, select a communication module.

Right-click on the communication module and scroll to Device menu > Additional functions >
Export EDS library to open the Export EDS library window:

5 For the archived EDS library you want to create:

• Enter the full folder path along with the file name in the Enter / Select EDS Library File Name
field, or
• Click Browse to open a navigation dialog box:
◦ Select the location, and
◦ Enter the file name, and
◦ Click Save to close the navigation window and your selection appears in the Enter / Select
EDS Library File Name field.

6 Click Export to create the archived EDS library.

Result: A new wizard opens to indicate that the export is complete. Click Ok to close the wizard.

7 In the Export EDS library window, click Close.

Importing EDS Library

Use these steps to import an archived EDS library:

Step Action

1 Open the Control Expert DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).
2 In the DTM Browser, select an Ethernet communication module.

416 EIO0000001578.14
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Step Action

Right-click the module and scroll to Device menu > Additional functions > Import EDS library to
open the Import EDS library window:

4 For the archived EDS library you want to import:

• Enter the full folder path along with the file name in the Enter / Select EDS Library File Name
field, or
• Click Browse to open a navigation dialog box:
◦ Select the location, and
◦ Enter the file name, and
◦ Click Save to close the navigation window and your selection appears in the Enter / Select
EDS Library File Name field.

5 Click Import.

Result: A new wizard opens to indicate that the export is complete. Click Ok to close the wizard.

6 In the Import EDS library window, click Close.

EIO0000001578.14 417
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M580 CPU Embedded Web Pages

The M580 CPU includes a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. The server transmits
web pages for the purpose of monitoring, diagnosing, and controlling remote access to the
communication module. The server provides easy access to the CPU from standard internet

Introducing the Standalone Embedded Web Pages

Use the embedded web server pages to display real-time diagnostics data for the M580
controller and other networked devices.

Browser Requirements
The embedded web server in the M580 controller displays data in standard HTML web
pages. Access the embedded web pages on a PC, iPad, or Android tablet with these
browser versions:

Browser Application Minimum Version

Internet Explorer Windows v8 or any subsequent supporting version

Windows Phone OS v10 or any subsequent supporting version

Google Chrome Windows v11 or any subsequent supporting version

Android OS (minimum version 4) v35 or any subsequent supporting version

Mozilla Firefox Windows v4 or any subsequent supporting version

Safari Apple Macintosh v6.0 (See note below.)

Windows (none)

Access the Web Pages

Open the Home page:

418 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Step Action

1 Open an Internet browser.

2 In the address bar, enter the IP address of the M580 controller, page 148.

3 Press Enter and wait for the page to open. Two submenus are available:
• Home
• Diagnostics

Click the Home submenu to access the Status Summary, page 420 page.
Click the Diagnostics submenu to expand and access the following pages:
• Module:
◦ Status Summary, page 420
◦ Performance, page 423
◦ Port Statistics, page 425
• Connected Devices:
◦ I/O Scanner, page 427
◦ Messaging, page 430
• Services:
◦ QoS, page 431
◦ Network Time Service, page 433
◦ Redundancy, page 438
• System:
◦ Alarm Viewer, page 440
◦ Rack Viewer, page 442
• File Manager:
◦ Data Storage, page 446
◦ Event Log, page 449

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Status Summary (Standalone CPUs)

Open the Page
Access the Status Summary page from the Diagnostics tab (Module > Status

420 EIO0000001578.14
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Status Summary (Standalone CPU) page:




DHCP Server Enabled IP Address:

FDR Server Enabled
Subnet Address:
Access Control Disabled
I/O Scanner Working properly Gateway Address:

NTP Enabled
MAC Address: 00 80 F4 1F 9D 75
Event Log Unknown
Host Name: BMEP584040
SNMP Unknown


Model: BME P58 4040 Exec. Version: 4.01

State: RUN Web Page Version: 1.9.0

Scan Time: 4 ms Web Server Version: 1.7.1

Logged In: Yes CIP Version: 1.00

Exec. Version: V4.01 IR17

Program: 4040IBER_140_CE151IR12FW401IR17

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

• This page is updated every 5 seconds.
• For Hot Standby CPUs refer to the Status Summary page for Hot Standby CPUs,
page 451.

EIO0000001578.14 421
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Diagnostic Information
The objects on this page provide status information:

Parameters Description

LEDs The black field contains LED indicators (RUN, ERR, etc.).
NOTE: The diagnostics information is explained in the description of LED activity and
indications, page 62.

Service Status green The available service is operational and running.

red An error is detected in an available service.

black The available service is not present or not configured.

Version This field describes the software versions that are running on the CPU.
CPU Summary This field describes the CPU hardware and the applications that are running on the CPU.

Network This field contains network and hardware address information and connectivity that
Information corresponds to the CPU.

422 EIO0000001578.14
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Open the Page
Access the Performance page from the Diagnostics tab (Module > Performance):

Performance page:


EtherNet/IP Modbus




Module Capacity: 15,000 Packets/Sec

Client Server

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

• Move the mouse over the dynamic graphs to see the current numeric values.
• This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Diagnostic Information
This table describes the performance statistics:

EIO0000001578.14 423
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Field Description

Module I/O Utilization This graph shows the total number of packets (per second) the CPU can handle at
Messaging Statistics This graph shows the number of Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP messages per second
for the client or server.

424 EIO0000001578.14
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Port Statistics
Open the Page
Access the Port Statistics page from the Diagnostics tab (Module > Port Statistics):
NOTE: This page is updated every 5 seconds.
Click Toggle Detail View to change between the detail and non-detail view of the page.

Port Statistics page (non–detail view):


Speed 1,000 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps
Duplex TP-Full TP-Full Link TP-Full Link TP-Full Link TP-Full Link
Success Rate 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Total Errors 0 0 0 0 0

Toggle Detail View

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

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Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Port Statistics page (detail view):


Speed 1,000 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 100 Mbps
Duplex TP-Full TP-Full Link TP-Full Link TP-Full Link TP-Full Link
Frames Transmitted 126,405,904 22,172,504 1,387,779 128,125,148 22,631,961
Frames Received 251,592, 440 16,285 17,717,591 252,189,875 4,763,558
Bytes Transmitted 824,012,094 1,650,722,909 111,228,318 1,464,271,580 1,710,176,669
Bytes Received -1,064,465,543 6,937,846 1,325,197,655 -82,010,691 448,453,655
Inbound Packet Errors 0 0 0 0 0
Inbound Packets Discarded 0 0 0 0 0
Outbound Packet Errors 0 0 0 0 0
Outbound Packets Discarded 0 0 0 0 0
Excessive Collisions 0 0 0 0 0
Late Collisions 0 0 0 0 0
CRC Errors 0 0 0 0 0
Carrier Sense Errors 0 0 0 0 0
FCS Errors 0 0 0 0 0
Alignment Errors 0 0 0 0 0
Internal MAC Trans. Errors 0 0 0 0 0
Internal MAC Rec. Errors 0 0 0 0 0
SQE Total Errors 0 0 0 0 0

Toggle Detail View

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

NOTE: This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Diagnostic Information
This page shows the statistics for each port on the CPU. This information is associated with
the configuration of the Ethernet ports, page 71 and the configuration of the service/
extended port, page 162.
The frame color indicates the port activity:
• green: active
• gray: inactive
• yellow: error detection
• red: error detection

426 EIO0000001578.14
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I/O Scanner
Open the Page
Access the I/O Scanner page from the Diagnostics tab—
(Connected Devices > I/O Scanner):

I/O Scanner page:


Operational Transmissions sent: 354,264,622
Valid Connections: 39


Not Configured Scanned Unscanned Fault


Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

NOTE: This page is updated every 5 seconds.

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Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Toggling Between Scanners

Some M580 safety CPUs include both a Modbus TCP (Ethernet I/O) scanner and a CIP
Safety (IEC 61784-3) scanner. For these safety CPUs, this page includes a Toggle
Scanner button. Use this to change the display from one scanner to the other. When the
CIP Safety scanner is displayed, the web page banner reads I/O Scanner - CIP Safety.

Diagnostic Information
This table describes the scanner status and connection statistics:

Scanner Status Operational The I/O scanner is enabled.

Stopped The I/O scanner is disabled.

Idle The I/O scanner is enabled but not running.

Unknown The I/O scanner returns unexpected values from the device.

Connection Transactions per Second

Number of Connections

In the Scanned Device Status display, the colors that appear in each block indicate these
states for specific remote devices:

Color Indication Status

gray Not Configured There is an unconfigured device.

black Unscanned The scanning of the specific device has been intentionally disabled.

green Scanned A device is being scanned successfully.

red Fault A device that is being scanned is returning detected errors.

428 EIO0000001578.14
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Hold the cursor over any block to get information for a specific device:


Health: OK
Type: EIP
Device Number: 59

Not Configured Scanned Unscanned Fault

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Open the Page
Access the Messaging page from the Diagnostics tab (Connected Devices >

Messaging page:

Messages Sent: 133,501
Messages Received: 133,500
Success Rate: 100.00%

Remote Address Local Port Type Messages Sent Messages Received Errors 502 Modbus Server 57,470 57,470 0 502 Modbus Server 10,496 10,495 0

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

NOTE: This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Diagnostic Information
This page shows current information for open Modbus TCP connections on port 502:

Field Description

Messaging Statistics This field contains the total number of sent and received messages on port 502.
These values are not reset when the port 502 connection is closed. Therefore, the
values indicate the number of messages that have been sent or received since the
module was started.
Active Connections This field shows the connections that are active when the Messaging page is

430 EIO0000001578.14
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Open the Page
Access the QoS (quality of service) page from the Diagnostics tab (Services > QoS):

QoS page:


Running DSCP Value for I/O Messages: 43 DSCP Value for I/O Data Scheduled
Priority Messages: 47
DSCP Value for Explicit Messages: 27
DSCP Value for Explicit Messages: 27

DSCP Value for I/O Data Urgent

DSCP Value for I/O Data High Priority
DSCP Value for Network DSCP PTP Event Priority: 59 43
Time: 59
DSCP Value for I/O Data Low Priority
DSCP PTP General: 47 31

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

• Configure the QoS in Control Expert, page 160.
• Click Detail View to expand the list of parameters.
• This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Service Status
This table shows the possible states for the Service Status:

Status Description

Running The service is correctly configured and running.

Disabled The service is disabled.

Unknown The status of the service is not known.

EIO0000001578.14 431
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Diagnostic Information
This page displays information about the QoS service that you configure in Control Expert,
page 160.
When you enable QoS, the module adds a differentiated services code point (DSCP) tag to
each Ethernet packet it transmits, thereby indicating the priority of that packet:

Field Parameter Description

Precision Time DSCP PTP Event Priority Point-to-point time synchronization.

DSCP PTP General Point-to-point general.

EtherNet/IP DSCP Value for I/O Data Configure the priority levels to prioritize the management of
Traffic Scheduled Priority data packets.

DSCP Value for Explicit


Modbus/TCP DSCP Value for I/O NOTE: Use a larger timeout value for explicit messaging
Traffic Messages
connections and a smaller timeout value for implicit
messaging connections. The specific values that you
DSCP Value for Explicit
employ depend on your application requirements.

Network Time DSCP Value for Network —

Protocol Traffic Time

Take measures to effectively implement QoS settings in your Ethernet network:
• Use only network switches that support QoS.
• Apply the same DSCP values to all network devices and switches.
• Use switches that apply a consistent set of rules for handling the different DSCP values
when transmitting and receiving Ethernet packets.

432 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

The NTP page displays information about the network time service. There are three
versions of this page, depending on the CPU firmware version and NTP mode:
• Versions earlier than V4.01 display SNTP content.
• Version V4.01 and any subsequent supporting version(s) display NTPv4 content, either:
◦ Client / Servermode
◦ Server only mode
Configure this service in Control Expert, page 155.

Open the Page

Access the NTP page from the Diagnostics tab (Services > NTP):

SNTP content

Running Primary Off Jan 12, 2022


5:51:09 PM UTC-05:00 Requests: 452
Responses: 434
Success Rate: 98.31%
Errors: 15
Last Error: 0x5

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

• Click Reset Counters to reset all dynamic counters to 0.
• This page is updated every 5 seconds.

EIO0000001578.14 433
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

NTP content – Client/Server mode


NTP v4 Disabled Client/Server


System System UTC=00.00 ? Unknown


Root Delay Ref. ID
Root Dispersion Stratum
Accuracy Polling Time

IP Address Ref. ID Select Reach % Stratum Poll Delay Offset Jitter .LOCL. 0% 16 32 15,25 20,526 25,000 Current 100 % 5 512 -1,258 -0,358 5,259 Candidate 100 % 5 512 -1,258 -0,358 5,259 Candidate 100 % 5 1024 -1,258 -0,358 5,259 12 % 7 32 -1,258 -0,358 5,259 .INIT. 0% 16 32 100,000 25000 100,000 .STEP. 0% 16 32 -1,258 -0,358 5,259 25 % 7 128 -1,258 -0,358 5,259

434 EIO0000001578.14
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NTP content – Server only mode


NTP v4 Disabled Client/Server


System System UTC=00.00 ? Unknown

Ref. ID

Diagnostic Information
The Network Time Service synchronizes computer clocks over the Internet for the purposes
of event recording (sequence events), event synchronization (trigger simultaneous events),
or alarm and I/O synchronization (time stamp alarms):

SNTP and NTPv4 Common Data:

Field Description

Service Running The NTP service is correctly configured and running.

Disabled The NTP service is disabled.
Unknown The NTP service status is unknown.
Current Date SNTP: the current date in the selected time zone.
Date NTPv4:
(NTPv4) • System: the local CPU date.
• UTC: the same date in UTC.
Current SNTP: the current time in the selected time zone.
(SNTP), NTPv4:
Time • System: the local CPU time.
• UTC: the same time in UTC.

EIO0000001578.14 435
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

SNTP and NTPv4 Common Data: (Continued)

Field Description

Time Zone The time zone in terms of plus or minus Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC).

DST Status Running DST (daylight saving time) is configured and running.

Disabled DST is disabled.

Unknown The DST status is unknown.

SNTP Data Only:

Field Description

Server green The server is connected and running.

red A bad server connection is detected.
gray The server status is unknown.

Server Type Primary A primary server polls a master time server for the current time.

Secondary A secondary server requests the current time only from a primary server.

NTP Service These fields show the current values for service statistics.
Number of This field shows the total number of requests sent to the NTP server.

Success Rate This field shows the percentage of successful requests out of the total
number of requests.

Number of This field shows the total number of responses received from the NTP server.

Last Error This field contains the error code of the last error that was detected during the
transmission of an e-mail message to the network.

Number of This field contains the total number of e-mail messages that could not be sent
Errors to the network or that have been sent but not acknowledged by the server.

NTPv4 Data Only:

Field Description

Service Type Always NTP v4

Mode The CPU’s NTP role or roles:

• Server only: The CPU provides time data to local NTP client devices.
• Client / Server: The CPU receives time data from a remote NTP server, and also provides
time data to local NTP client devices.
Sync The CPU time is synchronized:
• In Client / Server mode: to an external NTP server.

436 EIO0000001578.14
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NTPv4 Data Only: (Continued)

Field Description

• In Server only mode: in the CPU configuration.

Service In Client / Server mode:

Root delay As NTP client, the round trip request delay, in milliseconds, from a client to a
stratum 1 server.
Root A NTP client, the additional delay contributed by other factors.

Accuracy As NTP client, the estimated difference between local (client) time and server
Server Ref. ID IPv4 address of the time source.
Stratum The relative position in the hierarchy between this client and the original time
source (stratum 1) reference. If the mode is:
• Server/Client: the value equals the system peer stratum value + 1.
• Server only (or orphan): a user-defined value.

Polling Time As NTP client only: the polling interval, in seconds.

<NTP Peers NTP client CPU can be configured with up to 8 time source peers, each a potential server to the
Statuses> CPU NTP client.
(NTP clients
only) IP Peer IPv4 address of the peer.

Ref. ID IP address of the time source used by the peer.

Select Indicates the peer used as the time source (Current) and other viable peer
time sources (Candidate).

Reach count Percentage of NTP messages successfully sent to and received from the

Stratum The relative position in the hierarchy between this client and the original time
source (stratum 1) reference.

Poll Polling interval, in seconds.

Delay Time to send request / receive response.

Offset The value to subtracted from received time value to obtain time value to be

Jitter Variability in delay.

EIO0000001578.14 437
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Open the Page
Access the Redundancy page on the Diagnostic tab (Services > Redundancy):

Redundancy page:


Jan 12, 2022, 4:38:11 PM Bridge ID: 20 00 00 80 F4 25 33 E9


Bridge Priority: 8192


Status Status Status Status Status


Role Role Role Role Role

Priority Priority Priority Priority Priority

0 0 0 0 0

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

NOTE: This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Diagnostic Information
This page displays values from the RSTP configuration in Control Expert, page 150:

Field Description

Service Status Running The RSTP bridge on the corresponding CPU is properly configured
and running.

Disabled The RSTP bridge on the corresponding CPU is disabled.

Uknown The status of the RSTP bridge on the corresponding CPU is not

438 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Field Description

Last Topology These values represent the date and time that the last topology change was received for
Change the corresponding Bridge ID.

Redundancy Status If an RSTP port: Discarding, learning, or forwarding.

If not: Non-STP
Role If an RSTP port: Root, designated, alternate, backup, or disabled.

If not: blank
Priority The RSTP priority assigned to the port..

Router Bridge Bridge ID This unique bridge identifier is the concatenation of the bridge
Statistics RSTP priority and the MAC address.

Bridge Priority In Control Expert, configure the RSTP operating state, page 150 of
the Bridge ID.

EIO0000001578.14 439
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Alarm Viewer
Open the Page
Access the Alarm Viewer page from the Diagnostics tab (System > Alarm Viewer):

Alarm Viewer page:


Type Status Message Occurrence Acknowledged Zone

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Arithmetic error Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Character string fault Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:30 PM Not Required 0

System Error Task period Overshoot Nov 21, 2021, 5:52:39 PM Not Required 0

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

NOTE: This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Diagnostic Information
The Alarm Viewer page reports detected application errors. You can read, filter, and sort
information about alarm objects on this page. Adjust the type of information displayed by the
Alarm Viewer in the Filter Alarms box.
Each alarm has a timestamp, a description, and an acknowledgement status:
• critical (red)

440 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• acknowledged (green)
• information (blue) (These alarms do not require acknowledgement.)
This table describes the components of the page:

Column Description

Type This column describes the alarm type.

Status STOP You need to acknowledge the alarm.

ACK An alarm has been acknowledged.

OK An alarm does not require acknowledgment.

Message This column contains the text of the alarm message.

Occurance This column contains the date and time that the alarm occurred.
Acknowledged This column reports the acknowledged status of the alarm.

Zone This column contains the area or geographical zone from which the alarm comes (0:
common area).

EIO0000001578.14 441
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Rack Viewer
Open the Page
The BMEP584040, BMEP585040(C), and BMEP586040 standalone CPUs include a Rack
Viewer web page. Access this page from the Diagnostics tab (System > Rack Viewer).
NOTE: You may have to wait a few seconds for the Rack Viewer to replicate your

This example of a Rack Viewer page shows a standalone CPU on its rack with a power

Rack Viewer page (Standalone CPU):


Zoom: Layout:

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

See also the example of the Hot Standby Rack Viewer page, page 455.

442 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Information from This Page

The rack that appears in the top left of the Rack Viewer represents the local rack that
contains the CPU.
Select navigation and view options in the Rack Viewer page:

Control Selection Description

Layout (menu) Horizontal Each RIO drop is shown in a top-to-bottom order beneath the
primary bus. The lowest number RIO drop is at the top.

Vertical Each RIO drop is shown in a left-to-right order beneath the primary
bus. The lowest number RIO drop is at the left.

Zoom (menu) Zooming Zoom in by sliding the control right. Zoom out by sliding the control

EIO0000001578.14 443
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Double -click on any CPU in the Rack Viewer to see this information:

Diagnostic data for- BME H58 6040

Device Name: BME H58 6040

Family: M580
Location: BUS 0 DROP 0 RACK 0 POS 0



Ram Size (KB) 131072

Processor Version 4.01 IR21
Hardware ID 2330B0E
State RUN
Calendar (UTC) January 18 2022 18:31:18


Name “H580 5040 WS53 v13 DX Events Disabled NotKnown

Version 4 Section Protected FALSE
Analog Channel Forced FALSE Automatic Start in RUN TRUE
Diagnostic TRUE RAZ %MW On Cold Start FALSE
Forced Bit 0 Cold Start Only TRUE

Creation Product V15.1.0.211217-January 12,Wednesday, 2022, 16:22:53

Modification Product V15.1.0.211217-January 14,Friday, 2022, 12:07:22

Refer to the Hot Standby Rack Viewer page, page 455 for a description of the fields shown above.
You can read this CPU data:
• CPU reference name
• bus, drop, rack, and slot location
• CPU state (RUN, ERR, and I/O)
• processor and network card information

444 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

• application name (on the CPU)

EIO0000001578.14 445
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Data Storage
Open the Page
Access the Data Storage page from the Diagnostics tab (Module > Data Storage):
Use the Data Storage page to:
• Add (upload) files to an SD card inserted into the CPU.
• Transfer (download) files from an SD card inserted in the CPU to a specified location.
• Delete files that had been stored on an SD card inserted in the CPU.
• The maximum file size you can upload or download is 50 MB.
• This page is updated every 5 seconds.

Data Storage page:

When an SD card is inserted in the CPU, the Data Storage web page displays the files that
are present on the SD card.


Drag & Drop your files or Browse

0 bytes

7 KB

145 KB

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

446 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

BMXRMS004GPF SD Memory Card

The Data Storage page supports the use of the BMXRMS004GPF SD memory card, page
76, which is specially formatted for use by the M580 CPUs:
• If you use this card with another CPU or tool, the card may not be recognized.
• If you re-format the card in another device – e.g., a camera – the card becomes
incompatible for use by an M580 CPU. In this case, you need to return the card to
Schneider Electric for re-formatting.

Adding, Transferring and Deleting SD Card Files

Adding a File to the SD Card
You can add (upload) files to the SD card in either of two ways:
• Drag and drop a file onto the Data Storage web page.
• Click Browse, then in the Open dialog, navigate to and select a file, then click Open.
Transferring a File from the SD Card
To transfer (download) a file from the SD card, select the file to download, then click the
downward pointing arrow next to the file name. The file is copied to the host PC Downloads
Deleting a File from the SD Card
To delete a file from the SD card, select the file to delete, then click the button marked with
an “X” next to the file name. The file is deleted from the SD card.

Supported File Types

The Data Storage web page supports files of the following types (extensions):
Application File Types:

EIO0000001578.14 447
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

• Application File Types:

◦ .eot
◦ .js
◦ .ttf
◦ .woff
◦ .wsdl
◦ .xml
◦ .xsd
• Image File Types:
◦ .gif
◦ .jpeg/.jpg
◦ .png
◦ .svg
• Text File Types:
◦ .css
◦ .htm/.html

448 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Event Log
Use the event log page to save a log file of captured events:


Name Size Last Modified

Download File

To save an event log file:

1. Click Download File.
2. Enter the File Name.
3. Click Start File Preparation.
The file is prepared automatically. Upon completion:
• The new file is created in the host PC Downloads folder.
• The web page displays the Name, Size and Last Modified date of the new event log

EIO0000001578.14 449
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

M580 Hot Standby CPU Web Pages

This section describes the diagnostic web pages for the M580 BMEH58•040(S) Hot Standby
CPU modules.

Introducing the M580 Hot Standby Controller Web Pages

The M580 BMEH58•040(S) Hot Standby controllers includes an embedded web server that
provide monitoring, diagnostic and file transfer functions.
These following web pages are common to both standalone and Hot Standby controllers:
• Module:
◦ Status Summary (Hot Standby), page 451
◦ HSBY Status, page 454
◦ Performance, page 423
◦ Port Statistics, page 425
• Connected Devices:
◦ I/O Scanner, page 427
◦ Messaging, page 430
• Services:
◦ QoS, page 431
◦ NTP, page 433
◦ Redundancy, page 438
• System:
◦ Alarm Viewer, page 440
◦ Rack Viewer, page 455
• File Manager:
◦ Data Storage, page 446
◦ Event Log, page 449

450 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Browser Access Requirements

The embedded web pages are accessible using the following operating system and browser

Operating system Browser

Android OS v4 mini Chrome mobile minimum version 35.0.1916.141

iOS6 Safari v6
Windows 7 Internet Explorer v8.0.7601.17514
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 8.1 RT Internet Explorer minimum v8

Windows Phone OS Internet Explorer Mobile v10

The embedded web site is accessible via WiFi, using a smartphone or tablet equipped with
• Schneider Electric WiFi dongle, called the wifer, part number TCSEGWB13FA0.
• PMXNOW0300 wireless module.

Status Summary (Hot Standby CPUs)

The Status Summary web page provides this information about the CPU:
• Ethernet service diagnostic information
• Version descriptions for installed firmware and software
• CPU description and operating state
• IP addressing settings
NOTE: The Status Summary web page is refreshed every 5 seconds.

EIO0000001578.14 451
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Open the Page

Access the Status Summary page on the Diagnostics tab (Module > Status Summary):

Status Summary page (Hot Standby CPU):




DHCP Server Enabled

IP Address:
FDR Server Enabled
Access Control Disabled Subnet Address:

I/O Scanner At least one connection is bad Gateway Address:

NTP Enabled
MAC Address: 00 80 F4 25 33 E9
Event Log Unknown
SNMP Unknown Host Name: BMEH586040


Model: BME H58 6040 Exec. Version: 4.01

State: RUN Web Page Version: 1.10.0

Scan Time: 16 ms Web Server Version: 1.8.0

Logged In: Yes CIP Version: 1.00

Exec. Version: V4.01 IR18

Program: H580 5040 WS3 v13 DX2 .3

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

452 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Diagnostic and Status Information

The Status Summary web page provides this information:

Parameters Description

LEDs The web page displays the state of these LEDs:

• RUN • A

• ERR • B

• I/O • PRIM



• BACKUP • SRUN (safety PAC)

• ETH MS • SMOD (safety PAC)


NOTE: The LEDs on the web page behave the same as the LEDs on the CPU, page
Service Status This area presents information describing the status of CPU Ethernet services. The
colored icons appearing to the left of some items indicate the following status:

green The available service is operational and running.

red An error is detected in an available service.

black The available service is not present or not configured.

The status of these Ethernet services is included:

• DHCP Server • Scanner Status

• FDR Server • NTP Status

• Access Control • FDR Usage

Version Info. This area describes the software versions that are running on the CPU, including:

• Executable Version • Web Site Version

• Web Server Version • CIP Version

CPU Summary This area describes the CPU hardware and the applications that are running on the CPU,
• Model
• State
• Scan Time
Network Info. This field contains IP addressing settings for the CPU, including:
• IP Address
• Subnet Address
• Gateway Address

EIO0000001578.14 453
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

HSBY Status
The HSBY Status web page provides this information about the Hot Standby system:
• Hot Standby role and status of the Local CPU
• Hot Standby role and status of the Remote CPU
• General errors detected for the Hot Standby system
• The local CPU is the CPU configured with the Main IP Address (primary) or Main
IP Address + 1 (standby) used to access this web page.
• The HSBY Status web page is refreshed every 5 seconds.

Open the Page

Access the HSBY Status page from the Diagnostics tab (Module > HSBY Status):

HSBY Status page:


Primary: B Standby: A
Status: Run (Online) Status: Run (Online)

IP Address: IP Address:

Firmware Version: V4.01 IR18 Firmware Version: V4.01 IR18

Sync Link Validity: OK Sync Link Validity: OK
Supplementary Link Supplementary Link
Validity: OK Validity:

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

Diagnostic and Status Information

The HSBY Status web page provides this information:

454 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Area Description

Local/Remote This area displays the state of Hot Standby settings for the local and remote CPUs:

<Hot Standby Role> The Hot Standby system role of the CPU. Valid values include:
• Primary
• Standby
• Wait
<A/B switch setting> The designation of the CPU, defined by the rotary switch, page
57 on the back of the CPU. Valid values include:
• A
• B
Status The operating state of the CPU. Valid values include:
• NoConf
IP Address The IP address used to communicate with the CPU for web
page access:
• For the primary Hot Standby CPU, this is the Main IP
Address setting.
• For the standby Hot Standby CPU, this is the Main IP
Address setting + 1.

Firmware Version Firmware version of the CPU operating system.

Sync Link Validity The status of the Hot Standby link (see Modicon M580 Hot
Standby, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
• OK: the link is operational.
• NOK: the link is not operational.

Supplementary Link The status of the Ethernet RIO link (see Modicon M580 Hot
Validity Standby, System Planning Guide for, Frequently Used
• OK: the link is operational.
• NOK: the link is not operational.

Rack Viewer
Introducing the CPU Status Page
The BMEH584040(S) and BMEH586040(C)(S) Hot Standby CPUs include a Rack Viewer
web page. Use this page to view CPU information, including:

EIO0000001578.14 455
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

• LEDs status
• processor identification
• application signature identification
• select application configuration settings
Access this page from the Diagnostics tab (System > Rack Viewer).
This example of a Rack Viewer page shows a Hot Standby CPU on its rack with a power

456 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Accessing the Rack Viewer Page

Access the Rack Viewer page from the Diagnostics menu. In the navigation menu at the
left side of the page, select Menu > System > Rack Viewer:

Rack Viewer page (HSBY CPU):


Zoom: Layout:

Licenses © 2021, Schneider Electric

This example of a Rack Viewer page shows the Hot Standby connection between a primary CPU
rack and a standby CPU rack. The Hot Standby connection (dashed line) is green when the Hot
Standby link is healthy. If the Hot Standby link is not healthy, the dashed line is red.

Rack Viewer Data

Double-click on the Rack Viewer page to display Hot Standby CPU data.

EIO0000001578.14 457
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Diagnostic data for- BME H58 6040

Device Name: BME H58 6040

Family: M580
Location: BUS 0 DROP 0 RACK 0 POS 0



Ram Size (KB) 131072

Processor Version 4.01 IR21
Hardware ID 2330B0E
State RUN
Calendar (UTC) January 18 2022 18:31:18


Name “H580 5040 WS53 v13 DX Events Disabled NotKnown

Version 4 Section Protected FALSE
Analog Channel Forced FALSE Automatic Start in RUN TRUE
Diagnostic TRUE RAZ %MW On Cold Start FALSE
Forced Bit 0 Cold Start Only TRUE

Creation Product V15.1.0.211217-January 12,Wednesday, 2022, 16:22:53

Modification Product V15.1.0.211217-January 14,Friday, 2022, 12:07:22

Data Field Description


RAM size (kb) The size of processor RAM in KB

Processor Version Firmware version

Hardware ID An identifier for the module hardware. OS Loader checks this value to
determine compatibility between the hardware and the operating system.

State The operating state of the processor:


458 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Configuration Hardware

Data Field Description

Error The identity of the last detected error

Calendar (UTC) Date and time of last detected error


Name Name of the Control Expert project

Version Project version

Analog channel forced: Indicates if one or more inputs or outputs for an analog channel have been
• True indicates the an analog input or output has been forced.
• False indicates no analog input or output has been forced.

Diagnostic Indicates if the diagnostic buffer has been activated for the project:
• True indicates that Application diagnostics and/or System
diagnostics has been selected in the General > PAC Diagnostics tab
of the Project Settings dialog for the application.
• False indicates Application diagnostics and System diagnostics
have not been selected.
Forced bit The number of forced bits in the application.

Creation Product Includes both:

• Version and build of Control Expert used to create the project.
• Date and time the project was created.

Modification Product Includes both:

• Version and build of Control Expert used to edit the project.
• Date and time the project was last edited.

Events Disabled Indicates if all event processing has been disabled:

• True indicates all event processing has been disabled.
• False indicates event processing has not been disabled.
NOTE: Events can be enabled/disabled by using:
• The Enable or Disable all command (see EcoStruxure™ Control
Expert, Operating Modes) in the Task tab of the CPU.
• The MASKEVT and UNMASKEVT functions.
• System bit %S38.

EIO0000001578.14 459
Hardware M580 CPU Configuration

Data Field Description

Section protected Indicates if password access is required to edit one or more sections of the
• True indicates that a password is required to edit specified sections of
the application.
• False indicates that no password is required for application editing.

Automatic Start in Run Indicates if the application is automatically set to start when the PAC goes into
RUN operational mode:
• True indicates the application automatically starts.
• False indicates the application does not automatically start.

RAZ %MW on cold start Indicates if %MW registers are reset to their initial values on a cold start:
• True indicates that values are reset.
• False indicates that values are not reset.
Cold Start only Indicates if a cold start is forced on a system re-start:
• True indicates that a reset forces a cold start of the application.
• False indicates that a warm start will occur on application reset.

Creation Product Includes both:

• Version and build of Control Expert used to edit the project.
• Date and time the project was created.

Modification Product Includes both:

• Version and build of Control Expert used to edit the project.
• Date and time the project was last edited.

460 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

What’s in This Chapter
Configuration Compatibility ..................................................... 461
Modicon M580 Hot Standby Programming Rules...................... 465
M580 Hot Standby System Configuration................................. 468
Configuring an M580 Hot Standby Controller ........................... 470
Change Configuration On The Fly (CCOTF)............................. 474
Modifying an SFC Section Online ............................................ 477
Configuring IP Addresses for an M580 Hot Standby
System ................................................................................. 478
Configuring Data Variables for an M580 BMEH58•040(S) Hot
Standby Application ............................................................... 480
Configuring Hold Up Time for Drops and Devices ..................... 482
Transferring M580 Hot Standby Projects.................................. 484
Offline Application Modification with Allowed Application
Mismatch .............................................................................. 487
Restoring and Backing Up Projects ......................................... 490

This chapter shows you how to configure and work with Hot Standby applications.

Configuration Compatibility
Control Expert Version Requirement
An M580 non-safety-related Hot Standby system can be configured using Control Expert L
or XL version 11.0 or any subsequent supporting version(s). By contrast, an M580 safety
Hot Standby system can be configured using only Control Expert XL Safety version 14.0 or
any subsequent supporting version(s).

PAC Hardware
Confirm that the primary PAC and the standby PAC consist of compatible hardware,
• controller

EIO0000001578.14 461
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

• backplane
• Power supply
• Some communication modules
NOTE: No I/O modules can be mounted onto the local backplane. Refer to the topic The
Modicon M580 Hot Standby Local Backplane in the M580 High Availability System
Planning Guide for a description of modules that can be added to the local backplane.

Controller Compatibility
An application created for a specific controller may not be compatible with other controllers.
The M580 Hot Standby system compares the applications in the primary controller against
the application in the standby controller to determine if the applications are compatible.
NOTE: An application created for a non-safety-related controller cannot be run on a
safety controller, and an application created for a safety controller cannot be run on a
non-safety-related controller.
For example:
• A Quantum 140CPU67•6• controller Hot Standby application is not downloadable to
M580 BMEH58•040 Hot Standby controllers.
• An M580 BMEP58•0•0 controller application is not downloadable to M580 BMEH58•040
Hot Standby controllers.
• As described in the following table, an application designed for one M580 BMEH58•040
Hot Standby controller may not be downloadable to other M580 Hot Standby
The following table depicts the compatibility of applications among non-safety-related M580
Hot Standby controllers:

Can be downloaded to and executed by the following controllers:

An application built for:
BMEH582040 BMEH584040 BMEH586040
BMEH582040 X X X
BMEH584040 – X X
BMEH586040 – – X
X: Can receive and execute the application.

–: Cannot receive and execute the application.

The following table depicts the compatibility of applications among M580 safety controllers:

462 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

An application Can be downloaded to and executed by the following controllers:

built for:
BMEP582040S BMEP584040S BMEH582040S BMEH584040S BMEH586040S
BMEP582040S 1 2 2 4 4
BMEP584040S 3 1 3 4 4
BMEH582040S 2 2 1 2 2
BMEH584040S 3 2 3 1 2
BMEH586040S 3 2 3 3 1

1. Fully compatible.
2. Compatible, if controller is upgraded in Control Expert and the application is fully rebuilt.
3. Compatible, if controller is upgraded in Control Expert and the application is fully rebuilt, and there is no
limitation as to memory size.
4. Compatible only for application with no CIP Safety devices, if controller is upgraded in Control Expert and
the application is fully rebuilt.

Controller Firmware Mismatch

An M580 Hot Standby system can continue operating when there is a mismatch of firmware
versions in the primary and standby controllers, if each controller firmware can execute the
application. This makes it possible to upgrade (or downgrade) controller firmware without
having to stop the operation of the Hot Standby system. To permit Hot Standby operations to
continue in this case, use an animation table or program logic to set the FW_Mismatch_
Allowed attribute of the T_M_ECPU_HSBY, page 497 to True.

Application Mismatch
An M580 Hot Standby system cannot operate if the primary and standby controllers are
equipped with fundamentally different applications. In this case, the primary PAC operates
as a standalone PAC, and the standby PAC enters the stop state.
To restore Hot Standby system operations, confirm that the same application is installed in
both the primary and standby PACs.

Logic Mismatch
An M580 Hot Standby system can continue operating if the primary and standby controllers
are running different revisions of the same application. In this case, both controllers were

EIO0000001578.14 463
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

initially configured with the same application, but the logic in one controller – usually the
primary controller – was subsequently revised.
For Hot Standby operations to continue when a logic mismatch exists, use an animation
table or program logic to set the Logic_Mismatch_Allowed attribute of the T_M_ECPU_
HSBY, page 497 DDT to True.
For Hot Standby operations to continue when a logic mismatch exists, do both of the
• Select Online modification in RUN or STOP in the Configuration tab of the
• Set the Number of modifications in the Configuration tab of the controller.
• Use an animation table or program logic to set the Logic_Mismatch_Allowed
attribute of the T_M_ECPU_HSBY, page 497 DDT to True.
NOTE: If the Number of modifications is set to 0, setting the Logic_Mismatch_
Allowed attribute has no effect.

SFC Mismatch
A sequential function chart (SFC) mismatch occurs when the applications in the primary and
standby controllers include graphic symbols that define sequential program steps, where
differences exists in at least one SFC section.
Refer to the topic Modifying an SFC Section Online, page 477 for the procedure for making
online modifications to an SFC section.

464 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Modicon M580 Hot Standby Programming Rules

At a Glance
For Modicon M580 Hot Standby applications, some of the programming functionality you
may have used does not apply to redundant operations. This section summarizes some of
the code features and programming rules of a Modicon M580 Hot Standby application.

Error Correcting Code (ECC) Feature

M580 Hot Standby controllers with firmware version 2.50 and higher include an error
correcting code (ECC) feature. ECC enhances reliability by reducing the likelihood of
memory random access errors, when a Hot Standby controller accesses its internal
memory, as part of a memory transfer event. The ECC function is enabled by default.
When ECC is enabled, it may impact the MAST cycle time of Hot Standby M580 PAC
applications. This can be the case where a relatively small amount of code is transferred,
but a large amount of data is transferred. If the impact on MAST cycle time is not suitable for
your application, you can:
• Reduce the amount of exchanged data from the primary to the standby controller.
• For a non-safety-related controller application, disable the ECC feature using %SW150
(see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System Bits and Words, Reference Manual).

Changing Declared Variables

Do not overwrite the initial values for declared variables using the save operation invoked
using the system bit %S94. These changes to declared variable values are not part of the
database transfer, and can lead to unintended consequences at switchover.

Using the save operation, that is invoked using system bit %S94, on the primary controller
does not also apply to the standby controller.
If a swap or switchover occurs after a CCOTF has been performed on the primary
controller, and the application has not been transferred to the standby controller, then the
behavior of the application is unpredictable.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

EIO0000001578.14 465
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Section executed on Standby Restrictions

The following restrictions apply to sections executed on the Standby PLC, first section, or all
sections depending on the configuration, page 470:
• Derived Function Blocks (DFB) may not be executed on Standby PLC sections.
• R_TRIG, F_TRIG, TRIGGER, TON, TOF, TP functions blocks may not be executed on
Standby PLC sections.
• Asynchronous communication procedures may not be executed on Standby PLC
• Asynchronous communication function blocks may not be executed on Standby PLC

Asynchronous Communication Procedures

During a switchover event, asynchronous communication procedures: READ_VAR,
automatically resume operation on the new Primary PLC without special care.
The following procedure should be used to allow asynchronous communication EFs to
automatically resume operation after a switchover:
• Program your application so that all EFs management parameters are not exchanged
with Standby PLC. To do this, de-select the Exchange on STBY attribute for the
management parameter.
• Initialize the Length parameter each time the function is called.
• Set the Timeout parameter accordingly to your application:
◦ If the communication function is send through the controller, the typical timeout value
is 500 ms.
◦ If the communication function is send through a NOC module, the typical timeout
value is 2 s.
NOTE: If for some reason you are unable to follow this procedure, and a switchover
renders your communication function inoperative, write your application program so that
it sets the function activity bit to 0 before restarting the function in the new Primary

Asynchronous Communication Function Blocks

During a switchover event, asynchronous communication function blocks, which use internal
management parameters: GET_TS_EVT_M, READ_DDT, READ_PARAM_MX, READ_

466 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware


PWS_CMD, L9_MSTR, do not automatically resume operation on the new Primary PLC
without special care.
The following procedure should be used to allow asynchronous communication EFBs to
automatically resume operation after a switchover:
• Program your application so that all EFBs instances are not exchanged with Standby
PLC. To do this, de-select the Exchange on STBY attribute for the EFB instance.

Other Functions
While the use of the functions listed above is restricted, you are advised to use care even
when employing permitted functions that are capable of writing to memory areas that are not
part of the Hot Standby database transfer, such as Data Storage, page 504 function blocks
for instance.

Debugging your Hot Standby application program is now a two-stage process:
• First, you debug the application on a single Hot Standby PLC as if it was a standalone
application. This allows you to use all of the powerful debugging features available in
Control Expert, such as watchpoints, and so on.
• Next, you debug your application when it has been uploaded to two Hot Standby PLCs
in a working redundant system, but in a non-production environment. On this platform,
you evaluate performance specific to Hot Standby redundancy. Only a subset of Control
Expert debug features can be used during this stage.
NOTE: See M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics, page 547 for further details on debugging
your Hot Standby application program.

PME UCM 0202 Universal Communication Module

Do not use a PME UCM 0202 Universal Communication Module in a Drop of a Modicon
M580 Hot Standby configuration.

EIO0000001578.14 467
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

M580 Hot Standby System Configuration

Control Expert Configuration Tool
The exclusive configuration tool for an M580(S) Hot Standby system is:
• Version 11.0 and any subsequent supporting version(s) of Unity Pro L (for the
BMEH582040 module).
Unity Pro is the former name of Control Expert for version 13.1 or earlier.
• Version 11.0 and any subsequent supporting version(s) of Unity Pro XL (for the
BMEH584040 and BMEH586040 modules).
• Version 14.0 and any subsequent supporting version(s) of Control Expert XL Safety (for
the BMEH582040S, BMEH584040S, and BMEH586040S.

Programming Application Languages and Libraries

Control Expert supports the following application languages and libraries for the M580 Hot
Standby controllers:

Application language / library Non-safety- Safety controllers

BMEH58... BMEH58...
2040 4040, 2040S 4040S, 6040S
tasks task tasks
Function Block Diagram (FBD) X X X X X X

Ladder Diagram (LD) X X X X X X

Structured Text (ST) X X – X – X

Instruction List (IL) X X – X – X

Sequential Function Chart (SFC) X X – X – X

Derived Function Block (DFB) X X X X X X

Elementary Function (EF) X X X1 X X1 X

Elementary Function Block (EFB) X X X1 X X1 X

Ladder Logic 984 (LL984) – X – – – X

468 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Application language / library Non-safety- Safety controllers

BMEH58... BMEH58...
2040 4040, 2040S 4040S, 6040S
tasks task tasks
PL7 - Standard Function Block (SFB) – – – – – –

X: Supported

–: Not supported

1: EF/EFB prefixed with “S_”

EIO0000001578.14 469
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Configuring an M580 Hot Standby Controller

This topic shows you how to configure the Hot Standby functionality of an M580
BMEH58•040 controller. For information on how to configure the non-Hot Standby functions
for the controller, refer to Introducing the M580 Hot Standby Controller Web Pages, page
NOTE: The same procedure, as described below, can also be applied to the
configuration of an M580 BMEH58•040S safety controller.

Accessing the M580 Controller Hot Standby

Configuration Tab
Use the Hot Standby tab of an M580 BMEH58•040 controller to configure its Hot Standby
function. To access this tab:

Step Action

1 Add a BMEH58•040 controller to your project.

2 In the Project Browser, select Configuration > PLC Bus > <rack> > <controller>.
3 Right-click the controller and select Open.

4 Click the Hot Standby tab.

Configuring the Hot Standby Function

The Hot Standby tab presents the following configurable settings:

470 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Setting Description

Run Mode Controller A Specify if controller A and controller B operate online at the next start-
Online up:
Controller B • TRUE (default): The controller attempts to operate online at next
Online start-up. Depending on the other conditions, the controller may
act as the primary or standby.
• FALSE: The controller transitions to either the Wait or Stop state
at next start-up.

Standby On Number of The maximum number of online build changes from 1...50 that can be
Logic Mismatch modifications performed on the primary controller. When this number of online build
changes has been reached, you need to transfer the application from
the primary to the standby to be able to make additional online build
changes. Default = 20.
• If this setting is set to 0, the Logic Mismatch Allowed,
page 497 flag has no effect.
• This setting cannot be edited via CCOTF.

Behavior of the controller Specify the sections of the MAST task the standby controller executes
Controller in executes in Wait state:
Wait and • All sections (default)
Standby mode
• First section
• No section at all
When Control Expert is connected to the standby controller, all
Sections in the Project Browser are preceded by:
• a green light for sections without condition or with a TRUE
condition even if not executed
• a red light for sections with a FALSE condition
• You can also individually specify the sections of the MAST
task the standby controller executes while in Wait state. Do
this by adding a condition of execution in the Condition tab
of the Properties window for a MAST task section.
• For a safety controller, sections of the SAFE task are not
executed when the PAC is in WAIT or STANDBY state.
You can also individually specify the sections of the MAST task
the standby controller executes while in Wait state. Do this by
adding a condition of execution in the Condition tab of the
Properties window for a MAST task section.

Data – A bar graph displays the percentage of controller memory used by Hot
Exchanged Standby data. The value depends on the M580 Hot Standby

The total data exchanged is displayed in KB as well as:

• data exchange by MAST
• data exchange by FAST
• data exchanged by SAFE (for a safety controller)

EIO0000001578.14 471
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Configuring Controller Online State

Controller A is the controller with the A/B/Clear rotary selector switch, page 57 (located on
the back of the controller) set to A. Controller B is the controller with the A/B/Clear rotary
selector switch set to B.
You can use the Controller A Online and Controller B Online settings, for the following
• To specify the controller that will be primary on a cold start. For example, set Controller
A Online to True and Controller B Online to False. Controller A powers up as primary,
and controller B powers up in wait state. After power up, you can manually set
Controller B Online to True.
• To avoid an unintended switchover. For example, if controller A is primary and controller
B is standby, set Controller B Online to False. Controller B enters wait state, and no
switchover can occur.
These settings can be modified during runtime, or when the Hot Standby system is not
Settings entered when the Hot Standby system is not running take effect after the next
project build, when the Hot Standby system next starts-up.
If the Change Configuration on The Fly (CCOTF) function is enabled, settings entered when
the Hot Standby system is running take effect on the next project build (or re-build).

No Local I/O Configuration

Because the local rack of a Hot Standby controller cannot include I/O modules, the following
settings in a BMEH58•040 or BMEH58•040S controller Configuration tab are disabled:
• Run/Stop input
• Run/Stop by input only
• Memory protect
• Maintenance Input (safety PAC)
NOTE: Instead of using the Run/Stop input, consider using the following approach to
controlling the RUN/STOP operating state of a safety controller:
• Use a BMENOC0301 or BMENOC0311 communication module and the IPsec
protocol to help provide a secure connection to the controller.
• Then use the CMD_RUN_REMOTE or CMD_STOP_REMOTE commands of the T_M_
ECPU_HSBY DDT to change a remote controller operating state.

472 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Enabling FDR Server Synchronization in a Hot Standby

In an M580 Hot Standby system, a BMEH58•040 controller or a BMENOC0311 or a
BMENOC0301 Ethernet communication module can perform the role of an FDR server. To
permit the synchronization of the FDR server in the primary controller with the FDR server in
the standby controller, you need to enable the TFTP service for the Hot Standby system.
To enable the TFTP service, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In the Project Browser double-click on the following:

Project > Configuration > 0:PLC bus > <rack> > <controller> > EIO.
The RIO DIO Communicator Head window opens.

2 Click the Security tab.

3 For the TFTP service, select Enabled.

4 If Access Control is enabled, create an entry for each device or subnet that you want to have
TFTP access to the controller.
NOTE: Select the TFTP column for each entry.

5 Validate and Save your edits.

NOTE: The FDR server cannot synchronize the primary and standby controllers when
the TFTP service is disabled. The TFTP service is enabled and disabled by the
execution of the EthPort_Control_MX function in the application.
If you want to programmatically enable or disable TFTP, include the EthPort_
Control_MX function in a section of the application that is executed by the standby
controller, so that this function is executed by both the primary and standby controllers.

EIO0000001578.14 473
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Change Configuration On The Fly (CCOTF)

CCOTF Rules for Hot Standby
All M580 BMEH58•040 and BMEH58•040S controllers support CCOTF. CCOTF is enabled
in the Configuration tab of the controller, in the Configuration Online Modification area,
by selecting Online modification in RUN or STOP.
For information about CCOTF for M580 safety controllers, refer to the Modicon M580 Safety
Manual (see Modicon M580, Safety Manual).

Confirm that the following preconditions exist before starting a CCOTF operation:
• The application running in the Hot Standby system does not trigger a swap.
• No condition exists that could forseeably cause a switchover.
Always apply a CCOTF transaction on the primary controller.
If a swap or switchover occurs after a CCOTF has been performed on the primary
controller, and the application has not been transferred to the standby controller, then the
behavior of the application is unpredictable.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

NOTE: To download CCOTF changes to a Hot Standby system:

• Always apply a CCOTF transaction to the primary controller.
• Confirm the Hot Standby system is operational with a healthy Hot Standby link
between the two controllers.
• Confirm that the impacted Ethernet RIO drop is operational, with a healthy Ethernet
RIO link.
CCOTF allows modifications of a Hot Standby primary controller configuration in RUN
mode. The changes that can be made in the primary controller are as follows:
• Add a discrete or analog module in a free slot.
• Delete a discrete or analog module.
• Modify the configuration and adjustment parameters of a module.
The changes that can be made in an Ethernet RIO drop are as follows:
• Add an (e)X80 or Quantum RIO drop.
• Add a discrete or analog module in a free slot.

474 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

• Delete a discrete or analog module.

• Modify the configuration and adjustment parameters of a module.
Any CCOTF changes made to the primary controller configuration are not automatically
transmitted to the standby controller. Instead, the standby controller continues to be
configured with its original application program.
CCOTF does not support all changes to the configuration. The following rules apply to
CCOTF changes made to the primary Hot Standby controller configuration:
• A single CCOTF change can include multiple edits to multiple configuration objects.
• Edits to configuration objects are atomic: only one change can be made to a single
configuration object. For example, you cannot add then delete the same I/O module in a
single CCOTF change.
• CCOTF edits cannot be made to distributed equipment.
• For an (e)X80 or Quantum RIO drop, the following limits apply to changes made in the
same CCOTF session:
◦ Up to four modifications to the same RIO drop can be included in a single CCOTF
change. For example:
- Up to four I/O modules can be added to the same RIO drop.
- Up to four I/O modules can be removed from the same RIO drop.
- Up to four parameters can be edited for one I/O module in the same RIO drop.
◦ No edits can be made to an adapter module.
◦ No edits can be made to BMXERT1604 modules (time stamp).
◦ The RPI setting for the RIO drop cannot be changed.
• IP addresses cannot be changed.
• Only one CCOTF change may be made to a single RIO drop. Before an additional
CCOTF change can be made to the same RIO drop, transfer the application program
from the primary controller to the standby controller.
NOTE: You can set Control Expert to Virtual connected mode to test whether a
proposed change to the configuration is a CCOTF event (see Modicon M580, Change
Configuration on the Fly, User Guide).
When CCOTF changes are made to the primary controller, the Logic_Mismatch_
Allowed flag in the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT determines if the standby controller can
continue to operate online. If logic mismatches are not allowed, the standby controller
transitions to wait state.
CCOTF changes can be made to the primary controller if the Number of modifications
setting in Control Expert is not reached. When the number of allowed modifications is
• No additional CCOTF changes can be made to the primary controller. The Build >
Build Changes command in Control Expert is disabled.

EIO0000001578.14 475
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

• You need to transfer the application program in the primary controller to the standby
controller, page 484.

476 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Modifying an SFC Section Online

Precautions for Modifying an SFC Section Online

Transfer the application from primary controller to the standby controller after each online
modification of a MAST task section that is programmed using the sequential function
chart (SFC) programming language.
Do not execute a switchover or trigger a swap before this transfer is successfully
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

When the M580 Hot Standby system executes a switchover or a swap, the new primary
controller tests the SFC_MISMATCH bit. The SFC_MISMATCH bit is set when the structure of
at least one SFC section in the primary controller differs from that section in the standby
controller. If this bit is set, the controller re-initializes the state-machine of all the modified
SFC sections to help prevent any unpredictable behavior of the user application.
To avoid the re-initialization of the SFC state-machines when you modify an SFC section,
follow these steps:

Step Action

1 Confirm that the LOGIC_MISMATCH_ALLOWED bit is set to 1.

NOTE: If logic mismatch is not allowed, the standby controller enters wait after step 3.

2 Make the online edit to the SFC section in Control Expert.

3 Build the online change in Control Expert by selecting Build > Build Changes.
The modification is made to the program running in the primary controller.

4 Transfer the application from the primary controller to the standby controller. Use a Control Expert
animation table to set the CMD_BACKUP_APPLI_TRANSFER bit to 1.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can automate the transfer in program logic using a code sequence
like the following:



EIO0000001578.14 477
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Configuring IP Addresses for an M580 Hot Standby

This topic shows you how to assign IP addresses to an M580 Hot Standby system. For
information on how to configure other Ethernet communication settings for the controller,
refer to the M580 Hardware Reference Manual (see Modicon M580, Hardware, Reference

Accessing the M580 Controller Hot Standby Animation

task Tab
Use the IPConfig tab of the EIO configuration window for an M580 BMEH58•040 or
BMEH58•040S controller to assign IP addresses. To access this tab:

Step Action

1 Add a BMEH58•040 or BMEH58•040S controller to your project.

2 In the Project Browser, navigate to and select Configuration > PLC Bus > <rack> > <CPU> >
3 Click the right mouse button, then select Open.

4 Click the IPConfig tab.

Assigning IP Addresses to Modicon M580 BMEH58•040

or BMEH58•040S CPUs
An M580 Hot Standby system requires the assignment of three IP addresses. In addition,
Control Expert automatically creates and assigns a fourth IP address. IP address settings

478 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

IP address name Description

Main IP address The configurable IPv4 IP address used by the primary controller for
communication with distributed equipment.
NOTE: Because this setting is always assigned to the primary controller, it
can be associated with either the A or B controller. When a switchover
occurs (for example, when controller B becomes primary) the main IP
address assignment is transferred from controller A to controller B.

Main IP address + 1 The Control Expert auto-generated IPv4 IP address used by the standby
controller for communication with distributed equipment. This auto-generated IP
address equals the Main IP address plus 1 in the fourth octet. For example, if the
Main IP address is, this auto-generated IP address is
• This IP address is not editable in Control Expert. Its sole purpose is to
provide seamless communication transitions on Hot Standby
controller switchovers.
• Avoid assigning this IP address (the Main IP address + 1) to any
device that may communicate with the Hot Standby system. If you do
assign this IP address to another device, a duplicate IP assignment
condition may occur.

IP address A The configurable IPv4 IP address for the controller with its A/B/Clear rotary
selector switch, page 57 set to “A”. controller A uses this IP address for
communication on the Ethernet RIO network.
IP address B The configurable IPv4 IP address for the controller with its A/B/Clear rotary
selector switch, page 57 set to “B”. controller B uses this IP address for
communication on the Ethernet RIO network.
Subnetwork mask The configurable 32-bit value used to identify both the network address and the
subnetwork portion of the IP address.

Gateway address The configurable IP address of the default gateway to which messages for other
networks are transmitted.

Do not assign an IP address equal to the Main IP Address, the Main IP Address + 1, IP
Address A, or IP Address B to any Ethernet device that may communicate with the Hot
Standby system. A duplicate IP address condition, causing unintended equipment
operation, can occur.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

EIO0000001578.14 479
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Editing IP Address Settings for Adapter Modules

From the IPConfig tab, you can access IP address settings for (e)X80 EIO adapter
modules. Click on the Update CRA IP address configuration link to open the Ethernet
Network Manager, which lists adapter modules on connected Ethernet networks.
In the Ethernet Network Manager, you can edit the following settings for each adapter
• IP address: The configurable IPv4 IP address the adapter module uses for
communication on the Ethernet network.
• Identifier: The text string used by the module to identify itself to other devices, for
Ethernet services including DHCP and FDR. The value depends on the module you are
◦ for 140CRA32100: 140CRA_XXX
Where XXX represents the concatenation of the two rotary switch settings on the (e)
X80 EIO adapter module.

Configuring Data Variables for an M580

BMEH58•040(S) Hot Standby Application
BMEH58•040 Hot Standby and BMEH58•040S safety Hot Standby controllers support the
following data attributes:


Attribute BMEH582040, BMEH582040S, BMEH584040, BMEH586040,

BMEH584040S BMEH586040S
Exchange On STBY X X

Retain – X
X: Supports the attribute.

–: Does not include the attribute, because all data is retained.

480 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

For a safety controller, each variable set to Exchange On STBY is associated with a task
(MAST, FAST, or SAFE). The amount of data that can be exchanged from the primary to the
standby safety controller depends on the task:
• MAST & FAST: up to 4 MB of data can be exchanged.
• SAFE: up to 1 MB of data can be exchanged.
For information on how to use the Control Expert Data Editor, and display the Retain and
Exchange On STBY attributes, refer to the Unity Pro Operating Modes (see EcoStruxure™
Control Expert, Operating Modes) manual.

BME•586040 controllers present the Retain variable attribute. This attribute determines
whether the variable value will persist after a warm start of the controller. If the attribute is:
• Selected: Variable data persists and is applied to the variable after a warm start.
• De-selected: Variable data is lost after a warm start; the variable value is reset.
For non-safety-related standalone Modicon M580 controllers, this attribute is read-only. It is
selected by default and cannot be de-selected.
For both standalone and Hot Standby safety controllers, the Retain variable attribute is not
included for variables created in the safe area. All safe data is not retained, because the
SAFE task executes a cold start.
NOTE: In the event of a cold start of the controller, both retained and non-retained data
is reset.
The amount of Refer to the Modicon M580 High Availability System Planning Guide varies,
depending on the controller.
For the BME•586040 controllers, you cannot edit the Retain attribute for a variable that
existed at controller start-up. When a variable is created online as part of a CCOTF change,
you can edit the Retain attribute which remains modifiable until the first build change is
NOTE: The amount of retained data is presented as saved data in the Memory Usage

Exchange On STBY
Before each scan in a Hot Standby system, the primary Hot Standby controller exchanges
data with the standby controller. It exchanges only that data with the Exchange On STBY
attribute set to YES.

EIO0000001578.14 481
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

• When a reference is initialized inside the Data Editor, the initialization variable
needs to be part of the same task as the reference. Otherwise, a detected error
message is included in the Output Window when the project is analyzed.
• The Exchange On STBY attribute is not editable for all variables.
• In a Hot Standby system, if you have configured explicit messaging using a
communication function, exclude the communication function block Management_
Param from the data to be transferred from primary to standby. To do this, de-select
the Exchange on STBY attribute for the Management_Param parameter in
Control Expert.
You cannot edit the Exchange On STBY attribute for a variable that existed at controller
start-up. When a variable is created online as part of a CCOTF change, you can edit the
Exchange On STBY attribute which remains modifiable until the first build change is
The amount of Refer to the Modicon M580 High Availability System Planning Guide varies,
depending on the controller.
Each variable that is included in the Hot Standby exchange also presents a read-only Task
attribute. The setting of the Task attribute is auto-generated by Control Expert for each
variable included in the Hot Standby exchange.

Configuring Hold Up Time for Drops and Devices

Hold Up Time
Hold up time is part of each configuration. It represents the time (in milliseconds) that
device outputs are maintained in their current states after a communication disruption before
reverting to their fallback values.
Hold up time settings can range from 50...65530 ms. By default, Control Expert sets hold-
up time to 4 times the MAST Watch Dog setting. Because the default watchdog setting is
250 ms, Control Expert applies a default drop hold up time setting of 1000 ms.

Setting Hold Up Time for RIO Drops

When configuring MAST Hold up time, consider both of the following:
• The maximum time between controller requests.
• MAST task watchdog time.

482 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

If Hold up time is not set to a sufficiently large value, the outputs of a drop may enter
fallback during a switchover. This can cause a disruption in the behavior of outputs that have
a fallback setting other than hold last value.
To accommodate both MAST and FAST tasks for (e)X80 RIO drops, set drop Hold up time
to a value not less than 4.4 times the MAST period.
M580 Hot Standby supports the following tasks:

Remote I/O platform:

Task Type Period Watchdog time
Quantum RIO M580 (e)X80

MAST1 Periodic 1...255 ms 10...1500 ms2 X X

FAST Periodic 1...255 ms 10...500 ms2 – X
SAFE Periodic 10...255 ms 10...500 ms2 – X

X: Supported

–: Not supported

1. MAST task is mandatory and cannot be deactivated for both (e)X80 and Quantum RIO drops.

2. If CCOTF is activated, the minimum watchdog value is 64 ms.

Setting Hold Up Time for Distributed Equipment

The hold up time represents the time that device outputs are maintained in their current
states after a communication disruption and before taking their fallback values. Because
distributed devices are not connected to the primary controller during a switch-over, set the
hold up time to a value greater than the expected duration of the communication
For Modbus TCP devices:
• Set the hold up time to exceed: 4.4 x (MAST period) + 600 ms.
For EtherNet/IP devices:
• Set the hold up time to exceed: 4.4 x (MAST period) + 5000 ms.

EIO0000001578.14 483
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Transferring M580 Hot Standby Projects

In an M580 Hot Standby system, both the primary controller and the standby controller
begin by operating the same application. CCOTF changes that are made to the application
running in the primary controller are not also made to the standby controller. This causes a
logic mismatch to exist between the two controllers.
After modifications, it is necessary to transfer the application from the primary controller to
the standby controller, so that both controllers are once again operating the same
application. There are many ways to make this transfer.
NOTE: The operating mode setting of a safety PAC – either safety mode or
maintenance mode – is not included in the transfer of an application from the primary
PAC to the standby PAC. On a switchover, when a safety PAC switches from standby
PAC to primary PAC, the operating mode is automatically set to safety mode.
For additional information on safety controller operating modes, refer to the Modicon M580
Safety Manual (see Modicon M580, Safety Manual).

Transferring the Application from the Primary to the

Standby Controller
The Control Expert application can be transferred from the primary controller to the standby
controller in many ways, including the following:
• Automatic transfer: If the non-primary controller is in a non-configured state, the
primary controller automatically transfers the application program and data to the non-
primary controller when it powers up. There are several ways a controller can be put
into in a non-configured state, including:
◦ It is a new device that is being deployed for the first time.
◦ Its A/B/Clear rotary selector switch, page 57 was set to “Clear”, powered-up, then re-
set to “A” or “B” (depending on the A/B designation of the primary controller).
NOTE: To place the standby controller into run mode on restart, set the CMD_
RUN_AFTER_TRANSFER, page 497 DDDT command to true before power-up.

484 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

• Transfer from PC to the standby controller: If your PC with Control Expert has open
the same application as the one running in the primary controller, you can transfer the
application from your PC to the standby controller. To do this, connect your PC to either
the Ethernet service port or USB port of the standby controller, then use the PLC >
Transfer Project to PLC command to make the transfer.
NOTE: If the standby PAC is connected to a configuration tool, such as Control
Expert, only the connected configuration tool can transfer an application to the
standby PAC. In this case, the primary PAC cannot transfer an application to the
• Transfer from primary controller to standby controller: With Control Expert
connected to the primary controller, and with both the primary and standby controllers
running, use one of the following methods to make the transfer:
◦ Use the Control Expert PLC > Transfer Project from Primary to StandBy PLC
GUI command.
◦ Use the CMD_APP_TRANSFER command of the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT.
◦ The application transferred is the backup application, stored in flash memory or
on the SD card. If the application running does not match the backup application,
perform an application backup (PLC > Project Backup... > Backup Save or set
the %S66 system bit to 1) before performing the transfer.
◦ If the CMD_RUN_AFTER_TRANSFER, page 497 flag is set, the standby
controller automatically starts to run after completion of the transfer, reducing
down time for the standby controller.
In each case, if both the primary and standby controllers are equipped with SD memory
cards, the application is transferred to both the standby controller and its SD memory
• SD memory card: If the primary controller includes an SD memory card with the
current application, take the SD card from the primary controller, place it into the
standby controller, then reboot the standby.
In each case:
• The application is transferred only if the application in the standby controller is different
from the application being transferred to it.
• If the application running in the primary controller is different from the application stored
in flash memory or on the SD memory card, perform a backup of the running application
(PLC > Project Backup > Backup Save) before making the transfer.

EIO0000001578.14 485
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

• You cannot transfer the application from the standby controller to the primary
• If the Logic_Mismatch_Allowed command is set, and if the Number of
modifications has not been reached, you can connect Control Expert to the
standby controller, then use the CMD_SWAP DDT command to make the standby
controller the primary controller. Thereafter, you can transfer the application from
new primary controller (formerly the standby) to the standby controller (formerly the

Run After Transfer

If you use program logic or an animation table to set the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT command
CMD_RUN_AFTER_TRANSFER, page 541, the primary PAC automatically begins to run
immediately upon completion of the transfer.

486 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Offline Application Modification with Allowed

Application Mismatch

Before transferring a modified application to the Standby CPU:
• Examine carefully all the impacts of the modifications on the application.
• Check that the modified application does not have adverse effects on the process.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

To make offline modifications to an application program in either CPU, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 Verify the following:

• The HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block Library)
function block is implemented in the application program in both Primary and Standby CPU.
• Application program is equal in Primary and Standby CPU.
• The Standby On Logic Mismatch parameter is set in the Hot Standby configuration tab, page
2 Connect Control Expert to the Primary CPU.

3 Set to 1 the ALLOW_MISMATCH bit of the HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE function block.

This setting authorizes the CPU to remain synchronized with its pair if a program is modified offline.
NOTE: Verify that the section where the function block resides is executed by the Primary and the
Standby CPU (verify the CPU section execution settings in the Hot Standby tab).

4 Confirm that the logic mismatch, page 463 is enabled.

5 Disconnect Control Expert from the CPU.

6 Modify the application program offline.

NOTE: Only modifications within the scope of the application code and/or some items under the
DTM browser modifications are working as valid offline build modification for the Standby CPU.
Any other modifications (configuration changes for example) are not taken into account by the
HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE function block.

7 Perform a Build Changes and save.

EIO0000001578.14 487
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

Step Action

NOTE: Do not perform a Rebuild All Project because the Standby CPU may not switch to the
RUN STANDBY state after the program download and RUN. The swap from Standby to Primary
cannot be performed.

8 Connect Control Expert to the Standby CPU.

9 Open the modified application program.

10 Download the program in the Standby CPU.

11 Select RUN.
NOTE: Check that the CPU is now in WAIT state.
NOTE: If the CPU does not transition to WAIT state, proceed as indicated in the following
Workaround topic, page 489.

12 For safety Hot Standby CPUs, check if the safe part of the new application has been modified
(SAFETY_LOGIC_MISMATCH bit = 1). If so, set the operating mode of the standby PAC to
maintenance mode.
13 On the Standby CPU set to 1 the ALLOW_MISMATCH bit of the HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE function

This setting authorizes the CPU to remain synchronized with its pair if a program is modified offline.

Result: The Standby CPU switches from WAIT to RUN STANDBY state.
NOTE: Verify that the section where the function block resides is executed by the Standby CPU
(verify the CPU section execution settings in the Hot Standby tab).

14 Verify that:
• The Primary CPU is in RUN PRIMARY.
• The Standby CPU is in RUN STANDBY.

15 Perform a switchover using the CMD_SWAP command, page 541, or by clicking Animation > Task >
Swap controllers > Primary <-> Standby in the CPU configuration window in Control Expert.
NOTE: Verify that the Standby CPU switched to Primary CPU.

16 Perform an application transfer to the Standby CPU, page 484.

17 Perform an application RUN to the Standby CPU, page 484.

18 On the Standby and Primary CPU reset to 0 the ALLOW_MISMATCH bit of the HSBY_BUILD_
OFFLINE function block.

NOTE: Application mismatch topic is discussed in the configuration compatibility, page

463 section.

488 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

Workaround When the Standby CPU Does Not Transition

to WAIT State
If the Standby CPU does not transition to WAIT state after the RUN command in step 11 (a
Rebuild All Project has been performed for example), the initial program and configuration
need to be transferred in the Standby CPU.

Step Action

1 Connect Control Expert to the Primary CPU

2 Upload the application program from the Primary CPU for future offline modifications.
NOTE: The modifications done previously to the application program in Control Expert are
3 Perform an application transfer to the Standby CPU, page 484.

4 Perform an application RUN to the Standby CPU, page 484.

5 Disconnect Control Expert from the CPU.

6 Modify the application program and repeat the Procedure actions from step 6, page 487.

Use Case
In an existing Hot Standby system, the process to modify an application offline and transfer
it to the Primary and Standby CPU follows these macro steps (refer to the preceding
detailed procedure for more information):
• Using the CCOTF online modification, page 474, insert the HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE
function block in the application program of the Primary and Standby CPU. The function
block needs one input bit for control and provides a status output.
• Allow the application mismatch in the Primary CPU by setting to 1 the ALLOW_
MISMATCH input bit of the HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE function block in the Primary CPU.
• Modify the application program offline.
• Build Changes (do not perform a Rebuild All Project).
• Transfer the modified application program in the Standby CPU.
• Allow the application mismatch in the Standby CPU by setting to 1 the ALLOW_
MISMATCH input bit of the HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE function block in the Standby
• Perform a switchover.
• Transfer the application in the new Standby CPU.

EIO0000001578.14 489
Hardware Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications

• Reset to 0 the ALLOW_MISMATCH input bit of the HSBY_BUILD_OFFLINE function

block in the Primary and Standby CPU.

Restoring and Backing Up Projects

Restoring and Backing Up Projects
The CPU application RAM (see Modicon M580, Hardware, Reference Manual) and the CPU
flash memory automatically and manually perform the following:
• Restore a project in the CPU from the flash memory (and the memory card if inserted):
◦ Automatically after a power cycle
◦ Automatically on a warm restart
◦ Automatically on a cold start
◦ Manually with a Control Expert command: PLC > Project Backup > Backup
NOTE: If a memory card is inserted with a different application than the application
in the CPU, the application is transferred from the memory card to the CPU
application RAM when the restore function is carried out.
• Save the CPU project in the flash memory (and the memory card if inserted):
◦ Automatically after an online modification is performed in the application RAM
◦ Automatically after a download
◦ Automatically on detection of %S66 system bit rising edge
◦ Manually with a Control Expert command: PLC > Project Backup > Backup Save
NOTE: Backup begins after the completion of the current MAST cycle and before
the start of the next MAST cycle.
Because MAST is configured as periodic for all Hot Standby CPUs, set the MAST
period to a value larger than the actual MAST execution time. This lets the
processor complete an entire backup without interruption.
If the MAST period is set to a value less than the actual MAST execution time,
backup processing is fragmented and requires a longer time to finish.

490 EIO0000001578.14
Working with M580 Hot Standby Applications Hardware

• Compare the CPU project and the flash memory project:

◦ Manually with a Control Expert command: PLC > Project Backup > Backup
NOTE: When a valid memory card is inserted, page 76 with a valid application, the
application backup and restore operations are performed as follows:
◦ The application backup is performed on the memory card first and then on the
flash memory.
◦ The application restore is performed from the memory card to the CPU
application RAM first and then copied from the application RAM to the flash

EIO0000001578.14 491
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

What’s in This Chapter
Exchanging M580 Hot Standby Data ....................................... 492
Hot Standby DDT Data Structure ............................................ 496
Data Storage Elementary Functions ........................................ 504

This chapter describes M580 Hot Standby system data management and the T_M_ECPU_

Exchanging M580 Hot Standby Data

Periodic Data Exchanges
The Hot Standby CPUs perform two periodic data exchanges:
• Before each MAST cycle, the primary CPU transmits to the standby CPU application
variables, system status and I/O data.
• Periodically, both CPUs exchange the contents of the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT.

Data Transmitted Each MAST Cycle

Before each MAST task, the primary controller transmits data to the standby controller in
two ways. The primary controller uses:
• The Hot Standby link to send application variables, system status, and I/O data.
• The Ethernet RIO link to send application variables and system status.
When communication is lost on the Hot Standby link, the standby controller does not receive
updated I/O data and application variables. If communication is lost for three (3) seconds or
more, the standby controller enters wait state.
Your application needs to regularly check the data synchronization of the MAST, FAST, and
SAFE (for safety controllers) tasks through the Hot Standby link. You can do this using the

492 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

NOTE: Due to I/O data size and transfer time constraints, I/O data is not exchanged by
the primary controller with the standby controller over the Ethernet RIO link.

Transfer of the Hot Standby DDT

The exchange of the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT is a 2-way data exchange made while both
controllers are running. This exchange is made over both the Hot Standby link and the
Ethernet RIO link.
The exchange occurs every 5 ms over the Hot Standby link, and every 10 ms over the EIO
link. The exchange occurs regardless of the Hot Standby state of the controllers (primary,
standby, wait, or stop). This exchange includes up to 64 words of variable items where the
Exchange On STBY attribute is editable and has been selected.

Identifying Exchanged Data

Only data items with the Exchanged On STBY attribute set to YES are included in the data
exchange. This attribute is editable for some data variables, but is automatically set for other

Variable type Exchange On STBY default setting Editable?

State RAM Yes No

Located variables Yes No
Unlocated variables Yes Yes
Device DDT (managed) Yes No

Device DDT (unmanaged) Yes Yes

You can specify which unmanaged DDDT variables are included in the data exchange by
setting the Exchange On STBY flag to NO.
When you create a variable and set its Exchange On STBY flag to YES, that variable
appears in the LOCAL_HSBY_STS area of the instantiated T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDDT, under
the REGISTER element. The REGISTER element can contain up to 32 DWORDs (64 WORDs of
The maximum amount of data that can be exchanged depends on Refer to the Modicon
M580 High Availability System Planning Guide. If the amount of data in your Hot Standby
system exceeds the maximum amount the controller can transmit, you can:
• Use a controller with a higher data transfer capacity.
• De-select the Exchange On STBY attribute for some unmanaged DDDT variables.

EIO0000001578.14 493
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

• Re-design your Hot Standby network so that the amount of Hot Standby data to be
exchanged does not exceed controller capacity.

Associating Variables with Tasks

Each data item is associated with a task. When you create a new data item in the Data
Editor, you need to associate it with a task:
• A MAST task is required by the Hot Standby system, and can be assigned to data items
related to the Hot Standby controller and RIO drops (both Quantum and M580).
• FAST tasks are optional for all Hot Standby controllers, and can be assigned only to
M580 (e)X80 drops.
NOTE: In an M580 Hot Standby system, variables related to Quantum RIO drops
cannot be assigned to a FAST task.
• Safe data are automatically associated only with the SAFE task.

Preconditions for Data Exchange: Primary and Standby

The Hot Standby data exchange is made while one Hot Standby controller remains the
primary and the other is the standby. Both the primary controller and a standby controller
can continue in their roles as long as the Hot Standby link remains operational.
A single break, page 536 in the Ethernet RIO main ring will not cause an interruption of
Ethernet RIO communication between the primary and standby controllers. The controllers
continue to function as primary and standby respectively. The primary controller continues to
exchange data with the standby over both the Hot Standby and the Ethernet RIO links.
Two breaks, page 537 in the Ethernet RIO main ring (depending on their location) can cause
a loss of Ethernet RIO communication between the primary and standby controllers.
However, even if the two controllers are isolated from each other on the Ethernet RIO ring,
they can still communicate over the Hot Standby link. If both controllers continue to
communicate with RIO drops, page 539, the controllers continue to function as primary and
standby respectively. The primary controller continues to exchange data with the standby
over the Hot Standby link.

494 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

Effects of Online Modifications to Hot Standby Data

When you modify the configuration of – or application in – the primary controller, those
changes are not applied to the configuration of the standby controller. The exchange of Hot
Standby application variables from the primary to the standby is affected, as follows:
• Data objects added to the primary controller configuration do not exist in the standby
controller. In this case, the new data objects are not exchanged and:
◦ The DATA_LAYOUT_MISMATCH DDT element is set.
◦ The DATA_DISCARDED DDT element indicates the quantity, in kB (rounded
upwards), of data sent by the primary controller but rejected by the standby
• Data objects deleted from the primary controller configuration continue to exist in the
standby controller. No updates can be exchanged for these data objects. In this case,
the standby controller applies the previous value for this data and:
◦ The DATA_LAYOUT_MISMATCH DDT element is set.
◦ The DATA_NOT_UPDATED DDT element indicates the quantity, in kB (rounded
upwards), of data that is retained by the standby controller but not updated.
• Unchanged data objects remain common to both the primary controller and the standby
controller, and continue to be included in the data exchange.
The data structure of the primary controller and standby controller will be equalized on next
application transfer.

EIO0000001578.14 495
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

Hot Standby DDT Data Structure

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT is the exclusive interface between the M580 Hot Standby
system and the application running in a BMEH58•040 or BMEH58•040S controller. The DDT
instance should appear as: ECPU_HSBY_1.

Review and manage the T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT for proper operation of the system.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT presents three distinct sections:

• LOCAL_HSBY_STS: Provides information about the local PAC. Data is both auto-
generated by the Hot Standby system, and provided by the application. This data is
exchanged with the remote PAC.
• REMOTE_HSBY_STS: Provides information about the remote PAC, and contains the
image of the last received exchange from the counterpart PAC. The validity of this
information is represented by the REMOTE_STS_VALID flag in the common part of this
NOTE: The structure of both the LOCAL_HSBY_STS and Remote_HSBY_STS
sections are determined by the HSBY_STS_T data type, and are therefore identical.
Each is used to describe data relating to one of the two Hot Standby PACs.
• A common part of the DDT: Consists of several objects, including status data, system
control objects, and command objects:
◦ Status data is provided by the Hot Standby system as a result of diagnostic
◦ System control objects enable you to define and control system behavior.
◦ Command data objects include executable commands you can use to modify the
system state.

Local PAC versus Remote PAC

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT employs the terms local and remote:
• Local refers to the Hot Standby PAC to which your PC is connected.

496 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

• Remote refers to the other Hot Standby PAC.

Data Boundary Alignment

M580 BMEH58•040 and BMEH58•040S controllers feature a 32-bit data design. For this
reason, stored data objects are placed on a four-byte boundary.


Before you execute a swap command (either by application logic or in the Control Expert
GUI) confirm that the standby PAC is ready to assume the primary role by verifying that
the value of its REMOTE_HSBY_STS.EIO_ERROR bit is 0.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

The T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT consists of these objects:

Element Type Description Written by


• FALSE (default): Both HSBY_LINK_ERROR and
set to 1.
APP_MISMATCH BOOL The original application in the two PACs is different. System
(Default = FALSE)

LOGIC_MISMATCH_ BOOL • TRUE: The standby remains standby in case of Application

ALLOWED logic mismatch.
• FALSE (default): The standby goes into wait state
in case of logic mismatch.

LOGIC_MISMATCH BOOL Different revisions of the same application exist in the System
two PACs. (Default = FALSE)

SFC_MISMATCH BOOL • TRUE: The applications in the primary PAC and System
the standby PAC are different in at least one SFC
section. In the event of a switchover, the graphs
that are different are reset to their initial state.
• FALSE (default): All SFC sections are identical.

EIO0000001578.14 497
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

Element Type Description Written by

OFFLINE_BUILD_ BOOL The two PACs are running different revisions of the System
MISMATCH same application. In this condition:
• A data exchange between the two PACs may not
be possible.
• A swap or switchover may not be transparent.
• Neither PAC can be standby
(Default = FALSE)

APP_BUILDCHANGE_DIFF UINT The number of build change differences between the System
applications in the primary PAC versus the standby
PAC. Evaluated by the primary.

MAX_APP_ UINT Maximum number of build change differences Application

BUILDCHANGE_DIFF permitted by the Hot Standby system, from 0...50
(default = 20). Set in the Hot Standby tab as Number
of modifications.
FW_MISMATCH_ALLOWED BOOL Allows mismatched firmware between primary and Application
standby controllers:
• TRUE: the standby remains standby in case of
FW mismatch.
• FALSE (default): the standby goes into wait state
in case of FW mismatch. (Default = FALSE)

FW_MISMATCH BOOL The OS are different in the two PACs. (Default = System

DATA_LAYOUT_MISMATCH BOOL The Data layout are different on the two PACs. The System
data transfer is partially performed. (Default = FALSE)

DATA_DISCARDED UINT Number of KB sent by the primary and discarded by the System
standby (rounded up to the next KB). Represents data
for variables added to primary, but not to standby.
(Default = 0)

DATA_NOT_UPDATED UINT Number of KB not updated by the standby (rounded up System

to the next KB). Represents variables deleted from the
primary that remain in the standby. (Default = 0)

BACKUP_APP_MISMATCH BOOL • FALSE (default): The backup application In the 2 System

Hot Standby PACs are equal.
NOTE: The backup application resides in
flash memory or on the SD memory card of
the PAC. It is created either by the PLC >
Project Backup... > Backup Save
command, or by setting the %S66 system bit
(Application Backup) to 1.
• TRUE: All other cases.
PLCA_ONLINE BOOL PAC A is configured to enter the primary or standby Configuration
state. (Default = TRUE)
NOTE: Executable only on PAC A.

498 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

Element Type Description Written by

PLCB_ONLINE BOOL PAC B is configured to enter the primary or standby Configuration

state. (Default = TRUE)
NOTE: Executable only on PAC B.

CMD_SWAP BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /

initiate a switchover. The primary goes into wait, System
then the standby goes primary, finally the wait
goes standby. The command is ignored if there is
no standby.
NOTE: Executable on both primary and
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system on switchover
completion or if there is no standby.
• This command is designed to be used by the
application in response to detected errors. It
is not intended to be used for periodic
• If the application has to switchover
periodically, the period between switchovers
must not be less than 120 seconds.
CMD_APP_TRANSFER BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /
start an application transfer from the primary to System
the standby. Executable only on the primary.
NOTE: The application transferred is the
backup application, stored in flash memory
or on the SD card. If the application running
does not match the backup application,
perform an application backup (PLC >
Project Backup... > Backup Save or set
the %S66 system bit to 1) before performing
the transfer.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system on transfer

CMD_RUN_AFTER_ BOOL[0...2] • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /

TRANSFER automatically start in Run after a transfer. System
NOTE: Executable only on the primary.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system after transfer
completion and:
◦ remote PAC is in Run
◦ PAC is not primary
◦ by animation table or logic command

CMD_RUN_REMOTE BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to run Application /

the remote PAC. This command is ignored if the System
NOTE: Executable only on the primary.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system when the
remote PAC enters standby or wait state.

EIO0000001578.14 499
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

Element Type Description Written by

CMD_STOP_REMOTE BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application

stop the remote PAC.
NOTE: Executable on the primary, the
standby, or a stopped PAC.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the application to end the
stop command.

CMD_COMPARE_INITIAL_ BOOL • Set to 1 by program logic or animation table to Application /

VALUE begin a comparison of the initial values of System
variables exchanged by the two Hot Standby
NOTE: Executable on both primary and
standby only in Run mode.
• Reset to 0 (default) by the system when the
comparison is complete, or if the comparison is
not possible.

INITIAL_VALUE_MISMATCH BOOL • TRUE: if the initial values for exchanged variables System
are different or if the comparison is not possible.
• FALSE: if the initial values for exchanged
variables are identical.
MAST_SYNCHRONIZED (1) BOOL • TRUE: if the exchanged data from the previous System
MAST cycle was received by the standby.
• FALSE (default): if the exchanged data from at
least the previous MAST cycle was not received
by the standby.
NOTE: Closely monitor the MAST_
variables related to the MAST and FAST tasks as
indicated at the end of this table.
FAST_SYNCHRONIZED (1) BOOL • TRUE: if the exchanged data from the previous System
FAST cycle was received by the standby.
• FALSE (default): if the exchanged data from at
least the previous FAST cycle was not received
by the standby.
NOTE: Closely monitor the MAST_
variables related to the MAST and FAST tasks as
indicated at the end of this table.
SAFE_SYNCHRONIZED BOOL • TRUE: if the exchanged data from the last SAFE System
cycle was received by the standby.
• FALSE (default): if, at least, the exchanged data
from the last SAFE cycle was not received by the

SAFETY_LOGIC_ BOOL • TRUE: the SAFE logic part of the application is –

MISMATCH different in the two PACs.
• FALSE (default): the SAFE logic part of the
application is identical in the two PACs.

500 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

Element Type Description Written by

NOTE: The content for this element is determined

by comparing system word %SW169 for each
LOCAL_HSBY_STS T_M_ Hot Standby status for the local PAC (see below)

REMOTE_HSBY_STS T_M_ Hot Standby status for the remote PAC (see below)

related to the MAST, FAST and SAFE tasks. If its value is zero (FALSE), then the database exchanged between
the primary and the standby PACs is not transmitted at each cycle. In this situation, change the configured period
of this task with a higher value than its current execution time (for the MAST task: %SW0 > %SW30; for the FAST
task %SW1 > %SW33; for the SAFE task %SW4 > %SW42. More details on %SW0 + %SW1 and %SW30 + %
SW31 in EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System Bits and Words, Reference Manual).
• Example of consequence: upon an Application Program Transfer (APT) command, the primary PAC might not be
able to transfer the program to the standby PAC.


The T_M_ECPU_HSBY_STS data type presents the following elements:

Element Type Description Written by

HSBY_LINK_ERROR BOOL • TRUE: No connection on the Hot Standby link. System

• FALSE: The Hot Standby link is operational.

HSBY_SUPPLEMENTARY_ BOOL • TRUE: No connection on the Ethernet RIO link. System

• FALSE: The Ethernet RIO link is operational.

WAIT BOOL • TRUE: The PAC is in Run state but waiting to go System
primary or standby.
• FALSE: The PAC is in standby, primary or stop
RUN_PRIMARY BOOL • TRUE: The PAC is in primary state. System
• FALSE: The PAC is in standby, wait or stop state.

RUN_STANDBY BOOL • TRUE: The PAC is in standby state. System

• FALSE: The PAC is in primary, wait or stop state.

STOP BOOL • TRUE: The PAC is in stop state. System

• FALSE: The PAC is in primary, standby or wait

EIO0000001578.14 501
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

Element Type Description Written by

PLC_A BOOL • TRUE: the PAC A/B/Clear switch, page 57 is in System

“A” position.
• FALSE: the PAC switch is not in “A” position.

PLC_B BOOL • TRUE: the PAC A/B/Clear switch, page 57 is in System

“B” position.
• FALSE: the PAC switch is not in “B” position.

EIO_ERROR BOOL • TRUE: The PAC does not detect any of the System
configured Ethernet RIO drops.
• FALSE: The PAC detects at least one configured
Ethernet RIO drop.
NOTE: This bit is always FALSE when no drop is

SD_CARD_PRESENT BOOL • TRUE: A valid SD card is inserted. System

• FALSE: No SD card, or an invalid SD card is
LOCAL_RACK_STS BOOL] • TRUE: The local rack configuration is OK. Application
• FALSE: The local rack configuration is not OK
(for example, modules missing or in incorrect
slots, etc.)

MAST_TASK_STATE BYTE State of the MAST task: System

• 0: Not existent
• 1: Stop
• 2: Run
• 3: Breakpoint
• 4: Halt
FAST_TASK_STATE BYTE State of the FAST task: System
• 0: Not existent
• 1: Stop
• 2: Run
• 3: Breakpoint
• 4: Halt
SAFE_TASK_STATE BYTE State of the SAFE task: System
• 0: Not existent
• 1: Stop
• 2: Run
• 3: Breakpoint
• 4: Halt
REGISTER WORD[0...63] Unmanaged data added to the application via the Application
Exchange on STBY attribute.

502 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

EIO0000001578.14 503
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

Data Storage Elementary Functions

Data Storage Elementary Functions
The following DataStorage_EF elementary functions are supported in Control Expert for
all tasks in the M580 BMEH58•040 non-safety-related Hot Standby controllers, and for
process tasks in the M580 BMEH58•040S safety Hot Standby controllers.

Hot standby controller state

Primary Standby Wait









* Read-only function

NOTE: Changes made to an SD card in either the primary or standby controller, using
an elementary function, are not replicated in the SD card of the other controller in the
event of a switchover.

The CREATE_FILE (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block Library)
function creates a file called FILENAME, if it does not already exist. If a file by that name
already exists, the CREATE_FILE command behaves the same as the OPEN_FILE

504 EIO0000001578.14
Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges Hardware

The DELETE_FILE (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block Library)
function deletes a file identified by its FILENAME. Close a file, using the CLOSE_FILE
function before deleting it.

The GET_FILE_INFO (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block
Library) function retrieves information about a specified target file. Execute the OPEN_
FILE function for the target file before executing the GET_FILE_INFO function, because
the identity of the target file comes from the output parameter of the OPEN_FILE block.

The GET_FREESIZE (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block
Library) function displays the amount of available space on the SD memory card.

The OPEN_FILE (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block Library)
function opens a specified file, provided the file already exists.

The RD_FILE_TO_DATA (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block
Library) function allows data to be read from a file, at the current position of the file, and
enables it to be copied to a variable.

The SET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block
Library) function enables the setting of file attributes that set or clear the read-only flag for
that file.

EIO0000001578.14 505
Hardware Managing M580 Hot Standby Data Exchanges

The WR_DATA_TO_FILE (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System, Block
Library) function writes the value of a specified variable to the selected file. The data
written is added after the current position in the file.

506 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

M580 CPU Programming and Operating

What’s in This Chapter
I/O and Task Management...................................................... 507
BMEP58•••• CPU Memory Structure........................................ 512
BMEP58•••• CPU Operating Modes......................................... 514

This chapter provides information on M580 CPU I/O exchanges, tasks, memory structure,
and operating modes.

I/O and Task Management

This section presents information on M580 I/O addressing and management, tasks allowed,
and I/O scanning capabilities.

I/O Exchanges
I/O Vision
Each module uses a structure that represents inputs, outputs, control, and diagnostic data.
The structures can be represented using:
• topological addressing / IODDT
• Device DDT

I/O Module Location I/O Family Topological Addressing / Device DDT

local rack (e)X80 X X

Premium X –

RIO (e)X80 – X

EIO0000001578.14 507
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

I/O Module Location I/O Family Topological Addressing / Device DDT

Quantum – X

distributed equipment Schneider Electric or third party – X

X Supported. When both visions are supported, select one of the exchange types when adding the equipment.

– Not supported.

Adding an I/O Module in Control Expert

When you insert an I/O module on a rack in Control Expert, the type of addressing appears
in the bottom of the New Device dialog box. Choose between the following:
• I/O data type: Topological (default)
• I/O data type: Device DDT
NOTE: If you want to change the type of addressing you selected when you added an I/
O module to your application, delete the module from your application and then insert
the module again selecting the appropriate addressing type.

Exchange Types
I/O modules in an M580 system can be controlled, read, or written with 2 types of
• implicit exchanges
Implicit exchanges are performed automatically on each cycle of the task (MAST,
FAST, AUX0, AUX1) associated with the I/O modules. They are used to read inputs
from and write outputs o the modules.
• explicit exchanges
Explicit exchanges are performed on application request. They are typically for detailed
diagnostics and to set/read command and adjust parameters. They use specific
function blocks.
An acknowledgment or reply is sent once the requested action is performed. This reply
may be received a few cycles after the request was sent.
NOTE: Explicit exchanges are performed in the MAST task.

Explicit Exchanges
Function block usage depends on the module location and I/O vision selected for the

508 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

I/O Module Location I/O Vision Function Block

Local rack Topological addressing/ READ_PARAM










NOTE: MOD_FAULT parameter is not
automatically updated; perform a READ_STS_




RIO and local rack Device DDT READ_STS_MX


The function blocks mentioned in previous table are detailed in the Explicit Exchange part of
Control Expert, I/O Management, Block Library manual, and in the Extended part of Control
Expert, Communication, Block Library manual.

EIO0000001578.14 509
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

CPU Tasks
An M580 CPU can execute single-task and multi-task applications. Unlike a single-task
application which only executes the MAST task, a multi-task application defines the priorities
of each task.
There are four tasks available (see Application Program Structure chapter in Control Expert
Program Languages and Structure Reference Manual) and two types of event tasks:
• AUX0
• AUX1
• I/O event in a local rack only
• timer event in a local rack only
NOTE: The time to perform an update init values with current values operation is not
taken into account in the watchdog calculation.

Task Characteristics
The time model, task period, and maximum number of tasks per CPU are defined according
to the standalone or Hot Standby CPU reference.
Standalone CPUs:

Task Time Task Period (ms) BMEP58 References

Range Default 1020 (H) 20•0 (H) 30•0 40•0 5040 6040
Value (C) (C)

MAST(1.) cyclic(2.) 1...255 20 X X X X X X


FAST periodic 1...255 5 X X X X X X

AUX0 periodic 10...255- 100 X X X X X X


by 10

510 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

Task Time Task Period (ms) BMEP58 References

Range Default 1020 (H) 20•0 (H) 30•0 40•0 5040 6040
Value (C) (C)

AUX1 periodic 10...255- 200 X X X X X X


by 10

1. MAST task is mandatory.

2. When set to cyclic mode, the minimum cycle time is 8 ms if there is a RIO network and 1 ms if there is no RIO
network in the system.

X This task is supported.

Hot Standby CPUs:

Task Time Task Period (ms) CPU Reference (BMEH58 ...

Range Default 2040(C) 4040(C) 6040(C)
MAST(1.) periodic(2.) 1...255 20 X X X

FAST(3.) periodic 1...255 5 X X X

AUX0(4.) — — — — — —

AUX1(4.) — — — — — —

1. MAST task is mandatory.

2. Only periodic is supported; cyclic is not supported.

3. Supported for (e)X80 ERIO drops.

4. Not supported.

X This task is supported.

EIO0000001578.14 511
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

BMEP58•••• CPU Memory Structure

This section explains the CPU memory structure.

Memory Structure
CPU Memory
3 types of memories are available in a BMEP58•••• CPU:
• non-persistent application RAM: run the application program and store temporary data
• flash memory: back up the application program and a copy of %MW values
• optional SD memory card: store application and data in parallel to the CPU flash
memory, allowing a fast CPU hardware replacement

Application Download to the CPU Memory

CPU memory involved during an application download from a programming terminal:
• Application is transferred into the non-persistent application RAM.
• If a memory card is inserted, working and not write protected, then an internal backup is
performed in the memory card.
• The application backup is performed in the the flash memory.
NOTE: A write protected memory card inserted disables the application download.

Application Upload from the CPU Memory

The application upload reads and copies non-persistent application content from RAM to
your selected location.

Application Online Modification Backup

An application program modification is performed in the CPU non-persistent memory with an
automatic backup performed as follows:

512 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

• If a memory card is inserted, working and not write protected, then the backup is
performed in the memory card.
• The application backup is performed in the flash memory.
NOTE: The online modification is disabled when a write protected memory card is

Application Memory Self Modification

The user code may modify the application content (for example to save I/O parameters or
replace variables initial value by the current value).
In such a case, only the non-persistent application RAM content is modified.
To back up the application in the memory card and to the flash memory, use the system bit %

EIO0000001578.14 513
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

BMEP58•••• CPU Operating Modes

This section provides information on the CPU operating modes.

Managing Run/Stop Input

Input Run/Stop
The %lr.m.c input can be parameterized to switch the PAC to Run/Stop mode as follows:
• Set %lr.m.c to 1: The PAC switches to Run mode (executing the program).
• Set %lr.m.c to 0: The PAC switches to Stop mode (stopping program execution).
• A Stop command takes priority over a Run command. A Stop command sent from a
terminal or via the network has priority over the %lr.m.c input.
An error detected on the Run/Stop input causes the PAC to switch to Stop mode.
Do not enable this option if the associated discrete input is mapped in state RAM
because this inhibits the start-up of the PAC.
• The input format is either %lr.m.c or Device DDT from a non-safety-related input

Memory Protect
The input %lr.m.c can be parameterized to protect the internal application RAM and the
memory card as follows:
• %lr.m.c to 0: The internal application and the memory card are not protected.
• %lr.m.c to 1: The internal application and the memory card are protected.
• If the input is in error, %lr.m.c is considered at 1 (memory is protected). To remove
this protection in the configuration screen, the input should not be in error.
• The input format is either %lr.m.c or Device DDT from a non-safety-related input

514 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

Maintenance Authorization
The %lr.m.c input can be parameterized to authorize the Safety PAC to run in
Maintenance mode as follows:
• %lr.m.c to 1: The Safety PAC can be switched to Maintenance mode.
• %lr.m.c to 0: The Safety PAC cannot be switched to Maintenance mode.
• If the input is detected as in error, %lr.m.c is considered at 1 (Maintenance mode
can be switched). To remove this authorization in the configuration screen, the input
should not be detected as in error.
• The input format is either %lr.m.c or Device DDT from a non-safety-related input

Managing Run/Stop Remote Access

When configuring the M580 PAC, you can help prevent remote commands/requests from
accessing the controller Run/Stop modes. Select the respective Run/Stop input and Run/
Stop by input only check boxes according to the following table parameters to determine
the type of remote access for your system.

Run/Stop Input Run/Stop by Input Only Description

– – Allows remote access to run/stop the controller by request.

X – • Allows remote access to stop the controller by request

• You can run the controller by input only.

X X Denies remote access to run/stop the controller by request.

X: check box selected

–: check box deselected

EIO0000001578.14 515
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

Power Cut and Restore

If the duration of the outage is shorter than the power supply filtering time, it has no effect on
the program which continues to run normally.
If the duration of the outage is longer than the power supply filtering time, the program is
interrupted and power restoration processing is activated. The CPU then restarts in warm
restart or cold start as described in the following diagram.

Power cycle phases:

516 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

Power Supply Filtering Times

The BMX CPS 2000, BMX CPS 3500, and BMX CPS 3540T power supplies, which provide
Vac power, have a filtering time of 10 ms.
The BMX CPS 2010 and BMX CPS 3020 power supplies, which provide Vdc power, have a
filtering time of 1 ms.

Power Outage Processing Phases

When power to the system is lost, it recovers in 3 phases:

Phase Description

1 On power outage, the system saves the application context, the values of application variables,
and the state of the system on internal flash memory.

2 The system sets all the outputs into fallback state (state defined in configuration).

3 On power restoral, some actions and checks are done to verify if warm restart is available:
• restore internal flash memory application context
• verify application and context validity
If all checks are correct a warm restart, page 522 is performed, otherwise a cold start, page 518
is carried out.

EIO0000001578.14 517
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

Cold Start
A cold start is an initialization initiated by the Reset button of the power supply or the Cold
start command in Control Expert.
The consequence of a cold start is the re-initialization of all the variables. They get their
default values.
NOTE: After an application download the variables are reinitialized like a cold start.

CPU Cold Start Causes and States

Cold start causes and resulting CPU states:

Cause Resulting CPU State

End of the application download. STOP

Application restored from flash memory is different than the one STOP(1.)
in the non-persistent application RAM.

Use case:
• application restored from a memory card if a compatible
memory card is in the card slot
• application restored from the CPU flash memory

Application restored from persistent memory with Control Expert STOP(1.)

command PLC > Project backup > .... is different than the one
in the non-persistent application RAM:
• application restored from a memory card if a compatible
memory card is in the card slot
• application restored from the CPU flash memory

Power supply RESET button pressed. STOP(1.)

Power supply RESET button pressed less than 500 ms after a STOP(1.)
power down.

Power supply RESET button pressed after a CPU detected error, STOP(2.)
except in the case of a watchdog detected error (halt state).

Init requested with one of the 3 following means: The CPU does not change its state. It only
• %S0 system bit set to 0 initializes the application.

• INIT request It is a simulation of cold start.

• Cold Start command in Control Expert

518 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

Cause Resulting CPU State

Restoral after power down with a loss of context. STOP(1.)

1. CPU state is set to RUN if Automatic start in Run option is selected.

2. Automatic start in Run option does not set the CPU to RUN state.

Loading or transferring an application to the CPU involves initialization of unlocated

You need to assign a topological address to the data if the process requires keeping the
current values of the data when transferring the application.
To save the located variables, avoid the initialization of the %MWi by unchecking Initialize %
MWi on cold start parameter in the CPU configuration screen.
NOTE: Pressing the RESET button on the power supply resets %MWi and initial values
are loaded.
NOTE: Do not press the RESET button on the power supply if you do not want %MWi to
be reset and loaded with initial values.

Executing a Cold Start

Use these steps to perform a cold start:

EIO0000001578.14 519
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

Phase Description

1 The startup is performed in RUN or in STOP state depending on one of the 2 following conditions:
• The status of the Automatic start in Run parameter defined in the CPU configuration. If the
parameter is selected, the start will be performed in RUN.
• The state of the I/O defined in the Run/Stop input parameter in the CPU configuration.
Program execution is resumed at the start of the cycle.

2 The system carries out the following:

• Disable FAST, AUX, and event tasks.
• MAST task is executed until the end of data initialization.
• Initialize data (bits, I/O image, words, and so on) with the initial values defined in the data editor
(value set to 0 if no other initial value has been defined). For %MW words, the values can be
retrieved on a cold start when these conditions are met:
◦ The Initialize %MWi on cold start parameter is not checked in the CPU configuration
◦ The internal flash memory has a valid backup (see %SW96).
NOTE: If the number of %MW words exceeds the backup size during the save operation the
remaining words are set to 0.
• Initialize elementary function blocks (initial data).
• Initialize data declared in the DFBs: either to 0 or to the initial value declared in the DFB type.
• Initialize system bits and words.
• Position charts to initial steps.
• Cancel any forcing action.
• Initialize message and event queues.
• Send configuration parameters to all I/O and application-specific modules.

3 To start a cycle, the system performs these tasks:

• Relaunch the MAST task with the %S0 (cold start) and %S13 (first cycle in RUN) system bits set
to 1. %SW10 (first cycle after cold start) system word is set to 0.
• Reset the %S0 and %S13 system bits to 0 and set each bit of %SW10 system word to 1 at the end
of this first cycle of the MAST task.
• Activate the FAST and AUX tasks and event processing at the end of the first cycle of the MAST

Processing a Cold Start by Program

Test %SW10.0 system bit to detect a cold start and adapt the program consequently.
NOTE: It is possible to test the %S0 system bit on the first execution cycle if the
Automatic start in RUN parameter is selected. If it is not selected, the CPU starts in
STOP state and the bit %S0 switches to 1 on the first cycle after start (not visible for the

520 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

Output Changes
As soon as a power outage is detected the outputs are set in the fallback position configured
(programmed fallback value or current value).
On power down, the outputs are not driven and remain at 0.
After power restoral, the outputs remain at 0 until they are updated by the task.

EIO0000001578.14 521
Hardware M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes

Warm Restart
A warm start is initiated by a power cut.
After a warm restart, the variables get the values that they had before the power cut as a
restore is done by the PLC.

Executing a Warm Restart

Phase Description

1 Program execution does not resume from the element where the power outage occurred. The
remaining program is discarded during the warm restart. Each task restarts from the beginning.

2 The system carries out the following:

• Restore the application variable values,
• Set %S1 system bit to 1.
• Initialize message and event queues,
• Send configuration parameters to all I/O and application-specific modules,
• If the application was reserved, the CPU removes the reservation.
• Reset communication.
• If needed, the CPU configures the I/O modules with the current adjustment parameters.
• Disable FAST, AUX, and event tasks.

3 The system performs a restart cycle during which it:

• Restarts the MAST task from beginning of cycle,
• Sets %S1 system bit to 0 when the MAST task is completed.
• Enable FAST, AUX, and event tasks at the end of the first MAST task cycle.
• CPU state set to the value before power down.
If the CPU was in HALT state, it is set to STOP state.

Processing a Warm Restart by Program

On warm restart, if the application needs to be processed in a particular way, the program
needs to test that %S1 system bit is set to 1 at the start of the MAST task program.

522 EIO0000001578.14
M580 CPU Programming and Operating Modes Hardware

SFC Warm Restart Specific Features

The warm start on Modicon M580 CPU is not considered as a real warm start by the CPU.
SFC interpreter does not depend on tasks.
SFC publishes a ws_data memory area to the OS that contains SFC section-specific data
to be saved on power down.
At the beginning of chart processing the active steps are saved to ws_data and processing
is marked to be in a section that is essential to the application. At the end of chart
processing the essential section is unmarked.
If a power down hits into the essential section, it could be detected if this state is active at
the beginning (as the scan is aborted and MAST task is restarted from the beginning). In this
case, the workspace may be inconsistent and is restored from the saved data.
Additional information from SFCSTEP_STATE variable in located data area is used to
reconstruct the state machine.
When a power down occurs, the following is performed:
• During first scan, %S1 = 1, MAST task is executed but FAST and event tasks are not
On power restoral, the following is performed:
• clear chart, deregister diagnostics, keep set actions
• set steps from saved area
• set step times from SFCSTEP_STATE
• suppress execution of the P / P1 actions
• restores elapsed time for timed actions
NOTE: SFC interpreter is independent, if the transition is valid, the SFC chart evolves
while %S1 = 1.

Output Changes
As soon as a power outage is detected the outputs are set in the fallback position
configured: either programmed fallback value or current value.
After power restoral, the outputs remain at 0 until they are updated by the task.

EIO0000001578.14 523
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

M580 Hot Standby System Operation

What’s in This Chapter
Starting an M580 Hot Standby System .................................... 524
Hot Standby State Assignments and Transitions ...................... 528
Hot Standby System State Examples ...................................... 532
Executing Hot Standby Commands ......................................... 541
Memory Usage ...................................................................... 544

This chapter describes operation of the M580 Hot Standby system.

Starting an M580 Hot Standby System

During the start-up sequence, each PAC is assigned a Hot Standby state (Primary, Standby,
or Wait) according to the:
• State of the Ethernet remote I/O network
• State of the Hot Standby link
• A/B/Clear rotary switch position, page 57
• Operating state (Run or Stop) of the CPU
On initial start-up, confirm that the:
• Hot Standby link is connected.
• PAC you start first has been fully programmed.
• A/B/Clear rotary switches on the back of the two Hot Standby CPUs are set to different
positions: one to “A”, the other to “B”.
NOTE: The first controller to power up becomes the primary controller, regardless of its
designation as A or B.

Starting the Hot Standby System

The following chart provides the appropriate steps for starting your Hot Standby system.

524 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

Step Action

1 Turn on power to the first backplane.

NOTE: In this example, this is the backplane with the controller A/B/Clear rotary switch
position, page 57 set to “A”.

2 Connect your PC with both Control Expert and the program you want to download.

3 Download the program to the controller.

4 Start the controller in that backplane.

If all necessary preconditions exist, the controller becomes the primary Hot Standby CPU.

5 Turn on power to the second backplane.

NOTE: In this example, this is the backplane with the controller A/B/Clear switch set to “B”.

6 If necessary, repeat steps 2 and 3 for the second controller, and download the program to it.
NOTE: If the second controller is not configured, the primary CPU automatically downloads
the program to the second controller, which becomes the standby.

7 Start the second controller.

8 Check the LED display for each CPU. If both CPUs are operating as intended, the LEDs will appear
as follows:
LED First CPU (A) Second CPU (B)

RUN Solid Green Solid Green

REMOTE RUN Solid Green Solid Green

ETH MS Solid Green Solid Green
ETH MS Solid Green Solid Green
A Solid Green OFF
B OFF Solid Green
PRIM Solid Green OFF

STBY OFF Solid Green

SRUN (safety PAC) Solid Green Solid Green

SMOD (safety PAC) Solid Green Solid Green

NOTE: For a description of:

• BMEH58•040 CPU LEDs, refer to LED Diagnostics, page 65.
• Startup states of the BMEH58•040 CPU, refer to Hot Standby State Assignments,
page 528.

EIO0000001578.14 525
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

A/B/Clear Rotary Switch Role Assignment

The A/B/Clear rotary switch, page 57 assignment does not by itself determine the Hot
Standby primary or standby role of a CPU. Typically, the first controller to power up becomes
the primary controller, regardless of its designation as A or B; the secondary controller to
power up becomes the standby.
The A/B rotary switch settings determine the role of a CPU only in the case of a
simultaneous power up. In that case:
• The CPU set to “A” becomes primary.
• The CPU set to “B” becomes secondary.

Conflicting A/B/Clear Rotary Switch Role Assignment

If you mistakenly set the A/B/Clear rotary switch, page 57 to the same setting – “A” or “B” –
for both Hot Standby CPUs, the first CPU to power up becomes the primary, and the second
CPU to power up enters wait state.
If you mistakenly set the A/B rotary switch to “Clear” for both CPUs, both CPUs remain non-
This condition can be determined by examining the following LEDs for each CPU:

If both A/B CPU LED First CPU to power-up Second CPU to power-up
Switches set to:
A A Blink Green Blink Green
PRIM Blink Green OFF
B Blink Green Blink Green
PRIM Blink Green OFF


Clear A Blink Green Blink Green
B Blink Green Blink Green

526 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

NOTE: If the A/B rotary switches for both CPUs are set to the same position (“A” or “B”),
and if both CPUs start-up simultaneously, both CPUs enter wait state.

EIO0000001578.14 527
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

Hot Standby State Assignments and Transitions

Hot Standby State Assignments
The purpose of assigning start-up states to Hot Standby PACs is to avoid the situation
where two PACs simultaneously assume the role of primary and simultaneously attempt to
drive the state of remote outputs. Assignment of the primary and secondary roles for PACs
is determined by the following factors:
• The health of the Hot Standby link between the PACs.
• The health of the Ethernet link between the PACs over the Ethernet RIO main ring.
• The existence of one or more Ethernet connections between each PAC and configured
devices via the Ethernet RIO main ring.
• The online state, page 472 of PAC A and PAC B.
• The A/B/Clear rotary selector switch, page 57 selection on the rear of the CPU.
• The PAC state (RUN or STOP).
The following matrix describes Hot Standby state assignments for paired PACs during
several start-up and run-time scenarios:

Network preconditions Initial state Final state

EIO link1 RIO device Hot PAC_A PAC_B PAC_A PAC_B

connections2 Standby

OK OK OK OK Starting Starting Run Primary3 Run Standby

OK OK Not OK OK Starting Run Primary Run Primary4 Wait

OK Not OK OK OK Starting Starting Wait Run Primary4

OK OK OK OK Run Primary Starting Run Primary Run Standby

OK OK OK OK Starting Run Primary Run Standby Run Primary

OK OK OK Not OK Run Primary Starting Run Primary Wait

OK OK OK Not OK Starting Starting Run Primary Wait

OK OK OK Not OK Starting Run Primary Wait Run Primary

OK Not OK Not OK OK Starting Starting Run Primary Run Standby

OK Not OK Not OK OK Run Primary Starting Run Primary Run Standby

OK Not OK Not OK OK Starting Run Primary Run Standby Run Primary

Not OK Not OK Not OK OK Starting Starting Run Primary Run Standby

528 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

Network preconditions Initial state Final state

EIO link1 RIO device Hot PAC_A PAC_B PAC_A PAC_B

connections2 Standby

Not OK Not OK Not OK OK Run Primary Starting Run Primary Run Standby

Not OK Not OK Not OK OK Starting Run Primary Run Standby Run Primary

Not OK OK OK Not OK Starting Starting Run Primary Run Primary

Not OK OK OK Not OK Run Primary Starting Run Primary Run Primary

Not OK OK OK Not OK Starting Run Primary Run Primary Run Primary

Not OK Not OK Not OK Not OK Starting Starting Run Primary3 Run Primary3

Not OK Not OK Not OK Not OK Run Primary Starting Run Primary3 Run Primary3

Not OK Not OK Not OK Not OK Starting Run Primary Run Primary3 Run Primary3

1.The supplementary link between PAC A and PAC B over the RIO or DIO ring.

2. The connection between a PAC and RIO drop over the ERIO network. OK indicates the CPU recognizes at least one
drop. Not OK indicates the PAC recognizes no drops for 3 seconds.

3. Priority is given to PAC designated “A” via A/B rotary selection switch on the rear of the CPU.

4. Priority is given to PAC that recognizes at least one RIO drop.

Hot Standby PAC State Transitions During Operations

A PAC in a Hot Standby system transitions between states in the following circumstances:

Transition This transition occurs when...

Wait to Standby All of the following exist:
• PAC is in RUN state.
• PAC is operating online, page 472.
• Connected to a primary PAC via a Hot Standby link.
• All other preconditions for standby state exists, for example:
◦ Firmware mismatch is allowed, if a firmware mismatch exists.
◦ Logic mismatch is allowed, if a logic mismatch exists.
◦ Online modifications are allowed, if modifications have been made.

Wait to Primary All of the following exist:

• PAC is operating online, page 472.
• PAC is allowed to enter primary state (PAC transitions from STOP to RUN, or
warm start in RUN).

EIO0000001578.14 529
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

Transition This transition occurs when...

• PAC is controlling the Ethernet RIO link, or connected via the Hot Standby link to
a counterpart PAC that is not in RUN state.

Standby to Primary One of the following exists:

• The counterpart PAC enters wait or standby state.
• Communication with the counterpart PAC is interrupted on both the Ethernet RIO
link and the Hot Standby link.
• The counterpart PAC is in primary state and receives a swap command.

Standby to Wait The following exists:

• Communication is interrupted with the counterpart PAC over the Hot Standby link
for more than 3 seconds.
• The ERIO link between the 2 PACs remains OK.
• Online modification mismatch is not allowed, if modifications have been made.
• Firmware update is not allowed, if a firmware update exists.
• For safety PACs only: Online modification mismatch is allowed, if modifications
have been made in the safe part of the application (SAFETY_LOGIC_
MISMATCH = 1) and maintenance mode has not been set on either the Primary
PAC or Standby PAC (i.e. each PAC is operating in safety mode).

Primary to Wait One of the following exists:

• The PAC has lost communication with all (e)X80 EIO adapter modules, and the
counterpart PAC is in standby state and continues to communicate with at least
one (e)X80 EIO adapter module.
• The PAC is designated “B” via the A/B/Clear rotary selector switch, page 57, and
the counterpart PAC (also designated as “B”) is in primary state.

Primary to Standby1 One of the following exists:

• During operations, all of the following occur:
◦ The primary PAC is disconnected from all (e)X80 EIO adapter modules.
◦ The standby PAC remains connected to at least one (e)X80 EIO adapter
◦ The Hot Standby link between PAC A and PAC B remains healthy.
• The primary is in Halt (because at least one task is in Halt) and the counterpart
PAC is in Standby state with all tasks in RUN.
• The primary PAC receives a swap command, and the counterpart PAC is in
standby state.
• All other preconditions for standby state exists, for example:
◦ Firmware mismatch is allowed, if a firmware mismatch exists.
◦ Logic mismatch is allowed, if a logic mismatch exists.
◦ Online modifications are allowed, if modifications have been made.

Primary/Standby/Wait • The PAC transitions from RUN to STOP state.

to Stop

1. While the PAC is switching from Primary to Standby state, the PAC will pass to an intermediate Wait state for a
duration of at least one cycle.

530 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

EIO0000001578.14 531
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

Hot Standby System State Examples

This topic presents visual examples of several Hot Standby system states. The focus of
each example is the condition of the:
• Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B
• Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B
• Ethernet RIO connections between each controller and one or more (e)X80 EIO
adapter modules over the RIO main ring
In each example, controller A is the module with its A/B/Clear rotary selector switch, page 57
set to A; controller B is the module with its A/B rotary switch set to B.
Each example presumes that every other necessary precondition exists for Hot Standby
system operation. For example:
• If a firmware mismatch exists, the FW_MISMATCH_ALLOWED flag is set.
• If a logic mismatch exists, both the LOGIC_MISMATCH_ALLOWED flag and the Online
modification in RUN or STOP parameter are set.
• For safety PACs only: If a logic mismatch and safe logic mismatch exist, the LOGIC_
MISMATCH_ALLOWED flag, the Online modification in RUN or STOP parameter and
the Maintenance mode are set.

All Communication Links are OK for both Controllers

In this example, all Hot Standby system connections are operational:

Communication link Controller A Controller B

Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO connections between controller and one or OK OK
more (e)X80 EIO adapter modules

532 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

1 Hot Standby fiber optic link between controller A (CPU A) and controller B (CPU B)
2 Ethernet RIO main ring
In this example, controller A and controller B enter the following Hot Standby states:

If this Hot Standby system state arises during: Controller A and Controller B perform the following
Sequential start-up of ontroller A and controller B • The first controller to start up is primary.
• The second controller to start up is standby.

Simultaneous start-up of controller A and controller B • controller A is primary.

• controller B is standby.

Run-time • The primary controller remains primary.

• The standby controller remains standby.

Hot Standby Link is Not OK for both Controllers

In this example, the Hot Standby link is not operational in both directions, from controller A
to controller B and from controller B to controller A. All other Hot Standby system
connections are functioning:

EIO0000001578.14 533
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

Communication link Controller A Controller B

Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B Not OK Not OK

Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO connections between controller and one OK OK
or more (e)X80 EIO adapter modules

1 Hot Standby fiber optic link between controller A (CPU A) and controller B (CPU B)
2 Ethernet RIO main ring
X Indicates a broken communication link
In this example, controller A and controller B enter the following Hot Standby states:

If this Hot Standby system state arises during: Controller A and Controller B perform the following
Sequential start-up of controller A and controller B • The first controller to start up is primary.
• The second controller to start up enters wait state,
because there can be no standby controller if the
Hot Standby link is not operational.

Simultaneous start-up of controller A and controller • Controller A is primary.

B • Controller B enters wait state.
Run-time • The primary controller remains primary.
• The standby controller enters wait state.

534 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

Hot Standby Link is Not OK for One Controller and is OK

for the Other Controller
In this example, a one-directional break exists in the fiber optic cable used to implement the
Hot Standby link. controller A receives transmissions from controller B over the Hot Standby
link, but controller B does not receive transmissions from controller A over the link. All
Ethernet RIO connections are OK for both controllers:

Communication link Controller A Controller B

Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B OK Not OK

Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO connections between controller and one OK OK
or more (e)X80 EIO adapter modules

1 Operational Hot Standby fiber optic link from controller B (CPU B) to controller A (CPU A)
2 Broken Hot Standby fiber optic link from controller A (CPU A) to controller B (CPU B)
3 Ethernet RIO main ring
X Indicates a broken communication link
In this example, controller A and controller B enter the following Hot Standby states:

EIO0000001578.14 535
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

If this Hot Standby system state arises during: Controller A and Controller B perform the following
Sequential start-up of controller A and controller B • The first controller to start up is primary.
• When controller A starts up (after controller B), it is
• When controller B starts up (after controller A) it
enters wait state.
Simultaneous start-up of controller A and • Controller A is primary.
controller B • Controller B enters wait state.
Run-time • Controller A remains primary and controller B enters
wait state.
– or –
• Controller B remains primary and controller A remains

One Break Exists in the Ethernet RIO Main Ring

In this example, a single break exists in the Ethernet RIO main ring. Although the break
occurs in the segment between the two controllers, in this example, the break could be
located at any point along the Ethernet RIO main ring (2). All other Hot Standby system
connections are functioning:

Communication link Controller A Controller B

Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B OK1 OK1

Ethernet RIO connections between controller and one or more OK OK
(e)X80 EIO adapter modules

1. RSTP calculates and implements a redundant path between controller A and controller B in case of a single
break in the Ethernet RIO main ring.

536 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

1 Hot Standby fiber optic link between controller A (CPU A) and controller B (CPU B)
2 Ethernet RIO main ring
X Indicates a broken communication link
In this example, controller A and controller B enter the following Hot Standby states:

If this Hot Standby system state arises during: Controller A and Controller B perform the following
Sequential start-up of controller A and controller B • The first controller to start up is primary.
• The second controller to start up is standby.

Simultaneous start-up of controller A and controller B • Controller A is primary.

• Controller B is standby.

Run-time • The primary controller remains primary.

• The counterpart controller remains standby.

Two Breaks in the Ethernet RIO Main Ring Isolate One

In this example, two breaks in the Ethernet RIO main ring have the following effects:
• Loss of the Ethernet RIO link between the controllers

EIO0000001578.14 537
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

• Isolation of controller A from the (e)X80 EIO adapter modules on the Ethernet RIO main
The Hot Standby link remains operational.

Communication link Controller A Controller B

Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B Not OK Not OK

Ethernet RIO connections between controller and one or more (e) Not OK OK
X80 EIO adapter modules

1 Hot Standby fiber optic link between controller A (CPU A) and controller B (CPU B)
2 Ethernet RIO main ring
X Indicates a broken communication link
In this example, controller A and controller B enter the following Hot Standby states:

538 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

If this Hot Standby system state arises Controller A and Controller B perform the following
during: roles:

Sequential start-up of controller A and controller • Controller A starts up as primary.

B • Controller B starts up as standby.

Simultaneous start-up of controller A and • Controller A is primary.

controller B • Controller B is standby.

Run-time • Controller B remains or becomes primary.

• Controller A enters standby state.

This example occurs due to a double RIO cable break. (The first fault was not diagnosed or
not treated.) The M580 Hot Standby system is not multi-RIO cable break-tolerant. Instead,
the primary controller (A) isolates from the RIO drops, and the standby controller (B) can still
view the primary controller and, therefore, cannot take control. controller A must check all
drops before surrendering its primary role and during this phase, may read default input
values (flagged by input or drop health diagnostics), which are transferred to the standby
controller (B) and reused by controller B when it becomes primary.
To summarize:
• Consider the health diagnostics when you design the logic.
• Perform maintenance as soon as possible when a first fault is detected.
• Delay the last valid value of the inputs in the logic if this type of scenario is required.

Two Ethernet RIO Main Ring Breaks Cause Controllers to

be Connected to Different Sets of Ethernet RIO Devices
In this example, two breaks exist in the Ethernet RIO main ring, causing the loss of the
Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B. The location of the breaks cause
each controller to be connected to a different collection of (e)X80 EIO adapter modules on
the Ethernet RIO main ring. The Hot Standby link remains operational:

Communication link Controller A Controller B

Hot Standby link between controller A and controller B OK OK

Ethernet RIO link between controller A and controller B Not OK Not OK

Ethernet RIO connections between controller and one or more (e)X80 OK OK
EIO adapter modules

EIO0000001578.14 539
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

1 Hot Standby fiber optic link between controller A (CPU A) and controller B (CPU B)
2 Ethernet RIO main ring
X Indicates a broken communication link
In this example, controller A and controller B enter the following Hot Standby states:

If this Hot Standby system state arises during: Controller A and Controller B perform the following
Sequential start-up of controller A and controller B • The first controller to start up is primary.
• The second to start up is standby.

Simultaneous start-up of controller A and controller B • Controller A is primary.

• Controller B is standby.

Run-time • The primary controller remains primary.

• The standby controller remains standby.

540 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

Executing Hot Standby Commands

This topic shows you how to execute Hot Standby commands for an M580 BMEH58•040 or
BMEH58•040S CPU. Hot Standby commands can be executed using:
• The Control Expert graphical user interface CPU configuration screens, which include:
◦ The Task tab of the Animation window.
◦ The Hot Standby window.
• The T_M_ECPU_HSBY and T_M_ECPU_HSBY_STS DDTs, which can be called using:
◦ Program logic.
◦ An Animation Table, where you can use the Force and Modification commands.
NOTE: The M580 Hot Standby system does not support the use of the Quantum Hot
Standby elementary function blocks (EFBs), including: HSBY_RD, HSBY_ST, HSBY_WR
and REV_XFER. Instead, these functions are directly managed by DDDT commands.
For information on how to operate the non-Hot Standby functions for the CPU, refer to the
M580 Hardware Reference Manual (see Modicon M580, Hardware, Reference Manual).

Hot Standby Commands

Before executing a swap, either by application logic or in the Control Expert GUI, verify
that the standby PAC is ready to assume the primary role.
Refer to the EcoStruxure™ Control Expert Program Languages and Structure Reference
manual (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System Bits and Words, Reference Manual)
for more details on the %SW182-%SW183 and %SW176-%SW177 system words.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment damage.

The M580 BMEH58•040 and BMEH58•040S CPUs support the following Hot Standby

EIO0000001578.14 541
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

Executable Supported by:

Command on Primary or
Description Standby DDDT GUI

CMD_APP_TRANSFER4 Transfers the application in the primary Both X X

PAC to the standby PAC.
NOTE: The backup application
resides in flash memory or on the SD
memory card of the PAC. It is created
either by the PLC > Project
Backkup... > Backup Save
command, or by setting the %S66
system bit (Application Backup) to 1.

CMD_COMPARE_INITIAL_VALUE Compares the initial values of variables Both (in RUN X –

included in the Hot Standby data mode)

CMD_RUN_AFTER_TRANSFER Places the primary PAC into RUN Primary only X –

operating mode upon completion of
transfer of application to standby PAC.

CMD_RUN_REMOTE Places the remote1 PAC into RUN Primary only X X3

operating mode. Executable only on the
primary CPU.

CMD_STOP_REMOTE Places the remote1 PAC into STOP Primary only X X3

operating mode.

CMD_SWAP Manually performs a Hot Standby Both X X3

switchover. The primary goes into wait; the
standby goes into primary; then the wait
goes into standby. Executable on both the
primary and the standby CPU.
• This command is designed to be
used by the application in
response to detected errors. It is
not intended to be used for
periodic switchovers.
• If the application has to
switchover periodically, the
period between switchovers
must not be less than 120
FW_MISMATCH_ALLOWED When changes have been made to the Primary only X –
firmware in the primary CPU, this
command lets the standby CPU continue
to operate as standby. If this command is
set to 0, the standby goes into wait state.

LOGIC_MISMATCH_ALLOWED4 When changes have been made to the Primary only X –

application in the primary CPU (for
example, as a a result of CCOTF
changes), this command lets the standby
CPU continue to operate as standby. If this

542 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

Executable Supported by:

Command on Primary or
Description Standby DDDT GUI

command is set to 0, the standby goes into

wait state.
PLCA_ONLINE Lets the CPU with its A/B/Clear rotary PAC A only X X2
selector switch, page 57 set to “A” serve as
either primary or standby, depending on
other operating conditions. If set to 0, PAC
A goes into either wait or stop state.

PLCB_ONLINE Lets the CPU with its rotary switch set to PAC B only X X2
“B” serve as either primary or standby,
depending on other operating conditions. If
set to 0, PAC B goes into either wait or
stop state.

X: Command is supported.

–: Command is not supported.

1. Remote refers to the PAC to which your PC and Control Expert is not connected.

2. In the CPU configuration window Hot Standby tab.

3. In the CPU configuration window Animation > Task tab.

4. These commands can be executed only if the remote CPU is also the standby CPU.

EIO0000001578.14 543
Hardware M580 Hot Standby System Operation

Memory Usage
The memory usage function is used to view:
• The physical distribution of the PAC memory.
• The space taken up in the memory by a project (data, program, configuration, system
and diagnostic).
It can also be used to reorganize the memory where possible.
NOTE: The memory usage screen is not available in simulation mode. This screen is
only available in standard mode when you have built the application.

To access the memory usage details of the PAC:

Step Action

1 Select PLC > Memory Consumption:.

The Memory usage window opens. The memory usage statistics of a project can only be
accessed if you have generated its executable in advance.

2 To optimize memory organization, click Pack.

NOTE: If the application has been built and if it is in NOT BUILT state due to a program
modification, the screen is accessible, but it corresponds to the application built
previously. Modifications will be taken into account at the next build.

Description of the parameters

The following information fields are available:

544 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby System Operation Hardware

Parameter Description

User Data This field indicates the memory space (in words) taken up by user data (objects
relating to configuration):
• saved Data: located data associated with the processor (%M, %MW, %S, %SW,
etc.) or the input/output modules. This data is retained by the CPU in the event
of a CPU warm start.
• saved Declared Data: unlocated data (declared in the data editor) that is
retained by the CPU in the event of a CPU warm start.
• unsaved Declared Data unlocated data (declared in the data editor) that is not
retained by the CPU in the event of a CPU warm start.

User program This field indicates the memory space (in words) taken up by the project program:
• Constants: static constants associated with the processor (%KW) and the input/
output modules; initial data values,
• Executable code: executable code of the project program, EFs, EFBs and DFB
• Upload information: information for uploading a project (graphic code of
languages, symbols, etc.).

Other This field indicates the memory space (in words) taken up by other data relating to the
configuration and the project structure:
• Configuration: other data relating to configuration (Page0 for a Quantum PAC,
hardware configuration, software configuration),
• System: data used by the operating system (task stack, catalogs, etc.),
• Diagnostic: information relating to process or system diagnostics, diagnostics
• Data Dictionary: dictionary of symbolized variables with their characteristic
(address, type....)

Internal memory This field shows the organization of the PAC's internal memory, for both program and
data storage. It indicates the memory space available (Total), the largest possible
contiguous memory space (Greatest) and the level of Fragmentation (due to online

Pack This command is used to reorganize the memory structure.

Memory re-organization
Memory re-organization is activated using the Pack command.
Memory re-organization can be performed in online or offline mode (Even if the PAC is in
Run or in Stop).
NOTE: Certain blocks cannot be moved in online mode. You will attain a lower level of
fragmentation by re-organizing the memory in offline mode.

EIO0000001578.14 545

546 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics Hardware

M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics

What’s in This Chapter
Control Expert M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics ......................... 547
M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics ................................... 552
M580 System Words .............................................................. 554

This chapter describes M580 Hot Standby diagnostic tools provided by the:
• BMEH58•040 CPU Hot Standby LEDs
• Control Expert graphical user interface

Control Expert M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics

This sections described diagnostic tools for the M580 BMEH58•040(S) Hot Standby CPUs
that are available in Control Expert.

M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics in Control Expert

EcoStruxure Control Expert provides M580 Hot Standby System diagnostic information in
these GUI screens:
• the Hot Standby status viewer embedded in the EcoStruxure Control Expert Task Bar.
• the Information tab of the controller Animation window

Hot Standby Status Viewer

When EcoStruxure Control Expert is connected to the Hot Standby system, it displays the
Hot Standby status of each controller, including:

EIO0000001578.14 547
Hardware M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics

• The status of controllers A and B.

• The comparative state of logic running in the standby controller.
• If a logic mismatch exists, the number of modifications, page 470 made to the
application running in the primary controller.
The Hot Standby Status Viewer looks like this:

1 Hot Standby status

2 Number of changes
The status values for controllers A and B include:
Also presented is the logic state of the standby controller, which can be either:
• EQUAL (green background): There is no logic mismatch.
• DIFFERENT (red background): Online changes have been made to the primary
controller application that have not been transferred to the standby controller.
An additional status information is displayed when at least one task (MAST, FAST, or SAFE)
is not synchronized between the Primary and the Standby controllers: TASK NOSYNC (red


SYNCHRONIZED" data provided in T_M_ECPU_HSBY DDT to detect the task which is not

548 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics Hardware

Hot Standby Information Tab

Use the controller configuration window Animation > Information tab to view the status of
the Hot Standby system:

The Information tab contains one word of status data:

Hot Standby status of the local controller: Local controller name (position of A/B/Clear rotary selector
• Primary switch, page 57):

• Standby • PLC A

• Stop • PLC B

• Wait • CLEAR

Hot Standby status of the remote controller: Remote status valid:

• Primary • True
• Standby • False
• Stop
• Wait
Application mismatch status: Hot Standby system valid:
• Equal • True
• Different • False
Logic mismatch status: –
• Equal
• Different

EIO0000001578.14 549
Hardware M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics

Synchronizing Configuration of Distributed Equipment

The M580 BMEH58•040(S) Hot Standby CPU DTMs include a Hot Standby
Synchronization page where you can synchronize the storage of configuration (.prm) files
for distributed equipment in the primary and standby CPUs. Distributed equipment
configuration files stored in Hot Standby CPUs are used by the fast device replacement
(FDR) service.
Use this page to:
• View the synchronization status of distributed equipment configuration files stored by
the Hot Standby system CPUs.
• Stop synchronization.
• Force a manual synchronization.
The standby CPU synchronizes with the primary CPU by pulling data every 10 seconds to
verify that the data in the standby has been updated in the primary. If the standby
unsuccessfully synchronizes with the primary, it continues polling the primary every 10
If the data in the standby and primary PACs are different, an application mismatch, page 463
condition exists. In this case, synchronization stops and a synchronization error is detected
in the standby CPU.
• When the standby CPU is offline, it does not synchronize.
• If you disable the TFTP service, Hot Standby synchronization cannot be performed,
because this function is based on TFTP.

Accessing the Hot Standby Synchronization Page

To access the CPU Hot Standby Synchronization page, follow these steps:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, open the DTM Browser (Tools > DTM Browser).
2 Right-click the CPU in the DTM Browser.

3 Select Connect.
4 Right-click the CPU in the DTM Browser.

5 Select Device menu > Diagnosis.

6 Click the Hot Standby Synchronization tab.

550 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics Hardware

Using the Hot Standby Synchronization Page

The Hot Standby Synchronization page presents the following parameters and controls:

Parameter Description

Refresh Every 500ms Select this to display synchronization data in this page, and refresh
displayed data every 500ms.

Status area:
Synchronizing • True: Synchronization is executing.
• False: Synchronization is not executing.

Synchronized • True: Data in both primary and standby are synchronized.

• False: Data in both primary and standby are not synchronized.

Error Status • Green: No synchronization error is detected.

• Red: A synchronization error has been detected.

Manual Synchronization > Stop Synchronization area:

Stop Synchronization Service Select this then click Send to stop the synchronization service.
NOTE: To re-start the synchronization service, select one of the
Force Manual Synchronization options (below), then click Send.

Manual Synchronization > Force Manual Synchronization area:

Copy Files from Standby to Primary Select this then click Send to push DIO device configuration (.prm) files
from the standby CPU to the primary.

Copy Files from Primary to Standby Select this then click Send to pull DIO device configuration (.prm) files
from the primary CPU to the standby.

Clear Files in Primary Select this then click Send to delete the DIO device configuration (.
prm) files from the primary. If synchronization is enabled, the standby
CPU synchronizes with the primary and any DIO device configuration
files in the standby are also deleted.

EIO0000001578.14 551
Hardware M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics

M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics

This section describes the diagnostic messages that can be displayed by the M580 Hot
Standby system.

M580 Hot Standby System Diagnostics

The M580 Hot Standby system continuously monitors the system state, and adds to its
diagnostic buffer an entry for each detected error or change of state event. You can view
and handle this collection of events using the following tools:
• Alarm Viewer web page (see Modicon M580, Hardware, Reference Manual), for
events relating to the selected CPU.
• Diagnostic Viewer in Control Expert (see EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Operating
Modes), for detected events relating to the Hot Standby system.

M580 Hot Standby System Messages

Each detected system event presents:
• A message describing the event type.
• An explanatory text symbol entry, more particularly describing the event.
• A numeric decimal identifier, representing the combination of message and symbol.
The M580 Hot Standby system can display the following messages

ID (dec) Message (Event Text) Symbol (Event Type) Possible Cause

14101 Switch from Wait to Primary No Error –

14102 Switch From Wait to Standby Linked to Primary. No Error –

14103 Switch from Standby to No remote PLC connection No Hot Standby link and EIO link between
Primary CPUs.

14104 Switch from Standby to Remote PLC not Primary • Loss of power on former primary.
Primary • Former primary stopped.
• Error detected on former primary.

552 EIO0000001578.14
M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics Hardware

ID (dec) Message (Event Text) Symbol (Event Type) Possible Cause

14105 Switch from Standby to Wait Hsby Link Error • Break in Hot Standby link cable
• Transceiver inoperable in either CPU.

14106 Switch from Standby to Stop PLC not in RUN Standby CPU stopped.

14107 Switch from Primary to Wait Loc RIO err and no peer Former primary CPU lost connection to all (e)
RIO err X80 EIO adapter modules; former standby
(now primary) CPU maintains connection to
at least one (e)X80 EIO adapter module.

14108 Switch from Primary to Wait Swap Command Former primary CPU received swap
14109 Switch from Primary to Stop PLC not in RUN Former primary CPU stopped (PAC in STOP
or one task in HALT)

14110 Switch from Primary to Wait PLC_B linked to Primary –

14111 Peer PLC disconnection on RIO Link Error Two breaks in Ethernet RIO cable have
RIO Link isolated the remote CPU.
14112 Peer PLC disconnection on Hsby Link Error • Break in Hot Standby link cable
Hsby Link
• Transceiver inoperable in either CPU.

14113 Mismatch Error FW mismatch Different firmware versions in each CPU.

14114 Mismatch Error Logic mismatch Different application logic revisions running in
each CPU.
14115 Mismatch Error Application mismatch Different applications running in each CPU.

14116 Degraded Hsby Data transfer Data Layout mismatch Online changes to data structure have been
made to primary CPU, but not transferred to

14117 Bad peer rotary switch config Not in a PLC_A and PLC_B Rotary switch settings do not specify an A
config and a B PAC.

14118 Power supply error Loss of redundancy One of the BMXCPS4002 redundant power
supply units is no longer functioning.

EIO0000001578.14 553
Hardware M580 Hot Standby Diagnostics

M580 System Words

Modicon M580-specific System Words %SW132 to %
Diagnostic System Words

Do not use system objects (%Si, %SWi) as variable when they are not documented.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

Control Expert presents the following M580-specific system words you can use when
diagnosing the state of your M580 Hot Standby system:
• %SW132 to %SW134: CPU MAC Address.
• %SW135 to %SW137: CPU serial number
• %SW146 and %SW147: SD card serial number
• %SW160 to %SW167: Detected errors for racks 0...7
For a more detailed description of these system words, refer to the M580 section (see
EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, System Bits and Words, Reference Manual) of the
EcoStruxure™ Control Expert System Bits and Words Reference Manual.

554 EIO0000001578.14
Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs Hardware

Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs

What’s in This Chapter
Replacing Hot Standby Hardware Modules .............................. 555

Replacing Hot Standby Hardware Modules

Replace the modules in this order:
• Standby PAC (PAC B in this example)
• Primary PAC (PAC A in this example)

Replacing PAC B Procedure

Replace the modules in the standby PAC:

Step Action

1 Confirm that the application program running on the M580 Hot Standby PAC has been exported in
the ZEF format and is available on the computer.

If not, upload the application program from one of the two PACs to Control Expert.

2 Export the application in the ZEF format on the Control Expert workstation.

3 If not yet installed, install Unity Pro XL version 11.0 (or any subsequent supporting version(s)).

Unity Pro is the former name of Control Expert for version 13.1 or earlier.

Before stopping the system, confirm that no critical operation is in progress. The system is
inactive and non-redundant.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

EIO0000001578.14 555
Hardware Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs

Step Action

4 Stop the standby PAC (PAC B) and power it off.

NOTE: At this point, the system is no longer operating redundantly.

5 Disconnect the Hot Standby sync link cable from PAC B.

6 Replace hardware or update the PAC B firmware with version 2.10 or any subsequent supporting

7 Confirm that there is no program in PAC B:

a. Set the A/B/Clear rotary selector switch, page 57 to Clear.

b. Power up the PAC.

c. Wait approximately one minute, until LEDs A and B are blinking.

d. Power down the PAC.

e. Set the rotary switch to B.

8 Power on PAC B.
9 If using an SD memory card, insert the card in PAC B. (Refer to the SD memory card instructions
for information about existing programs on the card.)
NOTE: Confirm that the PAC is in a NOCONF state (see Modicon M580, Hardware,
Reference Manual).

10 Import the ZEF file of the application.

11 In the PLC Bus editor, replace the current version of the PAC with the new firmware PAC version.

12 Select the Online modification in RUN or STOP check box in the PAC Configuration tab to
enable the configuration change.

13 Rebuild the application (Build > Rebuild All Project) and download into PAC B. The PAC is in
STOP mode.
14 Connect the Hot Standby sync link cable to PAC B.

15 Connect Control Expert to PAC A.

Before changing the mode of PAC A to STOP, confirm that no critical operation is in
progress. Once confirmed, the system is considered inactive or non-redundant.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

556 EIO0000001578.14
Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs Hardware

16 Stop PAC A.
NOTE: The system is no longer active nor redundant.

17 Connect Control Expert to PAC B.

At the end of the application download, all application data in the PAC B have their initial
value. Before you change the mode of PAC B to RUN, confirm that the application can
restart with the initial values.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or equipment

18 Put PAC B in RUN mode.

19 Confirm that PAC B is now the primary.

Replacing PAC A Procedure

After you replace PAC B, page 555, follow these steps to replace PAC A:

Step Action

1 Power off PAC A, which is in STOP mode.

NOTE: At this point, the system is no longer operating redundantly.

2 If using an SD memory card, remove it.

3 Disconnect the Hot Standby sync link cable from PAC A.

4 Replace hardware or update the PAC B firmware with version 2.10 or any subsequent supporting

5 Power on PAC A.
6 If using an SD memory card, insert it in PAC A.
NOTE: Confirm that the PAC is in a No Conf state.
7 Connect the Hot Standby sync link cable to PAC A.

8 An automatic transfer from primary to standby occurs.

9 Execute a RUN command on PAC A.

10 Confirm that PAC A is now the standby.

EIO0000001578.14 557
Hardware Replacing M580 Hot Standby CPUs

558 EIO0000001578.14
Verifying the Network Configuration Hardware

Verifying the Network Configuration

What’s in This Chapter
Using the Ethernet Network Manager ...................................... 559

Using the Ethernet Network Manager

In Control Expert, click Tools > Ethernet Network Manager to visualize and verify a
complex network configuration. The tool can:
• provide a global view of your network
• edit IP addresses and device identifiers for (e)X80 EIO adapter modules
Use either method to access the Ethernet Network Manager:
• Select Tools > Ethernet Network Manager.
• Select Ethernet Network Manager in the Project Browser.
NOTE: The Ethernet Network Manager tool is available on all M580 PACs. Only
devices enabled in the address server (DHCP) are controlled.

Network Topology Configuration

The Ethernet Network Manager tool provides a snapshot of IP address settings for devices
included in network topologies that are part of your application. If the tool detects an
addressing error, it displays the detected error against a red background. If the tool detects
an error, you can re-configure the affected setting in Control Expert.
Parameters in the Ethernet Network Manager:

Parameter Description

Name Ethernet communication device name

Type The device type:
• Scanner
• Module
Subtype The device sub-type:

EIO0000001578.14 559
Hardware Verifying the Network Configuration

Parameter Description

Profiles The kind of control network communications:
• Remote (RIO)
• Distributed (DIO)

Topo address The topological address of the device, in the sequence: bus, drop, rack, slot.

DHCP Enable Indicates if the device is a DHCP client and receives its IP address(es) from a DHCP
server (yes/no).

IP Address The IP address, or addresses, assigned to the device.

NOTE: Editable for scanned modules.
Subnet Mask The subnet mask related to each assigned IP address.

Gateway Address The IP address of the default gateway, to which messages for other networks are
Identified By For scanned devices, the type of network identifier - the device Name,

Identifier The string used to identify a scanned device. The default value is the device Name.
NOTE: Editable for scanned modules.
SNMP For scanning devices, the IP address of up to two SNMP network manager devices.

NTP State The role or roles of the of the CPU’s NTP service:
NOTE: CPU firmware versions earlier than V4.01 use SNTP; CPU firmware V4.01
and any subsequent supporting version(s) use NTPv4)
• Disabled (SNTP and NTPv4): The service is not enabled in the CPU configuration.
• Server (SNTP): The CPU is configured as an SNTP server.
• Server only (NTPv4): The CPU is configured as an NTPv4 server, but not also as a
• Client (SNTP): The CPU is configured as an SNTP client.
• Client / Server (NTPv4): The CPU is configured as both an NTPv4 client and server.

NTP Configuration Lists the IP addresses of the SNTP or NTPv4 servers that send updates to the NTP client
resident in the device:
• Primary and Secondary SNTP server configured IP addresses are displayed when
the CPU is configured as Client or Server.
• Up to 8 NTPv4 system peer IP Addresses can be displayed, with the Preferred
server identified for NTPv4, when the CPU is configured as Client / Server.

• The red cells indicate detected errors (defined by network management rules).
• After editing a scanned module IP Address or Identifier setting, click the validate
button to save your edits.

560 EIO0000001578.14
Verifying the Network Configuration Hardware

Verifying a Hot Standby Network

Follow these steps to use the Ethernet Network Manager tool while building your network
in Control Expert:

Step Action

1 In Control Expert, click Tools > Ethernet Network Manager.

A preliminary, read-only global view of your network displays.

2 Check for settings with a red background, indicating the tool has detected a configuration error.

3 Click OK to close the Network Inspector tool.

4 If the tool displayed a detected error:

• in a scanning device, go to the specific device editor and change the IP configuration settings.
• in a scanned device, you can edit the IP address and Identifier settings in the Ethernet
Network Manager, or go to the specific device editor and change the IP configuration
When you finish your edits, run the Ethernet Network Manager again.

5 Add distributed equipment and/or RIO modules to the EIO Bus.

NOTE: Only devices enabled in the address server (DHCP) are controlled.

6 Configure all scanners.

7 Repeat steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 until the Ethernet Network Manager no longer detects any errors.

Network Manager Services

The network manager starts automatically when you open the Network Inspector tool. The
global network management system (GNMS) is responsible for global network consistency.
The following checks are performed:
• GNMS verifies that all IP addresses are unique for the modules in the application.
• Each gateway that exists on your network is displayed in the network manager. By
default, Control Expert notifies you if one of the gateways is missing an IP address. You
can change this notification by clicking Tools > Project Settings > General >
Management of build messages > Missing gateway IP @ generates. The options
are a detected warning (default value) or nothing.
• Only a single RSTP switch can be configured as a root for a given network.
• The range of IP addresses is … or … Otherwise, an error is detected. Addresses and up are
multicast or experimental addresses. Addresses starting at 127 are loopback
addresses. Addresses 169.254/16 are reserved for automatic private IP addressing

EIO0000001578.14 561
Hardware Verifying the Network Configuration

• The tool verifies that the network address of the IP address is valid.
• The tool verifies that the host address of the IP address is valid, including that
broadcast IP addresses are blocked.
• While an M580 CPU uses classless inter-domain routing (CIDR), some IP addresses
are not allowed to maintain compatibility:
◦ in a class A network, IP addresses that end in 255.255.255
◦ in a class B network, IP addresses that end in 255.255
◦ in a class C network, IP addresses that end in 255
• The IP address is configured to access the gateway address. Therefore, the gateway
address is within the subnetwork defined by the mask. The gateway is not accessible
when it is not on the same subnetwork as the IP address.

Network Bandwidth Considerations

Control Expert alerts you when there are possible bandwidth considerations.
Ethernet RIO bandwidth:
• Control Expert displays a detected error message in the log window if the RIO
bandwidth (originator -> target) or (target->originator) is greater than 8%.
• Control Expert displays a warning in the log window if the RIO bandwidth (originator ->
target) or (target->originator) is greater than 6%.
Device network bandwidth (DIO and RIO combined):
• Control Expert displays a detected error in the log window if total Modbus and EIP
bandwidth (originator -> target) or (target->originator) is greater than 40%.
• Control Expert displays a warning in the log window if total Modbus and EIP bandwidth
(originator -> target) or (target->originator) is greater than 30%.

562 EIO0000001578.14

What’s in This Part
Function Blocks ..................................................................... 564

EIO0000001578.14 563
Hardware Function Blocks

Function Blocks
What’s in This Chapter
ETH_PORT_CTRL: Executing a Security Command in an
Application ............................................................................ 564

ETH_PORT_CTRL: Executing a Security Command

in an Application
Function Description
Use the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block to control the FTP TFTP, HTTPS, and DHCP /
BOOTP protocols when they are enabled in the Control Expert Security screen (see
Modicon M580 BMENOC0301/11, Ethernet Communication Module, Installation and
Configuration Guide). (By default, these protocols are disabled.) For cyber security reasons
(to help protect data against requests to modify in the monitoring mode), map the inputs on
variables and on unlocated variables in which the HMI property is disabled (the variable is
not in the data dictionary).
The additional parameters EN and ENO may also be configured.
NOTE: For M580 controller firmware versions 4.20 and later, if Engineering Link Mode
is set to Enforced or Filtered, and if the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block is used to
programmatically disable the HTTPS service, it will not be possible to connect Control
Expert to the controller.
If you intend to programmatically disable HTTPS using the ETH_PORT_CTRL function
block, first verify that your program logic allows the re-enabling of HTTPS. If HTTPS is
disabled and cannot be re-enabled, you need to reset the controller.

564 EIO0000001578.14
Function Blocks Hardware

FBD Representation

LD Representation

IL Representation
CAL ETH_PORT_CTRL_Instance (ENABLE := EnableSecurityChange, ABORT :=
AbortSecurityChange, ADDR := ModuleAddress, ETH_SCE := ServiceToChange,
DONE => BlockExecutionDone, ACTIVE => BlockExecutionInProgress, ERROR
=> BlockExecutionError, STATUS => BlockErrorStatus, ETH_SCE_STATUS =>

ST Representation
ETH_PORT_CTRL_Instance (ENABLE := EnableSecurityChange, ABORT :=
AbortSecurityChange, ADDR := ModuleAddress, ETH_SCE := ServiceToChange,
DONE => BlockExecutionDone, ACTIVE => BlockExecutionInProgress, ERROR

EIO0000001578.14 565
Hardware Function Blocks

=> BlockExecutionError, STATUS => BlockErrorStatus, ETH_SCE_STATUS =>


Description of Parameters
This table describes the input parameters:

Parameter Type Comment

ENABLE BOOL Set to 1 to enable the operation.

ABORT BOOL Set to 1 to abort the currently active operation.

ADDR ANY_ARRAY_ This array contains the address of the entity for which you want to change the
INT security state, which is the result of the ADDMX (see EcoStruxure™ Control
Expert, Communication, Block Library) or ADDMX or ADDM function (see
EcoStruxure™ Control Expert, Communication, Block Library). For example:
• ADDM(‘0.0.10’) for a M580 controller
• ADDM(‘0.3.0’) for a BMENOC0301 or BMENOC0311(C) module
plugged in slot 3 of main rack

ETH_SCE WORD For each protocol, use these binary values to control the protocol:
• 00: The protocol is unchanged.
• 01: Enable the protocol.
• 10: Disable the protocol.
• 11: reserved
NOTE: A value of 11 reports a detected error in ETH_SCE_
These bits are used for the different protocols:
• 0, 1: FTP
• 2, 3: TFTP (Only available for Modicon M580)
• 4, 5: HTTPS
Before disabling HTTPS protocol, refer to the NOTE in this topic’s
Function Description, page 564.
• 6, 7: DHCP / BOOTP
• 8...15: reserved (value = 0)

(1) To address a module in the local rack, enter 0.0.10 (controller main server address).

This table describes the output parameters:

566 EIO0000001578.14
Function Blocks Hardware

Parameter Type Comment

DONE BOOL Operation completed indication. Set to 1 when the execution of the operation
is completed successfully.

ACTIVE BOOL Operation in progress indication. Set to 1 when the execution of the operation
is in progress.

ERROR BOOL Set to 1 if an error is detected by the function block.

STATUS WORD Code providing the detected error identification (see EcoStruxure™ Control
Expert, I/O Management, Block Library).

ETH_SCE_ WORD For each protocol, these values contain the response to any attempt to enable
STATUS or disable the FTP, TFTP, HTTPS, or DHCP / BOOTP protocols:
• 0: command executed
• 1: command not executed
Reasons for not executing the command can be:
• The communication service has been disabled by the configuration.
• The communication service is already in the state requested by the
command (Enabled or Disabled).
• The communication service (x) is not supported by the module or is a
non-existing service.
These bits are used for the different protocols:
• 0: FTP
• 1: TFTP
• 2: HTTPS
• 4 ... 15: reserved (value = 0)

Execution Type
When used on the following M580 controller modules, the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block
is executed synchronously. As a result, the DONE output turns ON as soon as the
ENABLE input is set to ON. In this case, the ACTIVE output remains OFF.
• BMEP581020
• BMEP582020
• BMEP582040
• BMEP583020
• BMEP583040
• BMEP584020

EIO0000001578.14 567
Hardware Function Blocks

• BMEP584040
• BMEP585040
• BMEP586040
• BMEH582040*
• BMEH584040*
• BMEH586040*
* In BMEH58•040 Hot Standby controllers, verify that the ETH_PORT_CTRL function
block is executed equally on both primary and standby controllers.
When used on the following modules, the ETH_PORT_CTRL function block is executed
asynchronously and may take several cycles until the DONE output turns ON. Therefore,
the ACTIVE output is set to ON until the completion of the ETH_PORT_CTRL function
• M340 modules:
◦ BMXNOC0401
◦ BMXNOE0100
◦ BMXNOE0110
• M580 modules:
◦ BMENOC0301
◦ BMENOC0311(C)

How to Use the ETH_PORT_CTRL EFB


Step Action

1 Set the bits of the services you want to activate in ETH_SCE.

2 Set ENABLE input to activate the EFB.

3 ENABLE input should be an OR between a pulse command and the ACTIVE output of the EFB.

4 Check STATUS output value:

• STATUS<>0: There is a communication issue.
• STATUS = 0: Check ETH_SCE_STATUS. The services for which the bits are set haven’t been
modified as they should be.

568 EIO0000001578.14

An adapter is the target of real-time I/O data connection requests from scanners. It cannot
send or receive real-time I/O data unless it is configured to do so by a scanner, and it does
not store or originate the data communications parameters necessary to establish the
connection. An adapter accepts explicit message requests (connected and unconnected)
from other devices.

(binary-coded decimal) Binary encoding of decimal numbers.

(bootstrap protocol) A UDP network protocol that can be used by a network client to
automatically obtain an IP address from a server. The client identifies itself to the server
using its MAC address. The server, which maintains a pre-configured table of client device
MAC addresses and associated IP addresses, sends the client its defined IP address. The
BOOTP service utilizes UDP ports 67 and 68.

(change configuration on the fly) A feature of Control Expert that allows a module hardware
change in the system configuration while the system is operating. This change does not
impact active operations.

(common industrial protocol) A comprehensive suite of messages and services for the
collection of manufacturing automation applications (control, safety, synchronization,
motion, configuration and information). CIP allows users to integrate these manufacturing
applications with enterprise-level Ethernet networks and the internet. CIP is the core
protocol of EtherNet/IP.

(central processing unit) The CPU, also known as the processor or controller, is the brain of
an industrial manufacturing process. It automates a process as opposed to relay control
systems. CPUs are computers suited to survive the harsh conditions of an industrial
EIO0000001578.14 569

For a defined application and architecture, you can predict that the delay between an event
(change of value of an input) and the corresponding change of a controller output is a finite
time t, smaller than the deadline required by your process.

Device DDT (DDDT):

A Device DDT is a DDT predefined by the manufacturer and not modifiable by user. It
contains the I/O language elements of an I/O module.

device network:
An Ethernet-based network within an RIO network that contains both RIO and distributed
equipment. Devices connected on this network follow specific rules to allow RIO

(derived function block) DFB types are function blocks that can be defined by the user in
ST, IL, LD or FBD language.
Using these DFB types in an application makes it possible to:
• simplify the design and entry of the program
• make the program easier to read
• make it easier to debug
• reduce the amount of code generated
(dynamic host configuration protocol) An extension of the BOOTP communications
protocol that provides for the automatic assignment of IP addressing settings, including IP
address, subnet mask, gateway IP address, and DNS server names. DHCP does not
require the maintenance of a table identifying each network device. The client identifies
itself to the DHCP server using either its MAC address, or a uniquely assigned device
identifier. The DHCP service utilizes UDP ports 67 and 68.

DIO cloud:
A group of distributed equipment that is not required to support RSTP. DIO clouds require
only a single (non-ring) copper wire connection. They can be connected to some of the
copper ports on DRSs, or they can be connected directly to the CPU or Ethernet
communications modules in the local rack. DIO clouds cannot be connected to sub-rings.

(distributed I/O) Also known as distributed equipment. DRSs use DIO ports to connect
distributed equipment.

570 EIO0000001578.14

(domain name server/service) A service that translates an alpha-numeric domain name
into an IP address, the unique identifier of a device on the network.

(dual-ring switch) A ConneXium extended managed switch that has been configured to
operate on an Ethernet network. Predefined configuration files are provided by Schneider
Electric to downloaded to a DRS to support the special features of the main ring / sub-ring

(differentiated service code points) This 6-bit field is in the header of an IP packet to
classify and prioritize traffic.

(device type manager) A DTM is a device driver running on the host PC. It provides a
unified structure for accessing device parameters, configuring and operating the devices,
and troubleshooting devices. DTMs can range from a simple graphical user interface (GUI)
for setting device parameters to a highly sophisticated application capable of performing
complex real-time calculations for diagnosis and maintenance purposes. In the context of a
DTM, a device can be a communications module or a remote device on the network.
See FDT.

(electronic data sheet) EDS are simple text files that describe the configuration capabilities
of a device. EDS files are generated and maintained by the manufacturer of the device.

(elementary function block) This is a block used in a program which performs a predefined
logical function.
EFBs have states and internal parameters. Even if the inputs are identical, the output
values may differ. For example, a counter has an output indicating that the preselection
value has been reached. This output is set to 1 when the current value is equal to the
preselection value.

EIO0000001578.14 571

(elementary function) This is a block used in a program which performs a predefined logical
A function does not have any information on the internal state. Several calls to the same
function using the same input parameters will return the same output values. You will find
information on the graphic form of the function call in the [functional block (instance)].
Unlike a call to a function block, function calls include only an output which is not named
and whose name is identical to that of the function. In FBD, each call is indicated by a
unique [number] via the graphic block. This number is managed automatically and cannot
be modified.
Position and configure these functions in your program to execute your application.
You can also develop other functions using the SDKC development kit.

EIO network:
(Ethernet I/O) An Ethernet-based network that contains three types of devices:
• local rack
• X80 remote drop (using a BM•CRA312•0 adapter module), or a BMENOS0300
network option switch module
• ConneXium extended dual-ring switch (DRS)
NOTE: Distributed equipment may also participate in an Ethernet I/O network via
connection to DRSs or the service port of X80 remote modules.
A network communication protocol for industrial automation applications that combines the
standard internet transmission protocols of TCP/IP and UDP with the application layer
common industrial protocol (CIP) to support both high speed data exchange and industrial
control. EtherNet/IP employs electronic data sheets (EDS) to classify each network device
and its functionality.

A 10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s, or 1 Gb/s, CSMA/CD, frame-based LAN that can run over copper
twisted pair or fiber optic cable, or wireless. The IEEE standard 802.3 defines the rules for
configuring a wired Ethernet network; the IEEE standard 802.11 defines the rules for
configuring a wireless Ethernet network. Common forms include 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX,
and 1000BASE-T, which can utilize category 5e copper twisted pair cables and RJ45
modular connectors.

572 EIO0000001578.14

explicit messaging:
TCP/IP-based messaging for Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP. It is used for point-to-point,
client/server messages that include both data, typically unscheduled information between a
client and a server, and routing information. In EtherNet/IP, explicit messaging is
considered class 3 type messaging, and can be connection-based or connectionless.

(fast device replacement) A service that uses configuration software to replace an
inoperable product.

(field device tool) The technology that harmonizes communication between field devices
and the system host.

(file transfer protocol) A protocol that copies a file from one host to another over a TCP/IP-
based network, such as the internet. FTP uses a client-server architecture as well as
separate control and data connections between the client and server.

A gateway device interconnects two different networks, sometimes through different
network protocols. When it connects networks based on different protocols, a gateway
converts a datagram from one protocol stack into the other. When used to connect two IP-
based networks, a gateway (also called a router) has two separate IP addresses, one on
each network.

(human machine interface) System that allows interaction between a human and a

Hot Standby:
A Hot Standby system uses a primary PAC (PLC) and a standby PAC. The two PAC racks
have identical hardware and software configurations. The standby PAC monitors the
current system status of the primary PAC. If the primary PAC becomes inoperable, high-
availability control is maintained when the standby PAC takes control of the system.

EIO0000001578.14 573

(hypertext transfer protocol) A networking protocol for distributed and collaborative
information systems. HTTP is the basis of data communication for the web.

implicit messaging:
UDP/IP-based class 1 connected messaging for EtherNet/IP. Implicit messaging maintains
an open connection for the scheduled transfer of control data between a producer and
consumer. Because an open connection is maintained, each message contains primarily
data, without the overhead of object information, plus a connection identifier.

IP address:
The 32-bit identifier, consisting of both a network address and a host address assigned to a
device connected to a TCP/IP network.

local rack:
An M580 rack containing the CPU and a power supply. A local rack consists of one or two
racks: the main rack and the extended rack, which belongs to the same family as the main
rack. The extended rack is optional.

local slave:
The functionality offered by Schneider Electric EtherNet/IP communication modules that
allows a scanner to take the role of an adapter. The local slave enables the module to
publish data via implicit messaging connections. Local slave is typically used in peer-to-
peer exchanges between PACs.

A master (MAST) task is a deterministic processor task that is run through its programming
software. The MAST task schedules the RIO module logic to be solved in every I/O scan.
The MAST task has two sections:
• IN: Inputs are copied to the IN section before execution of the MAST task.
• OUT: Outputs are copied to the OUT section after execution of the MAST task.
(Modbus over TCP protocol) This is a Modbus variant used for communications over TCP/
IP networks.

574 EIO0000001578.14

Modbus is an application layer messaging protocol. Modbus provides client and server
communications between devices connected on different types of buses or networks.
Modbus offers many services specified by function codes.

According to the CEI standard, %MW indicates a language object of type memory word.

(network interface module) A NIM resides in the first position on an STB island (leftmost on
the physical setup). The NIM provides the interface between the I/O modules and the
fieldbus master. It is the only module on the island that is fieldbus-dependent — a different
NIM is available for each fieldbus.

(network time protocol) Protocol for synchronizing computer system clocks. The protocol
uses a jitter buffer to resist the effects of variable latency.

programmable automation controller. The PAC is the brain of an industrial manufacturing
process. It automates a process as opposed to relay control systems. PACs are computers
suited to survive the harsh conditions of an industrial environment.

port 502:
Port 502 of the TCP/IP stack is the well-known port that is reserved for Modbus TCP

RIO drop:
One of the three types of RIO modules in an Ethernet RIO network. An RIO drop is an
M580 rack of I/O modules that are connected to an Ethernet RIO network and managed by
an Ethernet RIO adapter module. A drop can be a single rack or a main rack with an
extended rack.

EIO0000001578.14 575

RIO network:
An Ethernet-based network that contains 3 types of RIO devices: a local rack, an RIO drop,
and a ConneXium extended dual-ring switch (DRS). Distributed equipment may also
participate in an RIO network via connection to DRSs or BMENOS0300 network option
switch modules.

(requested packet interval) The time period between cyclic data transmissions requested
by the scanner. EtherNet/IP devices publish data at the rate specified by the RPI assigned
to them by the scanner, and they receive message requests from the scanner at each RPI.

(rapid spanning tree protocol) Allows a network design to include spare (redundant) links to
provide automatic backup paths if an active link stops working, without the need for loops
or manual enabling/disabling of backup links.

(small form-factor pluggable). The SFP transceiver acts as an interface between a module
and fiber optic cables.

(simple network management protocol) Protocol used in network management systems to
monitor network-attached devices. The protocol is part of the internet protocol suite (IP) as
defined by the internet engineering task force (IETF), which consists of network
management guidelines, including an application layer protocol, a database schema, and a
set of data objects.

(simple network time protocol) See NTP.

An Ethernet-based network with a loop attached to the main ring, via a dual-ring switch
(DRS) or BMENOS0300 network option switch module on the main ring. This network
contains RIO or distributed equipment.

576 EIO0000001578.14

(transmission control protocol) A key protocol of the internet protocol suite that supports
connection-oriented communications, by establishing the connection necessary to transmit
an ordered sequence of data over the same communication path.

(trivial file transfer protocol) A simplified version of file transfer protocol (FTP), TFTP uses a
client-server architecture to make connections between two devices. From a TFTP client,
individual files can be uploaded to or downloaded from the server, using the user datagram
protocol (UDP) for transporting data.

A trap is an event directed by an SNMP agent that indicates one of these events:
• A change has occurred in the status of an agent.
• An unauthorized SNMP manager device has attempted to get data from (or change
data on) an SNMP agent.

(user datagram protocol) A transport layer protocol that supports connectionless
communications. Applications running on networked nodes can use UDP to send
datagrams to one another. Unlike TCP, UDP does not include preliminary communication
to establish data paths or provide data ordering and checking. However, by avoiding the
overhead required to provide these features, UDP is faster than TCP. UDP may be the
preferred protocol for time-sensitive applications, where dropped datagrams are preferable
to delayed datagrams. UDP is the primary transport for implicit messaging in EtherNet/IP.

(Unified Messaging Application Services) UMAS is a proprietary system protocol that
manages communications between Control Expert and a controller.

(coordinated universal time) Primary time standard used to regulate clocks and time
worldwide (close to former GMT time standard).

EIO0000001578.14 577

Index controller................................................24
A controller................................................24
access control BMEP584040
security ................................................ 142 controller................................................24
adapter diagnostic object .......................... 253 BMEP585040
add controller................................................24
I/O module ........................................... 507 BMEP586040
add connection ........................................ 178 controller................................................24
add remote device.................................... 369 BMXRMS004GPF......................................76
address BMXXCAUSB018 USB cables ....................69
field bus .................................................51 BMXXCAUSB045 USB cables ....................69
advanced settings .................................... 164 BOOTP
tab ....................................................... 139 security ................................................ 142
alarm viewer web page
CPU .................................................... 440
anti-tampering seal.....................................60 C
application CCOTF ................................................... 474
legacy .................................................. 134 certifications ..............................................36
password ............................................. 124 Change
assembly object ................................223, 228 Hot Standby PLC .................................. 555
asynchronous execution channel properties.................................... 169
ETH_PORT_CTRL ............................... 564 characteristics
authorized address current consumption ...............................47
security ................................................ 142 power consumption.................................47
AUTOTEST CIP objects .............................................. 218
state ......................................................37 clear
AUX0 task application..............................................57
CPU .................................................... 510 clear local statistics .................................. 362
AUX1 task clear remote statistics............................... 363
CPU .................................................... 510 cold
start ..................................................... 518
compatibility............................................. 461
B CPU .................................................... 102
backup .............................................134, 490 CONF_SIG
block service port device DDT .......................................... 293
Hot Standby ......................................... 162 configuration
blocking condition ......................................96 Control Expert ...................................... 119
BMEP581020 controller.............................................. 139
controller................................................24 connection
BMEP582020 add ...................................................... 178
controller................................................24 diagnostics ........................................... 194
BMEP582040 I/O ....................................................... 198
controller................................................24 remove ................................................ 179
BMEP583020 connection manager object ....................... 225

578 EIO0000001578.14

connection summary ................................ 285 CPU scanner service

Control Expert RSTP................................................... 150
application languages ........................... 468 CPU service port...................................... 162
configuration ........................................ 119 CRA_OBJ_CTRL
libraries ................................................ 468 device DDT .......................................... 293
logging................................................. 200 CRA_OBJ_HEALTH
controller device DDT .......................................... 293
BMEP581020 .........................................24 current consumption...................................47
BMEP582020 .........................................24 cyber security
BMEP582040 .........................................24 access control ...................................... 142
BMEP583020 .........................................24 authorized address ............................... 142
BMEP583040 .........................................24 DHCP/BOOTP ..................................... 142
BMEP584020 .........................................24 EIP ...................................................... 142
BMEP584040 .........................................24 enforce in Control Expert ....................... 142
BMEP585040 .........................................24 FTP ..................................................... 142
BMEP586040 .........................................24 HTTP................................................... 142
clear ......................................................57 memory protect .................................... 124
configuration ........................................ 139 password ............................................. 124
configuring ........................................... 470 SNMP .................................................. 142
front panel ..............................................53 TFTP ................................................... 142
install .....................................................89 unlock in Control Expert ........................ 142
physical description.................................51 cycle
QoS web page...................................... 431 power .................................................. 516
role in M580 system ................................24
state ......................................................37
web pages ........................................... 418 D
controller dimensions .................................52
controller LEDs ..........................................62 data attribute
convert .................................................... 134 Exchange On STBY .............................. 481
CPU Retain .................................................. 481
alarm viewer web page.......................... 440 data exchange ......................................... 492
compatibility ......................................... 102 data storage web page
data storage web page .......................... 446 CPU .................................................... 446
diagnostics.............................................96 DATA_EXCH ..................... 321, 324, 329, 336
DIO scanner service ............................. 136 explicit message ................................... 311
I/O scanner web page ........................... 427 DDT
LED .......................................................96 LOCAL_HSBY_STS ......................303, 496
memory ............................................... 512 REMOTE_HSBY_STS ...................303, 496
memory protect .................................... 124 T_M_ECPU_HSBY........................303, 496
messaging web page ............................ 430 default IP address ....................53, 85, 89, 139
MTBF ....................................................47 device DDT.............................................. 407
NTP web page...................................... 433 T_BMEP58_ECPU ............................... 293
performance web page.......................... 423 T_BMEP58_ECPU_EXT ....................... 293
port statistics web page ......................... 425 Device DDT ............................................. 507
redundancy web page ........................... 438 device list configuration ............................ 285
status summary web page ..................... 420 DEVICE_OBJ_CTRL
task ..................................................... 510 device DDT .......................................... 293
web pages ........................................... 418 DEVICE_OBJ_HEALTH

EIO0000001578.14 579

device DDT .......................................... 293 engineering link mode description ............. 147
DHCP ..................................................... 172 error
security ................................................ 142 system ................................................. 101
diagnostics .............................................. 184 ERROR
bandwidth ............................................ 186 state ......................................................37
blocking condition ...................................96 ETH_PORT_1_2_STATUS
connection ........................................... 194 device DDT .......................................... 293
Control Expert status viewer .................. 547 ETH_PORT_3_BKP_STATUS
controller LEDs.......................................62 device DDT .......................................... 293
CPU ......................................................96 ETH_PORT_CTRL................................... 564
CPU/system error ................................. 101 ETH_STATUS
Hot Standby LEDs ..................................65 device DDT .......................................... 293
local slave ............................................ 194 Ethernet
memory card ..........................................78 port........................................................71
Modbus codes ...................................... 211 Ethernet backplane diagnostics object ....... 283
non-blocking condition ............................99 Ethernet I/O scanner service
NTP..................................................... 190 controller................................................26
RSTP................................................... 188 RIO, DIO ................................................26
system ................................................. 552 Ethernet link object................................... 240
web pages ........................................... 450 Ethernet network manager........................ 559
dimension EtherNet/IP device
controller................................................52 explicit message ................................... 338
DIO scanner service ................................. 136 EtherNet/IP explicit connection
RSTP................................................... 150 diagnostics object............................267, 269
selecting controller..................................26 EtherNet/IP interface diagnostics object..... 259
download..........................................134, 490 EtherNet/IP IO Scanner Diagnostics
DTM object .................................................... 262
add ...................................................... 411 event response time ................................. 117
DTM events events
logging to syslog server......................... 202 logging to syslog server......................... 202
Exchange On STBY ................................. 481
execution type
E ETH_PORT_CTRL ............................... 564
ECPU_HSBY_1 I/O ....................................................... 507
device DDT .......................................... 293 explicit message ...................................... 311
EDS file Get_Attribute_Single............................. 321
add ...................................................... 411 Quantum RIO drops in M580 ................. 343
remove ................................................ 414 Read Modbus Object ............................ 324
EIO scanner service read register ......................................... 336
RSTP................................................... 150 to EtherNet/IP device ............................ 338
EIP to Modbus device.................................. 341
security ................................................ 142 Write Modbus Object............................. 329
elementary functions ..................................80 explicit messaging
elementary functions (EFs) ....................... 504 EtherNet/IP .......................................... 348
embedded DIO scanner service ................ 136 EtherNet/IP services ............................. 346
enforced mode Get_Attributes_Single ........................... 351
Engineering Link Mode.......................... 147 MBP_MSTR ......................................... 343

580 EIO0000001578.14

Modbus TCP ........................................ 358 starting................................................. 524

Modbus TCP function codes ...........334, 357 HSBY status web page
CPU .................................................... 454
HTTP services
F enable/disable ...................................... 365
FAST task security ................................................ 142
CPU .................................................... 510
FDR ........................................................ 172
field bus address........................................51
filtered mode
Engineering Link Mode.......................... 147 identity object........................................... 219
firmware implicit
update ............................................. 82–83 I/O ....................................................... 507
upgrade ........................................... 82–83 install
front panel controller................................................89
controller................................................53 memory card ..........................................94
FTP modules .................................................85
device DDT .......................................... 293 I/O
SD memory card.....................................76 connection ........................................... 198
security ................................................ 142 explicit ................................................. 507
FTP/TFTP services implicit ................................................. 507
enable/disable ...................................... 365 local slave ............................................ 198
full access mode management ........................................ 507
Engineering Link Mode.......................... 147 I/O module
function block add ...................................................... 507
ETH_PORT_CTRL ............................... 564 I/O scanner web page
CPU .................................................... 427
G state ......................................................37
get local statistics ..................................... 360 device DDT .......................................... 293
get remote statistics ................................. 362 IN_PACKETS
device DDT .......................................... 293
IO connection diagnostics object ............... 264
H IODDT .................................................... 507
HALT IP address
state ......................................................37 A ......................................................... 479
Hold up time ............................................ 482 B ......................................................... 479
Host Standby system configuring ........................................... 478
commands ........................................... 541 default....................................... 53, 89, 139
Hot Standby IP ..........................................................85
service port block.................................. 162 main .................................................... 479
hot standby FDR sync object..................... 281 main + 1............................................... 479
Hot Standby PLC IP address configuration ........................... 148
Change ................................................ 555 IPConfig
Hot Standby system tab ....................................................... 139
PAC state examples.............................. 532

EIO0000001578.14 581

L logging to syslog server......................... 202

install .....................................................85
CPU ......................................................96 MTBF
CPU ......................................................47
Hot Standby ...........................................65
application............................................ 134
local slave NOCONF
diagnostics........................................... 194 state ......................................................37
enable ................................................. 399 non-blocking condition................................99
I/O ....................................................... 198 NTP
LOCAL_HSBY_STS..........................303, 496 diagnostics ........................................... 190
logging RIO scanner service ............................. 157
syslog server ........................................ 202 tab ....................................................... 139
to Control Expert................................... 200 NTP web page
CPU .................................................... 433

M580 performance .....................................26
management online action ............................................ 205
I/O ....................................................... 507 CIP object ............................................ 207
task ..................................................... 507 ping ..................................................... 209
MAST task port configuration .................................. 208
CPU .................................................... 510 originator unique identifier......................... 165
MBP_MSTR ...................... 343, 348, 351, 358 OS DOWNLOAD
Quantum RIO drops in M580 ................. 343 state ......................................................37
memory OUNID .................................................... 165
CPU .................................................... 512 OUT_ERRORS
memory card device DDT .......................................... 293
diagnostics.............................................78 OUT_PACKETS
FTP .......................................................76 device DDT .......................................... 293
install .....................................................94
memory consumption ............................... 544
memory protect P
for CPU................................................ 124
message router object .............................. 221 PAC
messaging web page state transitions .................................... 529
CPU .................................................... 430 states................................................... 528
mismatch panel
application............................................ 463 controller, front........................................53
firmware............................................... 463 password
logic..................................................... 463 for Control Expert application................. 124
Modbus performance ............................................ 104
explicit message ................................... 341 performance web page
module diagnostic object .......................... 244 CPU .................................................... 423
module events physical description

582 EIO0000001578.14

controller.......................................... 51, 55 RIO scanner service

ping......................................................... 209 RSTP................................................... 150
port selecting controller..................................26
Ethernet .................................................71 RSTP
port function device DDT .......................................... 293
device DDT .......................................... 293 DIO scanner service ............................. 150
port object ............................................... 232 EIO scanner service.............................. 150
port statistics web page RIO scanner service ............................. 150
CPU .................................................... 425 tab ....................................................... 139
power RSTP dagnostics ..................................... 188
cycle .................................................... 516 RSTP diagnostics object........................... 271
power consumption ....................................47 RUN
project state ......................................................37
password ............................................. 124
transfer ................................................ 484
Q tab ....................................................... 139
QoS ........................................................ 160 scanner diagnostic object ......................... 247
tab ....................................................... 139 scanner service
QoS object .............................................. 230 RSTP................................................... 150
QoS web page SD card
controller.............................................. 431 lockable door..........................................60
Quantum RIO drops in M580 SD memory card ...................................... 512
MBP_MSTR explicit message................ 343 FTP .......................................................76
securing communications
Engineering Link Mode.......................... 147
R security
access control ...................................... 142
read data ................................................. 359 authorized address ............................... 142
read/write data ......................................... 364 DHCP/BOOTP ..................................... 142
real-time clock ...........................................48 EIP ...................................................... 142
redundancy web page enforce in Control Expert ....................... 142
CPU .................................................... 438 ETH_PORT_CTRL ............................... 564
remote device .......................................... 182 FTP ..................................................... 142
connection ........................................... 179 HTTP................................................... 142
DTM file name ...................................... 176 memory protect .................................... 124
identity check ....................................... 181 password ............................................. 124
product data ......................................... 176 SNMP .................................................. 142
REMOTE_HSBY_STS ......................303, 496 TFTP ................................................... 142
remove connection................................... 179 unlock in Control Expert ........................ 142
reset module............................................ 364 Security
restart tab ....................................................... 139
warm ................................................... 522 service port
restore .............................................134, 490 CPU .................................................... 162
Retain ..................................................... 481 tab ....................................................... 139
MBP_MSTR explicit message................ 343

EIO0000001578.14 583

device DDT .......................................... 293 syslog server

SERVICE_STATUS2 logging................................................. 202
device DDT .......................................... 293 system
SFC section diagnostics ........................................... 552
online changes to.................................. 477 system error ............................................ 101
slave system states
enable ................................................. 399 Hot Standby ...........................................38
SNMP ..................................................... 153
security ................................................ 142
tab ....................................................... 139 T
SNTP diagnostics object........................... 277
standards ..................................................36 tab
start advanced settings............................... 139
cold ..................................................... 518 IPConfig.............................................. 139
warm ................................................... 522 NTP..................................................... 139
state QoS..................................................... 139
AUTOTEST............................................37 RSTP................................................... 139
controller................................................37 Safety.................................................. 139
ERROR .................................................37 Security .............................................. 139
HALT .....................................................37 Service Port ........................................ 139
IDLE ......................................................37 SNMP .................................................. 139
NOCONF ...............................................37 Switch................................................. 139
OS DOWNLOAD ....................................37 task
RUN ......................................................37 associating with variable........................ 494
STOP ....................................................37 CPU .................................................... 510
WAIT .....................................................37 management ........................................ 507
State RAM T_BMEP58_ECPU................................... 293
LL984 .................................................. 127 device DDT .......................................... 293
Quantum ERIO drops............................ 127 T_BMEP58_ECPU_EXT .......................... 293
upgrading M580 controller from V2.20 to device DDT .......................................... 293
V2.30 ...................................................30 T_BMEP58_ECPUPRP_EXT ................... 293
status summary web page device DDT .......................................... 293
CPU .............................................420, 451 T_M_ECPU_HSBY ...........................303, 496
status viewer ........................................... 547 TCP/IP interface object............................. 237
configuring I/O items ............................. 380 security ................................................ 142
STOP transfer project......................................... 484
state ......................................................37
configuration ........................................ 409 U
connections.......................................... 409 update
switch...................................................... 159 firmware........................................... 82–83
Switch upgrade
tab ....................................................... 139 firmware........................................... 82–83
switchover .................................................41 USB
synchronization........................................ 550 cables ....................................................69
synchronous execution pin assignments......................................69
ETH_PORT_CTRL ............................... 564 transparency ..........................................69

584 EIO0000001578.14

state ......................................................37
restart .................................................. 522
start ..................................................... 522
web page ................................................ 446
controller QoS ...................................... 431
CPU alarm viewer ................................. 440
CPU I/O scanner................................... 427
CPU messaging.................................... 430
CPU NTP ............................................. 433
CPU performance ................................. 423
CPU port statistics ................................ 425
CPU redundancy .................................. 438
CPU status summary ............................ 420
web pages........................................418, 450
rack viewer........................................... 455
write data ................................................ 359

EIO0000001578.14 585
Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92500 Rueil Malmaison
+ 33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00

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time, please ask for confirmation of the information given in
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