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Standar - Nasional - Indonesia - Air - Conductivity English

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004

Indonesian National Standards

Water and wastewater – Part 1: How to test electrical

conductivity (DHL)

ICS 13.060.60 National Standardization Agency

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004

List of contents

List of contents ................................................ ................................................................ ................................i

Foreword ................................................ ................................................................ ................................ii

1 Scope ........................................... ................................................................ .................. 1

2 Terms and definitions.............................................. ................................................................ .............. 1

3 Test methods.............................................. ................................................................ ............................. 1

3.1 Principles................................................ ................................................................ .......................... 1

3.2 Materials ................................................ ................................................................ .......................... 1

3.3 Equipment ................................................ ................................................................ ...................... 1

3.4 Tool calibration ................................................. ................................................................ .................. 2

3.5 Procedure ................................................ ................................................................ ......................... 2

4 Quality assurance and quality control............................................ ................................ 2

4.1 Quality assurance .................................................. ................................................................ ................ 2

4.2 Quality control.............................................. ................................................................ ........ 2

Appendix A Reporting.............................................. ................................................................ ......... 3

Bibliography................................................. ................................................................ ................................ 4

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004


In order to standardize water and wastewater quality testing techniques as stipulated in

Government Regulation Number 82 of 2001 concerning Water Quality Management, Decree of
the State Minister for the Environment Number 02 of 1988 concerning Water Quality Standards
and Number 37 of 2003 concerning Analysis Methods for Testing Surface Water Quality and
Taking Surface Water Samples, the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 06-6989.1-2004,
Water and wastewater – Part 1: How to test electrical conductivity (DHL) was created.
This SNI is applied for testing water and wastewater quality parameters as stated in the
Ministerial Decree.

This SNI is the result of a revision of point 3.11 in SNI 06-2413-1991, Methods for testing the
physical quality of water. This SNI uses references from international standard methods, namely
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste Water. This method has been
tested in a testing laboratory in order to validate and verify the method and was agreed upon
by the Water Quality Technical Subcommittee of the 207S Technical Committee, Environmental
Management with related parties.

This standard was agreed and approved in a consensus meeting with meeting participants
representing producers, consumers, scientists, technical agencies, relevant governments from
the central and regional levels on January 31 2004 in Serpong, Tangerang - Banten.

Because SNI 06-6989.1-2004 is a revision of point 3.11 in SNI 06-2413-1991, with the
stipulation of this SNI, the application of point 3.11 in SNI 06-2413-1991 is declared no longer
valid. As long as the other points have not been revised, they are still declared valid. SNI users
can research the validity of SNI related to physical water quality testing methods, so they can
always use the latest edition of SNI.

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004

Water and wastewater – Part 1: How to test electrical conductivity (DHL)

1 Scope

This method includes testing the electrical conductivity (DHL) of water and wastewater using a

2 Terms and definitions

2.1 Electrical
conductivity The ability of water to conduct electric current expressed in µmhos/cm (µS/cm)

solution a solution made by dissolving KCl with a certain concentration

3 Test methods

3.1 Principles

Electrical conductivity was measured with a conductimeter electrode using potassium chloride
solution, KCl as a standard solution at a temperature of 25oC.

3.2 Materials

a) distilled water with DHL < 1 µmhos/cm.

b) standard solution of potassium chloride, KCl 0.01 M.

Dissolve 0.7456 g of potassium chloride, anhydrous KCl which has been dried at a temperature of
110oC for 2 hours with distilled water and dilute to a volume of 1000 mL. This solution at a
temperature of 25oC has an electrical conductivity of 1413 µmhos/cm.

c) standard solution of potassium chloride, KCl 0.1 M.

Dissolve 7.4560 g of potassium chloride, anhydrous KCl which has been dried at a temperature of
110oC for 2 hours with distilled water and dilute to a volume of 1000 mL. This solution at a
temperature of 25oC has an electrical conductivity of 12900 µmhos/cm.

d) standard solution of potassium chloride, KCl 0.5 M.

Dissolve 37.2800 g of potassium chloride, anhydrous KCl which has been dried at 110oC for 2
hours with distilled water and dilute to a volume of 1000 mL. This solution at a temperature of 25oC
has an electrical conductivity of 58460 µmhos/cm.

3.3 Equipment

a) analytical balance;
b) conductimeter;
c) 1000 mL measuring
flask; d) thermometer;
and e) 100 mL beaker.

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004

3.4 Tool calibration

a) Wash the electrode with 0.01 M KCl solution 3 times. b) Set the
temperature of the 0.01 M KCl solution at 25oC.
c) Dip the electrode into 0.01 M KCl solution. d) Press the
calibration button. e) Adjust
until it shows 1413 µmhos/cm (according to the tool's work instructions).

NOTE If the DHL of the test sample is greater than 1413 µmhos/cm, carry out the steps in 3.4 using a
standard solution of 0.1 M KCl (DHL = 12900 µmhos/cm) or 0.5 M KCl (DHL = 58460 µmhos/cm).

3.5 Procedure

a) Rinse the electrode with the test sample 3 times. b) Dip

the electrode into the test sample until the conductimeter shows a reading
which is fixed.
c) Record the scale reading or number on the conductimeter display and record the temperature
test example.

4 Quality assurance and quality control

4.1 Quality assurance

a) Use pro analysis chemicals (pa). b) Use

contamination-free glassware. c) Use calibrated
measuring instruments. d) Done by
competent analysts.

4.2 Quality control

a) Carry out a duplo analysis to control the accuracy of the

analysis. b) If the RPD value is greater than 5%, take a third measurement.
c) “Relative Percent Different” (RPD) formula:

RPD = (X1-X2) x 100 %

(X1+X2) / 2

with the meaning:

X1= DHL value in the first measurement
X2= DHL value in the second measurement

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004

Appendix A


Record in the workbook the following: 1) Parameters

2) Name of analyst.
3) Analysis date.
4) Recording of duplo, triple and so on measurement results.
5) Calibration or chromatography curve recording.
6) Test sample number.
7) Date of receipt of test samples.
8) Detection limit.
9) Recording of calculation results.
10) Results of measuring the percent spike matrix or CRM or blind sample (if carried out).
10.1 DHL content in test samples.

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SNI 06-6989.1-2004


Leonore SF Cleveri et al. 1988, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater, No. 3112, 20th Edition, Washington DC; APHA, AWWA, WEF.

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