NCM 102 Notes 1

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 Maximize independence in the

performance of activities of daily living
 Health education is important to  Energize and empower patient to
inform/educate others, for the become actively involve in the planning
preventive measures. For us nurses to of their care
fully equipped and knowledgeable.
 For us nurses to help prevent the spread CONTEMPORARY ROLE OF THE NURSE
of infection AS EDUCATOR
- Is every nurse adequately prepared to
assess for learning needs, readiness to
EVOLUTION AS A NURSE EDUCATOR: learn, and learning styles?
- Can every nurse determine whether the
MID 1800’S- NURSING was 1st acknowledged information given is actually received
as a unique discipline; the responsibility for and understood? Are all nurses capable
teaching has been recognized as an important of taking appropriate action to revise the
role of nurses as caregivers. approach to educating the patient if the
patient does not comprehend the
Early 1900’s-US considered PHN (public health information provided through the initial
nurse) the significance of the role of the nurse as approach
teacher - Do nurses realize that they need to
transition their role as educator from
EARLY 1918’S- NLN (National League for being a content transmitter to becoming
Nursing)- health teaching as a function within a process manager, from controlling the
the scope of nursing practice learner to releasing the learner, from
being a teacher to becoming a
1950- The NLN had identified course content in facilitator?
nursing school curricula to prepare to assume the
2006- NLN developed the 1ST CNE (Certified
Nurse Educator) exam this is to raise the -IPE- Is included in many accreditation
feasibility as an educator standards as an educational requirement to
prepare health profession students
2015- ANA (AMERICAN NURSES -IPP- team based, interprofessional
ASSOCIATION)- issued statement on the fxns, collaboration, collaborative practice
standards and qualifications for nursing practice.
OF NURSES) endorsed the nurses role - Health care that is respectful of and
as patient educator. (Being a clinical responsive to the preferences, needs and
instructor, your responsibility is to values of patients and consumers
educate aspiring nurses) - Competence in care
Florence Nightingale- considered as the PRINCIPAL ASSUMPTIONS TO USE AS
Ultimate educator GUIDE TO PROVIDE PCC
PURPOSE: 1. There must be an active partnership
 Is to increase the competence and among patients, their families, and the
confidence of patient’s self management providers of their health care.
GOAL: 2. Patients are the best and ultimate source
 To increase Responsibility and of information about their health status
independence of /patient client for self- and retain the right to make their own
care decisions about care
BENEFITS: 3. In this relationship, there are shared
 Improve quality of life responsibilities and accountabilities
 Ensure the continuity of care among the patient and accountabilities
 Decease patient anxiety among the patient, the family, and the
 Promote adherence to treatment plans clinicians that make it effective
4. While embracing partnerships, clinicians
must nevertheless respect the boundaries
of privacy, competent decision-making,
and ethical behavior in all their
encounters and transactions with
patients and families.

BSN 1-A1
5. This relationship is grounded in an
appreciation of the patient’s rights and
expands the rights to include mutuality.
6. Clinicians must recognize that the extent
to which patients and family members
are able to engage or choose to engage
may vary greatly based on individual
circumstances, cultural beliefs, and other
7. Advocacy for patient who are unable to
participate fully is a fundamental
nursing role. Patient advocacy is the
demonstration of all of the components
of the relationship together
8. Acknowledgement and appreciation of
culturally, racially, or ethnically diverse
backgrounds is essential part of the
engagement process

2005- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded

national study the QSEN
6 competencies:
1. Patient-centered care
2. Teamwork and Collaboration
3. Evidence -based practice
4. Quality improvement
5. Informatics
6. Safety
2007- funded by RWJF in the 2nd phase of the
QSEN project, which included launching
website ( .org) dedicated to
teaching strategies and resources
2012- phase IV of the QSEN was funded by
RWJF to support AAACN In the development
oof a new project to establish national
competencies prepare students in graduate
education with knowledge, skills, and attitudes
and required for advanced practices nurses to
effectively improve safety and quality in health
care delivery

BSN 1-A1

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