Lect15 - HTTP

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Lecture 15: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

 Learn about the two main versions of the HTTP protocol, namely:
o HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945) and
o HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616)

1. Brief about Internet Protocols in general and HTTP in


Internet Protocols
Standard Internet protocols evolve through a community process
called Request for Comments (RFC), through which all members of
the Internet community can participate.

The discussion is supervised by a sub-committee (working group) of

the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in the related area.

IETF is a large open international community of network designers,

operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of
the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It
is open to any interested individual.

The detail of each internet protocol is documented and numbered

with prefix RFC and is made available online.

HTTP Protocol
HTTP is an application-level protocol based on client-server
architecture, designed for delivering hypermedia information on the

The design goals for HTTP are:

o light protocol: not consuming too many resources in client
and server
o fast protocol: need to retrieve many widely distributed
documents as fast as possible
According to the RFCs, HTTP is transport independent. However, in
practice, HTTP servers use TCP protocol running on a default port 80.

The first version of the protocol was given version 0.9. However, the
two versions that are now in operation are version 1.0 and version
The following sections briefly discuss these two versions. For details
about the protocols refer to the relevant links for the RFCs given

2. Overview of HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945)

HTTP 1.0 is stateless: servers retain no information about past

requests. Interaction between client and server has 4 phases:
o client connects to server
o client sends request to server
o server sends response to client
o server closes connection

2.1 Format of HTTP request


 each client request message has a format where each line ends
with CRLF (“\r\n”):
method request-URI HTTP-version (request-line)
headers (0 or more lines)
<blank line> (CRLF)
message-body (only if a POST method)

 request methods (case sensitive):

o GET: request document named by request-URI
o HEAD: return only header information of request-URI (e.g.,
test for validity, recent modification)
o POST: submit information to entity given by request-URI
o other methods (PUT, DELETE, etc.)

 request-URI
This specifies the full path of the resource relative to the server.
 HTTP-version
This specifies the version of HTTP protocol that the client is able
to handle. The values are: HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1

 Header Lines
o Header lines provide information about the request or
response, or about the object sent in the message body.
o The header lines are in the form "Header-Name: value",
ending with CRLF.
o The header name is not case-sensitive (but the value may
o Any number of spaces or tabs may be between the ":" and
the value.

The following list some common header names:

o Accept : what format is acceptable (client)
o User-Agent : The client program (client)
o From : email of the user (client)
o Content-Length : length of the message (client/server)
o Content-Type: type of the content (server)
o Date : date sent (sever)
o Expires : expiry date of the content (server)
o Last-Modified : Last modification date (server)

 example of request:
GET /index.html HTTP/1.0
User-Agent: Mozilla/2.02Gold
Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, */*
<blank line here>

2.2 Format of HTTP response


 each server response message has format:

HTTP-version, status-code, reason-phrase (status-line)
headers (0 or more lines)
<blank line> (CRLF)
 The status code is a three-digit integer, and the first digit identifies
the general category of response:
o 1xx indicates an informational message only
o 2xx indicates success of some kind
o 3xx redirects the client to another URL
o 4xx indicates an error on the client's part
o 5xx indicates an error on the server's part
The most common status codes are:
200 OK : The request succeeded, and the resulting resource is
returned in the message body.
404 Not Found : The requested resource doesn't exist.
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
500 Server Error : An unexpected server error.

 example of response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1354
<h1>Happy New Millennium!</h1>
(more file contents)

2.3 Testing HTTP Server

You can use TELNET to test a http server to visualize the above

For example, to download the document:


Enter the following commands on the DOS window:

telnet www.ccse.kfupm.edu.sa 80
GET /~bmghandi/swe344/swe344.txt HTTP/1.0
<blank Line>
You should get an output similar to the following:

Alternatively, you can write a TCP client using the TcpClient or the
Socket class to retrieve the document.
void OnGetClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
String url = urlBox.Text;
int doubleSlahIndex = url.IndexOf("//");
if (doubleSlahIndex>0) { //remove protocol part
url = url.Substring(doubleSlahIndex);

int pathIndex = url.IndexOf('/');

string host = url.Substring(0, pathIndex);
string path = url.Substring(pathIndex);

int port = int.Parse(portBox.Text);

client = new TcpClient(host, port);

stream = client.GetStream();
reader = new StreamReader(stream);
writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

String command = "GET "+path+ " HTTP/1.0"+"\r\n";


string input;
while((input = reader.ReadLine()) != null) {
resultBox.Text += input + "";

2. HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616)

HTTP 1.1 has recently been defined to address new needs and
overcome shortcomings of HTTP 1.0. Improvements include:
 Faster response, by allowing multiple transactions to take
place over a single persistent connection.
 Faster response and great bandwidth savings, by adding
cache support.
 Faster response for dynamically-generated pages, by
supporting chunked encoding, which allows a response to
be sent before its total length is known.
 Efficient use of IP addresses, by allowing multiple domains to
be served from a single IP address.
HTTP 1.1 requires a few extra things from both clients and servers
as explained below.
2.1 HTTP 1.1 Clients

To comply with HTTP 1.1, clients must:

 include the Host header with each request
 accept responses with chunked data
 either support persistent connections, or include the
"Connection: close" header with each request
 handle the "100 Continue" response
2.1.1 Host Header

In HTTP 1.1, one server at one IP address can be multi-homed, i.e.

the home of several Web domains. For example, "www.host1.com"
and "www.host2.com" can live on the same server.

Several domains living on the same server is like several people

sharing one phone: a caller knows who they're calling for, but
whoever answers the phone doesn't. Thus, every HTTP request
must specify which host name (and possibly port) the request is
intended for, with the Host header.
A complete HTTP 1.1 request might be
GET /path/file.html HTTP/1.1
Host: www.host1.com:80
[blank line here]

Note: ":80" isn't required, since that's the default HTTP port.
Host is the only required header in an HTTP 1.1 request. It's also
the most urgently needed new feature in HTTP 1.1. Without it,
each host name requires a unique IP address, and we're quickly
running out of IP addresses with the explosion of new domains.

2.1.2 Chunked Transfer-Encoding

If a server wants to start sending a response before knowing its

total length (like with long script output), it might use the simple
chunked transfer-encoding, which breaks the complete response
into smaller chunks and sends them in series.

You can identify such a response because it contains the

"Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header.
All HTTP 1.1 clients must be able to receive chunked messages.
A chunked message body contains a series of chunks, followed by
a line with "0" (zero), followed by optional footers (just like
headers), and a blank line.

Each chunk consists of two parts:

 a line with the size of the chunk data, in hex, possibly
followed by a semicolon and extra parameters, and ending
with CRLF.
 the data itself, followed by CRLF.

So a chunked response might look like the following:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

1a; ignore-stuff-here
some-footer: some-value
another-footer: another-value
[blank line here]

Thus, the length of the text data is 42 bytes (1a + 10, in hex), and
the data itself is

The footers should be treated like headers, as if they were at the

top of the response.

2.1.3 Persistent Connections and the "Connection: close"


In HTTP 1.0 , TCP connections are closed after each request and
response, so each resource to be retrieved requires its own

Opening and closing TCP connections takes a substantial amount

of CPU time, bandwidth, and memory.
In practice, most Web pages consist of several files on the same
server, so much can be saved by allowing several requests and
responses to be sent through a single persistent connection.

Persistent connections are the default in HTTP 1.1, so nothing

special is required to use them. Just open a connection and send
several requests in series (called pipelining), and read the
responses in the same order as the requests were sent.

If you do this, be very careful to read the correct length of each

response, to separate them correctly.

If a client includes the "Connection: close" header in the request,

then the connection will be closed after the corresponding
response. Use this if you don't support persistent
connections, or if you know a request will be the last on its

Similarly, if a response contains this header, then the server will

close the connection following that response, and the client
shouldn't send any more requests through that connection.

A server might close the connection before all responses are sent,
so a client must keep track of requests and resend them as

When resending, don't pipeline the requests until you know the
connection is persistent. Don't pipeline at all if you know the server
won't support persistent connections (if it uses HTTP 1.0, based on
a previous response).

2.1.4 The "100 Continue" Response

A HTTP 1.1 client sending a request to a server, the server might

respond with an interim "100 Continue" response.

This means the server has received the first part of the request.
HTTP 1.1 clients must handle the “100 Continue” response
correctly (usually by just ignoring it).

The "100 Continue" response is structured like any HTTP

response, i.e. consists of a status line, optional headers, and a
blank line. Unlike other responses, it is always followed by another
complete, final response.
2.1.1 HTTP 1.1 Servers
To comply with HTTP 1.1, servers must:
 require the Host: header from HTTP 1.1 clients
 accept absolute URL's in a request
 accept requests with chunked data
 either support persistent connections, or include the
"Connection: close" header with each response
 use the "100 Continue" response appropriately
 include the Date: header in each response
 handle requests with If-Modified-Since: or If-Unmodified-
Since: headers
 support at least the GET and HEAD methods
 support HTTP 1.0 requests

2.1.2 Requiring the Host: Header

Servers are not allowed to tolerate HTTP 1.1 requests without the
Host header. Instead, it must return a "400 Bad Request"
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 111

<h2>No Host: header received</h2>
HTTP 1.1 requests must include the Host: header.

This requirement applies only to clients using HTTP 1.1, not any
future version of HTTP. See next section.

2.1.3 Accepting Absolute URL's

The Host: header is actually an interim solution to the problem of

host identification. In future versions of HTTP, requests will use an
absolute URL instead of a pathname, like:
GET http://www.somehost.com/path/file.html HTTP/1.2
To enable this protocol transition, HTTP 1.1 servers must accept
this form of request, even though HTTP 1.1 clients won't send

2.1.4 Chunked Transfer-Encoding

Just as HTTP 1.1 clients must accept chunked responses, servers

must accept chunked requests

Servers aren't required to generate chunked messages; they just

have to be able to receive them.

2.1.5 Persistent Connections and the "Connection: close"


If an HTTP 1.1 client sends multiple requests through a single

connection, the server should send responses back in the same
order as the requests.

If a request includes the "Connection: close" header, that request

is the final one for the connection and the server should close the
connection after sending the response.

Also, the server should close an idle connection after some timeout

If server doesn't want to support persistent connections, it must

include the "Connection: close" header in the response.

2.1.6 Using the "100 Continue" Response

When an HTTP 1.1 server receives the first line of an HTTP 1.1 (or
later) request, it must respond with either "100 Continue" or an

If it sends the "100 Continue" response, it must also send

another, final response, once the request has been processed.

The "100 Continue" response requires no headers, but must be

followed by the usual blank line, like:
HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
[blank line here]
[another HTTP response will go here]

2.1.7 The Date: Header

Caching is an important improvement in HTTP 1.1, and can't work

without timestamped responses.
Thus, servers must timestamp every response with a Date: header
containing the current time, in the form
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT

All responses except those with 100-level status (but including

error responses) must include the Date: header.

2.2.7 Handling Requests with If-Modified-Since: or

If-Unmodified-Since: Headers

To avoid sending resources that don't need to be sent, thus saving

bandwidth, HTTP 1.1 defines the If-Modified-Since: and If-
Unmodified-Since: request headers.

The former says "only send the resource if it has changed since
this date"; the latter says the opposite.
Clients aren't required to use them, but HTTP 1.1 servers are
required to honor requests that do use them.
The If-Modified-Since: header is used with a GET request. If the
requested resource has been modified since the given date, ignore
the header and return the resource as you normal. Otherwise,
return a "304 Not Modified" response, including the Date:
header and no message body, like
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT
[blank line here]
The If-Unmodified-Since: header is similar, but can be used with
any method. If the requested resource has not been modified since
the given date, ignore the header and return the resource as you
normally would. Otherwise, return a "412 Precondition Failed"
response, like:
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed
[blank line here]
2.2.8 Supporting the GET and HEAD methods
To comply with HTTP 1.1, a server must support at least the GET
and HEAD methods.

If a client requests a method that is not supported, respond with

"501 Not Implemented".

2.2.9 Supporting HTTP 1.0 Requests

To be compatible with older browsers, HTTP 1.1 servers must

support HTTP 1.0 requests.

In particular, when a request uses HTTP 1.0 in the initial request

 don't require the Host: header, and
 don't send the "100 Continue" response.

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