DLL September 28, 2023

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Daily Lesson Log Date: September 28, 2023 Grade Level: 10

Learning Area: TLE 10 Grading Period: 1st

As per DepEd Order #42, s. 2016 Teacher: JEZREEL P. RABA, LPT
a. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding preparing and cooking egg dishes.
b. Performance Standard The learners independently prepare and cook egg dishes.
c. Learning TLE_HECK10ED-Ib-d-2
Competencies/Objectives a. Communicate effectively about occupational health and safety concerns,
using appropriate terminology.
b. Identify common workplace hazards and explain their risks.
c. Participate in a simulated workplace scenario and demonstrate their
understanding of safety protocols and procedures.
II. Subject Matter Perform Mise en Place
Occupational Health and Safety
Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Technology and Livelihood Education Home Economics – Cookery Q1 – M3
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages Pp 2 - 12
4. Instructional Materials Visual Aids, Realia, Video Presentation, Laptop, Television, Chalk and Board
from Online Portal
A. Review/Motivation Answer
 Imagine you are hosting a dinner party and want to impress your guests
with the way the food is presented. How would you use the principles of
food presentation to create an unforgettable experience?
a. Establishing a purpose To clean, sanitize, and assemble tools, utensils, and equipment required in
for the lesson assembling egg dished.
b. Presenting examples or PICTURE PRESENTATION
instances of the new  Show images or videos depicting and unsafe work environments.
lesson  Ask students to identify the hazards present in these images or videos.
 Discuss as a class why it is important to address these hazards and
maintain a safe work environment.

c. Discussing new Discuss

concepts and presenting Occupational Health and Safety
new skills # 1 - Is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety,
health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. Knowing OHS
is essential to minimize the hazards and risks not only to students, trainers,
and other people within the training institution but also to others who will be
Good OHS Practice
- Disaster Plan
- Training and providing relevant information.
- Work and storage areas should be designed, constructed, and
equipped to ensure that there is minimum risk to archive material
or staff.
- Near Miss and Hazardous Incidents and Accident Investigation
- Report of Notifiable Accidents, Incidents and Dangerous
- First Aid
- Personal Protective Equipment
d. Discussing new concepts Discuss
and presenting new skills Basic Food Microbiology
#2 - Food Borne Illness – is a disease that is carried and transmitted to
people by food.
- Food Borne Infection – is a disease that results from eating food
containing harmful microorganisms.
- Food Borne Intoxication – is a disease that results from eating food
containing toxins from bacteria, molds or certain plants and animals.
e. Developing mastery Divide students into groups and assign each group a workplace scenario. Ask them
(leads to formative to create a skit demonstrating the importance of following safety protocols in their
assessment) assigned scenario.
f. Finding practical Answer the following:
application of concepts  Why is it important for employers and employe4es to prioritize
and skills in daily living occupational health and safety?
g. Making generalization Answer the following:
and abstraction about the  How can a lack of awareness or negligence regarding occupational
lesson health and safety impact individuals and organizations?
 What are some potential consequences of not following safety protocols
in the workplace?
Evaluating Learning Direction: List down all the hazards found in the picture. Then, write the possible
solutions for the hazards.

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Additional activities for What are the tools used in preparing cereals and starches?
Remediation/ Assignment
Checked by: Noted:


Head Teacher II School Principal III

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