Alnus - Cordata - Dressmaking - Group (1) - Copy Redo Protoype 1
Alnus - Cordata - Dressmaking - Group (1) - Copy Redo Protoype 1
Alnus - Cordata - Dressmaking - Group (1) - Copy Redo Protoype 1
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This study aims to venture into the world of natural dye production. It further explores
the dye producing potential of Alnus Cordata (Italian Alder) and understand its contributions
Alnus cordata, also known as the Italian alder, is a species of tree native to southern
Italy and Corsica. This deciduous tree is valued for its ornamental qualities, ecological
benefits, and various practical uses. In this review, the researchers will look into the
characteristics, uses, and methods of extraction, ecological importance of Alnus cordata and
Alnus cordata (Italian Alder) is a medium to large-sized tree that can reach heights of
20-30 meters. It is characterized by its conical shape, glossy dark green leaves, and
distinctive silver-gray bark. Alnus cordata is well-adapted to a variety of soil types, including
wet and waterlogged soils, making it a valuable species for stabilizing riverbanks and
The wood of Alnus cordata is prized for its durability, resistance to decay, and fine
grain, making it suitable for a range of applications. It is commonly used in the construction
of furniture, cabinets, and interior finishes. The tree's high heat output and low smoke
emissions make it a popular choice for firewood. In landscaping, Alnus cordata is planted for
its attractive foliage, fast growth, and ability to thrive in challenging environments. Its
nitrogen-fixing properties also make it a valuable species for reforestation and ecological
restoration projects.The process of extracting dye from Alnus cordata bark typically involves
boiling the bark in water to release the pigments and tannins. Various mordant, such as alum,
iron, or copper, can be used to modify and enhance the colors obtained from the dye. (Native
silk, and cotton offering versatility in textile dyeing and fiber arts. (Mouli Mondal, n.d.)
Alnus cordata plays a crucial role in ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. As a nitrogen-
fixing tree, it enriches the soil with essential nutrients, promoting the growth of other plant
species. (Vasyl Cherlinka, 2021) The tree's dense foliage provides habitat and food for a
variety of wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. (Rhiannon O’Sullivan,
2023) Alnus Cordata helps to regulate water levels and improve water quality by stabilizing
The natural dye derived from Alnus Cordata has a wide range of potential applications
in textile and fiber arts. Its earthy and warm color palette make it suitable for creating natural,
organic shade in fabric dyeing, yarn dyeing and fiber art projects. (Jenny Bell, 2021)
The use of natural dye aligns with the growing consumer demand for sustainable and
environmentally friendly products, making Alnus Cordata dye an attractive option for eco-
Dyes are natural or synthetic substances used to add color or change the color of
something. It is used to impart color to textiles, paper, leather, and other materials. There are
Natural dyes are derived from plant sources, animal sources, or minerals. These dyes
are known for their eco-friendly properties and are valued for their environmental benefits, as
Synthetic dyes are chemically manufactured colorants that are widely used in the
textile, printing, and chemical industries. They are made from chemical compounds such as
Textile dyes are a small part of the global textile industry but, are equally as important
as the entire industry. Through the assistance of technology, the development of textile and
dye industries are flourishing in countries with abundant natural resources and cheap labor
costs specifically in the areas of India, China, South Africa, and Brazil. The dyeing industry
In the Philippines, the dye industry has experienced steady growth over the years and
has a well-established textile industry that caters to both domestic and commercial markets.
In recent years, there has been an increase focus on sustainable practices within the dye
industry. This includes the development of eco-friendly dyes that minimizes environmental
impact during production and usage. The government even implemented regulations to
Bokod does not have a significant presence or prominence. There is limited information
available regarding the existence or operation of dye production within the municipality.
While there may be small-scale dye production or dye-related activities, large scale dye
Alnus cordata, commonly known as Italian Alder, involves exploring the potential of
this plant species to produce dyes for various applications. Italian Alder is a horticultural tree
native to Italy and Corsica. It belongs to the family Betulaceae and is characterized by its
dark green leaves, smooth gray bark, and cone-like fruits. The tree can grow up to 25 meters
in height and thrives in moist soil conditions specifically near bodies of water. A natural
colouring component could be found in almost all cordata’s tannis, flavonoids, and
Therefore, in this study, the researchers aim to extract natural dye from Alnus Cordata
(Italian Alder) using sustainable, cost-effective methods that utilizes the advantages of the
dyeing chemical properties found in the tree
This study aims to make dyes from Alnus Cordata. It seeks to answer the following
A. Determine the color/s extracted from the tree of Alnus Cordata (Italian Alder)
B. Determine the kind/s of fabric that exhibits the highest efficiency in absorbing the
C. Determine the acceptability rate of the usage of natural dye in the municipality of
1. Alnus Cordata bark possesses color properties suitable for use as a natural dye.
2. Potential benefits to the environment are associated with using Alnus Cordata bark as
a natural dye.
3. The Alnus Cordata bark exhibits a dye which is stable and long lasting when applied
The researchers explore the potential of Alnus Cordata, known as Italian Alder, as a
sustainable natural dye source, particularly in tie dyeing. The study encompasses
However, the inherent limitations include limited extraction techniques and market
viability factors. Cultural and aesthetic aspects are not deeply explored, and broader
researchers may conduct surveys, interviews and questionnaires through the use of
multimedia resources. The data gathered from the research shall be collectedfrom a 1 month
interviews. The experiments on extracting dye and dyeing fabrics will be conducted at the
cooking facility within Ambangeg National high school grounds.According to DepEd Tayo
Ambangeg National High School official Facebook Page, There are a total of 450 students
attending the school year 2023-2024 from junior to senior high school.Using stratified
will be students from the junior high grades respectively grade 7A&B, 8A&B, 9A&B, and
To further determine the acceptability rate of the usage of natural dye in the municipality of
Bokod, The researchers will organize one-to-one interviews with some local businesses that
The researchers aim to explore Alnus Cordata (Italian alder) as a natural and
sustainable dye for linen fabric. The study would be a reference for the future researchers
who are interested in developing eco-friendly and low cost dyes from natural resources. This
study will also benefit the respondents of the study, who are the textile manufacturers and
The significance of the study of Alnus Cordata for dyeing fabric holds several
benefits. It has a positive impact on the environment, as the use of natural dye has a lower
carbon footprint compared to synthetic dyes. This can ultimately reduce the environmental
impact of the textile industry.The study will be significant to the following:
sustainable textile production and natural dye, providing insights for further research and
Future Researchers. For future researchers the study can serve as a foundation for
future research endeavors related to natural dyes and sustainable textile production methods.
The potential breakthroughs resulting from this study can contribute to the scientific
Students. This study for students can be valuable a resource for students and learners
valuable reference guide for projects that require collaboration across various fields of
students to the practical application of natural dyes, emphasizing the eco-friendly aspects of
The framework of this study introduces the sequence of the study in chronological
Figure 1:
The paradigm of this study specifies an in depth guide in determining the research results of
making dye from Alnus Cordata. It also involves sequences in ascertaining the acceptability
3. Determine the
1. Determine
rate theof Alnus Cordata as
of the usage 2. aDetermine
dye in thethe
kind/sof Bokod,acceptability
Benguet. rate of
color/s extracted of fabric that exhibits the usage of natural
from the tree of thehighest efficiency in dye in the
Alnus Cordata absorbing the dye. municipality of
(Italian Alder) Bokod
4. Determine the
Cite the shades 3. Determine the acceptability rate
of color kind/s of fabric of the usage of
extracted from that exhibits the natural dye in the
the dye using highest efficiency municipality of
the boiling in absorbing the Bokod
method of dye.
1. Dye a fabric
Observe the: using the boiled
Measure the:
1. Dye absorption parts of
time of boiling,
of the fabric/s AlnusCordata
soaking of fabric,
2. Color (Italian Alder).
setting the dye
consistency of
dyed fabric
3. Color intensity 2. Create a
survey about the
acceptability rate
of the usage of
natural dye in the
Gather Data
municipality of
Bokod using the
Alnus Cordata
Compile Data (Italian alder) as
an example.
Alnus Cordata- Also known as Italian alder is a horticultural specie that is native to Italy and
Betulaceae-the brich family, includes six genera of deciduous nut-bearing trees and shrubs,
Commercial market- The sales of products and services to end users and public and private
Flavonoids-a large class of plant pigments having a structure based on or similar to that of
Natural Dyes- are dyes derived from plant sources, animal sources, or mineral sources.
Synthetic dyes- are chemically manufactured colorants that are made from lead, mercury,
barks, and other plant tissues, consisting of derivatives of Gallic acid, used in leather
Toluene- a colorless liquid hydrocarbon presents in coal tar and petroleum and used as a
Angelina, G. and Sylvia, M.2012.Philippine Native Trees 101-Up Close and Personal.
Caudullo, G., Mauri, A., 2016. Alnus cordata in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage, and
threats. In: San-Miguel-Avanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A.
(Eds), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg, pp. e015443+
Ducci F. and Andrea T.2009.EUFORGEN Technical Guidelines for genetic conservation and -flora/Italian-alder/
San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo., Caudullo G., (reprinted 2021). European Atlas of
This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology the study, the
research design, participants of the study, locale of the study, sampling technique, data
The method used in this research is the mixed method, a combination of quantitative
The research experiment will be conducted within the grounds of Ambangeg National
High school. The Alnus Cordata bark will be sourced from Bila, Bokod Benguet.
The participants of the study are citizens that are currently residing within the
municipality of Bokod. Preferably 1444 respondents with the age ranging from 20 years old
to 40 years old.
This study will use surveys, field trial experiments and one-to-one interviews as a way
to gather more data analysis. These tools were chosen for this research since it is cost-
effective and simple to conduct and manage. Additionally, it assures flexibility for
respondents and reduces partiality. The survey will use a Likert scale which will consist of 5
questions that will collect informational data from respondents to determine the acceptability
of the research. The field trial experiment will involve researchers experimenting with the
dyes’ potential effects and with the selected respondents for the one-to-one interviews, they
will be asked questions regarding their knowledge and expertise with the dye extraction,
The researchers will conduct surveys, interviews and questionnaires through the use
of multimedia resources. The data gathered from the research shall be collectedfrom a 1
interviews. The experiments on extracting dye and dyeing fabrics will be conducted at the
cooking facility within Ambangeg National high school grounds. According to DepEd Tayo
Ambangeg National High School official Facebook Page, There are a total of 450 students
attending the school year 2023-2024 from junior to senior high school.Using stratified
10A&B. The surveys are expected to be distributed 10 paper questionnaires to each section.
To further determine the acceptability rate of the usage of natural dye in the municipality of
Bokod, The researchers will organize one-to-one interviews with some local businesses that
The researchers plan to provide a descriptive analysis of data for all independent and
independent variables in the study.The color outcome of the natural dye produced using
Alnus Cordata will be compared with other natural dyes made from various plant sources to
evaluate its effectiveness and potential applications.The data gathered will be analyzed using
descriptive statistics to presents the result. The researchers will oversee the information
about the number of the members of the sample who did and did not return the survey and it
will be listed in a table with numbers and percentages describing respondents and non-
respondents. The researchers will review and summarize the collected data. The type of
quantitative data analysis used is the survey methodology since the researchers used surveys
and questionnaires. The final step in the data analysis is to present the results in tables or
figures and interpret the results from the statistical test. An interpretation with the results
means that the researchers concludes the results of the research questions, hypothesis, and the
color variety?
synthetic dyes?
environmentally sustainable?