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[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *E101* Examine the letter of Jeremiah to the exiles what is the meaning

of letter to your society (25)

*E102* Examine the nature of symbolism in Jeremiah (25)

*E103* Examine the observances of mediums in Indigenous Religion (25)

*E104* Examine the theories on the origins of Prophecy (25)

*E105* Discuss the relationship between spirits and humans in ir (25)

*E106* To what extent do avenging spirits promote peace building?

*E107* Examine the Causes of the rise in charismatic figures (prophets) in Zimbabwean Christian

*E108* Examine the similarities between Israel and Zimbabwean prophets (25)

*E109* Indigenous relogion is a green religion discuss (25)

E110* Analyse the effects of Hosea's marriage on grooming children in today's families(25)

*E111* Analyse the challenges in the infancy narratives(25)

[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: E21* Examine the reverence for nature and kinship with nature in
Indigenous religion. ( 25 )

*E22*Asses the burial and mourning customs in African Traditional Religion. ( 25 )

*E23*To what extent does the book of Hoses Promotes male dominance (25)

*E24* Analyse the significance of symbolism in I.R (25)

*E25* Missionaries brought God to Africa ,Discuss (25)

*E26*Examine the themes in the book of Hosea (25)

*E27* Analyse the role played by family in fostering ubuntu values in indeginous religion (25)

*E28* Examine the role of chieftainship in Indigenous societies. [25]

*E29* Examine the functions of shavi spirits in promoting enterprise [25]

*E30* Discuss ways through which Indigenous Religion preserves the environment. [25]

*E41* Examine the Status of Women In the New Testament.(25)

*E42* Examine the nature and genre of parables of Jesus Christ (25)

*E43* Discuss theEffects of death on the living in IR (25)

*E44* Examine the Evidence of the hereafter in indigenous Religion(25)

*E45* Discuss the classification of death in IR (25)

*E46* Examine the fact that people fear death than acknowledge its reality in IR (25)

*E47* Why being an ancestor is the only desirable state after death (25)

*E48* Why being an ancestor is the only desirable state after death (25)

*E49* Discuss and assess the view that according to the author of Lukes gospel it was Jesus conflict with
the religious rather than political authorities which led to his crucifixion (25)

*E50* Discuss the role played by the environment in understanding the concept of God in IR (25)

*E51* why does indigenous Religion not qualify as a world Religion ,what are some of the misconception
sourrounding this religion (25)

*E52* Examine Misleading terms used by the Western media and scholars to belittle ATR(25)

*E53* Examine th categories and importance of Sacred shrines in Zimbabwe (25)

*E54* Examine the difference between the Kingdom of God *(KOG)* and Kingdom of Heaven *(KOH)*

*E55* Examine the contribution of Islam to Health (25)

*E56* Explore the doctrine of Sola fide(salvation through faith alone) as portrayed by the Catholic
Church (25)

*E57* Examine the significance of Baptism in contemporary societies (25)

*E58* What is the role of Contemporary Role of Chiefs in Zimbabwe (25)

*E59* The role of the chief in The Ndebele State (25)

*E60* Examine the role of Islamic organisation in humanitarianism (25)

[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *June 2020 Paper 1*



*E101* To what extent do avenging spirits promote peace building?

2.Discuss the role played by various groups in the Zimbabwe Liberation struggle.

3.To what extent is divorce used as a tool for conflict resolution?

4.Explain the relationship between Indigenous religious and land.

5.Discuss how Indigenous Religion perceives health issues.


6.Analyse how the Jewish law promotes good governance.

7.Discuss the criteria for distinguishing true from false prophecy.

8.Analyse the effects of Hosea’s marriage on grooming children in families today.

9.Evaluate the status of women in Judaism.

10.Discuss Jewish ways of conserving the environment.

[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *Specimen paper 1 and 2* *2018*


*Section A*

1 Discuss the attributes of the Supreme Being in Indigenous Religion. [25]

*E27* :Assess the role played by family members in fostering Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu in

Indigenous Religion. [25]

*E28* :Examine the role of chieftainship in Indigenous societies. [25]

*E29* :Examine the functions of shavi spirits in promoting enterprise. [25]

*E30* :Discuss ways through which Indigenous Religion preserves the environment. [25]

*[* *Section B* *]*


*E13* :Identify the different types of covenants in Judaism

*E31* :Discuss the evidence that prophecy in Israel was a borrowed phenomenon.

What is your society borrowing from other countries?

*E32* :Examine the role played by women in Israel. Show how women participate in

nation building today.

*E33* :Analyse the importance of miracles in Ancient Israel and Zimbabwe.

*E34* :Discuss the importance of Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles. Show how Zimbabweans in the diaspora
contribute to the development of their society.


*[* *Paper 2* *]*


*Section A*


1 Discuss the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

2 Assess the role of female disciples in the gospels.

3 Examine how the gospels portray prominent economic activities in Palestine. How do people in your
society make a living
4 ‘Although the issue of circumcision was controversial in the early church,it has become significant in
today’s society’. Discuss.

5 Evaluate the significance of signs and wonders in the development of the early church.

*[* *Section B* *]*


6 Discuss the importance of the Koran in Islam. [25]

7 Analyse the pillars of Islamic faith. [25]

8 Assess Islam’s contribution to human health. [25]

9 Examine the Islamic rules of behaviour in relation to good citizenship. [25]

10 Explore the importance of humanitarian services in Islam. [25]*


[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *Dzidzo Online Essays Platform*


*E1* Are spirits real?Explore the evidence used to establish their existence (25)

*E2* Analyse the marriage procedure in indegenious Religion (25)

*E3* Examine the methods of wealth creation in indigenous Religion(25)

*E4* Examine the Value of Ngozi In IR (25)

*E5* Examine and explain fully rituals associated with death among the shona and ndebele(25)

*E6* Discuss The Attributes Of The Supreme Being In African Indigenous Religion.(25)

*E7*What Are The Misconceptions Towards Indigenous Religion. How Can One Exonerate Indigenous
Religion From Such (25)

*E8* Discuss the value of Unhuism and fear of Ngozi to societal peace, Justice and good Behaviour ?

*E9* Evaluate the concept of biblical sin and its effects (25)

*E10* "Words expressed in human words"How valid is this assertion in the authority of the bible in
Christianity (25)
*E11* Analyse factors which hinder women participation in Politics and what is the government doing
now to promote women (25)

*E12* identify and examine different types of marriages in Indigenous Religion (25)

*E13* Examine different covenants in judaism (25)

*E14* Examine rituals associated with death in Judaism (25)

*E15* Examine the different between Jihad and terrorism (25)

*E16* Examine the Islamic perspectives on health practices (25)

*E17* Analyse the significance of symbolism in I.R (25)

*E18* Marriage in the African Traditional Religion is a communal rather than individual affair".Examine
the validity of this claim. (25)

*E19* Explain the nature and function of Spirits in the Shona \ Ndebele Traditional Religion ( 25 )

*E20* Examine the Status of Women in the New Testament. ( 25 )


[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *E61* Examine The Effects of Sin in Christianity (25)

*E62* to what extent were the parables of Jesus unique to him ,show how he used them as a desirable
teaching method over other (25)

*E63* Examine the role of Islamic organisation in humanitarianism ,what challenges do they face in their
work (25)

*E64* To what extent does Islam Oppresses women (25)

*E65* Unfaithfulness is the only cause of divorce in Indigenous religion." Assess the validity of this

*E66* To what extent does the book of Hoses Promotes male dominance ,how are women viewed in
your society(25)

*E67* With Amos's message and prophecy ,prophecy in Israel entered a new stage ? Discuss the validity
of this assertion? (25)

*E68* Marriage in Indegenous Religion " A sexual bond Discuss(25)

*E69* Examine the concept of health and well-being in judaism (25)

*E71* Examine the nature of the Jihalliya period (25)

*E71* Examine the importance of humanitarian services in Islam (25)

*E72* Examine Jesus teaching methods and contemporary prophets (25)

*E73* Examine the concept of Environment in Islam (25)

*E74* Explore ways in which Ubuntu can be fostered in young generation.(25)

*E75* Examine the significance of Kurova Guva(25)

*E76* Examine the activities of Jeremiah (25)

*E78* Examine the concept of Prophecy from a new Testament Perspective (25)

*E79* To what extent can Jesus be presented as prophet in the New Testament (25)

*E80* identify one totem ,its significance and write down its praise poem (25)*E81* Critically analyse
the virgin birth in the new Testament ?(25)

*E82* Examine the similarities between Israel and Zimbabwean prophets (25)

*E83* Analyse the persecution of Christians by Emperor Nero and other ,show how it led to the triumph
of Christianity (25)

*E94* Miracles are hard to define discuss (25)

*E85* Discuss the view that Jesus Christ message was centred on his actions of washing disciples their
feet (25)

*E86* Describe One Miracle Particular to Luke, and another of a different type.(25)

*E87* God Hates Divorce. Discuss (25)

*E88* Examine the Covenants between Man and God in the Bible(25)

*E89* Examine the Effects of globalisation on Ubuntu (25)

*E90* Examine the factors which hinder the full participation of women in politics in IR (25)

*E91* Examine the challenges faced by the early church in Christianity (25)

*E92* According. To Taringa the shona share with most African belief that that land is sacred. Respond.
to this assertion.*(25)

*E93* Analyse the role played by family in fostering ubuntu values in indeginous religion (25)

*E94* Examine the Problems and efficacy for differences in the concept of Baptism (25)
*E95* Examine the conflict between Christianity and Indigenous Religion on polygamy and monogamy

*E96* Asses Muhammed status as a prophet in Islam (25)

*E97* Examine the characteristics of a prophet in Islam (25)

*E98* Heritage is of importance to Muslim .Discuss (25)


*E99* Discuss the procedure and effects of Dirvoce in Islamic society (25)

*E100* Analyse the sources of Ethical principles in Islam (25)

[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *E112* Discuss the idea that prophecy was borrowed from ANE (25)

*E113* Examine the centrality of Ancestors in IR (25)

*E114* Analyse the nature of God in Indigenous religion. To what extend is God central in the lives of
people? (25)

*E115* Analyse the attributes of God in Islam.

*E116* Explain the value of symbols in Indigenous religion

*E117* Discuss the role of totems in strengthening IR culture and biliefs

*E118* Examine the role of spirits in social control in IR (25)

*E119* Examine the authority of the Quaran (25)

*E120* Analyse the various categories of love in Islam (25)

*E121* Was Jeremiah a patriot or a traitor (25)

*E122* Discuss the covenant in Hosea ,how does it differ from other (25)

*E123* How was Prophecy in Israel shaped by that of Ancient Near East (25)

*E124* Discuss the synoptic problem in relation to the birth of Jesus

*E125* Discuss the various roles of Samuel in Israel

*E126* Analyse the role of various groups in the Chimurenga

*E127* To what extent can divorce be used as a source of conflict resolution in IR

[11/24, 19:50] Tapiwa Maching: *E61* Examine The Effects of Sin in Christianity (25)
*E62* to what extent were the parables of Jesus unique to him ,show how he used them as a desirable
teaching method over other (25)

*E63* Examine the role of Islamic organisation in humanitarianism ,what challenges do they face in their
work (25)

*E64* To what extent does Islam Oppresses women (25)

*E65* Unfaithfulness is the only cause of divorce in Indigenous religion." Assess the validity of this

*E66* To what extent does the book of Hoses Promotes male dominance ,how are women viewed in
your society(25)

*E67* With Amos's message and prophecy ,prophecy in Israel entered a new stage ? Discuss the validity
of this assertion? (25)

*E68* Marriage in Indegenous Religion " A sexual bond Discuss(25)

*E69* Examine the concept of health and well-being in judaism (25)

*E71* Examine the nature of the Jihalliya period (25)

*E71* Examine the importance of humanitarian services in Islam (25)

*E72* Examine Jesus teaching methods and contemporary prophets (25)

*E73* Examine the concept of Environment in Islam (25)

*E74* Explore ways in which Ubuntu can be fostered in young generation.(25)

*E75* Examine the significance of Kurova Guva(25)

*E76* Examine the activities of Jeremiah (25)

*E77* Examine the importance of the Koran in Islam (25)

*E78* Examine the concept of Prophecy from a new Testament Perspective (25)

*E79* To what extent can Jesus be presented as prophet in the New Testament (25)

*E80* identify one totem ,its significance and write down its praise poem (25)*E81* Critically analyse
the virgin birth in the new Testament ?(25)

*E82* Examine the similarities between Israel and Zimbabwean prophets (25)

*E83* Analyse the persecution of Christians by Emperor Nero and other ,show how it led to the triumph
of Christianity (25)
*E94* Miracles are hard to define discuss (25)

*E85* Discuss the view that Jesus Christ message was centred on his actions of washing disciples their
feet (25)

*E86* Describe One Miracle Particular to Luke, and another of a different type.(25)

*E87* God Hates Divorce. Discuss (25)

*E88* Examine the Covenants between Man and God in the Bible(25)

*E89* Examine the Effects of globalisation on Ubuntu (25)

*E90* Examine the factors which hinder the full participation of women in politics in IR (25)

*E91* Examine the challenges faced by the early church in Christianity (25)

*E92* According. To Taringa the shona share with most African belief that that land is sacred. Respond.
to this assertion.*(25)

*E93* Analyse the role played by family in fostering ubuntu values in indeginous religion (25)

*E94* Examine the Problems and efficacy for differences in the concept of Baptism (25)

*E95* Examine the conflict between Christianity and Indigenous Religion on polygamy and monogamy

*E96* Asses Muhammed status as a prophet in Islam (25)

*E97* Examine the characteristics of a prophet in Islam (25)

*E98* Heritage is of importance to Muslim .Discuss (25)


*E99* Discuss the procedure and effects of Dirvoce in Islamic society (25)

*E100* Analyse the sources of Ethical principles in Islam (25)

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