Anatomy BONES-Cranium
Anatomy BONES-Cranium
Anatomy BONES-Cranium
- it is a flat bone, pair, being placed on the lateral sides of the skull
- it presents in two surfaces, four margins and four angles
- margo sagittalis - the superior margin (makes with the opposite one
the sutura sagittalis)
- margo squamosus - the inferior margin (makes with squama
temporalis the sutura squamosa)
- margo frontalis - the anterior margin (makes with squama frontalis
the sutura coronalis)
- margo occipitalis - the posterior margin (makes with squama
occipitalis the sutura lambdoidea)
- angulus frontalis - the antero-superior angle
- angulus occipitalis - the antero-posterior angle
- angulus sphenoidalis - the antero-inferior angle
- angulus mastoideus - the antero-posterior angle
- it is a flat bone, pair, being placed on the posterior side of the skull
- it presents three parts related to the central big hole (foramen magnum):
- it is a small bone situated in the anterior part of the medial wall of the
orbit; it presents:
a. FACIES LATERALIS - the lateral (orbital) surface orineted to the
orbital cavity; it presents:
- crista lacrimalis posterior - the posterior lacrimal crest situated
vertically along this surface
- hamulus lacrimalis - the lacrimal hook situated at the inferior
end of crista lacrimalis
- sulcus lacrimalis - the lacrimal groove situated vertically in front of
crista lacrimalis; togheter with its omonime groove and crest from
maxilla it will delimit fossa saci lacrimalis
- canalis naso-lacrimalis - the naso-lacrimal chanell wich will
connect the orbit with the nasal cavity; it represents the inferior
continuation of the fossa saci lacrimalis
- it is a curved lamella situated on the inferior part of the lateral wall of the
nasal cavity (inferior to concha nasalis media of the ethmoid bone), being
articulate with the conchal crest of the maxilla and the palatin bone; it
a. FACIES LATERALIS - the lateral surface, concave oriented to
the sinus maxillaris; it presents:
- meatus nasi inferior - the inferior nasal meatus represents the space
situated under concha nasalis inferior
- processus frontalis - the frontal projection, starting from the supero-
lateral angle of the bone and being part of the “additus orbitae”
- processus temporalis - the temporal projection, starting from the
posterior angle of the bone and being part of “arcus zygomaticus”
- processus maxillaris - the maxillar projection, starting from the
antero-inferior angle of the bone and being articulate with the
zygomatic process of maxilla
- it is a pair bone, being placed in between the nasal, orbital and oral
cavities and representing the support for the superior dental arch
- it consists in the body, the processs and the internal cavity (sinus
- it is a singular bone, being placed in the inferior part of the face and
represents the support for the inferior dental arch
- it consists in the body, the branches and the internal chanell