Anatomy BONES-Cranium

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- it is a flat bone, single, being placed on the antero-superior part of the

- it consists in four parts: the scale, the orbital part, the nasal part, the
frontal sinus (squama frontalis, pars orbitalis, pars nasalis and sinus


- it situated anteriorly forming the antero-superior part of the skull
- it presents two surfaces: external and internal:
- margo supraorbitalis - the supraorbital margin represents the
border in between the frontal and the orbital parts
- incisura supraorbitalis / foramen supraorbitale - the
supraorbital notch / hole is situated on the lateral part of the
supraorbital margin
- incisura frontalis / foramen frontale – the frontal notch / hole is
situated on the medial part of the supraorbital margin
- processus zygomaticus - the zygomatic process represents the
lateral continuation of the supraorbital margin
- margo parietalis - the parietal margin represents the border in
between the frontal and the parietal bone
- margo sphenoidalis - the sphenoid margin represents the border in
between the frontal and the sphenoid bone
- arcus supraciliaris - the supraciliar arch is a linear eminentia
situated above the supraorbital margin
- tuber frontale - the frontal tuber is a circular eminentia situated
above the supraciliar arch
- glabella - small flat portion situated in between the medial ends of
supraciliar arch
- linea temporalis - the temporal line represents the posterior
continuation on the infero-lateral aspect of the frontal scale


- crista frontalis - the frontal crest situated vertically on the median
- foramen caecum - the blind hole situated at the inferior end of crista
- sulcus sinus sagitalis superioris - the groove of the superior sagital
sinus starts at the superior end of crista frontalis
- foveolae granulares - small holes situated in the groove


- it is a pair part situated inferiorly forming the superior part of the orbit
- it presents two horizontall lamellas separated by a notch
I. FACIES ORBITALIS - is concave, smooth and presents:
- fossa glandulae lacrimalis - the lacrimal gland’s fossa is situated
on the lateral side
- fovea trochlearis - the trochlear fossa (smaller) for the insertion of
the techlea of the oblique superior muscle of the eye
- margo sphenoidalis - the sphenoid margin represents the border in
between the frontal and the sphenoid bone
- arcus supraciliaris - the supraciliar arch is a linear eminentia
situated above the supraorbital margin

II. FACIES ENDOCRANII - is convex and presents:

- impressiones digitatae - the digital impressions and mamillar
eminentias (the imprints of the cerebral lobi)

III. INCISURA ETHMOIDALIS - the ethmoidal notch is situated in

between the orbital parts; it will articulate with the horizontal part of
the ethmoidal bone and presents:
- foramen ethmoidale anterius and posterius – the anterior and
posterior etyhmoidal holes through wich the orbit communicates
with the endo-cranium
- celullaes frontalo-ethmoidalis - small cavities in between these two
- it is situated in between the orbital parts; it will articulate with the
nasalbones and with the nasal projection of maxilla bone; it presents:
- spina nasalis - the nasal spine oriented inferiorly


- it is a pair cavity situated in the base of squama frontalis
- septum intersinusale frontale - the frontal intersinusal sept
represents a splitting wall in between the two sinuses (right and left)
- apertura sinus frontalis - it is a hole through wich the frontal sinus
communicates with the nasal cavity

- it is a flat bone, pair, being placed on the lateral sides of the skull
- it presents in two surfaces, four margins and four angles

a. FACIES EXTERNA is convex and presents:

- foramen parietale - the parietal hole situated near the superior
margin and the occipital angle
- tuber parietale - the parietal tuberosity situated in the superior part
- linea temporalis superior - the superior temporal line with a covex
shape and situated under tuber parietale
- linea temporalis inferior - the inferior temporal line with a covex
shape and situated under linea temporalis superior

b. FACIES INTERNA is concave and presents:

- impressions digitatae - the digital impressions and mamillar
eminentias (the imprints of the cerebral lobi)
- sulci arteriosi - arteriolar grooves
- foveolae granulares - small cavities
- sulcus sinus sagitalis superioris - the groove of the superior sagital
sinus goes along the superior margin
- sulcus arteriae meningae mediae - the groove of the medial
meningeal artery goes along the middle part

- margo sagittalis - the superior margin (makes with the opposite one
the sutura sagittalis)
- margo squamosus - the inferior margin (makes with squama
temporalis the sutura squamosa)
- margo frontalis - the anterior margin (makes with squama frontalis
the sutura coronalis)
- margo occipitalis - the posterior margin (makes with squama
occipitalis the sutura lambdoidea)

- angulus frontalis - the antero-superior angle
- angulus occipitalis - the antero-posterior angle
- angulus sphenoidalis - the antero-inferior angle
- angulus mastoideus - the antero-posterior angle

- it is a flat bone, pair, being placed on the posterior side of the skull
- it presents three parts related to the central big hole (foramen magnum):

a. PARS BASILARIS - the basal part is situated anteriorly to foramen

magnum and presents:
I. FACIES EXTERNA - is convex, smooth and presents:
- tuberculum pharingeum - the pharingian tubercle in the middle of
the surface
II. FACIES INTERNA - is concave and presents:
- clivus - the slope that goes downwards to foramen magnum
- sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris - the pair grooves on the lateral
margins of this surface

b. PARS LATERALIS - the lateral pair part is situated laterally to

foramen magnum and presents:
- condylus occipitalis - the two pair elongated eminentias wich are
oriented oblique to posterior and lateral
- fossa condylaris - the depression situated posterior to the condyls
- canalis condylaris - the chanell situated in fossa condylaris
- canalis hypoglossi - the chanell situated transversal in the base of
the condyls


- tuberculum jugulare - the two pair elongated eminentias wich are
oriented oblique to posterior and lateral
- incisura jugularis - the jugular notch is situated laterally to
tuberculum jugulare on the lateral margin of this part
- processus intrajugularis - the intrajugular process situated in the
middle of the jugular notch
- processus jugularis - the jugular process situated at the posterior
end of the jugular notch
- sulcus sinus sigmoidei - the grove of the sigmoidian sinus is
situated on the medial side of the jugular process

c. SQUAMA OCCIPITALIS - the occipital scale is situated superiorly

and posteriorly to foramen magnum and presents:
I. FACIES EXTERNA wich presents:
- protuberantia occipitalis externa - the external occipital
protuberantia situated in the middle of the surface
- crista occipitalis externa - the crest that goes downwards from the
protuberantia to foramen magnum
- linea nuchalis superior - the superior nuchal line situated laterally
to protuberantia occipitalis
- linea nuchalis inferior - the inferior nuchal line situated inferiorly
to protuberantia occipitalis
- linea nuchalis suprema - the suprem nuchal line situated superiorly
to protuberantia occipitalis

- it is a pair bone, being placed on the infero-lateral sides of the skull,

under the parietal bone
- it presents four parts

a. PARS PETROSA - the “stone” part is situated in the middle of the

bone, having a pyramid shape with the base oriented laterally and the tip
oriented medially:
I. FACIES ANTERIOR - the anterior surface situated endocranially,
- impressio trigeminalis - the trigeminal imprint situated posterior to
the tip
- eminentia arcuata - the arched eminetia is situated in the middle of
the surface
- tegmen tympani - the ceiling of the tympanic cavity is situated
laterally to eminentia arcuata
- hiatus and sulcus nervi petrosi majoris - the opening and the
groove of the big stone’s nerve is situated antero-laterally to
eminentia arcuata, going to the tip of the pyramid
- hiatus and sulcus nervi petrosi minoris - the opening and the
groove of the small stone’s nerve is situated antero-laterally to
eminentia arcuata going to the tip of the pyramid under the previous

II. FACIES POSTERIOR - the posterior surface situated

endocranially, presents:
- porus acusticus internus - the internal orifice of the acustic chanell,
situated in the middle of this surface
- meatus acusticus internus - the continuation as an internal chanell
of the previous orifice into the core of the part petrosa
- crista transversa - at the end of it the surface of the chanell is
split in four by a transversal crest and the vertical crest
- crista verticalis - at the end of it the surface of the chanell is
split in four by a vertical crest and the transversal crest
- area facialis - the facial area represents the antero-superior
window of the split (in four) end of the chanell
- canalis facialis - the facial chanell starts at the level of area
facialis, contains the facial nerve and goes deeper into the
bone having initially a orizontal direction
- geniculum nervi facialis - the knee of the facial
nerve represents the point where the chanell change
the direction by going downwards vertically to be
open on the inferior surface of the pars petrosa
- fossa subarcuata - the under-arch depression, situated supero-
laterally to porus acusticus internus
- apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli - the external openind of
the aqueduct of the vestibule is situated laterally to porus acusticus

III. FACIES INFERIOR - the inferior surface situated exocranially,

- canalis caroticus - the carotic chanell with it’s opening, situated
near to the tip of the pars petrosa
- canaliculi carotico-tympanici - the carotico-tympanic
chanells are very fine and they start in the carotic chanell,
than they are going into the tympanic cavity
- fossa jugularis - the jugular depression is situated in the middle of
the surface
- canaliculus mastoideus - the mastoidian chanell is very fine
and it starts in the fossa jugularis, than it goes into the pars
- fossula petrosa - the petrossa depression is small and triangular as
shape, being situated in between the canalis caroticus and fossa
- canaliculus tympanicus - the tympanic chanell is very fine
and it is open in fossula petrosa
- canaliculus cochleae - the cochlear chanell is very fine and it
is open in fossula petrosa
- foramen stylo-mastoideum - the stylo-mastoidian opening is
situated in the lateral part of the surface and represents the external
opening of canalis facialis
- processus styloideus - the styloidian projection is situated in the
lateral part of the surface near foramen stylo-mastoideum
- crista tegmentalis - the tegmental crest is a fine lamella wich goes
inferiorly into the fissura tympano-squamosa (situated in between
pars squamosa and pars tympanica)
IV. APEX PARTIS PETROSAE - the tip of the pars petrosa is
oriented to the junction in between the body and the big wing of the
sphenoid bone where they delimit the anterior lacerated opening
(foramen lacerum); it presents:
- canalis caroticus - the carotic chanell with it’s opening
- canalis musculo-tubarius - the musculo-tubar chanell is situated
near canalis caroticus and communicates with the tympanic cavity
- septum canlis musculo-tubarii - the septum of the musculo-
tubar chanell wich splits the chanell in two half-chanells:
- semi-canalis musculi tensoris tympani - the superior
half-chanell of the tensor muscle of the tympan
- semi-canalis musculi tubae auditivae - the inferior
half-chanell of the auditiv tuba

IV. MARGO - the margins of the pars petrosa:

- margo superior - the superior margin situated in between facies
anterior and posterior; it presents:
- sulcus sinus petrosi superioris - the groove of the superior
petrosal sinus
- margo anterior - the anterior margin wich delimits with the big
wing of the sphenoid bone sutura spheno-petrosa
- margo posterior - the posterior margin is oriented to the occipital
bone and presents:
- sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris - the groove of the inferior
petrosal sinus
- incisura jugularis - the jugular notch is situated in the middle
of the margin (corresponds to the omonime one from the
occipital bone)
- processus intrajugularis - the intrajugular process
situated in the middle of the jugular notch (corresponds
to the omonime one from the occipital bone)

b. PARS MASTOIDEA - the mastoidian part is situated at the base/

under pars petrosa, posterior to porus acustics externus and presents:
I. FACIES EXTERNA - the external surface wich presents:
- processus mastoideus - the mastoidian projection oriented inferiorly
- cellulae mastoideae - the mastoidian cells are cavities inside
of the mastoidian process
- antrum mastoideum - the communication in between
the mastoidian cells and the tympanic cavity
- incisura mastoidea - the mastoidian notch situated on medially to
processus mastoideus
- sulcus arteriae occipitalis - the groove of the occipital artery
situated medially to incisura mastoidea
- foramen mastoideum - the mastoidian opening situated in the
posterior part of this surface
- spina suprameatum - the supra-meatal spine situated above the
porus acustics externus

II. FACIES INTERNA - the internal surface wich presents:

- sulcus sinus mastoidei - the groove of the mastoidian sinus (here it
will open foramen mastoideum)

c. PARS SQUAMOSA - the “scale” part is thin being situated laterally,

up to pars petrosa and presents:
I. FACIES TEMPORALIS - the temporal (external) surface wich
- processus zygomaticus - the zygomatic projection has two roots
(anterior and posterior) and it is oriented anteriorly where it will
articulate with the temporal projection of the zygomatic bone
creating arcus zygomaticus
- tuberculum articulare - the articular tubercle is a rounded
eminentia situated medially to the anterior root of the processus
- linea temporalis - the temporal line oriented posteriorly in
continuation of the posterior root of the processus zygomaticus
- fossa mandibularis - the mandibular depression has an ellipsoid
shape and it is posterior to tuberculum articulare

II. FACIES CEREBRALIS - the cerebral (internal) surface wich

- impressions digitatae - the digital impressions and mamillar
eminentias (the imprints of the cerebral lobi)
- sulcus arteriae meningae mediae - the groove of the medial
meningeal artery

d. PARS TYMPANICA - the tympanic part is situated inferiorly to pars

squamosa and anteriorly to pars mastoidea; it presents:
- porus acusticus externus - the external orifice of the acustic
chanell; it is situated inferiorly to the posterior root of the zygomatic
- meatus acusticus externus - the continuation as an internal chanell
of the previous orifice into the core of the pars tympanica (being
open finally in the tympanic cavity)
- sulcus tympanicus - the groove wich represents the insertion line of
the tympanic membrane; it is situated at the internal end of the
meatus acusticus externus

Pars tympanica togheter with the other parts of the temporal

bone are delimiting several fissures:
- fissura tympano-squamosa - in between the superior margin of
pars tympanica and pars squamosa
- fissura tympano-mastoidea - in between pars mastoidea and pars
- fissura petro-tympanica “GLASER” - in between pars petrosa
(crista tegmentalis) and pars tympanica
- fissura petro-squamosa - in between pars petrosa (crista
tegmentalis) and pars squamosa

- it is an odd bone placed on the middle of the skull

- it presents four parts

a. CORPUS OSSIS SPHENOIDALIS - the body part is situated in the

middle of the bone, having a cube shape and presenting in the middle of
it a pneumatic space (sinus sphenoidalis) split in two parts by a septum
(septum intersinusale sphenoidale); it presents:
I. FACIES SUPERIOR - the superior surface having a saddle shape
(sella turcica) and facing endocranially, presents:
- fossa hypophisialis - the hypophisal depression situated in the
middle of the surface
- dorsum sellae - the posterior part of the saddle, presenting supero-
laterally two small projections:
- processus clinoideus posterior
- tuberculum sellae - the saddle’s tubercle situated in front of the
- sulcus prechiasmatis - the ante-chiasmatic groove, situated in front
of the tubercle

II. FACIES INFERIOR - the inferior surface facing exocranially,

- rostrum sphenoidale - the sphenoidal beak, situated on the middlew
of the surface

III. FACIES ANTERIOR - the anterior surface facing to the nasal

cavities, presents:
- crista sphenoidalis - the sphenoidal crest, situated vertically on the
middle of this surface
- apertura sinus sphenoidalis - the openings of the sphenoidal
sinuses situated on each side of the sphenoidal crest

IV. FACIES POSTERIOR - the posterior surface articulates with

pars basilaris of the occipital bone:

V. FACIES LATERALIS - the lateral surfaces facing endocranially,

representing the implantion surface for the big and small sphenoidal
wings; it presents:
- sulcus caroticus - the carotic groove, situated superiorly to the root
of the big wings

b. ALA MAJOR OSSIS SPHENOIDALIS - the big wings, presents:

I. FACIES CEREBRALIS - the cerebral surface, concave and facing
endocranially, presents:
- foramen rotundum - the round hole situated in the anterior part of
the root of the big wing
- foramen ovale - the oval hole situated posteriorly to the round hole
- foramen spinosum - the sharp hole situated posteriorly to the oval

II. FACIES ORBITALIS - the orbital surface, concave and facing

exocranially, is delimiting:
- fissura orbitalis superior - the superior orbital fissure, situated in
the between the surface and the small wing
- fissura orbitalis inferior - the inferior orbital fissure, situated in the
between the surface and the maxilla bone

III. FACIES INFRATEMPORALIS - the infratemporal surface,

situated inferiorly and facing exocranially; it presents:
- crista infratemporalis - the infratemporal crest, it represents the
border in between this surface and facies temporalis
- spina ossis sphenoidalis - the spina of the sphenoid bone, situated
near the external opening of foramen spinosum

IV. FACIES TEMPORALIS - the temporal surface, situated

laterally and facing exocranially

V. FACIES MAXILALARIS - the maxillar surface, situated

inferiorly to facies orbitalis

VI. MARGO - the margins:

- margo frontalis - the frontal margin for squama ossis frontalis
- margo squamosus - the “scale” margin for squama ossis temporalis
- margo petrosus - the petrosal margin for pars petrosa ossis
- margo zygomaticus - the zygomatic margin for the zygomatic bone
- margo parietalis - the parietal margin for antero-inferior angle of
the parietal bone

c. ALA MINOR OSSIS SPHENOIDALIS - the small wings, situated

superiorly to the big wings, in orizontal plane; it present:
- canalis opticus - the optic chanell situated at the root of the small
- fissura orbitalis superior - the superior orbital fissure, situated in
the between the small wing and the orbital surface of the big wing
- processus clinoideus anterior - the anterior clinoidal projection
situated in the continuation of the posterior margin of the small wing

d. PROCESSUS PTERYGOIDEUS - the pterygoidian projections,

starts from the inferior surface of the body of the sphenoid bone being
oriented vertically and having two parts=lamellas (lamina lateralis and
medialis); it present:
- sulcus pterygo-palatinus - the pterygo-palatin groove oriented
vertically and situated on the anterior surface of procesus
- fossa pterygoidea - the pterygoidian fossa, situated posteriorly in
the between the two lamellas of processus pterygoideus
- incisura pterygoidea - the pterygoidian notch, situated inferiorly in
the between the tips of the two lamellas of processus pterygoideus
- fossa schapoidea - the schapoid fossa, a small depression situated
posteriorly at the base of the medial lamella
- hamulus pterygoideus - the pterygoidian hook situated posteriorly
at the of the medial lamella
- canalis pterygoideus - the pterygoidian chanell oriented horizintally
and situated in the root of procesus pterygoideus


- it is an odd bone, being placed on the antero-medial part of the base of

the skull
- it consists in three parts: the perforated (horizontal) lamella, the
perpendicular (vertical) lamella and the ethmoidal labyrinth

a. LAMINA CRIBROSA - the perforated lamella has a quadrilater

shape abs it wil be inserted into the ethmoidal notch of the frontal bone; it
- foramina cribrosa - the perforated holes for the olfactive nerves

b. LAMINA PERPENDICUARIS - the perpendicular lamella it will be

a component of the nasal septum; it presents:
- crista galli - this crest represents the superior end of the lamina
perpendicularis being situated endocranially
- ala cristae galli - the wings of the crest; they continue the
crest anteriorly on each side of the foramen caecum

c. LABYRINTHUS ETHMOIDALIS - the ethmoidal labyrint are

suspended simetrically on the lateral margins of lamina cribrosa being
situated in between the nasal and orbital cavities; interiorly they presents
pneumatic cells (cellulae ethmoidales) arranged in three groups (anterior,
middle and posterior) - some of these cells are hemicells, being
completed by the hemicells from the frontal bone; it presents:
I. FACIES LATERALIS - the lateral surface presents
- lamina orbitalis - the orbital lamella (it is a component of the
medial wall of the orbit)

II. FACIES MEDIALIS - the medial surface is a component of the

lateral wall of the nasal cavity and presents:
- concha nasalis superior - the superior nasal concha, a curved
lamella oriented medially
- concha nasalis media - the middle nasal concha, a curved lamella
oriented medially and situated under the superior nasal concha
- concha nasalis suprema - the supreme nasal concha, a curved
smaller lamella oriented medially and situated up to the superior
nasal concha
- meatus nasi superior - the superior nasal meatus represents the
space situated under concha nasalis superior (in between it and
labyrinthus ethmoidalis)
- meatus nasi medius - the middle nasal meatus represents the space
situated under concha nasalis media (in between it and labyrinthus
- infundibulum ethmoidalis - the ethmoidal infundibulum
represents the funnel shaped anterior part of the meatus nasi
medius; here will open the sinus frontalis and the anterior
ethmoidal cells
- bulla ethmoidalis - the ethmoidal bulging situated in meatus nasi
- processus uncinatus - the sword-like projection oriented infero-
posteriorly and being situated in meatus masi medius, under bulla
- hiatus semilunaris - the semilunar opening represents the plane
situated in between bulla ethmoidalis and processus uncinatus;
through this opening the nasal cavity communicates with the
maxillar sinus


- it is a small bone with a quadrilater shape, being placed antero-superiorly

in between the nasal part pf the frontal bone and the frontal process of the
maxilla; it presents:
a. FACIES EXTERNA - the external surface with a convex

b. FACIES INTERNA - the internal surface with a concave

architecture oriented to the nasal cavity; it presents:
- sulcus ethmoidalis – the ethmoidal groove situated longitudinally
along this surface

- it is a small bone situated in the anterior part of the medial wall of the
orbit; it presents:
a. FACIES LATERALIS - the lateral (orbital) surface orineted to the
orbital cavity; it presents:
- crista lacrimalis posterior - the posterior lacrimal crest situated
vertically along this surface
- hamulus lacrimalis - the lacrimal hook situated at the inferior
end of crista lacrimalis
- sulcus lacrimalis - the lacrimal groove situated vertically in front of
crista lacrimalis; togheter with its omonime groove and crest from
maxilla it will delimit fossa saci lacrimalis
- canalis naso-lacrimalis - the naso-lacrimal chanell wich will
connect the orbit with the nasal cavity; it represents the inferior
continuation of the fossa saci lacrimalis

b. FACIES MEDIALIS - the medial surface oriented to the nasal


- it is a curved lamella situated on the inferior part of the lateral wall of the
nasal cavity (inferior to concha nasalis media of the ethmoid bone), being
articulate with the conchal crest of the maxilla and the palatin bone; it
a. FACIES LATERALIS - the lateral surface, concave oriented to
the sinus maxillaris; it presents:
- meatus nasi inferior - the inferior nasal meatus represents the space
situated under concha nasalis inferior

b. FACIES MEDIALIS - the medial surface oriented to the nasal


c. PROCESSES - the projections emerging from the superior margin:

- processus lacrimalis - the lacrimal projection situated anteriorly and
oriented superiorly in order to participate to the delimitation of the
naso-lacrimal chanell
- processus ethmoidalis - the ethmoidal projection situated
posteriorly and oriented superiorly in order to articulate with the
posterior end of processus uncinatus
- processus maxillaris - the maxillar projection situated in the middle
and oriented laterally in order to articulate with the inferior margin of
hiatus maxillaris



- it is a lamella situated medio-sagitally in the nasal septum; it presents:

a. MARGO SUPERIOR - the superior margin split in two:
- ala vomeris - the wings of the vomer wich will have in between
them rostrum sphenoidale
b. MARGO INFERIOR - the inferior margin wich articulates with
the nasal crest of maxilla and palatin bones
c. MARGO ANTERIOR - the anterior margin eich articulates with
lamina perpendicularis of the ethmoid bone
a. MARGO POSTERIOR - the posterior margin wich ends free

- it is a bone with a “L” shape, situated posterior to maxilla, being a

component of the hard palatum, orbital cavity, nasal cavity and of the
pterygo-palatin fossa; it presents:
a. LAMINA HORIZONTALIS - the horizontal lamella, represents the
posterior third of the hard palatum being articulated with the oppsosite
one; it presents:
I. FACIES NASALIS - the superior (nasal) surface wich delimits
posteriorly the nasal cavities and presents:
- crista nasalis - the nasal crest situated on the medial line
- spina nasalis posterior - the posterior end of the nasal crest

II. FACIES PALATINA - the inferior (palatin) surface wich

- foramina palatine minora - the small palatin holes
- canales palatini minores - the small palatin chanells wich
communicate with the pterygo-palatin chanell

b. LAMINA PERPENDICULARIS - the perpendicular lamella wich

articulates with maxilla bone and with processus pterygoideus; it
I. FACIES MAXILLARIS - the maxillar (lateral) surface represents
the medial wall of fossa pterygo-palatina; it presents:
- sulcus palatinus major - the big palatin groove; with its omonime
groove from the processus pterygoideus delimit canalis palatinus
major (=canalis pterygo-palatinus)

II. FACIES NASALIS - the nasal (medial) surface oriented to the

nasal cavity being a part of the lateral wall of nasal cavity; it presents:
- crista ethmoidalis - the ethmoidal crest situated superiorly; it will
serve to articulate with concha nasalis media
- crista conchalis - the conchal crest situated inferiorly; it will serve
to articulate with concha nasalis inferior
- processus orbitalis - the orbital projection emerge from the anterior
end of the superior margin of lamina perpendicularis; it is oriented
antero-laterally being a part of the inferior wall of the orbital cavity
- processus sphenoidalis - the sphenoidal projection emerge from the
posterior end of the superior margin of lamina perpendicularis; it is
oriented to corpus ossis sphenoidalis
- incisura spheno-palatina - the spheno-palatin notch it is
situated on the superior margin of lamina perpendicularis, in
between processus orbitalis and processus sphenoidalis
- foramen spheno-palatinum - the spheno-palatin hole is
delimited by incisura spheno-palatina (inferiorly) and corpus
ossis sphenoidalis (superiorly)
- processus pyramidalis - the pyramidal projection emerge from the
external surface of the angle in between lamina perpendicularis and
horizontalis; it is oriented postero-laterally and situated in incisura
pterygoidea of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone

- it is a bone situated on the supero-lateral part of the face, having three

surfaces and processes and interiorly presenting a chanell (canalis
zygomaticus) wich has a “Y” shape; it presents:
- facies lateralis - the lateral surface, having a convex shape and
looking antero-laterally; in the middle of it there is an orifice
(foramen zygomatico-faciale)
- facies temporalis - the temporal surface, having a concave shape
and looking towards fossa temporalis and infratemporalis; in the
middle of it there is an other orifice (foramen zygomatico-
- facies orbitalis - the orbital surface, having a concave shape and
participatig to the components of the lateral wall of the orbita; in the
middle of it there is an other orifice (foramen zygomatico-orbitale)

- processus frontalis - the frontal projection, starting from the supero-
lateral angle of the bone and being part of the “additus orbitae”
- processus temporalis - the temporal projection, starting from the
posterior angle of the bone and being part of “arcus zygomaticus”
- processus maxillaris - the maxillar projection, starting from the
antero-inferior angle of the bone and being articulate with the
zygomatic process of maxilla

- it is a pair bone, being placed in between the nasal, orbital and oral
cavities and representing the support for the superior dental arch
- it consists in the body, the processs and the internal cavity (sinus

a. CORPUS MAXILLAE (the body of maxilla) presents:

I. FACIES ANTERIOR - the anterior surface wich presents:
- margo infraorbitalis - the infraorbital margin represents the inferior
border of the orbital cavity
- incisura nasalis - the nasal notch wich is situated medially;
represents the anterior border of the nasal cavity, the two notches
delimiting togheter apertura nasi anterior or apertura piriformis
- fossa incisiva - the incisive depression is situated above the dental
alveolas of the incisive theet
- eminentia canina - the canine proeminency being given by the
canine dental alveola
- fossa canina - the canine depression is situate above the dental
alveolas of the premolar teeth
- foramen infraorbitale - the infraorbital opening of the omonime
chanell, being siuated in the supero-medial part of the canine fossa
- crista zygomatico-alveolaris - the zygomatico-alveolar crest
represent the posterior border of the anterior surface, being situated
in between processus zygomaticus of maxilla and the dental alveola
of the first molar tooth

II. FACIES ORBITALIS – the orbital surface represents the floor of

the orbital cavity and presents:
- sulcus infraorbitalis - the infraorbital groove is situated on the
posterior side of the surface and it will be continued towards
anteriorly by the infraorbital chanell (canalis infraorbitalis) wich
will open on the anterior surface by foramen infraorbitalis

III. FACIES INFRATEMPORALIS - the infratemporal surface

looks posteriorly towards fossa pterygopalatina and presents:
- tuber maxillae - the maxillar tuberosity represents a eminency
situated in the middle of the surface
- foramina alveolaria - the alveolar orifices are situated in the
middle of the surface and are continued interiorly by alveolar

IV. FACIES NASALIS - the nasal surface looks medially and

participates to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and presents:
- hiatus maxillaris - the maxillar hiatus represents a large opening
oriented towards medial line
- sulcus lacrimalis - the lacrimal groove is situated anterior to the
maxillar hiatus; it is delimited by two crest and completed by the
lacrimal bone and the lacrimal process of concha nasalis inferior - in
the end forming canalis naso-lacrimalis

b. PROCESSES - the processes are:

I. PROCESSUS FRONTALIS - the frontal projection situated
antero-medially and oriented towards the frontal process of the frontal
bone; it presents:
- crista lacrimalis anterior - the anterior lacrimal crest is situated
on the lateral side of the process
- crista ethmoidalis - the ethmoial crest is situated on the medial and
superior side of the process and it is destined for the articulation
with concha nasalis media
- crista conchalis - the conchal crest is situated on the medial and
inferior side of the process and it is destined for the articulation with
concha nasalis inferior

II. PROCESSUS ZYGOMATICUS - the zygomatic projection is

oriented towards laterally direction in order to articulate with the maxillar
process of the zygomatic bone

III. PROCESSUS PALATINUS - the palatinal projection situated

medially in horizontal plane, togheter the right and the left ones (sutured
on the median line) are separating the nasal from the oral cavity; it has
interiorly a chanell (canalis incisivus); it presents:
A. FACIES SUPERIOR - the superior surface represents the anterior
2/3 thirds of the floor of the nasal cavity and presents:
- crista nasalis - the nasal crest situated longitudinally on the midline
and represents posteriorly the support for the vomer bone and
anteriorly the support for the cartilagenous septum of the nose
- spina nasalis anterior - the anterior nasal spine is situated in the
middle point of the inferior border of aperture piriformis

B. FACIES INFERIOR - the inferior surface represents the anterior

2/3 thirds of the ceiling of the oral cavity (hard palatum) and presents:
- sulci palatini - the palatinal grooves are oblique and are destined for
the vessels and the nerves of palatum
- torus palatum - the palatinal tubercle is situated in the middle point
of the surface

C. CANALIS INCISIVUS - the incisive chanell is situated posterior

to the medial incisive teeths; it has the shape of “V” ot “Y” being
made by two chanells wich converg towards the oral cavity where
they will open in foramen incisivum (on the middle line)

IV. PROCESSUS ALVEOLARIS - the alveolar projection situated

inferiorly and oriented towards the oral cavity; it has a curved shape
and togheter with the omonime process of the mandibula is making
the arcus alveolaris; it represents the support for the superior teeth and
- alveoli dentales - the dental alveolas (16) are spaces in the alveolar
process bordered in between them by inter-alveolar septums (septa
- septa inter-radicularia - the inter-radicular septums are
situated inside of the dental alveolas and they compartimentate
these spaces for the roots of the tooth
- juga alveolaria - the alveolar imprints are the external shape of the
dental alveolas on the alveolar processus

c. SINUS MAXILLARIS - the maxillar sinus represents the space on

the interior of the maxilla bone

- it is a singular bone, being placed in the inferior part of the face and
represents the support for the inferior dental arch
- it consists in the body, the branches and the internal chanell

a. CORPUS MANDIBULAE (the body of mandibula) has a

horizontalized “U” shape and presents:
I. BASIS MANDIBULAE - the base of the mandibula has two
A. FACIES EXTERNA - the external surface wich presents:
- symphisis mandibulae (mentalis) - it is a vertical crest
situated on the midline and representing the suture line in
between the two hemi-mandibulas
- protuberantia mentalis - the mental protuberantia has a
triangular shape (with the base oriented downwards) being
situated in the continuation of the symphisis
- tuberculum mentale - the mental tubercle is situated at the
right and left extremities of protuberantia
- foramen mentale - the mental hole represents the anterior
opening of the mandibular chanell being situated posterior to
the tubercle
- linea obliqua - the oblique line represents a line oriented
posterior and superior from the tubercle to the anterior margin
of the mandibular branch

B. FACIES INTERNA - the internal surface wich presents:

- spina mentalis – the mental spines (4), two superior and two
inferior, are situated on the midline of the surface
- linea mylohioidea - the mylohioid line represents a line
oriented posteriorly from the spine to posterior margin of the
mandibular branch
- fossa digastrica - the digastric fossa is situated antero-
inferiorly near the mental spine
- fovea sublingualis - the sublingual fovea is situated antero-
laterally, superior to linea mylohioidea
- fovea submandibularis - the submandibular fovea is situated
posterior to sublingual fovea, inferior to linea mylohioidea
- torus mandibularis - the mandibular tubercle is situated
under the premolar tooth

C. PROCESSUS ALVEOLARIS - the alveolar projection

situated superiorly and oriented towards the oral cavity; it has a
curved shape and togheter with the omonime process of the
mandibular is making the arcus alveolaris; it represents the
support for the inferior teeth and presents:
- alveoli dentales - the dental alveolas (16) are spaces in the
alveolar process bordered in between them by inter-alveolar
septums (septa inter-alveolaria)
- septa inter-radicularia - the inter-radicular septums are
situated inside of the dental alveolas and they compartimentate
these spaces for the roots of the tooth
- juga alveolaria - the alveolar imprints are the external shape
of the dental alveolas on the alveolar processus

II. RAMUS MANDIBULAE - the branch of the mandibula has a

flattened quadrilater shape and it is oriented posterior and superior being
deviated laterally with 20-25 degrees; it presents:
A. ANGULUS MANDIBULAE - the mandibular angle of
110-125 degrees


- margo superior - the superior margin presents:
- processus coronoideus - the coronoid projection is
situated anteriorly
- processus condylaris - the condylar projection is
situated posteriorly, being thicker than the coronoid one
and presents:
- caput mandibulae - the head of the mandibula
wich presents an articular surface
- collum mandibulae - the neck of the mandibula
situated under the head
- fovea pterygoidea - the pterygioidian fovea
situated on the anterior side of the neck
- incisura mandibulae - the mandibular notch is situated
in between the two processes
- margo inferior - the inferior margin continues the inferior
margin of the body of mandibula
- margo posterior - the posterior margin is smooth
- margo anterior - the anterior margin presents:
- crista lateralis - the lateral crest is situated anteriorly
and goes towards linea obliqua
- crista medialis - the medial crest is situated posteriorly
and goes towards linea mylohioidea
- retromolar trigonum - the retromolar triangle is
situated in between the two crest, posterior to the last
molar tooth


- facies lateralis - the lateral surface presents:
- tuberositas masseterica - the maseter tuberosity is
situated on the lateral aspect of the angle of mandibula
- facies medialis - the medial surface presents:
- foramen mandibulae - the mandibular hole represents
the posterior opening of the mandibular chanell being
situated in the middle of the surface
- lingula mandibulae “Spix” - the mandibular spine
situated anterior and superior to foramen mandibulae
- sulcus mylohioideus - the mylohioidian groove situated
under foramen mandibulae and oriented inferior and
- tuberositas pterygoidea - the pterygioidian tuberosity
is situated on the medial aspect of the angle of mandibula

III. CANALIS MANDIBULAE - the chanell of the mandibula has a

inferior and anterior direction in between the two openings: foramen
mandibulae and mentale

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