© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. "Helping You Make Wood Work" Is A Trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. "Helping You Make Wood Work" Is A Trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. "Helping You Make Wood Work" Is A Trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp
Colonial Grandfather Clock Assembly Product #0150X
One of the unique characteristics of solid hardwood is the varying glue scraper hammer countersink
hues and patterns within a single piece of lumber. Since no two trees pliers nail set depth stop
are identical, no two pieces of wood can be exactly alike. Each has its
own characteristics created by nature, not by man. Unlike plastics Drilling Holes
and some veneers in which the grain pattern is symmetrical, solid Most of the solid wood components of the kit version of this clock
hardwood has irregular and symmetrical graining, which adds to the have screw clearance holes predrilled and countersunk. When
overall beauty. In the same manner, the various shadings and colors assembling, it is necessary to mark through these holes and to drill
within solid hardwood are part of its natural beauty. Many people starter holes (“pilot”) holes in the other part. A ball point pen refill, an
prefer to have these various shadings show through the final finish. awl, or a sharpened nail make fine marking tools. Refer to the screw
However, if you prefer a uniform color, stain the lighter color areas size reference chart that illustrate the best drill sizes. Drill starter
first to match and blend with the darker areas. Then, stain the entire holes from 1/4" to 1/2" deep. If you are using an electric drill, be very
clock to obtain the desired overall color. careful not to drill through the wood part. Starter holes must be
Although solid hardwood is unsurpassed for its beauty, it is by nature drilled large enough for the screws you are using. If the holes are not
more susceptible to warpage than plywood or veneers. Therefore, large enough, you may crack the wood or strip the head off the
special care is necessary while building your Woodcraft clock. Since screw.
solid wood can warp, shrink, or expand with changes in humidity, it is Other parts of the kit are not predrilled and may be tacked or stapled
best to assemble and seal your clock as soon as possible. However, in place. For quality work we suggest that you attach these compo-
if you cannot assemble your clock promptly, we suggest you store the nents with screws which we have provided, and the instructions are
parts in a dry area, keeping all parts flat. We cannot be responsible written accordingly. Sizes for drilling clearance holes through the
for changes in the lumber that occur during storage. parts are shown on the screw size reference chart. When dimensions
are given in the illustrations for hole location, follow these carefully.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 1
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
For some subassemblies, clamps are necessary to insure a tight and Note: The splines or “biscuits” used in this case are manufac-
accurate fit. Conventional pipe or bar clamps can be used if they are tured from compressed wood. When you glue these splines, they
of sufficient length. Very useful, and often replacing the use of will swell from the moisture in the glue. It is very important to
several conventional clamps, is a band clamp. Some assembly steps assemble and clamp the case without hesitation once you have
can be simplified with the use of C-Clamps. When dry fitting an inserted the splines in place.
assembly make sure you have sufficient clamps for equal pressure Use a glue brush or cotton swab to spread the glue. A thin even
over all the joints of that assembly at the same time before actually spread on both parts is best. Clean up excess glue after it has dried
applying glue to the parts. by scraping it off with a glue or paint scraper or use an old knife. Do
Glue not wipe the glue off with a damp cloth as the moisture of the cloth
We recommend Titebond yellow aliphatic resin glue used according will thin the glue and allow it to soak deeply into the wood. This will
to the manufacturer’s instructions. Fast drying or hot-melt type glues show in the final finish of your case. It is important to thoroughly
set too quickly, lack the bonding characteristics necessary, and can remove all excess glue.
cause problems with fit. Remember, there are no short cuts if you Note: Do not glue until the step by step instructions indicate you
want a good fit and a strong joint. should do so.
If you are unfamiliar with woodworking, we have included a small
definitions appendix of terms used in these instructions. For more
information on terms and procedures we suggest you refer to a basic
woodworking book.
Parts List (see diagrams on page 5)
No. Description TxWxL Quantity
B-1 Base Front Skirt ............................................................. 3/4" X 33/4" X 19" ........................................................................................................... 1
B-2 Base Side Skirt, Right .................................................... 3/4" x 33/4" x 113/4" ........................................................................................................ 1
B-3 Base Side Skirt, Left ...................................................... 3/4" x 33/4" x 113/4" ........................................................................................................ 1
B-4 Base Skirt Back Board .................................................. 3/4" x 33/4" x 171/2" ........................................................................................................ 1
B-5 Base Support Cleat, Front ............................................. 3/4" x 11/8" x 153/4" ....................................................................................................... 1
B-6 Base Support Cleat, Side .............................................. 3/4" x 11/8" x 81/2" ......................................................................................................... 2
B-7 Base Front Panel ........................................................... 3/4" x 175/8" x 131/8" ..................................................................................................... 1
B-8 Base Side Panel, Left .................................................... 3/4" x 109/16" x 131/8" .................................................................................................... 1
B-9 Base Side Panel, Right .................................................. 3/4" x 109/16" x 131/8" .................................................................................................... 1
B-10 Base Back Rail ............................................................... 3/4" x 2" x 167/8" ............................................................................................................ 1
B-11 Base Back Panel ............................................................ 1/4" x 117/16" x 167/8" .................................................................................................... 1
B-12 Base Bottom Panel ........................................................ 1/4" x 103/8" x 165/8" ..................................................................................................... 1
B-13 Front Blocking ................................................................ 1 5/16" x 3" x 153/4" ........................................................................................................ 1
B-14 Side Blocking ................................................................. 1 5/16" x 3" x 81/2" ......................................................................................................... 2
B-65 Temporary Spacer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
W-11 Lower Moulding Filler .................................................... 1" x 1" x 4" ................................................................................................................... 2
W-12 Upper Moulding Filler, Front ......................................... 1" x 1" x 151/2" ............................................................................................................. 1
W-13 Upper Moulding Filler, Side ........................................... 1" x 1" x 9" ................................................................................................................... 2
W-15 Waist Lower Rail ............................................................ 3/4" x 63/4" x 101/2" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-16 Waist Upper Rail ............................................................ 3/4" x 33/4" x 101/2" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-17 Waist Side, Right ........................................................... 3/4" x 11/2" x 431/8" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-18 Waist Side, Left .............................................................. 3/4" x 11/2" x 431/8" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-19 Waist Side Panel, Right ................................................. 3/4" x 81/2" x 431/8" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-20 Waist Side Panel, Left ................................................... 3/4" x 81/2" x 431/8" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-21 Waist Back Rail .............................................................. 3/4" x 2" x 123/4" ........................................................................................................... 2
W-22 Waist Back Panel ........................................................... 1/4" x 1211/16" x 371/8" .................................................................................................. 1
W-23 Side Moulding (lower right, upper left) ......................... 2 1/4" x 23/8" x 113/8" A/B" ............................................................................................ 2
W-24 Side Moulding (lower left, upper right) ......................... 2 1/4" x 23/8" x 113/8" A/B" ............................................................................................ 2
W-25 Front Moulding (upper and lower) ................................ 21/4" x 23/8" x 181/4" A/B" ............................................................................................ 2
W-26 Waist Door Stile, Left ..................................................... 3/4" x 11/2" x 331/8" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-27 Waist Door Stile, Right .................................................. 3/4" x 11/2" x 331/8" ....................................................................................................... 1
W-28 Waist Door Rail, Upper/Lower ...................................... 3/4" x 11/2" x 11" ........................................................................................................... 2
W-29 Waist Door Spline .......................................................... 1/8" x 11/16" x 17/16" ....................................................................................................... 4
2 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 3
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
4 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
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© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
6 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 7
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Construction Of Base 8. Insert splines and assemble Skirt. Apply and tighten web clamp.
The base is made in two sections: (1) the skirt or foot section, and (2) 9. Verify squareness of assembly.
the base proper. 10. Clean up excess glue and let dry thoroughly.
11. Remove clamp and attach Leveller Brackets with 16 #5 x 5/8"
1. Assemble Skirt screws.
Parts: B1 Base Skirt Front
B2 Base Skirt 2. Attach Base Support Cleats
B3 Base Skirt Parts: B7 Skirt Assembly Tools: Spring Clamps
B4 Skirt Back B5 Front Support Cleat Glue and Gluebrush
Biscuit Splines #20 (4) B6 Side Support Cleats (2) Glue Scraper
Leveller Brackets (4)
Note: Attach Cleats keeping predrilled holes vertical.
Screws #5 x 5/8" RH, brass (16)
1. Apply thin coat of glue to one Cleat.
2. Fix Cleat in place with spring clamps (Fig. 4).
Tools: Web Clamp
3. Similarly, glue and clamp the other two cleats.
4. Clean up excess glue and let dry thoroughly.
Drill and Bit
Glue and Gluebrush
Glue Scraper
1. Before gluing, assemble the four parts of Skirt, with splines in their
slots, and press together (Fig. 1).
2. Apply web clamp and tighten until joints are closed (Fig. 2).
3. Verify squareness of assembly.
4. Place Leveller Brackets in locations (Figs. 3a and 3b). Mark
centers of screw holes.
5. Remove web clamp
and disassemble Skirt.
6. Drill 3/32" starter holes
1/2" deep for Leveller
Bracket screws.
7. Apply thin coat of glue
to mating surfaces and
inside of spline slots.
Note: Keep glue from
Biscuit splines until
actually assembling
8 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Step 3. Assemble Base and Bottom 8. Apply thin coat of glue to mating surfaces of B7, B8,and B9.
Parts: Base Front Tools: Web Clamps Reassemble and reclamp (Fig. 8).
B8 Base Side, Left Bar Clamps 9. Apply three or more bar clamps at each side (Fig. 9), again using
B9 Base Side, Right Awl protective pads.
B10 Base Back Rail Drill and Bits 10. Tighten bar clamps
B65 Temporary Spacer (1) Screwdriver sufficiently to close
B11 Base Back Glue and joints at all points.
B12 Base Bottom Gluebrush 11. Verify squareness
Screws #4 x 5/8" FH, Brass (2) Glue Scraper of assembly.
Screws #4 x 1/2 FH, Brass (14) 12. Clean up excess
glue and let dry
Dry run - no glue. thoroughly.
1. Put together the
five Base parts (Fig.
5). Mark through
screw holes in B10
and B11.
2. Drill 5/64" starter
holes 3/8" deep for
B10 and 1/4" deep
for B11.
3. Fasten B10 to
Sides with 2 #4 x
5/8" screws. Fasten
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 9
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
10 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 11
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
3. Verify
squareness of
assembly and the
tight fit of joints.
4. Disassemble.
Apply thin coat of 2. Tap gently into place with a
glue to mating hammer driving a wood block
parts and inside against shoulder of rabbet. In case
spline slots. waist sides (W20 and W19) are
Note: Keep glue slightly bowed, sand using a
from Biscuit square block as in detail (Fig. 17).
Splines until 3. Repeat procedure for W19.
actual assembly
for reason given
in Introduction.
5. Reclamp
assembly; verify
squareness fit of
6. Apply wood
blocks and C-Clamp to each joint to prevent buckling. Use wax paper
between support blocks and joint to prevent from accidentally gluing
to your stock (Fig. 17B).
7. Clean up excess glue and let dry thoroughly.
12 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
4. Attach two Rails (W21) (Fig. 18). Drill 5/64" starter holes 1/4" deep
and fasten with 10 #4 x 1/2" screws (Figs. 18 and 19).
5. Fit W22 into rabbets in Sides and Rails.
Note: Do not glue Rails (W21) or Back (W22).
6. Turn assembly upside down and lift off Front (Fig. 20) Apply thin
coat of glue to mating parts and reattach Front.
7. Apply as many clamps as necessary to ensure tight joints (Fig. 21).
8. Verify that assembly is square and ends of Front are flush with
9. Clean up excess glue and let dry thoroughly.
Fig. 19
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 13
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
6. Remove and drill 1/8" starter holes 1/2" deep. Control depth
carefully to avoid penetrating front of moulding.
7. Reattach mouldings using glue and screws. Note: Be sure to glue
only those areas with the dark shading (Fig. 24) and mitered joints.
8. Clean up excess glue and let dry thoroughly.
9. Attach Waist To Base
Parts: Waist Assembly Tools: Awl
Base/Skirt Assembly Drill and Bit
Screws #8 x 11/4" FH (6) Screwdriver
Note: Use no glue.
1. Place Waist and Back assemblies on their backs (Fig. 25) on a flat
14 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
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16 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
Exploded View of
Movement / Chime Mount
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© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
13. Attach Movement Seat Supports, 5. Clamp in place and make sure that each M31a is vertical. If M29
and M30, are accurately installed, this can be done with a square.
Hood Back / Dial Mount Supports and 6. Mark through the predrilled holes, unclamp, and drill 1/8" starter
Hood Guides holes 5/8" deep.
Parts: Waist/Base Assembly Tools: C-Clamps 7. Fasten Hood Back
Fig. 36B
M29 Movement Seat Ruler Support M31a to
Support, Left Square Movement Support
M30 Movement Seat Awl M29 with 2 #8 x 1"
Support, Right Drill and Bit screws. Do not glue
M31a Hood Back Support (2) Screwdriver (Fig. 36A).
M31b Dial Mount Support (2) 8. Repeat the
M33 Hood Guides (2) procedure for the
Screws #8 x 1" FH (12) right hand Back
Screws #8 x 11/4" FH (4) Support.
9. The two Dial
Note: Use No
Mount Supports
(M31B) are installed
1. Place Left
in the same way, but
Seat Support
flush with front
(M29) inside
edges of M29 and
top of Waist so
M30 (Fig. 36B).
that notch
Note: If a Moving Moon Dial is to be installed, omit attaching Dial
rests on top of
Mount Supports (M31B) and Dial Mount (M32).
Back Rail. By
10. Place the hood guides M33 between the Dial Mount Support and
Hood back support (Fig. 36B). Bottom edge of guides should be flush
with bottom ends of supports M31. Mark and drill starter holes for
adjust Support
#8 x 1" screws and attach.
to be precisely
Note: Please refer to the Movement/Chime Assembly instructions
parallel to top
included with your movement. If instructions are not included
edge of Waist,
please contact the manufacturer.
and clamp in
place (Fig. 35). 14. Assemble The Hood Collar
Note: It is Parts: H66 Temporary Spacer Tools: Band Clamp
extremely H35 Hood Collar, Front C-Clamps (2)
important H36 Hood Collar, Right Side Square
that Support is exactly H37 Hood Collar, Left Side
parallel to Waist #20 Biscuit Splines (2)
top,and that left and
1. Before gluing, assemble the three parts of collar, with biscuits in
right Supports be in
their slots, and press together.
perfect alignment with
2. Place temporary spacer between collar sides and apply web clamp
each other.
(Fig. 37 on next page). Tighten until joints are closed.
2. Mark through screw
3. Verify squareness of assembly.
holes in Support and drill
1/8" starter holes 1/2"
4. Remove web clamp and disassemble collar.
5. Apply a thin coat of glue to mating surfaces and inside spline
deep in Waist Side.
slots. Do not glue temporary spacer.
Fasten with 2 #8 x 11/4"
6. Insert splines and assemble collar. Apply and tighten web clamp.
FH screws. Do not glue.
To prevent twisting, clamp each joint using C-Clamp and protective
3. Repeat procedure for
pad as shown.
Right Seat Support
7. Remove excess glue and allow to dry thoroughly.
4. Place Hood Back
Support M31a on outside
Left Seat Support with its
notch shoulder against
top of M29 and flush
with back edge (Fig. 36A).
18 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
4. Remove sides and drill 1/8" starter holes for #8 x 1/4" FH screws.
5. Using a sharp chisel, remove the tip of wood on H36 and H37 (dotted
portion in Fig. 39), this allows the dial frame to seat properly in H35.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 19
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
2. With H68 face down on work 3. Place gallery assembly on top of turnings
surface, place back rail (H44) in with bottom edge of gallery front resting on
rabbet on back edges of H69 and notch on Hood side front edge, and turnings
H70. Top edge of rail should be inserted in pre-drilled holes.
flush with top edge of dado in 4. Insert gallery spacers between Gallery and
Gallery sides (Fig. 40C). hood sides, align bottom edge of spacer and
3. Mark the location of the starter bottom edge of gallery with pencil line
holes in the gallery sides through previously
the pre-drilled holes in back Rail. drawn (Figs. 42
4. Remove rail and drill starter and 43).
holes. 5. Mark the
5. Reassemble (Fig. 40B), using 2 location of the
#4 x 5/8" FH screws to attach back starter holes in
rail. Place the temporary spacer the gallery sides
between gallery sides as in figure from inside
to prevent buckling. hood. Make
6. Tighten Band clamps until certain the back
joints are closed. Use edges of Hood
as many clamps as sides and
necessary to achieve Gallery sides are flush.
a tight joint. Check to 6. Disassemble and drill four 1/8"
make sure assembly starter holes 1/2" deep on inside of
is square. gallery.
7. Disassemble and 7. Reassemble using 4 #8 x 11/4" FH screws. Make certain opening in
prepare to glue. hood front is square to accept door. Do not glue.
8. Apply a thin coat
of glue to mating
surfaces and inside
spline slots. Do not
glue temporary
9. Insert splines and
assemble Gallery as
in steps 5 and 6.
Check for squareness, it is essential that this assembly is square.
10. Remove excess glue and allow to dry thoroughly.
17. Assemble Hood
Parts: Collar and Hood Side Tools: Drill and Bit
Gallery Assembly Screwdriver
H53 Turnings (4) Square
H43 Gallery Spacers (2) Awl
#8 x 11/4" Screws (4)
H64 Hood Top
H56 Dial Frame
H54 Finial
H55 Finial Cap
20 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
8. Slide Dial Frame (H56) into slots on Hood sides until it seats in
collar (Fig. 44). Make sure best side faces out. Do not glue.
9. Remove Hood back rail H44 and slide top into place (Fig. 45).
Reattach back rail.
10. Place finial and cap in pre-drilled hole on gallery front (Fig. 46).
18. Assemble And Hang Door
Parts: H57 Hood Door Top Rail Tools: Screwdriver
H60 Hood Door Bottom Rail Drill and Bit
H58, H59 Hood Door Stiles Band Clamp
Pivot Hinges Square
#4 x 1/2" FH Screws (4)
#4 x 1/2" RH Screws (2)
#4 Washers (4)
Bullet Catch, brass (1)
Catch Plate, brass (1)
Door Pull, brass (1)
Screw #8/32 x 1" RH, steel (1)
Screws #1 x 3/8" FH, brass (2)
1. Assemble four parts of Hood door as
shown (Fig. 48). Apply a band clamp
(Fig. 47) and check for squareness.
2. Disassemble door and apply thin
coat of glue to mating surfaces.
Reclamp as in Step 1 making sure that
the pre-drilled hole for door pull is on
the left side of the door, check for
3. Remove excess glue and allow to dry
4. Install pivot hinges on right side of
door as shown (Fig. 48). Make sure
square portion of hinge is flush with
edge and rear surface of door (Fig. 49).
5. Place door in opening provided in
Hood front. Front of door is flush with
front edge of Hood side.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 21
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
6. Place shims around door to obtain even spacing in opening (Fig. 50).
7. Mark the location of the starter holes in the bottom edge of Hood
Gallery and top of collar through mounting holes in hinges.
8. Remove door and drill 3/32"
starter holes 1/2" deep.
9. Lightly tap Bullet catch into
pre-drilled hole provided on left
door stile (Fig. 54A).
10. Install door, placing washers
as needed for even spacing
between hinge and top of hood
and bottom edge of gallery (Fig.
51 and 52).
11. Install using 2 #4 x 1/2" RH
12. It may be necessary to file
the back edge of the top door
rail (Fig. 53) in order for the
door to clear the gallery
13. Close door tightly, open
again and examine side
H39 for faint mark of Bullet
Catch - this locates position
of strike. If no mark is
evident, align strike on H39
with Bullet Catch on H58.
22 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
14. Orient strike with tab to 6. Fasten Dial Mount to Supports with 4 #4 x 1/2" screws. Do not glue
rear, mark and drill 1/16" (Fig. 56).
starter holes 3/8" deep. Fasten
catch to door with 2 #1 x 3/8"
FH screws (Fig. 54B).
15. Attach door pull with #8/
32" x 1" screw.
1. Place Waist
Door face down
on your work
surface using
care to protect
its finish. Set
the door glass
in the rabbet.
2. Lay the Glass
Keeper Strip on
your work
surface. Drill a very small hole through it as shown in the figure. Do
this every 3" to 4" for the entire length of keeper (Fig. 57).
2. Mark through the pre-drilled holes. Drill 5/64" starter holes 3/8" deep
in Back supports and Back Rail.
3. Fasten Hood Back with 9 #4 x 1/2" screws. Do not glue.
4. Turn Dial Mount (M32) so that hand shaft hole is nearer bottom
edge than top. Center Mount left to right on Supports (M31), the top
of Mount flush with tops of supports.
5. Mark through the screw holes, remove Mount and drill 5/64" starter
holes 3/8" deep in Supports.
Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686 23
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.
3. Place Keeper around edges of glass. Put a brad into a drilled hole 22. Install Dial
and drive it into the wood as shown with tack hammer and nail set. Parts: Case with Movement Installed Tools: Awl
Be careful not to scratch or break the glass. Pliers or a nail set are Dial (Tempus Fugit or Moving Ruler
helpful for starting the brads (Fig. 58). Moon) Screwdriver
4. Follow the same procedure in installing the Hood door glass. Screws #1 x 1/4" RH, brass (4)
24 Woodcraft, 560 Airport Industrial Park, P.O. Box 1686, Parkersburg, WV 26102-1686
© 2000 Woodcraft Supply Corp. “Helping You Make Wood Work” is a trademark of Woodcraft Supply Corp.