BECHEM - Lubricantes Especiales en Aerosol

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Special lubricants in spray cans

Spraying also possible while spray can is held upside down

Large-scale spray application without spray tube

Spray tube allows accurate spray application

Special lubricants for machines, tools,
automotive and marine applications
Emulsionen und Lösungen

BECHEM – Lubrication solutions for industry

As the oldest German manufacturer of industrial lubri-

cants, BECHEM today is one of the leading producers of PICTOGRAMS

high-quality special lubricants and metal working fluids. APPLICATIONS

Food grade/Pharmaceutical technology

BECHEM products convince by innovative formulations in
the most diverse of industrial applications – in machining
Medical technology
and forming metal working processes, in coating tech-
nology and as for-life lubricants in various technical com- Automotive industry


A strong network of distributors and several national

Construction machines
and international production sites ensure that BECHEM
products are readily available worldwide. Farm machines

Open gears
Tomorrow’s technologies. Today.
Heavy industry (mining)


Wire ropes

Plain bearings

Electrical contacts

Thread lubrication

Cleaning agent

Rust solvent

Corrosion protection

Lubricating greases
For demanding application fields in automotive
engineering, the food industry and mechanical and plant
engineering, or for the harsh conditions in the heavy in-
dustry, BECHEM offers the industrial user a high qual-
ity assortment of lubricating greases for a wide variety
of tribological issues. These range from high-perfor-
mance, high and low temperature lubricating greases to
heavy-duty greases and extend to lifetime lubricants for
automotive applications.

Developed in accordance with the latest findings in the

field of tribology, BECHEM lubricating greases offer con-
vincing advantages relative to friction, wear and lubrica-
tion, as well as economical and ecological optimization
of processes.

Berulub FR 43 Spray Berulub FG-H 2 EP Spray

Sliding and damping lubricant for automotive interior Universal synthetic high-performance lubricant, high
applications, minimizes friction and wear, excellent load-carrying capacity, excellent protection against
low-temperature behaviour, resistant to water and oxida- corrosion, good adhesion and sealing effect, resistant
tion, prevents stick-slip, noise damping, contains PTFE to cold and hot water, resistant to ageing, ideal e.g. for
grease lubricated machine elements in the food pro-
cessing industry, H1-registered, halal and kosher certi-
fied, certified according to ISO 21469

BECHEM lubricants make an important contribution to functionality and haptics of interior components. Specially designed sprays reduce interfering
noise and thus ensure a significant improvement in driving comfort.

BECHEM High-Lub SW 2 Spray Berulit GA 2500 Spray

Protection against corrosion and wear, leaves a thin Universal lubricant for extreme frictional stress, excellent
lubricating film after evaporation of the solvent, excel- adhesion, suitable for high temperatures and high pres-
lent corrosion protection even under open-air conditions sures, reduces wear and noise generation of machine
and sea water atmosphere, excellent adhesion, contains parts, e.g. for wire ropes, gear rims, open gears
EP-additives, e.g. for cam discs, threaded spindles, wire

Lubricating oils
Whether technical food grade lubricating oils, rust
removers or noise damping media – BECHEM offers a
high-performance lubricating oil product line in spray
cans for a wide range of industrial applications. The
products, equipped with modern spray heads, enable
particularly easy and safe handling.

The products developed by BECHEM for demanding

applications comply with the standards and meet the
requirements that are imposed on modern lubricants.
BECHEM also offers convincing advantages in highly
specialized automotive applications with a spray can
product line that faultlessly minimizes friction, wear, and
interfering noise.

Berulub W+B Spray BECHEM Fluid W 68-3H Spray Berulub ND-Spray

Multifunctional spray to lubricate Release and lubricating agent for Synthetic noise damping spray to
precision mechanisms, e.g. in the direct food contact, neutral in smell eliminate creaking and squeaking
food processing and beverage in- and taste, good corrosion protec- noises inside vehicles, transparent,
dustry, neutral in smell and taste, tion, free from animal, genetically well suitable for application in the
high creeping capacity, water repel- modified ingredients and nut oils, visible area, good plastic and elasto-
lent, protection against corrosion, 3H-registered mer compatibility
dirt and rust solvent, H1-registered,
halal certified

BECHEM lubricants for the food and pharmaceutical sectors meet the strict specifications of the internationally active organization for product tests
and product certifications, NSF International. In addition, several products are Halal and Kosher certified.

Berulub GD 30 Spray Berulub ECO GD 40 Spray Berulub GD 50 H1 Spray

Multifunctional spray, suitable as Environmentally-friendly multifunc- Multifunctional rust solvent devel-

rust solvent, creeping oil, lubricant, tional spray, suitable as rust solvent, oped especially for the food industry,
corrosion protection and cleaner in creeping oil, lubricant, corrosion pro- penetrates and dissolves rust, excel-
one product, penetrates and dis- tection and cleaner in one product, lent creeping properties, good lubri-
solves rust, eliminates humidity, dis- readily biodegradable (OECD 301 C), cating and anti-corrosion properties,
solves oil incrustation acid and resin free, eliminates no resinification, H1-registered, halal
humidity, dissolves oil incrustation certified

Lubricating oils
Drive chains and conveyor chains are highly stressed
components, which are often under permanent load
in multi-shift operation. BECHEM high-performance
chain oils convince in these demanding processes
through high production reliability without extensive
maintenance effort. The outstanding protection against
corrosion and wear is particularly impressive when mixed
friction occurs.

Relative to oil structure and additives, BECHEM chain

oils are tailored to the specific application conditions.
Due to polar properties they have an extremely high
adhesive capacity that when dosed correctly prevents
dripping and centrifuging of the oil. In conjunction with
the excellent moistening and creeping capacities they
are very economical in application.

In addition to use on drive chains and conveyor chains BECHEM high-performance chain oils are also excellently suited for lubrication and as corrosion
protection of cams, slide surfaces, and gearing.

Berusynth CP 80 Spray Berusynth H1 Spray Berusynth 1000 H1 Spray

Solvent containing chain oil for high- Solvent free, synthetic chain and Synthetic high-performance chain
speed, power transmitting drives, adhesive lubricant for equipment in and adhesive lubricant for equipment
excellent adhesion, good creeping the food, animal feed and pharma- in the food, animal feed and pharma-
capacity, dry running properties ceutical industry, reliable protection ceutical industry, high load-carrying
based on solid lubricant MoS2, best against corrosion and wear, high capacity, good penetration proper-
wash-out stability, good protection load-carrying capacity, good pen- ties, H1-registered, halal certified
against corrosion and wear, noise etration properties, H1-registered,
damping halal certified

Berusynth CB 180 H1 Spray Berusynth CU 250 Spray Berusynth CU 3000 Spray

Synthetic high-performance chain Universal synthetic high-perfor- Synthetic high-performance chain

oil, optimised for the use in baking mance chain oil, for high tempera- oil, optimised for drives of furnaces,
and drying oven, good adhesion, tures, good adhesion, very good lu- dampers and sterilisers, excellent
good protection against corrosion bricating properties, good protection protection against corrosion and
and wear, excellent wetting and against corrosion and wear, excellent wear, extremely adhesive, no centri-
penetration capability, water resis- wetting and penetration capability, fuging, best wash-out stability, good
tant, H1-registered, halal and kosher water resistant, H2-registered penetration capability, prevents
certified, certified according to ISO stick-slip

Lubricating oils
The spray can product range developed by BECHEM
ranges from high-quality, mineral-oil based products
to extremely high performance synthetic oils, which in
addition to extended re-lubrication intervals and re-
duced downtime, often also contribute towards reducing
the diversity of varieties and thus costs.

Berulit Gear Spray

In addition to application consulting and lubricant man-
agement, the technical service can also include regular
Adhesive lubricant and preserving
inspections, sampling and analysis of lubricant samples
agent for open gears and sliding sur-
or execution of running-in processes.
faces, water resistant and water re-
pellent, excellent adhesion even un-
der strong influence of water, good
protection against corrosion and
wear, high load-carrying capacity

The rope dressing Beruprotect Rope Spray is excellently suited for dusty
environments, as it prevents the caking of contamination through forma-
tion of a semi-dry, non-stick surface.

Beruprotect Rope Spray Beruprotect Spray Berusil P 140 Spray

Maintenance and anti-corrosion Waxy corrosion protection film for Lubricant, release, assembly and
agent for wire ropes, excellent wet- longlife conservation of machines maintenance product for the food
ting and creeping properties, longlife and metal components, excellent and pharmaceutical industry, neu-
corrosion protection, no resinifica- protection against corrosion even in tral in smell and taste, colourless,
tion, excellent adhesion, economical case of contact with salt water, ex- clear liquid, excellent release effect,
cellent adhesion highly resistant to hot water and
water steam, very good dielectric
values, H1-registered, halal certified

BECHEM corrosion protection oils are suitable for untreated ferrous metals, as well as for galvanized or phosphated material.

Cleaners, anti-friction coatings, and pastes
Cleaners Anti-friction coatings
In the metalworking industry, cleaning workpieces and Anti-friction coatings are touch dry lubricant solutions
semi-finished products is an important work step, since which have been developed for specific applications with
deficient or incorrect cleaning often results in consid- the aid of latest technologies. With state-of-the-art test
erable production defects and production faults. With devices for every application area, friction and wear or anti-
the Beruclean series BECHEM offers high-performance squeak properties are determined. This gives the user the
products for residue-free cleaning of any process fluids security that with the BECHEM anti-friction coatings he
in the metalworking sector. is always using products that are optimally tailored to the
specific requirement.

Beruclean H1 Spray Berucoat AF 438 Spray

Degreasing and brake cleaning agent, removes all Anorganic anti-friction coating for friction partners of
types of oil and grease contaminations as well as not metal, air drying, pressure resistant, contains anti-fric-
yet hardened paints and coatings, residue-free evapo- tion lacquer for metal tribological pairings, air-dry,
ration, H1-registered pressure resistant, contains microfine solid lubricants,
adheres to smooth surfaces, does not absorb dust or dirt

Berucoat AF 438 Spray is a friction-reducing and extremely resilient anti-friction coating that is used with preference on
metallic surfaces.

Since, compared to lubricating greases pastes have a peratures prevail. Thus as antiseize agent for various
significantly higher portion of solid lubricants and thick- assembly applications and as release agents pastes can
eners, they are particularly well-suited for applications effectively counteract the danger of fretting corrosion.
where extremely high pressures and extremely high tem-

Berulub VPN 13 Spray Beruglide Spray

Universal high-temperature and antiseize paste with high Synthetic anti-squeak paste to eliminate disturbing noices
copper content, prevents seizure, fretting caused by high (creaking, squeaking) in automotive interior and exterior
temperatures, service temperature up to +1150 °C, good applications, excellent release and sliding effect by
protection against corrosion e.g. for screwed and plug PTFE, excellent noise damping, good plastic and elasto-
connections, valves, slides mer compatibility, H1-registered

Berulub Palfluid Spray

Special paste for the lubrication of highly stressed plas- For service, maintenance, and assembly, BECHEM
tic sliding elements (e.g. telescopic booms of mobile offers a sophisticated product range of lubrication
cranes), machinery and industrial kitchen equipment, products. Please contact your BECHEM partner
friction partners non-ferrous metals/non-ferrous metals, for more information.
metals/elastomers and plastic/plastic, good adhesion,
contains PTFE

Technical data
Base oil viscosity Working temperature
SPRAY CAN 400 ML* Base oil Thickener
[mm2/s] at 40°C range [°C]

Berulub FR 43 Polyalphaolefin Special 32 -50 +140

Spray (PAO) lithium soap

Berulub ND Perfluorpolyether - 160 -40 +200

Spray (100 ml) (PFPE)

Berulub W + B Med. white oil - 70 -


BECHEM High-Lub SW 2 Mineral oil Special 100 -25 +80

Spray calcium soap

Berulit GA 2500 Mineral oil / Aluminum 2500 -20 +200

Spray (500 ml) synthetic oil complex soap

Beruclean H1 - - - -

Berusynth H1 Polyalphaolefin - 100 -50 +200

Spray (PAO)

Berusynth CU 250 Ester - 250 - +250


Berusil P 140 Silicon oil - 260 -40 +150


Berusynth CP 80 Mineral oil/ester - -15 +150


Beruglide Perfluorpolyether Polytetrafluoro- 160 -40 +190

Spray (100 ml) (PFPE) ethylene (PTFE)

Berulub VPN 13 Polyglykol Bentonite 370 -30 +1150


Berulub GD 30 Mineral oil - -30 +90


Berusynth 1000 H1 Polyalphaolefin - 1000 -30 +200

Spray (PAO)

Berulub GD 50 H1 Med. white oil - - - -


Berucoat AF 438 - - - -180 +450


Beruprotect Mineral oil - - -


Berusynth CU 3000 Ester - 3000 -15 +250


Berulub ECO GD 40 Ester - - -30 +90


Berulit Gear Mineral oil - - -


Beruprotect Rope Mineral oil - 9 -20 +100


BECHEM Fluid W 68-3H Med. white oil - 68 -10 +120


Berulub FG-H 2 EP Polyalphaolefin Special calcium 150 -40 +160

Spray (PAO) complex soap

Berulub Palfluid Ester Polytetrafluoro- 5000 -20 +150

Spray ethylene (PTFE)

Berusynth CB 180 H1 Ester - 180 -40 +220


All indications and values correspond to latest knowledge and do not represent any product specification.
* 100 ml: Berulub ND Spray, Beruglide Spray / 500 ml: Berulit GA 2500 Spray

Awarded –
BECHEM lubricants

High quality lubricants are indispensable products which

are worth their investment, they are winners of prestigious
awards – by making a decisive contribution to perfor-
mance, energy efficiency and sustainability of products
and processes.

Award for Berufluid – a joint

project with Fraunhofer Institute
IVV and IWF Braunschweig.

BECHEM wins award for tailored European Supplier

Leadership Award
solutions in the premium vehicle
Global Growth

Global Growth
Leadership Award
European Supplier

BECHEM as an award-winner
is one of the 20 most innovative
companies in North Rhine-West-

BECHEM wins the award for Innovation Award

innovative lifetime lubrication 2014 + 2018

of different vehicle components.

Innovation Award

BECHEM wins the NRW 2015

Efficiency Award for innovative
and resource-efficient coating
in cold massive forming.

Lubrication solutions for industry



Weststr. 120 · 58089 Hagen · Germany · Phone +49 2331 935-0 · Fax +49 2331 935-1199 · [email protected] ·

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