Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces
Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces
Heat Transfer From Extended Surfaces
Extended Surfaces 5
5.1. Types of Fins. 5.2. Fin Selection and Applications. 5.3. Governing Equation. 5.4. Fin Performance—Fin effectiveness—Fin
efficiency—Overall fin effectiveness—Area weighted fin efficiency. 5.5. Approximate Solution of Fin: Concept of Corrected Fin Length.
5.6. Error in Temperature Measurement by Thermometers. 5.7. Design Considerations for Fins—Space considerations : Condition for
use of fins—Weight consideration. 5.8. Summary—Review Questions—Problems.
The term ‘extended surface’ is commonly used in Longitudinal Fin : It is a straight rectangular
reference to a solid that experiences energy transfer by fin attached to a plane wall. It may be of uniform cross-
conduction and convection between its boundary and sectional area, or its cross-sectional area may vary along
surroundings. A temperature gradient in x direction
its length to form a triangular, parabolic or trapezoidal
sustains heat transfer by conduction internally, at the
same time, there is heat dissipation by convection into shape.
an ambient at T∞ from its surface at temperature Ts, Annular Fin : An annular fin is a fin that is
given as circumferentially attached to a cylinder and its
Q = h As (Ts – T∞) cross-section varies with radius from centre line of
where h = convection heat transfer coefficient, cylinder.
and As = heat transfer area of a surface.
When the temperatures Ts and T∞ are fixed by Spine : In contrast, a pin fin, or spine is an
design considerations, there are only two ways to extended surface of circular cross-section whose
increase the heat transfer rate : (i) to increase the diameter is much smaller than its length. The pin fins
convection coefficient h, or (ii) to increase the surface may also be of uniform or non-uniform cross-section.
area A. In the situations, in which an increase in h is
not practical or economical, the heat transfer rate can
be improved by increasing surface area.
For heat transfer from a hot liquid to a gas,
through a wall, the value of heat transfer coefficient on
the gas side is usually very less compared to that for
liquid side (hgas << hliquid). To compensate low heat
transfer coefficient, the surface area on the gas side may (a) (b)
be extended for a given temperature difference between
surface and its surroundings. These extended surfaces
are called fins. The fins are normally thin strips of highly
conducting metals such as aluminium, copper, brass etc.
The fins enhance the heat transfer rate from a surface
by exposing larger surface area to convection.
(c) (d)
Fig. 5.1. (a) Longitudinal fins ; (b) Cylindrical tube with
The fins are designed and manufactured in many shapes fins of rectangular profile ; (c) Longitudinal fin of trapezoi-
and forms, some of them are shown in Fig. 5.1 and dal profile ; (d) Longitudinal fin of parabolic profile.
Fig. 5.2.
θ0 T0 − T∞ (− 1)
= hP (T0 – T∞) ×
The dependence of dimensionless temperature −m
T − T∞ = hPkA (T0 – T∞)
along the fin length for different values of m is
T0 − T∞ same as eqn. (5.14).
shown in Fig. 5.5. The plot indicates : Case 2. A fin is usually very thin and long enough
(i) as the value of m increases the dimensionless so that the heat loss from the fin tip may be assumed
temperature falls, the fin temperature drops. negligible. The boundary condition for such finite long
fin, at its tip is :
LM dθ OP
N dx Q x=L
Qfin = Qx = 0 0 x
LM dT OP = − kA LM dθ OP
N dx Q N dx Q
= – kAc c
Fig. 5.6. Finite long fin insulated at free end
x=0 x=0 Substituting in eqn. (5.11), we get
LM(T − T ) d (e − mx O
= – kAc
N0 ∞
dx Q x=0 dx
(C1 e–mx + C2 emx)x = L = 0
θ 0 e − mL LM dθ OP
It gives C2 =
+e − mL
...(5.17) or –k
N dx Q x=L
= hθx = L ...(5.22)
θ0 emL +LM h mL OP
or Qfin = – kAc (T0 – T∞)
sinh (mL)
cosh (mL)
(– m)
C1 =
N mk
h mL
emL + e− mL + [ e − e− mL ]
= hPkA c (T0 – T∞) tanh (mL) ...(5.21) mk
Case 3. The finite long fin with convection heat
loss from its free end, Substituting C1 and C2 in eqn. (5.11), we get
h m( L − x ) h − m( L − x )
e m (L − x) +
e + e − m( L − x ) − e
θ( x) mk mk
θ0 h
hAc(TL – T¥) e mL + e − mL + [ e mL − e − mL ]
Q0 Qcond mk
It may be rearranged and expressed in terms of
L hyperbolic functions as
θ( x) T( x ) − T∞
T θ0 T0 − T∞
T0 FG h IJ sinh {m (L − x )}
T(x) cosh {m ( L − x )} +
H mk K
cosh (mL ) + G
F h IJ sinh (mL)
q = T(x) –T¥ H mk K
T¥ ...(5.25)
0 x The total heat transfer from fin
Fig. 5.7. Finite long fin with convection heat LM dθ OP
transfer from its free end
Q0 = Qfin = – kAc
N dx Q x=0
The boundary condition can be obtained by energy sinh (mL) + (h/mk) cosh (mL)
balance at fin tip. = hPkA c (T0 – T∞)
cosh (mL) + (h/mk) sinh (mL)
– kAc
dx x = LN Q
= hAc[T(x = L) – T∞] ...(5.26)
Case 4. The boundary condition for finite long At base of fin, i.e., at x = 0
fin with specified temperature at its free end.
At x = L ; θL = TL – T∞
Substituting in eqn. (5.11)
Qx = 0 = – kAc
N dx Q x=0
= – kAc
N dx Q x=0
Using eqn. (5.29) and differentiating it, with
θL = C1e–mL + C2emL ...(5.27) respect to x,
Qx = 0 = – kAc (T0 – T∞)
T¥ h
TL LM sinh m (L − x) + T − T L ∞
sinh mx
dx M
M T −T
sinh mL
0 ∞ PP
L MN PQ x=0
kA c ( T0 − T∞ )
sinh mL
T(x) TL − T∞
× cosh m ( L − x ) ( − m ) + T − T cosh mx (m )
N 0 ∞ Q x=0
q = T(x) – T¥
kA c × (− m) (T0 − T∞ ) LM
T − T∞
cosh mL − L
T¥ sinh mL N
T0 − T∞ Q
0 x LM cosh mL – F T − T I OP
Fig. 5.8. Finite long fin with specified GH T − T JK P L ∞
–T ) M
temperature at its free end
MM sinh mL PP
0 ∞
or Qx = 0 = hPkA c (T0 ∞
Using the C1 in terms of C2 and θ0 from eqn. (5.12)
θL = (θ0 – C2)e–mL + C2emL MN PQ
= θ0e–mL + C2[emL – e–mL] ...(5.30)
− mL
θL − θ0 e The heat leaving the base surface at x = 0 will
It gives C2 = not be totally convected to surrounding medium, but
e mL − e − mL
some heat will also reach to the surface at x = L.
θ L − θ 0 e − mL
And C1 = θ0 – The rate of heat dissipation to surrounding fluid
e mL − e − mL
can be worked out from relation
It gives C1 =
e mL − e − mL
θ 0 e mL − θ L
m (L − x) − m( L − x) mx − mx
θ0 [ e −e ] + θ L (e −e ) Qfin = hP (T0 – T∞)
θ(x) =
e mL
− e − mL F sinh m (L − x) + T − T sinh mx I
z JJ dx
L ∞
...(5.28) L T −T
× 0 ∞
or in terms of hyperbolic functions ;
θ( x) T − T∞
0 sinh mL JJK
θ0 T0 − T∞
hP (T − T ) F sinh m(L − x) + T − T sinh mxI dx
0 ∞ L ∞
sinh m {( L − x )} + G L − T∞ sinh mL T −T
sinh mx 0 0 ∞
− T∞
hP (T − T ) L cosh m (L − x) F T − T I cosh mx O
0 L
sinh (mL) = 0
sinh mL MN
M− m + GH T − T JK m PP
∞ L ∞
The heat conduction to fin at the base surface :
Q 0 ∞ 0
hP (T0 − T∞ )
The heat conduction rate at any section is given =
by m sinh mL
Q = – kAc L
dx ×
0 − T∞ K
(cosh mL − 1) − (1 − cosh mL )
L (T
L − T∞ ) (cosh mL − 1) + ( T0 − T∞ ) (cosh mL − 1) OP where P = πd = π × (0.025 m) = 0.0785 m
N sinh mL Q Ac =
π 2 π
d = × (0.025 m)2
(cosh mL − 1)
or Qfin = hP kA c [(TL – T∞) + (T0 – T∞)] = 4.908 × 10–4 m2
sinh mL
...(5.31) ∴ Qinfinite fin = 10 × 0.0785 × 380 × 4.908 × 10 −4
The heat conducted to other surface at x = L × (120 – 25)
Qx = L = Qx = 0 – Qfin ...(5.32) = 36.35 W. Ans.
For fins of non-uniform cross-section, the solution (ii) From an infinite log fin TL = T∞, and no heat
is quite complex. The solution for triangular and transfer from its free end. Therefore,
parabolic fins are presented in section 5.5, but the Qinfinite fin = Qinsulated tip fin
approximate solution to these fins in graphical form is Thus hP kA c (T0 – T∞)
presented in Fig. 5.26. The interested students can also
refer Schneider [1] and Arpaci [2]. = hP kA c (T0 – T∞) tanh mL
Example 5.1. A very long 25 mm diameter copper The equivalent result is obtained if
(k = 380 W/m.K) rod extends from a surface at 120°C. tanh(mL) ≥ 0.99
The temperature of surrounding air is 25°C and the heat mL = 2.646
transfer coefficient over the rod is 10 W/m2.K. Calculate: hP
(i) Heat loss from the rod, Here m=
kA c
(ii) How long the rod should be in order to be
10 × 0.0785
considered infinite ? (Shivaji University, Nov. 2002) =
380 × 4.908 × 10 −4
Solution = 2.052
Given : A very long (infinite long) copper rod as a 2.646
fin : ∴ L= = 1.29 m. Ans.
d = 25 mm = 0.025 m, k = 380 W/m.K Example 5.2. One end of a long rod 3 cm in diameter is
T0 = 120°C, T∞ = 25°C inserted into a furnace with the outer end projecting into
h = 10 W/m2.K the outside air. Once the steady state is reached the
temperature of the rod is measured at two points, 15 cm
apart and found to be 140°C and 100°C, when the
atmospheric air is at 30°C with convection coefficient of
20 W/m2.K. Calculate the thermal conductivity of the rod
material. (P.U., May 1992)
T0 = 120°C d = 25 mm Solution
Given : One end of the long rod inserted into a
k = 380 W/m.K
furnace ;
d = 3 cm = 0.03 m, L = 15 cm = 0.15 m,
2 T0 = 140°C, T∞ = 30°C,
h = 10 W/m . K
TL = 100°C, h = 20 W/m2.K.
T¥ = 25°C
Fig. 5.9. A very long rod extends from a surface. 2
h = 20 W/m .K, T¥ = 30°C
To find : T0 TL d = 3 cm
(i) The heat loss from infinite long fin.
(ii) Length of rod as infinite long fin.
Analysis : (i) The heat loss from infinite long fin, 15 cm
eqn. (5.14) Fig. 5.10. Schematic for example 5.2
To find : The thermal conductivity of the rod (ii) One dimensional conduction along the rod.
material. (iii) Constant properties.
Assumptions : (iv) No internal heat generation.
(i) Steady state conditions. (v) Infinite long fin.
(ii) One dimensional conduction along the rod. Analysis : For infinite long fin, the temperature
(iii) Constant properties. distribution is given by eqn. (5.13)
(iv) No internal heat generation. T( x) − T∞
= e–mx
(v) Infinite long fin. T0 − T∞
Analysis : For infinite long fin, the temperature For rod A, at x1
distribution is given by eqn. (5.13) TA − T∞ −m x
T( x) − T∞ = e A 1
= e–mx T0 − T∞
T0 − T∞
The starting point, or mAx1 = – ln
LM 75 − 25 OP = 0.405 ...(i)
at x = 0, T0 = 140°C N 100 − 25 Q
and at x = L = 0.15 m, TL = 100°C Similarly for rod B at x1
100 − 30 mBx1 = – ln
B ∞
140 − 30
= e–m × 0.15
NT − T Q
0 ∞
It gives m = 3.013
= – ln M
L 60 − 25 OP = 0.762 ...(ii)
We have m=
kA c
N 100 − 25 Q
Dividing eqn. (i) by eqn. (ii)
20 × (π × 0.03) mA kB 0.405
Thus = 3.013 = =
k × {(π/4) × (0.03) 2 } mB kA 0.762
It gives k = 293.74 W/m.K. Ans. LM 0.405 OP 2
Given : Two similar long rods as infinite long fins.
t = 5 mm
Air k1 = 85 W/m.K
k2 = 375 W/m.K
w = 18 mm T¥ = 30°C x1 = 105 mm = 0.105 m
Cross-section of T1 = 120°C.
the handle Oil at
300°C 105 mm T1 Brass rod
h T¥
Fig. 5.11. Schematic for example 5.4 Furnace
Calculate the ratio of lenghts of rod up to which Example 5.7. An electric motor is to be connected
wax melting occurs due to transfer of heat. by a horizontal steel shaft (k = 42.56 W/m.K), 25 mm in
(N.M.U., May 2004) diameter to an impeller of a pump, circulating liquid
Solution metal at a temperature of 540°C. If the temperature of
Given : The rods identical in length and cross- electric motor is limited to a maximum value of 52°C
section, coated with wax with the ambient air at 27°C and heat transfer coefficient
T0 = 85°C, L = 300 mm, of 40.7 W/m2.K, what length of shaft should be specified
d = 20 mm, h = 11 W/m2.K, between the motor and pump ?
kcu = 380 W/m.K, kAl = 206 W/m.K, Solution
kst = 17 W/m.K. Given : A horizontal steel shaft as a fin.
To find : Ratio of lengths of rods at which wax k = 42.56 W/m.K, d = 25 mm = 0.025 m,
T0 = 540°C, TL = 52°C,
Assumptions :
T∞ = 27°C, h = 40.7 W/m2.K.
(i) Steady state condition.
(ii) Since diameter of rods is small as compared To find : The length of steel shaft
to length, thus treating infinite long fin. Steel shaft
(iii) Constant properties. Pump
circulating Electric
Analysis : For long rod (infinite long fins), the liquid metal motor
air at 27°C
temperature distribution is given as at 540°C
T( x) − T∞
= e − mx
T0 − T∞ Fig. 5.13. Schematic for example 5.7
For melting of wax along the rod of three different Assumptions :
materials, let us assume x1, x2 and x3 are lengths for
copper, aluminium and steel rods, respectively up to (i) Steady state conditions
which wax melts at temperature T (say). Then (ii) Since one end of shaft is connected to electric
T − T∞ motor, thus assuming, no heat loss from the fin tip.
For copper rod, = e − m1 x1 ...(i)
T0 − T∞ (iii) Constant properties.
For aluminium rod, Analysis : The diameter of fin is very small and
T − T∞ hence treating fin of insulated tip.
= e − m2 x2 ...(ii)
T0 − T∞ π 2 π
Ac = d = × (0.025)2 = 4.90 × 10–4 m2
T − T∞ 4 4
For steel rod, = e − m3 x3 ...(iii)
T0 − T∞ P = πd = 0.025 π m
Since L.H.S. and base e on R.H.S. are same in all
three equations thus hP 40.7 × 0.025 π
m= =
m1x1 = m2x2 = m3x3 kA c 42.56 × 4.90 × 10 − 4
hP hP hP = 12.37 m
or x1 = x2 = x3
kcu A c kAl A c kst A c The temperature distribution in the fin at x = L
x1 x2 x3 TL − T∞ 1
or = = =
kcu kAl kst T0 − T∞ cosh mL
w = 1 cm
Boiling Cross-section of
water spoon handle Given : The handle of a saucepan :
at 95°C L = 30 cm = 0.3 m, d = 2 cm = 0.02 m,
Fig. 5.14. Schematic for example 5.8 h = 7.35 W/m2.K,
To find : The temperature difference across x = L – 10 cm = 20 cm = 0.2 m,
exposed surface of handle.
T0 = 100°C, T∞ = 24°C,
Assumptions :
T(x) = 32°C.
1. Steady state conditions.
2. The handle of spoon is thin and heat loss from
its free end be negligible. 10 cm
3. No heat radiation. d = 2 cm
4. Constant cross-section of handle.
T = 32°C
5. Constant properties.
30 cm
T − T∞ cosh m (L − x)
T0 − T∞ cosh mL
For temperature difference across the exposed
surface of spoon handle i.e., x = L ;
TL − T∞ 1
= Boiling water at 100°C
T0 − T∞ cosh mL
Fig. 5.15. Schematic for example 5.9
where m = To find : Thermal conductivity of handle material.
kA c
Analysis : Since handle is treated as a fin of
P = 2(w + t) = 2(1 cm + 0.2 cm) insulated tip, hence, the temperature distribution in the
= 2.4 cm = 0.024 m fin.
Ac = wt = 1 cm × 0.2 cm T( x) − T∞ cosh m (L − x)
= 0.2 cm2 = 0.2 × 10–4 m2 T0 − T∞ cosh mL
T¥ = 1000°C
a a L = 80 mm
a = 5 mm T0 = 600°C
80 mm
Fig. 5.16. Schematic of a triangular fin
TL = 227°C, T∞ = 27°C,
hP 14.5 × 0.08
m= = h = 5 W/m2.K, k = 45 W/m.K.
kA c 43 × 3.75 × 10 − 4
TL = 227°C
= 8.48 m–1
mL = 8.48 × 0.3 = 2.544 2
T0 = 127°C T¥ = 27°C, h = 5 W/m .K
The temperature at the grip of handle can be
calculated by relation
T( x = L) − T∞ 1 100 cm
T0 − T∞ cosh (mL)
Alternatively : The minimum temperature can Assumption : Steady state heat conduction along
also be calculated by assuming two fins with insulated the rod.
tip. Analysis : Considering finite long fin with
(T0 − T∞ ) specified temperature at its free end as shown in
From left face, T(x) = + T∞ Fig. 5.20 (a).
cosh mL
T( x) − T∞
1 UV Ac =
π 2 π
d = × (6 × 10–3)2
T T0 − T∞ cosh mL W 4 4
From right face, = 2.827 × 10–5 m2
TL − T∞ P = πd = π × 6 × 10–3 = 0.0188 m
T(L – x) = + T∞
cosh m(L − x) hP 30 × 0.0188
m= =
Equating T(x) = T(L – x), we get kA c 330 × 2.827 × 10 −5
x = 0.3875 m.
= 7.785 m
T(x) = T(L – x) = 78.1°C. Ans.
(ii) The heat conducted from left end d = 6 mm
TL = 100°C
QL = hPkA c (T0 – T∞) tanh (mx) 2
h = 30 W/m .K
= 5 × 2 × 10 −2 × 45 × 2 × 10 −4 T¥ = 30°C
T0 = 100°C
× (127 – 27) × tanh (3.33 × 0.3875)
= 2.578 W. Ans. 25 cm
The heat loss from right end
Fig. 5.20. (a) Schematic for example 5.14
QR = hPkA c (TL – T∞) tanh m (L – x)
= 5 × 2 × 10 − 2 × 45 × 2 × 10 − 4
25 cm 25 cm
100°C 100°C
× (227 – 27) × tanh [3.33 × (1 – 0.3875)] TL
= 5.8 W. Ans. Fig. 5.20. (b) Alternative arrangement
Example 5.14. The both ends of a 6 mm diameter copper (i) The temperature distribution in the fin
rod (U-shaped) having k = 330 W/m.K are rigidly
connected to a vertical wall as shown in Fig. 5.20 (a). LM θ OP sinh (mx) + sinh {m(L − x)}
=N Q
The wall temperature is constant at 100°C. The developed T( x) − T∞ θ0
length of the rod is 50 cm and is exposed to air at 30°C. T0 − T∞ sinh (mL)
The combined convective and radiative heat transfer
coefficient is 30 W/m2.K. Calculate : The temperature at the centre of fin i.e., At
x = 25 cm,
(i) The temperature at the centre of the rod.
Due to symmetry θL = θ0
(ii) Heat transfer by the rod.
(P.U., Nov. 1996 ; N.M.U., Nov. 2000) sinh (7.785 × 0.25)
Solution Tc − 30 + sinh {7.785 ( 0.5 − 0.25)}
Thus =
100 − 30 sinh (7.785 × 0.5)
Given : U-shaped circular fin.
= 0.28
d = 6 mm, L = 50 cm,
or Tc = 30 + 70 × 0.28
k = 330 W/m.K, T0 = 100°C,
= 49.6°C. Ans.
T∞ = 30°C, TL = 100°C,
Alternatively : At the centre of fin, temperature
h = 30 W/m2.K.
would be constant due to symmetry.
To find : The temperature of U-shaped fin can also be
(i) The temperature at the centre of the fin. obtained by considering two insulated tip fins, 25 cm
(ii) The heat transfer rate. long each, as shown in Fig. 5.20 (b).
Tc − T∞ 1
= hP 20 × 0.015 π
T0 − T∞ cosh (mL) m= =
kA c 380 × 1.767 × 10 − 4
Tc = 49.6°C. Ans.
(ii) The heat transfer rate from the fin : = 3.746 m–1
Considering two fins of 25 cm long each with mL = 3.746 × 0.3 = 1.124
insulated tip. (i) The heat dissipated to air from fin is given by
eqn. (5.31)
Q = 2 hPkA c (T0 – T∞) tanh (mL)
RS cosh mL − 1UV
= 2 30 × 0.0188 × 330 × 2.827 × 10 − 5
× (100 – 30) × tanh (7.785 × 0.25)
Qfin = hPkA [(TL – T∞) + (T0 – T∞)]
T sinh mL W
= 20 × 0.015π × 380 × 1.767 × 10 –4
= 9.76 W. Ans.
cosh (1.124) − 1
Example 5.15. One end of a copper rod (k = 380 W/m.K), × [(100 – 40) + (300 – 40)]
300 mm long is connected to a wall which is maintained sinh (1.124)
at 300°C. The other end is firmly connected to other wall = 0.2515 × 320 × 0.5094 = 41.0 W. Ans.
at 100°C. The air is blown across the rod so that the heat (ii) The heat conduction rate to fin from surface
transfer coefficient of 20 W/m2.K is maintained. The at x = 0, eqn. (5.30)
diameter of the rod is 15 mm and temperature of air is FG TL − T∞ IJ
40°C. Determine :
(i) Net heat transfer rate to air, Qx = 0 = hPkA c (T0 – T∞) ×
cosh mL −
HT 0 − T∞ K
sinh mL
(ii) The heat conducted to other end which is at
100°C. (M.U., Nov. 1999) Qx = 0 = 20 × 0.015π × 380 × 1.767 × 10 −4 × (300 – 40)
Solution FG 100 − 40 IJ
Given : A copper rod as fin with specified
cosh (1.124) −
H 300 − 40 K
temperature at its two ends. sinh (1.124)
k = 380 W, L = 300 mm = 0.3 m, = 0.2515 × 260 × 1.0684 = 69.88 W.
T0 = 300°C, TL = 100°C, The heat reaches to other end at 100°C
h = 20 W/m2.K, d = 15 mm = 0.015 m, = Qx=0 – Qfin = 69.88 – 41.0
T∞ = 40°C. = 28.87 W. Ans.
If the fin efficiency is known, the heat transfer Q total h (A unfin + ηfin A fin ) (T0 − T∞ )
or εfin overall = =
rate Qfin through the fin is determined as Q no fins h A no fin (T0 − T∞ )
Qfin = ηfin Qideal = ηfin hAfin (T0 – T∞) ...(5.41)
or Qfin ≈ ηfin h PL (T0 – T∞) ...(5.37)
The fin efficiency for earlier defined fin geometrics
are given below :
(i) The fin efficiency of infinite long fin :
Ano fin = w × H
hPkA c (T0 − T∞ ) kA c 1 1 Aunfin = w H – Nfin wt
ηfin = = × = fin t
hPL (T0 − T∞ ) hP L mL Au
Afin Afin » Nfin × 2(w + t) × L
...(5.38) w
(ii) The fin efficiency for insulated fin tip : L
hPkA c ( T0 − T∞ ) tanh ( mL )
ηfin =
hPL (T0 − T∞ ) Fig. 5.25. Various surface areas associated
with rectangular fins
tanh (mL ) where Ano fin = area of the surface, when there are no
= ...(5.39)
mL fins,
(iii) Similarly for finite long fin with convection Afin = total surface area of all fins,
heat transfer at the fin tip :
Aunfin = area of the unfinned portion of the
h surface,
sinh (mL) + cosh (mL)
ηfin = ...(5.40) ηfin = fin efficiency.
The fin efficiency relations are developed for fins The overall fin effectiveness depends on the fin
of various profiles. These are plotted in Fig. 5.24 for density (number of fins per unit length), as well as the
fins of plane surfaces with insulated tip. effectiveness of individual fins. The overall effectiveness
is a better measure of the performance of a finned surface
1.0 than the effectiveness of the individual fins.
ηfin h A fin (T0 − T∞ ) presents the efficiency for annular or circular fins of
rectangular profile. These results are presented in terms
+ (A total − A fin ) h (T0 − T∞ )
= of corrected length Lc and profile area. The maximum
h A total (T0 − T∞ ) heat transfer rate from rectangular, triangular and
A fin parabolic fins is
=1– (1 – ηfin) ...(5.43) Qmax = hPLc (T0 – T∞) ...(5.47)
A total
Lc = L
Ap = Lt/3
≤ 1/4 ...(5.44) 100
Corrected length, Lc = L + δ ...(5.45)
where δ is called friction length of fin and is calculated
Fin efficiency hfin, %
as 1
A 2
δ= c ...(5.46)
P 5 3
For rectangular or square fin 40
Ac = w × t t r2c = r2 + t/2
P ≈ 2w Lc = L + t/2
20 L AP = Lc × t
w×t t r1
then, δ= = Afin = 2p(r 22 – r 12 ) + 2pr2t
2w 2 r2
For circular fin, pin fin, 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
3/2 1/2
(π/4) d 2 d r
Lc (h/kAP)
δ= = =
πd 4 2 Fig. 5.27. Efficiency of circular fins of rectangular profile
It is often convenient to use the profile area of (from Gardner)
fin Ap
For circumferential fins of constant thickness
For a rectangular fin, Ap = Lt
For a triangular fin, Ap = Lt/2 Qmax = 2πh (r2c2 – r12) (T0 – T∞) ...(5.48)
For a parabolic fin, Ap = Lt/3
The triangular and parabolic fins contains less
The fin efficiency relations are developed for fins
material and are more efficient than the fins of
of various profiles and are plotted in Fig. 5.26 for fins
on a plane surface and of three common profiles: rectangular profile, and thus they are more suitable
rectangular fin of uniform cross-section, and triangular for applications that require minimum weight such as
and parabolic fins of non-uniform cross-section. Fig. 5.27 space applications.
Example 5.16. An aluminium alloy fin (k = 200 W/m.K), Example 5.17. It is better to use 10 fins of 5 cm length
3.5 mm thick and 2.5 cm long protrudes from a wall. than 5 fins of 10 cm length. State and prove correctness
The base is at 420°C and ambient air temperature is of the statement. Take properties as follows :
30°C. The heat transfer coefficient may be taken as Diameter of fin = 10 mm
11 W/m2.K. Find the heat loss and fin efficiency, if the Thermal conductivity = 45 W/m.K
heat loss from fin tip is negligible. Heat transfer coefficient = 95 W/m2.K.
(P.U., May 2012)
Given : A rectangular fin
Given : Two arrangement of fins with
L = 2.5 cm, T∞ = 30°C,
d = 10 mm,
t = 3.5 mm, h = 11 W/m2.K,
k = 45 W/m.K, h = 95 W/m2.K
T0 = 420°C, k = 200 W/m.K.
Arrangement 1 : L1 = 5 cm, Nfin = 10
h = 11 W/m .K Arrangement 2 : L2 = 10 cm, Nfin = 5
T¥ = 30°C
Insulated To find : Better arrangement.
Analysis : The length of fin in either case is much
larger than its diameter, therefore, assuming negligible
t = 3.5 mm
heat loss from fin tip. For a fin
w π 2 π
Ac = d = × (0.01)2 = 78.54 × 10–6 m2
T0 4 4
= 420°C P = πd = π × 0.01 = 0.01 π m
hP 95 × 0.01 π
L = 2.5 cm m= = = 29.06
kA c 45 × 78.54 × 10 − 6
Fig. 5.28 For arrangement 1 :
mL1 = 29.06 × 0.05 = 1.453
To find :
tanh (mL1) = 0.896
(i) Heat transfer rate from fin surface.
The fin efficiency
(ii) Fin efficiency.
Assumptions : tanh mL 1 0.896
ηfin = = = 61.68%
1. Steady state conditions. mL 1 1.453
2. One dimensional conduction along the rod. The heat transfer rate from 10 fins
3. Constant properties. Qfin = Nfin hPkA c (T0 – T∞) tanh (mL1)
4. No internal heat generation.
5. The width of fin is 1 m. = 10 × 95 × 0.01 × π × 45 × 78.54 × 10 −6
Analysis : (i) The heat transfer rate × (T0 – T∞) × 0.896
Qfin = hPkA c (T0 – T∞) tanh (mL) = 9.2 (T0 – T∞) Watts.
For arrangement 2 : 5 fins 10 cm long
where, mL = L mL2 = 29.06 × 0.1 = 2.906
kA c tanh (mL2) = 0.994
and P = 2w = 2 m
tanh mL 0.994
Ac = w × t = 1 × 3.5 × 10–3 m2 ηfin = = = 34.2%
mL 2.906
11 × 2 and heat transfer rate with this arrangement
mL = 2.5 × 10–2 × = 0.14
200 × 3.5 × 10 − 3
Qfin = 5 × 95 × 0.01 π × 45 × 78.54 × 10 − 6
Qfin = 11 × 2 × 200 × 3.5 × 10
× (420 – 30) × tanh (0.14) × (T0 – T∞) × 0.994
= 213 W. Ans. = 5.10 (T0 – T∞) Watts.
(ii) The fin efficiency Comment : The fin efficiency and heat transfer
tanh mL tanh (0.14) rate, both are much less in second arrangement of fins,
ηfin = =
mL 0.14 i.e., 5 fin, 10 cm long in comparison to arrangement of
= 99.35%. Ans. 10 fins, 5 cm long. The heat dissipation decreases along
the length of the fin. The short fins are always effective. Analysis : (i) The corrected length of fin
Therefore, large number of short fins should be installed d
on a surface to increase the heat transfer rate. Lc = L + = 120 mm + 2.5 mm
Example 5.18. Three identical straight fins, 10 mm in = 122.5 m
diameter and 120 mm long are exposed to an ambient P = πd = π × 0.01 = 0.01 π
with convective heat transfer coefficient of 32 W/m2.K.
Compare their efficiency and relative heat flow π π
Ac = × d2 = × (0.01)2
performance. The three fin materials and their thermal 4 4
conductivities are : = 78.53 × 10–6 m2
Copper : 380 W/m.K
Aluminium : 210 W/m.K hP 32 × 0.01 π 113.13
m= = =
Mild steel : 45 W/m.K. kA c k × 78.53 × 10 − 6 k
Given : Three identical circular fins For copper fin m1 = = 5.804
d = 10 mm, L = 120 mm, 380
h = 32 W/m2.K, k1 = 380 W/m.K, m1Lc = 5.803 × 0.1225 = 0.711
k2 = 210 W/m.K, k3 = 45 W/m.K. Fin efficiency
tanh (mL c ) tanh (0.711)
h = 32 W/m .K d = 10 mm ηfin =
mL c 0.711
T0 Copper
= 0.86 = 86%
T¥ d = 10 mm (ii) Heat dissipation rate for copper fin
Mild steel
Qfin = h P k A c (T0 – T∞) tanh mLc
L = 120 mm d = 10 mm
= 32 × 0.01π × 380 × 78.53 × 10−6
× (T0 – T∞) tanh (0.711)
Fig. 5.29 = 0.106 (T0 – T∞) Watts
To find : The calculated values of all materials are
(i) Efficiency of each fin tabulated below.
(ii) Relative heat dissipation rate.
Material m mL tanh m ηfin Qfin for (T0 – T∞) Relative heat dissipation
with respect to copper fin
The heat dissipation rate by mild steel fin is least, proposed to install aluminium (k = 190 W/m.K) square
the fin efficiency of mild steel fin is also low, due to its fins 0.6 mm side, 10 mm long, to provide additional cool-
low value of thermal conductivity. The efficiency of ing. Find the number of fins required. Assume no heat
copper fin is highest. The fin efficiency with same loss from the tip of fins. (P.U., May 1989)
material can also improved, if the fins are made short. Solution
Example 5.19. An electronic semiconductor device has Given : Square fins with insulated tip
a rating of 60 mW. In order to keep its proper operation, Qunfin = 20 mW, Qtotal = 60 mW,
the inside temperature should not exceed 70°C. The device
T0 = 70°C, T∞ = 40°C,
can dissipate about 20 mW of heat on its own when placed
h = 12.5 W/m .K, k = 190 W/m.K,
in an environment at 40°C with heat transfer coefficient
of 12.5 W/m2.K. To avoid overheating of the device, it is t = 0.6 mm, L = 10 mm.
heat transfer rate due to addition of fins ? Take fin The total heat transfer rate from fins surface
efficiency as 0.95. Qfin = ηfin × h Afin (T0 – T∞)
(Anna University, April 1999 ; N.M.U., Nov. 1996) = 0.95 × (50 W/m2.K) × (0.0527 m2)
Solution × (500 – 300)(K)
Given : Annular fins of rectangular profile, around = 500.65 W
a cylinder The heat transfer rate from unfinned portion of
k = 186 W/m.K, H = 0.15 m, cylinder :
d = 50 mm or r1 = 25 mm, Unfinned area,
T0 = 500 K, T∞ = 300 K, Aunfin = Cylinder surface area – No. of fins
h = 50 W/m .K, Nfin = 5, × Cross-section area of a fin
t = 6 mm, L = r2 – r1 = 20 mm, = 2πr1H – Nfin × 2πr1t
ηfin = 0.95. = 2π × 0.025 × (0.15 m – 5 × 0.006 m)
= 0.01885 m2
To find : Increase in heat transfer rate due to
addition of fins on cylinder surface. The heat transfer rate from unfinned portion
Schematic : Qunfin = hAunfin (T0 – T∞)
= (50 W/m2.K) × (0.01885 m2)
× (500 – 300)(K)
= 188.5 W
Total heat transfer rate from finned surface
T0 = 500 K
Air T¥ = 300 K Qtotal fin = Qfin + Qunfin
H = 0.15 m 2 = 500.65 + 188.5 = 689.15 W
h = 50 W/m .K
t = 6 mm Heat transfer rate from corresponding cylinder
without any fin
Qno fin = hAno fin (T0 – T∞)
= h(2π r1H) (T0 – T∞)
r1 = 25 mm = (50 W/m2.K) × (2π × 0.025 m × 0.15 m)
L = 20 mm
× (500 – 300) (K)
r2 = 45 mm
= 235.62
Fig. 5.31. Schematic of motorcycle barrel
Increase in the heat transfer rate
Assumptions : = Qtotal fin – Qno fin
(i) Steady state one dimensional conduction in = 689.15 – 235.62 = 453.53 W. Ans.
radial direction only. Comment : The overall effectiveness of finned
(ii) Constant properties. surface
(iii) No internal heat generation. Q total fin
εfin = = 2.925
(iv) Uniform convection coefficient over entire Q no fin
outer surface. % increase in heat transfer
(v) Negligible radiation exchange from fin 689.15 − 235.62
= = 192.5%. Ans.
surface. 235.62
Analysis : The finite long fins are used on Example 5.22. Steam in a heating system flows through
cylinder, thus corrected radius tubes whose outer diameter is 3 cm and whose walls
r2c = r2 + t/2 = 45 + 3 = 48 mm = 0.048 m are maintained at a temperature of 120°C. Circular
aluminium fins [k = 180 W/(m.K)] of outer diameter 6 cm
The fins are exposed on two sides to air, the
and constant thickness t = 2 mm are attached to the tube,
surface area of all fins
as shown in Fig. 5.32. The space between the fins is 3 mm,
Afin = 2π (r2c2 – r12) × Nfin and thus there are 200 fins per metre length of the tube.
= 2π × (0.0482 – 0.0252) × 5 = 0.0527 m2 Heat is transferred to the surrounding air at T∞ = 25°C,
with a combined heat transfer coefficient of The heat transfer rate from fins
h = 60 W/(m2.K). Determine the increase in heat transfer Qfin = ηfin × Qideal = ηfin × h Afin (T0 – T∞)
rate from the tube per metre of its length as a result of = 0.95 × 60 × 0.925 × (120 – 25)
adding fins. Also calculate fin effectiveness.
= 5008.25 W
Solution Unfinned area of the tube
Given : A tube with annular fins : Aunfin = Pipe surface area – No. of fin
d1 = 3 cm, r1 = 1.5 cm = 0.015 m, × Cross-section area of a fin
d2 = 6 cm, r2 = 3 cm = 0.03 m, = 2πr1H – Nfin × 2π r1t
T0 = 120°C, k = 180 W/m.K, = 2πr1 (H – Nfin t)
t = 2 mm = 0.002 m, S = 3 mm, = 2π × 0.015 × (1 m – 200 × 0.002)
Nfin = 200 /m, T∞ = 25°C, = 0.0565 m2
h = 60 W/m .K, H = 1 m. Heat transfer rate from unfinned portion of
r1 tube
Qunfin = h Aunfin (T0 – T∞)
= 60 × 0.0565 × (120 – 25)
T¥ = 25°C
2 = 322.32 W
T0 h = 60 W/m .K
The total heat transfer rate from finned tube
t = 2 mm Qtotal fin = Qfin + Qunfin
S = 3 mm = 5008.25 + 322.32
= 5330.57 W
In case, if there are no fins on pipe, then,
Fig. 5.32 Area of bare pipe surface,
To find : (i) Increase in heat transfer rate from Ano fin = 2πr1H = 2π × 0.015 × 1
the tube per metre length. = 0.0942 m2
(ii) Fin effectiveness. Heat transfer rate from tube bare area
Analysis : (i) The finite long fins, with convection Qno fin = h Ano fin (T0 – T∞)
at its free end, thus using corrected length of fin = 60 × 0.0942 × (120 – 25)
r2c = r2 + t/2 = 0.03 + 0.002/2 = 0.031 m = 537.21 W
L = r2 – r1 = 0.03 – 0.015 = 0.015 m Therefore, increase in heat transfer rate from 1 m
0.002 long tube as a result of addition of fins
Lc = L + t/2 = 0.015 + = 0.016 m
2 = Qtotal fin – Qno fin
Ap = Lct = 0.016 × 2 × 10–3 = 5330.57 – 537.21
= 3.2 × 10–5 m2 = 4793.35 W. Ans.
F I 1/ 2 (ii) Fin effectiveness.
Lc3/2 (h/kAp)1/2 = (0.016)3/2 × GH 180 × 360.2 × 10 JK
−5 Q total fin 5330.57
εfin = = 9.1
= 0.2065 Q no fin 537.21
r2 c 0.031 % increase in heat transfer
= = 2.067
r1 0.015 (5330.57 − 537.21)
= = 892.2%. Ans.
From Fig. 5.27, the efficiency of annular fin 537.21
ηfin = 0.95 Example 5.23. Copper plates fins of rectangular cross-
Surface area of fins section, 1 mm thick, 10 mm long and thermal
= Nfin × 2π (r2c2 – r12) conductivity as 380 W/m.K are attached to a plane wall
maintained at a temperature of 230°C. The fins dissipate
= 200 × 2π × (0.0312 – 0.0152)
heat by convection into an ambient at 30°C with a heat
= 0.925 m2
P ≈ 2w = 2 × 1 m = 2 m = 125 × 40 × 2 × 380 × 1 × 10 − 3
× (230 – 30) × tan (0.145) + 40
mL = ×L × 0.875 × (230 – 30)
kA c
= 26848 W/m2 = 26.84 kW/m2. Ans.
Alternatively, air at
Qtotal = Qfin + Qunfin 25°C
= ηfin Qideal + Qunfin m
= ηfinh Afin (T0 – T∞) + hAunfin(T0 – T∞) 3
∴ ηfin =
10 × 1.962 × 10 − 3 × (50 − 25)
= 0.998 = 99.8%. Ans. S = 0.6 cm
(iv) For heat flow within 95% of infinite long fin
RS h cosh mLUV
sinh mL +
T mk W ≥ 0.95 T¥ = 30°C
R sinh mLUV
1m 2
h = 35 W/m .K
cosh mL + S
T mk W Fig. 5.35. Schematic for example 5.25
To find :
∵ < < < 1.0, therefore, above equation (i) Heat transfer rate from 1 m2 finned surface,
approximated as (ii) Overall fin effectiveness.
(∆T) overall 90 − 25
Qno fin = =
1 δ 1 1 0.01 1
+ + + +
hw A kA ha A 100 × 1 20 × 1 (0.985 + 0.9107 × 0.2827) × 10
90 − 25
or = = 714.83 W. Ans.
1 0.01 1
+ +
100 × 1 20 × 1 10 × 1 Example 5.27. Air and water are flowing on two sides of
= 588.23 W. Ans. a mild steel wall (k = 52 W/m.K). The heat transfer
(ii) Fins are always provided on side of wall, where coefficients on air and water sides are,
heat transfer coefficient is low, hence, use of fins on air
ha = 11.4 W/m2.K and hw = 256 W/m2.K.
side will maximise the heat transfer rate. Ans.
(iii) When fins are provided on air side : It is proposed to increase the heat transfer rate by
adding rectangular mild steel fins of the following
π π features :
Ac = d2 = × (6.0 × 10–3)2
Fin thickness = 0.13 cm, Fin height = 2.5 cm,
= 2.827 × 10–5 m2
Fin spacing = 1.3 cm.
P = πd = π × 6 × 10–3 = 0.0188 m
What percentage increase in the heat transfer rate
mL = L can be realised by adding fins on
kA c
(i) Air side only.
10 × 0.0188
= × 0.03 = 0.547 (ii) Water side only.
20 × 2.827 × 10 −5
(iii) Fins on both sides.
The fin efficiency
tanh mL tanh (0.547) Solution
ηfin = = = 0.9107
mL 0.547 Given : The mild steel wall with proposed finite
The surface area of fins long rectangular fins
Afin = NfinPL k = 52 W/m.K, ha = 11.4 W/m2.K,
= 500 × 0.0188 × 0.03
hw = 256 W/m2.K, t = 0.13 cm,
= 0.2827 m2
Unfinned area of wall L = 2.5 cm, S = 1.3 cm.
Aunfin = 1 m2 – area occupied by fins To find : The percentage increase in the heat
= 1 m2 – NfinAc transfer rate, when
= 1 m2 – 500 × 2.827 × 10–5 m2 (i) Fins are added on air side.
= 0.985 (ii) Fins are added on water side.
Total heat transfer rate of fins (iii) Fins are added on both sides.
Qtotal = Qunfin + ηfinQideal
Assumptions :
= haAunfin (T0 – Ta) + ηfin ha Afin (T0 – T∞)
1. Steady state conditions.
= (Aunfin + ηfin Afin) ha (T0 – T∞)
2. Negligible thermal resistance offered by wall
T0 − T∞ thickness.
or Qtotal =
3. No radiation from fins.
( A unfin + ηfin A fin ) ha
4. No internal heat generation.
Since all resistances are still in series,
5. Wall size 1 m × 1 m or Aw = 1 m2.
(∆T) overall Analysis : The heat transfer rate through mild
Q= steel wall, without fins
ΣR th
Tw − Ta
or Q= Qno fin =
1 1
1 δ 1 +
+ + ha A w hw A w
hw A kA ( A unfin + ηfin A fin ) ha
∆T ∆T
= = 10.91 ∆T =
1 1 1 1
+ +
11.4 × 1 256 × 1 256 × 1 11.4 × (0.9 + 0.932 × 3.95)
= 43.38 ∆T
For fins and finned surface :
The percentage increase in heat transfer rate with
Ac = w × t fins on air side
= 1 × 0.13 × 10–2
Q fin, a − Q no fin
= 1.3 × 10–3 m2 = × 100
Q no fin
P = 2w = 2 m,
Lc = L + (t/2) 43.38 − 10.91
= × 100
= 2.5 + (0.13/2) = 2.565 cm. 10.91
The number of fins/m, = 298%. Ans.
1m 100 cm (ii) The heat transfer with fins on water side (two
Nfin = = = 77 fins/m parallel resistances on water side)
S 1.3 cm
Fins surface area, hw P 256 × 2
mw = =
Afin = NfinPLc kA c 52 × 1.3 × 10 −3
= 77 × 2 × 2.565 × 10–2
= 87.03 m–1
= 3.95 m2/m2 of wall
Unfinned (bare) area, tanh (mw L c )
ηfin, w =
Aunfin = 1 m2 – Nfin Ac mw L c
= 1 – 77 × 1.3 × 10–3
tanh (87.03 × 2.565 × 10 −2 )
= 0.9 m2/m2 of wall area =
87.03 × 2.565 × 10 −2
(i) Heat transfer rate with fins on air side.
= 0.438
ha P 11.4 × 2
ma = = ∆T
kA c 52 × 0.13 × 10 − 2 Qfin, w =
R air + R w finned
= 18.37 m–1
tanh (ma L c ) ∆T
ηfin, a = =
1 1
ma L c +
ha A w hw ( A unfin + ηfin, w A fin )
tanh (18.37 × 2.565 × 10 −2 )
= = 0.932
18.37 × 2.565 × 10 −2 ∆T
= 1 1
Since two resistances act parallel on air side, +
hence equivalent resistance, 11.4 × 1 256 × ( 0.9 + 0.438 × 3.95)
1 1 1 = 11.21 ∆T
= + The percentage increase in heat transfer
R a finned R1 R2
= ha Aunfin + ha ηfin, a Afin Q fin, w − Q w
= × 100
or Ra finned =
ha (A unfin + ηfin, a A fin ) 11.21 − 10.91
= × 100
Then 10.91
= 2.75%. Ans.
∆T (iii) Heat transfer with fins on both sides
Qfin, a =
R water + R a finned Qfin, both
∆T ∆T
= =
1 1 1 1
+ +
hw A w ha ( A unfin + ηfin, a A fin ) ha ( A unfin + ηfin, a A fin ) hw ( A unfin + ηfin, w A fin )
Assumptions :
= (i) Steady state conduction in axial direction
1 1
+ only.
11.4 × (0.9 + 0.932 × 3.95) 256 × (0.9 + 0.438 × 3.95)
(ii) Even though the fin of composite material,
= 48.46 ∆T the temperature at any cross-section in the fin is
The percentage increase in heat transfer uniform.
48.46 − 10.91 (iii) No contact resistance at interface of two
= × 100 = 345%. Ans. materials.
(iv) No heat generation within the fin.
Comment :
(v) Temperature at free end of fin approaches to
(i) The addition of fins on air side is very effective T∞ .
due to its low value of heat transfer coefficient. Analysis : (i) Consider a differential element of
(ii) The addition of fins on water sides is not composite fin of thickness dx at a distance x from the
effective thus cannot be justified. base.
(iii) The addition of fins on both sides has only Heat conducted into element by both fins
marginal effect due to addition of material resistance Q1x + Q2x
on both sides. It is not practicable. Heat conducted out the element
Example 5.28. A composite fin consists of a cylindrical = Q1(x + dx) + Q2 (x + dx)
rod (k = 15 W/m.K) 3 mm in diameter and 100 mm Heat dissipation by convection from outer surface
long. It is uniformly covered with another material element
(k = 45 W/m.K) forming outer diameter 10 mm and Qconv = h (Pdx) (T – T∞),
100 mm long. It is exposed into an ambient with where P = πd2 = π × 0.01 = 0.01π m
h = 12 W/m2.K. For steady state conditions, the energy balance
(i) Derive an expression for the efficiency of this yields
fin and its value for given data. Q1x + Q2x = Q1(x + dx) + Q2(x + dx) + h (Pdx) (T – T∞)
(ii) Calculate effectiveness of the composite fin. d
Assume heat coduction in axial direction only and or Q1x + Q2x = Q1x + (Q1x) dx + Q2x
tip of fin as insulated.
Solution +
(Q ) dx + hP dx (T – T∞)
dx 2x
Given : A composite fin as shown in Fig. 5.36. d FG dT IJ
d dT FG IJ
k1 = 15 W/m.K, k2 = 45 W/m.K,
dx H
− k1A 1
dx +
dxK − k2 A 2
dx H
d1 = 3 mm, d2 = 10 mm, + hP dx (T – T∞) = 0
L = 100 mm, h = 12 W/m2.K. Since the cross-section areas and thermal
conductivities are constant. Thus,
T0 h, T¥
d2T d2T
– k1A1 − k2 A 2 + hP (T – T∞) = 0
k2 2 dx dx 2
k1 1 d1 d2
or (k1A1 + k2A2) – hP (T – T∞) = 0
k2 2 dx 2
0 x dx Introducing θ = T – T∞, then
d 2θ hP
− θ=0
dx k1A 1 + k2 A 2
Fig. 5.36. Bimetallic fin
To find : Using m2 =
k1A 1 + k2 A 2
(i) An expression for fin efficiency and its calcu-
lation. d 2θ
Then – m2θ = 0
(ii) Fin effectiveness. dx 2
It is the second order differential equation for The heat transfer rate from corresponding base
composite fin and its solution is surface, without any fin.
θ = C1e–mx + C2emx. Qno fin = hAno fin (T0 – T∞)
Cross-sectional areas : = h × (π/4) × d22 × (T0 – T∞)
π 2 π = 12 × (π/4) × (0.01)2 × (T0 – T∞)
A1 = d = × (0.003)2
4 1 4 = 0.0009425 (T0 – T∞)
= 7.0686 × 10–6 m2 0.0285
π εfin = = 30.24. Ans.
π 0.0009425
A2 = (d22 – d12) = × (0.012 – 0.0032)
4 4
= 7.147 × 10–5 m2 5.6. ERROR IN TEMPERATURE
For insulated tip fin, the efficiency is given by MEASUREMENT BY THERMOMETERS
tanh mL
ηfin = The temperature of fluid flowing through a duct is
mL measured by thermometer, placed in thermometer
hP pocket as shown in Fig. 5.37. The thermometer pocket
where m=
k1A 1 + k2 A 2 or thermometer well is a small tube welded radially into
the duct or pipe. The pocket is filled with some liquid of
12 × 0.01π
= low specific heat and thermometer is dipped in this
15 × 7.0686 × 10 −6 + 45 × 7.147 liquid. The heat is transferred to the fluid in the pocket
× 10 −5 and its temperature is recorded by thermometer.
= 10.652 As the wall of duct or pipe is at the temperature
less than that of fluid flowing within, the heat will flow
tanh (10.652 × 0.1)
ηfin = from bottom of the pocket towards the wall of duct or
10.652 × 0.1 pipe. Therefore, the temperature measured by
= 0.7394 = 73.94%. Ans. thermometer will not be the true temperature. The error
(ii) Fin effectiveness included can be calculated by assuming pocket as a fin
Q fin (spine) protruded from the wall of the duct in which the
εfin = fluid is flowing.
Q no fin
Considering duct wall at temperature T0,
Qfin = Qinner fin + Qouter fin temperature recorded by thermometer TL, flowing fluid
temperature T∞, convection coefficient of h, pocket
(T0 − T∞ )
Qinner fin = k1A1 thermal conductivity k, diameter d and its thickness t.
L Then, for such spine (at x = L).
15 × 7.0686 × 10 −6 (T0 − T∞ )
= Thermometer
= 0.00106 (T0 – T∞)
Qouter fin = hPk2 A 2 (T0 – T∞) tanh mL
hP Pipe wall
where m= Thermometer t Oil
at T0
kA 2 pocket
12 × 0.01 π
= = 10.826
45 × 7.147 × 10 −5
h L
Then Fluid
12 × 0.01π × 45 × 7.147 × 10 −5
Qouter fin =
× (T0 – T∞) tanh (10.826 × 0.1)
= 0.0276(T0 – T∞)
Fig. 5.37. Thermometer in a thermometer pocket
Qfin = 0.00106 (T0 – T∞) + 0.0276 (T0 – T∞)
TL − T∞ 1
= 0.0285 (T0 – T∞) = ...(5.49)
T0 − T∞ cosh mL + (h/mk) sinh mL
The quantity (h/mk) sinh mL is very small, thus or 150 – T∞ = 16.9 – 0.211 T∞
can be neglected and the temperature distribution is or 0.789 T∞ = 133.09
approximated as
TL − T∞ 1
= Thermometer
T0 − T∞ cosh mL
hP hπd h TL = 150°C
where m= = =
kA c kπdt kt
Pipe wall
Thermometer 2 mm Oil
1 1 kt pocket
at T0 = 80°C
The error (T∞ – TL) ∝ ∝
cosh (mL) L h
The error in temperature measurement by
thermometer can be reduced by : 10 cm
(i) Choosing the thermometer pocket material of 40 W/m .K
moderate thermal conductivity such as steel.
(ii) Keeping thermometer pocket thickness t as
small as possible.
(iii) Keeping the length of the thermometer pocket Fig. 5.38. Schematic for example 5.29
True temperature, T∞ = 168.68°C
(iv) Maintaining the heat transfer coefficient large.
168.68 − 150
Example 5.29. The temperature of hot gas flowing Percentage error = × 100
through a pipe is measured by a mercury thermometer 168.68
inserted in an oil well made of steel (k = 40 W/m.K). The = 11.01%. Ans.
thermometer reads the temperature at the end of the well
Example 5.30. A thermometer pocket, 2.2 cm in
which is lower than the gas temperature due to transfer
diameter, 0.5 mm thick is made of steel (k = 27 W/m.K)
of heat along the well. Calculate percentage error in
and it is used to measure the temperature of steam
temperature measurement, if thermometer reads 150°C.
flowing through a pipe. Calculate the minimum length
The temperature of the pipe wall is 80°C. The well is
of the pocket so that the error is less than 0.5% of applied
10 cm long, 2 mm thick. Take h = 40 W/m2.K.
temperature difference. Take steam at 250°C and
Solution h = 98 W/m2.K.
Given : Thermometer well as spine Solution
k = 40 W/m.K, TL = 150°C, Given : Thermometer well as hollow spine.
T0 = 80°C, L = 10 cm, k = 27 W/m.K, T∞ = 250°C,
t = 2 mm, h = 40 W/m2.K. h = 98 W/m2.K, d = 2.2 cm,
To find : The percentage error in measured t = 0.5 mm,
temperature. error = 0.5% of applied temperature difference.
Assumptions : To find : Length of thermometer pocket.
Assumptions :
1. Steady state heat conduction along spine.
1. Steady state heat conduction along spine.
2. Insulated spine tip.
2. Insulated tip spine.
Analysis :
Analysis : The given error
hP h 40 0.5
m= = = = × Applied temperature difference
kA c kt 40 × 2 × 10 −3 100
= 22.36 m–1 TL − T∞ 0.5 1
mL = 22.36 × 0.1 = 2.236 or = =
T0 − T∞ 100 cosh mL
The temperature at x = L
TL − T∞ 1 or cosh mL = 200 or mL = 6
T0 − T∞ cosh mL h 98
or L =6 or L =6
150 − T∞ 1 kt 27 × 0.5 × 10 −3
= = 0.211
80 − T∞ cosh (2.236) or L = 70.42 mm. Ans.
Example 5.31. The steam at 300°C is passing through a The permissible error = 1.8%
steel tube. A thermometer pocket of steel (k = 45 W/m.K) of T∞ – TL = 0.018 T∞
inside diameter 14 mm, and 1 mm thick is used to
or TL = (1 – 0.018) T∞
measure the temperature. Calculate the length of
thermometer pocket needed to measure the temperature = 0.982 T∞ = 0.982 × 300
within 1.8% permissible error. The diameter of steam = 294.6
tube is 95 mm. Take heat transfer coefficient as 93 W/m2.K And hence
and tube wall temperature as 100°C.
294.6 − 300 1
Solution 100 − 300 cosh mL
Given : The temperature measurement by or cosh mL = 37.037 or mL = 4.305
thermometer in a pocket.
T∞ = 300°C, k = 45 W/m.K, or L= = 0.0917 m
di = 14 mm, t = 1 mm, = 91.78 mm. Ans.
ε = 1.8%, T0 = 100°C,
Example 5.32. The temperature of a gas stream is
h = 93 W/m2.K. measured by using two thermocouples attached to a tube
of perimeter 50 mm and cross-sectional area 25 mm2.
The tube 250 mm long and is mounted normal to the
duct wall. If the thermocouples are attached to the tube
at 125 mm and 250 mm from the duct wall and indicate
the tube wall temperatures of 350°C and 390°C
T0 = 100°C respectively. Calculate the gas temperature and the duct
wall temperature.
The heat transfer coefficient between tube wall and
t Steam
T¥ = 300°C
gas stream is 5 W/m2.K and thermal conductivity of tube
material is 45 W/m.K. Neglect any heat transfer into
exposed end of tube.
h = 93 W/m .K
Given : Temperature measurement of a gas
P = 50 mm, Ac = 25 mm2,
Fig. 5.39. Schematic for example 5.31
L = 250 mm = 0.25 m,
To find : The length of the pocket.
x1 = 125 mm, T1 = 350°C,
Analysis : Thermometer pocket is treated as fin
of insulated tip. The temperature at x = L is given by x2 = 250 mm, T2 = 390°C,
h = 5 W/m .K, k = 45 W/m.K.
TL − T∞ 1
= To find :
T0 − T∞ cosh mL
(i) Gas stream temperature
hP (ii) Duct wall temperature.
where m=
kA c Analysis : The thermometer tube is assumed as
do = di + 2t = 14 + 2 × 1 insulated tip fin, and temperature distribution is given
= 16 mm = 0.016 m by
P = πdo T − T∞ cosh mL (L − x)
= π × 0.016 = 0.0502 m =
T0 − T∞ cosh mL
Ac = π/4 (do2 – d12)
= π/4 × (0.0162 – 0.0142)
hP 5 × 50 × 10 −3
= 4.712 × 10–5 where m= =
kA c 45 × 25 × 10 −6
93 × 0.0502
m= = 46.9 m–1 = 14.90 m–1
45 × 4.712 × 10 −5
Using the data at x = x1, T = T1 With regard to limiting condition of fin length,
when heat transfer does not increase with an increase
350 − T∞ cosh [14.90 × (0.25 − 0.125)]
= = 0.158 in the length of fin can be recognised by
T0 − T∞ cosh (14.90 × 0.25)
dQ fin
or 350 – T∞ = 0.158 T0 – 0.158 T∞ =0
or 0.158 T0 = 350 – 0.8412 T∞ For the fins loosing heat by convection at its tip,
or T0 = 6.297 × (350 – 0.8412 T∞) ...(i) the rate of heat transfer is given by eqn. (5.26)
Using data at x = x2 = L, T = T2 h
sinh (mL) + cosh (mL)
390 − T∞ 1 1 mk
= = Qfin = h P k A c (T0 – T∞) × h
T0 − T∞ cosh mL cosh (14.90 × 0.25) cosh mL + sinh mL
= 0.0481
or 0.0481 T0 = 390 – (1 – 0.0481) T∞ tanh (mL) +
= h P k A c (T0 – T∞) × mk ...(5.50)
or 0.0481 ×6.297 × (350 – 0.8412 T∞) = 390 – 0.952 T∞ h
1+ tanh (mL)
or 0.6972 T∞ = 284 mk
Gas stream temperature Treating k, h, P, Ac (T0 – T∞) and m as constant
quantities and differentiating above equation with
T∞ = 407.33°C. Ans.
respect to fin length L and equating it to zero;
and duct wall temperature
dQ fin
T0 = 6.297 (350 – 0.8412 × 407.33) = h P k A c (T0 – T∞)
= 46.3°C. Ans.
× d tanh (mL) + h/mk
OP =0
dL 1 + (h/mk) tan mL Q
or LM h OP
tanh (mL) × m sec2 h (mL)
The following factors should be considered for optimum N 1+
mk Q
design of fins : LM FG h IJ OP × h m sec
1. Cost. – tanh mL +
N H mkK Q mk 2 h mL = 0
2. Manufacturing difficulties. The simplification of this equation leads to
3. Pressure drop caused by fluid friction on fins.
4. Space consideration e.g., length of fins. h2
1– = 0 or mk = h
5. Weight consideration. m 2 k2
A design of fins should be considered ideal kP kP
(optimum), when the fins require less cost and easy to or = 1 or =1 ...(5.51)
hA c hA c
manufacture. They offer minimum resistance to fluid
flow and are light in weight. Introducing P ≈ 2w, and Ac = wt
1. After attachment of fins to a surface, if external as compared with the rate of heat dissipation with
thermal resistance is equal to internal thermal increase in parameter 2k/ht. Therefore, the use of shorter
resistance as in eqn. (5.52), i.e., fins of higher conducting materials is more effective than
1 t/2 longer fins. However, as the fins become shorter, the
= heat flow becomes two dimensional and therefore, result
h k
h differs from that obtained from eqn. (5.51). Fig. 5.40(b)
or Bi = 1 i.e., =1 shows the variation of heat dissipation rate Qfin with
Then eqn. (5.50) for fin heat transfer rate yields respect to fin length L for given values of parameter
to 2k 2k dQ fin
. It indicates that as → 1, the → 0 and the
Qfin = hAc (T0 – T∞) ht ht dL
which represents the heat transfer rate from primary fin becomes ineffective.
(root) surface without any fin. It suggests that as long
as h/mk = 1, the heat transfer rate from the primary
surface will not change by attaching fins as shown in 100
Fig. 5.40(a).
Q Qfin 2k
5 ht
FG 1 t IJ tanh FG 2h × A IJ p
or (mL)4 + 5(mL)2 – 15 = 0
H2 K H k t K
− 1/ 2
3/ 2
− 5 ± 52 + 4 × 1 × 15
t1/ 2
2h 3 FG IJ or (mL)2 = = 2.1
F 2h A p I× k
× Ap × − t − 5 / 2 = 0
2 H K 2×1
cosh 2 GH k
× 3/ 2
JK or mL = 1.452
F 2h A p 3 Ap I 2h
tanh GH k
× 3/ 2 − × 2
t 2 t
JK or
× L = 1.452 or L = 1.452
2h 1 L 2k
F 2h A p I =0 or
= 1.452
cosh 2
GH k
× 3/ 2
JK It is the condition for maximum heat flow for a
F 2h A p I given weight of fin, giving the optimum ratio of fin height
or tanh GH k
× 3/ 2
JK and half the fin thickness.
Further for insulated fin tip, the temperature
3A p 2h 1 ratio at its tip is given by eqn. (5.20)
t 3/ 2
F 2h A p I ...(5.56)
cosh 2
GH k
× 3/ 2
JK T − T∞
T0 − T∞ θ 0 cosh mL
Using Ap = Lt and m = , we get θ0
kt or θ= = 0.453 θ0 ...(5.60)
1 cosh (1.452)
tanh mL = 3 mL ×
cosh 2 (mL) and fin effectiveness for insulated tip fin
sinh mL 3 mL
or = Q fin
cosh mL cosh 2 (mL) εfin insulated tip =
or sinh (mL) cosh mL = 3 mL ....(5.57) Q no fin
sinh (2 mL)
or = 3 mL h P k A c θ 0 tanh mL
2 =
h (wt) θ 0
e 2 mL − e − 2 mL
or = 6 mL ...(5.58)
F 1 + 2 mL + 4 (mL) + 8 (mL) + 16 (mL) + ... +I FG 2k IJ 1/2
or GH
3 4 =
H ht K tanh (mL)
2! 3! 4!
F1 − 2 (mL) + 4 (mL) I F 2k I
=G J
GG 2! JJ
H ht K × tanh (1.452)
GG 8 (mL) 16 (mL )
− ... +J
J = 12 mL
3 4 FG 2k IJ 1/2
H −
4! K
εfin, insulated tip = 0.896
H ht K ...(5.61)
Example 5.33. The 4 mm thick fins of mild steel are (ii) The boiling water temperature is 100°C.
used to transfer heat from water to air. Decide the utility (iii) Constant properties.
of fin on either side. The heat transfer coefficient of air is Analysis : The corrected length of fin
80 W/m2.K, while that for water is 5600 W/m2.K. Take P = πd = π × (0.008) m
thermal conductivity of mild steel as 45 W/m.K. π 2 π
Ac = d = × (0.008 m)2
Solution 4 4
Given : The mild steel fin fins : hP 4000 × π × (0.008)
m= = = 343
t = 4 mm = 4 × 10–3 m, h1 = 80 W/m2.K,
kA c 17 × (π/4) × (0.008) 2
The heat transfer rate by fin
h2 = 5600 W/m2.K, k = 45 W/m.K.
To find : The utility of fin on either side. Qfin = hPkAc (T0 – T∞)
2k π
Analysis : The condition for use of fins is ≥5 = 4000 × π × (0.008) × 17 × × (0.008) 2 × (T0 – T∞)
ht 4
(i) For air, h1 = 80 W/m2.K = 0.293 (T0 – T∞) W
2 × 45 The heat transfer rate from root surface, before
= 281.25 ≥ 5
80 × 4 × 10 −3 fin attachment
The fins can be used on air side, they will enhance Qno fin = hAc (T0 – T∞)
the heat transfer rate on this side. Ans. = 4000 × (π/4) × (0.008)2 × (T0 – T∞)
(ii) For water, h2 = 5600 W/m2.K = 0.201 (T0 – T∞) W
TABLE 5.1. Temperature distribution and heat loss for fins of uniform cross-section
Case Tip condition at x = L Temperature distribution θ/θ0 = Fin heat transfer Qfin =
Thermometer pocket accommodates thermo- Q fin Actual heat transfer rate from a fin
ηfin = =
meter, in a small tube welded radially to duct. The Q ideal Ideal heat transfer rate from a fin,
thermometer pocket is considered as a fin with insulated if entire fin surface was at base
tip and recorded temperature is approximated as
temperature T0
TL − T∞ 1 If fin efficiency is known, the heat transfer rate
T0 − T∞ cosh mL Qfin from a fin can be obtained as
Installation of fin is justified by a term called fin Qfin = ηfin × Qideal = ηfin hAfin (T0 – T∞)
effectiveness, defined as The total fin efficiency evaluates the thermal
performance of the finned surface. It is expressed as
Q fin Q fin
εfin = = Total heat transfer rate from
Q no fin hA c (T0 − T∞ )
the finned surface
ηtotal fin =
The heat transfer rate with The heat transfer rate which would be
fin from base area A c possible, if total finned surface were
= maintained at base temperature T0
Heat transfer rate without fin
from the surface of area A c Q fin + Q unfin
h A total (T0 − T∞ )
The overall effectiveness for the finned surface is
defined as where Atotal = Afin + Aunfin
The analysis of fin with convection at its tip is
Heat transfer rate from finned surface tidious. The solution to such fins can be approximated
εfin overall =
Heat transfer rate from same by expressions for finite long insulated tip fin by
surface, if there were no fins considering corrected length Lc of fin
Q total fin Q fin + Q unfin Lc = L +
= = P
Q no fin Q no fin
The use of fin is justified when
The fin efficiency is used to evaluate the thermal 2k
performance of a fin. It is defined as ≥5
9. A brass rod (k = 100 W/m.K), 100 mm long and (a) What is the heat loss from the fin ?
5 mm in diameter extends horizontally from a casting (b) If 200 such fins are spaced at 5 mm increments
at 200°C. The rod is in an environment at 20°C and along the tube length, what is the heat loss per
convection coefficient of 30 W/m2.K. What is the metre of the tube length ?
temperature of the rod 25 mm, 50 mm and 100 mm
from the casting ? (P.U., Dec. 1994) [Ans. (a) 12.97 W, (b) 2948.73 W]
16. Annular aluminium fins (k = 212 W/m.K) 2 mm thick
[Ans. 92.1°C, 91.99°C, 91.88°C]
and 15 mm long are installed on an aluminium tube,
10. An aluminium rod (k = 200 W/m.K), 2.5 cm in 30 mm diameter. If the tube wall is at 100°C and
diameter, 15 cm long protrudes from a wall, which the adjoining fluid is at 25°C with h = 75 W/m2.K.
is maintained at 260°C. The rod is exposed to an What is the rate of heat transfer from a fin ?
environment at 16°C with convection coefficient of
[Ans. 25 W]
15 W/m2.K. Calculate the efficiency and heat lost by
the rod. [Ans. Q = 78.5 W] 17. Circumferential fin of rectangular cross-section,
37 mm in outer diameter and 3 mm thick is attached
11. A cylindrical rod 2 cm in diameter and 20 cm long
to a 25 mm diameter tube. The fin is constructed of
protrudes from a heat source at 300°C into air at
mild steel (k = 45 W/m.K). The air circulated over the
40°C. The heat transfer coefficient is 5 W/m2.K on
fin with a heat transfer coefficient of 28.4 W/m2.K. If
all exposed surface. Neglecting the radial variation
of temperature and heat lost from the tip, find the the temperature of the base of the fin and air are
temperature at the fin tip. 260°C, and 38°C, respectively. Calculate the heat
Find the temperature at the fin tip and at the mid- transfer rate from the fin. [Ans. 50 W]
point along the rod made of borosilicate glass 18. Circular aluminium fins of constant rectangular
(k = 1.09 W/m.K). Also determine fin efficiency. profile are attached to an aluminium tube of 50 mm
[Ans. 41.23°C, 52.7°C, 16.5%] outer diameter and having a surface temperature of
12. A 2 cm diameter glass rod (k = 0.8 W/m.K) is 6 cm 180°C. Fin thickness t = 1 mm, L = 15 mm,
long. It has base temperature at 120°C and is exposed k = 200 W/m.K. The fin is exposed to an ambient at
to air at 20°C. The temperature at the tip of the rod 30°C with heat transfer coefficient of 80 W/m2.K.
is measured as 35°C. What is the convection heat Find the fin efficiency and heat transfer from each
transfer coefficient ? How much heat is lost by the fin. (Anna University, Dec. 1999)
rod ? [Ans. 6.32 W/m2.K, 1.0 W] [Ans. ηfin = 0.93, Qfin = 68.36 W]
13. A straight rectangular fin (k = 55 W/m.K), 1.4 mm
LM F h I = 0.3, r
Hint. L G
thick and 35 mm long is exposed to air at 20°C with 3/2
h = 50 W/m2.K. Calculate the maximum possible heat
loss for a base temperature of 150°C. What is actual
MN c
p r
≈ 1.6 , ηfin = 93%,
38°C with h = 28.4 W/m2.K. On the unfinned side, 27. An aluminium fin (k = 210 W/m.K), 1.6 mm thick is
water flows at 93°C with h = 283.7 W/m2.K. placed on a circular tube with 2.54 cm OD. The fin is
Calculate : 6.4 mm long. The tube wall is maintained at 150°C,
while the ambient is at 20°C with convective
(a) the efficiency of fins,
coefficient of 25 W/m2.K. Calculate the heat lost by
(b) rate of heat transfer per unit area of the wall,
fin. [Ans. 6.8 W]
(c) comment on the result, if water and air sides are
28. A thermometer well 22 cm in diameter and 0.5 mm
thick is made of steel (k = 27 W/m.K) and it is to be
[Ans. (a) 99.7%, (b) 3598.4 W, (c) Heat transfer used to measure the temperature of steam flowing
is reduced by 46.4%, if water and air through a pipe. Calculate the minimum length of
sides are interchanged] well so that the error is less than 0.5% of the
22. One end of a 30 cm long steel rod (k = 25 W/m.K) difference between pipe well and the fluid
is connected to a wall at 204°C. The other end is temperature. Take steam temperature as 250°C and
connected to other wall at 93°C. The air is blown h = 98 W/m2.K. [Ans. L = 1.7 cm]
across the rod with h = 17 W/m2.K. The diameter of 29. Thin fins of brass (k = 101 W/m.K) are welded
the rod is 5 cm and air temperature is 30°C, what is longitudinally on a 4 cm brass cylinder, which stands
the net rate of heat dissipation to air ? vertically and is surrounded by air at 20°C. The heat
[Ans. 190.25 W] transfer coefficient from the metal surface to the air
23. The both ends of a 0.5 cm diameter copper U-shaped is 20 W/m2.K. If 20 uniformly spaced fins are used,
rod (k = 386 W/m.K) are rigidly fixed to a vertical each 0.8 mm thick and extending 1 cm from the
wall. The temperature of the wall is maintained cylinder surface, calculate the heat transfer from the
cylinder to the air, when the cylinder surface is
at 90°C. The developed length of the rod is 60 cm
maintained at 200°C. [Ans. 1866.22 W]
and it is exposed in air at 30°C with h = 34 W/m2.K.
30. An oil-filled thermometer well made of a steel tube
(a) Calculate the temperature at the mid-point of the
(k = 55.8 W/m.K), 120 mm long and 1.5 mm thick is
installed in a tube through which air is flowing. The
(b) Heat transfer rate from the rod. temperature of the air stream is measured with the
[Ans. (a) 39.6°C, (b) 7.53 W] help of a thermometer placed in the well. The surface
24. A circular fin of a rectangular profile is used on a heat transfer coefficient from the air to the well is
30 cm diameter tube, maintained at 100°C. The 23.3 W/m2.K and the temperature recorded by the
outside diameter of the fin is 50 cm and the fin thermometer is 88°C. Estimate the measurement
thickness is 1.0 mm. The environment air error and the percentage error if the temperature at
temperature is 30°C with h = 50 W/m2.K. Calculate the base of the well is 40°C. [Ans. 17.4°C, 16.5%]
thermal conductivity of the material for fin efficiency 31. A turbine blade 6.25 cm long, 4.5 cm2 in cross-section,
of 60%. [Ans. 1.8 W/m.K] 12 cm in perimeter is made of steel (k = 26.16 W/m.K).
25. The steam in a heating system flows through a tube, The root temperature is 500°C. The blade is exposed
5 cm in outer diameter whose outer surface is to steam at 800°C with convection coefficient of
maintained at 180°C. The circular aluminium fins 465 W/m2.K. Calculate the temperature and rate of
(k = 186 W/m.K) of outer diameter 6 cm and of heat flow at the root of the blade. [Ans. 243 W]
constant thickness of 1 mm are attached to the tube 32. A straight triangular fin of steel (k = 30 W/m.K) is
with a spacing 3 mm and thus 250 fins per metre attached to a plane wall maintained at 460°C.
length of the tube. The heat is transferred to The fin thickness is 6.4 mm and it is 25 mm
surrounding air at 25°C with h = 40 W/m2.K. long. It is exposed into a fluid at 90°C with
Calculate the increase in heat transfer rate from the h = 28 W/m2.K. Calculate the heat loss from the
tube per metre as a result of adding fins. fin. [Ans. 2950 W]
[Ans. 2750 W] 33. A straight rectangular fin 2.0 cm thick and 14 cm
26. The temperature of air in a reservoir is measured long is constructed of steel (k = 45 W/m.K) and placed
with the aid of a mercury in a glass thermometer on a wall at 200°C, exposed to air at 15°C with
placed in a protective steel well filled with oil. The h = 20 W/m2.K. Calculate heat lost from the fin per
thermometer indicates the temperature at the end unit depth. [Ans. 845.4 W]
of the well as 84°C. The well is 12 cm long, its 34. A 1 cm diameter steel rod (k = 20 W/m.K) is 20 cm
thickness is 1.5 mm and thermal conductivity of the long. Its one end is maintained at 50°C while other
well material is 55.8 W/m.K. Assume heat transfer at 100°C. It is exposed to convection environment at
coefficient between well and air is 23.5 W/m2.K. 20°C with h = 85 W/m2.K. Calculate the temperature
Calculate the error in temperature measurement, if at the centre of the rod. [Ans. 21.8°C]
the base of the well is at 40°C. Also calculate the 35. A straight fin (k = 23 W/m.K) with triangular profile
true temperature. [Ans. 16°C, 100°C] has a length of 5 cm and thickness of 4 mm. The fin
is exposed to a fluid at 40°C with h = 20 W/m2.K. steel (k = 60 W/m.K) and number of fins are installed
The base of the fin is maintained at 200°C. Calculate to dissipate 400 W of heat into an ambient air, where
the heat loss per unit depth of the fin. the unit surface conductance is 10 W/m2.K. Each fin
[Ans. 214.16 W] is to sum the entire length of the motor casing. Each
36. Aluminium fins (k = 200 W/m.K) of rectangular fin is 8 mm thick and 10 mm long. Calculate the
profile are attached on a plane wall with 5 mm number of fins required to maintain the temperature
spacing (200 fin per metre width). The fins are 1 mm difference between casing and surrounding air of
thick, 10 mm long. The wall is maintained at 30°C. [Ans. 117 Fins]
temperature of 200°C and the fins dissipate heat by 42. A carbon steel pipe (k = 45 W/m.K), 78 mm in inner
convection into the ambient air at 40°C with diameter and 5.5 mm thick has eight longitudinal
h = 50 W/m2.K. Determine : (a) the fin efficiency, fins 1.5 mm thick. Each fin extends 30 mm from the
(b) the area weighted fin efficiency, (c) the heat loss pipe wall. If the wall temperature, ambient
per square metre of the wall. [Ans. (c) 37.8 kW/m2] temperature and surface heat transfer coefficient are
37. A 1.6 mm diameter stainless steel rod (k = 22 W/m.K) 150°C, 28°C and 75 W/m2.K, respectively. Calculate
protrudes from a wall maintained at 80°C. The rod the percentage increase in heat transfer rate for the
is 12.5 mm long and exposed into a fluid at 25°C finned tube over the plain tube. [Ans. 104.45%]
with h = 570 W/m2.K. Calculate the temperature at 43. A copper pipe 100 mm in outer diameter is provided
the tip of the rod. Repeat the calculation with with circular aluminium fins (k = 230 W/m.K) to
h = 20 W/m2.K and h = 1200 W/m2.K. Comment on increase the heat transfer rate. The height of the fin
result. [Ans. 29.12°C, 71.02°C, 25.93°C] is 80 mm and it is 4 mm thick. The temperature at
38. Two 30 cm long and 0.4 cm thick cast iron outer surface of copper pipe is 300°C and the
(k = 52 W/m.K) steam pipes of outer diameter 10 cm temperature of surrounding air is 38°C. The heat
are connected each other through two 1 cm thick transfer coefficient over the fin surface is 40 W/m2.K.
flanges of outer diameter 20 cm. The steam flows Calculate :
inside the tube at an average temperature of 200°C (i) Rate of heat loss from the fin,
with h = 180 W/m2.K. The outer of the pipe is exposed (ii) The efficiency of fin,
to air at 8°C with h = 25 W/m2.K. (iii) The fin effectiveness.
(a) Disregarding the flanges, calculate the average [Ans. (i) 776.34 W, (ii) 79%, (iii) 58.95]
outer surface temperature of pipe.
44. Hot oil in a rectangular tank (1 m × 1 m on a side) is
(b) Using this temperature for the base of the flanges
exposed to surrounding air at 24°C. The temperature
and treating the flanges as fins, calculate the fin
of the tank wall is 110°C. In order to increase the
efficiency and the rate of heat transfer from the
heat dissipation, it is proposed to attach straight
flanges. [Ans. (a) 174.53°C, (b) 0.93%, 207.4 W]
rectangular fins to the tank surface. As a result the
39. A very long rod, 25 mm in diameter, has one end heat dissipation rate increases by 70% and tank
maintained at 100°C. The surface of the rod is surface temperature drops to 91°C. The fins are
exposed to ambient air at 25°C with convection 5 mm thick and are spaced 100 mm apart (centre to
coefficient of 10 W/m2.K. centre distance). The thermal conductivity of tank
(i) What are the heat losses from the rods, con- and fin material is 230 W/m.K and heat transfer
structed of pure copper (k = 398 W/m.K) and coefficient over fins is 42 W/m2.K. Heat loss from
stainless steel (k = 14 W/m.K) ? the fin tip may be neglected. Calculate the minimum
(ii) Estimate how long the rods must be to be height of the fins. [Ans. 68.48 mm]
considered infinite. (P.U., Nov. 2003) 45. A 1.25 cm diameter 15 cm long iron rod
[Ans. (i) Qcu = 29.37 W, Q55 = 5.51 W, (k = 40 W/m.K) protrudes out from a heat source at
(ii) Lcu = 1.32 m, L55 = 0.247 m] 130°C into an ambient at 20°C with convection
40. Two rods A and B of equal diameter and equal length, coefficient of 20 W/m2.K.
but of different materials are used as fins. The both Determine :
rods are attached to a plain wall maintained at (i) Temperature distribution in the rod,
160°C, while they are exposed to air at 30°C. The
(ii) Temperature at the free end,
end temperature of rod A is 100°C, while that of the
(iii) Heat flow out the source,
rod B is 80°C.
(iv) Heat flow rate at the free end.
If the thermal conductivity of rod A is 380 W/m.K,
[Ans. (ii) TL = 51.1°C, (iii) 6.54 W, (iv) 76.33 mW]
calculate the thermal conductivity of rod B. This fin
can be assumed as short with end insulated. 46. Pin fin are provided to increase the heat transfer
rate from a hot surface. Which of the following
[Ans. 221.94 W/m.K]
arrangement will give higher heat transfer rate :
41. An electric motor casing has a diameter of 0.36 m (i) 6 fins of 10 cm length or (ii) 12 fins of 5 cm length.
and length of 0.4 m. The casing is made from cast For analysis, use fin with insulated tip condition.
Take kfin = 200 W/m°C, h = 20 W/m2°C, cross-section 3. Kraus D.A., Aziz A and Welty J., “Extended Surface
area of fin = 2 cm2 perimeter = 4 cm, fin base temp Heat Transfer”, Wiley Inc. New York 2001.
= 230°C, surrounding air temp = 30°C.
4. Serth Robert W, Process “Heat Transfer-Principles
(P.U. May 2013)
and Applications”, Elsevier Science & Technology
[Ans. (i) ηfin = 48.2%, Qfin = 207 W, (ii) ηfin = 76.1%, Books, 2007.
Qfin = 327 W. Shorter fins are effective]
5. Frank Kreith, Raj M. Manglik, Mark S. Bohn,
REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READING “Principles of Heat Transfer”, 7th edition, Cengage
Learning, 2011.
1. Arpaci Vedat S. “Conduction Heat Transfer”, 6. Incropera Frank. P. And DeWitt David. P.,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, MA, “Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, 5th ed
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.
2. Schneider P.J. “Conduction Heat Transfer”,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, MA, 7. Kern Donald Q, and Kraus A.D., “Extended Surface
1955. Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill, New York, 1972.