The fourth effect is our Incorporation into Confirmation can be defined as the sacrament
the Church . “Baptism makes us members of by which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us
the body of Christ.” “From the baptismal fonts strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of
is born the one People of God of the New Christ. It is our duty as baptized Christians
to live our dignity as children of God and Tradition has always considered this laying of
members of the Mystical Body of Christ. To hands as the origin of the Sacrament of
live as a real Christians is NOT an easy task; to Confirmation, a sacrament that perpetuates
resist temptation and to be free from sins will the graces of Pentecost in the Church (cf. Paul
require special help from God Himself. Such VI, Divinae Consortium Naturae).
help God provides through the sacrament of
confirmation (cf. Ripley, 2002). The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
During our Confirmation, we are being sealed. 1. Fortitude - helps to overcome difficulties
This seal indicated the indelible effect of the with faith.
anointing with the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament
of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, the 2. Piety - moves us to treat God with the truth
image SEAL “Sphragis” has been used in with which a child treats his Father.
some theological traditions to express the
indelible ‘character’ imprinted by these three 3. Fear of God - compels us to flee from sin
unrepeatable sacraments” (CCC 689). and always choose to please God.
The gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation 7. Knowledge - helps us see the world
gives us a special indelible mark as fromGod’s perspective
Christians and we become children of God.
Thus, we are the same as enriched with a Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation
special strength of the Holy Spirit and we
become true witnesses to the presence of The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1303)
Jesus Christ and ready to spread the word of enumerates the effects of the sacrament of
God and defend our faith in word and indeed. confirmation which brings an increase and
We become Soldiers of God. deepening of Baptismal grace. They are the
The Nature of the Sacrament of
Confirmation a. it unites us more firmly to Christ;
b. it increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us;
Among the biblical references of the c. it roots us more deeply in the divine filial
sacrament of confirmation in the Sacred relationship which makes us cry: “Abba!
Scriptures, the Acts of the Apostles provide the Father!”;
clearest one in terms of its existence and d. it renders our bond with the Church more
administration. perfect;
e. it gives us special strengths of the Holy
Henceforward, the Apostles, following the will Spirit to spread and defend
of Christ, communicated to the newly baptized the faith by word and action as true witnesses
Christians the gift of laying hands. The gift of Christ, confess the
was to complete the grace of Baptism (Acts name of Christ boldly, and never to be
8:15-17; 19:5-6). ashamed of the Cross.