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CLE3 Module 2: The Sacraments of Christian Initiation

STEM 12 OLF | Prof. Quincy Casupanan | SEM 1 2022 | Sanchez, Rainiel T.

Jesus and he will also resurrect with Christ

(see Roman 6:3–4; Colossians 2:12) as a “New
Creation” (see 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians
This module contains a deeper
understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism, Baptism is a sacrament instituted by Christ,
as the door towards the other sacraments, the in which through the washing with water and
Sacraments of Confirmation that strengthens by invoking the three Divine Persons, the
our faith, and the Sacrament of the Holy spiritual regeneration of a human being is
Eucharist, the highest form of prayer that achieved. The Catechism of the Catholic
nourishes our faith in the Lord. It discusses the Church defines Baptism as “the sacrament of
form, matter, and ministers in the celebration regeneration through water in the word: (CCC
of these sacraments. 1213).

Baptism is also called, “the bath of rebirth

BAPTISM and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (Timothy
3:5), and “enlightenment” because it
Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded the enlightens the understanding of those who
apostles, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of receive it (see CCC 1213-1216).
all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and the same the Son, and the Holy The Necessity of the Sacrament
Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have
commanded you. And behold, I am with you The Lord Jesus Himself affirms that Baptism
always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28:19-20). is necessary for salvation. He directed His
disciples to proclaim the gospel to all nations
St. Augustine of Hippo said; “Baptism is the and baptize them (see Mt. 28:19-20).
first sacrament a Christian receives. Furthermore, He declares, “Amen, amen I say
Sacrament means a visible form of invisible to you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God
grace.” Simply put, a sacrament is a visible without being born of water and Spirit” (John
sign of something sacred. A sign, on the 3:5). “Baptism is necessary for salvation for
other hand, points to something else beyond those to whom the Gospel has been
itself. A symbol is also a sign, but more a proclaimed and who have had the possibility
complex one. It conveys not only one but a of asking for this sacrament” (CCC 1257).
series of meanings. More than the ideas it
communicates, it touches our feelings and But, with the infusion of the sanctifying grace
imagination. It also touches our beliefs and and the forgiveness of sins, “Baptism of
values system (cf. Gleeson, 2004). Water” may be replaced by either Baptism of
Blood or Baptism of Desire.
“Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian
life, the Gateway to life in the Spirit... and the Baptism by Blood or Martyrdom means
Door which accesses to the other sacraments” death for the sake of Jesus Christ.
(CCC 1213).
Baptism by Desire applies to people who
The Nature of the Sacrament have lived good lives and circumstances which
are not their fault. In such instances, they
The word “Baptism” comes from the Greek receive the Baptism of desire. The antecedent
word “Baptezein” which means to “Immerse,” of this doctrine is our belief in the loving mercy
to “Bathe,” or to “Wash.” By immersion, the of God (CCC 1258).
person is symbolically buried in the death of
Juan Bautista/ John the Baptist - baptism of Covenant, which transcends all the natural or
repentance. He was the forerunner of Christ. human limits of nations, cultures, races, and
He prepared the messiah, Jesus, because he sexes: ‘For by one Spirit we were all baptized
recognized him as the messiah from the into one body” (CCC 1267).
Essential Symbols:
Forms of Baptism
Water is a symbol of divine life, grace, new
Infant Baptism - Babies are born with original birth, growth, power, deliverance, cleansing,
sin and baptism is necessary to cleanse them, and the covenant, and is used to cleanse or
so that they may become adopted sons and wash away our sins.
daughters of God and receive the grace of the
Holy Spirit. White Robes signifies that the person has
become a new creation and has been clothed
Adult Baptism - the practice of baptizing with Christ and also means purity.
those who are able to make a conscious
profession of faith. Baptismal Candle symbolizes that Jesus is
the light (John 8:12) that guides every
Emergency Baptism baptized person that also represents the flame
of faith, which is to be kept burning brightly.
When we are baptized, the baptismal
character, which is an Indelible Mark, is Anointing with Chrism Oil represents
imprinted in our soul. This is a permanent sign salvation as well as the strength and power
that signifies that we belong to Jesus Christ. that come from Christ our savior.
“No sin can erase this mark, even if sin
prevents Baptism from bearing the fruits of Summary: “The fruit of Baptism, or baptismal
salvation” (CCC 1272). The permanence of this grace, is a rich reality that includes
baptismal character is the reason we can only forgiveness of original sin and all personal
receive baptism once. Once baptized, always sins, birth into the new life by which man
baptized; once Christians, will always be becomes an adoptive son of the Father, a
Christians. This baptism is for infants who were member of Christ and a temple of the Holy
born premature or are at risk of dying. Spirit. By this very fact, the person baptized is
incorporated into the Church, the Body of
Another effect of Baptism is the Forgiveness Christ, and made a sharer in the priesthood of
of all sins – original and personal, mortal, and Christ” (CCC 1279).
Matter Form Minister Effects
Concupiscence - certain temporal
Water …I baptize you in Priest or Cleanses
consequences of sin remain, such as suffering, the name of the Deacon original sins
illness, death, and the inclination to sin. Father, and of
the Son, and of Anyone Makes us
the Holy Spirit…. christians
The third effect of baptism is a New Birth in
the Holy Spirit. “Baptism not only purifies Children of
from all sins, but also makes the neophyte ‘a God

new creature’ and adopted son of God, who Heirs of

has become a ‘partaker of the divine nature,’ Heaven
member of Christ and co-heir with Him, and a
Temple of the
Temple of the Holy Spirit.” Sanctifying grace Holy Spirit
is infused to us together with the infused
virtues of faith, hope, and charity. We also
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (CCC CONFIRMATION

The fourth effect is our Incorporation into Confirmation can be defined as the sacrament
the Church . “Baptism makes us members of by which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us
the body of Christ.” “From the baptismal fonts strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of
is born the one People of God of the New Christ. It is our duty as baptized Christians
to live our dignity as children of God and Tradition has always considered this laying of
members of the Mystical Body of Christ. To hands as the origin of the Sacrament of
live as a real Christians is NOT an easy task; to Confirmation, a sacrament that perpetuates
resist temptation and to be free from sins will the graces of Pentecost in the Church (cf. Paul
require special help from God Himself. Such VI, Divinae Consortium Naturae).
help God provides through the sacrament of
confirmation (cf. Ripley, 2002). The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

During our Confirmation, we are being sealed. 1. Fortitude - helps to overcome difficulties
This seal indicated the indelible effect of the with faith.
anointing with the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament
of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders, the 2. Piety - moves us to treat God with the truth
image SEAL “Sphragis” has been used in with which a child treats his Father.
some theological traditions to express the
indelible ‘character’ imprinted by these three 3. Fear of God - compels us to flee from sin
unrepeatable sacraments” (CCC 689). and always choose to please God.

We become members of the Body of Christ 4. Counsel - encourages us to follow the

or the Church when we are baptized. Our solution that best matches the glory of God
incorporation and membership in the church and the good of others.
are strengthened and sealed when we receive
the sacrament of confirmation. The sacrament 5. Understanding - helps us understand the
of confirmation establishes the confirmand Word of God And The Doctrines of faith.
to be a full-fledged member of the faith. Our
Christian initiation would not be complete 6. Wisdom - makes us see all things in light of
because the faith given in baptism is being God and impose us to seek Him above all
confirmed in the rite and made strong. things.

The gift of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation 7. Knowledge - helps us see the world
gives us a special indelible mark as fromGod’s perspective
Christians and we become children of God.
Thus, we are the same as enriched with a Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation
special strength of the Holy Spirit and we
become true witnesses to the presence of The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1303)
Jesus Christ and ready to spread the word of enumerates the effects of the sacrament of
God and defend our faith in word and indeed. confirmation which brings an increase and
We become Soldiers of God. deepening of Baptismal grace. They are the
The Nature of the Sacrament of
Confirmation a. it unites us more firmly to Christ;
b. it increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us;
Among the biblical references of the c. it roots us more deeply in the divine filial
sacrament of confirmation in the Sacred relationship which makes us cry: “Abba!
Scriptures, the Acts of the Apostles provide the Father!”;
clearest one in terms of its existence and d. it renders our bond with the Church more
administration. perfect;
e. it gives us special strengths of the Holy
Henceforward, the Apostles, following the will Spirit to spread and defend
of Christ, communicated to the newly baptized the faith by word and action as true witnesses
Christians the gift of laying hands. The gift of Christ, confess the
was to complete the grace of Baptism (Acts name of Christ boldly, and never to be
8:15-17; 19:5-6). ashamed of the Cross.

This explains why in the Letter to the Hebrews Necessity of Confirmation

(6:2) the instruction about Baptism and the
laying of the hands are mentioned among the The Catechism of the Catholic Church (1285)
first elements of Christian formation. Catholic has this to say: “Baptism, the Eucharist, and
the sacrament of Confirmation together The Nature of the Eucharist
constitute the ‘sacrament of Christian
initiation,’ whose unity must be safeguarded. The term Eucharist is a transliteration of the
It must be explained to the faithful that the Greek word Eucharistia, which means “Act of
reception of the sacrament of confirmation is thanksgiving.” It refers to the thanksgiving of
necessary for the completion of baptismal Jesus when He instituted it, as the Gospels and
grace. For ‘by the sacrament of confirmation, St. Paul recalls. “As early as the second
the baptized are more perfectly bound to the century we have the witness of St. Justin
church and are enriched with a special Martyr for the basic lines of the order of the
strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as Eucharistic Celebration” (CCC 1345).
true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged
to spread and defend the faith by word and Other names are used to refer to the Eucharist
deed’.” and each name would emphasize a particular
aspect of the same sacrament.
Matter Form Minister Effects
1. Lord’s Supper (cf. 1 Cor 11:20), because of
Chrism Oil Laying on of Bishop Increase of
hands and sanctifying
its connection with the supper which the Lord
anointing with grace celebrated with His disciples on the eve of His
chrism on the Passion and because it is the anticipation of
forehead with Gifts of the
the words: Holy Spirit the “wedding feast of the Lamb” (cf. Rv 19:9).
“(Name), be 2. Breaking of Bread (cf. Acts 2:42, 46; 20:7,
sealed with the 11), as the early Christian forming one body
gift of the holy
spirit.” called the breaking of the bread in which all

HOLY EUCHARIST 3. Synaxis or Eucharistic Assembly, because

the Eucharist is celebrated amid the assembly
of the faithful, the visible expression of the
During the Last Supper, our Lord anticipated
Church (cf. 1 Cor 11:17-34).
the bloody sacrifice which He would
accomplish on the following day on the
4. Memorial of the Passion and Resurrection
cross, once and for all, for the redemption
of the Lord.
of the Church (CCC 1337 – 1344).
5. Holy Sacrifice, because it makes present
This action of Jesus in the Last Supper is the
the only sacrifice of Christ and includes the
institution of the Eucharist and He
offering of the Church.
“commanded His apostles to celebrate it
until His return” (CCC 1337). The offering and
6. Holy and Divine Liturgy, Sacred Mysteries
consecration of the bread and wine as the
or Blessed Sacrament, because it is the center
body and blood of Christ, the breaking and
of all liturgical celebrations.
sharing of the Body of Christ as communion
form a very important ritual of the celebration
7. Holy Communion, because by this
of the Eucharist.
sacrament we are united to Christ to form one
The inexhaustible value of the Mass comes
from its identity with the sacrifice of the cross;
8. Holy Mass, because it ends with the sending
both are one and the same sacrifice (see CCC
forth of the faithful to fulfill God’s will in their
1365). The offering on the Cross and in the
daily lives (see CCC 1322 – 1332).
Mass is the same; the same Christ, really
present in the Mass is a sacramental way. The
In the sacrament of the Eucharist, “Christ the
offerer, the principal priest, is also the same Lord Himself is contained, offered and
since the priest or minister of the Mass acts in received” (CCL 897), His body, His blood, His
the name and the person of Christ. Only the soul, and His divinity. These three aspects are
manner in which the sacrifice is offered differs. intimately related such that the sacrament
contains the body and blood of the Lord Jesus,
otherwise known as the real presence of Christ
in the Eucharist; the reception of Christ
Himself in Holy Communion; and the offering sacrifice. The Last Supper is the real sacrifice
which is the sacrificial aspect of the Eucharist. of Christ’s body and blood in an unbloody
manner, which was sealed by the Blood of
Thus, we need to understand the following: Christ on the Cross the next Day. Holy Mass is
1. The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist the unbloody sacrifice Jesus Christ on Calvary
2. The Holy Communion made present under the appearance of bread
3. The Holy Sacrifice and wine, as instituted by Christ at the Last
Supper and repeated or continued up to our
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist time. It is a dogma of faith that the sacrifice
of the Mass is the “renewal” without shedding
Jesus is to present as Man and God in the of blood, of the blood-shedding sacrifice of
Eucharist consecrated during every Mass and Calvary” (cf. CCC 1366).
as reposed in the Tabernacle of Catholic
Churches. His body is there, His blood is there,
and His Godhead is there. Jesus, all that the
same God, is present with His human nature,
truly and substantially under the appearance In Summary, “Baptism is the first sacrament a
of bread and wine. This happens through Christian receives. Sacrament means a visible
“Transubstantiation” of which all the form of invisible grace.”
substance of the bread becomes the Body of
Christ and all the substance of the wine “Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace; it is
becomes His blood, without altering the the sacrament which gives the Holy Spirit in
appearances (accidents or species) of bread order to root us more deeply in the divine
and wine (cf. CCC 1375 – 1376). filiation, incorporate us more firmly into Christ,
strengthen our bond with the Church,
At the Last Supper, Jesus took a piece of associate us more closely with her mission,
bread in His hand and said over it, “This is My and help us bear witness to the Christian faith
Body.” Similarly, He did the same to the in words accompanied by deeds” (CCC 1316).
chalice of wine, “This is My Blood.” The
apostles for sure saw no change, but we The Holy Eucharist is not only a sacrament,
believe at that moment the substance of but the one sacrifice of the New Covenant,
bread and wine gave way to the substance of and as a sacrifice, we call it Holy Mass.
the body and blood of Jesus while the
appearance of bread and wine remains the Our Catholic belief is that Mass is simply
same. Cavalry reenactment, though in a sacramental
but real manner (Ripley, 2002).
There was a change of substance –
Transubstantiation. It happened because
Jesus, who is Truth, said it so. God’s power
brings about that change of Substance.

The Sacrifice of the Mass

The term Mass came from the Latin verb

Mittere meaning “to send.” The word sacrifice
came from the words Sacrum Facere,
meaning “to make sacred or transform into
something sacred.”

In the bible, sacrifice has a technical meaning

– it is the offering to God of some sanctified
object (victim) made by a legitimate priest,
who destroys that object in acknowledgment
of God’s supreme dominion over man.

The Mass is the memorial of the sacrifice of

the Lord; it meets all the above conditions of

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