ProductOverview 2023 EN-12
ProductOverview 2023 EN-12
ProductOverview 2023 EN-12
Editorial > Pneumatic Servo-pneumatics > Electric drives > Motors and Pneumatic Industrial Vacuum Valves > Valve Motion Sensors >
cylinders > servo drives > grippers > robots > technologies > terminals > Terminal >
Electric automation
Elektrische Automatisierung
Electrical connectivity
Free and universal connectivity, integrated in Mechanical systems and control technology can be easily combined with servo drives such as CMMT-AS and
future-proof and compatible concepts, with servo motors EMMT-AS from Festo. Simple engineering, perfectly matched hardware and full flexibility are
open platforms, also for Industry 4.0: integrated through direct integration into almost any automation environment. Commissioning takes just a
On your journey to seamless automation of few steps in the Festo Automation Suite software.
machines and systems, Festo offers mechanical,
Servo drive CMMT
electrical and intelligent automation modules
The compact, multi-protocol-capable CMMT-AS and the CMMT-ST are
that fit together perfectly and do not impose any
suitable for different Ethernet-based networks and can be integrated
technical limitations. directly into the system environments of various controller manufac-
turers. The protocol can be selected in the Festo Automation Suite or
directly on the servo drive.
Everything from a single source
Servo and stepper motors
The comprehensive solution portfolio from Festo Powerful servo motors EMMT-AS with single-cable technology for quick
ranges from mechanics, complete servo drive and easy connection to the servo drive.
systems, state-of-the-art communication and
control concepts to digitalisation with the right
cloud solutions. It is complemented by innova-
tive engineering tools for engineering, configura-
tion and commissioning.
Mechanical connectivity
The electromechanical axes and modules from Festo can be used for linear motion, swivelling, gripping or
stopping tasks in the majority of standard automation applications in machines and systems, and are
compatible with the servo motors or any in-house devices.
As part of the Simplified Motion Series, the axis units are easy to
configure and commission directly without any software. Including
IO-Link and digital I/O (DIO).