The origins of the Internet date back to the development of packet switching and
research commissioned by the United States Department of Defense in the 1960s to
enable time-sharing of computers. The primary precursor network, the ARPANET,
initially served as a backbone for interconnection of regional academic and military
networks in the 1970s. The funding of the National Science Foundation Network as a
new backbone in the 1980s, as well as private funding for other commercial extensions,
led to worldwide participation in the development of new networking technologies, and
the merger of many networks. The linking of commercial networks and enterprises by
the early 1990s marked the beginning of the transition to the modern Internet, and
generated a sustained exponential growth as generations of institutional, personal,
and mobile computers were connected to the network. Although the Internet was widely
used by academia in the 1980s, commercialization incorporated its services and
technologies into virtually every aspect of modern life.
A 21st Century entrepreneur understands the benefits of using the internet for
business development and conducting daily business operations. He knows the
importance of the internet in business, internet marketing, and customer data
management. Following are the benefits business owners can get by executing
internet application in business:-
1. Internet marketing and advertising is the most accessed part of the internet
by Businesses:
The Internet plays an important role to advertise & market products and services
around the world to get more customers. The Internet is important to
communicate with customers about products and services. The internet is a
global village and gives a chance for business owners to take benefits of online
advertising that is less costly. Internet advertising and marketing is affordable for
all kinds of small and big business as compared to traditional marketing costs.
Businesses can reach a wider audience and geographical locations by the use of
Google AdWords, Facebook ads, content marketing, YouTube video ads, etc.
Internet Protocols
The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet
protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function
enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.
IP has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host solely
based on the IP addresses in the packet headers. For this purpose, IP defines packet
structures that encapsulate the data to be delivered. It also defines addressing methods
that are used to label the datagram with source and destination information.
4. Gopher
Another tool of the Internet is Gopher, a menu-based program that enables you
to browse for information without knowing where the material is located. It lets
you search a list of resources and then sends the material to you.
5. Telnet
Telnet lets you log in to a remote computer just as you would if you were there.
So any commands that you would be able to run from the remote computer if you
were sitting in front of it, you would be able to run from the computer you logged
in from.