Schimbari Climatice
Schimbari Climatice
Schimbari Climatice
2, 2023
Print ISSN 2285-5653, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-5661, Online ISSN 2286-1580, ISSN-L 2285-5653
This research presents a summary of the observed winegrape phenological characteristics and trends. Thirteen wine
grape accessions maintained in germplasm collection considered old, autochthonous and neglected genotypes at risk of
extinction were analysed for their main phenological evolution. The weather data are recorded from 1979 to 2023, and
the phenological data were compared for the last 3-year period. Changes are usually greater at minimum temperatures
than maximum temperatures, with an average study-year warming of 1.55°C during the growing season over the multi-
year analyzed 1970–2020. Results showed 5 to 14 days earlier budding, 8 to 23 days earlier flowering onset. 'Rară
albă' genotypes, the advance for the beginning of flowering was 23 days earlier in 2023 and 21 days earlier in 2022,
compared to the beginning recorded in 2021. The advancement of the phenological stages of the vine is similar in other
countries with a continental climate and not only, and the risk of the extension of late frosts has increased.
Key words: grapevine phenophases, climate parameters, Vitis vinifera L., Stefanesti germplasm collection.
of days were different even within the same
genotype, depending on climatic conditions of
each year. Thus, the number of days for the
onset of budding varied from 19 days for the
'Muscat tămâios' genotype in 2023, to 26 days
for the 'Om rău' and 'Rară albă' genotypes in
2021. A higher average annual temperature in
the growing season for 2022 and 2023
influenced both the phenological onset of the
genotypes, their flowering and, finally ripening Figure 1. Graphic representation
(Figures 1, 2). of the phenophases in the cycle of life of the vine
depending on the year of study
Table 1. The main climatic parameters registered during the three analysed years (2021-2023) in comparison
Multianual average 2023
Climatic indicator 2021 2022
(1979-2020) (01.01-31.08)
Average annual temperature, 0C 11,06 11,8 12,51 13,52
Average temperature in the growing season, 0C (IV-X) 16,79 17,41 18,27 18,67
Average temperature in summer (oC) (VI-VIII) 21,90 23,08 23,85 30,47
Average annual minimum temperature (oC) 6,87 9,86 6,23 7,84
Absolute minimum temperature (oC) -17,81 -13,9 -8,4 -10,21
Average January minimum temperature (oC) -8,84 -10,9 -3,89 -4,69
Average annual maximum temperature (oC) 22,08 23,84 25,84 28,26
Average July maximum temperature (oC) 34,94 37,9 37,21 33,06
Annual total precipitation, mm 781,5 770,4 656,70 563,2
Total precipitation in the growing season, mm (IV-X) 534,13 440,6 559,7 437,8
The total precipitation in summer (VI-IX) 269,27 213,2 234,5 266,4
The trends of the climatic indicators during the regarding the beginning of flowering, the
three years of the study clearly highlighted the genotypes 'Zghihară rară' and 'Muscat tămâios'
advancement and shortening of the necessary also stood out. The climatic conditions of high
duration for the main phenophases in the spring temperature in 2023 resulted in a shorter
development of the studied accessions. The flowering duration (BBCH 60-69) and the "full
increasing temperatures registered during the flowering" phenophase lasted only a few weeks
growing seasons affected both the onset of the for the whole range of genotypes. Similar
vegetation phenophases and required number of results from the southern part of Romania were
days to reach each development stage, having a also reported by Zaldea et al. (2021), in the
significant impact on the growth of the plants. northern part of the country.
It was noticed that the higher temperatures in This may also be due to the phenological
the vegetation period of 2023 (Table 1) induced progress regarding the first stages (BBCH 00-
an advance of 5 ('Balaban alb') up to 14 days 09).
('Galbenă măruntă') in terms of the onset of With 'Balaban alb', 'Rară albă', 'Tigvoasă' and
budding in most of the studied genotypes, 'Zghihară rară' genotypes, although it was
except for the 'Muscat tămâios' accession, the noticed a flowering peak with 8 -26 days earlier
differences between them being significant in 2022 and 2023 than 2021, the number of
(Table 2). They registered an advanced stage of days required for full blooming was similar,
budding 14 ('Pîrciu') and 13 ('Rară albă') days without significant differences among years.
earlier than in 2021, which led to a shortening The advance of flowering was 19 days, 15
of the number of days by 6 days and 4 days, earlier in the years 2023 and 2022, respectively,
respectively. It can be seen that the weather compared to 2021 for the "Muscat tămâios"
factors of the study years significantly genotype. The full maturity of the grapes
influenced both the flowering period and the evolved depending on the genotype and the
duration of flowering (Table 2) in all the climatic conditions of the year.
analyzed accessions. With high differences
Figure 2. Chromatogram with evolution on the number of days for each genotype and year registered in phenological
stages: red/Bud development (BBCH 00-09), orange: Leaf development (BBCH 11-19); yellow: Inflorescence emerges
(BBCH 53-57); green: Flowering (BBCH 60-69); blue: Development of fruits (BBCH 71-79); purple: Ripening of
berries (BBCH 81-89)
The ripening phase lasted an average of 39 differences were also revealed in the case of the
days, for all the analyzed accessions. The genotypes 'Pîrciu', 'Rără albă', 'Tigvoasă',
shortest number of days regarding ripening was 'Zghihară rară', 'Muscat tămâios'. For all these
registered for 'Rară albă' with 30 days in 2021, genotypes, the length of the number of days
and the longest for 'Muscat tămâios' with 43 was extended by 9 days for 'Zghihară rară'
days elapsed, in 2023. For all the analyzed genotype in 2023, respectively 8 in 2022, up to
accessions, the number of days for ripening 13 days in the case of the 'Muscat tămâios'
phase was significantly different over the 3 genotype, in 2023, compared to the data
years, with the fewest days registered in 2021. recorded in 2021 (Table 3).
Also, significant changes in the harvest dates The extension of the ripening period of the
were highlighted for some studied genotypes analyzed grapes, especially in the years 2022
where harvesting starts earlier (Table 3). and 2023, can be due on the one hand to the
With a phenological advance of 8 days in 2023 lower temperatures during the nights in
and 9 days earlier in 2022 than in 2021, the September, and, on the other hand, to the
'Bicane' genotype had an extension of days higher rainfall during this period, compared to
regarding ripening, the differences being the year 2021.
significant. The same very significant
Table 2. Evolution of principal phenophase stages (BBCH 00-09 and BBCH 60-69) from the three years of analysis
Sprouting/Bud development
Flowering (BBCH 60-69)
Genotypes Indicators (BBCH 00-09)
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
April 15 April 07 April 05 June 21 June 11 June 11
Variation limit
'Balaban alb' May 06 April 23 April 24 July 14 July 03 July 03
No. of days/ phenophase 22±0.22b 17±-0.41a 20±0.36b 24±0.23a 23±0.62a 23±0.35a
April 19 April 10 April 13 July 03 June 10 June 19
Variation limit
'Bacator' May 14 May 01 May 04 July 24 July 01 July 08
No. of days/ phenophase 26±-.41b 22±0.22a 22±0.34a 22±0.33a 22±0.26a 21±0.43a
April 13 April 15 April 12 June 29 June 25 June 19
Variation limit
'Bicane' May 09 May 07 May 04 July 24 July 13 July 08
No. of days/ phenophase 27±0.51b 23±0.23a 23 ±0.44a 26±0.48b 19±0.12a 21±0.32a
April 15 April 03 April 07 July 03 June 08 June 09
'Cabasmă Variation limit
May 08 April 23 April 26 July 27 July 04 July 02
No. of days/ phenophase 24±0.12ab 21±0.42a 20±0.35a 25±0.23a 27±0.19ab 23±0.41a
April 19 April 10 April 05 July 05 June 13 June 11
'Galbenă Variation limit
May 15 May 01 April 24 July 29 July 08 July 03
No. of days/ phenophase 27±0.48b 22±0.15a 20±0.35a 25±0.41a 26±0.29b 23±0.39a
Variation limit April 19 April 17 April 07 July 03 June 25 June 09
'Chasselas May 13 May 05 April 27 July 28 July 15 July 02
No. of days/ phenophase 25±0.16b 19±0.56a 20±0.23a 26±0.17ab 21±0.22a 24±0.60a
Variation limit April 17 April 17 April 14 July 01 June 23 June 23
'Moroștină' May 09 May 06 May 04 July 22 July 12 July 10
No. of days/ phenophase 23±0.33a 20±0.33a 20±0.47a 22±0.48b 20±0.39a 18±0.38a
Variation limit April 15 April 20 April 10 June 27 June 26 June 21
'Om rău' May 10 May 11 May 04 July 27 July 13 July 13
No. of days/ phenophase 26±0.22b 22±0.46a 25±0.12b 31±0.44b 18±0.32a 23±0.41a
Variation limit April 19 April 14 April 06 July 03 June 23 June 13
'Pîrciu' May 12 May 05 April 27 July 25 July 15 July 08
No. of days/ phenophase 24±0.51a 22±0.32a 22±0.26a 23±0.36a 23±0.41a 26±0.25a
Variation limit April 19 April 10 April 07 July 02 June 11 June 09
'Rară albă' May 14 April 30 April 26 July 26 July 04 July 04
No. of days/ phenophase 26±0.44b 21±0.42a 20±0.39a 25±0.21a 22±0.46a 26±0.12ab
Variation limit April 1 April 05 April 08 June 27 June 09 June 21
'Tigvoasă' May 09 April 27 May 03 July 22 July 03 July 13
No. of days/ phenophase 25±0.32b 23±0.66a 26±0.18b 26±0.23a 23±0.46a 23±0.42a
Variation limit April 19 April 04 April 10 July 02 June 06 June 18
May 13 April 24 May 02 July 25 June 29 July 08
No. of days/ phenophase 25±0.44b 21±0.38a 23±0.25a 24±0.22a 23±0.56a 21±0.38a
Variation limit April 15 April 10 April 16 June 30 June 15 June 09
'Muscat May 09 May 03 May 04 July 23 July 08 July 02
No. of days/ phenophase 25±b 24±b 19±a 24±0.56a 24±0.41a 24±0.50a
Table 3. Evolution of principal phenophase stages (BBCH 71-79 and BBCH 81-89) from the three years of analysis
Development of fruits
Ripening of berries (BBCH 81-89)
Genotypes Indicators (BBCH 71-79)
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
July 15 July 04 July 04 August 14 August 10 August 19
Variation limit
'Balaban August 13 August 09 August 18 September20 September14 September 25
alb' No. of days/
30±0.32a 37±0.51ab 46±0.34b 38±0.19a 36±0.66a 38±0.42a
July 25 July 02 July 09 August 22 August 05 August 22
Variation limit
'Bacator' August 21 August 04 August 21 September20 September10 September 26
No. of days/
28±0.55a 34±0.31b 44±0.28b 30±0.44a 37±0.40a 36±0.31a
July 25 July 14 July 09 August 24 August 15 August 16
Variation limit
August 23 August 14 August 15 September23 September21 September 23
No. of days/
30±0.25a 32±0.17ab 38±0.49b 31±0.56a 38±0.49b 39±0.28b
July 28 July 05 July 03 August 25 August 09 August 21
Variation limit
'Cabasmă August 24 August 08 August 20 September25 September17 September 26
albă' No. of days/
28±0.51a 35±0.42b 49±0.23b 32±0.48a 40±0.35b 37±0.23ab
July 30 July 09 July 04 August 26 August 14 August 19
Variation limit
'Galbenă August 25 August 13 August 18 September23 September23 September 27
măruntă' No. of days/
27±0.58a 36±0.39b 46±0.28b 29±0.66a 41±0.42b 40±0.31b
Variation limit July 29 July 16 July 03 August 23 August 17 August 21
'Chasselas August 22 August 16 August 20 September19 September25 September 26
crocant' No. of days/
25±0.51a 32±0.54b 49±0.41c 28±0.46a 40±0.39b 37±0.25b
Variation limit July 23 July 13 July 11 August 21 August 17 August 18
August 20 August 16 August 17 September24 September22 September 24
No. of days/
29±0.64a 35±0.40b 38±0.31b 35±0.33a 37±0.58a 38±0.55a
Variation limit July 28 July 14 July 14 August 20 August 14 August 21
August 19 August 13 August 20 September25 September19 September 28
'Om rău'
No. of days/
23±0.45a 31±0.33b 38±0.24c 37±0.44a 37±0.19a 39±0.27a
Variation limit July 26 July 16 July 09 August 24 August 19 August 18
August 23 August 18 August 17 September26 September26 September 24
No. of days/
29±0.33a 34±0.42ab 40±0.18b 34±0.48a 39±0.35b 38±0.22b
Variation limit July 27 July 05 July 05 August 23 August 11 August 17
August 22 August 10 August 16 September21 September15 September 23
'Rară albă'
No. of days/
27±0.27a 37±0.38b 43±0.55c 30±0.48a 36±0.45b 38±0.30b
Variation limit July 23 July 04 July 14 August 22 August 12 August 20
August 21 August 11 August 19 September22 September20 September 24
No. of days/
30±0.55a 37±0.38ab 37±0.24ab 32±0.46a 40±0.39b 36±0.27ab
Variation limit July 26 July 30 July 09 August 24 August 04 August 17
'Zghihară August 23 August 03 August 16 September23 September11 September 25
rară' No. of days/
29±0.62a 36±0.34b 39±0.24c 31±0.51a 39±0.41b 40±0.22b
Variation limit July 24 July 09 July 03 August 21 August 13 August 13
'Muscat August 20 August 12 August 12 September19 September20 September 24
tămâios' No. of days/
28±0.51a 35±0.41b 41±0.23b 30±0.44a 39±0.38b 43±0.23b
Relationship between climatic condition and According to the descriptive statistics, the
phenological trends beginning of budding showed the significant
The descriptive statistical indicators and the trends for some of the studied genotypes, with
trends of phenological, of the corresponding the exception of the genotypes 'Balaban alb',
stages and intervals of the 13 genotypes 'Bicane', 'Moroștină', 'Om rău', 'Tigvoasă',
resulting from the data recorded in the 3 years, 'Zghihară rară', and 'Muscat tămâios'.
are presented in Table 4. The average date for the onset of flowering, on
The average date of the thirteen analyzed average across all genotypes, has a trend of 0.4
genotypes for the onset of budding was April days/year.
12 with an interval of 22 days to complete. The The strongest linear trend of the phenophase at
earliest genotypes were 'Cabasmă albă', the beginning of flowering was observed in the
'Balaban alb' and 'Galbenă măruntă' which genotypes 'Cabasmă albă', 'Rară albă' and
budded on April 8 and 12 respectively, with a 'Zghihară rară'. The phenological advance was
length of 21 and 22 days respectively. The for these genotypes over 0.7 days/year, and the
latest genotypes were 'Chasselas crocant' and lowest advance, with approximately 0.3
'Moroștină', where the beginning of budding days/year, was recorded for the genotypes
was on average, April 16. 'Moroștină' and 'Muscat tămâios'.
Table 4. Statistical and trends indicators descriptive for the phenophases of the beginning
of budding (BBCH 00-09) and the flowering (BBCH 60) in the period 2021-2023.
indicators (dates
and days)
'Balaban alb' 9 April 21 6.5 0.3 0.09 NS 14 June 23 6.8 0.15 0.08 NS
'Bacator' 14 April 23 7.14 0.38 0.42 <0.05 15 June 23 7.2 0.67 0.18 <0·001
'Bicane' 13 April 24 8.8 0.24 0.04 NS 24 June 22 9.3 0. 21 0.09 NS
'Cabasmă albă' 8 April 22 5.9 0.31 0.38 <0.05 7 June 25 8.4 0.78 0.13 <0.01
'Galbenă măruntă' 12 April 22 1.2 0.21 0.12 <0·001 10 June 25 4,8 0.54 0.12 <0.05
'Chasselas crocant' 16 April 21 5.1 0.3 0.41 <0.05 19 June 24 9,8 0.62 018 <0·05
'Moroștină' 16 April 21 3.1 0.15 0.02 NS 21 June 20 7.2 0.34 0.19 <0·001
'Om rău' 15 April 23 7.3 0.17 0.08 NS 24 June 24 8.1 0.12 0.22 NS
'Pîrciu' 13 April 23 6.4 0.23 0.30 <0·001 16 June 24 6.6 0.48 0.19 <0.05
'Rară albă' 12 April 22 10.3 0.68 0.33 <0·001 19 June 23 4.8 0.75 0.22 <0.01
'Tigvoas' 10 April 22 5.3 0.3 0.02 NS 18 June 24 7.8 0.31 0.06 NS
'Zghihară rară' 13 April 23 9.1 0.17 0.07 NS 14 June 23 9.9 0.71 0.21 <0·001
'Muscat tămâios' 14 April 23 5.6 0.25 0.09 NS 19 June 24 8.8 0.38 0.12 <0·001
The high temperatures, especially in the first A negative and significant correlation is
part of the year, obviously affect the period of observed between the flowering phase and fruit
budding and flowering, and less so the ripening ripening (r= -0.319*). Even if, in most
phase. Neethling et al. (2012) report shorter genotypes, the flowering phase lasted less, the
ripening rates (0.3 days/year), with long rates number of ripening days was extended.
of flowering advance to vine. On the average of
the years of study, the intensity of the CONCLUSIONS
correlations between the phenophases of the
vine, in the genotypes analyzed, presented in The climatic parameters recorded in the
Table 5, showed that, due to the phenological Stefanesti germplasm collection during the
advance regarding budding, there was also an three consecutive years (2021-2023) affected
advance for the Flowering (BBCH 60-69). all phenological growth development of the
Significant positive correlations were found for plants starting from budding and ending to the
these (r= 0.377***). technological harvested moment. Each
genotype responded differently to changes in
Table 5. Correlation matrix between the main climatic factors, being proof of their
the phenophases of the vine different plasticity of response and adaptation
Development Ripening of to climatic changes.
Pearson of fruits berries The following trends were highlighted:
Correlation (BBCH 71- (BBCH 81-
79) 89) - a trigger of budding earlier with 3 days for
Sprouting/Bud 'Bicane' and 'Moroștină' accessions up to 14,
development 0.377 -0.647
-0.664 (**) respectively 15 days in the case of 'Galbenă
(BBCH 00- (***) (**) măruntă' and 'Zghihară rară' accessions;
Sig. - on the average of the years studied, the date of
0.018 0.000 0.000 the start of flowering for all genotypes had an
0.280 0.029 0.009 advance trend of 0.4 days/year. The significant
(2-tailed) trend was observed with 'Cabasmă albă', 'Rară
(BBCH 60- 1 -0.184
-0.319 albă' and 'Zghihară rară' genotypes, with an
(*) advance of 0.7 days/year, and the lowest tend
Sig. for 'Moroștină' and 'Muscat tămâios' accessions
0.261 0.048 with an advance more than 0.3 days/year;
- the 'Rară albă' genotype had the shortest
number of days to ripen with 30 days in 2021,
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