Q3 DLL-PE10-Week1

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School: Grade Level: 10

Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (PE)

Teaching Dates and




A. Content
Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness

B. Performance
The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society practices
Standards: healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.

● Assesses physical ● Assesses physical ● Engage in moderate to vigorous physical ● Answer the
C. Learning
Competencies/ activities, exercises activities, exercises activities for at least 60 minutes a day in weekly
Objectives: and eating habits and eating habits and out of school (PE10PF-IIIch-45) Summative Test
(PE10PF-IIIa-h-39) (PE10PF-IIIa-h-39) comprehensively.


Lesson 1 – Introduction to Lesson 2 – Concepts of Street Lesson 3 – Hip-hop Dance Style: TUTTING Weekly Summative Test
Street and Hip-hop Dances and Hip-hop Dances

A. References

1. Teacher’s None None None None None

Guide Pages

2. Learner’s
Pages page page

3. Textbook

4. Additional
Materials from
CO_Q3_PE10_ Module 1
Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing Direction: From the True/False What’s the Move, To recall the previous (see the attached
previous physical activities listed Direction: Write True if That’s the Move! lesson, ask the weekly summative
lesson or below, select your most you think the statement Direction: Identify what students to do the test for PE10 Q3-
favorite physical activity is true and False if not. style of hip- hop dance Combination 1 & 2 in WEEK 1)
presenting the
then briefly explain why 1. A well-balance diet is is being shown in the Tutting.
new lesson you like it. pictures.
not important to
(ELICIT) This may serve also
swimming • dancing • improve your health.
as their Warm-up.
walking • biking • 2. Street dance can be
jogging • playing considered as the (5 mins)
badminton, tennis • father of Hip-hop
yoga • playing dance.
basketball • weightlifting 3. To perform physical
• zumba activities, you should
eat the right amount
of food needed by
(5 mins)
your body to give you
4. Dancing can reduce
stress level and can
improve stamina.
5. The PinggangPinoy
was developed to
help teenagers
choose healthy and
nutritious foods.

(5 mins)

(5 mins)
B. Establishing a Video Watching! Directions: Unlock the The teacher will show The teacher will group
purpose for Direction: The teacher code by unscrambling short video clip of a the class into 4 for the
the lesson will let the student watch a the letters to form the performance of Tutting. Performance Task in
sample of Street dance correct word. Link: Tutting.
performance. After 1. I P H - O H P
watching the students will 2. H P I - P H O Process Questions: Each group will be
be asked through a CLTRUUE 1. Have you ever asked to have a Hip-
concept map. experienced using hop dance
3. I P H - P H O
Link: your upper body performance
DNEAC incorporating
YSTELS parts to create
(5 mins) combination 1 & 2 in
4. N C I G K B E R different shapes? tutting.
ANDA 2. How does it feel?
5. F T I G F R I A (5 mins)
(5 mins)
(5 mins)
C. Presenting Concept Map! Unlocking of Terms! LET’S DO IT (Warm-up Guided-Practice
examples/ Direction: Using a Ask the students their exercises)
instances of concept map, write words idea about the following 1. neck stretches, right
which are associated with terms: and left, forward and
the new lesson
“STREET DANCE”. Write 1. Hip-hop backward for 16
(EXPLORE) your answers inside the 2. Hip-Hop Culture counts each.
circle. If it is necessary, 3. Hip-hop Dance
you can add more circles. 2. Do side arm stretch
Styles right (extend right
4. Breakdancing arm to the left. Use
5. Graffiti the left arm to gently
Street push the right arm
Dance towards the body to
(5 mins)
strengthen and
(5 mins)
stretch it). Do it for
16 counts. Repeat
on left arm for 16
counts as well.
3. Do tricep stretch
right for 16 counts
and left for 16
4. Do shoulder roll or
rotation moving
forward for 16
counts. Repeat
moving backward for
another 16 counts.
5. Do arms circles.
Gently circle arms
forward for 16
counts. Repeat
moving backward for
16 counts. You can
do this in small or big
6. Execute side stretch
right and left
alternately for 16

(5 mins)
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss The teacher will have a Guided-Practice
concepts and briefly through a about the Concept and counter-demonstration
practicing new PowerPoint presentation Styles of Hip-hop Dance of Tutting. Students will
about Lesson 1: be asked to follow and
skills #1
Introduction to Street and (see ADM pages 14-18) master the dance style.
Hip-hop Dance
(10 mins) Combination 1 & 2
(see ADM pages 4-9)
(10 mins) (see ADM page 24-25)

(10 mins)
E. Developing Fill me! LOOSEN UP: DO THE Group Activity! Independent Practice
mastery (leads Directions: Fill your plate GROOVE! Do a variety
● The teacher will
to formative with nutritious foods. of movements on the
Choose whether the food spot to the beat of any group the class
items belong to Go, Grow, hip-hop music available. into 4.
(EXPLAIN) or Glow. Execute the following
movements. After doing ● Each group will
it for 10 minutes, be asked to
determine the intensity master the
of the activity based on
combination 1 &
the Rate of Perceived
Exertion (RPE) chart. 2 of Tutting.
● The group shall
(refer to the routine on
page 19 ADM) do the dance
style with the
(10 mins) music to be
given by the
(5 mins) ● Show rubric as
guide for pre-

(5 mins)
F. Making RPE CHART Guide Questions: Independent Practice
generalizations Rate of Perceived 1. How was it? Did
and Exertion is used to you find difficulty
How healthy is your daily diet? measure the intensity
Are you eating the rightof
food? With your honestthe
in doing evaluation, put a check () mark on the column that most closely match
abstractness to
one’s exercise. The
the lesson activity?
scale which runs from 0-
(ELABORATE) 10 relates to phrases in
determining how easy or (5 mins)
(see the attached activity difficult the activity is
on ADM page 11) 10 – Max Effort Activity
9 – Very Hard Activity
7-8 – Vigorous Activity
4-6 – Moderate Activity
2-3 – Light Activity
1 – Very Light Activity
(10 mins)
G. Evaluating Questions: IDENTIFICATION: Self-Assessment Tool It’s Tutting Time
learning 1. Why is it important to 1.It is characterized as (Performance Task)
(EVALUATION) eat a variety of food being a free dance Heart Rate:
every day? where the movements Before___ After____ (see the attached
RPE: _____ rubric for assessment)
2. Based on your No are more abrupt and
answers in the strong. (KRUMPING) Performance Indicators: (5 mins)
previous activity, how 2.Characteristics are the O - Can perform the
can you improve these stylized posing and style with mastery and
eating habits? What fast synchronized arm without any difficulty
are your plans? movements. VS - Can perform the
3. How do the food you (WAACKING) style with minimal errors
S - Can perform the
eat affect the activities 3.It can also be done
style with many errors
you do? Cite with the fingers rather NI - Can perform one
examples. than the arms. step of the style
(TUTTING) P - Cannot perform the
(5 mins) 4.It is characterized by style at all
its robotic elements
contracting or jerking (5 MINS)
the muscles of the
body which is called
pop or a hit.
5.it combines 3 main
elements: acrobatics,
gymnastics and
rhythm. (B-BOYING)

(5 MINS)
H. Additional Think of a film where you Ask the students to Remind the class for
activities for have seen street and explore more on tutting the Weekly
application hip-hop dancing as its and other hip-hop dance Summative Test
and theme. Briefly discuss styles. They may watch
how the characters in in YouTube etc., for the
the film were benefited Performance Task.
(EXTEND) by their skill and
performance in dancing.
Write your answer in
your activity notebook.
Title of Movie: ________
Benefits Achieved:



A. Number of learners
who earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________

B. Number of learners
who scored below 80%
who needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson:

D. Number of learners
who continue to require
remediation: __________

E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did this

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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