Focus4 2E Grammar Quiz Unit1 5 GroupA
Focus4 2E Grammar Quiz Unit1 5 GroupA
Focus4 2E Grammar Quiz Unit1 5 GroupA
1 They don’t let us use / to use our phones in 7 I don’t remember to saying that, are you sure it
classrooms. was me?
___ /7
2 Try restarting / to restart the computer. If that
doesn’t work, call the IT department.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form
3 I sometimes hear my neighbour practise / of the verbs in brackets.
practising on the piano. He’s getting better
each day! 0 He usually avoided being (be) late for school.
4 I don’t think either of us will ever forget 1 He refused ______________ (wear) the awful
having / to have this conversation. school uniform.
5 We were walking around the park and then 2 I simply can’t stand ____________ (learn)
stopped looking / to look at the stars. definitions by heart.
6 Will you remember picking / to pick me up 3 Do you miss _____________ (hang out) with
from school early today? your high school friends?
8 I spent most of my time in May revising / to 5 I’ve already tried _______________ (take)
revise for my final exams. painkillers but they haven’t helped at all.
___ /8 ___ /5