MoM - Ch3 (Wexercise)
MoM - Ch3 (Wexercise)
MoM - Ch3 (Wexercise)
MECH 305
Dr. Erwin Sulaeman
UAE University
College of Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chapter 3: Torsion and engineering application
to design of shafts
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Torsional Deformations of a Circular bars
3.3 Circular Bars of Linearly Elastic Materials
3.4 Non-uniform Torsion
3.5 Stresses and Strains in Pure Shear
3.6 Relationship Between Moduli of Elasticity E and G
3.7 Transmission of Power by Circular Shafts
3.11 Stress Concentrations in Torsion
• Tuesday, 20 Feb ; 18:45pm
• Closed book
• All electronic gadget
• Topics : ch 2.2; Ch 2.10; Ch 3.
3.1 Introduction
Couple: the pair of forces that tends to twist the bar about its
longitudinal axis.
Moment of a couple: T (Nm) = Force (N) x Arm (m) or
T (lb in.) = Force (lb) x Arm (in.)
T1 = P1d1 T2 = P2d2
3.2 Torsional Deformations of a Circular
▪ When subjected to torsion, every cross-section of a circular shaft remains plane and
undistorted then the bar is said to be under pure torsion.
▪ Consider a cylindrical bar of circular cross section twisted by the torques T at both the
ends, Since every cross section of the bar is symmetrical, we say that the bar is in pure
▪ Under the action of torque T, the right end of the bar will rotate through small angle
known as the angle of twist.
▪ The angle of twist varies along the axis of the bar at intermediate cross section denoted
by (x)
3.2 Torsional Deformations of a Circular
Shear Strains at the Outer Surface
But, bb’ = rd
Angle of twist:
Angle of twist:
Angle of twist:
3.5 Stresses and Strains in Pure Shear
3.5 Stresses and Strains in Pure Shear
3.7 Transmission of Power by Circular Shafts
The most important use of circular shafts is to transmit mechanical power from one device
or machine to another. The work done by a torque of constant magnitude is equal to the
product of the torque (T) and the angle through which it rotates (ψ)