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M.arch R2021

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The following Regulations are applicable to the students admitted to M.Arch Programmes at all
Architecture Institutions/ Engineering Colleges affiliated to Anna University, Chennai (other than
Autonomous Colleges) from the academic year 2021-2022.


In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires:

i. “Programme” means Post graduate Degree Programme e.g. M.Arch Degree
ii. “Specialisation” means the specific area of study/ discipline of the M.Arch Degree
Programme like “Real Estate Development”, “Environmental Architecture”, etc.
iii. “Course” means Theory, Theory cum Studio or Studio subject that is normally studied in
a semester, like Process in Design, Environmental Design Studio, etc.
iv. “Director, Centre for Academic Courses” means the authority of the University who is
responsible for all academic activities of the University for implementation of relevant
Rules and Regulations.
v. “Chairperson” means the Head of the Faculty.
vi. “Head of the Department (HOD)” means Head of the Department concerned.
vii. “Head of the Institution” means the Principal of a College / Institution who is
responsible for all academic activities of that College / Institution and for implementation
of relevant Rules and Regulations.
viii. “Controller of Examinations (COE)” means the Authority of the University who is
responsible for all activities of the University Examinations.
ix. “University” means ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI.



1. M.Arch (General)
2. M.Arch ( Real Estate Development)
3. M.Arch (Environmental Architecture)
4. M.Arch (Conservation)

5. M.Arch (Digital Architecture)
6. M.Arch (Urban Design)
2.2.1 Full-Time Mode
M.Arch programmes are offered in Full Time mode only. Students admitted under ‘Full-Time’
should be available in the College / Institution during the entire duration of working hours
(From Morning to Evening on Full-Time basis) for the curricular, co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities assigned to them.
The Full-Time students should not attend any other Full-Time programme(s) / course(s) or
take up any Full-Time job / Part-Time job in any Institution or Company during the period of
the Full-Time programme. Violation of the above rules will result in cancellation of admission
to the PG programme. However, taking up of job is permitted with authorised break of study
as explained in Clause 20.7.
2.3.1 Candidates for admission to the first semester of the Post-Graduate Degree Programme shall
be required to have passed an appropriate Under-Graduate Degree Examination of Anna
University or equivalent as specified under qualification for admission as per the Tamil Nadu
Common Admission (TANCA) criteria. This is applicable for candidates admitted both under
Single Window Counselling process and through the Management Quota.
Note: TANCA releases the updated criteria during the admissions every academic year.
Admission shall be offered only to the candidates who possess the qualification prescribed
against each programme.
Any other relevant qualification which is not prescribed against each programme shall be
considered for equivalence by the committee constituted for the purpose. Admission to such
degrees shall be offered only after obtaining equivalence to such degrees.
2.3.2 However, the Syndicate of the University may decide to restrict admission in any particular
year to candidates having a subset of qualifications prescribed at the time of admission.
2.3.3 Notwithstanding the qualifying examination the candidate might have passed, he/ she shall
have a minimum level of proficiency in the appropriate programme/ courses as prescribed by
the Syndicate of the University from time to time.
2.3.4 Eligibility conditions for admission such as the class obtained, the number of attempts in
qualifying examination and physical fitness will be as prescribed by the Syndicate of the
University from time to time.


3.1 Categorisation of Courses

Every M.Arch Degree Programme will have a curriculum with syllabi consisting of theory,
theory cum studio and studio courses that shall be categorised as follows:
i. Professional Core courses (PCC) include the core courses relevant to the chosen

ii. Professional Elective Courses (PEC) include the elective courses relevant to the
chosen specialisation.
iii. Research Methodology and IPR Course (RMC) covers topics on the process of
research and patenting.

iv. Professional Ability Enhancement Courses (PAEC) that help develop skills and
training to enhance the professional ability in the chosen specialisation.
v. Audit Courses (AC) include the courses such as Constitution of India, Natramizh
Ilakkiam, etc.
3.2 Courses per Semester
Curriculum of a semester shall normally have a blend of theory courses, theory cum studio
courses and studio courses including Professional Ability Enhancement Courses. Each course
may have credits assigned as per clause 3.3.
3.3 Credit Assignment
Each course is assigned certain number of credits based on the following:

Contact Period per Week Credits

1 Lecture Period 1
1 Tutorial Period 1
1 Practical/ Studio Period 1

3.4 Dissertation and Thesis Project

3.4.1 Dissertation shall be undertaken during Semester III and Thesis Project shall be undertaken
during Semester IV.
3.4.2 Dissertation and Thesis Project shall be carried out under the supervision of a “qualified
teacher” in the Department concerned. In this context “qualified teacher” means the faculty
member possessing (i) PG degree with a minimum of 3 years experience in teaching or (ii)
Ph.D. degree.
3.4.3 Thesis Project shall normally be a continuation of Dissertation. However, a student may also
undergo a Project in industry/ academic / research institutions for a minimum of 90 days and a
maximum of 120 days during Semester IV. Students shall undergo the Thesis Project with the
approval obtained from the Head of the Institution preferably one month before the start of the
project. Thesis Project carried out in industry/ academic/ research institutions need not be a
continuation of Dissertation.
In such cases, the Thesis Project shall be jointly supervised by a supervisor of the department
and an expert as a joint supervisor from the organisation and the student shall be instructed to
meet the supervisor periodically and to attend the review committee meetings for evaluating
the progress. The review meetings, if necessary, may also be arranged in online mode with
prior approval from the Head of the Institution and suitable record of the meetings shall be
3.4.4 The Thesis Project shall be pursued for a minimum of 16 weeks during the final semester.

3.5 The deadline for submission of Dissertation shall be within 7 calendar days from the last
working day of the semester as per the academic calendar published by the University. The
deadline for submission of Thesis Project shall be within 30 calendar days from the last
working day of the semester as per the academic calendar published by the University.
However, if these deadlines fall on a public holiday, the next working day may be considered
for submission.
3.6 Internship Training
3.6.1 Internship Training will be undertaken by a student of all M Arch programmes for a duration of
4 weeks full time during the summer/ winter vacation or for a duration of 8 weeks part-time in
Offices/ Research Organisation / University / Industry/ Other Organisations that can give depth
of knowledge to the specialisation. The Internship Training shall be done with approval from
the Head of Department concerned and copy of the same shall be forwarded to The Director,
Centre for Academic Courses.
Attendance Certificate signed by the competent authority of the industry, as per the format
provided by Centre for Academic Courses shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution.
The attendance certificate shall be forwarded to COE, Anna University by the Head of the
Institution for processing results.
At the end of Internship Training, the student shall submit a report on the training undergone
with a completion certificate from the organisation concerned.


4 Weeks Full Time*/ 8 Weeks Part time** 2

*1 week Full Time is 40 hours

**1 week Part Time is 20 hours
3.7 Value Added Courses
The Students may optionally undergo Value Added Courses and the credits earned
through the Value Added Courses shall be over and above the total credit requirement
prescribed in the curriculum for the award of the degree. One / Two credit courses shall be
offered by a Department of an institution with the prior approval from the Head of the
Institution and the Centre for Academic courses without any additional fee charged
from the students. The details of the syllabus, time table and course coordinator may be sent
to the Centre for Academic Courses atleast one month before the course is offered for
approval. Students can take a maximum of two one credit courses / one two credit
course during the entire duration of the Programme.
3.8 Online Courses
Students may be permitted to credit a maximum of two online courses of three credits subject
to a maximum of 6 credits, with the approval of Head of the Institution and the Director, Centre
for Academic Courses, in lieu of professional elective courses. The Head of the Institution shall
form a three member committee with members as HOD and a faculty member from the
Department of student, HOD of any other branch of the Institution to ensure that the
student has not studied such course and would not repeat it again as professional core/
professional elective. Suitable online courses shall be chosen from the SWAYAM platform.

3.9 Instead of two professional electives in the curriculum, the student may be permitted to choose
a maximum of 2 courses from other PG programmes with the approval of the Head of the
Department offering such courses.
3.10 A student is permitted to register only for a maximum of two courses in total as courses from
other branches in lieu of Professional Electives and online courses in lieu of Professional
3.11 Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction is English for all courses, examinations, seminar presentations and /
dissertation/ thesis project/ reports.


4.1 The minimum and maximum period for completion of the all the M.Arch Programmes is as
given below:

Programme Min. No. of Semesters Max. No. of Semesters

All M.Arch programmes 4 8

4.2 The Curriculum and Syllabi of all the M.Arch Programmes shall be approved by the Academic
Council of Anna University. The number of Credits to be earned for the successful completion
of the programme shall be as specified in the Curriculum of the respective specialisation of the
M.Arch Programme.
4.3 The minimum prescribed credits required for the award of the degree shall be within the
limits specified below:

Programme Prescribed Credit Range

All M.Arch Programmes 100 - 106

4.4 Each semester shall normally consist of 75 working days or 540 periods of 50 minutes
duration each, for full-time mode of study. The Head of the Institution shall ensure that every
teacher imparts instruction as per the number of periods specified in the syllabus and that the
teacher teaches the full content of the specified syllabus for the course being taught. For the
purpose of calculation of attendance requirement for writing the end semester examinations
(as per clause 9) by students, following method shall be used.
Percentage of Total no. of periods attended in all the courses per semester
Attendance = X 100
(No. of periods / week as prescribed in the curriculum) x 15
taken together for all courses of the semester
End Semester Examinations conducted by the University will be scheduled after the last
working day of the semester.


5.1 Flexibility to Drop Courses

5.1.1 A student has to earn the total number of credits specified in the curriculum of the respective
Programme of study in order to be eligible to obtain the degree.
5.1.2 From the first to third semesters, the student has the option of dropping existing courses in a
semester during registration. However courses that are pre-requisites to moving to a higher
semester (vide Clause 15) cannot be dropped. Total number of credits of such courses cannot
exceed 6 per semester for all M.Arch programmes. The student is permitted to drop the
course(s) within 30 days of the commencement of the academic schedule.
5.2 The Institution is responsible for registering the courses that each student is proposing to
undergo in the ensuing semester. Each student has to register for all courses to be undergone
in the curriculum of a particular semester with the facility to drop non pre-requisite courses to a
maximum of 6 credits (vide clause 5.1.2). Courses that are pre-requisites for moving to a
higher semester (vide Clause 15) cannot be dropped.
The registration details of the students may be approved by the Head of the Institution and
forwarded to the Controller of Examinations. This registration is for undergoing the course as
well as for writing the End Semester Examinations.
The courses that a student registers in a particular semester may include
i. Courses of the current semester.
ii. Courses dropped in the lower semesters that are not pre-requisites to moving to higher
The maximum number of credits that can be registered in a semester is 36.
However, this does not include the number of Re-appearance (RA) and Withdrawal (W)
courses registered by the student for the appearance of Examination.


There shall be a class advisor for each class. The class advisor will be one among the
(course-instructors) of the class. He / She will be appointed by the Head of the department
concerned. The class advisor is the ex-officio member and the Convener of the class
committee. The responsibilities for the class advisor shall be:
 To act as the channel of communication between the HOD and the students of the
respective class.
 To collect and maintain various statistical details of students.
 To help the chairperson of the class committee in planning and conduct of the class
committee meetings.
 To monitor the academic performance of the students including attendance and to inform
the class committee.
 To attend to the students’ welfare activities like awards, medals, scholarships and
industrial visits.


7.1 A Class Committee consists of teachers of the concerned class, student representatives and a
chairperson who is not teaching the class. It is like the ‘Quality Circle’ (more commonly used
in industries) with the overall goal of improving the teaching-learning process. The functions of
the class committee include:
 Solving problems experienced by students in the class room and in the laboratories.
 Clarifying the regulations of the programme and the details of rules therein.
 Informing the student representatives, the academic schedule including the dates of
assessments and the syllabus coverage for each assessment period.
 Informing the student representatives about the details of Regulations regarding
weightage used for each assessment. The breakup of marks for each exercise / module
of work, should be clearly discussed in the class committee meeting and informed to the
 Analysing the performance of the students of the class after each test and finding the
ways and means of improving the performance of the students.
 Identifying the slow learners, if any, in any specific subject and requesting the teachers
concerned to provide some additional help or guidance or coaching to such students as
frequently as possible.
7.2 The class committee for a class under a particular programme is normally constituted by the
Head of the Department. However, if the students of different programmes are mixed in a
class, the class committee is to be constituted by the Head of the Institution.
7.3 The class committee shall be constituted within the first week of each semester.
7.4 At least 2 student representatives (usually 1 boy and 1 girl) shall be included in the class
7.5 The chairperson of the class committee shall invite the Class adviser(s) and the Head of the
Department to the meeting of the class committee.
7.6 The Head of the Institution may participate in any class committee of the institution.
7.7 The Chairperson of be Class Committee is required to prepare the minutes of every meeting,
submit the same to the Head of the Institution within two days of the meeting and arrange to
circulate among the concerned students and teachers. If there are some points in the minutes
requiring action by the management, the same shall be brought to the notice of the
management by the Head of the Institution.
7.8 The first meeting of the class committee shall be held within one week from the date of
commencement of the semester in order to inform the students about the nature and
weightage of assessments within the framework of the Regulations. Two or three subsequent
meetings may be held at suitable intervals. During these meetings the student members,
representing the entire class, shall meaningfully interact and express the opinions and
suggestions of the class students to improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning


Each common course offered to more than one group of students shall have a “Course
Committee” comprising all the teachers teaching the common course with one of them
nominated as Course Coordinator. The nomination of the course Coordinator shall be made
by the Head of the Department / Head of the Institution depending upon whether all the
teachers teaching the common course belong to a single department or to several
departments. The Course Committee shall meet as often as possible in order to discuss about
details of assessments and also ensure uniform evaluation of the tests and arrive at a
common scheme of evaluation for the tests. Wherever it is feasible, the course committee may
also prepare a common question paper for the Assessment Test(s).


9.1 A student who has fulfilled the following conditions shall be deemed to have satisfied the
attendance requirements for completion of a semester.
Ideally every student is expected to attend all classes and earn 100% attendance. However in
order to allow provision for certain unavoidable reasons such as prolonged hospitalization /
accident / specific illness the student is expected to earn a minimum of 75% attendance to
become eligible to write the End-Semester Examinations.
Therefore, every student shall secure not less than 75% of overall attendance in that semester
as per clause 4.4.
9.2 However, a student who secures overall attendance between 65% and 74% in that current
semester due to medical reasons (prolonged hospitalization / accident / specific illness) /
participation in sports events may be permitted to appear for the current semester
examinations subject to the condition that the student shall submit the medical certificate /
sports participation certificate to the Head of the Institution. The same shall be forwarded to
the Controller of Examinations for record purposes.
9.3 Students who secure less than 65% overall attendance and students who do not satisfy
the clauses 9.1 & 9.2 will not be permitted to write the end-semester examination of that
current semester and are not permitted to go to next semester. They are required to repeat the
incomplete semester in the next academic year.


10.1. Performance in each course of study shall be evaluated based on (i) Continuous Internal
Assessments and (ii) University Examination at the end of the semester.
10.2 For Theory Courses (Including Elective Theory Courses) the maximum marks for Continuous
Assessment is 40 and the University End Semester Examination is 60.
10.3 For Theory cum Studio Courses (Including Elective Theory cum Studio Courses), the
maximum marks for Continuous Assessment is 50 and the University End Semester
Examination is 50.
10.4 For Studio Courses, Dissertation and Thesis Project, the maximum marks for Continuous
Assessment is 50 and the University End Semester Examination is 50.

10.5 For Internship Training, the assessment will be only through University End Semester
Examination for a maximum of 100 marks.
10.6 For Value Added Courses, the assessment will be only through Continuous Assessment for a
maximum of 100 marks.
(i.e.) Each course shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks as shown below:

S.No. Category of course Internal Assessment University Examinations

i. Theory Courses 40 Marks 60 Marks
(Including Elective Theory
ii. Theory cum Studio 50 Marks 50 Marks
Courses (Including
Elective Theory cum
Studio Courses)
iii. Studio Courses, 50 Marks 50 Marks
Dissertation and Thesis
iv. Internship Training - 100 Marks
v. Value Added Courses 100 Marks -


Students may be permitted to credit two online courses (which are provided with certificate),
subject to a maximum of six credits. The online course of 3 credits can be considered
instead of one elective course. These online courses shall be chosen from the SWAYAM
platform, provided the offering organisation conducts regular examination and provides marks.
The credits earned shall be transferred and the marks earned shall be converted into grades
and transferred provided the organisation offering the course conducts regular examination
and the student has passed in the examination as per the norms of the offering organisation.
The details regarding online courses taken up by student and marks/credits earned and the
approval for the course from Centre for Academic Courses shall be sent to the Controller of
Examinations, Anna University in the subsequent semester(s) along with the details of the
elective course(s) to be dropped.



Two assessments each carrying 100 marks shall be made during the semester by the
Department / College concerned. One of the Assessments will be a written test. The other
assessment will be assignment of any mode such as study, seminar, etc., or a combination of
modes. The total marks obtained in both assessments put together out of 200, shall be
proportionately reduced for 40 marks and rounded to the nearest integer (This also implies
equal weightage to both the assessments).

Three assessments each carrying 100 marks shall be made during the semester by the
Department / College concerned. One of the Assessments will be a test. The other two
assessments will incorporate continuous marking of the work and performance during the
particular assessment period such as drawings, models, study, seminar, etc., The total marks
obtained in the three assessments put together out of 300, shall be proportionately reduced for
50 marks and rounded to the nearest integer (This also implies equal weightage to all three
Three assessments each carrying 100 marks shall be made during the semester by the
Department / College concerned. Each assessment shall incorporate continuous marking of
the work and performance during the particular assessment period. The total marks obtained
in the three assessments put together out of 300, shall be proportionately reduced for 50
marks and rounded to the nearest integer (This also implies equal weightage to all three
11.4.1 Every student has to submit Dissertation and Thesis Project proposals based on the syllabus,
for discussion, finalisation and approval, well before the commencement of the III Semester
and IV Semester respectively on a date specified by the Head of the Department.
11.4.2 Three assessments each carrying 100 marks shall be made during the semester by the
Department / College concerned. Each assessment shall incorporate continuous marking of
the work and performance during the particular assessment period. This consists of regular
discussions with the Dissertation/ Thesis Project supervisor and periodic reviews before a
Dissertation/ Thesis Project Review Committee, with a minimum of five reviews. The Review
committee shall consist of the Dissertation/ Thesis Project Coordinator, the Supervisor of the
student and an External Member appointed by the Head of the Department. The marks
obtained in the three assessments shall be reduced for 50 marks with the proportion of
15:15:20 for the first, second and third assessment respectively and finally rounded to the
nearest integer (This also implies weightage of 30%:30%:40% for the first, second and third
assessments respectively).
The one / two credit course shall carry 100 marks and shall be evaluated through continuous
assessments only. Two Assessments shall be conducted during the semester by the
Department concerned. The total marks obtained in the assessments shall be reduced to 100
marks and rounded to the nearest integer. A committee consisting of the Head of the
Department, staff handling the course and a senior Faculty member nominated by the Head
of the Institution shall do the evaluation process. The list of students along with the marks and
the grades earned shall be forwarded to the Controller of Examinations for appropriate action
at least one month before the commencement of End Semester Examinations. The grades
earned by the students for Value Added Courses will be recorded in the Grade Sheet if the
courses are completed, however the same shall not be considered for the computation of

11.6 Internal marks approved by the Head of the Institution shall be displayed by the respective
HODs on the last working day of the semester.
11.7 Every teacher is required to maintain an 'ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD'
which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or project work class, the test
marks and the record of class work (topics covered), separately for each course. This should
be submitted to the Head of the Department periodically (at least three times in a semester)
for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and attendance. The Head
of the Department will put his/her signature and date after due verification. At the end the
semester, the record should be verified by the Head of the Institution who will keep this
document in safe custody (for five years). The University or any inspection team appointed by
the University may inspect the records of attendance and assessments of both current and
previous semesters.
Every educational institution shall strive for a better performance of the students by conducting
the internal assessments as mentioned before.
In order to ensure the above, Academic Audit is to be done for every course taught during the
semester. For the internal assessments conducted for each course as per details provided in
Clause 11, the academic records shall be maintained in the form of documentation of
assignments, studies, drawings, etc., submitted by each student and assessment test question
paper and answer script as required for each course. Further, the attendance of all students
shall be maintained as a record.
Head of the Institution shall arrange to conduct the Academic Audit for every course in a
semester by forming the respective committees with an external course expert as one of the
members drawn from a Technical Institution of repute near the institute.
The University or any inspection team appointed by the University may verify the records of
Academic Audit report of the courses of both current and previous semesters, as and when


12.1 A student shall normally be permitted to appear for the University examinations of the current
semester if he/she has satisfied the semester completion requirements as per clause 9.1 and
9.2 and has registered for examination in all courses of the current semester.
12.2 Further, examination registration by a student is mandatory for all the courses in the current
semester (except the dropped courses) and all arrear course(s) for the university examinations
failing which, the student will not be permitted to move to the higher semester.
12.3 A student who has passed all the courses prescribed in the curriculum for the award of the
degree shall not be permitted to re-enrol to improve his/her marks in a course or the aggregate
marks / CGPA.


13.1 The University Examinations shall ordinarily be conducted between October and December
during the odd semesters and between April and June during the even semesters.

13.2 University Examinations for Theory Courses (Including Elective Theory Courses) and for
Theory cum Studio Courses (Including Elective Theory cum Studio Courses) will be of 3
hours duration.
13.3 University Examinations for Studio Courses, Internship Training, Dissertation and Thesis
Project will be through Viva Voce Examinations based on the portfolio / report submitted by
the student comprising of study/ design drawings/ physical or virtual models/ research/ any
other type of work done as applicable for the particular course.
The date of submission of portfolio/ report for Studio Courses and Internship Training shall be
on the last working day of the semester.
The submission of portfolio/ report for Dissertation shall be within 7 calendar days from the last
working day of the semester. If the date happens to be on a public holiday, the next working
day may be considered for submission.
The submission of portfolio/ report for Thesis Project shall be within 30 calendar days from the
last working day of the semester. If the date happens to be on a public holiday, the next
working day may be considered for submission.
The Viva Voce will be conducted based on the project brief and methodology followed by the
particular class within the scope of the syllabus for the course.
13.4 For Studio Courses, the Viva Voce examination for a batch of 20 will be conducted by a jury
comprising of an External Examiner appointed by the COE and an Internal Examiner with the
weightage for each being 80%:20% of the marks for the examination respectively.
13.5 For Internship Training, the Viva Voce examination for a batch of 20 will be conducted by a
jury comprising of an External Examiner appointed by the COE and an Internal Examiner with
the weightage for each being 80%:20% of the marks for the examination respectively.
13.6 For Dissertation and Thesis Project, the Viva Voce Examination will be conducted by a jury
comprising of an External Examiner appointed by the COE, the Dissertation/ Thesis Project
Supervisor and an Internal Examiner with the weightage for each being 80%:10%:10% of the
marks for the examination respectively.
13.7 Any examiner shall have a minimum of 5 years teaching / professional experience in a field of
study relating to the subject of examination. However, an external examiner for Dissertation
and Thesis Project shall have a minimum of 10 years teaching/ professional experience.
13.8 The results for each Viva Voce examination shall be published immediately after its
completion in order to ensure compliance to Clause 15.
13.9.1 Revaluation
A student can apply for photocopy of his/her end semester examination answer paper in a
theory course (including elective theory course) or theory cum studio course (including elective
theory cum studio course), within 2 weeks from the declaration of results, on payment of a
prescribed fee through proper application to the Controller of Examinations through the Head
of Institution. The answer script is to be valued and justified by a faculty member, who handled
the subject and recommend for revaluation with breakup of marks for each question. Based
on the recommendation, the student can register for the revaluation through proper application
to the Controller of Examinations. The Controller of Examinations will arrange for the

revaluation and the results will be intimated to the student concerned through the Head of the
Institution. Revaluation is not permitted for Studio Courses, Dissertation, Internship Training
and Thesis Project.
A student can apply for revaluation of answer scripts not exceeding 5 courses at a time.
13.9.2 Review
Students not satisfied with Revaluation can apply for Review of his/ her examination answer
paper a theory course (including elective theory course) or theory cum studio course (including
elective theory cum studio course) within the prescribed date on payment of a prescribed fee
through proper application to Controller of Examination through the Head of the Institution.
Students applying for Revaluation only are eligible to apply for Review.


14.1 Theory Courses (Including Elective Theory Courses) and Theory cum Studio Courses
(including Elective Theory cum Studio Courses)
14.1.1 A student who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the course [Internal
Assessment + University End Semester Examinations] with a minimum of 50% of the marks
prescribed for the End Semester University Examination, shall be declared to have passed the
course and acquired the relevant number of credits.
14.1.2 If a student fails to secure a pass in a theory course (including elective theory course) or theory
cum studio course (including elective theory cum studio course), he/she shall register and
appear only for the end semester examination in the subsequent semester. In such case, the
internal assessment marks obtained by the student in the first appearance shall be retained
and considered valid for all subsequent attempts till the student secure a pass. However, from
the third attempt onwards if a student fails to obtain pass marks (Internal Assessment + End
Semester Examination) as per clause 14.1.1, then the student shall be declared to have
passed the examination if he/she secure a minimum of 50% marks prescribed for the
university end semester examinations alone.
14.1.3 If the course, in which the student has failed is a professional elective, the student can, in lieu
of the course, also opt to register for any other professional elective course, attend the
classes, earn the continuous assessment marks, fulfil the attendance requirements as per
Clause 9 and appear for the end semester examination. In this case, the previous registration
is cancelled and the new professional elective course is considered valid.
14.2 Studio Courses, Dissertation and Thesis Project
14.2.1 A student who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the course [Internal
Assessment + University End semester Viva Voce University Examinations] with a minimum of
50% of the marks prescribed for the End Semester Viva Voce University Examination, shall be
declared to have passed the course and acquired the relevant number of credits.
14.2.2 A student will fail to secure a pass in Studio Courses, Dissertation and Thesis Project if he/
(i) has not submitted portfolio/ report within stipulated date.
(ii) has submitted the portfolio/ report within stipulated date, appeared for the viva voce exam,
but failed to secure the passing marks as per Clause 14.2.1.

(iiI) has submitted the portfolio/ report within stipulated date, but was absent for the viva voce
examination and has not obtained Withdrawal for the same (vide Clause 19).
14.2.3 A student who failed to secure a pass as per category 14.2.2 -ii, i.e., submitted portfolio/ report
within stipulated date, appeared for exam, but did not obtain passing marks, can attend a
Subsequent Viva Voce exam with the same jury as the regular exams with improved portfolio/
report submitted within 30 days from the publication of the results.
A student who failed to secure a pass as per category 14.2.2 - iii, i.e., submitted portfolio/
report within stipulated date, but was absent for exam, can attend a Subsequent Viva Voce
exam with the same jury as the regular exams with the portfolio/ report that was already
submitted. There is no option to submit improved portfolio/ report.
Subsequent Viva Voce Exam is considered as reappearance with payment of exam fee.
14.2.4 A student who failed to secure a pass as per category 14.2.2- i, i.e., did not submit portfolio/
report within stipulated date, is not eligible for Subsequent Viva Voce examination. He/ she
shall repeat the course, only along with the regular students when the course is offered next,
fulfill attendance requirements, secure fresh internal assessment, submit the portfolio/ report
and appear for the End Semester Viva-Voce examination. In case of Studio Courses, the
student shall not be permitted to proceed to the higher semester as given in Clause 15.
14.2.5 If a student obtains Withdrawal from a Viva Voce examination (vide Clause 19), he/ she can
attend a Substitute Viva Voce exam with the same jury as the regular exams with the portfolio/
report that was already submitted. There is no option to submit improved portfolio/ report.
Substitute Viva Voce Exam is considered as a regular attempt and not a reappearance.
14.2.6 If a student eligible for improved portfolio/report does not make a submission within stipulated
date, or if a student eligible for Subsequent or Substitute Viva-voce Examination is absent for
the same, or if a student fails to secure passing marks after the completion of Subsequent or
Substitute Viva-voce Examination, he/ she shall repeat the course, only along with the regular
students when the course is offered next, fulfill attendance requirements, secure fresh internal
assessment, submit the portfolio/report and appear for the End Semester Viva-Voce
examination. In case of Studio Courses, the student shall not be permitted to proceed to the
higher semester as given in Clause 15.
14.3.1 A student who secures not less than 50% of marks in the University End Semester Viva Voce
Examinations shall be declared to have passed the course and acquired the relevant number
of credits.
14.3.2 A student will fail to secure a pass in Internship Training if he/ she
(i) has not submitted portfolio/ report within the stipulated date.
(ii) has submitted the portfolio/ report within the stipulated date, attended the viva voce
exam, but failed to secure the passing marks as per Clause 14.3.1.
(iii) has submitted the portfolio/ report within the stipulated date, but was absent for the viva
voce exam and has not obtained Withdrawal for the same (vide Clause 19).

14.3.3 A student who failed to secure a pass as per category 14.3.2 - iii, i.e., submitted portfolio/
report within stipulated date, but absent for exam) can attend a Subsequent Viva Voce exam
on a date specified by the COE with the same jury as the regular exams with the portfolio/
report that was already submitted. There is no option to submit improved portfolio/ report.
Subsequent Viva Voce Exam is considered as reappearance with payment of exam fee.
14.3.4 A student who failed to secure a pass as per category 14.3.2- i, i.e., did not submit portfolio/
report within stipulated time or 14.3.2 – ii, i.e., submitted portfolio/ report within stipulated time,
appeared for exam, but did not obtain passing marks, is not eligible for Subsequent Viva Voce
examination. He/ she shall repeat the course, only along with the regular students when the
course is offered next, fulfill attendance requirements, secure fresh internal assessment,
submit the portfolio/report and appear for the End Semester Viva-Voce examination. The
student shall not be permitted to proceed to the higher semester as given in Clause 15.
14.3.5 If a student obtains Withdrawal from the Viva Voce examination (vide Clause 19), then he/ she
can appear for a Substitute Viva Voce Exam on a date specified by the COE with the same
jury as the regular exams with the portfolio/ report that was already submitted. There is no
option to submit improved portfolio/ report.
Substitute Viva Voce Exam is considered as a regular attempt and not a reappearance.
14.3.6 if a student eligible for Subsequent or Substitute Viva-voce Examination is absent for the
same, or if a student fails to secure passing marks after the completion of Subsequent or
Substitute Viva-voce Examination, he/ she shall repeat the course, only along with the regular
students when the course is offered next, fulfill attendance requirements, secure fresh internal
assessment, submit the portfolio/report and appear for the End Semester Viva-Voce
15.1 A student of the M.Arch. programme shall move to the higher semester if he/she satisfies the
following conditions.
To move to:
(i) II Semester, a pass is required in Studio Course of Semester I as given in Curriculum of
respective programme.
(ii) III Semester, a pass is required in Studio Course of Semester II as given in Curriculum of
respective programme.
(iii) IV Semester, a pass is required in Studio Course of Semester III as given in Curriculum of
respective programme.
15.2 A student shall move to the next higher semester if he/ she has satisfied the semester
completion requirements (vide Clause 9.0)


16.1 The award of letter grades will be decided using relative grading principle. The performance of
a student will be reported using letter grades, each carrying certain points as detailed below:

Letter Grade Grade Points
O (Outstanding) 10
A + (Excellent) 9
A (Very Good) 8
B + (Good) 7
B (Average) 6
C (Satisfactory) 5
RA (Re-Appearance) 0
SA (Shortage of Attendance) 0
W (Withdrawal) 0

A student is deemed to have passed and acquired the corresponding credits in a particular
course if he/she obtains any one of the following grades: “O”, “A+”, “A”, “B+”, “B”,”C”.
‘SA’ denotes shortage of attendance (as per clause 9.3) and hence prevention from writing the
end semester examinations. ‘SA’ will appear only in the result sheet.
“RA” denotes that the student has failed to secure a pass in that course. “W” denotes
withdrawal from the exam for the particular course. The grades RA and W will figure both in
Grade Sheet as well as in Result Sheet. In both cases, the student has to appear for the End
Semester Examinations as per the regulations.
If the grade RA or W is given to Theory courses (including Elective Theory Courses) and
Theory cum Studio Courses (including Elective Theory cum Studio Courses), it is not
required to satisfy the attendance requirements (vide clause 9) but the student has to appear
for the end semester examination and fulfil the norms specified in Clause 14 to earn a pass in
the respective courses.
If the grade RA or W is given to Studio Courses, Dissertation, Thesis Project and
Internship Training, the procedure to be followed will be as per Clause 14.
16.2 The grades O, A+, A, B+, B, C obtained for the one/ two credit courses (not part of the
Curriculum) shall figure in the Grade Sheet under the title ‘Value Added Courses’. For these
courses, if the grades obtained are RA, SA, then it will not figure in the Grade Sheet.
16.3 For the students who complete the Audit Course satisfying attendance requirement, the title of
the Audit Course will be mentioned in the Grade Sheet. If the attendance requirement is not
satisfied, it will not be shown in the Grade Sheet.
After results are declared, Grade Sheets will be issued to each student which will contain the
following details:
 The college in which the student has studied.
 The list of courses registered during the semester and the grades scored.
 The Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester and
 The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of all courses enrolled from first semester

GPA for a semester is the ratio of the sum of the product of the number of credits acquired for
courses and the corresponding points to the sum of the number of credits acquired for the
courses in the semester. CGPA will be calculated in a similar manner, considering all the
courses registered from first semester. RA grades will be excluded for calculating GPA and
∑ Ci GPi
GPA / CGPA = --------------------
∑ Ci
Ci is the number of credits assigned to the course
GPi is the Grade point corresponding to the grade obtained for each Course
n is number of all Courses successfully cleared during the particular semester in the case
of GPA and during all the semesters in the case of CGPA.


17.1 A student shall be declared to be eligible for the award of the M.Arch degree provided the
student has
i. Successfully gained the required number of total credits as specified in the curriculum
corresponding to the student’s programme within the stipulated time.
ii. Successfully completed the course requirements, appeared for the End-Semester
examinations and passed all the courses prescribed in all the 4 semesters within a
maximum period of 4 years reckoned from the commencement of the first semester to
which the student was admitted.
iii. Successfully passed any additional courses prescribed by the Director, Centre for
Academic Courses whenever readmitted under regulations other than R-2021 (vide clause
iv. No disciplinary action pending against the student.
v. The award of Degree must have been approved by the Syndicate of the University.



A Student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First class with Distinction:
 Should have passed the examination in all the courses of all the four semesters in the
student’s First Appearance within three years, which includes authorised break of study of
one year (if availed). Withdrawal from examination (vide Clause 19) will not be considered
as an appearance.

 Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 8.50.
 Should NOT have been prevented from writing end Semester examination due to lack of
attendance in any of the courses.
A student who satisfies the following conditions shall be declared to have passed the
examination in First class:
 Should have passed the examination in all the courses of all four semesters within three
years, which includes one year of authorised break of study (if availed) or prevention from
writing the End Semester Examination due to lack of attendance (if applicable).
 Should have secured a CGPA of not less than 6.50.
All other students (not covered in clauses 18.1 and 18.2) who qualify for the award of the
degree (vide Clause17.1) shall be declared to have passed the examination in Second Class.
18.4 A student who is absent in End Semester Examination in a course after having registered for
the same shall be considered to have appeared in that examination (except approved
withdrawal from end semester examinations as per clause 19) for the purpose of classification.


19.1 A student may, for valid reasons, (medically unfit / unexpected family situations / sports
approved by Chairperson, sports board and HOD) be granted permission to withdraw from
appearing for the end semester examination in any course or courses in ANY ONE of the
semester examinations during the entire duration of the degree programme. The application
shall be sent to COE through the Head of the Institutions with required documents.
19.2 Withdrawal application is valid only if
(i) the student is otherwise eligible to write the examination, i.e, he/ she should have
registered for the course, fulfilled the attendance requirements (vide clause 9) and earned
continuous assessment marks. In case of withdrawal from a course with Viva Voce
exams, the student is eligible for withdrawal only if she/ she has submitted portfolio/ report
as per deadline.
(ii) if it is made within TEN days after the date of the examination(s) in that course or courses
and recommended by the Head of the Institution and approved by the Controller of
Notwithstanding the requirement of mandatory 10 days’ notice, applications for withdrawal
for special cases under extraordinary conditions will be considered on the merit of the
19.3 In case of withdrawal from a course / courses, the course (s) will figure both in Grade Sheet as
well as in Result Sheet. However withdrawal shall not be considered as an appearance for the
eligibility of a student for First Class with Distinction.

19.4 If a student withdraws from writing the End Semester Examination(s) of Theory Courses
(including Elective Theory Courses) / Theory cum Studio Courses (including Elective Theory
cum Studio Courses), he/ she shall register for and write the examination(s) in the subsequent
semester and this will be treated as regular attempt.
19.5 If a student withdraws from appearing for the End Semester Viva Voce Examination(s) of
Studio Courses/ Internship Training/ Dissertation/ Thesis Project, he/ she shall appear for
Substitute Viva Voce examination(s) as per Clause 14 and this will be treated as regular
19.6 Withdrawal is permitted for the end semester examinations in the final semester, only if the
period of study of the student concerned does not exceed the maximum period to be eligible
for First Class with Distinction as per clause 18.1 and First Class as per Clause 18.2.


20.1 A student is permitted to avail authorised break of study for a maximum period of one year as
a single spell.
20.2 Break of Study shall be granted only once for valid reasons for a maximum of one year during
the entire period of study of the degree programme. However, in extraordinary situation the
student may apply for additional break of study not exceeding another one year by paying
prescribed fee for break of study. If a student intends to temporarily discontinue the
programme in the middle of the semester for valid reasons, and to rejoin the programme in a
subsequent year, permission may be granted based on the merits of the case provided he /
she applies to the Director, Student Affairs in advance, but not later than the last date for
registering for the end semester examination of the semester in question, through the Head of
the Institution stating the reasons thereof and the probable date of rejoining the programme.
20.3 The students permitted to rejoin the programme after break of study / prevention due to lack of
attendance, shall be governed by the Curriculum and Regulations in force at the time of
rejoining. The students rejoining in new Regulations shall apply to the Director, Centre for
Academic Courses in the prescribed format through Head of the Institution at the beginning of
the readmitted semester itself for prescribing additional courses, if any, from any semester of
the regulations in-force, so as to bridge the curriculum in-force and the old curriculum. In such
cases, the total number of credits to be earned by the student may be more than or equal to
the total number of credits prescribed in the curriculum in force.
20.4 The authorised break of study of maximum of one year is included in the duration specified for
passing all the courses for the purpose of classification (vide Clause 18).
20.5 The total period for completion of the Programme reckoned from, the commencement of the
first semester to which the student was admitted shall not exceed the maximum period
specified in clause 4.1 irrespective of the period of break of study in order that he/she may be
eligible for the award of the degree.
20.6 If any student is prevented for want of required attendance, the period of prevention shall not
be considered as authorised ‘Break of Study’ (Clause 20.1).

20.7 If a student in Full Time mode wants to take up job during the period of study he/she shall
apply for authorised break of study for one year. The student shall undertake the job / start-up
/ entrepreneurship only after getting approval of the same by The Director, Centre for
Academic Courses with due proof to that effect.
20.8 No fee is applicable to students during the Break of Study period.
21.1 Every student is required to observe disciplined and decorous behavior both inside and
outside the college and not to indulge in any activity which will tend to bring down the prestige
of the University / College. The Head of Institution shall constitute a disciplinary committee
consisting of Head of Institution, Two Heads of Department of which one should be from the
faculty of the student, to enquire into acts of indiscipline and notify the University about the
disciplinary action recommended for approval. In case of any serious disciplinary action which
leads to suspension or dismissal, then a committee shall be constituted including one
representative from Anna University, Chennai. In this regard, the member will be nominated
by the University on getting information from the Head of the Institution.
21.2 If a student indulges in malpractice in any of the University / internal examination he / she shall
be liable for punitive action as prescribed by the University from time to time.


The University may from time to time revise, amend or change the Regulations, Curriculum,
Syllabus and scheme of examinations through the Academic Council with the approval of the



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