Genesis-The World of Genesis
Genesis-The World of Genesis
Genesis-The World of Genesis
ithin the pages of Genesis,
we meet the patriarchs and
matriarchs of faith—people
with names like Abraham, Sarah, Isaac,
Rebekah, Jacob, Rachel, Leah, and
Joseph. Their names and stories may
be quite familiar to us today, but their
world and daily lives could not have
been more different. It is far too easy to
read these beloved stories in Genesis
Ruins in Mardin, Turkey
and interpret them through our own (ancient Mesopotamia)
place, culture, and language—often
without even recognizing we are doing so. Take, for example, the names in
our English Bibles. If we were to travel back in time and call out to “Jacob”
instead of “Ya’akov” in a crowded marketplace, he would not have turned
around to answer. If such differences are found in the mere pronunciation
of names, how much more might we discover about the stories in Genesis
by reading them with a deeper understanding of the geography, culture,
and daily life rhythms of the patriarchs and matriarchs.
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
Our place in this world shapes our view of the world—and also how we
think about God and our relation to him. The same was true for those in
the world of Genesis.
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
The land was very small, yet the terrain drastically changes within very
close quarters. Made up of a sandy coastal plain, lowlands and foothills,
fertile valleys, tight mountainous regions, from the snow-capped heights
of Hermon to desolate deserts, Canaan contained all the environmental
and geographical diversity found in the state of California within an area
smaller than New Jersey. When we read the stories in Genesis, the place
and time of year greatly inform the situation in which the patriarchs
find themselves.
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
Sea of
Galilee Golan
Mt. Carmel
Mt. Tabor
Megiddo LLEY EL
Mt. Gilboa
Mt. Ebal
Mt. Gerizim Shechem
Joppa Shiloh
Bethel AMMON
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
The dramatic elevations in the land affect climate, habitation, and ease
of travel.
✠ Mount Hermon is 9,200 feet high (2,800 m), while only 25 miles
south (40 km), the Sea of Galilee is 685 feet (209 m) below sea level.
✠ Jerusalem is 2,593 feet (790 m) above sea level while only 15 miles
(24 km) east, the Dead Sea is 1,275 feet (389 m) below sea level, the
lowest place on earth.
During the rainy season, the Jordan River may flood its banks as water
rushes southward, but the mighty Jordan is nothing compared the Tigris
and Euphrates Rivers of Mesopotamia or the Nile River in Egypt. The
Jordan flows from the base of Mount Hermon to fill the freshwater Sea of
Galilee, the northern harp-shaped body of water (Num. 34:11). In Hebrew,
the word Jordan (yarden) means “to go down.” People in the ancient
world understood geography and named this river in light of the massive
elevation changes from the Jordan headwaters near Mount Hermon to the
below-sea-level Galilee.
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
As one moves south along that ridge route, the Judean hills fade away and
the Negev comes into view. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob spent much of their
time in places like Beersheba in the Negev (Gen. 21:33–34, 22:19; 26:23–25;
46:1). About fifteen miles (24 km) north of Beersheba marks the northern
border of the Negev, the “dryland” stretching toward the south.
Combined with rich soil, the abundance of springs, and high ground-
water level, the coastal plain was the richest and most populated region of
Canaan. This region and trade route was subject to frequent contests and
interaction with foreign neighbors. Control of this route meant safety for
travelers and the transport of goods, which brought about wealth through
taxation. Merchants and armies could travel by foot upwards of 20 miles
(32 km) a day on these well-worn routes, making Canaan a highly sought-
after region, regularly conquered,
and utilized by the surrounding
empires—or, as Bible lands
scholar Paul Wright has called it,
“a land of mice where cats come
to play.”3
This free eChart is taken from the book Rose Guide to Genesis ISBN 9781496477996. With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, © 2023 Rose Publishing
easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your
quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible.
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