General Financial Rules
General Financial Rules
General Financial Rules
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
(ii) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
i) in clause (a), for the words “five crores”, the words “twenty crore” shall be
ii) in clause (b), for the words “one crore”, the words “five crore” shall be
iii) in clause ( c), for the words “sixty lakhs”, the words “five crore” shall be
(a) for the existing Table, the following Table shall be substituted, namely:-
Authority Extent of Power
(1) (2)
Recurring Non- recurring
Departments of the
Central Government:-
i) Vice President’s Rs.25000 per annum in Full Powers.
Secretariat each case
Heads of the Departments Rs. 25000 per annum in Rs. 60,000 in each case.
each case
Heads of Offices other Rs. 1000 per month in Rs. 5000 in each case.
than Under Secretaries in each case
the Departments of
Central Government
Under Secretaries in the Rs. 2000 per month in Rs. 5000 in each case.”
Departments of the each case
Central Government
declared as Heads of
(i) against serial number 13(ii), in column 4, for the words and figures “ vide
Treasury Rule 197” the words, brackets and figures “ vide Central Government
Accounts(Receipt and Payment) Rules, 1983” shall be substituted;
(ii) against serial number 14, in column 4, in paragraph 2, in items (i),(ii) and (iii)
for the figures “ 50,000” , “ 10,000” and “ 4000” , the figures “ 1,00,000” ,
“ 20,000” and “ 10,000” respectively, shall be substituted;
(iii) against serial number 16, for the existing entries relating thereto in columns (1)
(2) and (3), the following entries shall be substituted, namely:-
(i) Ordinary
(iv) against serial number 21, item (B), in column 3, for the figures “ 40,000” , the
figures “ 1,00,000” , shall be substituted;
4. In Schedule VI to the Principal Rules, for the existing Table, the following Table
shall be substituted, namely:-
5. In Schedule VII to the Principal Rules in the Table, in column one under the
heading ‘Nature of Loss’,-
a) For the second item “ Loss of revenue or irrecoverable loans and advances” and
entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be substituted, namely:-
b) For the third item “ Deficiencies and depreciation in the value of stores (other than a
motor vehicle or motor cycle) included in the stock and other accounts” and entries
relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be substituted, namely:-
b) Other cases-
Rs. 1,00,000.” ;
c) For the fifth item “ Irrecoverable losses of stores or public money (including loss of
stamps)” and entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be
substituted namely:-
d) For the sixth item “ Loss of irrecoverable loans and advances” and entries relating
thereto, the following item and entries shall be substituted namely:-
Nature of loss Authority Monetary limit up to
which the loss may be
written off in each case.
“ Loss of irrecoverable All Heads of Rs. 10,000” .
loans and advances Departments
(Rubina Ali)
Under Secretary
Note:- The Delegation of Financial Powers Rules, 1978 published vide S.O. No.
2131, dated 22nd July, 1978 have subsequently been amended by:-
(Rubina Ali)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.
The Manager,
Government of India Press,
New Delhi.
(Rubina Ali)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.
No. 15(3)/E.II A/99
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Copy forwarded to C&AG (with usual no. of spare copies) and to Secretary, UPSC.
“ Rule 124(2)- Subject to any special rules or orders applicable to any particular
department of the Central Government, stores which are reported to be obsolete, surplus
or unserviceable may be declared as such in accordance with the procedure laid down in
Rule 124(1) and ordered to be disposed of by the authorities who are competent to
sanction purchase of such stores. The respective Departments of the Central Government
shall also specify the manner in which the stores are to be disposed of” .
No. 15(1)/E.II(A)/02
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, dated the 30th July, 2002
The undersigned is directed to say that in order to bring greater transparency in procurement and
tendering process and to provide greater access to information, it has been decided to amend para 29 of
Annexure to Rule 102(1) of GFRs, so as to include a provision relating to publication of tender enquiries in
the website of concerned Department/ Government Organisation. A copy of the amendment is enclosed.
2. Ministry of Home Affairs etc. are requested to bring these amendments to the notice of all their
attached and subordinate offices for their information.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
All the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India
Copy forwarded to C&AG (with usual no. of spare copies) and to Secretary, UPSC, New Delhi and as
per standard endorsement.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
“ 29 – For purchase of value of Rs. 2 lakh and above, but less than Rs. 5 lakh Tender
enquiries may be issued in the form of classified advertisements in the local newspapers.
For purchases of value of Rs. 5 lakh and above, Open Tenders may be advertised in
national dailies in addition to the Indian Trade Journal. The Indian Trade Journal
published by the Director-General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics, Kolkata
which is a Government publication should be regarded as the standard medium for public
advertisements in India. As a method of improving e-governance and bringing greater
transparency in Administration, Departments of Central Government/Organisations
having a website may use this as an additional medium for publication of the tender
enquiries apart from the newspapers/Indian Trade Journal.
(Min. of Fin.(Exp.) O.M. No. 15(1)/E.II(A)/02 dated the 30th July, 2002