Earth and Planetary Science - Volume 02 - Issue 02 - October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science - Volume 02 - Issue 02 - October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science - Volume 02 - Issue 02 - October 2023
Zheng-Xiang Li
Curtin University, Australia
Albert Galy
CRPG - CNRS - Université de Lorraine, France
Associate Editor
Maria Gritsevich
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Finland
Earth and
Planetary Science
Honorary Editor-in-Chief
Zheng-Xiang Li
Albert Galy
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | October 2023 | Page1-99
Earth and Planetary Science
Research Articles
1 Petrochemistry of Phyllites from Patharkhola, Lesser Kumaun Himalaya with Reference to Tectonic
Haritabh Rana Harel Thomas Aman Soni Satyam Shukla
10 Geophysical Evaluation of Agricultural Potential of Orlu and Environs Using Landsat Imagery
Chukwuebuka N. Onwubuariri Chidimma O. Ikeme Lebe A. Nnanna Boniface I. Ijeh Chidiebere C. Agoha
Cynthia C. Nwaeju Obinna C. Dinneya Festus U. Nwaneho
21 Some Remarks about Asteroid Impact Triggered “Bioaerosol” Escape during a Putative Microbial
Exchange between Early Earth and Mars
Balázs Bradák
33 Revisiting Recent Amplitude and Phase Variations of the Chandler Wobble and Free Core Nutation
Zinovy Malkin
38 Contribution to the Knowledge of Twenty Members of the Lagenid Benthic Foraminifera in the South-
ern Tethys
Haidar Salim Anan
55 Facies and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rock Characterization of the Paleozoic Rocks of Peshawar Basin,
northwest Pakistan
Sajjad Ahmad Sohail Raza Suleman Khan
68 Interpretation of Geothermal Magnetic Depths, Physicochemical Parameters and Heavy Metals Deter-
mination of Lamurde Hot-spring in the North-Eastern Benue Trough, Nigeria
Mukaila Abdullahi Yunis B. Valdon Fartisincha P. Andrew Adamu Usman Abba Ibrahim Maigari
75 Results of the Application of Direct-search Mobile Technology in the Exploration Blocks of Shakal and
Halabja (Kurdistan)
Mykola Yakymchuk Arzu Javadova Ignat Korchagin
Petrochemistry of Phyllites from Patharkhola, Lesser Kumaun
Himalaya with Reference to Tectonic Implications
Haritabh Rana Harel Thomas* Aman Soni Satyam Shukla
Department of Applied Geology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar (M.P.), 470003, India
Article history Phyllites from Patharkhola, Lesser Kumaun Himalaya have been studied
Received: 17 April 2023 to investigate the geochemical characteristics of these rocks and their
formation processes and mechanism of emplacement. Petrographically,
Revised: 27 May 2023 phyllites have been showing the mineral assemblages as Biotite (25%
Accepted: 31 May 2023 approx.)-chlorite (25% approx.)-muscovite (20% approx.)-quartz (10%
Published Online: 21 July 2023 approx.)-feldspar (10% approx.)-sericite (5% approx.). Geochemically,
the analysed four samples of phyllites have high SiO2 and Al2O3 values.
Keywords: Phyllites with higher alumina have more enrichment of trace elements. The
enrichment of Zr and depletion of Y and Nb indicate preferential survival
Phyllites of zircon in extreme weathering conditions. The HFSE has shown variation
Geochemistry in the ratios due to decoupling with the major oxides. The enrichment of
Tectonic settings LREE and depletion of HREE suggest mixing of the terrigenous sediments
with the concominant magma. Discrimination plots to classify the tectonic
settings suggested that the phyllites of Patharkhola have formed in active
continental margins.
1. Introduction
its axis trending in NW-SE direction plunging due, south
The Himalaya, arc-shaped mountain belt covering the east. These comprise chiefly metamorphic derivatives of
whole boundary of northern India is an example of an pelitic, semi-pelitic and psammitic sediments. The area
intercontinental collision between Indian and Asian plates of investigation, around Patharkhola, District Almora,
around 55 Ma ago [1-7]. The structure, stratigraphy and forms the southern limb of Almora Crystallines [15-17] lying
tectonics of the Lesser Kumaun Himalaya have been de- between longitude 79°09’E to 79°17’56”E and latitude
scribed by Auden [8]; Valdiya [9,10]; Thomas & Thomas [11]; 29°47’42”N to 29°56’69”N with an approximate area of
Thomas & Thomas [12]; Joshi et al. [13]; Joshi et al. [14]; around 120 square kilometres (Figure 1). The main rock
Rana and Thomas [15]. The Almora group of rocks forms a types exposed in the area are gneisses, schists and phyl-
part of the Lesser Himalayas bounded by North and South lites. In this paper, the authors discuss the geochemical
Almora thrust [9]. Almora Crystallines are disposed of in characteristics of phyllites to understand their process of
the form of a broad asymmetrical synformal nappe with formation.
*Corresponding Author:
Harel Thomas,
Department of Applied Geology, Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University), Sagar (M.P.), 470003, India;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
± 200 Ma. Old [21] by Rb/Sr isotopic data. Islam et al. [22]
proposed Proterozoic granitoids of Lesser Himalaya be
grouped into older clusters of 2200-1800 Ma and younger
clusters of 1400-1200 Ma age. Kohn et al. [23] proposed
a U-Pb zircon age of 1830 ± 50 Ma for the Paleoprote-
rozoic edge arc of Lesser Himalayas. Mandal et al. [24]
dated biotite augen gneiss for U-Pb zircon date as 1878
± 2.4 Ma. The metamorphic terrain of Lesser Himalayas
exhibits multiple deformation patterns and polyphase met-
amorphism [25], which is well exposed in the central part
of Almora nappe. Phyllites are widely distributed in the
area under investigation (Figure 1); exposed in the NW,
S to SW and in the western part of the area. The phyllites
are grey, greenish grey, brownish and greyish green and
at places become compact and siliceous. At a few places,
phyllites show more increase in the silica content giving a
quartzitic appearance to these phyllites. The phyllites are
composed of chlorite, mica, quartz and feldspar. At some
localities, these phyllites exhibit iron enrichment or chlo-
rite knots too. The phyllites are characterised by well-de-
veloped schistosity (S2). At some localities, the colour
Figure 1. Detailed geological map around Patharkhola bands in siliceous phyllites show bedding planes (S1). Best
Kumaun Lesser Himalaya Uttarakhand India modified exposures of crushed phyllites can be observed near vil-
after Thomas and Thomas (2003) [12]. lages Ruchiakhal, Syalde and Deghat. Phyllites of the area
are highly folded [12]. Fold structures such as gentle folds,
2. Geological Setting asymmetrical folds and chevron folds are well exposed at
In the Kumaun region, the Lesser Himalayan sequence several places and can be easily seen on the motor road
is delineated by MCT from the Higher Himalayan in the leading to Udaipur around Chachroti, Galigaon, Kueta
north and by MBT from the Siwaliks in the south [18]. The and from Ruchaikhal to Pipalkhal. At a few localities,
Almora group of rocks forming the largest nappe dom- ptygmatic folds are also found associated with the quartz
inantly consists of metapelites and meta-psammite. The vein intruded in phyllites. Phyllites showing asymmetrical
sequence of these rocks has shown amphibolite grade folds are exposed along the road to Ruchaikhal village
of metamorphism [19] with maximum P-T estimates as (Figure 2). Chevron folds are commonly observed in this
575 °C and 8 kbar. These metapelitic rocks are considered rock type (Figure 3). The phyllites of the area under inves-
to be of Precambrian age [1,16,20]. In Kumaun Himalaya, tigation show a strike of WNW-ESE dipping towards the
the Munsiyari gneisses of Almora Group were dated 1830 northern directions.
Figure 2. Asymmetrical fold developed in phyllite. Loca- Figure 3. Chevron fold exposed in phyllite. Location
tion Ruchiakhal Village. Ruchiakhal road.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 4. Mineral association of biotite, chlorite, mus- Figure 5. Phyllite (HR63) shows a mineral assemblage of
covite and quartz in phyllite (HR39) under cross nicol. biotite, muscovite, chlorite, feldspar and quartz (Abbrevi-
(Abbreviations are after Whitney and Evans, 2010) [26]. ations are after Whitney and Evans, 2010) [26].
Table 1. Major oxides, REE, trace elements and CIPW norm of phyllites.
Sample No. HR69 HR39 HR63 HR97 Sample No. HR69 HR39 HR63 HR97
Trace elements
SiO2 73.41 65.81 79.9 73.79 Sc 2 8 3 11
Al2O3 15.85 16.82 10.13 12.3 V 9 59 11 42
Fe2O3 1.67 4.69 1.77 5.28 Cr 219 199 474 2605
FeO 1.48 4.17 1.57 5.69 Co 128 45 443 343
MnO 0.04 0.07 0.01 0.08 Ni 175 132 398 2227
MgO 0.2 1.13 0.12 0.8 Cu 4 28 19 37
Cao 0.57 0.69 0.22 0.58 Zn 49 87 12 51
Na2O 3.59 2.74 4.23 2.98 Ga 15 19 4 10
K2O 4.64 3.44 2.13 2.8 Rb 350 136 65 116
TiO2 0.13 0.69 0.24 0.83 Sr 69 82 87 95
P2O5 0.26 0.04 0.03 0.03 Y 34 36 18 28
Total 101.84 100.29 100.35 105.16 Zr 50 367 133 511
FeO/MgO 7.4 3.69 13.083 7.112 Nb 14 21 4 17
K2O/Na2O 1.292 1.255 0.503 0.939 Ba 173 737 498 649
Na2O/ Al2O3 0.226 0.162 0.417 0.242 Pb 36 21 11 18
Rare Earth Elements Th 4 24 8 25
La 12.413 76.69 21.965 102.22 U BDL 6.6 BDL 2.8
Ce 21.874 146.17 55.35 178.17
Er 1.575 8.263 1.758 4.72
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
5. Tectonic Implications
Studies have traditionally shown that geochemistry
plays a crucial role as a sensitive indicator in determining
the provenance of sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks
and also to constrain the tectonic setting in which they
were deposited [31-34]. Trace elements such as Co, Sc, Ni,
Zr, Th, La and others are used for tectonic environment
discrimination due to their fractionation and low mobility
in sedimentary environments. Bhatia [31] proposed ternary Figure 12. Th-Sc-Zr/10 tectonic setting discrimination
plots of Sc-Th-Zr/10 and Sc-La-Th. The process of col- ternary diagrams (after Bhatia & Crook 1986) [32].
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Author Contributions
Author Haritabh Rana carried out the field work along
with Aman Soni and Satyam Shukla as a part of his Ph.D.
work under the supervision of Harel Thomas who concep-
tualized the work. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
This research received no external funding.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
[25] Joshi, M., Tiwari, A.N., 2009. Structural events and mantle composition and processes. Geological Society,
metamorphic consequences in Almora Nappe, during London, Special Publications. 42(1), 313-345.
Himalayan collision tectonics. Journal of Asian Earth [31] Bhatia, M.R., 1983. Plate tectonics and geochemical
Sciences. 34(3), 326-335. composition of sandstones. The Journal of Geology.
[26] Whitney, D.L., Evans, B.W., 2010. Abbreviations for 91(6), 611-627.
names of rock-forming minerals. American Mineral- [32] Bhatia, M.R., Crook, K.A.W., 1986. Trace element
ogist. 95(1), 185-187. characteristics of graywackes and tectonic setting
[27] Condie, K.C., 1993. Chemical composition and discrimination of sedimentary basins. Contribution to
evolution of the upper continental crust: Contrasting Mineralogy and Petrology. 92(2), 181-193.
results from surface samples and shales. Chemical [33] Roger, B.P., Korsch, R.J., 1986. Determination of
Geology. 104(1-4), 1-37. tectonic setting of sandstone mudstone suites using
[28] Mackenzie, F.T., Garrels, R.M., 1971. Evolution of SiO2 content and K2O/Na2O ratio. Journal of Geolo-
sedimentary rocks. Norton: New York. gy. 94(5), 635-650.
[29] Herron, M.M., 1988. Geochemical classification of [34] Madukwe, H.Y., Obasi, R.A., Fakolade, O.R., et al.,
terrigenous sands and shales from core or log data. 2015. Provenance, tectonic setting and source-area
Journal of Sedimentary Research. 58(5), 820-829. weathering of the coastal plain sediments, South
[30] Sun, S.S., McDonough, W.F., 1989. Chemical and iso- West, Nigeria. Science Research Journal (SCIRJ).
topic systematics of oceanic basalts: Implications for 3(2), 20-31.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Geophysical Evaluation of Agricultural Potential of Orlu and Envi-
rons Using Landsat Imagery
Chukwuebuka N. Onwubuariri1* Chidimma O. Ikeme2 Lebe A. Nnanna1 Boniface I. Ijeh1
Chidiebere C. Agoha3 Cynthia C. Nwaeju4 Obinna C. Dinneya1 Festus U. Nwaneho5
1. Department of Physics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, 440101, Nigeria
2. Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 340110, Nigeria
3. Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 340110, Nigeria
4. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nigeria Maritime University, Okerekoko, Delta State, 332105, Nigeria
5. Department of Physics, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, 340110, Nigeria
Article history The scarcity of food afflicting third-world countries, particularly Nigeria,
Received: 19 April 2023 case study Orlu zone, Imo State, Nigeria, is intolerable, given the high
rate of environmental degradation in the form of erosions, nation’s poor
Revised: 30 May 2023 economic state, insecurity, and extremely low per capita income of citizens,
Accepted: 5 June 2023 motivated this research. This research is tailored to a possible approach to
Published Online: 13 June 2023 combating the threat of food insecurity via geophysical investigation of
agricultural potential areas and as well help in managing food insecurity
Keywords: ravaging the area, particularly in this post-COVID lockdown era. In this
research, a geophysical approach—Landsat imagery and interpretation—
Agriculture was used to identify areas with high agricultural yielding potentials and
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) how to exploit them for bumper agricultural harvests to sustain livelihood
Lineaments and alleviate the food crisis and food inflation ravaging the zone. Within
the study area, the following data were collected: Normalized Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI) map, lineament map and drainage pattern map.
Food They were interpreted, and areas with high agricultural yield potentials
were mapped. Band ratios (3/4, 4/2, 3/1, 5/4) were generated to reduce the
effects of shadowing and as well improve the features present. The NDVI
values that indicate soil viability, generated within the study area range
from –0.22 to 0.51.
1. Introduction
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), on
The use of the Landsat satellite has been consistent March 1, 2022, launched the most recent Geostationary
since the launching of the first satellite in 1972. The Na- Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-T), which
*Corresponding Author:
Chukwuebuka N. Onwubuariri,
Department of Physics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, 440101, Nigeria;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
will ensure and provide coverage of environmental and cultural applications and uses of Landsat imagery, unrave-
weather conditions and as well make predictions as it re- ling both the merits and drawbacks, if any, with respect to
lates to weather. For about 50 years now, there has been the use of this technology.
a steady gathering of satellite imagery and this has led to
the availability of the longest continuous archive of such Location Study Area
imagery presently available [1]. The study area Orlu and its environs as seen in Figure
Landsat can be applied in various aspects of life for 1, are located in Imo state, Southeastern Nigeria and it is
different uses. Its benefits include ensuring water con- defined with Longitude 6o40’0” E-7o10’0” E and Latitude
servation and the safety of the public. It also provides a 5o10’0” N-6o0’0” N. There are two pronounced seasons
guide for field workers who are saddled with the decision within the study area: The dry season, which spans be-
of managing natural resources as it assists them in devel- tween November and March, and the wet or rainy season,
oping the proper developmental strategies and plans [2].
which is primarily experienced between April and Octo-
Irrespective of research carried out on Landsat imagery,
ber, having its peak in June and July. The vegetation of the
the overall advantage of open access Landsat imagery is
area is monsoon and tropical Savannah. Plants like Palm
not so easy to predict as a result of many downstream and
trees, yams, cassava, cocoyam, maize, and other crops are
value-added uses.
frequently grown in the area.
Some analytical surveys were carried out in 2009 and
2012 to estimate the economic advantages of Landsat 2. Materials and Method
imagery employing the contingent method of assessment.
There has been a series of case evaluations on Landsat The study area was geophysically mapped using geo-
by USGS in addition to the surveys Carried out by Miller logic and topographic maps. Physical observations of the
and others [3]. A more quantitative approach was taken for vegetation, drainage, and lineaments within the study area
these case studies, looking into the defined application of were also made. Geomorphological activities such as top
Landsat, its merit and demerit as appraised by the users. soil weathering were also considered because they have
Specific examples of applications of imagery, advantages an impact on agricultural practices.
and drawbacks that arise from them give the details of us- The national space research and development center
ers and uses as well. agency (NSRDA) provided a seven-band Landsat En-
The application of Landsat imagery in the investigation hanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) image of Orlu and its
of agriculturally viable areas within Orlu and its environs, environs. The same area was also imaged by the shut-
Nigeria is the focus of this research. Monitoring of ag- tle radar topographic mission (SRTM). Ground control
ricultural production and food availability has become a points (GCPs) and Satellite orbit transformation were
major concern in Nigeria as the country’s population con- employed for the correction of imagery. These Image
tinues to grow astronomically. According to the Food and corrections were performed with the aid of geo-coded
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and Landsat multispectral scanner (MSS), SPOT (Satellite
the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Nige- Pour l’Observation de la Terre) Multispectral data (image
ria will face food insecurity and it is expected to last from to image geo-coding) and the Universal Transverse Mer-
June 2022 to August 2022 and possibly beyond. WFP and cator (UTM) coordinate system. Radiometric amendments
FAO [4] predicted a population of 19.4 million Nigerians were also carried out on each scene. Band 1 Enhanced
across 21 States of the Federation including the Federal Thematic Mapper (ETM) data which permeates water for
Capital Territory (FCT) to face food insecurity during the bathymetric mapping across the coastline was used to dif-
period, with 14.4 million people representing about 74.2% ferentiate soil vegetation and types of forest [5]. ETM Band
of the predicted population, already facing the crisis. It is 2 was used in the estimation of green reflectance from
worthy of note that tremendous improvements have been healthy plants, while Band 3 estimated the chlorophyll
made in the last 50 years in agriculture with the practice assimilation in vegetation. ETM Band 4 was employed
of irrigation, crop rotation, fertilization, crop rotation and perfectly in spotting the peaks in near-infrared reflectance
other technologies. These practices have contributed im- of healthy green vegetation including water bodies/land
mensely to improving and increasing agricultural yield borders. Soil moisture and vegetation were analyzed using
globally and Landsat imagery has played a huge role in the two mid-Infrared bands (Bands 5 and 7). They were
informing management decisions, mostly at a global level also employed in making distinctions between rock and
in monitoring agricultural production or maximizing yield mineral types. The thermal-Infrared Band on ETM Band 6
for a local field. This study investigates a number of agri- was also used in analyzing soil moisture and vegetation [6].
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Map of Nigeria
Figure 1. Location map of the study area.
Fig. 1
Single band images, band ratio, colour composite and vegetation. To evaluate crop yields, field performance and
classified images of the study area were gotten by digital capacities of rangeland in the study of vegetation, NDVI
processing and enhancing the Landsat 5 ETM data of the has been of immense help. It is also employed in studying
area for the study area and these were supplemented by some soil features like the percentage of ground cover,
digitized geologic maps. Drainage configurations and sur- photosynthetic behaviour of plants, surface water, leaf
faces, bare soils, and vegetated areas were boosted by en- area index and quantity of biomass [7]. NDVI information
hancing the single-band images. A digital elevation model can be generated by aiming at satellite bands with more
(DEM) was created via the use of SRTM data and it is reliable facts about vegetation. This is aided as a result of
beneficial in recognizing sands ridges. Colours were used already established behavioral attributes of plants across
as background data for both supervised and unsupervised the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum (Near-Infrared and
image classifications. Red). The amount of vegetation within an area is deter-
mined by how large the difference between near-infrared
3. Theoretical Background and red reflectance is.
3.1 Brief Review of Normalized Difference Vege- = (1)
tation Index (NDVI)
NIR = Near Infrared, RED = Red Reflectance.
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) The NDVI expression implies that two similar veg-
is a numerical pointer that makes use of the visible and etative covers may have discordant values especially if
near-infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum in one is in bright sunlight and the other is under a cloudy
scrutinizing and analyzing remote sensing quantities and sky. The digital number (DN) of its pixels under bright
decides if the target being examined contains live green sunlight will be higher, thereby generating entirely a large
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
difference between the bands. NDVI values are presented lithology. The fundamental knowledge is that rivers flow
theoretically in the form of a ratio extending from –1 to from areas of high elevation to areas of low elevation
1. Practically, high negative values indicate water, values along the maximum regional topographic gradient. There
around zero show bare soil, and values higher than 0.6 are different drainage forms and they include Dendritic,
signifies dense green vegetation. parallel, trellis, rectangular, radial/centrifugal, annular,
and contorted [14,13]. Drainage irregularities are described
3.2 Lineaments as unconformities from a dendritic pattern circumlocutory
to the regional topographic gradient. These deviations re-
Lineaments deduced from satellite images are usual-
sult from structural or lithological incoherence [15].
ly employed in revealing major azimuth arrays whose
alignment offers a clue of an area’s regional fractured 4. Results and Discussion
setting [8-10]. Geomorphologically, lineaments are described
as mappable, common or complex linear surface attrib- The Landsat 5-ETM data were treated and analyzed
utes with fragments aligning rectilinearly or moderately using different types of image boosting and modification
in curvilinear form, having pronounced differences from processes. Band ratios for image modification and trans-
adjacent patterns and apparently reflecting the subsurface formations were generated using IDRISI 32 calculator
module [16]. These ratios (3/4, 4/2, 3/1, 5/4) were gener-
peculiarities [11]. Hobbs [12] identified linear surface expres-
ated to reduce the effects of shadowing and to improve
sions as valleys, ridges, elevated area boundaries, rivers,
the detection of particular features. IDRISI 32 composite
coastlines, rock formation boundary lines, and fracture
module was also in use to generate three band Red, Green,
zones. The recognition of lineaments within an area is
and Blue (RGB) color composites for image enhance-
influenced by the types of outcrops observed within the
ment. The spectral qualities of images were improved via
area. The existence of thick vegetation, alluvial deposits,
this method. Composites were generated in the following
volcanic ashes, and human activities like landscape mod-
forms: RGB 357, RGB 751, RGB 752, and NDVI com-
ification can pose some problems in the identification of
posite. These ratios generated were carefully analyzed
alongside with digital elevation model to extract informa-
3.3 Drainage Patterns tion and subsequently attribute the color patterns observed
to that of color composites.
Howard [13] postulated that examination and analysis IDRISI 32 was used to generate a digital elevation
of drainage expose the details of structural attributes and model as seen in Figure 2 from Shuttle Radar Topographic
Mission (SRTM) data using a color-shaded operation. Us- of land available for agriculture. Lineaments reveal three
ing the ERDAS and ArcView software, the DEM was con- distinct groups of linear features. The most common di-
verted into a contour map. Geomorphic units in the study rection is NE-SW, while others are N-S, E-W, and NW-
area were identified using the DEM [17]. Based on the SE. Figure 4 depicts the drainage map of the study area
image texture and tone, three geomorphic units were iden- superimposed on the lineament map.
tified: A portion of Orlu and Environs, a scarp slope, and To prove the affiliation between geological formations
a low-lying plain. The highest elevations are represented and structural attributes, the interpreted lineaments (Figure
as green patches and are thought to be sandy ridges. This 5) were submerged on the edge-enhanced map with a lin-
feature, visible in the upper right corner of Figure 2, is eament density map (Figure 6) indicating a high-density
thought to be part of the Awka-Orlu Cuesta, which runs fracture area east of Urualla and Orlu town. These lines
NE-SW. The scarp gradient of the ridge was recognized indicate that the top soils used for agriculture have been
by the close packing of light green, yellow, and red colors, weakened and therefore are carried away by runoff due to
demonstrating an abrupt alteration in topography from their loose nature, causing soil erosion. This consequently
116 to 201 meters. There are numerous streams, gullies, leads to non-availability of topsoil used for agriculture
and rivers on the slope. The interpretation of topographic and its nutrients.
high areas as characterized by top soil will be correct. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
Similarly, the highest elevation of the study area is depict- is based on a plant’s chlorophyll content, which indicates
ed as green contours on the topographic map (Figure 3), the amount of nutrients in the soil. The higher the chloro-
which corresponds to the green patches on the DEM map phyll content of plants, the more there are nutrients in the
in Figure 2. The study area’s low-lying plain is depicted in soil, implying that the area is very viable for agriculture [18].
blue on the DEM and topographic map. The ridge slope is Areas with low chlorophyll content have low soil nutrients
similar to the one interpreted from the DEM imagery. or have been eroded as top soil used for agriculture has
Linear features with a length of 1km or more were con- been washed away. NDVI was established to demarcate
sidered. The longer lineaments have the greatest potential areas of vegetation and bare soil. Healthy plants were seen
for further development into gullies, limiting the amount to have higher NDVI values due to their high reflectance
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
of infrared (band 4) light and relatively low reflectance of likely suitable and less energy-consuming during cultiva-
red (band 3) light. The NDVI is calculated using the for- tion. Overburdens, sand, and other materials are included
mula in Equation (1). in this litho-unit. The RGB752 composite in Figure 8
A closer examination of the NDVI imagery (Figure 7) is very descriptive because it distinguishes between the
revealed that the brown areas with NDVI values between patterns. In Figure 2, the bare soil area, interpreted as a
–0.22 and –0.01 correspond to bare or eroded soils. It is sandy ridge from the DEM, is rendered in lavender and
not recommended to conduct agricultural activities in such magenta, while urban areas are represented in a lavender
areas because crops will barely survive, let alone yield form.
results. Yellow areas (0.01-0.19) correspond to sparsely The areas with vegetation are represented by green
vegetated areas. The lack of vegetation within the zones shades in RGB 357 and 752 as seen in Figures 10 and 8,
may indicate a lack of soil nutrients; though agricultural indicating potentially agricultural high yield areas, which
activities may be permitted only within the said area if is consistent with NDVI as seen in Figure 7. Shades of
significant soil remedial interventions can take place. This blue indicate vegetated areas in RGB 751 (Figure 9),
intervention to improve soil nutrients will undoubtedly be while light brown and light yellow indicates areas with no
capital intensive, as crop yield may not justify the capital or little vegetation.
invested to make the soil viable, so agricultural activities The unsupervised classification which is primarily based
are not recommended. Dense vegetation areas with NDVI on image classification was carried out using ArcGIS. This
values between 0.19 and 0.51 indicate high chlorophyll classification depends on tonal differences as seen in Figure
content. These are invariably natural agricultural viable 11. Nine tonal features were observed in the study area.
areas, as indicated by the color green in Figure 7. The blue and green colors in Figure 11 represent areas with
The dendritic configuration indicates that the underly- mixed vegetation. Yellow areas were discovered in Orlu,
ing sediment is a single unit. Also, the dendritic pattern Urualla, and Umueshi. This was previously interpreted as
shows that the top lithology of the soil is soft and most sand based on the DEM and color composites.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
5. Conclusions NDVI values are areas best fit for agricultural practices
as they are areas of high soil nutrients with minimal or
Figures 2 and 3 from this study revealed the presence
no erosion threats as a result of topography or even linea-
of a topographic high, which can easily aid runoff or
washing away of top soil meant for agricultural activities.
To contribute to the resolution of Nigeria’s impending
The presence of lineaments concentrating in the north-
food crisis, it is critical to take note of these areas identi-
eastern part of the study area, as shown in Figures 4 and 6
fied as viable for agriculture and make proper use of them
respectively, revealed that erosion, which is a major factor
for crop yield while investing limited resources.
affecting agricultural practices within the area, is structur-
ally and lithologically controlled. It’s possible that the lin- Author Contributions
eaments provided a path for the top soil to migrate. This
could also imply that the rivers and streams that serve as Chukwuebuka N. Onwubuariri conceptualize this re-
a source of water and irrigation in the area are structurally search and is the main editor of the manuscript; Chidim-
controlled. Hence agricultural practices should be discour- ma O. Ikeme and Chukwuebuka N. Onwubuariri gathered
aged in these areas to limit waste. Should agriculture be all the data used for this research and as well interpreted
practiced in such locations, proper control measures must them after they were being processed; Lebe A. Nnanna
be put in place to ensure sustenance and preservation of and Boniface I. Ijeh supervised the entire research; Chi-
agricultural input for appropriate yield. The study’s find- diebere C. Agoha and Cynthia C. Nwaeju processed the
ings also validate the existence of significant relationships acquired data; Obinna C. Dinneya and Festus U. Nwaneho
between NDVI and crop yield, as shown in Figure 7, and did the literature review. All authors have read and agreed
which Figures 8, 9, and 10 agree with. Areas with high to the published version of the manuscript.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Data Availability Statement [8] McElfresh, S.B., Harbert, W., Ku, C.Y., et al., 2002.
Stress modeling of tectonic blocks at Cape Kam-
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high-resolution SAR: New evidence for the Koman-
dorskiy Block. Tectonophysics. 354(3-4), 239-256.
This research received no external funding. [9] Casas, A.M., Cortes, A.L., Maestro, A., et al., 2000.
LINDENS: A program for lineament length and den-
Conflict of Interest sity analysis. Computers & Geosciences. 26(9-10),
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[10] Koike, K., Nagano, S., Kawaba, K., 1998. Con-
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Case studies of the uses and benefits of Landsat im- [12] Hobbs, W.H., 1904. Lineaments of the Atlantic bor-
agery in water resources. US Department of the In- der region. Bulletin of the Geological Society of
terior, US Geological Survey. US Department of the America. 15(1), 483-506.
Interior, US Geological Survey: Reston. pp. 61. [13] Howard, A.D., 1967. Drainage analysis in geologic
[3] Miller, H.M., Richardson, L., Koontz, S.R., et al., interpretation: A summation. AAPG Bulletin. 51(11),
2013. Users, uses, and value of Landsat satellite im- 2246-2259.
agery—Results from the 2012 survey of users. US [14] Deffontaines, B., Chorowicz, J., 1991. Principles of
Geological Survey Open-File Report. 1269, 51. drainage basin analysis from multisource data: Ap-
[4] Hunger Hotspots FAO-WFP Early Warnings on plication to the structural analysis of the Zaire Basin.
Acute Food Insecurity June to September 2022 Out- Tectonophysics. 194(3), 237-263.
look [Internet]. WFP and FAO; 2022. Available from: [15] Singh, V.P., 2018. Hydrologic modeling: Progress and future directions. Geoscience Letters. 5(1), 1-18.
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[5] El-Hattab, M., Almogamal, W., 2019. Bathymetry Land use and land cover (LULC) change analysis
mapping using landsat ETM+ data and field mea- using TM, ETM+ and OLI Landsat images in district
surements for west coast of Yemen. Remote Sensing of Okara, Punjab, Pakistan. Physics and Chemistry of
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12(7), 1549. Agriculture. 13(3), 707.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Some Remarks about Asteroid Impact Triggered “Bioaerosol” Escape
during a Putative Microbial Exchange between Early Earth and Mars
Balázs Bradák
Laboratory of Exo-Oceanography, Faculty of Oceanology, Kobe University, 5-1-1 Fukaeminami-machi, Higashinada-ku,
Kobe, 658-0022, Japan
Article history In general, Panspermia theory discusses the possibility of the spread of
Received: 17 May 2023 life in the universe. The migration of living organisms between planets
is crucial in such a “fertilization” process. This study focuses on one
Revised: 28 June 2023 particular case and phase of such migration: the possible material transport
Accepted: 30 June 2023 between the early Earth and Mars with a focus on the phase of escape, i.e.,
Published Online: 10 July 2023 the ejection of a microorganism-containing material into space. Specific
characteristics of asteroid impacts and one of the possible processes,
Keywords: which may be able to transfer microorganisms to space, were investigated.
The comparison of the terrestrial and Martian paleoenvironment showed
Early Earth that theoretically, early Mars, similar to Earth, might allow biological
Early Mars evolution and might be able to harbor life. Determining various pressure
Panspermia zones regarding the survivability of the mechanical compression in the
case of an impact and the characterization of specific physical parameters
Escape phase
of the ejected debris lead to the identification of the pressure—mass/
Asteroid impact size conflict and the conclusion, which indicates two possible ways of
material escape. The possibly “common” and known way is the material
ejection close to ground zero. It guarantees big enough debris to protect its
passengers during their travel. Still, the survival rate at/close to ground zero
is supposedly low, and the heat and overpressure-related compression may
sterilize the material even before boarding. An alternative way, discussed
in this study, provides a higher chance of survival further from the impact
center. Still, the possibility of the ejectile reaching the escaping velocity
and the minimum required size is low. Although solving such a problem is
out of the scope of this manuscript, searching for an ideal combination of
various parameters is a possible challenge for future studies.
*Corresponding Author:
Balázs Bradák,
Laboratory of Exo-Oceanography, Faculty of Oceanology, Kobe University, 5-1-1 Fukaeminami-machi, Higashinada-ku, Kobe, 658-
0022, Japan;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 1. A chronological summary of various factors contributing to the possible microbial exchange between Mars
and Earth.
atmosphere similar to the Hadean terrestrial atmosphere. candidates for life’s emergence on Mars [9].
In some sense, both the Martian and terrestrial paleoenvi- Despite the ongoing argument about the natural, artifi-
ronment can be considered as “calm” as well, regarding cial, or organic origin of the identified features [17-20], some
the cold Martian world with the characteristic topographi- studies suggest that there are apparent similarities between
cal dichotomy and without oceans, significant erosion and terrestrial magneto fossils and the phenomenon observed
impact flux [9], and Earth covered by global Hadean Ocean in the Martian meteorite [19,20]. The one and currently only
providing shelter for the emerging life [13]. possible comparison of potential early Martian and terres-
Among the possible paleoenvironmental similarities, trial life is based on analyzing the mark of microbial life
there is one which may suggest similar abiogenesis in the found in the Allan Hills (Antarctica) or ALH84001 mete-
early Mars and Earth: the mark of hydrothermal activity. orite [17]. Unfortunately, a recent study has also seen some
Based on our current knowledge [13], hydrothermal pro- distinct mechanisms of abiotic organic synthesis, which
cesses and environment might be the key to abiogenesis, possibly operated on early Mars (4.1 to 3.9 Ga) and ques-
providing components for prebiotic synthesis and mole- tioned the features’ biogenic origin found in ALH84001 [21].
cules, and via the so-called RNA world around 4.36 Ga [16], Regardless of the speculation about the possible fossils in
the building blocks of first cells and the so-called LUCA, ALH84001, it may provide some evidence about processes
i.e., the Last Universal Common Ancestor of life on Earth. related to the appearance of some liquid (hydrothermal ac-
The potential marks of hydrothermal processes were ob- tivity and/or weathering) around 4.3 to 3.8 Ga on Mars [22]
served in the Martian environment as well [11] suggesting (Figure 1).
the possible evolution of exo-LUCA (the extraterrestrial
1.2 Possible Bioaerosol Escape from the Gravity
correspondent of LUCA), the appearance of extraterres-
Well of the Studied Planets
trial life via abiogenesis [13]. Despite this hypothesis’s
speculative nature and missing information to prove it, the Following the introduction to the planetary environ-
pre-Noachian environment is considered one of the best ment of emerging life, the possible way of escape, the first
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
crucial step of life transportation [4], needs to be discussed. contributors. The appearance of one of the first super-cra-
There are some potential ways of high-altitude transport ton, the continent-size Vaalbara (2.7 to 2.2 Ga) [38], meant
of microbes by bioaerosols (fine particles suspended in the the slow ending of the marine “monopoly” on the Earth’s
air, containing or consisting of various microbes), includ- surface. The early continental evolution-controlled komati-
ing i) giant meteorite impacts and ii) volcanic eruptions [4]. ite volcanism (3.5 to 1.5 Ga) was characterized by low-vis-
Following the “relatively calm” pre-Noachian/Hadean, cosity magma and created large volcanic flow fields [39]
the Noachian (Mars) and Archean (Earth) starts with the along the island-arc volcanism [40], which explosive erup-
intense LHB impact event (~4.1 to 3.8 Ga). Like many tions might work as a supporter of ejection of early life
components in the history of the young Solar system, there developing on land (e.g., in hot spring deposits; [41]) into
are arguments about the timing, nature, and even the ex- higher atmospheric altitudes (Figure 1).
istence of the LHB [23,24]. Regardless that LHB appeared as Some short speculation can be made about the becom-
an intense asteroid bombardment period with spike-like, ing of the bioaerosol following the escape phase. It has
periodic, or steady decline impact flux in the history of the been proven by recent experiments on ISS (International
planets, it might eject a significant amount of aerosols and Space Station; Tanpopo or Dandelion mission) that micro-
water to the atmosphere [25] carrying microbes to higher organisms can survive a minimum of three years, exposed
altitudes. The impacts seem to have some limitations in to outer space during interplanetary travel by using the
their sterilizing effect as well, leaving behind survivals surface cells killed by radiation, as a protective layer (so-
in micro-habitats and the “deep biosphere” of the global called massapanspermia) [42]. Such a shield might allow
ocean of the Hadean/Archean Earth [13], and theoretically, safe travel between Mars and Earth. Although the land-
if life did exist on Mars, e.g., in Ocean Borealis [26]. The ing process on a recipient planet from the perspective of
marks of such impacts can be identified on the surface lithopanspermia (transfer of microbial passengers inside
of Mars, indicated by the crustal-scale Hellas, Isidis, and of asteroids) is well studied, there are only a few explana-
Argyre basins [8,27]. Earth’s continuously changing surface tions about how bioaerosols might survive entry into the
makes identifying Archean age impact craters difficult. atmosphere [5,42]. Many theories can be built about the fate
Still, indirect geochemical and petrographical evidence, of the microbes arriving in an “alien world”, e.g., the way
such as the iridium abundance in the oldest sediments and of survival of a pre-Noachian/Noachian non-marine mi-
the appearance of shocked quartz, suggest the escalation croorganism in the most likely ocean-dominated Hadean
of extraterrestrial material influx by asteroid impacts [28]. to (Eo)archean Earth [13,43], or vice versa. Several questions
Although the impact flux significantly decreased during can be raised regarding the possible interaction between
the Hesperian, some potential candidates could still lift the endemic microbial life on Earth [44-46] and the cosmic
bioaerosols to higher altitudes. The Martian paleoenviron- newcomers. Such interaction might contain competition,
ment during the Hesperian (3.71 to 3.37 Ga) is character- cooperation [47], and the occupation of empty paleoeco-
ized by the intensification of volcanism, changing wet and logical niche as well, but (as the writer Michael Ende told
dry periods, permafrost, catastrophic floods, and a possi- in his famous novel, the Neverending Story), this and the
ble ocean in the Northern lowlands [29,30]. Recently, a the- summary of the evolutionary consequences of such inter-
ory of large, planetary-scale impact(s) on Mars during the actions are “another story and shall be told another time.”
Late Hesperian triggered a scientific discussion [31-33]. If This study aims to evaluate one critical problem during
such an impact existed, it provided a potential explanation the first step of microbial transfer between planets, name-
for escaping various bioaerosols from Mars by ejecting ly the character of an asteroid impact which can provide
microbe-containing material into space [34]. enough supporting energy to eject some material to leave
Along with meteorite impacts, volcanic eruptions can the planet and does not destroy every living organism dur-
also eject bioaerosols to high altitudes [35] if the type of ing the process.
volcanism allows it. Most likely, eruptions with a higher
Volcanic Explosivity Index have some chance of ejecting 2. Data and Data Analysis
material into space. On Mars, volcanoes and volcanic re-
2.1 Data Sources
gions are comprised mostly of basaltic rocks of various
types and morphology [27], which suggest volcanic activity The following datasets were used to analyze the po-
ranging from the formation of effusive lava plains, shields, tential bioaerosol transfer between Earth and Mars during
and lava flows to explosive eruptions (e.g., pyroclastic their early period (older than 2.5-3 Ga). The impact crater
products around 4 Ga) [36,37]. Compared to Mars, the vol- data from early Earth is based on the simulation and data-
canic activity on Archean Earth (4 to 2.5 Ga) had various set provided by Marchi et al. [48,49]. Two sources were used
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
to collect impact crater data from Mars, including the out of the gravity well of the planet. For such reason, in
study of Robbins and Hynek [50] and Robbins et al. [8]. this study, viE, the minimum impact speed on Earth, and
Craters above 150 km diameter were used during the viM, the minimum impact speed on Mars, were set to
analysis, which crater size was possibly caused by a 10-20 22.4 and 10.1 km/s, respectively. Along with studying the
km diameter size impactor. Mileikowsky et al. [5] used this ejectile characteristics of an impact characterized by the
minimum impactor size to evaluate the potential natural minimum impact speed, an additional, possibly limiting
transfer of viable microbes between Earth and Mars and condition was also investigated. Meteorites with a 300 km
roughly equal the size of the Chicxulub impact (~10 km). diameter size and 30 km/s speed or above are considered
This collision caused the mass extinction at the boundary to be able to evaporate the water in case of an impact in
of the Cretaceous and Paleogene (ca. 66 Ma). an ocean [56]. Along with the use of the minimum impact
speed, which can transfer bioaerosols in space (viE and
2.2 The Calculation of Key Parameters
viM), vio, the ocean evaporating impact speed on Earth
The following equations were used to characterize the (30 km/s) was also applied during the data analysis to
mass and the size of the ejectiles. The size of the impactor compare the results in the case of a potential ocean evap-
was determined based on the size of the impact crater, fol- orating impact. In addition, along with 15 km/s, 30 km/s
lowing the equation of Hughes [51]: impact velocity was also used in the study of Mileikowsky
log D = (1.026 ± 0.5) + (1.16 ± 0.04) log d (1) et al. [5]. Such impact velocities represent the extreme ends
where d (diameter in km) is the impactor’s size, and D (di- of impactor speed which may appear in an impact with
ameter in km) is the size of the crater created by the impact. possible ejection of bioaerosols.
The impact energy was derived from the so-called High temperature is a critical environmental com-
Shoemaker formula, presented in the study of Shoemaker ponent that endangers the microorganism’s survival by
et al. [52], including the impact angle factor: sterilizing the bioaerosols during impact. Melosh [55] and
Mileikowsky et al. [5] applied the following equation to
D = 0.074 cf (gE/g)1/6 (W ρi/ρt)1/3.4 (sin i)2/3(2)
determine the mass of the ejectile with temperature re-
where D (km) is the size of the impact crater, cf is the so-
striction (< 100 °C):
called crater collapse factor: 1.3, gE is the gravitational
acceleration on Earth, g is the gravitational acceleration Ps 0 2ve 1/3
me (~E, M, Eo, Mo) = 1.2 1− vi
mi (4)
ρt CT vi
on other planets, where the crater was formed, ρi is the
density of the impactor: 3.65 g/cm3 [53], ρt is the density of where meE Tand meM (kg) are the mass of the ejected,
lAVG = v 2/3 v 4/3 d
the rock at the target location: 2.86 g/cm3 [53], i (°) is the (non-)sterilized
ρt e i materials, in the case of collision of Earth
impact angle, defined as 45° in the case of this study, and or Mars and an impactor with viE, viM, and vio impact
W is the impact energy (kinetic energy of the impactor) in speeds, respectively
m +3 (see the description above Equation
kilotons TNT equivalent. (3)). meEo and meMo are the mass of the non-sterilized
The estimation of the peak overpressure, a key com- ejecta, in the case of a collision with an asteroid speeding
ponent during the characterization of various parameters up to 30 km/s, the potential minimal “ocean evaporating”
of the ejectiles, is based on the review of Vijayaraghavan speed. mi is the weight of the projectile. During the deter-
et al. [54], summarizing the methods applied during the mination of the mass, first, the volume of the impactor was
study of nuclear experiments: calculated by the definition of the shape of the projectile
Ps0 = 6784 (W/R3) + 93 (W/R3)1/2 (3) as a theoretical sphere (with a diameter d, Equation (1) [51]),
where Ps0 (bars) is the maximum (peak) blast overpres- and the mass of this theoretical sphere shape impactor was
sure, W is the yield of a nuclear explosion, which repre- determined by the use of ρiAVG: 3.65 g/cm3 as its average
sents the kinetic energy of the impactor in this study in density, based on the study of Britt and Consolmagno [57]
tons of TNT equivalent (see Equation (2)), and R (m) is and Hughes [51]. ve is the speed of ejecta, equivalent to the
the distance from “ground zero”. second cosmic velocity on Earth and Mars, 11.186 and
During the estimation of various characteristics of the 5.022 km/s, respectively.
ejectiles, some environmental conditions have to be con- Along with temperature, pressure is another critical en-
sidered regarding the survival and the successful transfer vironmental component during an impact to be considered
of the potential microorganism. a potential limitation for microorganism survival. Based
Melosh [55] and Armstrong et al. [53] suggested that the on the study of Hazael et al. [58], a microorganism may
speed of the impactor (vi) needs to be slightly more than survive in tens of GPa pressure, and the calculation of
double the second cosmic velocity to transfer the ejectile Ps0 and Ps0surv allows us to define the characteristics of
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
ejectiles beyond the 1 GPa blast overpressure most likely pulse and mechanical pressure, different zones around the
survivable limit. Ps0 (in Pa; please note that Equation (4) impact center were reconstructed. Based on the informa-
results are in bars) is the maximum (peak) blast overpres- tion about the survivable overpressure found in the study
sure. Along with calculating ejectile characteristics at peak of Mileikowsky et al. [5] and Hazael et al. [58], four zones,
blast overpressure, the pressure limiting factor for life was namely the “Safe” survival zone, Critical zone, Qua-
set to Ps0surv: 1 GPa [5]. Ρt is the rock density at the target si-sterile zone, and Sterile zone, were separated and calcu-
location: 2.86 g/cm3 [53], and CT is the velocity of sound in late. Pressure below 1 GPa was considered safe; pressure
the target rock: 6 × 103 m/s. between 1 and 10 GPa is critical for certain species, but
The size of the ejected material during spallation is there are potential survivals of extreme compression (e.g.,
crucial for the survival of the microbes during the escape the length of high-pressure exposure) [58]. The Quasi-ster-
from the donor planet, during the interplanetary exchange, ile zone was defined due to the decreasing number but still
and during entering the atmosphere of the recipient planet. existing species that may survive extreme high-pressure
Based on Mileikowsky et al. [5], the size of the ejected mate- exposure (e.g., [59]). The Sterile zone refers to pressure and
rial needs to be bigger than 0.2 m in diameter to protect the region where the compression is too big and prevents the
microbes from heat during the impact and the escape phase. survival of known lifeforms.
The equation applied by Mileikowsky et al. [5] was used As it is shown in Figure 2, in the case of a Chicxu-
Ps 0 2ve 1/3
(~E, M, Eo,the average
Mo) = 1.2 fragment 1 −diameter expected
mi dur- lub-size impact (with various impact velocities), living
ρt CT vi vi
ing spallation: organisms even in less than 100 km distance from ground
lAVG =
d (5)
zero may survive the peak pressure of the impact (please
ρt ve 2/3 vi 4/3 note that only the pressure is examined here, without any
where lAVG is the ejected fragments’ average size (diameter other components of an impact). The survivability dra-
in m), andm +3 T is the tension fracture, equal to 0.1 × 109 Pa matically decreases, e.g., in the case of a 100 km diameter
in basalt and 2 other igneous rocks. As it is described in the size impactor. The Safe survival zone is located out of c.a.
previous equations, d is the size of the impactor (diameter 800-900 km (Earth) and c.a. 700 km (Mars) radius from
in km), ρt is the density of the rock at the target location: ground zero and closer than 400 km (Earth) and c.a. 350
2.86 g/cm3 [53], ve is the speed of the ejecta, and vi is the km (Mars) from the center of the impact (Quasi-sterile-,
speed of the impactor in various, analyzed in multiple cas- and Sterile zone) only a few (or none) possible survival
P0 2v 1/3
me(v iE, v
(~E, M,iMEo,
andMo) vio),=as
1.2it isCssummarised
1 − v e at themdescription
i species may be found on the planetary surface.
ρt T vi i
of Equation (4). Regarding the mass and average size of the ejectiles,
T to the average fragment size, possibly eject- there are significant differences between the number of
2/3 v 4/3
t ve donor
ed from ρthe i planet, the maximum fragment size was ejectiles at various peak pressures, under certain living
also estimated : organisms may survive the impact. In the case of a 100
lMAX =
mW +3
lAVG (6) km diameter impactor, c.a. 1033 kg ejectiles are expected
in contrast to the c.a. 1016-1015 kg mass of ejectiles at the
where lMAX is the maximum size (diameter in m) of the 10 GPa and 1 GPa peak pressure environment, respec-
ejected fragments, lAVG is the average fragment size (in m; tively. It must be noted that compared to the estimation of
Equation (5)), and mW is the so-called Weibulls constant, Mileikowsky et al. [5], who used 15 km/s impact speed, in
which is 9.5 for basalt. the case of Figure 3a, 30 km/s was used. Setting the im-
pact speed to the velocity of a “planet destroyer” asteroid
3. Results and Discussion
shows the possible maximum ejected mass and resulted in
Some key characteristics of a potential asteroid impact such extreme ground zero ejected mass results. The esti-
that might be able to eject debris hijacked by living organ- mation of Mileikowsky et al. [5] feels more realistic, e.g.,
isms need to be evaluated. 8.3 × 1014 kg in the case of a 100 km diameter impactor
One of the critical environmental components is the colliding with Mars at the velocity of 15 km/s. As an ad-
peak overpressure wave which appears in the surround- ditional comparison, the mass of Earth and Mars can be
ings of the impact. Mileikowsky et al. [5] describe that listed as c.a. 5.97 × 1024 and 6.39 × 1023 kg, respectively.
the pressure caused by the shockwave is zero at the sur- Despite the extreme values, Figure 3a indicates the sig-
face, and even the pressure rises, there are near-surface nificant drop in ejected mass at the Critical pressure zone
microbes that may survive the impact. Inspired by the and Safe survival zone, compared to ground zero.
works of Melosh [55] and Toon et al. [25], which describe The average size of the ejectiles was calculated at the
the evolution and effect of the shockwave, namely stress two extreme possibilities; one is the already suggested
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 3. a) The mass of ejectiles at various distances from ground zero and b) the estimation of the average size of
ejected fragments during various size asteroid impacts. The solid lines indicate the calculation based on terrestrial
impacts and Earth parameters; the dashed lines indicate the calculations based on Martian impact and the various pa-
rameters of Mars. The arrows in Figure 3b show the decreasing average size of ejectiles. EarthGZ and MarsGZ lines mark
the ejected mass and average grains size at ground zero. 1 GPa and 10 GPa indices indicate the ejection mass at the 1
GPa and 10 GPa pressure zones (the distances of those pressure zones from ground zero are summarized in Figure 2).
The blue solid and dashed lines indicate the amount of ejected material at ground zero (A), at 10 GPa peak pressure at
ground zero and/or at the minimum distance of the Critical zone (B), and at 1 GPa peak pressure at ground zero and/
or at the Safe survival zone (C), in the case of Earth (solid line) and Mars (dashed line) respectively. Please note that
in the case of Figure 3b, the indication of various zones only serves as a visual aid, indicating the decreasing grain size
with increasing distance from ground zero in the case of the vi = 30 km/s velocity impacts (Section 3 and Section 4; the
pressure-mass/size conflict).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
s velocity impacts are indicated in brackets (Figure 3b). In the escape of microorganisms from terrestrial (Earth-like)
contrast, the result in this study demonstrates that impact planets is discussed.
speed significantly influences the average size of the ejec- The size of impactors as a limiting factor during the
tiles, i.e., higher impact velocity results in smaller size of transfer of microbes to another planet was discussed in
ejectiles, which variable needs to be considered in further detail in Mileikowsky et al. [5]. In the case of Mars-Earth
studies. transfer, Category 1 meteorites are too small to provide a
Along with the impactor’s velocity, the size should also safe transfer to microorganisms.
be discussed shortly. As an example, the effect of a theo- This research adds a factor to the material ejection
retical 100 km diameter impactor was analyzed. As shown phase. The distances of the Safe-and Critical survival zone
in Figure 3, the mass and average size decrease signifi- (Figure 2) raised the question that in such distances, there
cantly with the decrease of the impactor size. In the first is enough impact energy left to lift big enough size and
billion years, the initially high ratio of asteroid impacts amount of debris (Figure 3) and eject it into space with
reduced considerably [14], along with the estimated size of possible living microbial content or not (Figure 4). A high-
the impactors (e.g., [48]). Such estimations suggest that the er velocity and bigger size impactor certainly provides
size of potential impactors, which may eject microorgan- enough energy to fragment and eject bigger mass and size
ism-containing debris in space when a simple living or- debris to space. Despite the expected surface and subsur-
ganism appears on Earth (and theoretically on Mars), was face overpressure conditions, i.e., from 0 to ≤ 1 GPa over-
smaller than the example 100 km. Using a 20 km diameter pressure [5], the calculation in this study shows that even
size impactor (such size asteroid was used as maximum in the case of a 20 km diameter impactor, zones, where
size impactor in, e.g., [5], the ejected mass of material at 1 microorganisms may survive the mechanical pressure, are
GPa and 10 GPa pressure is around 1012-1013 kg, and the located in c.a. 100 km distance or further. The question is
average ejectile size is around 1 m diameter (at 30 km/s whether the impact has enough energy (regarding, e.g., the
impact velocity) (Figure 3a). propagation and decay of the first stress wave-detached
The minimum ejectile size is the third size-related fac- shock [55]) to detach and eject materials into space, located
tor that needs to be considered. Please note that based on in further distances (along with the non-shocked ejectiles
the explanation of Mileikowsky et al. [5], if the size of the
from the neighbour of ground zero), or the ejected materi-
ejectile is bigger than 0.2 m or 0.8 m diameter, it prevents
al is big enough to protect the microbes via the transfer.
the inner part from heating up above 100 °C, which would
sterilize the debris. Such heating appears at the impact and
the time of entering the new planet’s atmosphere follow-
ing the transfer. Regarding the potential transfer between
Earth and Mars with their early atmosphere, the 0.2 m or
0.8 m is a crucial minimum size limit, which must be kept
in mind, even if the fall through the atmosphere is a rela-
tively short period (few tens of seconds) and a heat shield,
a compact, melted layer, forms around the meteorite [5]. In
addition, asteroids may break up during the transfer and
landing phase, which may endanger the microorganisms’
survival in smaller meteorites [5]. Figure 4. The visual explanation of the pressure-mass/
size conflict. t1 to t6 curves indicate the variation of over-
The pressure-mass/size conflict pressure in the air with the distance at successive times [60],
and GZ marks the ground zero.
The determination of various pressure zones around
the impact site, and their distance from ground zero, all Similar to explosions, the characteristics of the peak
together with the change in the ejected mass (even if the overpressure-related shock front (blast wave) and the
extreme 30 m/s impact velocity and 100 km diameter dynamic pressure (drag force associated with the strong
impactor size were used) and the supposed difference in wind accompanying the passage of the blast wave) at a
decreasing average size of ejected debris moving further certain distance from ground zero may be considered crit-
from the center of impact revealed a dilemma. Such a ical parameters during the evaluation of surface material
dilemma is closely related not only to the possible bioaer- detachment, lift and ejection further from ground zero [60,61].
osol/microbe-containing material exchange between early The detailed research of the surface waves, such as inci-
Earth and Mars but applies, in general, to any case when dent and reflected waves, and their interaction, including
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
the formation of a single wavefront by merging the two this manuscript, searching for an “ideal” combination of
waves (so-called Mach or irregular region), may signifi- various parameters (e.g., impactor size, impact velocity,
cantly contribute to understanding microbe-bearing mate- and so on) is a possible challenge for future studies. In
rial ejection in space. Still, it is beyond the scope of this closing words, at least two alternative ways of material
study and most likely requires experiment-based complex ejection into space by asteroid impact can be considered.
simulations. The possibly most discussed and known way is material
ejection close to ground zero. It guarantees big enough
4. Conclusions and Summary debris to protect its passengers during their travel. Still,
Along with the determination of various zones regard- the survival rate at/close to ground zero is supposedly low,
ing the (microbial) survivability of the mechanical pres- and the heat and overpressure-related compression may
sure triggered by the shockwave, the mass and average sterilize the material even before “boarding”. Another
size of the ejectiles were estimated. The size of ejectiles in alternative way may provide a higher chance of survival,
the case of a possible exchange between Earth and Mars further from the center of impact. Still, the possibility of
falls between 10 to tens of km in the case of a 100 km im- the ejectile reaching the escaping velocity and the min-
pactor. The extreme ends of such scale represent the scale imum required size is low. Such ways may represent a
of various impact speeds, the minimum impact velocity re- scale’s extreme ends regarding various factors that may
quired to trigger enough high escape velocity for the ejec- influence the bioaerosol escape during an asteroid impact.
tiles, and a maximum high velocity, defined as 30 km/s. One of the focuses of future studies can be the determina-
The estimated average ejectile size drops to a magnitude tion of an ideal way, an ideal escaping distance, where all
smaller size range in the case of smaller (20 km diame- the considered factors are in a setting that supports suc-
ter) asteroids, which might be more common around 3.5 cessful bioaerosol escape.
Ga ago, during the period when life appeared in the case
of Earth and theoretically on Mars. Considering various Funding
physical effects on the ejectile, e.g., the potential further
This research received no external funding.
fragmentation of the debris during the transfer and landing
phase, the smaller size may jeopardize the survival of the Acknowledgement
carried microbes.
The study of essential characteristics leads to a dilem- I want to thank Simone Marchi for providing the early
ma, named pressure-mass/size conflict, that is not simply Earth impact dataset. It provided a strong foundation for
related to the understanding of the possible microbial the calculations.
exchange between the early Earth and Mars, but any I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of this
panspermia studies targeting asteroid impacts as potential article for taking the time and effort to review the man-
contributors in the escape step of microbial transport. uscript. I appreciate all of their valuable comments and
The pressure-mass/size conflict origins from a contra- suggestions, which helped improve this manuscript’s
diction related to the determined zones, indicating the dis- quality.
tance where living organisms, most likely microorganisms
in the case of early Earth and theoretically Mars, may Data Availability Statement
survive the shockwave-triggered mechanical pressure and Data will be available upon request from the author.
the size of the ejectiles which may carry microbes during
the transfer between planets. It seems that some impacts Conflict of Interest
with specific impact energy can eject the appropriate size
The author declares no conflict of interest.
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the transfer between early Earth and Mars. The only prob- References
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Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Revisiting Recent Amplitude and Phase Variations of the Chandler
Wobble and Free Core Nutation
Zinovy Malkin*
Pulkovo Observatory, St. Petersburg, 196140, Russia
Article history The paper is devoted to the analysis of two components of the Earth’s
Received: 6 June 2023 rotation, Chandler wobble (CW) and free core nutation (FCN). They are
oscillations with near-constant periods but variable amplitude and phase.
Revised: 5 July 2023 The variations of the amplitude and phase of the CW and FCN have already
Accepted: 18 July 2023 been considered in the literature, and both showed similar behavior such
Published Online: 26 July 2023 as a recent significant decrease of the amplitude and large phase change.
However, the CW and FCN amplitude and phase variations are, to a large
Keywords: extent, predicted for the current epochs, and their today’s variations need
regular updates with obtaining new observations. In this work, the CW and
Earth’s rotation FCN parameters have been re-computed using the latest data and compared
Chandler wobble with the data published earlier. It was found that the currently obtained
Free core nutation amplitude and phase variations generally agreed with the data published
earlier. The main difference is that the epochs of the current minimum of
amplitude and phase jump or both CW and FCN happened somewhat later
Phase variations than was predicted in previous publications. The delay is about two years
for the CW relative to the prediction made in 2010 and about one year for
the FCN with respect to the prediction made in 2022.
1. Introduction
some features of the first two processes will be discussed.
The rotation of the Earth is a very complex process that The movement of the Earth’s rotation axis relative to
consists of many free and forced modes. Analysis of the the Earth’s surface manifests itself as Polar motion (PM)
variations in the Earth’s rotation plays an important role in and is observed through the coordinates of the terrestrial
our understanding of the physical processes in the Earth’s Pole Xp and Yp in the conventional terrestrial reference
surface, interior, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. Three frame [1]. The Chandler wobble (CW) discovered by Seth
main constituents of the Earth’s rotation are movement Carlo Chandler in 1891 [2,3] is one of the main and most
of the rotation axis in terrestrial and celestial reference complicated components of the Earth’s rotation, and nu-
frames, and rotation around the rotation axis. In this paper, merous papers were devoted to investigation of the CW
*Corresponding Author:
Zinovy Malkin,
Pulkovo Observatory, St. Petersburg, 196140, Russia;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
variations, such as changes in the CW amplitude and 2023). It is sampled at 0.1 Besselian year (36.524 solar
phase. A brief overview of these studies is given [4-10] and days) for the period 1846-1890 and 0.05 Besselian year
papers cited therein. The main result [4] was detecting, for (18.262 solar days) after 1890.0. Using this data, a new
the first time, a large jump in the CW phase in the 2000s interpolated EOP series of the CW component of polar
and a simultaneous deep minimum of the CW amplitude. motion XCW and YCW with 10 days step was constructed and
Free core nutation (FCN) is a component of the motion used for further analysis. This series is shown in Figure 1.
of the Earth’s rotation axis in the conventional celestial Epochs in all the plots in this paper are expressed in Bes-
reference frame [1]. The FCN is a free Earth’s rotational selian years.
mode caused by the misalignment of the rotational axis of For this work, PM (CW) series started with 1900.0 was
the Earth’s mantle and the rotational axis of the outer liq- used because the data before 1900 are less reliable. The
uid core [11]. It is observed through the coordinates of the whole IERS C01 series was considered [4], while in this
celestial Pole dX and dY in the conventional celestial ref- study we are mostly interested in the CW behavior in re-
erence frame [1]. Like CW, the FCN is an oscillation with cent years.
highly variable amplitude and phase that was investigated
in many studies [12-17] and papers cited therein. In a recent
paper [18], a new minimum of the FCN amplitude and si-
multaneous large jump in the FCN phase was preliminary
detected at the epoch around 2022.
It should be noted that the CW and FCN amplitude and
phase variations [4,18] were obtained from analysis of the
series of Earth orientation parameters (EOP) ended near
the epochs of the investigated minima of the amplitude
and phase jumps. Besides, both series used in these works
are smoothed, the CW series to a lesser extent, and the
FCN series to a larger extent. Under these circumstances,
today’s behavior of the CW and FCN could not be accu-
rately predicted when these papers were published. There-
fore, it is very desirable to revise the results [4,18] using the Figure 1. IERS C01 series.
latest available observations, which is the primary goal of A general CW model can be expressed as follows:
this study. XCW = Ac cosϕ − As sinϕ,
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
YCW = Ac sinϕ + As cosϕ,
the analysis of the CW variations, and Section 3 is devot- (1)
Ac = −XCW sinϕ + YCW cosϕ,
ed to the analysis of the FCN variations. Section 4 sums As = XCW cosϕ + YCW sinϕ,
up the paper.
where CW phase ϕ = 2π/PCW(t−t0), t is the epoch at which
2. Chandler Wobble observed XCW and YCW values are given, t0 = J2000.0. Each
group of Equation (1) corresponds to one epoch given in
The first step in the CW analysis was to extract the CW the CW series. Then the instant CW amplitude and phase
signal from the PM time series, removing all the trend, at epoch t can be found as:
periodic, and quasi-periodic components beyond the CW
frequency band. For this study, the CW signal was extract-
, (2)
ed from the IERS (International Earth Rotation and Refer-
ence Systems Service) Pole coordinates time series IERS
The results of this analysis are shown in Figure 2. For a
C01a using a band-pass digital filter based on the Fourier
better representation of the CW phase variations, the line-
transform with the window 1.18…1.20 yr centered at
ar trend corresponding to the CW frequency was removed
the nominal CW period PCW = 1.19 years. The IERS C01
from the CW phase series. The results of the previous
series begins in 1846.0 and extends to the present (April
analysis [4] are also shown in these plots. Note that the
IERS C01 EOP series, which was analyzed [4], ended in
1846-now.txt December 2008 (epoch 2009.0).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
ries. The results of the previous analysis [18] are also shown and FCN amplitude and phase variations using the latest
in these plots. Note that the IVS EOP series [18] ended in data of EOP observations. Obtained results were com-
February 2022 (epoch 2022.13). pared with the results of the prediction of the recent pe-
Results presented in Figure 4 confirmed the deep min- culiarities in the CW and FCN behavior published earlier.
imum of the FCN amplitude and FCN phase jump dis- The comparison confirmed the deep minima of the CW
cussed [18], but their epoch is later than was suggested [18] and FCN amplitude and simultaneous CW and FCN phase
by about one year. This epoch still cannot be accurately jumps, but the epochs of these events occurred to be later
determined because the minimum of the FCN amplitude than predicted. Such a result could be expected because
most probably is not reached yet. However, it can be not- the recent amplitude and phase variations under investi-
ed that the current minimum of the FCN amplitude, which gation are detected near the end of the EOP series used
is ≈ 35 mas, is deeper than the previous minimum in about for the study. Therefore, the addition of new data obtained
1999.4, which was ≈ 55 mas. during the last years allowed us to determine this epoch
One can also see in Figure 4 that the amplitude varia- more accurately. Also, an edge effect in the data analysis
tions in the 1980s and at the beginning of the 1990s are can impact the accuracy of the obtained epochs of the
substantially different for the previous and the current minima of the CW and FCN amplitude and phase jumps.
analysis. This can be explained by using different versions It should be also noted that the phase of any physical
of the IVS CPO series [18] and in this study. These series oscillation is often less stable during the period of near-ze-
substantially differ at the beginning of the interval due to ro amplitude. This effect is also observed in both the case
the low accuracy and instability of the CPO observations of CW and FCN.
in this period. The most reliable CPO data begins in May It is important to bear in mind that the parts of the
1993 [19]. phase variation plots in Figures 2 and 4 close to horizontal
do not mean that the phase of corresponding oscillation
(CW or FCN) is constant, since the slope of the line on
the plot directly depends on the linear drift corresponding
to the CW (FCN) frequency which has been subtracted
from the phase before plotting. Therefore, these periods
simply correspond to the periods of linear phase change.
However, the jumps and other disturbances in the plots
correspond to the actual non-linear disturbances in the
CW or FCN phase.
From results of the analysis of the CW and FCN series
showed that in both cases the precise epochs of the current
minima of the CW (to a lesser extent) and FCN (to a larg-
er extent) amplitude and simultaneous phase jumps are
still hardly possible. Re-computation of the CW and FCN
series in two-three years with the addition of new obser-
vations will allow us to investigate these events in more
This research received no external funding.
Figure 4. Free core nutation (FCN) series (upper panel),
FCN amplitude (middle panel), and FCN phase minus lin- The author is grateful to the anonymous reviewers for
ear drift (bottom panel). In the amplitude and phase plots, their careful reading of the manuscript and useful com-
data from the previous publication are shown in black, ments. This research has made use of SAO/NASA Astro-
and data obtained in this work are shown in red. physics Data Systemc (ADS). The figures were prepared
using gnuplotd.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, a re-computation was made of the CW d
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Contribution to the Knowledge of Twenty Members of the Lagenid
Benthic Foraminifera in the Southern Tethys
Haidar Salim Anan*
Al Azhar University-Gaza, P.O. Box 1277, Palestine
Article history The modern taxonomical consideration is used for twenty Lagenid
Received: 27 May 2023 benthic foraminiferal species which are belonging to eight genera from
nine countries in the Southern Tethys: Chile, Argentina, Egypt, Tanzania,
Revised: 11 July 2023 Jordan, Iraq, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran and Pakistan: Nodosaria
Accepted: 24 July 2023 catenula (Reuss) Iraq, Pyramidulina robinsoni (Futyan) Jordan, Tollmannia
Published Online: 14 August 2023 costata (d’Orbigny), Tollmannia fingeri Anan, sp. nov., Percultazonaria
fragaria (Gümbel), Percultazonaria tuberculata (Plummer), Lenticuzonaria
Keywords: argentinica Anan, Lenticuzonaria misrensis Anan, Percultalina misrensis
Anan, Hemirobulina comma (Roemer), Hemirobulina curvatura
Paleontology (Cushman), Hemirobulina humilis (Reuss), Hemirobulina nammalensis
Lagenid foraminifera (Haque), Hemirobulina pachygaster Gümbel, Vaginulinopsis argentinica
Paleogeography Anan, sp. nov., Vaginulinopsis deserti (Said & Kenawy), Vaginulinopsis
emiratensis (Anan), Vaginulina boukharyi (Anan), Vaginulina chilensis
Anan, sp. nov., and Ramulina shreifae Anan, sp. nov. Nine species of these
assemblage were recorded from Egypt (about 45%), 3 species from Chile
(about 15%), 2 species from Argentina (about 10%), and one species (about
5%) from each of Tanzania, Jordan, Iraq, UAE, Iran and Pakistan. Four
species are believed here to be new: Tollmannia fingeri, Vaginulinopsis
argentinica, Vaginulina chilensis and Ramulina shreifae.
1. Introduction
Africa (Tanzania), Southwest Asia (Jordan, Iraq, UAE,
The present study aims at throwing light on the pale- Iran, Pakistan) (Figure 1A) and South America (Chile, Ar-
ontology and biogeography of twenty small benthic fo- gentina) (Figure 1B). Four out of them are believed here
raminiferal species that were originally erected by many to be new: two species from Chile (Tollmannia fingeri and
authors from nine countries in the Southern Tethys. Ten Vaginulina chilensis), one species from Argentina (Vag-
of them were erected originally from Egypt (Northeast inulinopsis argentinica), and also the other one species
Africa), while the other species were recorded from East from Egypt (Ramulina shreifae).
*Corresponding Author:
Haidar Salim Anan,
Al Azhar University-Gaza, P.O. Box 1277, Palestine;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 1. Location map of the Southern Tethys (A): Northeast Africa (Egypt), East Africa (Tanzania), Southeast Asia
(Jordan, Iraq, UAE, Iran, Pakistan), and the southern Tethys (B): South America (Chile and Argentina).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Plate 1. Figure 1. Nodosaria catenula (Reuss [3]), 2. Pyramidulina robinsoni (Futyan [4]), 3. Tollmannia costata (d’Orbig-
ny [5]), 4. Tollmannia fingeri Anan, sp. nov., 5. Percultazonaria fragaria (Gümbel [6]), 6. P. tuberculata (Plummer [7]), 7a.
Lenticuzonaria argentinica (Anan [8]), 7b. Astacolus sp.-Pearson et al. [9], 7c. Percultazonaria cf. P. mamilligera (Kar-
rer)-Finger [1], 7d. Marginulinopsis sp.-Salahi [10], 8. Lenticuzonaria misrensis (Anan [8]), 9a,b. 9a. Percultalina misrensis
(Anan [11]), 9b. Percultazonaria vaughani (Cushman)-Finger [1], 10a,b. Hemirobulina comma (Römer [12]), 10a. dorsal
view, 10b. side view, 11a,b. Hemirobulina curvatura (Cushman [13]), 11a. dorsal view, 11b. side view, 12. Hemirobulina
humilis (Reuss [14]), 13a,b. Hemirobulina nammalensis (Haque [15]), 13a. dorsal view, 13b. side view, 14. Hemirobulina
pachygaster (Gümbel [16]), 15. Vaginulinopsis argentinica Anan, sp. nov., 16. Vaginulinopsis deserti (Said & Kenawy [17]),
17. Vaginulinopsis emiratensis (Anan [18]), 18. Vaginulina boukharyi (Anan [19]), 19a,b. Vaginulina chilensis Anan, sp. nov.,
19a. side view, 19b. dorsal view, 20. Ramulina shreifae Anan, sp. nov., 21. R. pseudoaculata (Olsson [20]). (Scale bars
100 µm)
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 2. Stratigraphic log of the Dokan section, northeast Iraq, and the stratigraphic range of the Nodosaria catenula
(Reuss) (after Jaff & Lawa [21]).
Figure 3. A. Location map of North Gunna and El-Guss Abu Said sections, Farafra Oasis, Egypt, B. Stratigraphy of
North Gunna section, and the position of sample 65: Thanetian (after Orabi & Zaky [22]).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Type species Lingulina costata subsp. tricarinata Toll-
mann, 1954 = Lingulina costata d’Orbigny.
Tollmannia costata (d’Orbigny, 1846) (Plate 1, Figure 3)
2013 Pseudonodosaria comatula (Cushman)-Finger [1],
p. 403, Plate 7, Figure 7.●
Type locality: Navidad Formation (in the vicinity
of the name-bearing town located southwest of Capital
Santiago), Central Chile, sample number and deposi-
tary: University of California Museum of Paleontology
(UCMP50135), PPP (collected site in the Navidad Forma-
tion) (Figure 4).
Remarks: The test has fine to coarse longitudinal ribs,
then an elongate test with a smooth surface. For that, the
late Early Miocene Finger’s specimen P. comatula is treat-
ed here to belong to T. costata (d’Orbigny [5]) (Table 1).
Tollmannia fingeri Anan, sp. nov. (Plate 1, Figure 4)
2013 Tollmannia costata d’Orbigny-Finger [1], p. 404,
Plate 7, Figure 11. ●
Holotype: Illustrated specimen in Plate 1, Figure 4.
Dimensions: Length 4.5 mm, width 3.2 mm.
Depositary: The University of California Museum of Figure 4. Location map of Navidad area, southwest the
capital Santiago in central Chile (after Finger [1]).
Paleontology (UCMP50135).
Etymology: After the micropaleontologist K.L. Finger,
from T. costata in its die out distally rib in the last cham-
Univ. California Museum of Paleontology.
ber, and from T. argentinica Anan [25] in its shorter test,
Type locality and sample: Navidad Formation, Central
and without surface longitudinal ribs in the final globular
Chile, UCMP50135, PPP, PPT (Navidad area, Navidad
chamber, than whole test. It is confined to Chile.
Formation collecting sites) (Figure 5).
Stratigraphic level: Middle Miocene to Early Pliocene Percultazonaria fragaria (Gümbel, 1868) (Plate 1,
(Table 2). Figure 5)
Diagnosis: This new species is characterized by its fine 1868 Marginulina fragaria Gümbel [6], p. 57, Plate 1,
to coarse surface longitudinal ribs, but die out distally in Figure 58.
the last chamber, aperture terminal, slitlike, bordered by 2006 Percultazonaria fragaria (Gümbel)-Cimerman et
an elevated lip. al. [26], p. 24, Plate 5, Figures 4, 5.
Remarks: Tollmannia fingeri Anan, sp. nov. differs 2009 Percultazonaria fragaria (Gümbel)-Anan [27], p. 6,
Table 1. The stratigraphic range of Tollmannia costata in the Navidad Formation (Navidad area) and Ranquil Formation
(Arauco area), Chile (VR = very rare, R = rare, F = frequent) (after Finger [1]).
North Central
area Navidad Conc Arauco Vald
EI Peral
Geologic unit Navidad Fm. Ranquil Fm. SDom
Pseudonodosaria aequalis VR R R VR R
Pseudonodosaria comatula
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Table 2. The stratigraphic distribution of Tollmannia fingeri n. sp. in the Navidad Formation, Chile (VR = very rare, R =
rare), (after Finger [1]).
Sector North
area Las Cruces Navidad
Geologic unit EI Peral beds Navidad Fm.
Tollmannia costata
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 6. Location of the Yaghol section, sample location 224D (Ypresian) in the stratigraphic log of Yaghol section,
North of Iran (after VahdatiRad et al. [31]).
Figure 7. Location map of TPD 1, 2, and stratigraphic log of Early-Middle Eocene of Tanzania, East Africa (after Pear-
son et al. [32]).
Figure 8. Geological map of de la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (South Argentina), including the stratigraphy of the
Punta Torcida Formation (after Jannou et al. [33]).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 9. a) Location map of the Gharb El-Mawhob section, Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt, b) stratigraphic
log of the study section, c) the K/P boundary of the study section (after Farouk et al. [34]).
2013 Percultazonaria vaughani (Cushman)-Finger [1], p. with Percultalina misrensis Anan [11]. This species was re-
412, Plate 9, Figure 10.● corded in Egypt and Chile.
2015 Marginulinopsis tuberculata (Plummer)-Orabi & Genus Hemirobulina Stache, 1864
Hassan [36], Plate 1, Figure 13. Hemirobulina comma (Roemer, 1841) (Plate 1, Figure
2022 Percultalina misrensis Anan [11], p. 32, Plate 1, 10)
Figure 2. 1841 Marginulina comma Römer [12]), Plate 47, Figure 9.
Type locality and depositary: Navidad Formation (North 1956 Marginulinopsis comma (Römer)-Said & Kenawy [17]).,
Chile), PPP, PPT, MPUP sites, UCMP 50171 (Figure 10). p. 132, Plate 2, Figure 19.●
Type locality and stratigraphic log of Nekhl section,
North Sinai, Egypt (Figure 11),
Stratigraphic level and sample no. of the species: Fig-
ure 12.
Remarks: The genus Hemirobulina differs from Mar-
ginulina in having a smooth rather than longitudinally
costate wall, It also differs mainly from Marginulinopsis
in slightly curved early chambers than close coiled and
planispiral, and lacking ribbed ornamentation on the un-
iserial stage. Hemirobulina comma was recorded from the
Maestrichtian of Germany, and later from Nekhl section,
Sinai of Egypt.
Hemirobulina curvatura (Cushman, 1938) (Plate 1,
Figure 11)
1938 Marginulina curvatura Cushman [13], p. 34, Plate
5, Figures 13-14.
1956 Marginulina curvatura Cushman-Said & Kenawy [17], p.
132, Plate 2, Figure 20.●
Figure 10. Location map of the Navidad section, Central 2003 Marginulina curvatura Cushman-Abdelghany [38],
Chile. p. 394, Figure 3.
Stratigraphic range of Finger’s specimen: Navidad For- Type locality, Giddi section (no. 1), North Sinai, Egypt
mation (VR = very rare, R = rare, C = common) (Table 3). (see Figure 12).
Remarks: The figured specimens of Finger [1], Youssef Stratigraphic level and sample no.: Early Eocene, sam-
& Taha [35] and Orabi & Hassan [36] have closed characters ple no. 859 (Figure 13).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Table 3: The stratigraphic rages of the Percultazonaria vaughani of Finger (= Percultalina misrensis Anan) (after Figure [1]).
Sector North
area Las Cruces Navidad
Geologic unit EI Peral beds Navidad Fm.
Percultazonaria vaughani
Figure 11. The location map of some studied sections in Egypt (no. 1. Nekhl and Giddi sections in North Sinai, 2,
Fayum area), 7 Maqfi section; and UAE (Jabal Hafit and J. Mundassa) (after Anan [37]).
Figure North
Figure 12. Stratigraphic log of Nekhl section, 12 Sinai, stratigraphic level and sample no. 6 of the Maastrichtian
Hemirobulina comma (after Said & Kenawy ).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Remarks: The figured specimens of Said & Kenawy [17] rope, USA and Mexico, while it was recorded from the
and Abdelghany [38] are closely related to the genus Maastrichtian and Paleocene of Sinai of Egypt (Said &
Hemirobulina. It was recorded from USA, and also Giddi Kenawy [17]).
section (Sinai of Egypt) and Qarn El Barr section (UAE). Hemirobulina nammalensis (Haque, 1956) (Plate 1,
Hemirobulina humilis (Reuss, 1863) (Plate 1, Figure Figure 13)
12) 1956 Marginulina glabra d’Orbigny var. nammalensis
1863 Cristellaria (Cristellaria) humilis Reuss [14], p. 65, Haque [15], p.74, Plate11, Figures 1-4. ●
Plate 6, Figures 16, 17. 2005 Vaginulinopsis nammalensis (Haque)-Sztràkos [40],
1946 Marginulina humilis (Reuss)-Cushman [39], p. 63, p. 186, Plate 14, Figure 28.
Plate 22, Figure 17. Type locality: Nammal Formation, Nammal Gorge
1956 Marginulina humilis (Reuss)-Said & Kenawy [17], area, Pakistan (Figure 14).
p. 130, Plate 2, Figure 18.● Remarks: Hemirobulina differs from Vaginulinapsis
Type locality and sample no.: Paleocene of Nekhl sec- in the rounded cross section and curved but not distinctly
tion (sample 7) and Giddi section (sample no. 834), North enrolled early stage. It differs from Marginulina in having
Sinai of Egypt (Figures 12, 13). a smooth rather than longitudinally costate wall. For that,
Remarks: The figured specimens of Cushman [39] the figured specimens of Haque [15] and Sztràkos [40] belong
Figure 12
and Said & Kenawy [17] are closely related to the genus to the genus Hemirobulina. Hemirobulina nammalensis
Hemirobulina. It was recorded in the Cretaceous of Eu- was recorded from Pakistan (Southern Tethys), and France
Figure 13. Stratigraphic log of Giddi section, North Sinai, Egypt (after Said & Kenawy 13).
Figure 14. Lithostratigraphic section and location of Nammal Gorge at Nammal Dam: Patala and Nammal Formations
of the Nammal Gorge, Salt and Sor Ranges of Pakistan (Gibson [41]).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
(Northern Tethys). recognizable by its slender test and slightly inflated and
Hemirobulina pachygaster Gümbel, 1870 (Plate 1, elongated chambers. it was recorded from Maastrichtian,
Figure 14) Nekhl section (Egypt), sample no. 6 (see Figures 12, 13).
1870 Marginulina pachygaster Gumbel [16], 1868 Vaginulinopsis emiratensis (Anan, 1993) (Plate 1,
(1870), p. 632, Plate 1, Figure 60. Figure 17)
1953 Marginulina pachygaster Gumbel-LeRoy [42], p. 1993 Marginulinopsis emiratensis Anan [18], p. 657,
38, Plate 8, Figure 11. Plate 2, Figure 12.
1956 Marginulina pachygaster Gumbel-Said & Type locality: Qarn El Barr section, Al Dhayd area, no.
Kenawy [17], p. 132, Plate 2, Figure 21.● 1 (about 80 km north of J. Hafit, no. 2), UAE (Abathom-
Stratigraphic level and sample no.: Maastrichtian, phalus mayaroensis Zone). (Figure 15)
Nekhl section, sample no. 6 (see Figures 12, 13). Remarks: This Late Maastrichtian specimen belongs
Remarks: As noted before, Hemirobulina differs from to the genus Vaginulinopsis. V. emiratensis was described
Marginulina in having a smooth rather than longitudinally from Qarn El Barr section, Al Dhayd area (about 80 km
costate wall. For that, the Egyptian specimens belong to north of J. Hafit), UAE.
the genus Hemirobulina. It was originally described from
the Eocene of Germany, Early Eocene in Maqfi section,
Western Desert of Egypt (LeRoy [42]), and Maastrichtian in
Sinai of Egypt (Said & Kenawy [17]).
Genus Vaginulinopsis Silvestri, 1904
Vaginulinopsis argentinica Anan, sp. nov. (Plate 1,
Figure 15)
2022 Laevidentalina sp. Jannou et al. [33], p. 21, Plate 2,
Figure 5.●
Holotype: Illustrated specimen in Plate 1, Figure 15.
Diameter of the holotype: Length 0.62 mm, width 0.11
Depositary: The Survey of Geology and Mineralogy of
Argentina (SEGEMAR2849).
Etymology: After the State of Argentina.
Type locality and sample: Formación Punta Torcida,
CI-20, SEGEMAR 2849, CM-145 (see Figure 8).
Stratigraphic level: Ypresian.
Diagnosis: This Early Eocene species has an elongate
test and circular in section, early-stage planispirally en-
rolled and involute, the later stage includes numerous
semi globular chambers added in a slight curve, sutures
nearly horizontal, flush in the early stage, but depressed Figure 15
Figure 15. Location map of Qarn El Barr section (no.1)
in the final three chambers, wall calcareous, hyaline, per- North UAE (after Abdelghany [38]).
forate radial, surface smooth and unornamented, aperture
terminal at the dorsal angle, and produced on a neck. Genus Vaginulina d’Orbigny, 1826
Remarks: The genus Vaginulinopsis has a planispirally Vaginulina boukharyi (Anan, 2010) (Plate 1, Figure
enrolled and involute early stage, which does not exist in 18)
the genus Laevidentalina. The V. argentinica Anan [12] is 2010 Vaginulinopsis boukharyi Anan [19], p. 30, Plate 1,
lacking an apiculate pro-loculus, which is characterized Figure 12.
the genus Laevidentalina. Type locality: Duwi section, Tarawan Chalk, Red Sea
Vaginulinopsis deserti (Said & Kenawy, 1956) (Plate coast, Egypt (see Figure 12).
1, Figure 16) Remarks: This Paleocene species belongs here to the
1956 Marginulinopsis deserti Said & Kenawy [4], p. genus Vaginulina d’Orbigny due to its thick raised
132, Plate 2, Figure 23. sutures, then slightly depressed sutures in Vaginulinopsis
Remarks: This species Lacks the longitudinal ribs Silvestri . It is originally recorded from Duwi section,
Figure 16
along the test surface as genus Marginulinopsis. It is Egypt (Figure 16).
Figure 15 Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 16 log of Duwi section, including the stratigraphic range of the Thanetian V. boukharyi (after Anan [45]).
Figure 16. Stratigraphic
Table 4. Stratigraphic range of Vaginulina chilensis in both Navidad and Ranquil Formations, North and Central Chile
(after Finger [1]).
North Central
area Las
Navidad Conc Arauco Vald
EI Peral
Geologic unit Navidad Fm. Ranquil Fm. SDom
mexicanus VR R F
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Holotype: Illustrated specimen in Plate 1, Figure 20. Remarks: This new species differs from R. pseudoacu-
Diameter of the holotype: Length 0.42 mm, width 0.18 lata (Olsson [20]) in having a smooth surface and not con-
mm. centric two ends arms of the chamber, then ornamented
Depositary: Faculty of Education, Dept. Biological and surface and concentric two arms.
Geological Sciences, Ain Shams Univ., Egypt.
Etymology: After the micropaleontologist Abeer Shreif, 4. Paleogeography
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Education, Department
The twenty identified species have wide geographic
of Biological and Geological Sciences, Cairo, 11341,
distribution in nine localities in the Southern Tethys: Chile
Type locality and sample no.: El Guss Abu Said, West- (South Pacific), Argentina (South Atlantic), Egypt, Tanza-
ern Desert, Egypt, samples 1, 2 (common), (after Shreif et nia (Northeast Africa), Jordan, Iraq, UAE, Iran and Paki-
al. [46]). stan (Southwest Asia) (see Figure 1). The paleogeographic
Stratigraphic level: Ypresian (E3, Morozovella mar- maps recorded by many authors [47-50] show the Tethyan
ginodentata Zone), Figure 18. realm had been connected with the Atlantic Ocean from
Diagnosis: This Early Eocene species is characterized the west to the Indo-Pacific Ocean to the east, via the
by its ovoid smooth test, with only two not concentric Mediterranean Sea, crossing the Middle East region dur-
ends arms of the chamber. ing the Paleogene time (Table 5).
Figure 18. Stratigraphic log of El Guss Abu Said section, Farafra Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt, and the stratigraphic
range of the new species Ramulina shreifae, samples (1, 2) (after Shreif et al. [46]).
Table 5. Paleogeographic distribution of the Early Eocene twenty Lagenid and Rotaliid benthic foraminiferal species in
the different locations in the Southern Tethys, particularly the sp. nov. in this study: 1. Chile (Tollmannia fingeri, Vaginu-
lina chilensis), 2. Argentina (Vaginulinopsis argentinica), 3. Egypt (Ramulina shreifae), 4. Tanzania, 5. Jordan, 6. Iraq, 7.
UAE, 8. Iran, 9. Pakistan.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Nodosaria catenula - - x - - ☻ - - -
2 Pyramidulina robinsoni - - x x ☻ - - - -
3 Tollmannia costata ☻ - - - - - - - -
4 fingeri ☻ - - - - - - - -
5 Percultazonaria fragaria - - x - - - x ☻ -
6 tuberculata - - x ☻ - - - x x
7 Lenticuzonaria argentinica x ☻ - - - - - x -
8 misrensis - - ☻ x - - - - -
9 Percultalina misrensis x - ☻ - - - - - -
10 Hemirobulina comma - - ☻ - - - - - -
11 curvatura - - ☻ - - - x - -
12 humilis - - ☻ - - - - - -
13 nammalensis - - - - - - - - ☻
14 pachygaster - - ☻ - - - x - -
15 Vaginulinopsis argentinica - ☻ - - - - - - -
16 deserti - - ☻ - - - - - -
17 emiratensis - - x - - - ☻ - -
18 Vaginulina boukharyi - - ☻ - - - - - -
19 chilensis ☻ - - - - - - - -
20 Ramulina shreifae - - ☻ - - - - - -
Note: ☻ = illustrated, x = recorded, - = not recorded.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
5. Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment fauna of the Maqfi section, Western Desert of Egypt, and
the northern part of Sinai Peninsula to be predominantly
Finger [1] noted that the presence of Neogene cosmo- related to the “Midway-type fauna, MTF”, middle-outer
politan deep-water benthic foraminifera in all of the as- neritic environment (50-200 m). Futyan [4] noted that the
semblages supports the hypothesis that deep water masses Jordanian faunal assemblage is predominantly considered
derived from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current have en- here to be related to MTF (middle-upper neritic environ-
abled many Neogene deep-water foraminifera to disperse ment, 100-200 m). VahdatiRad et al. [31] noted that the
widely in the global ocean (Figure 19). changes in the relative abundance percentage of plankton-
ic foraminiferal species in Yaghol section, Khangiran for-
mation, northeast of Iran indicate the warm seawater and
nearly oligotrophic condition in the late Paleocene-Early
Eocene. Salahi [10] noted that the diverse benthic assem-
blages in the Kopet-Dag (KD) in northern Iran indicate a
deeper environment in comparison with Late Paleocene
. fauna (middle-outer neritic based on the presence of Mid-
way-type fauna, MTF), while a deep paleowater environ-
ment is evidenced by a high proportion of lenticulinids (=
Percultazonaria fragaria) (Figure 20).
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
nulina boukharyi, Ramulina shreifae; 3 species from Chile iliche Classe. 40, 147-238.
(about 15%): Tollmannia costata, Tollmannia fingeri, [4] Futyan, A.I., 1976. Late Mesozoic and Early Caino-
Percultalina misrensis; 2 from Argentina (about 10%): zoic benthonic foraminifera from Jordan. Palaeontol-
Lenticuzonaria argentinica, Vaginulinopsis argentinica; ogy. 19(3), 53-66.
and one species (about 5%) from each of Tanzania: Per- [5] Orbigny, A.D., 1846. Die fossilen Foraminiferen des
cultazonaria tuberculata, Jordan: Pyramidulina robinsoni, Tertiären Beckens von Wien (French) [The fossil for-
Iraq: Nodosaria catenula, UAE: Vaginulinopsis emiraten- aminifera of the Tertiary Basin of Vienna]. Foramin-
sis, Iran: Percultazonaria fragaria, and Pakistan: Hemiro- ifères fossiles du Bassin Tertiaire de Vienne. pp. 312.
bulina nammalensis. Four species are believed here to [6] Gümbel, C.W., 1868. Beiträge zur Foraminiferenfau-
be new: Tollmannia fingeri, Vaginulinopsis argentinica, na der nordalpinen Eocängebilde (Germany) [Con-
Vaginulina chilensis and Ramulina shreifae. The identified tributions to the foraminiferal fauna of the northern
species are marine fauna which indicates a middle nerit- Alpine Eocängebilde]. Abhandlungen der K. Bay-
ic-deep paleowater environment. The identified species erische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Cl. II. 10(2),
have wide geographic distribution in the Tethys, due to 579-730.
open and extended realms of the Tethys, which have ex- [7] Plummer, H.J., 1926. Foraminifera of the midway
tended from the Indo-Pacific to the Atlantic Oceans and formation in Texas. Bulletin University of Texas:
Mediterranean Sea during the Late Cretaceous to Early Austin.
Neogene times, and the fauna exhibit pronounced similar- [8] Anan, H.S., 2021. Lenticuzonaria: A new Tethyan
ities. The unclosed number of the members of Lagenids in Lagenid benthic foraminiferal genus. Earth Sciences
the study area may be due to a lack of available literature, Pakistan (ESP). 5(1), 33-36.
different latitudes, differences in paleoenvironmental con- [9] Pearson, P.N., Nicholas, C.J., Singano, J.M., et al.,
ditions (depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, 2006. Further Paleogene and Cretaceous sediment
nutrient, land barriers, etc.) or misidentification. cores from the Kilwa area of coastal Tanzania: Tan-
zania drilling project sites 6-10. Journal of African
Funding Earth Sciences. 45(3), 279-317.
This research received no external funding or internal [10] Salahi, A., 2021. Late paleocene-middle eocene
funding. planktonic and small benthic foraminiferal fauna
from the type section of khangiran formation, Kop-
Acknowledgement et-Dagh Basin (NE Iran), Southernmost Peri-Tethys.
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation. 29(3), 303-
The author would like to express his sincere apprecia-
tion to the editor of EPS and the unknown reviewers for
[11] Anan, H.S., 2022. Percultalina: A new lagenid
their valuable comments. I am also indebted to my daugh-
benthic foraminiferal genus. Earth Sciences Pakistan
ter Dr. Huda Anan for her help in the development of the
(ESP). 6(2), 43-48.
figures, table and plate.
[12] Römer, F.A., 1841. Die Versteinerungen des
Conflict of Interest Norddeutschen Kreidegebirges/von Friedrich Adolph
Roemer, Königlich-Hannoverschen Amts-Assessor.
There is no conflict of interest. Mit 16 lithographirten Tafeln (Germany) [The fossils
of the North German Chalk Mountains. With sixteen
lithographed plates]. Hahn’schen, Hofbuch-handlung,
[1] Finger, K.L., 2013. Miocene foraminifera from the Hanover. 4, 49-145.
south-central coast of Chile. Micropaleontology. [13] Cushman, J.A., 1938. Additional new species of
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Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Facies and Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rock Characterization of the
Paleozoic Rocks of Peshawar Basin, Northwest Pakistan
Sajjad Ahmad* Sohail Raza Suleman Khan
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, 25120, Pakistan
Article history The present study details the facies description and hydrocarbon reservoir
Received: 10 June 2023 characterization of the Paleozoic rocks of Peshawar Basin, northwest
Pakistan. The outcrop samples from the Cambrian-Devonian rocks along
Revised: 10 July 2023 the famous Nowshera-Risalpur Road and Turlandi Village Section were
Accepted: 20 July 2023 investigated. The analysis of outcrop data revealed significant information
Published Online: 18 August 2023 regarding the facies and their depositional environments. Based on its
detailed sedimentological data, it is believed that the Ambar Formation
Keywords: is deposited in shallow shelf-tidal flat settings, while the protolith of the
Misri Banda Quartzite came from the wide beaches. The protolith of the
Facies Panjpir Formation was deposited in the shelf conditions, which shows an
Hydrocarbon reservoir overall shallowing when moving up the section from the argillites and
Paleozoic phyllites to crinoidal limestone. The Nowshera Formation was deposited as
a reef complex on the shelf edge having reef core, reef breccia and a back-
Peshawar Basin
reef lagoon. The techniques of petrography, XRD and SEM were used for
Pakistan the bulk geochemical composition of the rocks focusing on their matrix,
mineralogy, micro-porosity and pore-filling materials. The presence of
micrite, goethite, kaolinite and illite as intergranular mass, dolomitization-
induced porosity, twin cleavage plane and high dissolution porosity in
the Ambar Formation can provide significant pore space to the reservoir
fluids migration. Hematite with minor kaolinite, illite and chlorite as
alteration products of unstable framework grains as intergranular mass
and a deep seated burial diagenesis has minimized the reservoir potential
in Misri Banda Quartzite. The coarse and fine calcite, dolomite, chlorite
and kaolinite occur as pore-filling material between the framework grains
while the high intensity of intragranular dissolution and micro intergranular
connecting porosity in the Nowshera Formation makes it a promising
*Corresponding Author:
Sajjad Ahmad,
Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, 25120, Pakistan;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
1. Introduction its. Small outcrops within the basin are the only places
where the Paleozoic and older strata have been exposed.
In the foothills of the Himalayas, the Peshawar Basin Pre-Cambrian to Early Mesozoic metamorphosed and
(Figure 1) includes the oldest exposed sequence of sedi- igneous rocks in the Peshawar Basin are highly deformed
mentary and metasedimentary rocks. Marine evaporites
and tightly folded. According to Treloar and Others [15]
(Salt Range Formation) can be found in the south, where-
these rocks are thrust over the Kurrum-Cherat-Margalla
as deep water pelites can be found in the north. The entire
ranges in the south. More than 300 meters of floodplain
sequence of Paleozoic-era strata can be found within the
mudstone and siltstones with minor sandstone intercala-
Peshawar Basin and along the hills that circle the basin
tions occupy the basin, which is overlaid by eroded Eo-
on its eastern side. Waagen [1], Griesbach [2], Middle-
cene limestone or Murree sandstone fanglomerates which
miss [3], Wadia [4], Martin et al. [5], Davies and Ahmad [6],
are moving northward. Intruding metamorphosed Paleo-
and Teichert and Stauffer [7] are credited with the first
zoic sediments along fault zones are a few alkaline rock
attempts to understand the stratigraphy of the Peshawar
complexes that emerge towards the western edge of the
Basin. They also first reported the presence of Paleozoic
Peshawar basin. The heavily deformed Murree sediments
rocks in the region. Burbank [8] described Pleistocene and
that make up the northern part of the Peshawar Basin in-
Pliocene era sediments in 1983, and Tahirkheli and Bur-
dicate that the pre-existing fore-deep basin experienced
bank [9] did the same in 1985. In an effort to understand
severe deformation prior to the start of sedimentation in
the local context of Himalayan stratigraphy, Fuchs [10]
the newly created Peshawar Basin. At least 2.8 million
undertook a study in the Nowshera area. Hussain [11]
years ago, sediments that filled the basin piled at a pace
created the regional geological map of the Nizampur re-
of 15 cm/1,000 years, totaling more than 300 m. The jux-
gion, which includes portions of the Attock, Mardan, and
taposition of metasediments from the Lesser Himalaya in
Peshawar districts. Pogue and Hussain [12] reconstructed
the north and sediments from the Mesozoic to Neogene
the Nowshera region stratigraphy based on the discovery
fold-belt in the south characterizes the southern edge of
of Trilobite trace fossils. The structural events’ timing in
the Peshawar Basin. Ahmad and others [16] hypothesized
the foothills of the Himalayas was worked out by Yeats
that the marine shelf sedimentation of the Indus Basin was
and Hussain [13]. Pogue and others [14] are responsible for
extended up to the Peshawar Basin during the Mesozoic.
the initial systematic attempt to understand the regionally
Under the Pre-Paleocene thrust nappes in the submerged
applicable and coherent stratigraphy of the Peshawar Ba-
Mesozoic marine strata, it is anticipated that a potential
sin and surrounding regions. They completed a thorough
petroleum system may be present in the Peshawar Basin.
sampling from several outcrops for a paleontological in-
vestigation, and as a result, they were able to modify the 3. Stratigraphic Setup
region’s stratigraphic framework and carry out a regional
correlation. The literature assessment makes clear that the In a younging up stratigraphic sequence, the Pesha-
petroleum geology of the study region has not yet been war Basin contains the Cambrian (Ambar Formation),
fully studied. Therefore, the assessment of the Peshawar Mid Ordovician (Misri Banda Quartzite), Late Silurian
Basin’s hydrocarbon resource potential has received par- (Panjpir Formation), and Late Devonian (Nowshera For-
ticular attention in this study. mation) (Figure 2). Of particular mention is the absence
of Precambrian (Manki, Shekhai and Dakhner Forma-
2. Regional Tectonic Settings tions), Cambrian (Darwaza Formation), Early Ordovician
A fairly large intra-mountain basin (more than 5500 (Hisartang Formation) and early-Mid Devonian (Inazari
km2) named the Peshawar Basin is located near the south- Formation) from the Peshawar Basin and characterizes the
ernmost tip of the Himalayas, northwest of the Kohat adjacent Attock-Cherat Ranges in the south of Peshawar
Basin (Figure 1). It is situated where the northern and Basin (Table 1).
southern edges of the Indo-Gangetic fore-deep, as well as 3.1 Ambar Formation
the southern limit of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Ranges,
converge. The Peshawar basin is delimited by the Khy- It is a thick rock unit that is exposed in the form of
ber range in the northwest, the Attock-Cherat range in isolated hillocks between the Nowshera and Swabi areas.
the south, and the Swat range in the northeast along the The dominant lithology of the formation is thick bedded
margin of the basin, Quaternary fanglomerates were seen. to massive sandy dolomite, having ripple marks, mud
The majority of such deposits in the basin’s central region cracks and salt pseudomorphs (Figures 2-3). Minor shale
are fluvial micaceous sand, gravel, and lacustrine depos- and siltstone intercalations are also present.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 1. The map shows major sedimentary basins and actinomorphic terrains of Pakistan. The Peshawar Basin is
located in the northwest of the Kohat Basin.
Table 1. The Paleozoic Stratigraphic framework of the Peshawar Basin and adjoining Attock Cherat Ranges, in north
Era Epochs Peshawar Basin and adjoining Attock-Cherat Range
Formation Lithology Thickness
Nowshera Limestone, dolomite, 30-215 m
Silurian Panjpir argillie, phyllite, limestone, meta-sediments & quartzite 400-600 m
Paleozoic Missri Banda Quartzite 200-500 m
Hissar-Tang Argillites & quartzite 400-600 m
Darwaza Limestone, dolomite and maroon shale 500-760 m
Ambar Dolomite, quartzite and argillite 425 m
3.2 Misri Banda Quartzite argillites of the Ambar Formation whereas the upper con-
tact is represented by a basal conglomerate. Based on the
It is a dominantly arenaceous unit, bounded by uncon- Cruziana rugosa fossils Ordovician age is assigned to this
formities, and lies between the underlying Ambar For- rock unit.
mation (Figure 4) and overlying the Panjpir Formation.
The formation contains feldspathic quartzite with thin 3.3 Panjpir Formation
intervals of argillites. The quartzite is cross bedded, and This is dominantly an argillaceous unit lying between
ripple marks are common. The lower contact is marked by the Misri Banda Quartzite and the overlying Nowshera
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Ambar Village Section, were thoroughly investigated for (Plate 2, B) and minor muscovite flakes, some unrecogniz-
the assessment of the hydrocarbon reservoir rocks in the able bioclasts and ore minerals. The quartz grains are fine
Peshawar Basin. At the Central Resource Laboratory of and sub angular to sub rounded (Plate 2, C). The facies is
the University of Peshawar, all the samples were analyzed. laminated (Plate 2, D) in one portion in the Ambar Village
The techniques of thin section petrography, X-ray diffrac- Section. The facies has a network of calcite filled vein that
tion (XRD) analysis, and Scanning Electron Microscopy cross cut each other. Ferruginous stains and stylolites with
(SEM) were used and the results were integrated to better ferruginous and clayey material are also obvious in the
understand the hydrocarbon reservoir characterization in facies at different horizons. The facies contains an overall
the study area. visual porosity of 2% in the thin section. The facies is mud
supported and is almost devoid of any fauna and it seems
5. Results and Discussion to have been to have been deposited in the restricted parts
of the ocean with elevated salinities and less circulation.
5.1 Facies and Depositional Environments
The presence of lamination in the facies is an indication
Ambar Formation of the slow nature of deposition in this environment. This
lagoon was supplied with siliciclastic input by fluvial and
Siltstone Facies: This facies is dominantly composed aeolian processes. The undulose extinction, displayed by
of silty siliceous matrix (Plate 1, A) with some muscovite quartz grains, is because of low grade metamorphism.
grains (Plate 1, B). Some iron stains and heavy minerals
(pyrite) are also obvious in the facies. The Ambar Village
section has more sandy/siliciclastic content that is fine-
grained (Plate 1, C). The facies is characterized by veins
filled with low Mg calcite crystals (Plate 1, D). The facies
shows signs of a low grade of metamorphism. The facies
is very fine-grained, have some heavy mineral concen-
trations and is devoid of any fauna. The facies therefore
represents the inner parts of a restricted environment. The
sand content, present only in the Ambar Village Section is
derived from the fine sand beaches.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
ry calcite cement, some of which have been replaced by minor siliciclastic input is probably derived from the fine
secondary dolomite (Plate 3, C) and some sand grains grained siliciclastic beaches. The absence of planktons
(Plate 3, D). The general absence of fauna, presence of suggests an inner shelf lagoon environment rather than an
faecal pellets, micritized nature of the grains and radial outer shelf.
habit of the ooids indicate that deposition took place on
hyper saline beaches of the lagoons. The presence of lime Missri Banda Quartzite
mud in some sections shows that this environment was At the outcrop, this facies is composed of medi-
subjected to fluctuating energy. um-thick bedded quartzose sandstone having ripple marks
and cross beds at certain intervals. At the thin section lev-
el, this facies is dominantly composed of monocrystalline
(90%) and polycrystalline (2%) quartz (Plate 5, A). The
quartz is angular to subrounded, moderate to well sorted,
tightly packed with straight to sutured contacts. A few
quartz grains show undulose extinction. The feldspars (al-
kali feldspar and plagioclase) constitute about 10% of the
facies. Altered clay lithic fragments constitute about 2%
of the facies. A trace amount of muscovite (1%) is also
present in the facies. Fracture porosity is present in the
facies. The well sorted, sub rounded to rounded, rippled
and cross bedded quartzose sandstone of the Misri Banda
Quartzite is deposited on high energy beaches and fore-
shore environments.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
and have angular to sub rounded shapes. These grains sometimes selective as well. The dolomite has replaced
are embedded in a matrix of lime mud. The facies is mud either the matrix or the grains or both. In some cases, the
supported and contains diverse fauna in the form of bra- signs of the original precursor material are still obvious
chiopods and echinoderms. The facies thus represents a (Plate 8, B). Most of the dolomitization has taken place in
normal salinity low energy environment of the middle the fine grained lime mudstones and wackestones. Some
shelf environment. of the dolomite crystals are euhedral (Plate 8, C), ferroan
and zoned. Silt size siliciclasts are found in some of the
samples. Fracturing, though not common, is found in
some parts of the facies (Plate 8, D).
The facies is characterized by fine to medium dolos-
tones, some of which have euhedral crystals. The orig-
inal precursor material, in some cases, is still obvious.
The facies is therefore considered secondary in nature
replacing the matrix and bioclasts of the mudstones and
wackestones. The Magnesium rich fluids might have been
circulated through the reef complex, particularly in the
back reef portion.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Plate 11. A, B, C, D, and E are representing the Photomicrographs of Ambar Formation, various blocks of cement ma-
trix types, Ferruginous clays (F). Micrite (M), Calcite filled Veins (CV), Dolomite (D) and calcite; F: The XRD results
showing the bulk rock geochemistry of the Ambar Formation; G, H represent the SEM images focusing the Dissolution
and cleavage plane porosities and calcite mineral.
burial depth. According to earlier research, chlorite coat- rite and kaolinite may have been created by the alteration
ings, particularly in deeper reservoir sandstones are signif- of alkali feldspar or unstable clastic framework grains,
icant contributors to anomalous porosity and permeability. as shown by the XRD study in Plate 13, C. According
The Presence of chlorite and sutured contacts between to Foscolos [28], certain fluids produced during burial di-
quartz grains are indicative of deep burial diagenesis and agenesis aid in the alteration of clay minerals, such as the
very low grade metamorphism, which may have obliterat- transformation of smectite to illite. The burial depth and
ed the depositional porosities to a great extent. temperatures had a significant impact on how quickly kao-
linite turned into chlorite. Almost no porosity is present at
6.3 Nowshera Formation
the thin section level. However, SEM analysis shows that
Limestone, dolomite, and quartzite are the main lithlo- the carbonate of the Nowshera Formation possesses a high
gies in the Nowshera Formation. Between the framework amount of intragranular dissolution porosity and micro
grains, coarse and fine calcite, dolomite, and ferruginous intergranular connecting porosity (Plate 13, D and E). The
clays are present as pore fillers (Plate 13, A and B). Chlo- primary porosity has been reduced as a result of high tem-
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Plate 12. A, B: Photomicrographs of the Misri Band Quartzite showing tightly packed quartzite with dissolution porosi-
ty (Dp) and ferruginous clays (F); C: The XRD data are showing the bulk rock geochemistry of the Quartzite rocks; D, E:
represent the SEM images showing the pore filling illite and inter-granular porosity.
perature recrystallization, which alters the size, shape, and siliciclastics and carbonates. The siliciclastic lime
lattice of the crystals without altering their mineralogy. mudstones and ooidal peloidal limestones represent
the carbonate portion of this shelf in the form of
7. Conclusions hyper saline lagoons and beaches. Whereas the fine
grained sandstone, siltstone and sandy siliciclastic
Hydrocarbon reservoir characterization has gained
mudstone occupied the clastic dominated beach and
significance as numerous oil fields are getting mature
lagoon environments. The deposition of formation,
around the world. The development of petroleum geology
therefore, took place in the clastic and carbonate
and reservoir characterization over time provides insight
dominated near shore waters of the shelf.
into how these issues have been overcome and what new
● The XRD analysis indicated the presence of dolo-
methods and technologies will be used in the future. Inte- mite, micrite; goethite, kaolinite and illite are pres-
grated sedimentogoloical, mineralogical and Nano poros- ent as an intergranular mass while calcitic spar is
ity analysis of the Cambrian-Devonian clastic-carbonate present as fracture filling and a product of neomor-
mixed lithofacies of the Peshawar Basin in Pakistan has phism in Ambar Formation. Dolomitization induced
been seen as a significant tool in characterizing the hydro- porosity, twin cleavage plane and high dissolution
carbon reservoirs in the study area. porosity confirmed from SEM image can provide
The following conclusions are drawn from current in- significant pore space to the fluids creating it good
vestigations. reservoir.
● The Ambar Formation is characterized by a mix of ● The deposition of the Missri Banda Quartzite oc-
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Plate 13. A, B: Photomicrographs of the Nowshera Formation illustrating its pore filling material, Calcite (C) Ferrugi-
nous clay (Fc) and dolomite D; C: The XRD data showing the bulk rock geochemistry of the Nowshera Formation lith-
ologies showing the bulk geochemistry; D, E: represent the SEM images of the Nowshera Fm illustrating the dissolution
and inter-granular porosities.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
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Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Interpretation of Geothermal Magnetic Depths, Physicochemical
Parameters and Heavy Metals Determination of Lamurde Hot-spring
in the North-Eastern Benue Trough, Nigeria
Mukaila Abdullahi1* Yunis B. Valdon2 Fartisincha P. Andrew1 Adamu Usman Abba3
Ibrahim Maigari4
1. Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Modibbo Adama University, P.M.B. 2076, Yola, Nigeria
2. Department of Geology, Modibbo Adama University, P.M.B. 2076, Yola, Nigeria
3. Nigerian Geological Survey Agency (NGSA), Abuja Office, 900108, Nigeria
4. Office of the Surveyor General, Adamawa State, Jimeta-Yola, 640001, Nigeria
Article history An integrated interpretation of the magnetic data and the analysis of
Received: 2 May 2023 physicochemical parameters and heavy metals from Lamurde hot spring
has been done for the first time. The temperature of the hot spring was
Revised: 17 August 2023 measured to be at 44 °C while the normal surface temperature is 25 °C.
Accepted: 22 August 2023 Three prominent magnetic anomalies were found at bottom depths of
Published Online: 30 August 2023 11.379 ± 0.253 km, 13.015 ± 2.120 km and 9.161 ± 1.200 km suggesting
that the Lamurde hot-spring is heated at deep mantle (13.015 ± 2.120 km)
Keywords: and issued to the surface through either local or regional fault system or
both. The physicochemical analysis gave pH (7.93 ± 0.06), total chlorine
Aeromagnetic data (125.0 ± 2.89 µg/L), total dissolved solids TDS (202.0 ± 2 ppm), hardness
Lamurde hot-spring (64 ± 1.73 µg/L), alkalinity (210 ± 4 µg/L) and nitrate (1.3 ± 0.3 µg/L).
Geothermal potential In comparison with that of WHO standards, the results indicated that all
the physicochemical parameters studied except for alkalinity fall within
Physicochemical parameters
the permissible limits. Heavy metals were identified and analyzed in the
Heavy metals sampled water: lead (0.1501 ± 0.0007 mg/L), chromium (0.0729 ± 0.0007
mg/L), nickel (0.1987 ± 0.1476 mg/L), cadmium (0.0115 ± 0.0003 mg/L),
copper (0.0442 ± 0.0008 mg/L), arsenic (0.0456 ± 0.0003 mg/L), iron
(0.8016 ± 0.0005 mg/L), cobalt (0.0274 ± 0.0004 mg/L), selenium
(undetectable), manganese (5.31 ± 0.0361 mg/L) and zinc (0.1629 ± 0.0004
mg/L). The concentrations of heavy metals observed in the area with the
exception of Zn, Cu and Se are all above the standards for drinking water.
Their concentrations are in the order of Mn > Fe > Ni > Zn > Pb > Cr >
As > Cu > Co > Cd > Se. These results suggest that the Lamurde hot spring
is a potential zone for Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn and Pb deposit.
*Corresponding Author:
Mukaila Abdullahi,
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Modibbo Adama University, P.M.B. 2076, Yola, Nigeria;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 1. (a) The geological map of Nigeria shows the location of study. (b) The ground Google map, depicting the
location of the Lamurde hot spring (Ruwan Zafi) measured approximately 13.465 km square and two channels through
which the water from the hot spring run into the main water of the river Benue (i.e., named the thermal streams). These
are shown in a distinctive black.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
the Lamurde hot spring is structurally controlled by local C2 0.600 ± 0.0311 6.43 ± 1.0400 13.015 ± 2.120
and regional deep fault systems. C3 0.507 ± 0.0416 4.46 ± 0.5790 9.161 ± 1.200
4.2 Physicochemical Parameters of Water Sample parameters studied except for alkalinity fall within the
The important physicochemical parameters namely pH, WHO permissible limits. The pH of the water was found
total chlorine, total dissolved solids, total hardness and to be 7.93 ± 0.06, which is within the WHO permissible
nitrate in comparison with that of WHO are presented in limit. This indicates that according to the pH, the water is
Table 2. The result indicates that all the physicochemical fit for drinking, recreation, agricultural and aquatic uses [24].
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
The total dissolved solids (TDS) consist of both ionized ± 0.0004 mg/L and 0.0442 ± 0.0008 mg/L which is within
and unionized matter in water. The desirable limit of TDS the WHO permissible limit of 3 mg/L and 2 mg/L respec-
in drinking is in accordance with WHO ranges (500-1000 tively. The concentration follows the order Mn > Fe >
ppm). The TDS of the water sample analyzed was found Ni > Zn > Pb > Cr > As > Cu > Co > Cd > Se.
to be 202.0 ± 2 ppm which is within the WHO permissible These results suggest that the Lamurde hot spring is
limit. a potential zone for Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn and Pb deposit. The
The mean value of chloride, hardness and nitrate in concentration of Mn is the highest followed by Fe. Water
the water sample were 125.0 ± 2.89 mg/L, 64 ± 1.73 mg/ with high concentrations of Fe and Mn is not healthy for
L and 1.3 ± 0.3 mg/L which is within the WHO values of human consumption [9]. Manganese (Mn) is not found as
250 mg/L, 200 mg/L and 3 mg/L respectively. However, a free element in nature but in combination with iron and
that of alkalinity (210 mg/L) is slightly above the WHO other minerals. It is a metal with important alloy uses and
permissible limit (200 mg/L). High alkalinity has some specifically in stainless steel. Iron and manganese are sim-
positive effect of buffering acid rain and other acid waste ilar in chemistry and the manner; they are distributed and
that may have been washing off into the water body, there- concentrated in rocks [9]. They originate from the Earth’s
by preventing pH changes that may be harmful to aquatic crust and mantle and are usually described as the products
lives [25]. of continental weathering, seafloor hydrothermal activity
and sediment diagenesis [8,9]. The fraction of the iron and
Table 2. Physicochemical parameters of the water sample
manganese from the continental weathering of which the
and WHO permissible limit.
volcanic Lamurde hot spring is one is more geologically
Parameters Water sample WHO permissible limit recycled than that from the oceanic crust and the sedi-
pH 7.93 ± 0.06 6.5-8.5 ment diagenesis in this regard is the process for further
Chloride (µg/L) 125.0 ± 2.89 250 recycling of the metals (Mn and Fe) within the sediment’s
Total Dissolved Solids
202.0 ± 2 1000 column [9].
Hardness (mg/L) 64 ± 1.73 200 Water Sample
Alkalinity (mg/L) 210 ± 4 20-200 WHO Permissible Limit
Nitrate (mg/L) 1.3 ± 0.3 3
Concentration (mg/L)
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Results of the Application of Direct-search Mobile Technology in the
Exploration Blocks of Shakal and Halabja (Kurdistan)
Mykola Yakymchuk1 Arzu Javadova2* Ignat Korchagin3
1. Institute for Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, Laboratory Lane, 1, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
2. MicroPro GMBH, st. Magdeburg 26, b, Gommern, 39245, Germany
3. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the NAS of Ukraine, Palladin Ave., 32, Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine
*Corresponding Author:
Arzu Javadova,
MicroPro GMBH, st. Magdeburg 26, b, Gommern, 39245, Germany;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
October 2011, ExxonMobil became the first major IOC to two gas fields, Kormor & Chemchemal.
be awarded contracts in Kurdistan. It signed six PSCs to The Shakal exploration block area is 632 km2 with tar-
become the largest acreage holder in the region. Chevron get study horizons of Paleocene and Miocene carbonate
and Total have since also entered the region with two/ deposits. Shakal-2 (ST-1) was spudded on 23 June 2014
three M & A deals and one licence award each. Signifi- and reached the total depth (TD) of 2950 mMD on 31
cant new oil and gas discoveries have recently been made December 2014. Shakal-3 well was spudded on 6 August
in Kurdistan in northern Iraq, which has emerged as one 2014 and reached TD 3355 mMD on 23 December 2014.
of the Middle East’s most active exploration provinces The Halabja exploration block area is 1519 km2 with
(Figure 1). Continued activity in these areas is expected target study horizons of Cretaceous and Paleocene car-
to lead to reserves growth, even as oil production in- bonate and terrigenous deposits. It is believed that Kurd-
creases. Kurdistan continues to be an active exploration istan has significant yet-to-find reserves, but these two
play involving the largest independent oil companies in exploration block areas’ geologies are more complex than
the region, including Hess, Hunt, Marathon, Murphy, Oil they seem. After the geological and geophysical survey
Search, Repsol, Talisman, OMV and MOL (through its and drilling in the Shakal exploration block area, it needs
subsidiary Kalegran). There are also two Asian NOCs, to understand facies variation and structural evolution.
Sinopec (through Addax) and KNOC operating in Kurd- Regardless of complex geology, both areas are located in
istan, while Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum operate the a proven oil and gas zone.
Figure 1. Shakal and Halabja area. Surrounding discoveries. Shakal & Halabja blocks are in the vicinity of significant
oil and gas discoveries.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
underlined by a Lower Tertiary to Cretaceous anticline that acted as a buttress and caused the younger
rocks to be displaced by thrusts due to compressional tectonics (Figure 5). The structure extends from
the town of Kalar to the SE and appears to continue the NW Pulkhana discovery completed in 2006.
The producing fields of Jampur and Kirkuk are on trend and were originally thought to be structurally
analogous to the Pulkhana and Shakal complex of structural closure. A review of drilling indicated
that it should be possible to drill all of the primary objectives (Jeribe, Dhiban, Euphrates, Jaddala, and
Shiranish formations) and potentially reach the secondary targets (Balambo and Qamchuga formations)
as well. The closest analogue for the southern part of the Shakal block is Qara Dagh field’s, productive
Mio-Oligocene and Cretaceous deposits. There are no analogues for the northern part, all the nearest
Figure 4.blocks mapsame
are at the of the study
stage area in
(Figure 6).the Kurdistan segment of the Zagros fold-thrust belt (modified from ).
Figure Geologicalfeatures
Halabja blocks
blocks [5]..
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
but it is possible that they form a single zone. In terms of when we shout and hear a return echo, we know that the
surface geology, it is assumed that Jurassic, Triassic, and sound has reached a wall or other obstacle, reflected, and
possibly Upper Paleozoic deposits are promising. returned. Just like sound, an electrical wave is reflected,
this phenomenon is known as a “standing wave”, that is, a
3. Research Method wave with fixed nodes and antinodes. Tesla wrote: Instead
In geophysics, special attention is paid to electromag- of sending sound vibrations to a distant wall, I sent elec-
netic (or so-called geoelectric) methods of oil and gas trical vibrations deep into the Earth, and instead of a wall,
exploration. To date, there are advanced instruments for the Earth answered me. Instead of an echo, I received a
geophysical research, which can practically be considered standing electrical wave reflected from the distant depths.
direct indicators of hydrocarbons. These devices theo- The model of the structure of a fragment of the earth’s
retically prognosis the presence of oil and gas accumula- crust can be represented as a set of flat capacitors. N. Te-
tions, which even the best seismic methods still cannot do sla believed that the Earth is a spherical capacitor formed
consistently and reliably. This is a direct reconnaissance by different layers (from the core to the surface of the
method based on frequency-resonant processing and Earth) with different parameters—thickness, permittivity,
interpretation of remote sensing data. Direct-search mo- density, and contact potential difference. The model of the
bile technology is carried out using frequency-resonance structure of a fragment of the earth’s crust can be repre-
processing of satellite data and interpretation of space sented as a set of flat capacitors. The dielectric constant of
and photo images. The method also includes vertical elec- the formations is designated as ε1, ε2, ε3 (respectively).
tro-resonant sounding (scanning) of any studied section Between the layers, a contact potential difference ∆U is
with the integral assessment of the prospects for the oil formed and exists, the sign of which depends on the sign
and gas (or ore) potential of search areas [6]. Shortly we of the differences in the dielectric permittivity of the two
named it Mobile technology. Mobile technology success- contact layers. Thus, N. Tesla for the first time experimen-
fully detects any subsurface substance (hydrocarbons, tally substantiated the possibility of sounding and study-
water, or other) with a 100% guarantee. The developed ing the entire Earth using standing electric waves (Figure
method is an effective express technology for the prompt 10).
solution of environmental, engineering-geological, and The theoretical substantiation of this technology is
geological-geophysical problems. A phenomenological based on the fact that the atoms in all molecules have a
description of the technological features of mobile tech- certain spatial position and their electromagnetic field with
nology, in general, is as follows: “It is based on the latest a characteristic spatial-frequency intensity distribution.
achievements in astrophysics, mathematics, knowledge of The spatial-frequency structure of electromagnetic fields
electromagnetic radiation, computer technology, and soft- of any substance is determined by the chemical composi-
ware.” tion and spatial structure of the molecules. A large amount
From basic physics, it is known that the wave can be of a homogeneous substance will create a collective elec-
travelling or standing. A standing wave is an oscillatory tromagnetic field characteristic of this substance, the radi-
(wave) process in distributed oscillatory systems with a ation power of which is proportional to the concentration
characteristic spatially stable arrangement of alternating of the substance in a given direction. We can assume that a
maxima (antinodes) and minima (nodes) of the amplitude. linear polarization wave with a given frequency response,
Such an oscillatory process occurs when several coherent which carries information about the structure of matter, is
waves interfere. An antinode is the section of a standing not absorbed by the medium (environment) and its inten-
wave in which the oscillations have the greatest ampli- sity does not decrease with distance. Then a homogeneous
tude. When do standing waves occur? When primary and substance at a random depth of the Earth will create a field
reflected sound waves meet in space, they overlap and similar to how this substance would be on the surface. It
interact. The result is a standing wave! It got its name turned out that the characteristic of electromagnetic waves
because the distribution of nodes and antinodes in it is of a large amount of hydrogen, oil, gas, water, and other
constant in time. Nikola Tesla was the first to discover substances is fixed in a certain way on a satellite image.
standing electric waves in the deep horizons of the Earth, When carrying out instrumental measurements using
and Dr. Yakimchuk developed the appropriate equipment, the developed computerized complexes, the spectra of sat-
which, based on Tesla’s theory, works as a direct recon- ellite, aerial, and other photographs of objects of study are
naissance method. So, the theoretical basis of the mobile sequentially compared with the spectra of rock samples,
technology method is based on “standing” electric waves, the desired minerals, and chemical elements. In modified
discovered by Nikola Tesla in 1899. The bottom line is versions of the methods of frequency-resonance process-
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 10. Model of the standing electric waves formation in the deep horizons of the Earth. Model (fragment) of the
Earth’s crust: h1-h3: thickness of sedimentary rock strata; ε1-ε3: their dielectric constant; 1-3: the boundaries of the lay-
ers; I-III: antinode of standing waves the length of the main waves has the following values: λ1 = 2h1; λ2 = 2(h1 + h2);
λ3 = 2(h1 + h2 + h3). The length of other waves is 4 = 2h2, 5 = 2h3, 6 = 2 (h2 + h3), but they may not have antinodes
on the earth’s surface and their effect on the voltage on this plate will be minimal.
ing of satellite images and photographs, as well as vertical the Upper Jaddala and Euphrates formations. Formation
sounding (scanning) of the cross-section, existing databas- water was received from the Dhiban interval. In Shakal-1
es (sets, collections) of sedimentary, metamorphic, and ig- well three DSTs tested in the Jaddala-Aaliji formations,
neous rocks (, minerals and which resulted also in oil shows. In the Dhiban interval
chemical elements are used. Features and capabilities of was received formation water.
the used method, as well as the measurement technique, Signals from oil, condensate and sedimentary rocks of
are described in more detail [6-9]. Unlike classical geophys- very weak intensity were recorded from the surface of the
ical methods, the mobile method used makes it possible to local area indicated in Figure 12. In this regard, further
investigate the composition of the studied section. In each work was not carried out to fix the intervals of responses
specific case, we obtain information on what the studied from hydrocarbons. However, within the entire block, in-
section consists of; what rock complexes are in it - sedi- tense signals were recorded from diamonds and graphite,
mentary, metamorphic, or igneous? And we determine in as well as from the kimberlite volcano. The root of the
the first approximation (and clarify at the stage of detail- kimberlite volcano was determined to be at a depth of 723
ing) the intervals of the section that are promising for the km. The upper edge of the kimberlite volcano was fixed
detection of combustible and ore minerals, immediately, at a depth of 120 m. Signals at diamond frequencies were
in the process of measurements (signal registration) by the recorded from 152 m.
developed instrumentation (i.e., without additional stages
of modelling and geological interpretation of the results of 4.1 Local Fragment within the Shakal Area
instrumental measurements). In the area of the drilled wells (rectangular contour in
Figure 12), responses from oil, condensate, bacteria, phos-
4. Results of Instrumental Measurements
phorus, dead water, diamonds and graphite, limestones
The drilled wells within the Shakal exploration area and kimberlites were recorded from the surface. The low-
were discovered by seismic studies shown in Figure 11. er limit of limestones as a potential hydrocarbon reservoir
Shakal-3 well targeted the Jaddala-Aaliji reservoir interval is fixed at a depth of 4676 m. At 2770 m, we determined
which was encountered at a depth of 3280 mMD. The well the boundaries of the lower and upper parts of the produc-
was perforated behind the 7” liner against the reservoir tive section, which consists mainly of limestones. When
intervals of Jaddala Fm. No hydrocarbon flow was found scanning the section from a depth of 2770 m and further,
in the Jaddala-Aaliji interval. Shakal-2 well was initially we obtained responses of oil from limestones from 3 in-
planned to test by perforating behind the 7” liner against tervals: 1) 2771-2794 m, 2) 2795.3-2815.45 m, and 3)
the reservoir intervals of Upper Jaddala and Euphrates 2834.40-2854 m. Below 2854 m was missing oil respons-
formations. However, the interval of Dhiban formation es. It should also be noted that there are no signals from
was kept as an optional case to be reviewed and decided oil at the surface of 2771 m from the upper part of the sec-
according to the results of the first two drill steam tests tion. From this, it follows that the productive hydrocarbon
(DSTs). It was later tested as well and found oil shows in intervals are between 2771 and 2854 meters.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
4.2 Halabja Exploration Area Lower Fars is absent and effective hydrocarbon matura-
tion. All blocks around the Halabja area are in the explo-
No exploration drilling took place in the Halabja area.
ration stage. In complex topography, large areas are under
Based on analysis of regional data the expected reservoirs
are carbonate. Local development of the seal is Lower minefields.
Fars formation. On the adjacent block, oilfields are identi- Frequency resonance processing of a satellite image of
fied. High uncertainties in the Halabja area are structures the Halabja block (Figure 13) from the surface of recorded
at target formations; facies distribution and petrophysical responses (signals) at the frequencies of oil, condensate,
properties of expected reservoirs; seal at the areas where gas, phosphorus, bacteria, sodium chloride and dolomites.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
We adhere to the abiogenic-mantle origin of hydrocarbons. travel vertically and horizontally as is common in conven-
In the studied blocks of Kurdistan, the synthesis of hydro- tional seismic surveys. The distinguishing feature is that
carbons occurs at the 57-kilometre border. The applied mo- mobile technology deals with satellite imagery and photo-
bile technology made it possible to register responses at the graphic images. In the study in the integrated mode, the ob-
frequencies of oil, condensate, and gas in the Halabja area. ject under study carries approximate predictive values, and
In this area, the responses of a salt volcano were recorded. in individual objects, it is performed by a limited number of
Scanning of the section made it possible to determine the measurement procedures.
upper boundary of the salt at a depth of 480 m. Oil respons- The selected intervals of responses at the frequencies of
es were also received from 12 intervals: oil and gas are areas for searching for oil and gas deposits.
1) 297-311.5 m, 2) 328-330 m, 3) 1190-1260 m, 4) I would also like to note the fact that a kimberlite volcano
2018-2020 m, 5) 2059-2061 m, 6) 2132-2133 m, 7) 2192- with a root at a depth of 723 km and an upper edge at a
2201 m, 8) 2249-2276 m, 9) 2307-2310 m, 10) 2317-2321 depth of 120 m was discovered within the Shakal block.
m, 11) 2326-2329 m and 12) 3310-3340 m. We traced the When scanning the section, responses at diamond frequen-
section up to 4 km (Figure 13). Below 3340 m there were cies began to be recorded from 152 m. a very interesting
no HC responses. object for the search for diamond ore. The position of a
diamond-bearing kimberlite volcano within the block can
5. Discussions be determined by detailed processing of a satellite image
Pilot studies on the territory of Kurdistan were carried of the block. This means that the scanning procedure must
out with the aim of additional testing, as well as improving be performed with a scanning step of at least 1 meter with
the methodological methods of mobile technology. In fact, a dense horizontal grid. This allows us to get more de-
this was a continuation of earlier work, the results of which tailed information about the distribution of the diamond.
are presented in Yakimchuk et al., 2019 [4] and Yakimchuk The materials presented above also testify to the expe-
et al., 2020 [5-7]. The obtained values of the cross-sectional diency of using direct exploration methods at the stages
parameters at the survey sites in Kurdistan are integral es- of site selection for laying exploration wells. It is also ex-
timates, not point ones. To obtain point estimates, it is nec- pedient to carry out an additional survey of the identified
essary to conduct a study with a dense grid over the entire structures using mobile geological exploration methods at
area. A minimum survey grid should be carried out every 5 the stages of planning on drilling exploration wells within
meters. Electromagnetic, resonant frequency signals must them. It can be assumed that an increase in drilling suc-
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
cess by at least two times will contribute to a significant ogy methods. Arzu Javadova took an active participation
increase in the efficiency of the exploration process. This in exploration drilling and G&G analysis of Shakal and
is also evidenced by the results of the approbation of mo- Halabja area. Ignat Korchagin participated in different
bile technology in areas of exploratory wells in various re- approbation of mobile technology in areas of exploratory
gions of the world. Studies of this nature were carried out wells in various regions.
on drilling rigs in the Black Sea (Maria-1, Melnik-1, with-
in block 1-14 Khan-Kubrat, Tuna-1 area), in the North Funding
Sea (57°10.644’N, 01°07.066’E), South African shelf There was no funding for this research.
(Brulpadda-1AX), Angola shelf (6º19’4.8” S, 10º53’33”
E), Pakistan shelf (“Kekra-1”), shelf Alaska (Mukluk, the Conflict of Interest
most expensive in history), Peru shelf (Marina-1), Uru-
There is no conflict of interest.
guay shelf (Raya-1), Lebanon shelf (Block 4), Azerbaijan
shelf (SAX01), Omelkovschinskoye oil field (Republic References
of Belarus), at the Shebelinskaya-888 well, at the Zapad-
no-Krestishchenskoye field (emergency well) (Yakimchuk [1] Javadova, A., 2015. Kurdistan Operator Activity Up-
and Korchagin [5-7]). Experiments carried out in Kurdistan dates [Internet]. ResearchGate. Available from:
have been added to the database, which testifies in favour
of the deep (endogenous) genesis of hydrocarbons in the Kurdistan_Operator_Activity
process of hydrogen degassing of the Earth. [2] Lawa, F.A., Koyi, H., Ibrahim, A., 2013. Tectono‐
stratigraphic evolution of the NW segment OF the
6. Conclusions Zagros fold‐thrust belt, Kurdistan, NE Iraq. Journal
of Petroleum Geology. 36(1), 75-96.
The results of the conducted experimental investiga-
[3] Berberian, M., 1995. Master “blind” thrust faults
tions of an intelligence nature within two blocks in Kurd-
hidden under the Zagros folds: Active basement tec-
istan allow us to state the following:
tonics and surface morphotectonics. Tectonophysics.
A) Fixation of SW responses during frequency-reso-
241(3-4), 193-224.
nance processing of satellite images of blocks indicates
[4] Sissakian, V.K., 2000 Geological map of Iraq, scale
the expediency of carrying out a detailed search in their
1:1000000, 3rd edition. Iraq Geological Survey Pub-
search work.
lications: Baghdad.
B) According to the results of the study of the section
[5] Javadova, A., 2016. Geological Features of South-
within the local section of the Shakal block, the interval of
west-North East Kurdistan [Internet]. LinkedIn Post.
section 2760-2860 m is the most promising for the search
Available from:
for oil deposits.
C) Within the Halabja block, the most promising for oil
exploration are intervals from 295 to 3340 m.
[6] Якимчук, Н.А., Корчагин, И.Н., Бахмутов, В.Г., et
Research materials conducted at sites in Kurdistan
al., 2019. Геофизические исследования в Украин-
demonstrate the operability and effectiveness of mobile ской морской антарктической экспедиции 2018 г.:
technology in the search for hydrocarbon accumulations мобильная измерительная аппаратура, инноваци-
on land. Low-cost technology in general, can be used in онные прямопоисковые методы, новые результа-
various regions for a preliminary assessment of the oil and ты (Russian) [Geophysical research in the Ukrainian
gas potential of little-studied and unexplored prospecting Marine Antarctic Expedition 2018: mobile measuring
blocks and local areas. Promptly conducted additional equipment, innovative direct search methods, new
studies by direct methods in local areas of drilling explo- results]. Геоінформатика. 1, 5-27.
ration wells will contribute to increasing the success of [7] Якимчук, Н.А., Корчагин, И.Н., 2020. Технология
drilling (increasing the number of wells with industrial частотно-резонансной обработки данных ДЗЗ:
hydrocarbon inflows). Well, placement in the areas of ver- Результаты практической апробации при поис-
tical channels of fluid migration can lead to an increase in ках полезных ископаемых в различных регионаз
the inflow of hydrocarbons. земного шара. Часть 1. УДК 528+550.837+553.98.
Geoinformatika, №. 3, pp. 29-51, 2019; Часть II.
Author Contributions
Geoinformatika. № 4, pp. 30-58, 2019; Часть III.
Mykola Yakymchuk is an author of the mobile technol- Geoinformatika. № 1, pp. 19-41, 2020; Часть IV.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Geoinformatika. № 3, pp. 29-62 (Russian) [Techno- бурения скважин на нефть и газ (Russian) [On the
logy of frequency-resonance processing of remote feasibility of additional use of mobile direct search
sensing data: Results of practical testing in the se- methods in the areas of drilling wells for oil and gas].
arch for minerals in various regions of the globe. Azerbaijan Geologist. 24. 49-66.
Part 1. UDC 528+550.837+553.98. Geoinformatics, [9] Якимчук, Н.А., Корчагин, И.Н., 2020. Апробация
no. 3, pp. 29-51, 2019; Part II. geoinformatics. No. прямопоисковой технологии частотно-резонансной
4, pp. 30-58, 2019; Part III. geoinformatics. No. 1, обработки спутниковых снимков и фотоснимков
pp. 19-41, 2020; Part IV. geoinformatics. No. 3, pp. на известных месторождениях углеводородов в
29-62]. Available from: различных регионах (Russian) [Approbation of
handle/123456789/125236 direct search technology for frequency-resonance
[8] Я к и м ч у к , Н . А . , Ко рч а г и н , И . Н . , 2 0 2 0 . О processing of satellite images and photographs at
целесобразности допольнительного применения known hydrocarbon deposits in various regions].
мобильных прямопоисковых методок на участках Геоінформатика. 2, 3-38.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Origin of the Moon and Lunar Water
Nick Gorkavyi*
Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, MD 20706, USA
Article history Three principal concepts regarding lunar formation have been examined:
Received: 31 August 2023 the accretion hypothesis, the mega-impact theory, and the multi-impact
model. The multi-impact model amalgamates the salient facets of the mega-
Revised: 11 October 2023 impact theory and the accretion hypothesis. As per this model, fragments of
Accepted: 16 October 2023 the terrestrial crust are ejected into space during collisions with numerous
Published Online: 20 October 2023 planetesimals (proto-asteroids) with diameters around 10-100 kilometers.
In the vicinity of Earth’s orbit, this ejecta interacts with the accretion disk,
Keywords: augmenting its mass. Numerical computations demonstrate that particles
within the prograde-rotating accretion disk effectively capture prograde-
Moon rotating ejecta while shedding retrograde-rotating ejecta onto the planetary
Mega-impact body. The multi-impact theory provides an explanation for the creation of
Water not just the Moon and Charon but also the satellites of asteroids. Several
predictions regarding the parameters of asteroid satellites posited by this
Asteroid satellites
theory have already been validated through statistical analysis of binary
asteroids. Different models of lunar formation yield varied conclusions
regarding the quantity of lunar water, its subsurface distribution, and
isotopic composition. The mega-impact theory postulates the genesis
of a largely desiccated Moon. Consequently, the modest lunar water
content may arise from comets, solar wind, or the transport of water from
Earth’s atmosphere. These mechanisms for lunar water formation imply
its superficial occurrence in polar regions and substantial deviation of the
deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratio from terrestrial norms. Conversely,
the multi-impact theory posits lunar water’s origin from planetesimals,
akin to terrestrial water. Thus, a significant quantity of lunar water is
inferred, expected to be pervasive across the lunar surface at varying
depths, and possessing isotopic composition analogous to terrestrial water.
Geomorphological structures in the lunar polar regions (smoothed craters,
landslides, regular patterns) suggest the presence of a substantial permafrost
layer with an approximate thickness of a kilometer.
1. Introduction
have been actively advancing. The most ambitious among
In recent years, various lunar exploration programs them are the programs of the United States [1] and China,
*Corresponding Author:
Nick Gorkavyi,
Science Systems and Applications, Inc., Lanham, MD 20706, USA;
Email: [email protected]
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s). Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd. This is an open access article under the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License. (
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
yet Russia, India, and Japan also have their lunar initi- observations revealed the presence of four new moons
atives. As part of the Indian project “Chandrayaan-3”, around Jupiter, marking the initiation of a new era of Solar
on August 23, 2023, a lander along with a mobile rover System exploration. In terms of relative mass, the Moon
successfully touched down in the vicinity of the Moon’s exceeded all previously known satellites before 1978.
southern pole. The “Smart Lander for Investigating The Moon’s distinct status as a one-of-a-kind natural
Moon” (SLIM), developed in Japan, was launched to satellite led to the development of a unique theory about
the Moon on September 6, 2023. In November 2024, the its origin: the mega-impact theory. This theory was initial-
American lunar rover “VIPER” (Volatiles Investigating ly proposed by R. Daly in 1946 and was further detailed
Polar Exploration Rover) is planned to touch down in the in a 1975 publication by W. Hartmann and D. Davis [7].
vicinity of the Moon’s southern pole. One of the primary According to this theory, larger celestial bodies that were
objectives facing these lunar landers is the search for and forming near Earth’s orbit could have collided with Earth
study of lunar water. The investigation of lunar water during the first 107-108 years, approximately 4.5 billion
sheds light on the Moon’s origin, making it intriguing to years ago. If a planetesimal with a radius of about 1200
analyze the lunar water predictions of different lunar ori- km struck Earth’s surface at a speed of 13 km/sec, it could
gin models. Early descriptions of lunar formation models have provided enough kinetic energy to eject two lunar
(such as capture and fission due to centrifugal force) can masses at nearly escape velocities [7]. Hartmann and Da-
be found in Ringwood’s book [2]. Herein, our focus centers vis concluded that this model could explain the Moon’s
on three pivotal theories of lunar formation: the accretion characteristics, such as its reduced iron content, increased
model, the mega-impact theory, and the multi-impact abundance of refractory elements, and depletion of vola-
model. tile substances. In accordance with the Hartmann-Davis
hypothesis, the protosatellite disk, and subsequently the
2. Accretion Model of Lunar Formation and moon, are postulated to form from ejected fragments
Its Challenges of Earth’s crust and upper mantle, possessing a density
similar to that of the Moon, approximately 3 g/cm3. This
The Safronov group successfully formulated an ac-
explanation also addresses the Moon’s iron deficiency, as
cretion theory for the formation of terrestrial planets [3].
Earth’s crust and mantle exhibit diminished iron content
Ruskol proposed a similar accretion theory for the Moon’s
(6% FeO) [6] due to its concentration within the molten
formation from near-Earth protosatellite swarms [4]. Such
Earth’s core, where FeO constitutes 83% [6].
a swarm around Earth was envisioned to accumulate from
Hartmann and Davis employed a very moderate im-
particles moving along heliocentric orbits, colliding with-
pactor mass estimate of 6.7 × 10–3 of Earth’s mass, merely
in Earth’s gravitational field, and transitioning to near-
half the mass of the Moon, for their calculations. How-
Earth orbits, thus forming a protosatellite swarm or disk.
ever, Hartmann and Davis’s qualitative model did not ac-
The accretion model faces two significant challenges:
count for the intricate issue of retaining material in near-
a. The accretion mechanism leads to a relatively low
Earth orbit. Within a two-body problem context, matter
mass fraction (10–3 to 10–4 of the planet’s mass) for the
ejected from Earth due to impact cannot persist in near-
protosatellite swarm, which is inadequate to account for
Earth orbit. This ejecta must acquire hyperbolic velocity
the Moon’s substantial mass fraction (1/81 or 1.2% of
and escape onto heliocentric orbits or enter elliptical orbits
Earth’s mass, a record in the Solar System as of 1975);
around Earth, returning to Earth’s surface within a single
b. There is no explanation for the Moon’s average
revolution due to the lower part of such an orbit intersect-
chemical composition, including its low density (3.3 g/
ing Earth’s surface.
cm3) and iron deficiency (13% FeO) [5]. If the accretion Consequently, when scientists embarked on detailed
theory holds, the Moon, formed similarly to Earth from calculations, they significantly deviated from the origi-
planetesimals, should exhibit analogous parameters: a nal Hartmann and Davis estimates. They augmented the
density of 5.5 g/cm3 and an average iron content of 31% impactor mass to the extent that the dynamics of smaller
FeO [6]. fragments conformed to the three-body problem, as frag-
ments moved between Earth and the surviving part of the
3. Mega-Impact Model of Formation and Its
impactor. This adjusted model presented the possibility of
retaining at least a fraction of the ejected material in orbit.
Until 1610, the Moon was perceived as a singular ce- In accordance with this model, there was a colossal
lestial body; no other natural satellites were known within collision around 4.5 billion years ago involving Earth and
the Solar System. However, four centuries ago, Galilei’s a massive celestial body named Theia. Theia was approx-
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
imately the size of Mars, with a diameter of around 7,000 from a near-Earth protosatellite disk generated through
km. This extraordinary event resulted in fragments from accretion [5].
the collision being placed into an orbit around Earth. Charon, one of Pluto’s moons, was discovered in
In the most contemporary calculations, the mass of 1978. Despite Pluto being a small, cold dwarf planet on
the impacting planet has reached approximately half of the outskirts of the Solar System, Charon is relatively
the proto-Earth’s mass [8]. As a result of this catastrophic massive compared to its parent body, accounting for 12
impact around Earth, a protolunar disk with significant an- percent of Pluto’s mass. In contrast, the Moon only makes
gular momentum emerged. The model featuring a massive up 1.2 percent of Earth’s mass, thereby diminishing the
impactor resolved the issue of retaining a small amount Moon’s status as a unique satellite in terms of its relative
of ejected material in near-Earth orbit but gave rise to an- mass. Furthermore, the phenomenon of substantial (ap-
other predicament: it was revealed that, under such a sce- proximately 10%) duplicity was observed among small
nario, the Moon is formed not only from Earth’s crust and solid-surfaced celestial bodies—asteroids and trans-Nep-
mantle but also from material derived from the impacting tunian objects [10]. In 1994, the first satellite of an asteroid
Theia. Since Theia’s isotopic composition is expected (Ida) was photographed, followed by the discovery of the
to differ from that of Earth, this implies that the isotopic first triple asteroid (Sylvia) in 2005. Additionally, apart
composition of the Moon, which comprises a substantial from Charon, four smaller and more distant satellites were
portion of Theia’s material, must also differ from that of detected around Pluto. It is noteworthy that the origin of
Earth. However, as demonstrated in a series of studies, the Charon and asteroidal satellites within the framework of
isotopic composition of oxygen, titanium, and tungsten in the mega-impact model appears highly implausible. This
lunar and terrestrial rocks aligns entirely. is due to the fact that collisions among bodies in the aster-
The uniformity of isotopes implies that the material oid belt occur at speeds of several kilometers per second,
found on the Moon originated from the mantle of the early while the initial escape velocity for asteroids is lower by
Earth [9]. 2-3 orders of magnitude. The matter ejected by a massive
There are additional arguments against the mega-im- impactor is simply unfeasible to retain in orbit around an
pact model. Geochemical analyses have led to the following asteroid with weak gravity.
conclusions regarding the catastrophic impact model [5]: In 1989, Ringwood published an article [11] in which he
a. The Moon, which originated from Earth, must be noted that the current version of this hypothesis is unlike-
younger than Earth; ly to be true for several reasons:
b. Due to the mega-impact, both the Moon and Earth 1) The probability of such an event is low.
should have experienced melting. This suggests that both 2) If such a collision had occurred, it would have melt-
Earth and the Moon likely had oceans of molten magma; ed and separated the Earth’s materials, resulting in chemi-
c. The Moon’s lack of volatile elements can be attrib- cal compositions different from what we observe.
uted to the heating of Earth’s material ejected into orbit 3) The mechanics of this collision suggest that the
during the mega-impact. Moon’s composition would primarily come from the
However, empirical data from these geochemical anal- mantle of the impacting body, while the evidence from
yses provide a somewhat different perspective [5]: geochemistry strongly suggests that most of the Moon’s
a. The Moon is older than Earth or, to be more precise, material originated from the Earth’s mantle instead.
the Moon’s core may have formed before Earth’s core; Ringwood concludes that in the Moon’s creation, im-
b. The Moon appears to have been relatively cool and pactors with masses of 0.001 to 0.01 times that of Earth
might not have been entirely covered in molten magma. were involved.
Furthermore, geochemical data contradicts the idea of a As far back as 1986, Ruskol introduced the concept
molten mantle ocean on Earth. For instance, the Earth’s that the Moon didn’t originate from a single massive im-
current mantle shows less differentiation than it would if pact but rather from a series of “macro-impacts”, which
there had been a molten magma ocean in the distant past; are essentially the same phenomenon but on a somewhat
c. The composition of volatile elements found on the smaller scale. In these impactful events involving signif-
Moon doesn’t align with the mega-impact theory. These icant celestial bodies, the developing Earth isn’t entirely
elements cannot be explained as originating from Earth’s obliterated. Instead, the ejections from the impact craters
mantle through heating processes. in the Earth’s mantle are so forceful that they partially es-
As a result, in the year 2000, geochemists J.H. Jones cape Earth’s gravitational pull and spread into the nearby
and H. Palme supported the model of lunar formation space, forming a swarm of materials [12].
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
a. How the debris orbit changes based on the mass ratio orbital motion. The qualitative results remain unchanged
of particles, the orbit parameters of the ejecta, and the ra- under substantial variations in the size distribution law
dius of the protosatellite swarm particle’s orbit. of the ejecta particles or when considering an extensive
b. Whether the debris impacts the planet’s surface or disk extending up to 100,000 kilometers from the planet’s
remains in a stable satellite orbit. surface. These calculations compellingly demonstrate
c. Whether the protolunar disk’s mass decreases or the dynamic efficiency of the discussed lunar formation
increases under the influence of planet-originated ejecta. mechanism.
Does the disk maintain its orbital stability?
We postulate that the distribution of ejecta is symmetric
with respect to the direction of Earth’s revolution—mean-
ing that for a certain number of particles ejected from the
planet’s surface onto prograde near-Earth orbits, an equal
number of particles are ejected onto retrograde orbits.
Two primary scenarios exist for the interaction between
the disk particles and ejecta:
1) Ejecta with retrograde orbital rotation interacts with
particles from the prograde disk, thus inevitably impact-
ing Earth and carrying along a disk particle, if its mass is
smaller or comparable to that of the ejecta particle.
2) Ejecta with prograde orbital rotation interacts with
particles from the prograde disk and is highly likely to Figure 1. (From the article [14]). This graph illustrates the
transition to a stable satellite orbit. Even a slight perturba- changes in surface density within the protosatellite disk
tion from a disk particle is sufficient to induce an increase caused by its interaction with the material ejected from
in the ejecta’s perigee, thus avoiding collision with Earth. Earth, with values measured in arbitrary units. Initially,
the disk, which extends 10,000 kilometers above Earth’s
Figure 1 illustrates the growth and degradation profiles
surface, is considered to be uniform in composition. The
of a disk extending above the Earth’s surface by 10,000
slender curve shows how the surface density of the disk
km. A study was conducted involving 1000 distinct values decreases over time due to the material being expelled
for ejecta particle masses ranging from 0.1 to 10 relative onto Earth after interactions with both prograde and
to the mass of disk particles. The number of particles is retrograde ejecta trajectories. On the other hand, the bold
inversely proportional to their mass. Additionally, 1000 curve depicts how the surface density of the disk increases
disk orbits (with a step of 10 km) of varying radii and over time as a result of material accreting onto it from the
400 ejecta orbits with uniformly distributed eccentricities direct ejecta. The most favorable conditions for satellite
from nearly circular to 1 were examined. All ejecta orbits formation occur within the zone of 2-3 Earth radii, where
are tangential to the Earth’s surface, thus their semi-major the increase (gain) in disk surface density significantly
axes are consistent with this condition. The probability of surpasses the losses.
ejecta interaction with each disk orbit was conventionally In 2017, Rufu, Aharanson, and Perets published a
set at 1%. It is assumed that the debris cloud contributes similar article in Nature-Geoscience on the multi-impact
to the disk orbit with a radius equal to the semi-major axis formation of the Moon, demonstrating that the Moon’s
of the debris cloud orbit. The debris cloud distribution origin could be attributed to numerous moderate impacts
was examined within a space twice the size of the disk, rather than a single mega-impact event [15]. In their study,
up to 20,000 km above the Earth’s surface. A total of 400 they examined a sequence of 20 impacts from bodies with
million debris cloud trajectories were analyzed. masses ranging from 0.1 to 0.01 times that of Earth, which
It is evident that the parts of the protosatellite disk generated disks and subsequently formed satellites. These
closest to the planet are vanishing (due to particle outward 20 satellites eventually merged to form a single larger
migration or collision with the planet), while in the rest of Moon. The structure of the protosatellite disk presented
the disk, a confident growth (gain) is observed, dominat- in the Rufu, Aharanson, and Perets article [15] aligns well
ing over the reduction (loss). The disk’s growth is attribut- with Figure 1 from the article [14].
ed to the accretion of prograde ejecta, which compensates The lunar formation model, which combines the ex-
for the disk’s reduction caused by bombardment from ret- istence of an accretion disk around Earth along with the
rograde ejecta. The examined mechanism effectively se- continuous replenishment of this disk through multiple
lects ejecta trajectories that align with the pro-lunar disk’s macro-impact events, is actively developed within the
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Moscow Safronov group. See, for instance, the work by Moon is positioned somewhere in the middle of the distri-
Adushkin et al. [16] and the references therein. Ruskol dis- bution of asteroid satellites, thereby definitively shedding
cusses the asymmetry of craters and maria on the visible the aura of uniqueness. Models of Moon formation in
and far sides of the Moon [4]. The higher concentration of proximity to Earth and satellites around solid-surfaced
lunar maria (dark, flat plains) on the side of the Moon that planets must be unified, elucidating both the Moon and
faces Earth, particularly in the leading quarter of the lunar asteroid satellites. A potential question might arise: if the
disk, could suggest that the Moon has been impacted by mechanism of asteroid satellite formation lacks substantial
material ejected from Earth. Thus, the “maria” asymme- constraints on its efficacy, then why do only about 10% of
try suggests the occurrence of numerous and temporally asteroids manifest as binaries or possess satellites?
distributed strong asteroid impacts, transporting material We posit that the actual percentage of duality among
from Earth to the Moon. asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects is considerably
Hence, the multi-impact theory of lunar formation com- higher; however, when the protosatellite disk transforms
bines the strengths of both the accretion theory and the into an actual satellite, the mechanism of selection exclu-
original Hartmann-Davis mega-impact model. This model sively by direct ejection ceases to operate. A substantial
is independently developed by three groups of researchers, satellite absorbs ejected material with a net zero angular
yielding similar outcomes. It remains consistent with con- momentum and converges with the primary body. The
temporary geochemical data and avoids dynamic issues. orbital velocity of the satellite is contingent upon the mass
A significant advantage of the multi-impact theory lies of the central body. Depending on the rotational velocity
in its applicability not only to the Moon’s formation but of the central body, the satellite can gently merge with it,
also to the formation of Charon and asteroid satellites [17]. thereby forming a binary system. Notably, certain aster-
This broadens the opportunities for testing the theory oids, such as 486958 Arrokoth, exhibit a dumbbell shape
against a substantial volume of observational data. or that of two agglomerated bodies (Figure 2).
5. Comparison of Moon Formation and
Binary Asteroids
In the study by Gaftonyuk and Gorkavyi, a database
containing 113 binary asteroids was examined, with rota-
tional periods and diameters of the primary components de-
termined [18]. The predictions of the multi-impact model [13,14,17]
were fully corroborated. The average rotation rate of sin-
gle asteroids amounts to 3.54 rotations per day, whereas
the average rotation rate of the primary bodies of binary
asteroids was found to be nearly twice as high: 6.56 ± 0.28
rotations per day.
Furthermore, it has also been demonstrated that:
1) The satellites of asteroids exhibit solely direct orbits,
typically characterized by low eccentricities and inclina-
tions relative to the equator of the central body, thereby
falling within the class of regular satellites. Figure 2. The most detailed images of 486958 Arrokoth
2) The duality of asteroids (percentage of bodies with (Wenu 21.20 × 19.90 × 9.05 km; Weeyo 15.75 × 13.85 ×
satellites) rapidly increases with the rotational speed of 9.75 km [19]). New Horizons spacecraft, 1 January 2019
the primary body.
3) The percentage of duality among asteroids depends
on the size of the main asteroid, and there is a minimum The formation of another satellite on an outer orbit
number of binary asteroids found among those sized be- around such a binary system is also possible. A third body,
tween 10-100 km. Asteroids with satellites are most com- undergoing a similar evolution, may decelerate and be-
monly observed in two size ranges: those smaller than 10 come incorporated into the already merged pair of bodies.
km and those larger than 100 km. This appears to be how the triple body of asteroid 9969
Consequently, asteroid satellite systems are regular and Braille was formed.
akin to satellite systems of typical planets. When consid- In the scenario where the moon follows a circular or-
ering mass relative to their respective primary bodies, the bit and collides tangentially with a large, quasi-spherical
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
asteroid, it would leave an elongated trench (fossa) on the of a dumbbell-shaped asteroid, certain conditions must be
surface of the primary body. The asteroid Vesta, a large met. These conditions include a constrained orbital veloci-
and fast-rotating celestial object with a diameter of 525 ty for the moon, represented as V, where V2 < 2Ev/ρ. Here,
km, is an example of this phenomenon. Despite its size, Ev signifies the specific volumetric energy required for the
Vesta does not possess any moons. However, a distinctive asteroid’s breakup, and ρ represents the moon’s density.
series of enormous fossae were discovered on its surface This velocity threshold is approximately 100 meters per
(indicated by blue arrows in Figure 3). These fossae are second. Consequently, rapidly rotating asteroids with di-
found in two formations: one near the equator (Divalia ameters of several hundred kilometers or less can display
Fossae Formation) and another at approximately 30°N equatorial grooves, which essentially serve as the impact
(Saturnalia Fossae Formation). These grooves extend to scars left by their moons. For asteroids with diameters less
lengths of 300-400 km, widths of 10-20 km, and depths of than one hundred kilometers, the interaction with a moon
up to 5 km (Figure 3). A moon orbiting Vesta would need should result in the formation of a dumbbell-shaped struc-
to travel at a velocity of 900 km/h. If its orbital rotation ture.
aligns with the direction of Vesta’s rotation, the moon In the issue of lunar formation, the primary question
would move relative to Vesta’s surface at approximately revolves around the source of material required for the
600 km/h. According to calculations, a moon with a mass creation of such a satellite. In the issue of asteroid belt
roughly 10–3 times that of Vesta, having the same density, formation, the key query pertains to the whereabouts of
would possess enough kinetic energy before it completely 99.97% of the mass of the belt. Interestingly, these two
breaks apart to create a canyon. This canyon would be 5 questions are intricately interconnected.
kilometers deep, 10 kilometers wide, and 1,000 kilometers The actual masses of Mars and the asteroid belt differ
long, even if the material it is moving through is as tough significantly from the values that would be expected based
as durable granite. The specific energy required for this on theoretical predictions derived from extrapolating the
fragmentation process would be approximately 109 erg/ density of solid materials present in the protoplanetary
cm3. The presence of two distinct sets of grooves suggests disk near Venus and Earth. During collisions of planetes-
that Vesta encountered and incorporated two moons with imals, a significant amount of dust is generated. A more
inclined orbits. The author of this theory first introduced detailed analysis has revealed that 10% of dust particles
this concept in an interview with “New Scientist” [20] in ranging in size from 0.2 to 40 micrometers acquire a sig-
2015 and later elaborated on it in a more comprehensive nificant eccentricity in their orbits due to the pressure of
discussion published in 2019 [21]. solar radiation. Eventually, Jupiter’s gravitational field
Attention is drawn to intriguing spiral structures in the scatters these particles, causing them to exit the Solar Sys-
polar regions, particularly prominent in the vicinity of the tem, on average, within about 30,000 years [22]. This pro-
southern pole (indicated by yellow arrows). As calcula- cess could explain a substantial loss of mass in both the
tions reveal, the absorption of a 50-kilometer-diameter asteroid belt and the Martian region [23]. The effectiveness
satellite, moving in the direction of the blue arrows at a of removing dust particles from asteroids, despite their
velocity of approximately 200 m/s, should lead not only weak gravitational pull, is supported by observations from
to the formation of deep valleys, expanding the satellite’s spaceborne images. These images show that the surfaces
energy, but also to a global acceleration of the asteroidal of small asteroids exhibit rocky features, while the larger
crust in the equatorial region, utilizing the angular mo- Moon’s surface is covered by fine dust, which remains in
mentum of the satellite. Following the satellite’s absorp- place due to the Moon’s gravitational forces (Figure 4).
tion, the crust with a thickness of around 10 km should The isotopic composition of noble gases found in sur-
acquire additional rotation at a rate of about one meter per face regolith samples taken from asteroid 25143 Itokawa
second relative to the satellite’s core and its polar regions. suggests that over a span of more than one million years,
This additional angular momentum may induce a dis- this asteroid, with an average diameter of around 330 me-
placement of the crust with respect to the asteroid’s main ters, experiences a loss of surface material equivalent to a
mass by ~100 km, resulting in the appearance of spiral layer several tens of centimeters thick [24].
structures in the polar region. Hence, asteroids experience a reduction in mass as
Another scenario that should be considered is a gentler they lose a significant portion of their substance, while
interaction between an asteroid and its satellite. This sce- simultaneously generating a region conducive to satellite
nario assumes that the moon has relatively low energy and formation around them. It is the satellites that capture a
cannot create a canyon or crater that is larger in volume fraction of the material ejected from the asteroid’s surface
than the moon itself. In such situations, for the creation and thereby grow. Following a similar mechanism, the
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Figure 3. The relief map depicts the northern (left) and southern (right) hemispheres of asteroid 4 Vesta. The equatorial
region is omitted from the map. The color scheme corresponds to the distance from Vesta’s center, with lower eleva-
tions represented in violet and higher elevations in red. This map is a result of the Dawn mission and was created using
data from NASA, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Southwest Research Institute, and the National Optical
Astronomy Observatory. Blue arrows on the map indicate the direction of the satellite’s orbital movement, while yellow
inner arrows highlight spiral structures present in the polar regions.
Figure 4. The image on the left displays the surface of the Moon, which is coated with a layer of regolith and dust. It
captures the moment when NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt was gathering lunar samples as part of the Apollo 17
mission at the Taurus-Littrow landing site on December 11, 1972. The photo credit goes to Eugene A. Cernan/NASA.
On the right side, there is a picture of the rocky surface of the asteroid moonlet Dimorphos, which has a diameter of 150
meters (with a field of view spanning 31 meters across). This image was captured on October 26, 2022, from the DART
spacecraft and is credited to NASA/Johns Hopkins APL.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
Moon also expands, drawing sustenance from the debris retrograde, like the Pasiphae and Phoebe groups, along
expelled from the Earth’s surface. with the massive retrograde Triton. In the 1995 article, a
The distinction between the formation of the Moon and prognostication was put forth concerning the existence
Charon compared to Phobos, Deimos, and binary asteroids of an as-yet-undiscovered outermost cluster of retrograde
lies primarily in the fact that the Moon and Charon are satellites encircling Saturn. Utilizing numerical simula-
substantial satellites that have moved considerably away tions involving 256 thousand clusters of debris within the
from their respective planets due to tidal interactions. context of the three-body problem, it was determined that
In this context, the relatively faster and longer-lasting the realm occupied by retrograde satellites encompasses
Moon, characterized by a higher rate of radial drift, likely approximately 19 to 31 million kilometers, exhibiting a
absorbed the smaller outer satellites of Earth over time, focal concentration of around 25 to 26 million kilometers.
whereas the slower and younger Charon did not have the The computations indicated that the retrograde satellite
opportunity to do so. It is conceivable that the extensive- Phoebe (positioned at 12.9 million kilometers) should, on
ly discussed enigmatic intense lunar bombardment 3.9 the contrary, be predominantly encircled by prograde sat-
billion years ago, which lacks corresponding evidence on ellites [26].
Earth [24], might have resulted from collisions between ex- In the year 2000, the predicted family of outer retro-
ternal smaller satellites and the Moon, which was drifting grade satellites of Saturn was discovered through telescop-
outward. ic observations. By 2023, within the region spanning from
It is noteworthy that the transfer of material from a sol- 15 to 27 million km, 96 retrograde satellites and only 16
id-surfaced planet to a satellite disk is absent in the case prograde satellites were detected. In the vicinity of Phoe-
of gas giant planets. All matter falling from heliocentric be, ranging from 11 to 15 million km, the reverse trend
orbits onto a gas giant planet becomes incorporated into was observed, with 6 prograde satellites and merely 3 ret-
the planet upon any contact with its surface. Material rograde satellites being identified. Gorkavyi and Taidako-
arriving from heliocentric orbits—both gases and solid va discussed the alignment between theoretical and obser-
bodies—can not only fall onto the planet’s surface but can vational results concerning Saturn’s irregular satellites in
also remain in satellite orbits through fortuitous self-in- December 2001. Based on the 1995 model, they inferred
teractions, rather than interactions with the planet itself. an additional outcome that a group of numerous undis-
This process of gas accretion is extensively elucidated by covered satellites likely exists beyond Triton’s orbit (>
Ruskol [4]. The typical mass of a satellite system of a gas 0.5 million km) around Neptune: “Nereid is probably the
giant planet is approximately ~10–4 of the planet’s mass largest member of the family of prograde satellites mixed
and is found in usually regular and massive satellites, such with more numerous family of smaller retrograde satel-
as Galilean satellites. This gas accretion from heliocentric lites” [27]. Observers announced the discovery of such a
orbits presumably imparts the planet’s rotation rate. An new Neptune satellite group several months later in 2002.
interesting fact emerges: for Jupiter, the equatorial speed Within the range of 15.7-48.4 million km, 2 prograde and
of self-rotation is 12.6 km/s, while its orbital speed around 3 retrograde satellites of Neptune were found. Thus, the
the Sun is 13.07 km/s (a difference of 3.7%). This implies formation of satellite systems around gas giant planets is
that the lower part of Jupiter facing the Sun is almost sta- broadly understood and well-described by an accretion
tionary—similar to the bottom point of a swiftly moving model involving interactions between planetesimals from
train wheel remaining still relative to the rail. For Saturn, heliocentric orbits and the gaseous protosatellite disk.
the equatorial rotation speed around its axis is 9.87 km/s,
while its orbital speed is 9.68 km/s (a difference of 1.9%).
6. Predictions Regarding Lunar Water
These occurrences are likely not coincidental. The giant impact theory posits the complete melting
Small and irregular outer satellites of gas giant planets of the Moon, followed by its gradual cooling, resulting in
exhibit distinct characteristics from the massive inner a state of near-complete dryness. Jewitt and Young dis-
satellites. However, their emergence is also linked to cussed the scenario in which Earth experienced a collision
quasi-accretionary capture of particles and asteroids from with a Mars-sized object about 4.5 billion years ago. This
heliocentric orbits. Gorkavyi and Taidakova demonstrated in collision resulted in the ejection of material, which even-
a series of articles from 1993 to 1995 (references in paper [25]) tually cooled and came together to form the Moon. The
that the interaction between impacting solid bodies from immense energy from this colossal impact would have re-
heliocentric orbits and a protosatellite disk can elucidate moved a significant portion of Earth’s atmosphere, evap-
the formation of groups of irregular satellites—both orated any existing oceans, and created a deep ocean of
prograde, such as the Himalia and Nereid groups, and molten rock. Whether Earth initially had water or not, the
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
powerful impact that led to the Moon’s formation likely suggesting that the Earth’s atmosphere could be a con-
removed most, if not all, of the planet’s original water [28]. tributing source of lunar water. This interaction allows for
Observations have confirmed the presence of a substan- the accumulation of terrestrial water on the Moon, with a
tial amount of water on the Moon, prompting the search potential capacity of approximately 3000 km3 [32].
for mechanisms that deliver new water to the arid lunar Mechanisms related to the solar wind and material
surface. Comets appear as the most plausible candidates transport to polar regions are realistic, but they can only
due to their high ice content and potential encounters saturate the surface layer with water to a depth of several
within the lunar and terrestrial vicinity. The exact quan- decimeters or meters. The multi-impact model posits that
tity of water brought by comets to the Moon remains lunar water shares a common origin with Earth’s water—
uncertain, although their contribution to Earth’s oceans arising from planetesimals that contributed to the forma-
has been established. Notably, comets have introduced tion of both Earth and the Moon. Consequently, water
approximately a quarter of the noble gases, such as xenon, should be present not only in polar but also in equatorial
into Earth’s atmosphere. Consequently, the contribution of regions of the Moon, where it resides at greater depths.
comets to Earth’s oceans is estimated to be less than 1% [29]. The isotopic composition of lunar water is expected to
Furthermore, cometary water exhibits a distinct isotopic mirror that of terrestrial water. The surface layers of reg-
composition, with three times the amount of deuterium olith can contain water from the solar wind, which has a
compared to terrestrial water [30]. different isotopic composition.
He et al. investigate different origins of water on the The presence of lunar water should manifest in the
Moon and perform an examination of the amount, hydro- lunar geomorphology [33,34]. At the LCROSS impact site
gen isotope makeup, and variations from the core to the (Cabeus crater, approximately 85°S), the concentration of
rim of water present in impact glass beads obtained from water ice within the regolith is estimated to be 5.6% by
lunar soil samples collected during the Chang’e-5 mission [31]. mass [35], or potentially even higher [36]. The existence of
Their calculations suggest that the amount of water a permafrost layer beneath the lunar surface can induce
trapped within these impact glass beads within lunar soil alterations in crater shapes, akin to observations in the
could possibly be as high as 2.7 × 1014 kilograms [31]. permafrost zones of Mars [37]. Notably, near certain craters
Recently, a model proposing the transfer of water from within the Moon’s South Pole region, signs of landslides
Earth’s atmosphere to the Moon has emerged [32]. The are evident (Figure 5a), exhibiting diverse scale structures [34]
Moon periodically traverses through the Earth’s magnet- —reminiscent of landslides within Earth’s permafrost are-
ic tail containing terrestrial hydrogen and oxygen ions, as (Figure 5b).
Figure 5. (a) The image shows a landslide occurrence along the edge of a crater situated in the region of 87.1°S and
95.0°W on the lunar surface. Notably, visible are cracks spanning many hundreds of meters, as indicated by the red
arrow. Additionally, smaller folds measuring tens of meters are denoted by the white arrow (refer to the inset). This
figure employs MOONTrek Version: 3.4.140 (source: (b) This part of the figure displays a
patterned ground formation composed of substantial folds, indicated by the red arrow, alongside smaller wrinkles shown
by the white arrow. This geomorphic feature occurs within the permafrost melting zone on Earth, situated at coordinates
67.4°N and 134.8°E, and is sourced from Google Maps.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
The depth and morphology of craters located at the as analogous zones on Earth [39] (refer to Figure 5b). Our
lunar South Pole may exhibit distinctive characteristics hypothesis posits that the observed traits of lunar craters
attributed to the presence of a layer of water ice and vola- in the South and North Polar regions of the Moon are in-
tile compounds. These substances are expected to undergo dicative of the presence of permafrost [34].
both melting and sublimation processes during impact When contrasting the topography of the equatorial and
events and over subsequent periods (refer to Figures 5-6). polar regions of the Moon, the latter display notably dis-
An examination of photographs depicting the polar re- tinctive features (see Figure 6): smoothed craters (Figure
gions reveals several notable attributes associated with 6a) and numerous intricate relief patterns (Figures 6b-
small craters in proximity to the lunar poles (as illustrated 6d). It is evident that such features cannot be exclusively
in Figures 5-6): attributed to meteoritic impacts. Consequently, an alter-
1) These craters tend to possess smoother contours, and native factor is at play, influencing geological activity in
the surrounding terrain displays a distinctive pattern [34]. the polar zones. This likely involves a substantial layer of
2) The occurrence of patterned ground is frequently ob- perpetual frost, the evolving dynamics of which give rise
served within the craters and their immediate vicinity [34]. to the distinct relief patterns known as solifluction struc-
3) Notably, landslides and cracks are discernible in are- tures. The estimated thickness of this layer is on the order
as outside the craters [34]. of kilometers, as its influence is observable in the shapes
4) Layers or steps are often apparent on the inner of craters of kilometer-scale dimensions (see Figure 6a).
slopes of these craters [34]. Notably, it is improbable for sources of lunar water such
These characteristics closely resemble those found in as solar wind or Earth’s atmospheric tail to create perma-
craters within the permafrost regions on Mars [38], as well frost layers thicker than a few meters.
Figure 6. (a) Lunar reliefs in the vicinity of the Moon’s North Pole exhibit distinctive features, characterized by
smoothed forms (the lower left corner of the photograph has coordinates 85.8°N, 133.5°E). (b) Landslide at the edge
of a crater (86.0°N, 137.9°E). (c) Patterned surface in the region of 85.9°N, 133.9°E. (d) Regular structures of various
scales in the area of 86.1°N, 125.1°E. The yellow arrows in (b, c, d) indicate quasi-regular structures, often with differ-
ent orientations, which are typical for relief features in permafrost zones [38,39].
Source: NASA/MOONTrek Version: 3.4.140.
Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023
7. Conclusions Acknowledgement
We have demonstrated that ejecta generated by large- The author expresses gratitude to Tanya Taidakova for
scale impacts on a planet’s surface readily transition to years of fruitful collaboration; John Mather for support
stable satellite orbits, even when interacting with smaller and valuable advice, and astronaut Harrison Schmitt for
particles in the protosatellite disk, which are 10-100 times his insightful lecture at the Goddard Space Flight Center
less massive than the ejecta. A protosatellite disk with pro- in May 2017.
grade rotation effectively captures and incorporates ejecta
with prograde rotation, destabilizing and returning ejecta Data Availability Statement
with retrograde rotation to the planet. The initial protosat- The data supporting these findings are publicly availa-
ellite disk is not destroyed by the impact of ejecta with a ble.
net zero angular momentum, but instead rapidly grows by
absorbing prograde ejecta carrying mass and additional Conflict of Interest
angular momentum.
The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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Earth and Planetary Science | Volume 02 | Issue 02 | October 2023