Challenge Magazine 045
Challenge Magazine 045
Challenge Magazine 045
-Fiction Gami g
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Managing Editor
Michelle Sturgeon
Associate Editors
Loren K. Wiseman
Julia Martin The Magazine of Science-Fiction Gaming
Graphic Design and Production
Steve Bryant
Interior Artists
Janet Aulisio
6 Twilight 11: The Adventure Continues
You've been waiting for it-now here it is! The Twilight: 2000 revision
Tim Bradstreet
Loren K. Wiseman
Paul Daily
Liz Danforth 12 BAGS: Body Armor Generation System
Rick Harris Use this system to determine material, coverage, rigidity, armor class,
Phil Morrissey weight, and price when inventing your own body armor.
Allen Nunis Jason English
Kirk Wescom
68 ~ o n u t ~ u n
A routine police investigation turns into a panicked firefight when a
donut shop is suspected of fronting a black market operation. Unfortu-
nately, the PCs are caught in the middle.
Lester W. Smith
72 New on the Street
You slip into the dark alley, and all is silent. At last, you've made good
your escape. You lean back against the wall, panting heavily, and wipe
the sweat from your brow. But when you look up, you see that you're
not alone. In front of you stands the ugliest street samurai you've ever
seen, and in his hand is an even uglier Barchetta Model 279. How do Page 6
you react to equipment you've never even seen?
Lester W. Smith and Brett A. Foland
80 o+uece~+
O.U.C.H. is where you get rotten teeth yanked from receding gums with
a minimum of anesthetic in the shortest possible amount of time. After a
few good whiffs of laughing gas, you'll barely notice when your rotten
bicuspids are twisted from their roots by a feebly trained pliers operator.
And with a few stitches and a handful of painkiller, the laughing patient
can be sent back to work as quickly as possible.
Merle M. Rasrnussen
4 Challenge 45
chronology. The European colonial and marks them with its emblem. Since FEEDBACK
powers decided to introduce a uniform coins are circulatingfreely, the rulers are I find the new look in Challenge is-
calendar to be used among themselves deterred from debasing them. If some- sue 43 very refreshing. The Lettersfrom
to avoid confusion. The Greenwich one did so, merchants would refuse to our Readers was a great idea! I finally
observatory was commissioned to accept the debased coins for payment. realized how much conflict there is be-
develop it. Anders Blixt tween the readers' demand.
A Martian year consists of 666 Mars Sweden The MegaTraveller Amber Zone,
days. It is divided into 19 months of 35 "Trouble in Paradise," was very well
days (five weeks), plus New Years Day. Referees should feel free to adopt the done. However, it would have been
Thus, the monthly calendar looks like above systems in their campaigns. better if the stats for the NPCs were
this: Apolio, Ares, Artemis, Athena, However, a few cautions are in order. provided. I also like the fact that Ifinally
Chronos, Demeter, Eos, Hades, Helios, Although Seldon instituted many re- got to see the faces behind the maga-
Hephaisios, Hera, Herakles, Hermes, forms, the use of a unified currency is zine. I must say, Loren doesn't look like
Kastor, Ouranos, Persephone, Poly- dubious, and few city-states-other how I pictured him from the few times
deukes, Poseidon, Zeus. than his birthplace or the former capital I've talked to him (grin).
The developers chose to retain the of his empire-wouldprobably continue I'm looking forward to the next Trav-
Earthly nameforthe weekdays. The first to feature his image. Theuse ofprecious ellercartoon and the next issueof Chal-
day in a month is always Sunday. New metal as a form of currency is also lenge. Keep up the good work.
Years Day is not a weekday but is uncommon on Mars because of the Wilson "Mac" Liaw
counted separately. rarity of any metal there. Finally, de- Worthington, OH
Year 1 is counted from 1 January based currency is usually refused by
1870-the year when man for the first merchants only if they know it's de- Your magazine is of the highest
time set his foot on Mars. Martian years based. The many petty and corrupt quality and one of the best on the mar-
are denoted AM (anno Martialis). Years princes of Mars have undoubtedly re- ket. I hope to see it go monthly very
before AM 1 are denoted AAP (ante defined 'pure" currency in their trea- soon. Continue the good work.
anno primo). 1 January 1889 AM corre- suries' favor dozens of times through- Martin D. Goodman
sponds to 15 Ares AM 11. Edison and out Martian history. Paulding, OH
Armstrong reached Mars 32AresAM 1.
On the topic of Seldon's monetary TMVELLER COWRAGE Thank you for the fine magazine that
reform, the Martian coinage before I have watched the JournalIChal- your company produces and all the fine
Seldon was a hodgepodge of curren- lenge go from Traveller to GDW prod- GDW products.
cies, but when Seldon built his empire ucts to sci-fi gaming in general-and not Tammie Davis
he decided to create a uniform coinage happily. I play Traveller and Twilight: Quincy, IL
to encourage trade within the realm. The 2000, and can usually change the other
innovation provedto be successful, and material to scenarios for them. But the I just purchased Challenge 43 and
today it is used over almost the whole fact is that I would rather not have to do read through all of it. Bravo!! I like the
planet. To the memory of Seldon's so much changing. new format. I am highly impressedwith
decision, the backside of most coins I realize you need a lot of subscribers GDW. Please keep producing your
carry his emblem, regardless of their to make the magazine work. However, games and magazines. And don't for-
origins. as a long-time Traveller player (since get Twilight: 2000 2nd edition-many
The coinage is silver-based, and the 1978), 1 prefer Traveller material over people in Colorado Springs are eagerly
value of a coin corresponds to its metal Battletech, Star Trek, or Warhammer awaiting its arrival.
content. The most common coin is 40,000. 1 should think at least one-third Thomas C. Jarvis
called cri--it contains 9OoA silver and of the magazine could be Traveller- Colorado Springs, CO
weighs 4.7 grams. with occasional articles on the other
The copper coin craf weighs 7.0 non-GDWgames-and still have awide
grams. There are eight crafs to the cri. subscriber range. Have any comments on this issue?
Half-craf coins are also made-the I hate to see Challenge go the way How about gaming in general? Letters
copper alloy contains 85% copper. of the Grenadier (i.e., away from primar- from our Readers provides garners an
The gold coin eclo is worth 32 cri, ily GDW materials to anything and ev- opportunity to air their views. The opin-
contains 92% gold, and weighs 9.4 erything). ions presenteddo not necessarily reflect
grams. It is uncommon and is mainly Anyway, the magazine is still good those of the magazine. Challenge
used by traders and authoritiesfor large and gives me ideas for scenarios. reserves the right to edit letters. Write
transactions. Richard D. Stoy lo Challenge Letters, PO Box 1646,
Every city-state makes its own coins A Co. 532 MI BN, CA Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 USA.
Challenge 45
"What fools we were to allow ourselves to be lullled
into a warm sense of security by the events of the
late '80s and eariy '90s. How childlike we were in our
trumpeting of the new age of peace, prosperity3and
good will. Democracy had come to Europe, and that
meant that peace had come to Europe, for democra-
cies never made war on other democracies.
"What utter rot!
""How could we have believed such naive rubbish
with the lesson of history so plainly before us?
Democracies have always made war on other de-
mocracies; 'at has been a fact of life since the earli-
est democracies flourished in Greece and warred
csntirsuous%y upsn each other.
""How C O U J ~ we have forgotten that in the War of
"881%the two great western democracies made
enthusiastic, aggressive war sn each other?
""How could we have forgotten that democracies
represent the will of the people, and mat tke will of
the people is often bellicose?
'Wow could we have forgotten that Hitier was
Janosz Skrivkin
Chancellor af Cmalia
Challenge 45 7 I
of Europe, but rather from Soviet pre- Union escalates, and the Soviet Union Elsewhere in the world, tensions
occupation elsewhere coupled with sud- increases its troop withdrawal schedule mount.
den German reunification. While the in order to use the forces inside its own
prospect of German reunification ap- borders. 1996
peared to be a fantasy at the time, Germany optsfor continued member- Soviet forces launch a spring offen-
events both in Germany and Moscow ship in NATO, but at a greatly reduced sive against the Chinese. But despite
have made that scenario look consid- level of commitment, and turns its atten- good initial gains, the drive soon stalls,
erably less far-fetched today. tions to bringing the eastern portion of with further horrendous casualties.
As a result, the chronological back- the country up to the standard of living Poland sends an additional division
ground to the war has required surpris- of the west. to the Far East, but a wave of demon-
ingly little alteration to make it compat- strations in western Poland by ethnic
ible with the current world situation, and 1992 Germans is violently suppressed by riot
the game scenario has, if anything, In March, NATO, the Warsaw Pact, police, resulting in several deaths and
become even more reasonable than and German foreign ministers agree to numerous injuries. Germany protests
before. the Rhineland Compromise, providing and moves several divisions closer to
for token NATO forces to remain in the the border.
'FIRBELINE Rhinelandfor a period of five years. Civil In June, a small group of senior
The following timeline summarizes war in Albania results in the fall of the officers of the German Army, as well as
the main events in Twilight: 2000 from Communist government. at least one German cabinet minister,
1989-1996. open secret talks with the leadership of
1993 several German ethnic organizations in
1989 In China, underground pro-democ- eastern Poland. These talks are accom-
The year the Cold War ended. All racy organizations begin demonstrating panied by increasingly violent antigov-
across Europe, communist govern- in many of China's larger cities. While ernment demonstrations in Poland by
ments topple in response to pro-democ- these remain relatively peaceful for a ethnic Germans.
racy demonstrations. The Soviet while, they soon erupt into violence, In mid-July there are frequent ex-
Union's new policy of encouraging po- forcing military intervention. Within a changes of fire and several border in-
litical pluralism in Europe makes the end year, many regions are effectively ruled cidents between units of the Polish and
of bureaucratic Communism acertainty. by military commanders, modern ver- German armies. On July 27 elements
The Berlin wall is torn down in spots, and sions of China's traditional warlords. of the German Ill Corps cross the fron-
German reunification is now spoken of tier in retaliation forwhat they described
openly-the question is no longer "if" but 1994 as a full-scale attack by the Poles.
rather "when." In China, the central government is Claiming that its actions were justified
Riots in the Soviet republic of Azer- increasingly dominated by hard-line by the military provocations of Poland
baijan (over alleged repression of nationalists,who are supported by north and that it faces dismemberment as a
Armenians) require intervention by Chinese warlords. New demands for state, Germany turns to its NATO part-
Soviet troops, and the republic of Pan- border adjustments are made against ners for assistance. Some (like the
ama is invaded by the United States. the Soviet Union, and it is felt that given United States, Canada, and the United
the Soviet internal problems, this might Kingdom) join in, while others (like
1990 be the time to press for them interna- France, Greece, and Italy) refuse.
The long-awaited (and long-feared, in tionally. A minor border incident between
some circles) reunification of Germany As Europe shows signs of increasing Hungary and Romania erupts into war,
occurs as a result of de facto plebiscite instability, Germany begins quietly in- and Hungary invades Romania accom-
elections. The newly united Germany creasing its force structure. panied by its allies-Bulgaria and the
renounces any territorial claims outside USSR.
of its post-WWII boundaries but asserts 1995 Jugoslavia rallies to the aid of Roma-
continued interest in the welfare of After a period of increasing tension nia, followed by Turkey. NATO responds
ethnic Germans living outside of Ger- and escalating border incidents, full- shortly thereafter.
many. scale war erupts between the Soviet The years 1997-2000 proceed much
Soviet troops begin to withdraw from Union and the People's Republic of the same as before.
Czechoslovakia, but the governments China. The Red Army enjoys rapid ini-
of Poland and Hungary (concerned over tial success, and tank columns roar CMARAC'B'BR 4:I%NBRPL'1'IQ)N
the specter of a reunified Germany) deep into the northern Chinese indus- The new character generation rules
request continued Soviet troop pres- trial heartland. in the Twilight: 2000 second edition
ence and reaffirm their commitment to However, the Chinese surpass the incorporatefewer random elements and
the Warsaw Pact. expectations of most military analysts. a greater level of player choice. Char-
While the Soviets continue to make acters can enter any career they wish
1991 impressive gains, their losses mount, to, provided that they have the required
Ethnic and religious violence in the and the tempo of advance slows, then attribute level or other prerequisites
Central Asian republics of the Soviet grinds to a halt. (such as Education). Skills and attri-
8 Challenge 45
butes are now 1-10 instead of 1-100,
and the six attributes have been re-
shuffled. Fitness has been eliminated,
Charisma added, and Stature replaced
with Constitution.
Also, a much wider range of charac-
ters is now possible, although the new
system is easier to work with than the
original. We have expandedthe military
career paths to include navy, air force,
and marines, and the possible armies
now include every major power in Eu-
rope (and quite a few minor ones).
In keeping with a more detailed cov-
erage of other armies in character gen-
eration, we have also expanded the
equipment listing so that at least a fair
sampling of vehicles and weapons is
available for every army covered.
Whether you intend to actually run a
Jugoslavian soldier as a player charak-
ter or not, it's handy knowing what
weapons and vehicles he is likely lo
have at his disposal in case you want to
run a campaign there instead of in Pol-
Not all vehicles or weapons are cov-
ered, even for the major powers, but the
selection is considerably expanded over
the original game, and we have taken
the opportunity to upgrade the ratings
based on new information that wasn't
available six years ago.
The above letters stand
wheeled vehlcle. The HMMWV is a four-wheel-drive, off-
road vehlcle designed as a light scout, utility, and carao
vehlcle It has replaced the jeep in U.S. service. It nas a
weapons mount (C) above the commander's seat; however,
no weapon is provided.
Tr Mov: 200160
Corn Mov: 5011 5
Fuel Cap: 90
Fuel Cons: 30
Combat Statistics
Config: Stnd HF. 1
Susp'W(2) HS 1
HR. 1
Price: $20,000 (CIS)
Fuel Type: D, G, A
Load: 1.25 tons
Veh Wt: 2 tons
Crew: 2+4
Mnt: 2
Nlght Visior,- Headlights
10 Challenge 45
automatic fire are a result of a realiza- to be knocked down, but it is also now
tion that single shots are to auto fire as possible to be blown apart by a large
man-to-mandefense is to zone defense. explosion.
That is, automatic fire isn't just more of Fragmentation has been changed a
the same-it is fundamentally different. bit, mostly to bring it in line with the new
A rifleman attemptingto hit a target with small arms damage and penetration
single shots does so by trying to hit the procedures.
target with each of one or more aimed each point is equivalent to 5mm of steel.
shots. On the other hand, a subma- This accounts for some of the changes
chinegunner, or riflemanwith an assault In the original system, the damage in armor values of the vehicles, while
rifle on full automatic, tries to hit a tar- caused by aweapon declined drastically others are from new data which has
get by saturating its general area with with range. Since armor penetrationwas been released in the six years since the
bullets, under the assumption that proportional to damage, this was nec- original publication of the game.
something is bound to hit. Marksman- essary to model the decrease in pene- As mentioned earlier, all game data
ship doesn't much enter into it. tration over range. This is no longer relevant to a vehicle is now contained
Whenever a character fires a weapon necessary since penetration has been on a single vehicle card.
on its automatic fire setting, he fires one decoupled from damage, at least for This article has only scratched the
or more bursts of rounds (dependingon most heavy weapons. surface of the revisions to the game.
the individual weapon). Each time a The wound effects rule has changed We'll be illustratingthe game to agreater
burst is fired, roll a number of D6 equal very little aside from a simplified wound degree than previously, including both
to the number of rounds in the burst. system for NPCs. In retrospect, it was a color and black tt white illustrations.
Each 6 rolled is a hit. The actual num- mistake to require the referee to roll up Everythingwill be organized for ease of
ber of dice rolled per burst, however, the number of hits an MPC can take use, with major charts printed near the
may be reduced by either range and/or when the NPCs come in groups of I 0 relevant rule in the text as well as in a
recoil, as well as movement (target or or more. Aperson is a person, after all, master chart section. New character
firer) and other factors. and a great deal of detail lavished on generation worksheets, record forms,
Automatic fire weapons have a dan- spear-carrier NPCs just slows up the and other referee aids will be included
ger zone, so that more than one target game for the players. (for photocopying).
can be hit during a given phase (some- All in all, we think you'll likewhat we've
times unintentionally) by spraying bul- VEHItILE IBARIAGE done to the game. We're quite proud of
lets into a general area. The vehicle damage system has been it. Q
streamlined in
Sequence and Initiative keeping with the
Coolness under fire has been re- new fire combat
placed by initiative ratings and a new rules.
phase sequencing system. Each 30- The new sys-
second turn retains the old division into tem still has a de-
five-second phases, but they are now tailed tally of inte-
How many times h v e you played a w a g m e , a
numbered, and characters take actions rior components
histoy book, or seen a war movie and said to yowset
according to their initiative. Characters damaged, but now
with high initiatives can take actions in there are fewer
many phases; those with low initiatives die rolls and fewer
can act only in a limited numberof phas- charts to page
es. Since things are no longer simulta- through. The aim wt! R e 20th Century
neous, an opportunity fire rule was here was to keep to partidpate in W I
necessary. Otherwise, low-initiative the detailedflavor
characters would be unable to fire at a of the original sys-
high-initiative character ducking irom tem while making
cover to cover. the mechanicsfar
Melee Combat: Body combat has more streamlined
become unarmed melee combat. Me- and accessible.
lee combat has become armed melee One important CI Lifetime 5300.00
combat. Other than this and adaptation statistical change N0TE:Membenhipincludessubscription to BREAKMROUGH mogaziw,
rnembi?rstip card, patch, atxi des.
to the new attribute/skiil system, melee has been the ar-
combat has not changed radically. mor ratings. Inthe
original edition
each armor point
The principaldifference in explosions was the equiva-
is that concussion has been substituted lent of I mm of
forknock-down radius. It is still possible steel, while now
Challenge 4-5 II
Body Armor Generation System
Jason English
ne of the most striking aspectsof Twilight: 2000 (or any 1-2: Flexible. This refers to armor that is woven (such as some
other postholocaust roleplaying game) is the collapse of forms of Kevlar) or is naturally flexible (like soft leather).
industry as we know it. As local supplies of construction 3-4: Rigid. Rigid armor is formed in hard plates, such as medie-
and manufacturing materials diminish, other sources val suits of armor or the steel plates used in flak jackets.
must be tapped. Ready sources of material exist in the 5-6: Semirigid. This type of armor is a cross between flexible
ruins of dead and destroyed cities, as rubble and assorted junk may and rigid armor, which combines the ease of movement found in
be pressed into use as building materials. flexible armor with the natural strength of rigid armor.
One result of this shift in industrial materials would beseen in the
equipment used by communities to outfit its local defense forces, ARMOR GLASS
particularly in the field of body armor. Although steel helmets and The armor class of a particular piece of body armor depends on
Kevlar vests are rather common with armed troops, groups with the materials used in it. Armor made from natural materials ranges
little in the way of money or resources may not be able to get ahold from 1-3 (1D6+2). Armor made from metal ranges from 1-6 (1D6).
of them. But an optional system will allow referees to create differ- Armor made from plastics/ceramics ranges from 2-12 (2D6)
ent types of make-shift armor. The ratings included here are for use
with the original Twilight: 2000 combat system armor ratings, not WEIGHT
those of the upcoming revision. Like armor class, weight depends on the materials used in the
construction of a piece of body armor. Weight also depends on the
BAGS SYSTEM coverage of the piece of armor and its particular armor class (AC).
The BAGS system requires six steps to create body armor. Natural Materials: Helmets weigh .2xAC kilograms where AC
1: Roll 1D6 for material used. is their armor class (as determined above). Vests weigh .7xAC
2: Roll 1D6 for coverage. kilograms. Full-body armor weighs 2xAC kilograms.
3: Roll 1D6 for rigidity. Metals: Helmets weigh .8xAC kilograms. Vests weigh 2xAC
4: Determine armor class. kilograms. Full-body armor weighs 6xAC kilograms.
5: Determine weight. PlasticlCeramic Materials: Helmets weigh .I xAC kilograms.
6: Determine price. Vests weigh 1xAC kilograms. Full-body armor weighs 3xAC kilo-
Die roll results are as follows. PRICE
1-2: Natural Materials. This includes hides, leathers, and even Price is only really important when the players are trying to buy
pieces of wood fashioned into some sort of protective garment. or sell a piece of armor created from this system. Price is depen-
3-4: Metals. These are the most common materials used in body dent on the same factors as weight.
armor, ranging from bronze to high-grade steel. Natural Materials: Helmets are priced at $(ACx5). Vests are
5-6: PlasticsICeramics. These are the most sophisticated (and priced at $(ACxl5). Full-body armor is priced at $(ACx25).
most rare) materials available. Plastics and ceramics are not only Metals: Helmets are priced at $(ACxlO). Vests are priced at
used as armor, but are also used asconstruction materials and (with $(ACx50). Full-body armor is priced at $(ACx100).
certain high-grade plastics) weapons parts. Plastic/Ceramic Materials: Helmets are priced at $(ACx20).
Vests are priced at $(ACx100). Full-body armor is priced at
Die roll results are as follows.
1-2: Head (Helmet). This may offer coverage as a regular hel- NOmNCmTmE
met (as explained on page 23 of the first edition Twilight: 2000 If you want to name the armor types you create with this system,
Player's Manual) or give complete protection to all parts of the head the new nameshould reflect whatthe armor is madeof. For instance,
(like a medieval enclosed helm). appropriate names for natural armors are boiled leather or quilted
3-4: ChestlAbdomen (Vest). A standard armor vest offers deerskin. Similarly, metal armorscould be named bronze, iron, steel
protection of these areas of the body. plate, cupronickel, titanium alloy, etc.
5-6: Full Body. This type of coverage protects all parts of the Plastics and ceramics are a little different. Since different plas-
body, except the head (a helmet isoften worn with afull-body armor tics are inherently composed of different materials, the referee (or
suit). This type includes medieval suits of armor, as well as high- anyone else using the system) can have a ball making up names
tech suits made from ceramics. for these materials.
Here are some suggestions: carbon-composite armor (CCA)
RIGmITU armorplast, ceramisteel, and polymer monofilament system (or
Die roll results are as follows. PMS). R
12 Challenge 45
QUlN CON V,July 13-15 at the Road- strategy, and adventure boardgames, Emporium. This year's convention will
way Inn in Quincy, IL.Events will include role-playing games, miniatures, and be the fifth annual event. Scheduledare
roleplaying, miniatures (fantasy and computer games. Plus flea markets, a variety of roleplaying games, includ-
historical), board and card games, and auctions, an exhibitor area, seminars, ing AD& D, Battle Tech, Cali of Cthulhu,
RPGA events, including a memorial demonstrations, and special guests. Champions, Marvel I-feroes, Shad-
tournament for the hemophilia fund. Contact Strategicon, PO Box 8399, owrun, and others. Plus historical and
Guest of honor will be game designer Long Beach, CA 90808. computer games, a silent auction,
Lester Smith. Send a SASE to Quin Con dealers' room, and miniatures painting
V, 3632 Maine St., Quincy, IL 62301. TACTICON '90, Sept. 14-16 at the competition.Send a SASE to Quad Con,
Sheraton Hotel of Lakewood, CO, The Game Emporium, 3213 23rd Ave.,
SAN DIEGO COMIC-CON,August 2- sponsored by the Denver Gamers Moline, IL, 61265.
5 at the Convention and PerformingArts Association.Also participatingwill be the
Center in downtown San Diego. Preced- Colorado Springs Gaming Society and STAR CON '90, October 26-28 in the
ing the Comic-Con will be the two-day S.A.I.G.E., the local RPGA club. Gam- Americano's Center in Menasha, WI,
Comic Book Expo, a trade show for the ing will include boardgames, computer sponsored by Star Base Alpha. For
industry held July 31 and Aug. 1 at the games, miniatures, roleplayinggames, more information, contact Star Con '90,
convention center. This year's Comic- and official RPGA tournaments. Other 1112 N. Lake St., Neenah, WI 54956.
Con will be the 21st annual event. On activities are auctions, afigure-painting
the schedule are an art show, art auc- contest, and the Puffing Billy tournament
tion, and exhibits. Amajor theme will be for railroad garners. Contact the Den- Announcements should be sent in at
horror and the supernatural as por- ver Gamers Association, PO Box least four months before a convenfion
takesplace. Challengeis notresponsible
trayed in comics, novels, short stories, 440058, Aurora, CO 80044. for errors in convention announcements.
films, and television. Guests will include Write to Challenge Conventions, PO Box
top artists, writers, and editors from the COLONIAL CITY GAMEFEST '90, 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 USA.
comics industry, major science fiction Sept. 15-16 at the Knox County Memo-
and fantasy authors, giants from the rial Building on East High Street in
animation industry, and a movie star or Mount Vernon, OH. Tournaments and With I H C s ROC0 Minitanks,
two. Contactthe San Diego Comic-Con, contests will include AD& D, Gladiators, Half the Battle's Won !
PO Box 17488, San Diego, CA92117. and miniatures painting.Also scheduled You can't beat the realism you can achieve when
you use ROC0 Minitanks in your military scene.
are 25mm FantasyBaftles, Warhammer Modeled in 1:87 scale, they are complete and ready
to use as is. or if vou wish, simolv add some
GENCOM '90, August 9-12 at the and Warhammer40,000,25mm Medie- weather~ngfor more real~sm a
MECCA Convention Center in Milwau- val, WWll Armor (both microscale and
kee, WI. Play in hundreds of adventure HO), ACW, micronaval, boardgames,
No 352
games, role-playing games, and the and other RPGs. Write to the Colonial $6 25
US M1 Abrams '
world's largest role-playing tourna- City Gamefest, c/o Mount Vernon w/l05mm gun
ment-the AD&DOpen. More than 40 Gamers Association, PO Box 1184,
national games tournaments and tons Mount Vernon, OH 43050.
of events will be sponsored by the
RPGA Network and major manufactur- CALGARY GAMING CONVEN-
ers. Enjoy a huge strategy and histori- TION, Sept. 21-23 in Calgary, Alberta,
cal miniatures gaming area. Match your Canada, sponsored by the Canadian
wits and pit your strategies against your Wargamers Group. This third annual
foes. Don't miss your chance to play convention includes events to both in-
against the fierce competition found in troduce the novice and challenge the
the highly acclaimed world board- expert gamer. Enjoy the open gaming
gaming championships. Plus a fantasy area, as well as the annual game auc-
art show, 150 exhibit areas, games and tion with over 300 games. For more
art auctions, a computer gaming area, information, contact the Canadian
world-class games seminars, demon- Wargamers Group, Convention'90, 207
strations and workshops. Contact Bernard Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta,
Send $3.98 for 64-page Color Catalog & Price List.
GenCon Game Fair Headquarters, PO T3K 26B CANADA. Send certilied check, MO, MC, or Visa (supply card no..
Box 756, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. exp. date & signature)for prompt service.
QUAD CON '90, October 12-14 at international ,ept. ,,,,
GATEWAY 10,August 31-September Palmer Auditorium, 1000 Brady St., Hobby 350 E. Tioga St.
Phila., PA 19134 USA
3 at the Los Angeles Airport Hyatt Ho- Davenport, IA, sponsored by The Riv- Corrp* (215) 426-2873
tel. The convention will feature family, erbend Gamers Club and The Game
Challenge 45 13
A covert operation in the Hinte orrlds by Mark E. Gelinas
erchant ships have been stopped re-
cently along the Bruia Diagonal at
the system of Gomms. Those ships
bearing lmperial registry or lmperial
goods have had high tariffs levied
against them. It is not economically feasible to
detour around Gomms to Dibs to avoid this con-
frontation because the route is a parsec longer,
consuming more fuel.
Gomms is a balkanized world belonging to Ral
Ranta. Recently, Bendar, the largest state on
Gomms and the one which controls the system,
had a change of government-the previous gov-
ernment collapsed after its leader was caught in a
kickback scheme.
The new government, headed by President
Lancing, is a delicate coalition of several parties.
Part of the force holding the government together
is President Lancing's charisma. We believe that
should this government be removed from power,
trade through the Gomms system would return to
It is your mission to bring the new government
Your team will be split, with each half taking a
separate vessel to Gomms. One team will be sent
to the system of Gashuumi, where it will be given
Gashuumian identification and use of a free trader
bearing Gashuumian registry. The other team will
be sent to the system of Damii where it will be given
Damiian identification and use of a seeker bearing
Damiian registry.
From those locations both teams will proceed to
Gomms. This will prevent the suspicion an Impe-
rial vessel would create. Any questions? Good luck!
14 Challenge 45
offered wages to what is slightly above average for the group, the high law level,
probably in the Cr5000 to Crl0,OOO range. The referee can the plot may be
play out the recruiting of the characters, if he desires. uncovered while
The referee can also roleplaythebriefing ratherthan simply the characters are
readthe above narrative. If questionedas to the exact method gathering weap-
the PCs should use to accomplish their task, the speaker ons and materials
should be vague, intending to leave that up to the charac- needed to make
ters. If pressed, the speaker may suggest some of the less the assault.
violent means presented below. If pressed further, the
speaker will say that the president's removal (not elimina- To discretely learn President Lancing's schedule:
tion, although the characters may assume that) may be Difficult, Streetwise or Admin, lnt, 2 hr (uncertain).
necessary. The speaker, and Vemene in general, is not aware Referee:This task is for a specific day only, and is subjed
of the Solomani connection (see below). to change without notice on a roll of 1O+. If the playerfails the
The main force of player characters will be sent in the task, no information is gathered. If the referee fails the task
Damiian seeker. If there are only four or fewer players, the roll, authorities are alerted that an unusual source is seeking
referee should place them all on the seeker and arrange for this information.
the other ship to miss its rendezvous. This eliminates the
problem of having too many NPCs. An NPC pilot is available To smuggle weapons through starport security:
if none of the PCs can pilot the seeker. If the characters have Formidable, [Skill], [Characteristic] (uncertain).
ashipof theirown, they may use it ifit is not of lmperial registry. Referee: Have the characters describe the method they
Othewise, the patronwill provide safe storage for it and cover intend to use to accomplishthis task, and select an appropri-
all berthing fees while the characters are away. ate skill and characteristic (e.g., to bribe the security force,
Bribery and Intelligence, or to hide weapons in cargo, Me-
BPTl[ONS chanics and Dexterity).
Treat these suggestions as guidelines-if the characters
come up with a feasible alternative, let them try it. To purchase weapons illegally in Bendar:
I . Assassinate President Lancing, or kidnap him and re- Difficult: Streetwise, Intelligence, 6 hours (uncertain).
move him from Bendar. Referee: If the characters fail this task, no weapons are
2. Expose President Lancing's Solomani connection, obtained. If the referee's roll fails, the authorities are alerted.
causing a vote of confidence. These results are cumulative. Weapons of a strictly military
3. Entrap President Lancing in a moral or ethical scandal, nature are not available in the Bendar underground.
again causing a question of confidence.
4. Convince President Lancing to change his views on To smuggle a kidnapped president through slarport secu-
Imperials and stop harassment of lmperial shipping. rity:
5. Convince one of the coalition parties to withdraw its Formidable, [Skill], [Characteristic] (uncertain)
support of the government, calling a vote of confidence. Referee: Have the characters describe the method they
intend to use to accomplishthis task, and select an appropri-
COMPLICATIONS ate skill and characteristic. If the characters coerce Presi-
Each option presented above involves a number of com- dent Lancinginto going through the starport on his own power,
plications. Part of Freemont's job on Gomms is monitoring he will attempt to covertly alert security.
interstellar traffic. He pays attention l o anyone who has
identification from outside Ral Ranta, which, unless they If Bendar police and security forces know of the kidnap-
change their identification, would include the characters. If ping, they will have the starport staked out with specialforces
any of the characters was a high-ranking officer (R-6) in an teams ready to eliminate the characters should they be
lmperial military service or is an lmperial noble, then Free- identified as the kidnappers. The referee should balance the
mont probably has a dossier on him. security forces with the number and armaments of the char-
To identify an important lmperial character: While exposing Lancing's Soiomaniconnection
Difficult, Rank, Education, 2 min. may work the best, it is also one of the most diff icuH.
Referee:This is an NPC task. For rank, use the PC's rank The characters are unaware of the Solomani
divided by five (drop fractions) or Social Standing minus 10. connection Bendar: Lancing is meeting regularly
with Sol Sec agent Henry Freemont. If the characters moni-
If the character's cover is blown, Freemontwiil monitorthe tor Lancing, they will discover that he meets with Freemonl
group's activities. Although Freemont is no James Bond by once a week for zero-G handball (neither man is very good
any stretch of the imagination, he has had some intelligence at the sport). Lancing's security agents do not go on the court
training. with him but are stationed nearby. Freemont is Ihe onlynon-
President Lancing is protected by Bendar's se- VIP Lancing will routinely meet with. If the characters Follow
curity forces. There are few open spaces in the this slim lead, they can find a variety of Solomani regalia in
cities on Gomms for a sniperlo get in a long-range Freernont's apartment. See Solomani Connection below for
shot. An all-out assault might work. However, with information about Freemont's cover and office.
World Map
O W a d ~ ~ P W N ~ ~ N W P ~ ~
High Common -A
Low Common
Medical -
' 41 1 L-- Novelty
Heavy Military
Personal Military
Space Transport
Air Transport
Water Transport
Environment Land Transoort
Challenge 45 19
Council: The unicameral government of the State of its leader is Melissa Thax.
Bendar, consisting of I00 council members. The leader of Liberal Party: The moderate liberal party of Bendar. It
the party which has more than 50 members in the council is advocates a unified Gomms, but through negotiation, trade,
the head of state. If no one party has that many council and treaty. This party seeks a stronger Gomms, but not one
members, several parties may form a coalition government, independent of Ral Ranta. Its members are opposed to the
with the leader of the largest party being the head of state. lmperium and neutral to the Solomani. It has 26 members in
If the council is dissatisfiedwith a government, it can call for the council, and its leader is John Lancing.
a vote of confidence. Furthermore, if one of the parties of a Moderate Parly: The moderate party of Bendar. It advo-
coalition withdraws its support of the coalition, a vote of cates maintaining the status quo and is neutral about both
confidence is called. This vote is essentially a general elec- the lmperium and the Solomani. It has 30 members in the
tion which usually changes the composition of the Council. council, and its leader is Stevor Kurlan.
This frequently causes a change in government. Five par- New Democrats: The moderate conservative party of
ties have members in the council: the Freedom Party, the Bendar. It advocates growth of Bendar, but not at the expense
Liberal Party, the Moderate Party, the New Democrats, and of other Gommsian states. It favors tax breaks to attract off-
the Unified Party. The current government is a coalition of world industry, and is slightly opposed to the lmperium and
the New Democrat, Liberal, and Freedom parties based on slightly in favor of the Solomani. It has 24 members in the
a slightly anti-Imperial platform. The head of state is John council, and its leader is AIissa Pacstar.
Lancing, leader of the Liberal Party. Unified Party: The ultraconservative party of Bendar. It
Freedom Party: The ultraliberal party of Bendar. It advo- advocates a stronger central government. Having enjoyed
cates the uniting of all states on Gomms, forcibly if neces- good trade relationswiththe Imperiumin the past, it is slightly
sary. It also advocates the independence of Gomms and is in favor of the lmperium and strongly opposed to the Solo-
strongly opposed to the Imperium, the Solomani, and even mani. It has 13 members in the council, and its leader is Jeri
Ral Ranta. The party has seven members in the council, and Caldwell. R
20 Challenge 45
(X724M53A85-D) Date: 270-D20
TDuchess Margaret gave birth to twins today, sparking an air of celebration around the world.
YThe first child, a girl, was born at 20:00 exactly. Her name is Julia lphegenia CassirTukera. Follow-
ing his sister by 12 minutes was a son, Paulo Trulla Strephon Tukera.
YBoth children and the mother are in good health.
22 Challenge 45
fter completing a routine As the pirates attack, the Della Rose
cargo loading and refuelingon gets in a couple of surprisinglygood licks
ZenoIDelphi (0339 (3491679- which send the pirate ship reeling. But
7), the adventurers hear a the next round of shots leaves the Della
distress signal on the way to the jump Rose with severe damage.
point. A lone ship is under attack by a If the adventurers intervene at this
pirate ship. The PCs valiantly rushto the point, the pirate ship will turn its alten-
merchant ship's rescue,and are re- tion to them and leave its first victim choose to have the Della Rose's engi-
warded for their success with a job of- drifting rapidly outbound. If the adven- neer survive.
fer and chance to earn their own new turers elect not lo get involved, the pi- The surviving crewmembers of the
ship. But our heroes have not seen the rates will open fire on them anyway. Della Rose include:
last of the pirates. The resulting adven- During the fight, the pirates' iranspon- Llabriid Sanches: The owner of the
ture revealsa horrible secret, but will the der begins transmitting a distinctive Della Rose is in her 40s. She maintains
adventurers live to tell their story? clicking static. The pirates' first shot atan elegance about her, but will deny any
"Snowblind" takes place in early 1120 the adventurers damages the jump connection to nobility, saying she is
starting in the Eta-Gu subsector (sub- drive, cutting off jumpspace as a means merely a wealthy business owner on
sector M of Delphi). The adventure is of escape. The PCs hold off the Horace vacation. She will divert questions by
pro-Margaret and is unsuitable for for some time, but eventually the pirates saying she hates to talk business while
characters who are violently anti-hilar- completely disable their ship. The pi- on vacation. If pressed, she will admit
garet. The referee may want to gener- ratesthen maneuvercloser, faulty trans- to owning a small fleet of merchant ships
ate maps for player use and shouldfeel ponder and all, apparently in prepara- but will say she has no Piloting skill.
free to create encounters not related to tion to board. But at the last minute, an Vaclav Kursk: Afriend of Sanches,
the main adventure. unexpected shot from the Della Rose Kursk is in his mid-40s and seems
sends the pirate ship tumbling, and the bookish-not at all the type one might
PIMTE AmACK Horace responds by initiating a jump. find on a ship. At first he acts the part of
Characters forthis adventure must be The adventurers' ship is left with al- Sanches' lover, but Lubriid treats him
able to crew a starship (three to six litudinal thrusters at marginal power more as afavored son than an object of
adventurers are preferred).Any charac- only, and the Della Rose has no drive passion. Kursk finds Whitney to be irri-
ter type could conceivably fit into this capabilities at all and one weapons tating and will avoid his company.
adventure, although it is geared toward turret marginallyoperational. Both ships Lucky Whilney: The ship's junior
merchant or navy characters. Prefera- are rapidly drifting away from any pos- gunner and self-appointed mascot is in
bly none of the characters should have sible source of help. Getting the two his early 20s. He is the typical junior
a criminal record or be in immediate together isdifficuh,butthe Ton Poklimps gunnerwho has just made his first "kill,"
trouble with the law. toward the merchant ship using its but is enthusiastic and well meaning. He
The adventurers' ship is an old, beat- remaining thrusters. has a love of music and is frequently
up, 200-ton, 63-year-old cargo ship seen with a headset on, tapping on
named Ton Pok. With little or no crea- To maneuverthe Ton Pokcloseto the invisibie keyboards.
ture comforts, grimy and in terrible need Della Rose:
of a paint job, the ship is equipped with Difficult, Pilot, Dex, 15 min (hazard- FROM BAD TO WORSE
asingle pulse laser mounted on alurret ous). It won't take long for the suwivors to
and is barely reliable enoughto get them realize they're heading directly on a
through to the other side. Due to a re- The authorities inform the two ships collision course with a small asteroid
cent overhaul, the adventurers have just "rat a severe storm has grounded most belt. The situation looks grim as the
enough cash on hand to fill their cargo emergency vessels from Zeno's dirtside ships drift rapidly away from Zeno with
hold and pay their bills. As the ship facilities, and the orbital station's ve- no means of propulsion. To make mat-
departs the starport groundside facili- hicles are aiding victims of the storm in ters worse, afire ignited on the Ton Pok
ties, a large electrical storm can be seen its wake. A ship from the world surface during the battle with the pirates is now
in the distance. can be dispatched if the two ships'situ- raging out of hand, and the ship must
Leaving Zeno: As the ship nears the ation becomes life threatening. In any soon be evacuated.
jump point, the characters hear a dis- case, a rescue ship will be sent as soon If they run a complete systems check,
tress signa1.A 200-ton merchant named as one is available. the survivors may discover they can
Della Rose is under attack by a pirate make the Della Rose's drive operational
ship identifying itself as a 200-ton un- D E L M ROSE by scavenging parts from the Ton Pok
armed seeker named Horace. But the The Della Rose has lost the ship's Both ships might then be saved if they
transponder of the Horace is not telling pilot, chief gunner, engineer and navi- use the Delia Roseto push the Ton Pok
the truth-sensor readings indicate an gator. Kursk seems relatively unmoved, back toward Zeno.
800-ton ship with weapons. If a visual but both Whitney and Sanches feel a
sighting is obtained of the pirate ship great loss. If none of the characters has To escape from the burning ship:
calling itself Horace, the name Black sufficient Engineering skill to fix a Difficult, Vacc Suit, Dex, Int, 1 min
Forfunewillbe seen painted on the side. maneuver drive, the referee may (hazardous)
To estimate the damage to the drives:
Routine, Eng, Int, 1 hr (uncertain).
CraftID: Far Trader, Type A3, TL 15, MCr42.59
Hull: 1801450, Disp=200, Config=3SL, Arrnor=4OG, Unloaded=1185tons, To repair one maneuver drive enough
to move a ship:
Power: 316, Fusion=988Mw, Duration=30/90
Loco: 418 Maneuver=l ,5110, Jurnp=2, NOE=lgOkph, Cruise=75Okph, Difficult, Eng, Gravitics, Int, Dex, 1 hr
Top=1000kph, Agility=l (fateful).
Commo: Radio=Systern Referee: More than one person may
Sensors: PassiveEMS=lnterstellar, ActiveEMS=FarOrbit, ActObjScan=Rout, attempt this task simultaneously. Skills
ActObjPin=Rout, PasEngScan=Rout are additive.
Off: PulseLaser=x02
Batt 1 To maneuver the recently repaired
Bear 1
Def: DefDM=+3 ship to push the immobile ship:
Formidable, Pilot, Int, 10 sec (fateful)
Control: Cornputer=lbisx3, Panel=holodynarniclinkx240,
24 Challenge 45
thought possible. Combining and revising the
popular Grand Sun/ey/Grand Censusrules, this
original Classic Traveller material by FASA, Gamelords, Group One, and others. All items are new
stock, not used products, so quantities are limited. $5 each or five for $20 (on most items). Send
SASE for complete list.
Eta-Gu (subsector M of Delphi sector) is a well settled subsector in Margaret's region
of the Imperium.The largest military base of thesector, Depot 1, resides in thissubsector.
Vashti is home to Subsector Duke Armond. Patnor was the site of a civil war in the late
1050s-the resulting two-nation split still causes strife today, some 70 years later. On
Plauka, a small community of scientists are studying the effects of Plauka's unusual taint
on a variety of life forms.
28 Challenge 6
Lubriid Sanches: Duchessof Breda, Eta-Gu (0534 B93A552-E): During
588ACF, age 46, 7 terms, Cr650,OOO. the Rule of Man, Eta-Gu was an impor-
Artisan-3, Computer-3, Leader-3, tant trading center and the natural
Persuasion-3, Liaison-2, Linguistics-2, capital of the subsector. Duringthe Long
Vacc Suit-2, Biology-1, History-1, Night, Eta-Gu's dominance faded, and
Streelwise-1,Animal Handling-0, Grav by the time of the Sylean Federation, it
Veh-0. was a minor world in the Free Human
Traveller's Aid Society Membership, Leaguewhose capital was Vashtii. Eta- frustrating and expensive. With the
Yacht (paid in full). Gu is a cold, wet and sometimes inhos- highest cost for berthing and mainte-
Starport B, Small, Standard, Wet pitable world. The temperate zones are nance in the sector (350% above the
World, Hi Pop, Mod Law, Avg Stellar. the site of several major cities. Due to norm) Regis is a place to avoid unless
Lubriid Sanches is, in fact, the Duch- the low atmospheric pressure, all cities you have business there.
ess of Breda. She is only travelling with are enclosed structures. Vashtii (0732 A529455-F): Vashtii
Vaclav and has never been his lover. Free Human League: This loose was the capital of the Free Human
Vaclav Kursk: Ambassador, 345F coalition of worlds has a centralized Leaguefrom530 to 132, when a treaty
FD, age 46, 7 terms, Cr6000. military based in Eta-Gu and Riramla was signed formalizing an existing
Liaison-3, Linguistics-3, Persuasion- subsectors. The league's majortrading agreement which allied the Free Human
3, Grav Veh-2, Small Blade-2, Admin- partners prior to the Pacification Cam- League with the Imperium. The treaty
1, Artisan-1 Computer-1, Disguise-1, paign were the Ychean Empire, which includeda clause naming Vashtii as the
History-1. dominated what is now the Aklan sub- subsector capital and allowed the
Traveller's Aid Society Membership. sector, and Ral Ranta, which then ex- league's government to form the new
Starport A, Small, Thin, Wet World, tended into Zuume and Breda subsec- subsector governmentsfor both Eta-Gu
Hi Pop, Hi Law, Avg Stellar. tors. and Riramla, which it also dominated.
Vaclav Kursk is a diplomat working Korbak (0533 833232043): In 1118 Vashtii is largely desert and has a
directly for Margaret. Imperial Navy Base Korvak was nearly dangerous level of suspended dust in
Lucky Whitney: Spacehand recruit, demolished by a Solomani raid deep the atmosphere. Filter masks must be
BAB779, age 22, 1 term, Cr2000. into the subsector. Repairs have been worn at all times. Ships are advised to
Carousing-1, Gunnery-1, Snub Pis- slow, and the navy is operating out of take care that the dust does not clog
tol-1, Vacc Suit-1, Computer-0, Grav the local starport in the interim, making equipment. Vashtii has numerous
Veh-0 for a busy flight zone and long waits for mountain ranges with considerable
1 Snub Pistol. clearance. The starport sustaineddam- qlacial activity near the mles. Ct
Starport B, Small, Vacc, Desert age during the fray
World, Hi Pop, Mod Law, Avg Stellar. and from time to time
Whitney knows Kurskworks for Mar- loses pressure in
garet but doesn't know what he is doing certain sections. Kor-
now. The recruit is a young, eager-to- bak has a traditional
please ship's gunner. He is not a par- and somewhat cha-
ticularly good shot. If questioned about otic democracy which
his name, he will mention his two older explains the very
sisters, Faith and Charity, and his loose legal code.
younger brother, Destiny. Regis (0436 836
6655-9): Regis has ,1
Eta-Gla Subsector
Library data on the Eta-Gu subsec-
the great
being- a highly
- - produc-
Of I '7
" T h e Inforrnatiue Play-By-Mail Magazine"
Having a hard time getting enough players together for your favorite role
tor is available in most ships' libraries. live agricultural playing or boardgame? Eliminate this problem by joining the world of play-
Ektuurim (0536 6788774-4): Ek- in a cluster of desert by-mail gaming.
Subscribe to PAPER MAYHEM and discover the
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Fantasy, science fiction, historical and sports. Each
beaches and moderate climate make it Stringent measures bimonthly issue brings you the latest o n PBM games.
an almost perfect paradise. However, are taken to ensure PAPER MAYHEM has been publishing news about
PBM games and companies since 1983. We have im-
recent clashes between Nicoli and that the world's ecol- proved and expanded to keep up with this ever
Acampa, two of the larger nations on O ~ remains
Y free of popular activity of PBM gaming.
S o why delay and miss out on ail the fun? Read
Ektuurim, have made several cities any possible dangers PAPER MAYHEM a n d take advantage of PBM
dangerous on the landmass they share. from ships passing gaming.
Nicoli has a large concentration of So- through. Extensive
(Dept CH)
lomani supremacists and has declared decontamination of 1518 Adams St.. Ottawa. IL
its intent to join the confederation. everyone and every- 61350-4770
Acampa saw this as a threat and insti- thing destined for the US SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 year $20 25 2 years $35 10 Sample $4 50
rORLIGUSUB5CRIPTIONS ! Caiidda $26 25 1 p a r ioEumpePl! 10 1 rrarioAuiiniiaSi7 40
gated a preemptive strike. No formal planet's surface make Aiiiubxnptionr PAPER MAYHEMaie
to be paad dnUSf~~dsanddrawnfiom
to US b k Foreign subici3p
ong before Humaniti or any major races crossed Referee's Manual is a prerequisite to using the design
the gulf that separates the stars, they travelled supplement presented here. COACC will also be referred to
within their homesystems.The same is true forthe frequently.
innumerable minor races not fortunate enough to
discover jump technology on their own. Sometimes the in- IT DOESN'T I3LAVE TO GO FAST-
terval between first spaceflight and interstellar transitlcon- IT JUST TO GO
tact lasted for centuries-in rare cases, millennia. Basic (i.e., inexpensive) transportation may be of two
While the dramatic role of interstellar adventuringprovides general types: used vehicles or purpose-built economy
one of the major attractions of MegaTraveller, another models. While used vehicles may be more expensive to
important feature of the game is the ubiquity of in-system operate and maintain, they are often sturdier and more reli-
craft-many of old and humble design. able.
The universalcraft design sequence in the Referee's Man- Economy versions tend to skimp on durability as well as
ual concentrates on technologies players use most fre- everything else.As a result, a lot of very old hulls sail through
quently. Expansions of that design sequence-such as the space, and some combine antiquated power and propulsion
COACC (Close Orbit and Airspace Control Command) technologies with impressive (if quaint) amenities.
supplement-fill the gaps left by the UCP design sequence. Yesterday's luxury liners are today's anachronisms.
What COACC did for aircraft of all types this article does for Spaceships-particularly those which never enter atmo-
slower than light (STL) spacecraft not utilizing gravitic loco- spheres--do not lose their hull integrity nearly as quickly as
motion. atmosphericvehicles.Consequently, as technology marches
Spaceflight becomes possible at TL5. ByTL8, shuttles and forward and interstellar travel becomes possible, many in-
space stations are no longer experimental ideas, but are trastellar hulls find themselves bumped, rung by rung, down
actualities. In this time before gravitic maneuver drives, the ladder of importance and value-until they are finally
extraorbital exploration, commerce, and combat are all scrapped for parts or sold off at a small fraction of theirorigi-
possible (and overwhelmingly likely). "One Small Step" al- nal worth.
lows referees-and players-to determine the components For the prospector or salvage operator who has no need
and performance of the spacecraft of this pregravitic era. of high performance (but has a pressing need to avoid crip-
30 Challenge 45
pling ship mortgages) such vessels hold the allure of quick become practica-
or even immediate ownership. And since the overall value of ble for mannedve-
the hull is low, so are any insurance rates. As a result, even hicle use at TL7.
in the heart of the Imperium, pregravitic spaceships are still The thrust in this
common sights, particularly in outback areas and planetoid system is created
belts. Many are also purchased by in-systemtrading and bulk by electronically
conveyance firms which convert them into robot freighters. reducingthe fuel to
With the onset of the Rebellion, functional hulls have a stream of charged particles (ions) which create a very low
skyrocketed in value. Because of their comparative econ- thrust. The ion engine indicated on the chart is actually
omy (both in terms of maintenance and fueling) many older comprised of more than 100 separate 50-centimeter
vessels are being restored and pressed into a variety of thrusters. The primary advantage of this system is its endur-
service roles. ance, low power requirements, and reliability. However, the
In the Hinterworlds sector, where the general tech level low velocities inherent to this type of thrust generally rele-
has always been somewhat low, the reduced flow of Impe- gate vessels of this type to short-range runs that take weeks
rial technology and services has actually propelled some or even months.
TL9+ systems into new production runs of these older ve- The fuels used for ion drives are known as ionizates. This
hicles. one term includes mercury, cesium and a variety of liquified
The logic is that if the Imperium's fall were complete, each noble gases (argon, neon, krypton, etc.). The values given
system would have to fend for itself. In that scenario, the for this fuel type represent an average since some of these
easier a spacefleet is to maintain, supply, and build, the more substances would be heavier than indicated and others
likely it is to endure through the dark times to come. lighter. lonizates are found as trace elements in most Earth-
like atmospheres but are most frequently gathered from
SLOW ST certain gas giants and their moons,which occasionally boast
The most important additionto the MegaTravellerdesign large concentrations of the noble gases.
sequence made by "One Small Step" is the introduction of Mass drivers or MDs use electromagnetic repulsion (the
new propulsionsystems for spacecraft. In the period before principle used by the weapons of the same name) to gener-
gravitic drives were introduced, a number of systems were ate thrust. Basically, just as firing a gun will impart accelera-
used, often for very different purposes. tion to the firing part in zero G , so will the electronic firing of
Solid rockets, which are usually associated with the rocks-which in this case are propelled in (and discharged
propulsion of unmanned missiles, play an important role in from) an endless treadmill of steel containers.
the early stages of spaceflight. They can be dangerous to The primary drawback to such systems is that they require
use since once ignited they cannot be turned off .As a result, a tremendous amount of raw mass as propellant. Poor
any failures within solid rocket systems have a high proba- prospectors find this vice to be a virtue. They can put a
bility of having catastrophic results. One of the most notable pressure dome on a small asteroid (very small!), emplace
failures dates backto preinterstellarTerra,where that planet's one or two mass drivers and begin firing pieces of the rock
first reusable space vehicle programwas haltedfor more than for propulsion-a crude and marginal ship, but many have
two years when a solid rocket booster malfunctionedand de- used it to move on to bigger and better things. Another major
stroyed the entire craft and crew. This disaster, known as the use of this system is to propel promising asteroids out of a
Challenger Incident, caused a serious reassessment of the belt and toward mining vessels that can reduce the asteroid
program's operational protocols and parameters. It also to usable ores.
created increased interest in more controllable (but more Magnetoplasmadynamic drives or MPDs utilize hydro-
expensive) cryogenic-fueledrocket technologies. However, gen plasma to create thrust. They are, in effect, crude, very
the solid rocket retains the advantage of a very high power- low-temperatureplasma guns. It is with this technology that
to-weight ratio. true in-system commerce can begin to flourish freely and
Rockets are the basic start-up technology that most civi- easily.
lizations use to get off their planet and into space. The high Fusion rockets are identicalto those outlined in COACC.
power of these engines makes them good "bootstraps" but However, given the importance of space exploration and
also makes them voracious fuel eaters. While some energy utilization, fusion rocket technology is pressed into intrastel-
can be gained from rockets, this energy output is usually lar use long before it becomes common in COACC military
ignored or used to charge batteries, since rocket operation craft. Generally, after a first use as an energy source, fusion
is usually very short. The rockets most frequently encoun- technology is next employed in spacecraft due to its excel-
tered (98% of the time) in known space are cryogenically lent power to thrust ratio and because it produces consider-
fueled (liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen). Others use able powerwith which to run the ship's other systems. Even
hydrocarbons, although the disadvantages of using that fuel once gravitic drives arrive on the scene, many designers
type generally outweigh any conceivable advantages (which prefer to use fusion since these drives-unlike gravitics--do
are negligible for game purposes). The rockets included in not experience decreased performance when they venture
the "One Small Step" table are taken directly from COACC more than 100 diameters away from a significant gravity
and are used with thanks and acknowledgement to Terry source. Of course, this limitationto gravitic drives disappears
Mclnnes. at TL11, at which time fusion drives lose their last tangible
ion drives undergo experimentation at TL6 but only advantage.
Challenge 45 31
If not otherwise stated, designing craft with "One Small the others may be designed as basic cylinders.
Step" proceeds exactly in the same manner as does craft Lift-Assisted Launch Vehicles: A lift-assisted launch
design in the Referee's Manual. All new tables and/or vehicle (LALV) is any vehicle which depends on aerodynamic
additions are identifiedby the section of the basic design and lift in order to achieve orbit. Any vehicle which has a stream-
evaluation sequence they supplement. The sequence of lined or airframe hull may qualify as an LALV.
presentation follows that established in the Referee's Man- Determining if avehicle is an LALV involves consulting the
ual. Rules for Pregravitic Spacecraft. The requirements for lift-
assisted launch vehicles and advisable design strategies for
LALVs are included in a special section.
Two separate design sequences may be used to create
STEP 5: LALVs: COACC and the MegaTraveller universal craft
design rules. If in-atmosphere operations are integral to the
Modular Frame Hulls: A new configuration designation craft's intended mission, use the COACCdesign sequence.
may be included as a subcategory of configuration 0 , open Otherwise, use the UCP design sequence. Use the COACC
frame. This designation is modular frame. The notation for Engines Table (in the Fixed Wing Aircraft Design section) to
this subtype of open frame hull in the UCP is OM (Open provide additional locomotion options, if desired. Should
Frame, Modular). referees needto approximate the relationships between UCP
A modular vessel is actually comprised of a number of hulls and COACC airframes (e.g., one such use might in-
discrete hulls, which may or may not have similar volve calculating the vehicle's minimum airspeed), use the
configurations. following table to determine which ratings are congruent.
At least 5% of the total displacementtonnage of a modular
vessel must be dedicated to a modular frame hull. (There- UCP Hull COACC Airframe
fore, a modular frame hull with a displacement of five tons Unstreamlined Simple
could serve to join together 95 displacement tons of other Streamlined Transonic
modular craft.) Airframe Hypersonic
The modular frame hull must be of open frame
configuration. However, all of its hull volume is waste space UCP hulls may also incorporate VTOL or STOL features
(i.e., the entire modular frame hull is dedicated to booms, into their design. Most of the performance advantages of
pylons, struts, connectors and rotational armatures). At TL5 VTOL/STOL designs can be found by consulting COACC.
to TL7, craft must be specifically noted as being able to mate VTOL hulls add 10% to weight and 50% to the cost of the
with modular frame hulls, or they may not do so. At TL8+, hull. STOL hulls add 5% to weight and 30% to the cost of the
modular frames become capable of accepting almost any hull.
ship design as a "clip on" module.
Example: Harovine wants to design a modular ship that STEP 8: MIWIM OR
will be able to include two modules of 40 displacement tons, Certain vehicles designed in this sequence may be dis-
one module of 30 tons and four 20-ton modules. In total, this posables: They are not expected to be reclaimedand reused.
is 190 tons of modules. The modular frame hull itself must One example would be any rockets which provide initial lift-
displace 10 tons in order to represent 5% of the total dis- off thrust and are then jettisoned to burn up in the atmosphere.
placement tonnage of the modular ship (190 tons of module A disposable component that is not intended to leave the
and 10 tons of frame=200 tons displacement; 10 tons of atmosphere must have a hull armor rating of 4 or more. A
modular frame hull=5% of total displacement). disposable component that will leave the atmosphere must
Multistage Hulls: The other optiori that allows a designer have a hull armor rating of 8 or more.
to create a craft comprised of discrete hulls is the multistage
designoption. Amultistage vehicle is not truly modular. Each STEP 12:
hull fits onlywith the other hulls included in the overall multi- mHIGLE: C U P O M OR TmRIEI'?
stage design. As an example, the ancient multistage rockets Most of the vessels constructed at the tech levels ad-
of Terra's late-20th-century push to space were not at all dressed in "One Small Step" do not have enough power
flexible in terms of swapping a stage out of one design and output to charge even a single battery-sized laser. Their
into another. Multistage vehicles may be configured to use relatively small energy output will for the most part be dedi-
fewer of their hulls in "reduced" configurations. cated to locomotion and life support. Therefore, designers
Multistage vehicles do not require a framework. The may want to consider includingtactical-levelweapons as part
complete interdependency of the parts allows them to be of their shipside ordnance (revisedvalues for in-vacuum use
designed so the different components offer structural sup- are included in the Design Evaluation section).
port to each other. This creates a stable, multipart whole Tactical weapons must be placed in specially built turrets.
without recourse to an additional framework. Use the UCP rules for hull design, step 12 to design these
Any of the hulls of a multistage vehicle that are to operate turrets. They are not the same as the battery-sized turrets of
within an atmosphere mustbe streamlined. The one excep- UCP design step 6. Unlike the parameters set forth in step
tion to this is a cylindrical, in-line, multistage design (i.e., a 12, the volume of these turrets is subtractedfrom the avail-
number of configuration 3 hulls stacked end to end). In such able vehicle space. To determine the price of the turret, find
a design, only the first or lead hull needs to be streamlined; the smallest standard UCP chassis value (step 1, table 2)
32 Challenge 45
that has the volume you desire. Multiply the listed price by listed ratings: 100
50. The result is the price of the turret. Notethat these turrets tonnes of thrust,
- - beina- a.part of the hull itself.
have no weiaht, 2%mass. etc. - - -
If it were com-
prised of three
double-sized fuel
STEP I: P O m R P TS cores, it would
As will be noted from Subtable 5a-Engines, some of the burn at 100 TT for 18 seconds (three double-sized cores at
nongravitic thrust engines produce a power output. Those six seconds each).
engines which do produce power have an output of 2% of
the currentengine thrust (TT ratings).The listed power output
ratings on Subtable 5a-Engines assume the engines are
engaged at maximum thrust. STEPS 22-35
See the following design evaluation procedure for offen-
sive systems in order to determine the in-vacuum values of
tactical weauons svstems.
Unless otherwise n
units (i.e., a fusion rocket enqine could be built with double
the ratings listed and still be 2 single engine). STEP 3: COMPUTERS
A solid rocket is simply a fuel core. It requires no mechani- A computer's computing power is defined as: (maximum
cal engine to speak of, and requires only a hull to encase it. CP input)x(CPmultiplier). This value is used in determining
However, this type of rocket burns so fast that it would take remote control (RemCon) requirements (see following).
600 of these fuel cores to last for one hour (one fuel core
lasts for only six seconds). STEP 4: CONTROL L mHTS
Consequently, most uses of solid rockets employ several Acraft may be designated as being remote controlled. Such
larger versions simultaneously or in stages. It is necessary craft do not require control panel units. They must have one
to note both the number of solid rocket engines and the or more communicators (see design step 4) dedicated to
number of fuel cores per engine. command input from the remote controller. Such communi-
Examp1e:A double-sized engine would have two times the cators may not be used lor any other purpose.
34 Challenge 45
are governable (may be employed at lowerthrust ratingsthan of 47 at regional,
their listed maximum), resulting in less fuel consumption, continental, and
energy output (if any), etc. planetary ranges.
Since pregravitic spacecraft use propulsionsystems which At far orbit range,
do not allow them to hover (unless they are VTOL hulls), it is this drops to 23
important to discover whether or not the vehicle can stay (which isgenerally
airborne in an atmosphere. To determine this, the designer harmless to most
must compare the maximum atmospheric speed of the everything in space that is manned).
vehicle to its minimumairspeed. This is determined by finding Fusion and plasma weapons have their attenuation re-
the hull's equivalent COACC airframe characteristics (see duced by 2, as do mass drivers and guns.
comparison chart in the hull design sequence of this supple- Each type of "- battery
" included in a design should have
ment).If the vehiclensmaximum airspeed is less than it's mini- both its original and new "-"battery values listed in its UCP
mumairspeed,the vehicle cannotfly. Notingthis on the UCP format.
format is accomplished by simply listing its cruise and top All tactical weapons to be used as "-" battery weapons
speeds as zero. must be stabilized. Any "- battery
" weapons that are to be
used in a defensive role must be equipped with a point
OFFENS SYSTEMS defense system of the same or greater tech level; "-" bat-
The designer is urged to consider missiles as the main teries fired in a defensive role do not receive any defense
weapon type to be utilized, and also to consider smaller, DM.
tactical-scale weapons such as the beam and pulse lasers Since missiles do become highly important, it is a good
covered in the weapons section (steps 25-26). While pre- idea to reserve some extra empty space on board for an
dominantly capable of structural damage only over shorter expanded magazine.
ranges, designers will discover that large, multibattery bat-
tlewagons are extremelyexpensiveat these lowertechlevels. COrnRO'BL
Consequently, the very nature of combat changes,with more List remote control devices used on a craft in this section,
emphasis on hit-and-run and attritional tactics, rather than not communications. Note the vehicle as being RemCon.
the toe-to-toe slugging matches that often characterize the
Stellar level technologies and beyond. OTHER
If tactical scale weapons are included, the battery rating is At the end of the design sequence, the designer may opt
always '-" (less than 1) whether it is a single weapon or a to designate any craft which may be launched from a planet
cluster of weapons. A single 'I-" battery may be comprised as a launch-dependentvehicle. A launch-dependentvehicle
of a single turret or a number of turrets. The designer must leans on support from ground systems such as a launch
note these decisions on the craft's UCP. gantry, transporters, etc. Such a vehicle only costs 90% of
The listed values of tactical-scale weapons change in its listed price. A launch dependent vehicle may only be
vacuum (their ratings assume in-atmosphere use).All weap- launched from a launch support facility.
ons now have their attenuation rating decreased, but they The cost per launch support facility is equal to the full
also begin to suffer penetration attenuation much later. The (100%) cost of a single vehicle. The cost of the facility in MCr
listed maximum range is where the attenuation "counting" is its maximum support capacity. Any vehicle costing that
begins. amount or less may use the facility to support its launch.
Lasers have their attenuation value reduced by one. For Launch facilities are in fact spaceports (Referee's Man-
example, a TL8, 25-megawatt laser would now have a ual, UWPlables, 2). The correlationbetween starlspaceport
penetration of 47, and its attenuation of 3 would now begin ratings and support capacity will be defined in the following
three steps after regional range. This gives it a penetration rules.
Gs of Acceleration
1 18
Let's see if it can make it to LPO.
The second stage engines engage and burn to produce
2Gs of acceleration for 4.2 minutes. We consult the inter-
OPEBITAB, SFERS stice of planet Size 8 and 2Gs of acceleration. We discover
At lower tech levels (8 and less), achievingorbit is the most that 5.6 minutes of constant 2G acceleration are required to
difficult and dangerous of all tasks. The amount of power achieve LPO. Our 4.2 minutes of 2G acceleration can only
required to push a vehicle up and out of a planet's gravity provide 75% of the needed boost. But that's okay, because
well is extraordinary and represents the hardest design that boost has accomplished 750h of the job. We have finished
challenge for these early technologies. the first step and jettison the spent #2 stage.
Generally,the only early technologies capable of generat- Our # I stage engines kick in at 1.5 Gs. We consult the
ing the necessary thrust-to-weight ratios are rockets (either table and find that on a Size 8 world at 1.5Gs constant, it
solid or cryogenic). However, being voracious consumers of takes 9.3 minutes to attain LPO from the surface. However,
fuel, these engines usually have short operational periods we've already accomplished 75% of the job with our first 2G
which are usually measured in minutes rather than days. lift. So we only have 25% of the job left to do at 1.5G. There-
Therefore, achieving a transfer to orbit usually involves a fore, 25% of 9.3 is 2.325 minutes. Since we have four min-
brief high G acceleration up out of the gravity well. (Another utes of 1.5G boost available, we'll reach LPO with 1.675
option is open to lift-assistedvehicles. Rules for this follow.) minutes of engine use (fuel) remaining (4 min. avail.-2.325
While very high G ratings are possible, more than 6 is not min. used=1.675 min. remaining).
feasible for human operations. More than 3Gs is inadvisable (My apologies to physicists everywhere, but the real cal-
if the designerswant to avoid the likelihood of crew blackout. culations-including diminished weight and increasing ac-
(Note, however, that nonfragilelnonliving cargoes may be celeration as fuel is consumed-are best left to NASA; we,
launched at much higher Gs without risk.) after all, want to enjoy a game. Despite the broad liberties
The following table indicates how long (in minutes) avehicle taken, I believe you will find that this calculation imparts the
must remain at a particular G rating of acceleration in order feeling of launch considerations without making them a
to achieve low planetary orbit (LPO).An LPO will eventually burden that no player wants to bear.)
decay into a reentry trajectory if not maintained with addi-
tional thrust, but this takes quite a while to occur (weeks or T u n ORBIT
months).Additionally, the amount of thrust required for this Stable planetary orbit (SPO) means an orbit that will not
station keeping is very minimal (just about anything will do.) decay over time and requires no additional station keeping.
The values in the Acceleration Requirements Table indi- Use the Acceleration Requirements Table to determine the
cate the minutes of y thrust required to lift off from a world additional boost required to achieve SPO. Multiply the given
with xdiameter. In the case of acceleration values which do value by .3. The result equals the number of minutes of boost
not conform precisely to the values included on the table, to achieve permanent orbit from LPO. Mote that this second
interpolate the value. For instance, on a planet of size 1, leg of a boost to SPO (ground to LPO, then LPO to SPO) is
1.25Gs would produce a value that is the average of the not subject to any of the atmosphere modifiers that can af-
values of 1G and 1.5Gs (or 1.5 minutes since fect boosting to LPO (you're in vacuum now).
1.8m+1.2m=3m; 3m+2=1.5m). The chart assumes a con- However, frontier launch modifiers (see the following
trolled launch (see the following launch rules) and an atmo- launch rules) still apply. Also, unlike in the journey to LPO,
sphere rating of Standard (taint is unimportant). If the atmo- lift-assisted craft do not attain SPO with one-tenth the nor-
sphere is not Standard, then use the following chart to modify mal nonatmospheric boost (see the rule about lift-assisted
the result: vehicles). This advantage is only accrued during transfer to
Atmosphere Type Multiplier*
Very Thin .6 Any boost beyond SPO indicates that the craft has
Thin .8 achieved escape velocity (EV) and is heading out of orbit
Dense or + 1.2 and away from the planet. If it means to return, such a craft
*Multiply LPO acceleration requirements by this value to must boost back or be retrieved. Otherwise, it will continue
arrive at final result. to drift along its last vector.
For multistage vehicles-and any others that have vary- LIFT-MSISTED MBTNCPI VIEHIGLES
ing acceleration rates-a constant acceleration value over Lift-assisted vehicles use their aerodynamic lift to enable
the entire time of launch may not be available. In such cases, them to achieve orbit. They may employ air-breathing and-
break the acceleration into steps, and resolvethese sequen- less commonly-nonair-breathing locomotionto bringthe air1
tially. spacecraft to the edge of the atmosphere. A nonair-breath-
Examp1e:A two-stage rocket is prepared for launch. The ing locomotion method is required for pushing the vehicle in
#2 stage has a thrust of 2Gs that can be maintained for 4.2 orbit. In each case, the locomotion methods must have a
minutes. The #1 stage (after #2 is jettisoned) can produce certain minimum endurance, which generally must be much
1.5Gs of thrust for 4.0 minutes. The rocket is on a Size 8 longer than that required for nonlift-assistedvehicles. How-
world with a Standardatmosphere (unmodifiedchart values). ever the thrust requirements for lift-assisted vehicles are
36 Challenge 45
usually much lower. Vehicles designed in accordance with ity (cf. the Other
the COACC design sequence must meet the same endur- section under De-
ance and thrust requirements as basic design sequence sign Evaluation
vehicles. and Suggestions,
The required endurances are as follows. The propulsion above, for launch-
system used in-atmospheremust able to performfor 10times dependent vehi-
the number of minutes required to put a launching space- cles).
craft into LPO. Therefore, while a rocket with3.5G only takes ~ v e launch
r ~ support facility is a spaceport (or starport).
four minutes to achieve LPO on a Size 8 world, a jet-pro- The size and support capacity of a facility is determined by
pelled spaceplane would require 40 minutes of 3.5G boost the credits invested in its construction. The following table
to reach its orbital transfer point. correlatesthe support capacity value of afacility with its UWP
This time increaserepresentsthe comparatively slow climb rating (and vice versa).
enabled by the design of aircraft. However, once at the orbital
transfer point, the aircraft needs only .1~(10%)the LPO Support Capacity Starport Spacepod
acceleration rating indicated to achieve orbit. Therefore, if is Mot Less Than Type Type
the same spaceplane had used its jets to reach its orbital MCr1,000,000 A -
transfer point and was now preparingto use a i.5G rocket to MCr50,OOO B -
effect the transfer, the rocket would only have to burn for .93 MCr5000 C -
minutes (one-tenthof the 9.3 minutes indicatedon the chart). MCr500 D F
Nonfusion-powered designs will generally benefit from a MCrlO - G
mix of air-breathingengines (these GOACC engines are not MCr.l E H
listed in the "One Small Step" subtable 5a) and a nonair- None X Y
breathing engine. Usually, the air-breather is used to get the
craft to the orbital transfer point, and the nonair-breather is Ensuring a controlled launch takes time. Any vehicle with
then used to "kick it upstairs." access to a launch support facility can be prepared for a
Lift-assisted launches may either be controlled or frontier controlled conditions launch in a number of days equal to:
launches (see the following launch rules). (100-TL2)x(Price of vehicle+MCrl OO)=Minimum days to
prepare vessel for controlled launch.
DISPOSBLE H m L S IN O m I T Therefore, a TL7, Cr50,000,000 vehicle would take the
If fragile cargo (armor rating 30 or less) is carried on board following amount of time to prepare for a controlled launch:
a spaceside (i.e., no longer within an atmosphere) dispos- (51)~(.5)=25.5days
able hull for more than half a day, that cargo may begin to Note that at TL10, controlled launches require no prepa-
take micrometeoroid damage. Per half-day there is a one- ration time. This is why downports can handle such a steady
sixth chance of a micrometeoroid hit to the component. Roll stream of traffic. Vehicles using insufficient facilities may be
on the Vehicle Hit Location Chart (Player's Manual, combat able to prepare for controlled launch by taking a greater
charts) to determine the outcome of the hit. Micrometeoroids amount of time-how much more time is left to the referee's
have a penetration of 8x1D6. Living cargoes will beginto suffer discretion. However, it is virtually impossible to achieve a
from radiation exposure immediately. Depending on the controlled launch from preindustrial facilities, no matter how
proximity of radiation sources and their intensity, this effect much time is spent.
could be severe with a quick onset of symptoms or mild with
a gradual onset. The referee must adjudicate the situation Frontier Launch
based on the astrographic realities of the environment. A frontier launch is the type described in the imperial En-
cyclopedia (StarshipOperations).Afrontier launchwill result
UWCH in a less optimized use of the vehicle and its environment.
Pregravitic spacecraft may make two types of launches: Therefore, the time required to achieve LPO is greater. In
controlled and frontier. Lift-assisted vehicles may make ei- most cases, multiply the time required by 1.3. In truly disas-
ther frontier or controlled launches (depending on their trous cases (exceptionally poor facilities, almost no time for
design). computation or simulation) this modifier could grow consid-
erably worse.
Controlled Launch The LPOISPO launch times listed in "One Small Step" are
The LPO Acceleration Requirements Table assumes a not intended to supersede the listed values in the Imperial
controlled launch. Controlled launch conditions include the Encyclopedia (Starship Operating Procedures, step 4-
generation of a carefully plotted and computer-simulated Travel To Orbit). The values on that table reflect normal,
launch window, access to an optimal launch site (usually gravitic-powered, commercial transfers to stable planetary
within the tropicallequatorial zone), and perfect launch orbit. These launches are assumed to be casual frontier
conditions (temperature,wind, weather, etc.). It also assumes launches, with the starlspaceport providing traffic control
a support staff (two individuals are required for every day of ratherthan launch support. However, it should be noted that
launch preparations-see below) and a spacious staging ifships with gravitic drives have to get off of a planet fast, the
area with a plenitude of assembly winches and subgantries. launchtimes reflected in the LPOAccelerationRequirements
These resources are connected with a launch support facil- Table represent the minimum time. However, completing a
Challenge 4.5 37
launch in the indicated time is a Difficult task. Ship safety is round in which a vehicle's acceleration is less than 1G, the
not at risk, however, unless extraordinary conditions exist. 'Tractional thrust" should be recorded and tallied with any
Spacecraft that have VTOL hulls andlor are equipped with previously accumulated fractional Gs of thrust. When this
fusion rockets may use the launch rules from the Starship incrementalthrust from each successive combat round adds
Operating Procedures if they are capable of 1G in an air- up to awhole 1G increment, it can be awarded as 1G of move-
speed and can sustain it for one hour. In all major aspects, ment. For instance, if a ship were capable of .2G constant,
such vehicles are effectively the equivalent of gravitic craft. it would take five combat rounds for the ship to effect the
equivalent of a 1G change in its vector.
GMVIT'TT Another option (if all the ships involved have a 2G or smaller
Priortothe emergence of gravitic technology, another major maximum acceleration) is to reduce the per hex scale to 2500
difficulty with spaceflight was the absence of gravity. With- kilometers (one-tenth the scale). Given this reduction, a
out a certain minimum gravity, the human body begins to vessel with 1G of boost would therefore have a movement
suffer ill effects. allowance of 10 hexes; a ship with . l G would have a move-
The primary answer to this problem in pregravitic space- ment allowance of 1. Use any other scale that fits the needs
craft is to impart spin to the hull (or part of the hull) and house of the situation.
the humans at the extreme outer edge of the spinning hull. Finally, a combination of the two methods-reduced scale
There the combined effects of centrifugal and centripetal and fractional thrust addition over time-can work very well
forces create downwardloutward pressures that simulate and make it possible for a wide range of vessels to partici-
some degree of gravity. Modular frameworks offer one pate meaningfully in the same combat environment.
advantage in this regard-they can be designed so that one (An alternate method is to use the original Traveller rules
boom spins while the rest of the craft remains stationary. for starship movement, in which fractional G movement is
Unless the craft is very large (700m or more in diameter) possible. However, we advise caution if you decide to stray
it is very unlikely that a full 1G of gravity will be simulated, too far from the MegaTraveller combat rules.)
even at the outermost areas of the hull.The spin rate required Tactical Lasers and Other Nonbattery-SizedWeapons:
for a full 1G simulation would begin to cause severe disori- As was suggested in the design section, limited power
entation and spacesickness, even in highly adapted crew- generation makes it necessaryfordesigners to consider lower
members. Consequently, most pregravitic ships only simu- power lasers, such as those designed for tactical use.
late 20-30°h of 1G, and then only at the extreme edges of the Attacks by "-" nonbattery weapons do not receive any
hull. It is not uncommon to find living quarters and exercise weapon table DM (regardless of how many weapons are
areas in these locations (in order to maximize the time and actually grouped together). Resolve the attacks using the
effort spent under gravity-simulated conditions). starship combat tasks in the Referee's Manual. Use the new
Spin is always discontinued when a ship is undergoing values determined in the design evaluation stage. If a
major maneuvers, approaching a planet or belt, or about to battery hits, roll standard penetration attacks for eachweapon
engage in combat. in that battery, using the Vehicle Hit Location Chart in the
Player's Manual to determine which components are hit.
SPEC COMBAT R n E S Technically, any fusion, plasma, or projectileweapon also
Damage t o Modular or Multistage Vehicles: When a hit imparts acceleration to the firing vessel. The acceleration is
is scored on a modular or multistaged vehicle, the displace- along a vector directly opposed to the line of fire. Per pene-
ment tons of each modulelstage must be ratioed. These ratios tration point fired, .1 ton of thrust should be applied for one
determine the chance that the hit has to impact any of the second. (This rule can certainly be ignored with almost all
given modules/stages. ships except those powered by ion drives and at very low
Example: If a three-module ship had two modules of 20 velocities.)
displacementtons, andone module of 80 displacement tons,
the ratioed value of the modules is as follows: m-SYSTEM T SFEW
Module Tons In Ratios Every iota of velocity is precious to pregravitic spacecraft,
1 20 1 particularly those about to engage in combat. Therefore, it is
2 20 1 important to be able to determine the speed of such vehicles
3 80 4 at any point during a transfer.
Therefore, additional travel formula are introduced (cour-
In this example, there are a total of 6 chances (1+1+4), tesy of the original Traveller rules). In these equations, each
and the result can be determined by rolling 1D6. A 1 would variable has the following value: d: distance (in meters) a:
indicate a hit on module 1; a 2, a hit on module 2; and a 3- acceleration (10 meters/sec=l G) t: seconds v: speed in
6 would indicate a hit on module 3. meterslsecond. With the exception of the velocity equation,
Movement: The very low velocities of most pregravitic all assume a standing start to standing stop journey with a
designs necessitate some special considerations when using midpoint turnaround (as indicated in the Referee's Compan-
the ship-to-ship conflict rules (Referee's Manual). ion, In-System Operations). While the use of these equa-
Determine the vectorof a pregravitic ship at the time combat tions is optional, they're very easy to handle:
is joined since many of these early designs will not be able ~ i m e = 2 6
to alter their course significantly during combat. For every
38 Challenge 45
Acceleration=4d+t2 If the planet of
Velocity=at reentry has a hy-
Velocity is useful for determining the speed of a ship at the drographic rating
time it comes into contact with other vessels. However, the of 3 or less, there
f value must be divided by 1200 (the number of seconds of is a task DM of -2.
acceleration per 20-minute combat round) in order to con- If the hydrograph-
vert this value into the vessel's movement speed in hexes ic rating is 1, there
(Referee's Manual, Starship Combat section). is a task DM of -4. If the hydrographic rating is 0, the task is
When using these equations, remember that the units Impossible.
you're using to calculate with (meters, seconds) may not be Referees can also use these task profiles for satellite
what you wish to wind up with (kilometers, minutes or 20- seeding and recovery tasks.
minute combat rounds). We recommend that you get your
answers in the presented units first, then convert to the units FroraGier Launches
you want. The UTP for any frontier launch operation is almost iden-
tical to its controlled launch counterpart, except that the
difficulty level of the task is increased by one (therefore,
frontier launches are not possible at TL5). The time incre-
Most tasks required to run the ships designed with this ment for afrontier launch is one hour. Notethat hasty frontier
supplement are duplicates of (or can be extrapolated from) launches are fraught with peril.
the tasks listed in the Imperial Encyclopedia. However, a To reiterate, if a maximum computer model (by tech level)
few new tasks deserve to be detailed here. is not available to support the frontier launch, a further -2
DM is imposed on the task.
Controlled Launches
Making a successful controlled launch: Remsh-Controllled
Difficulty varies (see chart below), Navigation or Pilot-1, La~amelhesand Operations
Computer, instant (after preparations-see the Controlled Remote-controlled tasks are very similar to nonremote-
Launch section preceding) (fateful, hazardous). controlled tasks of the same type. The only differences are
RefereerThe difficulty of this task is directly connectedwith that a remote-controlled task has an automatic DM of -1,
the tech level of the vehicle and launch facility (if they are and Robot Ops skill is used (and required) in place of Pilot
different, averagethe results).The maximum computer model andlor Ship's Boat.
available at the given tech level must be available for launch Remote controllers must be equipped with an appropriate
plottingand simulationthroughout the preparation and launch transmitter and a single computer (or a combination of
phases. If it is not, the referee should impose a-2 DM on the computers) with the required computing power. The control
task roll. points equation of CP=(Pr+100,000) xTL is usedto determine
the remote control requirements of a vehicle.
TL Task Difficulty Rating If for any reason contact is lost between controller and
5 Impossible vehicle (communicator failure, weather, out of range), the
6 or mid able vehicle is out of control. It is a Formidable task to recover
7 Difficult control once it has been lost, even if contact is reestablished.
8 Routine For every two attempts to recover control, an additional -1
9 NIA, as per gravitic vehicle operations DM is applied to the task roll. DMs are awarded for Commo,
Robot Ops, and Education.
To jettison a stage (for recovery) while within atmosphere:
Routine, Navigation, Computer, instant (fateful, hazard-
ous-to jettisoned hull)
As technology slides downhill with the rest of the Impe-
To jettison a stage and to allow for successful stage reen- rium, heavy political and economic emphases on the con-
try (for recovery) from LPO: struction and maintenanceof localtechnologieswill become
Difficult, Navigation, Computer, 112 Pilot, instant (fateful- the order of the day. Off-world supplies can be expected to
to both mother ship and jettisoned hull, hazardous-to jetti- dwindle, and, therefore, machinery that is dependent upon
soned hull) extrastellar technologies will be seen as being undepend-
able in the long run. One can hardly find a better illustration
To jettison a stage and to allow for successful stage reen- of this kind of concern than in the Hinteworlds Sedor. Darvis
try (for recovery) from SPO: Subsector, a mere nine parsecs from Imperial space, has an
Formidable, Navigation, Computer, Pilot, 30 minutes average TL of 6.6. More than one-third of all the systems in
(fateful, hazardous-to jettisoned hull) that subsector are of TL6 to TL8.AlthoughArkon is an indus-
trial powerhouse, she is only now upgrading her starport to
Any mishaps involvinga jettisoned stage are most likely to B. It will be years before she completes a full upgrade toA (a
be trajectory errors that result in bad reentry or descent viable commercial producer of starships). Her smaller pro-
angles. tectorate, Varag, is the only starship yard in the subsector.
' t h J * :
The con&quehc6s are"1ear-most of the smaller, lower- wreck and rescue of the first Titan mission. The commerce
tech systems will be forced to fend for themselves or face of those days-like the year-long voyages of the sail and
absolute domination at the hands of such local powers, steam era-was enabled by a delicate web of refueling and
however humble they may seem by Imperial standards. On mining waystations. The onset of newer technologies, the
the other hand, even at TL5, a spacefaring planet is a planet outrush of settlers, and the establishment of agricultural
to be reckonedwith and traded with-not conquered whole- colonies all served to make it a time of change and adven-
sale. ture. And in certain areas outside the Imperium-notably,
This perspective should guide the referee not just in the many places in the Hinters-this drama is still in the process
construction of spacecraft, but other machinery as well. of being played out.
Rather than invest in expensive airlrafts, can VTOLs be used, Last, "One Small Step," while based on technologies al-
or air cushion vehicles? What about helicopters? The ref- ready extant or beingtested, is obviously highly simplistic. In
eree who is interested in such matters is strongly urged to order to keep it apropos to a playable game system, many
consult the pages of COACC. Gravitic technology is not a sacrifices regarding details and actualities were knowingly
prerequisite for military potency. made. The authortruststhat readers will see this as welcome
On a different note, "One Small Step" offers a number of streamlining, rather than as unsettling deviations from real-
other play and design possibilities. For example, what about ity. After all, enjoyability is the key to MegaTraveller-and
the intrasystemskirmishing of the prestellar Solomani, circa the sole reason for using "One Small Step." Q
AD 2050? Various global and off-world power blocs were
involved in small squadron actions in the asteroid belt and For two adventures using this design sequence supple-
amidst the moons of both Jupiterand Saturn during that time. ment, don't miss "Two SmaN Steps" in Challenge 47.
Some confrontations included planetary assaults, such as The author gratefully acknowledges the help of NASA
the fiercely fought Titan conflict of 2053, waged between the personnel and publications from Ames Research Center,
Pan-AsianCombine and the MultinationalCorporate Forces. Lewis Research Center, and Kennedy and Johnson Space
On a less martial note, "One Small Step" enables you to Centers, as well as publications of the National Commission
recreate the initial exploration of the Sol system: the first on Space, the American Astronautical Society, and a num-
Martian landing, the Europa expeditions, the dramatic ship- ber of commercial imprints.
40 Challenge 45
New Meganaveller Equipment
The transfer of personnel or
goods between ships in space can
often be a hazardous task, and a
variety of devices are used to in-
crease the safety of such transfers.
One such device is the intership
transfer device (ITD).
The ITD consists of three com-
ponents-the line, the launcher,
and the crawler.
The line is a 100-meter length
of braided plasteel cable. Attached
to the sender's end is a C-clip for
connecting the line to the ship's
langes Extended) (Flanges Folded hull. Fastened to the other end is
both a C-clip and a flanged mag-
net assembly.
44 Challenge 45
Launcher Cwgo Crawler
The launcher is a mechanism The crawler is a hand-held
designed to propel the line across device used to pull personnel
the space separating two ships along the line. It is similar in ap-
which have matched course and pearance to the launcher, except
speed. Physically, the launcher is it is smaller and does not require a
a one-meter-long tube. It has a sighting lens.
pistol grip with a trigger mecha- The crawler's tube opens to many wet navies.
nism underneath and a sighting clamp over the line. A small electric intership Transfer Device: TL
lens on the side. motor activated by the trigger oper- 7, 10 liters, 10 kilograms, Cr500.
The operator fires the launcher ates pinch rollers to pull the crawler Personnel Wig: Th7,2 liters, 2
from tha shoulder with the flanged and its operator along the line. kilograms, Cr50.
magnet assembly inserted into the There is asafety line for connec- Cargo Crawler: TL 7, 2 liters,
front end. When the operator pulls tion to the operator's suit. 2 kilograms, Cr50. i2
the trigger, compressed gas will A standard
propel the flanged magnet assem- ITD will come
bly forward. The launcher simulta- equipped with
neously fires a countercharge of four crawlers.
gas in the opposite direction, A modified
making the launcher a low-recoil crawler used to
device. facilitate cargo
As it travels across the interven- transfers has a
ing space, the magnet assembly remote control
opens to the a~achmentposition. and cargo net
It also carries the line across to arrangement. A newsletter for the serious
connect it to the other ship's hull. Another ac- air garner wiltlz emphasis on GDW's
Normally,the magnet assembly cessory avail- Air Supero~tyand Air Strike
will have enough hold to allow the able is the per-
crossing of personnel. For a more sonnel rig. This New Scenarios
durable connection, the operator modified crawl- New Data Cards
attaches the C-clip to the other er can transfer Additional Rules
ship's hull after crossing. The invalid beings
launcher has enough charges for or space-wary
five launches. After it is empty, the groundlings be-
operator may remove the cylinder tween ships. lt's
For recharging or replacement.Any similar in ap- Sample Issue - $2.50
Air Power Publications
starship can charge a gas cylinder. pearance and One Year (6 issues) - $12
Two Years (12 issues) - $20 .
' O' 2582
Commercial recharging cost Crl. operation to the
Replacement cylinders cos"rr5. bos'ns chairs of
ence. Defauit slcllk are available to everyone. '
COmAT: I M Wl$M: 2aao advanced cornart w e m Is
wallstlc, easy to play, and (above all) fun,
TRAVEL: w t ~ g m#lao : cpverstravel in de-
anccrunter m t e m emphedzes cleariy ommized,
gamPlg. RulesufvertheMilgMW format, ueatin~
your own MIIOM cards,anU admlnlstsrkrg encrxln-
ters asrafn and again.
mdhtbn, ULsease, and bafflefiekt contaminants.
Ml&MCords: FourtyplcalMllg M c a r d ~ r e s a r e l n c l u d e d i n ~
Bulidlnpe: UgM typloal (andnxrrrrlng)buMln~ -
-. Interbraare ~ W f o r u s In
e any numberoislhrations:
bar,subway statbn, farmhouse, stc, %
B O U w m N T : ~ v l ~ l g hzaijo"^hs
8irpaid;e;f eciu$rire~iicover&$,
t; wlfi a ribre vhal presents-
t h cKI andtDltelve tlhrMratbns. VeWe staiiefles are IwM on up-todate Informatfon and the letest
IfOl,mh%Ym& - - More material has
reswnslbltlk am eoeUed out In clear lamarre.
been sdded to halp rslerees In theliquest for last, lun adverdurei.
NOIIpkyOt ChamtWs am cerslutly defined, wlth lnarudbnaon a d m l w n g thelr muvattons, desaribing "-I- rhar-
ecleMlcs, a n l pMy[ng wt their Pdbno.
Taah have been owpanded and darhl.
The .ctvanlurer s e n glves detailed imuctbtm on how to sel thdm up and d m f b them
P l w sbnMeflng experience, thu types of rewards to oller player Wtacters (anU kwr mtcfij,and'motivatln~
playen (and-m) to play out enjoyable adventures.
MZAIIDOUS ~ O ~ N T ' S i ~mi i l get t t 2000 : env~rw~nenl has become more
uUaffuCll'8 a b m , wlldw, more mreatening woItd out lhete. RtBet~~wam se( aUvefWufes anywhere in
brmpe with no aQWtbnal material. Other areas where US. troops are Wbned am slmllariy treated: the
M W k W, Far Ea&, and Ule Unlted States.
Backgmd: The opening s[tuatlon InWligM! 2000 c o r n PolanU, with b a c k f ~ ~and
n d detaiia tor a
"reai'adventunewithmaps, NPCs, t h e w o h I!endsuplnKmkw, witha I ~ t o t ~ B U e d ~ othe v clty.
Swka Eack~mund:Milltaty smlee details are included, wlln dlswssions ol life inthe serfice, deflnC
tkns of wskd terms (Ilke MOPE M06,and W),and explan8llpna ol w b l equ$msm is llke and what a
t M dwac4er mlaM have ame-need.
The New
r m w ~ ~ . -e ~ - ~ w
Vessels on the black list are nearest orbital facility. If the
to be seized immediately freighter is travelling a minor
upon positive identification, route in a system without
and their crewmembers are such facilities, then the drone
to be deported for trial. Up- is commanded to fly a ran-
dates of these lists are sent dom pattern and then go
to the national bureaus on a dormant. More sophisticated
quarterly basis, and specific drones include a passive
updates concerning a par- sensor package, allowing
ticular incident, vessel, or them to continue to run if a
individual, are sent to mem- vessel gets too close without
ber nations upon request. giving a proper signal. This
In gaming terms, it is up to signal is provided by port
the referee to decide the authorities just prior to the
status of a group of charac- freighter leaving dock and is
ters in regard to the rainbow used by patrol craft to acti-
reports. Obviously, the longer vate the drones' homing sig-
the time spent in piracy, the nals. The data from a pop-out
greater the likelihood of is sent to SAMN Central
appearing somewhere in Bureau for processing and
SAMN's records.This is influ- inclusion in future lists.
enced by the availability of With the combination of
sensor readings from patrol sensor data from pop-out
craft and/or navigational drones, system patrol craft,
buoys of the subject vessel, the ongoing readings of
and the steps the pirate craft navigational and traffic con-
has taken to disguise its trol buoys, and the continual
presence (examplesof which work of individual nations'
will be described later). In crime-fighting organizations,
addition, it is always possible it would appearthat the future
that a group of characters of any prospective pirate
may be in the wrong place at would be a difficult one at
the wrong time. They might best. In the face of truly
be placed on a rainbow report enormous volumes of infor-
when innocentof wrongdoing mation processed by SAMN
or could be implicated by and distributed to every
SAMN for a crime they didn't member nation, it would
commit while carrying the seem only a matter of time
goodsfrom another incident. before any pirate would find
himself cowering in his dock
POP-OUT DRONES rock, waiting for the forces of
An increasingly important law and order to come knock-
source of data for the SAMN ing.
computer analysis is the The criminal mind, how-
"pop-out" distress drone. An ever, is often a resourceful
automated remote with a one. While spacegoing na-
flight data storage device and tions can be counted on to
communication gear, the come up with the means to
pop-out is designed to be make piracy difficult, pirate
rapidly deployed in the event syndicates can be counted
of an attack. While in flight, on to come up with the means
the pop-out's recorder will to circumvent them.
take down all sensor and
communication data of a DRIVE SMEARING
ship's progress. When the A pirate syndicate's great-
hostile boarding of a vessel est concern has always been
is imminent,the drone will be how to better disguise the
launched from its external presence of its ships. With
sling and follow a preset flight contact in space normally
path, usually toward the taking place at distances
50 Challenge 45
ranging in the thousands of tampers with the normal damagehasbeen
miles, this concern has cen- operation of a system, adrop suffered. The re-
tered on disguising the ves- inefficiencycan-beexpected. sults of the task
sel to electronic observation Dependingon the number of are known within
rather that visual observa- residue lumps created and moments; how-
tion. Evenwhen the vessel is their placement throughout ever, the task
at dock, its visible parts are the system, the drop-off can must be repeated
usually limitedto what can be approach the difference nor- every I 0 hours, or fraction if undamaged by the strain.
seen through the air lock. mally experienced when an thereof, while the ship is trav- Even if all the rolls are suc-
The most common and empty cargo vessel becomes elling within the system. The cessful, there will be at least
widespread methodof fooling fully loaded. first two times the task is at- a 15% drop in the stutter-
unwantedsensor readings is The possibility also exists tempted it is Difficult, and warp's efficiency rating. A
to alter the frequency of the that the unit may be dam- failures are resolved using Superficial result on the Mis-
stutterwarp unit. Known most aged. The greater the size of 206. The next two attempts haps Table will increase this
commonly as "drive smear- the energy lump and the are Formidable, and the roll drop to 3O0I0.A Total mishap
ing," "lumping the drive," or longer the unit is operated in for failures is made using indicates that one of more of
"scaringthe unit,"this method such a state, the greater the 3D6. Four is the maximum the drive coils has experi-
makes use of the residual chance that the coil will reach numberof times the task may enced threshold burnout and
radiationbuilt upduring inter- its threshold limit and burn be attempted. After that, all will need to be replaced at a
stellar flight to change a out, a small-scale version of the residue energy will have major repair facility.
drive's detection signature. what happens when the unit been discharged, and the At any point, the ship's
During normal operation, as a whole is pushed past the vessel will operate normally engineer can declare that he
the stutterwarp unit will be 7.7 light-year range. While
calibrated so that the resid- the release of radiation is
ual energy built up during relatively small, the stutter-
transluminal flight is spread warp unit will need major
evenly over the drive coils. repairs before it can be
This allows the unit to reach counted asoperational. Drive
the 7.7 light-year limit on smearing is used exclusively
travel. Upon entering a sig- by carry vessels when enter-
nificant gravity well, one of ing a systemwhere they may
0.1 G or greater, the coils will be identified or where they
be discharged evenly in order will be joining a catch opera-
to maintain maximum effi- tion. The drop in drive effi-
ciency of the unit while oper- ciency is too high and the risk
ating in-system. of damage in a hostile system
When a drive unit is being too great forthis methodto be
smeared, the discharging used by catch vessels.
process takes place differ- The attempt to smear a
ently. While in-system, the drive unit is a two-step pro-
ship's engineer will bypass cess. Before the journey be-
oneor more of the drive coils. gins, the drive engineer must
This creates an energy lump successfully prepare the unit
which will become slightly lo delay its discharge. This
greater each time the coil is task is described on page 63
bypassed. As the drive of the 2300 AD Director's
cycles, an energy drag will be Guide, and it must be at-
created by the lump, and the tempted regardless of the
unit's telltale frequency will be distance to be travelled.
altered. If only one coil is Once in the target system,
used, the resultant pattern is the task below must be at-
that of a unit with afailing coil. tempted:
If a number of smaller lumps
are created 'throughout the Task: To smear a drive
unit, the drive frequency will unit: Difficult, then Formi-
be read as that of a different dable. Ship Drive Engineer-
vessel of approximately the ing skill. Special, see below.
same mass and power Referee: Success means
range. the drive signature has been
Obviously, whenever one altered, and no permanent
is completing a normal dis- using them must be highly can be launched ahead of the pilot responsible for the dee-
charge. He may then roll the organized, with well disci- catch ship, but it is more often dee must roll for this task.
task at one step lower than plined crews manning its ves- in an external mount, from Failure means any sensor
normal (Routine if within the sels. Depending on the num- which it is launched as the instruments would detect
first 20 hours and Difficult if ber of ships the syndicate vessel powers down. This something wrong--a momen-
later). If the roll is successful, controls, a veritable "musical method can be used to con- tary dual image, for example.
the discharge is completed chairs" of identity switching fuse pursuit, in the hope that A Minor mishap means any
normally. Failures are resolved can go on, often as a vessel patrol vessels will follow the recognition programs keyed to
using 206. passes from one system to the dee-dee. The method is gen- this type of activity and moni-
next. This level of sophistica- erally used when a catch toring the progress of the catch
S m L L GAME tion requires extensive com- vessel wants to rendezvous vessel have been alerted, and
DOGLEGS puter analysis, planning, and with a dock rock to keep the any subsequent attempt to de-
With the advent of the simulation-which is often coordinates secret. (Dock tect the pirate vessel is low-
SAMN suspect traffic lists, done months in advance. rocks are the supply caches ered by one level (two if the
pirate syndicates have found Transit data has increas- and sensor platforms syndi- mishap is Major).
it necessary to devise means ingly become the focus of law cates place on floating chunks Most dee-dees are pro-
to keep their carry vessel clear enforcement undercover op- of rock). grammed to broadcast the
of any suspicion of wrongdo- erations. By obtaining copies The use of dee-dees in- signals associated with inde-
ing. The use of fake transpon- of a syndicates' transit plans, volves two separate tasks. pendent asteroid mining craft.
der signals is widespread, the law enforcement agencies can These vessels stay out of dock
illegality of the practice hardly wait for unsuspecting pirate Task: To prepare a dee- for extended periods of time
adeterrent to such individuals. vessels. Today both the pirate dee: Variable. Ship Engineer- and are often unmanned as
The practice is used primarily syndicates and government ing, Mechanical, and Electrical the crew goes EVA to pros-
by vessels conducting three- agencies employ numerous skills. 2 days. pect, leaving the ship's com-
armed trade business for the cybernetic and computer Referee:The preparation is puter to handle incoming com-
syndicate. (Three-armedtrade experts to protect and/or ac- handled like any other repair munications. This program-
consists of taking stolen goods quire this information. task and involves the modifi- ming has left the perception in
to a prearranged meeting in cation of a deep space sensor the minds of the general pub-
another arm of human space, DECOY DRONES probe used for long-range lic, and with some law enforce-
where they are tradedfor other For the catch vessel, the exploration. The difficulty level ment agencies, that there is an
goods, such as drugs, illegal most delicate time of an opera- depends on the degree of association between belt
biomods or cyberwear, to be tion is the insertion into a tar- sophistication desired by the miners and piracy.
shipped to the Core worlds. get system. While space is syndicate.Adee-dee that trav-
The profits are then used to indeed a big place, a long- els along a predetermined IN ACTION
purchase legal, high-tech range gravitational scan can path broadcasting its ship A pirate syndicate has dis-
goods for sale on the colony detect any vessel entering a noise is Difficult. One that can covered that a freighting corn-
worlds.) system. Knowing that an un- respond to basic requests put pany has been contracted to
For carry vessels running in certain number of ships have forth by nav-buoys and follow carry tantalum drive coils for
the syndicate's area of opera- entered and suddenly disap- assigned flight lanes is Formi- an exploration and resource
tion, another method has been peared from scan is more than dable. Trying to modify the development company oper-
devised to make it appear that enough to rouse the curiosity drone to respond to real-time ating on the fringes of explored
a particular carry vessel was of any patrol commander of requests put forth by human space. The coils are to up-
elsewhere at the time of a hi- reasonable intelligence. communications officers on grade the drives of the com-
jacking. This method has To assist catch vessels in naval patrol craft and fly a pany's survey vessels.
become known as shellgame entering a system unnoticed, completely random yet believ- The action begins with the
doglegs (see diagram for pirate syndicates have made able flight plan is an Impos- catch vessel entering the sys-
example). use of what is referred to as a sible task (attempts have been tem. As it closes upon its
There are several variations decoy drone or dee-dee. As made). Whenever the latter syndicate's dock rock, it cuts
to the basic concept, such as highly modified sensor probes, two levels of sophistication are power and launches a dee-
a drop transit, where two ves- dee-dees are designed to desired, the ship crew skills of dee which has been pro-
sels leave the same system, mimic the activity of a normally Communications and Com- grammed to maintain a mini-
the second doglegging back operating vessel. puters are also required. mum distance of five light-
for an attack, while the first The drones are given large seconds between it and any
masquerading as the second power plants, with their shield- Task: To launch a decoy other vessel. If queried, the
in the destination system. The ing stripped to a bare mini- drone: Difficult, Uncertain. drone will respond with the in-
second vessel, once its hold is mum. Automated communi- Pilot and Remote Pilot skills. formation that it is conducting
full of stolen cargo, proceeds cations equipment is added to Instantaneous. an independent mining survey.
to the next system, now pass- broadcast the normal signals Referee: In the launch task, The catch vessels link up with
ing itself off as the first vessel, of a ship under power, and success means the drone the dock rock, transferring part
with a story of "deep space more sophisticated programs would appear to be a single of the crew to the survival
repairs." allow the dee-dee to respond ship continuing on its course canisters there. The data from
For shell game doglegs to to navigational buoys found in of travel. Both the pilot of the a passive sensor array is
work, the pirate syndicate most systems. The dee-dee catch vessel and the remote downloaded to the ship's
52 Challenge 45
computer for analysis, and an and a spiker, a member of the The captain orders
EVA team is sent to retrieve syndicate's infiltration unit, one last sensor
the fuel processed by a crack- jacks into the base to discover sweep, and com-
ing station on a nearby chunk the target's departure time. mands that the
of ice. With this information in hand, pop-out drone be
Next, the carry vessel en- the carry vessel reports to fired.But nothing
ters the system. It has just station authorities that its prob- happens-the
completed a shell game lems are minor and requests spiker team dis-
dogleg and is operating under a departure time shortly after abled the explosive release to the nearest safe place, such
a different name and registry. the one given the target ves- couplings on the pop-out as another dock rock off a
It enters the system smearing sel. With reports that security drone-and the remote re- minor trade route. There it will
one drive coil, broadcasting to around the target is tight, the mains attached. wait until it gets another as-
the local port facilities that it captain of the carry vessel de- The end comes swiftly as signment, or it may go through
needs to put in for emergency cides that getting a spiker the catch vessel crew boards a crew transfer. The carry
repairs of a failing drive unit. team on board is not feasible. the damaged freighter. Once vessel will go to aprearranged
This broadcast also serves to The spiker team can perform the freighter is subdued, the meeting with a transfer ship,
alert the catch vessel, which another mission, and the unit carry vessel comes alongside, part of the syndicate's three-
sends a squirt transmission to is sent out of the air lock. allowing the catch vessel to armed trading system. At the
the carry vessel containing its An hour after the spiker stand off (jamming any pos- rendezvous, it will trade the
analysis of the sensor data. team returns, the target ves- sible communication) or to coils for a legitimate cargo (al-
The data indicates that a win- sel powers up and departs. draw away any possible assis- lowing it to continue on its own
dow of opportunity exists on The carry vessel leaves as tance to the target. The carry run) or trade for something
the target vessel's departure well, maintaining a specific vessel crew begins transfer- more lucrative, such as aship-
angle in a volume approxi- distance and angular relation- ring the cargo from the target ment of illegal biomodifiers for
mately one AU inside the ship with the target ship-one vessel, while the spiker team sale to the populations of the
system's transluminal horizon, that will aid the catch vessel in searches through the target's Core worlds. On the other
the point at which stutterwarp pinpointing the target's posi- computer records, looking for hand, life might not bequite so
units can achieve faster than tion. The catch vessel slips any useful information and rosy if the pirates have pushed
light pseudovelocities. The free of the dock rock and pow- wiping out any sensor data it their luck a little too far and the
carry vessel codes then stores ers up as the dee-dee returns. might find. meeting is really an ambush
the information, receives the set up by the agents of law and
go-ahead from port authori- Capture Sueeess? order. The life of a catch and
ties, and proceeds in-system Moving into the window of Once the cargo is safely on carry team is, after all, Fraught
to the port. opportunity, the catch vessel board, the carry vessel signals with peril-sometimes the cat
closes on the target. The to the catch ship, and both becomes the mouse without
Ia4filtratiom freighter tries to evade, but the leave the system. The catch knowing it until it's too late. fi
The carry vessel docks and catch ship is too maneuver- vessel will pick up its decoy
begins "repairs." It also hooks able and disables that target drone or activate the drone's For more information on
into the station's database, with a well placed laser shot. destruct sequence, then head piracy, refer to Challenge 41.
It had been a quiet night. I was making my
usual round of the clubs, on the look out for
anything that mightprove interesting. I could feel
the 'biz in the air, deals being made, items bought
and sold. I hadn't seen or heard anything of
interest, until Jimmy D walked up. He normally
dealt in hot equipment, but he had this interest-
ingpiece of software that he wanted to sell. How
could I have known what I was getting into?
54 Challenge 45
him. He said he heard someone found their tridge is interfaced, the characters can attempt
bodies in an alley downtown. That kind of stuff to find out what it is.
happens all the time, what with the gangs and If they successfully determine the software
all, but I should have realized it was more than type, the characters will realize that they have in
coincidental. their possession a military ICEbreaker (ICE
stands for IntrusionCountermeasures Electron-
SO ics).The software is called Chameleon and adds
Once the characters have obtained the soft- the following modifiers to a cyberdeck's stats:
ware, they will have to modify the cartridge to +16 Accuracy, +I 0 Defense, and +I 0 Offense.
allow its information to be accessed, then figure This software allows the user to.sneak into a
what the software is. In order to dismantle and system without being detected, raidthe system's Task: To modify
modify the cartridge, an advanced electronics volume, and run. This is a one-shot program the cartridge: Diffi-
lab (consistingof microwaldo systems, scanning which can be run at the same time as any other cult. Electronics. 3
microscopes, and diagnostic test equipment) will program or programs. It has an internal volume hours.
be required for delicate electronic work. If the of 30 and is connected in the same manner as
characters do not have access to this sort of a Second String. Price: Unavailable.
equipment,whichcosts Lvl0,OOO and fills a large Task: To re-
tabletop, they will have to hire a hardware tech HOT ON THE T search DataCorp:
to do the modification. If they have the equip- Within 48 hours of purchasing the cartridge, Routine. Informa-
ment, modifying the cartridge is a task. the characters will learn that Jimmy D's place tion Gathering. 4
While the cartridge is disassembled, the has been broken into and that he has gone into hours.
characters will find that the components carry a hiding. Also, if the characters hired a hardware
manufacturer's identification-DataCorp. If the tech to modifythe cartridge,they will find out that
characters wish to research this company, they the tech had been attacked by unknown assail- Task: To deter-
will have to successfully complete the following ants and is in the hospital. mine the software
task. The party is now being followed by LaRoque, type: Difficult. Com-
DataCorp is a company in the U.S. that spe- who has traced them through Jimmy D and any puter. 30 minutes.
cializes in cyberspace programming and re- others they've contacted. He will wait until the
search, generally working on government proj- party is separated, at which time he will attack
Task: To notice
ects or for megacorporations. lone individuals in orderto retrievethe cartridge.
After being modified, the cartridge can be If the characters realize they are being fol- pursuer. Formida-
interfaced with any standard cyberdeck and is lowed and try to capture LaRoque, afirefight will ble. Streetwise. In-
similar to using a Second String. Once the car- ensue. LaRoque is an Elite NPC armed with a stant.
handise. Jimm
beeperthat will go off when hissecurity system is
Challenge 45 55
Can IIr o MegaTrave er ' T l e ZPOC~I Consp racj' Ca 301 771 1'5' weeaoays9 am lo 5 pm Eastern T I l e aro oraer oy MCV sa
PARAGON SOFTWAREE3 or ma clec6 or money oraer 'or $54 95 lor IBM PC Tanof conpal o es .ers on spec l y a sa s ze p .s $3 50 lor sn pp ng ara nalal ng
$5 00 lor nlernalona over J S I.ros onlt MD resaenls aoo j", saes la& 1990 Paragon S o b a r e a l a Game Desgners
Workshop. Ali Rights Resewed. MegaTraveller is a registered trademark of Game Designers' Workshop. The Punisher is a registered
Marketed by Medalist International 180 Lakefront Drive. Hunt Vailey. MD 21030 trademark of Mawel Entertainment Group, lnc. All Rights Resewed.
silenced Stracher P-11mm and two extra maga- plans and conducts political/military operations
The black market
zines. If the characters manage to capture abroad, specifically in former French colonies spans the entire
LaRoque alive, he will not willingly answer that have gained their independence.The third sphere of man's in-
questions. If the characters are very skillful at directorate normally has access to French mili- fluence-through-
Interviewing and/or Psychology (or resort to tary troops. The DGSE was created in 1981 to out the history of
torture or drugs), they will learn that he is afield replace the Service de Documentation Exteriure
man, from Earth to
agent forthe DGSE and that his mission was to et de Contre-Espionage (SDECE)and maintains
steal the software from the U.S. military devel- a reputationas one of the best intelligenceagen- the most distant col-
opment program. If LaRoque is killed, the char- cies in operation.The DGSE normallyworksout ony, regardless of
acters may recognize him from documents at of a country's French Embassy, but it has also trade regulations or
Jimmy D's. Either way, the case will be picked been known to use various business fronts. laws.
up several weeks later by another DGSE agent, Challenge 44 re-
who will continue to try to recover the software. mcs veals the secrets of
The following NPCs might be useful. getting what you
ErnR m Jimmy D: Jimmy D is a small-time fence who want (and sorne-
The PCs have several options. They can keep specializes in electronic hardware and comput- times more than you
the software and run for it, hoping to use it later ers. Ordinarily, he fences stolen items for vari- want) from this clan-
for themselves. Or they can attempt to sell it to ous street gangs, but he will sell anything, in- destine group of
the French or anyone else, or try to return it to cluding his friends, for a price. Although he
operators. Look for
U.S. military authorities. Regardlessof what they normally deals in ordinary items on a small scale,
do, the PCs are now marked by the DGSE, which he considers himself one of the movers and "Black Market" by
could continue to harass them in the future. shakers of the local black market and is con- Matthew S. Prager.
stantly talking about his "big score." Also, don't miss
DGSE NPC Motivation Results: Diamond 6, Spade 2. Rotten to the Core,
The Direction Generale de la Securite Ex- Jon-Claude LaRoque: An agent for the GD W's sourcebook
teriure (DGSE) is a French military intelligence DGSE, Jon-Claude is fiercely loyalto France and revealing the corrup-
organization which is divided into three director- the agency, and will do whatever is necessary tion in Libreville, cor-
ates. The first directorate deals with the collec- to complete his mission. He is avery determined porate haven and
tion and analysis of foreign intelligence, while person and is not above using extreme violence playground of the
the second is responsible for counterespionage in accomplishing his goal. rich and famous.
outside of France and her colonies. The third NPCMotivationResults:SpadeQueen, Heart5. R
Add an
Gaming Adventures with
Challenge 45 57
STEVE JACKSON GAMES' new re- MANSIONS OF MADNESS is the armory and weapons glossary. Plus
lease schedule includes: GURPS Mar- new collection of CaNof Cthulhu adven- Gold Quest, a full GM game. Write to
tial Arts (September, 128 pages, tures from Chaosium Inc. Other recent Shield Maiden, 8273 Ramshorn Dr.,
$16.95), GURPS Horror 2nd edition releases include Pendragon (2nd West Jordan, UT, 84088.
(October, 128 pages, $16.95), and In- edition), At Your Door (Callof Cthulhu),
ternational Super Teams (November). Arkham Unveiled (Call of Cthulhu), and AVALON HILL'S recent releases in-
Stormbringer (4th edition). clude Third Fleet (No. 30031 , $35), Re-
KNIGHTFALL releases this month public of Rome (No. 885, $35), Napo-
from GDW. If the PCs can find a fabled OVER THE TOP is a miniatures leon's Battles Module (No. 8831 , $15),
lost city of technological wonders from wargame rule book and reference New World(No.884, $25), Eldarad: The
the Long Night period, its technology source from GDW. Rules cover gas at- Lost City (No. 8589, $15.95), Showbiz
could help Margaret prevail. MegaTrav- tacks, artillery barrages, complex trench (No. 6410, $20), and Wrasslin' (No.
eller. 96-page book. GDW: 0219. $10. systems, rudimentary armored fighting 9450, $1 5).
vehicles, and the machinegun. Includes
SILENT DEATH is new this summer 10 World War I battle scenarios, plus SPACEGAMERIFANTASYGAMER
for Metal Express. ICE'S other recent troop lists and statistics. Command De- is now under new management. It will
releases include Day of the Destroyer cision. 96 pages. GDW: 0734. $12. be published bimonthly by Future
(a Champions adventure), Rolemaster Combat Simulations, PO Box 268,
Companion IV, Greater Harad (a Mid- THE NEW TWILIGHT: 2000 is here Lakewood, CA 90714-268.
dle-Earth campaign module), Emer (a from GDW! Twilight explores the dark
boxed set to complement the Shadow potential for a third world war, with HARNWORLD 2nd edition is a real-
World legacy), CyberRogues (a char- American forces trapped behind the istic medieval environment with a
acter compendium for Cyberspace), lines in eastern Europe. What do they complex and detailed fantasy back-
and Silent Death (a new boxed game of face on the battlefield of tomorrow? ground. Write to Columbia Games, lnc.,
space fighter combat). Boxed set includes 288-page trade pa- Box 8006, Blain, WA 98230.
perback, map, charts. GDW: 2001. $24.
CITYBOOK 1V releases in August T-SHIRTS with a variety of prints are
from Flying Buffalo. Other recent re- WEST END'S new releases include available from Invisible Dragon De-
leases are Elven Lords for Tunnels & Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi (the signs, PO Box 3084, Dept. F, Reno, NV
Trolls,the Fort Bevits Campaign Book final chapter in the Star Wars trilogy 89505.
and the Citybook I1 reprint. brought to life) and Lurid Talesof Doom
(a Ghostbuster adventure pitting the SCIENCE-FICTION PLAYERS SUR-
BAlTLEFIELD: EUROPE,new from heroes against some unusual enemies). VIVAL KIT includes character records,
GDW, is a fast-playing wargame of Plus Game Chambers of Q u e s t a k star ship cargo logs, equipment records,
modern Europeanconflict. Includes ex- when the Rebel heroesdiscoverthefate and blank vehicle forms for use with
tensive analysis of regionalconflicts and of a close friend, can they survive the Traveller, MegaTraveller, andother SF
armed forces, plus scenarios. Boxed. dangerous game being played on the RPGs. Write to Sage Lore Productions,
Game maps. Die-cut counters. Game planet Questal? PO Box 14616, Portland, OR 97214.
rules. European Warfare Handbook.
GDW: 0115. $26. ROTTEN TO THE CORE from GDW HIRED HANDS, a book of NPC
lays Libreville bare in all its frenziedglitz, dream warriors for Morpheus, is now
SCHUBEL & SON markets four gaiety, and profound corruption. Chap- available from Rapport Games. Each
unique PBM games. In Robot Armies, ters cover the black market, gangs, NPC has acomplete power breakdown
you lead an army of huge robot fighting nightlife, corporations, government, life- and a psychological profile. Other prod-
machines in AD 2400. Company Com- styles of Libreville's rich and shameless, ucts available include Operation: Hitler
mander is a squad-level game of strat- and going shopping in the most high- and The Stuff Dreams That Are Made
egy, diplomacy, economics, and military tech, haute couture and expensive city Of. Write to Rapport Games, 1031 E.
conquest. In Masters of Magic, you as- on Earth. 2300 AD. 64-page book. Battlefield, Suite 114B, Springfield, MO
sume the role of a mighty magic user GDW: 1017. $8. 65807.
searching for apprentices to lead your
legions in battle, search for artifacts, or SHIELDS OF POWER is a new fan- Briefs describes gaming news and re-
act as emissaries to help you extend tasy roleplayinggame which includes a leases from a variety of publishers. An-
your domain.And Crusade is a century- fast-paced, realistic combat system, nouncements should be sent in at least four
level wargame of intrigue and diplo- rules for creating eight races belonging months before a product is released, if
macy. Write to Schubel& Son, Inc., PO to 11 different guilds, reproductions of possible. Writeto ChallengeBriefs, PO Box
Box 192, North Highlands, CA 95660. all 19 shield designs, and a fully stocked 1646, Bloomington, IL 6 1702-1646 USA.
58 Challenge 45
Su3scribe OEF
for only:
60 Challenge 45
Rebel Troopers
Miniatures Set
Challenge 45 61
degree elliptical. When their orbital Mercury would see only about 54% of
paths take them close to their primary, its surface over time.
analysis of why from their they move quickly; when they are far Mercury's nods are exceptionally
primary, they slow down. difficult to forecast as they are heavily
Mercury "nods," Tidally lockedworlds appear to have influenced by the complex interplay of
plus two exciting no rotation-no "spin"4ut in fact they gravitational forces of the cisasteroidal
do. They spin once in the same amount worlds superiorto it-Venus (especially,
advemakre outlines: of time it takesfor them to complete one as it passes so near), Earth-Luna, and
Le %)~k.ieux;'s orbit. The spin rate remains constant- Mars. In addition, turbulent solar storms
but as we have seen, the orbital speed and the passage of comets by the Sun
Mad Journey changes, depending on where in its place subtle pressures on the planet
and Supply Ship orbit the tidally locked world is. which must be taken into account when
Rescue, As a result, when a tidally locked calculating its movements.
world is near its primary, the spin loses Under normal circumstances, the
ground to fast orbital motion, and when nodding of Mercury means little to
David S. I? Portree it is far from its primary the spin gains humans exploringthe planet. By record-
ground upon orbital motion. The net ing the positions of shadows cast by
ercury is a tidally locked result is that, viewed from the primary, poles erected for that purpose, scien-
world---one of many in the the tidally locked world "nods." tists at Britain's Princess Christiana
solar system as a whole, First it nods east, as the spin gains Station at Mercury's north pole have
though only the second on orbital motion, then it nods west, as noted that the Sun appears to "roll" a
found in the part of the Sun's domain the spin loses. This reveals to an ob- short distance back and forth along the
bounded by the belt of minor planets server stationed on the primary rather horizon over a period ranging from
between Mars and Jupiter. Tidally more of the surface of the tidally locked hours to weeks. However, for all intents
locked worlds appear to rigidly hold the satellite world that the 50% one might and purposes, the Sun remains still at
same hemisphere toward whatever expect. Princess Christiana Station, and it is
body they orbit (their "primary"). How- From Earth, about 59% of Luna may only through such precise measure-
ever, this is not strictly correct for either be observed over time. Even before ments that the nodding of Mercury can
Mercury or that other well known tidally etherflyers passedover Luna's far side, be detected.
locked world, Luna. patient earthly scientists armed with Such is not the case all over Mercury,
In the early 17th century, only a few powerful telescopes were able to map however. In four places, the nodding of
years before Rene Descartes first pos- tiny parts of the "hidden" face as Luna the planet can produce spectacular local
tulated the existence of the all-perva- nodded back and forth. effects: Throckmorton Lake, Lake Plim-
sive ether we now use to reach the To an observeronthe Sun (were such soll, Sterling Bay, and Mt. Edison.
planets, Johannes Kepler determined a thing possible), Mercury would also
that the planets and moons of the Solar appear to nod. However, Mercury'sorbit T'NE SLOSHING
System do not move in precisely circu- about the Sun is far less oval than OF THE WORLD
lar paths about their primaries. Rather, Luna's orbit about Earth. As a result, the Mercury is, of course, unique for
their paths are to a greater or lesser hypothetical Sun-based observer of having an endless river. It crosses the
62 Challenge 45
north pole near Princess Christiana hold onto branches and fronds, while
Station, flows southward to the antipo- others burrow into trunks and stalks.
des, then winds northward to rejoin it- Adventurers who decide to poke into
self. It constitutes the endlessly flowing these burrows will be unpleasantly
lifebloodof Mercury's temperateTwilight surprised to find them occupied by all
Zone, supplying water to the planet's manner of gnashing, nippingcreatures.
paleozoic animal and plant life. Usingthe burrows as stair steps to climb
Coriolis force, rather than gravity, the trees, as one might be tempted to sional forays into the lands of darkness
drives the World River. Just as Coriolis do to get above an approaching wall of bordering the Ice Sheath. One such
force stands in for gravity, the slight nod surge water, may result in damaged foray was inspired by a glimpse of a
noddingof the planet replaces the tides boots-and missing toes. mountain silhouetted against the stars
which Mercury, with no Moon, cannot Certain plants use the surges to just inside the land of eternal night.
have. The planet nods and the water spread seeds, spores, or"cuttings."The According to Throckmorton, it looked
sloshes, just as does water in a rocked post-surge lowland landscape is soggy like a "great fang" forming a partial
washbasin. and deeply litteredwith debris, with only
rampart against the encroaching dark
afew specially adaptedtrees left stand-side Ice Sheath.
NOD S m G E S ing. Thus, it presents a colonization op- To reach it, Throckmorton steered his
The net effect is barely measurable portunity for young plants. Species flyer between the looming walls of a
along 98% of the World River's mean- adapted to using the surges to trigger deep canyon which opened out until it
deringcourse. However, in three places their reproductioncome out on top intheended at the foot of the mountain. Cold
natural landforms conspire with the nod race to colonize after a nod surge. winds from the snow-clad peak high
to concentrate the shifting waters, pro- Animals also use the nod surges in overhead whistled past his flyer, mak-
ducing dangerous "nod surges." Just as their reproduction. Some creatures ing control difficult. The desolate scene
the Dominionof Canada's Bay of Fundy plant eggs high in the trees. The eggs was lit only by the twinkling stars and,
funnels tides to produce tidal bores as develop to a larval stage there, then golow over the mountain's shoulder, the
high as 60 feet, Throckmorton Lake, dormant until a surge immerses them, brilliant beaconof Venus and twin lights
Lake Plimsoll, and Sterling Bay on causing them to hatch. The eggs of Earth and Luna.
Mercury gather the waters to produce thereby are preventedfrombeingeaten Throckmorton guided hisflyer up past
sudden surges more than 80 feet high. half-formed in the dangerous environ- enormous icicles hanging from the
The violence of these irregularly ment of the World River. Other creatures
sheer wall of the mountain's lower
occurring floods destroys large stands plant their eggs in pits on land. Nod canyonside face.
of fast-growing Mercurian ferns and surge currents scoop out the pits, free- Some appeared more than a dozen
primitivetrees. The floods also kill thou- ing the eggs contained therein to hatchfeet in diameter midway between their
sands of animals, in spite of their aquatic into turbulent waters. The larvae find roots, high overhead, and theirtips, lost
or semiaquatic nature. They are rent by their environment rich in food in the form
in darkness far below. Apparently, there
currents, dashed against rocks and of carrion and pulverized plant matter, had once been a great waterfall here,
trees, or left stranded too farfrom water as well as other, weaker larvae and now frozen solid.
to escape the predators and scavengers injured animals. The newly hatched, Eager to more easily observe the
which move into the area afterthe water long-dormant creatures go into a feed- splendor of the frozen fall, Throckmor-
drains back to the World River. ing frenzy, not hesitating to attack be-
ton orderedthe crew to light the electric
Parties exploring the areas often leaguered animals many times their lamp atop the flyer's pilothouse. The
immersed by nod surges will note sev- size. lamp drew on a stored charge and fo-
eral unique characteristics. Nod surge Adventurers travelling by air in these
cused its light by means of a concave
lowlands are spongy with the rotting regions are advised to remain close by mirror and one of the largest lenses
remains of crushed trees and ferns. their flyer should they decide to land. made upto that time. It produced agreat
Species of trees and ferns especially Those travelling by boat must take their
deal of heat while operating, so
adapted for holdingtight to the loose soil chances. On the whole, they are best Throckmorton knew he would have to
during inundations populate the low- off moving as rapidly as possible content himselfwith only a few moments
lands. These species are squat and through these areas, makingfew stops. of observation.
have deep roots, and some have parts Adventurers exploring the aftermath of The rainbow patterns and diamond-
which close up when submerged. Oth- a nod surge should beware of quicksand like sparkles of the mighty icefall took
ers are streamlinedto reduce the pres- and savage creatures attractedfor milesThrockmorton's breath away. Then the
sure of moving water on their trunks. flyer was shoved sharply to port by a
around by the surfeit of carrion produced
They are oriented toward where the by the flood. fierce cold gust, so the beam of light fell
flood originates (thus providing a handy on the bare face of the mountain itself.
direction-finding device). MT. EDISON The blackness of the rock seemed to
Some animals can ride out the nod THE FmLS OF ICE drink the light, so for a moment
surges by exploitingthese plants. Some In 1879 Sir BasilThrockmorton'sthird Throckmorton thought it had gone out.
insinuatethemselves into the parts that expedition circumnavigated Mercury What happened next is recorded in
close upwhen immersed. Some simply along its Twilight Zone, making occa- Throckmorton's log:
Challenge 45 63
I turned to shout to Sidebotham (the structed an analytical engine which he can be expected among the giant worlds
sailor whose job it was to operate the claims demonstrates that such align- of the transasteroidal Solar System, so
lamp) to turn the lamp back toward the ments occur only about once every far from the warming rays of the Sun.
ice. Then I realized it was still function- three centuries, and that one may be ex- The hellish Lead Zone is a natural
ing and saw from the corner of my eye pected in mid-1890. smelter, rich in resourceswhichwill fuel
a straight line in the rock. I realized When such alignments occur, he the continued progress of science and
suddenly that the mountain (at least claims, the peak of the mountain is lit industry in the coming 20th century.
where I could see it) comprised what "as by a giant spotlight." While the val- Admittedly, both places are located out
seemed to be flat plates of black stone idity of Le Durieux's conclusions is dis- of reach of the limitations of our tech-
arrayed like bricks, as though the puted, this has not stopped some from nology, but experience in the past two
mountain were the work of a giant seizing on them as further proof of Mt. decades of etheric space voyaging has
mason. Edison's "constructed" nature. They made it abundantly clear that such limi-
Icried out and made to move the flyer contend that the unusual arrangement tations are ephemeral. In the coming
closer to see more clearly. Then from of the local landforms could not have decades, we will conquer all parts of
abcve, I heard a terrible crash and a cry occurred merely by chance. Le Durieux Mercury,just as we will conquer all parts
ofpain. The light was extinguished, and is the leading proponent of the explora- of Sol's domain. The spacefaring em-
my eyes, unaccustomed now to the tion of Mt. Edison, and has for the past pires of Earth will come to realize the
pervasive gloom, were as though blind. two years been touring Europe, present- importance of Mercury's abundant re-
I feared the flyer might strike the ing magic lantern shows and amusing sources and will begin to jockey for
mountain, so I made to halt our forward crowds with his flamboyant manner of preeminence there-just as they do
motion. Amidst the shouting behind me dress and half-crazed speaking style. now in Africa, and on Mars and Venus.
I heard the cry "fire!"and I realized then
that the roof above me was ablaze. OI'WER PRODUCTS
When I observed that the flames al- Certain plants on Mercury appear to
lowed me to see my way clear of the have a growth cycle tied to the nods.
rocks and hanging icicles, I ordered Apparently they can sense the slight Mad Journey
them to let the fire burn. Then, when we change in the angle of the Sun's light The eccentric Dr. Jacques Le
were free of the buffeting winds of the as the planet rocks back and forth, and Durieux, his assistant, and a one-ton
mountain, I had them doused. they use this to determine when to expel analytical engine for predicting Mer-
spores or shed leaves and fronds. None cury's nods have come to Princess
The hot lamp filament and the cold have as yet been determined to be of Christiana Station. Le Durieux's inten-
winds from the top of the mountain had commercial value. However, by no tion is to travel along the Twilight Zone
set up too great a temperature differen- means have all such plants been dis- by specially equipped flyer to Mt.
tial in the lens used to focus the lamp's covered, let alone catalogued or tested Edison, where he will confirm its artifici-
light. It had exploded, mortally wound- for practicalbenefit when a nodtriggers ality and witness its illuminationby what
ing the sailor Sidebotham, destroying certain secretionsor changes in colora- he terms "le grand nod." He enlists the
the filament, and setting fire to the flyer. tion which last only a short time there- expertise of the player characters in
Throckmorton would never again ven- after. Such productswould be rare luxu- order to bring his quest to a successful
ture into the land of darkness. ries, indeed, and would make heavier conclusion.
What Throckmorton saw just before the purse of any explorer lucky enough Another NPC is the flyer's pilot,
his lamp was destroyed remains a to discover them. Welsh-born merchant marine Captain
mystery. Mt. Edison lies some 2000 Inthe Lead and Tin zones, liquid metal Benjamin David, hired for his flying skill
miles beyond Princess Christiana Sta- may slosh just as water does in the and unmuddled mind by one of the
tion (it is more than two-thirdsof the way Twilight Zone. Any future expeditions expedition's backers. Captain David
to the south pole), so to date no new using vehicles like Wisniewski's Tin makes no secret of his opinion that Le
expeditions have travelled there. How- Juggernaut will have to consider this Durieux is a charlatan. He complains
ever, the great exploring clubs, univer- and attempt to avoid landforms which that the analytical engine constitutes a
sities, and governments of the spacefar- might focus a nod surge of molten lead concentrated mass which makes it dif-
ing empires have taken an increasing or tin. However, the likelihoodof a nod ficult for him to keep the flyer in trim, and
interest in the "apparent artificial nature" occurring which would endanger the he is eagerto find an excuse to dump it.
of Mt. Edison, so it is only a matter of crew of such a craft is quite small when
time before an expedition is mountedto reckoned alongside the many other SAIBOTAGE
explore it. dangers such an expeditionwould face. Unbeknownst to all aboard save one,
Mt. Edison is included in this discus- the Mt. Edison expedition has become
sion of the nodding of Mercury because FUTURE mPORTANGE the center of a swirling maelstrom of
some calculations indicate that rare Though smaller than any cisaster- international intrigue. The German
periodic nods cause the Sun to rise at oidal world save Luna, Mercury's many government has determined that a fail-
the narrow sunward end of the canyon unique aspects make it ripe for profit- ure at this juncture to reassert its 1878
leading to the great mountain. able endeavors. Dark, frigid Kelvin's claim to the territory containing Mt.
Dr. Jacques Le Durieux in 1887 con- Land hints at the exotic wonders which Edison will mean a grievous loss of
64 Challenge 45
Norlh Pole
The canyon appears deepest at the center (3 miles), but the overall
Challenge 45 65
prestige. In response, the Germans put with Captain David,whose only concern At this point, the German spy reveals
a spy aboard in the form of Le Durieux's is the ship. Meanwhile,the spy attempts himself by producing a revolver and
recently acquired assistant (whom Le to convince the PCs that Le Durieux holding the party at gunpoint to prevent
Durieux calls "my idiot"), whose purpose caused the sabotage to discredit Cap- it from taking action against the ap-
is to delay the expeditionthrough sabo- tain David or to avoid reaching Mr. proaching German borders.
tage long enough for a German gunship Edison (as doing so will disprove his Meanwhile, Le Durieux counts down
to arrive from Venus. theories about Mercury's former inhabi- to the moment of le grand nod using a
Le Durieux continuously works on tation). pocketwatch. Finally, he calls out "zero!"
perfecting the analytical engine as the but nothing happens.
expedition makes it way south to Mt. RACE TO THE FINISH The spy, seeking revenge, threatens
Edison. Periodically, he announces a The expedition's lightly armed flyer to hoist the analytical engine on deck
revised estimate for the time when le reaches Mt. Edison at about the same and throw it over the side. Le Durieux
grand nod is to occur-the anticipated time as the German gunship. The Ger- becomes nearly hysterical,and must be
time slides inexorably closer to the man ship flashes a message at the restrained, lest the spy shoot him.
present. But the spy's attempts at sabo- expedition flyer, "Heave to and prepare Suddenly, the Sun bursts into view at
tage cause delays and periodic forced to be boarded." the mouth of the canyon.
landings. Retreat is not an option. Captain After the gloom of the dark side it will
To make up lost time, Le Durieux David and the player characters proba- be flashbulb-bright. The snows of Mt.
insists that the expeditionfly during the bly want to stand up for queen and Edison is lit "as by a giant spotlight."
frequent Mercurianstorms or take other country, while Le Durieux wants to stay Everyone experiences momentary
risks. This places him in open conflict to witness the illumination of the peak. vertigo as the vast depths of the can-
yon and the enormity of the mountain,
heretofore only suggested when seen
by the light of stars and planets, become
apparent. The spy, standing near the
edge of the expedition flyer's deck, is
most profoundly affected. The moment
of distraction may allow the PCs to
disarm the spy, if they act quickly.
From the viewpoint of the German
ship, the expeditionflyer is suddenly lost
in the Sun, giving it a short-lived com-
bat advantage. If the PCs do not imme-
diately think of it themselves, Captain
Davidwill suggest dropping the analyti-
cal engine on the Germans. Le Durieux
satisfied that the engine has at last
served its purpose, will remain much
calmer than before.
If the engine hits (roll a 4, 5, or 6), it
will cause an automatic loss of trim criti-
cal hit similar to that caused by a Mar-
tian lobgun, plus whatever damage the
impact causes. Suddenly relieving the
expedition ship of a ton of mass will
destabilize it; roll a 4 , 5 , or 6 to avoid a
loss of trim.
The referee may wish to help out the
characters by providing a sudden
downdraft (the sudden appearance of
the Sun at the canyon mouth makes the
air near the mountain very unsettled).
The German gunship might never re-
cover from its loss of trim.
If the characters fail to destroy the
German ship, they are either boarded
or shot down. If they are boarded, the
German spy will be collected (if the
characters have left him in a condition
worthy of collection). Characters who
66 Challenge 45
resist are treated roughly, if not sav- umns making up Devil's Tower, Wyo-
agely, by the German boarders, and ming Territory, or the Hogar Mountains
characters who shoot are shot at. Sur- of the Sahara Desert. Le Durieux is
vivors are stranded on the canyon bot- dejected and depressed.
tom with (they will be told), "just enough However, just before the Sun drops
lanternfuel and food to reach the World from view enough snow melts to unveil
River-after that you may find your own what appears to be a carved humanface
way out of German territory!" a thousand feet high on the mountain's theirthree small boats,while at the same
If they are stranded, the characters peak. Le Durieux seizes upon this as his time recovering the 15 injured and 12
may be able to hitch a ride on an icicle. vindication; further, he states that Mt. able-bodied survivors. Leaving behind
The ferocity of the Mercurian Sun rap- Edison, while not artificial, was at least survivors intentionallywould be neither
idly melts Mt. Edison's snows, creating taken advantage of by some lost Mer- sporting nor properly British. But the
torrents of water, which converge at the curian civilization to create this unique supplies include medicinaltonics, nutri-
frozen falls. The icicles seen by monument. But Captain David insists tional supplements, spare parts, and
Throckmorton break loose and crash the face is at best ill defined, and the other items vital to the continued sur-
amid an ear-bursting din to the canyon question of the face remains open. vival of Princess Christiana Station.
floor, then are borne by the water until Le Durieux plans to return to Mt. The nod may catch the adventurers
they form a jam in the narrowing can- Edison with a powerful source of artifi- running out of time, and they may be
yon. Atemporary lake backs up behind cial illumination in orderto light the face forced to ride out the surge. The heav-
the jam-when it breaks, water and and prove its artificiality. He invites the ily laden boats will at best make five
giant icicle fragments rush all the way PCs along for his second Mt. Edison miles per day against the current of the
to the World River. The characters then Expedition and plans to return to Earth World River; at that rate it will take six
have an adventure-packed 2000-mile to raisefunds through more lectures and days to clear the nod surge lowlands,
trek back to Princess Christiana Station magic lantern shows. which is probably more time than they
ahead of them. have. Parties marchingwith supplies on
However, it is probable they may be their backs and the injured and supplies
rescued before they can travel very far Supply Ship in litters will take even longer.
along the World River. The German To ride out the surge, the characters
Empire's assertion of its claims on Rescue can bury the supplies or build rafts
Mercury will be useless if it remains a The twice-yearly supply flyer from anchored to deep-rooted trees by ropes
secret, and when the British Empire Earth is late. A month goes by, then an fashioned from some clinging native
learns of it, it immediately sends a exhausted traveller reaches Princess vines (which the PCs will have had to
heavily armed etherflyer to counter the Christiana Station. He claims to be the hack through to reach the crash site).
German move. The characters are single survivor of a party of five sent out The PCs and crash survivors can hoist
doubtless recovered by it and then have from the crashed flyer. Just before he their boats high into the trees to avoid
a new opportunity to engage in aerial succumbs to a giant centipede bite, he being thrown against things while the
combat-this time with weapons more will describe how the supply flyer, after surge builds, then anchor them with
equal to those of their opponent. being damaged in the ether wake of an vine-ropes to avoid being thrown willy-
uncharted passing comet, crashed in nilly by the flood.
FACE OF THE PMT the nod surge lowlands around
The illuminationof Mt. Edisonpersists Throckmorton Lake, 160 miles from the J8 Y HOME
for about an hour, after which time the station. Once the surge has subsided (about
Sun sinks away, putting the mighty A party is immediately assembled to five to seven hours)the rescue party and
mountain back into the realm of dark- recover survivors and suppliesfrom the ambulatory survivors can retrieve what
nessforthree centuries.This is suff icient wreck. Calculations, doubtless flawed, supplies they can, all the while dodging
time to completely denude it of snow. indicate that a nod surge will sweep the vicious carrion-eaters and frenzied,
Using a field glass, Le Durieux (either Throckmorton Lake lowlands in about feeding larvae. They can then set out
on the canyon floorwith the other char- three weeks. The party must race for Princess Christiana Station, return-
acters, bruised and battered, or aloft in against time, travelling by three small ing to the crash site for more supplies if
the expedition flyer, with the smoking boats to the area and collecting what need be.
wreckage of the German ship far below) survivors and supplies it can. No flyers A few NPCs may insist on walking
determines that the brickwork pattern will be available, as all are out on ex- rather than riding out the surge. They
viewed by Throckmorton is confined to ploratory forays along the World River cannot possibly survive, and their re-
only a few small areas and is largely and into the Forbidding Desert, and are mains or possibly a distinctive bit of
illusory. It is his opiniok-confirmed by not expected back for weeks. clothingor equipment will be found stuck
PCs of scientific bent, once they get a high in a tree. C2
chance at the field glass-that the pat-
tern is merely a product of the crystalli- Upon arrival at the crash site, the For more information about Mercury,
zation of cooling basalt. Terrestrial characters will have to decide how to put refer to Space: 1889,Conklin3sAtlas,
examples include the hexagonal col- as many supplies as possible aboard and Tales From the Ether.
Hole-N-One Donuts lies at the southwest corner of
a horseshoe-shaped collection of small shops in mid-
town Seattle. Entry into the parking lot is from the south,
with businesses lining the other three sides.
The front and south sides of the donut shop consist
primarily ofplexiglass with chromedplastic trim, through
whichyou view an interior of chipped formica counters
and faded synthleather seats. Two frazzled women sip
soykaf at a table in front, near an ancientjuke box, and
keep an eye on a trio of preschoolers spinning stools
at the counter. Behind the counter, a teen in a stained
t-shirt wipes plastic glasses. Business seems light.
You make your way inside, through a glassed-in ves-
tibule,past a half-stocked display case. Througha door
behind the case, you can hear the sound of voices,
muffled by the hum and clatter of donut production.
Passing onward, you take a table near the back, where
you can keep watch in aN directions. Then you place
your order and settle down to business.
Whileyou talk, the young mothers nurse theirsoykaf;
their brood clambers on the bar stools; and other
customers come and go. Everything appears to bejust
wizard, but suddenly you feel a difference-a new
tension in the air. You make a quick scan for trouble.
There's a pair of rent-a-cops getting out of a van just
outside, but that seems normal enough. The kid be-
hind the counter is gone, though, and the back room
sounds awfully quiet.
Without warning, that silence is shattered as the
mirror behind the counter erupts with a burst of autofire
that also splinters the plexiglass above the young
mothers' heads. One rent-a-cop is knocked down by
the shots, but the second dives for cover. Then more
cops begin to scramble from the back of the van, some
to cover the front of the shop, others running to the alley
behind it. Looks like a whole SWAT team!
Just your luck. Minding your own business, you get
caught up in somebody else's private war. You curse,
but your voice is drowned in a sea of noise-guns
blazing, cops shouting orders, young mothers and their
children screaming. It's another glitter day in Seattle.
Space Gamer/Fantasy Gamer magazine is now under new management and publtshed by:
Future Combat Simulations P.O.Box 268 Lakewood, CA 90714-0268
New Shadowmn Equipment and PEulles
Brett A. Foland and Lester W. Smith
It's good to keep your PCs guessing as to
the capabilities of NPCs. One way to help keep
Essence Loss
passenger in a pinch.
72 Challenge 45
B a G H E m A MODEL 279
This smooth operator carries twin magazines for
double the duty.
Each 25-round magazine can be loaded with a differ- Choose SCX when you need a round that packs a
ent type of ammunition, and an easy-to-usethumb switch punch! This is just what the doctor ordered for piercing
allows eitherto be accessed instantly, avoiding the need heavy armor.
to change magazines when you want to change ammu- Not available for Light pistols or smaller.
nition. Or load them both with the same ammunition to
increase your firing time before you run out of your Damage Weight Cost
ammunition between reloads. +1 Staging, +I Power 1 75W10 shots
The Barchetta Model 279 also boasts agas-vent recoil
reducer and can be purchased with a built-in smartgun It's stuff like this that makes meglad l didn'tgo to Street
link. Samurai school.
-Hoser CO 1:23: 19/3-18-50>
Type Conceal. Ammo Damage Weight Cost
M279 SMG 4 2x25 4M3 4 1900Y JACK-rn 1
M279s SMG 4 2x25 4M3 4.25 2600Y Forthose who want the benefits of an implanted radio
but don't want it all the time, the jack-in radio will fit the
Just don't forget what kind of round you've got cham- bill.
bered, or when you shoot at that rat, you might take out It's cheaper than a full implant, loo, and it doesn't re-
the wall behind it! duce your Essence. The chipjack version plugs into a
-Hoser <O 1:23:19/3-17-50> standard chipjack, and the datajack-well, you guessed
(Comeswith Gas-Vent 1 recoil reduction. M279s is the Either modelcan be purchasedwith orwithout the mike
smartgun variant.) implant.
Drek! The 193 may kick less than other SMGs, but it Conceal. Damage Weight Cost
still kicks. 6 4M2 Stun .4 30%
It's cheaper than Neuro-stun VII because it's not as
(Rather than apply the standard autofire recoil effective. This sluff you have to breathe.
modifiers when using the 193 or 193s, add 0 to the first As for "a number of small security companies," two is
round, 1 to the second, and 2 to the third.) a number, and they might be in downtown Mudville, for
all we know.
SHOR DOTS -Hoser e00:23: 19/3-19-50>
These small (25mmdiameter, 3mm thick), liquid-filled
dots can easily be attached to any firearm to help cush- (Treat N-S Ill as N-S VII-see the Shadowrun rules
ion the recoil. They're useful on automatic weapons to book, page 147. Butfollow the exceptionswhich are listed
help keep the muzzle on line. below.
@ Its Power number is 4 rather than 6.
Mount Conceal. Rating Weight Cost a It does not work on skin contact, only upon inhala-
Stock - x112 - 400% tion-which means that air filters add their rating to the
number of Body dice used for a Resistance check.
(When using Shok Dots, divide the normal recoil @ Characters who fail to resist are affected for only
modifier by 2, rounding up.) 2D6 turns, rather than an hour.)
Challenge 45 73
ference of kinetic energy. Rather than propelling a single slug
that might punch right through a target (carrying much of the
Damage Number of
Range Multiplier Figures
damage, for each target, using the standard damage code for
each roll, For instance, a character hitting at Short range with
'94 Challenge 45
cated, they apply only to secondary targets, not to the primary. avoid damage, but the addition of armor successes reduces
Finally, becausethese rules make shotguns much more effec- damage to nothing, then your character suffers a Stun hit one
tive for close combat, it is suggested that shotgun ammunition stage below the damage level that the armor stopped.
cost Y50 per 10 shots, rather than the normal Y20. (Shotgun For example, imaginethat Bobby Blackjack is wearing a lined
ammo is more expensive in reality than are other types of coat and has been fired at by acharacterwith an lngram Valiant,
who only scores one success. The damage code is 5S3. N
Bobby rolls nine 5s for Body and Dodge, the shot misses him
Pb;6;GMORRULES entirely. If he rolls no successes, his armor's ballistic rating of
tops a bullet, you might be grateful, 4 will reduce the damage to a Moderate wound. But if he rolled
is a decidedly uncomfortable experience. Armor prevents a cesses to reduce the damage to nothing-successes provided
round from piercing your skin, but the round's kinetic energy by his armor. Underthe official rules, he'd suffer no damage at
has to go somewhere. Armor simply spreads it out a bit. The all. Underthese variant rules, the damage was Moderatebefore
result is something like being hit on bare skin by a really fast armor successes were taken into account, so Bobby takes a
hardball: You get some serious bruising, and possibly a bro- Light Stun hit. If he'd rolled six to eight successesfor Body and
ken rib or two. Dodge, the damage would have been reduced to Light before
Armor in Shadowruncountsas automatic success in reduc- armorwastaken into account, and reducingthat one levelwould
ing damage, which means that if your armor stops a hit, your mean he'd suffer no Stun at all.
character feels nothing at all. This concession to simplicity A second variant method for handling armor would be to roll
makes for fast and furious action in combat. But a few slight for it, rather than count it as automatic successes. That is,
variations in the armor rules can more reasonably reflect the Bobby's lined coat would give him four more dice to roll versus
real effects of armor, at the price of only a slight increase in damage, not four guaranteed successes. Similarly, the coat
would give him two dice to roll versus impact damage, rather
The first, and major, variation is to count armor successes than two automaticsuccesses. Note that this makes weapons
versus ballisticdamage afferthose for Body and Dodge rolls. with high Power numbers somewhat more deadly than under
If the total Resistance successes of Body, Dodge, and armor the standard rules.
are insufficient to reduce damage to nothing, then your char- Shadowrunreferees and players should be advised that the
actertakesdamage as perthenormalrules. If Body and Dodge use of these variant armor rules will tend to make combat,
successes are enough to reduce ballistic damage to nothing, particularlyagun battle, an even more serious propositionthan
withoutthe helpof armor, thenthe shot missed or barely grazed it is under the standard rules. The danger knob is turned up
your character, who suffers no effects at all. If, however, Body one more notch. But isn't that what shadowrunning is all about?
and Dodge successes alone were insufficient to completely R
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78 Challenge 45
also be usedforan aggressivedefense. the amount of damage received while
Star Fleet has thus adapted the use of slowly wearing down an attacker with its
the reverse rush to its own vessels, and "shieldbuster" shots.
it remains a favorite of many captains The enforced extension generally
and tacticians, particularly Andorian does not do a great deal of damage to
ones. The Romulans have not been an attacker, but over a period of time it
known to use the reverse rush fre- can weaken the attacker enough to
quently, probably because they prefer make it vulnerable lo a coup de grace for aweak enemy. When faced with this
the use ollhe cloaking device to accom- offensive tactic or force it to break off its tactic, Klingoncaptainswill of-lenchwse
plish the same end. attack. to "bite the bullet" and simply charge the
The enforced extension generally extended ship at full speed, with mixed
Edorced Exhaasion works best at a range where a vessel's results.
The enforced extension is a highly weapons are at 20% to 30% accuracy, Intelligence reports show that the
effective (undercertain circumstances), and against an opponent without con- Romulans do not seem lo use this tac-
purely defensive tactic since it relegates centrated firepower. tic. It is possible that they may not have
any vessel using it to a completely The basic weakness of the enforced developed it yet.
reactionary role. extension is that it is a purely reaction- Since Star Fleet is primarily a defen-
Any ship using an enforced extension ary tactic. As such, a ship using it may sive organization in terms of military
must have a significant accuracy advan- not be able to compensatefor an unex- power, the enforced extension is one of
tage at long range, and it must be able pected tactic like a high-speed rush. the most useful tactics available to
to penetrate an attacker's shields and The Klingon Empire has rarely been Federation captains. Furthermore,
do it damage with one shot of any given known to use the enforced extension. since the Federation possesses the
weapon fired. Klingon ships are generally unfit for it most sophisticated weaponry of the
The enforced extension is a kind of since they have diffused firepower and major starfaringraces and concentrates
combination of stand and deliver, plus generally inferior long-range accuracies the phaser power 04 its ships into banks,
the retreat. The idea is for the defender compared to their Federation and Star Fleet ships are especially well
to place an ample amount of power into Romulan counterparts. Furthermore, suited for its use. However, since the
maneuver systems in order to keep an most Klingons consider the purely de- actual implementation of the enforced
attacker at long range while taking ad- fensive enforced extension to be an extension is oftenlricky, you are encour-
vantage of its own superior accuracy. By extremely cowardly tactic and will usu- aged to practice it thoroughly in simula-
doing this, the defender can minimize ally only use it as a show of contempt tion. !2
A DOA Sector Adventure Setting for Paranoia
lMerle M. Rasmussen
FIRST IRIJPRESSIBN O.U.C.H. is where you go to get rotten teeth yanked from
Plate glass walls and a plate glass door separate this receding gums with a minimum of anesthetic in the shortest
service location from the common walkway. Visible through amount of time. The quick service is due to a shortage of
the glass on the front of a glass brick reception desk are trained dentists and properly programmed docbots. The
brilliant white letters spelling out the words "Pearly Gates, computer also desires to get citizens back to work as soon
Oral Ultrahygienic Clinic of Health. No appointment neces- as possible.
sary." "Why would anyone ever go to such a place?" you might
Sitting behindthe crystalline desk is a white-hairedwoman ask. Well, thanks to the intoxicating and anesthetic effect of
in a red uniform. Beyond the desk is a white-carpeted wait- nitrous oxide, all the suffering citizen has to do is step inside
ing room filled with about 45 average citizens of various the glass walls to beginfeeling better. After a few good whiffs
clearances. They all appear to be patiently waiting in pad- of laughinggas, the rotten bicuspidscan be twisted from their
ded chairs. All patients are either smiling while reading roots by a feebly trained pliers operator. Most tooth quacks
magazines or carrying on pleasant conversations. Light, think they are real dentists-most also don't have the knowl-
cheerful music is playing, and you feel good just stepping up edge of a Model IV docbot. After being given a few stitches
to the reception desk. and a handful of painkiller tablets, the laughing patient can
be sent to work as quickly as possible.
The reception desk and waiting room are surrounded by
glass walls. At the reception desk is a computer terminal for WGS
making dental appointments and three control knobs. One The only minor nonplayer characters one can meet here
knob is marked "lights" and controls the brightness of the are ordinary citizens with infrared to ultraviolet clearances.
waiting room. One knob is marked "music" and controls the For every nine infrared citizens there are eight red citizens,
volume of the music in the waiting room. One knob is un- seven orange, six yellow, five green, four blue, three indigo,
marked and controls the flow of nitrous oxide (laughing gas) two violet, and one occasional ultraviolet. All citizens are
secretly piped into the waiting area underneath the carpet usually under the influence of laughing gas and think every-
and chairs. thing a person says is hilarious.
Behind the waiting area is a single stainless steel door in One unarmed scrubot and two jackobots are assigned to
a white wall. On the wall on either side of the central door are O.U.C.H. Jackobot (Model340) has adrill. Jackobot (Model
charts showing how to brush the teeth, tongue, and gums. 330) has a hammer.
One chart shows the name and positionof all the teeth. The The following major NPCs might be encountered in an
door opens into a hallway connecting six dental operating adventure involving O.U.C.H.
rooms. The walls are constructedof glass brick and the white-
carpeted hallway is lit from above. Silvia-1R-DOA-l, Reeepdiodsd
Only dark shapes can be seen through the distorting glass Description: White haired and pleasant to citizens, with
brick. Pleasant music comes from silver speaker plates on meticulouslywell manicuredand extremely sharpfingernails.
the ceiling. Service Group: Production, Logistics, and Commissary
Service Group (PLC)
Arms and Armor: Sharpened fingernails
cIp& @ODE Secret Society: oma antic, 2nd degree
Oral Ultrahygienic Clinics of Health provide citizens with Mutant Power: Charm
quality dental and oral/maxillary care to ensure good health Relevant Skills: Button pushing, name taking, people
and an attractive appearance. No appointment-isnecessary, pleasing.
although appointments are automatically scheduled every Background: Silvia is not immune to nitrous oxide, but
six monthcycles. she sits nearthe glass doors, where her brain gets additional
80 Challenge 45
oxygen. She despises Frank-Y-ANK-1 because she wanted
to be a dentist but didn't have the stomach for it.
Citizenswith dental pain or a computer-scheduledappoint-
ment report to the O.U.C.H. receptionist. She checks the
citizen's dental records and asks the citizen to please have
a seat in the waiting room. Afler a short wait, the citizen's
name is called, and he is escorted to an operating roomwhere
a team of oral surgeons and docbot assistants usingthe most
advanced dental technology and techniques perform oral
miracles in the briefest amount of time, all absolutely without
Scheduled Examination
and Operating Time
As long as necessary As short as possible
7x1D l 0 minutes 1D l 0 minutes
6x1D l 0 minutes 2x1 D l 0 minutes
5x1D l 0 minutes 3x1D l 0 minutes Human or docbot
4x1 D l 0 minutes 4x1 D l 0 minutes Human or docbot
3x1D l 0 minutes 5x1D l 0 minutes Human or docbot
2x1 D l 0 minutes 6x1D l 0 minutes Human of docbot
1D l 0 minutes 7x1D l 0 minutes Human or docbot
glass brick office is a black vinyl padded operating couch "Oopsy," he
surrounded by chrome-plated equipment. Along one white stammers, "this
wall is a set of shelves, a countertop sink, and a set of draw- would really hurt
ers. without, ow, ow,
Under normal circumstances, a character sits down in the ow, a little gas for
operating couch and Frank-Y-ANK-1asks, "Are you comfort- the trip home." If
able? How about a little music." He turns a dial near the door the player charac-
and the lights dim. ter is still in the chair, Frank-Y accidentally trips the switch to
"Oops, silly me. Wrong switch," he apologizes twisting release the ankle cuffs as he tilts the chair back to the sitting
another knob. The volume of the recorded music increases position. If the character is not in the chair, it becomes read-
and Frank-Y steps up behind the couch. "There, how does ily apparent that this madman is about to put a hole through
that sound? Are you comfortable?'' No matter what a some part of him.
character's response is, Frank-Y-ANK-1presses a switch on The door can be unlockedfrom the inside, and escape from
the back of the chair and synthefur-lined metal cuffs imme- the dentist is now possible. The PC can attempt lo remove
diately wrap both a character's wrists and ankles, rendering the gas mask from Frank-Y if he wishes; otherwise, he will
him fairly motionless. soon pass out from an overdose of nitrous oxide. Without
"Wouldn't want you to slip out of that chair now would we?" any oxygen, nitrous oxide can be lethal.
he asks stepping toward the office door. He swings the door "So-so-Sorry you have to leave," he shouts alter you.
shut, and any PC in the room can hear a bolt slide and click "Remember to arrange a six-monthcycle appointment with
into place. Frank-Y steps over to a set of drawers and pulls my receptioniston the way out, har, har, har."The door at the
it open. Inside, reflecting bright light from the ceiling fixtures, end of the hallway can also be unbolted from the inside, or
is a collection of polished tools. A character can see pliers, the character can try to escape into one of the rooms along
saws, chisels, hammers, forceps, and scalpelsglinting in the the long, glass hallway. Everyone in the waiting area seems
light. Frank-Y selects a pair of stainless steel retractors and oblivious to anyone leaving the dentist's office.
steps up behind you to pry your mouth wide open. Silvia-R-DOA-1, spotting the character emergingfrom the
"Now let's see those pearly whites of yours. Please open hallway calls out, "Done so soon?You must have very healthy
your mouth as wide as you possibly can. Is that the widest teeth and gums. Can I schedule your next six-monthcycle
you can do? Relax, maybe I can help." His help is in direct appointmentfor you?" Regardless of what a character says,
proportion to your willingness to let him examine your teeth. she will call after him, "The computer will send a reminder to
He will reach for a small dental mirror and place it, pliers, and you a week beforeyour next visit. Thank you for visiting Pearly
adental pick into the character's mouth. He then walks over Gates."
to the wall and removes a black vinyl gas mask from the
second drawer.
"I'll have to use a little gas." He approaches the chair @.A& EXC THINGS
adjusting the headstraps on the mask. He connects a clear REUILY EN HERE
flexible tube on the front of the mask to an outlet beside the On rare occasions tiny little holes do appear in citizens
small sink to the PC's left. As he turns a small dial, the PC when they fail to sit quietly while their teeth are being drilled.
can hear the soft sizzle of gas rushing out of the nosepiece. Sometimes the wrong teeth are pulled, and the citizen must
Frank-Y-AMK-l holds the mask to his own face and inhales, return to have the correct teeth removed. Rarely, all of a
eyes closed. A drunken smile curls across his face as the citizen's teeth have been removed, and he will be issuedone-
nitrous oxide affects his nervous system. size-fils-all dentures.
"Mmm," he moans with pleasure, "That's good stuff! I don't Seldom, if ever, does a citizen accidentally reveal a hid-
know how I'd make it through a day without it." He chuckles den mutation or membership in a secret society while gel-
and then begins to laugh in the mask. ting a simple dental examination. Perhaps some misunder-
"Pardon me just a moment, ha, I need to see if, hee hee, standing on the part of the citizen beingexamined by a dentist
this mask is working, har har har!" he cackles as the invisible makes a citizen reveal truths not revealed during inquisition
laughing gas fills his nostrils. or debriefing. Perhaps a little nitrous oxide loosens anyone's
"Would you like a hit? Bonk!" he snorts, waving the evil- tongue just a bit. Perhaps the effect of the gas will last for a
looking mask. He then straps the mask over his head and while after the citizen leaves the dentist's office.
begins to dance clumsily to the overheard music.
"Wo-wo-Would you like to dance, bubbles?" he asks as he
moves behind the chair. If the character answers "yes," he BRIEF SGIENmIO HOOKS
touches the switch on the back of the chair unfastening the The following ideas may suggest adventures involving
metal cuffs. If the PC says "no" or doesn't answer, he tilts the O.U.C.H.
chair back until his patient's head is lower than his feet. @Somegood citizen, while visiting O.U.C.H., reportedthe
"I just love, love, love, this song. Don't you bubbles" Yuk, spilled redfluid. Further investigationby Internal Security and
yuk." He reaches for a laserdrill and approacheswith it. If the consultation with the High Programmers identified the sub-
PC is still in the chair, he accidently drills into the padding stance as strawberry preserves. The jar of strawberry pre-
between the character's feel. If the PC is not in the chair, he serves could only have come from outside DOA sector.
staggers toward the character with the laserdrill glowing. Someone obviously has connections with traitors and com-
- Plate glass
Glass brick
Stainless steel
Pl.ate glass
mies of the Outdoors. Members of the Sierra Club, and the of ludicrous behavior. lnternal Security suspects Silvia-R-
Romantics secret societies are suspected. Even more devi- DOA-1 or someone else of being a member of the Death
ous in the eyes of the dentist Frank-Y-ANK-l is the fact that Leopard secret society. Gassed citizens think it's funny when
consuming strawberry preserves can lead to tooth decay. armed lnternal Security forces begin firing randomly at in-
Pbb lnternalSecurity has staked out Pearly Gates and turned animate objects and other citizens.They think it's funny when
one of the O.U.C.H. operating rooms into an interrogation red fluid comes spurting out of big holes in their own shoul-
center. Unfortunatelyfortheaverage citizenwith atoothache, ders and there is no pain. Zap!Zap! Zap! Bleed! Bleed! Bleed!
the pain has just begun. This is a great way for lnternal @ Laughing gas can also escape into surrounding areas if
Security to get some answers without revealing its true and the plate glass walls of the waiting area are shattered or if a
devious purposes to passersby. It is even possible for Inter- secret society, such as Death Leopard, pipes the gas from
nal Security to call certain citizens in for questioning by tell- the off ice into surrounding areas.
ing the computer that these citizens are long overdue for a Members of the secret society Corpore Metal have
visit to O.U.C.H. The computer orders the citizen to report recently become more active. They have been known to
for a dental checkup-the citizen is then given the opportu- sneak into service areas like O.U.C.H. and free the robots
nity to serve the computer by being truthful while getting his working there. Jackobots taken outside the service area are
teeth cleaned. often immediately reprogrammed and become secret
69 Once in a great while the nitrous oxide takes control of members of Corpore Metal.
Silvia-R-DOA-l , and she accidentally floods the waiting room Afreed scrubot will continue to clean the area it is released
with a large dose of laughing gas. When the glass doors are into. Unfortunately, if Tinsel Teeth is released into a public
opened, the gas escapes into the surrounding corridors of area, it will attempt to examine and repair the teeth of every
DOA sector and affects all citizens in the surrounding areas human it meets. One type of Troubleshooter mission might
for various lengths of time. These citizens think lnternal be to investigate the robot disappearances and return any
Security is funny when it comes to investigate the outbursts stray robots to O.U.C.H. Q
84 Challenge 45
cience-fiction wargames of- boxes destroyed4) or greater will re-
ten seem to worship vehicu- sult in an ammo explosion. Apply the
lar firepower and treat the Ammo Explodes damage result to the
infantrymenwith deadly con- vehicle immediately. For bustle rack
tempt. missiles, a turret hit will set ofS the mis-
My theory is that it all started with siles on a roll of 2xthe number of mis-
0gre.AkiIlertankwith acybernetic brain siles carried externally or less, causing
"munched panzers like popcorn" and an explosion. This explosion occurs out- The mortar may fire indirectly from
squashed power armor infantry like a sidethe vehicle, so rollfor a damage col- ranges of five to 25 hexes. In a direct
semi-truck smashes a 'possum. Pedes- umn and apply TVLG damage inthe nor- fire role, HELL rounds have a minimum
trians in Car Warsalso get little respect mal way for the number of missiles in range of five hexes. Mortars hit their
from the driving class despite the vast the bustle rack. TVLG reloads cost one target hexes in direct fire usingthe Basic
improvements in ped firepower. Bat- scenario point per set of four missiles. Fire Chart, and use a flat 6 to hit for
tieTech "MechWarriors get the glory, indirect fire. Like all infantry weapons,
and the infantry are little more than aHeooP Q U ~ I W medium mortars have a 360-degree
casualty boxes to check off a platoon CLOSE COMBAT firing arc.
roster. Centurion allows for three troop
Renegade Legion: Centurion is no quality grades: Green, Regular, and hmumition
different. Centurion focuses on grav Elite. Troop quality is purchased by Like their bigger cousins in the grav
AFVs. Infantry are once again a secon- century (company) of nine vehicles or artillery, medium mortars use a variety
dary force. Centurion vehicles have squads; a grav tank century cannot have of ammunition.
dedicated AP lasers (a la Ogre) so they one Green platoon, one Regular pla- HELL Round: All units and terrain
can fire at the PBI (infantry) whenever toon, and one Elite platoon and still be (except mines) in the unfortunate hex
the main armament is occupieddealing an Elite unit. The following optional troop get a saving roll of 5 or less. Targets that
with real threats. When HELL (artillery- quality revisions are broken up by type. fail this roll suffer the usual conse-
fired tacnukes) rounds are factored into Green: Green troops suffer the col- quences of being in a detonation hex of
this mix,the PBI of Centurion have a bad umn shift penalty per the Centurion an artillery HELL round. Mines are
time of it. troop quality rules, but are bought at always cleared by any HELL round.
The following optional rules will beef one-half scenario point cost. Green GLAD Round: This round does
up the PBI in RenegadeLegion: Centu- infantry squads may not pick their damage using a lOOmm HEAP round
rion. target's armor facing during close as- template. Othewise, the roundbehaves
sault attacks. exactly like an artillery GLAD munition.
TRY Regular: Regulars behave exactly ABM Wound: Scatters its mines in a
G RIEL0AZ)S per normal Centurion rules and have the single hex. Otherwise, it is the same as
Any APC can carry in its infantry listed scenario point value. the standard artillery version.
compartment up to four extra TVLG Elite: Elite troops cost double the AMR Round: Clears mines from a
missiles per infantry squad carried in- listed scenario point cost and allow the single hex without the adverse ecologi-
side the vehicle. Any vehicle may carry damage column shift benefit per Cen- cal impact of a HELL round. These are
up to four extra missiles per squad of turion. Elite infantry can also pick the nice if your troops are near the mine-
infantry mounted outside the vehicle in target armor facing and column inwhich field being cleared.
external stores bustle racks. A squad its attack will land in a close combat HAFE Round: Units and terrain in
can still carry only four missiles into attack. hexes hit by a mortar HAFE get a sav-
battle;the extra ones are reloads forthe In a grav or mechanized infantry unit, ing roll of 5 or less. Units that save avoid
squad's launchers. An infantry squad the APCs and the infantry squads must a HAFE shower. Those who fail the save
may reload its missile launchers when- be the same quality level. take artillery HAFE damage as in the
ever it spends one entire turn in the normal Centurion rules.
same hex as a grounded APC that The medium mortar soundsdevastat-
possesses reload missiles. Since the MORT. SQUmS ing when compared to the standard
reloads are the small man-pack version A medium mortar is a crew-served infantry light mortar, right? Well, here's
of theTVLG (which lacks an indirect fire heavy weapon that fills the firepower the bad news. A medium mortar squad
capability) and reloading a vehicular gap between infantry light mortars and has two MP instead of three. The mini-
launcher is likelyto take more time than grav artillery. The unit consists of eight mum number of men needed to serve a
any vehicle can spare in the heat of bounce infantrymen, one mortar tube, medium mortar is five.
battle, the extra missiles cannot be used and piles of assorted ammunition. The In other words, lose four men from
to reload a vehicular TVLG launcher. medium mortarfires smallerversionsof that squad, and Mr. M. Mortar fires no
There is one major problem with re- the rocket artillery rounds fired by grav more. The speed, crewing, and mini-
loads: They are ammunition. For any howitzers. With non-HELL munitions, mum range problems are severe limi-
infantry compartment hit on a vehicle the mortar may fire directly at targets up tations on this weapon. Medium mortars
that carries reload TVLG, roll iD i 0. A to 20 hexes away as long as a line of are usually issuedlo units that lack grav
roll of 10-(the number of compartment sight exists between mortar and target. artillery support. i2
First off this issue, Lester W. Smith sound of tainted water. Somewhere in allows players to take the part of char-
gives us an in-depth review of the Ali- the dark there is a scrabbling, as of acters from the movie in three different
ens boardgame. ThenJulia MarSin takes pebbles falling. Sgt.Apone curses softly scenarios. The game reflects well the
a look at a good series of generic role- Thento your left, a marine screams- care that has gone into its creation.
playing aids and a fun play-by-mail it sounds like Hudson-and simultane-
game. ously a fanged, black horror rears up PIEFIISICm DESCRIPTION
before you. You open fire, and it drops, The box front is stark black with the
Aliens spraying acid blood on your legs. You
scream in agony and fall. Then Apone
blue Aliens logo familiar to viewers of
the movie. Inside are three plastic-
AliensTMTwentieth Century Fox gets an arm under you and begins coated sheets of counters, character
Film Corp. dragging you toward the door, his cards, and charts, all bearing color
Rules and Game Design @Leading flamethrower whooshing at dancing photosfrom the film. (Playerswill notice
Edge Games. black shapes. Without warning, another that while photos for most characters
Primary Design: Barry Nakazono. alien drops from the ceiling in front of are clear and dramatic, the photo for
Writing and Design: David McKen- you, cutting off retreat. Ripley is merely a silhouette. Rumor is
zie. that Sigourney Weaver's agent wanted
Complete boxed boardgame. 32- Welcome to the Aliens boardgame. an exorbitant sum for use of his client's
page rule book, four-page rules Almost three years ago, Leading photo.) Each character counter carries
summary, three 81/2x11"color card Edge Games published in Gateways a color-coded bandwith the character's
and counter sheets, plastic stands, magazine a boardgame scenario repli- name, making it easy to match the
17~34" color map, one 10-sided die. cating the battle beneath the reactor counters with the cards during play.
core that took place in the movie Aliens. Plastic stands are provided to hold the
Youpeer around the dim interior of the Since that time, Leading Edge has been counters upright. Like the counters, the
reactor room with a horrid sense of deja refining that scenario, testing it at con- cards also carry character photos.
vu. Oddly shaped stalactitesand stalag- ventions, developing it into a larger Essential statistics for each character's
mites encrust the room's machinery, boardgame that recreates the action abilities and weapons are listed as well.
throwing back eerie echoes of your and mood of the movie. The result is the Finally, a larger card contains on its
footsteps, overlaid with the trickling Aliens boardgame, a boxed set that front side statistics for various alien
Challenge 45 89
lowed by another for hand grenades to counters with a blank space at the bot- include rules for the queen's dragging
supplement those for the grenade tom and name spaces at the tops, so Ripley into the air lock, and Ripley's
launchers available in the Operations the stands do not cover up information. crawling out and keying the outer door,
and Air Ducts scenario. (Both types of There are a few more minor problems rather than simply ending the scenario
grenades are deadlier to marines than as well. First, the text concerning when the queen is first dropped into the
to aliens, of course, and if players are Burke's actions in the second scenario air lock. These last are minor com-
not careful with using these weapons, is somewhat confusing. It states that plaints, but the game has no major ones.
they will end up with only a few dead Burke will hang around for two turns
aliens and a roomful of incapacitated after closing the air lock door, during
marines.) Each scenario mentions ex- which time the marines can plead with Priced at $21.95, this game is a real
tra optional rules to be used as well, him to open the door, if they have not bargain, and I'm willing to bet that the
many of which are quite entertaining. begun to work at cutting it open. But expansion kit, at $1 0.95, will be a bar-
according to the turn sequence on the gain as well. (Leading Edge also plans
QUIRKS map, Burke reaches and seals the air to release an Aliens role-playing game
The rules do have a few quirks. lock door on turn four; none of the other in the spring of 1990.) There are hours
Marines can fire through intervening marines can even head forthe door until and hours of fun to be had in playing
marine and alienfigures, but not through turn seven; and Burke doesn't leave the these scenarios, and unlike games that
terrain obstacles. Also, it costs a marine door until turn 11.As there doesn't seem have to be relearned nearlyfrom scratch
nothing to carry one incapacitated com- to be any way to resolve the text and if you lapse in playing them for a few
rade. Some players might think these map, it seems to work best to follow the weeks, Aliens is easy enough to learn,
rules unrealistic, but they keep play map, not allowing the marines to beg and therefore relearn, regardless of how
moving quickly while allowing marines Burke until someone actually reaches long it has been since you last played.
to accomplish their mission. the door. This will give you one to three If you liked the movie, you are certain to
A more interesting quirk involves the turns in which Burke might repent his enjoy this game, again and again.
game's contents, however. Counters treachery, rather than the rigid two turns
and statistics are included for Bishop, stated in the rules.
Ferro, Spunkmeyer, facehugger aliens, Second, also in the Operations and This is
and fires, but there are no scenarios or Air Ducts scenario, a number of aliens
rules for using them. Likewise, many of appear late in the game but seem to Your World
the characters who areused in the game have no chance of catching the marines The Classic World. $6.95.
have stats for weapons that they can- at all unless the marines do so poorly The Forfress. $5.95.
not use in these scenarios. Leading that they haven't escaped before reach- Charibdes Hall. $7.00.
Edge's explanation is that they will soon ing the end of the turn chart. Yet if the Dark Dungeon 1. $5.95.
release an expansion set with new marines do that poorly, there are no By Steven R. Hess.
scenarios and another full map, and it rules for how to keep track of further The Inland Town. $7.95.
was cheaper to include the extra count- turns. In my own play, the marines have By Steven Hess, Lawrence Steller,
ers and stats in the original game than always escaped before I run out of chart, and Sandy Hess.
to waste space on the counter sheets but this makes the placement of the The Castle of Entropy. $7.00.
and have to print new ones for the extra aliens seem a little silly. This prob- By Lawrence Steller.
expansion kit. The company states that lem does not make the scenario any less T h i s Is Your World'rM series by
it is not its intention to manipulate its satisfying; it just seems a waste of time Creative Cartography Ideas.
customers into buying the expansion kit. to place aliens that can never reach you. Keyed maps a n d brief location
Nonetheless, after looking over the Finally, in the third scenario, if "adja- descriptions for fantasy and non-
extra counters, I find myself itching to cent" is taken to mean diagonally as well fantasy campaigns.
buy it. I guess I don't feel too manipu- as vertically or horizontally, (as would Gamers, especially referees, often
lated, though. seem the case from the other scenar- complain about modules or scenarios
ios), and if the alien queen is played as for several reasons. Frequent com-
PROBLEMS being as intelligent as she ought to be, plaints are that a set storyline constrains
One irritating problem is that the it is easy to block Ripley into spaces their creativity too much or that the
prongs of the plastic stands are spaced between the alien and the air lock, designers spend too much time putting
too widely to hold the thin, slick count- where she cannot use her retreat option. words in the referee's mouth and not
ers. I solved this by scavenging extra This is a minor point, but one that takes enough time giving really useful infor-
stands from West End's Assault on Hoth some of the movement out of an already mation. The This Is Your WorldrM se-
and Battle for Endor, games that con- extremely static scenario. (I suggest ries of products from Creative Cartog-
tain the snuggest plastic stands I've having Grab results allow Ripley to raphy Ideas is ideal for referees who feel
encountered to date. Of course, this shove the queen back a space, to add this way. This series produces utilitar-
means that my Aliens counters have some more movement into the scenario ian keyed maps with brief room and
white bases now instead of black, but while taking some of the tedium out of building descriptions for garners to
at least they stay in place. On the posi- the frequently occurring Grab.) As well, convert to fit their own campaigns. The
tive side, Leading Edge designed the it seems to me not overly difficult to maps provide concrete locations for
90 Challenge 45
places that might only be names in a wealthy Victorian in Space: 1889, or as bilt or J. Pierpont Morgan, orcarve your
campaign. I have found that they also the home of a reclusive millionaire in a own name amongst those of the great
have an inspirational value-looking at Cyberpunk campaign (all you have to robber barons? Try your hand at Conti-
maps often gives me ideas about people do is add security systems). nental Rails, Graaf Simulation's game
who would live in places like this, things My favorite map in the line is The of the growth of railroads in America
that might happen here, and why this Classic World, Creative Cartography during the 19th century.
place looks like it does. Rather than Ideas' flagship product. It presents a
limiting a referee's creativity, these mapsmap with no set scale which you can use
are engineered to facilitate it. for a world, a continent, or an island, de- Play in Continental Rails revolves
pending on your needs and inclinations. around several phases. Every turn you
PRESENTATION If you've always wanted to design a can borrow money or repay some of any
The This Is Your World products are campaign world but could never really debt you have run up. Next you have a
each somewhat different, but each get started because of a lingering dis- chance to bid on private companies-
consists of a map drawn as an overhead satisfaction with any world maps you at- privately owned railroads you can buy
view, with terrain markings and a brief tempted, this product is up your alley. (if you bid high enough). If you acquire
key. Sometimes included is a brief The prices on some of these products a private company you can use it to add
description of buildings or rooms, or a are a little high forwhat you get because to your own railroad line; merge it into
special bonus for the referee's conve- the company is small and doesn't have another company to acquire a higher
nience, such as the small-size reproduc- access to the price breaks that printing percentage of stock; or take the private
tion of the world map of The Classic in volume creates. I think I have gotten company public, becoming its president.
World, or the floor plan of the inn in- my money's worth in ideas alone from Each turn you also play the stock mar-
cluded with the village plan in The In- every product I've purchased from this ket, acquiring shares of railroads you
land Town. The large maps are printed company, but others might feel differ- wish to control or you think will be prof-
on sturdy, thick paper with brown or ently. You may want to look over a itable investments. And you dump
black ink. The smaller ones are often friend's copy or look inside the package shares of railroads which may be about
printed on a sort of marbled-looking before you buy. to enter adownswing, ortryto drive your
paper, so that they slightly resemble old opponents into bankruptcy. Next, you
manuscripts or scrolls. The cartography
is good, but not outstanding. It's a good Continental decide which railroads you will try to run
(be president of) in the next game turn-
deal better than most garners (includ-
ing me) can generate on their own, but Rails you can merge two railroads you are
president of which connect. You have
not as good as the cartography of ma- Graaf Simula-
jor gaming companies. tions.
Game Design:
EVfiUATION John and Laurie
I like these products because they do Van De Graaf.
two helpful things for me as a referee: Rules: $3.00
They help inspire me, and they save me Turn Fees:$4.00/ ooks and character sheets will go to the wayside as
time. It is nice to have detailed maps for turn Game En try:
an adventure that you want to run your $1 2.00 (rules,
players through, but making them can setup, first three
create almost unreasonable demands turns). your mind will have the ability to make your dreams
on a person's time. I usually end up Play-by-mail come true. Literal1y.
either making up the map as I go along, game (lasts no
leading to inconsistencies and bizarre more than 25 Huge facilities will exist to give ga~nersaccess to this
features only appropriate to my imme- turns).
diate fancies, or making do with hastily Want to play
power. It will be expensive. It will be worth it.
drawn, sketchy, or vague maps which one of the great
omit important considerations like scale. railroad moguls of
All of the This is Your Worldproducts the 1800s, be-
are generic enough that you can use coming wealthy
them for locations which are just about while making cut-
anywhere in your campaign. throat deals and
They're all suitable for fantasy cam- building a rail net
paigns, and many of them are equally that crisscrosses
usable for science-fiction and other the continent from
types of role-playing adventures. For ex- coast to coast?
ample, Charibdes Hallworks as a manor Want to take on
house equally well in a fantasy cam- the persona of
paign, or as the country home of a Cornelius Vander-
Challenge 45 91
most play-by-mail rules by a longshot).
I do have a few caveats for new play-
ers, though. The players who play
Continental Rails, at least at the time I
am writing this, are a rather small group,
many of whom have played more than
one game. They already have little alli-
ances and deals built upwith each other
from other games they have played
together, and dealing with this type of
situation can be frustrating as it some-
times feels that you are playing against
power blocs ratherthan individuals. This
game almost mandates a certain level
of diplomacy, and if you are the kind of
player who would rather make his
moves in peace and forget about diplo-
macy, you're probably going to be out-
flanked early on. Finally, missing a turn
in this game is fatal. If you're only a
lackadaisical player and miss an occa-
sional turn, I'd advise trying another
game or being prepared to regularly pay
the extra $2 a turn for phoning in a turn
an opportunity to spy on one of your phase of the game, and strategies can rather than mailing it. Even over these
rivals. Finally, as president of up to two become very subtle and convoluted. In caveats, however, I would strongly
public railroads, you control your rail- this phase of the game, most stocks go recommend Continental Railsas a good
roads' actions forthe next turn, loaning through boom and bust cycles as play- game and a lot of fun. R
them money if they need funding. You ers build stock prices up and up through
can allocate funds for repayment of on- successive buy orders, only to sell when
going debt, capital improvement, and they think the price has peaked or the GRAAF SIIMULATIONS
political influence.And you decide which stock becomes cornered. This can Great postal games since 1982
right-of-way to bid for, and set the new wreak havoc with your plans as your net CONTINENTAL RAILS
dividend rate for owners of your com- worth is high one turn, only to plunge The best game of American railroad robber
barons ever. Fierce competition as 15 players
panies' stocks (among other things). sharply the next as several other play- race to build the best railroads and make the
ers sell your stocks the next. Your credit most money in each game.
The game seems to run in phases. At suddenly your plans for the next turn SPIRAL ARM II
first, your goal is to acquire control of a need a major revision as your buying The highly rated and popular space game of
colonization and warfare for up to 50 players per
public company or quickly purchase a power has been cut to the bone. game. Map of 650 stars, technology, alliances,
private one with potential to go public battle modes, and economics.
Rules $2.50 - Game Entry $15.00 - $5.OO/turn
so you can quickly begin building. Your EVAJLUATION
goals then become to build a line which Continental Rails is a great PBM FEUDAL LORDS II
connects with both Chicago and the Gulf game to play as a change of pace. It The enhanced original game of medieval power
politics in the age of King Arthur. Fifteen barons
of Mexico, while connecting through as doesn't require that you be interested compete to become King of England using
many of the other important game re- in building an interstellar empire (favor- economics, military might, and diplomacy.
gions as possible. At the same time, you ite theme of play-by-mail games, by far) -
Rules $2.50 Game Entry $10.00 - $3.50/turn
need to build your stock portfolio, keep- or that you build elaborate starship KINGDOM
ing it well rounded and acquiring as designs, orthat you digest a lengthy rule The fast and fun game of exploration and
conquest set in a vast fantasy world. Up to 200
many directorships in other railroads as book (its rules are only 20 pages long players per game, no due dates, 29 types of
possible. Don't forget to watch your back and are well organized). If you like the terrain, 84 types of creatures, magic spells,
special attributes, much more.
for possible sneak take-overs, too. games Rail Baron or Empire Builder, Rules $1.50 - Game Entry $10.00
After the civil war, the theater of the you will probably love this game. There Variable Turn Fees
game moves from the east coast to the are five victory categories in Continen- All games are completely computer moderated.
You do not need a computer to play, just a pencil
west, with all players trying to reach the tal Rails. With only 15 players in every and a keen mind.
west coast as swiftly as possible. The game, you have a fair shot at winning CaN or write us for a free brochure with more
ultimate goal is to control a railroad or placing well in at least one category. detailed information o n these games.
system which goes coast to coast. The And, for a play-by-mail game, it is rea- GRAAF SIMULATIONS
P.O. Box 96, St. Clair Shores, Nil 48080
stock market and interplayer diplomacy sonable at $4 a turn, and the rule book
Phone: (313) 772-9595 Fax: (313) 772-9659
become very important during this is astealfor$3 (much betterquality than
92 Challenge 45
Elluego de Rol de Ciencio Ficcion Cla3ico
jiombien en Espoiiol!
"no no nsponde k y d v ...
d cow0 est6 p=mliendo
JrnveNer er eliuego de rol de rienrio-firrmn rbrko -el primem y el mepr. Por ello n o s exlroio ...
presibn r6pidamenk &to er "no -51 de emergencia
que olrededor delmundo miler de iugodorer puedon dirfrufor de elen ru propio MIiom. Dierim 0 cualququiero que &( eimor
I ...
n ~ e r i t o m o sayudir ...
Orbifolerpreientolombiin en lor USA lo verridn frpoiiolu de Jraveller, bojo lirenrio de Gome Aqoi d carguero indepcdicnte Beowulf ...
Derignen' Workrhop.l o gomo de Jruwlkr erlo en ronfinuo rrerimienh run Suplemenlor, hioydoy ...
Avenluror, Juegor de Ioblero, Minioluror, elr. que prerenlon elluluro romo ion solo Troveller
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TO order direct, send $30 to: AVENrURAs DE CIENCIA FlccloN EN u N FuruRo DlsTANTE
Traveller ondMegoegabvelbrore Rqisfered Trndemrkr of Gome Designerr' Workshop, Inr. urwl Direins Orbitoler Sjl.
GDW In$$ 3$65kiil: ~?!%1-1646 under pemirrion by Direior Orbifoler 5.A V e d r 6 de b Geu 13, Barrelono 08034 SPAIN
Challenge 45 93
Challenge Classifieds, Box 1646, Bloomington, IL 61702-1646 USA
Classified Ads campaign based upon "Nail Mis- on weekends, weeknights, and plan, and 30game pieces. Please
Challenge accepts all gaming- sion"from MegaTraveller Rebel- some holidays. Later, we hope to mail check or money order for
related classified ads, subject to lion Sourcebook. Campaign will organize trips to conventions, hold $21.95 plus $3.50 postage and
the amount of space availableand focus on role playing rather than tournaments and maybe our own handling(Californiaresidentsadd
good taste. Challenge does re- rules crunching. Realistic, nontra- con, and run continuous cam- 6.25% tax) to S&S Productions,
serve the right to refuse any ad. ditional player characters pre- paigns. Cost is $3.00 a day or Stewart W. Young, 1630Sequoia
Challengewill not be held liable ferred. Beginning and overseas $10.00 a month. For more infor- Dr., Yuba City. CA 95993. Please
for errors occurring in advertise- playerswelcome. Send SASE for mation, call Paul at (614) 794- allow four to six weeks delivery.
ments. If you find an error in your more informationto The Rebellion 2166. (42) (44)
ad, please send a corrected ver- Campaign, c/o David Johnson,
sion to Challenge. 8300 El Munco #730, Houston,TX
Classified ads are free, and run 77054. (44) -
for at least one issue, longer as
space permits. Any reasonable BATLETECHplayers.The472nd SOURCEBOOKS and supple- Epson printer. includes favoring/
length is accepted, but all ads are Federated Commonwealth BN ments for 2300 AD, Twilight: slighting, specialty, nationality,
subject to editing. Please type Samos Swordsmen want you. 2000, and Traveller. Send SASE languages, andskills. $19.95with
ads. Join a growing 'Mechforce chap- for list to J. Schaeffer, 539 Chicora documentation. Send your order
ter as a local or correspondence Rd #6, Butler, PA 16001. (45) or request for sample printouts to
Display Ads member. Pick your own 'Mech M. Chiampi, 6012 Pine Tree Dr.,
Write to receive our rate card. and call sign; develop a persona; NPC STATS for Twilight: 2000. Bradenton, FL 34202. (44)
receive our newsletters;and have The 3rd platoon (Body Snatch-
achance to run a'Mech company ers), designed as a prisoner LARGE GAME collection. Buy/
in our play-by-mail campaign. snatch team in strength, includes sell/trade. Send SASE for list that
Contact Gunther H. Bellows, 22 rangers plus one medic. They includes dozens of out-of-print
Route 2, Box 157, Micanopy, FL can be used for various missions, wargames, RPG aids and maga-
MANHATTAN traveller seeks 32667. (44) such as LRRP, or as individuals zines to Steve Jones, Box
adult players in the New York City to fill out your campaign. Each is 080003, Staten Island, NY 10308-
area for Traveller campaign. New BALTIMORE Co./Towson Twi- unique, with his own worksheet 0009. (44)
Jersey players welcome. Contact light: 2000 or Combined Arms stats, DOB, serial number, nick-
Richard Marin, 55-46thSt., Union group seeks a gamemaster. Must name, hometown, personality STAR TREKStarFleet Technical
City, NJ 07087. (45) have reasonable experience. outline, and detailed equipment Manual, Ballantine Books first
Over 16 please. Five plus dedi- load according to his specialty or edition, first printing, November
FOR SPACE: 1889 campaign, cated players. For more informa- assignment. Plus other useful
Countdownto Armagedon. Would tion, contact Bryan Gibbons, 61l informationand worksheets. Over
like to contact players in the Dunkirk Road, Towson, MD 40 pages in all. Send $10 plus $2
Dupage County, IL area, but 21212. (44) postage and handling to D.
would also consider running this Rough, PO Box 2283, Taos, New
campaign as a PBM. I am also WOULD LIKE to join a SpaceMas- Mexico,87571. Pleasespecify 3rd
interested in exchanging ideas ter or Star Trek PBM campaign. platoon/rangers. (45) Rarest of the Alien Modules
and technical data with other Anyone interested in another
Space: 1889 devotees. Contact player contact Chris Schletter, MORE THAN 30 wargames for
D.E. Brynelsen, 21 W127 Tee 312A Langford, Bozeman, MT sale-excellent condition. Plus
Lane, Apt. 3, Itasca, IL60143. (45) 59715. (44) numerous wargame and military
books. Send self-addressed,
TRAVELLER players desperately NEED TWILIGHT: 2000 players stamped envelope for complete
neededfor campaign in South Bay in the Leominster, MA area. I list to Mark Walker, 9278-C Lake
area (San Jose). Experienced or would like to start a play-by-mail Murray Blvd., San Diego, CA
beginners welcome. Contact Rick game. Contact Scott Olihovik, 54 92119. (44)
Novy, PO Box 391442, Mountain Rustic Drive, Leominster, MA
View, CA 94039-1442. (44) 01453. (42) HAVE YOU EVER wished you
could command an elite counter-
MEGATRAVELLER character NEED PLAYERS for Twilight: terrorist organizationand help put
generators for IBM compatibles: 2000 in the Corpus Christi area. a few of the bad guys out of
basic, mercenaries, naval charac- Contact Eugene Mapes at (512) commission? Would you like to
ters, scouts, COACC flyers. Col- 853-6196. (42) have a team of up to 10 of the best
orful programs with windows, men and women under your
menus, automatic or manual THE GAMEROOM in Columbus control, with an arsenal of weap- With your order, we'll include
generation. Any one for £8 or all provides gamers with a place to ons that would make even Ollie our price list of other out-of-print
five for f 12, including disk and play with like-minded people at Northjealous? If you everwanted collectible Traveller mater~als.
airmail postage. Kevin Berry, 257 times convenientto their personal complete freedom in a role-play- Order now, only $12. Please
add $1 for shipong.
New North Road, Islington, Lon- schedule. Memberships include ing wargame, then Tactical Ter-
don N1 ENGLAND. (44) use of the facility, including pre- rorism is the game for you. One
I ferred admission to club events, 25-page instruction booklet, six
ARCHDUKE NORRISwantsyou! use of the club library, and a dice (one each of four, six, eight,
Players wanted for play-by-mail monthly newsletter.Eventswillbe 10, 12, and 20 siders), one floor
94 Challenge 45
1975. Make an offer to FredSchiff, Teiford, Shropshire, TF4 3RH, sources through relatives in Can- more. Sample issue $150. Six-
603 Mead Terrace, South Hemp- ENGLAND. (44) ada. Graham Todd, 36, Deers- issue subscription only $9.00 U.S.
stead, NY 11550. (42) wood Road, West Green, Craw- The Adjutant, c/o MS Graphics,
PHOTOCOPlESof issues31.32. ley, West Sussex, R H l 1 7JN, 121 North First St., Salinas, CA
ORIGINAL Traveller starship and 36 of Challenge magazine: UNITED KINGDOM. (40) 9390s-3225. (44)
generator and sector generator Will pay or trade for these. Only
programs for IBM compatible Twilight: 2000 and MegaTraw- PHOTOCOPIES of old FASA DAWNr2000-afanzineforplay-
computers. Design your ideal ship eller information. Write to Mike material:Aslan Mercenary Ships, ersand refereesofTwilight: 2000
in minutes-not hours. For more Youtz, PSC 1, Box4805,APO NY booklets only, deck plans for Ad- who would like to try something
info, please send aSASE to Tony 09132-5000. (44) venture Class Ships 1 & 2, Fen- different for their campaigns. For
Diomeadios, PO Box 431, Bruns- ris, Valkyrie, Ththys & Vlezhdath. more information, write to Dawn:
wick, GA 31521. (42) CHALLENGE 25,26,27,30,31, Patrick J. Hoye, 343 Washington 2000,c/o Jason English, 1905
32, 36, Beyond Sector, Bangard St., Holliston, MA 01746. (40) Clearbrook Drive, ChulaVista, CA
SORAG, Journal 8 , Best OIT Reaches, Ley Sector, Glimmer- 92013. (43)
Journal 4, Challenge 26-28, drift Reaches, and any other
alien modules 1 & 6, Far Traveller sectors made for Traveller, ex- AMATEUR gaming magazine in-
2, Digest 9, and 40+ Traveller cept for Spinward Marches and cluding Twilight: 2000 and oth-
books, supplements,adventures. Hinterworlds. All in good condi- THE ADJUTANT, dedicated to ers. Copies cost 50p each. Send
I also need several items-willing tion. Please send price for ship- Imperial army, marine, and mer- large SASE to Sam Bowden, 50
to buy, trade. Send SASE for list ping anditem. Nocopies.Write to cenary characters. New equip- Argyle Road, Ealing, London,
to Paul Sanders, 612 S. Patton Bryon Chase, Rt. 1, Box 559, ment, weapons, rulesvariantsand W13 8AA, ENGLAND. (42)
Ct., Denver, CO 80219. (42) Kilieen, TX 76541. (43)
PO Box 521
Grinnell, IA 50112
96 Challenge 45
COACC controls aircraft in the Impe- Rules expansions for the Mega- A fierce Rebellion shakes the Impe-
rium. Here is aircraft pilot character Traveller referee: includes large-scale rium--each faction fights for a piece of
generation, aircraft design and combat, combat, timekeeping, communications, the rich star.-spanningempire. Here are
plus a campaign to win the Rebellion on research, mapping, technolo@, and ali- the Rebellion's sides, leaders, territories,
one world. ens. and equipment.
96-page book. GDW: 0216. $10.00. 96-page book. GDW: 0215. $10.00. 96-page book. GDW. 0214. $10.00.