Tseng 2015 - Open Access
Tseng 2015 - Open Access
Tseng 2015 - Open Access
Abstract: Numerous reports have discussed bone mineral density (Medicine 94(47):e1967)
(BMD) or the risk of osteoporosis in schizophrenia, but have yielded
only controversial results. Abbreviations: BMD = bone mineral density, BMI = body mass
We conducted an update of meta-analysis to examine the overall index, BUA = broadband ultrasound attenuation, CI = confidence
change in BMD in patients with schizophrenia and the effect on BMD of interval, Clo = clozapine, DEXA = dual-energy X-ray
different antipsychotic drugs. absorptiometry, ESs = effect size, HCs = healthy controls, L-
Electronic research through platform of PubMed. spine = lumbar spine, MA = meta-analysis, N/A = not applicable,
The inclusion criteria were as follows: articles with relevance to Ola = olanzapine, OSI = osteosono-assessment index, PR =
comparisons of BMD in patients with schizophrenia (SCHIZ) and prolactin-raising antipsychotics, PRISMA = preferred reporting
healthy controls (HCs), or articles discussing comparisons of BMD items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses, PS = prolactin-
in SCHIZ receiving prolactin-raising (PR) and prolactin-sparing (PS) sparing antipsychotics, Psy = psychotic disorder, QCT =
antipsychotics; articles about clinical trials. quantitative computed tomography, QUS = quantitative
In the current meta-analysis, we used the random-effect model to ultrasound, Ris = risperidone, SCHIZ = schizophrenia, SD =
pool the results from 13 studies comparing BMD in SCHIZ and in HCs, standard deviation.
and the results from 7 studies comparing BMD in patients receiving PR
and PS.
Our results revealed significantly lower BMD in SCHIZ than in HCs INTRODUCTION
(P < 0.001). In the meta-regression, mean age of subjects modulated the
difference in BMD between patients and control subjects (P < 0.001). O steoporosis is a major public health problem worldwide. It
is characterized as gradually decreased bone mineral
density (BMD) in systemic skeletons. People with osteoporosis
In addition, the BMD in SCHIZ taking PR was significantly lower than
in those taking PS (P ¼ 0.006). are vulnerable to bone fracture, which can lead to disability and
Our study can only point to the phenomenon that BMD in SCHIZ is mortality. Many indices have been used with osteoporosis, and
lower than that in HCs, and cannot reveal any possible pathophysiology BMD is one of the most frequently applied. Also, several
or mechanism of this phenomenon. In addition, we could not rule out the indicators have been used to describe BMD. Although the
possible effect of medication on BMD based on the results of the meta- absolute raw levels are the most direct description of BMD,
analysis of comparison of BMD in SCHIZ receiving PR and PS. they are irrelevant in clinical settings because of the dynamic
The main result of our meta-analysis suggests that BMD is signifi- changes of levels associated with age, sex, and other clinical
cantly lower in SCHIZ than in HCs. Our study emphasizes the import- variables. The most relevant description of BMD is that using
ance of further screening for the risk of osteoporosis in young-aged the t score or z score. The former indicates how many standard
schizophrenic patients, especially those taking PR, which are in high deviations one’s BMD is above or below the mean BMD in a
risk of fracture. reference of ‘‘young-adult population’’; the latter is a compari-
son of BMD with mean BMD in an ‘‘age- and sex-matched
population.’’1 Some techniques are used to detect BMD in a
Editor: Trudie Somberg. clinical situation, including quantitative ultrasound (QUS),
Received: August 7, 2015; revised: October 1, 2015; accepted: October 10, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), quantitative com-
2015. puted tomography (QCT), and dual-photon absorptiometry, but
From the Department of Psychiatry, Tsyr-Huey Mental Hospital, there are no reports definitively discussing which technique is
Kaohsiung Jen-Ai’s Home (PT, T, K-YT, Y-SC, C-KW), Department of
Neurology, E-Da Hospital, Kaohsiung (YW, C), Institute of Allied Health better than the others.
Sciences, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan Schizophrenia is one of the most severe psychiatric dis-
(P-YY); and Department of Clinical Psychology, Tsyr-Huey Mental orders in the world, and can lead to a great many complications
Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (P-YY). and disability. There have been a lot of comorbidities discov-
Correspondence: Ping-Tao Tseng, Department of Psychiatry, Tsyr-Huey
Mental Hospital, Kaohsiung Jen-Ai’s Home, Number 509, Fengping ered in patients with schizophrenia. Fracture and osteoporosis
1st Road, Daliao District, Kaohsiung City 831, Taiwan (e-mail: are 2 of the most common comorbidities reported in recent
[email protected]). decades and have attracted much clinical attention.2 –4 A recent
Y-WC contributed equally as the first author. one meta-analysis has proven that the schizophrenic patients
The authors declare no biomedical financial interests.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. have been at increased risk for fracture.5 Besides, the usage of
Copyright # 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. antipsychotics would increase the risk of falls and fracture in
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons numerous report. For example, the atypical antipsychotics seem
Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and to result in higher risk of fracture than traditional antipsychotics
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
ISSN: 0025-7974 in report by Kolanowski et al.6 At the present time, there are a
DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000001967 number of clinical studies that have discussed osteoporosis risk
and BMD in patients with schizophrenia. Some of them suggest the changes in BMD in schizophrenic patients receiving differ-
that the incidence of BMD in schizophrenia patients is signifi- ent antipsychotics. On the other hand, we will focus more
cantly lower than that in healthy subjects.7 –11 Among those specifically on subjects with young age because there will be
studies supporting decreased BMD in patients with schizo- more economical loss when fracture happens in young age than
phrenia, some have done more specific investigation into sex in old age.
differences. In those studies, both female and male schizo-
phrenic patients had lower BMD than the healthy controls.11–14 METHODS
Moreover, the researchers also tried to evaluate the effect of We conducted a computerized search on the PubMed
age,9,11 duration of illness,7 genetic risk,10 and exercise14 on database using the keywords (schizophrenia) AND (bone
BMD. At the same time, there have been some controversial mineral density OR osteoporosis) with the limitation of ‘‘human
reports published. Some have revealed no significant difference study’’ and ‘‘English written.’’ To avoid possible bias during the
between BMD in patients with schizophrenia and in healthy search and selection of eligible articles, the search process was
controls,15 or no significant difference in pretreatment but conducting by 3 psychiatrists, Tseng PT, Cheng YS, and Tu KY.
significant difference after conventional antipsychotics treat- The search period was from the date available online to August
ment.16 Other reports suggest that BMD is significantly lower in 2, 2015. The search strategy is depicted in Figure 1. Initially, we
patients with schizophrenia than in healthy controls, but only excluded articles without a relationship to osteoporosis or BMD
in females17 or that the changes in BMD have a sex-specific in schizophrenia. The inclusion criteria were as follows: articles
difference.18 with relevance to comparisons of BMD in patients with schizo-
In addition, Bushe et al19 have suggested that hyperpro- phrenia and healthy controls, or articles discussing comparisons
lactinemia caused by different antipsychotics would increase of BMD in patients receiving PS and PR; articles about clinical
the risk of osteoporosis in schizophrenic patients, and that this trials; therefore, we excluded all articles without comparison to
might complicate research on the changes in BMD in schizo- HCs or articles without comparison of antipsychotics. Review
phrenia. Most studies currently discussing this topic have articles and case reports were excluded. Those articles with
divided their subjects according to the effect of prescribed commentary contents were also excluded. Finally, we divided
antipsychotics on prolactin levels, that is, into groups of pro- the remaining articles into 2 categories: articles discussing the
lactin-raising (PR) antipsychotics or prolactin-sparing (PS) difference in BMD in schizophrenic patients and HCs and those
antipsychotics. Some of these studies have found significantly discussing the difference in BMD in schizophrenic patients
different BMD levels,20–22 but others have not.23– 26 Therefore, receiving PR or PS. The results of the literature search and the
there are no conclusive results as to whether the use of different reports that are included in our study are listed in Table 1a for
antipsychotics would result in different changes in BMD in (a) and Table 1b for (b).
schizophrenic patients. In this study, we set the primary outcome as BMD, checked
Despite the number of reports and articles, there is still by DEXA, QUS, QCT, or dual-photon absorptiometry. We
limited evidence as to whether BMD in schizophrenia patients is extracted the data on BMD from the remaining articles in
lower than in healthy subjects. Oderda et al used a meta-analysis the order of z score, t score, and finally, the absolute data.
to investigate the risk of hip fracture related to psychotropics Since the z score is based on an age- and sex-matched popu-
usage, but still could not reach a conclusion.27 Crews et al lation and the t score is based on a young-adult population only,
conducted another meta-analysis to clarify the divergent find- we considered the z score to be clinically more relevant than the
ings regarding BMD in patients with schizophrenia, but the t score and absolute data of BMD. In the recruited articles, the
main focus of their report was on the effect of antipsychotics BMD studies were conducted at many different sites, such as
treatment on BMD.28 Stubbs et al recently published a meta- the lumbar spine (L-spine), femur, and the digits. We found
analysis specifically discussing the changes in BMD in patients that the BMD examinations in most articles were conducted
with schizophrenia.29 However, in that report, the authors at the L-spine, and then the femoral necks or trochanters.
mainly focused on the high prevalence of osteoporosis in Therefore, we extracted all BMD data for the L-spine first,
schizophrenia and only briefly mentioned a comparison of followed by the femoral neck or trochanter, for 2 reasons: the
BMD in schizophrenia patients and age- and sex-matched osteoporotic fractures occurred mostly in the vertebrae32 so the
healthy controls (HCs). Besides, there was little discussion BMD of the vertebrae would be most relevant to clinical
and investigation into the association of BMD and clinical settings, and most studies have used this site for the BMD
variables in that report. In addition, the authors discuss little examination. Furthermore, since there was a lack of evidence as
about the possible effect of age, one of the most important to whether the DEXA is more sensitive and specific than the
clinical moderators on the BMD, on the BMD in schizophrenia. QUS, QCT, or dual photon absorptiometry, we extracted
In previous reports, BMD was believed to have gradually the BMD data yielded by the most commonly used technique.
decreased significantly in different sites with cut-point of age The DEXA, followed by QUS, was the most frequently used in
40 in both males and females.30,31 Furthermore, that study did all the articles to detect BMD; so, we extracted the BMD data of
not carry out a further detailed investigation into the possible the DEXA first, and then that of the QUS. In order to clarify any
effect of different antipsychotics on BMD, and the divergent possible bias in terms of techniques selected in different studies,
effect on prolactin levels. we subdivided the studies and performed another meta-analysis
The aim of our study was to conduct a meta-analysis using based on the tools used in the studies.
a thorough and broad database search to investigate the changes In addition to the comparison of BMD in patients
in BMD in patients with schizophrenia and, at the same time, the with schizophrenia and HCs, we also tried to investigate the
possible risk factors or moderators affecting BMD in such difference in BMD of schizophrenic patients receiving PR
patients, for example, age, sex, duration of treatment, and other and PS. The classification of PR and PS is made according
variables. Furthermore, to thoroughly investigate the possible to the previous reports.23–25 Therefore, the PR is defined as
effects on BMD of different antipsychotics with divergent antipsychotics with prominent prolactin-raising effect, includ-
effects on prolactin levels, we conducted a meta-analysis of ing first-generation antipsychotics, risperidone, paliperidone,
2 | www.md-journal.com Copyright # 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Medicine Volume 94, Number 47, November 2015 MA of BMD in Schizophrenia
Article search:
(schizophrenia) AND (bone mineral density OR osteoporosis) Addional literatures
Limits: humans; English wrien idenfied through a
Date: available to August 2nd, 2015 manual search
(n=106) (n=5)
Literatures excluded
amisulpride, or ziprasidone; the PS is defined as antipsychotics included for comparison of BMD in schizophrenic patients
without or with minimal prolactin-raising effect, including receiving PR and PS. The results of the literature selection
clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, or aripiprazole. included in our study are listed in Table 1a for (a) and Table 1b
We calculated the effect sizes (ESs) of the individual for (b).7– 13,15–18,20 –26,34,35
studies recruited for our meta-analysis through standardized
mean differences with Hedges’s adjusted g. We calculated all
the results of the studies using the random-effects model. The BMD in Patients With Schizophrenia and Healthy
confidence interval was defined as 95%. The significance of the Controls
pooled ES was determined by the z test. We used Q statistics to Eight reports were recruited in that described the numbers
examine the homogeneity of the ES distribution. If the result of subjects;7–9,13,15,17,18,34 in all, a total of 2214 patients with
of the Q statistic was rejected, this would suggest that the schizophrenia (mean age (mean standard deviation (SD)) ¼
ES distribution might be heterogeneous. We used Egger’s 47.3 15.5) and 1840 HCs (mean age (mean SD ¼
regression to examine for possible publication bias. Further- 53.5 16.5) were recruited. Two studies in the meta-analysis
more, to investigate the possible confounding effect by the of comparison of BMD in patients with schizophrenia and HCs
clinical variables, we perform the procedure of meta-regression did not show the numbers of subjects.12,35 The meta-analysis for
with the fixed effect regression. We tried to contact the authors comparison of BMD in patients with schizophrenia and HCs
as possible if the detailed data are unavailable through the revealed significantly lower BMD in patients with schizo-
literatures. phrenia than in the HCs (ESs ¼ –0.589, 95% confidence inter-
We performed the meta-analysis using Comprehensive val (95% CI): –0.811 –0.367, P < 0.001) (Fig. 2). Besides,
Meta-Analysis, Version 2 (Biostat, Englewood, NJ) software. using Egger’s regression analysis (P ¼ 0.129 in 1-tailed
Two-sided significance was set as a P value <0.05. The current and P ¼ 0.258 in 2-tailed), we could not find a significant
meta-analytic procedure fulfilled with the criteria of Preferred publication bias.
Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) compliant.33 In addition, in current meta-analysis,
the ethical approval was not necessary because we did not deal Meta-Analysis of Studies Using Different Tools to
with the actual patients’ personal data and there were no patients Investigate BMD
being harmed due to our procedure of meta-analysis. To clarify any possible differences in results between
BMD investigated using different tools, we performed further
subgroup meta-analysis of the studies carried out with different
RESULTS tools individually. One report did not identify the tool used to
Using our search strategy, we initially included 111 investigate BMD, in which study the authors screened the
articles, of which 69 were excluded because of their irrelevance osteoporosis by reviewing the electronic records.35 In all 8
to osteoporosis or BMD in schizophrenia. We screened the studies using DEXA, we found a similar result: BMD in patients
remaining 42 articles using the inclusion and exclusion criteria with schizophrenia was significantly lower than in HCs
introduced in the Methods section. A total of 13 articles were (ESs ¼ –0.838, 95% CI ¼ –1.282 –0.395, P < 0.001). On
finally included in the meta-analysis for comparison of BMD the other hand, in 4 studies using QUS, we found similar
in patients with schizophrenia and HCs, and 7 articles were significant lower BMD in patients with schizophrenia than in
Copyright # 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. www.md-journal.com | 3
TABLE 1. Summary of Characteristics of Studies in Current Meta-Analysis of Comparison of BMD (A) Between Schizophrenic Patients or Healthy Controls and (B) in
Tseng et al
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Study Diagnosis Subjects N outcome Value female) (years) (year) (kg/m2) tools Site Country
Wang M (2014)16 Schizophrenia Patient 163 BMD (g/cm2) 1.2 0.2 47.4 34.5 10.8 n/a 25.9 2.1 DEXA L spine China
HC 90 1.3 0.6 34.2 10.6 25.3 2.7
van der Leeuw C (2013)10 Psychotic disorder Patient 62 z score –0.5 1.2 46.4 27.4 6.4 n/a 24.2 4.0 DEXA L spine Netherlands
HC 48 0.2 1.3 31.2 11.4 24.3 4.3
Sugawara N (2012)11 Schizophrenia or Patient 362 OSI 2.6 0.5 57.7 48.9 15.4 n/a n/a QUS calcaneus Japan
schizoaffective disorder
HC 832 2.7 0.4 57.3 13.4
Doknic M (2011)15 Schizophrenia Patient 26 z score –0.4 0.2 62.3 31.3 1.3 6.9 1.0 28.2 1.0 DEXA L spine Serbia
HC 35 0.2 0.2 32.2 1.4 28.1 1.2
Jung DU (2011)8 Schizophrenia Patient 229 t score –0.8 1.7 43.22 58.6 6.6 n/a 22.8 3.6 DEXA L spine Korea
HC 125 –0.3 1.4 58.6 6.4 22.2 2.6
Renn JH (2009)9 Schizophrenia Patient 965 BUA 81.1 19.1 41.17 47.3 14.4 n/a n/a QUS calcaneus Taiwan
HC 405 65.1 32.7 56.8 17.3
Rey-Sánchez P (2009)18 Schizophrenia Patient 73 z score 0.6 1.3 33.78 61.2 14.5 n/a 26.5 5.5 QUS phalanx Spain
HC 73 0.3 1.0 60.9 14.6 26.5 2.9
Jung DU (2006)17 Schizophrenia Patient 51 t score –0.1 1.1 40.74 39.0 5.4 7.3 5.1 23.7 4.8 DEXA L spine Korea
HC 57 0.4 1.1 30.6 9.0 23.6 4.9
Kishimoto T (2005)12 Schizophrenia Patient 133 z score –1.4 1.5 100 55.4 15.9 n/a n/a QUS not mention Japan
HC 79 not mention not mention
Lehman D (2005)34 Schizophrenia Patient 10 z score –0.1 1.5 0 48.1 6.6 n/a 30.5 6.5 DEXA Trunk United States
Maric N (2005)13 Schizophrenia Patient 19 BMD (g/cm2) 1.1 0.1 100 24.5 3.8 n/a n/a DEXA L spine English
HC 20 1.3 0.1 23.7 3.1
Bishop JR (2004)35 Schizophrenia Patient 46 Prevalence of 61% 80% 100 61.0 12.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a USA
HC 46 61.1 11.9
Bilici M (2002)7 Schizophrenia Patient 75 BMD (g/cm2) 1.0 0.4 49.45 29.6 6.5 13.6 3.1 30.1 5.3 DEXA L spine Turkey
HC 20 1.1 0.6 31.1 7.1 26.7 4.4
Chlorpromazine Mean Duration of
Primary Sex equivalence age prolactin treatment BMI BMD
Study Diagnosis Subjects N Outcome Value (% female) (mg/day) (years) (IU/l) (year) (kg/m2) tools Site Country
Lin C (2014)23 Schizophrenia PR 56 t score –0.59 –0.07 59.2 n/a n/a 0.8 1.1 n/a n/a DEXA L spine Taiwan
PS 101
Takahashi T Schizophrenia PR 141 z score –0.5 1.4 50.6 519.4 412.0 58.3 10.7 n/a 2.3 1.1 23.1 4.2 DEXA radius United States
PS 23 –0.3 0.9 363.7 164.4 59.9 12.6 1.8 1.2 21.5 3.5
Lin CH (2012)20 Schizophrenia PR 24 Prevalence of low 33.3% 0% 100 572.9 431.5 41.9 8.0 2.3 1.4 1.9 1.5 25.4 4.2 DEXA L spine Taiwan
BMD (z score):
Clo 24 449.6 229.3 41.8 10.2 0.4 0.2 2.6 2.1 25.8 4.1
Lee TY (2010)25 Schizophrenia Ris 20 z score 0.2 1.0 0 252.5 74.8 47.9 9.5 0.1 0.4 not mention 25.7 2.9 DEXA L spine Korea
Ola þ Clo 25 0.5 1.0 270.2 68.8 50.8 12.4 0.4 0.3 26.9 2.1
Meaney AM Schizophrenia PR 25 BMD change 0.3 2.5 100 n/a not 1636.3 1038 not not DEXA L spine Ireland
(2007)26 mention mention mention
PS 13 1.3 1.3 3 377.6 178.5
Volume 94, Number 47, November 2015
O’Keane V Schizophrenia PR 26 Prevalence of n/a 100 n/a 32.8 6.8 1692.0 1109 8.4 4.7 28 4.5 DEXA L spine Ireland
(2005)21 low BMD
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MA of BMD in Schizophrenia
Tseng et al Medicine Volume 94, Number 47, November 2015
FIGURE 2. Forest plot of the MA for comparison of the BMD in SCH and HCs. BMD ¼ bone mineral density; BUA ¼ broadband ultrasound
attenuation; DEXA ¼ dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; HC ¼ healthy controls; MA ¼ meta-analysis; N/A ¼ not applicable;
OSI ¼ osteosono-assessment index; QUS ¼ quantitative ultrasound; SCH ¼ schizophrenia.
HCs (ESs ¼ –0.371, 95% CI ¼ –0.644 –0.098, P ¼ 0.008) ‘‘duration of treatment’’ in the subgroup meta-analysis of
(Fig. 3A). different age. The result of meta-regression revealed significant
association between the mean age, female sex proportion, and
Meta-Regression for Clinical Variables duration of treatment and the BMD in the younger age subgroup
At the same time, we investigated the possible moderators (point estimate of slope: 0.06, standard error: 0.02, P
for BMD in this situation using meta-regression. We found that value ¼ 0.004; point estimate of slope: 0.04, standard error:
sex does not have a significant effect on BMD (point estimate of 0.007, P value < 0.001; point estimate of slope: 0.13, standard
slope: 0.0004, standard error: 0.003, P value ¼ 0.90), but age error: 0.047, P value ¼ 0.005, separately); on the other hand, the
and duration of treatment could have a significant moderating result of meta-regression showed significant association only
effect on BMD (point estimate of slope: 0.014, standard error: between the mean age, and female sex proportion and the BMD
0.004, P value < 0.001 in former; point estimate of slope: 0.13, in the older age subgroup (point estimate of slope: 0.04,
standard error: 0.047, P value ¼ 0.0051 in later). The P value of standard error: 0.01, P value < 0.001; point estimate of slope:
either the Q (model) or the Q (total) of meta-regression of the 0.008, standard error: 0.003, P value ¼ 0.01, separately). The
age and duration of treatment effect on BMD achieved signifi- procedure of meta-regression for duration of treatment could
cance (P < 0.001, P < 0.001 separately in former; P < 0.001, not perform in older age subgroup because of lack of detailed
P < 0.001 separately in later), which indicates the heterogen- data.
eity among studies included in this meta-regression. On the Among these 2 subgroup analyses, we found out hetero-
other hand, we could not perform analytic procedure of meta- geneity of the data source in older age subgroup. In this
regression for some other variables, including body mass index subgroup, the BMD was obtained through variable tools,
(BMI), body weight, duration of disease, serum prolactin levels, including DEXA34 and QUS11,12 at site of L-spine,8 calcaneus,9
and % patients with hyperprolactinemia, because of lack of and digits.18 On the other hand, the data sources are more
detailed data. uniform in the younger age subgroup; all the data of BMD were
obtained through DEXA at site of L-spine.7,10,13,15 –17
6 | www.md-journal.com Copyright # 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Medicine Volume 94, Number 47, November 2015 MA of BMD in Schizophrenia
Tools Study name Outcome Statistics for each study Hedges's g and 95% CI
Hedges's Lower Upper
g limit limit Z-Value p-Value
DEXA Bilici M (2002)7 BMD -0.221 -0.712 0.269 -0.885 0.376
DEXA Doknic M (2011)15 z score -2.962 -3.688 -2.236 -7.995 0.000
DEXA Jung DU (2006)17 t score -0.451 -0.831 -0.071 -2.328 0.020
DEXA Jung DU (2011)8 t score -0.312 -0.530 -0.093 -2.793 0.005
DEXA Lehman D (2005)34 z score -0.671 -1.536 0.194 -1.520 0.129
DEXA Maric N (2005)13 BMD -1.959 -2.712 -1.206 -5.098 0.000
DEXA van der Leeuw C (2013)10 z score -0.559 -0.940 -0.177 -2.870 0.004
DEXA Wang (2014)16 BMD -0.255 -0.512 0.003 -1.937 0.053
DEXA -0.838 -1.282 -0.395 -3.702 0.000
QUS Kishimoto T (2005)12 z score -0.279 -0.558 -0.000 -1.962 0.050
QUS Renn JH (2009)9 BUA -0.668 -0.787 -0.549 -11.037 0.000
QUS Rey-Sanchez P (2009)18 z score -0.257 -0.581 0.067 -1.556 0.120
QUS Sugawara N (2012)11 OSI -0.231 -0.355 -0.107 -3.660 0.000
QUS -0.371 -0.644 -0.098 -2.662 0.008
Overall -0.499 -0.732 -0.267 -4.206 0.000
Forest plot of the subgroup MA with different tools -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
A Both significantly lower BMD in SCH than HC Lower BMD in Higher BMD in
SCH than HC SCH than HC
Mean age Study name Tools Outcome Statistics for each study Hedges's g and 95% CI
FIGURE 3. (A) Forest plot of the subgroup MA with different tools. (B) Forest plot of the subgroup MA with different mean age.
BMD ¼ bone mineral density; BUA ¼ broadband ultrasound attenuation; DEXA ¼ dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry; HC ¼ healthy
controls; MA ¼ meta-analysis; N/A ¼ not applicable; OSI ¼ osteosono-assessment index; Psy ¼ psychotic disorder; QUS ¼ quantitative
ultrasound; SCH ¼ schizophrenia.
significant association between BMD and mean age and sites of BMD examination. The main findings in our meta-
(slope ¼ 0.036, z value ¼ 2.61, P value ¼ 0.009) and between analysis are there was significantly lower BMD in patients with
BMD and BMI (slope ¼ –0.12, z value ¼ –1.99, P value ¼ schizophrenia than in HCs, the differences between schizo-
0.046). However, there was no significant association between phrenic patients and HCs were both significant in the 2 age-
BMD and female proportion/duration of treatment (data not subgroups or 2 different detection tools, and BMD was signifi-
shown). On the other hand, in order to clarify the possible cantly lower in schizophrenic patients receiving PR than in
confound effect of the antipsychotics dosage, expressing as the those receiving PS.
chlorpromazine equivalence, and the serum prolactin levels on Results in the recent meta-analysis conducted by Stubbs
the BMD, we also tried to investigate it through meta- et al revealed that BMD was significantly lower in patients with
regression. In the meta-regression of chlorpromazine equival- schizophrenia than in HCs and this was associated with male sex
ence and serum prolactin levels, we could not find out any and age.29 The results of our study are generally in agreement
significant association between them and the BMD (P ¼ 0.916 with the above. However, in our study, we further investigated
and 0.456, separately). the effect of age and antipsychotics, especially PR and PS, on
BMD in patients with schizophrenia and HCs. We subdivided
studies according to their mean age; we found that the differ-
DISCUSSION ences between schizophrenic patients and HCs were still sig-
To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis to inves- nificant after subdividing into the 2 age-subgroups. We also
tigate the difference in BMD in schizophrenia patients and HCs found that BMD in the schizophrenic patients receiving PR was
in different age subgroups and the effect of antipsychotics use significantly lower than in those receiving PS.
and other possible moderators of BMD. In addition, not only In this study, meta-analysis revealed that BMD was sig-
focusing on the possible moderating clinical factors, we also nificantly lower in schizophrenic patients than in HCs. Some
investigate the possible confounding effect by the different tools reports have discussed the possible risk factors for or etiology of
Copyright # 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. www.md-journal.com | 7
Tseng et al Medicine Volume 94, Number 47, November 2015
low BMD or osteoporosis in patients with schizophrenia.2,3 levels of vitamin D, and high levels of smoking would con-
There are many possible reasons or causes that may offer an tribute to the low BMD in schizophrenic patients.29 Some
explanation for our results. Medication, especially antipsycho- evidence has shown the benefit of exercise on bone health.45
tics, might be one of the possible causes. In fact, in our meta- However, at the present time, there is still a lack of definite
analysis, BMD in schizophrenic patients receiving PR was evidence to prove the direct or indirect relationship between the
significantly lower than that in patients receiving PS. The z possible causes mentioned above and the low BMD or osteo-
scores of BMD in the patients receiving either PR or PS were porosis in schizophrenic patients. Therefore, in the future, we
generally lower than in age- and sex-specific normal popu- need more studies to prove the possible pathophysiology or
lations; that is, both z-scores were lower than zero. There are mechanism of low BMD in young schizophrenic patients who
some reports suggesting that hyperprolactinemia induced by are drug-naive or who only received short-term psychotropic
prescribed antipsychotics or by any other factor would have an agents.
impact on BMD in such patients;4,36 this hypothesis can be at Our study implicates the clinical importance of the sig-
least partially explained by the result of our meta-analysis of nificantly lower BMD in schizophrenia patients than in HCs. In
comparison of BMD in schizophrenic patients receiving PR and fact, lower BMD or osteoporosis is believed to increase the risk
PS, in which BMD was significantly lower in schizophrenic of fractures.46 In another meta-analysis conducted by Oderda
patients receiving PR than in those receiving PS. However, et al, the risk of hip fractures in an older adult population also
there are some controversial findings regarding the negative increased with association with usage of first- and second-
effect of prolactin on BMD in schizophrenic patients.37,38 generation antipsychotics.27 Therefore, patients with schizo-
Meaney et al found a similar effect, in which long-term usage phrenia actually have a high risk of fracture. At the present time,
of PR was associated with decreased BMD.39 Another possible more and more methods are being introduced to improve BMD
explanation of this phenomenon is oxidative stress. More and or osteoporosis in patients with or without hip fracture, includ-
more evidence suggests that schizophrenia is caused not only by ing denosumab, vitamin D supplements, and other types of
genetics but also by oxidative stress. In the glutathione study, nonpharmacological management.47,48 However, there is still a
researchers found a significant glutathione decrease in the lack of evidence to prove the effectiveness and safety of such
cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenic patients, compared with management in schizophrenic patients.
HCs.40 Others have found that the glutathione deficit might be Our main finding in our study highlights another important
implicated in early-onset first episode psychosis.41 Oxidative point that both the different levels of BMD in these 2 age-
stress has been proved, at least partially, to have an impact on subgroups are significant. Here comes 1 problem that in these 2
osteoporosis in human.42 However, add-on anti-oxidants would age-subgroups the heterogeneity varies. In the older age-sub-
prevent the risk of osteoporosis or bone loss in human sub- group, just as mentioned in the section of Result, the BMD was
jects.43 In addition, the negative symptoms of schizophrenia obtained through variable tools, including DEXA and QUS at
would result in the loosening lifestyle, a poor nutrition status, site of L-spine, calcaneus, and digits. Therefore, the result of
and the abolition of exercising, which are believed to be risk meta-analysis would be complicated by such many confounding
factors for osteoporosis or low BMD. Similarly, evidences have factors. On the other hand, the data sources are more uniform in
proven that schizophrenic patients have generally poor diet and the younger age subgroup, which all were obtained through
numerous metabolic problems, which all result in risk of DEXA at the site of L-spine. Besides, there would be more
osteoporosis.44 Besides, the inadequate calcium intake, reduced economical loss when the hip or spine fracture happened in
8 | www.md-journal.com Copyright # 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
Medicine Volume 94, Number 47, November 2015 MA of BMD in Schizophrenia
younger subjects than in older subjects. So, we focused on the schizophrenic patients have focused on BMD of the L-spine,
result of meta-analysis in younger age-subgroup not only for trochanter, phalanx, radius, or calcaneus;7,9,11–13,16,18,24,38,53,54
economic reason but also for the reason of less confounding only a few have investigated BMD in schizophrenic patients at
factors. In this part of meta-analysis, we found out significant the proximal femur or hip.8,10,26,37 As mentioned above, there is
positive association with mean age, and duration of treatment a consensus that hip and spine DEXA a ‘‘gold standard’’
with BMD but inverse association with female sex proportion. diagnostic tool for osteoporosis.52 Although there has been
This phenomenon would conflict with the previous evidence of no conclusive report discussing the most frequent fracture site
decreasing BMD alone with aging.9,49 Interestingly, this in schizophrenic patients, the most widely studied fracture site
phenomenon could be supported by another 1 report conducted in these patients nowadays is the hip.2,55 Hip fracture is also
in a huge community study in Taiwan. Renn et al had indicated considered to have a high correlation with hyperprolactinemia
the different extent of changes in BMD with age in schizo- and antipsychotics usage in such patients.2,19 In fact, there is
phrenia patients and HCs. A significantly negative trend of evidence that DEXA at the lumbar spine and proximal femur is
mean BMD with age was found in community controls, but not most correlated with spinal and hip fractures.3 We suggest that
in schizophrenic patients. In addition, in the picture depicted by researchers pay more attention to and focus on BMD investi-
Renn, the BUA would increase alone with aging in schizo- gation by DEXA, taken at the site of the proximal femur, which
phrenic patients although not always significantly.9 However, in would be more relevant and close to clinical practice.
the current reports, we still lack definite evidence to explain this
phenomenon. In addition, there is 1 possible confounding factor LIMITATION
that is the duration of antipsychotics treatment. As our part of
There are some limitations that should be mentioned before
result of meta-analysis, the usage of antipsychotics would affect
applying our results to clinical practice. The first is that we
the BMD in schizophrenic patients. In current evidence, we
subdivided the studies according to the overall mean age of
found out significant association between the BMD and the
the studies rather than according to the selection criteria in every
duration of treatment.
study; this might have led to some bias in the meta-analysis result.
Here comes another question that, in current meta-
Besides, our study can only point to the phenomenon that BMD in
analysis, we chose the DEXA as the first choice of BMD
schizophrenic patients is lower than that in healthy controls, and
detection. However, it might be questionable if the different
cannot reveal any possible pathophysiology or mechanism of this
tools applied in detection of BMD would have possible con-
phenomenon. In addition, in the meta-analysis of comparison of
founding factor or not. In previous studies, some authors tried to
BMD in patients with schizophrenia and HCs, we could not rule
investigate the implacability of the DEXA, QUS, and other tools
out the possible effect of medication on BMD, since it seems to
in the prediction of osteoporosis or the risk of fracture. How-
have had an impact on BMD in the schizophrenic group, based on
ever, there was no consensus regarding which one is better than
the results of the meta-analysis of comparison of BMD in
the others. Evidences have reported that the DEXA and QUS
schizophrenic patients receiving PR and PS. Although we tried
have significantly different sensitivities and specificities.50,51
to investigate the possible effect of antipsychotics on BMD, we
Because of a number of advantages of the DEXA, the DEXA of
still could not completely distinguish the effect on BMD of
the spine currently is considered a ‘‘gold standard’’ diagnostic
schizophrenia itself or antipsychotics use. Studies have tried to
tool for BMD examination.52 Therefore, for clinicians, it is
investigate the changes in BMD in schizophrenic patients who are
important to be careful of the possible risk of bias when reading
drug-free or only receiving a short course of antipsychotics.
articles using QUS as the tool for examining BMD. In this study,
However, the findings were controversial: one revealed signifi-
we tried to evaluate the possible bias with different tools. We
cantly lower BMD in psychotic patients13 and another revealed
subdivided those studies into those with DEXA and those with
insignificant changes.16 Besides, in the meta-analysis of com-
QUS. We found that BMD was still significantly lower in
parison of BMD in schizophrenic patients receiving PR and PS,
patients with schizophrenia than in HCs that were examined
we try to compare the difference in BMD in schizophrenic
by DEXA. On the other hand, in the subgroup meta-analysis of
patients receiving different categories of antipsychotics through
studies with QUS, although the pooled ESs revealed signifi-
dividing them as those receiving PR or PS. However, there is 1
cantly lower BMD in schizophrenic patients than in healthy
problem that, actually, all the antipsychotics would result in the
controls, this evidence was limited because of the only 4 studies
hyperprolactinemia, in extent of more or less.56 In addition, the
included this subgroup meta-analysis. Furthermore, when we
dosage of each antipsychotics would alter the prolactin levels,
investigate the results in these 4 studies conducted with QUS,
too. However, in current meta-analysis, there is no significant
we found that there was similarly lower BMD in both female
association between these 2 confounding factors and the BMD in
schizophrenic patients and HCs in the report by Kishimoto,12
schizophrenic patients. This might be, at least partially, resulted
and lower BMD in schizophrenic patients of both sexes than that
from the small sample size. Last but not least, in the section of
in HCs in the study conducted by Sugawara.11 Similar results
meta-analysis in different age subgroups, we could find signifi-
could not be found in the other 2 reports. In the report by Rey-
cant association between duration of treatment and the BMD in
Sa?nchez et al, the changes in BMD in schizophrenic patients
younger age subgroup, but we could not perform similar inves-
were the opposite of that of the report by Kishimoto and
tigation in the older age one because of lack of related data. This
Sugawara18 and in the report by Renn et al, the difference in
might implicate confounding effects on the result of meta-
BMD between schizophrenic patients and HCs would vary
according to age and sex.9 Therefore, we still need to be careful
when interpreting such data, especially those studies that used
the QUS. It is important to be careful of the possible confound- CONCLUSION
ing factors mentioned above when applying our results to Despite the above limitations, our study still has some
clinical practice. important implications for clinical practice. This report reminds
Finally, we would like to indicate a new potential direction us of the importance of possible comorbidity of schizophrenia,
for studies in the future. At present, most studies on BMD in especially osteoporosis, when treating these patients. This is
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