Hastening Death by VSED - Clinical Findings Panel Handouts
Hastening Death by VSED - Clinical Findings Panel Handouts
Hastening Death by VSED - Clinical Findings Panel Handouts
• Palliative sedation
• Isn’t it uncomfortable?
• Neglectful?
• Unloving?
• Difficult?
Difficult Vocabulary
• Planned Death vs Suicide
• Forced vs voluntary
• #1 Patient DM 1998
• No death rattle
• Decreased edema
• Euphoria?
• Decreased Weight
Insight of the Day:
Downside, cf. PAD
• “Failure” vs “Exploration”
Care Issues
• Patient driven
Hastening Death by VSEd ‐ 10‐14‐2016 Clinical Findings ‐ Schwarz ‐ PowerPoint
Hastening Death by VSEd ‐ 10‐14‐2016 Clinical Findings ‐ Schwarz ‐ PowerPoint
This is Elliot
Hastening Death by VSEd ‐ 10‐14‐2016 Clinical Findings ‐ Schwarz ‐ PowerPoint
Hastening Death by VSEd ‐ 10‐14‐2016 Clinical Findings ‐ Schwarz ‐ PowerPoint
Elliot struggled…
Easily stopped eating
Going without fluids very difficult
By day 9 – small dose of ativan was ordered
By end of 2nd wk – haldol was added b/c of
episodes of agitation & hallucinations
Complained of head aches [ice packs helped] &
very dry mouth [was a mouth breather]
Wife requested stronger pain meds…to no avail
During 3rd wk he would wake his wife shouting
“I’m DYING of thirst!”
Struggle ended…
By day 18 Elliot was non‐responsive; he
grimaced & appeared restless & uncomfortable
That night, an LPN was sent by hospice
She recognized that he was in pain…hospice
agreed to morphine
Elliot died the next morning
His wife blames herself for not advocating more
strenuously for earlier use of opiates…..
Hastening Death by VSEd ‐ 10‐14‐2016 Clinical Findings ‐ Schwarz ‐ PowerPoint
A different challenge
Donald is 78 yrs – diagnosed w MCI & early
stage Alzheimer’s disease a year ago
He disagrees with MD’s diagnosis – claims he
has always been ‘forgetful’
His wife contacted EOLCNY for assistance in
helping him complete an advance directive
He had completed ‘5 Wishes’ & wrote “If I ever
have dementia, I want something done to end
my life”
Family unsure what their role should be
Initial meeting
Had many prior conversations with his wife
‐ suggested they look at descriptions of AD
stages to determine when he would want to
forgo oral feeding (Menzel & Chandler‐Cramer 2014)
At 1st meeting Donald was adamant that: he
didn’t have AD, never wanted to be in nursing
home & wanted oral feeding withheld by
wife/family – REGARDLESS
Also stated he had low tolerance for any
physical discomfort
Hastening Death by VSEd ‐ 10‐14‐2016 Clinical Findings ‐ Schwarz ‐ PowerPoint
Tremendous challenges
Short term memory loss & difficulty planning
May be too late to create useful adv dir that
reflects his personal values re ‘future’
dementia & realistic instructions about
withholding oral feedings
He seemed unable to appreciate family’s
(emotional, moral & ? legal) difficulties re
withholding food/fluids from someone who
seems to enjoy & cooperate in feeding
Ongoing case…
Final thoughts
Providing support for non‐terminally ill pts &
families who choose VSED is very time
Families need a great deal of emotional support
throughout the process…and after death
There will be increasing interest in VSED from
future patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
Creative solutions must be found to challenges
faced by such pts/families who wish to control
timing of death