Social Studies Sba 2020 2
Social Studies Sba 2020 2
Social Studies Sba 2020 2
The researcher acknowledges the major participants in this research who have
helped in compiling the data collected . This research would not have been
completed with the contribution of the residents of Norwich district who gave their
time to complete the relevant questionnaire to collect the data. Secondly the
researcher would like to thank the teacher Mrs. Pinnock for giving the researcher a
clearer understanding on how to do this SBA with the help this SBA wouldn't have
completed. The researcher also wishes to thank her friends and family for the
support and motivation they have provided from conception to the end of this
study. Most of all the researcher wishes to thank God for giving her the health and
strength to complete this
Norwich is a small district which is situated about one(1) mile from the
capital Port Antonio in Portland which consists of hundred and fifty
(150) households. I have been a resident of Norwich district for the past
sixteen years. During that time I have observed that most teenagers drink
alcohol beverages while attending school and sometimes affects their
learning in school.
I further observations that teenagers that drink alcohol in school always
become addicted to drinking alcohol. It also increase the rate of
teenagers potential for dropping out of school .
I therefore decided to conduct a survey to investigate the main
causes,effects and disadvantages of substance abuse on teenagers school
life in the community of Norwich.
Statement of the Problem:
What are the main causes, effects and disadvantages of substances abuse
on teenagers’ school life in my community of Norwich?
Research questions:
1. What are the main causes of substances abuse on teenagers’ school life in
the community of Norwich?
2. What arethe effects of substance abuse on teenagers’ school life in the
community of Norwich?
3. What are the disadvantages of substance abuse on teenagers’ school life in
the community of Norwich?
Reason for selecting this area of research
The researcher has chosen this topic “main causes, effects and disadvantages of
substance abuse on teenagers’ school life in the community of Norwich” because
growing up the researcher would see teenagers (mainly boys) smoking and
drinking alcohol at bars or hangouts in the community and rarely attending school.
It seems as if these boys are not under any supervision and are not thinking of the
danger of drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana can have on their learning in
school; they can also get addicted to these substances.
Also, if these teenagers continue to smoke and drink alcohol instead of attending
school, this will lead to several disadvantages such as failing their exams and
becoming a juvenile delinquent. Based on this observations made on the main
causes, effects and disadvantages of the behavior on these teenagers; whether the
ability of either parent has to be present or to provide the child with the guidance
and knowledge he/she needs or if this is a result of peer pressure. The data will be
collected in a questionnaire.
Method of investigation
The researcher has choose to use printed questionnaires in order to collect data for
the survey or investigation. A questionnaire can be defined as a data gathering tool,
which has a number of advantages these include:
It is an easier method of collecting data within a short time;
It puts less pressure on the respondents ;
It is an economical way of accumulating information.
Instrument used to collect data
A survey about the main causes, effects and disadvantages of substance
abuse on teenagers’ school life in the community of Norwich.
Your truly,
Petreene Bailey
Instruction: Place a tick beside the your of your choice.
1. Gender
( ) male ( ) female
6. Do you drink any type of alcohol? if yes indicate the type below
( ) light liquor only
( ) hard liquor only
( ) doesn’t distinguish drink any liquor that’s available
( ) Drink equal amount of both; hard and light
( ) doesn’t drink alcohol
12.Do you agree or disagree that teenagers who starts to use alcohol in
school will focus more on drinking alcohol than education?
( ) Agree ( ) disagree
13. Do you agree or disagree that 50% of the teenagers who uses alcohol
in school will come out in society less successful?
( ) agree ( ) disagree
14. What kind of disadvantage does drinking alcohol has on teenagers’
school life?
( ) declining health (not able to think properly in class)
( ) substance or alcohol addiction that limits formal education and
( ) damages their reputation in their community and for future
15.Do you know of any teenager who has dropped out of school because
of drinking alcohol?
( ) no ( ) yes
Presentation of data
A total of 60 questionnaires were prepared for distribution to the
residents of Norwich , 50 which were returned. Of these respondents 30
(52%) were males and 24 (4o%) were females.
Bar chart showing how long each respondents has been a
resident of norwich
some months - 1 2-4 years 5-9 years 10-14years 15 years and over
Pie chart showing the percentage of respondents that drink
the drink types of alcohols and the percentage of the re-
spondents that doesn't drink alcohol
light liquor 12% hard liquor 32% equal amount of both 18%
don’t distinguish 20% don’t drink alcohol 14%
Figure 2 shows that 14% 0f the respondent drink light liquor, 34%of the
respondents drink hard liquor , 18% of the respondents drink equal amount of both
liquors, 20% of the respondent don’t distinguish and 14%respondent don’t drink
Table 1. Shows how often the respondents uses alcohol. 6 teenager
/respondents(12%) consumes alcohol every day, 12 respondents (24%) drinks
alcohol only at parties, 14 respondents(28%) drink alcohol only around friends, 6
respondents(12%) drink alcohol every 2-3 days ,1 respondent(2%) drinks alcohol
once a month 4 respondents(8%) drink alcohol every week and 7(14%)
respondents don’t drink alcohol none at all.
to forget
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 3. shows the main causes of why teenagers drink alcohol. It can be seen that
9 female and 11 males drink alcohol because of peer pressure ,7 female and 3 male
drinks alcohol to escape emotional and family issues , 4 females and 2 males drink
alcohol because of curiosity, 2 females and 6 males drink alcohol to forget and 1
females and 3 males drink alcohol because they’re mature enough to drink /I want
Coumn chart showing the effects given by the respondents
of why teenagers' drinks alcohol in school.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 4. Shows the effects given by the respondents of drinking while attending
school. It can be seen that drinking alcohol affects teenagers’ in school by lowering
7 females and 6 males grades, having a higher rate of absence from school on 5
females and 6 males, increased the potential for dropping out of school on
5females and 6 males and by behaving violently at school on 7 females and 8
Table showing the disadvantages of substance abuse teenagers' school life given
by the respondents
Given disadvantages Number of respondents percentage
Declining health (not 20 40%
able to think properly in
Substance/alcohol 14 28%
addiction That limits
formal education and
Damage their reputation 16 32%
in their community and
for future employment
Table 2 show disadvantages on teenagers' drinking alcohol in
school.40% of the respondents believe that teenagers that drink alcohol
in school will have a disadvantage of declined health (not able to think
properly in class),where as 28%(14) respondents claims that teenager
that drink alcohol in school will have a disadvantage of
substance/alcohol addiction That limits formal training and 32%
respondents claims that teenager that drink alcohol in school will have a
disadvantage of damaging their reputation in their community and for
future employment.
Table showing the measures that can be taken to help to stop teenagers
from drinking alcohol in school.
Measures given by the # of respondents Percentage
Attend seminar 15 30%
Avoid peer pressure 8 16%
Avoid going to parties 7 14%
and being
See a therapist/seek 20 40%
professional help
Table 3 shows the different measures given by the respondents that can
be taken to help stop teenagers’ from drinking alcohol in school. As
shown above 30%(15) respondents choose that teenagers should attend
seminar,16%(8) respondents choose that teenagers should avoid peer
pressure ,14%(7) respondents choose that teenagers should avoid going
to parties and being irresponsible and 40%(20) respondents choose that
teenagers should see a therapist or seek professional help.
Analysis and Interpretation
In doing my survey in Norwich District, out for the fifty (50) respondents twenty
(20) was female and thirty (30) was male. The information that was gathered stated
that out of the fifty respondents seven individuals do not drink alcohol in school
while forty-three of the respondent drink in school.
Based on the data collected in figure 2 majority of respondents drink hard liquor
which is thirty two percentage 32%, 18% of the respondents drink equal amount of
both liquors which has the second highest amount of respondents followed by light
liquor which has drank by 18% out of the 50 respondents that drink alcohol. 20%
of the respondents do not distinguish on whether it light or hard liquor while 14%
of therespondent do not drink.
In table 1 it show that 6 respondents 12% drink alcohol everyday.
24%Respondents out of the 50 respondents drink alcohol only at parties. This is
also the second highest response given by the respondent.14 respondents (28%)
drink alcohol around friends this is the highest response given by the respondents.
Six respondents (12%) drink alcohol two to three day in each week. This had the
same amount of respondents has the respondents who drink alcohol everyday.
Only one (2%)drink alcohol once a month and this was had the lowest amount of
respondents out of the 50. Four respondent (8%) drink alcohol every week and last
7 respondents 14% do not drink alcohol.
It can be detected the main causes given by the respondents of why teenagers’
drink alcohol in high school because of peer pressure, to escape emotional and
family issues, curiosity, to forget and they’re mature enough to drink\they want to.
The causes that respondents choose the most was peer pressure which has chosen
by 20 respondents. Ten respondents (7 females and 3 males choose the cause to
escape emotional and family issues. Five respondent choose the cause curiosity
where as a persons choose the cause to forget and the least amount of respondents
choose the causes I’m mature enough to drink/ I want to which was chosen by
approximately 4 respondents.
The data collected have shown that the effects given by the respondents of
teenagers using alcohol in school will cause teenagers’ to have lower grades, to
higher the rate of absence from school, increase the potential for dropping out of
school and causes teenagers to behave violently in school. 13 respondents choose it
would make teenagers have low grades. Both higher the rate of absence from
school and increase potentials for dropping out of school was chosen by 11
respondents each and last 15 respondents behave violently in school. These was
chosen by most respondents. It can also be shown from that collected that the
advantages given by the respondents of teenagers drink alcohol in high school
would have a decline in health meaning that teenagers will not be able to think
properly in class which was chosen by 40% of 50 respondents(20 individuals).
This second disadvantage that drinking alcohol have on teenagers school life is
substance/ alcohol addiction that limit formal education and training which was
chosen by 28% of the 50 respondents (14 respondents) and last drink alcohol may
damage their reputation in their community and for the employment which was
chosen by 32% of 50 respondents(16 respondents) which had the second highest
responses from the respondents.
Apparently 30% of the 50 respondents choose that teenager can attend
seminars ,16% of the respondents choose that teenagers’ can try to avoid peer
pressure,15% respondents choose that teenagers can avoid going to parties and
being irresponsible and last 40% of the 50 respondents choose that teenagers
should seek therapy or professional help.
Presentation of Findings
The survey has revealed that:
The majority of the respondents believe that the main cause of substance
abuse of teenagers school life is peer pressure.
The majority of the respondents believe that the main effects of substance
abuse on teenagers school life is behaving violently at school followed by
the teenagers having lower grades.
Parents should ensure that it becomes their number one priority to educate
their child about the effects and disadvantages of drinking alcohol in school.
Community members/parents should also ensure that their child/children do
not attend parties that encourages under aged children to take part in
drinking alcoholic beverages.
Government should implement strict rules/laws and penalties for persons
who promote social events that accommodate under aged children in
drinking alcoholic beverages. Government should ensure that person’s
buying alcohol beverages has a national identifications card showing that the
person buy the alcoholic beverages is over the age of 18 years.
Community members that sells alcoholic beverage should ensure that they
don't sell any under aged children /children that are still attending school any
alcoholic beverages.