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F or over a century, Gem Sprinkler Company has been

the industry leader in fire protection. From the
beginnings in the early 1880's, with Frederick Gem
installing the first thermally sensitive automatic sprinkler in
textile mills, to the current water misting technology of
today, the AquaMist® System, Gem continues to be the
leader in fire protection. No one company has been
involved in the day to day protection of plant and property
as much as the Gem Sprinkler Company. When Frederick
Gem patented his famous sensitive automatic sprinkler,
recognized by underwriters everywhere as "practically
perfect" in 1881, the Gem Sprinkler Company continued to
lead by example. Gem was there to insure a safer
environment with the development of the Silica bulb
sprinkler in 1923. New technology introduced new
chemicals, products and innovations, along with new and
different types of fire hazards. Gem filled the need for fire
protection with new types of specialized systems… known
today as Special Hazards. What makes Gem the leader in
Special Hazards? The key is the support from the
individual components that make up Gem Sprinkler
Company and the wide range of products that are available.

S prinklers have a fantastic record of performance, consis

tency, and dependability. However, in many plants and
buildings there are fire hazards that regular sprinklers
cannot control or extinguish. These are termed
Special Hazards. In general, a special hazard
is an area, process, piece of equipment, or
building that a normal sprinkler system will
not effectively protect. These generally fall
under the following criteria:

Material Processed - a liquid, gas, or solid

that exhibits explosive or flammable charac-
teristics such as LPG, butane, gunpowder,
paint storage, fuel, oil, etc.
HV Nozzles

Equipment - the nature of a piece of equipment that is a

hazard, or exposes nearby vital equipment, personnel, or
structures to a fire risk. Examples are cooling towers, pro-
cess pumps, transformers, mill stands, storage tanks, etc.

Material processed and equipment together

could represent an even higher risk to
personnel and plant.

Special Hazards systems are some-

times found within plants or areas
that are protected by regular sprin-
klers. With the advent of new and
different synthetics, and the larger
buildings that accommodate higher
storage, the risk of a serious fire
scenario looms greater and greater.
This dictates the need for Special
Hazards protection. A company
should never assume that they do not have a high hazard Protectospray Nozzles
that requires additional special hazards protection.

Power Plants
Chemical Plants
Offshore Platforms
Aircraft Hangars
Cooling Towers
Computer Rooms
Switch Rooms
Chemical Plants
Ammunition Plants
Engine Test Cells
LPG Storage
Spray Paint Booths
Battery Rooms
Oil Quenching Pits
Offshore Drilling
Petrochemical Storage
Records Vaults
Electronic/Telephone Rooms
Solvent Tanks and Storage
Shipboard Machinery Rooms
Flammable Liquid Storage
Hydraulic Oil, Lubricating Oil Rooms
Tank Farm/Truck Loading Facility

The F470 Multimatic Deluge Valve can be externally reset without

opening the handhole cover. To reset, simply shut off the water
supply, drain the system, push the reset plunger on the side, and
repressurize the diaphragm chamber. The system water control
valve can then be opened, and the system is again in service. The
valve is available in 4" and 6" and weighs 77 and 111 lbs. respectively
- one of the lightest in the industry. Produced in ductile iron, the
valve is available with preassembled trim or optional unassembled
galvanized trim. There are three types of compact actuation trims:
wet pilot, dry pilot, and electric. Refer to TD116 for further detailed
information on the valve.

The Mulsifyre Nozzles are an open type of

nozzle utilizing an internal scroll to discharge
a uniform cone of relatively high velocity
water droplets. The six sizes offered allow a
selection for use primarily in extinguishment
and control, but also may be used for expo-
sure protection. The nozzle is also offered
with optional dust and blow-off cap assem-
blies. Refer to TD675 for further information.

The F927 On-Off sprinkler is the answer where fire protection is

required, but minimizing water damage is a necessity. Typical
applications include computer rooms, museums, telephone equip-
ment rooms, elevator shafts, etc. The F927 On-Off sprinkler features
a thermally sensitive frangible bulb and a bimetallic disc that allow
the head to open and close in response to the heat from a fire condi-
tion. The sprinkler is available in two different temperature ranges
and two different finishes, brass and chrome, and is available with
chrome or white trim rings for finished ceiling applications. The
sprinkler does not have to be primed, and is used with wet or
preaction systems. Refer to TD560 for further information.

The Cooling Tower Nozzles have been

specifically designed for use in
crossflow cooling towers having
combustible fills. The design of the
nozzles allows a throw range of up to 18’,
and they are offered in brass and stainless
steel. Available in two types, the nozzle
h a s a distinct spray pattern to cover the tight
space under the distribution basin. Refer to
TD730 for further information.

The EA-1 Nozzles are automatic

directional spray nozzles for fixed
water spray and preaction applica-
tions. The varied external deflector
The 21⁄2" F445 Automatic Resetting angles allow for eight different
Deluge Valve is a differential valve medium velocity cones of water spray,
available with three types of compact and they are offered in three different
actuation trim: wet pilot, dry pilot orifices with a variety of finishes. The
and electric. The valve is available to frangible bulb is available in six
be trimmed to “flow right” or “flow different temperature ratings. The
left” in the field without any need for EA-1 allows a more effective use of
special trim, and has standard thread water spray for control and extin-
x thread or optional groove x groove guishment in area coverage in lieu of
connections. To ease the installation standard sprinklers. Refer to TD610A
of the trim, it is furnished partially for further
preassembled, and is also available in
optional unassembled galvanized.
No removal of the cover plate is
required to reset the valve. Refer to
TD114 for further details.

The D-3 Protectospray Nozzles are open

nozzles designed for use in water spray
applications and are available in 11 orifices, 8
spray angles, and six different finishes. The
popular D-3 Nozzles discharge a uniform cone
of medium velocity water droplets. They are
primarily used for cooling applications but
under certain conditions they may be used for
fire control and extinguishment. Refer to
TD620A and TD620B for further information.

This family of open nozzles has been specifically designed to

spray a water pattern over a window or cornice area in applica-
tions where exposure protection from a nearby hazard is
required. A typical application would be to discharge a water
spray on airport terminal gate windows where a fire condition
from spilled JP-4 aviation fuel could ignite to harm passengers.
The F800 Dryer Nozzle is also used to protect the tops of
transformers and may also be used in areas such as between
rollers of multitiered dryers. The nozzles are offered in a
variety of orifices and patterns to suit conditions. Refer to
TD740, TD741 and TD750 for further information.

This family of foam-water discharge devices is used in conjunction with

fixed piping foam systems. The B-1 Foam-water Sprinkler is available in
brass upright or pendent and is an open air aspirating type foam-water
sprinkler used primarily with protein or
fluoroprotein foams. The F950 and Model A are
closed sprinkler heads that have received UL
Listing for use with wide a range of AFFF
(Aqueous Film Forming Foams) as open or closed
sprinklers. The F832 Mulsifyre Nozzle also has
received UL Listing for use with AFFF in certain
specific hazards and applications. Refer to
TD517, TD675, TD516M, and TD760 respectively, and the current UL Fire
Protection Equipment Directory for further information.

These unique discharge devices are made from When salt water corro-
titanium for use in saltwater applications such as sion resistance and
an offshore oil rig and other marine applications. weight are the key
Where strength, lightweight, and corrosion requirements to your
resistant qualities are a prime consideration, Ti- application for fire
MAX is the solution. Medium and high velocity protection, think Ti-
type nozzles in various orifices are offered, along MAX! The deluge
with standard spray sprinklers in upright and valves, alarm valve,
pendent configurations to allow for a variety of thermal valve, and
applications. Additional information is available shutoff valve are all
by contacting produced from titanium which is 45% lighter
your local than steel. These valves come in a variety of
Gem Sprinkler sizes and are your first defense for fire fighting in
Company. a brutal sea environment and where weight is
critical. These titanium valves are the first in the
world. Contact Gem Sprinkler for further

The HV (High Velocity) Nozzles are open type nozzles

used for the protection of areas requiring a high velocity of
water. They are capable of extinguishing oil
fires by emulsification, cooling, and smother-
ing. An internal swirl plate provides a
conical spray pattern that is filled with water
droplets. The nozzles are available in brass
or stainless steel and come with an indi-
vidual strainer. Refer to TD680 for further

The Model F470 External Resettable Deluge Valve serves as a basis for
building the single interlock preaction system. By adding either a F520
Flanged or F5201 Grooved Check Valve and air trimmings, a complete
preaction riser assembly is provided. This type of system has applica-
tions in computer rooms, museums, electrical data rooms, and other
areas where water in the piping during normal operation is not desired.
The valve is available with partially preassembled wet pilot, dry pilot, or
electrical actuation, or with optional unassembled galvanized trim. No
priming water is required for use in the check valve. Refer to TD1125 for
additional information on this system.

With the F445 Deluge Valve as the foundation, this auto-

matic resetting valve is trimmed with the Model F52 Check
Valve and accessories, thereby providing a complete single
interlock preaction riser assembly. No priming water is
required for use in the check valve. The partially pre-
assembled trim can be set to “flow left” or “flow right” to
suit field conditions with standard trim. The air supervisory
system operates at 10 psi and optional riser mounted air
supply compressor is available. Refer to TD1120 for further

The Model F445 Deluge Valve is the basis for creating this new cost-
efficient riser. When combined with the F52 Grooved Check Valve and
air trimmings, a complete fire protection riser is created in a smaller
size. The valve requires both the electric detection system to operate
and a sprinkler head to operate in order for the valve to open. Both
must operate, regardless of sequence, to allow the flow of water to the
sprinkler system. Similar to the F470 Double Interlock Electric/Electric
System, this system is ideal for use in small refrigerated areas, computer
rooms, telecommunications areas and other sensitive hazards that
require a sprinkler system, but demand actual water discharge as a last
resort. Refer to Technical Data Sheet TD1148 for further information.

The Model F470 Deluge Valve is the foundation for this new cost-
efficient riser. When combined with the F520 Flanged or F5201
Grooved Check Valve and air trimmings, a complete fire protection
riser is created. The valve requires both the electric detection system
to operate and a sprinkler head to operate in order for the valve to
open. Both must operate, regardless of sequence, to allow the flow of
water to the sprinkler system. This type of system is ideal for use in
refrigerated areas, computer rooms, telecommunication areas and
other sensitive hazards that require a sprinkler system, but demand
actual water discharge as a last resort. Refer to Technical Data Sheet
TD1153 for further information on approvals, design and installation

Similar to the Electric/Electric Double Interlock System shown above,

the Double Interlock Preaction system offers all of the features of
having a detection system and a dry sprinkler system. If the detection
only operates or the sprinklers alone operate, a trouble/fire signal is
given. But both must operate, regardless of sequence, in order for the
valve to open. Only then is water allowed to the piping and sprinklers,
This type of system is ideal for a refrigerated or freezer hazard. Contact
your local Gem Sprinkler Sales office for additional information. Refer
to TD1146 and TD1151 for further information.

The aesthetically pleasing RED-E Cabinet

provides all of the mechanical controls,
valves, and detection and actuation
controls in one unit for ease in installation.

The RED-E Cabinet is a custom made unit that

has the detection panel, air supply, and riser all
mounted in a continuous welded, 14 gauge steel
cabinet. Riser choices are deluge, single inter-
lock preaction, and double interlock preaction.
Customers can choose the F445 or F470 deluge
valves to accommodate the type of specific
system that will serve their needs. Special
systems and controls are available. Contact
your local Gem Sprinkler office for additional

The AquaMist® Systems operate differently from normal

The AquaMist® Systems utilize the sprinkler or gaseous systems as follows:
newest and most unique 1.) By using smaller droplet sizes, a larger droplet surface
approved nozzles developed for area to volume is created. This larger surface area
fire protection. They offer an allows heat extraction (evaporation).
2.) When the mist comes in contact with the flame, vapor
alternative to a customer in lieu of
is created that displaces, removes, and excludes oxy-
a Halon, Gas, CO2 system, foam gen from the fire tetrahedral equation.
system, or a heavy density sprinkler 3.) Flammable vapors are diluted by the entrainment of
system. By utilizing a higher water vapor, to the extent that the flammable vapor
will not burn.
pressure than a normal sprinkler
4.) Larger droplets are designed to penetrate the fire
system, but a 50-80% lower water
plume and cool the combustibles similar to a standard
flow, the AquaMist® Systems use sprinkler system.
less water more effectively, reduce 5.) The suspended mist will cool and “pre-wet” other
costs in pipe sizing and labor, and combustibles in the area and cool any fuels and gases.
make a minimal impact on The AquaMist® Systems are used in total compartmental-
cleanup and water damage. ized areas and are pre-engineered systems that have
specific guidelines as to the availability of installation,
design, and components. With the advent of the publica-
tion of NFPA 750, the introduction and awareness of mist
technology has never been higher. On these pages are
highlighted some of the newest products available in the
AquaMist® product line from Gem Sprinkler
Company…the innovative leader in fire protection.

The AM4 AquaMist® Open Nozzles are suitable for use for
protection of machinery space and flammable liquid
processing hazard compartments containing Class A
combustibles and Class B flammables, or combustible
liquids no more severe than n-heptane such as:
• gasoline or diesel driven engine areas;
• dipping, coating or cleaning processes using flam-
mable or combustible liquids;
• hydraulic pumping equipment, engine driven compres-
sors or chemical processes;
• flammable or combustible liquid operations described in NFPA 30.
Additionally, the AM4 has received both UL Listing and FM-Approval for
the protection of gas turbine enclosures not exceeding 45,203 ft3 (1,280 m3).
Refer to TD1173 for information on design and installation requirements.

The AM24 AquaMist® Closed Pendent Nozzles are

intended for use in Light, Ordinary Hazard, Group
I and II hazards as defined by NFPA 13. This
unique UL Listed nozzle is used in engineered wet
pipe and single interlock preaction systems, and has
applications in electrical rooms, computer
rooms, telecommunications rooms, valuable storage
areas, libraries, and other light and ordinary hazards where
water damage is a concern. When used with the Gem
READY-RISER in a wet pipe system, it offers the buyer
an efficient use of water and eliminates the concern for water
damage and environmental cleanup. The AM24 is available in
brass, chrome or white, and in a variety of temperature ranges. By
using less water more efficiently, it is an alternative to other types of
gas or high density sprinkler systems. Refer to Technical Data Sheet TD1172
for information on design and installation requirements.

The new Gem Model F446 Deluge Valve 250 psi (17.2 bar) is the founda-
tion for the discerning buyer requiring a deluge or single interlock
preaction system using the AquaMist® Nozzles. The F446 is both UL
listed and FM approved with the specialized trim. As a deluge system,
the F446 Deluge Valve is electronically operated and can utilize the
AM10 or AM4 Nozzles. When a preaction system is required, the F446
Deluge Valve, the F52 Grooved End Check Valve 250 psi (17.2 bar), and
the Series 7700HFP high pressure butterfly valve combine to supply a
complete high pressure fire protection riser for the AquaMist® System.
Ask for Technical Data Sheets TD1112 (F446 Deluge Valve), TD356 (Series
7700HFP valves), and TD318 (Model F52 Grooved End Check Valve) for
further information.

The Gem AquaMist® Model F517 READY-RISER system is a wet pipe

sprinkler product approved for use at higher pressures using the
AquaMist® closed nozzles. The READY-RISER valve body and trim is
rated for 250 psi (17.2 bar), in 2"–8" (50–200 mm) sizes. Gem Sprinkler
Company also offers a Series 7700HFP high pressure butterfly valve, high
pressure Couplings, and the Model VSG Waterflow Detector, a special-
ized water flow switch that is able to withstand the AquaMist® pressures.
Ask for Technical Data Sheet TD104B (READY-RISER valves), TD356
(Series 7700HFP valves), and TD200C (Model VSG, Low Flow Switch) for
further information.

GEM Sprinkler Company offers the broadest line of fire

protection system equipment with worldwide availability.

Breadth of Line
GEM Sprinkler offers more than 250 fire protection products and over 1,200
items used in the fabrication of fire protection systems, including sprinklers,
nozzles, valves, devices, pipe, fittings, hangers and accessories.
Laboratories Inc.
Customer Service
GEM Sprinkler serves a diverse group of specifiers, including architects,
engineers, contractors, and associated industries, with a nationwide
network of distribution and manufacturing facilities.

By paying close attention to the needs of the fire protection industry, GEM Underwriters
Sprinkler introduced the first early suppression fast response (ESFR), Laboratories Inc.
for use in Canada
residential, and quick response sprinklers, as well as the first water mist
nozzles listed for installation per NFPA 750. GEM is committed to con-
tinuing our role as a leader in the development, manufacture, and market-
ing of quality fire protection products.

Listings and Approvals

GEM Sprinkler products are listed and approved by various fire protec- Underwriters
tion product approval laboratories and organizations. General listing and Laboratories’
approval information for the following organizations is provided with of Canada
each of the product descriptions given herein. Refer to the applicable
Technical Data Sheet for specific listing and approval information.

Research and Development

As the need for new innovative product evolves, so does the need to Scientific Services Laboratory
develop and bring to market new products to cope with the ever changing
fire hazards in the world marketplace. Gem
Sprinkler Company's world leadership is backed
by the most comprehensive research and design
development staff in the industry. In the
Cranston, RI facility, engineering activities bustle
with the latest innovations and technology Verband der
changes in the fire protection industry. The Schadenversicherer
Cranston personnel also provide application
engineering and customer support for the new
product line. Gem customers can contact R&D
directly for technical assistance in unusual
applications which are outside our literature or
existing situations. FM

Factory Mutual

Customized Submittal Sheets • Product Technical Data Sheets • CAD Drawing Details • Sprinkler Head Selection Guide

GEM’s electronic Fire

Protection Products CD tops the
charts! Featuring more than
1,200 fire protection products,
it’s one CD you’ll never grow
tired of playing.

For more information, or to order your free copy of

GEM’s electronic Fire Protection Products CD,
contact GEM Sprinkler at 888-610-6101.

Be sure to visit our web site at: www.gemsprinkler.com

323 East 151st Street
Harvey, IL 60426
Phone: 877-436-8926
Fax: 877-866-9250

65-847-0880, Fax 65-847-3919
Petaling Jaya: 60-3-572-2773, Fax 60-3-572-2755
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Hoxton Park: 02-607-6133, Fax 02-608-4224
Rocklea: 07-274-2575, Fax 07-274-2858
Athol Park: 08-268-4722, Fax 08-347-1892
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2610 N.W. 89th Court
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305-448-0059, Fax 305-448-1632
Buenos Aires: 54-11-4246-4233, Fax 54-11-4246-4487
Buenos Aires: 54-11-4308-6444, Fax 54-11-4308-6445
Mendoza: 54-26-1498-0642, Fax 54-26-1498-1765
Rio De Janeiro: 55-21-240-9695, Fax 55-21-240-6770
Sorocaba-São Paulo: 55-15-228-3555, 55-15-228-3391
São Paulo: 55-11-362-4011, 55-11-261-3823
Santiago: 56-2-538-1800, Fax 56-2-538-0050
Guadalajara, Jalisco: 52-3-668-4000, Fax 52-3-668-4012
Mexico City: 52-5-207-5766, Fax 52-5-207-7566
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Maracaibo: 58-61-91-0526, Fax 58-61-93-1894
Lima: 511-332-9564, Fax: 511-332-9568

AUCKLAND 09-827-2290, Fax 09-827-2288

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