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Instruction Book


Cutler-Hammer Canada
FD100 Diesel Fire Pump Controller

Installation and Maintenance Manual

Table of Contents

Installation and Mounting of Controller ............................... 1

Electrical Connections ................................................ 1
System Pressure Connection ........................................... 2
Main Display Panel ................................................... 2
Annunciators..................................................... 2
Main Switch ..................................................... 2
LCD Display...................................................... 2
Function (F1,F2,F3) and MENU Keys................................ 2
Silence and Reset Button ........................................ 3
Lamp Test Button................................................. 3
Time/Print Button................................................ 3
Operation of Controller ............................................... 3
OFF MODE......................................................... 3
MANUAL MODE...................................................... 3
AUTO MODE........................................................ 3
Programming the Main Controller ...................................... 4
Alarm Signals ........................................................ 5
BATTERY FAILURE.................................................. 5
CHARGER FAILURE.................................................. 5
ENGINE RUN....................................................... 5
ENGINE OVERSPEED................................................. 5
FAIL TO START.................................................... 5
RELIEF VALVE DISCHARGE........................................... 5
HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE.......................................... 5
LOW / HIGH FUEL.................................................. 5
LOW OIL PRESSURE................................................. 5
LOW / HIGH RESERVOIR............................................. 5
LOW ROOM TEMPERATURE............................................. 6
Print Mode ............................................................ 6
AUTO PRINT....................................................... 6
MANUAL PRINT .................................................... 6
Battery Chargers ...................................................... 7
Operating Temperature ................................................. 7
Initial Start Up ...................................................... 8
Field Failure Alarm Simulation ....................................... 10
Printer - Recorder Instructions ...................................... 12
Faceplate Details .................................................... 14
Menu Flowchart, Drawing #3A13358H01 .................................. 15
Appendix A: Annunciator Alarms ....................................... 16
Appendix B: Printer >Event= Messages ................................. 17
Dimensions and Shipping Weight ....................................... 18
Field Connections, Lower Terminal Block .............................. 19
Field Connections, Terminal Blocks for Auxiliary Contacts ............ 20
Installation & Maintenance
Manual for Diesel Engine
Fire Pump Controller

In order to familiarize yourself with the FD100 Diesel Controller,

please read this instruction manual thoroughly and carefully. Retain
the manual for future reference.

1. Installation and Mounting ! Refer to the appropriate field

of Controller connection drawing included in this
manual, and/or affixed to the
Carefully unpack the diesel controller enclosure door, for all wiring
and inspect thoroughly. information pertaining to the incoming
AC power supply, batteries and engine
The controller should be located as wiring.
close as is practical to the engine it
controls and shall be within sight of ! Install necessary conduit using
the diesel engine and batteries, proper methods and tools.
preferably ten feet or less.
! Terminals 1 through 12, located on
The FD100 controller is designed for the lower terminal block, are for
either wall or floor mounting. Note interconnection to the respective
that the controller is not free- terminals on the diesel engine
standing and must be mounted with feet terminal block.
or bolted securely to a wall. Refer
to the dimension drawing, page 18, in ! Incoming AC line voltage is clearly
this manual for dimensional data. marked L,N and GD (ground) located on
the lower terminal block.
The enclosure should be mounted with
fastening devices capable of ! Terminals 16 through 31, located on
supporting 250lbs/114kg. the lower terminal block, are for
interconnection of all remote alarm

2. Electrical Connections ! Terminals 39 through 134, located on

the Relay Board, are for connection of
all output relay functions. These
All electrical connections should meet terminals are of the pull-apart
national and local electrical codes variety for ease of wiring.
and standards.
! Input terminals on controller card
The controller should be located or so are rated for 30 VDC.
protected that it will not be damaged
by water escaping from pumps or pump
connections. Current carrying parts
of controllers shall be a minimum of NOTE: All field connections and AC
12 inches (305 mm) above the floor wiring must be brought into the
level. enclosure through the lower
right or bottom right side ONLY
! Prior to starting verify all data on (refer to label affixed inside
the nameplate such as, catalog number, enclosure),
polarity of grounding, AC line and
battery voltage and system pressure. OTHERWISE WARRANTY IS VOID.
! Inspect all electrical connections,
components and wiring for any visible
damage and correct as necessary.
Ensure that all electrical connections
are tightened before energization.

Wire Sizes 4. Main Display Panel
! For control wiring, use #14 AWG The main display panel located inside
wire for all electrical connections the enclosure, behind the breakable
except battery connections. glass panel, serves many operator
interface functions (refer to Figure
! For battery connection, terminals #1 for the main display panel
6,7,8 and 11, use the following: layout):

#10 AWG: 0' to 25' (7.62 m) ! annunciators

# 8 AWG: 25' to 50' (15.2 m) ! main switches
! ammeter and voltmeter for each
! pressure indicator
3. System Pressure Connection ! programming functions

The FD100 can be supplied with either
a Pressure Transducer or, as an The alarm and status indicators are
option, a Mercoid Pressure Switch. located in the top portion of the
The controller is provided with a main display panel and will
1/4" NPT female system pressure illuminate only if the situation
connection located on the bottom, transpires.
external side of the enclosure. The
connection should be installed as per The indicators are color coded to
NFPA, pamphlet No. 20. signify the urgency of the alarm:
The "TEST" drain connection, located GREEN: normal running condition
to the left of the system pressure RED: critical alarm
connection, should be piped to a YELLOW: supervisory alarm
drain or to waste.
Main Switch
NOTE: Water lines to the drain valve
and pressure switch must be Four membrane switches labeled AUTO,
free from dirt and MANUAL, TEST and OFF, each equipped
contamination. with an LED indicator, are clearly
marked for easy operation of the
The main controller panel interfaces controller.
with either of the pressure sensitive
devices, a pressure transducer or LCD Display
Mercoid switch.
The LCD display located on the bottom
The controller must be programmed for of the main display panel indicates
the appropriate device. both the voltage and current reading
of each battery as well as the system
Using the standard pressure pressure, in PSI.
transducer, the actual pressure is The LCD display is also used while
displayed on the top right hand programming the diesel controller.
corner of the LCD display. Precise
start and stop pressure set points Function (F1,F2,F3) and MENU Keys
can be programmed into the controller
via the membrane switches. Pressure There are four membrane switches, F1,
readings are also displayed on the F2, F3 and MENU dedicated to
printer during alarm situations or programming the controller. Refer to
pressure deviations. section 6 for programming of the
With the Mercoid pressure switch
option, the LCD will display "OK" if Silence and Reset Button
the pressure is satisfied, and "LOW",
if the contacts on the pressure Used to silence and/or reset
switch changes state. The printer prescribed alarms as per NFPA
will indicate "Low Pressure" on the Pamphlet No. 20.
paper display when the pressure is
not satisfied.

Lamp Test Button MANUAL MODE: This position allows
the starting of the engines using the
When depressed, the LED's will manual crank buttons, Crank #1 and
illuminate sequentially, row by row. Crank #2, located below the main
This function can be utilized at any display panel. For added cranking
time during the operation of the capacity, both Crank buttons can be
diesel controller. depressed simultaneously.
Time/Print Button The engine can be stopped by either
the 'Remote Stop' pushbutton, 'Local
This button toggles between two Stop' pushbutton or by placing the
functions. When initially depressed controller in the OFF mode. The
the LCD display will indicate: engine will automatically stop in the
case of an OVERSPEED condition.
TOP: Actual date and time
All alarms, except for "FAIL TO
BOTTOM: Weekly Test Timer, date START", are active in the MANUAL
and time. mode.
BOTTOM: Quantity of messages CAUTION: Only depress Crank #1 or
RIGHT stored in memory. Crank #2 pushbuttons with controller
in the 'MANUAL' mode.
When depressed again the controller
will prompt the user to hold the Do not depress the crank pushbuttons
button for 3 seconds (at which time in any other mode or while engine is
an audible tone is heard) after which running. Doing so can result in
the stored event and alarm messages serious damage to the engine.
will be transmitted to the printer.
This is only applicable when the Three (3) sets of alarm contacts are
'Print Routine' is set for Manual provided to indicate that the
Print, otherwise the data is sent controller is in the "MANUAL" mode.
directly to the printer without user The contacts are rated for 10 A @
intervention. Refer to Section 8. 220 VAC / 32 VDC.
The "Time/Print" key is not AUTO MODE: Placing the controller in
functional when the controller is in the AUTO mode illuminates the "SWITCH
the OFF mode. IN AUTO" annunciator. The controller
is now ready to start the engine in
an emergency situation.
5. Operation of Controller A drop in pressure, 'Remote Start'
signal, a signal from the 'Deluge
Valve' or Weekly Test Timer will
Before accessing any mode, you must initiate the "attempt to start"
return to the OFF mode. cycle. This cycle consists of 6
crank periods of 15 seconds duration
OFF MODE: In the OFF position the separated by 5 rest periods of 15
controller prevents the engine from seconds duration. Battery 1 and
starting and resets the following Battery 2 are alternated for each
alarms: crank cycle. In the event that one
battery is inoperative or missing the
OVERSPEED, CHARGER FAILURE, BATTERY controller will lock-in on the
FAILURE, FAIL TO START, LOW OIL remaining battery during the cranking
PRESSURE, HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE. sequence. Once the engine is running,
the controller will stop all further
The OFF position will silence all cranking.

Three (3) sets of alarm contacts are The Stop Mode is programmable for
provided to indicate that the either 'Manual Stop' or 'Auto Stop'
controller is in the "OFF" mode. The (refer to pg.15 and Section 6). Note
contacts are rated for 10 A @ 220 VAC that the engine can be stopped at any
/ 32 VDC. time by placing the controller in the
OFF position or automatically in case
of an OVERSPEED condition.

Manual Stop Mode: the engine will 6. Programming of the Main
continue to run until the 'Local Controller
Stop' or 'Remote Stop' pushbutton is
depressed, providing all starting >> The controller is programmable <<
causes have been eliminated. in the 'OFF' mode only
Auto Stop Mode: the engine will The LCD display will prompt the
continue to run until the running programmer with data and allow the
period timer (RPT) has timed out operator to modify the program using
(factory set at 30 minutes) and all a combination of the MENU key and
starting causes have been eliminated. three function keys; F1, F2 and F3.
The displayed parameter value
Each diesel controller is equipped indicates the present setting of the
with a Weekly Test Timer, 24 hour controller. Located above the F1, F2
clock, to automatically exercise the & F3 keys are designated symbols
engine once a week. The controller and/or words describing their
initiates the starting sequence by function. The function keys are used
opening the drain valve resulting in to increase, decrease or accept
a simulated system pressure loss. preset values.
The drain valve is automatically
closed once the controller receives While programming, a Function key or
an "ENGINE RUN" signal. The engine the MENU key must be depressed within
will continue to run for a minimum of a 15 second time period, otherwise
30 minutes or for the duration of the the controller will return to the
RPT setting, whichever is greater. initial prompt.
"Weekly Test Started" will be
indicated on the hard copy printout. TO PROGRAM THE CONTROLLER:
In the event that the engine is Place the controller in the 'OFF'
inoperative at the time the Weekly mode and depress the MENU key,
Test is to be initiated, the Weekly followed by the F3 key. Drawing
Test will commence immediately after #3A13358H01 (pg.15) illustrates the
the engine is put in service. This sequence in which the operator is
ensures that the engine is exercised prompted for each parameter. To move
at least once a week for the time to the next parameter, press the MENU
specified as per NFPA Pamphlet No. key. Note that moving from one
20. parameter to the next does not affect
the value of the parameter currently
In order to protect the engine, displayed.
during the Weekly Test sequence, an
OVERSPEED condition, LOW OIL PRESSURE F1 and F2 are used to change the
or HIGH ENGINE TEMP alarm will value while F3 is used to enter the
automatically shutdown the engine. value into memory or accept the
present value and proceed to the next
TEST MODE: Placing the controller in parameter.
the TEST position initiates a
starting sequence by opening the For example, if the parameter
drain valve resulting in a pressure displayed is "CHANGE DATE", press the
loss. The controller will start the MENU key three (3) times to access
engine in the automatic mode. the "RUN PERIOD TIMER" parameter and
press F3 to change the time. F1
The TEST sequence can be terminated increases the count, F2 decreases the
by putting the controller in the OFF count and F3 enters the selected
mode, otherwise the STOP mode value into memory and proceeds to the
prevails as programmed. next parameter.
All alarms are active in the test
mode. In order to protect the
engine, in the test mode, an PROGRAMMABLE RANGES
or HIGH ENGINE TEMP alarm will Run Period Timer: 1-60 mins
automatically shutdown the engine. Pressure: 1-500 PSI
Pressure Deviation: 1-100 PSI
Sequential Start: 0-300 sec
AC Failure Delay: 0-300 sec

7. Alarm Signals immediately.
(Annunciator Panel) RELIEF VALVE DISCHARGE *
Each FD100 Diesel Controller is Indicates that the relief valve has
equipped with all the alarms as shown been manually opened. This will cause
on page 14. Unused alarms can be a start of the engine once the
activated at any time. Refer to the pressure drops below the set value.
schematic supplied with the FD100 for
alarm connections. HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE
Refer to Appendix A: "Annunciator Indicates that the coolant
Alarms" (pg. 16) affixed inside the temperature in the water jackets is
enclosure, which describes each extremely hot. The over temperature
alarm, method of resetting, switch on the engine signals the
associated terminal reference number, controller. The engine continues to
common trouble alarm and print out. run in the AUTO and MANUAL modes. In
Section 8 describes the "Print the "TEST" mode and during the weekly
Mode". test cycle the engine will shutdown.

There are two annunciators on the
alarm panel for, "Battery #1 Failure" Indicates that the engine fuel supply
and "Battery #2 Failure". The alarm is low / high. The engine continues
is activated during the cranking to run.
cycle when the controller detects a
weak or discharged battery, i.e. 67% LOW OIL PRESSURE
of rated voltage, or less, or
whenever a battery cable is The controller has an inherent delay
disconnected. to bypass the low oil pressure alarm
during engine start up. After the
CHARGER FAILURE delay, should the engine receive a
'Low Oil Pressure' signal, the
There are two annunciators on the controller will initiate an alarm.
alarm panel for, "Charger #1 Failure" The engine will continue to run in
and "Charger #2 Failure". The alarm the 'AUTO' and 'MANUAL' mode. In the
is activated when the supply power to 'TEST' mode and during the weekly
the charger is lost or when the test cycle this alarm will
charger malfunctions (alarm contacts automatically shutdown the engine.
are fed into the controller from the This situation will result in serious
charging unit). The engine continues engine damage if kept running.
to run. To avoid nuisance power
failures, a 20 second delay is built LOW / HIGH RESERVOIR
in to the Charger Failure alarm
actuation circuit. Indicates that the water reservoir
level is low / high. (Signal supplied
ENGINE RUN by others)

This annunciator illuminates when the

controller receives a running signal LOW ROOM TEMPERATURE
from the diesel engine.
Should a "Low Room Temperature" alarm
ENGINE OVERSPEED occur the engine will continue to
An "Engine Overspeed" alarm will
shutdown the engine regardless of the * Software versions prior to V2.91
start condition - in all modes. The have a Fuel Spill alarm in lieu of
signal is sent from the engine to the the Relief Valve Discharge alarm.
** Software versions prior to V2.91
FAIL TO START have an audible alarm for Low / High
Fuel which followed the input signal
After 6 cranking attempts, three from the fuel tank.
attempts per battery, the "Fail To
Start" annunciator will illuminate.
Attention to the diesel and its
associated equipment is required

8. Print Mode
"STATUS" Printout
The FD100 is equipped with a dot
matrix thermal printer for trouble
shooting and alarming purposes.
Each printout is stamped with the
time and date as well as the mode
the controller was in at the time
of the alarm/event. Refer to
Appendix A (pg.16) and Appendix B
(pg.17) for detailed descriptions
of each alarm and event message.
The printer manual forms part of
this document.
While in the MENU mode, the 'PRINT
ROUTINE' can be set up for either
'Auto' or 'Manual'.
AUTO PRINT - Messages will print
directly to the printer as the
event or alarm occurs.

MANUAL PRINT - The event and alarm Alarm & Message Printout
messages are stored in memory until
the 'Time/Print' key is depressed,
at which time all stored data is
printed. The controller will store
up to 1024 messages on a First In-
First Out basis. To print the
stored data hold the 'Time/ Print'
key for 3 seconds or more. Refer
to page 3 for the 'Time/Print'
button description. DO NOT REMOVE

PRINT STATUS: When programmed as

YES, the printer will print the
"STATUS" of the controller upon
exiting the program mode and only
after selecting AUTO, MANUAL or
TEST mode on the main switch.


determine how often to print system
pressure fluctuations, in PSI, as
programmed by the user.
For example, if 10 PSI is
programmed, each time the system
pressure varies by 10 PSI or
greater, the actual pressure, date
and time will be printed on the
printout display (if a Mercoid
Pressure Switch is supplied this
parameter has no effect).
Refer to Section 12 for further
Printer-Recorder Instructions.

The programming of the print mode

is detailed in Section 6.

9. Battery Chargers
Two other LED's are provided to
Battery chargers are independent indicate which mode the charger is
chargers producing a maximum of 10 operating in, FLOAT or EQUALIZE.
amps each at full rate. The
battery chargers are fully Note that the two chargers are
electronic and will limit the rotated 1800 from each other. A
output current to 10 amps even label affixed to each charger
during a continued short circuit. clearly indicates the position of
the 3-position switch and the
The green LED on the charger indication of the five LED's.
indicates the presence of AC power.
Extra care must be taken while
Once the battery comes up to full working near the chargers. The
charge the charger will chargers contain live parts and
automatically go into a float rate caution must be exercised with AC
mode and will provide the exact power applied to the units.
trickle current required to
maintain the batteries fully
charged. NOTE: All of the charger
potentiometers are factory
The chargers are equipped with two set and are based on the
sets of dry, Form C contacts. One required current charging
to detect low battery voltage, J2, rates, and battery voltages.
(not wired) indicated with a red DO NOT adjust these
LED marked as LOW VOLTS, and the potentiometers. Doing so
other to detect the loss of AC will void warranty.
power, J3, wired to the controller.

The required charge mode can be

selected using the 3-position 10. Operating Temperature
toggle switch located near the
center of the instrument panel of
the charger. The operating temperature range of
The three available modes are: the FD100 is: -200C to 700C.

! Continuous "FLOAT" Temperatures lower or higher than

! Continuous "EQUALIZE" those specified may cause damage to
(not recommended for more the diesel engine controller.
than 12 hours)
! "AUTOMATIC" (factory setting)


In this mode "EQUALIZE" is
automatically initiated by a low
battery voltage and automatically
terminated by a high battery
voltage. This assures that the
battery will receive an "EQUALIZE"
charge only when needed and only
for the required period of time.

The chargers have reverse polarity

protection which prevents the
charger from starting on a battery
which has been connected in reverse
polarity or having a voltage below
a certain minimum, as indicated by
the red LED.

11. Initial Start Up

1. Ensure that circuit breakers CB1 and CB2 are in the OFF (0) position.
2. Ensure that AC power is supplied to terminals L and N, and GD is grounded.
3. Connect engine batteries to the controller, terminals 6,8 and 11. If
batteries are connected in wrong polarity the battery voltage will read
Note that terminals 6A and 8A are for factory use only and NOT for
external connections.
4. The Chargers MUST be in placed in the AUTO mode (refer to toggle switch on
chargers - factory set in the AUTO mode).
5. Turn circuit breakers CB1 and CB2 ON ("1" position).
6. Turn printer ON after CB1 and/or CB2 have been turned ON.

7. Place the controller in the 'OFF' mode by depressing the "OFF" button.

3. Ensure that the Diesel is programmed to user's specifications. Refer to

section 6 in this manual. Refer to STATUS printout for factory set


Test printer while in Auto mode as per Section 8 of manual.

Depress the "AUTO" button.

LED on "AUTO" button will light and Annunciator "Switch in Auto"
will illuminate.

Ensure that water pressure is available and the LCD display on

Display Panel is reading the system pressure, in PSI.

Decrease water pressure. Controller will begin its cranking cycle.

Should the engine fail to start after 6 crank and rest cycles, the
audible alarm will sound and the "Fail To Start" annunciator will
illuminate. Depress "OFF" button to silence alarm.

When engine starts, "Engine Run" annunciator illuminates.

Increase water pressure above programmed STOP point. Press stop
pushbutton on enclosure. If pressure is satisfied, engine will stop.

If STOP mode is programmed for "Auto-Stop", engine will stop
after Run Period Timer times out and pressure is satisfied. RPT is
programmed by the user, factory set at 30 minutes.

If Sequential Timer is > 0 seconds, automatic start will be delayed

by the number of seconds programmed.

If AC Power Failure is ENABLED, automatic start will be delayed

by the number of seconds programmed upon a power failure.


Depress the "Manual" button. LED on button will illuminate.

Fuel Solenoid relay will change state.
Press Crank No.1 pushbutton. Engine cranks and starts, "Engine Run"
annunciator illuminates.
Press "OFF" button. Wait for engine to stop. Push "Manual" button
then press Crank No.2 pushbutton. Engine cranks and starts,
"Engine Run" annunciator illuminates.

Press "OFF" button. Engine will stop.


Depress the "Test" button. LED on button will illuminate.

Drain Valve Solenoid will energize and reduce pressure. Controller

will start engine automatically. "Engine Run" annunciator illuminates.

Press "OFF" button. Engine will stop.

NOTE: Engine will stop if Low Oil Pressure, High Water Temp or
Overspeed alarms are detected.


Depress "OFF" button.

To test the Weekly Exerciser, preprogram the controller to initiate

the test at a time suitable to the user.

Depress "AUTO" button.

At programmed time and date the drain valve solenoid will open.
When the pressure drops below the start PSI value, engine will start,
"Engine Run" annunciator will illuminate, and drain valve solenoid
will close.

Press "OFF" button. Engine will stop.

Reprogram Weekly Exerciser for normal operation.

NOTE: Engine will stop if Low Oil Pressure, High Water Temp or
Overspeed alarms are detected.

12. Field Failure

Compare PSI reading on LCD display to

Ensure that CB1 and/or CB2 are in the mechanical gauge reading on sensing
>ON= position prior to applying power line outside of the controller. The
to the printer (refer to nameplate transducer is accurate to 1% of the
above printer). actual pressure reading.

Ensure that both CB1 and CB2 are in If PSI is reading zero while there is
the >ON= position and that there is pressure to the panel, then the
AC power to the chargers. Place the transducer may not be functioning or
controller in either the >AUTO= or connected properly.
>MANUAL= mode.

NOTE: For all engine alarms, the NOTE: For the following tests, while
Engine Trouble Alarm relay controller is in the >AUTO= or
will energize. >MANUAL= mode, place a JUMPER
between terminal 2 & 11. This
will give an >ENGINE RUN=
signal to the controller. Or,
CHARGER FAILURE you can run the engine.
Remove AC power to the diesel There is an inherent 15 second
controller panel. After a delay of 20 delay for detecting alarms
seconds, the alarm will sound and after an >ENGINE RUN= signal.
both Charger #1 Failure and Charger
#2 Failure indicating LED=s will
display. Or, jumper 11 & 22, 11 &
23; [ 11 is Battery (-ve)]. LOW OIL PRESSURE
After test, reapply AC power to Jumper 4 & 11. Alarm will sound and
continue testing of other alarms. To indicate on the display. To silence
reset alarm go to >OFF= mode and then alarm, controller must be in the
back into >AUTO= or >MANUAL= mode. >OFF= mode. If the engine is wired
to the panel and the engine itself is
alarm will automatically alarm after
BATTERY FAILURE the 15 second delay, with terminals 2
and 11 jumpered.
Turn >OFF= CB1. Alarm will sound and
Battery Failure #1 will indicate in
the display.
To reset alarm go to >OFF= mode and HIGH ENGINE TEMPERATURE
then back into >AUTO= or >MANUAL=
mode. Jumper 5 & 11. Alarm will sound and
indicate on display. To silence
Turn >ON= CB1 and turn CB2 >OFF=. alarm, controller must be in the
Alarm will sound and Battery Failure >OFF= mode. Note that the LOW OIL
#2 will indicate in the display. PRESSURE alarm will also indicate if
Reset alarms as per above. terminal 4 is wired from the engine
to the panel and the engine is not
physically running.
NOTE: Do not turn off both CB1 and
CB2 simultaneously. Otherwise
power will be lost to the
controller card.



1. Disconnect field wires #9 & #10

on Fire Pump Controller &
initiate automatic start (Place
controller in >TEST= mode).
Note that actual engine will
not crank thus reducing wear
and tear on its starters and
Caterpillar Engines: Install a
wire jumper between terminals 1
& 12 and initiate automatic
2. Allow pressure to drop and
begin cranking sequence.

3. Wait 90 seconds to allow for 3

cranks per battery (15 seconds
cranking, 15 seconds rest, 6

4. Alarm will sound and >Fail To

Start= indicator will display.
To silence alarm, place
controller in the >OFF= mode.


Mechanically close speed switch relay

on the diesel engine or jumper 3 &
11. Alarm will sound, >Engine
Overspeed= indicator will display,
and the >fuel stop= relay will

To silence alarm, place controller in

the >OFF= mode.

OTHER ALARMS (Pump Room Alarms)

To test pump room alarms, such as Low

Fuel, Low Room Temp etc., place a
jumper between terminal 11 and the
corresponding alarm terminal input
(refer to Appendix A affixed to
controller door).

Note that the Pump Room Trouble relay

will also activate.

13. Printer - Recorder Instructions

INTRODUCTION The functions of operating controls

are as follows:
The microprocessor controlled printer
is supplied as standard with the
FD100, Diesel Engine Fire Pump CONTROL FUNCTION
Controller. Mounted inside the
enclosure the printer-recorder Thumb Used to advance paper.
provides a hard copy status report of Wheel
all alarms, events, battery voltage,
system pressure, weekly test timer L.E.D. Indicates power on when
and programmed parameters of the green, paper out when
controller. Each alarm printout is flashing red and green.
stamped with the time, date and
operating mode of the FD100. It can Switch Power off in down
be used as a trouble shooting tool to position. Power on in
determine start-up causes and exact middle, and paper
times of all alarms and events, such advance in the top
as cranking, engine run signal etc.. (spring loaded)position.

Latch To secure main body of

OPERATING PROCEDURE the printer to mounting
The printer-recorder is shipped from
the factory with two rolls of paper.
The paper must be loaded on site , to To activate self test feature, shut
prevent damage occuring during the printer off, then in one quick
transit. When installing the paper, motion move the power switch to the
the roll must be fed under the guides paper advance position and hold it
on the left and right sides. One of there until the self test message
the paper guides is also a sensor appears. Once the self test routine
that is set to check for paper. begins you may let go of the switch
and let the printer finish the test.
Caution must be taken while inside To stop the self test before the end
the controller to avoid electrical of the message, power down the
shocks. printer.

A convenient self test feature allows Remove printer from bracket by

the operator to quickly determine turning the latch counter clockwise.
that the printer-recorder is
operating correctly. Install the paper spindle into a new
roll of thermal paper. Position the
The operating controls on the front roll of paper so that it will feed
panel are shown below. from the top, then place the roll and
spindle into the paper support
brackets, making certain that the
paper is level. It is recommended
that a square and clean cut edge is
used for entry of paper into the
printer mechanism - scissor cut
To load paper, turn on the power. Now
feed the cut edge of the paper into
the guide until the paper stops.
This printer will automatically feed
the paper 10 line feeds when the
optical sensor detects paper. At
this time it is recommended that a
self test be performed to ensure that
the paper is installed correctly,
(thermal side up) and that it feeding

In the event of a paper jam condition DIP SWITCH SETTINGS
do not force the paper into the unit,
or try to pry the paper out of the A set of eight DIP switches are
unit, this may damage the thermal located on the back of the printer.
print mechanism. Disconnect primary In order for the printer to operate
power and interface cable before properly the DIP switches are factory
servicing the unit. Remove the face set and must remain in this position.
plate by removing the two 4/40 nuts They are:
on the back of the face plate, this
will allow access to the printer SW 1-7 OPEN
mechanism. Carefully remove paper SW 8 ON
with a set of tweezers, or a small
pair of needle-nose pliers. Once REPLACEMENT PAPER TYPE
paper is cleared from the mechanism,
re-assemble the unit. At this time, The printer-recorder uses a
re-load the paper. thermographic printing paper on a 2"
diameter roll which is 3 1/8" wide
JOURNAL TAKE-UP (Optional) and having a plastic core with a
7/16" hole.
The printer offers a Journal Take-Up
as an option. Paper should be loaded
into the take-up journal only after a NOTE: Do not remove jumpers inside of
self test has been performed to printer.
ensure that the printer is working
properly. The journal take-up is
activated automatically when the
printer performs a carriage return or CAUTION: Do Not remove power from the
line feed. printer until all messages are
printed, otherwise the information
will be lost.Turning the printer off
while information is being sent to
the printer will delete the printout.

Alarm Terminal Audible Alarm Annunciator Common Trouble Alarm Alarm
Ref. No. Silenced By : * Reset By: Type Relay # Reset By: ** Print Out
Battery Placing Controller Pressing RESET Pressing RESET MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
#1 / #2 N/A

in the On Pump Room PRT On Battery #X Failure
Failure "OFF" Mode Controller Panel Controller Panel **mode**
Charger Placing Controller Pressing RESET Pressing RESET MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
#1 / #2 22 / 23 in the On Pump Room PRT On Charger #X Failure
Failure "OFF" Mode Controller Panel Controller Panel **mode**
Placing Controller Placing Controller Placing Controller MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Engine 3 in the in the "OFF" Mode, Engine ETA in the Engine Overspeed
Overspeed "OFF" Mode Resetting Speed "OFF" Mode **mode**
Switch on Diesel

A :
Placing Controller Placing Controller Placing Controller MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
To N/A in the in the Engine ETA in the Fail To Start
Start "OFF" Mode "OFF" Mode "OFF" Mode **mode**


Pressing SILENCE Pressing RESET Eliminate Problem MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Valve 20 On On Pump Room PRT and Relief Valve Discharge
Discharge Controller Panel Controller Panel Press RESET **mode**
High Engine Placing Controller Placing Controller Placing Controller MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Temperature 5 in the in the Engine ETA in the High Engine Temp
"OFF" Mode "OFF" Mode "OFF" Mode **mode**
Low Fuel 16 Pressing SILENCE Placing Controller Eliminate Problem MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Or On in the Pump Room PRT Low (or High) Fuel
High Fuel 17 Controller Panel "OFF" Mode **mode**
Low Oil Placing Controller Placing Controller Placing Controller MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Pressure 4 in the in the Engine ETA in the Low Oil Pressure
"OFF" Mode "OFF" Mode "OFF" Mode **mode**
Low Reservoir 18

Pressing SILENCE Pressing RESET Eliminate Problem MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Or On On Pump Room PRT and Low (or High) Reservoir
High Reservoir 19 Controller Panel Controller Panel Press RESET **mode**
Low Pressing SILENCE Pressing RESET Pressing RESET MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Room 21 On On Pump Room PRT On Low Room Temp
Temperature Controller Panel Controller Panel Controller Panel **mode**

* Alarms are not resettable if condition continues to exist.

** Mode ** refers to Main Switch Mode - AUTO, MANUAL, TEST

Message Description of Message Message

** Print Out
Indicates which battery the controller is cranking MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Cranking Battery #1 or #2 during an "attempt to start" cycle. This message Cranking Battery #X
will not print in the manual mode. **mode**
In the "TEST" mode or when initiating the weekly MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Drain Valve Opened test timer this message prints to indicate the actual Drain Valve Opened
time that the drain valve has opened. **mode**
Indicates that the engine was requested to start MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Deluge Valve Open due to the Deluge Valve being activated. Deluge Valve Open
Prints after the controller receives an "Engine Run" MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Engine Run signal from the diesel engine. Engine Run
Prints after the diesel engine has stopped as MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Engine Stopped indicated by the "Engine Run" contacts. Engine Stopped
Any time the fuel solenoid is de-activated, after MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Fuel Solenoid Closed a manual stop for example, this message will print. Fuel Solenoid Close
Any time the fuel solenoid is activated, prior to MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Fuel Solenoid Open cranking for example, this message will print. Fuel Solenoid Open
This message is printed when the controller is MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Low Pressure called upon to start the diesel engine as a result of Low Pressure
low system pressure. **mode**
Indicates that the Remote or Local STOP MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Manual Stop Request pushbutton has been depressed to initiate an Manual Stop Request
engine shutdown. **mode**
Pressure reading will print if the deviation in MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Pressure = XXX PSI pressure exceeds the amount, in PSI, as Pressure = XXXPSI
programmed in to the controller by the user. **mode**
Future #2 relay will energize once the pressure is MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
* Pressure Start less than the programmed Pressure Start Point and Pressure Start
the engine starts. Can be enabled or disabled. **mode**
Indicates that the engine was called upon to start MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Remote Start Request due to someone pressing the "Remote Start" Remote Start Request
pushbutton. **mode**
After the Weekly Test Timer or Running Period MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
RPT Time Out Timer expires (if STOP Mode is programmed for RPT Timed Out
Auto) this message will print. **mode**
This is the actual time that the Weekly Test Timer MM/DD/YR, HH/MM/SS
Weekly Test Started is called upon to start. The engine will continue to Weekly Test Started
run for 30 minutes after the time indicated. **mode**

* Not Available on software versions V2.91 or earlier

** Mode ** refers to Main Switch Mode - AUTO, MANUAL, TEST


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