Utilization of Waste Papers To Produce Ecofriendly

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Utilization of Waste Papers to Produce Ecofriendly

Rohit Kumar Arya1, Rajeev Kansal2
PG Student, Construction Technology & Management, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
Professor of the Civil Engineering Department, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Abstract: A new nature study estimates the world has 3.04 trillion trees. Almost 4 billion trees worldwide iscut down each year for
making paper. The construction industry has been known as one of the largest consumers of non-renewable resources. On the other
hand, more waste paper ends up in landfill or dump sites than those recycled. The purpose of this research is to determine the weight,
compressive strength, water absorption capacity, fire resistance, hardness etc of papercrete brick by using waste papers (newspapers,
invitation cards, magazines etc.) in order to determine their aptness for use as a building construction material. While using paper pulp
with cement and sand the weight of the brick is approximately 50% lesser than the conventional clay brick. Therefore papercrete bricks
will decrease the dead weight of the structure to a significant amount. So it changes our design and building cost as in an economical
point of view.

Keywords: Papercrete, Cellulose, Light Weight, Compressive strength, Recycling

1. Introduction these materials, which may provide a way to provide

affordable housing on a large scale.
According to a research, more than 450 million tons of
papers are produced worldwide every year. It is estimated Papercrete have been reported: to be cheap alternative
that by 2020, paper mills will be producing 500 million tons building material; to have good sound absorption and
of paper and paperboard each year. We obviously need this thermal insulation; to be a light weighted and fire- resistant
product and a reduction of use is not in the prospect. Pulp material(Annesly 2014; Fuller 2014; Nepal & Aggarwal
and paper is the 3rd largest industrial polluter of air, water 2014; Santamaria et al. 2007; Solberg 1999).
and soil. In recent year, paper and paperboard constitute a
greater portion of many countries’s municipal solid waste Although it is originally developed 80 yearsago, but it has
generation. only recently been rediscovered and only few research
works have been done to determine their structural
According to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), the suitability (Fuller at el. 2006).
Unites States recycles about 45% of discarded paper
annually. This means that about 55% or 48 million tons of It should be noted that papercrete is a comparatively new
paper ends up in landfill sites while some are incinerated. concept with limited scope. Papercrete is known by
Waste paper reusing has not been able to match waste paper alternative names such as fibrous concrete, Padobe and
generation. Fidobe.

Since the large demand has been placed on the construction Fibrous concrete is a mixture of paper, Portland cement and
industry, especially in the last decade due to increase in water. There is no harmful byproducts or excessive energy
pollution which cause a chronic shortage of building use in the production of papercrete. Padobe has no Portland
resources, the civil engineers have been challenged to cement. Here, instead of Portland cement, clay is the binding
convert the industrial waste to useful building and material. It is a mix of paper, water and earth with clay.
construction materials. One exclusive recycle opportunity is Fidobe is like Padobe, but it may possibly contain other
using waste paper as a construction material. Since the fibrous material.
construction industry uses up a great amount of
nonrenewable resources, therefore the potential function of 1.1 Project Viewpoint
waste paper for producing a low cost and light weight
composite brick for construction not only delivers the The purpose of present research is to utilize the waste
potential use of waste paper recycling but it will likewise materials like paper and to replace the costly and rare
bring down the demand pressure on global natural resources. conventional building brick which satisfies the following
In recent years, there has been a renaissance of interest in  Required
traditional building material, particularly those made from  Cost effective
renewable or recycled materials “papercrete” is one of such  Environmental friendly
materials attracting public interest.  Less weight
 Inflammable
Papercrete is a complex material comprising of Portland  Easily available
cement, waste paper, water and/or sand. The combination of

Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2016792 DOI: 10.21275/ART2016792 92
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
In order to achieve the above mentioned, objective study 1.2.2 Sand
work has been divided into three main parts: Sand particles consist of small grains of silica (SiO2). It is
1. Accumulation of material formed by the decay of sand stones due to various effects of
2. Experimental procedure weather. According to natural resources from which the sand
3. Results and discussions is obtained, it is termed as pit sand, river sand and sea sand.
According to the size of grains, the sand is classified as fine,
1.2 Accumulation of Material coarse and gravel.The properties were analyzed as per BIS
Material collection is the basic and important step in any
project. Also, the material which is used in a project should Table 1.2.1: Properties of Sand
not cause any damage to the environment. In this research, Sr. No. Properties Results obtained
waste materials were used to make building bricks. 1 Fineness 4.40%
2 Specific gravity 2.60
1.2.1 Cement
Cement is one of the binding material in this research. 1.3 Paper
Cement is the important binding material in today’s
construction world 53 grade Ordinary Portland Cement Paper is a natural polymer which consists of wood cellulose.
(OPC) confirming to IS: 8112-1989 cement used.Table 1.1 Cellulose is made of units of monomer glucose. Although
gives the properties of cement used. containing several hydroxyl groups, cellulose is water
insoluble. The reason is the stiffness of the chain and
Table 1.1.1: Properties of cement hydrogen bonding between two OH groups on adjacent
Description of test Results Requirement of chains. The chains also pack regularly in places to form
obtained IS: 8112-1989 hard, stable crystalline region that gives the bundle chains
1. Specific gravity 3.15 3.15 even more stability and strength.
2. Initial setting time 75 minutes Min. 30 minutes
3. Final setting time 270 minutes Max. 600 minutes Fig 1.3.1 shows the links of cellulose bonds.
4. Fineness 412.92 m2/kg Min. 225 m2/kg

Figure 1.3.1: Cellulose hydrogen bond

The above figure shows the network of cellulose fibers and 101 LW+ is added to the mix for minimizing the percentage
smaller offshoots from the fibers called fibrils. Coating this of water.
fiber with Portland cement creates a cement matrix, which
encases the fibers for extra strength. 2. Experimental Procedure
Different type of papers like newspaper, magazines, old According to research, up to now, there is no hard and fast
invitation cards, paper tickets etc can be used for making rule for formal mix design of papercrete, and in that respect
papercrete. The papers, which were collected, cannot be no hard procedure for casting the bricks. Thus, in this
used directly. It should be made into paper pulp before research, some laboratory tests were performed to obtain
mixing with other ingredients. some mechanical properties of papercrete.
1.4 Water 2.1 Mould Preparation
Water is an important ingredient of papercrete as it is After collecting all the materials, a mould was prepared. A
involved in the chemical reaction with cement. Potable water wooden modular brick mould was prepared of size 230mm
should be used for both soaking and mixing of papercrete. It X 110mm X 80mm. Joints were made without any hole or
should be free from organic matter and the pH value should gap to avoid any leakage.
be between 6 and 7.
2.2 Pulp Generation
1.5 Papercrete Additives
The papers, which were collected, cannot be utilized
Cement is added to the matrix as a binding material. In immediately. It should be made into apaper pulp before
addition to that, waterproofing admixtures such as Dr. Fixit mixing with other ingredients. The papers were kept in the

Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2016792 DOI: 10.21275/ART2016792 93
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
tank for 3 to 4 days, otherwise until the papers degrade into 2.3 Mixing
a paste-likeform. Then the paper was taken out of the water
and taken to the mixer machine to make it as a paper pulp. Mixing was done after all the ingredients were ready. In this
project, mixing was done manually.

A tried combination of cement: sand: paper sludge (1:1:3)

was used in this project. After the mixing, it should be put in
the mould within 30 minutes and tamped with wooden
tamper and the surface of the brick should be finished by
shovel or wooden tamper. The casted papercrete bricks
should be allowed for sun drying for 14 days. There is no
such special care needed for curing of bricks because the
paper used in bricks itself hold water for a long time.

Figure 2.2.1: Paper Pulp

Figure 2.3.1: Papercrete bricks after casting

3. Results and Discussion Table 3.1.1 Compressive Strength of Papercrete Brick in

After casting the bricks they were analyzed for using as a
brick. For this, various tests were conceded out to confirm
the properties of bricks and the results of the test were
analyzed by the existing and standard results. The following
tests were carried out to check the strength of the brick.

3.1 Compression Test

This test was held out by Compression Testing Machine

after the 14th day from the date of casting papercrete brick.
Papercrete bricks never fail catastrophically, it just
compressed like squeezing rubber. Therefore great care must
be considered while testing the papercrete brick because in
papercrete load should be applied up to half compression

The papercrete bricks are having elastic behavior and less

brittleness, due to this the structure was not fully collapsed, Figure 3.1.2: Variation in Compressive Strength of
when the papercrete brick fails at higher load. Only the outer papercrete brick with no. of days
faces cracked and peeled out.
3.2 Weight

The ordinary conventional clay bricks weight varies from 3 –

4 kg but the papercrete bricks weight varies from 1 – 2 kg.
The maximum weight is less than 2 kg only. All the bricks
were weighed in a well conditioned electronic weighing
machine. Sand based papercrete bricks are having weight
Figure 3.1.1: Brick after testing 2/3rd of the conventional clay brick only.

Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2016792 DOI: 10.21275/ART2016792 94
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
So these bricks are lightweight and thus helpful to reduce the 3.5 Soundness Test
total cost of construction due to areduction in total dead load
of thestructure. In this test two bricks were taken and they were stuck with
each other. The bricks were not broken and a clear ringing
No of days. No. of Samples Compressive Strength sound was produced. Hence the bricks are safe to use.
14 Days Sample 1 4.82 N/mm2
Sample 2 5.13 N/mm2 3.6 Nailing
Sample 3 5.22 N/mm2
21 Days Sample 1 7.31 N/mm2
Sample 2 7.11 N/mm2
Sample 3 7.47 N/mm2
28 Days Sample 1 11.30 N/mm2
Sample 2 10.90 N/mm2
Sample 3 11.38 N/mm2

Figure 3.6.1: Nail in the brick

Fibrous concrete bricks are less hard as compared to

conventional clay bricks. Therefore, this test was performed
to find out whether these bricks can hold the nails or not. A
nail was hammered in the brick and a screw was also
screwed into the brick.

From this test it was observed that fibrous bricks can

sufficiently hold the nail. Also screws worked well and
holds a considerable weight.
Fig. 3.2.1 Weight of papercrete bricks with no. of days
3.7 Cutting and Glue
3.3 Water Absorption Test
A lot of bricks are wasted on site during the process of
Water absorption test is required to check whether the cutting only. The labors could not able to cut the bricks
bricks are suitable for water logged areas or not. As per exactly what they want. But papercrete bricks can be cut into
standards the bricks should not absorb water more than exactly two parts by using conventional saw blades.
20% of its original weight.
Many cut bricks are wasted in now a day. But the two
fibrous concrete brick pieces can be hold together by putting
a medium amount of glue on the bottom piece. Hence
papercrete bricks could be emloyed in the application of
calling for quick assembly by cutting the parts required to
size in advance and letting the user simply glue them

3.8. Fire Test

Figure 3.3.1: Water Absorption Test for Trial Mix

3.4 Hardness Test

In this test, a scratch was made on brick surfaces. While the

scratch was made with the help of finger nail on the bricks,
very light impression was left on the fibrous concrete brick Figure 3.8.1: Fire test of papercrete brick
surface. Hece, this test results that fibrous concrete bricks are
sufficiently hard. A brick, which is employed for construction should not
flammable in an exposed fire, so this test was carried out for

Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2016792 DOI: 10.21275/ART2016792 95
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
the bricks. This test was conceded out only for fibrous  Since, papercrete brick mainly consists of waste
concrete bricks and not for padobe brick. material, it will reduce the landfills and pollution.
Hence,the overall cost is very low as compared to
From the above test, it was observed that the fibrous conventional brick. It has been seen that by using
concrete bricks did not burn with an open flame. They papercrete bricks in a building construction, the total
fumed like charcoal. But these brick would be reduced to cost was reduced from 20% to 50%.
ashes after burning several hours. If the interior plaster and
exterior stucco is provided on the fibrous concrete bricks, References
the bricks won’t burn. The only weak spot is inside the
block, near electrical outlets, switches and other situations [1] Agilan.V(2012)“Energy saving light weight bricks using
where wires gives through walls, into boxes etc. Properly waste newspaper” quest for advancement in Civil
wired places never cause a fire. If we apply the plaster Engineering March 15, 2012
without any hole or leakage on the bricks, it won’t burn or [2] Akinwumi, Olasunkanmi(2014)“Structural Evaluation of
fume inside because there will be a lack of oxygen for Lightweight Concrete Produced Using Waste Newspaper
combustion. and Office Paper “ISSN- 2224-5790 (PAPER), ISSN
225-0514 (ONLINE), Civil and environmental Research
Volume No 6, No 7-2014.
[3] B J Fuller, AFafitis and J L Santamaria. (2006) “The
Paper Alternative”, ASCE Civil Engineering Vol. 75
No.5 pp. 72-77.
[4] Joo-Hong Chung, Byoung-Hoon Kim, Hyun-Ki-Choi
and Chang-Sik Choi(2010) “Development of Papercrete
due to Paper mixing ratio.” SB10 Seoul: The
International Conference on Sustainable Building
Asia, February 2010.
[5] Lex Terry, (2006)“Papercrete Construction”- Building
Figure 3.8.2: Brick after burning for five minutes Environment and Thermal Envelope Council (BETEC)
Symposium was held on 13th to 16th October 2006 at the
4. Conclusion Northen New Mexico Community College in EIRito.
[6] M.S Suganya(2012)"Lightweight bricks-made up of
From the results obtained, the following conclusions were waste papers” International Journal of Computer &
made: Organization Trends-Volume 2, Special Issue 2, ISSN-
 Considering the desirable compressive strength shown 2249-2593, Number-2-April 2012.
by the tested specimen, it is clear that papercrete have [7] M.Scinduja, S.Nathiya(2014)“Innovative brick material
the ability to provide an ecofriendly, light weight using waste paper” International Journal for Research in
concrete block with the use of less number of natural Applied Science and Engineering Technology Special
resources. Though the results obtained during Issue-1,October 2014,ISSN: 2321-9653.
compression test showed that papercrete bricks are
acceptable for non load bearing walls only.
 As per research the bricks should not absorb water more
than 20%. The water absorption capacity of papercrete
brick was found to be more than 20%, which makes it
not suitable for water logging and external walls.
However, by providing a waterproof coating (Geobond
or silicon based waterproofing) it can also be used as
external wall.
 The weight of the papercrete brick was 1/3rd to 2/5th
lesser than the conventional clay brick. Due to less
weight of papercrete bricks,the total dead load of the
building will be reduced.
 Due to lesser weight and more flexibility, these bricks
are potentially ideal material for earthquacke prone
 Papercrete has a high fire resistance,good sound
absorbent, good thermal resistance with an R value
between 2 to 3 per inch. In walls 12 to 16 inches thick,
the long energy saving of papercrete will be a great
advantage for the house owner and environmental.
 These bricks does not expand nor shrinks hence, sheets
of glass or glass block can be fixed in and trimmed with

Volume 5 Issue 8, August 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART2016792 DOI: 10.21275/ART2016792 96

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