DBM 113 - 2023 Mid Term
DBM 113 - 2023 Mid Term
DBM 113 - 2023 Mid Term
I. Tick the correct option of your choice : 0.5X10 =5
4. Which one of the following software
applications would be the most appropriate for
performing numerical and statistical calculations?
a) Database
b) Document processor
c) Graphics package
d) Spreadsheet
10. Which of the following is the smallest visual element on a video monitor?
a) Character
b) Pixel
c) Byte
d) Bit
0.5X10 =5
lI. Write TRUE or FALSE against each statement:
IV. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words/numbers/digits : 0.5X10 =5
All the questions carry equal marks. Answer any five questions. 2X5 =10
1. What are the different parts of a computer system? Name them and briefly explain
their function.
2. What is an alphanumeric character set? Why is it called alphanumeric?
3. What do you mean by a program? Name some programming languages you know.
4. Drawa flow chart to find out the area and perimeter of arectangle after accepting the
desired inputs.
5. What is DBMS? What is its significance while dealing with data?
6. What do you mean by networking of computers? Explain briefly the OSl model.
7. What are the different types of number systems you know? Name them. What are
their characteristics?
8. a) Find the I's complement of the numbers : 10110101 and 01010101
b) Find the Decimal equivalent of the numbers : 10110, and AE7316
9. Write the full form for the given abbreviations:
a) CD, b) DB, c) OS, d) TCP/IP
10. Write short notes on any two:
a) RPA, b) Cybersecurity, c) e-mail., d) Cloud Computing
Answer Key DBM 113 Mid Term 2023
I Tick the correct option of your choice : 0.5X10 =5
ii vii a
ii h viii
8. a)01001010 10101010
b) (22)10 (44659)10
9 a)CD-Compact Disc b) DB- Data Base c) OS - Operating System
d) TCP/IP- Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol