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IRJET Energy Analysis of Buildings

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


K. Deepa1, B. Suryarajan2, V. Nagaraj2, K. Srinath2, K. Vasanth2
1Associate Professor: Civil Engineering Department, Prathyusha Engineering College, Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu.
2U. G Student: Civil Engineering Department, Prathyusha Engineering College, Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu.
Abstract - Buildings demand energy in their life cycle right collaborate architects, Engineers and contractors on
from its construction phase to demolition phase. High energy coordinated models giving everyone the insight of the
consumptions may lead to serious environmental impacts like project and help them work more efficiently. It provides
increase in the rate of global warming. Therefore, it is insight into the design’s constructability, improving the
important to study the energy consumption of building at the efficiency and effectiveness of the construction phase and
conceptual stage. One of the recent method to evaluate energy also provide better understanding of the building’s future
consumption of buildings is Energy analysis using Building operation and maintenance.
Information Modeling (BIM) tools –Autodesk Insight, BIM is an
intelligent 3D model-based process that gives Engineers the 1.2 Autodesk Revit Architecture
insight tools to more efficiently plan, design, construct, and
manage buildings and infrastructure. BIM assist designers Autodesk Revit Architecture is a robust architectural design
assess different design alternatives at the conceptual stage of and documentation software application created by
a building life so that effective energy strategies are attained Autodesk for architects and building professionals. The tools
within the building constraints. This paper seeks to integrate and features that make up Revit Architecture are specifically
the use of BIM based energy analysis in predicting the energy designed to support building information modeling (BIM)
consumption of a Library building. For this purpose, the workflows. Revit was intended to allow architects and other
Autodesk Revit Software and Autodesk Insight which is a cloud building professionals to design and document a building by
based energy analysis program are used. creating a parametric three-dimensional model that included
both the geometry and non-geometric design and
Key Words: BIM, Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Insight, construction information, which is also known as Building
Energy Analysis. Information Modeling or BIM. The 3D model of a building
required for the energy analysis process is created using this
1. INTRODUCTION Revit software.

Buildings are constructed for residential, office and 1.3 Autodesk Insight
commercial purposes all over the world. They are major
contributors to socio-economic development of a nation and Autodesk Insight is a cloud based Energy Analysis Program
also utilize a large proportion of energy and available natural which helps to improve energy and environmental
resources. Worldwide, 30–40% of all primary energy is used performance throughout the building life cycle by letting us
for buildings and they are held responsible for 40–50% of integrate Energy analysis, lighting analysis and solar analysis
greenhouse gas emissions [1]. It is therefore essential for the for a holistic approach to building performance design. This
building construction industry to achieve sustainable tool is only available to subscribers of Autodesk software
development in the society. Sustainable development is and students for a period of 3 years.
viewed as development with low environmental impact, and
high economic and social gains. Professional architects and 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
engineers are more concerned about the sustainability and
energy performance of proposed buildings. Analyzing the Buildings consume energy both directly or indirectly in all
Energy consumption of buildings at the conceptual design phases of their life. The energy consumed by the building is
stage is very helpful for Designers when selecting the design broadly classified into two types; Embodied energy and
alternative that leads to a more energy efficient facility. Operating energy. The energy utilized during manufacturing
phase of the building is called the Embodied energy. It
1.1 Building Information Modelling (BIM) includes the energy content of all the materials used in the
building and technical installations, and energy incurred at
BIM is an intelligent model based process that connects the time of erection/construction and renovation of the
architectural, constructional and engineering professional so building. Operating energy is the energy required for
they can more efficiently design, build and operate buildings. maintaining comfort conditions and everyday maintenance
With BIM, designers can create 3D model that include data of the buildings. It also includes the energy for HVAC
associated with physical and functional characteristics. BIM (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), domestic hot

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1662
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

water, lighting, and for running appliances. It largely varies • Collect the Drawings and information about the building to
on the level of comfort required, climatic conditions and be studied.
operating schedules. • Create a 3D model using the Autodesk Revit software with
the help of the drawings collected.
Adalberth [2] on his paper presented a method describing
the calculation of the energy uses during the life cycle of a • Change the energy setting like building type, building
building. He reported that 85% of the total energy usage was operating schedule, type of HVAC system etc. as per your
required during the operation phase and 15% in need.
construction phase. The transportation and process energy • Locate your building using Internet Mapping Service
used during demolition of the structure require only 1% of inbuilt in Autodesk Revit.
the total energy. T. Ramesh, Ravi Prakash, K.K. Shukla [3] • Automatically create a building energy model using the
proposed that life cycle energy use of buildings depends on analyze panel in Revit software.
the operating (80–90%) and embodied (10–20%) energy of • Analyze and run results in the Autodesk Insight over the
the buildings. Normalized life cycle energy use of cloud.
conventional residential buildings falls in the range of 150–
400kWh/m2 per year (primary) and office buildings in the
• Estimate the energy use of the building.
range of 250–550kWh/m2 per year (primary). He also
proposed that the life cycle energy demand can be reduced
by reducing its operating energy.

Oladokun and Odesola (2015) [4] noted many number of

limitations in the existing modeling techniques of energy
analysis which include: lack of transparency in the model
algorithms; inability to account for the complex,
interdependencies and dynamic nature of the issue of energy
consumption and carbon emissions; limited evidence to
show for the occupants-dwelling interactions; and lack of
capacity to accommodate qualitative data input. Recently in
2017, A. S. Shivsharan, Mrs. D. R. Vaidya, Prof. R. D. Shinde
[5] highlighted that BIM provides us with a proper
sustainable design because it helps to iteratively test,
analyze and also improve design of building. They further
concluded that Increase in the number of analysis tools is a
sign to the increasing importance of sustainable design in
architecture and the need to optimize building performance. Fig -1: Methodology
Therefore, with all the literature studies it can be concluded
that the BIM-based design is ideally suited for delivering the A 3D model is created using Autodesk Revit software with
kind of information that can be used to improve design and the help of Floor plans available of the building.
building performance.


For the purpose of the Energy analysis of building with the

help of Autodesk INSIGHT and Revit software, a case study of
a Library building was used. Library building (G+3) project is
located at Thiruvallur, Tamilnadu, India. The three
dimensional model of the building is created using Revit
Architecture and the model is further analyzed using
Autodesk insight.

The Energy simulation of a building involve the following

Fig -2: 3D model created in Autodesk Revit Software

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1663
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

We need to sign in to the Autodesk Account in order to use

the Insight tool for energy simulation which is a cloud based
Software. Update the Project location details in the location
setting using either Internet mapping service or Default city
list, also select the type of building, the use of building type
in the Schedule section, if the project is actual ongoing
project or just study for academic purpose and other details
in the Energy setting and Advance Energy setting Option
which is also available in the Analyze panel in Revit. The
Project Location will help in determining the nearest
Weather Station & weather details of the area of project,
which helps in the analysis process. If the thermal properties
of the building materials are to be considered, we can select
that using the material thermal properties option available
in Revit. Options like conceptual types of the individual
building elements can be changed in the conceptual types Fig -5: Advanced Energy Setting in Revit
option in Advanced energy settings. Some of the values are
default set in the software.

Fig -3: Locating the Building in Revit using internet

Fig -6: Energy Model
mapping Service

Access energy and environmental performance data in

Insight tool inbuilt in Revit or by logging into Autodesk
Insight website. The analysis process will take some time
depending upon the complexity of the project and Insight
will notify you through mail once the analysis process is

Fig -4: Energy Setting in Revit

After completion of the all the energy and advanced energy

settings, click on create energy model which automatically
generates the energy analytical model, design options and
potential performance outcome with insight. You can access
the result of the energy analysis either through Autodesk
Insight website or the Insight tool inbuilt in Revit Software. Fig -7: Advanced Insight Website

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1664
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig -8: Notification from Autodesk Insight

The energy consumption of the building will be calculated as

Energy Use intensity (EUI) in kWh/m2 per year based on the
energy setting of the project. EUI is calculated by dividing
the total energy consumed by the building in one year by the
total gross floor area of the building. The analysis report will
have many Design options like Operating schedule, window Fig -11: EUI vs Different Design criteria (Graphs)
to wall ratio, HVAC systems, building orientation, lighting
efficiency to alter and control the energy consumption of the To reduce the overall energy use intensity of the building, we
building. The analysis report not only provide us with the can change the range of each design criteria and see how
Energy use intensity of the project but also the energy cost of much the change in design of individual features like
the project per square meter per year. window to wall ratio, operating schedule etc. can affect the
energy consumption of the whole building. Say for example if
we change the operating schedule of the building to 12/6
from 12/7 then the EUI value will change to a considerable
amount. Similarly, we can change each of the individual
design criteria in the process of reducing the energy
consumption of the building.

Fig - 9: Interface of Insight

Fig -12: Changing Operating Schedule setting in Insight

Fig -10: Range of Energy Use Intensity and Energy cost

before changing Design Criteria

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1665
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 06 Issue: 01 | Jan 2019 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


The energy analysis method has been constantly evolving

over the years starting in the year 1980’s till now. Increase in
the number of analysis tools shows the increasing
importance of sustainable design in architecture and the
need to optimize building performance, The BIM-based
design and documentation system is ideally suited for
delivering the kind of information that can be used to
improve the design and performance of the building.
Therefore, we would conclude that this method of energy
analysis of building using Autodesk Revit and Autodesk
insight is the best suitable and modern method that assist
designers, architects and engineers to assess different design
options at the conceptual stage of a building.
Fig -13: changing Various Design Criteria

[1] M. Asif, T. Muneer, R. Kelley, Life cycle assessment: a

case study of a dwelling home in Scotland, Building and
Environment 42 (2007) 1391–1394.

[2] K. Adalberth, Energy use during the life cycle of

buildings: a method, Building and Environment 32 (4)
(1997) 317–320

[3] Life cycle energy analysis of buildings: An overview T.

Ramesh, Ravi Prakash, K.K. Shukla Energy and Buildings
Fig -14: EUI after altering the Design criteria 42 (2010) 1592–1600

We could note that the EUI value of the building has changed [4] Oladokun, M.G. and Odesola, I.A. (2015). “Household
from 253 kWh/m2/year to 211 kWh/m2/year after changing energy consumption and carbon emissions for
various design criteria in the insight. We could easily bring sustainable cities: a critical review of modeling
the energy use intensity value and the energy cost of the approaches.” International Journal of Sustainable Built
building to desired amount by altering each and every design Environment, 4(2), 231-247.
criterion in the insight analysis. Autodesk insight also give us
an advantage of comparing two energy models with different [5] 3D Modeling and Energy Analysis of a Residential
shape, orientation and energy settings for choosing the best Building using BIM Tools A. S. Shivsharan, Mrs. D. R.
suitable building model to achieve minimum energy Vaidya, Prof. R. D. Shinde
consumption and energy cost.

Fig -15: Model comparison in Insight

© 2019, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.211 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1666

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