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Environment and ecosystems
Term 3 – Week 1
❖ state that clean, dry air contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen
and small amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases
❖ describe how composition of gases in the air can change
because of natural emission
❖ explain the effect of pollution on the composition of gases
in the air
Composition of air varies because the amount of water vapour changes all the time,
depending on the weather
Major components of air
1.Nitrogen (N2)
▪Most abundant gas in atmosphere
▪It is incredibly stable and requires a lot of energy to change forms
2. Oxygen (O2)
▪Oxygen is the vital component of atmosphere
▪Animals breathe in oxygen
▪Even though nitrogen is plentiful, we need oxygen to
drive chemical reactions that produce energy.
3. Argon (Ar)
▪As an inert gas, argon doesn’t bond or do much in the atmosphere
6.Water vapour
• Amount of water vapour is variable depending upon the weather
• It regulates air temperature as it absorbs solar radiation
Home work
The table shows the percentage of each gas in air: