Lerner Washington 0250E 17519
Lerner Washington 0250E 17519
Lerner Washington 0250E 17519
Ada Lerner
Measuring and Improving Security and Privacy on the Web:
Case Studies with QR Codes, Third-Party Tracking, and Archives
Ada Lerner
A dissertation
submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Washington
Reading Committee:
Franziska Roesner, Chair
Ada Lerner
The web is deeply integrated into the economic, governmental, and social fabrics of our
society, and it promises to help fulfill people’s diverse and critical needs more easily, cheaper,
faster, and more democratically. However, to fulfill this promise, we must study the security
and privacy implications of the web and its surrounding technologies, and ensure that security
and privacy are incorporated into their future evolution. In this dissertation, I present
measurement and analysis work which studies the web and a set of the web’s neighboring
“sister technologies” — QR codes and web archives — forming insights and foundations for
the ways that we can make the web more secure and privacy preserving. I identify and
quantify current, past, and future properties of the web which are critical to its ability to
provide security and privacy to its users, and synthesize lessons from these measurements and
analyses which aim to guide the future designers and regulators of technologies surrounding
the web in ensuring that it serves the needs of all who use it.
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Themes and Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 3: Rewriting History: Changing the Archived Web From the Present . . . 45
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.2 Background and Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.3 Threat Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4 Analyzing the Wayback Machine for Vulnerabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.5 Rewriting History: Our Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.6 Measuring Prevalence of Archive Vulnerabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.7 Defenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
3.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
2.1 Overview of basic cookie-based web tracking. The third-party domain tracker.com
uses a browser cookie to re-identify users on sites that embed content from
tracker.com. This example shows vanilla tracking according to the taxon-
omy from [147]; other behaviors are described in Section 2.4. . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Evolution of tracker types over time. The grey bars show the total number
of tracking domains present in each dataset, and the colored lines show the
numbers of trackers with each type of tracking behavior. A single tracker may
have more than one behavior in the dataset (e.g., both Vanilla and Analytics),
so the sum of the lines might be greater than the bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4 Number of sites in each year with a tracker that calls (on that site) at least
K (of our 37) fingerprint-related APIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.5 Domains using window.localStorage. First party usages are uses in the top
frame of a web page by a script loaded from the web page’s own domain.
Third party usages are those also in the top frame of a page but by a script
loaded from a third party. Framed uses are those inside of an iframe. . . . . 24
2.6 Distributions of third-party requests for the top 500 sites 1996-2016. Center
box lines are medians, whiskers end at 1.5*IQR. The increase in both medians
and distributions of the data show that more third-parties are being contacted
by popular sites in both the common and extreme cases. . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.7 Distribution of top sites for each year by number of unique third-parties
(tracking-capable domains) they contact. In later years, more sites appear
to contact more third parties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.8 The growth in the coverage (percentage of top 500 sites tracked) of the top
1/5/10/20 trackers for each year is shown in the first and second panels,
for all confirmed trackers and for all third parties respectively. The right
hand panel shows the values on the live web for confirmed trackers, with the
top 5 trackers covering about 70% of all sites in the dataset. Note that top
third party coverage in the archive is an excellent proxy for modern confirmed
tracker coverage today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.9 This figure depicts variations in site coverage for a number of the most popular
confirmed trackers from years across the studied period. We call the two
trackers embedded on the most sites in a given year the “champions” of that
year, filtered by manual classification as described in the text. . . . . . . . . 28
2.10 Changes in the frequency with which domains are referred to or refer to other
domains (based on HTTP Referer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.11 2003, 2005 and 2007 referer graphs for the top 500, as seen in the Way-
back Machine’s archive. An from a domain referer.com to another domain
referred.com is included if any URL from referer.com is seen to be the ref-
erer for any URL from referred.com. Note the increasing complexity of the
graph over time. Note as well increased connectivity, with a larger percentage
of the graph joined in a single component. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.12 The fraction of domains categorized as Vanilla trackers in the live 2016 crawl
which, in the archival 2016 crawl, (1) set and leaked cookies and thus were
confirmed as trackers, (2) were only third-party requests (had at least one
third-party request but no cookies), (3) did not appear at all, or (4) other
(e.g., had cookies but not at the time of a third-party request, or cookies were
not attached due to a cookie simulation bug). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.13 Referrer graphs for the top 450 sites in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and
2016 as seen in the Wayback Machine’s archive. An edge from a domain
referrer.com to another domain referred.com is included if any URL from
referrer.com is seen to be the referrer for any request to referred.com.
Note the increasing complexity of the graph over time. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.1 We enabled this attack only or the purposes of obtaining this demonstration
screenshot, and disabled the attack after determining that it worked. . . . . 73
3.2 A timeline depicting the (1) lifecycle of archive snapshots (top of figure) and
(2) events that make up attacks against the integrity of those snapshots (bot-
tom). The left-hand possible Times-of-Attack, before Time-of-Archive, cor-
respond to Attacks #2 and #3, which require attacker foresight. The right-
hand possible Time-of-Attack is after Time-of-Archive (but still before Time-
of-Access), for Attacks #1 and #4, which do not require attacker foresight.
Attacks are described in detail in Section 3.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.3 Top: The prevalence of vulnerabilities to our attacks across the Top 500 sites.
Bottom: The prevalence of vulnerabilities to the particularly strong class of
attacks which provide complete-control without foresight (Attacks #1 and #4
with script/stylesheet as vulnerable resource). Not shown: Our Top Million
dataset shows very similar trends to the Top 500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.2 A QR code in a museum, encoding the URL for a video related to the exhibit.
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/balboaparkonline/ . . . . . 86
4.3 A QR code used to pair a user’s YouTube account with the YouTube app on
their Xbox. Image source: http://instagram.com/p/icywcsKZbo/ . . . . . . . 86
4.4 The distribution of scans across devices. Devices had nearly identical distri-
butions of scanning for QR codes and all codes combined — the yellow (QR
only) and orange (All) lines overlap almost entirely. The right hand side of
the figure shows 30% of devices which contributed only one scan each. Heavy
hitters on the left: 10% of devices performed half the total scans in the dataset. 91
4.5 The distribution of code popularity. The top 1% of codes were extremely
popular: they made up over 42% of total scans. 10% of codes accounted for
over 65% of the total scans that occurred, while in the tail, just over half of
codes were only ever scanned once. We see similar trends among all codes,
QR codes, and non-QR codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.6 Histogram of data density in codes, on a log scale. Codes of length 8-128 are
most common. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.7 Comparisons between scans per week and new devices appearing in the data
per week, which is a proxy for user adoption of the app. These two properties
are significantly correlated (R2 = 0.295), suggesting that new users of these
types of technologies may be a significant driver of the technology’s usage in
general. Note that the first and last data points are low because our data for
those weeks is incomplete; similarly, the last week of 2013 is low because it is
not a full seven days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.8 Number of new codes seen per month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
4.9 The distribution of scans across the 241 countries seen in the dataset. The
United States is at the top with an order of magnitude more scans than its
nearest competitor, Germany. Note, however, that the United States has a
much larger population than Germany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.10 Percentage of scans which were of QR codes (as opposed to 1D barcodes) per
country for all countries. The blue line indicates the 50% QR mark — countries
below the line performed more 1D barcode scans than QR code scans, whereas
countries above the line performed predominantly QR code scans. 6 out of
15 of these 1D dominated countries had fewer than 1000 total scans in the
database, and none of the 15 had more than 51,000 scans. . . . . . . . . . . 98
4.11 Percentage of scans which were of QR codes (as opposed to 1D barcodes)
per country for the most scanning countries. The blue line indicates the y-
coordinate for 50% QR codes — all countries with at least 100,000 scans are
above the line and performed predominantly QR code scans. . . . . . . . . . 99
4.12 The degree of geographic diversity in scans of the top 100 codes. The y-axis
represents the degree to which the most scanning country dominates scans
from all other countries, represented as a ratio of scans from that country to
scans from all other countries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.3 Distribution of URI schemes appearing in all QR code scans in our dataset.
This table shows the number of scans of codes encoding actions in various
protocols. Percentages are reported out of the 76 million QR code scans, not
the total 87 million scans (that include barcode scans). . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
4.4 Data density of codes of varying frequency of scanning. . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.5 Number of scans in the cities where we observe the most scans. . . . . . . . . 121
4.6 The most popular domains found in URLs in codes scanned. These counts
are of distinct codes which included one of these domains — multiple scans of
a code are not counted here. Note that the count for google.com includes
subdomains such as play.google.com and docs.google.com. The righthand
column shows the global Alexa rank for each domain as of November 2014
(values of N/A mean that Alexa does not have data for this domain). . . . . 122
4.7 Comparison of QR code contents for three categories of code: frequent, mod-
erate and infrequent codes. We defined infrequent codes to be those with 1-5
scans, moderate codes those with 6-100, and frequent codes those with over
100 scans. The table lists the fraction of codes for each content type that
were infrequently, moderately, or frequently scanned. For example, 18.15% of
codes leading to Android apps on the market (last row, market:) had 6-100
scans (moderate), while a business card is only 1.78% likely to be scanned that
many times. The dominance of infrequent codes in general is due to the fact
that most codes in the dataset are infrequently scanned — 89% of all codes
had 5 or fewer scans (see Figure 4.5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
This dissertation has been in development my whole time at UW CSE, and it is the
accumulation of six years of learning which I have been fortunate enough to share with so
many others.
I must first acknowledge, thank, and laud my advisors, Franziska Roesner and Tadayoshi
Kohno, who have dedicated their hearts and minds to being everything advisors can and
should be. They have been unrelentingly positive, reminding me constantly that the work
we have done together is exciting and worth doing, and they have consistently offered me
the challenges and support I have needed to grow as a researcher, a teacher, and a person.
Throughout my PhD, they valued not only my research, but also my mental health, my
happiness, my identity, my career goals, my family, and my life. They are my mentors and
my friends, and I am glad every day that we will be colleagues in the community of computer
security and privacy for a long time. Thank you both.
I thank also the advisors of my early years, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Thomas Anderson,
who brought me into graduate school and who set me on the first steps of this path I walk
every day. The networks lab has been a second home to me in CSE. I am often thankful for
their belief in me, their advice and mentorship, and their continued support, even as I moved
away, into the security lab. Thanks in particular to Arvind for serving on my committee.
None of this work would have been possible without the collaborators and co-authors of
my dissertation work, Tadayoshi Kohno, Kirk Ouimet, Franziska Roesner, Alisha Saxena,
Anna Kornfeld Simpson, Ben Turley, and Anthony Vance, each of whom made this work
possible and lent innumerable insights to it. I thank also my collaborators from the other
papers I co-authored during my PhD: Tamara Denning, Adam Shostack, Emily McReynolds,
Will Scott, and Eric Zeng. Your contributions to the work we did together helped me develop
as a writer, a computer scientist, and a security and privacy researcher.
It takes a village to raise a PhD, and so I thank members both past and present of the
UW CSE Security and Privacy Research Lab. Our lab is a place where I have received con-
stant advice, feedback, support, and friendship. These people include Camille Cobb, Alexei
Czeskis, Tamara Denning, Miro Enev, Gennie Gebhart, Karl Koscher, Kiron Lebeck, Shri-
rang Mare, Yutaka Matsubara, Peter Ney, Temitope Oluwafemi, Mitali Palekar, Kimberly
Ruth, Alisha Saxena, Lucy Simko, Anna Kornfeld Simpson, Ian Smith, Alex Takakuwa, Paul
Vines, and Eric Zeng. It has been a privilege to work with all of you, as well as a delight
to play soccer and softball and board games together, to make up silly Pocsci ideas and
custom emoji. The community of our lab is strong, thoughtful, inclusive, and creative, and
by creating that culture, each of these people has contributed to making this the best place
I can imagine to have done the work of a PhD.
I also thank a variety of other people from UW CSE at large, with whom I have had
many discussions, debates, delights, and discourses: Katelin Bailey, Catherine Baker, Aaron
Bauer, Adam Blank, Sam Castle, Raymond Cheng, Lilian de Greef, Kira Goldner, Dan
Grossman, Daniel Halperin, Seungyeop Han, Tomas Isdal, Eunice Jun, Richard Ladner,
Niel Lebeck, Hank Levy, Jialin Li, Yun-En Liu, Leah Perlmutter, Simon Peter, Dan Ports,
Hannah Rashkin, Katharina Reinecke, Talia Ringer, Maarten Sap, Naveen Kr. Sharma,
Sam Sudar, Adriana Szekeres, Steve Tanimoto, Zachary Tatlock, Xiao Sophia Wang, Luke
Zettlemoyer, Irene Zhang, and Li Zilles.
I have also had the pleasure of being a part of the UW Tech Policy Lab since its earliest
days. Thank you to everyone from the discussion group who has enriched my understanding
of the world through the lens of law. A special thanks to Emily McReynolds, who has been
not only a colleague, a mentor, and a provider of delicious banh mi, but also a friend. And
many thanks as well to Ryan Calo, who drew me into the tech policy world through his
Robotics Law and Policy class.
Lindsay Michimoto and Elise DeGoede Dorough were wonderful graduate program ad-
visors, whose service strengthened, validated, and supported me throughout my time in the
program. Elise in particular has been a powerful advocate, often taking thoughtful, effective
action in situations where others might have left the work for someone else.
I didn’t spring out of thin air, a graduate student in computer science, and so I thank
those who supported me before UW CSE. I am grateful to the computer science faculty of
Amherst College, and especially to John Rager, who has always had an open door and an
open ear, and to Scott Kaplan, who first introduced me to research and has remained a
trusted mentor to this day. I’m excited to be starting a career as colleagues with them in
the small community of liberal arts computer scientists.
Finally, thank you to my mother Katlyn, my father, Ken, and my sister Kara, for your
belief in me, and for your love. Your lifelong support of my education and your nurturing
of my kindness have brought me where I am today. And I feel so grateful for the rest
of my family — Lerner, Palevsky, Roseman, Stover, Tomlins, Wiatrak, Wood — who have
surrounded me with patient, supporting, accepting love all my life. And last, thank you to
Hilary, who has been my teammate and partner through this journey, and to Chai, my cat,
who has been present on my lap as I did a large fraction of the work of this PhD.
The work of my PhD and of this dissertation was supported in part by NSF Awards CNS-
0846065, IIS-1302709, CNS-1463968, and CNS-1513575, and by the University of Washington
Tech Policy Lab, which was founded with a gift from Microsoft in 2013.
Chapter 1
People today use the web in critical aspects of their lives, making the security and privacy
of the web critical in both personally and public ways. For example, personally sensitive
uses of the web include online dating, purchasing sensitive items, and communication with
friends, partners, and relatives. Meanwhile, important public uses include of the web include
obtaining political news, registering to vote, and the exercise of free speech. This trend
offers promises of affordability, democratization, and freedom for many important aspects
of our lives, but it also comes with great risks: by networking our private matters and
storing private details on remote servers, we risk privacy violations which were impossible
or unthinkable when those matters were physically isolated behind closed doors. And by
putting our most important public matters online, we could be endangering the integrity of
our democracy and our free society. To fulfill these promises and mitigate these risks, we will
need to deeply understand the security and privacy of the web as it evolves, and incorporate
that understanding into the way we design and regulate the web going forward.
This dissertation uses measurement and analysis to study the web and a set of the
web’s neighboring “sister technologies”, forming insights and foundations for the ways that
we can make the web more secure and privacy preserving. Its primary approach is through
measurement of the web and of those neighboring technologies, measurements which quantify
our interactions with the web and the risks involved in those interactions. In particular, this
dissertation presents new measurement techniques for examining the web longitudinally,
new measurements of how third-party web tracking has evolved over time, the development
and quantification of attacks and defenses against user views of web archives, and the first
large-scale measurement study of the use of QR codes and their interaction with the web.
Throughout, I synthesize lessons, both for technologists and policymakers, which provide
guidance on effective directions for integrating security and privacy into the design and
regulation of technology to make us safer and stronger as individuals and a broader society.
The primary themes and challenges of this dissertation arise from its use of novel measure-
ment techniques and its study of the way that the web interacts with what I will term “sister
technologies”: web-adjacent technologies that interact with, enhance, compliment, and are
complimented by the web.
New insights about technologies like the web sometimes require new approaches and unique
datasets. Acting on this observation, Chapters 2 and 3 describe, develop, and use web
archives as a tool and subject of measurement study, while Chapter 4 performs a unique
study of global QR code usage through the use of a dataset of 87 million barcode scans
obtained through collaboration with industry. For example, I observe that longitudinal
measurements of the web are valuable for their ability to depict trends, but challenging,
since the web is constantly changing. Chapter 2 overcomes this challenge by developing a
new method of using archival data to perform longitudinal measurements over nearly the
whole history of the web. Taking another approach to new measurements, Chapter 4 uses a
unique dataset, obtained through collaboration with industry, to perform the first large-scale
academic study of the use of QR (Quick Response) codes in the wild. Through these new
measurement techniques, this dissertation demonstrates the power of taking new approaches
to measure what is and has been, and it offers insights into the real security and privacy
threats we face today and tomorrow. By seeing how those threats have changed and will
change, it guides us in integrating security and privacy into the design, implementation, and
regulation of the web and its sister technologies.
The second major theme of this dissertation is the interaction of the web with related tech-
nologies that refer to, augment, and compliment the web. This dissertation specifically
considers the following sister technologies: third-party web tracking, web archives, and QR
codes. Each enables unique interactions with the web. For example, QR codes enable
pointers to the web to exist in the physical world, while web archives allow us to time
travel through the web, studying and citing its past. Additionally, these sister technologies
sometimes fundamentally shape the web, as with web tracking, which enables much of the
personalized advertising which underlies the economy of the web, allowing many of our most
powerful and useful web services to exist, while also pushing the commercial structure and
incentives of the web in a direction that emphasizes the value of individuals’ personal data.
Given the technical and economic importance of these sister technologies, this dissertation
studies them alongside the web in order to understand the way that web security and privacy
can be made to serve peoples’ needs.
1.2 Contributions
This dissertation is presented in three chapters, each of which measures and analyses either
the web itself, or certain technologies which surround, expand, and enhance the web. Thus
the topics of the following three chapters are measurements of the evolution of third-party
tracking on the web; the security of web archives against malicious manipulation; and the
expansive ecosystem of QR code usage and its relation to the web. Web archives appear in
both Chapter 2 and Chapter 3: in the first case, they are used to enable a new longitudinal
measurement technique, while in the second they become a topic of study themselves. Finally,
QR codes appear in Chapter 4, as a perspective from which I explore the ways in which
emerging uses of technology piggyback upon and differ from the web and other modern
1.2.1 Using Archival Sources For Longitudinal Measurements Of Third Party Web Tracking
1.2.2 Rewriting History: Changing the Archived Web From the Present
In Chapter 3, the dissertation pivots from considering web archives as a source of data
for longitudinal web measurement to considering them as a subject of study themselves.
Observing that web archives are often cited in socially important contexts such as journalism,
scientific articles, and legal proceedings, I observe that such important uses may motivate
adversaries to attempt to manipulate archives for their own purposes. This dissertation is
the first to our knowledge to study the ways in which the Wayback Machine, perhaps the
largest modern web archive, is vulnerable to adversarial manipulation of the ways that clients
view its archival content. I discover a variety of vulnerabilities which expose client views to
manipulation, and develop attacks which exploit those vulnerabilities. I then measure the
prevalence of those vulnerabilities, finding that they are quite common in practice, exposing
a significant fraction of the archived web to adversarial manipulation: nearly three-quarters
of popular snapshots from recent years are vulnerable to complete takeover by at least one
adversary. Finally, I consider the defenses that may be deployed in order to protect client
views of archived websites and increase the trust that people who rely on archival data for
socially important uses can put in that data.
Chapter 4 of this dissertation presents measurements of the use of QR codes by real uses
across the world. This chapter is to our knowledge the first large-scale academic analysis of
the use of QR codes in the wild. It presents data showing the wide variety of ways people use
QR codes. From that data, I derive a series of lessons for developers and users of technologies
like QR codes. These lessons are expansive, covering both modern technology like QR codes,
as well as considering QR codes as a proxy for future emerging technologies which embed
information in the environment. Additionally, I observe that the QR codes in our dataset are
dominantly web addresses (87% of scans), illustrating QR codes role as a sister technology to
the web. Despite the importance of web related uses, we also identify a variety of interesting
niche uses, such as an extremely popularly scanned code for donating bitcoins to The Pirate
Bay, as well as a number of malicious Android apps and other malware distribution sites
among the codes. This chapter considers the ways in which the physicality and mobile nature
of QR codes may bear on security and privacy for the web as it is used through QR codes.
Together, these chapters provide a set of perspectives that can ground future approaches to
understanding and measuring security and privacy challenges on the web, and to designing,
implementing, and regulating technologies that help the web be a safer, more beneficial
system for all people.
Chapter 2
In this chapter, I engage with both of the themes of this dissertation by presenting a
new measurement technique (longitudinal web measurement) which is enabled by a sister
technology (web archives). Specifically, I develop a technique to perform longitudinal web
measurements, implement that technique in a tool called TrackingExcavator, and demon-
strate the technique by using TrackingExcavator to perform a study of changes in third-party
web tracking over 20 years. Finally, observe that TrackingExcavator can be used for a wide
variety of measurements using web archives, and thus will reappear as the tool used for the
measurements in Chapter 3.
The work of this chapter previously appeared in a 2016 paper [14], and citations of this
work should refer to that paper.
2.1 Introduction
Third-party web tracking is the practice by which third parties like advertisers, social media
widgets, and website analytics engines — embedded in the first party sites that users visit
directly — re-identify users across domains as they browse the web. Web tracking, and
the associated privacy concerns from tracking companies building a list of sites users have
browsed to, has inspired a significant and growing body of academic work in the computer
security and privacy community, attempting to understand, measure, and defend against
such tracking (e.g., [147, 100, 101, 72, 103, 63, 80, 82, 83, 102, 49, 50, 51, 67, 43, 86, 177, 12,
134, 13, 175, 106, 69, 169, 68, 23, 64, 164, 56, 149, 39, 99, 19, 124, 107, 165]).
However, the research community’s interest in web tracking comes relatively recently in
the history of web. To our knowledge, the earliest measurement studies began in 2005 [102],
with most coming after 2009 — while display advertising and the HTTP cookie standard
date to the mid-1990s [112, 104]. Though numerous studies have now been done, they
typically consist of short-term measurements of specific tracking techniques. We argue that
public and private discussions surrounding web tracking — happening in technical, legal,
and policy arenas (e.g., [120, 179]) — ought to be informed not just by a single snapshot of
the web tracking ecosystem but by a comprehensive knowledge of its trajectory over time.
We provide such a comprehensive view in this chapter, conducting a measurement study of
third-party web tracking across 20 years since 1996.
Measurement studies of web tracking are critical to provide transparency for users, tech-
nologists, policymakers, and even those sites that include trackers, to help them understand
how user data is collected and used, to enable informed decisions about privacy, and to incen-
tivize companies to consider privacy. However, the web tracking ecosystem is continuously
evolving, and others have shown that web privacy studies at a single point in time may only
temporarily reduce the use of specific controversial tracking techniques [161]. While one can
study tracking longitudinally starting in the present, as we and others have (e.g., [161, 102]),
ideally any future developments in the web tracking ecosystem can be contextualized in a
comprehensive view of that ecosystem over time — i.e., since the very earliest instance of
tracking on the web. We provide that longitudinal, historical context in this chapter, asking:
how has the third-party web tracking ecosystem evolved since its beginnings?
To answer this question, we apply a key insight: the Internet Archive’s Wayback Ma-
chine [75] enables a retrospective analysis of third-party tracking on the web over time.
The Wayback Machine1 contains archives of full webpages, including JavaScript, stylesheets,
and embedded resources, dating back to 1996. To leverage this archive, we design and im-
plement a retrospective tracking detection and analysis platform called TrackingExcavator
(Section 2.4), which allows us to conduct a longitudinal study of third-party tracking from
1996 to present (2016). TrackingExcavator logs in-browser behaviors related to web tracking,
including: third-party requests, cookies attached to requests, cookies programmatically set
by JavaScript, and the use of other relevant JavaScript APIs (e.g., HTML5 LocalStorage
and APIs used in browser fingerprinting [43, 134], such as enumerating installed plugins).
TrackingExcavator can run on both live as well as archived versions of websites.
Harnessing the power of the Wayback Machine for our analysis turns out to be surprisingly
challenging (Section 2.6). Indeed, a key contribution of this chapter is our evaluation of the
historical data provided by the Wayback Machine, and a set of lessons and techniques for
extracting information about trends in third-party content over time. Through a comparison
with ground truth datasets collected in 2011 (provided to us by the authors of [147]), 2013,
2015, and 2016, we find that the Wayback Machine’s view of the past, as it relates to
included third-party content, is imperfect for many reasons, including sites that were not
archived due to robots.txt restrictions (which are respected by the Wayback Machine’s
crawlers), the Wayback Machine’s occasional failure to archive embedded content, as well as
site resources that were archived at different times than the top-level site. Though popular
sites are typically archived at regular intervals, their embedded content (including third-
party trackers) may thus be only partially represented. Whereas others have observed similar
limitations with the Wayback Machine, especially as it relates to content visible on the top-
level page [28, 88, 130], our analysis is focused on the technical impact of missing third-party
elements, particularly with respect to tracking. Through our evaluation, we characterize
what the Wayback Machine lets us measure about the embedded third parties, and showcase
some techniques for best using the data it provides and working around some of its weaknesses
(Section 2.6).
After evaluating the Wayback Machine’s view into the past and developing best practices
for using its data, we use TrackingExcavator to conduct a longitudinal study of the third-
party web tracking ecosystem from 1996-2016 (Sections 2.5). We explore how this ecosystem
has changed over time, including the prevalence of different web tracking behaviors, the
identities and scope of popular trackers, and the complexity of relationships within the
ecosystem. Among our findings, we identify the earliest tracker in our dataset in 1996 and
observe the rise and fall of important players in the ecosystem (e.g., the rise of Google
Analytics to appear on over a third of all popular websites). We find that websites contact
an increasing number of third parties over time (about 5% of the 500 most popular sites
contacted at least 5 separate third parties in early 2000s, whereas nearly 40% do so in 2016)
and that the top trackers can track users across an increasing percentage of the web’s most
popular sites. We also find that tracking behaviors changed over time, e.g., that third-party
popups peaked in the mid-2000s and that the fraction of trackers that rely on referrals from
other trackers has recently risen.
Taken together, our findings show that third-party web tracking is a rapidly growing
practice in an increasingly complex ecosystem — suggesting that users’ and policymakers’
concerns about privacy require sustained, and perhaps increasing, attention. Our results
provide hitherto unavailable historical context for today’s technical and policy discussions.
In summary, our contributions are:
1. TrackingExcavator, a measurement infrastructure for detecting and analyzing third-
party web tracking behaviors in the present and — leveraging the Wayback Machine —
in the past (Section 2.4).
2. An in-depth analysis of the scope and accuracy of the Wayback Machine’s view of
historical web tracking behaviors and trends, and techniques for working around its
weaknesses (Section 2.6).
3. A longitudinal measurement study of third-party cookie-based web tracking from
1996 to present (2016) — to the best of our knowledge, the longest longitudinal study
of tracking to date (Section 2.5).
Third-party web tracking is the practice by which entities (“trackers”) embedded in webpages
re-identify users as they browse the web, collecting information about the websites that they
visit [147, 122]. Tracking is typically done for the purposes of website analytics, targeted ad-
Figure 2.1: Overview of basic cookie-based web tracking. The third-party domain
tracker.com uses a browser cookie to re-identify users on sites that embed content from
tracker.com. This example shows vanilla tracking according to the taxonomy from [147];
other behaviors are described in Section 2.4.
vertising, and other forms of personalization (e.g., social media content). For example, when
a user visits www.cnn.com, the browser may make additional requests to doubleclick.net
to load targeted ads and to facebook.com to load the “Like” button; as a result, Doubleclick
and Facebook learn about that user’s visit to CNN. Cookie-based trackers re-identify users
by setting unique identifiers in browser cookies, which are then automatically included with
requests to the tracker’s domain. Figure 2.1 shows a basic example; we discuss more complex
cookie-based tracking behaviors in Section 2.4. Though cookie-based tracking is extremely
common [147], other types of tracking behaviors have also emerged, including the use of other
client-side storage mechanisms, such as HTML5 LocalStorage, or the use of browser and/or
machine fingerprinting to re-identify users without the need to store local state [134, 43].
Because these embedded trackers are often invisible to users and not visited intention-
ally, there has been growing concern about the privacy implications of third-party tracking.
In recent years, it has been the subject of repeated policy discussions (Mayer and Mitchell
provide an overview as of 2012 [122]); simultaneously, the computer science research com-
munity has studied tracking mechanisms (e.g., [147, 134, 177, 122]), measured their preva-
lence (e.g., [147, 51, 102, 13]), and developed new defenses or privacy-preserving alternatives
(e.g., [19, 164, 56, 64, 149]). We discuss related works further in Section 2.3.
Figure 2.2: Overview of our infrastructure, TrackingExcavator, organized into four pipeline
stages. Red/italic elements apply only to “Wayback mode” for historical measurements,
while black/non-italics elements apply also to present-day measurements.
However, the research community’s interest in web tracking is relatively recent, with the
earliest measurements (to our knowledge) beginning in 2005 [102], and each study using a
different methodology and measuring a different subset of known tracking techniques (see
Englehardt et al. [49] for a comprehensive list of such studies). The practices of embedding
third-party content and targeted advertising on websites predate these first studies [112], and
longitudinal studies have been limited. However, longitudinal studies are critical to ensure
the sustained effects of transparency [161] and to contextualize future measurements. Thus,
to help ground technical and policy discussions surrounding web tracking in historical trends,
we ask: how has the third-party tracking ecosystem evolved over the lifetime of the web?
We investigate questions such as:
• How have the numbers, identities, and behaviors of dominant trackers changed
over time?
• How has the scope of the most popular trackers (i.e., the number of websites on which
they are embedded) changed over time?
• How has the prevalence of tracking changed over time? For example, do websites
include many more third-party trackers now than they did in the past?
• How have the behaviors of web trackers (e.g., JavaScript APIs used) changed over
By answering these questions, we are to able provide a systematic and longitudinal view
of third-party web tracking over the last 20 years, retroactively filling this gap in the research
literature, shedding a light on the evolution of third-party tracking practices on the web, and
informing future technical and policy discussions.
The Wayback Machine. To conduct our archeological study, we rely on data from the
Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (https://archive.org). Since 1996, the Wayback
Machine has archived full webpages, including JavaScript, stylesheets, and any resources
(including third-party JavaScript) that it can identify statically from the site contents. It
mirrors past snapshots of these webpages on its own servers; visitors to the archive see
the pages as they appeared in the past, make requests for all resources from the Wayback
Machine’s archived copy, and execute all JavaScript that was archived. We evaluate the
completeness of the archive, particularly with respect to third-party requests, in Section 2.6.
Tracking and Defenses. Third-party tracking has been studied extensively in recent years,
particularly through analysis and measurements from 2005 to present [147, 100, 101, 72,
103, 63, 80, 82, 83, 102, 49, 50]. A few studies have considered mobile, rather than desktop,
browser tracking [51, 67]. Beyond explicit stateful (e.g., cookie-based) tracking, recent work
has studied the use of browser and machine fingerprinting techniques to re-identify and track
users [43, 86, 177, 12, 134, 13]. Others have studied the possible results of tracking, including
targeted ads [175, 106], personalized search [69], and price discrimination [169].
User-facing defenses against tracking range from browser extensions like Ghostery [58]
and Privacy Badger [46] to research proposals (e.g. [68, 23]). Researchers have also designed
privacy-preserving alternatives including privacy-preserving ads [64, 164, 56, 145], social
media widgets [149, 39, 99], and analytics [19]. Others have studied user attitudes towards
tracking and targeted advertising (e.g., [124, 107, 165]). Our study shows the increased
prevalence of tracking over time, suggesting that designing and supporting these defenses for
privacy-sensitive users is as important as ever.
Wayback Machine and other Longitudinal Measurements. Others have used the
Wayback Machine for historical measurements to predict whether websites will become ma-
licious [157] and to study JavaScript inclusion [136] and website accessibility [66]; to recover
medical references [170]; to analyze social trends [84]; and as evidence in legal cases [47].
Others [130] found that websites are accurately reflected in the archive. These studies noted
similar limitations as we did, as well as ways it has changed over time [88]. Finally, re-
searchers have studied other aspects of the web and Internet longitudinally without the use
of archives, including IPv6 adoption [34], search-engine poisoning [108], privacy notices [125],
and botnets [171].
To conduct a longitudinal study of web tracking using historical data from the Wayback
Machine, we built a tool, TrackingExcavator, with the capability to (1) detect and analyze
third-party tracking-related behaviors on a given web page, and (2) run that analysis over
historical web pages archived and accessed by the Wayback Machine. In this section, we
introduce TrackingExcavator. Figure 2.2 provides and overview of TrackingExcavator, which
is organized into four pipeline stages:
(1) Input Generation (Section 2.4.1): TrackingExcavator takes as input a list of top-
level sites on which to measure tracking behaviors (such as the Alexa top 500 sites), and, in
“Wayback mode,” a timestamp for the desired archival time to create archive.org URLs.
(4) Data Visualization: Finally, we process our results into visual representations (in-
In the input generation phase, we provide TrackingExcavator with a list of top-level sites to
use for measurement. For historical measurements, TrackingExcavator must take a list of
top-level URLs along with historical timestamps and transform them into appropriate URLs
on archive.org. For example, the URL for the Wayback Machine’s February 10, 2016
snapshot of https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity16 is https://web.
We use the Memento API to find the nearest archived snapshot of a website occur-
ring before the specified measurement date [85]. Though this process ensures a reasonable
timestamp for the top-level page, embedded resources may have been archived at different
times [18]. During analysis, we thus filter out archived resources whose timestamps are more
than six months from our measurement timestamp, to ensure minimal overlap and sufficient
spacing between measurements of different years.
To collect data, TrackingExcavator uses a Chrome extension to automatically visit the set of
input sites. Note that we cannot log into sites, since the Wayback Machine cannot act as the
original server. Our browser is configured to allow third-party cookies as well as popups, and
we visit the set of sites twice: once to prime the cache and the cookie store (to avoid artifacts
of first-time browser use), and once for data collection. During these visits, we collect the
following information relevant to third-party web tracking and store it in a local database:
We later process this data in the analysis phase of TrackingExcavator’s pipeline (Sec-
tion 2.4.3 below).
1. Analytics Tracking: The tracker provides a script that implements website analytics
functionality. Analytics trackers are characterized by a script, sourced from a third
party but run in the first-party context, that sets first-party cookies and later leaks
those cookies to the third-party domain.
2. Vanilla Tracking: The tracker is included as a third party (e.g., an iframe) in the
top-level page and uses third-party cookies to track users across sites.
3. Forced Tracking: The tracker forces users to visit its domain directly — for example,
by opening a popup or redirecting the user to a full-page ad — allowing it to set cookies
from a first-party position.
4. Referred Tracking: The tracker relies on another tracker to leak unique identifiers to
it, rather than on its own cookies. In a hypothetical example, adnetwork.com might
set its own cookie, and then explicitly leak that cookie in requests to referred tracker
ads.com. In this case, ads.com need not set its own cookies to perform tracking.
5. Personal Tracking: The tracker behaves like a Vanilla tracker but is visited by the user
directly in other contexts. Personal trackers commonly appear as social widgets (e.g.,
We are not aware of other taxonomies of this granularity for cookie-based tracking.
6. Referred Analytics Tracking: Similar to an Analytics tracker, but the domain which
sets a first-party cookie is different from the domain to which the first-party cookie is
later leaked.
Reconstructing Archived Cookies. For many tracking types, the presence or absence of
cookies is a key factor in determining whether the request represents a tracking behavior.
In our live measurements, we have the actual Cookie headers attached by Chrome during
the crawl. On archived pages, the Wayback Machine includes past Set-Cookie headers as
X-Archive-Orig-Set-Cookie headers on archived responses. To capture the cookies that
would have actually been set during a live visit to that archived page, TrackingExcavator
must simulate a browser cookie store based on these archival cookie headers and JavaScript
cookie set events recorded during data collection.
We found that Python’s cookie jar computed cookies exactly matching Chrome’s for only
71% of requests seen in a live run of the top 100. However, for most types of tracking, we only
need to know whether any cookies would have been set for the request, which we correctly
determine 96% of the time. Thus our tool captures most tracking despite using Python’s
cookie jar.
Alexa’s top sites include several that users would not typically visit directly, e.g., googleadservices.com
Thus, we manually examined lists of popular sites for each year to distinguish between do-
mains that users typically visit intentionally (e.g., Facebook, Amazon) from those which or-
dinary users never or rarely visit intentionally (e.g., ad networks or CDNs). Two researchers
independently classified the domains on the Alexa top 100 sites for each year where we have
Alexa data, gathering information about sites for which they were unsure. The researchers
examined 435 total domains: for the top 100 domains in 2016, they agreed on 100% and iden-
tified 94 sites as potential Personal trackers; for the 335 additional domains in the previous
years’ lists, they agreed on 95.4% and identified 296 Personal tracker domains.
We now turn to our longitudinal study of third-party cookie-based web tracking from 1996-
Datasets. We focus our investigation on the most popular websites each year, for two
reasons: first, trackers on these sites are (or were) able to collect information about the
greatest number of users; second, popular sites are crawled more frequently by the Wayback
Machine (if permitted by robots.txt). We thus need historical lists of the top sites globally
on the web.
2003-2016: Alexa. For 2010-2016, we use Wayback Machine archives of Alexa’s top million
sites list (a csv file). For 2003-2009, we approximate the top 500 by scraping Alexa’s own
historical API (when available) and archives of individual Alexa top 100 pages. Because of
inconsistencies in those sources, our final lists contain 459-500 top sites for those years.
1996-2002: Popular Links from Homepages. In 2002, only the Alexa top 100 are available;
before 2002, we only have ComScore’s list of 20 top sites [173]. Thus, to build a list of 500
popular sites for the years 1996-2002, we took advantage of the standard practice at the
time of publishing links to popular domains on personal websites. Specifically, we located
archives of the People pages of the Computer Science or similar department at the top 10
U.S. CS research universities as of 1999, as reported in that year by U.S. News Online [2].
We identified the top 500 domains linked to from the homepages accessible from those People
pages, and added any ComScore domains that were not found by this process. We ran this
process using People pages archived in 1996 and 1999; these personal pages were not updated
or archived frequently enough to get finer granularity. We used the 1996 list as input to our
1996, 1997 and 1998 measurements, and the 1999 list as input for 1999-2002.
We begin by studying the prevalence of tracking behaviors over time: how many unique
trackers do we observe, what types of tracking behaviors do those trackers exhibit, and how
Figure 2.3: Evolution of tracker types over time. The grey bars show the total number of
tracking domains present in each dataset, and the colored lines show the numbers of trackers
with each type of tracking behavior. A single tracker may have more than one behavior in
the dataset (e.g., both Vanilla and Analytics), so the sum of the lines might be greater than
the bar.
Prevalence and Behaviors of Unique Trackers. Figure 2.3 shows the total number of
unique trackers observed over time (the grey bars) and the prevalence of different tracking
behavior types (the lines) for the top 500 sites from 1996-2016. Note that trackers may
exhibit more than one behavior across sites or on a single site, so the sum of the lines may
be greater than the height of the bar. We note that the particularly large bars in 2015 and
2016 may reflect not only a change in tracking prevalence but also changes in the way the
Wayback Machine archived the web. See Table 2.5 for validation against live data which
suggest that actual growth may have been smaller and more linear, similar to past years.
Table 2.1: Complexity of trackers, in terms of the percentage (and number) of trackers
displaying one or more types of tracking behaviors across the top 500 sites.
We make several observations. First, we see the emergence of different tracking behaviors:
the first cookie-based tracker in our data is from 1996: microsoft.com as a Vanilla tracker
on digital.net. The first Personal tracker to appear in our dataset is in 1999: go.com
shows up on 5 different sites that year, all also owned by Disney: disney.com, espn.com,
sportszone.com, wbs.net, and infoseek.com (acquired by Disney mid-1999 [1], before
the date of our measurement). The existence of a Personal tracker that only appeared
on sites owned by the same company differs from today’s Personal tracking ecosystem, in
which social media widgets like the Facebook “Like” button appear on many popular sites
unaffiliated with that tracker (Facebook, in this case) [147].
More generally, we see a marked increase in quantities of trackers over time, with rises in
all types of tracking behavior. One exception is Forced trackers — those relying on popups —
which are rare and peaked in the early 2000s before popup blockers became default (e.g., in
2004 for Internet Explorer [132]). Indeed, we see third-party popups peak significantly in
2003 and 2004 (17 and 30 popups, respectively, compared to an annual mean of about 4),
though we could not confirm all as trackers for Figure 2.3. Additionally, we see an increasing
variety of tracking behavior over time, with early trackers nearly all simply Vanilla, but more
recent rises in Personal, Analytics, and Referred tracking.
We can also consider the complexity of individual trackers, i.e., how many distinct track-
Table 2.2: Most prolific API-users, with ties broken by coverage (number of sites on which
they appear) for each year. The maximum number of APIs used increases over time, but
the max API users are not necessarily the most popular trackers.
ing behaviors they exhibit over each year’s dataset. (Note that some behaviors are exclusive,
e.g., a tracker cannot be both Personal and Vanilla, but others are nonexclusive.) Table 2.1
suggests that there has been some increase in complexity in recent years, with more trackers
exhibiting two or even three behaviors. Much of this increase is due to the rise in Referred or
Referred Analytics trackers, which receive cookie values shared explicitly by other trackers
in addition to using their own cookies in Vanilla behavior.
Fingerprint-Related APIs. We measured the use of Javascript APIs which can be used
to fingerprint browsers and persist identifiers even across cookie deletion. Though the use of
these APIs does not necessarily imply that they are used for tracking (and we know of no
published heuristic for correlating API use with genuine fingerprinting behaviors), the use
of these APIs nevertheless allows third parties to gather potentially rich information about
users and their machines. The full list of 37 fingerprint-related APIs we measure (based on
prior work [43, 134, 137, 12, 13]) is in Appendix 2.7.
Figure 2.4: Number of sites in each year with a tracker that calls (on that site) at least K
(of our 37) fingerprint-related APIs.
We now consider third parties that are prolific users of fingerprint-related APIs, calling
many APIs on each site. Table 2.2 shows the tracker in each year that calls the most
APIs on a single site. Ties are broken by the choosing the third party that appears on the
largest number of sites. Maximum usage of APIs has increased over time, but we observe
that the most prolific API users are not the most popular cookie-based trackers. Although
we only identify API uses within JavaScript, and not how their results are used, we note
that increasing use of these APIs implies increased power to fingerprint, especially when
combined with non-Javascript signals such as HTTP headers and plugin behavior. For
example, Panopticlick derived 18 bits of entropy about remote browsers from a subset of
these APIs plus HTTP headers and information from plugins [43].
Beyond the power of the most prolific fingerprint-related API users growing, we also find
that more sites include more trackers using these APIs over time. Figure 2.4 shows the
Figure 2.5: Domains using window.localStorage. First party usages are uses in the top
frame of a web page by a script loaded from the web page’s own domain. Third party usages
are those also in the top frame of a page but by a script loaded from a third party. Framed
uses are those inside of an iframe.
number of sites in each year containing a tracker that calls, on that site, at least K of the
37 fingerprinting APIs. Although many sites contain and have contained trackers that use
at least 1 API (typically navigator.userAgent, common in browser compatibility checks),
the number of sites containing trackers that call 2 or more APIs has risen significantly over
Third Parties Contacted. We now turn our attention to the number of third parties that
users encounter as they browse the web. Even third parties not confirmed as trackers have
the potential to track users across the web, and as we discovered in Section 2.6, many third
parties in archived data may in fact be confirmed trackers for which the Wayback Machine
simply archived insufficient information. Figure 2.6 thus shows the distributions of how
many third parties the top 500 sites contacted in each year. We see a rise in the median
Figure 2.6: Distributions of third-party requests for the top 500 sites 1996-2016. Center box
lines are medians, whiskers end at 1.5*IQR. The increase in both medians and distributions
of the data show that more third-parties are being contacted by popular sites in both the
common and extreme cases.
number of third parties contacted — in other words, more sites are giving more third parties
the opportunity to track users.
Figure 2.7 provides a different view of similar data, showing the distribution of the top
sites for each year by number of distinct third parties contacted. In the early 2000s, only
about 5% of sites contacted at least 5 third parties, while in 2016 nearly 40% of sites did
so. We see a maximum in 2015, when one site contacted 34 separate third-parties (a raw
number that is likely underestimated by the Wayback Machine’s data)!
We now turn to an investigation of the top trackers each year: who are the top players in
the ecosystem, and how wide is their view of users’ browsing behaviors?
Coverage of Top Trackers. We define the coverage of a set of trackers as the percentage
of total sites from the dataset for which at least one of those trackers appears. For a single
tracker, its coverage is the percentage of sites on which it appears. Intuitively, coverage
suggests the concentration of tracking ability — greater coverage allows trackers to build
larger browsing profiles. This metric reaches toward the core privacy concern of tracking,
that certain entities may know nearly everything a person does on the web. We consider
trackers by domain name, even though some trackers are in fact owned by the same company
Figure 2.7: Distribution of top sites for each year by number of unique third-parties (tracking-
capable domains) they contact. In later years, more sites appear to contact more third
(e.g., Google owns google-analytics.com, doubleclick.net, and the “+1” button served
from google.com), because a business relationship does not imply that the entities share
data, though some trackers may indeed share information out of public view.
Figure 2.8 illustrates the growth of tracker coverage over time. It considers both the
single domain with the highest coverage for each year (Top 1 Tracker) as well as the com-
bined coverage of the union of the top 5, 10 and 20 trackers. Confirming the lesson from
Section 2.6.2, the coverage rates we see for third party domains in the archive are similar to
live coverage of confirmed Vanilla cookie-based trackers.
Clearly, the coverage of top trackers has risen over time, suggesting that a small number
of third parties can observe an increasing portion of user browsing histories.
Popular Trackers over Time. Who are these top trackers? Figure 2.9 shows the rise and
fall of the top two trackers (“champions”) for each year. To create this figure, we make use of
the lesson in Section 2.6.4 to manually label known popular confirmed trackers. We identified
the two domains with the highest third-party request coverage for each year, omitting cases
Figure 2.8: The growth in the coverage (percentage of top 500 sites tracked) of the top
1/5/10/20 trackers for each year is shown in the first and second panels, for all confirmed
trackers and for all third parties respectively. The right hand panel shows the values on the
live web for confirmed trackers, with the top 5 trackers covering about 70% of all sites in the
dataset. Note that top third party coverage in the archive is an excellent proxy for modern
confirmed tracker coverage today.
where the most popular tracker in a year appeared on only one site. We manually verified that
12/19 of these domains were in fact trackers by researching the domain, owning company,
archived behavior and context, and modern behaviors (if applicable). Based on this analysis,
we are able to assess the change in tracking behaviors even of domains for whom cookies are
lost in the archive (e.g., doubleclick.net). In particular, this analysis reveals trends in the
trackers with the most power to capture profiles of user behavior across many sites.
We find that in the early 2000s, no single tracker was present on more than 10% of top
sites, but in recent years, google-analytics.com has been present on nearly a third of
top sites and 2-4 others have been present on more than 10% and growing. Some, such as
doubleclick.net (acquired by Google in 2008) have been popular throughout the entire
time period of the graph, while others, such as scorecardresearch.com, have seen a much
more recent rise.
We note that google-analytics.com is a remarkable outlier with nearly 35% coverage in
2011. Google Analytics is also an outlier in that it is one of only two non-cross-site trackers
among the champions (gstatic.com, a Referred Analytics tracker, is the other). As an
Analytics type tracker, Google Analytics trackers users only within a single site, meaning
Figure 2.9: This figure depicts variations in site coverage for a number of the most popular
confirmed trackers from years across the studied period. We call the two trackers embed-
ded on the most sites in a given year the “champions” of that year, filtered by manual
classification as described in the text.
Figure 2.10: Changes in the frequency with which domains are referred to or refer to other
domains (based on HTTP Referer).
that its “coverage” is arguably less meaningful than that of a cross-site tracker. However,
we observe that Google Analytics could track users across sites via fingerprinting or by
changing its behavior to store tracking cookies. This observation highlights the need for
repeated measurements studies that provide transparency on the web: with a simple change
to its tracking infrastructure, Google Analytics could begin to track users across 40% of the
most popular sites on the web overnight. Thus, Google’s decision not to structure Google
Analytics in this way has a tremendous impact on user privacy.
tracker.com, or from tracker.com referring to tracker2.com, the nodes for those domains
in the graph will be connected by edges.
We have uncovered trends suggesting that tracking has become more prevalent and complex
in the 20 years since 1996: there are now more unique trackers exhibiting more types of
behaviors; websites contact increasing numbers of third parties, giving them the opportu-
nity to track users; the scope of top trackers has increased, providing them with a broader
view of user browsing behaviors; and the complexity and interconnectedness of the tracking
ecosystem has increased markedly.
From a privacy perspective, our findings show that over time, more third parties are
in a position to gather and utilize increasing amounts of information about users and their
browsing behaviors. This increase comes despite recent academic, policy, and media attention
on these privacy concerns and suggests that these discussions are far from resolved. As
researchers continue to conduct longitudinal measurements of web tracking going forward,
our work provides the necessary historical context in which to situate future developments.
Figure 2.11: 2003, 2005 and 2007 referer graphs for the top 500, as seen in the Wayback
Machine’s archive. An from a domain referer.com to another domain referred.com
is included if any URL from referer.com is seen to be the referer for any URL from
referred.com. Note the increasing complexity of the graph over time. Note as well in-
creased connectivity, with a larger percentage of the graph joined in a single component.
The Wayback Machine provides a unique and comprehensive source of historical web data.
However, it was not created for the purpose of studying third-party web tracking and is thus
imperfect for that use. Nevertheless, the only way to study web tracking prior to explicit
measurements targeting it is to leverage materials previously archived for other purposes.
Therefore, before using the Wayback Machine’s archived data, it is essential to systematically
characterize and analyze its capabilities and flaws in the context of third-party tracking.
In this section we thus study the extent to which data from the Wayback Machine allows
us to study historical web tracking behaviors. Beyond providing confidence in the trends of
web tracking over time that we present in Section 2.5, we view this evaluation of the Wayback
Machine as a contribution of this chapter. While others have studied the quality of the
Wayback Machine’s archive, particularly with respect to the quality of the archived content
displayed on the top-level page (e.g., [130, 88, 28]), we are the first to systematically study
the quality of the Wayback Machine’s data about third-party requests, the key component of
web tracking.
To conduct our evaluation, we leverage four ground truth data sets collected from the
live web in 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016. The 2011 data was originally used in [147] and
provided to us by those authors. All datasets contain classifications of third-party cookie-
based trackers (according to the above taxonomy) appearing on the Alexa top 500 sites (from
the time of each measurement). The 2015 and 2016 data was collected by TrackingExcavator
and further contains all HTTP requests, including those not classified as tracking.3 We plan
to release our ground truth datasets from 2013, 2015, and 2016.
We organize this section around a set of lessons that we draw from this evaluation. We
apply these lessons in our measurements in Section 2.5. We believe our findings can assist
For comparison, the published results based on the 2011 dataset [147] measured tracking on the home-
pages of the top 500 websites as well as four additional pages on that domain; for the purposes of our
work, we re-analyzed the 2011 data using only homepages.
Table 2.3: Natural variability in the trackers observed on different visits to the Alexa top
100 in 2015. This variability can result from non-static webpage content, e.g., ad auctions
that result in different winners.
future researchers seeking to use the Wayback Machine as a resource for studying tracking
(or other web properties relying on third-party requests) over time.
2.6.1 Lesson (Challenge): The Wayback Machine provides a partial view of third-party re-
A key question for using the Wayback Machine for historical measurements is: how complete
is the archive’s view of the past, both for the top-level pages and for the embedded content? In
this lesson, we explore why its view is incomplete, surfacing challenges that we will overcome
in subsequent lessons. We identify several reasons for the differences between the live and
Wayback measurements, and quantify the effects of each.
Variation Between Visits. Different trackers and other third parties may appear on a
site when it is loaded a second time, even if these views are close together; an example of
this variation would be disparity in tracking behaviors between ads in an ad network.
To estimate the degree of variation between page views, we compare three live runs
from August-September 2015 of the Alexa top 100 sites (Table 2.3). We find that variation
between runs even a week apart is notable (though not enough to account for all of the
differences between Wayback and live datasets). For the number of Vanilla trackers found,
the August 25th and September 1st runs vary by 7 trackers, or 6%.
Non-Archived and Blocked Requests. There are several reasons that the Wayback
Table 2.4: For the archived versions of the Alexa top 500 sites from 2016, the fraction of
requests, unique URLs, and unique domains affected by robots exclusion (403 errors), not
archived (404), Wayback escapes (blocked by TrackingExcavator), or inconsistent timestamps
(filtered by TrackingExcavator).
Machine may fail to archive a response to a request, or provide a response that TrackingEx-
cavator must ignore (e.g., from a far different time than the one we requested or from the
live web). We describe these conditions here, and evaluate them in the context of a Wayback
Machine crawl of the top 500 pages archived in 2016, according to the 2016 Alexa top 500
rankings; we elaborate on this dataset in Section 2.5. Table 2.4 summarizes how often the
various conditions occur in this dataset, for requests, unique URLs, and unique domains.
In the case of domains, we count only those domains for which all requests are affected,
since those are the cases where we will never see a cookie or any other subsequent tracking
indicators for that domain.
Robots.txt Exclusions (403 errors). If a domain’s robots.txt asks that it not be crawled,
the Wayback Machine will respect that restriction and thus not archive the response. As
a result, we will not receive any information about that site (including cookies, or use of
Javascript) nor will we see any subsequent resources that would have resulted from that
We find that only a small fraction of all requests, unique URLs, and (complete) domains
are affected by robots exclusion (Table 2.4). We note that robots exclusions are particularly
common for popular trackers. Of the 20 most popular trackers on the 2016 live dataset,
12 (60%) are blocked at least once by robots.txt in the 2016 Wayback measurement. By
contrast, this is true for only 74/456, or 16.23%, of all Vanilla trackers seen in live.
Other Failures to Archive (404 errors). The Wayback Machine may fail to archive resources
for any number of reasons. For example, the domain serving a certain resource may have
been unavailable at the time of the archive, or changes in the Wayback Machine’s crawler
may result in different archiving behaviors over time. As shown in Table 2.4, missing archives
are rare.
URL Rewriting Failures (Wayback “Escapes”). Though the Wayback Machine’s archived
pages execute the corresponding archived JavaScript within the browser when TrackingEx-
cavator visits them, the Wayback Machine does not execute JavaScript during its archival
crawls of the web. Instead, it attempts to statically extract URLs from HTML and JavaScript
to find additional sites to archive. It then modifies the archived JavaScript, rewriting the
URLs in the included script to point to the archived copy of the resource. This process may
fail, particularly for dynamically generated URLs. As a result, when TrackingExcavator
visits archived pages, dynamically generated URLs not properly redirected to their archived
versions will cause the page to attempt to make a request to the live web, i.e., “escape” the
archive. TrackingExcavator blocks such escapes (see Section 2.4). As a result, the script
never runs on the archived site, never sets a cookie or leaks it, and thus TrackingExcavator
does not witness the associated tracking behavior.
We find that Wayback “escapes” are more common than robots exclusion or missing
archives (Table 2.4): 16.1% of all requests attempted to “escape” (i.e., were not properly
rewritten by the Wayback Machine) and were blocked by TrackingExcavator.
Figure 2.12: The fraction of domains categorized as Vanilla trackers in the live 2016 crawl
which, in the archival 2016 crawl, (1) set and leaked cookies and thus were confirmed as
trackers, (2) were only third-party requests (had at least one third-party request but no
cookies), (3) did not appear at all, or (4) other (e.g., had cookies but not at the time of a
third-party request, or cookies were not attached due to a cookie simulation bug).
Cascading Failures. Any of the above failures can lead to cascading failures, in that non-
archived responses or blocked requests will result in the omission of any subsequent requests
or cookie setting events that would have resulted from the success of the original request.
The “wake” of a single failure cannot be measured within an archival dataset, because events
following that failure are simply missing. To study the effect of these cascading failures, we
must compare an archival run to a live run from the same time; we do so in the next
In the previous section, we evaluated the Wayback Machine’s view of third-party requests
within an archival measurement. For requests affected by the issues in Table 2.4, TrackingEx-
cavator observes the existence of these requests — i.e., counts them as third parties — but
without the corresponding response may miss additional information (e.g., set cookies) that
would allow it to confirm these domains as trackers according to the taxonomy presented
earlier. However, this analysis cannot give us a sense of how many third-party requests are
entirely absent from Wayback data due to cascading failures, nor a sense of any other data
missing from the archive, such as missing cookie headers on otherwise archived responses.
For that, we must compare directly with live results.
We focus our attention on unique trackers: we attempt to identify which live trackers
are missing in the 2016 Wayback dataset, and why. For each tracker we observe in our
2016 live measurement, Figure 2.12 identifies whether we (1) also observe that tracker in
“Wayback mode,” (2) observe only a third-party request (but no confirmed cookie-based
tracking behavior, i.e., we classify it only as a third-party domain), or (3) do not observe
any requests to that tracker at all.
We conclude two things from this analysis. First, because the Wayback Machine may fail
to provide sufficient data about responses or miss cookies even in archived responses, many
trackers confirmed in the live dataset appear as simple third-party requests in the Wayback
data (the second column in Figure 2.12). For example, doubleclick.net, one of the most
popular trackers, appears as only a third party in Wayback data because of its robots.txt
file. Thus, we learn that to study third-party web tracking in the past, due to missing
data in the archive, we must consider all third-party requests, not only those confirmed
as trackers according to the taxonomy. Though considering only third-party requests will
overcount tracking in general (i.e., not all third parties on the web are trackers), we find that
it broadens our view of tracking behaviors in the archive.
Second, we find that a non-trivial fraction of trackers are missing entirely from the archive
(the third column in Figure 2.12). In the next subsection, we show that we can nevertheless
draw conclusions about trends over time, despite the fact that the Wayback Machine under-
represents the raw number of third parties contacted.
Table 2.5: We compare the prevalence of the most common tracking types (Vanilla and
Personal) over the four years for which we have data from the live web. Though the Wayback
Machine provides only partial data on trackers, it nevertheless illuminates a general upward
trend reflected in our ground truth data.
2.6.3 Lesson (Opportunity): The Wayback Machine’s data allows us to study trends over
As revealed above, the Wayback Machine’s view of the past may miss the presence of some
third parties entirely. Thus, one unfortunately cannot rely on the archive to shed light on
the exact raw numbers of trackers and other third parties over time. Instead, we ask: does
the Wayback Machine’s data reveal genuine historical trends?
To investigate trends, we compare all of our live datasets (2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016) to
their Wayback counterparts. Table 2.5 compares the number of Vanilla and Personal trackers
(the most prevalent types) detected in each dataset. For the purposes of this comparison,
we sum the two types, since their distinction depends only on the user’s browsing behaviors.
We also include the number of all third parties in the Wayback datasets, based on the
previous lesson. Though not all of these third parties represent trackers in live data, they
help illuminate trends in third party prevalence over time.
We draw two conclusions from this comparison. First, we find that we can rely on the
archive to illuminate general trends over time. Although confirmed trackers in “Wayback
mode” (as expected from our earlier lessons) underrepresent the number of confirmed trackers
found on the live web — and third parties in the archive overestimate confirmed trackers in
the live data — we find that the trends we see over time are comparable in both sets of
measurements. Critically, we see that the upward trend in our archival view is not merely
the result of improvements in archive quality over time or other factors — we indeed observe
this trend reflected in ground truth data. We gain further confidence in these trends in
Section 2.5, where we see a rise in tracking behaviors since 1996 that corresponds with our
intuition. The absence of any large vertical steps in the figures in Section 2.5 further suggests
that the trends we identify are artifacts of the web evolving as opposed to any significant
changes in the Wayback Machine archival process.
Second, however, we find that — although long-term trends appear to be meaningfully
represented by the Wayback Machine — one should not place too much confidence into small
variations in trends. For example, the Wayback Machine’s data in 2013 appears to be worse
than in other years, under-representing the number of confirmed trackers more than average.
Thus, in Section 2.5, we do not report on results that rely on small variations in trends unless
we have other reasons to believe that these variations are meaningful.
2.6.4 Lesson (Opportunity): Popular trackers are represented in the Wayback Machine’s
Because popular trackers, by definition, appear on many sites that users likely browse to,
they have a strong effect on user privacy and are particularly important to examine. We
find that although the Wayback Machine misses some trackers (for reasons discussed above),
it does capture a large fraction of the most popular trackers — likely because the Wayback
Machine is more likely to have correctly archived at least one of each popular tracker’s many
Specifically, when we examine the 2016 archival and live datasets, we find that 100% of
the top 20 trackers from the live dataset are represented as either confirmed trackers or other
third parties in the Wayback data. In general, more popular trackers are better represented
in Wayback data: 75% of the top 100 live trackers, compared to 53% of all live trackers.
Tracker popularity drops quickly — the first live tracker missing in Wayback data is #22,
which appears on only 22 of the top 500 websites; the 100th most popular tracker appears
on only 4 sites. By contrast, the top tracker appears on 208 sites. In other words, those
trackers that have the greatest impact on user privacy do appear in the archive.
Based on this lesson, we focus part of Section 2.5’s analysis in on popular trackers, and
we manually label those that the Wayback Machine only sees as third parties but that we
know are confirmed trackers in live data.
2.6.5 Lesson (Opportunity): The Wayback Machine provides additional data beyond requests
Thus far, we have considered third-party requests and confirmed cookie-based trackers. How-
ever, the Wayback Machine provides, and TrackingExcavator collects, additional data related
to web tracking behaviors, particularly the use of various JavaScript APIs that allow third
parties to collect additional information about users and their machines (e.g., to re-identify
users based on fingerprints). For JavaScript correctly archived by the Wayback Machine,
TrackingExcavator observes accesses to the supported APIs (Appendix 2.7). For example,
we observe uses of navigator.userAgent as early as 1997.
2.6.6 Summary
In summary, we find that the Wayback Machine’s view of the past is incomplete, and that
its weaknesses particularly affect the third-party requests critical for evaluating web track-
ing over time. We identified and quantified those weaknesses in Section 2.6.1, and then
introduced findings and strategies for mitigating these weaknesses in Sections 2.6.2-2.6.5,
including considering third-party requests as well as confirmed trackers, manually labeling
known popular trackers, and studying general trends over time instead of raw numbers.
We leverage these strategies in our own measurements. By surfacing and evaluating these
lessons, we also intend to help guide future researchers relying on data from the Wayback
We focus on the Wayback Machine since it is to our knowledge the most comprehensive
web archive. Applying our approach to other, more specialized archives [144], if relevant for
other research goals, would necessitate a new evaluation of the form we presented here.
As described in Section 2.4, TrackingExcavator hooks a number of JavaScript APIs that may
be used in fingerprint-based tracking and drawn from prior work [43, 134, 137, 12, 13]. The
complete list:
• navigator.appCodeName
• navigator.appName
• navigator.appVersion
• navigator.cookieEnabled
• navigator.doNotTrack
• navigator.language
• navigator.languages
• navigator.maxTouchPoints
• navigator.mediaDevices
• navigator.mimeTypes
• navigator.platform
• navigator.plugins
• navigator.product
• navigator.productSub
• navigator.userAgent
• navigator.vendor
• navigator.vendorSub
• screen.availHeight
• screen.availLeft
• screen.availTop
• screen.availWidth
• screen.colorDepth
• screen.height
• screen.orientation
• screen.pixelDepth
• screen.width
• CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData
• CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillText
• CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeText
• WebGLRenderingContext.getImageData
• WebGLRenderingContext.fillText
• WebGLRenderingContext.strokeText
• HTMLCanvasElement.toDataURL
• window.TouchEvent
• HTMLElement.offsetHeight
• HTMLElement.offsetWidth
• HTMLElement.getBoundingClientRect
Figure 2.13 (on the next page) visually depicts the connections between entities in the track-
ing ecosystem that we observe in our datasets for 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, and 2016:
domains as nodes, and referral relationships as edges. Note that the visual organization of
these graphs (with nodes in multiple tiers) is not meaningful and simply an artifact of the
graph visualization software. Over time, the complexity and interconnectedness of relation-
ships between third-party domains on the top 450 websites has increased dramatically.
2.9 Conclusion
Though third-party web tracking and its associated privacy concerns have received attention
in recent years, the practice long predates the first academic measurements studies of tracking
(begun in 2005). Indeed, in our measurements we find tracking behaviors as early as 1996.
We introduce TrackingExcavator, a measurement infrastructure for third-party web tracking
behaviors that leverages archive.org’s Wayback Machine to conduct historical studies. We
rigorously evaluate the Wayback Machine’s view of past third-party requests and develop
strategies for overcoming its limitations.
We then use TrackingExcavator to conduct the most extensive longitudinal study of the
third-party web tracking ecosystem to date, retrospectively from 1996 to present (2016).
We find that the web tracking ecosystem has expanded in scope and complexity over time:
today’s users browsing the web’s popular sites encounter more trackers, with more complex
behaviors, with wider coverage, and with more connections to other trackers, than at any
point in the past 20 years. We argue that understanding the trends in the web tracking
ecosystem over time — provided for the first time at this scale by our work — is important
to future discussions surrounding web tracking, both technical and political.
(a) 1996
(b) 2000
(c) 2004
(d) 2008
(e) 2012
(f) 2016
Figure 2.13: Referrer graphs for the top 450 sites in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 as
seen in the Wayback Machine’s archive. An edge from a domain referrer.com to another
domain referred.com is included if any URL from referrer.com is seen to be the referrer
for any request to referred.com. Note the increasing complexity of the graph over time.
Chapter 3
In this chapter, I pivot from using sister technologies as a source of measurement data
(as in Chapter 2, where the Wayback Machine was used to study web tracking and other
properties of the web) to considering those sister technologies directly. I consider the socially
important uses of web archives (such as in academic research, journalism, and legal proceed-
ings) and study how motivated attackers might maliciously manipulate the view that clients
have of archival content. After discovering and developing vulnerabilities and attacks, this
work uses TrackingExcavator (Chapter 2) to quantify the prevalence of these vulnerabilities,
demonstrating the flexibility and power of this new measurement tool.
The work presented in this chapter is currently under submission, and if available, should
be cited in its conference-paper form.
3.1 Introduction
The Wayback Machine is a publicly browsable web archive which has cataloged and preserved
a collection of over 286 billion web pages over the period from 1996 to 2017 [76]. Like other
web archives, the Wayback Machine allows clients using ordinary web browsers to access
snapshots of past websites through a web interface1 , enabling ordinary citizens as well as
technical experts to see how the web has changed and what it once contained. These archival
snapshots of websites are rendered in HTML, Javascript, and CSS just like the modern web,
preserving not only their content but also their client-side dynamic behaviors, making them
a rich cultural and technical preserve.
The Wayback Machine is frequently used in a variety of contexts critical to our free society,
including scholarly articles, journalism, and legal proceedings. Scientists may cite archived
snapshots in their scientific papers to increase the durability of their references [42, 143],
while journalists have used archives to understand how websites such as official government
pages have changed [139], and lawyers often use archival snapshots as evidence in legal cases,
including civil and criminal cases, administrative proceedings, and patent litigation (e.g.,
[3, 4, 6, 142]). While other researchers have studied inaccuracies in the Wayback Machine
which arise accidentally, we observe that these socially and financially important uses sug-
gest incentives to intentionally manipulate archives after the fact. For example, governments
might want to suppress or change historical information, companies might want to manipu-
late evidence of prior art in a patent case, organizations might want to hide evidence of past
wrongdoing, and news sources might want to manipulate source material for their reporting.
To our knowledge, this chapter describes the first work investigating the technical vulner-
abilities and attacks that might be used to perform such intentional manipulation. That is:
how might attackers attempt to rewrite history? How might they intentionally cause clients
who view the archive to see archived websites with content, appearance, and behavior that
are different from the actual website at archival time? We analyze the way that the Wayback
Machine functions, finding that in fact, there are several types of vulnerabilities which would
allow an attacker today to take full control of clients’ views of snapshots. For example, snap-
shots sometimes cause clients to accidentally mix content from the live web into an archived
page, allowing servers on the live web to inject content or code into clients’ views of the
archive. Our attacks are global — they affect the appearance and behavior of snapshots for
all visitors, and they do not involve the direct compromise of archival or publisher servers or
We demonstrate the viability of our attacks with proofs-of-concept. For example, we
demonstrate the ability to inject arbitrary Javascript code into client views of archival snap-
shots, allowing us to modify text, images, styling, and behavior, subtly or completely rewrit-
ing the web of the past. Figure 3.1 shows such an attack, in which we took complete control
For ethical reasons, we disabled our attacks after showing that they worked.
• We develop attacks which exploit these vulnerabilities, exploring how an adversary can
change the appearance and behavior of snapshots seen by all visitors to the archive,
even years after the snapshot was captured. We execute proofs-of-concept of our attacks
against real snapshots in the Wayback Machine (Section 3.5).
• We measure the prevalence in the wild of vulnerabilities which enable our attacks,
finding that they are quite common, including a number of vulnerabilities which affect
snapshots cited in legal cases and decisions (Section 3.6).
• We explore the space of possible defenses which might be deployed by archives, website
publishers, and end-users, and we build an end-user defense, ArchiveWatcher, that
detects and blocks vulnerabilities to our attacks (Section 3.7).
Before the publication of the conference paper describing this work, we will disclose these
vulnerabilities to the Wayback Machine, and we will make our defense, ArchiveWatcher,
publicly available.
Overview: Archival Protocol and Systems. We focus our analysis of web archives
on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, since it is the largest publicly available web
archive, with a goal of archiving as much of the public available web as possible.
The Wayback Machine consists of two major components relevant to this paper. The first
is the archive crawler, which visits, retrieves, loads, and archives pages on the web into
the archive’s database. The second is the archive front-end, which is the system of web
servers, accessible via https://web.archive.org, which allow anyone to use their browser
to view the web of the past.
In this paper, we refer to the archival preservation of a top level page as an archival
snapshot, or simply snapshot, and the archival copies of a page’s subresources (e.g., images,
scripts, CSS, etc.) as archival captures. Each snapshot or capture was saved at a moment
in time, called its timestamp, which appears in its URL. For example, https://web.
archive.org/web/20001110101700/http://www.ccs2000.org:80/ refers to a capture of
the homepage page for the 7th CCS which was saved by the archival crawler at 10:17:00
UTC on 11 November 2000. When a web browser visits this snapshot, it does the same
thing as when it accesses a normal site on the live web: it recursively downloads, parses,
executes, and renders the HTML, Javascript, and CSS of the page. The only difference
is that the archive plays the role of the first- and third-party web servers which originally
published the the site, serving the resources that make up the snapshot.
The archive crawler performs regular crawls of a large set of pages, providing significant
coverage of the web. Internet Archive’s Frequently Asked Questions page does not offer
details about how they find sites to crawl, but states that “crawls tend to find sites that are
well linked from other sites”, and that they collect pages that are “publicly available” [77].
Additionally, any person can use a form on the Wayback Machine’s website “Save Page
Now”, which “Capture[s] a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the
future.” This feature causes the archival crawler to immediately capture the given page or
resource, including its subresources [78]. We discuss additional technical details about the
Wayback Machine inline as appropriate.
Web archives are used in variety of important social contexts, including legal proceedings,
news articles, academic publications. We take particular interest in their use in legal pro-
ceedings for two reasons: because the integrity of the legal process is important to our free
society, and because legal proceedings may motivate involved parties to launch attacks that
modify evidence in their favor, such as by using the attacks described in this paper. Lawyers
use web archives in a wide variety of legal contexts, such as civil lawsuits (e.g., [6]), criminal
cases (e.g., [4]), administrative proceedings (e.g., [5]), federal claims court (e.g., [3]), and
patent litigation (e.g., [142]), anc they may use archival evidence for various purposes, such
Legal scholars have written on the evidence standards that do and should govern the admis-
sibility of archival material. Eltgroth encouraged the use of existing evidence standards to
allow “reliable evidence from the Wayback Machine [to be] admitted as any other Internet-
derived proof” [48], while Gazaryan argued in 2013 argued for the need to lower the difficulty
of using archival material as evidence [57]. Others have advised lawyers on best practices such
as employing experts to evaluate the technical limitations of the archive [142]. These articles
discuss only non-adversarial factors, while we focus on the technical aspects of adversarial
manipulation rather than the legal aspects of incidental inaccuracies.
In 2007, Fagan raised the possibility of “E-Evidence Tampering”, noting that archival
infrastructure may be compromised, or that an archived website might be cached or archived
in a compromised state [53]. Our work is different in that we consider less privileged attackers,
who do not compromise the archive.
Computer scientists have used the Wayback Machine in research: Nikiforakis et al. measured
longitudinal trends in Javascript inclusion from 2001 to 2010 [135]; Soska and Christin used
archival data to develop and evaluate a method for determining which websites would become
Patents must be original to be valid, and prior art is information published prior to a patent which might
be relevant to the patent’s claims of originality[7].
malicious over time [158]; Lerner et al. studied third-party web tracking using archival
data [14]; and Hackett et al. studied the evolution of website accessibility from 1997 to
2002 [65].
Others have studied the (non-malicious) incompleteness or inconsistency of web archives
(e.g., [130, 88, 18, 28]). We find in our work that the technical limitations of archives that
lead to accidental incompleteness can be leveraged intentionally by adversaries.
In our threat model, we consider attacks in which clients (both people and automated sys-
tems) browsing archival material are maliciously caused to see content that does not ac-
curately reflect the the web of the past. Critically, we show that this is possible without
requiring attacks to be launched by the archive itself, and without compromising website
publisher or archival servers. Instead, the vulnerabilities which enable our attacks involve
entirely ordinary interaction with archives, such as hosting content on domains and servers
the attacker rightfully owns and requesting that the archive capture specific URLs.
We note that the vulnerabilities we consider can also cause non-malicious inaccuracies in
the archive. These non-malicious inaccuracies have been discussed in other work (e.g., [17,
16, 151]), and could an our defenses Section 3.7 might incidentally mitigate them. However,
we focus on the ways in which our vulnerabilities can be used intentionally by malicious
3.3.1 Definitions
We refer to a single capture of a web page as a snapshot or archival snapshot. For exam-
ple, http://web.archive.org/web/20000101000000/http://example.com is a snapshot
of http://example.com which aims to represent its appearance as of 1 January, 2000. We
will use the terms time-of-archive, timestamp, or archival timestamp to refer to the
time at which a particular snapshot was taken. Prior to time-of-archive, we may refer to
time-of-publication, when the first-party website chose what content to include in its web-
site and published it on the web. We may use these terms to refer to the domains involved
in an attack and their owners at different times. For example, we may refer to the time-
of-archive first-party, by which we mean “the entity which owned example.com at the time
that the snapshot in question was archived,” noting that ownership may change over time.
Figure 3.2 depicts the relationship of different times in the lifecycle of a snapshot.
We will refer to as clients the end-users and devices that use the archival front-end to
view snapshots, and who may rely upon those snapshots for information about the past.
For example, a client may wish to refer to the content of http://example.com in 2000 in
the course of a legal argument. To do so, they would use an ordinary browser (the client
browser) to access the snapshot “http://web.archive.org/web/20000101000000/http:
//example.com”. We will refer to the time at which a client accesses a snapshot as the
time-of-access. For example, if a client examines the past contents of example.com on
19 May 2017, then 19 May is the time-of-access in this scenario. If an attack has been
made against that snapshot, then the client may see a modified version of the snapshot at
the time-of-access, rather than something which accurately reflects the site’s appearance at
We refer to the time at which an attacker takes an action to deploy an attack as the
time-of-attack. Since our attacks sometimes require multiple actions by the attacker at
different times, there may be multiple times-of-attack for a scenario. The time-of-attack may
be either before or after time-of-archive, depending on the attack, and time-of-attack may
precede or coincide with payload delivery to the client at time-of-access.
Our attacks aim to change what clients see when they view archived snapshots — that is, to
cause the client browser to display snapshots incorrectly, rendering content and exhibiting
behavior (i.e., running code) which do not reflect the original website nor (in the case of
benign archival errors) the website as it had originally been preserved in the archive.
We observe that attackers may have incentives to modify both their own and others’
content in the archive. For example, if Alice accuses Bob of publishing slander on his
website, then Bob may wish to retroactively remove the slander from the archive of his
website. Alternatively, Alice (or an uninvolved party, such as Mallory) may frame Bob by
retroactively adding slander to snapshots of his site. Attackers may be motivated by a wide
variety of personal, political, legal, and financial motivations.
We emphasize that although our threat model encompasses attacks that add material to
the archive’s databases, the adversary must only do so legitimately, not by compromising
those databases. That is, some attacks involve archiving new websites that we create as part
of an attack.
By default, successful attacks are visible to any client who views that archived resource.
However, attackers could also customise their attacks for different clients. For example,
attackers might identify clients via techniques like browser fingerprinting [54, 138, 44, 128],
or by using tracking cookies [147]. Though we note such customization is possible, we do
not explore it further in this chapter.
Under our threat model, the attacker owns — at time-of-attack — the domain from which the
attack is mounted. For a given victim snapshot, the attacker may either be the owner of
the first-party domain (e.g., example.com) or the owner of a third-party domain on that
page (e.g., ads.com, serving an ad embedded inside example.com).
In a third-party attack, an attacker who controls ads.com (either at time-of-archive or
in the future) may wish to modify the snapshot of example.com. To motivate a first-party
attack — example.com modifying itself — we note that the ownership of domains may change
over time. Thus, for example, a different entity may own example.com now than in the past,
and that new owner may now wish to modify past archives of example.com. The present
first-party owner might also be the same as the past owner, but seeking to alter its own past
Thus, depending on the attack, an attacker must be able to serve content from one of
the first- or third-party domains that make up the target snapshot, either at time-of-archive
and/or at time-of-access. To meet this criterion, the attacker may either already own relevant
domains, or they might purchase domains specifically to perform these attacks. They might
also be able to hijack domains illicitly, e.g., through DNS poisoning. The means by which
the attacker gains the ability to publish content from the domain of the vulnerable resource
is orthogonal to the discussions of this chapter.
We analyzed the Wayback Machine, surfacing three types of vulnerabilities which emerge
from its design. Those types of vulnerabilities are Archive-Escapes, Same-Origin Es-
capes, and Never-Archived Resources, detailed below.
3.4.1 Archive-Escapes
To deliver snapshot content, the Wayback Machine plays the role of all web servers which
were originally involved in serving the archived site. That is, it serves archived versions of
all first- and third-party content the client requests while rendering its view of the snapshot.
To cause the client to correctly request all these resources from the archive, rather than
the live web, the archive performs URL rewriting, modifying URLs in archived HTML,
Javascript, and CSS to make them refer to archived versions of the same URL. For example,
the archive may find the URL http://example.com/script.js in some HTML at time-of-
archive, and rewrite the HTML so that the URL instead reads http://web.archive.org/
web/<timestamp>/example.com/script.js, where the timestamp of the archived script
matches the timestamp of the archived HTML.
URL rewriting is not perfect, primarily because it does not account for client-side dy-
namically generated URLs. We find that when Javascript computes subresource URLs using
computation as simple as string concatenation, then URL rewriting fails and clients end up
making requests to the live web to load those subresources. For example, if URL rewriting
fails, the client might accidentally load a live copy of example.com/script.js instead of
its archived version. These live web subresources are incorporated into the client’s rendered
view of the snapshot, mixing live and archived content and behavior.
We refer to the request and use of live-web resources as part of a snapshot view as
an Archive-Escape, the first of our classes of vulnerabilities. We refer to the domain
contacted for live resources as the archive-escape destination, such that in the example
above, example.com is an archive-escape destination. Whenever there is an archive-escape,
the destination of that escape becomes a potential attacker, since that domain can now serve
a malicious payload on the live web at the escaping URL. For example, the live copy of
example.com/script.js can be replaced with a malicious payload. Note that the archive-
escape destination may be the same domain as that of the victim snapshot.
We discovered a second class of vulnerability, related to the fact that archives take on the
role of serving both content from all of the domains which were involved in a snapshot at
As background, browsers prevent third-parties inside <iframe>s from accessing or mod-
ifying data from the main page. This policy of preventing cross-origin access is called the
Same-Origin Policy. So, for example, if http://example.com embeds http://ads.com in a
frame, code from ads.com (running inside the frame) will be blocked by the browser from
reading or influencing any parts of the page outside of its frame. This allow sites to safely em-
bed content from third-parties within the context of their own pages. The http://ads.com
attacker might embed malicious code which attempts to modify the page, but it will be
blocked from doing so by the Same-Origin Policy.
The Same-Origin Policy, however, is ineffective in the archival context. Since all archived
resources are loaded from the archive, this means that all resources making up a snapshot,
including both first- and third-party resources, are loaded by the client from a single domain,
archive.org. When this occurs, a vulnerability arises: code from the embedded frame now
executes without the isolation provided on the live web by the Same-Origin Policy, allowing it
to reach outside of its frame to modify any aspect of the main page. This allows an attacker to
embed an attack payload inside of an <iframe>, where it will become active when preserved
by the archive and served to clients, modifying the client’s view of the containing snapshot.
Our third class of vulnerability arises from the interaction of two properties of the Wayback
Machine: its incompleteness, and its nearest-neighbor timestamp matching.
First, we discuss incompleteness. Many pages in the Wayback Machine include re-
sources which the archive has never successfully captured. There are a variety of rea-
sons why this might occur, including archival crawler errors or a partial unavailability of
the publisher’s web server at time-of-archive. For example, snapshot’s HTML might in-
clude an image, but that image has never been saved in the archive’s database. When
the client asks for a never-archived resource, the archive front-end responds with an HTTP
X-Archive-Wayback-Runtime-Error header with value ResourceNotInArchiveException,
and error code 404. Our measurements (Section 3.6 show that never-archived resources arise
quite commonly.
Second, we discuss the archive front-end’s nearest-neighbor timestamp matching
policy. Image that a client requests an archived resource R at a timestamp T , and that
the archive’s database contains captures of R, but only with timestamps 6= T . When this
happens, the archive will find the capture of R with timestamp as close as possible to T ,
and redirect the client to that version. For example, imagine a client that requests to visit
a March 2005 snapshot of example.com. If example.com was never captured in March of
2005, but was captured in April, then the archive would redirect the browser (302 FOUND)
to the April timestamp.
In non-malicious situations, this “nearest-neighbor” behavior allows clients to view a more
complete picture of the past in the case that a snapshot’s subresources were not captured
at the exact moment the snapshot was. However, there is no apparent limit to the time
delta permitted by nearest-neighbor timestamp matching. Thus it is possible, for example,
to request a resource from 1996 and be redirected to a capture of that resource from 2016, if
no other closer timestamp exists. We refer to instances where client browsers are redirected
to timestamps very far in time from the original page as anachronisms.
An attacker who owns the domain of a never-archive resource can abuse these observations
by inserting a malicious payload as the anachronistic capture of that missing resource, which
will be served to clients due to nearest-neighbor matching.
Having discussed our vulnerabilities, we delve into the design of attacks which exploit these
vulnerabilities to rewrite history. For reference in discussing these attacks, recall that
Figure 3.2 depicts the lifecycle of a snapshot and possible attacks against it.
Preliminaries and Attacker. The precondition for Archive-Escape Abuse is the presence
of an archive-escape vulnerability in the victim snapshot. The potential attacker is the
owner of the destination of the archive-escape, to whom the client makes a request for the
vulnerable resource. Because the attacker delivers the payload from their own servers (rather
than via the archive) at time-of-access, we refer to this as an active attack.
Attack Concept. To mount this attack, the attacker (the destination of an archive-escape),
publishes malicious content at the escaping URL. If the archive-escape is to a static resource
like an image, then the attacker will only be able to affect that resource; if the archive-escape
is a request for a script or stylesheet, then the attacker can choose arbitrary malicious code
to execute.
1. The victim page is published. (Optional: If the attacker is the first-party domain
wishing to enable future modifications of itself, the attacker can intentionally include
requests which will result in archive-escapes.)
As with all of our attacks against snapshots we do not own, we disabled the attack after
confirming that it worked, so as not to disrupt the public’s view of the snapshot. Additionally,
we have purchased the remaining unowned domains (without hosting anything from them)
for this attack to prevent any other attackers from buying and using them.
Preliminaries and Attacker. Potential Same-Origin Escape attackers include all third-
parties embedded in <iframes> at time-of-archive. However, this attack requires foresight —
the attacker needs to have included their payload inside their <iframe> at time-of-archive,
so that it can be preserved and served from the archive’s database. Note that this makes
Attack #2 a passive attack, since the payload is stored and delivered to the client by the
archive, rather than directly from the attacker’s server at time-of-access.
Attack Concept. As described above, this attack abuses the lower level of isolation which
the client browser applies to frames when they are delivered from a single origin (the archive’s
origin) rather than multiple origins, as they are served on the live web. The first-party
publisher includes the attacker in their page under the assumption that malicious code the
attacker writes to deface the first-party’s page will be unable to do so because of the Same-
Origin Policy, and this assumption is violated in the archival context.
and we do not have a third-party position on any websites we do not control which we could
use to demonstrate the attack.
Thus, to demonstrate this attack, we published, on the live web, the victim page of our
first-party domain, including an <iframe> of our third-party domain. Inside the <iframe>,
we then deployed attack code which attempts to modify elements of the first-party page.
On the live web, this attack code fails, due to the Same-Origin Policy. We then requested
that the Wayback Machine “Save Page Now” for our first-party victim page, causing it to
archive that page and, as part of archiving that page, also archive the attacker’s <iframe>
with its attack code. When viewing the snapshot of the victim page in the archive, both
first- and third-party content are served from the same domain, causing the Same-Origin
Policy to no longer apply, and allowing the third-party code to modify clients’ views of the
victim snapshot.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Attack #2. This attack has several strengths. First,
the prerequisites for performing the attack are minimal, since all that is required is to be a
third-party who can execute Javascript. Third-party frames are commonly embedded and
trusted by websites, and it may even be possible to purchase advertising space in order to
gain the position needed to execute the attack. Additionally, there are some third-parties
who are present on a large fraction of websites (see Section 3.6), meaning that for certain
attackers, this attack represents a huge capability to modify snapshots of a large number of
However, this attack is significantly limited because the attacker must have foresight:
Their attack code, and thus the changes they wish to cause in the client’s view, must be
chosen before time-of-archive, since the attack code must itself be stored in the archive.
Origin Escape to create an intentional archive-escape, allowing the attacker to launch a later
attack without foresight. Attack #3 is applicable any time Attack #2 is applicable, since
it begins with a third-party in an <iframe> executing Attack #2 in order to create a later
opportunity for Attack #1.
Attack Concept. This attack combines Attacks #1 and #2. Here, the attacker uses a
Same-Origin Escape (malicious code in an <iframe>) to intentionally cause archive-escapes,
with a destination the attacker controls, in the snapshot of the victim page. Once this has
been done, the attacker is now capable of performing archive-escape abuse, immediately or
at a later time.
hosted the snapshot-modifying code on the live web at the third-party domain.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Attack #3. This attack allows archive-escape at-
tacks against a page which does not naturally generate any archive-escapes to the attacker’s
domain, making it subject to the disadvantages of archive-escape attacks discussed above.
Since the archive-escape payload can be chosen after time-of-archive, this attack reduces
a Same-Origin Escape attacker’s need for foresight: they must only choose to enable a future
attack by embedding a small amount of archive-escape generating code in the <iframe>,
without the need to know how exactly they will change the snapshot in the future. An
attacker such as a content delivery network or advertiser which appears on many pages
could even choose to seed many pages with archive-escapes in order to preserve their ability
to attack snapshots of many pages later on.
Attack Concept. The attacker publishes payload code to the missing-resource’s URL on
the live web, then uses the archive’s “Save Page Now” feature to archive the payload. For
example, a snapshot from 2000 might include a script capture, also from 2000. If that script
has never been archived, then today, in 2017, the owner of the script’s domain can publish
a malicious payload at the script’s URL and use the archive’s “Save Page Now” feature to
create a capture of the script with a 2017 timestamp. Once the missing resource has been
archived, it will be the only capture of that resource in the archive (since a precondition
of the attack was that the resource had never before been archived). As the only capture
of the resource, its timestamp necessarily is (and always will be) the nearest neighbor to
the timestamp requested in the victim snapshot, despite being 17 years distant. Thus the
payload will be loaded in the context of the victim snapshot, as client requests are nearest-
neighbor redirected to the malicious payload’s timestamp. Even if more captures of the
malicious resource are made afterwards, the payload will always have a timestamp that is
strictly earlier, and thus which is closer to the victim snapshot’s timestamp, than those
subsequent captures, making the attack permanently effective.
1. A victim snapshot refers to a vulnerable resource which has never been archived.
2. The attacker, who owns the vulnerable resource’s domain, publishes an attack payload
on the live web.
3. The attacker uses the archive’s “Save Page Now” feature to cause the payload to be
preserved as the first and only extant capture of the vulnerable resource.
4. When a client browses the victim snapshot, their browser makes a request for the
vulnerable resource at the timestamp of the snapshot. In response, the archival front-
end redirects the client browser to the malicious, anachronistic capture of the resource,
since it has the timestamp closest to the requested version.
We note that executing this attack took careful planning, since on several occasions we
deployed attack code that was slightly incorrect, forcing us to start over with entirely new
victim and attacker pages, since once the attack code is archived, the attacker is unable
to replace it with different attack code, since all subsequently archived code will have a
timestamp farther from the victim snapshot’s timestamp. However, using this attack we
Advantages and Disadvantages of Attack #4. This attack is a passive attack, with the
advantage that once the attack is in place, it becomes permanent. However, the flip side to
this advantage is that the attacker cannot easily disable the attack, since the content which
enables the attack has been permanently preserved in the archive’s database.
Indeed, this attack’s main weakness is that it is a one-time opportunity. Once the attacker
has created a payload and caused it to be archived, they no longer have any way to change
the behavior of that attack, since it is permanently the closest neighbor to the vulnerable
resource. However, an attacker could choose to make two distinct modifications to the attack
to gain the ability to continue to modify the payload over time:
1. Archive-escape extension. In this version of the attack, the malicious code cre-
ates an intentional archive-escape, allowing persistent control from the present by the
attacker. This version fails against archive-escape-blocking defenses.
2. Anachronism chaining. In this version, in addition to performing malicious modi-
fications of the snapshot, the payload also causes the client to make a request for the
archival version of another, different URL which has never been archived. In other
words, while deploying the payload, the attacker intentionally creates the precondi-
tions for another Anachronism Injection attack, which they can exploit in the future.
For example, the archived payload script attack0.js might make a request for the
never-archived script attack1.js. This request will fail until the attacker changes the
content of the snapshot again, at which point they host and archive attack1.js. This
chaining can continue indefinitely (attack2.js, attack3.js, etc.).
We now step back and reflect on our attacks, which are summarized in Table 3.1. We
highlight several axes along which we can distinguish our attacks:
Passive vs. Active Attacks. Attacks differ by whether the payload is loaded from the
Requires Passive or
# Name Foresight? Active?
1 Archive-Escape Abuse No Active
2 Same-Origin Escape Yes Passive
3 Same-Origin Escape ->Archive Escape Yes Active
4 Anachronism Injection No Passive
Table 3.1: A summary of the attacks we develop. Attacks requiring foresight necessitate the
attacker to plant a payload (e.g., Javascript code) before the time-of-archive of the victim
page. At the time-of-access, attacks served from an archived version of an attacker’s page
are passive, whereas attacks served from the attacker’s server in the live web are active.
archive itself — a passive attack — or from an attacker’s live web server — an active at-
tack. In a passive attack, the attacker is not actively involved at time-of-access. Specifically,
Attacks #1 and #3, which both use archive-escapes, are active attacks, since the attacker’s
server is the destination of the archive-escape. By contrast, Attacks #2 and #4 deliver
payloads the attacker has placed in the archive, and which are delivered to the client by the
archive front-end.
Some Attacks Require Foresight. Some attacks require foresight on the part of the
attacker. By foresight, we mean that the attacker must define the attack payload (e.g., the
Javascript code to run on the snapshot when viewed by a client) at the time-of-publication of
the victim page. Specifically, attacks based on origin-escapes (Attacks #2 and #3) require
the attacker to plant malicious code inside an <iframe> on the victim page. Attacks which
do not require foresight (Attacks #1 and #4) allowing the attacker to choose a payload at
any time, including after time-of-archive. For example, in Attack #1, the attacker can even
change this payload over time (whereas once an anachronism has been injected in Attack
#4, that payload is fixed).
Partial vs. Full Control. For all attacks, vulnerabilities may permit either partial-control
or complete-control attacks, depending on the type of resource the attacker controls in the
specific instance of the attack. If an attacker controls static resources like text or images, the
attacker can only changes those particular elements (partial-control). If an attacker controls
client-side code, such as Javascript or a CSS stylesheet, the attacker can leverage that code for
complete-control, gaining the ability to modify any part of the client’s view of the snapshot,
such as its text, styling, images, layout, client-side dynamic behavior, and so on. We explore
the prevalence of partial-control and complete-control attacks in the Section 3.6.
Measurement Tool. The authors of [14] provided us with TrackingExcavator, their archival
measurement tool. TrackingExcavator is a Chrome extension which automatically visits an
“Input Set” of URLs, locates them in the Wayback Machine at a requested timestamp, and
collects event traces as it loads and renders those URLs. These event traces include events for
all HTTP requests the browser makes, which we use to locate vulnerabilities to our attacks.
Our Datasets. Our measurements include measurement traces from three sets of URLs:
For the Top 500, we downloaded the publicly available traces from [14]. For the Top
Million, we used historical versions of the Alexa Top Million CSV file for the years from
2010-2017, which we located in the Wayback Machine [9]. We sampled every thousandth site
from those Top Million lists, such that we visited sites with popularity rank 1, 1001, 2001,
..., etc., similar to papers that have sampled from the Top Million [147]. These traces cover
a different (but sometimes overlapping) set of URLs in each timestamp year, with a trace
for each site’s snapshot once for each year in which it appeared in the Top 500 or our Top
Million sample.
For our Legal URL dataset, we searched Westlaw and LexisNexis for court decisions,
court filings, and federal agency administrative decisions which contained the phrase “web.archive.org” [11,
10]. We found that both legal databases contained substantially similar results, and so used
only the results from Westlaw. We then located Wayback Machine URLs cited in these mate-
rials, collecting separate lists of URLs for each category of legal proceeding (court decisions,
Available at https://trackingexcavator.cs.washington.edu/, Accessed 2017-03-30.
court filings, administrative decisions). These include 119 URLs cited in 101 court decisions,
255 URLs cited in 302 appellate briefs, 159 URLs cited in 217 expert material documents,
and 307 URLs cited in 371 administrative decisions. We collected traces of the snapshots
at the exact URLs cited in the legal materials.
Measurement Parameters. We crawled the archive from Amazon EC2 t2.large instances,
rendering Chrome (running TrackingExcavator) headlessly inside a virtual frame buffer. We
opened 3 tabs at once, one tab per snapshot, and remained on each snapshot for 40 seconds,
which [14] found is a sufficient for snapshots to complete loading in the browser. We set
TrackingExcavator to block (but still record) archive-escape requests, in order to prevent
contaminating our view of the archive with live data. This means we undercount overall
archive-escapes that would be seen by an ordinary browser (since we miss archive-escapes
caused by other archive-escapes), making our numbers a conservative lower-bound on the
archive-escapes a client will encounter in the wild.
Figure 3.3 depicts the prevalence of all types of vulnerabilities to our attacks in the top panel,
and the prevalence of vulnerabilities which allow the most powerful attacks (complete-control
without foresight) in the bottom panel. This figure depicts only data from the Top 500 — the
trends we found in the Top Million were similar.
Three-Fourths of Archived Sites Are Vulnerable. Considering the union of the top
sites across all years, we studied 2692 distinct sites from the Top 500 and 7000 distinct sites
in the Top Million. We found found that 73% of those Top 500 sites and 80% of those Top
Million domains were vulnerable to one of our attacks, either now (for Archive-Escape or
Anachronism-Injection vulnerabilities, which do not require foresight) or at time-of-archive
(for Same-Origin Escape vulnerable snapshots, which do require foresight).
Recall that for each vulnerable snapshot, there is a limited set of domains which are
In an administrative decision, a U.S. federal agency resolves lawsuit-like cases related to the agency’s
jurisdiction. They may replace or precede normal lawsuits.
As shown in Figure 3.3, these vulnerabilities are widespread and varied in type, endan-
gering client views of a large fraction of archived sites. Archives and their users should take
care to ensure they put appropriate levels of trust in archival data, given the frequency with
which they are vulnerable to manipulation.
Sites Are Vulnerable To Strong Attacks. While the top of Figure 3.3 considers all of
our attacks, the bottom panel considers a particularly strong, category of attacks: Archive-
Escape (#1) and Anachronism Injection (#4) vulnerabilities which enable complete-control.
Even vulnerabilities to this strong class of attacks are quite common in the archive: 38% of
Top 500 domains and 65% of Top Million domains are vulnerable.
Prevalence of Some Vulnerabilities Has Changed Over Time. The prevalence of our
vulnerabilities varies over the age of snapshots in the archive. For example, more recently
captured snapshots are dramatically more likely to be vulnerable to archive-escape abuse. For
example, in both the Top 500 and Top Million, the fraction of snapshot domains vulnerable
to archive-escape abuse increased from 22% to nearly 80% over the period from 2007 to the
present day. We believe that this trend is due to the increasing complexity of sites over the
history of the web, since URL rewriting failures, which cause archive-escapes, often result in
client-side dynamic behaviors in sites. As sites have grown more complex with more client-
side dynamic behaviors, so have the prevalence of archive-escapes and the vulnerabilities
that they cause.
Snapshot Domains Remain Vulnerable Over Archival Time. The series of snapshots
of a site in the archive may span years or decades, as a site ages. We find that not only
are individual snapshots often vulnerable (Figure 3.3), but also that many of the websites
we studied remained vulnerable over long periods of time. Figure 3.4 shows the number
Table 3.2: The third-party attacker domains capable of attacking the most snapshot domains.
of vulnerable domains in each year which were also vulnerable in the previous year. For
example, of the snapshot domains which were vulnerable to Archive-Escape Abuse in 2016,
about 80% of them were also vulnerable in 2015.
This type of continuous vulnerability suggests that the appearance of vulnerabilities in
these sites may be due to structural elements of the way the sites are designed and published,
such as publishers’ choices to embed third-parties, to use client-side dynamic behavior, and
to include third-party Javascript libraries. This implies both that changes in the architecture
of these sites might alleviate these vulnerabilities, but also that they are unlikely to go away
on their own, especially as many of the more complex aspects of the modern web may lead
directly to some of our attacks.
We note that continuous vulnerability of a website may be valuable to attackers who
need to modify the appearance of a particular snapshot of a website for their goals. If a large
fraction of the snapshots of a website are vulnerable over time, the chances are much greater
that an attacker will be able to exploit the particular snapshots needed for their goals.
Some Potential Attackers Have the Ability to Compromise Many Domains’ Snap-
shots. Recall that potential attackers are those who own, or can obtain, the domains asso-
ciated with vulnerabilities. There are a total of 2077 Attack #1/#4 attackers over the 2692
sites in our Top 500 dataset (3298 attackers over 7000 sites in the Top Million). Many of
these attackers are quite limited in the targets they can attack, with just over half of at-
tackers in the Top 500 only able to attack a single, particular snapshot domain (40% in the
Top Million). However, attackers with more widespread opportunities exist. Table 3.2 shows
the individual third-party domains which could launch Attacks #1 or #4 against the most
snapshot domains. Many of these domains are third-party domains which appear as across
a large number of sites, such as advertising and analytics networks, social network widgets,
and content distribution services. We do not expect any of these companies to maliciously
modify the archive; rather, we list them to characterize the types of modern web practices
which so frequently lead to our vulnerabilities.
First vs. Third Party Attackers. While Same-Origin Escape based attacks (#2 and #3)
can only be executed by a third-party domain, both Archive-Escape Abuse and Anachro-
nism Injection attacks (#1 and #4) can be performed by both first- and third-parties. Both
of these types of attackers are interesting, although they represent significantly motivated
attackers. The first-party is usually the original publisher of the information in the snapshot,
and so a first-party attacker is changing content they published, while a third-party attacker
is generally changing content which was originally created and published by the first-party.
While both first- and third-parties are potentially interesting attackers, we note that indi-
vidual site owners may be more alarmed by the potential for third-parties to modify their
Over the existence of the archive, third-party attackers have become much more common
for archive-escape vulnerabilities, to the point that nearly every (97%) recent snapshot with
an archive-escape vulnerability includes at least one to with a third-party destination, up
from 60% since 2007-timestamp snapshots. We hypothesize that this trend is caused by
the combined trends in the modern web of increasing complexity and increasing inclusion
of third-parties. By contrast, third-party missing resources have become less common over
time. They made up nearly all missing resource vulnerabilities in 1996 (98%), and only
We now analyze our dataset of the archive.org URLs used in court proceedings. Recall from
Section 3.6.1 that this dataset consists of 840 URLs from 991 legal documents. Because they
have been cited in court proceedings, the accuracy of these archived pages is critical — or,
conversely, the motivation clearly exists for a potential attacker to manipulate one of these
snapshots to influence legal proceedings.
In this section, we thus investigate the prevalence of vulnerabilities in these snapshots. We
stress that the presence of a vulnerability does not imply that an attack actually occurred.
Indeed, evaluating the question of whether an attack occurred is challenging, since, for most
attacks, they can be temporarily enabled and then disabled. Instead, our goal is to survey the
prevalence of these vulnerabilities in specific archives that have been used in legal proceedings
in the past, to serve as a note of caution for the use of archived URLs in future proceedings.
For these legally referenced snapshots, we considered only Attacks #1 and #4, which do
not require foresight, and thus could be mounted after the fact, at the time of legal proceed-
ings. 57 were vulnerable to Attack #1, and 37 of those were complete-control vulnerabilities.
However, none contained never-archive resources, which is quite unlike the archive at large,
which commonly contains never-archived resource vulnerabilities (Figure 3.3). We hypothe-
size that URLs cited in legal proceedings may be of higher quality since they were curated
3.7 Defenses
In this section, we explore the space of possible defenses against our attacks, including
defenses which detect or block our attacks. As an overall defensive goal, we aim to allow
users of archives to have more confidence in their understanding of the web of the past.
Figure 3.1: We enabled this attack only or the purposes of obtaining this demonstration
screenshot, and disabled the attack after determining that it worked.
Time-of- Time-of- Time-of-
Events Publication Archive Access
Figure 3.2: A timeline depicting the (1) lifecycle of archive snapshots (top of figure) and (2)
events that make up attacks against the integrity of those snapshots (bottom). The left-hand
possible Times-of-Attack, before Time-of-Archive, correspond to Attacks #2 and #3, which
require attacker foresight. The right-hand possible Time-of-Attack is after Time-of-Archive
(but still before Time-of-Access), for Attacks #1 and #4, which do not require attacker
foresight. Attacks are described in detail in Section 3.5.
1.0 Vulnerability to Strong Attacks
Vulnerable to CompleteControl #1/#4 Attack
Vulnerable to CompleteControl ArchiveEscape
0.8 Vulnerable to CompleteControl Anachronism Injection
Fraction of Top 500
Figure 3.3: Top: The prevalence of vulnerabilities to our attacks across the Top 500 sites.
Bottom: The prevalence of vulnerabilities to the particularly strong class of attacks which
provide complete-control without foresight (Attacks #1 and #4 with script/stylesheet as
vulnerable resource). Not shown: Our Top Million dataset shows very similar trends to the
Top 500.
Vulnerable to ArchiveEscape
0.8 Vulnerable to Anachronism Injection
Figure 3.4: The increasing tendency of snapshots to remain vulnerable to our attacks across
subsequent years. This figure represents the number of snapshot domains in each year whose
snapshot from the previous year was also vulnerable to the given attack(s).
Defense Prevent Detect Who Deploys? When?
Opt-Out of Archives X Website Owner Any Time
Avoid Dynamically Generated URLs X Website Owner Time-of-Publication
Actively Archive Subresources X Website Owner Time-of-Archive
Modify Archived Javascript to Avoid Escapes X X Archive Any time
Serve Distinct Archived Domains from Distinct Subdomains X Archive Any time
Escape-/Anachronism- Blocking Browser Extension X End-user Time-of-Access
Escape-/Anachronism- Highlighting Browser Extension X End-user Time-of-Access
We organize our defenses first by who deploys them: website publishers, archives, or
clients, and categorize them additionally by when they can be deployed (i.e., whether they
work retrospectively, after time-of-attack). Table 3.3 summarizes these defenses, and we
discuss them in detail below. We also we present the implementation of ArchiveWatcher, a
browser extension which detects and blocks archive-escapes and anachronisms.
We begin with defenses website publishers can deploy to protect snapshots of their won
websites. These defenses work for all clients, but must be separately deployed by each
website, and some are not retroactive, since publishers cannot modify previously archived
data. First-party attackers, may avoid deploying these defenses to retain editorial power
over their site’s past.
Opt-Out of Archives
Websites can opt-out of being preserved in the Wayback Machine, sidestepping the possibility
of archival vulnerabilities. The Wayback Machine has long respected website publishers’ opt-
out preferences in two ways: manual requests, and the use of robots.txt policy files. By
opting out of preservation entirely, a site would avoid having snapshots which could be
manipulated, preventing all attacks in this chapter.
The downside to this defense is that the relevant sites are not archived or available for the
public to browse in the archive, eliminating all the social and cultural benefits the archive
brings. This defense throws the baby out with the bathwater. Some sites may also not be
legally permitted opt-out, such as government sites with archival requirements. Additionally,
this defense may soon become much less viable: Wayback Machine has expressed, in a recent
blog post, an intent to give less weight to robots.txt files, saying that as of April 2017 it
now ignores robots.txt on U.S. government and military websites and is “looking to do
this more broadly.” [8]
Website publishers can reduce the incidence of archive-escapes by designing their websites to
use fewer dynamically generated URLs, since these are a common cause of archive-escapes.
This approach has two major weaknesses. The first is that dynamic behavior and URLs
are a common, valuable feature of the modern web, and asking engineers to do without them
could be inconvenient and expensive. Second, this defense cannot protect against archived-
escapes caused by third-party content, such as third-party Javascript libraries, which are
commonly used and whose behavior is not fully under the control of the publisher.
In Anachronism Injection, the attacker wants to replace a subresource which has never been
archived with a malicious payload. One way to defend against this attack is to preemptively
replace missing subresources with benign resources, plugging the vulnerability. Though
anyone can use the “Save Page Now” feature to plug vulnerabilities — the same feature
attackers use to archive their payloads — website publishers wishing to defend their pages
in the archive likely have the greatest incentive to do so. However, if no benign resource
is published at the URL, the defense will not work. The non-malicious content could be
the correct content which was originally present at the URL, an empty response, or even a
404 Not Found response. In all these cases the archive will record the given response as the
only capture of the resource and serve it, causing no harm, as the nearest-neighbor to the
vulnerable reference.
The most significant limitation of this defense is that only the potential attacker can
publish a benign resource to be archived — the permission to enact this defense lies with the
potential attacker. While anyone can ask to “Save Page Now” for any URL, this process
only works for resources where the server responds to the crawler’s response with some
response, even if it is simply a 404 error. Thus attackers who wish to ensure against malice
by themselves in the future, or by later owners of their domain, can use this defense, but it
Defenses deployed by archives have the potential to be quite powerful, since archives can
change the data they store in their database (as they do with URL rewriting) and the data
they collect in the future, to provide both forward-looking and retroactive defense which
protect the views of all clients.
In this defense, the archive would statically and dynamically analyze Javascript code it
captures in order to identify scripts might cause archive-escapes. The archive would then
rewrite or wrap these scripts, replacing the original script with a version that performs the
same operations but avoids generating archive-escapes. For example, such a defense might
hook calls to browser APIs which generate HTTP requests, interposing on them to rewrite
URL arguments to ensure they do not point outside the archive.
This solution is complex, and its implementation might involve many engineering hours.
Additionally, executing the defense on each archived resource at time-of-archive might be
computationally expensive. However, if successful, this defense might permit the Wayback
Machine’s URL rewriting to be much more pervasive, applying even to client-side dynamically
generated URLs, the main source of vulnerabilities that we identify in the archive today.
Archives could defend against Same-Origin Escapes by serving content from distinct sub-
domains, each of which corresponds to the live domain from which that content was origi-
nally published. For example, an archive might choose to serve captures of example.com/
script.js from the subdomain http://example.com.web.archive.org/ instead of from
http://web.archive.org. Since the Same-Origin Policy considers subdomains as distinct
domains, this would cause client browsers to provide the same isolation in the archival con-
text as they do in the live context, preserving the same trust model across both live and
archival executions of the page. We recommend that archives consider implementing this
Finally, we discuss defenses deployed inside the client’s browser. Individual clients can
unilaterally deploy these defenses, giving them high value today. For example, experts in
legal cases might use these defenses to provide more trustworthy testimony. These defenses
are limited by the fact that each client must separately install the defense, but they do apply
to all snapshots in the archive.
This defense interposes on and blocks Archive-Escape and Anachronistic requests made for
subresources while browsing the archive. It prevents Archive-Escape Abuse by blocking all
HTTP requests from a snapshot which leave the archive. Since the distinction between
archive-escapes and archival requests is cut and dry (distinguishable by the destination do-
main of the request), such a defense should be highly effective against Archive-Escape Abuse.
This defense protects against Anachronism Injection not by preventing the payload from
being stored in the archive (as does the Actively Archive Subresources defense, above), but
by blocking the anachronistic request which delivers that payload to the client. It does
so by blocking anachronistic requests — those requests for archival resources which have
timestamps far from the timestamp of the enclosing page. This involves an inherent tradeoff,
in which the defense or its user must define how anachronistic a resource must be to be
blocked. In the most extreme case, only resources with timestamp exactly equal to the
snapshot’s timestamp can be loaded, leading to complete blocking of the vulnerability, but
also preventing many legitimate resources from being loaded, leading to a less complete
picture of the past web.
This defense can also (or instead) visibly highlight, log, or summarize archive-escapes
and anachronistic requests and the visible page elements which correspond to them. Such a
feature can help a human expert to better judge the accuracy of a snapshot. ArchiveWatcher,
described in more detail below (Section 3.7.4), is an example of this type of defense.
3.8 Conclusion
In this chapter, we have explored the space of attacks which can rewrite history — i.e., attacks
that can manipulate how clients see archived websites, focusing on the Wayback Machine.
Though it is known that the archive contains accidental inaccuracies, to our knowledge, we
are the first to explore how an attacker might introduce intentional errors. We identified and
explored several vulnerabilities in how the Wayback Machine archives and serves snapshots of
websites, and we developed four attacks that leverage these vulnerabilities. We demonstrated
proof-of-concept attacks on the Wayback Machine, showing that we were able to manipulate
client views of snapshots without compromising the archive’s or any other servers. We then
quantified the prevalence of these types of vulnerabilities, finding that over 70% of the sites
we investigated are vulnerable to this type of manipulation by some attacker.
The web is important to our modern society, making web archives a critical source of
socially important information, from journalism to legal proceedings. This work suggests the
importance for website publishers, archive designers, and end users to take steps to prevent
or detect intentional manipulation.
Chapter 4
In this final contribution chapter, I focus on the sister technology of QR codes, considering
their use across space and time and with an eye toward their relationship to the web. These
measurements are, to our knowledge, the first large-scale academic analysis of how QR
codes are used in the wild, and the facts and lessons I drive shed light on the ways that
emerging sister technologies which embed information in the environment might interact
with established core technologies like the web.
The work described in this chapter previously appeared in a 2015 paper [109], and cita-
tions to this work should refer to that conference publication.
4.1 Introduction
With the growing prevalence of smartphones and other mobile devices, Quick Response (QR)
codes have become a convenient way to quickly communicate a small amount of information,
such as a URL, to a user’s device. Figure 4.1 shows a sample QR code; Figures 4.2 and
4.3 show examples in real-world contexts. To read these codes, users typically install third-
party QR code scanning applications onto their mobile devices. The number and popularity
of such applications speaks to the popularity of QR codes themselves. For example, the most
popular QR and barcode scanning application for Android boasts over 100 million downloads
(as of November 2014, according to http://appbrain.com).
QR codes are among the most prevalent technologies bridging the physical and digital
worlds, raising unique opportunities and challenges. QR codes are often associated with
physical objects. When a user scans a QR code with a mobile device, that mobile device
may perform some follow-on digital action, such as visiting a website (Figure 4.2) or pair-
ing accounts (Figure 4.3). Anecdotally, QR codes are used for marketing purposes or to
provide pointers to additional information about a physical location or object (e.g., in a mu-
seum). QR codes are also used for a growing number of security-sensitive operations, such
as authentication, device pairing, and connecting to password-protected WiFi networks.
The prevalence and utility of QR codes is likely to increase with the growing adoption
of wearable devices such as Google Glass, where text or other traditional forms of input
may be cumbersome. For example, Google Glass already utilizes QR codes to connect to
password-protected WiFi networks [60]. The research community has also turned to QR
codes as a mechanism for linking physical spaces with digital information or computation
(e.g., [24, 150, 146, 37, 21, 87, 148, 123, 71, 153, 110, 38] — see Section 4.2 for a discussion).
Though QR and barcode scanning applications and anecdotes about their uses abound,
to our knowledge there has been no systematic, in-depth study of their use in the wild.
Designers of QR code-based systems are thus forced to rely on speculation, or their own
measurements, of the QR code ecosystem. To fill this gap, we study the use of QR codes
in the wild. We leverage a unique and powerful data set: approximately 87 million scans
of QR and barcodes made using Scan (https://scan.me/), a popular scanning application
with an install base of over 10 million devices.1 This dataset allows us to examine both the
types of QR codes that exist in the wild, and the frequency with which individuals users
interact with these codes. We find, for example, that approximately 75% of QR and barcode
These scans were logged in accordance with Scan’s terms of service and privacy policy, and our use of
the dataset was approved by our institutions’ IRB boards.
Figure 4.2: A QR code in a museum, encoding the URL for a video related to the exhibit.
Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/balboaparkonline/
Figure 4.3: A QR code used to pair a user’s YouTube account with the YouTube app on
their Xbox. Image source: http://instagram.com/p/icywcsKZbo/
scans in our dataset lead to web URLs, and that the set of popular websites found in QR
codes differs significantly from the set of websites popular on the web in general. We also
find that 25% of scans represent other use cases, and we investigate these varied applications
(e.g., phone numbers, Bitcoin payments, and two-factor authentication). We also observe
examples of malicious uses of QR codes, including links to Android applications containing
malware. These cases of misuse are rare, but their presence in our dataset suggests that
users may encounter them in the wild.
In this chapter, we analyze the use and misuse of QR codes, and we develop an informed
understanding of the types of codes that are created and that are encountered by users in
practice. Our contributions include:
• We conduct the first (to our knowledge) large-scale academic analysis of QR and bar-
code use in the wild, using a dataset of 87 million scans. We present general trends
We now provide additional background and discuss related work in Section 4.2 before
describing our dataset in more detail in Section 4.3. We then present general analyses of the
dataset (Section 4.4), and then an analysis of different use cases that manifest in the dataset
(Section 4.5). We discuss the implications of our findings and avenues for future work in
Section 4.6 and then conclude in Section 4.7.
One- and two-dimensional barcodes have become popular as a convenient way to quickly
communicate a small amount of information, such as a URL, to a user’s device. Fig-
ures 4.2 and 4.3 show examples of Quick Response (QR) codes, a common type of two-
dimensional barcode. The prevalence of QR codes has risen alongside the popularity of
smartphones [115], with one study showing that European usage of QR codes doubled be-
tween 2011 and 2012 [32]. To read these codes, users can install on their devices a variety
of third-party QR and/or barcode reading applications, such as the popular ZXing Barcode
Scanner, which boasts over 100 million downloads on Android, or Scan (https://scan.me/),
which has been downloaded over 10 million times for Android.2
Download numbers for Android, according to http://appbrain.com in November 2014. The total
number of downloads for all platforms is higher.
Research applications. QR and barcodes have been applied in a variety of research con-
texts. Several efforts leverage the ability of these codes to bridge the physical and digital
worlds [24, 150], such as for indoor navigation [146], grocery bargain hunting [37], accessi-
bility [21], and to aid augmented reality applications [87]. Additionally, many security and
privacy related uses of QR and barcodes have been proposed, including for communicat-
ing privacy policies [148, 29], device-to-device authentication [123], web authentication [71],
encryption or verification of real-world paper content [153, 110], and as tattoos of medical
device passwords [38].
Security issues. Other researchers have explored the security challenges raised by QR
and barcodes, including attacks enabled by ambiguous decoding protocols [36], a study of
people’s susceptibility to QR code based phishing attacks [168], the potential use of QR codes
to spread malware and phishing URLs [176], and other attacks [91]. While these attacks are
all technically possible, how prevalent are they in practice? We investigate several types of
potentially malicious QR codes in this work, including malicious URLs.
Commercial use. Commercially, QR codes are frequently used for marketing purposes [79,
30], but they have also been applied in various security-sensitive contexts, such as authenti-
cation or device pairing. For example, Google experimented with QR codes for passwordless
login [133], and Google Glass uses QR codes to connect to password-protected WiFi net-
works [60]. Indeed, the prevalence and utility of QR codes is likely to increase with the
growing adoption of wearable, camera-enabled devices like Google Glass.
Missing knowledge about real-world use. Though QR and barcodes have been fre-
quently applied in a diversity of research and commercial applications, to the best of our
knowledge no large-scale academic study has been conducted of the use of such codes in
the wild. Thus, we have little concrete knowledge about the prevalence of the various ap-
plications and attacks described above. We also have little concrete knowledge about the
behavior of real users who may encounter QR codes. We aim to close that gap in this chapter,
leveraging our unique dataset of 87 million scans from a popular QR and barcode scanning
Table 4.1: The schema of our dataset. Device UUIDs are random and each corresponds to
a single device which has installed the Scan app.
Column Example
Barcode Type e.g., QR, UPC, etc.
Contents URI or other data
Location Lat/lon coordinates
City City
Region e.g., state, province, etc.
Country Country
Platform/Version Mobile OS and version
Device Type Phone make and model
Device ID UUID
Timestamp Date and time
Scan Source Camera/History/Gallery
Origin and Scope. We obtained a log of scans performed by users of Scan (https://scan.
me), a popular barcode and QR code scanning application for Android, iOS, and Windows
Phone. The log includes scans made by real users using the software over a 10 month period
from May 2013 to March 2014, including 87,647,504 scans of 18,763,779 distinct barcodes by
15,484,921 distinct devices in 241 countries.
Schema. Table 4.1 describes the full schema of the dataset. It includes the location and
time of each scan as well as an anonymized UUID distinguishing devices which have installed
the app. We note that devices are not one-to-one with users, since a user may have multiple
devices at once or over time, and a single device may have multiple users. Hence, for
expository purposes, when we refer to “users” in this chapter, we are often referring to
Human Subjects. The dataset was collected for academic research purposes in accordance
with Scan’s terms of service and privacy policy (e.g., for Android: http://scan.me/mobile/
apps/scan/android/legal/eula). We also received IRB approval for this study from the
IRBs of the University of Washington and Brigham Young University.
When not stored at Scan according to Scan’s policies, we store the data in an encrypted
form and performed all of our analyses on machines that we physically control. Though the
dataset contains some personally identifiable information (e.g., names and phone numbers
in QR codes encoding business cards), we report only aggregate or anonymized data in this
We begin by presenting an overview of the barcode and QR code scans in our dataset. We
analyze the relative popularity of different types of codes, and examine variations over time
and geographical region.
Devices. Our dataset includes 15,484,921 distinct devices, each of which corresponds to a
user’s mobile device such as a phone or tablet. These devices serve as proxies for users of
the app, though we note that devices may not correspond directly to users (e.g., a user may
have multiple devices).
We find that a minority of devices account for the majority of scans in our dataset.
Specifically, the most prolific 10% of devices performed approximately half of the scans,
0.6 QR only
Non-QR only
0.4 All
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Figure 4.4: The distribution of scans across devices. Devices had nearly identical distribu-
tions of scanning for QR codes and all codes combined — the yellow (QR only) and orange
(All) lines overlap almost entirely. The right hand side of the figure shows 30% of devices
which contributed only one scan each. Heavy hitters on the left: 10% of devices performed
half the total scans in the dataset.
while just over 30% (4,667,012) performed only one scan over the 10 months covered by our
study. Since the dataset is naturally truncated, users who installed the app near the end of
our study period will appear to have very few scans. Thus the proportion of infrequent users
is slightly exaggerated.
Figure 4.4 shows the distribution of scans across devices. That figure presents the data
over all scans, as well as for only QR code scans and only non-QR code (product barcode)
scans. We note that the distribution remains very similar in each of these cases. We speculate
that this suggests that the tendency to use a mobile device to scan barcodes is influenced not
only by the location and context of barcodes in the environment but also significantly by the
individual person’s experience and skills — perhaps based upon their affinity to technology.
If true, this has implications for adoption of these types of technologies: it may suggest that
the uptake of technologies like mobile barcode scanners may depend more on user familiarity
or skill than on the ways barcodes are deployed in the environment.
Our results confirm that one- and two-dimensional barcodes can be an effective mech-
anism for having a physical device influence a digital device for some users. For example,
10% of users (accounting for over 1.5 million devices) performed more than 43 million scans
0.6 QR only
Non-QR only
0.4 All
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Figure 4.5: The distribution of code popularity. The top 1% of codes were extremely popular:
they made up over 42% of total scans. 10% of codes accounted for over 65% of the total
scans that occurred, while in the tail, just over half of codes were only ever scanned once.
We see similar trends among all codes, QR codes, and non-QR codes.
in our dataset. The existence of these users supports the use of QR codes in emerging tech-
nologies and research projects. On the other hand, QR codes do not currently seem to have
sufficient appeal for all users (e.g., the 30% of devices with only one scan), thus suggesting
that applications that involve a QR-code-based path may not (yet) see much adoption.
Codes. The 18.7 million distinct codes seen in the dataset also followed a typical heavy-
hitter vs. long-tail distribution, with a small number of codes scanned many times and many
codes scanned only once or a few times. Figure 4.5 shows the distribution of popularity
amongst codes. The most popular code in the dataset had 244,660 scans (0.28% of all scans)
while the top 11 individual codes accounted by themselves for 1% of all scans. (We note that
the proportion of unpopular codes is artificially inflated by the fact that codes introduced
near the end of our time period will necessarily show a low scan count, even if they were
subsequently scanned many times.)
Counter to our initial hypotheses, about half of all codes were only ever scanned once,
and only a small fraction of codes reach a large number of people. These popular codes
speak to a particular set of uses and user experiences of mobile barcode scanning; we explore
Table 4.2: Distribution of barcode types appearing in all scans in our dataset. Note that
this table counts the appearance of code types in scans, i.e., codes that were scanned more
than once are counted once per scan.
these popular codes in detail in Section 4.5.1. For example, we observe that many of the
most popular codes are web links to sites of corporations, suggesting that heavy-hitters may
be primarily scanned due to their presence in successful marketing efforts.
In addition, we find that less popular codes are more likely to correspond to a different
set of applications, including interesting emerging applications such as cryptographic coins,
business cards or WiFi pairing. These results thus suggest that QR codes are an attractive
tool for designers of emerging mobile technologies. We explore these less popular codes in
Sections 4.5.2 and 4.5.3.
Code Types and URI Schemes. Scan supports scanning both ordinary barcodes as well
as QR codes. QR codes dominate usage of the app: about 87% of all 87 million scans were of
QR codes, with the remaining 13% divided between different types of one-dimensional EAN
and UPC product barcodes. Table 4.2 shows this breakdown.
While one-dimensional product barcodes encode only numbers, QR codes can contain
arbitrary text. When this arbitrary text contains something more than a direct web URL,
it is often made more useful by structuring it to contain a URI scheme, such as tel: for
telephone numbers or mecard: for business cards. Table 4.3 describes the distribution of
URI scheme among the scans in our dataset.
In our dataset, we find that the use of QR codes to encode web URLs dominates: as
Table 4.3: Distribution of URI schemes appearing in all QR code scans in our dataset. This
table shows the number of scans of codes encoding actions in various protocols. Percentages
are reported out of the 76 million QR code scans, not the total 87 million scans (that include
barcode scans).
reflected in Table 4.3, about 86% of QR code scans (about 75% of all scans, including non-
QR code scans) contained a web URL. This suggests that quickly connecting a mobile device
to a website is by far the most common use case for QR codes. Of these web URLs, we find
that only about 10% specified SSL through the https: URI scheme.
Though web URLs dominate the QR code scans in our dataset, we nevertheless observe
that 14% of QR code scans (about 25% of all scans, including non-QR code scans) contain
something other than a web URL. These 10,175,509 scans represent a non-trivial engagement
with a variety of other use cases. For example, we did not initially anticipate the prevalence
of some URI schemes, such as wifi: and bitcoin:. We return to discussing such use cases in
Section 4.5. A key takeaway from this general analysis, however, is that our dataset provides
strong evidence that QR codes are used for many things besides websites.
Data Density. QR codes that encode less information are less visually dense. We in-
vestigate the distribution of densities among QR codes in our dataset. We find that on
Popularity Mean Median
Infrequent (1-5 scans) 58.7 43
Moderate (6-100 scans) 49.9 32
Frequent (¿100 scans) 40.9 30
Number of codes
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 210
Number of bytes in code
Figure 4.6: Histogram of data density in codes, on a log scale. Codes of length 8-128 are
most common.
average, more popular codes encode about 18 fewer bytes of information than unpopular
codes. The difference is smaller in the median, with a difference of 13 bytes between popular
and unpopular codes.
This information suggests that successful, widely scanned QR codes tend to be shorter.
We cannot tease apart from this fact whether people who create popular codes tend to
make shorter codes (e.g., they tend to include nothing but a URL or explicitly optimized)
or whether shorter codes are more likely to be scanned (e.g., a shorter code is processed by
scanning applications more quickly, and therefore is more likely to be scanned before the
user gives up in frustration).
40/ 2013
30/ 013
50/ 013
3/2 14
7/2 14
10/ 014
5/2 14
Time (Week/Year)
Figure 4.7: Comparisons between scans per week and new devices appearing in the data per
week, which is a proxy for user adoption of the app. These two properties are significantly
correlated (R2 = 0.295), suggesting that new users of these types of technologies may be
a significant driver of the technology’s usage in general. Note that the first and last data
points are low because our data for those weeks is incomplete; similarly, the last week of
2013 is low because it is not a full seven days.
Usage Trends. Our above analyses suggest that one- and two-dimensional barcodes are
effective means to reach some users. We now ask: how do users engage with QR codes over
time? For example, once a user installs the app, do they steadily scan codes over time, or
does their usage peak initially due to factors like the novelty of the technology?
To investigate this question, we first examined user adoption rate throughout the time
period of the data, looking at the first time each device was seen. Adoption rate remained
relatively constant throughout the 10 month span — Figure 4.7 shows the weekly adoption
rate by new devices, which hovers below 500,000.
We then examined the number of scans that took place in each week of the studied 10-
month time period. The results are also shown in Figure 4.7. The rate fluctuated from about
1.3 million at the start to about 2.67 million in February of 2014, increasing initially and
then leveling off around 1.5 million scans per week.
May June July August September October November December January February March
Time (Month)
Comparing the two lines in Figure 4.7, we observe that although new users appear in the
dataset at a regular rate, the number of scans does not increase at the same rate. There are
several possible factors that may contribute to this trend besides users whose usage decreases
after initial installation and exploration. For example, when a user replaces one device with
another, that new device will contribute to the adoption rate but not cause an increased
number of scans. Overall, however, this trend suggests that not all users continue to use the
app at the same rate after initial installation.
Codes. We also explore the appearance of new codes over time. Figure 4.8 shows the rate of
the appearance of new codes. Each bar shows the number of codes with unique text content,
never seen up to that point in time, that were first scanned during that month. The high
rate of appearance of new codes suggests that the ecosystem of QR and barcodes present in
the physical world is constantly changing.
Note that the rate of new code appearance is quite similar to the rate of new user adoption.
This trend suggests an active interest in the QR code ecosystem for both creating new codes
and experimenting with the scanning of codes.
Finally, we consider variations by geographic region in our dataset. We use location data
reported by devices themselves when they perform a scan.
Scans. Our data includes occurring in 241 countries. Of those countries, 19 had at least
1,000,000 scans and 60 had at least 100,000. We note that geographical diversity in scanning
might be explained by the popularity of different QR and barcode scanning apps rather than
# of Scans
100 0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 4.9: The distribution of scans across the 241 countries seen in the dataset. The
United States is at the top with an order of magnitude more scans than its nearest competitor,
Germany. Note, however, that the United States has a much larger population than Germany.
Prevalence of QR codes in the 240 Countries With At Least 1 Scan(s)
QR Prevalence (% QR)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 4.10: Percentage of scans which were of QR codes (as opposed to 1D barcodes) per
country for all countries. The blue line indicates the 50% QR mark — countries below the
line performed more 1D barcode scans than QR code scans, whereas countries above the line
performed predominantly QR code scans. 6 out of 15 of these 1D dominated countries had
fewer than 1000 total scans in the database, and none of the 15 had more than 51,000 scans.
the popularity of QR codes themselves. Our vantage with this dataset cannot distinguish
such a difference.
Figure 4.9 shows the distribution of scans across countries worldwide, and Table 4.5
shows the number of scans in the most popular 32 cities in the dataset. We find that the
top-scanning cities are quite geographically diverse, including cities in the United States,
Europe, and Asia. These results suggest that QR codes are a global phenomenon, and not
something restricted to a particular region of the world.
Codes. Looking across geography, we find that countries vary dramatically in the patterns of
their usage of barcodes. Figure 4.10 shows the ratio of QR code scans to 1D barcode scans
in each country as a PDF. Only a small number of countries have more one-dimensional
QR Prevalence (% QR)
Figure 4.11: Percentage of scans which were of QR codes (as opposed to 1D barcodes)
per country for the most scanning countries. The blue line indicates the y-coordinate for
50% QR codes — all countries with at least 100,000 scans are above the line and performed
predominantly QR code scans.
barcode scans than QR scans, but there is notable variance even between those countries
which are dominated by QR code scans. For example, QR code scans in one country (Bosnia
and Herzegovina) make up about 99% of its 631,812 scans, while scans in Russia (4,482,254
total scans) were split 60%/40% between QR codes and one-dimensional QR codes barcodes.
Figure 4.11 shows the same data limited to the countries in which at least 100,000 scans
were performed over the studied period. None of these 59 most scanning countries scanned
more one-dimensional barcodes than QR codes, suggesting that QR code based use cases
dominate among frequent users of the application. We emphasize that our geographical
findings may not be representative of the entire QR code usage ecosystem because our results
are only from a single application, and the popularity of this application compared to other
applications may vary by geographic region.
Thus far, we have analyzed our dataset as a whole, considering distributions of the
frequency of scans and types of codes, analyses over time, and geographic variations. In
the next sections, we dive more deeply into specific popular and unpopular codes as well as
investigate specific use cases of QR codes.
Having analyzed the overall properties of the dataset, we now turn to analyzing specific use
cases of QR codes and barcodes. Our analysis is three-fold. First, we consider the most
popular codes (Section 4.5.1). These codes reflect the most common uses of QR codes in our
dataset, and hence our analysis of them gives insight into a sizeable and important fraction
of the one- and two-dimensional barcode ecosystem. However, our dataset contains many
codes that are scanned infrequently (half of all codes in the dataset appear only once). Thus,
we also conduct an analysis of infrequently scanned codes, which we define as codes that
appear 5 or fewer times in our dataset (Section 4.5.2). Given the diversity of the unpopular
codes, our analysis of unpopular codes in Section 4.5.2 is by necessity different than our
analysis of popular codes in Section 4.5.1. We cannot, for example, simply pick the 100 least
popular codes and analyze each of them (indeed, there are 16,792,603 codes scanned 5 or
fewer times). Instead, in Section 4.5.3, we turn to analyzing in more detail specific use cases
of QR codes (which span both popular and unpopular codes).
We first investigate the contents of the 100 most popular (i.e., most frequently scanned)
codes. The number of scans of the 100 most popular codes range from 244,660 for the most
popular code to 11,925 for the 100th most popular code. The fact that even the most popular
codes in the dataset are scanned a relatively modest number of times compared to the total
number of scans suggests that users encounter a huge diversity of codes in practice.
We observe that the QR codes real users encounter often contain web links, and that
many of the most popular of these links lead to corporate websites. Even among the most
popular, however, corporate marketing links do not stand alone, with religious organizations
and non-profits like Wikipedia appearing. We also observe a few niche but very popular uses
of QR codes, including a code which appears inside a video game and a Bitcoin transfer
Web Codes. The most frequently scanned codes in the dataset are dominated by links to
the web: 95 of the top 100 codes are web links. Most are explicit http:// links, with a
few exceptions: 5 are SSL (https://), while 2 are web links that don’t specify HTTP or
HTTPS explicitly. 40 of the links are to .com domains; 8 to .org; 3 to .com.hk or .hk; 4
to .de; 5 to .jp. At least 15 are shortened links from shortener services and/or QR-code
generation services such as goo.gl, bit.ly, j.mp, and tinyurl.com, qrs.ly, qr2.it, and
The most popular web domains found in the top 100 codes were jw.org (Jehovah’s
Witnesses, 5 of the top 100 codes), mcd.com, mcdonalds.com, and happystudio.com (Mc-
Donalds Corporation, including their Happy Studio game, a total of 10/100), and costco.ms
(3/100). We discuss popular domain in our dataset further below.
Plain Text Codes. Three of the most popular 100 codes are plain text, including the
following texts: “**”, “tpl not defined”, and a multi-lingual free text message congratulating
the person who scans it for having “successfully identified and scanned a QR code! Great
job!” which was included in the video game Guacamelee! Gold Edition and was scanned
14,558 times by 8098 different devices. The popularity of QR codes displayed in the game
speaks to the viability of mobile system applications that use QR codes as an exchange
medium between two devices.
The meanings of “**” and “tpl not defined” are unclear to the authors of this study. We
hypothesize that the latter may come from the QR code at http://myopenapps.blogspot.
com/2014/04/twilight-war-apk-for-android-free.html, which appears that it intends to
be a QR code that links to the associated application. The resulting QR code may have
been created in error and published online before testing.
Other. The only non-QR code in the top 100 codes (#73) is an EAN-8 code for a bottle
of a Coca-Cola product, 54491472. The 90th most popular code, with 13,177 scans, is a
bitcoin: link specifying a Bitcoin transfer to a wallet belonging to thepiratebay.sx. We
discuss the use of QR codes for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in Section 4.5.3 below.
Popular Domains
As discussed above, a majority of QR codes contain web URLs. We break these URLs down
by domain: Table 4.6 shows the top 50 domains in codes, ordered by the number of times
each domain appeared in a code. Table 4.6 also shows the Alexa global rank of each domain
for comparison.3
Counter to our initial expectation, we find little correspondence between domains that
are popular on Alexa and domains that are popular in our dataset. While we do see some
of the expected popular sites, including google.com and facebook.com, we also see a large
presence of sites that are unpopular on the web in general. Indeed, 15 of the top 50 domains
in our dataset do not even appear in the top 1 million sites on Alexa; an additional 7 domains
do not appear in the Alexa top 100,000.
Instead of the conventionally popular websites, we observe increased prevalence of URL
shorteners (such as goo.gl and bit.ly), domains that appear to be specific to QR codes
(such as qrs.ly and kaywa.me), domains related to lotteries (such as 645lotto.net and
nlotto.co.kr), and more. These results suggest that the QR code-based web ecosystem
is different than the traditional browser based web, with some of the major QR code-based
web sites not having a proportionately large presence on the browser-based web.
The most popular codes in the dataset are quite diverse in terms of geographic diversity.
On the one hand, some codes show very high geographic diversity, with the most popular
country for one of these popular codes responsible only for about 9% of scans. On the other
hand, some codes show almost no geographic diversity. 37 codes are dominated by scans
from a single country by a factor of 100: the most popular country for each of these codes
Domain rank data acquired from http://www.alexa.com in November 2014. The domain ranks may
have differed at the time the codes containing the domains were scanned.
Ratio of Scans in Most Popular Country to All Other Countries Per Code
0 20 40 60 80 100
Top 100 Codes, 1 data point per code
Figure 4.12: The degree of geographic diversity in scans of the top 100 codes. The y-axis
represents the degree to which the most scanning country dominates scans from all other
countries, represented as a ratio of scans from that country to scans from all other countries.
has scanned the code 100 times more often than all other countries combined. In the most
extreme case, the most popular country for a particular code (Japan) has over 1800 times
the number of scans (12900 scans) as all other countries combined (12907 combined scans
Figure 4.12 shows the ratio of top-country scans to all scans for the 100 most popular
codes. For a third of the most popular 100 codes, this ratio is under 1, indicating that no
single country was responsible for more than half the scans of these codes. The content
of these high-diversity codes are quite diverse, including the link to donate bitcoins to The
Pirate Bay, the code from the Guacamelee video game, English language Wikipedia, and a
link to a personal blog. 11 of these 33 high-diversity codes lead to pages which are primarily
offering the download of mobile apps or which include calls to action to download mobile
apps. This suggests that codes with high geographical diversity are more likely to be used in
at least two particular cases: more unusual/less corporate uses (religious and non-profits),
and to encourage installation of mobile applications.
The most popular code in the dataset (244,660 scans) links to a landing page for a mobile
game for iOS and Android. Its scans are dominated by scans from Taiwan (243,450 scans
in Taiwan), with a ratio of 200 Taiwanese scans to each scan from any other country (443
scans in the next-closest country, Malaysia). Digging deeper, those scans in Taiwan are
dominated by scans in Taipai, but the code retains significant geographic diversity of scans
within Taiwan.
Having considered popular codes, we now turn to unpopular codes. In particular, we consider
infrequently scanned codes, which we define to be those that appear 5 or fewer times in our
dataset. Note that while the vast majority of codes are infrequently scanned (89% of codes),
the scans of those codes account for only 31% of all scans in the dataset, since the frequently
scanned codes are often scanned hundreds or thousands of times (see Figure 4.5).
Given the large number of infrequent codes (16,792,603) and their diversity, we cannot
simply pick the 100 least frequently scanned codes (as we did for popular codes) and ana-
lyze each of them. Rather, we explore now the quantitative differences between frequently
scanned, moderately scanned, and infrequently scanned codes.
Specifically, we compare trends of content and usage among codes of differing scanning
frequency. For this analysis, we defined “frequently” scanned codes to be those scanned more
than 100 times in our dataset, “moderately” scanned codes to be those scanned 6-100 times,
and “infrequently” scanned codes to be those scanned 5 or fewer times. This division into
bins of 1-5, 6-100 and over 100 scans serves to divide the codes into groups each accounting
for approximately one third of all scans in the dataset.
Table 4.7 lists the fraction of codes for each content type (e.g., web, telephone, etc.) that
were infrequently, moderately, or frequently scanned. The important comparisons in this
table are not across columns — since most codes are scanned infrequently, a given code is
most likely to be an infrequent code. Instead, this table allows us to compare across content
types in a column: is one content type more or less likely than another content type to be
in that frequency category? For example, Android market: QR codes are more likely to be
scanned moderately than business cards.
We now turn to our analysis of specific uses — and misuses — of QR codes present in our
dataset. These use cases, which span both popular and unpopular codes, present a snapshot
of different actual uses of QR codes in the wild.
We organize this section into subsections corresponding to five themes: web-related use
cases, codes including private data, emerging uses, errors, and malicious uses. A single
use case may in fact span multiple themes, but we have organized the section this way to
highlight these themes.
We dive more deeply into two specific web-related use cases: shortened URLs and links to
adult websites.
Shortened URLs. Many of the web URLs scanned by users were shortened by one of
several URL shortening services (e.g., bit.ly or goo.gl). 984,447 of 11,763,834, or about
8% of URLs seen in the dataset were shortened. To find shortened URLs we checked them
against a list of about 40 shortening services that we compiled from sources on the Internet
and manually checking URLs which looked like they might be shorteners. A small number
of URL shortening services dominated the shorteners seen: 88% of shortened URLs were
shortened by Google’s URL shortener (goo.gl) or by Bitly (bit.ly, bitly.com). qr.net,
a service which simultaneously shortens a URL and generates a QR code linking to that
shortened URL, appeared as the 7th most popular shortener with 4224 shortened URLs.
We can hypothesize a few purposes for shortening URLs in QR codes. While it may
seem odd to shorten URLs in a format which is already only machine readable, we note that
URL shorteners are often used for analytics purposes (e.g., to track clicks). Additionally,
QR codes with shorter URLs will have less data density, and hence may be easier to scan by
some QR code scanners.
Adult Websites. We observed a number of scans of URLs leading to websites which serve
adult content. We manually identified 4 domains in the Alexa top 100 whose names clearly
indicate that they are adult sites (we may have missed adult sites with less obvious names).
We found 7736 scans of 1929 distinct links to these 4 domains.
The human-opaque nature of QR codes makes them a vector for displaying or referencing
age- or context-inappropriate material in plain view. We note that for many popular barcode
scanners, including the most popular one in the Android Marketplace, the scanner app
automatically fetches and displays the title of the specified website. Thus, even if the app
doesn’t automatically take the user to the site, and even if the site asks visitors for their
age (the most popular site in the dataset does not), users will be shown the title of the
video or page linked to, which may be inappropriate for them or their context. Further,
automatically fetching the website’s title will cause the user’s device to connect to the site
in question without the user’s explicit intention.
Our dataset shows that QR codes with links to adult content do exist and are scanned
by real users with some regularity. We thus suggest that the designers of QR code scanning
applications consider these concerns, perhaps using a list of known adult websites to mask
website titles, avoid automatically fetching titles at all, or show additional warnings before
redirecting users to such sites.
Private Data
We observe a number of use cases that involve encoding private information into a QR code.
Wifi Setup Codes. QR codes can be used to encode the information needed to connect a
device to a Wifi network. We found 55,809 unique such codes, which were scanned a total
of 134,121 times.
For private Wifi networks, these codes contain the plaintext password used to authenti-
cate with the network, exposing that password to anyone with a QR code reader in range
of the QR code. As always-on devices with the capability to read QR codes become more
prevalent (e.g., Google Glass), we might expect that the threat of (intentional or uninten-
tional) shoulder surfing to read QR codes containing such sensitive information will increase.
Another lesson from these results is that designers of applications that emit QR codes should
consider the implications of putting private information in the QR codes — an untrustwor-
thy QR code scanner would be able to extract that information. The makers of QR code
scanners must also take precautions to protect the privacy of data contained in scanned QR
Of the otpauth:// codes we found, the vast majority (about 99.5%) were only ever
scanned by a single device, indicating that only one device was set up to authenticate for
that account. Note that unlike Wifi setup codes containing passwords (discussed above),
viewing another user’s two-factor authentication setup code is not as dangerous, as they do
not allow the attacker to compromise the user’s account without the primary authentication
password. However, they would allow someone to compromise the user’s second factor by
obtaining the secret used to initiate it.
PGP Keys. A QR code containing a public key such as a PGP key is a natural way to
convey cryptographic credentials. For example, a person might include their public key as
a QR code on their business card to make it easy for acquaintances to import the key and
support subsequent communications. Key distribution has long been a topic of interest and
study for making cryptographic systems of trust usable and used. Physical artifacts such as
Bitcoin and Other Crypto Currencies. Our dataset provides us with a glimpse into the
use of Bitcoin [131] and other crypto currencies, such as Dogecoin [41] and Litecoin [141].
The bitcoin: URI scheme is used for directing a device to make a Bitcoin payment and
includes the wallet to pay to and the number of bitcoins to transfer. We found 10,199 codes
containing Bitcoin URIs, specifying payments to 8541 distinct Bitcoin wallets. The most
popular Bitcoin URI in our data points to thepiratebay.se’s Bitcoin address, suggesting
that many people made (or considered making) donations to that site. This URI was popular
enough to be one of the 100 most scanned codes. Note, however, that the presence of a Bitcoin
transaction scan in our dataset does not necessarily mean that the transaction was confirmed
by the user and committed to the Bitcoin network.
Bitcoin is significantly more prevalent in our dataset than other cryptocurrencies; we
found only 186 Dogecoin URIs and 525 Litecoin URIs.
We also found codes which appear to represent Bitcoin private keys in Wallet Import
Format (WIF) [25]. Keys in WIF are 51 characters long and begin with 5 for private keys.
We found 2483 codes in the format of a bitcoin private key, according to the above definition,
and verified that 1260 of them are well formatted, i.e., that they can be decoded into private
keys which could be used to import the corresponding wallet. We did not import any of
Boarding Passes and Event E-Tickets. We found electronic tickets, both for transporta-
tion as well as for events such as concerts, among the codes scanned in the dataset.
For boarding passes, we found 2416 codes which appear to be in a standardized format
for airline boarding passes containing confirmation codes, flight departure and arrival times,
airport codes, and names of passengers. These boarding passes were scanned a total of 5396,
with 1101 of them scanned only once, 668 scanned twice, and the remaining 647 were scanned
more than twice. One boarding pass was scanned 25 times by the same device.
We also found a variety of URLs and eTicket formats for event tickets. We note significant
diversity in the formats and strategies used by eTicketing systems. For example, some codes
included an https:// link to a backend ticket processing system which doesn’t seem to host
public content , while others lead to sites on the public web. These systems seemed not to
follow a common standard or format.
There is greater standardization in airline boarding passes than in other eTicketing sys-
tems. We attribute this naturally to the need for interoperability between different airlines,
security agencies and airports. The contrast between these two systems with similar purposes
(admission of a person to a restricted location or event) but differing levels of standardization
speaks to the different ways that technologies like QR codes can be used depending on usage
Never Gonna Give You Up. A popular joke on the Internet is to link unexpectedly
to a video of the Rick Astley song “Never Going to Give You Up” (referred to as “rick-
rolling”) [174]. Because QR codes are not human-readable, they may be an appealing
mechanism for delivering this URL to an unsuspecting victim. Indeed, we found 1614
scans of 40 un-shortened codes and 24 shortened codes containing the URL of the video
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) by devices in 63 countries. The sim-
plest code for a rickroll (with only the URL presented above) was scanned over a thousand
times and was likely created by many different people who all chose to create identical codes
which were scanned in a diversity of places and at differing times. The most popular country
for rickrolling was the United States (with 589 scans), followed by Great Britain and France
(with 194 and 154 scans respectively). This suggests that while a few dozen people may have
thought to use QR codes in such a joke, each individual creator is unlikely to have spread
their code far. While these numbers are small, it suggests that people are using QR codes
for innovative, homebrew purposes.
Similar in spirit to rickrolling, we find 993 scans, over 711 different devices and 597
different cities, of the following quote from the movie Fight Club: “It could be worse. A
female could cut off your Dick while your sleeping and throw it out a moving vehicle.” (sic)
This QR code, which consisted entirely of text and not a link, also demonstrates that QR
codes can be used as a vehicle for communicating directly with humans, rather than first to
a mobile device for processing (e.g., rather provide a URI or a PGP key).
TagMeNot. Our dataset gives us a unique opportunity to measure the prevalence of emerg-
ing uses of QR codes. For example, TagMeNot.info is a “pre-emptive, anticipatory, vendor
independent, and free opt-out technology for pictures taken in public places” [29]. TagMeNot
is an early example of cyber-physical interactions in which aspects of the physical world can
be interpreted in digital context. QR codes from TagMeNot indicate that the wearer of
the code wishes to opt-out of certain sharing or usage of their likeness or property by the
takers of photographs. We found that the code TagMeNot.info was scanned only 7 times
by 5 different devices in Mexico, Italy, Great Britain, and the United States, suggesting that
such opt-out QR codes have not been widely adopted for privacy in the face of ubiquitous
Erroneous Uses
Malicious Uses
Finally, we consider a number of potential malicious uses of QR codes and investigate their
prevalence in our dataset.
Premium Telephone Numbers. In the United States and Canada, certain telephone
number area codes designate sets of numbers as toll-free or premium numbers [166]. One
might hypothesize that QR codes are a vector for tricking people into calling expensive
premium numbers. However, we did not find any numbers that we believe to be premium
numbers from the US/Canadian system. We did find 667 numbers which appear to be toll
free numbers (for example, 1-800 numbers). These numbers were overwhelmingly scanned
in the US (91% of scans), suggesting that our guess that these numbers are US toll free
numbers is correct.
Special Phone Numbers. Phones often respond with special actions, such as displaying
statistics or factory resetting, when special codes are dialed. For example, some Samsung
phones display their IMEI number when “*#06#” is typed into the dialer. We find 126
scans of Samsung special codes in our dataset. One such code factory resets certain Samsung
devices (*2767*3855#) [126]. Putting such a code into a QR code may be dangerous, since
the code must only be displayed in the dialer (i.e., the user must not press the call button)
and the device does not ask for confirmation. Indeed, we find 17 scans of this code, suggesting
that someone may have attempted to test or actually carry out an attack. Fortunately, none
of the scans come from devices of the make and model that treats this code as a factory
Malicious URLs. Prior work [168, 176] has suggested that QR codes are a promising
vector for distributing malicious URLs. Intuitively, QR codes seem like a natural conduit
for phishing attacks or the distribution of malware (e.g., sending users to drive-by-download
sites). QR codes are opaque, machine readable pointers, which might make it harder for a
user to check that a link is trustworthy. Some QR code apps (including Scan) can be config-
ured to automatically load the URL in a browser without user confirmation. Additionally,
the real-world context surrounding a QR code (e.g., its placement on a marketing poster for
a trusted brand) might cause the user to trust the code. Our dataset gives us the unique
opportunity to study whether users encounter malicious QR code links in the wild.
We investigate this question using Google’s Safe Browsing API4 , which provides classi-
fications of a URL as malware and/or phishing, or ok. We randomly sampled URLs in our
dataset and queried them against this API (unshortening any URLs shortened by bit.ly
in the process, using bit.ly’s API). Note that the malware/phishing status of a website
may change over time (e.g., as a malicious site is taken down or a legitimate site is compro-
mised), but the Safe Browsing API does not provide us with historical data, so our results
are necessarily limited.
Of the 1,017,955 unique URLs that we tested, we found 209 URLs flagged as malware
(0.02%) and zero URLs flagged as phishing. We were surprised by the latter result, which
may suggest that QR codes are presently not a common way to distribute phishing websites.
The 209 malicious URLs represent 106 unique domains. Though the fraction of malicious
URLs in our dataset is low, the fact that we observe some instances of potentially dangerous
URLs suggests that QR code scanning applications should integrate the Safe Browsing API
or similar to check URLs before automatically visiting them or allowing the user to visit
Note that like QR codes, shortened URLs hide the destination URL and thus might serve
as convenient vectors for distributing malware and phishing links. However, similar to our
findings, prior work has found that users rarely encounter malicious shortened URLs [113].
Malicious Android Applications. Digging deeper into the many web URLs in the
dataset, we find that a non-trivial number point to Android applications (i.e., apk files). Of
QR codes containing web URLs, 49,282 (0.07%) contain such links. Whereas the market:
URI scheme points to Android applications on the official Google Play app store, apk files
referenced by web URLs do not come from the official store. Users who have enabled the
setting on their Android device allowing application installs from untrusted sources may be
prompted to install apps they download through a link.
Since QR codes visually obfuscate links, an attacker may be able to trick an unsuspecting
user into installing an Android application in this way. Thus, a natural question to ask is
whether any of the apk links in our dataset point to malicious Android applications. To
investigate this question, we first downloaded each of these apk files that was still accessible
on the web, and then submitted it to the VirusTotal API for scanning. VirusTotal5 is a
subsidiary of Google that scans files and URLs using multiple antivirus scanners and website
Indeed, we do find instances of known Android malware among the apk links in our
dataset. We attempted to download the apk files from a random sample of 4000 scans
containing apk links. Of these, 2591 downloads were successful, with the rest failing due to
404 (not found) errors or connection timeouts. We submitted each of these applications to
VirusTotal, receiving a result specifying the number of third-party virus scanners checked
(generally 40-60) and the number of these that flagged the file. We investigate the VirusTotal
report for each application that triggered more than 5 warnings. We find that 26 applications
(1.0% of the 2591 apps we downloaded and scanned) are classified as explicit malware (e.g.,
Trojans). Another 45 applications (1.7%) are classified as Adware, and another 26 (1.0%)
are classified as otherwise suspicious. None of these flagged applications appeared twice in
the 4000 scans we considered.
We were surprised at the relatively high percentage of apk files flagged as malicious or
suspicious. Possibly, some users scan QR codes with the intent of downloading applications
to help them root their phones (such apps are considered malware by VirusTotal). For
example, this video walks a user through the process of rooting their phone and shows a QR
code that, when scanned, will download the rooting application: https://www.youtube.
com/watch?v=np18BC6B0OY (at 1:35). This use case may account for the relatively high
number of malicious apk files in our dataset.
We spot-checked some of the URLs pointing to malicious apk files against the Google Safe
Browsing API. The API does not necessarily flag these URLs as malicious. This suggests
that it may not be sufficient for a scanning app to check URLs against the Safe Browsing
API or similar.
We conducted a systematic, in-depth analysis of barcode and QR code usage in the wild. Our
results show that barcodes and QR codes, which can enable a physical object to communicate
information to a mobile device via a visual channel, are widely used. We analyze that
usage in depth. Overall, we believe that our results should be encouraging the researchers
and industry practitioners developing new ways of leveraging barcodes and QR codes with
mobile devices. We see strong evidence of emerging use cases in our dataset. Our results do,
however, provide a cautionary note: while some users seem to frequently scan codes, other
users seem to use their code scanner more as a novelty (with some users only scanning a
single code).
We now turn to several lessons from our study, as well as recommendations to the de-
signers of QR and barcode scanning applications.
Key Lessons. Stepping back, we summarize the key lessons our analyses reveal about the
use cases for QR codes and the frequency with which real users encounter these use cases in
practice. These lessons include:
• QR codes are an effective way to reach some users, but many users are infrequent. QR
codes are still an active technology. However, their use is not universal or uniform:
the top users in our dataset performed a stunning number of scans. Half of scans were
performed by only 10% of devices, suggesting that this set of users is easily reached by
QR codes (e.g., in marketing campaigns). However, many users scan only infrequently:
almost one third of devices in our dataset scanned only once. Indeed, we find that
despite a steady adoption rate by new devices, the rate of total scans levels out.
• Web use cases dominate QR codes. The majority (75%) of scans are of QR codes
containing web URLs, suggesting that QR code use is dominated by the use case of
quickly connecting users to websites. The popular domains appearing in QR codes
do not correspond with domains that are popular on the web in general, with higher
popularity of domains specific to QR codes (e.g., qrs.ly) and certain use cases (e.g.,
• Nevertheless, non-web uses are prevalent and varied. Though non-web codes accounts
for only about 25% of all scans (14% of QR code scans), the raw numbers of such scans
are still significant. Moreover, the non-web use cases are distributed across a variety of
different uses, including Wifi and one-time password setup codes, Bitcoin transactions,
and other more niche uses cases. Thus, QR codes appear to be commonly used for a
variety of emerging uses.
• Some codes are intended for broadcast, while others are more limited use. In comparing
frequently and infrequently scanned QR codes, we observe that unique instances of
some types of codes (e.g., Android app store URLs) are scanned more frequently than
unique instances of other types (e.g., device pairing codes).
• Scans and codes show no predictable geographic trends. We observed no consistent
geographic distributions of top codes: some are scanned only in one country, others are
widely distributed. The cities where we observe the most scans are also geographically
diverse. Our caveat about perspective of a single app still applies.
• QR codes are not commonly used for malicious purposes, but users do encounter some
malicious codes in practice. Though we find that users in our dataset rarely encounter
malicious QR codes, our dataset does several examples of malicious QR codes ap-
pearing in the wild, including URLs flagged as malicious by Google, links to Android
applications containing malware, and a (possibly malicious) factory reset telephone
code. Though these cases are rare, users may still encounter them, which informs our
recommendations to creators of QR codes and scanning applications below.
• Some code creators struggle to create correct QR codes. We observed evidence of mal-
formed QR codes of various types, including QR codes that containing Java-Script
intended for a browser bookmarklet. In fact, we hypothesize that one of the top 100
most frequently scanned QR codes was created in error. System designers should not
trust code creators to always create correct codes, and researchers should consider code
creation as a possible point of failure.
Check for malicious or questionable URLs before automatically opening the link found in a
QR code. Although we find that malicious URLs are uncommon, we nevertheless find some
examples of malicious links in our dataset, including links to malicious Android applications,
URLs marked as malware by the Google Safe Browsing API, and telephone codes that can
factory reset some devices. We also find a significant number of links to adult sites, which,
while not malicious, may not be appropriate for all users and in all contexts. Since users are
unable to evaluate the content of a QR code visually, QR code scanning applications should
be careful not to automatically load content, including a website’s title, for potentially ques-
tionable links without first obtaining explicit user consent. We note that checking whether
a link is malicious may not always be straightforward — for example, we observed that not
all URLs leading to malicious apk files are flagged by the Safe Browsing API.
As wearable devices with the capability to quickly and automatically read QR codes, such
as Google Glass, become more common, this recommendation will become even more critical.
There have already been attacks against Google Glass that take advantage of automatic QR
code reading, tricking Glass devices into joining unsafe Wifi networks [62].
Take steps to protect private information. Some codes contain private information, such as
secrets used to authenticate to Wifi networks, initialize one-time passwords, or access Bitcoin
private keys. These codes expose secrets to bystanders, who may be able to intentionally
or unintentionally shoulder surf (especially if the bystander has a wearable devices such as
Google Glass). Thus, designers of systems that use QR codes should consider the privacy
needs of the data in the codes. They also need to consider the set of all potential scanning
apps as part of the system’s trusted computing base since, if the scanning applications are not
trustworthy, the system’s privacy properties may not be met. On the scanning side, perhaps
the results of a scan of a QR code that contains certain classes of private information (such
as private keys) should not be shown to users unless the user (rather than the device) has
explicitly initiated the scan; this design would eliminate accidental shoulder surfing.
Users may face significant security risks if the ways in which scanning tools and system
designers use QR codes don’t match up well with users’ expectations of the sensitivity of
code data. While system designers should take steps behind the scenes, communicating a
better model to users of which actions may be risky and which data may need to be protected
As a result of these findings, Scan plans for future releases to (1) add a user-friendly option
to opt-out of data collection and to (2) emphasize their data collection policies directly in
the user interface of the app.
We would also like to explore how much of the web linked from QR codes is not reachable
by crawling the general web. The answer to this question has implications for any application
that relies on the reachability of sites via a web crawl. For example, an application like Google
Safe Browsing may find webpages to scan based on a crawl and might therefore miss websites
linked only in the QR code based web. This gap would in turn pose challenges to QR code
scanning applications attempting to test scanned URLs for safety.
This study focused on what we can learn about QR code use from our dataset of real-
world scans. It would be valuable to extend our knowledge with a user study that more
directly investigated both code creators’ and scanners’ motivations and experiences with
creating and scanning QR codes — e.g., building on [168] to understand how frequently users
scan codes in specific physical locations. A user study would also allow us to learn about
non-users of QR and barcode scanning applications, a population that is inaccessible in our
current dataset by definition.
Limitations. Finally, we mention several limitations of our dataset. First, while our dataset
is large and and diverse enough that we believe it provides us with general information about
the use of QR and barcodes, we are nevertheless limited to this single vantage point of one
QR and barcode scanning application. Other applications may be popular among different
user groups or in different regions with different behaviors. Similarly, because our dataset
ends at a particular date, we expect that devices and codes appearing late in the dataset
may be underrepresented; they may become more popular after the end of our dataset. As
discussed above, while we use the term “user”, we do not strictly have information about
users but about devices, which may not map one-to-one onto the set of users.
4.7 Conclusion
One- and two-dimensional barcodes, including QR codes, present a convenient way to link
physical objects to digital actions and have been widely adopted in both commercial and
academic settings. In this chapter, I have presented work that is, to the best of our knowledge,
the first in-depth study of QR and barcodes in the wild, leveraging a unique dataset of 87
million scans from users of Scan, a popular QR code scanning application.
In our analysis, we examined general use patterns of QR and barcodes in the wild, finding
that QR codes dominate barcodes and that some users interact frequently with QR codes
in the wild whereas other users scan only a single code. We find that a majority of scans
contain web URLs, but we also identify a wide range of varied and emerging uses of QR codes,
including device pairing and crypto currencies (e.g., Bitcoin). We also identify misuses of QR
codes, both by code creators who create malformed codes, as well as potentially intentional
malicious behaviors, including links to malware.
Our findings allow us to develop an informed understanding about the types of QR
codes being created and how users interact with them in the wild. From these findings, we
distill concrete recommendations for QR and barcode scanning applications (e.g., to protect
private data and check for malicious URLs). The sheer number of users, scans, and use cases
represented in our dataset should be encouraging to researchers and industry practitioners
Table 4.5: Number of scans in the cities where we observe the most scans.
Table 4.6: The most popular domains found in URLs in codes scanned. These counts are of
distinct codes which included one of these domains — multiple scans of a code are not counted
here. Note that the count for google.com includes subdomains such as play.google.com
and docs.google.com. The righthand column shows the global Alexa rank for each domain
as of November 2014 (values of N/A mean that Alexa does not have data for this domain).
Table 4.7: Comparison of QR code contents for three categories of code: frequent, moderate
and infrequent codes. We defined infrequent codes to be those with 1-5 scans, moderate codes
those with 6-100, and frequent codes those with over 100 scans. The table lists the fraction
of codes for each content type that were infrequently, moderately, or frequently scanned. For
example, 18.15% of codes leading to Android apps on the market (last row, market:) had
6-100 scans (moderate), while a business card is only 1.78% likely to be scanned that many
times. The dominance of infrequent codes in general is due to the fact that most codes in the
dataset are infrequently scanned — 89% of all codes had 5 or fewer scans (see Figure 4.5).
Chapter 5
In this dissertation, I explored a variety of security and privacy aspects of the web through
new measurements and through its relationship to several sister technologies — third-party
web tracking, web archives, and QR codes — which surround, expand, reference, and enhance
the web. This dissertation used measurement as its primary tool, with the chapters develop-
ing a novel measurement technique (Chapter 2), deploying that technique in a new context
(Chapter 3), and using a unique dataset to provide new perspectives on the web and these
surrounding technologies (Chapter 4) that can help us to understand their current uses, to
discover the security and privacy concerns that have arisen and may arise from those uses,
and to suggest paths forward.
This dissertation was motivated by the observation that the web has become an incredibly
important technology in our society, offering both opportunity and risk as it enhances and
exposes both our private and public lives to the Internet. In the preceding chapters, I have
presented work which illustrates the need for new developments in technology and policy,
and which lays the foundation for those developments. This work — and work that follows
it — will help us to ensure that the web and its sister technologies better serve human needs.
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