Eye Movements in Parkinson's Disease
Eye Movements in Parkinson's Disease
Eye Movements in Parkinson's Disease
Despite diagnostic criteria and guidelines [5], establishing an accurate and early PD diagnosis can
sometimes prove difficult. Adding to the multifactorial nature of the disease is the complication 1
Nuffield Department of Clinical
that hallmark motor symptoms develop at different time points and are often preceded by less Neurosciences, Medical Sciences
Division, University of Oxford, Oxford,
specific non-motor symptoms during an early, prodromal stage [4,5]. Moreover, several subtypes
of the disease exist, emphasizing the importance of individualized diagnosis and treatment [6]. 2
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual
Over the past few years, there has been an increasing effort to characterize atypical Parkinso- Sciences and Djavad Mowafaghian
Center for Brain Health, University of
nian disorders. Even though new criteria have been proposed to improve diagnostic accuracy
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
[7], this group of syndromes can often be mistaken for PD, especially in their early stages. 3
These authors contributed equally to
this work.
Characteristic eye movement abnormalities [8–10] are commonly observed in PD and Parkinsonian
disorders (Box 1). Across neurological disorders, eye movements can help identify candidate
populations of neurons and brain pathophysiological processes involved in the neurological symp- *Correspondence:
[email protected]
toms [11,12], even in prodromal stages [13]. In PD, eye movements can provide basic research (C.A. Antoniades) and
insights into how specific cognitive and executive processes are impacted, and in clinical research [email protected] (M. Spering).
Caudate Hyper-
D1 D2 GPe direct
Direct Substantia nigra
pars reticulata
To brainstem
Inhibition saccade generator
Trends in Neurosciences
Figure 1. Brain areas involved in the generation of saccades. Brain regions are illustrated on a schematic of the human
brain. The location of brain areas is approximate, and only selected areas and connections are shown. In the network
schematic, green arrows indicate excitatory connections (glutamate-mediated), and blue connections indicate inhibitory
connections (GABA-mediated). The SNr is the inhibitory gateway to the SC, and it can both promote and inhibit saccades.
Abbreviations: CN, caudate nucleus; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; FEF, frontal eye field; GPe, external segment of
the globus pallidus; LIP, lateral intraparietal cortex; PEF, parietal eye field; SC, superior colliculus; SEF, supplementary eye
field; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; STN, subthalamic nucleus. Figure inspired by Figure 7–13 in [19].
for saccade control. Many of the same areas are involved in the control of pursuit and small-scale
saccades (microsaccades) as well. Saccades are promoted and inhibited via projections to the su-
perior colliculus (SC) [19]. Whereas frontal and parietal eye fields have excitatory (glutamatergic)
connections to SC (Figure 1, green arrows), a second pathway (Figure 1, blue lines) links frontal
and parietal areas to the SC through the basal ganglia and particularly, the substantia nigra
pars reticulata (SNr). The SNr tonically inhibits the SC via GABAergic projections, thus inhibiting
saccades. At the same time, inhibition of the SNr itself can promote saccades. The SNr receives
inputs from at least three different pathways, which have all been implicated in PD: a direct pathway
with GABAergic projections through the caudate nucleus that promotes saccades, an indirect
pathway with GABAergic projections through the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) that
inhibits saccades, and a hyperdirect pathway with excitatory input directly from the subthalamic
nucleus (STN), cancelling saccades. Together, this system forms an inhibitory gateway to the
SC, potentially involved in reward-modulated and motivated behavior [20,21], and in deciding
whether to initiate a saccade [22,23]. We will return to elements of this pathway in our discussion
of antisaccade behavior, as well as the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in PD.
In the human and non-human primate literature, the inhibitory control of saccades has been
probed with countermanding (stop signal), go/no-go and antisaccade tasks. In countermanding
or stop signal tasks, observers execute a speeded response (e.g., button press or saccade) to a go
signal, such as the disappearance of a fixation spot. In a subset of trials, participants must abort
that response when a stop signal (e.g., reappearance of fixation spot) is shown. This task probes
the initiation and cancellation of planned movements, and the monitoring of movement conse-
quences, subserved by the distinct networks in the frontal cortex [24,25] shown in Figure 1. Be-
cause of the tasks’ sensitivity to measuring inhibitory and impulse control – executive functions
that can be impacted in diseases affecting the corticobasal ganglia pathways [26] – antisaccades
have gained wide recognition for use in psychiatric and neurological populations [27]. Relatedly, the
antisaccade task (Box 2) has emerged as a precise means of quantifying neurological function
[28,29], and an internationally standardized protocol has allowed direct comparisons of results
across experimental settings and laboratories [30].
A hallmark of impaired inhibitory control in the antisaccade task is a significant increase in directional
errors. In addition, two key findings, related to inhibitory dysfunction, are commonly observed in PD:
the first, prolonged saccadic latency or reaction time, results from increased inhibition of the SC by
the SNr. The second finding is a tendency to make early, premature saccades in stop-signal tasks,
delayed reaction time tasks, or antisaccade tasks. This effect could relate to an independent process
that bypasses the SC-basal ganglia route [31]. It is important to note that even though PD patients,
as compared to healthy controls, show increased error rate, longer latency, and more premature
saccades in the antisaccade task, this behavior is as variable as the disease itself, as illustrated in
Figure 2, and is not specific to PD but also occurs in other neurodegenerative diseases [32].
Overall, the antisaccade task and similar protocols are useful because they not only mark PD
symptoms but can also shed light on the underlying brain pathophysiology. In the context of
Neurophysiological studies in macaque monkeys have revealed the circuitry underlying successful saccade inhibition and
reorienting in the antisaccade task [107], making antisaccades highly serviceable for the investigation of diseases affecting
volitional, executive control. The examination of directional errors – commonly a short-latency prosaccade followed by a
corrective antisaccade – in conjunction with single-neuron recordings in saccade-control brain areas revealed a key role of
the SC and FEF in this task. The firing rate of SC [108] and FEF [109] saccade neurons is correlated with direction errors
as well as prolonged latency, indicating that lack of inhibitory input to these areas might underlie poor performance in this
task. A likely main source of such an inhibitory signal to the SC is the SNr (see Figure 1 in main text) in the basal ganglia
[110,111]. Congruent with findings of reduced dopamine levels in the basal ganglia and associated depletion of dopamine levels
in downstream areas such as the SC and brainstem [112], antisaccade performance is significantly impaired in PD patients.
Vertical position
performance in Parkinson’s disease
Target cue (PD). (A) Typical trial timeline in a
standardized antisaccade task protocol
Incorrect Correct [30]. Following a fixation period of
prosaccade antisaccade randomized duration, one target location
is cued. Cue onset indicates that a
(C) (D) saccade can be initiated (here shown
without a gap between fixation offset and
Vertical position
Vertical position
assessing impulsivity, the antisaccade task has gained particular importance in examining effects
of DBS as a treatment for PD, as we discuss in the following sections.
Another saccade protocol that consistently reveals deficits in PD patients is the memory-guided
saccade task. In this task, a saccade is expected to be performed toward the location of a
remembered peripheral-onset stimulus after a brief delay. PD patients typically display accuracy
abnormalities (hypometria) [33,34]. Notably, these deficits are not unique to the oculomotor
system but occur in memory-guided pointing movements as well [35]. Although working memory
performance may be impaired in PD, hypometric memory-guided movements are believed to
result from a deficient memory-to-motor signal transformation process, rather than from cognitive
deficits, because manipulations of memory load do not further impair saccades [34,35]. Memory-
guided saccade abnormalities do not seem to respond to levodopa treatment [36] but may
improve with DBS (see below). These higher-order saccade deficits point at the involvement of
brain networks that include the basal ganglia and regions in the prefrontal cortex that support
working memory functions [37].
Saccades fall along an amplitude continuum from large to small [38,39], and microsaccades
are controlled by some of the same brain areas and mechanisms that also underlie saccades [40]
(Box 1). In PD, fixational eye movements such as microsaccades are often abnormal [41,42], although
disturbances are nuanced and patient-specific [43] and sometimes reported in healthy age-matched
controls as well. In general, PD patients and those with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) show an
increase in involuntary saccades during fixation (also termed saccadic intrusions, or specifically de-
scribed as square-wave jerks, which are coupled with large microsaccades) [42]. More frequent
microsaccades during fixation, especially in the horizontal direction, are associated with a decreased
ability to hold fixation for long periods of time in PD [44]. Understanding microsaccade abnormalities in
PD is important because these types of eye movements are known to increase visual acuity [45] and
are critical for daily tasks such as reading [46]. Accordingly, microsaccade disturbances in PD might
be related to low-level visual functions such as contrast sensitivity [47] and performance in high-level
vision tasks such as visual search [48].
have examined the coordination of pursuit and saccades in PD. Some found comparatively
normal catch-up saccade rates during visually guided pursuit [47,50]. Others reported increased
catch-up saccade rates in PD patients and attributed these to a failure to inhibit saccades [51].
Whether changes in catch-up saccades during pursuit in patients are triggered by a retinal error
signal or whether they are a form of saccadic intrusion could be addressed by studies that include
a larger battery of different eye movement tests, further discussed in the following sections.
In general, pursuit deficits occur in healthy aging as well, and are therefore not necessarily specific
to PD, thus rendering visually guided pursuit of limited diagnostic value for PD. Impaired pursuit
appears to be more prevalent when tasks involve higher-level cognitive processing or deliberation,
such as remembering the motion path of a target (memory-based pursuit [11]). When patients with
preserved memory function had to remember the meaning of two consecutive visual cues, they
tended to use saccades rather than smooth pursuit to track the target [52]. Similarly, PD patients
cannot easily initiate smooth pursuit in cognitive anticipation of a visual target. This is shown in
studies that report fewer, slower, and delayed anticipatory eye movements in patients as
compared to healthy controls in tasks that included a target direction reversal [53] or required an-
ticipating the start of target motion [54]. Because the same function is relatively preserved in healthy
older people [55], this deficit appears to be disease-specific. Conversely, tasks that require
predicting the velocity of a previously shown target that is only briefly blanked from view yielded
only small performance differences between patients and controls [54]. Notably, even though pa-
tients tended to reach a lower peak velocity in these testing protocols, their eyes decelerated less
after the target had disappeared (i.e., maintained target velocity at a higher rate). These findings
show that patients can build up and maintain an internal representation of an object’s motion direc-
tion and velocity if they have been recently exposed to the same object (i.e., in the same trial).
Indeed, some oculomotor functions are preserved in PD patients. Most notably, this includes the
latency of visually guided saccades [56] and the initiation of visually driven smooth pursuit [52]. PD
patients also perform corrective saccades at a comparable level to healthy controls when they
must rapidly adapt to a new movement goal [57]. Congruently, movement adaptation is pre-
served when the trajectory of a hand movement must be corrected online [58]. All these tasks
have in common that they require a sense of urgency – a movement needs to be initiated or
corrected rapidly. When PD patients participated in a rapid go/no-go task that simulated the
real-world requirements of batting a baseball, their ball interception performance was comparable
to that of healthy controls, despite mild impairments in pursuit and saccadic tracking of the ball
[50]. Notably, the same patients exhibited expected performance impairments in saccade and
antisaccade tasks, including inhibitory dysfunction manifested in an abundance of premature
saccades to the wrong target (Figure 2).
We speculate that this differential preservation of function for rapid action in dynamic tasks might
imply the involvement of pathways that bypass dopaminergic connections through the basal gan-
glia, or a hyperdirect pathway linking frontal cortical eye movement areas to the basal ganglia
through the STN [59] (Figure 1). Although there is no direct evidence yet that links this pathway
to smooth pursuit, the STN is involved in pursuit and saccadic eye movement control and possi-
bly in impulse control function and reward-modulated goal pursuit [60]. Moreover, STN activity
serves switching from automatic to voluntary saccades to adapt to changes in task and situa-
tional demands [61]. It is directly implicated in the pathophysiology of PD [62] and serves as
the main target area for DBS [63,64], as we discuss in the following section.
We have focused so far in this section on conjugate eye movements – cases in which movements
of the eyes are yoked and go in the same direction – triggered by stimuli presented in the
frontoparallel plane. In the real world, these movements are always combined with disconjugate
eye movements, such as vergence, to achieve binocular vision and to focus on objects of
interest across different depth planes. Vergence abnormalities result in impaired fusion and
double vision (Box 1), problems observed commonly in PD patients [65,66]. Congruently, vergence
eye movements are frequently impaired in these patients as compared to healthy age-matched
controls [66–69]. Reduced gain and increased convergence latency may be more pronounced
for vergence driven by disparity than for vergence driven by visual blur (accommodation) [66].
This differential impairment could help understand the effect of PD on the vergence neural path-
ways and mechanisms. The control of disparity- and blur-driven vergence has been assumed to
be partially separate anatomically, potentially relying on different brainstem nuclei and downstream
connections along a cerebro-ponto-cerebellar pathway [66,70], although this notion remains de-
bated [71]. The effect of subthalamic DBS on vergence in PD has the potential to further clarify
the neural substrate underlying vergence eye movements. Another interesting aspect about
vergence in PD is that patients compensate for the convergence deficit by using
different types of eye movements strategically [72]. As further evidence of plasticity in this sys-
tem, a preliminary study with a small group of PD patients reported recovery from convergence
insufficiency following vergence training [73], although a clinical trial would be required to con-
firm these results.
A systematic comparison between groups of patients with PD, PSP, and multiple system atrophy
as well as patients with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder – associated with the
prodromal stage of some parkinsonian disorders – revealed that saccade abnormalities manifest
early during the disease and differentiate PSP from other patient groups [15]. In this study, par-
ticipants engaged in simple, uninstructed free viewing of short video clips, a task that allows
measuring spontaneous and continuous eye movement behavior, including changes in pupil
size (Box 3). The gaze of patients with PSP was more biased toward the screen center than
that of other patient groups, and PSP patients exhibited fewer and smaller vertical eye movements
(saccades and microsaccades) than all other groups. Across all patients, vertical saccade
frequency and amplitude deficits correlated with motor symptom severity. The observed significant
reduction in vertical saccade rate and amplitude – pointing to involvement of midbrain regions
for vertical saccade control – differentiate PSP patients from other patient groups and suggest
differences in the pathophysiology between these disorders. Patients in the prodromal group
(REM sleep disorder group) revealed saccade alterations mimicking abnormalities observed in
the other patient groups, implying that saccade parameters could be used as early disease
markers [76]. To substantiate this conclusion, however, longitudinal studies are necessary, in
which patients are tracked as they convert from a prodromal stage to manifest disease, and this
process might take a considerable amount of time given the heterogeneity in disease progression.
A clinical bedside assessment of horizontal and vertical saccades, fixational stability and gaze-
evoked nystagmus may provide important information in the differential clinical diagnosis of PD.
However, the usefulness of eye movements in defining PD subtypes remains to be determined.
Subtyping relies entirely on clinical symptoms (87% of studies included in a systematic review;
[77]), and eye movements are not yet part of this assessment. Given the large variability in eye
movement abnormalities in PD patients, it may prove difficult to define parameter ranges that
separate one PD subtype from another. It may be that eye movements will contribute to a
biomarker-based classification approach of PD subtypes, in combination with other disease
indicators, rather than being used on their own.
Moreover, eye movements could potentially be used to assess the effects of antiparkinsonian
medications or other treatments on motor control. The effect of medication on saccades has
been investigated by several groups. The most widely studied parameter is prosaccade latency,
Under constant light conditions, the pupil’s diameter also responds sensitively to a large range of cognitive processes
[116]. There is evidence that such cognitively modulated pupil responses are reduced in PD patients. In an interleaved
pro- and antisaccade task, pupil dilation in healthy controls depended on the type of task and response; that is, the pupil
was larger prior to stimulus appearance for correct antisaccades than for correct prosaccades or erroneous antisaccades.
PD patients’ pupil diameter depended less on task and response type, suggesting deficits in voluntary movement prepa-
ration in PD [117]. Similarly, PD patients show diminished changes in pupil size in response to different levels of expected
reward, and these effects are particularly pronounced when testing patients in an off-medication state [118].
Cognitive modulations of pupil size are served by a neural circuit receiving descending cortical inputs via the locus
coeruleus or the SC, which in turn receive cortical inputs from areas such as FEF [119]. This circuitry overlaps with some
of the areas and pathways impacted by PD, and thus, abnormalities in the pupil response in PD patients could be medi-
ated by loss of dopaminergic neurons in areas such as the locus coeruleus [120]. Pupil size is emerging as a useful tool to
index cognitive and autonomic function impairments in PD, although it is important to note that changes in the pupil light
reflex are not specific to PD. They also occur in other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease [121], and
across a wide range of brain injuries, implying that they currently lack specificity to be useful as a biomarker to differentiate
between these disorders.
which is prolonged in PD and appears to be further prolonged when patients are on dopaminergic
medication compared to off medication [83–85]. The paradoxical increase in the degree of oculo-
motor abnormality, in the presence of a symptomatic treatment that can normalize somatic motor
function, is noteworthy. Of greater significance is the finding that antisaccade latency, while signifi-
cantly prolonged by PD, either improves [83] or is unaffected by symptomatic medication [85].
This may make it a useful biomarker of disease modifying drugs in future studies, and further work
is needed in this area.
Eye movements may also be affected by therapeutic electrical stimulation of parts of the basal ganglia
for treatment of motor symptoms of PD. In contrast to the effect of antiparkinsonian medication, DBS
of either the STN (Figure 1) or the globus pallidus internus (GPi) reduces prosaccade latency [86,87] in
parallel to improvements seen in motor symptoms. Whereas DBS improves accuracy in memory-
guided saccades [88], the effect of DBS on antisaccade error rate is less clear. Some studies suggest
that stimulation of the GPi, but not the STN, improves performance on the antisaccade task when
patients are on their antiparkinsonian medication [89]. By contrast, another study found that DBS
of the STN can impair antisaccade performance, and this was observed in patients who were off
medication when tested [90]. It is possible that these conflicting results stem from testing patients
in various states of medication as well as varied disease duration. Indeed, testing patients in ON
and OFF DBS states and ON and OFF dopaminergic medication yields three key observations
[87]. (i) DBS increases antisaccade error rate in patients who were OFF medication when tested. (ii)
DBS and medication state interact, and medication reduces the detrimental effects of DBS on
antisaccade performance. (iii) DBS effects on patients’ saccade task performance differ widely from
one patient to another, similarly to what has been described for antisaccade task performance, as
discussed in the preceding text (Figure 2). It appears that effects of DBS on saccade and antisaccade
performance are dependent on the individual (e.g., medication state and disease duration) and testing
context as well as potentially on the exact location [91] and frequency of stimulation [92]. In
addition, DBS of the STN disrupts the normal modulation of saccadic reaction time according
to target probability, in line with the notion that the basal ganglia perform Bayesian statistics for Outstanding questions
competing movement selection [93]. When asked to saccade to a target in one of two locations Researchers are beginning to
associated with a low or high probability of target appearance, saccade latencies to the likely understand the neural mechanisms that
underlie changes in eye movements in
target location were shorter than those to the unlikely location for healthy controls and
PD. How are these changes related to
patients OFF stimulation. However, ON stimulation, patients were no longer able to tailor disease progression, and how are they
their responses to stimulus probability, and saccade latencies to unlikely stimuli did not impacted by medication or DBS?
increase as they were expected to [94].
Whereas saccades are commonly
impaired in PD, other oculomotor func-
Even though the scientific and clinical focus has been on the assessment of saccades and tions, such as smooth pursuit, can be
antisaccades, studies have also looked at the effect of STN DBS on fixational eye movements preserved. Are there specific neuronal
in PD [95] and found that the amplitude and frequency of microsaccades are increased following populations in areas that jointly control
saccades and pursuit that are impacted
DBS. In many patients, DBS also increased the prevalence of square-wave jerks, but with high by PD?
interindividual variability in results. Moreover, STN DBS might alter the temporal pattern of
microsaccades. Microsaccades in general are temporally more variable (i.e., less regular or Deficits in visual function (e.g., acuity,
clustered) in PD than in healthy controls. DBS can partially restore microsaccade rhythmicity contrast sensitivity) can occur as non-
motor symptoms in PD, and are
and clusteredness in PD patients [43]. These results demonstrate that the STN may play a role associated with dopamine deficiency
in modulating the temporal dynamics of microsaccades. and related morphological changes in
the retina. Assessing visual and oculo-
motor abnormalities within the same
Few studies have looked at the effects of DBS on smooth pursuit in PD or related disorders.
studies and tasks can help characterize
Assessing oculomotor control in a group of nine PD patients who had undergone STN DBS underlying mechanisms and address
surgery and were tested OFF medication found reduced smooth pursuit gain with DBS off, the potential link between the two. Are
whereas switching the stimulator on brought the gain back up toward unity [96]. Likewise, pursuit visual abnormalities related to or even
caused by oculomotor abnormalities?
velocity accuracy, defined as the percentage of the time during which pursuit velocity was within
20% of target velocity, was increased by DBS. These results demonstrate the potential of DBS to To ensure consistent results across
mitigate pursuit dysfunction in PD. Given the therapeutic effects that DBS of the basal ganglia has studies, eye movement measurement,
on saccades and pursuit in PD, it will be important to investigate in the future whether these interpretation, and reporting need to
follow standard protocols. Reaching
benefits extend to vergence eye movements as well. methodological consensus is easier
for simplified tasks such as pro- or
In summary, the modulatory effects of subthalamic DBS on the characteristics of saccades, antisaccades, but can be more chal-
microsaccades, and pursuit serve not only as important treatment indicators but also provide a lenging for complex paradigms. How
can eye movement protocols that in-
unique opportunity to investigate how the basal ganglia interact with other neural structures corporate naturalistic task requirements
that control eye movements [97,98]. This knowledge, together with our understanding of the be standardized?
neurophysiology of eye movements, can help elucidate the mechanism of action of DBS, which
The sensitivity and specificity of eye
are still not well understood.
movements as a biomarker of PD
need to be further determined. How
Concluding remarks well can eye movements help distin-
PD is a heterogeneous disorder where diagnosis, progression, and treatment are currently moni- guish PD from other conditions with
shared symptoms?
tored using standardized clinical rating scales such as the Movement Disorder Society-Unified
Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS [99]). Although clinical examination of saccades Eye movements are beginning to be
has, for a long time, formed part of the assessment of neurodegenerative conditions such as used to quantify neurodegenerative
Huntington’s disease and PSP, it does not feature in scales for assessing PD despite the evidence disease and monitor its progression.
Can eye movements be used to
that eye movements are abnormal [9,10]. Future translational research in PD will be dependent on measure the efficacy of treatment in
finding more precise and objective measures of disease that follow standardized protocols (see clinical trials?
Outstanding questions). Measurements of eye movement abnormalities are strong candidates
for this. Investigators are increasingly turning to more complex multivariate approaches and
machine learning algorithms to address reliability concerns [28,100]. Multicenter and large
collaborative studies [16,32] including thousands of patients and consensus-based eye movement
protocols pave the way to big data approaches, linking clinical, behavioral, and cellular-molecular
dimensions. Importantly, differential impairments in saccades and pursuit eye movements in PD
allow testing assumptions about different populations of neurons along overlapping brain
pathways that may be impacted by the disease. Treatment approaches such as DBS, in addition
to their therapeutic value, provide scientists with a unique opportunity to systematically probe and
investigate the brain networks that underlie human eye movement control.
The authors thank Silke Cresswell, James FitzGerald, and members of the UBC Oculomotor Laboratory for helpful comments on
the manuscript. C.A.A. was supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.
M.S.’s foundational research is funded by a Discovery Grant of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Declaration of interests
The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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