Self Driving Cars Article #02
Self Driving Cars Article #02
Self Driving Cars Article #02
Article in International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology · July 2023
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5 authors, including:
Dr A.karunamurthy
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College
All content following this page was uploaded by Dr A.karunamurthy on 08 August 2023.
Abstract:- AI research has revolutionized automobile Self-driving vehicles, also known as autonomous or
businesses, particularly in self-driving cars. These driverless cars, use AI-powered computer vision to observe
autonomous vehicles enhance road safety, transit and interpret their environment, recognize items, and make
efficiency, and individual mobility. AI-powered appropriate driving judgments. These intelligent machines
applications improve safety standards and enable are powered by sensors and artificial intelligence, aiming to
autonomous vehicles to assess their surroundings, make improve safety, traffic management, comfort, and resource
real-time judgments, and operate consistently without efficiency. Key motivations include increased population,
human involvement. The use of AI, machine learning, traffic, and efficient resource use. This study explores the
deep learning, and neural technologies in driverless challenges faced by autonomous cars, focusing on planning,
vehicles is expected to increase trust and acceptance. The perception, and decision-making. Advancements in
study aims to assess advancements and obstacles in AI- kinematic and dynamic models, collaborative autonomy,
based self-driving cars, focusing on urban planning, convolutional neural networks, model predictive control,
traffic management, and transportation systems. real-time decision-making for autonomous city vehicles, and
Further, the research examines autonomous driving intention-aware autonomous driving decision-making are
technology, including computer vision, machine learning discussed. Self-driving cars can assess their surroundings,
algorithms, sensor fusion, and real-time decision-making make real-time decisions, and function autonomously as a
systems. It discusses training and learning procedures, result of the integration of various technologies, decreasing
focusing on large datasets, deep neural networks, and the need for human involvement in driving tasks.
reinforcement learning for improved driving abilities
through continuous interaction with the environment. II. AI APPLICATIONS
Keywords:- Artificial Intelligence; transit efficiency; self- AI plays a significant role in various sectors, including
driving cars; safety; Technology Development; challenges. transportation, robots, health, education, commerce, public
safety, entertainment, and employment. GPS was introduced
I. INTRODUCTION in 2001 for personal vehicle navigation devices, and today,
vehicles are equipped with sensors such as gyroscopes,
AI combines data, computers, and technology to accelerometers, and ambient light sensors. AI can efficiently
mimic human problem-solving and decision-making, using manage and store vast amounts of knowledge, analyzing
Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods. It's gaining data to identify trends and user requirements. Humanoid
traction in commercial applications, like self-driving cars, robots, like Erica and Sophia, have been developed to talk
potentially altering civilization and lifestyle. According to and behave like humans. AI is also a competitive edge in the
experts, self-driving vehicles will offer a variety of benefits, e-commerce industry, helping shoppers find products with
including reducing traffic accidents, providing mobility for recommended sizes, colors, and brands.
non-drivers, and enhancing energy efficiency. According to
a study conducted by the American National Highway AI has been used by educators and learners for over
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Google, human fifteen years, with popular educational devices like Lego
error is responsible for around 94% of road accidents, such Mind Storms kits developed in the 1980s. Robots like
as poor vision, auditory perception, and other consequences Ozobot and Cubelets teach and help learners and children.
of driving after consuming alcohol. Autonomous driving AI is used only when necessary, and deployment is carefully
research and development has resulted in safer, more done to remove bias in human decision-making. AI is also
environmentally friendly transportation systems. By 2035- helpful in cybersecurity, with machine learning making an
2040, driverless vehicles are expected to account for one- impact. CCTVs are deployed worldwide to help solve
quarter of the global market. AI benefits various industries crimes and prevent them.
by automating complex tasks, saving time, and improving
efficiency. It's worth noting that the development of AI- A. AI- powered applications
powered self-driving cars necessitates a multidisciplinary AI developments are likely to foster additional
strategy that combines skills in AI, robotics, computer innovation and growth in the field of autonomous vehicles.
vision, control systems, and automotive engineering. It is Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and
built on scientific disciplines like information technology, computer vision technology enable advanced features like
biology, physics, and mathematics. This paper presents an lane departure alerts, adaptive cruise control, and
autonomous, robotic, or driverless car model. autonomous emergency braking. These systems use sensors,
cameras, and machine-learning algorithms to improve driver
safety and convenience. Machine learning algorithms
improve decision-making capabilities by learning from
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
massive volumes of data, including past driving data and many sensors such as cameras, LiDAR (Light Detection and
simulated scenarios. Reinforcement learning trains self- Ranging), and radar.
driving car models to make optimal driving decisions. AI
can also predict and prevent vehicle faults and maintenance Manufacturers must equip autonomous cars with
concerns, enabling proactive maintenance to prevent sensory and cognitive functions, operational capabilities,
breakdowns and reduce downtime. To generate a full picture and AI for data collection, path planning, and action to drive
of the environment, self-driving cars incorporate data from like humans.
Ultrasonic Sensors also known as SONAR (Sound avoidance at low speeds.Autonomous Vehicle
Navigation Ranging), use ultrasound waves to send and Technology Report (2020) explains that the transducer
receive signals from nearby objects as shown in Fig 3. receives digital signals from Engine Control Units (ECU),
They are used for close-range detection and object measuring vehicle proximity during parking.
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
D. Control and Safety system protocols monitor the vehicle's performance, detect flaws,
The control system transforms the decision-making and trigger appropriate steps to protect the safety of
system's decisions into actions. It controls the vehicle's passengers and other road users.
acceleration, braking, and steering via actuators, ensuring
safe and precise driving. Autonomous vehicles frequently E. Perception and Locialization syatem
rely on networking technologies such as V2X (Vehicle-to- Fig 5 shows the Dedicated Short-Range Communications
Everything) communication to exchange data with other (DSRC) from Vehicle to Vehicle discovered that
vehicles, infrastructure, and central traffic management autonomous vehicles gather data from their surroundings by
systems. This enables improved situational awareness, interacting with other vehicles to make decisions. Wireless
traffic coordination, and real-time updates on road vehicular networks running on Dedicated Short-Range
conditions. They include redundancy and safety mechanisms Communications (DSRC) frequency bands are the key
to assure fail-safe functioning. Backup sensors, redundant technology enabling the booming market of Intelligent
computer units, redundant power sources, and safety Transportation Systems (ITS).
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
and the ability to perform the majority of driving Level 5 - Full automation (a vehicle can execute all
operations); driving activities in every conceivable circumstance
Level 4 - High automation (in a geofenced region, a without the need for human intervention).
vehicle can perform all feasible driving activities). And
III. HISTORY AND CURRENT SCENARIO operational rules. AI, sensor technology, and infrastructure
advancements are expected to drive self-driving vehicle
A. Artificial Intelligence advancements in the coming years. It's important to note that
AI has a long history reaching back to the 1950s. autonomous vehicle advancements are dynamic and may
Initially, artificial intelligence (AI) concentrated on have occurred since the knowledge cutoff.
symbolic thinking and problem-solving strategies. Expert
systems first appeared in the 1980s, allowing AI to replicate IV. CHALLENGES
human decision-making in specialized fields. However, due
to computing limitations and a lack of data, progress Artificial intelligence approaches, driven by deep
stagnated in the following years. With developments in learning algorithms, have significantly improved
machine learning and neural networks at the turn of the autonomous driving technology, including perception,
century, AI had a renaissance. Deep learning breakthroughs object detection, and planning. However, road accidents
catapulted AI to new heights, enabling extraordinary have led to public skepticism, leading to numerous studies
advancements in domains such as computer vision, natural examining the limitations and issues with the design,
language processing, and autonomous systems. AI is rapidly development, and deployment of autonomous cars. One
evolving, affecting many industries and becoming an study investigated public health and ethical issues arising
essential part of our daily life. AI is advancing rapidly and is from autonomous driving, focusing on passengers' rights
becoming widely used in a variety of fields. AI has recently and liabilities. The study concluded with four directions:
proved its ability to transform areas such as healthcare, clear and cross-disciplinary discussions among stakeholders,
banking, retail, and transportation. Deep neural networks, enhancing society's knowledge of the issues and limitations
machine learning algorithms, and natural language of autonomous driving, confirming society's knowledge of
processing techniques are being used to analyze massive solutions and proper use of autonomous vehicles, and
volumes of data, extract useful insights, automate jobs, and developing faithful, rational, and monitoring standards for
improve decision-making processes. Artificial intelligence is public health experts' attention. Another study found that
being utilized to create virtual assistants, intelligent autonomous driving technology can affect public health in
chatbots, personalized recommendation systems, and self- thirty-two directions. The semantic gap, responsibility gap,
driving cars. The incorporation of AI into everyday gadgets and liability gap are open problems in the state-of-the-art
and services, such as smartphones and home assistants, has development of autonomous systems. Understanding the
become mainstream. However, ethical issues, privacy causes of these issues and giving stakeholders the right to
concerns, and the need for transparent and accountable AI ask "why" questions are crucial. Additionally, studies have
systems continue to be significant obstacles. AI continues to found that self-driving cars struggle to accommodate
progress as a result of ongoing study and technology pedestrians correctly, highlighting potentially fatal
advancements, impacting the current and future landscape. consequences for bystanders and minor shortcuts. Social
responsibility issues, such as fairness, accountability,
B. Self-Driving Vehicles interpretability, and transparency, must be addressed to
Self-driving cars have been around since the 1920s, but ensure equitable human-AI partnerships.
significant advancements began in the 2000s with the Grand
Challenges by DARPA. Companies like Waymo, Tesla, and Autonomous vehicles (AV) are becoming increasingly
Cruise have contributed significantly to the advancement of popular, with Google paying around $80,000 for an AV
autonomous vehicle technology. As of September 2021, model. However, infrastructure like roads is outdated, and
Waymo offers commercial self-driving taxi services, while developing a viable infrastructure will take 10-15 years.
Tesla's Autopilot provides advanced driver-assistance Ethical issues, such as crash avoidance protocols and
functions. However, commercial deployment is limited, and cybersecurity concerns, arise during the transition from
legal frameworks are being developed to ensure safety and manual driving to self-driving. Road infrastructure is crucial
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
for Fully Automatic Driving (FAD), as human reactions are V. TRUST AND TRUST ISSUES
uncertain. Autonomous-only traffic lanes are suggested to
overcome this. Regulatory needs play a significant role in AI is a machine that mimics human intellect by
the transition, with the government attracting automotive reading languages, creating abstract concepts, solving
OEMs and start-ups through incentives and limiting problems, and continuously improving. Cultural background
regulatory requirements that discourage innovation. and country are two factors that influence consumer trust.
Hardware requirements and resource allocation are essential, Humans and automation rely on trust, yet many people are
as autonomous vehicles use various input data sources. The skeptical of new technology and their developers. It is
Haywire Environment is challenging in real-world critical to increase trust in AI technology, developers, and
situations, with well-defined markers needed for decision- firms generating AI products.
making. In countries with poorly defined traffic regulations,
strict legal traffic guidelines and dedicated road Self-driving technology has been around since the
infrastructure services are necessary for the success of AD. 1980s, with early examples including navigation lab
vehicles and highway driving tactics. However, safety issues
Autonomous vehicles provide a cost-effective and easy necessitate human clearance for self-driving systems. All
way for non-drivers or those with disabilities to enjoy self-driving automobiles in public transit must have a safe
transportation without a driver. However, they also endanger driver, according to the law. According to the 2019 Deloitte
millions of people who rely on automobiles. Although GPS Global Auto Customer Research Survey, while investment
and AI-based systems can increase vehicle security, the in sophisticated auto technologies is increasing, customer
internet can compromise vehicle security by permitting apathy towards self-driving cars is mostly due to a lack of
unauthorized control or hacking. Because these automobiles faith in AI technology. When it comes to trusting AI
rely on AI-based sensors, the safety of passengers and technologies, individual clients may have different thoughts
pedestrians is a serious worry. Accidents between and expectations.
autonomous and conventional vehicles might cause
hardware interruptions and sensor damage in rare situations, Concerns regarding privacy, ethics, and responsibility
posing a considerable risk to passengers and pedestrians. are driving trust issues with AI. As AI becomes more
Further enhancements are required to assure the safety and integrated into our daily lives, concerns regarding data
comfort of all users in autonomous vehicles to make them security and the possible exploitation of personal
more secure and friendlier. information arise. The lack of transparency in AI decision-
making systems exacerbates mistrust. AI bias and prejudice
Self-driving cars face legal challenges, including diminish trust because they can perpetuate societal
potential accidents and insurance responsibility. In 2016, a imbalances. Furthermore, there is concern about
man was killed in a Tesla autopilot flaw, raising questions employment displacement caused by AI technologies. To
about whether the car's owner or manufacturer is prosecuted. create trust, it is critical to prioritize transparency, ethical
Additionally, insurance companies like Arriva and Direct principles, and strong rules to ensure AI systems are
Line are working on a framework for autonomous car accountable, unbiased, and serve humanity's best interests.
insurance policies in the UK. Some argue for mandatory
insurance, while others advocate for self-insured coverage. Problems with safety, decision-making, and
As the technology gains popularity, these legal limits may responsibility increase trust concerns with AI-powered self-
diminish. driving cars. The ability of AI systems to observe and grasp
complex real-world situations is critical for gaining public
The commercialization of self-driving cars will have a trust. Accidents involving self-driving cars have raised
substantial environmental impact. AI-powered vehicles plan questions about the dependability and use of artificial
their travels based on criteria such as shortest paths and lane intelligence algorithms for avoiding collisions and making
constraints, resulting in lower fuel consumption and carbon split-second decisions. Furthermore, the lack of human
emissions. These cars are also more accurate, minimizing control over cars raises concerns about the consequences of
traffic congestion and maintaining a modest spacing future system failures or hacking attempts. Another
between cars in a lane. VisLab's BRAiVE, a self-driving important aspect of trust is the sharing of responsibility and
autonomous automobile, successfully navigated tight roads, accountability in the event of an accident. Determining who
rural areas, and traffic signs, resulting in more ecologically is legally and ethically responsible—whether the
friendly time and fuel consumption than conventional cars manufacturer, programmer, or user—raises legal and ethical
operated by people. concerns. To solve these concerns, it is vital to prioritize
safety in the design and testing of self-driving cars, ensuring
Explanation of self-driving car performance is crucial high standards and rigorous review systems. Transparency
for increasing acceptance by transportation jurisdictions and regarding AI algorithms and decision-making processes, as
communities. Establishing standards and regulations for well as measures to decrease prejudice and ensure ethical
autonomous driving technology and developing AI software concerns are addressed, can improve trust. In addition,
architecture are essential steps. defined rules and procedures for establishing culpability and
accountability should be established, providing a framework
for legal and ethical responsibility in the field of AI-
powered self-driving cars.
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Customer concerns about self-driving cars revolve customers uneasy. Liability concerns arise regarding
around safety, privacy, and trust in the technology. Safety responsibility and liability in accidents, and job
concerns include the reliability of self-driving systems in displacement concerns. Addressing these concerns through
avoiding accidents and handling complex driving scenarios. rigorous safety testing, transparent data policies, clear
Privacy concerns include the use and storage of personal regulations, and education on the technology's capabilities
information, potential data breaches, and potential misuse by and limitations is crucial for customer trust and acceptance
manufacturers or third parties. Trust in the technology is of self-driving cars.
also a concern, as lack of human control can make
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
role in self-driving cars, analyzing data and making AI-powered autonomous cars have the potential to
informed decisions in real-time. High-definition mapping make substantial advances in transportation, including
and real-time localization techniques, such as Simultaneous improved safety, advanced decision-making, increased
Localization and Mapping (SLAM), enable vehicles to range and economy, seamless integration, improved user
understand their position and navigate accurately. Vehicle- experience, and regulatory and ethical implications.
to-Everything (V2X) communication enables vehicles to Vehicles will be able to better sense and interpret their
connect with other vehicles, infrastructure, and pedestrians, surroundings, foresee risks, and make proactive decisions to
enhancing situational awareness, decision-making, and avoid accidents as a result of these developments. Vehicles
driving behavior. will be able to better foresee dangers and make proactive
decisions thanks to advanced sensor fusion, deep learning,
Continuous testing and validation are crucial for and predictive analytics. Machine learning models will also
ensuring the safety and reliability of self-driving cars. These be refined by AI algorithms to handle difficult scenarios
advancements have brought self-driving cars closer to such as unpredictable traffic situations and construction
widespread adoption, with the potential to transform zones. AI will also optimize energy consumption and
transportation, improve road safety, and increase mobility. increase the range of self-driving vehicles by analyzing
However, challenges related to regulations, public driving habits, traffic conditions, and road layouts to reduce
acceptance, and addressing edge cases still need to be environmental effects.
addressed for successful integration into daily life.
As AI-powered vehicles connect with other vehicles,
Self-driving cars are predicted to become more infrastructure, and pedestrians to optimize traffic flow and
common and incorporated into our transportation networks minimize congestion, seamless integration will be critical.
in the future. Self-driving cars are projected to become safer, Personalized preferences, entertainment options, and
more efficient, and capable of handling complex driving connectivity elements will improve passenger comfort and
scenarios as technology progresses. To promote their wider productivity on long-distance trips. Regulatory frameworks
adoption, regulatory frameworks, and infrastructure will will evolve to meet legal, ethical, and safety problems while
grow. Self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionize also assuring responsible deployment, liability
transportation and improve the overall efficiency and determination, data privacy, and cybersecurity. These
sustainability of our communities by reducing accidents, breakthroughs have the potential to alter transportation,
easing traffic congestion, and increasing mobility. However, making it safer, more efficient, and more convenient for
public acceptance, regulatory issues, and maintaining robust individuals and society.
cyber security will remain crucial aspects in determining the
future position of self-driving automobiles.
Volume 8, Issue 7, July 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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