❖Digital and Analog Computers
❖Characteristics of Computer
❖History of Computer
❖Generations of Computer
❖Classification of Computer
❖The Computer System
❖Application of Computers
1. Definition and uses of computers
Computer is derived from the Latin word ‘Computare’
which means ‘calculate’. So according to this
definition, computer is a machine which can perform
calculations at very high speed.
A computer is an electronic device used to process
data, converting the data into information that is
useful to the people.
Computer is an electronic machine that can accept
data: process it according to a set of predefined
instructions and then gives the results.
Analog Computer
The computer which can process analog quantities (continuous data)
is called an analog computer.
Watch with hands is an analog device.
Analog computers are designed to compute physical forces such as
temp, pressure, speed of rotation etc.
The devices that measure such quantities are analog devices, e.g.,
thermometer, barometer, speedometer, ammeter etc.
Features of analog computer
❖ Analog computer operates by measuring rather than counting.
❖ They are slower than digital computer.
❖ There accuracy is poor as compared to digital computer.
❖ They are mostly used in engineering and scientific applications.
❖ Thermometer represents temperature in terms of a thread of
❖ The speed of a car can be represented by the rotation of wheels.
❖ The analog computer is used in hospitals to measure the size of
stone in kidney and mental disease diagnostics (CT scan) with
Digital computer
The digital computer works on discrete data or discontinuous data.
Digital watch is an example of digital device as it goes from one value
to the next without displaying all the intermediate values. But it can
display only finite number.
Each quantity in such a computer is represented by a binary number
consisting of 0s and 1s. So, all data that computer processes must be
encoded digitally. The data may be letters, numbers or other special
symbols. All the operations are divided into counting and adding. For
example, multiplication can be carried out by repeated addition.
Digital computers are mostly used in the preparation of reports,
results, tabulation and graphic representations. Thus, they help in
mathematics, engineering, business, accounting etc. So, they are
versatile in nature. Most of the computers used in Nepal are digital
Digital computers are faster than analog computer and more
accurate. For example, IBM PC, IBM Compatible, Apple / Macintosh
Characteristics of a computer
The main characteristics of a computer are:
It responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-
defined manner.
It can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (called
Terms used in Computer system
Hardware – The mechanical devices that make up the
computer are called hardware. Hardware is any part of the
computer that you can touch. Hardware consists of
interconnected electronic devices that you can use to control the
computer’s operation, input and output.
Software – is a set of electronic instructions consisting of
complex codes (also known as programs) that make the
computer perform tasks. In other word, software tells the
computer what to do. Some programs exist primarily for the
computer’s use and help the computer perform and manage its
own tasks. Other types of programs exist primarily for the user
and enable the computer to perform tasks.
Human ware – people who operates the computer is known as
human ware or users.
Firmware – is a program or information written in ROM
permanently by the manufacturer during the manufacturing of
Terms used in Computer system
Data – consists of raw facts, which the computer stores and
reads in the form of numbers. The computer manipulates
data according to the instructions contained in the
software and then forwards it for use by people or another
computer. Data can consists of letters, numbers, sounds or
images however the computer converts it to numbers
within the computer, data is organized into files.
A computer file is simply a set of data or program
instructions that has been given a name. A file that the user
can open and use is often called a documents.
Program – programs are the collection of many commands
or instructions together in sequence and in logical way. A
program is written for some specific purpose.
Information (Solutions) – it is the collection of data in
systematic way, so that it carries specific meaning when
Characteristics of a computer
Computer is a device, which is capable of doing almost
all the works which can be programmed by the user.
Computer can do jobs with 100% accuracy and in a
very fast speed in comparison to any other devices or
It is possible to show and do things, which are
impossible for a man.
Computer provides faster and cheaper communication
with the use of internet.
It can perform almost all the works but for that
purpose man must provide program and hardware.
Characteristics of a computer
1. Speed, size and cost
The speed of a computer is directly linked with the technology used to
build it.
ENIAC uses vacuum tubes
Speeds in milliseconds
150 squares meters
Costs millions of dollars
Speeds in microseconds
Size and Price are reduced IC (Integrated Circuit)
Tens of millions of operations per seconds
Size 0.25 square cm
The cost was also reduced because of the enhancement in the
Characteristics of a computer
2.Accuracy and Reliability Computer can do a lot of
work without any mistake and tiredness
The output of the computer is only as reliable as the
instructions (the program) used and the data supplied
Almost all the computer errors are because of errors in
programming or because of invalid data fed to the
Characteristics of a computer
3. Vast Storage Capacity
A computer system can store and retrieve massive amounts
of data.
Computer’s storage can be divided as primary storage and
secondary storage.
4. Automatic
Computer is an automatic machine.
Everything that is given to computer are processed and done
by computer automatically to the instruction provided.
5. Diligent
Computer is an diligent machine.
The ability of computer to perform a work repeatedly again
and again without getting tired and bored is called diligence.
Characteristics of a computer
A computer can perform more than one work having
different characteristics.
Computer totally depends on electricity. All its parts
especially memory, processor are electrical devices and
most of the computer parts are made up of electronic
circuits therefore, computer is a electronic device.
Non – Intelligent
Computer can’t do simple of the simple work, if it is
not given input in terms of data, instruction or
program by the user.
Characteristics of a computer
9.Word Length
A digital computer operates on binary digits – 0 and 1.
It can understand information only in binary digits
The number of bits that a computer can process at a
time in parallel is called word length.
Commonly used word lengths are 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits.
Word length is the measure of the computing power of
a computer.
History of Computer
The actual meaning of history is an orderly account of the
events. The computer, which is one of the most advanced
discoveries of mankind, has got a long history.
History of Computer
As a result, around fifth century, Hindu philosophers could
develop a new method of counting using numbers 1 to 9
and around 8th century, the famous Alkhawarism of Iraq
developed zero (0). Since, there are ten digits, the number
system method was called decimal number system. After
this, different calculating machines were developed
through various stages.
❖ Mechanical era
❖ Electro mechanical era
❖ Electronic era
Mechanical era
Napier’s bone(1614)
Pascal’s Adding Machine(1642)
Leibnitz’s calculator(1671)
Jacquards loom(1801)
Babbage’s difference and analytical engine(1822)
Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace
Hollerith’s machine (1887)
Electro mechanical era
Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC)
Electronic era (1946-1951)
Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC)
Generation of computer
In 1962, scientists decided to classify computer into different
classes according to the device technology and system
architecture. The computers are classified into five groups.
These groups are called generation of computer.
The classification and the time period are given
1st generation computer (1945 – 1956)
2nd generation computer (1956 – 1963)
3rd generation computer (1963- 1971)
4th generation computer (1971 – present)
5th generation computer (Present and beyond)
1st generation computer (1945 – 1956)
First Generations of computer (1940-1956)
Technology -Vacuum tubes
Memory - Vacuum tubes
Storage - Magnetic tape/drums
Processing Speed - Millisecond (thousands of seconds)
Programming Language – Machine Level Language
The most popular first generation computer is IBM 650.
Examples : IBM 650,702,705( IBM 650 is the most popular),
2nd generation computer (1956 – 1963)
Second Generations of Computer - (1956-1963)
Technology - Transistor
Memory - Magnetic core
Storage - Magnetic tape/drums
Processing Speed- Microsecond (million of second)
Programming Language– Assembly Language
Examples: IBM-(1400, 1401, 7000), CDC-(160A, 1604),
Control Data-3600.
3rd generation computer (1963- 1971)
Third Generations of Computer - (1964-1974)
Technology - Integrated Circuits ( MSI,LSI )
Memory - Semiconductor Memory(RAM,ROM)
Storage - Magnetic tape
Keyboard as input device, monitor as output
Processing Speed - Nanosecond(billion of second)
Programming Language - High Level Language
Operating system developed in 3rd Generations.
Examples: IBM system\360, UNVAC-1108, UNVAC-9000.
4th generation computer (1971 – present)
5th generation computer (Present and beyond)
Classification of Computer
1. On the basis of work
According to the work, computers can be classified
into following three types:
❖Digital computer
❖Analog computer
❖Hybrid computer
Classification of Computer
2. On the basis of size
According to size, computers can be classified into
following four types:
❖Super computer
❖Mainframe computer
Classification of Computer
Classification of Computer
On the basis of Model
On the basis of model, computers can be classified
into following three types:
❖XT (Extended Technology)
❖AT (Advanced Technology)
❖PS/2 (Personal System / 2)
XT Computers
The computers with 8086 or 8088 microprocessor, 128 KB
of RAM, 10 MB of hard disk and 8-bit bus are called XT
computers. These computers are slow in processing 4.77
MHz and cannot run advanced programs.
AT Computers
The computers with 80286 microprocessor, 16-bit bus and
high memory capacity are called AT computers. They are
faster than XT computers and can run latest programs. The
microprocessors used in AT computer are 80386, 80486
and Pentium processors.
PS/2 Computers
Most of the computers manufactured after 1990, including
laptop computers (small computers) belong to this model.
These computers use refined architecture making the
computer faster than AT computers. They can run almost
all programs.
The Computer System
The Computer System
The computer system consist of the following five
➢ Processor
➢ Memory
➢ Input Device
➢ Output Device
➢ Storage
The Computer System
The procedure that transforms raw data into useful
information is called processing. To perform this
transformation, the computer uses two components : the
processor and memory
Processor – is the brain of the computer. It organizes and
carries out instructions that come from either the user or
the software. Microprocessor (chips) which are made up of
silicon chips. CPU refers to a computer’s processor.
Memory – is like an electronic scratch pad inside the
computer. When you launch a program it is loaded into
and run from memory. Data used by the program is also
loaded into memory for fast access. Common type of
memory are RAM(Random Access Memory) and ROM
(Read Only Memory)
Computer would be useless if they did not provide
interaction with users.
The Computer System
Input devices – are those devices that accept data and
instruction from the user or from another computer
system (such as a computer on the internet). Examples
are keyboard, mouse, joysticks, touch pads, scanners,
digital camera, microphones etc.
Output devices – are those devices that return
processed data, back to the user or to another
computer system. Examples are monitor, printers,
speakers etc.
Storage – is used to hold data. Allows a computer to
permanently store large amounts of data. Common
mass storage devices are disk drives, CD- drives and
tape drives.
Application of Computers
Computer Uses:
Computer are used almost in every field that you can think
Computer or IT is finding wide applications in industries,
hospitals, research labs, offices, domestic gadgets and for
personal use.
Today, computer – based information and control system
are performing a variety of important functions in several
Such as Business, customer services, education, research,
entertainment, government, home, medical, industries,
engineering, office automation system, transportation
system, etc.
Application of Computers
Scientific, Engineering and Research:
Games and Entertainment:
office automation system
Transportation system
Limitations of computer
The computer can outperform human beings in speed,
memory and accuracy but still the computer has
limitations. There are following limitations of a computer.
Programmed by human:
Though computer is programmed to work efficiently, fast
and accurately but it is programmed by human beings to
do so. Without a program, computer is nothing. A program
is a set of instructions. Computer only follows these
instructions. If the instructions are not accurate the
working of computer will not accurate.
The computer can not think itself. The concept of artificial
intelligence shows that the computer can think. But still
this concept is dependent on set of instructions provided
by the human beings.
Limitations of computer
Self Care:
A Computer can not care itself like a human. A computer is
dependent still to human beings for this purpose.
Retrieval of memory:
A computer can retrieve data very fast but this technique is
linear. A human being's mind does not follow this rule. A
human mind can think randomly which a computer machine
can not.
One of the main limits in the computer is of feeling. A
computer can not feel about some like a human. A computer
can not meet human in respect of relations.
Human can feel, think and caring but a computer machine
itself can not.