4060 (FH) - Health Promotion Plan

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Health Promotion Plan – Assessment 01



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Health Promotion Plan – Assessment 01


Health promotion involves delivering activities that aim at enhancing people's health

and well-being. Such activities help people to improve or maintain their current state of health.

Therefore, health promotion programs motivate individuals and communities to act

appropriately and positively to attain a stable state of health (Gentzke et al., 2020). Moreover,

health promotion is crucial in solving issues within the healthcare setting. Health promotion

activities are significant in public health since they help people, organizations, and

communities to face and formulate strategies to overcome health problems in society. Thus,

health promotion refers to the process of helping individuals gain control over their well-being

and health to live a healthy and happy life. Therefore, the paper will develop a health promotion

plan to help high school students avoid tobacco use. Tobacco use is among the unhealthy habits

that lead to various health problems such as diabetes, lung diseases, stroke, heart disease, and

cancer. The paper will discuss several aspects regarding tobacco use amongst high school

students or adolescents to enhance health promotion plan development.

Tobacco Use

Tobacco use is regarded as one of the major unhealthy behaviors leading to various

health conditions such as diabetes, lung diseases, stroke, heart disease, and cancer. People use

tobacco in different forms such as through e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing, and smoking.

Smoking cigarettes is the most common and well-known way of using tobacco across the world

(Gentzke et al., 2020). Moreover, people can use tobacco through chewing whereby a person

puts tobacco powder inside their mouth, between teeth and lower lips. Besides, people use

tobacco through hookah, whereby they draw smoke from a bowl with water using a long and

flexible tube. Lastly, the e-cigarette is a device that looks like a cigarette that utilizes a battery

and nicotine solution. Hence a person inhales vapor rather than smoke (Park-Lee et al., 2022).

Selected Population, Characteristics, and Reasons they are Predisposed to Tobacco Use

Any individual irrespective of age or gender can use tobacco. However, regulations and

policies in the United States state that people below 21 years should not utilize tobacco in any

way (Park-Lee et al., 2022). Therefore, adolescents or high school students from New York,

United States were chosen for the aim of establishing a health promotion plan. The age of the

adolescents ranged between 15 to 18 years. The group has five girls and five boys, who are yet

to complete their high school level education and are also unemployed. Moreover, the students

come from two distinct ethnic populations, including the Whites and the Blacks.

Tobacco use is common among the group or population since they have varied

characteristics. Many people in society start using tobacco during high school age as a result

of the peer pressure they experience (Han and Son, 2022). In this context, some students started

using tobacco due to peer pressure and pleasure. However, when a person continues to use

tobacco, they become addicted and it now becomes difficult to quit it. Since students lack a

source of income or employment, they use money from their parents or steal from family

members, strangers, neighbors, classmates, and friends to afford various tobacco products.

Since the population is energetic, it is important to address and prevent tobacco use to ensure

or guarantee that they utilize their energy effectively instead of indulging in habits that can

destroy their future, life, and health conditions.

As mentioned, peer pleasure and pleasure are the major factors that make high school

students start using tobacco. High school students form groups depending on their habits, both

in school and at home. Forming such groups increases peer influence among high school

students. Moreover, high school students are at the age that is regarded as a period when

individuals try different habits as a form of learning and experimenting. Furthermore, many

high school students are mostly idle, specifically during school holidays. As a result, they have

much time to try various habits such as smoking cigarettes among others. This means that the

selected population is vulnerable to tobacco use and prone to health issues that arise from the

activity. Thus, establishing a health promotion plan can notably aid such groups in engaging in

productive and healthy habits instead of tobacco use.

Development of Sociogram

A sociogram is a graphical framework of the correlation between individuals in a

certain population or group (Johnson et al., 2020). Based on the sociogram attributes or

characteristics, various elements lead to smoking among adolescent or high school students,

specifically one in the chosen population. The students come from different backgrounds and

socio-economic status. Therefore, not every student can afford money to purchase tobacco

products. However, they have groups which makes them to have to develop a close relationship

with one another. Therefore, every individual can have access to tobacco products irrespective

of their culture, gender, and socio-economic status. Thus, the close relationship between the

high school students is the most integral factor to consider in connection to tobacco use in the


Potential Learning Needs

Not every high school student in the chosen population knows the harmful impacts of

tobacco health, both to health and society. Thus, the health promotional education plan must

include creating awareness of the effects of tobacco use and ways to quit the behavior or

addiction. The population is required to be informed and educated about the harmful chemicals

and substances in tobacco commodities and how their habits can impact other individuals in

the community. Tobacco use impacts both smokers and non-smokers who get affected through

passive smoking. Therefore, both smokers and non-smokers in the community may develop

various health issues such as heart disease, cancer, and lung diseases among others. It is

essential to address the tobacco use habit to improve people's health and well-being in the

general community. Creating awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco will prevent and

reduce its usage among high school students and enhance tobacco cessation.

Current Behavior and Expectations

All the members of the selected population are smokers. However, these individuals

are not addicted to using tobacco products. The individuals started tobacco use as a result of

peer pressure and smoking for fun (Han and Son, 2022). Thus, their daily habits need to be

rectified by the end of the approaches in the education session. After the completion of the

education sessions, it is more likely that this population with quit using tobacco products

since they are not addicted to the substances. Moreover, many individuals use tobacco

products due to a lack of knowledge and information about the harmful effects of tobacco

(Johnson et al., 2020). Therefore, educating them on how they will develop tobacco

(nicotine) addiction if they continue using tobacco products will encourage the students to

quit its use. Therefore, the current behavior of the selected high school students is using

tobacco products, and creating awareness and educational programs will help them quit using

the products, which is the expected goal.

Health Promotion Goals

In this context, there are two main goals essential for the health promotion plan. First,

one goal is to help the chosen population to know and understand the harmful impacts of

tobacco commodities. Besides, the second goal is to enable high school students to quit

smoking habits using the transtheoretical framework. Both health promotion goals conform

with the Health People 2030 objectives regarding the prevention of tobacco product usage

among high school students (Johnson et al., 2020). The SMART model was utilized in

developing the health promotion goals. The goals are specific as they aim at encouraging

people to quit smoking. They are measurable since we can know the difference between

several smokers in the group after the intervention. Besides, the goals are achievable since

people can manage to quit using tobacco products. They are realistic since the chosen group

should not be using tobacco products at their age. Moreover, the health promotion goals are

time-bound as they focus on students at the high school level.



Gentzke, A. S., Wang, T. W., Jamal, A., Park-Lee, E., Ren, C., Cullen, K. A., & Neff, L.

(2020). Tobacco product use among middle and high school students—United States,

2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69(50), 1881.

Johnson, S., Gold, M. R., & Baciu, A. (2020, May). Rethinking the leading health indicators

for Healthy People 2030. In JAMA Health Forum (Vol. 1, No. 5, pp. e200426-

e200426). American Medical Association.

Han, G., & Son, H. (2022). A systematic review of socio-ecological factors influencing

current e-cigarette use among adolescents and young adults. Addictive Behaviors,


Park-Lee, E., Ren, C., Cooper, M., Cornelius, M., Jamal, A., & Cullen, K. A. (2022).

Tobacco product use among middle and high school students—United States,

2022. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 71(45), 1429-1435.

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