PE RC Pipes - REHAU Bau
The new RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC pipe system was designed for It has the following application-specific advantages in practice:
high requirements. RAUPROTECT made of PE 100-RC means: a - Very high level of operating safety
solid-walled pressure pipe system in high quality PE 100-RC of the - Use in mining subsidence areas
latest generation (compliant with the exacting requirements of PAS - Large delivery lengths as coils or on drums
1075 (draft) and the PE 100+ Association).
In addition, RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC also has laser inscribed, The REHAU quality system (RQS) developed by REHAU for RAU-
wear resistant and durable clear text marking including a traceability PROTECT PE 100-RC allows continuous traceability of every single
barcode in accordance with ISO 12176-4, for complete traceability of metre produced and installed. As a world innovation, RAUPROTECT
every individual metre of pipe (REHAU quality system, RQS). PE 100-RC has an insolubly applied, UV resistant and coloured
label strip showing a traceability barcode in accordance with DIN EN
When installing RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC, excavated material of 12176-4 / ISO 13950 in addition to the standard clear text labelling.
any desired stone size and stone shape may be used to fill the pipe The complete marking is produced using a modern laser inscribing
trench. The bedding material must merely be compactable and, in process. This innovative REHAU process ensures optimum wear
order to not obstruct / completely stop the media transport, it must resistance and durability even with trenchless installation.
contain no stones of which the weight may cause the line to be
crushed. Damaged barcode labels and labels that come unstuck are therefore
now no longer a problem; the user can read the pipes at any time, in
RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC is particularly resistant to: a simple and easy procedure using suitable welding equipment or
- Surface damage arising from transport and installation mobile data recording equipment and the data can be saved in a
- Point loads from sharp-edged stones/ bedding material up to soil digital pipe book with no transmission errors/losses. As such, today,
class 7 RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC already provides the ideal basis for
- Stresses in the pipe wall as a result of external loads (soil settlings, future applications in the automated recording of products in buried
route crossings, traffic loads) pipeline construction.
PE 100-RC GAS RAUPROTECT with insoluble, wear-resistant and UV resistant label trip with integrated traceability barcode in accordance with DIN EN 12176-4 / ISO 13950.
Maximum permitted operating pressure in accordance with DVGW Maximum permitted operating pressure depending on the SDR
(German Gas and Water Association) rule G 472: series:
This technical information is applicable to RAUPROTECT This technical information is applicable to RAUPROTECT
PE 100-RC GAS for the construction of buried gas pipes in Ger- PE 100-RC DRINKING WATER for the construction of buried drink-
many. Outside of Germany, the respective applicable national regu- ing water pipes in Germany. For drinking water pipes, the laws in
lations are to be observed. accordance with DVGW rule W 400 are applicable.
Outside of Germany, the respective applicable national regulations
Product standards / Technical delivery specifications are to be observed
RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC GAS is compliant with the following
Product standards / Technical delivery specifications
DIN EN 1555 RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC DRINKING WATER is compliant with
DIN 8074/75 the following standards:
DVGW GW 335 - part A2 DIN EN 12201
DIN 8074/75
The gas pipes are subject to regular external checking and bear the DVGW GW 335 - part A2
following DVGW registration numbers (long form)
The drinking water pipes are subject to regular external checking
Brake plant and bear the following DVGW registration numbers (long form)
d ≤ 63 mm: DG-8106AS2205
75 mm ≤ d ≤ 225 mm: DG-8111AS2206 Brake plant
d ≤ 63 mm: DG-8136AU2072
75 mm ≤ d ≤ 225 mm: DG-8141AU2073
d ≥ 250 mm: DG 8146AU2074
This technical information is applicable to RAUPROTECT Standing times in the point load trial
PE 100-RC WASTE WATER for the construction of buried sewage Temperature: 80°C
pressure pipes in Germany. For waste water pipes, DVGW rule Stress: 4 N/mm²
W 400 may be applied mutatis mutandis. Wetting agent: 2% Arkopal N 100
Outside of Germany, the respective applicable national regulations
are to be observed.
Point load trial according to Dr Hessel Result of point load trial according to Dr Hessel
This DAP accredited test procedure simulates the installation condi-
tions that are frequently found with modern, trenchless installation
processes, where a stone has the effect of an external point load on
a pipe. The point load is applied in the laboratory using a steel prop
with a diameter of 10 mm. In order to cause a time-lapse effect, the
test is carried out at a higher temperature (80°C) and using a wet-
ting agent (Arkopal N 100 or NM 5). At the same time, the pipes are
subjected to internal pressure (test stress 4 MPa). The time until the
Initially, a standardised test sample is produced with the dimensions ACT (“Accelerated Creep Test”) according to Dr Hessel
10 x 10 x 100 mm. This sample is then fitted with a notch that runs As with the FNCT, the “Accelerated Creep Test” is carried out at a
circularly, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. This sample is raised temperature, in the highly aggressive wetting agent NM 5 and
tested until it breaks in a single-axis tensile test with a constant load, it shortens the time before breakage by a factor of at least 4 relative
in a water bath that has a raised temperature (80°C) and contains a to wetting agent Arkopal N 100. This allows reasonable, short stand-
wetting agent (Arkopal N 100 or NM 5). ing times for testing resistance to slow cracking with modern, high
quality PE 100-RC materials.
PE 100-RC, which is currently the most effective uncrosslinked
material, is used for the production of RAUPROTECT. This signifi-
cantly supersedes the recognised standing times of PE 100 in the
ACT. As such, the highest level of reliability is achieved.
1.608 h (measured)
The results published in the literature confirm that the development
of the PE materials has always been accompanied by a significant
improvement in notch stress resistance.
ACT results from various moulding compounds (not taking into account
heat aging)
FNCT results from various moulding compounds: standard PE 100 > 300 h. Pipes
with protective properties and with no sand bed according to Dr Hessel > 2,000 h
(source: SR International 6/2001). RAUPROTECT PE 100-RC > 20,000 h (not taking
into account heat aging).
The following jointing techniques are available:
- Butt fusion welding
- Electrofusion
- Mechanical standard joints
The longitudinally force-locked RAUGRIP connection is suitable for
connecting PE 100-RC drinking water and sewage pressure pipes
up to an operating pressure of 16 bar.