International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

Appropriately combine contest scripts if the contest event includes more

than one contest or area (s). If any contestant is in more than one contest,
it’s recommended that interviews take place after last contest of the event
to avoid giving unfair advantage to the contestant in the second contest.

Contestants’ Briefing: (prior to the start of the contest) Before the

contest, the Contest Chair briefs contestants on the rules.

1. Verify the presence of all contestants, pronunciation of their names,

speech titles. Collect Profile for each contestant to aid you in
conducting brief informal interview with each contestant at
conclusion of contest.
2. Review the speech contest rules with speakers.
3. Review the Speaker’s Certification of Eligibility & Originality.
Remind contestants that by signing this form they certify that they
have read and understand the rules regarding eligibility and
4. Review timing protocol with speakers.
5. Acquaint contestants with an exact speaking area, such as lectern,
tables, lighting, microphone, etc. All contestants shall have the
opportunity to test any amplifying equipment before the contest.
6. Draw for speaking order.

Contest Begins Here

SAA: Gavel. Greetings and announcements:

Contest Master State: “These proceedings are designed to ensure that we

run a fair contest and that each contestant is given a level playing field on
which to compete. The following announcements are made in the interest
of having a distraction- free environment for our contestants.”

“Please place all cell phones or other devices either off or on silent. “

“No photography of the contestants is allowed during contestant

speeches. There will be photo opportunities after the contest. Video

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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

recording is allowed only if the contestant and the Contest Chair

have given their approval in advance. “

“Specify the location of restrooms.”

“Once the contest has begun, members of the audience are asked to
refrain from leaving or entering the room. If you must leave, please
do so during the times of silence between contestant speeches. The
Sergeant-at- Arms will not allow anyone to enter the room during a
contestant’s speech.”

During the Contest: Contest Master

1. Open the contest with a brief introduction (your club name, how
long you have been a Toastmaster, your Toastmaster education level
and/or officer role).

Inform the audience:

• The rules have been reviewed with the Chief Judge and
• The Contestants have been informed of the location of the
timing lights.
• The taking of photographs during the speeches is not

State: “The International Speech contest shall be from 5-7 minutes and
judged by a panel of judges. A contestant will be disqualified if the speech
is less than four minutes 30 seconds or more than 7 minutes 30 seconds.

Timers shall provide warning signals to the contestants.

A green signal will be displayed at 5 minutes and remain displayed

for one minute.

A yellow signal will be displayed at 6 minutes and remain displayed

for one minute.

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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

A red signal will be displayed at 7 minutes and will remain on until

the conclusion of the speech.”

“The contestants and the judges have certified their eligibility. The
Contest Chair and the Chief Judge have confirmed the eligibility of the
contestants and the judges.”

NOTE: Complete the following sentence according to the level of

competition (i.e. Club, Area, Division or District) and fill in the date of the
next level of competition.

“The winner will represent the Club at the Area ___ contest on _________

or the Area at the Division ____ contest on___________

or the Division at the District contest on Saturday, May 13th.”

All the contestants been briefed, all the contestants are present and we
ready to proceed with the contest.

If Contest Toastmaster role is not the Contest Chair, Ask: “Mister or

Madam Contest Chair, have all the Contestants been briefed and are we
ready to proceed with the contest?” Wait for an affirmative reply. If the
same person., State: “All the Contestants been briefed and are we ready to
proceed with the contest.”

Then Ask: “Mister or Madam Chief Judge, have all the Contest Officials
been briefed and are we ready to proceed with the contest?” Wait for an
affirmative reply.

State: “In order to allow the judges time to mark their judging forms, we
will have one minute of silence after each contestant’s speech and we will
have silence after the last contestant’s speech until all the ballots are

Ask: “Time Keeper, will you signal me when one minute has elapsed
between contestant speeches?” Wait for an affirmative reply.

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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

State: “The speaking order for the contest was determined earlier by
having our contestants draw for position. The order for the contest will

1. Name _______________________________
2. Name _______________________________
3. Name _______________________________
4. Name _______________________________
5. Name _______________________________”

State: “Each contestant will be introduced only by his or her name, and
the title of the speech. I will then repeat the title of the speech and the
contestant’s name. The first contestant will now proceed to the staging
area. Subsequent contestants will proceed to the staging area during the
one-minute of silence. All Contestants may remain in the room during this

State: “The first contestant will now proceed to the staging area.

Ask: “Timer, would you let me know when one minute is up?”

Start with one minute of silence. The first contestant can quietly come up
during the minute of silence. Once the contestant is on stage and the minute
of silence is up, the contestant is introduced by simply stating: their name,
speech title, speech title, and name.

2. Introduce each contest speaker.

• Do not make preliminary remarks about any speaker or the

subject, nor mention the name or location of the speaker’s club
or place of residence. This will distract contestants and judges.

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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

• Introduce each contestant slowly and clearly. Lead the

applause before and after each speech. After each speech except
the last speech state: “One minute of silence please. Will the
next contestant proceed to the staging area.” In the minute
of silence, before your introduction, the contestant or SAA may
set up or remove any props and visual aids.

• Name __________________Title ________________________________

• Name __________________Title ________________________________
• Name __________________Title ________________________________
• Name __________________Title ________________________________
• Name __________________Title ________________________________
• Name __________________Title ________________________________

3. After last speech, state: “May we please have silence until all the
ballots have been collected. Voting Judges, please hold your ballots
up when they are completed.”

Note: Ballot Counters and the Chief Judge collect the ballots. Wait until all
the ballots have been collected before proceeding to interviews,

For a multi-contest event, interviews are to be held after the last contest is
conducted. If this is NOT the last contest, proceed with the next contest.

If this is last contest, Ask: “Will the contestants please join me on stage
in order of appearance?” Lead the applause as they make their way to
the front.

4. Contestant Interviews: While ballot counters are counting the ballots,

the contest chair will interview each speaker.

• At the conclusion of the contest speeches and while the results

are being tabulated, introduce the contestants again, giving the
club, area and division they represent, and present their
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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

certificates of participation. A short interview may be conducted

at this time, using the contestant’s biographical information as a

5. When interviews are completed, dismiss the contestants. Note: Contest

Chair will be given the results

District leaders may make announcements.

NOTE: You may have to fill the time until the Chief Judge and Ballot
Counters return to the room with the results.

Call the Contest Chair to the Lectern

6. Protests are limited to voting judges and contestants. Any protest will be
lodged with the chief judge and/or the contest chair prior to the
announcement of the winner and alternates(s). The contest chair should
notify the contestant of disqualification regarding originality or eligibility
prior to the announcement that the meeting is being adjourned. Before a
contestant can be disqualified on the basis of originality, the contestant
must be given the opportunity to respond to the voting judges. A majority of
the voting judges must concur in the decision to disqualify. The contest
chair can disqualify a contestant on the basis of eligibility.


7. Prior to announcing results, the Contest Chair should announce if time

disqualification(s) occurred, but not the name of the contestant involved.

Ask the hosting Officer (s) to present the awards as the Contest Chair
announces the winners.

The Contest Chair announces the winners in reverse order reading from
the Results Form, beginning with third place* (*ONLY IF THERE ARE 5 OR
MORE CONTESTANTS), then second place and finally first place.

Contest Chair returns control to the Contest Master ( if different person)

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International Contest Chair/Contest Master Script

Contest Master

8. In closing, recognize and thank all who helped make the contest a
success. Adjourn the meeting.

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