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Cpar 2ND Quarter Reviewer

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PERFORMANCE ART  Free – standing: A three-dimensional figure that’s

monumental and does not need any support.
Types of Performance Art:  Relief: A sculpture characterized as embossed in
 DANCE: Generally refers to human movement, which images are set on flat background and
typically rhythmic, with music, and performed in an carvings.
audience.  Kinetic and Mobiles: These are moving three-
 THEATRE: Branch of performing arts which is dimensional figures like those that are suspended on
concerned with acting out stories in front of an air to move like good luck charms we hang by the
audience using a combination of speech, gesture, door.
music and dance.
Sculpture Techniques:
Types of Dances: 1. Bronze Casting: Bronze is an alloy of copper and
1. Ballet: Serves as a backbone for many other styles tin, and often contains zinc and lead. This is strong
of dance, as many other dance genres are based on and durable. This is also called brass.
ballet. 2. Stone Carving: This is when stones are used for
2. Jazz: A fun dance and relies heavily on figurative or ornamental architectural works.
improvisations and originality. It usually uses 3. Wood Carving: Wood is carved similar ways to
contractions and isolations. stone and the wood used for this depends on its
3. Tap: An exciting form of dance in which dancers regional availability to the artist. Softwoods like
wear special shoes equipped with metal taps. cedar and pines are easier to carve. While oak, wall
4. Hip-hop: A dance style danced with hip-hop music. nut and limewood are harder and more durable.
It involves breaking, popping, locking, and krumping. 4. Ivory Carving: Ivory is a dense, hard, creamy white
5. Modern: Style that rejects other strict rules of substance that forms the tusks of the mammals.
classical ballet. It expresses creativity in 5. Semi – precious Stone Carving: Specialist
choreography. craftsmen used a wide variety of materials for
6. Swing: A lively dance where the couple swing, spin carvings which range from gemstones and
and jump together. hardstones like rock crystal to softer organic
materials like corals, shell and mother of pearl.
Examples of Folk Dances:
1. Binasuan: Originated in Pangasinan Province which
means “with the use of drinking glasses”. The Contemporary Filipino Artists in Different Fields of
glasses are filled with rice wines and common during Art :
weddings, fiestas and other occasions.
2. Rigodon: Originated from Spain, this dance is MUSIC:
commonly performed at formal affairs like inaugural 1. Lea Salonga: Salonga’s career spans more than 25
balls where prominent members of the government years; her breakthrough came when she bagged the
participate and enjoy. role in the West End production of Miss Saigon in
3. Pandanggo sa Ilaw: It originated from Lubang 1898. From Kim, she became Les Miserables’
Eponine and Disney Aladdin’ singing Princess
Island, Mindoro and requires excellent balancing of
tinggoy or oil lamps.
2. Rachelle Ann Villalobos Go (born August 31,
4. Sublian: The term “subli” is from the Tagalog word 1986): a Chinese Filipino who won in several singing
“subsub” means falling on your head and “bali” contests. She first won in Eat Bulaga at the age of
which means broken. This is a native dance of 11 and rose to fame when she emerged as Grand
Bauan, Batangas. Champion of the reality search “Search for a Star” in
5. Tinikling: Considered as the national folk dance 2004. She is now pursuing her Broadway career at
with just a pair of dancers hopping between two West End.
bamboo poles held just above the ground. 3. Gary Valenciano: not just a total performer but an
6. Carinosa: The name of this dance describes an inspirational artist. His songs were made to touch
affectionate, friendly and lovable woman. This dance the hearts of a lot of people. He also has giant
is performed in a flirtatious manner with fans and contributions in the Original Pilipino Music (OPM)
handkerchiefs to assist the dancers’ hide and seek industry.
4. Ferdinand “Freddie” Pascual Aguilar: He is a
popular folk singer and composer known as Freddie
7. Maglalatik - Originally performed in Biñan, Laguna Aguilar. He was considered as one of the best
as a mock war between the Moros and Christians musicians/songwriters in the country because of his
over the prize of latik or coconut meat. contribution of hits such as Anak and Bayan Ko.
5. Charmaine Clarice Relucio Pempengco: Popularly 2. BIENVENIDO LUMBERA: He is a Filipino poet,
known as Charice which later replaced by Jake critic and dramatist. He is a National Artist and
Zyrus is a filipina singer who rose to popularity recipient of Ramon Magsaysay Award for
through YouTube, dubbed by Oprah Winfrey as the Journalism, Literature and Creative
most talented girl in the world. Communications. He had also bagged the
prestigious Carlos Palanca Memorial Award.
DANCE: 3. FRANCISCO SIONIL JOSE: He is one of the most
1. Lisa Macuja-Elizalde: The first artist-in-residence of widely read Filipino writers in the English language.
the Cultural Center of the Philippines and in 1995 His novels and short stories depict social problems
she established her very own company, Ballet of the country and colonialism in Philippine society.
Manila. His works written in English have already been
translated into 22 languages including Korean,
2. Teacher Georcelle Dapat: She dances her way
Indonesian, and Russian among others.
through life, quite literally. She spends most of her
time in studio or on the dance floor, teaching young National Artists of the Philippines:
men and women of G-Force. 1. GUILLERMO TOLENTINO: A Filipino sculptor and
3. Ferdinand “Vhong” Hipolito Navarro: A Filipino professor of the University of the Philippines. He was
Comedian, actor, dancer, singer and TV Host. He designated as a National Artist of the Philippines for
was part of once was the famous “streetboys” in the Sculpture in 1973.
Philippines. 2. FERNANDO AMORSOLO: Philippine's First
4. Virgilio “Jhong” Hilario: A Filipino actor and National Artist in Painting (1972).
dancer. He is part of the group Streetboys. His 3. ABDULMARI ASIA IMAO: A sculptor, painter,
acting debut as an actor was on 1996. Hilario acted photographer, ceramist, filmmaker, cultural
in critically acclaimed films like Muro Ami in 1999, researcher, writer & articulator of PH Muslim art &
and Dekada ‘70 in 2002. culture.
4. BENEDICTO CABRERA: Better known as
THEATER: "BenCab"; a Filipino painter and was awarded
1. El Gamma Penumbra: First founded in 2008 as a National Artist of the Philippines for Visual Arts in
hip-hop boy group, competing in dance contests in 2006. He has been noted as "arguably the best-
Tanauan, Batangas, their hometown. Before winning selling painter of his generation of Filipino artists."
Asia’s Got Talent, they also joined Philippines’ 5. JOSE T. JOYA: Abstractionist that was
version of that contest, and from hip-hop they posthumously proclaimed a National Artist by
changed into shadow play. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on May 26,
2. Audie Gemora: He is currently the Vice–President 2003.
of the Organisasyon ng Pilipinong Mang-aawit 6. NAPOLEON V. ABUEVA: Known as the "Father of
(OPM) and Trumpets President. He has also been Modern Philippine Sculpture" and recipient of the
making significant inroads to the Philippine music most prestigious award, National Artist of the
scene. He is revered as the “King of Philippine Philippines in 1976 in the fields of Visual Arts
Musical Theater”. (sculpture). He is known also as master of both
academic representational style and modern
ARTS: abstract.
1. Benedicto “Bencab” Cabrera: Known as Bencab,
7. LEANDRO LOCSIN: Was a Filipino architect. He
and hailed as the master of Contemporary Philippine
was proclaimed a National Artist of the Philippines in
Art. He has exhibited widely in Asia, Europe and
Architecture (1990) by the late president Cory C.
United States. He was conferred as the National
Artist for Visual Arts.
8. ARTURO LUZ: A 1997 awardee for Philippine
2. Jordan Mang – osan: He is an Igorot from
National Artist in visual arts. He is also a known
Cordilleras who draws inspiration from the rich
printmaker, sculptor, designer and art administrator.
cultural traditions of the Mt. Province. He became
A founding member of the modern Neo-realist
popular with his solar drawings.
school in Philippine art.
9. VICENTE MANANSALA: A Filipino modern cubist
painter awarded as National Artist in 1981.
1. EDITH TIEMPO: She was a poet, fiction writer,
10. ANG KIUKOK: Was a Filipino painter of Chinese
teacher and literary critic and a Filipino writer in
English language. She was born in Nueva Viscaya. descent and was a National Artist for Visual Arts in
Her poems are intricate verbal transfigurations of her 2001.
significant experiences. She was conferred as the 11. JOSE MACEDA: Was a composer of traditional
National Artist for Literature. music, a pianist, ethnomusicologist, and professor.
He was named national artist for music in 1997.
12. MANUEL CONDE: An actor, filmmaker and a • 1993
producer awarded in 2009 with his acclaimed film 4. Lang Dulay
Genghis Kan (1950) with Carlos V. Francisco. • Textile Weaver
13. BIENVENIDO LUMBERA: “National Artist for • Lake Sebu, South Cotabato
Literature” awarded in 2006. He is a scholar, a poet • Weaving (T’nalak)
and a teacher. • 1998
14. ALICE REYES: “National Artist for Dance” 5. Salinta Monon
awarded in 2014. The founder of ballet Philippines. • († 2009)
15. SALVADOR BERNAL: “National Artist for • Weaver
Theater” awarded in 2003. He took charge of • Bansalan, Davao del Sur
costume and set design. • Weaving (Abaca – ikat / Inabal)
16. FRANCISCO CONCHING: “National Artist for • 1998
Literary Works in Comics” awarded in 2014. Highly 6. Alonzo Saclag
acclaimed work is Pedro Penduko. • Musician and dancer
17. GERARDO DE LEON: “National Artist for Film” • Lubugan, Kalinga Province
awarded in 1982. Worked animations into films. • Music and Dance (Kalinga)
18. NICK JOAQUIN: “National Artist for Literature” • 2000
awarded in 1976. He wrote A Portrait of the Artist as 7. Frederico Caballero
Filipino. • Epic Chanter
19. LAMBERTO AVELLANA: “National Artist for • Sulod- Bukidnon, Iloilo
Film” awarded in 1965. • Poetry / Epic Chant (Sugidanon)
Artist for Theater” awarded in 1999. Known as 8. Uwang Ahadas
First Lady of Philippine Theater.
• Musician
GAWAD SA MANLILIKHA NG BAYAN is conferred on • Lamitan, Basilan
Filipinos who are at the forefront of the: • Music (Yakan specifically Kulintang, kwitangan
kayu, gabbang, agung, and tuntungan)
 practice
• 2000
 preservation, and promotion of the nation’s
9. Darhata Sawabi
traditional folk arts.
• († 2005)
• Weaver
1992: The State’s recognition of such sociocultural
• Parang, Sulu
contributions was formalized
• Weaving (Pis Syabit)
• 2004
Republic Act No. 7355: The Manlilikha ng Bayan Act;
10. Eduardo Mutuc
NCCA oversees its implementation.
• Metalsmith / Metal sculptor
• Apalit, Pampanga
2014: Senate of the Philippines adopted Senate
• Metalwork (Bronze and Silver)
Resolution No. (SRN) 765
• 2004
GAMABA AWARDEES: 11. Haja Amina Appi
1. Ginaw Bilog • († 2013)
• († 2003) • Weaver
• Artist and Poet • Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi
• Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro • Weaving (Mat)
• Poetry (Ambahan) • 2004
• 1993 12. Teofilo Garcia
2. Masino Intaray • Casque Maker
• († 2013) • San Quintin, Abra
• Musician and Epic Chanter • Casque Making (Tabungaw)
• Brookes Point, Palawan • 2012
• Poetry (Kulilal and Bagit)Music (Basal / Gong) 13. Magdalena Gamayo
• 1993 • Master Weaver
3. Samaon Sulaiman • Pinili, Ilocos Norte
• († 2011) • Weaving (Inabel)
• Musician • 2012
• Mama sa Pano, Maguindanao
• Music (Kutyapi)

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