Course Contents
• Importance of enzymes
• Enzyme as Protein
• Properties of Enzymes
• Enzyme Specificity
• Mechanism of Enzyme action
• Activators and inhibitors
• Factors affecting Enzymes activity
• o Concentration
• o Ph
• o Temperature
• o Time
• Co-Enzymes & its classification
• Enzymes in clinical medicines
• 1. Discuss the importance of enzymes.
• 2. Explain the mode of enzyme activity.
• 3. Distinguish between apoenzymes, coenzymes & co factors.
• 4. Distinguish between activators and inhibitors
• 5. Understand inhibition of enzyme activity in
• o Competitive inhibitors
• o Non competitive inhibitors
• o Uncompetitive inhibition.
• 6. Describe with the classification of enzymes
• 7. Discuss the clinical significance of enzymes
• 8. Explain the factors affecting the enzyme activity.
• Enzymes are biological molecules that catalyze
(i.e., increase the rates of) chemical reactions.
• In enzymatic reactions, substrates to
• enzymes are selective for their substrates and
speed up only a few reactions from among
many possibilities
• lowering the activation energy. As a result, products
are formed faster and reactions reach their equilibrium
state more rapidly.
• Most enzyme reaction rates are millions of times
faster than those of comparable un-catalyzed
• As with all catalysts, enzymes are not consumed by the
reactions they catalyze, nor do they alter the
equilibrium of these reactions.
• highly specific for their substrates.
• A few RNA molecules called ribozymes also catalyze
• Inhibitors: decrease enzyme activity;
• activators are molecules that increase activity.
• Many drugs and poisons are enzyme
• Activity is also affected by temperature,
pressure, chemical environment (e.g., pH), and
the concentration of substrate.
• Enzymes are in general globular proteins and
range from just 62 amino acid residues in size,
to over 2,500 residues
• A small number of RNA-based biological
catalysts exist, with the most common being
the ribosome; these are referred to as either
RNA-enzymes or ribozymes.
• only a small portion of the enzyme (around
2–4 amino acids) is directly involved in
• The region that contains these catalytic
residues, binds the substrate, and then carries
out the reaction is known as the active site.
• Enzymes can also contain sites that bind
cofactors, which are needed for catalysis.
• enzymes are long, linear chains of amino acids
that fold to produce a three-dimensional product.
• Individual protein chains may sometimes group
together to form a protein complex.
• Most enzymes can be denatured—that is,
unfolded and inactivated—by heating or chemical
denaturants, which disrupt the three-dimensional
structure of the protein.
• Depending on the enzyme, denaturation may be
reversible or irreversible.
Lock and key model
• Enzymes are very specific,
• As a result, the substrate does not simply bind to a rigid active site;
the amino acid side-chains that make up the active site are molded
into the precise positions that enable the enzyme to perform its
catalytic function.
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Substrate Concentration
• Increasing Substrate Concentration increases the rate of
reaction. This is because more substrate molecules will be
colliding with enzyme molecules, so more product will be
• However, after a certain concentration, any increase will have
no effect on the rate of reaction, since Substrate
Concentration will no longer be the limiting factor. The
enzymes will effectively become saturated, and will be
working at their maximum possible rate.
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Enzyme Concentration
• Increasing Enzyme Concentration will increase
the rate of reaction, as more enzymes will be
colliding with substrate molecules.
• However, this too will only have an effect up
to a certain concentration, where the Enzyme
Concentration is no longer the limiting factor.
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• as temperature increases, initially the rate of
reaction will increase, because of increased
Kinetic Energy.
• However, the effect of bond breaking will
become greater and greater, and the rate of
reaction will begin to decrease.
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• Different enzymes have different Optimum pH values. This is the
pH value at which the bonds within them are influenced by H+ and
OH- Ions in such a way that the shape of their Active Site is the
most Complementary to the shape of their Substrate. At the
Optimum pH, the rate of reaction is at an optimum.
• Any change in pH above or below the Optimum will quickly cause
a decrease in the rate of reaction, since more of the enzyme
molecules will have Active Sites whose shapes are not (or at least
are less) Complementary to the shape of their Substrate.
• Small changes in pH above or below the Optimum do not cause a
permanent change to the enzyme, since the bonds can
be reformed. However, extreme changes in pH can cause enzymes
to Denature and permanently lose their function.
• Enzymes in different locations have different Optimum pH values
since their environmental conditions may be different.
Types of Enzyme inhibitors
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November 18, 2015
Medical applications of enzymes
November 18, 2015
Thank You