Your job is an inspiration to us. By The first is to provide hydraulic drilling The second mission is to provide good
understanding your working conditions that helps you exceed your production value for money, over a long period of
and the demands that you live up to targets in a safe way. time.
every day, we can create tools that
help you work faster and safer. Thanks to the hydraulic system you To succeed we only use the best parts
don’t have to worry about loosing and materials available and combine
The HRD system consists of the rock production time due to poor air them with active security systems that
drill, power pack and a selection of pressure at large depths. We have protect both you and the equipment.
pusher legs. Together they have two also gone out of our way to design That’s the only way to do it.
missions: a system that helps you avoid heavy
lifting and wasting precious energy. After all, your business is our business.
This is quality
Good drilling means that the entire system, from rock drill to drill steel to the rock
itself, must harmonise. Here’s how it works.
(%) (%)
900 600
600 400
400 Forced flush
300 200 This feature works when the
200 drill is idle. Use it when for
100 instance the drill is stuck and
100 you need to flush it out.
0 0
100 5 bar 4 bar 3 bar 100 5 bar 4 bar 3 bar
Rock drill
You need a rock drill that lets you focus the market. The hydraulic system has five-step water adjustment to help you
on drilling accurate blow and support an increased drill rate compared to use the right amount of water for each
holes. Fast and safe. electrical systems, and is considerably step. And when you stop drilling, the
more energy efficient than pneumatic flow stops automatically. Of course, you
The RD100 has a soft start function drills. still have the ability to force feed water
that is easy to reach with one hand. to flush out the drill if it is jammed.
This means you can work with more And it saves your hearing as well.
precision, and collaring is made Perceived noise is about 50 percent A polyurethane cover provides vibration
especially easy. lower than that of a pneumatic drill. damping and strength. The RD100 is
tested to withstand both heavy handling
When it’s time to go faster, the RD100 Quality drilling means using just enough and drops from more than one metre.
is one of the most powerful drills on water for flushing. The RD100 has a
Shank dimension mm 22x159 Sound pressure Sound power Three axes values
Oil consumption (120 bar) l/min 38 EN ISO 11203 ISO 15744 EN ISO 5349-2
Part number 8321 0303 05 8321 0303 08 8321 0303 10 8321 0303 15
Water on demand Easy chuck change Drilling freedom
Thanks to the automatic You save valuable service You can use most drill steels and
water function flushing time thanks to a replaceable any shank lengths over 159 mm
stops when you stop drilling. rotation chuck. with the RD100.
money Get it done
The hydraulic system has an increased
drill rate compared to electrical systems,
and is considerably more energy efficient
than pneumatic drills.
Protects what’s good Get a grip
A polyurethane cover protects Hold the drill firmly in the
the equipment, reduces front handle. The removable
noise and enhance vibration- carry handle on top makes it
damping. easy to move around. Soft start One hand free
Slow speed makes One-handed operations
collaring easier. makes work safer.
Quick connect
All four pusher legs of the PL100’s are
connected to the rock drill via a single
port connection.
Water powered
The legs are powered by the same water Energy
that cools the power pack and is used for efficient
Reach further
The support legs are suited
for narrow mining and made
for rough use. A robust handle
makes it easy to carry.
Power pack
Power up!
To stay focused you need to stay energetic.
The PP100 saves your back, your time and your money.
The PP100 has been designed to smart functions that monitor oil flow surrounding environment – ensuring
keep weight down to make lifting and and oil temperature and help you it stays within the right range. The
moving the power pack easier. Thanks prevent breakdown from overheating. same technology allows you to work
to less weight you can spend more with the PP100 in a 45° angle, without
of your time and energy on drilling. The power pack is equipped with power loss. And if you need a boost, we
We have also made it as compact as water cooling and automatic overheat provide simple tools that let you refill
possible to give you more cargo space. protection. Oil volume can change with hydraulic oil underground in the mine.
The PP100 is even stackable and can temperature and ambient pressure.
be handled upside down.
Electronics in the PP100 monitor oil
And when you start it up, the power volume and compensate for pressure
pack basically manages itself. It has differences and changes in the
Pump type Helical rotor pump, directly driven from the motor shaft
Filtration 10µ filter in return line. Filter by-pass valve
Cooling system Water
Motor type Inverter controlled 3 phase PM motor
Input power kW 10
Power supply 380/400V; 440V – 525V ± 10%, 50Hz, 12A – 480v
Electrical safety Earth supervision, earth in cable screen, installed with a residual current device
IP class IP66
380/400V: 8311 0304 50
440V: 8311 0304 60
Part numbers
480V: 8311 0304 65
525V: 8311 0304 20
Smart power
The PP100 monitors hydraulic oil
volume and can compensate for
pressure differences and changes in
surrounding temperatures.
Power on demand
The power pack goes into
idle mode automatically
when not in use.
Better workplace
The same water is used
to power the pusher legs,
cool the power pack and
for flushing the drill hole.
uptime Built to last
Smart workers use protective gear.
Smart equipment use shock absorbers,
a robust frame and a stainless steel
Data download
Download data on runtime, drill
time, error logs and water pressure
directly from the USB-port.
Automatic security
In case the oil or motor gets
overheated the system will reduce
power or engage shut-down to
protect people and equipment.
Subjected to alterations without prior notice. © Epiroc Drilling Tools AB. All rights reserved. 2020.09
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United in performance.
Inspired by innovation.
Performance unites us, innovation inspires us, and
commitment drives us to keep moving forward.
Count on Epiroc to deliver the solutions you need to
succeed today and the technology to lead tomorrow.