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NN Lab

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CS51A - Neural Network Lab


In this lab, we will experiment with a few simple neural networks. The idea is to obtain preliminary
answers to questions like:

– “How quickly can a network be trained?”

– “How reliable (or repeatable) is the training?”
– “How accurate is the resulting network?”

For the last half an hour of lab (or, when it seems like people have mostly wrapped up their
experiments), each pair/group will give a short 1-2 minute, informal presentation on what they
found. Although there is nothing to submit for this lab, you should keep notes and document your
results for the presentation/discussion.

Intro to the neural net package

To start with, read this section and play with a few of the examples to familiarize yourself with the
neural network package we’ll be using.

- Create a directory called nnlab somewhere on your computer.
- Download the following zip file into your nnlab directory, unzip it, and then delete the .zip
- Open up Wing101 and create a new file. Add the following import statement at the top

from cs51neural import *

and then save the file as nnlab.py in your nnlab directory.

The neural network package trains on labeled training data. Each example is a tuple consisting
of the data and the label, both of which are represented as lists. For example, we saw the xor
operator in class:

data label
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

This data would be represented as:

xor = [([0, 0], [0]),

([0, 1], [1]),
([1, 0], [1]),
([1, 1], [0])]

I’ve written it across multiple lines to highlight the structure, but it could also have been written

xor = [([0, 0], [0]), ([0, 1], [1]), ([1, 0], [1]), ([1, 1], [0])]

Training the model

To use the neural network model, you first have to create a new instance of the neural network class.
To create a new neural network you need to specify the configuration of the network. Our neural
network package implements a two-layer neural network, so you need to specify three parameters:
the number of inputs into the network (this should be the number of features/dimensions your data
has), the number of hidden nodes, and the number of output nodes (one, for most of our data).
For example, to create a network with two inputs, three hidden nodes, and one output node you
would write:

nn = NeuralNet(2, 3, 1)

(Make sure you’ve imported the neural network package by either running your nnlab.py file
or typing the import statement above.)

Calling NeuralNet creates a new neural network object and we save it into a variable called nn.
Now, just like other objects that we’ve used (e.g., lists, strings, dictionaries), we can call the
methods on that object. For example, to train the model on the xor data (assuming you’ve defined
the xor variable already) we can do the following:

>>> nn.train(xor)
error 0.490028
error 0.388845
error 0.212502
error 0.088414
error 0.045714
error 0.028693
error 0.020248
error 0.015382
error 0.012277
error 0.010150

(Note that your numbers will be slightly different since the network starts off with random
weights, though it should be roughly in the same relative range.)

The default is that the program will train for 1000 iterations and it will output the training error
(i.e., the error on the data that the network is training on) after every 100 iterations. As the model
trains, you’d likely see the training errors generally getting smaller.
Once you’ve trained a model, you can apply it to data using the test method. For example, we
could test on the training data (though, in practice, train and test should be different, it’s a simple
way to do a sanity check on your model).

>>> nn.test(xor)
[([0, 0], [0], [0.06555671027717622]), ([0, 1], [1], [0.9497613925132822]), ([1, 0], [1],
([1, 1], [0], [0.06977380989233718])]

test returns the triplets of: data, label/correct answer, model output. You can process them in a
more friendly way by unpacking the tuple:

for triple in nn.test(xor):

(input, label, prediction) = triple # unpack the triple
# remember outputs are lists, so we need to get the first item from the list
print(str(input) + "\t" + str(label[0]) + "\t" + str(prediction[0]))

If you ran this, you’d see the predictions are starting to get pretty close to the real values:

[0, 0] 0 0.06555671027717622
[0, 1] 1 0.9497613925132822
[1, 0] 1 0.9082703507697025
[1, 1] 0 0.06977380989233718

If you want to evaluate just one input, you may do it with the evaluate method. For example, if
we wanted to see what the answer was for ([0,0]):

>>> print(nn.evaluate([0, 0]))


This is the basic functionality of the neural network class. See the Appendix at the end of this
document for more information about the different methods. In particular, take a look at the
documentation for the train method since it has a number of optional parameters that you can
specify to change how the training works. For example, to train the model for 2000 iterations we
can specify the iterations optional parameter:

>>> nn.train(xor, iterations=2000)

error 0.003163
error 0.002973
error 0.002803
error 0.002651
error 0.002514
error 0.002389
error 0.002276
error 0.002173
error 0.002078
error 0.001991
error 0.001911
error 0.001837
error 0.001768
error 0.001704
error 0.001644
error 0.001588
error 0.001536
error 0.001487
error 0.001440
error 0.001397

It prints out 20 errors now, one every 100 iterations. If I wanted to do this same thing, but only
print out the errors every 200 iterations:

>>> nn.train(xor, iterations=2000, print_interval=200)
error 0.001317
error 0.001246
error 0.001181
error 0.001123
error 0.001070
error 0.001022
error 0.000978
error 0.000937
error 0.000899
error 0.000865


Now that you’re comfortable using the neural network class, let’s run a few experiments. Jot down
notes as you go for discussion later.

1. Construct a network with two hidden nodes and train it on the XOR data below. Notice that
we have complete information about the function we are trying to approximate—an unusual
situation for a neural network. How quickly do the weights/errors converge, i.e., to the point
where the difference from iteration to iteration is small? How well does the resulting network
perform? Try training several different networks to see the variation in the convergence rate.
You may also want to reduce print interval to get finer information about the changes in
the error.

inputs output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

2. Repeat part 1 with a network with eight hidden nodes. Does the convergence go faster? Is
the resulting network a better approximation to the XOR function?
Notice that “faster” can mean “fewer iterations” or “less clock time.” A network with more
nodes will have more weights to adjust and will take more clock time for each training cycle—
but it may require fewer iterations to perform well and the total time may be shorter.

3. See what happens when you repeat part 1 using a network with just one hidden node. The
XOR function cannot be computed with a single node. Why is a network with one hidden
node equivalent to a single node?

4. Table 1 contains a sampling of voter opinions. The idea is to deduce voters party affiliations
from their views on the importance of various topics. Six voters were asked to rate the

importance of five issues on a scale from 0.0 to 1.0 and to identify themselves as Democrat
(0.0) or Republican (1.0).
Write a neural network and train it on the data in Table 1. Then try it on the samples from
Table 2 or other cases of your own creation. Can you explain the conclusions drawn by the

5. Once you’ve finished these experiments, look at the three questions at the beginning of the
handout and decide which one is the most interesting to you. Spend a bit more time playing
with examples and coming up with concrete data/examples that illustrate any observations
that you have. Be prepared to share these at the end of lab.

budget defense crime environment social party
0.9 0.6 0.8 0.3 0.1 1.0
0.8 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.4 1.0
0.7 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.3 1.0
0.5 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.0
0.3 0.1 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.0
0.6 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.0

Table 1: A sampling of voter opinions. This example is taken from notes by Dave Reed of Creighton

budget defense crime environment social party

1.0 1.0 1.0 0.1 0.1 ?
0.5 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.7 ?
0.8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.8 ?
0.8 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.3 ?
0.9 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.6 ?

Table 2: Some test cases for the voter network.

And in a format that’s friendly for our package:

voter_train = [([0.9,0.6,0.8,0.3,0.1],[1.0]),

Appendix: The Neural Network Class

The software we’re playing with represents a neural network as an object of the NeuralNet class.
We’ve already seen instances of this, for example, lists are a class of objects.
The main difference between a list object and our neural network object is that there is no special
way for constructing neural network objects (to create lists we use the square brackets, []). Instead,
there is a special function called a constructor that takes some number of arguments (in our case,
three) and creates a neural network object. Once you have that object, you can call methods on it
just like you would any other object.
In the following summary, the neural network object is named nn. You may, of course, give your
networks any name you like.

nn = NeuralNet(num input, num hidden, num output) this calls the constructor and creates a
network with the specified number of nodes in each layer. The initial weights are random
values between −2.0 and 2.0. Notice that all of the other methods below are called on a
neural network object that has been created.

nn.evaluate(input) returns the output of the neural network when it is presented with the given
input. Remember that the input and output are lists.

nn.train(training data) carries out a training cycle. As specified earlier, the training data is a
list of input-output pairs. There are four optional arguments to the train function:

learning rate defaults to 0.5.

momentum ractor defaults to 0.1. The idea of momentum is discussed in the next section.
Set it to 0 to suppress the affect of the momentum in the calculation.
iterations defaults to 1000. It specifies the number of passes over the training data.
print interval defaults to 100. The value of the error is displayed after print interval
passes over the data; we hope to see the value decreasing. Set the value to 0 if you do
not want to see the error values.

You may specify some, or all, of the optional parameters by name in the following format.


nn.test(testing data) evaluates the network on a list of examples. As mentioned above, the
testing data is presented in the same format as the training data. The result is a list of triples
which can be used in further evaluation.

nn.get IH weights() returns a list of lists representing the weights between the input and hidden
layers. If there are t input nodes and u hidden nodes, the result will be a list containing t
lists of length u.

nn.get HO weights() returns a list of lists representing the weights between the input and hidden
layers. If there are u hidden nodes and v output nodes, the result will be a list containing u
lists of length v.

nn.use tanh() changes the activation function from the sigmoid function to a commonly used
alternative, the hyperbolic tangent function.

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