Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment is a continuous process integrated into daily instruction What is Formative
that provides information about student progress towards learning goals. It Assessment?
“Formative assessment is a planned,
helps teachers identify where students are in their learning so they can provide ongoing process used by all students
“just right” instruction, scaffolds, and supports to move learning forward. and teachers during learning and
Feedback from formative assessment can also support student agency, helping teaching to elicit and use evidence of
student learning to improve student
them become more active, self-regulating, and independent learners. As such, it understanding of intended learning
is a critical lever for improving student learning and a key component of a outcomes and support students to
become self-directed learners”
comprehensive assessment system that incorporates information about student Source: CCSSO, 2018 (p.2)
learning from a variety of sources and assessment types (diagnostic, summative,
interim/benchmarks, etc.). Thus, formative assessment practices are foundational to supporting English learners
and implementing high-quality ESL instruction regardless of context or ESL instructional delivery approach.
Challenges Opportunities
Competing priorities for effective use of instructional time Leveraging formative assessment to promote student learning
Lack of use of formative assessment data to inform instruction Drawing from students’ full language resources (first language
English learners not involved in formative assessment and English) to formatively assess language learning
Mismatching between formative assessment goals and Establishing classroom cultures that support formative
methods assessment also builds stronger learning environments
DESE Guidance
Culturally Relevant and Critical Consciousness Frameworks provide guidance for culturally relevant teaching and
leading, including specific look fors related to supporting learners in the development of academic proficiency
and academic identity in service of academic achievement as well as related student and teacher outcomes,
actions, and dispositions.
Massachusetts Blueprint for English Learner Success and related Blueprint for English Learner Success Quick
Reference Guides present essential conditions and actions educators can take to provide equitable experiences
and outcomes for English learners (for connections to formative assessment, see Pillar 1, Building Block 3: Asset
Based Approaches).
Next Generation Assessment Framework highlights formative assessment as an essential practice to promote
effective ESL instruction.
Federal Resources
The Association between Teachers’ Use of Formative Assessment Practices and Students’ Use of Self-Regulated
Learning Strategies examines the association between teachers’ formative assessment practices and
participation in formative assessment trainings and students’ use of self-regulation strategies. The findings (p. 5-
10) can help school and district leaders decide how to systematically roll out formative assessment–centered
professional learning opportunities for teachers.
Supporting Students’ Independent Learning with Self-Assessment Strategies promotes the benefits of student
self-assessment and contains links to resources focused on strategies for developing students’ capacity to self-