Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
For this lab to receive full credit, each task must be completed.
Your task in this lab is to investigate the following features of the Windows 11 user
For setting screen saver. You need to follow the below steps.
Step 1 :- Open start menu or Press the Start Button
Step 2 :- Open setting
Step 3 :- Go to Personalization
Step 4 :- Now, choose lock screen option
Step 5 :- In lock screen option choose the Screen saver option in the Related
option field.
3. Make the SalesPrinter printer the default printer by adding and configuring it.
Remember, if you use home edition you can’t use remote desktop feature.
5. Activate a network adapter.
8. Make the minimum password length the default, which should be 10 characters.
Step 1 :- For Get All routes Type this command in powershell :- Get-NetRoute
Step 2 :- Now, Get IP Addresses by using this command :- Get-NetIPAddress
Step 3 :- Filter Routes For Specific Destination using this command :- Get-
NetRoute -DestinationPrefix “” in “” Type specific network
you are interested in.
Step 4 :- For Filter any specific interface type this command :- Get-NetIPAddress
-InterfaceIndex <Index>